1 13 Us 3 1. " 8 -I fy (Jpkaftsm Record THURSDAY. Feb. 21, 10(H. XX. A. LONDON. Editor. A MM. has been passed by Legislature authorizing the tlie At- toruey General, ami such tional counsel as ho may nddi- tleem necessary, to defend any Stale nf- ricers who are or may be lmlict.M by the Federal court for execut- J .... ing the laws of this State. I lie avowed object of this bill is to de fend those election ollicers who are prosecuted in the Federal ,cyurt through political malic and for political purposes. The Republican uiuinbers of the Legislature bitterly opposed this bill and there was tpiite a heated tlebate ou its passage in both brauches. The Democrats plainly iuloruied the Republicans that all the power of our State govern ment would lJ scd t,,r the de fense uud protection of all our; election otlieevs, who had been or might be prosecuted by a llcpub lican Federal court for executing tiu.l obeying our State law. It; was a dramatic scene in the Sen- itte when Senator Travis, of liali-1 fax, in a most impassioned inaiiDfi . deol.uv.i tli.it the white ni'-n 'fi that count v would m-u-r Kiilnnil. to no.'ro rulp. and that if a nero eer again icpriseiiUd that county in the Legislature the world would kuow that all the w hite men of that county are dead' On last Monday the House of Representatives passed a resolu tion, by a vote of to ;;. to pre fer articles of impeachment against .lu.lges I'Uicnes ami Douglass of the Supreme ( oui t. This lesolution had been fully liseussed. as its importance de- 1 m uided, for four days andeeiy member of the Mouse was ' an opportunity m n.-.i.w on. . . ... 1 ... 1 1 f ,, .. There was no attempt by the ma jority to rush the resolution through nor to suppress debate, i The Senate is the court lor Mie trial of these judges, and iU pre- ; M,llt j,;,,, some favorable com Kidiii" officer wll be the Lieuten-! im nt on the attempt to pass the unt-aoveruor. and not a ju.e as ' bill-" We don't want l 'Tli. sue h gus h. We are not running an 8omo papers lune stated Ji,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, V,H.V hnl a i;. Chief Justice presides only wdien , ,ul);,..ui f,.( :U1 honorable the Governor is on trial. Kach standpoint. There is no more Senator i sworn, just as a juror j damnable steal before Congress in the superior court, to try the than the Subsidy bill, and we w , ,., ,. ,, , .,7 het von a new uut of clothes that case fairly and impartial! aeco d- L mr a ,a;-- ing to the law and evidence. Jhis )ust .f()1-,, t),,. l!,,use passed impeachment trial will probably j the Army .'.ppropriatSou bill, car cause the Legislature to remain j tying a little less tlian f lls.iMa).- 1 !.., ,.Hi,.rwi '''. Representative M eClel bill, ot , session longer than it othuw.M would. jseiited some lig lifts that ale THE Legislature has passed bill forbidding the prosecution 111 our State courts of any election; officers for any alleged violations ,,f the election law last August, unless the prosecution was beetm , .. r. ... ii. ..p.... WltUlll llliri.y ia aio.-i ed olVences were committed. 1 his will pur a stop to the prose. iiti. .11 of the election otlicers in this (Chatham) coiinly, and will also stop the prosecution of tlie per sons charged with breaking up the election in William township. ! the epense ot the n.iw. wl Ti,iu i.ill w somewhat like theinow more than l"oooo.ooi amnesty bill that was passed just after the war, and the bill that was passed alter the Ku Klu troubles. It is hoped that the animosities engendered in the e- citing days of last summer s cam paigu may be obliterated and that neighbors may be more friendly, The annual literary exercises at Wake Forest College were held on last Friday . , . , ... night, ana were highly creditable to the young or- . . , . ators who jmrticipated therein nial to the college which trained them so well. llov. Ay cock and neveral members of the Legisla-; answer. , , ,,e noes 1. ..u.u.i.n ne 1 1 n .,'igi.s .....1 wi be fit tor the penitentiary. I ture attended the erc.scs and, lUHstinHl mt , am after the orations oi the shulcnts. Vf.SpO11sii,0 j damages for what I the Governor ami Senators Jus- say. The House has 110 coinp.aic ;. , ..I r.f.ii.l.tii were called on Hons of conscience when he nt- for short speeches. AS a -ortll aronnmu o,, ? 1.,. kut.,.- in the lleen.-d this writer is much pleased to note T,.it was wh(lt w,lM at-f(,r j um und commend the great work that UilW (.,,iitent to have it striek.-u has been and is being done by out." The House w ithout a di Wake Forest College, which is an ' vision ordered the latter expnng . t t ; . r ,. i.;..l. ed from the Kecord, but it hail al- institution of learning of which ro:ulv ,,e(l, pri,lttM 'in the K.,,d nil North Carolinians and uot as as j,, 11nvspapers throii-h-Haptists only should feci proud. ' out the country. A MILD case of small-pox was discovered last week at the Hap- tist Female University at lhileigh. Tho C.v.r.i.v ,,l.o,..io ,, once quarantined all connecteil with the institution aud took uo,.tl t.. nrui-mit t,n I.lOilll'H "il 1 " V" '-' 1 .. hpreatl of that loathsome disease, 1 , . . , Most properly the President of the University has kept the pub- Wi- fnl I v informed as to the ooudi- f fVirs there, aud has thi s tepid-own any false and Honsa- tional rnuior. Washington Letter. f Prmiimir KMitlHi C .rr"M"'.'l,n..l Washington, Feb. U'OL Senator Manna is the maiUlest man in Washington. Me knows that the Ship Sul.wi.ly iill is deml for this KesKion, but refuse to al low tlic corpse to lie burieil, a id is i ti I ul.Lriii.ir in nil sorts of threats of what lie is going In do to get iwii with those lieiuiblican Senu- i .. I. . . I.,.. 1 I I.. Iw.li, In in i :l 111 . . i ii . in, ,ii-i i .it. .i I-.. n i . (lie t ill ilown tlie tnioais .-i me ... . ...... I .. t.,. Ki..iiii.T Vl llll ,mH i1(1MM.iilKrtli HK ,. , f the lie- ,,.,l,li.-.iiis w ho would pivf. r see . . . I i i . . r the Subsidy bill fail, l'Mt w .mid vote f"i- it if a vol. w as rea. he.l. publielv put liimst If on ivcoi.l tliis week by saying: ''I am ag-ainst this bill, but as it is in no .binder of b.v.ming a law, I see no need in winking up useless f.-ars," and Senator F.lkim, who lias been classed as a supporter i f the bill, said: " The h.ibhi.ly bill is dead. Tin iv canbe no l "'.s' about it now ,w. I mi-ht nay t uat it .lied btrium'. Senator .loin of Arkansas, to whom n little of the credit for killing the vicious biil is due, sjiid of its picseat status: "The Republicans know themselves that it would be im possible to get the measure through at this session, and hence their indifference. The bill is dead." One of Manna's threats is that the Rier and Harbor bill shall ii.il, but whether he can make it stick remains to be seen. Representative lall, of t'olo ra l.i. :i iii.-iiib.T of the commit tee ,.n fit .!.-: . rial ions made a telling .speech a-jainst the unprecedented cxtrawivraneo ot t!:e present v on- giess, in uTiich l.e sai.l it Wi,s:u time lor the people 10 oecome ( the people to become;.. I .rined -.t the rapid increase in ' i-iil public expenditures, which had gn.u u in a single d.-eade from S1.7.', per capita to more p. r capita. lie sum mat v on gleSH had become so callous tc ast increases in appropriations that it was considered almost dis- ,. reputable to call attention to the ,. tl,,V;, r;llllV f ,. (;,,vernme!it ..isentative t'ochran, of Mis Ko uri. made a speech along simi euaag.tiii lar lim s. Doubtless the reason why some i"1 n"'."; I"1" "lil"'1 . I., it -i.-nv..lv suo.iort.ii'' the Ship- . 11, ... . . 1 . ... 1 . siiiiisniv in 11 is mat 11. ey roni some oi uieu cons. aud that they wrote some- tinnt- tl, in.' like the editor of aMichi-:,' r-iii P.eoiibli.-aii naiu-r did to his , , - . respondent wh. n worthy of the country in.'-t ! thoughtful consul, ration. IL- stated that the annual cost ot each soldier to the 1'uited Si it. s .-. eluding pensions, would be l. 2M, niul including p-n.io..s '.',- h'le t m- a I (.lel'liiau soldi. l.lill il c '.-t . 1 e:u Ii r, iiii-Iicliiig p. n- siol-.rt and the eVpelise o! p.tl wars, v, us i'i;l each l'li-te'li 1 1 1 I tied III. illdl ,,. o I was 01 it.ll ost Mi pensions urn! tl.- Franco- Prussian w .11 lb- s.lid the P our a: my w oifli.tiou a y. id I 11 IV 11 to thing Perry U. atli has not attempted to lepiy to the ehall. IIL-e of ll. p- reseiitathe Sit!, r, "f New Vrnk. 111 connection v, it h the ai ynioi: letter Mr. Sul.er had r.-ad as part of his speech, which charged Heath with guilty km-wledg. v 1 ...,..i:.... 1 ,.i ..... ,.,-. ,L. ;()(.ss ' )lr . sul'.er said on the tloor of the House: "1 am n-spon- ' ud,l.. f.. ........ .... .,-,.,-.1 in t ll.lt letter. f Mr. H,.utli thinks there is any- thing libelous or scandalous " 1 i....'t 11. .. r .. :n ..... ,,1 1 ..... una u-uei 1 m ..o. ' constituiionai privilege. 1 win ..I I ,.,,tl. ,.f 1 1 . lIIi,i..iiIu Mll-.lll IllH UUUI I'l fc ,., - v. .... .. ..... jnt j sorvo notice that I am go , j,,,, t,, say everything in that let- ter, ami 1 want' Perry S. lleath to tacks me. but when 1 attack him " Sipieais llhe a pig loiuei 11 jiiie. 1 1 . 1 1:1 : 1 1.. 1 he sugar trust score. I another r,rotitaLIe triumph w hen Secret. n y iiage ordered a retaliatory duty f nearly one cent a pound placed irZi ti, ij..;..,, ,,,,Vernmeiit that it would meet such action on tl.n ,.,f l.f rlllM ml VlTI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,V ....... - - r- ... .1 . il putting u.e maxui.u.. i,..,,, . .. .... American goods. Ihe short- lloli,.v ,. 0ftj0 administr.ation' is mado ,,lni., l, f lie fi.rnres of our trade with Ilussia. American pports to are nearly W0,KW an- An Innocent Man Nearly Hanged. At...iiHC".i-.iUiiil"... Newton, N. C, Feb. '.). A case' o.-euired hero this weA that shows h.o dangerous it is in matters of lite ami death, to take anything for .-ranted instead of proving conelusiv. lv all tlie farts nocessa- i v f. make out a chare' ot uillf- d'er. A man be the name of Simon ser, about eighty years old Maw and who lived by himself a fewltj,,,,, f,- tu. service, and upon ami as -sjntva.aiKne.. i.rings in miles from this town, was found ..aining her pew turned to speak parts of N'oftn aiiuina under tno dead in his dwelling house. An ', a fn(.d sitting next to her. hiw prevent.uig.Htock from run lA.u.iiuatioii of the bo.lv ilisclose.l she remarked that she rode to the nhig at huav. .. ,.t il., l.e.ul mid it ..lie l,t if 1,-1 f:Ltie, l,er Seimtor Arrineton, r.f the com- was accepted by everybody that I he old man had died of the; wound I A l eu'io by tlie name of Lemuel; Travis lives within a .piarter of a; mile of i law mm and fresh tracks; wliich proved to be those of Trav-, is, were found eoingand ivturn - ;.r i',..,.., tli. . I.., use. .if Hawser. A I Til ,,r sm.ie person coming' from i , . t.,. house was also found. I Travis admitted that he had been1 there on the previous afternoon, but would make n further ex iilauat o:i. He strenuously denied that he had harmed the old man, j . i i. I....1 .I n. nVurd death Travis was search- j that the spjht.or John Rulhn, wdio ed'an.l a i-w gold coins were vMmfly hanged; near this found on his person for which he p ace, has appeared at various, i.ivsistenilv refused to .uH-ountJl'IawH inaii.l amiinji (raliain. I It was also shown that oulv a few I A representative of he Mes.-vn-, d svs before Hawser had sold in Sf' cal.ed at the jail his morning this town various aitieles of pro-1 ail had a talk with the prisoners duce and ciPckeiis. turkevs. eggs j tlieiv w ho claim to hear footste s and oilier thin -s and ImdVhanged j mul choking noise eveiy lns money at t!:e bank into gold I'"!' , fell -where young .-.swas iiis usual custom. On these ! , , . loner's jury returned dust Travis, althoii-rh verdict ag.iinst Travis, altluni-rh . ,,,.,. that tin ,,,", .i,...tili.. house had ! . , 1 , i ....i.. .:i. I I!'I oeeu eiueie.i, inn,.-..-. ...... ... ,f j k(,v (ll;lt ,lut)ill;, llitl Hvn . . , ,'t there was no signs of not been entered :l s,1.11..le. and there was no mo- i a struggle, ami mere was uu nu Itixe for the munler other than ; robbery, because Travis and llaw iser were the best of friends. The 1 money and watcii oi iiawser wen : in the elotiies he had on ...i i ... 1 is found dead. All his private il';l iters - deeds mortgages, notes ; all intact, I iilni oilier oapcis, .-n- ...111.1...., I . .. 1 ... .. 1 !...., ,,, 1( -,..,,, 'by which j the blow could have, been inflicted ,., , .... 1 -e rested and nut in jail. He stoutly j , . i(, Umwo UI11, , , , , . ij.,....-.i;.,,! ., natural i, ; 1 ' ' : ... :.. ,.i.. i , 1 . ... .1 ., .....1;... ,,.(.. ,.1,,.. oeeause tee aiieiiui.i ".., i".' sician said that it was not n.-ces-1 sai iuiii in... i ..-ii... i .!.,..!, T.-.vis in- . 1 .1 . .1 .... ... sisted to every one to w hom hi talked that there should be a post mortem examin ition and that this' would jrove that Hawser died a! natural death. Travis w-as not able to employ a lawyer and then-fore had .10 inn- to look after j his interest. Travis also would j not tell where he -jot the gold coins ami tins minci to uie oeo.-i that lie had murdered The trial can n and on Hawser. ! fu-lsl puis as herein l.,t.,I.Trais was found!'. guilty of minder in tlie first lc-!(tl lllt ito operation in twelve! . ..... f...- il... In.-. I the 1111 l.'e' .1 ' 1..: 1 .... I j--r- sUL':.-ested to the 1 l oset'llt lllg at - , .1,.,, i .1 .r tn In- perfect. toin.-s mat in oi.i. 1 ton. pi in it- 1, iniii -k ti, tin- i"iikii t,f d.-'ith l itaiii as 10 lite 1 aiis. 1 01 ,', 1 ,, , ,,, ,1 ., tl ,. Ii.,i 1 -l.le mist ike ..lid not make I l.e lioi 1 ,i.ie hum. ike . 1 . 11, inii.ieei t m in th-i ol iiiicinu an llilioiei.t man, in.o - I -o.ly il telll ... ..V l.niii.-il ed -i nost - ..- i-Miiiin. .1 ..i.ij .1 post evamiliatioli be made. This W .IS -III pi ise Ioiiii.I th; ' .,! , .,-r body it was; t the w.iiiii.l on tin- 110:11 1 was elitll , ,. 1 1 1 1 Iv supei iu-ial and did 11. d cause t h. t ract ure ot the outer si, nil bone. Inside the skull was found u cancerous growth on the biain which had undoubtedly .-..used the death of the old man. I'l . ..I.., .1.,... ..... ....-I 1., 01. ,1 I III- tl'llllfl llll-ll n.-l linniriiiiu.in.io u,. - - i- : ... .i,..i,.,,...,i iimi I,., then I ,.... 1 i.-:..i... v ;,.,. J 1 1 , i-i 1. - ..... made this statement: He had gone to the house of Hawser to get pay f..r a number of tpiail he had sold Hawser. Hawser i-aid him in gold mid made a meinoiauihi ot the pay- lueiit on 11 nil ee of lialn-r and Hilt the same in his inside coat pocket. M11Ie sitting tiiere w iin uie 0111 j 1" i f ! Hawser ft-11 to tii? ti tins liemg tlie evening ne- found dead tor and died while Travis was there. In fall- ing the head struck the tloor very hard which made the wound on the head. Travis saw that Haw. : j, hft J)M b(, t. ,.,,. witl,i ser was dead ami no was airani murdering the old man if it was known that he was there when he died, no matter what explanation he might give of the cause of his death. Therefore he locked the door and put the key iu the old I ... .!...! .1 I....L iiiiiii n ji'iiu I'm hi-., .um uu 11 .""it "I 1 a plank w lii. li formed a part of the tloor and which 1 1 . 1 I nut I ii-cii sleepers, an. I nailed th iw II to t he L-ot under the hull.- and lii tiia'ed to get the plank back int.. its place, and er.iule.l out and went li 1 1 1 . An eMiminali'.ii f the ehithes discovered thev. in the pants poek.-t und tlie inem..r.iiida f the payment of tl Iili.li.-V III the inside coat pocket Travis had de. 'hired. aetly as Btidick Found. Nyack, N. Y., Feb. morning the bodies of ,.i .i-i . 11.- I HIS , lames and Patrick Cochhtn, brothers, and Will. JIl'SSlOII, MlOIUieil 111 Wit) ... I -i I .1 II. .ii u hi u uLt ni'f vestei-iliiv . " ?. , s 0r 'ie icioveii-u. lim iauitis oi the boys found their bodies. - Mellowell Democrat: Attorney E. J. Justice and (. ii. F.aves have tithnis ."1-t.ve.y for Sudd:n Death in Church. K,.,vl lio l1oNrW-n l'ih.rv,.r. Greenville, N. ('., Feb. 18. A Kudden death occurred here Sun- ,lav morning that greatly shocked aud saddened the entire column- ,,jtv. Mrs. Menrietla Williams, uid.w of the late Dr. Richard V mux. went toSt. 'all h his- copal church to attend the morn- jMlr worship. She reached the church just a' few moments lefore verv much. The words had scarce- unttee, onere.iau amemimeiii pro ly left her lips when her head fell viding that the coinuiission. rs of bark and she legan gaspinir any county could exempt their Those nearbv caught her to pre- wmnty r any part thereof from vent her fal'limr, but in a brief the stoek law, it they so desired, time she was dead. ' and authorizing the coniuusMion- It was decided not to remove. the bodv from the church to her li ii.Kiiloiui. but it was -iihiced i iie casket and kerf- iu the. elmreh until t he hour foil the fuu- this aftcnioou. ... . A GItost .Sjory rr. m The Puiii:'p."n Str-i nifT. l nvre ammanv cuireni le ...ii.-. u.umn was con ineu, ami a.so inm w .-ok. ng aooui u.i..ug.. ...-, -llu ,mjit.,.l(i,,ii p,,ii,t to-day llu,y SV he walks into 'it,()lll,v to an extra session being locked cell with the apparent ease he formerly passed through an til l i:', 1 ,,, . open do.-r. and takes a deli-lit m. niakiug just euough noise to keep the prisoners Myake. - ! iul-several uiuliis anei ine e-1 v racow v aiiea, i eo. .,i eeution of Ruflin all vas quiet, rizod says, recent disturbances but one night recently the jail among the students of Ki.-tf I'ni buil. ling shook, the windows rat- versity have resulted in the seii- 1 led. ( he floors sank and raised, (the door knobs jumped off and ! , ... ' .. ii i ioou a s..i. ...i . ..e ...., .... -..-. 'cage rocKea ami raitieu as inougu - - . - . . , a hiifricane and eartluiuat.e lia.l visited that section at the sunn u- . lie noise then suoside.l at breathless .silei.ee itreMided the p.ace am. a mi - Km I 1 the cell where the condeinned bov had spent his last days. Then a noise very much like that caused bv a person strain'- .,. it-' 1 .1 ... 1 .,11 Inn: or chokmg was hea d. and all 1 u ; K ouiei 101 me loiiiii. 'i... . ... tlie hrst appi'arance it would an- !. .1.,., ,,.e. s.i i.e.. 1 i.iiii in. tun .". f.,,. t ,.. .,,,.1 in.ives oromptlv ..,,,...-..,." 1- --i.-.- at the hour and minute on which the drop fell. A Gas Plant for Durham. -....-il m ih S. w-. nut dUitvit. Durham, Feb. IS. Durham to have a gas plant. This is is an ! . , . . vbmit three months .1... r........l.,o. .i-.iw .rv,,l,t...l f,,- " , . , i.i ,r.,j ,.1..,,. V ,,il.- uiis tn lie.-oi .1... ' 1 ti... i" iiionins. 1 ne mains were 1am ou I . ,, ... I ' ,v, ,, 1 11 T Odell. eie'ineer of the ti.."i. 11 .I I'luiiiiiiiiv is here and has the mat 1 1 . ,11 V , . . 1 1 jjf, MnvH (K. piping ,1 . . t 1 f ; - 1 . . r .... . ... 1 JIS t .t as 1 11 , . 1 1 t ,oss.i,,. One car has already 1 ),,..,..m ,,,,,1 ,,,,-. will be n-cened this week. ,t jK wijt, t( for the o-as ' plant has been purchased, and it 1 .... . , 1- . 11 , ... , ' I iii.-. - -.... - wm near the Norfolk and West - , ,. ,r..1(1. ,,f eitv Tl. ; , . 0 ' . ..1...... iooo'ooo. I j Or. Kirby Dead. 1 - T-i.,. Ti..iAl..l. V- u.,.l lll....rv..p -JD'h jr. ,ii-e. u, ivini.i, . u.i-i .iiu-ii- . j ' dent of the State IIospit;il at Kal-j Tutt's Liver Pills. They reo;. eigh tlied at ;Msrcl..ck hist night. . , 1 -n.i nroduce ile i,,.,.,, seriously ill j,!, ulate the boweU ana proauce 1 jujeuuioiiia several days, and Sun- A VigOrOUS Body. Kiyj j,,, t,lvw woise. and it wus por s;ck headache, malaria, bil j thought that he could not live. j. . I).. k"W-1-'u .-. T1IM11I1 U ill st,...;..: lousness, constipation anu kih j;,deigh until lu.IHi o'cloek Thins - diiy. w hen they will lie taken to (jdsboro. 1 '11,,. fniti.ral will take idaco in : the PresU tei ian church at (jolds- boro, Thurwlay afternoon. The , interment will be in Willowdale cemetery. .' . . . P.epresentat iM' Albeit D. Shaw, of Watertown, N. V., forinerly commander-in-chief of the (iran.l Army of the Itepublic, was found; dead Sunday morning 111 his room al the lligg House iu Washing ton. A physician summoned im mediately after the discovery of , . , ( 1 . 1 ""'" hie to apt. .h xy. (iiiveriior MeMillin has attach ed his signature to the new Ten nessee iiiiti-'igaiftte bill which prohibits the sale or bringing in to the State for the purpose of M-lliiig any cigarettes or cigarette papers, ut once. The law weut into effect I Edward VII opened Parliament formally last week with a speech' ,,- .. ,., .;. J .1- II, Mil lilt? Lllltilie, ill I. ll V I'.i.iiiiiui: ., , , ;. ,. ,.,.. i in. r.t, l im. nun inn i ikii tins of his Empire. He promised to walk in the footsteps of his l'-' I'Ui. Ill I ui; iu mother. I 1 From Spi in came last week news of riots at Madrid, threaten - ing the Btability of the Kingdom; .S;' the A State Stock Law. Frimi Tli. Krw mi.l OU.-rwr U.h. North Carolina will have a gen- oral stock law applying to every county and towns.iip in the State; that is 'il the General Assembly passes the bill which the Senate committee on Propositions and win - iance,. uemici n,,yr, last night te-ivuort favorably. This -bill wak introduced by Senator KpLgh.;of Edgecombe, 'is to mvey a special tax in any territory thus exempted toerect a fence around the same. Ihis ameiidnient w..s adopted by the committee and will lie reported with the bill to the Senate to-day. Many of the counties in Rnst ern t'aroliiiii me not now under the stock bi-.v,- an 1 this bill will ' eXcite universal interest. Indeed t ie Sen ators won M n t e sur- prised: at a ilood of petitions pro aiul.vv'V .... - . Extra Sessian. XVlwllill iVl,. js.-An i.u- 1(.t.lllt ,.&.,.,,. WJH l.d at ti.e Wlnt llmiw h.st n lit at which SoI).ul. Aiis(,llf Ald.ich, l'latt (( ,(lllJ) , Jillll)Mi HIi Spo.mer d.s- t.nssoil with th( ! .r,lj4i ,),.,. t the ,,t ali t,xt,a sessnui. , . , . the middle of m,,,,., v " . c,.. v fencing of seven students to be publicly hanged as a wa.nin to lil.iein. No trial was granted the cm- deinne.l, st-ntence being i-i.uliriiied by an administrative order from tlie I zar. , Soddinly Stricken. 8..vl,.l ti TI10 On iri uu N. 1 mis secuou, iiu-ii si. .1 i.-ii i 10- . .1 : 1 1 . .. . day. itlie is so large mat a spec ial colliu had to be made for I or. ! 'U-ary ortliani was at n.-r ik .ishh , wee Ping over im; .'.eath of her , , 1 .! 1 friend, when she was stricken slid- deuh ami died iu a few minutes. AsJievjlJe Citizen: Mrs. James Tranthant hung herself .'it Fair-j view in iiuni-piiibe county. When; her husband it-turned from Ashe-! vide he found the' door locked. Suspecting something was wrong,: 1... i.w.t .. .1... .1...... .1. ti... 1... : ." . . . ' ... 1 i began to search tor lus wife. Il-: : r. . , , . . 1 i ""' o tllseov. re.l her upstairs, mg. mg by a rope irom me ceii She had deliberately hung herself. She -its: dead when dis- Icoveivd. 31 IS. 1 rant hum was 1 , . .,- t 11 . . ; 'about :!. years of age. Heractis 1 1 i . . . 11 ascribed to insanity as she has . . , . -, been considered to be in a seini- : covered. ilementeil comiition ior some time. l 1 nil nam nun: iienerai .. n. ' Carr has donated to each orphan I 1 . . . . 1 T L- ! asylum 111 the State, both white 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 . .- H....I - .- - -- --- - , ! and coloreil, one barrel oi Durham Uolh-r Mills tlour. Perfect Health. - - dor bv the occasional use ol 1 drcrl cliseascs, an absolute cure TUT PS Liver PILLS BEST PLACE TO BUY SHOHS, DRY GOODS, BOYS' CLOTHING and MILLINERY GOODS In the St;-.te is at my store. ;I sell goods at One Irico and fcr CASH .and also carry a complete stock for mer. nts. WALTER W00LLC0TT, RALEIGH, N. C. Jan. 17, 1901 I I i i I k 4 i I WILL SELL PRIVATELY, AND ON EASY TERMS. :(): SIX TRACTS : Of land about two miles from Pittsboro. Here is a rare chance far a ' BAEGAIS IN. LASEI The tirs Jract contains about 120 acres, adjoining the laiKlsot P. N. 1 oiivhee and others. The second tract contains about 24 acres, adjbhtinir the lands oi the late Wesley Gritiih and utiTersv The third tract contains about ! acres, adioiniiv,r.the lands of the late S. W. Gotten aiid others. The fourth tract contains about 402 acres, adjoining me lands or me I. lie j.imo 1 1. union aim omci. The tilth tract contains about 82 acres, adjoining the lands of the late .lames Harmon and others, and l)ing on I urkey creek. The sixth tract contains about 210 'acres, adjoining the Pitt.-boro and lcypt road. This land will be sold in separate tracts or altogether, just as may be desired. All of it is well adapted to wheat, oats, com, cotton and clover. It is well watered and well wood- ei m ,;. jnii i.,ri-t . For turth.r information apply to, i ii a. I f.vrifiN. ' ' . Double Daily Service 15LTW F.FN NFAV YOltK, TAMFA, ATLANTA, NKW Olt LKANS am. FOI NTS SOI "I'll and WKST Is ih J::. lit, ISDI. Southbound. In.liy liHlly N '.'" I J I . , . -, !.v N-w V-.rk. I'mm. H. II. I.v u-,-.iiiii-rn. " l.v lili-l.o ..u l.s. A. l N. l.v P .rum.iuili, H. A. L. l.v tl.-n, 1 Hi.m ! .in 1 i 1 111 10 J 'J :lj urn N.. Jll.ii.ti I i ul l 1 1 .0 .ir. i In ,11. x y. .m U l'Jlll HO 1 in N.i. 41 J n I'lll l.i ;M.iii III '.1'll I 01 MIL U I.I mil U&1.1 l.v la.ltfrtUHy J.-t l.v Iti-n.i.-r.-11 l.V l.-ili'ltfll i.v .xi l'u.e.4 1 III Hill 11.11 i It. nm No. 1.I.H, 6 flii m Nil i..l. '.. '.'i dim viiHin 1 1 .1 nm -J IM lull t IS I'lll I.v Umn.ft I v Wilnitin.-ti.il Al Clitrl-.ilw, a. 1 Icrl-.i.t i.v. i..-.r, HW.hhI, l.V Alli.-li, Ar aUhuiii, Northbound- K.I, 4.IJ No. 1 ... ( Ill Dill I'lll 5 .'.J I'"' 1 1 J1 I'll . . 1 1 1 il Hi 1,11 Ii M I'lll i ii'.IU C M i'lll 6 iU nm mult 3 10 n. 11 I'lll . .111 mil .l .m IHI mil fr.'.l l-lll 1 (Nl Hill t I W I'lll l.v AtlnntH, 8. A. I.. Ar a.i.i-iim. " Ar llcs.nwivnl, Ai Clii-Ei.wr, M Lv . hut-loll.'. " Ar Kll.niiiti.n. ' l.v lc'.iy uri. " l.v w.-IJoi " Ar l'.'rt-.i..".iUi, " Ar wliiii.'i'.ii. N. k W H. II. Ar .Nt'W V-rk.U. 1. s. . Ci. Nulf.-i Dully Li e.'l Sum. iy. IJIi In u C.ir Iji-iwwu Sow V .rk ami HI' li ni"iiil, Hu l llitmlvi ttiul Saviuiiiiih ,.u I r.ilua N'. 31 Hua 41. TKAINS LEAVE lUTTSIKHlO l.(H) p. m. !),30 a. in. TraiiiH Anive at Tiltsboro 11.23 a. m., G.10 p. m Daily e.rrqt iiunilatj. Ar. Mourure IVlin IOIOhih Pally. U'ltlly Ex. i-uua.j Nos 403 and 402 "Tho Allanla Snecial." Solid Vt'slibult'd Tnuii ol ' I'ulliiuin Sleepers und Couclim be l iwt-en WiiNlongtiiii and Albmlu, uIno j Pullman Sleepi'is bclwoen Torts i nioiiili hiuI Cltuilotte, N. C. j Nos 41 and 3S.."!lio3 A L. Kx pifss," Solid Train, Coucluit Biid I'uiliinin Sleept-rs between Turtit. uinuili hiiJ At unta. Uutli trains umke imineilialo con. 1 net-tmim at Allanla for AJontgoin. . cry, Mobile, iNniv OrWnR, TeXll j Culil'oriiiu, Mesico, Cimtlimmfju, j NaKhvillu.Meuijihis, AJat-on, I'loriiln. I For Ticket". Sleep", etc., 8!y ' to H. S. Iard, T. P. A., ; '.. P. Smith, C. T. A., Yarborough House, ltaleigh, N. C. I . 11. Hunter, Agent, j Pittsboro, N. C. E. St. John, Vice-Prea. aud Geu'l j Manager. . V. E. MeUee, Uen'l Supt. 15. I.. L. Bunch, (leu. Pass'r Asrt. General Offices, Portsmouth, V. 1878, 1501. I ; Kvrry Citizen of CJmthnui County mht to sui1Hl.,.ibe for T"l; i 11 r w FOR NEARLY THE KECOUD Has done its utmost for the best in terests of Chatham. 11 I THE RECORD h the " OLD RELIABLE," can always be depended on. and If you wish to get the latest news in County, State and Nation, sub scribe lor THE RECORD- Subscribe now and read what Con gress and the Legislature are do ing. Only 3 Cents a week. II 1