j FARM AND GARDEN. Having a Dlveralty of Crop. The farmer who iliversltli'H his crops v-ill not nl-vnya ti mot by overproduc tion in the markets, us the geasonaMe (indiiions nre nut favorable to n!l crops at the same time, cousequeutly if the market Is well supplied with one article la nluiuilance there may tie n -Ncnrcity of HiitiietliiiiK else. JJivor--lty of cropsi is also better for the oll and assists In maintaining fertility. Mi-stroytiiK the Cutworm. During the coil ninltts tlie rut Vonns are at work cut t Lnc down the newly transplanted culibae, tomato and other plants. The cutworm oats only at nilit. niin' into the ground just before day, usually nt the root of the plant ihat It lm cut down. Ity iMln;! over the garden and ilijrt-in.i for the worm wherever a plant lias been cut it can he found and destroyed, lr will hardly be possible to o owr a Held every nionilnp. but they ean be materially reduced in a itardcn by de stloyiiii tlie'ni la the plaws gf their deprcd.iSiou.s. To riimt Tree. As soon as iilt. i;roiiii-l is dry enough to be in g 1 working condition plow it d.-ep and harrow. Then take a two horse plow and a steady team, so; a stake at the opposite cud of the lie!. I where you want the tir-t row and ,-ir the other end set the plow to where you want the row; measure off from l he plow to where you want the see end row and set a stake to come back on. Then start the team and plow straight and .h-cp to s:ako .11 opposite end of tii-IiI. mid so on uiii.l Hie ticM is in.-irUed out. Then turn and plow .1 furrow back, settling the clevis on the plow so it will run right when tie horse 0:1 the Ian. Kid,, of the plow walks in tin- furrow, so It will plow a deep wide furrow. 1'lr-u take a chain, tie a knot iti one end mid drag it by stakes crosswise of the furrows i. you have marked it -1 T I out. This v:!l make a mark plain enough to set tree. I'.v Take as many tivcs :is you .an easily bundle wrapped in n pi ' carpel to ei-lude air. Pack quite well 1 . 11 round fools as tree set -The Itpi- I Door t'nr a ling Houm'. A lev; house door sliotild be on every hog house in w in'e-,- to keep an 1 run's warm. One can be easily ni.iile rliai hogs ean open and shut at w .11. Make the doorway at least six Inches higher l hall the pig. The duo. should A Mi ni uursK lot;. ! f Miiiohed Hour. tig p!a. -I'd cross w .- and nailed together w ith batten-, b i, rutin. ii.; up and do.vn, phi -1 l-Vl'tl With edges, !hlS Iililk.Ilg th'- ,..,,.- fdges t v iiuhes thiik. Make t.i:--ib'-.u- four iie hi , rtor ih.i.i doervv.iy tie: two p i .v . of band iron I w ii Inches w.de. on. oi go: h ua ii thai;, three in. -lies longer tiian lie- it-.-.r round off cue i nd and drill a hoi-- b-i a for.; 1 spike and l.a:l oil the . -ig. ol tin- ii-.oi- as at .1 s,.:.io ..,ii,v. r JV ; .Ma... ., halt-round L. ..... a. lr.):ii a(,ia.,.. :,;., ,y k,., p.ng the whole area 1 " "' " i.e... ......... i to tit 1. ,.v iM'tw. ni the IToJccl.llg eiius nt tin- iii.iis iTiH1 ti" sp..ie j hroitgh :.i.- he. s int.. the. ads o. t.i- Pio.-k. as a.t d d. Sp.ke this block ill the lop of the .'.ooru.iv. and y.j-.i Inn- a l'Hug,..g do.,,- that v,,: , from i niie" side bj i he hog po-h.tig i- v. bis Mioiu Ite sure th.- ,:; i -or .u t-.piare s,, i!. door w .11 s.v ug ;r. ami I... a d"s" lb. If the ,s ., no..'. olio tJhe b.-g. hang t,: '. .; up .,r a time, thou prop it piu-i.v . ... !, uii-l Clin-- the hog ihrongh it, an-l m a tew davn he w.U soon h .1 i ll haw '.. . ! :. .'it'.d -inn his hedroei lio-u'. s'i,-!i a i door aeu protects tii - p ni l'ro.u and --U. P.. Tii.vlo; . Part:, 1 111 III e. I'rnrMciil slie1,! II il-.!i:lnt!r.r. M.iit.'it'e should not be ;.n.-n t.i nv.rr. lug ewes, as it mo-i!y goes into th aulk. Hi'.d the young l:i".b may g.-t too much of it and be lost. Sheep are louder th.ugs. and a very linle exposure to cold or wet. or even heat, which is urn omfer'ahl,. to a rliorn sheep, must be guarded agains;. The nursing pens nr.- for weak ewes ,.r i wes with w.-ak lambs. Many loss, s will be prevented ill cold weather, or of w.-ak lands, by putting the .wis in these pens, otie f..r cadi i wo. A ewe which disou ps her la.nl. per. istouily may be coiilim-d ia a iiariov. Hall in which she eau'i. t turn around. Hid after she has be-n laid .1 few UlUes sho will b.'l ollle its motherly may be wisli.,1. W.ltel. the l llrj closely vl.ell to- j ii.mlis are coming. Some of th.- ha x I pel i.-nee.l young ew. s will, as ma -.- I,.. J Ihoitght viciously, kill their hit.,' s I .-, i paw iug ,b-. in. This is only lac.tlu-rly 'merest to see ii 1 " '' ; nil their feet. Set su mi their feet at oi ra l two will be satislied. Speaking about . r. -shree.I,:ig. th .imp i.in.i.1 uasa,v..iys ttpni ol i-.nii j fie theory and pra.-t l.-e of on- cross , for raising a feedm . lamh but m-I more. l-lxpi-rieii.-e in hid. lilt fe and premiseiioiis.-rossbi ding in t:i. W.-.i ' has mu Pen sa'isf:ia:-.ry in ., single lus'anee, btu has been w.-ll nigh uid I versiil in loss of fleece and to- k , hay- ' aet.-r. Cms on a shorn sh. op are a vo.-y roinmnn r-ource of se.-hms it-jury, and are scarcely to be r.'..i."il by . v, n pood hand .-hearers. Th- maehhi never cuts a sheep, nor does T eve; undercut the fleece. It is a very easy thing to save the cost of a mm-hit, .. i t tue shearing of quite a small ... i:. : will pay lo have one if only for a -. ua of sheep There is uo uea'sslty to suddenly in- ctvflso the food of the newly lambed ewe. The ewe has been support in.; the lamb previously mid now she is lining the same, but by milk Instead of by her own blood directly. As tii i !nmb tfrows It will need an increase o' the ewe's food. Milk Increases in a ewe as lu u cow, gradually, as tin .voting animal crows. Thus the in crease lu feed of a ewe should be made only after the lamb is a few days old, and afier this uradually added to cautiously, as the lambs draw on the ewe for more milk, which Is provided by nature, or by the feeder really, who Is nature's servant. Over feediui; a ewe either lu quantity or k.tnl is surely a cause o:' disease. The condition of the tulder should be watcli'd by the shepherd, and If It Is not healthful, intention should be divert a! once. Anierlcau S!e ei Hived" A I'uullir limine teil.e. In the suuiuiel season the fowH sliotild have a elianc... to pt out upon I the ground by or .'Mlo o'clock in the j HUM Ulll. It IS i 1 1 e il i;,io, lui-t I ill: , , , , , birds are anxious to leave their roosts and get out into tl,o Holds, where their I instinct tells them ilu insects are now , , , ., inosi aoiiuoaiii ami most easily cap lured, as ilie eool air of the night has ii tillered them so new hat dormant, lint 1 he average poultry keeper can not get 1111 at this unseasonable hour. . " ' ; ', " 1 I 1 ' ..Xi !-T5T rll y ! T . K s Jw.Ais:J.iJS nir tuinii Mii!ANiii'.Mi"Nr. can he b-.m the d of the hou-o pell i he niiiht before, since this would ii.itii.i .skunks, foxes and other die- s. I'iie , ut shows a way oiii of th - - di'li - iiiiy i.u- l.it-ge iloet- to the poult : i oe,s,. j, ,l;v ,. led after tie- lunch fash- . .... . v r r r I i..ii. and i he i.pp.-r half is hooked open , ,. velvet about I'mir im !e-s apa ami I. f. so all li.ghi. No prowling an- ,, -ng,-r. how. vci. L ing m If . iiaal can u-.w j. t in, but ih.- hens can (iut.,. ,,,.,, f,.,-, th.. j',..-. easily g.-i out. If the fowls are large. ,,, ,.,.,,.,. ,, is ., ,,,.v atal m-t .nchto d to itiuip up . v.-u !'., ,. i an r.-a.lily be pirn., d ...i ih.. t-p of th,-lower hiili' a I ox can b ,,,,,pi,. c,,wll. ' ,', ,, i.-n,. , .i:s' .as:.!.- lie- .loot- p. ,is,o st ih. ni. smart m-ss is ,. -.ired, and add inn Th.-re Is ta. e.o-1 for the fowl, m ie ,,, ,M p,.:ll!v. , v York Tribute-. tl'-il lo the house b. fore th. ow ii--;- up in ;ho i.iol nhc for In lis r.if. - life In Manila, i.- lay before T or s o clock.-New Vefi; Whh-oti. the u.r.- ,.f 1.1. ir. I'.be. I flip (hoi:;.. P. W Ii ,l sol I . loW - lo-lltng I'.rst lt.ililu I'lonl s.initl Ar.n. 'l..lteVi r 1 1 : : I V be the opinion of tl.e village own.-r as in tii.- real prelti of his gard.-ti plot, be it greater i-r b ss ill s..o, there ale liW lit J I ill llio,t e.-;u:ry v.ihig.-s w h.. .! not take .-on- s:,',. rai le plidi- ill the . tlllivatiotl of the same T. -ay in 'long ol a. tual pn.lit. Is iciiii nl a gnat .1. a! .f ; l.asi:-.. in being al io to pro'ldo .-no's ..v -.ti t.itle wilii a daily M'.pply. .-Mil ih ,,-gh , Uio-wh,.. t.i I in am.. nut of .is.i ve-getahlis - there-1 as uc-.l. .1 ,,;!,. i roni elic - own grounds. i;v ., sir.. IV lit COOlloulV 111 ,.t a p'ar.len eve:, small in s..o w.n hll.-d w ,.!, ronic p-w .ug er.-p Ihreugh- ,,,,, ,,,, vv hole s. a-oti. t he .plain .ty .j,.,, uv p,. g-w,i -:;.oti .mu a f.-w I,,,,., of land Would .-apriso one wle- u.i :i,.v,.r SU,.U ..if.-: ul ati.utioii to ' ;h(. subject. j l or many years p. -t I have mad a i , .u-ei,il study of im- i.uestioii of ct -n- ,,;uv of space in :i:o garden, and ih.- j:.1(,h,,ls 1 have Imn to adopt in rotation of -ros p. rhaps 1 migi.. m,.,v properly say to, doubling up ... , ;-,.,,s. , ,UJ. iule garden, may be ir i ,t ,,, to nth. i, mIoiil. the p,,... To leg.n with, wh.n 1 s..w t..y tii - : early peas, which is j l , t as so-.u .'is the fr-st is out enough to allow spa.!- ing of the ground. 1 lirsi s.,u the p. as. ii'... I the:, alongside tue rows svattc- -o.ne icuuoe seen am, ,:iie u in iig.n- Iv. 'litis f.trll. sacs our best Ollt if door I, ttuee. cii:ircly in a stoh ii crop, and wiih no .lis. idvaniagos whatever to llv lelllloe soeit ami liliil- it ill llgill- ' peas; for laud tlmt is rid, ci.'.iigh fort .. as will grow tie- lettuce in addition. ; dri ssy occasions, the softer w, a and not retard er injure the growth i. f mat. -rials are n, be n-ry mil. h w.-iti. the peas. When large enough to thin Thc-e cm.- in the ba:-ege. Henrietta out ami transplant, a portion of thes" Moths, greiiailii.es. I.and..w u. and lettuce plants may be taken up ami the s..ft silks. Ti. trim;. it, gs ar set about the borders of beds of line, .piantit.is of 1.1. -. and loo lite: onions, bids, carrots, etc., ami be- batiste embroideries are son,, -t p,-..., twceti tin- rows, wh.-re th.-y will li.-.id tis.-d with oh. inning dT.-ci. I'm- ia:l..r up ti full s;zo. if of th" beading a- - :.'"W ,is w lute . hi, h of a I. gin quality, i-. rietie-. and furnish a mi, c.-ssion of tbh; - sty ,,h. w ,th trimmings of t.itl.-ias and salad to follow that grown anioug the 1 bo,-:y Mitin Miided and ia the silk peas. i braids. Those braids have the t..oi !i TP. ;i. w hen th" tomatoes are ready of gold In them. i'-'i' planting out. I have practiced set. I'ot- white skins and for the jado i in; ii, c-c bilwceii the rows of p.-, is, ing suits or seaside morning . In -sin., as Pel', ye i hey are large enough t.i , w liiie hop sink ing is show n. Ii make. .ii'. i feie w all i ii. li oth.-r's growth the :a diirahle skirt, from which th - liu-i P--iii ready to he removed from th" and -.mil ean be so easily shaken and "round. 1- a .ug tin- t..i...'u.,es lo occupy : i ; v.holo -.pace, ami thus practically trimming. As popular a-' w.-il o. :' weak i t ,' -, j ,,.eur:'ig three el'.ps from this land. ; w hiie toilets for moruiiig. la . n a i '"-'I Win ii the early . oiaiocs are t ' i.ighi. s.. are the hats. Wli.-th i . I : cove.!, the laud occupied by tie nil .s .. ... straw . I.,-;, 1.) or . hitfou. i.- ;.: ' ; idled u ,i h celery, cabbage and turn ps. ; and in fa.t we l'r quontly have plan;- : , , ,,,, . , wc-n H,e row's of iota:.,es ' i ih. y wore dug. s.. as to have i , h. ,a weireMablislii-d and r. ady (..f I ;, Ii as soon ,-ts tiie ivitatoes nr. t.'k 1 Hubbard squashes may be 1 ! : u: cd .,m,,nj th,. sw t corn, and pmupU.tn , ai"o. if oue lilies to crow th e in j tii - garden, and the land . ., wLh 1, ; i he dwarf early mm has cn- wn may i Ii-s itiiPte.l etthf-t- for f.lta.ps or late (.ihl.ag,. tor winter use. j These suggestions will gic- a gnu-r. I al idea of my methods, and I d..se bv repeating ilie rule sugga-s-e.l at the 1 oil's-1. "K. ep the w lmlo garden filled t h sea-a. :i i hn. ugh wilii some growing i . .op." P. .1. Ih-o'VUi-U. lu the Country tii-utl.-wau. ODDS AND ENDS OF DA.NTINESS. 1'rrtly Trllten That A. 1.1 Suinrtiifs ti (tie Summer tilrl'K Witi.lrtil..-. One of the cliie and useful novelties for summer is the "shirt waist set." This consists of four fancy brooches. w..t lii i-.il.l in -IIvli- ilov,. of which are 1 , . .... lltiil'onil III size to tasten the I rout. I lie . tliroat. Plain ami matrix tnripiois. and baroipte pearls tire if ioiii; t lie prettiest, .. . . A charinine; siiniiner fancy is the boa of white mousseliue de soic or tulle and chiffon, with tiny (lowers sou cl liberally on the ed-.-s. They are it. ad just loin; einmuli to fasten clos.1v nroiiud the throat tinder a Inn.'.' res. i ie. ....... i .. . I. t- ,. 1 ,. ItOll llilll lOO-, cutis 01 mi Mi,-' i. no -. . .... ,. .. ..... ,-: . . . chiffon, accordion pleated. dot-. Co t 10. ..11. its ' -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 . 1 , 1-" roses or ; " ., ' ,. ,, , . ,, , , 1 anv other small t! 1 r may be used I Novel and wiih ottr.-nie po--:1 ii: 1 o - ; 111 the lino of ileeor.ll IV efi'o -is al e til 1 Persian ia.ik--t-- -!' 1 ''.imel.o.i !:i.V. 11 ; They are cut ..w rtiecgli at !! i.e. k 1 t-i escape all ilmig. r of lir. .f.-.-. ,'v-itll delicate lin.sli of 1.1 1 of Ili'le. ; list I stop well above the b ll Th. , f-onls curve belli at itpper and I o er edge. me. ling tiltco,, in a po.nt over I the chest, wh.-:.- 1 hey fa,i.n in li a ' fancy hiiti.m or 1 1 n ! . : a large bow of ribli.ui wiih l.-ng cla's. Sl--i.-d i thus, ih-- Pule jii. !-: protects the m-isi sell sit ,Vo ):i It s of lb.. I oilj . t lie !: . 1 dcrs and cli. si. Tlie siec. c are loco 'and slightly bell -hapid. I : - - -1 : 1 1 . : t il little below (ho elbow. I I. o v ;...!,. lis lined wii'i a b.av sill; of ilie mi:i.- or a eontrasting color, timkins suf- t'.-ieiil n.iriuth for the oiil.tiary s-.itu . , la.ef ml. ... MIC .,.,, I.llelill LTI W lis I'.s ..a,.,, irotiiush-.i p.vsash.f.tvpe; do chin, . tour ynrds m length. ht.-'i are tied in a large bow at th-- loft s:.i, ' . , , ,i I-I the I rent. Ill llilittV Ul-l.-lllces he are attaeln-d b a lttimg. sh:!,., t ,!... i ti-ure. making a p ,l uiVdl- b::. ' front, others are simplv Woi '"' "''!-' ia-fi"'d in .iy ,!. p,.,,,,, r .,,) and front, inhers a;e simplv w.otu-l , front effect. , ,-,. i,,m ami f.-t. Iiing are t'o .t f,f velvet chotix i-iade bv an :;ig. i::.."s .,,,... vvoi.ian Yards of 1.. I b. !. ribbon an- inn.!.- up in;,, I .;:,- s. i hirct - tl i.n the other-, iiiid iinv.a ; ! numerous long. loop, d .mis. Ti . lu-i. i.cd to tin- four III t!l" I'll.!. pi'ltlcs. l .ls j;;,. J-, tin from Manila oil a In . ;' :- i i i 1 family, in I 'at t hn g -. K:.t' I i.--:' : liow," she say. "two huii.lr. .1 At h ail women In M.m.l i. f.-r hoiu t lo is only i tie dress:i-h..-. .-;:, ! h.- 1 Ph. Hainan, old Sank is h s i. .. !; .,, ,eoot:tlv Was .,..-, j.p.. h,. was t g-, b.-f. .,- l.'.-n-. , V hi t : I. a . a. lag ni lg.-. I . r ' . S;1i; ,, , .,, i, ,p.,.,. , , , ;-. So did the rest of t',...s,. -n. l w : : . i ! . . t Anierl.-an w..ti ti. If Sab: , :,, .vti.,t -..i,t.l -,. w.ev.. I i.v xv.e.r-- w.-ll I ... ill. I s: to . , I . v, p,. ,,rV(.,i himself ulliliy. P.ir 1 :l )Udg . l.-id :dl k tab ,,n,,.s ,.,,,, ,,.,. ,;,,. , .., ,,- 1 'iliiuno camlv a lid t'.noiv I v t ho w ma , ,,...rs wl. t ... t. I... l,,.iolv v.. L-...,t t,.,i,. ti,.. I ,,i p,,,,,,,' Wj, ,,A,.-d ,,-b , - o-i,, .families, cad, worn.-,., irking h -r tun. ;i .. ,,f ,jt(. i..,s.-h. Id ..r . n.- ,u i li. ma. na g .u g t he t 'hiiu rv.it,: s , ,,. f, u.)s ,,;-ht .it t'. .t..u:v eotmiilss.-irv. We had fn-s), .n ,,., Australia i seven dins mi , oi l s;..-:,g..,. potat... s. Itl. ri,:.i ..t,g Koug. China, i.tul our ninm d g... ,s si. .... .... ... . i , . a. .. ,,,.,.. Iiriv ing on ih.- 1 ,m, la. ... i ,,.,.., :l, p. is the universal p..- j f,.,,,,, (, , p,,,.,. ;l ,!: I an. u l the army and navy ;,-- :.: ! p!y .p,,,,.,.. , then- U .-ih. : J ihim es a moiitb nt the or'.. n:al ll-.t. 1." ! I i Son W..n!rti fnr Sunou.-v ,..wn.. j Whd.. the wash mat, rial- a..- id "ays prefeiuhb- f..- suiiu.i.-r i-nu: j for the inure Mt'.st.-.n'ial t is made plain, vvim -'iiching only i.s pivtiy near all v lilie. and. tlumg.i t r.. i,-.- p, tl, - many, can 1... ton d d ,v ,., irPnin'i.ig ..'' th.wi t- ..r II velvet. ( W hip. umlr. s-.-d kid ghm. a--, win s siviisb. and at the t. vis w undressed kid shams will b. , d ish ymttig women. - Atlanta atitmioi'.' A r.-uilniue sUvmm.,1-. A W, stern woman has r . -tiitv h. .td-d a p.- 'cssica hiih-rto m-'ti"! d by ::. n. :;nd h I . -'o;.:-- wend fully protb-ier.t in ie r an. She i. a: amateur silv crsnthh. and skilf ully pro .lit. s pieces of jewelry and .eh- a: i: eb-s of -dvor tnofe or b'-s , rn-:. .'c:s lo, n ;,;! of h-r thai sin v...i!. !:!-. on wh.) has tas-,,. tntr ton . d. - ''ia. Wlieu ii'.'.-s.'.'l..' to u'olaiu it. hie- 1 uses llir tnt...- ore .ln-t as If come trout the i. line, Im in . re frciptciitly she is c.. tpell-d to lake the metal ffoiu the '.oiiin-.t mills, v. here il li.it I ti melted and rolled :'" !;" ,s- She til-o Makes u,c of color in her wotk, as. f ' cN.-iiui'le. in a heavy i-: ! ei- nvM, ii'.-c-.uliiily enamelled in brown, wh eh so;--.-- as a clasp for an oe;-.o lcath. r belt of the same color. Some oddly il' signed silver bin M- -s. ellrlllleHed It! sl-.-in-.'e be and utvci.s. and a del. ate -!.-ip of trauspan-nt l-lue i IKiinci on a ctit-li bell of cli.-lie-'e able silk produce a most otVcotixc color vt .- !i a I i'.'.en. y to iri.l. s- I cctn ' I of I'urji'uis cloak las i ' .. 1 ciier-. iu .,,n;..-r. studded with brilliat loak fast- : on-ii cn:ra,-i- ,,cni i".,. n-i ..,., I ill. .it.' of braid-M b-alhcf. is one of li.-r ! oriitic.al deii,..'. . .i.I u-i-tlii'i'. in strong I . ..ti;r:ii. i- a m'w-i' buckle of f.irii li'ul Ish.ipe. h.itiii---'d into a delicate 1;ki wo 1 1; l-lans v r.lu I'li-e ltn-illal. M.-s. litli.l r..-:i!!o. of K.ilatnar.-io, M h.. is a 11111 -e. Sin- lias Lately in 1:, 1 itcd a file- of Sooimiiii. Mis. ' . ... i ote. nil:., at:.! prct.y. She has ! a I Mb- ilnti.V. r. Til.' sudd-n acces 1 s;,,u t to: 1 nr. ict-.lt! ha x ' b-'cii c. ; p, , :.-, i.. ..title i,.-!- tl.oii-jbt.s ohicily ; u-ieii In r ou ti ple.i-ur.-s. but ti appi ;irs ' t;.. I -l:c i l..: to. : li'ltl of III" g i 1 : ; v. - ,' !l 1 -1 . I i ' I. s l's poss, i-s lo l!o .S-i.. s.l A . a 1 r. 1 .ii ,1 nil!'-.' I have m i i; ' . i.'.loa.i Mil' 1-illg and Me. Ill I. i... - nil it., :i- :' aliev .ate ih-- .ur.i 1 .n.. .-! tie m- u l.o li;.i. i-- 1 alio. I "bid's p.., r. I In I., c I w.il endow a ho, i en ll fof Ta-ll i- l.ow I iniclid ! t 1 ..i .- t; ..ni.s for my I fortune. 1 p..; .y - 1:' I ..p, i.ti buy a yaolu ! f," ' on as ih,. h..-p.ial tni. Iti r is sol in. I w .th i v il.-mgliti-r and some g I It : inN. Uo 1 1 Ui-.t g ov. r the ' .. -. - of Ilie caiill. Where. 1 .'eUt ' I.e. , . ! ;; auv wh. re. o I sail. ; : s. f. st, 1',, inherits .. r I.uiuiU' 1 from i.u bin lo. The prop I y is l.m ! ly ;n lloirlnrns. She lias been he 1 -,.. by coin th -s s, hein. is with is v n. ii an i.g to (oii!. ii. i is . !n a sho-t t.nie. but si. says thai of the-e pol-.o Us U ill Ul ! il c- ill t.it. n. 1 ;,r , lV ll. lip.iate Willi. -fid- d 1 1 ,-r.ild. t . . IVi :ili ir.t! en slo.tiimi.l. '':i nn..u- m Paris Ii-n h.-r Atn.r. f-" I:' ri.oiu'dt t-d. li.-r fri-nds ' ''" :''' "b' "xci -.. nan .. m. pi. i t. .1 ie r ab.ii diiriii ; Ka- w note m he tiitio. "Not i veil oie'o." olio said, -. x. opt to g.. I i my bath in ti"- i.i.h-i.-,:g. I ,.i lo t like o I.,- ....ke,l at as !'''' xv-'s v'1,1 " 1 ' ' u' ' pu! my H '''" d 'of " ' Ib-t: h..v uid y n I a-- ' ' -1 '";, lht; how did y hi a- - me nun : 1 I dm. and t-hiv Saha atid llalma. "And look ..tit on il.-- - a .-" No. I- .or." replied Mi :e. P.ertt i.. ! h.ii 'u. ' for ; i- a i urioii-- tb'.i.g ill;: I I l'.. ! i , ,, ,. . h :i so a- deal ly w le u 1 . : ' I . an I. - i. at it fro:., a I . -i.-h. simp-y ce- "., i t p .: t. it I- i i ''-' i--'-- I -!:-r , , .- - i ' '.: t I o . nt.ot . .n t.-k a it " i j ' P. ' ! ap, il : Il 1' v -II are le r.oUs':" " I "I do ti it iiiil.h -o. " s.:o replied, "for j ,.:'i I v .! " ti ng : ll ' 1 w i .. h 1 : no i. for I.;--." Ma.l.lv .. a-,.,,: p..,:,. ; j S,,,-l,., Tela by f.i-.o 'ii-t-i. ll-.,-, !..;s ih i o II '-.iv s are am. ag in -., ,'s ; I:',, ts. !..- 1 loll ... that .1.1' 1. Ifl.li" ii.el th- "Ila-o l'd;U-l Mice" ;i,s-rat,. a ,,f t'o . 1. Tito b-.i. . ! t illi: t.-f il: ' i-r:... r -f !:" tal- s i:.t. the i-i'..: -; i 'lr, t : .-at. th- dog. I,-.. . ,.w w ih lie' uiaph-d l.oi n. :.;! ,i'.-,- repro.-i nt -.!. at ! .-'. en i lie I. tan ail I..M.T...I at.d !' :n !b" b'-'l' st. Il.e I' aid i ai d ih-- h.-il-e .: o K ill" ti-l oiuitt. I. ! lu t'.o story of tii.- I'm blind I .11 illg ktlif-' !s the I V..nir .rc ! T-mtttil lv Women. m.;,.iiiIv u.-.pes ,.f i;, lei and 1 . . i i b, .- tmight by w ! . n. .N..:l-!i.g ..-ll u.alv up for j !' of ..trly ucl,. r lw and t:i-ti;or ere :u a utvl's 1.: ! The fi.'.i.-rl.-ss d.-ii.hi.-r Uii-.w !'" well. It :-,.oh ih.- san,-- .n I ""! atid .-il. .. - tiiil m "I : l.pir.lf.otl of a ii gi, ly f v.ei,,.,:i i I alw.i. s; n.. y si, uid I.i,m- p I.. - i l-iv tt.eta at c -ll .-. and tin y -i;oiiM '.!... I .v.. w !..?.. aw iv in, a, bom.- the in:-liU' i i n.i;-l:a u-l ip a i.d n ..l.na :' woti.eti .i.-t "i ;. r 1.-. ua..: ..ml bt.lli b-v.- aid ,.-p..t Ada I' Sw.-.t, .ti ti:.- We:. Il-iu- '..t.ip.ii;.- I:, f) rr- crV-, IJ J. -v, , c C I .SX itiatO ) . j V y e Z':.rU (:ff' :VivtOjf C.-'Ef Wh.ie in .r:a lion of ti. ss f-.r out of tow i. w ear. l..o i.n l bans:-- . the fun:.:,- trim ii. ii for foulard g.e. l.s. I..!" .' j.K k. ' -. the n, West thin f l oo stiiatn. i. at. ii r,-!.ii!v ihatiuin.: w.th t;;iis,n ...' silk s.,-r:,. All. t 1 I -t bill tolls a ;, i , . m f.ii,ii.ii.ibie a per for i.istetung I in-I si-ti,.- w ',.'.- and light i mil d fa'-i i- . Plow or. d and dotted lunduis . ! ; i . . ties, bapsi. - .nd foulards are I la- .-.: roii -liniui.-,- ina'ctials im- -ills in li:--.:- i- ps. Al'ia.-i.h th, t il ' 1 the P.- . . .'l-ifs or,- not ii. w . yd ;': v ar h - i'.-i.i'-i.tj' I r . , : it i . 1 1 1 - dny still i. I : .. ll t le-.r v . g:tc I I.::. .- .ind ni-o . hitb-i br.dal !: ! . qit ' .. - t.isliioi.,: I" I bis . 'as the i-cgohi; ion wi.i.o -ami and of I 'I' iUO - Il.t'i llio I e hi cel.! ing. j A -"It si,.,k of the same material ei ' . .f i h I'test whit - iiiull w i: I i !.:. 1 1 -Ian.- d ends, is t he pi r P. i 1 h i -t I for this v.ar's W.l ll : :lk sillil Sh oibi. r kii.-ts of ribbon mat. lung . it.- ; ribbon -asp. s of bi p. hi I,..,. , t th.- swagg.-r lu ng :'-r linle aa's v.. c . a. . pan:. . I by udo.-, d s... i.s ..od st-.-i-s or au'-.l I :. s of tl.e , , I a.i. ind si,-, v.-s. w hi!.- i -.,,ny t. a ;1 : ii v t. h.i.ll b i ii- f ;: lly lo--- a. 1 ' ' - . '. a prif at I..;, i-i :il . nil l'i.' ici.v 'I ovt, , l.i :i:;o I ; raut.i-tii; father tiiau pivily. Industrial Briefs. 1'l.llailelphia (Pa.) parties, whose (in m e have not been announced yet, liave leasisl buihtitiK at Shepherds town. W. Va.. aud Installed knitting iiai-hinery in it. The P.nflehl (N. C.) KnittinK Mill oontiinplates UoublitiK its capacity in the near future. The plant now em ploys forty hands and produces IP' dozen pairs of hosiery dully. The establishment of a knitting mlil Is talked nf ut Malee. N. P.. and P.. '. Habhvin is interested. Mr. Haldwin asks for prices on knitting machinery and on cop yarns for manufacturing. A. P. I 'over of Pharlotte, N. P., con templates organizing a company to build a cotton factory, and has gone to New York for the put pose of endeavoring tn Interest North i't-n capitalists. The Sanfor.l t N. P.I Pot ton mills lias complete.! its nddltion.. recently under construction, and has the new spin, lies, l.ooo in number, now In op oration. The entire complement is now ti.oiio j.-p -in lies and IToi looms. Work is progressing rapidly on the c ii.stnictlon of the Alexander City l A la I Mills. I'l ovioiislv announced as to b,. a P'. ' spindle plant. Tim walls of the ninin building arc about up. two stories high, and the utachin ,-rv will Ie placed as soon Bfl the atnicitre is in rea liinvis. Th invest in. nt will be $goo,iieii. Work Is progri ssir.g rapidly on tt" const: action of the P.li.ahet Ii Mills at Charlotte. N. C. The mill building is tip. l.-r roof nml will be completed nest week. The compiiu.v expects to begin .ip.-ti.tiens bv n. tober unless uiifo; ti d-hiv arises. The spindles UP tr I will nttmbiT S.OoO. A complete mill town is being established as a result of this enterprise. Th" Nantucket Mills of Spray. N C . announce,! recently Its intention j t. increase capital from ?i..o. ...... , j , This action has since been j taken am! H"' f""'ls 1,10 I P, ,.,, . for extensive Improvements. Tl. mill building has I n enlarge ! and additional spindles have been or- li red I All Sort.. Tin. artnv nuartormiistcr'a ilcpit"-; niciit cull'' 'fnr bids on l.i .' 0 1 nr.! - ,.f ,',).:oti kh.iKi. subject to an i:n". '' ,,. ,.ii p-r o.-nt. bbls to I"' s-ihinl't-'! , iicfor,- nnon of .Mtun.t 1'.'. This .-ff." I mally disposis of re,,.,':? iln: the .1-,,.-tti'. Is t. substli.t.o Miaki cdi r, 1 !li,i.i:,l fnr tl. m.it.r.al. ..d...-t,-.,.l. luMMVcr. tint sp-"'iii. -,v, ti,,' ti-.ii' .'onti-a. t l.av.' ben cb.m-.-l and now '"'-l f'ir 11 I"'1 a' t nut p: oof fabric. ,,!!v I'iiiKtichts- "Th.' t n.u".- vo.,," i pfciip :''r; :i him. I'""' ' think h" c.iis raito r thr.-.ry?" IMnny r.-i-.trmhtA-' On th" .-ontrary h" s 'cuts .pr.t.' . lu'st v." -Win ti .l.u-lt i.fcpo-p'l tn lii-maikcd ih- .aid.'ii tnm. ; riii' boy w :ii all at i " I Ami jct'slu- landed Idinl ! .s.a.i.bt. ..f SMiiin.iM - hi mm -1 foi i . '"' i Ih.- nun nil- !'-" tcmi"'r l-xf hn Il ,-.-.,ur.- in, if. it. -in t,,.b'- uh l'i i- Kiti 1 M i i , I'm.-, simplv t ...i i i-.ii i.uv I- ni lie- -he ah th-H ' i,ivi"..i . S"1! 1-v nil .!rii4Ki-it i.i,- lu-o M, !,., -. .' oi bllbciv of I'.n I...V l -il-!.!"- ,, -,- .-...-ri..- .-f I j , -ci'.---r-. j I lie Aim -i-i. .in . -1 1 .-i 1 1 li.n K en mio i'-s-I'ul'v .ii. im. nnc 1 in Sweden. l ii.ll. mi W 'iir Mio.-a ine Hui.di -e i"t--i- n ti Moil - K-i-t-J'.i.i.a pv li t. i ill" b .'. It "''k tiuli . r n. .),...- . a. . nr.-- f.!l-n. Ii"t. ' at--.n,-. I-. in;-.,: f. . tnKi'.' I''.' ii "'-. ei.,'"" ;.n '' t iir.iaf.s. A: nil iT-.-Ki'" " ' . ft"t". I t in! "... Lu,- . lil-'.K l-v in id- Addri-ii 1 ii s. i.lvi.t.d. I. i:.,. N . II.- i.i t i -. .via i n i'.i.-t-iM .n Atiiii.... v. ;,- e-I.iliii-'i. .1 in l'ii.',.l.le'.l,..-.. , ltr-1 T l lie lliiMrla. Vn rmtter !...: ;nln y,,u. I on Uh t- t r.ui.-er. .'H "ill in v.i' K''t "'.ll unlit v.mr -I nr.- tit i mlit. i" nrT be'.. nntiir.,. . ur ii null., ut ;i Kn r pain, pro.1.1.-.' ! i;lv ii.ifinil in. .vein. tit-.. - Ht v.m ju-t I" i . tit-t.. -t.-irt f.-tiitu' voiii-li.-altli baek. l'i i am is I :oi.y t'.itliai-ti.-. tin- mini". l'U! up ni tie-In1, I'm.-, in TV tidlet l.m t.'.t'.l'. hiumpe.l on ii. It. iii'n .a iiiui itioai. A. not.- -pi al. louder ti..ui ord--. and .i, na- lou.l.-i t n-in i -it In r I 'ITS perm.Un l-.tlv i-ur.'d. No titii or Il.TViiMS- i.. afn-r liiit ilav'i. Hi." -f lr. KIm' (ir.-at ' N'. rie l!.--t.,ref. fi triot Imttli mi I trnitiAs fr-.' I r. I;. II. Kl.lSK. l td.. tf-I An llM . l'lillii. fa Illll.sClt id alii .t 4 S0Z0D0KT for tbs TEETH 25c i ' I I t X- ' 'V I lr Watch our next advertisement- Just try a p.ickajro of LION COFFEE tho reason of its poinilaritv. Mm. Wlmlow' Soothing STmp forchtlclr! trcthim, o(in the Rumi, redncM Inflamma tion, nllyi pain, rare wind oolio. J5.i a boltl Hugar-coatod complimentii re iomc times hard to swallow. riso' Core i the best medicine w frcr ti. l fur nil Aff.s-iioiii of throat nd limtpi. Wit. O. I'.soBLmr, Ya-ntmron, Ind., Feb. 10,1900. The first world's fair was in Ion.lon in Rev. H. IV t'nrsi-n, Krntlun.l, pRk., fajv: "Tun hot lion of 1 lull ' Cumrrli (.'urornmplrt)'. It Cured my little Rirl." Sold by Druggitt i, "Sc. Many a mail kcU a pointer from the finger of scorn. HairSplits " I have used Aver's Hair Vigor for thirty years, it is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J. A. Crucnenfcldcr, Grantfork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. U N a bank. All draiftst. - find wo will fip.pss yim a tiottli'. Ite tuirrauil -tve the name iit your m'Armt f ifrfm nflii'f. Aildrcaa, J. ('. A VK.lt I'll., Ixiwell, Maaa. Sick Headache? tl well ? Food doesn't digest Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 25c. All druggista. er In-iinl a lirinittful i ll lil li-k" Iheii I DliriIWnUnM'O nVCfPftho uuuniiiuiirtim .uili Whiskers G 00-000C'0000001 CAPUDINE 9 For IIKAOA-'IIKS A nnl KKVKHS. Iali Ti witli Q-.lnli e :t , revenls Nur- V on-i,i an. I A lunir an t relieve!, thu J t Kever. A 1' Aid, blil'.l .Sltiiil'.v X 0404 0 00 OO OO C I- thr oldfit n:il onlt l'iimnrciilirf;r in Vn. on- , mi .t l'lHlilni ii cjranJ ntw one. N v.-u titn? ; l.a'ii's.1 trt iitltTiirii. H'H'kkrt j ittji.shuithiinil, i y;-t-wt it Uii,' I. iim.uihi;, Trlt-iMpl.y Kc. i " Lf fld in t; busme coltfQa south of the rotomic , f'uef." 'iti.: .vi itfnr Adihrst, i'.. M. Mtilthilcul. I'riM-i-lrnt. :ulunnnt, Va- ASTHMA-HAY.FEVER i r nor n Idr.taft-s M? E IIA' stNo tor i i , FREE TRIAL BOTTLE Admiss DS.TATT 79 E 120'-" ST.. NY CiTY UORNER MILITARY SCHOOL, 1 1 o roit it. v '. 1 lie lieal llrll.liieit rhi.t.l rilI the n.oal Ihiirunlil) tauiilil i-hotim l.naiin 1. 1 it. AtViial R. sill's a-e' the Test Arfiuments K-T l ilt r.'K"ie !,'l.lr1 I n ll lil lit Is.. I. J. ('. IIOKM.II. FEMALE COLLEGE, tM Kl.sr.WIIKKK I.- lliere fl-'ll .111 t.l.'lll of t IllilSi IAN Kl)t ( Al ION. I.e.'lliri' '. I.i.-ta. Kir-t--Art, Mil-I.'. .. I.ilTKrv. Apparntiia, C,,b ll n . Keepii'i,', titinrlliiiinl, FOR COtOREO STUDENTS Of BOTH SEXES. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL, R t I. I.U. II. N. '. llrlie. urinal, I ml rial, Train Inn In. ..I for N iirae. $e a M"tiih -In trnt- ii.v work their -r -na a., i i Miht fc.-li ,.-1 curprnlrr. I'rlntlii. Hrl,-i:-r l-iff t'ti l.-r tl.e Fpl.i-,-1 a: church. th Vi.r ,ir , u pp . i.i i-rlm-li-al. H. A. B lluairr. llairlfll, t . Mir lt Etia A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH ni m DAVIDSON. N. C. For two-tlilnl- nf renturr Dt(Ja hu. i, ...... iiiiti.,1 loiinnn soutberu ollR n.r the th..ru.iKtntiii of its trnlutug. thu anil- . Ity n' Iti l-a ully. anil tl, almphm moral 1 1 and houur cm Itn aimiua. il inTltn ihuatt.uitiou nt avrrv narrnt .,u wl-nae t uti-o Inn a.ui a t;,i.r.n,.h class el wr ac'jntin i rilu.-ail.in miliar Influvnres vuuiiucl "' pltf lu-sl I T .o ii, .-linrm-. ..r. Fur l ataiuKUe-, rU-., a ldreas HENRY LOUIS SMITH, PRESIDENT. 1M.18. t'JOt. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE (iKKKNSIiUICO, N. C. I.ltorary nDit Ktislnesa Coursea. Behoola o ' Miislii. Art nml KIo.mHi...,. I.liornrv t'oii' unit all living nximnafs t.00 ir yi-nr. Kul m-sslon ti'lus Hrpt. lttti. 1Mb ('HtaloKnai ou ,.,lli nilua. 1bkd I'r.aooca. 1'rea't. All llronrh.'aiir A.lv-nia.- aniav. c-,,,.1. J . . IIIIY AVI'. Ill III! VM. .. 1)111 KtTlin'. CDUCATl:forBUSINOSS LEX.NGTOX BU;ir.SS COLLEGE,, I.KXIIJMI l A hlih'a-ii llmlii... Ir..l..l..ii s.1. "I 1" t.lrl.. I l'i ti--r ,i..,i . .iiiliiiii. n. I'1'-. .'f ""-pT thin... Ci.nr.K ..r.., un l riin.r.ii-- Mmli.'lll-lli-a. to- ml--, i .vll il. .... nun.-, .( Hun. His l . I'"; k.-.'l-liu. ' i,i-,.-M. Mi irii.oi.l I. , ",! In, anil U.i K.i.UIOi , rll.- I...I .V Ut li-il'l l anil fir r.itnr..'ip nl iliiK ..i.-rvtliliw A.I-lr.-. llrnjaiii-u II. J..liri. 'r r.ij.ai. I.rmlllllsn. H. Y AOKIN VALLEY INSTITUTE, I500NVII.I.I-, IS. C. Fall Term npr-i- An II. I'.t'l. A - thuM for both .-n. lie i t ir ,!i l.ini'.i I In nr,,. ..t the bet e-u..n. .if V. . iir -t.il. ntH fiN," - eon nt m ill Mate-.. I.uwwi only .i . f.ir tlia term, n r,t ! f. r uln-t at 1 . v- 1 ,"v If. II. IKllt-i, l'rlnrlpnl. Atlanta College of Pharmacy: Well enulpp-.l I ixli..ru!..r.. .-leellenti Tea -li-r. .i ii . liH.iiuy. uti-re hunlre.la ..t .r.- r, l.,,i I v Ilie I-M Iiv-i, Iioi- nra . i'in,iiti,t. ,l .'uili- lo- lie. atu.l-iii-i. siii.l.Tita cl.liilu llt., ,-li e pra -le-iil ln-'i m il,.,' n-"ll a tlmt o! ft Hie .r.-tl, ni nun, re There -,,t:revr iletn ni'l ...i . ur n-n.liinteii tloin coil en I'll'- A. lire. h III!. I1MI. I-. I'IH, rnjlie 'lieu,l- il I. -in ir.iii.ry. II M iti 11. Ailaioa. -lit UEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINEfA." Ill 1 he - III v-t,n,rti pen-Inn mil em nine n T..1K- l I. fMlif' reiir- .'..iir-i fi.ll.tr. tl I '..p-rtnieiit ar, ...,,..r r.ia ir a.l.lrr ii-t n li..ii'ttnnt of ' ail I CM . ffl $V, ! tr fur. Jit parfk uUrt ah 1 1 at CHRISTOI'HES T0MPKIN3. M D. Dean, leu ii.no.M, va. Fr.Kli e-.Wi.. .1 I'linerK.Hlt Criiaeli Mnehine ami uitaer Maclilnur)-, ;' Mhi uI- . t-ir. it b ih J kalam Iron rka, Hnlrm, N.'. r TATE SPRING. r?5P I Hotel i .pen nu I W'm.-r M.I,-4 Threimli'int elir 1 1 t- in, ..I 1-elU-I.tt.tl I., all, I nn-l rir-Ura He. rt lii Hie I ni i, I I. i-.n, I mill'. M---m Hi -I M.ili-r V..rli lo. r I urn inll.-e-ll-.n. lo -i.i-i-Ih. .oi t nil ti. .ul. i. - ( oi" ll er. ..ii.ch I In. I I. r. HoneU -,.1 1.1.1111... Hli..illnt,.ni n4 PI ... I l-., i. k. IMlte I.u P.ei.i l-il.-t III OH. tiiti I.IMIilN, liu hit A I'ropr. 1AI ,. M'l'.I.Sll. I I N N I .-SI I , AGENTS Brohard Sash Losk and Qrohard Door Holdsr A.-tlT -r.-rken. Brerll,-re em e-.rtl Mff tneneTI U.i- ktei.lv .1 nl lor .ur n..-l. h-Miipl aualil.i-'k ill IT, "i -. el. , Iree t. r i liup ruv.o.ii;r t.h; i,iiinniti i... , lot ,''"' l,,uliMU ..i," l Uilu.l. InUla. l'a. DROPSY NEW IMS. cVKKY; imcl. i., .. t .t ruret ,.rl . .t..l II ,1a I ' lrltuBl Vrre. tr II Or.E&H 0H lot B At. 'T tasneclliai tnaite ffoi Point fniana MclLHF.MNY'S TABASCO. Vr.tEpU' sciies rtyxJ- : WiTh rllterrrt J-" '' MAKHK.1 ii r i t! i i i t-f.,1.-. --t .no iiM'.nr. Mu. USECERTAIN;.'i!i.CURE.:! j S LjJ 111 lln.o. -...lii .t rtr.iii OF ALL! ISpr CONSERVATORY SAW MILLS CLiSta rl-t Ad iiSfc (Aili. . tsT ItaitCoi.tfli-riip. T-m.m ti.l. I co rj "The Handwriting on the Wall," The hinrl Inat trace en ti e wall The.c i-t-rd cf import pre.it, Centrrt a tenn . n ( nc .on! all Ity menlcininp the .J -te. Srptrmt.rr ftr-t ml! surely tc Knl letter day inilrcl. hrn tl.e re Tre-nhim List e te By the I. ion Ruarar-tre-l. Tt be-l lo brar tlie ilate in mitnl. Sn that it n't t,e mi eit. The Jav en which fit-t ' a'l fai l The late-t 1'rrmium I i-t Of useful jire-enu rich an.l rare, F.-r a,u't and I.T voting. For LL IN C f i F F V K .lutiker share Who have hn praiei ';r.n. Seplember first your Roicer ask. For Lion'a late-t T.it; If he'i aithout.' in hi cf-st ta-k To write us an,l msiit. Incline a lo Crnt stamp, anil wj The List will sen l t . iu. You reap a b g rewar.1, you sec, And lif'c hive to do. and you will understand W0OL54-N 5PICE CO., TOlfl'O OHIO. ' 1T jS,