3 8. evr THURSDAY, - JuiicT?, 11MH. II. A. LONDON. Editor. The fiiHt volume of tin; Sk t-ln-s of North Carolina's Keuiiiifi'ts lias at lust been published, mul the others are guaranteed to be i n I -lished before next January. These Volumes arc ordered to It published at tin1 State's expense : j,( -j---i;os ly an act i f tin' J.'i; islature of : (.st (.;t ;,.s . 18!t'.), aiul ly an art of the last ! .... .-, ,!,,. Legislature must I e comnhted Tia: census returns of PO'.i sJiu' that neui ly one-half : IT 1 p. rceni of thf people of the t'nited Slate 1 : v in ii rporaiitl cities ai: towns. lint in North Carolin thi' proportion is much less, 1 i 1 1 only 17. -1" it. New York I: ; tin' largest urban J ; ; ; 1 1 : . t ion, I1. ing 77. (I per cent, w hi'-' M ississie pi ll.'lS the smallest. oi.lv ! 1.7 j'e 1'Cllt. Thelo arc Ittl cities. each i-.;i fl population of '."), UI'U it :.;o:i w hii-li -o!ii:.i:i ;:n age i ' . ate ' p. I sons. '1 ho si v !.;... ml td.-ir o..;.;;! a: :.-. in;,, ;;.!:;.. . V.arttstfi'a letter. H ';;!'. I clefs la: n ture I a:t-rics. .-.- 1 1 I i 'I ! i -.fl.. ti 'i-IM-.'l . 'li'H li it;,. OI.-..-I ,-r. v . . .i ... : i i. . i - I .ma! i-,.. :..?:iv.. a ., u. .Mill the cost of I'.iiitii,- down toa '- me s;.: .-a;.'. : r r- ; : I i o I :.;:..: inc! ;, n m 'I. u : l im ,. lis latest otter of its v ..'-: ' t'-l .o t:: - ! :. !: nm. i' : ag!i i -'mi, .v l ., as t V.M . ,,!,!c ,...usi.a..-r-mn fflfp MB E - - Mucli IVaJiiiK fur Little Money. i1:..' Ni-.v Yoik YVujIiI has eot ('.r El? ' ma.:.' " '.' . as i am . ,...u-.ik.o, ,. ;, .-, is ,. . , ... . , ,, , i.. i.o.o!i:.i- !!. i. : . . . . .. . . -aa co preserved, u vour ut r. .:r!vi::. v : ioii m: : a ;i iu-n . , . . n. us,: u uoai no .'in. r r u;. - itiVi . i ) , I. l! IS .1 I . . . : . I . , . . . . . - - M J 1 1'"1- 'i'' 1 ! 1 v-"- - '" (ov a. 'I i !,, iv. !i;c J ,!. , , , :. ; v , ,.; ; ;., ., , ;.,):,,, 11 .Vl'l! i'-!V luuhe to visit our i.ptu-a. .a:: v...ik V. .:. it 11 a-:- 1 a.rs ;. i.ooiil i ! 1. ,:..,. f ti... .;p (:.;:.!. 1 : --w tia-ii- iit., , , , ,,. ii is v. ill -v;l you ;i simple mclhoj for. i;k 11,1 " !v '" is thr !. sr .- ni..:.,- iti,l..,i' l,v all c-.-ipt of a postal e.nl. al.i- I n.i 1. ; . 1 ' ! !., i"or::;.i r art. 'fi:..- .I;-.! ti:..t v. ;.;:. -i f :!:. 1 I :!ut aikl eo:!.-u!t our specialist, v.e i rag!xv,.w1..jvjjg.w 1 i iul'l; lloi.l, s . t!:;.t 1 p:a ;:. t-,' !; a;.i .1 ia ipiaiay of it.soi.o-ii this year. The sketch or history p'j;,, -. of each ri'iment is written hy one ! ( of its suriors aiul illustrated ; 1,(1'.:, I'i.i! 1 !: .. co .i.ii::s 1 ii s of 1 'ii :.lh e, ,o.e, a :v.'.:!;:ie, t r. or i.iinu.M, 1 hnli.uu, N. ('. lis with electrotypes of a few 1 officers and men. This tirst volume contains tiiel Jiistories of the first sixteen re: i-1 ments fin iiished liy this Srateto' I'dneia the t'onfederacy, together wit'i :t 1;t : J'1 ; most interesting" histoiy of ti e j ' ': oreanizatioii of our troops wriiten j U i ,,, ly Maj. A. (ioli'loli, w ho w as A.lju- Ls t i.i- 1 tmit-(ieileral Martin's cl.ief-o!- J . : iie!. statf. This history liy Maj. lio!-i tlon is one of the most n!ual.;e .' 'j'.'.'l.'. contributions to North t'ai:'li':a'- . ' war reconl that lias er loi imblisheil, and iii-ht to l.e ie iriiitod in iani lilet form ! 1 . wider circulation. lie iLiivi; shows that North t'.-.r. !i;:a 1.0 only put more troops i:i tin- I'u ii than any other S,.ulhi'ni S:;.!e but that they wi re I i 1 1 r :.i :: 1 . and equipped and better clotiii! Not only was North I'aroln.a ti only Southern .State that fun;is!:eii flothin for its troops dui ii:-- 1 1 - entire war, but she also furnishi-ii elothiuir for troops from oti..'i states. Juduo Walter I'lark is the edi tor of these regimental ski t !. , and our State is due him a debt of everlasting gratitude for Lis im-tirin.e-ctl' irts in this e-ood work, which would have appalled a:. other man. This fii'st volume is very neatlv bound, V ith pictures of tiiedm J'ederate and North Carolina !ki,; on the back, .-U'd very appropri ately tlu; bindiiiij' is of a ray color. ;.: d 1 aliimoii There :;ie cities a pi-pu!at:..u of Hie,. .. . - co . .t i.. 1 ; .! . . tt , ;',! . .1. : .. . ... ..; 1 ; . . .. .; ta-tio.t .i;.,t f .eu stor es f-Zor.cy Snvcc! is Honey t:::.;.s i;;;.i;il an I c; nous, L.ac'O. i!.. .: 1. '. t'.er m; ; ; ii o 1 .e . ri '.; ti e re.-;i'.i. of .- -U i.iii'.e W'e all shoiikl trv to save. If voti id. V.. Ya. . eao.i i:..s just !-, t i;e 1 f 1 ;. i oi v. a: ' i'.ii;o; lal ieii vs. ! s .;!.,: , i . c !.iri! 'ii' i s ' 4' V laell al.ii wo- 1 i.. s.'.ve r.iotiev 0:1 '!'!.; it.-. . ,. ,, r T n eae.i j :!.!.! a !:;!.- : ; o. o;' ti.e tj,i ..t .'.mied ; v 1 ; :-.:i of ti e i..oa... i.t in j w 1 . . -t' .w . lela'e I ! I i I i , t ! e low i : ,:.ot1:' r ;. : pi .:. ..: . iiie lit la:..' !... .! -1 I ... ! ... .: ;e. ,s Jo,' ti.e ..Di.ihlv I o...; lo.-o'ns.. oi-ne.k ' j j '.o .V 1 ..ik Vel..i Wli! send : '. ....... . ; o! il.a- i e'..?papi r- :. . . . , o :'.l . : ' a .el t . : : '. . .'. ..." ; . . World,; r1, W , fi fy !'!:'; is the pl.uv for von to buv. " i ! '.:;;:;:.:; .. ..J ; ::r:jca. ' 1 I ... ,: a i.i.n:!" r ',:,, I i-.,.. v . Me-.iii are ir.vi'.evl to ::ct our! u ;. s :. i a i'.ie :. .io itre- an j.'es. l.o.'Js n,.U1 .it b.l;-;; gse po-;s eh for caf.h ' a. i -:a : a: I i:'' , .'. i'i.e I ,.a,. ; ..... . S'd , .. is n.t! . t v. .. 4 . ; -9 ii.T t : ::. ! : v as ( ':' vys i. .. :". t-tVia; , V '' n ! tiUJlLL-uli. 1 ! Ii. V;,.::;:; St., V i lilidi, . c. tld- w , "e ' :. i. : a;' I t..W:.-. lively Citizen of Chatham County oii.lit to subscribe fnr TMIi RKCOItD. I'OK MiAKI.Y mm-m years ., : ' i An iu.'ident occurred at tlie re-: CPut meeting: of the National Iidi torial Association, at ihifi'alo, that was very gratifying to the .Soulh cruers who were ueKi'nt. It oceurreil at the baiaoiet -ivi i. by the Directors of the Kxposia. ;, to tho editors, which w as attended by nearly a thousand p'.-sain, many of them beiu very pn nd ueut pahlie oilicials. anio;;-- them beinjjf Hon. John Hay, the S. en tury of State of the I'nited Sutes. Hpeeclit's were made by S. civtai v Hay and others, in response j,, calls from the toasiniaso r. 'i i only ex-Confederate soldi. -r eaii. d on for a speech was the editor The llitn !:i, who eulo -ia.d ti:.- South aial theCoufi d.eratevoi.ii, ; y, and whin he sat down the i ....a struck up the soiil-stirria n !. -of "Disi..!" and the entire aani:. :., , most of whom were Nori'n rn pie, instantly arose to tlairt-. t and i'litkusiasticaily appla .-i. ', -the tlleU cheerilie- and tiieiad;. waving their handkerchiefs. No Southern audience could Law lieen mere iletnonstrative. All Southerners present I i-l.lynppn -tuated iiuii were much gr.it itied at this compliment paid, their section ly so intelligent an audieiav of Northerne'.'s, for it was ,-. na .-i significant proof tii.it si ! ioi,a!i.-:a has been obliterated. Seele:.:i llay hiiiistif v.as the li:st of the many, who graspe,; ti:e la.;: ! of the speaker and extended congratulations. " d'ke 'i'ia: tti. j ; - . .v.. j-.fc.. . .1V( tt1 3 la every town H L and xilh-c "S? may oc had, ,TIIE KKC01J!) CCU3L D.'dlY St.r.'IC-I ilia- : utmost for the lest ill M'.'i o n i-:v' u:k. .t.u-M.-o! ciuthum. TA.MI'A. ATLANTA. NKYV OU-J i.ii 'li'.S - to i ( '1 N'J'S s-. v i'ii . v v. i-'-s r ! . r i i i.e i-nt f a 1 i ..nr. w.is 1. . i.;:, . v v v. ' . V-S) t. y kA4 i W I ! that makes your jjj horses ulad. fi d I ; d , ilij,. ; t i i v ..-t-i AliD ON' I' VV cu k.:.k it-s; j !;'.) uplift .''.oittitjount!. 1 ,i'v I'.alv ' . N-v '.i n. l:. Ii. i.' am l.'w" ., I.v v.i.-. ii 1. 1. s. I.. l" e. j.in i . ii I ! .i .a !i. . A. I.. 10..1 j i,i ii o ii Ia -v. : ... 1'- leu M I. . ii . v l . :. .. . n ;' 1" ei! J 1'. t in 1 . . . -'. " 4 1 II .o . ill i . .. 1 ::. .-. " i. . Ill i fill . i. I v i:. " : ; : .itn I" ' I'n .v.. a. N" u I . V. I-: M -. It ..Ill y .-. " 1" .-I -en 1.' .;, in I '. .... : . " 1 ." mi I O til, 1 . .i !, I.- i-Mi :i i.. i'i : t .. . . ' . I ' i.'m il a...., " . . i i:i i ii ..ii. J'JorthlJounJ- If you widi to i;'et t!ie latest news in (oimtv. State and Nation, sub. V.. .14. y .rjh . ,;. 1'J Ihl II, . . I ll, ' 1,1 '. ,-i .i: MM,..! IV " I '. UJ.: .ir I - r.-i Hti. a ; e. i . it : 1 1 d !. S, W". ' .: I.x. sui.a iy. TIIK IiECOIiD- , !.. i: '!' Jn-! (li.v. AY( ot !i made a -u e.-h last Saturday niht to the Mai factlirers' t ill!) of Charlotte, at ;'.' the special request of thatlody. . w hose guest he was. Of course , as oti eveiy occasion " when he has spoken, the ( io v. a i.o,- ' was eiptal to the occasion ;.i.d !.,s i , Leaicis wt'ie all much i '. a.-. '. Tr Uithotlgll it was the saiai-an d,. !:i e 'la and organisation u!di h im i.:,;. entertained and was addiessed i.v Senator Mi Laari.i. There is one j..trar.p!i ia !d-tju-ech to v i.ich we are pie,,:-, i f call special aitentiol!, and v, i.ai. should bo i ndorsed by all Noiih Carolinians. It is as follow-: "f.et ns learn all t it.it may le learned of Alaci ;:a i i lai a and the I. iv s ot laoi; e : an iudustrv avd aopo. tlcTi aptihaif, wad: e.-o: oao, , i. :t'i e j fulness to In .-.an :::'. !: ; r ! US forgft lie' t..iiiilio:..s . have been luitA 1. r.doit : ia State, wia.h -.v.':! ;(. r! a n;.. , H.i i i tiie j.ast o! i . e. t ne 1 1 . .i 1 1 y jf ! iiC citlia. U. . a. :: , a . : 1 e.T d . . '. . i" o 1 I l.e I e . ro le. ..!'-.i.. in r - t --. I i! d:a- ..! ::l 2, !..: Id N. j !;. - i .,; . ! -. n N.-.v V -rk lltl'l l.l. ll-i : a : i. ...... .tai .l.lllI..l:. a, lr.nit ' I U.e te W . i . in ! i.e i . ' t e , , . i oi in.it:. 11 ! V :: ( Die . ill ' it oo-Ai. p. m. ;.:;: a.m. j Traiiis Anitf at Fillslioro j 1 1.-J.". a. in., ".."0 ji. m Ui'.'l, i ..'i'i j ( (,'('.'. j r. M. ii. ui. "' 1' I" 111 1''"' I'.iily. a n.'ly l.s. Mna.'iy ' "' 1 ":" '' i Nns let! :il, I 10- -Tlie Alllllilil ' ...atatrs .'.'.nnit S---'ai," N-b'l i.-.-i.hulfl J nun i ; C !. '...i ' 'i the I'" la nn .sa-.-pi i- Mini I niii lics lie- I lun ii V isaii elon iiiel Ai lanla. aUo ; !'i. Lilian Mei piis li. lWion Purls- j 1 i'-'..:'i'; ,uiii iui.U'i.:i. .lie. N. I. :e ;.-.'-..N oi the ,,s . l ai .1 tts - 1 l.e S A L. Kx j . t:!.' ... j. I,-.,-' .--..i I I a ' o , l iwI'O mill 1 ... v. , I'u. In. all ."! I'pil's lii'iwi'i-n Pells-; ' " ' f ,j inoil'ii :.l 'I a 1. 1 ii. j ' ' '.' i tu to-iiiis inn ke i iii HiC'l iale '-':il j , ; -. .i...i a. li.y .t:i,'!!i f..r M-!tgnn. 0 v. .V,.. ..w ( ii 'i't-xins -', ( , v , ; : . ii ' . i , Me..:. , i 'n :.: i n nue.i, ; ., . j a- : ; j.t.i-i. A'aei.n. J'leri.l'i. i ' I-' . I ale'-. l .pi'l-H. ele., llpl'V 1 . I). S. I.eaid. T. I'. A.. :.' '. s.';'i'.-.e :.. id Nuaih, f. T. A.,: t ... . Yd.r'..oi.'!i-.!i lii-usc, Kah lu n, N. t . Y. It !'.': A--nr. l llldoe', N. C. ' a .!,.;,' :e..-i'les. at; I (ielt'l L. 'CX xu,.,f Only S Cents ,:. , K i't:j:l,o!.v.. r.v,t. I a week. ; - . ,,. . ! - de ' , V I aw.. All, iU ;