Chatham Record. f)atfiam flecorb. BATES II. -A.. LON DON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ADVERTISING Crne iquire, one lntertion One ttjuare, two inMi-tioni One aquare, one month TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, S1.50 PER YEAB Strictly in Advanii. 3.fi0 VOL. XXIII. HTTSRORO. CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1901. NO. 2i. For Unrer ndTertisemrntt liberal i tfOU will b be made. if m ru AT mm v -A , i . f HAPTKH VII. , On rent's rn"ln.i- nt the md lirat.jrt' ' fovved to Pot, t . nnox that ho li.ii mor-' i'iPi,'ili".i-h in hit) way thnn ho hml dronm' J "f. II.. struck by Beatrix's char- n.-t.T. She liinl strength o," ill. tinning- j w!f re-lnitico: lip entild linr.liv imagine that t-h.' w:i. 'Prince i:irlicV d.iughliT. I' ; if r fn ! hi r Lad Ind tun a tithe ..f Inr firm- i if.K h' w.iiil. ! iiei.-r tn vi' In i-ii ruined. Thi- sl.reiid. kii ii man if business, who had .isfiil b;. l-.t'n iii aei-itiiiiilntiii ' v, uii.i rvi". ! the rare character if Itcri'rix ly.iiii.iv ln'tter t!ian her pull' ninth. t. Tn Iiit t!n (riil's pi-mid. stormy, ! IwsFi.i mtf. n.-i i nr. . xvilli iis ki-vii l . M Kf 'ti lia'i" lis pn-at iniMiik.'S. ii ' imiIi (.Hnciiic fr..m ii titiMc sAur. i'. ivm " I s va'i'il I k. 1'iifT l.i tini.x cav mi ;...! ) tii r Hie iii.-iiiiii' uf tlisi t'l' i.'i;nr.. Ili n ii-iit mI liiiiix ir fur a viiir ii Vi'.-iihiiitt n liy wii ii v i ii r Tin' ivv.i in.! i' v. nli all I li.- Inviirii-M ..f lifp. - -1 J - 1 ii. .1 to iiiip..lii''' his luaiitiiut 1 'f l,i .;. !) ui,!i in. in. tnii'.'lil her t Kr I'Miini tlio ,-h i I li s..n ..f ln-r lift-. Tin- iimj ,,f ilu-i;- r. tiini l.i I'r. i Mi "!" i il.ii iii-ur f'.rir illi'n. Ii srninil .n iV.nvli l;i .Hvin ii.-, !f m wit:i il.iin. Tin' -ki.- hml m vii- a;iiinri'il mi Ii nr. ill" 1.1111 ha-! in vir si-cnii .1 l.i sliiiu i l-rij.-mlj, '.la. Wi.ri.l iv;, all fair. I'.-ht l .i'i.n.'V, v. nli hi ni-n fli..l ! ntifullj ap- !'':! ' 1 i arriat'i'. Ii " liuuiiitiri 111 rn.-n,. hi v..-:- ! rutin l Mailt, nit at tin Ma- n ! !lu in. Hi- .1 i s. in. 1 11:0 ;:( ,t. n n t v-.tii.c ilanirhliT, in all t' l- .::! lvi.;'r - :,it rmv, ai..l tin. fi":!i' i" !!. - I. vi' lu-arl l.ini Miilil. in , I I" ! i . v. , nt lia. k iii tr',iini.!i !,. tin. r '.I I in", 'li.iy .ir.. ntiiliTiH a :li .ir.-lirt lin-r,' ;!.. n;. -Wi in. mi'" I, ...k..l il.nvii t: : 'l i'in. - , iU uf jic upli. h !io ii. -i. "Wi-. .ii,.'." anil Miino nf t It' i ti nii.'i-!. '"'I lunik ij. ait'ii, up i,.i;r laily .!i.i'i fjiT iiKa.i.:' aiii .l lln- i.iu;.. i.f .i-':.h a i l li r . !n . i n f n rrj.ii.-iiiR . t ih .I. I'vt -i iln. lin;,. i lnliliwi hail iiat.'it r.-i fr :,: li-n.-ifn's ,.( Iiai.lii.:i ami tlimk tii. i li f. r, 'i,. in. 1; mis iinltr. a in a I i'!.-..l. Ii. .mi'. -lti''iir:." miM Tfti-r LiHinox tlint (v,.n i v. "if nn . t.i iiI.i.kI a ..I' emit 1-r : - in n:ir li.:ii.'. mni a-knl i,"i : : :.!! I. ... h...i!iI rart'liiii p ii. t t':" " i -. iti'li .'.I. I wiiiiM:-' r. p: -1 : a iHi ti-.n. i a: in-i. niii-:-il v.. fi.V.I I,: In a ' it!i hr.pi'. Mi- t' l k Kith bor tuiii.U tn I' . Hi' lu l l tli.Mii i.p.'ii aii.l l..k.' I HI 'l Ml. It. ilr:." ho s.1,1 pfiif.y. "I am f.iiiii; 1" .!.. vi ry ihini; Ti..",. hiin.l, ,,( ; i a rm. .i ..i. -.1 nlilii', mii: l t tf.iril. I'..'. I nil tl.i. aiai ri'.!i n . I'.- .;!l.i:t'K .ii,,! riv;.,.nsil.:i ry. all t n- li..i. in, 1 i!n- fiiiuri' .-.f ..,ir ran'. ..i !iiiun I iiin.-. iiiav In. Iifiriv. nt lv i''..:ii. anil lin i:r.-ir..i nM run' i.f I " n. inn. i r. tin in j.m. ',: ii.n tiiki- 'In. iri'it "" "I n ::", ui:.''i'." ., n piinl. ""Mi .-i' ho ti'iiilil 'i. vilI in nny .!! I"iti.-,. in ,, .,,. ti-i...;t ratr lint, ", inn-.: fit in h irk null nlm.'si Mii'a;,' larin' ' . V ni tnitt t i'n tii,. num.. N.i ii, h: ' r iiiin i .iiiiw, ,,u M ,st alw ays i.v t. J. ir".:t'. ' I "r.-f' . '.-tin Ii: -I the irinmv tirs; 'itTttlrt'i: miisl pivr w.n t. 111. i".' " "II 'In :." li iiii:p,l. with simpli ( Itili'.-'lir i.s. "1 s'liii. . .vo III l:f.' lir-tl. , if It litis l.i Pi' r.' i.if iilil.Ti ul.'I'l if It liinl l.i I,,. s,'i!i , n:iii ' fi.r in I." Shi- ilii! ii.. ; f..ri.sii' lln ii tn wlia; I ti . ..r,!.- , mil 1 1 iit. .1 In r. S.K'ii-iy .'. , ni.. lt,.n;r' Irrim.i ;" t' tiit'l Hrli'i'iiii'l In l '.i'. il',in'ii in n. 1'i tir l-i'!inii lia 1 -pain! tm -p. hm'. II. h:i'l lak.'ii tlic pi.siiis in su i,.ty nliir'.i t'Pi ann' a iiii'limiairv. Ilv .iir. lni ; n hniiv In Mflttrai ia : it Inn! In rn f Ai'tiiil ami il.'inralitl in a innsi rl, inn 11 in r. 'Mi.' cri'iit w..r'.i! taikiil nf Pctt-r l.-n r.'ii, "I'liin i- I'liarlic's" liiniln r tin t.rt'thir ulii.iii nil )i. t lit t : in I'm.. t.Mii ilrinini.t win. h.Tl inn In an ;tn HH'tiso f'Tiuiin iii A nut a. lln hint m liinii'.l to Kim'lnmi. s,nit;iit nn liix ni-.-. mni In r his lwirpss. Alnn.-i im r.i tmr li.'nl si,iiit rr.'ollt i i !.!! nf 'Trine.' '"Iinrii,1." Tin v ,ni!, imt Imrc avnui il It liinl his hri'tlnr imt rwiiriini n j 1 1 niri-. "I'll ji 1 lna.!i' a HninltTfiil tl:ffin i;i . . Kvpii llir- llin'hcis ,." Kinslip tii,. pri'ii.; .( rcss wli.i liti'l I'lli 'ia'i il Hi (.'iil'innln'r tn "I'lini p I'linrlip'c" il.-iiishit r. ypf ).. hail di'i liitwl to aiiMtir na apn ai mn In I.n.Iy In'tinnx i aw,' tu ivi'!.t.ini. tli. ii; It miiji a in-" ninl iilfHs.-uit Uf,. t ?ui l'flrr IotiliX, w III hi itistnr nml nil. lpr! in Ir.ndi.ii. Tlit Hilirraviiin inntis,,.., Tin". ,uip nf thn iiiiikI spnoiniiii in l.i,,,,n. nml ivrtainly mil' nf (hp iiium splrinli.l Tiny v,.. it vnry utii'.-il faniil. lVt. r Ia'UIi-iX ulivnjs Ici-altfastfil niih hp m,, Ill.lil-O. Aftnr brcHkfj.r So Hint nivai'inlii .. t'is lihniry, a laiw ri a.m. n'.l crinivii . I i nk. niih ri.-lily stMiiin.l iiliiss ti'i,..ns. Thrrp In- r.-inl ami atistn itsl his VMcr.s, ti'an.H'.rl hif I'ltfints affnii'i. ami 1, ,1 i ' Iprvivn s with l:is -i ii-it r.r-s : tlinrf h. -pint tlip giiit-tfst . Iiiipps! Inmr.s f his !if . hvays stud : ni: what lit- nil I I. t, r 11 bptiffit of biii tsiu:". !; m! irhat wmid rnntliitv to tclnrr of the Iun.iXPM t.f I'i'.-oldpan. "How y.rii loip Eriv'dtai,. nn.!" ai I Hpalrix nun uiornitig. as niin , ui 1n tho library anil ther.- -in a ni.t;. n; tip t-state sfn-ad nut on Utv wr-.tiac Lip. Y." Le rrpi.t-il. 'I.r.tidtv.ti i t;t cht.O. a it tt r, nt -;il . my vu in' 1 . In iifl.l to it j:r atne-s is my .-lnrf .!. "Vfl it tufius a I'U.viy lite f..r im, nn t'.v." riai.l thf vi.iuii trir!. anl Ivr n.,i,' !nln g l.liv lA.iltnl hi lifi'k. " 1 i !r..' i tnr tvi- i ,.i..,r nt a l.amn. t. p'.a:. ami th.t it j ni -; ...)v f'.'f !'ui' Ih-uvHi i f mi iKtat . I ' ILI.. s W. " .-V 13 1! il" .1 mmtii a tn!1, JiaM, l.'iiniy me inr iiii.-!." NI10 win n Miarp qiiivi r nf j.ain p.i-. ovor lii fn.'t it nas k.hii' in a iiniiuniil nut) tlK'O ho laiil his haml up.. 11 Imt "I Inve y.m. Kcatrix ymi nrp my chiM and my ht'imsjs Jtive ymi nml yiuir iu t Imt." "Hilt, iini'i.'." lilin r-imiiiiiii il. "ti'ii ivmilil not In- human if V'.n iliil imt Iniic f..r ti... nf .vmir a ivift- to Intf 1 1. i ll r.-.j . Imp ..." He hi'1.1 up hi. haml itii a n nniini B.'stuiP. Hit fnnp cr.uv hit,' ami his lipi tr.'inli!' il. "Ymi ham n si-.-ri-t in your lifr. ntiplr." sho mid "I kti.iw it I hnio avat. lannilht no- a n'.'r.'l. It is In ynnr fa''i; ltrp nr.- sm h a 1 I nns r.niii.l ynnr lip. ntnl r,n niir lirmv linns mi,1i as a turmt liiakn. Hii'l IpnvvH." 'Yi. ymi nrn riirlit. Hratriv -1 Iibip a soi n l : Imt tho irravn i rl.wil m t r it. I n not la!k nf it. my ilmir y..ii iv.mld !.,i i' inn lintt.T if ymi ktmiv it. I nan in. I human h.-n I a youiii;. I "a. tal ir ni. ui-aiiitp. I .Liii'tii'tod n,i rriim. Imt th.T.'-1I.1 t.-iTts ..t it. It.atrix." lit.- I'.isn fmin his .-hair m hn .p,,kt nml Moriil ipiiin still fur a fnw iin.iiiniil. Vip ivntrhi'd liiut. rriMiii'v his maniirr ihiiiiLCil t'iiiiii!iinly. II.- turn."! t.i tl.n "'riling lal.ln. ami li nk it 1 11 Inri.'" v l.itn t'ltiimpi' niih 11 nisi npim ii. "Thi is from tin- Iim hi'ss of Klmsllp. Hmitrii, tiilin it to your in.,i!i. r ami nv w hill hllP sny." l.iuly I.r;n,o mis in ti n il r:i inir mi, in whi'ii Hiairix .jniiinl In r. !h wnmltri'.l tvhal llin liui htss hail in r-ay. It vns tnniii kii.m n. Tim hrinf 1. Hi r r in: "I 't'an'.t 1 mly l.i nn.. l' i i..,l fnrii-t my hall mi Tunxl.iy intli'. V..11 s-. nir I .1. all, I fill ah 1. ill .'..liuiu-. Try l.inini'. I.. I I! 'ill rix h" 1 t itilin In .l.i ..... I ri -s In r tn lilt' lllli-l lm il. hillC lllsliii'l). S..IIIO mi.. vilmiii I likn vt'iy nint h is anxious tn mi'i t In f." "Win. can llnit I...':" said I.ady l.rnnnv. a slip linishi 'l ri'iidintt I lie linln. "Uf I'l.tir.-p tan iii'i-l km, lli-atriv, 11 ml nijuiill l.f i-nllrsi' I 1 1 1 11 -1 t.'lkf .it'll." "My iniindiiii.thiT l Vfi.v ituprrativp," ri'ininki il Itnalriv. with a sinili1. Il was s, -it ii thai sm imt tn en; ami I. ii.l l.i minx,,' sliL-lnly iniximiK l.i iln lit 1 i;..ii'. i at i.t.,rn ilian ii.tiniliy i :iii fi,l l hiT ilauuTi'.'r's iln. Sim .!!.. UUP I.f id,' plli.-l Ml, I lllliillil'st l.f I'.'-n hilkn ntnhlniili i' l W illi nllill' llniv its: 1 Iii' taint mso Inl" t.liam n I llln wi .i- Imils Ik iUII uf 1 tit- pi-1 In I fll.'f. Willi. 1 In1 sup. 1I1 ilri'.-s r.iiiliix wmihl have mt Hum its Inn whitp mil's whiln linath, ulnin ri -is ntnl nhitn liiius 1nix.1l. Sbo' nu.ilil haio mi inn i is l,ut p. .irl- whit,', ptiri' and shininir. It n un lain n h.'ii l .i'iini.x nml It. atrix 1. 11. hi d hall 11...11 . Tlu 1 Hi, h t'ss nf liliiii-!ii' nn i 1 In 11 w .inn' . "1 Ini'l I . nun t.i four ihat ymi in.iild r. is : I l " 1 1 1 hip." sin siiitl; ninl llu-ii hn k' l'i. lis iiink in 1 wry ilulail nf lira ttix'. i'tniilr luihi. A nana .inilv uf ; tpim ni Hil: hi .il Iiit la.'.-. iii i 1 in I s:, nil that I think." -In' nil1. "I in I m i ph. ml i-f 111.1 i;...' -It. Id. la atrix. f,,r ll n kin 1. n ! lln' I 'iiUi' nf !l..ii;lil..i. ha. I phi f..!i.i. Im. Inn 111.,' 11 -l.nih'U. i'iiii .mil tiii'-s vh : ",". I am mil vii' ir at n -siiiL," slip ,.pl!..l. "ill natiti In hi' inl ". Im r, In you,", s' n -ni, I; "ami I ham pn iiiim i! tn nhlice him." "I haw nrvrr Inanl nf thn lliikp nf II. ath'ii' .1." inauiki'il ll. atrix. Tu Wr IM .. si.iiiti..ll was su itrt'lit 'T tn lli'hll' an llll'l uf l.l'llllux nf r.ri'i'hh iHl. ".Ntvor lii'iiid nf him!" said hnr i:r:ii'i'. "T linl n . ins alinnii to a-suinn llnil ho ,1,1- imi it: iipvi rt In Ir-s, h,, is a vory ; ,1 a. in. in, lii'iiirix." "I- la '.'" she ashi'il. ravi'l.'ssly. !-" 11 !! , i' 11 m. ki' I 11 111 miy niii.! to hoar it." I'li-fii'ly 11 stall'1 Ina, I was ImniiiK I i i',, in I or, nml a limp. I i' It vniif lihispor int Ii- tv iilviisp.l ninl il. li.'lii, il thn simnk- II v.ns It, at last Hi,' I1..1 , r hi' hml lur;i;.' l fi r: an. I I'.uatrix, raising: hor ryoat, fi iiinl thai llm il'i.'hi-sM had inl r.nlin'p.I thn lln'hi'nf II. nil' ill'. I tu hnr. Shr I. ink ml at him -1 -ml 1 Ii . 1111 I. 11s sho luokoil, luliiiiri'd hint. Ilo n.w at. int'it !ia ( liko llin lii'iut's sho had niii'.l 1.1 lu rsi'lf. Mo iitil'i'd HI null., with his stnloly hl'ltil. r.iaiiix inn I'!.'.' I Willi him. Tln-y iialkn.l tin nn tlir I all iuniu lum ilipi', nitJ as tl'i v passpd i ;it.' sai.l v. hat 11 nut,v ii'V 1' . y ivi to i'n- pintnl i.iii!i- S.-u ,-h l.iiitl and I'm tli.ii'!; In;. f llp.ith- I" Tim 1 1 n lin.-.- !i."i-i,i unii d Mrr tin 1.1 .lull i.T.'.'. rl'lf .'. l,.p ' I'll.. "I 1 li iit ii v. ill do, si . . In r t.'if. "I tuny haw m'Prlpd T'nnr 1 Tint lie's' ilautthter in the jours imiic liy: Imt, if I help to make her I'lii lios. of liealhlnml, I shall luorr Itian atom' for it. I think the duke is nlioiit well unit, li.-,l with Hoatrix. Thoy will he mie nf the iiuhlosf pairs in Kimln ml." Tho iliiko was 1 Iiium, I with Hi'airix. He iv a n prmid mail, this I Like of lni!ii Inn. I: all bin life he had dmic as hp liki.l ho had I'PPti under 11.. rmitrol, known im master. His father J I nl-rr. ihp futir teenlh Puke nf liat..iaml, died wlipn his sun wai .lily ihri'i- years old, his muthei dipil ivhon ho was noven, and durinu that liiiiv,' minority ho was under the t hnrup nt ,1 most i 1 ..I ti 1 fr.-itt guardian. Hul thin his nut ni t 11 as nriBinallv nolde, ho must havp I'ecn eoini'iotply spmled. Iteatrix was vry tmniiil to him. It l li asod hor In ln iir him rliseii.s literattin' i nd pr litie. tn hoar him disi tis. ninsit a ml iniisi'-inns. an ami artists. Sln ou inyed Ills sni'ti ly. W'lioiieter .hp lioiml hat li e I'nko of Hi .illiliind Mi to ho at any Lull or soiree si n pave it thp profer , ii.f. iihiie i he Hnrlieita uf Klm.lit' 1v111. li' l J ill Ull.'lit pat i. t t o. I'HAl'TKU Vlll "A 1 till .rince!'' .aid Hia'tiX. Ihui-V 1). " "1 1 Uiihi to Lit n f l. I'tTluil, tn on to sinh 11 weakness, hut a nal irin.t'! I hint' alivnin i.tikeii tn see one. Air? oii i'iiio sine, mu le, thin ho is the Mime- Jmt 1 ho same- us other aeuplp?" "My dear Itenirix." iPiniiiislrai.'.l Lady I onnux. "pray .. iml say- sip h thinns; they .oitiid so sliaiici'ly. Why slmu il a piiio o tliffer I nun oilier nu n':'' "I du t.i t kimiv. 111:11111. ki. I like llm mird: there is snim t hint: evei-piiui nl iilmtit it. A prim e! Ui.o would imii 'no a prinet' tall and 1 uiii'iiamliiia! ill liatiite, wiili a tnjlile faif an.l a -1 ill umro iml.!.' heart." "Ami wVi is npr..p. s of what. I'.e.i irix V n.kod her urn In. ".My liotluioth. r, the lim hess ,,f f.lnis lie. iiiielo. civi'S n s'r.iiul diiiner "ii I'm s day. to whii li no me nil invil.-.l. a'i I lln ulijot t of wliii h is to iiitr.idm'e iln I'rin.v do IVrrns lo tho ureal v. nrl.l uf Lmnh 11 ' "And who." asked 1'oler l.tinnis, "is tho Priin-o do Fprru.V" Hoatrix limited up, a lipple u laii.-htoi oil hor lips. "1 knew you ivoiild ask that i,'psii,.n. iiii' le: llimia-'h. when I asked ii, lln- i!:i. h i s. iis. 111 a d her si'i-esl expres.-i. ii .. fa.e. dear Beatrix," she said, when yi.'i bio iiriiurant of whal eorn i rns 11 p. r-..n su well known hs thn Prime do l'err..s. never ask .inestioi's in put. lie. or yei will hetrny niirsr.f I'liiirnialily.' And ivhep I said I should he pleased In irtderst.t ml the art of asking ipmstions in an .i'ip'; r... ni, she sinhed. N'.'W. umlo. ymi halt ilr.up the samo ihimi; ymi havo l.elraiei: must .loploriildo iitinniiiief tis iog.' lln IVim-e do I't'rrus.'' 'I'ray tell your urn !p n Im he is rloar," said I. inly I'imov. "He is a i.nii)i Italian prince, ntn In. hiiieii with a intinia fu- i vei t nil. u I'.nu Itsli. .Near rrr.ini ho ha. limit a houi' in lh" Knirlish styr; ho litis Knulish mt Villus: ami tfn diiehes. due. si.motliiin.' 1111,1-0 tlmti hUit t lint lie Is hero in .-ear. h of 1111 K.nclisli ivifp.'' "A very sensihlo lliiut;. too," sanl for iiii'le. "If tho wotnen of mm nation hir e any siiiieriority over tltnsn of ariother, il must .e owned Idn:lish woiiien tarry tlnv palm." "Tho pr'in'o." 10111 iniiid Hoatrix. with n r inse imitation of tho I'lli-hoss uf l'.tius lie's jvii'.il uialllier. "is a most 1 -imiiiiHi" yoinn; man; ho lias one of tlm iim-T an oient tit Ion of w Ii ii It I tali i'iiii I'luist; he ha imiiieiiso Health, civat talent, ami is in 1 vi ry way 11 most desiriilile paiii." I lor i'liiiatli.n of tin' dm!io. nn. ... Iiei foel thai Peter l.ennov IiiukIioi! heart ily. Ilo ins" from his seat,, I to ln nieeo. I'l-iil m er Iut ami nskml nhoiil a iliatimli 1 I'iltil that ho hud ordered for Iiit. Then ho Ininhed the whin hruiv II ilh hi. lips ami said: "Th,' Priue.i do I'lTms will tint do f. r lis, He ll rix, w ill ho' Hp w ould imt ham the Klory of Kreeldean nt In-art as we Inn I'." She nisei her liond piumlly th" Im h ess uf Klinslto said ihat l'"i't,'i was mie of the prmnlest itirls sin- know. "lo fur ti", iimleV In whal Ma'.'" The i leal-. Iianclily eyes seeuied to eotn pel him 1.1 .peak. "I menu he will imt do n n suitor. Hoatrix ami ihat is what the dtiilnss is I'lidently thinking of,'' "My ilenr litielP." she replied iiuielly, "wo uooil not diseiisn the .,vo nft'airs of pilitlenii'ii it honi no liave no. it seen. " I tut Peter l.oiiiiox eiuild not nil al o:nv fnrifi'l the irineo Ho walkt'.l uneasily tip nml down thp rnntn. l.ady I.t-nnnx ivein imny, and Hoatrix sat in sileme. She saw that her uinle wn. ill lit ease, lull w atted fur lliln to .peak. "A fnrriitn prim-o or dttkr ivmihl .o hinisolf very lit t It- iil'.nit Kreeldean. Hoatrix," lio .aid. "My denr, h" on ymit Ituard. I'o not fall iti hio with a for piirner." Sho raised hpr hend so haiiphtily that In nftor d-sys he roniemhereil It. "My dear liln le," slip rolied nlnivly. "1 rpnly do Imt think Joil tiee.l troiihle nhmit sueh tii.itter.. I iiless I see .mile one wry different from nuy one 1 havo seen it I. 1 .hall novor fall in Im-e." l ittle I'lioiikili did the lin inl.ulne yminu' Italian ilreiiln of ihese soiitinicnt.. 11' hml emno to !iu.-liiiul in soar, h uf a ivifp. Ho had n love a mania his friends oiiMed ii for 11 .1 ihitiir Knulisli. He had itotii' one nicht to tl pern, mid tlletp had soon a sweet, proud fnee, that llll'l drit-ti him out nl hiinselr a fain iimn heaiiiiful tlmti the pictured ones of liis naiim land, lin.;.' I.enutiful than itnyihiin; Im had " drenmed of. lie hml st ! unite s'l-nl a he unk'"l nl her, mid iimn lie had ai.! I" himself: "She i as l .-ntnifnl a a pithless; she has a imhle soul, that looks out fear lessly upon n nr. rid that is heupnlh her; and, if I tun win hi r Inr in) wile. 1 will." It was tiisy eiimia.'h lo learn her name: pier) otio knew Miss Lennox, the heiress of Kreehlonn. I "rim 1' do 1'orrus went nt otne to her (Ira a of Kllllslio, "I have I. si nil heiirl." ho said; "yoti lni;-t hel. me tn tia l i!." The diiehe-s was roiiiU eiii.iii-h t" i"ll liim all nhoii: "Prime 1'h'irlie's" daiiailner. "1 11111 In r unilnnither," sho said, ipiito fiirirollina hmv .loins .ef,.re she had it; nored tliisilaim upon her kindness. "She is roallv tor) I" aipifnl. and she w ill he of the in host heiress.'- 111 l.i.nialul aim is hoiio-s i f ICrifldi'iiii." 'She would he 11 iii, on ovi 11 had sho nmliiii):." rejoined the piitne. i-nthus .is-I'.-a!'.). "Yoitr a-'rai-t: is I see ail li'tppiiiost ia her fa.'f. Nun w ill introdu.-e mo':" The ilin hi'ss im.ii.i-. .1. and it was her letter that eaii-i-d Kent rtx's eli lama I inn. Mii smil'd ta Inf-elf whi'e Lady l.fiiiux anxiously ili-eussed her toilet. She Link ed iinwoitii dly lovely in 11 dress of whim inado after a uaint tireeint. fashi.ui, with a hand of sold round her tlninly waist, nnd pohlpn fringe on hpr ilress; hhe woro .went hlue Nile lilies in hor hair, .Hal Prtnop dp 1'rrros, 11 lien he liowed he forp her, laid his life and his lorn at lief feet (M1APIT.H IX. "It i. rntterinir, Ailsn. At thp .nmo Hmo I hope the t hi.'d will not potooiit." Peter Lennox hold a must impa.siaiied letter a If I lor asking iiermtssiuii fur his hishiiess the I'rilieo do perms tu tnako I ho ottor of his haiul t" his iiifif. Mis. Lennox. Hp spoke in rapturous terms of his hive- thpre had iiPt or Int'it any loin sineo tho world tv-cHii liko hi.: n. for set ilenifiils. fnr 0110 so heiintifnl and an fair Iii' would offer all thai ho had if she would Imt take it. Poter I.entuix nils (o'li 1ip1 a. h road tho prinee's loiter tho inillU.nairP. tin1 preat llllt-elii'ier in the love of ivonl.'ll "t tho friond-liip nf i n', ""ii t'.mbi'd. la .nine initio w; 11 s.'.-iu 'd '" h i" 'I''1' he held i lii'ii; hni.t.". I .11 tn hand. It was a 11..1.I. ..I'- ". IU ! e Prim.-s dp IVrrt.s. t" I" tti 1 i-f a hni;.' I'nliitu duiiiaiu. i tt.i.t mil. Ii. Pot: if Hntttix I ' eiiHiv Piimess de lt.i.'s. faiewell to all hi ilrviitim nl Vrvt'.,l.i..i' 'TV 1,1,1 tv.r lnut. l.v.t, t ' x , tl.t- t'.rst tuie.;ti"l'. trial ' :'-. It't-ftvX n-'.. vd i !.oi" r.!.s 1. :. vp:-. .--i.'U 0.' t'-l.v.vv:- nl wa -irirrs in thp H)t:J" rltrii exet tf lln- nitl a. sho replied. "No. inaunr.a-in fart, I rare for lin 111:111." "H .mil du nut fue him, Beatrix, ami are i."t :iniliiliuii. of shininu a. Primes do J Vi rus." .aid l'pt Ixnnox. "nay. '.No' tu him. my dt.a. You eoiild not n,.l; after the itileiost. nf Krcoldonii in I'nl.i." T he .tutitij! beauty hel.t dotin and kissed her 11 .l ie's irray. iiriin f . "I ai.i ;!bi1 to lilea' von. unele." slit orieil "I inn aslini to tin suiiiiihiiiB that wil! slum that I nm prntoful for your ( Ine-s. ihat I share ymir itiierests. that the Immir ninl clnry nf Kreeldnan nro far dearer In me than any earthly honor that iou!d l,.-f.-ill myself. 1 am pleased to n iioutiee my iriini'ty lover, with hi. nn eii Mt title, his handsome fnee. hi. elitvai runs manner and hi. vast ponfeBBions. for II. e welfare nf l,ree!denn." And Peter 1 nnox. in his t rntilude, k;ssed his nieoe III, re fen. inly thnn In? hml kis.ed anyone i t. So llio prim e iPi pived the k'udest letter thai ti.tild Im wrillen under the eireuni staiiees. Kind as it tins, it almost drove him nun!. Hi' o.iiild not h-nr the thminht uf Insinc tho stately young heri'lly 011 wh'.iii Im had fixed his whole heart. H( nu t her that .nine eipninp nt n soiree siv en by nne of the bailors of fashion. She was a limit to pass him with a how and a .mile, when sninotliitiR in tho expression nf his fnee, so wistful, so full of longing pnin, seemed In strike her. She stopped and sp'.ko to him; and then, eneoiirni-'ei': by her kindness, he asked hor to walk w'ilh him ihruit;li the brilliantly lighted rouii". T here is a pie.-p of seiilpliirp here. Miss Lennox." ho sni.l, ns they round ihem selvr'i in a deserted niol'l leading mit of the pint tire iti.lliT.v. "ihat I slimilil 1 1 kr tn show .11 u. Il was I lie result of tear" i.f lung Fludy dial hard labor, and is llir only work the lining seulptnr ever prod ne ed.' Pan yrtit s nipntliire wilh a life that soeiiis P. einitly itself, to pour itself out in .lie prinnl i-ITnrt, ami then eeasos to i-x IstV" "I thin!; tint," .he replied slowly. "I would rather hushum! my resources than exhaust toy life in a single effort." "Still thole is .uinething very grand in it. If Leonardo da Vinei had died after p ainting mil) 'The Last Supper,' if Haydn bad sneeiimhod after writing nolle ing'tiiii tho ('reation.' if t'anovii's artistic aieei' had ei tled with the proline! inn of his 'Venus,' we should have loved ntn h men peihnp. hrttpr for twining tn hnvr given tln'T lives in one grand i-IVort. Ynu would t'.n.l it vill more ilinViill, Miss I.en iiox. lo believe in any niau's expending his lire in mil' great love," he eniipludi'.l, as they sli.uil in nil iil.-ovi' finliowt-ri-d wiili exolies. T .I., not believe ill love nl all. prinee. All that I have seen of it shift' 1 have liicd in .1 world that never ceases talking of it I. as I - t u a ea rieal nro." "Vnil 11. nt -peak untruthful!) ." he said "of that I am quite sine. And ymi tell me that toll do not believe in Into':" "1 half seen iiulie that I believe in vol.'' sbo 1. plied. "I have beard llio word applied I" en ty kind of meanness. 10 every eaprtee, tn wllitlis of nil kinds, even lo sin; 1 lit of leal love I have seen noth ing." "Ureal Imevi ns!" lie cried, "I stand be fore .urn. leiuly to die for ymi: praying ton in iie.ppi nty life,' my hm. my for tune, ni) name, to tnke all that I inn 1-1 have, ninl yutl tell nn- you do not lelieit In lot P." "1 will hupp il i. n fancy, prince; I should not like tn think that )ou had tlit'iiwn nil the strength and energy of jour life inl" a pursuit which can tit'tet n successful." "Why should it not bo sue. I's.fu! V" lir il-ke.l. gi lltl), betiding his fin'i' so thai hf ;iiiild Link Into hers roll ivtunt'ii could liave resisted tho musical inio or tin huiiils..iiii' face. "Mis. Lennox, ymi nt' lenlitifll as a dream. I call ninke ymi tpifon of n splfinli l iloiiiiiin. Peri o. i 1. tie of ihi' loveliest !'i-! i. nf Italy. I Inve so well that I xx 1 : 1 1 1 devote ever) i t.imci.t of my life to you -1 would fore stall ymir every wish -fiery desire of your heart should be fulfilled. Will )ou put nit love tu the test V" "1 tn mint, prince,' replied Beatrix. "I b 'licvo there are some exception.. I w ill I e ni.ito lenient for th" future. I will jinigf !-- Iii'.ishly. Tle-re may- It is ju-t po-s:!'lc be a few i'n-cs where love is in deed tk- ti i i -. I w ill admit that .tmiis is so. Kieii then 1 catiilol iiccept li." "Miss Lennox." ho said, "I shall not tal.c )' 'ni.. I w. i 1 kiif ui' 'he idea o' w ii'iin iz ii u: In h -e the h .pp of that w -.Id I f t" I'e my lif". lii!P nmy be llio of love llio mildness of despair- I cannot la Ip it. I shall never give lip llie hope nf ivinn'lig you, Miss Letniox, until ymi iiinry another or I die." "Then 1 mil sorry fur ton," -he said. "It ivill be a w-iistcl love." "Ymi are so young and so beautiful," he said. Linking sadly nt her. "The roses of life lie at your icol, mid yon trtimp'e nn llieiii. Some day remember, 1 proph esy t ton who are cold nnd proml with ymir heart steeled agniiist love-yot will love, nnd Ihat love will be your crown of suffering. If that day nnd hour .In come- an I believe thev will. Mm Lei.t.i x think of ine, and 1 pr 'luise, if I ran In la ynu then, I will. Hilt she smiled in 'if left hpr. "Thnfp Italians are all so ardent and impetuous," she sai.l: and yet n shudder like that of eidd or fear came over her ts she smi'eil. Prince tic Pciro. kept hia word. He would imt lake "Nay'' for an answer. Not that he said any more about love to Miss Lennox; he gegan to have far too keen 11 c iinprebensimi of Miss Lennox's character to vent 11 re upon thai. She -van itiilo unlike other girls. II. .v.- few wmihl have ref iscd to shure his prineolv do main! llniv few iv.ui 1 have asked llieiii h'Ivch or caret I whether they love I linn nr not! "She is prouder and folder than ithers," he said to himself, "but shr; is .1 ili.nisaiii! limes nobl'T." Society iiiiiusfd itself by watching the t niggle. Who would win, the Italian arinoo or 'he Knglish duke? It could not decide. Miss Lennox seemed to like one just ns well as she did the other. She t'cier ninth' the least distinction between Ihem. Hentrix herself found two such leveled lovers almost ton much for her; they tieic like shadows; never away from her'. She was very can fa'. V lien .lie eu teicd e ball iiMiin they totli. as a rule, approached '" n ""mi ;" 'J' ''' pnve the tii M waltz, ip lite o'hi r l is! ii'ia.lrl'e. ii the princ hold her In-tin yet, the lbike of He:h'nnit he.' l br e f m. lS"th loief. I ot'iil iiginiisi re p.-. ih -y iv I been rcf"se.t in 'he plain. t of words, yet jeil'iiel c rml-i belicle in his re.iectioll. Tin' I'm-hcss of 1-liu-i'f spoke very m ri-rfti-ii to llt.itrix tibout thim. "Sh.iU t'ti tciirry either of tteru. if? eu'' i?U.u .-ittl Ft'uiivx i.jttvvr.',! "T"P3.' said h'T 1 'iesl. "be caution.. They aic madly jtal..i: of each other, 'Hid the first sign of preference that ) "V ki ..ill I.- a signal f..r murder -thai is. murder in t'l" shape of a duel. Ynu iiiii!T-taml7" "I an show no preference," returnee Beatrix, "for I fool nunc." The dm hesf laid lu r band mi the girl', arm. "Bcaitix." site said eariustl). "I try tr It'liove imi, Imt I ram -nl: it is iinretl ble tu me that imi should deliberately throw nitay In., such chances, t ou tnu-i I t the IHi. lu -sof lleatliluml. I shonl l 11..I like toil lo t" l' ii. I."' 1 slionid like 11 -t i' imi I'm t. ess m Heatblaiid." IVier Lciiimx eiinic early no evening nnd. not knowing that iiis iron' mis nl linii.n. he went In hi. study ami fell nslecp in th.o ciuiortal'lc 0:1-1 ehnir Ihat v. as l'i. 1,11. Tile reii.2 place. When Beatrix hoard that he had icltirncd, she went at once t" -co him. She never neg lected him l.ur left him nlitiie. She with to li it sl'iilv. and. opeiiiiig the ''..sir. saw ihat he had fallen ''op in his 1 hair. She lid imt 1. waken him, but went up tu ! m very icntly. How llred and worn tho tine f.-n-i' ... led! An.l there was thp secret, tln iiuhl P.eiitrix. iptealilig itself in great piiem s lines mutM bis mouth. Her uncle suddenly turned round! "I did not menu it." she heard him say - "I never thought of it." Then with a sudden cry he awoke from hi- si" ti. "ilri.c. f.'rnee!" he i-nlled. P'T a nn-mr-ni he looked wibMy nrmiml h.m. "I ! race. ;ra. -e!" he rcpcaic'l. "I n. I"." -aid Bealiix, "1 came to see if ynu minted an) thing." An expulsion of fear crn.-p.i his face, followed by "lie nf gient relief. "Is that ymi. Trixie? 1 nns as!oep rireaming. I nm glad you ate at Iniinc, n.y dear. I felt irt dtlil tonight." And nil night, while the gny world moved tilotig. she rcineinliiTP.1 that one t ry of "lira' p. lirnce!" nnd w umi.'ri' 1 what it iiieiitn. fTIAPTT'.U X. A in?) little party sat in the heaiitifn. bmi'iuir that Peter l.etmux bad furnish ed f-T bis tlic- e. T he Inn liess of Kliv.-lic - nh 1 v as ju-l as .!. m!. d to the million aire's .licit' us she hail bleu innttflitlVC . ititcast. at M rath nam had driven iier In l.ini) I . nnox ''.h'i had f.irg. "i n i i hor l"'- ' ! I aj.p i.'s-s ali her ..l-l lil'f. ltd "I'" i!"ii-!"i -I m the g"s- -ipitig 1 .-I, mt-an. -n .1 the dt:.-lu in ..inpnny with I. mi) I j . ; 1 - 1 1 . one i.f the duchess' (leu rest ft K h" kept bet wtH silppltctl nc.h neiis, These ttvu In- dies with Bi fittix in,. I her In.'tlier fnrmcl a friend')' little pari) the) had partaken nf bin, ami i'- n "at al ease discuss ing the t ionls nf ihc day. I lu this morit'l':." lie cmivr r.atioti unitiz ed her 11 i e ihini 'I sencrally dal. There had been a great sea lain I. and the diiche-s t ppeared m 'ielii-ht in discussing il. Th. 11 she bad I'. ai.y's "I Lady Scales I,, ichi'e. Lady Scans was mie t f her pel subjects. Pcatiix untied tiwny liietl al Inst, llniv shallow all lli:s Mtiind I" Ihc hih soul ami 11 b'c mitui" f"itmd lllliid the glmiotis M.'ilil.les el" I .cell NiHTl! Lady I eiiii..i saw her liiinglm-r's I'm!; Ull,n. St. .ml il. T he Mil I'lliug Post lll.V c.pi tl ti e table, am), anxious to divert Hcairix's at icntioii, -he pointed to il ami said : "Hentrix, n .'.I mil look through that and tell me nhoii lin Botanicl fete is b be beliir' HciiriA (hilly took ep ihc i.owspnpcr, while Tc three Indies tc-llllled llit-.r iiis iiissiuii. The diiciu ..s foiiliuucd: "1 hate I'lwais told her so. I have wnrnel her n hinnlri'd times. evc:i Lady tltho " The clear. .Meet vniec nf the young girl checked the by n r iptuit u cry, "Th.t i" so.'iifiliii's li'.c " t.inti!" she said, "..i I be! tic in heroes I They are nut i ll tleail; th. chivnlry nci I nit-'r an I l.;t. I' ll in the im rid. 1 shi ill I ii! I" ' the itinii w 'in tli.l lin.t iiloi ion- ill el." W'h.n i- It ." asked the duchess. " Tl il tile otl it I ri ad it':" hhe ask d. "Mi, mum, it is so wonderful." "lici'l il b) all Mieaii-. my dear." sr. id the il'c liess. womh'iiii,' whnt it coiii.l be lhal ,i:teit-:eil the girl s" deep')-. "A St''1" 1'iei!,' ihc parngiapli mis hcfi'ieT. me I lh:s v.ip In n il rat-.: 1 in- loaders wiil pinhald) er lbi'1 a i-iinrl time since a servant girl 1 I ihr naire of Mai) Han- 01 was brmul t up nt tin- 1 lu ster A-si:e- mi a char.'" i f murder. Tl as.' was both inic resting and painl'til. The girl lliinsmi had lived in the service of a Lcnilemiin tunned liar land Uoby, who resided in n villa mat I'hester. Mr. liuby mi. a married num. his wife a lady nf considerable ni-rsoniil attractiuiis; they limd almie. had im chil ilien, ninl kept nm servnnls. Hut in six weeks after Mary Haitsou went to live wilh the Hobys (lie cook left, and her place mis not tilled. Maty Hanson gave every satisfaction Ii her employe rs, she Mils honest, industrious and amiable; 110 suspicion ivas ever entertained nbmit her until Mr. Itoby. after drinking some beef tea which she had prcpurod fur him, was taken suddenly and seiimisly ill. The doctor was .cut for. and he declared that the master of the bouse had been poi soned. Altor some lime the unfortunate gentleman died in dreadful agony; nnd nt the impiest it litis proved that he hml met his death through the administration of arsenic, lividciice wn. given that Mary Hanson had two days previously put -:hasi'd nrscnic, saying lhal she wanted to uoisoii mice. The testimony 11 gainst her n 11s strung; she had purchased the pot ion; she had made the beef tea, nnd the ,-ioison wns found in il." 'Mil, those terrible, lower nrders!" ex ;laitned the dm hess. "Wnt," mi id Iteatrix; "you have imt irnrd all." Mis. Lennox resumed: "The girl lisictied to the t enia of guilty, ami ihen, raising a white, scared face to the judge, said: 'My lord, I bought the poison my mistress told me tn do s . I lifter gnic il to my master - I swear that 1 t.eier gave II in my master I swear that I mn as innocent ns a child, and tha if I am hanged it will he mur der.' There wn- a great sensation, tinj a emu i'Tion of tic gill s innocence. She cppciii, 1 lety unlike a murderess; she was a pretty, int,oniit-lo,iking country gill of eighteen. As she was leaving the dock she . ric-l. T p"iy heaven to help me, for inn 11 iiHinot.' lint man .'al. Sitting ill the court -vns n ... nng !."; or already favorub'y Uuowc. Mr. Beliraii t'arew. He heard the gnl's ciy. am lroin that mo mcut dfrvotc his ti;i:e t" tbo . a.e. It is tte rj.-ve wor'h) cf pratsv. a Mr. C ateiv hid no hope of aav rrv .i:.i, :be "for girl w- pcini'ifss ami ii -iidlt-?. He spnted Cfither time, Inl.or nor exp"!!-'. He met with and ovcri-amp girat ilifflenliies; be tiftctl the evideuoe, and giitheied mole; ihe it'.iiU clearly proved that the poison had been adntluistert J by the wife her c)f. and that the whs mad h:ti2 hi en xuad for tonic yeorth baJ baJ a mania for rminp Mrrts. fow-t, c.nts. dogs, every thing living that she could kill without observiition. The widow was ordered to be kept In prison at her Majesty's pleas ure, nod Mary Hanson was released. The Joy of the poor girl win pitiful to witness. It stems to ns that the ibnnk. of the whole iiitnmuniiy are due In Mr. Pari v." "Now," said Iteatrix, "that is a man after my own heart." "My dear child," cried Lady I-ctitn.x, "what a very strong expr,-s-i.ui!" "I m. ati it. iiiumina. 11.- is n hero, the man w ho deliberately nml willingly sacri lieed his time to save the life of n p-anr servant girl. In all England who remem bered that innocent girl in her cell, ex cept '.he judge who condemned her ami the one Icble, chivalrous man who saved lur?" "My diar Hentriv" sai.l thp duchess, "the incident does not ib si rve so much consideration. Tho young lawyer did right, of course; but there is really lint so much to be rti ited alimit." "If ymi had read such u story in lire plan or lioman history, if you hnd lead it In the s ml volume of a novel, ymi would think it very iiiTciing; but. being I story of real life, with a living hem, it ,s hardly worth notice. To ine it sc 111s that in all Knglnml in nil this wide world, !here enn be no nobler man than this foung lnwier. Beltrnn I'nrow.'' (To bp eotlt'.tiinil I SMTCHIVEN ON HORSEBACK. Colorado Roads Employ Covyboir s to M.iko Up Freight Trains A li-it!i;te!t nnhiuc in 11. r history "f ralii i,iil;:n: am tho row !...y sw it. lit u ii of smiiliM'ii f 'nhii-ldo. W illi the iotro ililelioil of :iiltoin:itie collide!'-. Ji II 1 1 the prosillt IIS.' of .It. Hide I.I'M. b"l tfilill- of fill) cats ill leiigih. it iva- lii-inv iic.l by bun: -In-ailed rai!r.i:nl ollicials thai nieii mi Imrsi'Litck cimbl coup;.' u;i trains much iiiokiT tli.iti tlm-c on foot. Alliimigh ind 11 general cii-iuin. this iiniitio inotlii'il of switching 1ms 1 11 tried with -ine-s hi both tlm inn's of Wiile-liing ami Tritii'lail. Hero arc lo'-aii .1 ".ret coal mill.'-, ami nun ill-oils nf tills a da) wi-'o handled forillell) by liiut-. no -v it. htll 'tl. w ho inn iged iii.itiy mil. - ."iiilitn: trains, ilpe da) :i cow bo) ila-lf il up ntnl watt hid 'In' stvit. litneii at w.ii'l.. With a gnni' ho urged his pony ii. r.t--ihe track-, roile boiwecn th" nil's, ill'.illlgi d tin UI'llT. Ilietl It. 1, l.o.l mil ntnl gave the signal fur llm engin eer t-i bii.k up. Tin' coiiplug was iiiado, ninl then the nut bo) tl.i-licil I'lii tber lip the track, um impled an other pnrt imi uf the tni n. :inil in i n- toll- Wili s pet I.TIlie.! the Wi'l U id th" regular sit in hinaii in ban toe t.nn- I ivmihl lull.' Hike in '' 'hi ii. ITil-eo lirolhU's nanni. llcllv. win' weio w, irking for a 1 am-luT close to the range, ciinte mw town r.-olietl lu get xi iifk mi th" fiiilr.i i.l. i Hey learned llio ilintes 01' tan I mi polum 11. ami Ihen iiiif.iiliici-il their nns. T hese minimis had a -p.-cial t a tiinj. and Her.' lanpht Imt in balk at the cars, lift it to stand on ihc li.n-k-. tmt belwceli tiieni. so tier.' .-' no p.i --ibilily of being run over. ITii-y were al-.i liaiiii"! to follow their miner iilong the ifain. -hmihl he climb on the car lu -ft brakes. The Kin tiniinle It lilrmnl. seeing I In possibilities of the new I11elh.ul of -witching:, soon in; r n! m-i'tl several cowboys, who be. tunc fully lis expert as tho Hi ".Ty brother- A Haiti of forty .ill-- wa- reel !i tnmlo up. lln" air coiiiH'c'ed ainl tl"' brakes h'i'e:ioil ill eigli:. cii ntinnii -. This ni ce 1 t iled titi'he switches, ir il i- tin' best, on icccnl. The m Ka Itoad Train men took the mntici up. nml al'lif 11 long invi'stigatii'ii ill'' ib chil d lhal the new 11101 hod wa- not down in llio ngreeipi'lil with lb" rnili nails. :nul .Itclel'iiii' it must b.' nlii'l i-'ii'il. li.-iil roiiil-. litiBi'Vi'f. fulfill Ihe l.lolln'1- ii I. ol.iiining tlitt tl") l.t'l 'is'il the , on boys m.i'-e as an ml 1 Tt iscnn lit than for any uiboi' ivi-mt. ami -ecing that it intt i l'cieil bii' l.i 1 If wilh the work of th" ro.'i. I crews, they would oolltinn.' to ll-e tl"' citlboy switch men. t'liitago Inicr iiet-iii. lloW Ml 'Tl I'.Al'.Y SMiMT I' WP.Hill. The bad) of uoi.uiil weigh' til" now 11 :ii birth th- tin) -mhs at ine seven pound mark If he or she is linieli beaiiei or nun It liglncr. he or she is nl w;ir w'tii incragf. peeiiiinr fcaiin'c "i I ib) wfiglii is that, during the hi-t dais of i:- life, llm toinigsler- that is. the peri'i . 1!) Itoimal youtlgstei' -lose- one pound. T hus, c annual ion made mi tin- sn mul ainl folirlll (hi) will show .1 weight of six pouiiils old), flit a' itr the hl-t tvock. at tin- cud of w hicli ::ni the ,,-t liotind should be naiii'.l. tliet" is 1 slfiiily adiancc in lie ii,!':iit iiv.iir.lil puis. ' Ten poiitnl- -...toil ! t .ne been rem lid by lit.' tunc '" I''". .- right wick- o'nl. .lild M hi t '. I' i ' s . t 1 Weeks old the weight -l'"i !'l I '-'.l p r." I At -1 n il -ttl.s i: -h ml i l.i - I M l-l -II polt'ltl'-. .1.11. tile V .' .I'd ' l'i) slio.'bl ham :: : .:'! " . n ' .'It on puitl'tl- 11. -. ! 1 .' And so t !.' I 1. re en i.--' 1 i 1 ' ' : 1 " 1' ' 1 II " I ',. . 1 ' ... - e 1 ' tic;- W ill l-i di lolf'. i . 1 -l-l cf pout '- , " "i 1. ! Si ri.' ; x mill' " l o n-.i) 1 f mat not have lii-i-t! :i ir.iio 'oit wli.i was arraignerl ;,' -I'l l tl ' M H'eapolis police collit, :i 1 . " i: rat icy. tried to d!s pv..i,' tl . n,i-n ') proving by "two eoioi' '"i ' " i'n --."." he had 1,1:-. . .1 ' ' . .. .... i "iy rmnote .late." $:.,. '," i " -'jlv 'li" siispicimi.-ly t:'.;. -: : t1" Y : r -".liotf rlijie" int.i 13- i i. tsi'oni. ami alter rolloo t' ,- il- d'-tl thai illo ilefciidUlt won!. I i i" to i'. mc al-o that he had worked. ' w hetvnpoti." it is recorded, tl't.' dci'e'ise as t ice collapsed" The I'iirs'-t-- '.vl .sky bottling e?tablih-1 mint m v. .; i :-, i:-. i-outh Catiiima. i8S:&ss:ti jg6od Roads gotee!( t.v .. !i All Arguiitenl tor liooil llnails. Mr. II. II. til'oss. the iiiitioiial f.XU'ft r-eut out ' y the liuvi rinncti' at Wash ington to address tlm various fni-uier insiiiutcs wheu In M't-sioii. fai'l in li'1 leinarkiibly line address before the linotl Koads coiivtutloii in I'liicntio. iiinmi? oilier thilisrs: i'i"' li-'oplf nro deserting tlm rural d'strlcts and Hock In? to Ihc ciiics in vast numbers. That is a benefit to the fity. but not to Hie Stine. ninl tn have n successful com inntiiveiilih ivc must have State inter ests succeed ns well ns the interests; of the large cities, where a few years ago there were twenty-seven pciiitlo living in tho Slate nf Illinois in one in rhleagn. There are now only l's Us ing in th" State tn one hi tTncaso. Why arc x oplc leaving: the country and criming to lln- fi')' to live in high buildings and tiTioinctits and breathit the soot -laden atmosphere? Pccauso they want to bo near the eeiilivs of this grcii. pulsing, throlii'if.g world, tiny wain to be where th-y can use the street oar ainl the te'.epiiiiii". anil itll the woipicrftil iiiipiutciin iits of this latier day nge. inn! so the fount ry boys and girN leave lln ir homes ainl come lo the oitio--. lloiv 1 nil ivc rciin dy this feverish ril-ll to llio eily? Hoo.l roads'. When wo have g I. hard roads so that the fanner can haul a full load nil tho year aroniiil. ,iiid thus lake ad vaiitiigo of tin' innrkel when n is at its Inst, and noi let It nm hint, when the women of the farm know thev will not lu- kept at lite lmi.-ly i'.ii'in all winter wiiiioui gelling to town on e ou ac eomst nf bad roiiiN. when there is the farm telephone xx hi. h goes with tin; hard roads, ami the free rural mail de livery which is only made pn-sihle liy goon, hard mads, all the ynir aroniitt, so iho f.inn.'f can lake ihc daily pallet s ainl the in:tga:!ine. . Hid the agri cultural papers iiml lints keep in touch with the ptviit busy htlstling outside world. Ill fact win n the people of tlm count ry can havo a few nf tho prcat comforts nnd advantages of city life, then will they 1k content to stay nt home anil brcitlif the pure, frcsli air of the cotmiry. nml there w ill be a joy about rural l!f" that was never known beinr.'. end g- .-iier prosiicriiy will eoino to ilifiliifs on the farms and In cities as well and ail maiikind w ill ho beiioliicil. Tlie lliillnok t'or C001I lttiMils. In the mailer of h-vel. snumtli and durable highways, this country is still centuries behind Hurone. Much of the money ni). I energy that in tin- Old World went into llioM' thoroughfare! has. in this country, been cMiciuU'd ill the ilevclupinotii of 11 net work of rail roads. ITtlike F.urop". th" iron horse, has iircfCilcd iiit her than followed, in. America, the establishment of u com plete system of gooil roads, l-'or tho comfort of travel, for the co'.npli'ti re alization of ji.'itural advantages and for the imperious: demands of internal (otnmeive. linvTovcd highways have a place ill the domestic eoouomy of 11 country 110 less significant than trans continental railroads, and signs are thickening that the country is begin nit'g 10 understand ii. H looks as if the fortlifomltif: great iinprovotui'in in railmial eoininiuiiea ti.'iis ivmihl ho and have for its object the construction of roads win h would enable olio farm horse 10 do the work of I wo. The vicinity of largo cities where interest is more In fur 1. and xi here wealth finds an in- tellim ni out let in permanent public impiiiiiiiieiil is perhaps the unit! r.i I starting point for a good roads move ment, anil tin' project to. build sixty miles of macadamized boulevard lu Westehesier County Is hopeful be cause of tho favor of wealthy men who will be callc 1 upon to bear their share in it. -New York Mail au.l K prcs. A . ratify line Spirit. s.. cfii-c Wilson Is ile-nlf interest ed in the piod roads movement, iiud will urge Congress to iiifopri:tto !!.'0.tMiii, as rcisuesied by the late euii- 1. .nt inn at t hicago. lo pay lor ine con struction of sample roads in t .ich Sla'o nn'. Territory nnd for the tests that nro iiocessarv to ilctertiiine lite resistance in heat, moisture and abrasion of dif ferent road material from Hit various parts of the country. He also desire ihat the siiocial agents of tlie tlepart- niciii. who are experts in road build ing, shall lecture ns frequently as pos sible before ihe students of educa tional institutions with a view of stimulation: 1 heir inieiesis .ind teach ing them now good roads should bo litad.'. Secretary Wilson says that ho is very much gratified at the spirit of co operation 1 11:11 is being shown ill the good roads movement. Transporta tion cotnpatiies pari i. ularly are offer iug every encouragement possible. Timy curry tlie agents of the depart ment mid their machinery free of charge, and are assisting in nlucntlinr public scntiiiieul. Some members of Congress object to the construction otf roads by the general government, but: the Secretary has no intention otj adopt iiis policy. He beliexes thn. tho States aud Tetriiorit'S or ihe coni) tv otlitTals should build the roads, bus ihf Vedfrnl tJoveruinent. through Asi'.cultm-al Popart moot, can (5 " ei0 tige work r.nd dissetninate iuform." 'ion anions the States without Infiio. ins upou their snvereigniy. The fellow who thinks be is a genim" .it SO usually think at w hut Kb at b.9 Vlvtl t3

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