i i in 1 1 ii ni mi na riariji r imnii THUU8DAY. - - April 25, 11)01. Local Records. The recent rains have greatly retarded all farm work. Plenty of guano find phos phates at JJyiiuui it lleadeu's. W. 13. Himlen will be nt PittHlioro at May court, and vi:l take all the good hides ho can yet to tan ou equal terms. Dynum & lleaden are paying bighest prices for all produce. Corn 75 cents per bushel, hams nud lard 12 cents pound. Go to A. 15. Kiddle's smith shop, at Hyiiuin, for the best iron harrow for cotton and other young plants only $1.00. Lots of them Bold. Dr. J. Haughton Ihrie will he at his office in Pittsboro from now until the first day of May, pre pared to do ull kinds of dental work. Don't you feel better with a nice Riiit of clothes on? Then go to liynum & Headen's, they have a complete stock and can suit you iu price and quality. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation from Messrs. Mark H. and Charles li. C'lcgg to attend the closing exercises, next week, of their nourishing school at 1'elwood. A represeutative of the Dur ham Marble Works will be at l'ittsboro during May court, and will have a full line of designs for tombstones which he will he pleased to sliow to ail who may wish to see them. Our citizens were surprised last Sunday morning, when they awoke, to find it snowing. It snowed two or three hours, but the ground being wet from rain, it malted as fast as it fell. A snow storm as late as the 21t of April is unusual in this latitude. If you need a irood buggy for a little money you will find them at Loudon's. Also nice, set har ness. A good saddle, for very lit tle mouev. Riding, luggy and farm bridles, halters, whips, all at the very lowest prices. They are agents for J. 1. Nisscii wagons. Shelby & llailey, the phot -graphers, have opened a branch gallery at J'ynuin, and for 10 days only, will be pleased to sme thp people of that community. Mr. liaih'V will remain at l'llts boro ami attend to ,tny work de sired, while Mr. bhoiliy is at By n. i in. Don't you want a tr"o.l threshiuiT nou'liine this year? Try the "(reiser,"' they are the best, AV. L. London .V S hi are agents. Send in your orders for rep iirs, so will have them in time. Th.y have full stock of plows, stocks, double shovel pious, ail kinds o! plow steels and castings. There was a bin white frost and some ice yesterday morning, which, it is feared, has killed most of the fruit ami damaged all vege tation. It was about as heavy a frost as was ever seen here so late in the season, 'there was a con siderable frost here, iu 1S91 so late as the (Uh of M i.y, but it was not as heavy as yesterday s trust. I Did you ever hear of a dour I committing suicide? And yetj that was done last week bv a dogj belonging to Mr. Fred. S. Hill, of this place. He had tied the cloy i in the stable hum night, and next I morning it was found hanging dead. It had tried to jump over the cros piece between two stalls, and the rope out caught and sus pended the dog in the air. Tho LtdieHsay it is a pleasure to do their trailing at Hynuui A Headen's. They have the best atock of dress yoods nd trini luiuys in town, and their clerks are so pleasant, and know how to help you select your yoods. Their milliner, Mrs. Home, can suit you in . I at and she appreciates "her friends buying their hats of her. Why not encourage home talent. We arp pleased to lenrn that at last one public, school district in this couut has raised the neces sary teu dollars for a library. This district is No. 4 iu Matthews township, around Mt. Vernon Springs. The county will now appropriate ten dollars and the State ten dollars, as provided by an act of the late Legislature. No school iu an incorporated town can yet a library under this law. If any other district wants a li brary it should rais. its 10 at once and notify the county board of education without delay. r-UUSONAL ITKMS. Messrs. 15. Nooe Jr. and Jacob Tho iipson are attendiny the Grand Lodge of KuiyiiU of 1'yth i.is at Greensboro. On last fli'ir-idiv night a pleas ant " p ."Uidiiis.' " was yiveu Kev. .1. il. Fi iz.e.iie, the popular pastor of tue l'ittsboro circuit. Messrs. ormuti A. Jones, O. H. Dorset t iih.i H. L. Dixon will be jurors nt tint Federal court iu iUleiyh, May 2tu. pr.OF. dynvm vindicated. 'I'Iip lioinv friends of our former will bo please.l to learn that the 4 ..i i ;ui (,.. l whelmiiiLr mnioritv. has fullv vin- dicated him and censured his un- iust rem jval bv the trustees of the University of Arkansas. And the circuit were represented, ex t hereby "hanysatale" that ab- cept .Moneuift ai'd ion. horbed inore attention at the re-1 A resolution was unanimously cent session of the Arkansas Ley- adopted to build a new parsonage islature than any other matter , at l'ittsboro, and a buildinir corn that was considered by that body, niitteo was appointed composed In 1S9S Dr. I'.ynuni was unaiii-'of Messrs. William J. Womble, mously elected Professor of Fny- John Uarrinyer.' llezehiah Hen lish and modern lanyuatres in the ; derson, Henry C. Steadman, Kufus University of Arkansas. This ; I!. Clcyy, J. D. Womble and John election was made without any ; 11. Foushee. It is proposed tocx application on his part, and thojpend about S".V) on this work, lirst intimation ho had was a tele- j which sum will enable the com riam ask in r him to accept. He in it tee to put up a very comforta- did accept, and so much pleased with h.m were the trustees that he was re-elected in S!)'. and ayain in June, 1H00. Immediately after Ids re-election last year 1'rof. livinim went to Europe in order to spend his vacation in furthersttidy. On his return in September he was shocked to learn that at a special mcetiny of the trustees, held a few days before, they had removed him without yiviny any reason, lie at once demanded an explanation of such an injustice reinovintr him in his absence and without yiviny him a heariny but neither the president of the board of trustees nor any member would jjive him any explanation nor state any of t lie alleged grounds of removal. Indignant at such an outrage Dr. Hynuin determined to appeal to the people of Arkansas through their Legislature. Accordingly when that body met last January he demanded an investigation, al though he was a comparative stranger and his opponents were men of influence. A committee of investigation was appointed and t hey took evident".' amounting to 5t)0 type-written panes. The mat ter attracted much attention throughout the State and great interest was manifested. Finally on the 11th of this mouth the House of representatives, bv the decisive vote of (i-ltoll, passed the following : "Whereas, The evidence in tin investigation into the manner and causes of the removal of Dr. Frnest T. Mvnuni from his posi tion in the faculty of the Univer sity of Arkansas September 15, l!ll)t), has revealed the fact thai Dr. Dynum was re-elected by the hoard of dilutees in June, 1!M, to till the chair of Knglish and mod ern languages for the year ending June HO, 1:101, after his fitness, Ids quaiilieat ions and his previous conduct and re. old iu the Univer sity had been coiisideicd ; and "Whereas, A meeting of the hoard of trustees was called for i he 15th day of September, 1 '.!('.. for the purpose of removing him. while he was returning from l'.u iop - to enter upon his duties in tiie University, at a tune when he could not be present to answer my complaints that may have b-en urged against him; and "Whereas, The evidence further shows that Dr. liynum had done nothing between the time of his re-election and that of his removal which could be construed as in any way d 'f riniental to the inter ests of the University; and "Whereas, Dr. Dynuin's ability and efficiency as a scholar and as a teacher have never been brought into question, now, therefore, be it "Uesolved. by the House of Representatives, That we do not approve of the action of the board of trustees in removing 1 r. liy num. and we trust that such ineth- ls of procedure will not, in the; 1 e aUolvelop,,! lands last January were above resohttioits were also X in . 1. ........ - passetl ast weew oy ue.A.Kat.M.e.. ii 1 1 ... 1 ... ..1 rieliaie oy lite ovei w tieiiti oil: ih-i - 1 i.l i.. i'.. of 11 to it. And thus was Dr. lv- . 1 1 1. 1... nil 1 n fully vindicated it has been a I. 111. r nit. I fiYli..ll l C'i Ilte.sl till him, but its result amply repays hiiii. lie is exoectetl here next month on a visit to his parents,, The legislative investigation disi-losetl that lr. liynum had been removed through the false evidence, anil malice of one of the trustees, upon whom he had re fused to vote to conter the tlesrree i HMTintiiT.' eoMeiiMi-NTi-i). A ( HATIIAMITf. C'OMri.IMr.NTI-.I). It has always "iven Tilt: Ui:coiiI) pleasure to note any compliment i-ii.1 n Clnithtmite whether white iffil i o witl sure I t t t e Wiiisto.V- S en tS5 londmi! of the Char- h.tte Observer states that, at the .i ;..,,.,i ,..o-,.ii.i..i l,fil,l Tlie.'.. Ist. week. Dr. J. L. M. Cur- rv P!id a hinh compliment to n....t! ; L-in metii.li.iif of the Slater Normal ami liulustnal College Dr Curry said he rt- o-ardetl Wof. Atkins as only sec- m,.l I,, Mook. r Vashini2toii. inean- ... iii.rfh.it these two are the most intellectual men of their race in !'" " ' uncommon occ... the South rence for a sportsman to nag 50 This was high praise indeedaml ;t ...... ... fi-iini it nt.. it source, ior ii.'... t. ...V (I.a iiinul ilin. i m. i.tiri v i .ui-.i ii.v ...w.-t ..... at ttaywooti, in iius t'"im, ni has always had the respect and confidence of the best white ,.eo- p'.e. He has set a good example which we commend to others of his race for emulation. Instead of fooling with politics and fol- lowiin-ollUv-seekingdeuiairogiiert. l.e has" devoted himself tothoed - ucution and bt tteruient of his race. tiu-uishetletlucators of the South. 'f "'anton aestruction. I ney win Prof Vtkins was born and reared doubtless go the way of the buf . i it.: .....1 fill. i after a tew more years. Qi'AUTK.itiA' coMiatF.NCE. The re.nilur (iiiarterly confer - h'hiiirlio.mui the l'ittsboro circuit was held lust n'i,i,! :v ,J I'l. , muni Hill eliiiieli x miles west, ol l'ittsb(1ro.,':A hamrhter of Adam," a shot - Khler Ii. K. Hull wns'sb-ry which l.e has written lor and all the. churches on j The Ladies' Home Journal. 1 o about six 1'residin present ble and modern buildiny. Alessrs. A. u. tieatien, uma I'erry, J. D. Womble and James 15. Womble were elected deleyates to the district conference, which will he held at l'ittsboro on the 25th of July. This was the. first quarterly conference held in the handsome new church, built last year at Pleasant Hill, and on Sunday it was formally dedicated by I'msid-in-Lider Hall. BANK OK l'lTTSIiOIIO. All the capital slock, that was desired, has been subscribed for the proposed bank at this place. Indeed so great was the confidence expressed in its success that a good deal more was subscribed than was desired, and seeral of the subscribers did not get as much stock as they wanted. The articles of association have been prepared and have been signed and probated by nearly all the subscribers, and will be sent in a few days to the Slate Treas r rer, as required by the banking act enacted at the recent session of the Legislature. The name se lected for the bank is the " Dank of l'ittsboro," and it will be the first and only bank ever establish ed iu this county. It will not be organized and ready for business until the middle or last of June. The stockholders are some of the best business men of this county. Among- them are Messrs. W. L. Lmid A. J. Dviium, I'. C. l'oe, It. T. Chat. in. M. T. Williams, 15. Nooe, R. II. Hayes, II. A. London, James 15. Atwater and William J. Womble. Mr. John M. Od.dl, of Concord, and Mr. J. W. Jackson, of Chicago, are also two of the largest stockholders. Letter from fesas. Fort Worth. T.-x . Apr. 'JO, 11)01. LiiM'on Rkcokm: Would von know and feel some of the thrill ing excitement which stirred the Ihcaits of the " f or ty-n iners, come to lexas. In olln-es, tlie lobbies of hotels, (n the streets, iu every town of Texas, men are talking oil, forming companies, buying and selling oil stock. Per haps two hundred companies for dewdopiug the lieamnolit Oil Fields have already been charh'i ed, and new ones are springing into existei.ee every day. The i'vidity with whn-h the stock is taken is lvmai liable. Yesterday one man lit re disposed of all the salable stock of one company, 20il,ooo shares in a few hours, Fortunes ate made in a day. 1 hear of one of our citizens who has already cleared S0,Ol( iu oil speculation. I'eauniont, before the discovery of oil in the vicinity, was a town of about ten thousand inhabitants. It lies in thecxtremo southeastern part of the State, about I550 miles from Fort Worth. It is in the lumber and rice region. I ink . f ,.i y.i ,,.! ;; ,1(,' . , . , il!)ni)1(liat till llllJ HUH I" I t '. ...... '.-' -' - 11 1 1 c Iieiehborhootl ot ' - , . iliie. n.iiiii.-. the big gushers can now liartllv He iiotigni at an : . . . 1 1.......1 ,1 . w hen we consider that several of these iru-slicrs spout many thous- ami barrels daily. Lands more remote brill.' fabulous prices, too. I notice ut the n.orii.iig papei the record of twenty reid estirte trans- actions therein which lie con- sitler:ttion variett lroin ?ioo pet. acre to Jl.ninr, i muc lu.iiu oi ii.- r . .. . I I l .. I . . I . t j ! tie ureeu bugs which prey on their; l'V i i V wiieat ileitis, in nean.y in ioc.-ui- ties they have appeared .and in some counties have eaten thej fhls bare, and then vvinged their; way northward in such swarms as . to obscure the sun. It is thought that the late rams will bring ou these fields so that they may yet ; y'll ' (,1'ul- The plover a bird vvhich nil- " rates i rom Mexico ami 1 ucat.in i.- i.. r.... ..i. ...n.-i io o. int.- ii . .n., r- ..i.. ..... young, is now here in force, ami the hunters are having rare sport. They cannot be appvoacht .l on foot, so they are hunteil in velnc io too iu a smgie nay. i .an, nave none nenei limn iinu, nim Olllv StolMK d because of the folly ,. .., . 1 yr V'" , ' ' ' . niost p-os,,erous m tue histo, o lexas (,ood (Tops and good prices iii.eui.m ...t .... - i.,, . or swelled their bank accounts. A stimulus has been gm u to every enterprise and we aro hoping lor a continued prosperity, ll- ,J- 1 I 121 Generations Since Adam's iTirac. ! Alfred J udsoif lrshtT, theClii- cii-( histoiiun. lias wow-n the hisrhly interesting results i o-iii-aloeieal invest lgat ion traces the heroine of his romance (in real life a well-known l'hila- .1.J..I.,., .,., tiro t. v l :l;L' In Adam.'establishiiigwitli corrobor-jCanby ative detail every link in the lon genealogical chain. He brings to light the fact that there have been one hundred and twenty-one gen erations of the human family, be ginning with Adam. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of tine millinery at 1(!5S Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: '-During lite late severe weather I caught a dreadful coht which kept me awake at night ami made me unlit to attend my work through the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a severe cold nt the time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I . . L I liegau to improve ai once, j am , now enliieiy well ami leel very pleased to acknowledge its mer its." For sale. by G.lt. l'illungton. Two Engines Swept Away. Dfiulder, Col., April lft. ..-A ter rible accident occurred to-day, on the Colorado Ar- Northwestern road near this city. Two big en gines nttached to a passenger train coming from Ward to IJoidder wen? struck by a huge snow slide and hurled into the cliasm below. Four trainmen were killed. The defeated Republican candi- X1 trie!. "asl";;':!:1 at Sxg ul was decided in favor of th( Democratic incumbent 'without Ids introducing a single witness, although tli plaintiff had exam ined sity. Do not leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem edy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be procured while you are on board the cms or steamship. Il is pleasant, safe ami reliable. For sale by li. 1!. I'ilkiiijjton. Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch to the War Ollicc. under date of Pretoria, April lM, says: "Since my la.st report, the flritish col umns haveciiptiireil J-12 prisoners, 21S rilh-s, some ammunition and wagons and carts. A few men al so have surrendered." Figures received at the State Department show that the total number of foreign missionaries killed iu China during the recent distui bunci s, including the chil dren, Wits Mi. Of these 28 adults and S children were Americans. AVithitt the past 12 months sev- j eial liuiitUftl negroes nave gui.e fiom ( ireensboro to work on rail roads in Virginia and in coal mines in Weld Yhginia. Many of them were disappointed ami re turned ttt the iirst opportunity. lit iorts from tho country sui- rounding Montgomery, Ahtb;ima,: indicate that a great ileal of tin j cotton which w.-is u) has been j killed by the present cold weather, j At Albany, in South (iooigia, reports estimate the datnage - cotton at Til) per cent, autl that; watermelons and canteloupes hae been iujuretl 25 per cent. I (.Jen. J. S. t'arr has gone to Memphis to make arrangements for the entertainment of the North Carolina Confederate Veterans at the reunion. TW tUiry lnm.,,.mlS) ; ,,,lV8il.iails and two lawyers , .,-'.' t VrilMm C(ll)lt hast , , ..: it.,,;,. i;tV11S(. . . . . taxes. the Cough and Cold. Works off the J.j ' , J-"1"1" - lets cure a com in one ua.. ,.ulv, no pay. Trn-e 25 cents. - The eoiumande," o the Irenclt troops in China, has iiitorn.etl (ieneral Cha.lee tWml .-ch soldiers will leaxe ( haul in M.. . I If troubled by a weak digestion, ! juss ,,f ..q.petite, or constipation. li e ji few tloses ol Chamliei lam s ... ... i. ii : 'i'..i.i.f. i. -..i-i nKiiu.-ii'iiiiiiuiiiin bo warranted, l or sale by O. It. I'ilkingtoii. . . The regular session of the North Carolina State Hoard of Medical Examiners will be held in lur- i11UOj N c i)0irlllU beginumg May lntl . . To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Ibonio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money i if it fails to cure. 1',. V . (Irove's signature is on each . boy. TfcU tiirnnturo l on wry ho ot tbo Kouiiino Laxative BroraoQuinine Tabieu tbo rtmeilr that cnrvl n cIJ la one day Bank Otiiccrs Committed Suicide. Vancouver, Wash., April '21. j Charles Drown and i'l L. Can by, of a president ninl cashii r, respec'ive into' lv. of the First National Hank, f this city, whirl, was peml v.-..t. riii.v, commit Ml s.i.enle last n.yht t wo mi.es ,-.m. here Their bodies were found this morning. Doth' used the same weapon and : evidently died lost as the revolver vas found in Drowns hand. Fa -It put the muzzle of the j revolver in his mouth and blew i the top of his bead oil'. There was rihi.TV of snow ut'Of CiotliCS tlUS KHiZlS U HO, WO tnTco;."::!:! thvm all wtj'Ics "and oriccs. jureil tlie triU'Kiuur uueresis. KW AIJYKIITINKMKNTS. 2 A ND SAL ;!.S;.;i!are ihu best goods we have ever H ivrnaii 'I S:il,l llll'l l' AM'llll- ..ii iit- il trlM II trv IM'.IV. I Jl-l.-ri'. U 'lit' Ill i... i,f . 1. : 1 . .1 I un fniimv in 1 iu.- 4.v.i. I r.nl. "ii TCUlixV. il"- e i ii. mil. .' 1 iiiicmri i:i.u-i' ir iu uitKi N. c . il- r fr Mil.-1- In- I Itf'n -1 I.M-i-Hi- Inn. I -1 11 I In Mtl iii..i-.i: i t A 111-1,11.. . I.-.IK III- If -I' Il I .III I 'I ' I'' IT i I'l.ilni-s I.U..I. 11.ii .lnea ili" i.'iirli- I .1 . 1:1.1. I 1. 11I iiiii-ik, II. k-iiLIi ir in a s 11U-.-in-l 1..I1.1-. 1 ! II I 11- X" it -.I) IHIIii.ll I'll-: ui II III. M,i i:. , I III'. (p. II: I.-.I . I-. 1 Ilk-. H Ii" I'll wl.ll n. i.l. I11. lei- . Ii". : Mi.- "li i..iii'i 1:1, ihi'inn lv- I "111 Hi- M-IIM Hi- I "i'"i ilro i; 1 1.. I'. i i nk in .1. 11. I hi -' I'l." II VMii.tli v : I : i C.l'-s-.i.V Im- I- .l.t : '. Ii U'lllUllll!, iJ.Hllllli.l'.li! "J a -I'-. 'I'nl'i x I-ll Ii- itHti J w. mi-i i in-, WnM Ai K k II 1VU-, l iiiMlinr, A. .Vi-t.i'jTi'. AND SALE. Iv virtue of the ! r i ri Klv.ii In Hi.-1 ' I'l -'ii'l iiniaiiii-nt I . M. Ii yr... I win ..11 s.vli'iiHY. a,.- H I. i-y ..r jwv. iwii, hi Hi ri ii..ii---i-r 111 l-i -... s :..'. iT.-v : 1 .(! I"ii ililriy iw.i.i.'i.'f -I 1-111,1 in I'unr 111-k l.. . .-.Inn. I I intiani N. C, n iiciiiK iliui t-el inn 11,-li' ny I'l.n-ii- 1 in. I 11..1 -. 11V1 vi-'l In a ! -I -f ni.-CK-ii:- ' V--T -I I.y .1 l-.li Mirili- In A. M. M' ln '- "M H.- ''!i I lai-i.l I -I.. IC'.-J, 111 .1 n-fl.-u l-il III II- I'liV- - I I ni'l i-r i a Ii '! i-.i.i -. limy in I k 1 . I... .in- i.'.'.i. Mil. I ii-.-. I ..I 1i11.ra.11u- i'. x ..' li' ..-rli.-ni inn -I il.- i-ai'l in.. I- t . in.--1,1 li. 1-iini-1 l iI'K'-oi 1 in- i..i:..w-: II." I.lh'l -I A II 11: r-0 llll-l -a. -M. iVllihlt". .11 Mu!;- a. .1 ." lin-i 111 Ma'-I;'-. II11-. i -i" I .11.- 11. I 1 i rv Mill-li.n llili' l:a l - l' in 1 it Lai-. .11 li Ull I .1. .,V ...,- I" II i.-riui. i.-rni-. 1" i-h. v.ei . I, 11 VI., A l T. .f J.- April -N I '.i"l. : 1 . i.liiilni, '" I'lliilli .1 M . V-IVlVllK. 1 x lll-'l- A. Ali'll.lJ re AND SAM-'.. virtue of an ::r u::;::: ; 1. 1. 1. r 1 ni- 1 li-e liaiti li 1.1I1 .lay 1.1 May. !-.'ii. -ir-r f-r b i.eii-hltfli -rt l.i.l l-i- ai tl 'iir. ii .11 ..-.r In 1 1'.i. .I--. N. c., it irii.-l -I Inn. I l.i i'lni.l.iiiii -I. iniii In I'. ,.- 11- n's .iwiiiiIi. tu-i-'ii.iiit.i; 111 u 1- 1 -IiiK'Ih In Am-rli'iis V 'ii!i-iii;-"ii'.. Inn- 1111111I11 -1-1 iiiili Iiih ti Mi -a I s 1.1 I II' ki 1.. V-r- I Itm'n Hi-. Hun s. 11.I1 la .I. t-i.-ii- -ii.-i i-li.'ilns 1 ,-in.l ." Ili.ki. 11. i' ..'k plii-iiii-l i-.lii'.-f. M ifa ii'h j -"ii i-r. ili-i-'i- H'.nili wi i-.n--.-. i-i.ti null M.-i-I Can's III,- 7 i hillll-. llll.l smi link- !. .--s' ...'ik M t I pii.-f. .-..iiii-r, ilii-i n'li '1 'li -'i 1 i.-li hi .-. t. a fiissiiir.-ii'.i M.-mHii ait. I Ivilt.i' -..ri.-;-. iln-n- i ) H. ii.iti 1 .'hnlti an.t 1 liiiK- I-tal; il.-i:i!i Hint ; t.i :ti .'tiitiii'. an I -1 links ti. miik- snii-s -..i-i.. r j li.-l lll tt 1 11 .ll.s nil i" links in III- l.-Kllllllll.', - 11- j i.-iliiiiii! iili-ut .in ii-r-s. '1 I ins "ii li'il! - .mi. i-i- 1 iiial.i I-r 111 six in.in:lis l.r-iri-l layai-lil Mi I. -iif llit-li sl. Tills April Cii, '.'.i-'I- j 11 It. IIAVI.S, I'.illllllli'S.I'.ll-r. AT xi7CIi:EI'3 STORE RALlilGI I, N. C. SATIH V ft 811 Srll CM .TwUiiMliU Sl 24 inches wide SI.O0 s yd. SPLEnDiD FIRM QUALITY. IMciulid tigtnvs f.UK-y clu-ncrs, I Jt .iclif-.! t 'g-.ira- c.):w a mbi-i nations tlie seas m's uv -st Jjsir.iMe shades of L ine, ';olc!, (ir.iv, Ian; l-osi', Old Uxc, Kcst-.l.t a.-.d Htlia tropc. ihese Silks surpass any and all. in (act, arc i-xlraordiiiai v valtu's. I'tHttbits .V ctAHKs. Always a full stock of materia! on hand for a!i kinds of Spectacle i t Oil i i s. Send your broken glasses foi repairs and prices. If my prices don't suit you glasses will be returned iit luy cpelise. If your eyes need attention let me hear from you. LYES lxamini:i 1111:11 Doctor of ricfr.u t ion, C'llAILL HILL, N. C. j i Eyc-Glas ai:i Spectacles ! NEW - W. L LONDON k SON'S. Do yon iastesnl iKiyiog1 a suit d . . .x . Wnw NSO S3ss!ks Ltt. I t a. .a had lor the naosaey. Ouv stock rof Black susts im extra at 3, 4, 5 iSace Sasse of coats and vests, asid our stoeE of extra pants are tSae best we have ever had. A .4 . '0JWftf IM1 S I tb218it &4MHI Qlil Milllt " - IIP :j'sell for ft5 in anv market. You we are always leaders in clothing We have suits from 85e. io five dollars. If you have Eiot seeis our stock of shirts you are missing a good deal, e 'e ry s ty I e, every price. Ail the new style collars, cravats, hows. ties. nv fiiats and fur are complete and prices are lower than we have ever had. We can dress jou from head to foot for less money and in hetter stvle than it can he done at any other place. luEEP A BANK ACCOUNT with Tin: Commecciai and Farmers Bank Ilfili'Sffii Cacli Capital and. Svuxpl-as, $120,0CC.C0. .3ts O-vTr j. X-Xall 'lillicn J .cilars. J. J. Thomas Ai.f A. Thompson. I'.. S. .Ir.KMAN lli:i:f.i.i;T Jai iu SxixTToirs a t ti.n-int; .,mln. .1 None i: X.-.-iiti ef Ilh' l;tM will ninl l-s'ain-1,1 "I .l..s.'-h I.. In. un-. .II. ...I. I ln i I.y (tit- I1..1I l" all i -i.iis li-Mlim' -lalllls ajiiliiM s.ll I -- ai- . i r.' l.' Ilii'lli I" llit til y Hil'h 'Ii'i-hi-I i. n "f ',',,l- il ,-:ii.l -lay i.t rll -. -J.. "I- 'his i. .ti - iV'.l I - .. h. II. I' ll- i.l 1 1 1 . 1 1- n -o.v-iy. Ail -i - i.-In!. I. . I l...-a.,i--tlti- liliisi nrik-l.ll'lu-.lial ' a i ti'.. il l- A I'll -.1 1 I'.' 1. uiti-.i ii iavu ts n. Always ttt hand a lot ol Litimlocr, oil and uiidivssO'J. Also I'raiu ing at'.'! Sliiitulos. Ui lis cut to tinier. A Mij jdy ol' and OOiCllrCtsw iiUviiys on liaiid. from S2 to SKH in liitce. ilc live rot 1 at any lime, either day or night. B. NOSE JR. 3?itts"bcrc, -T. C 1'eU mm im mi. mmmmM 1VSS- i i i are s I.. These is extra large chea, wc have them 7, to 12 0 dollars. for 75c. PANTS uotn fin straw v. c. .rresid.-i:f -I'reiident .Vi Cashier ist.int (.'aslder .A YpoliTCACi: SAhl!: IU ,ji. ,.1 j, !ni-lpi, OX-i'U !.v Mi- 1 l.'y W. .1. Hi van at,, 1 wit- m. . !tr mi t. Hi-, iui-1 rils'i-r' -1 mi j. ,j:n . In lj..k "C A" In Hi- "ill m I'm i-.'u'i'- -i -.1' it s nf Cli.-iil.nin -..limy, I -ii, si a ti-r -mil III til Ill I II-'II-,' ilnnr III I Llnlinm, Il i-M'. liliW. Ill- I'll iliiy nt May. I'.ill, Hi- lai t .l,-:-.-i li. ,1 ii, s,i m-ricai:-. s:iu:ii-.! In Wllll'iins ;..v.-i s!,ii, ii'lj i 1 1 1 1 1-iim l.-,iiilx..r I.-uls llarwi.i.-l an t .Mir I l.llls ninl nlli-l-s, ill. . I I'-iiiiiIlili ui al ,ni iniai'i-s. N. CI.Ali. , A pill 4. l'.illl. rvit.. n;ul Ti j.!c-Mark o'r.ait.w. and 1.1 l rut titiriiii. (-ati 'iiit'."! f ir MonnATt Frt3. Our. Or.-ict 11 Opposite U 3. Patt.t o. Tier Hill WC I .111 1 ri ..'il' lit 1,1 IchS lilUO lil'll. ll-'-O rr.iiiiu? fi'.m V.i-li;n.M, n. hind in- H. ilifmi: it .linir.. with lie- r'i tion. Wr ,;vii-, if .' -iii'il.ip -r i.t.t fi-'i t' Ci:". f: Oar (, (.- r,,l due nil j.iin-nt is -i-nrr.l. A PiM.rii.tT. "ll'.w t.iOlilsi.i I'l-t-nt-." with raaio- i-f u m il (',:. ' iu jo-.t iui'.-.c- '-i o." luiiii, tf.u fi.-c. ..i,:rt-ss. P P1-HT WllH IHGTOH. - BtV MM -W BUIt. Bait Can be prcsoivcd, ii' vuu." eyes arc proneilv cared ihr It you arc iiii.d-lL- to isit i ur epticd jutlicc and consult or-' v-"' lis' will send you a simple ni.'Miod ior j testing yoiiv eyes at honie, r :. e 'ceipt "I a po.-tal card. )K. S. b" API "OKI , ( till 1.MJ31. I ) iu h 'in. N. C.

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