fU drafts J$lrv T HUUS DAY, - Sept. 10, l'JOl. It. A LoW DON. Editor. 1'esii)Et MeKitiley died lust Saturday liiorniii;,' shortly after 2 o'clock, nUhou-rli hi attoiidinr physicians had declared that ho win out of danger and would re cover. They were us badly niis takon as were t lit doctors, whout t mded President Uaiti.dd tin 1 con fidently predicted his recovery ouly a few days before his death. Such privo mistakes by the tn.i.-ik Kliill.nl lihvsieians in the United States are calculated to shake all confidence in tho skill and knowled-o of doctors .ueiiera-j Uy. Iu tin case of Mr. MeKinh y they neom to have boon utterly L t il I .....1 ,vt...lt l uorani oi m ...ui.i ...... of his wound, and yet tl.oy pre tended to knew all about it! The whole country most sin cerely mourns the death of Presi dent MeKi.iloy. Tho purity of his personal character had ren dered hiai popular oven with those who diliVred with him poli tically. He had b. e:i true iu every rdation of life and ha 1 boon faith f il t every trust. His '.ovine; de votion and t lulcr i.t' n i' U-i to his invalid wife v.mu for hnn the c Imiratio'.i of all who prized true manhood. This all'eetiou fur her wh most beautifully exhibit, d illustrate,, in tn. vl.ot. When he Mt'dont McKiulo.V. tha a sassiu's shot, his iirst co.i- Hiderition was of her and his thst words were that she should l.ot i i. ii i. .i i ,; iK Ui; lt.l.4.tAJ .......... ii i. ..i 1 J,.,..!.1 ,,f li..r I Aud he died as he bad lived -a j !' t l"'''''l i;i il!tl1- 1,1 Christian gentleman. His last j every ivspoct he w as as h;,ppy as words expressed a true Christian's anv man could i -ason.ioly .- -.pect resignation. Such a deathbed ,t" So f.ir us auyoi... kimw he Bhould be held up to the American ju' l not have an enemy in th youth ad an cxamplo worthy of j world. The day before he ii.id their imitation. "1'l'k' :i -IV;l1 sl ,,"1'1k a '"' " n .w - inistic speech, lull ot hope and V.CK-ri:Ks:ii::x r Theodore I'o ise-! cin'ouraeiuent to his countrymen, ve!t took the oath of ollic as j little thinkine; t li.it it would be President as soon i;s lc- could his la-t. ( )nc sentence from th.it re mh Uutfalo the next d ly after j speecii deserves ( special notice M". McKinloy's deatli. It was a , and should e.-r be rememli. ied simple ceremony, raid yet it made ( by the American people, h i-, h'un the Chief Ma-istrate of the 'this: greatest country in the world.) ' Let us ever r. : '.alvr tiiat i-;;r T. 10 oath was administered by ari.oeivst is in concord, not eoi ili. t, I'uited States District Judc iu ! and that our r.' il cmitieuee r.-'s t.ie private lvsideuce of a citizen j on the victories of peace, le t tii -. ri Mullah) in the uroseiieo of a few persons. How ditl'erent fmui the trorgeous crowning of a Kiu.i;! The new President begins his nduinistration with the Lost wishes of all -rood citizens, and lie starts out with the ilcclaration Hint he will try to carry out UiOj,, Laws of l'.'OI, and lvipiiivs lihius and policies of his lamented i ,,Vl,n- eoi poiation ha pr. p.-r- predeeossor. lie is ii man of abil ity mul determination. He jms h 'Sses to a remarkablcd '-ree both luoi al and physical curat.-.-, and of him it may truly bo said that 'he has the courage, of his con victions." TilK assassination of AIcKinlev was not only ddelit ihntardly dee.l, hut was so utterly foolish that it could have been done, only by an insane person. There was no personal malice against hir.i, and ho was shot merely because he was the Presi dent. Hut what could be hoped for by killing one president wh.-u his place is so (prickly tilled by auolln'r? As i-vr ybody knows, the Vice President becomes 1'resident as hoo.i as the President dies, as has frequently occurred. And if the Vice-President, on thus becomim; l'resid-nt, hhould die his place is quickly tilled by the Secretary of State. Tim law provides eli'i ctive ly against there beiiiiT a vacancy in tins ollit-e of l'resideiit, so that tlnl death of one in.-iiiiibeiit of that hi-h ollice does not leave the country without a Chief M i-is-t ito. The mrinbeis of the I'lvai llent's Cabiiii t are eligible to the Presidency in order to prevent a vacancy. The order of succession is as follows: first the Secretary of S ate. and then the Secretary of th 1 Treasury, tho Secretary of War, the Attorney (lemral, the l'ostiuasttr (Jeiierai, the Seen -taries of the Interior, of the Navy Pepartment, and of Agriculture. The assassin of Mr. MoKiidey was indicted b tho jrraud jury on last Monday for niurdcr and his trial is set for next Monday. He refused to answer when 111 r.ii-ned , j 1 1 . 1 ,,,,.. .,, ,,,.u (iu, l ni'u.t. uot iiu.T.. . ..-j tion. He declinotl to itipl .y any att r" y .'.I d th" i.iesidiu j'u'h.c llStti' ..no hllil coll isid. Hi Wi.l be promidly convictcl ami executed. llvi'iiV possible mark f respect was shown th dead President. His body remained at lhilfalo un til Monday mot niii;.', when it was carried to Washington on a spec ial train, arriviii: there about U o'clock that iiilit. Ail the towns alony the, ro.de show ed e very i-in of sorrow and lare oro .ds at every st evinced their deep rriof. On Tuesdav tho l..ly lay in stale in the rotunda of tho capital , , and was seen by naay tnoasa nd of visitors. Indeed tho crowd was so "-rout and the crush so oppres- ulv,. I leif .-.holll. 01:0 llllilihed liel- sons, chiefly women, were di blod, cither fainted or were tram- n!ed oil. This was siminv di- ...,.,,.-..1 . i .letracted from the i Si,it,mil;tv oi- t,(. occasion, ()u vu',,!,,,,.. t;u. lYenident's ; l()(v Wls t..in.il,l' tl) i,js J:o;iu I t t'.lIlU, ()i,io, whore it was in- 1 ... ... t -nod to.i.iv with tuiposni'- cerc- monies. Amonir tlio distin:jui.di ed officials who accompanied tin body to Cai.toii were Senator. I'ritchard and Simmons, of this . ... State. dev. Avcock ami stall wont to Washington and attended tho services held liicro. Tho two military companies ;;t lhiieiuh of fered to !X to Washington, but were Untitled tli.it 11 volunteer military would bo allowed in tho parade. The unceitaiuty of human life m I happiness w as mo; t forcibly death of I'resi Wh.-.i theassas- lir.-d that fatal shot Mr. Mc Kialoy wa. occtinyiu- the hijh- ''M eartlily po iii ion t h it any ,i. ir- tals amliitcn uM.nt irao. lie W.IS IU I lie i:.oi-ol l.lait.ie 111:111- of war. Tit" last legislature i nae'.ed law in regard to the si rvice .f process- on corp-ir.ifiiu-i thit should be commended bv i i - 1(t)y it is hMpj,.,. of the Pub-; ty and doin-- business in this .State to have an a-.-nt in this State upon whom process ia ail actions a-' iia-.t it may be s-. rv.-d. The appointment I .- a-ent shail be tiled with tie- corpora tion commisaioil, so t hat the pub lic nia v kno w v, !n such a ..-vat i . i f ! n f. I.i .-. nil ; i i I Ii I '-ii I makes a corporation liable to a j forfeiture of its chart, r. I Heretofore it was dimcult to ; know w Im were the 1 -Uieei i 1 I some ' corpor ilioiis, on w h m h -.d pro cess mi-ht bo duly s-r-,.-.l, but ; this new law ob iaies that ilitli 1 cully. ' The last l.o'.'isl itiue also re ; quired by section ."" of chapter 'J I that -the name of e-ry corpor 1 i tioti shall be ;tt all times conspic uously displaced at th- entrau-e .of its principal oilice in tiiis 'State." A failure t- do this rea ders a corporation liable tea pen a'ty of v l a. TI is is a v.-iy r a 01 :able 1 eonb-einent and was ic:..h r ed necessary hecaiis, s.cjitinus it was ilillicn't to a.sc.-i lain the correct nam- of ji c. rp-u-atiou .1 14 ;i i lls,t which there ware claims. J An Anarchist YVl.'pp.-d. M'artinsville, lad., Sept. 1". - ,los. l'elf le!-, a'l anarchist, who1 was knocked down a week a-o ; when he said he ,hs -hcl .iV.--.i-' dent McKiulev -as .shot, was visited by a py'y "f unknown m 11 last liudi.i-lit, tak-n I 1 a -rove near town, stripped, ti a tiee ami s.-vcie'.y whippid, Josh YYe .tbafer, of i.oo-ootee, I ad., is t.r man, I ut i-.e says In' Would 1.0 lie without I iialnbi r- lain's Pain Halm if it tost lite dollars a bottle, for it s.au d him Um-ii In ii-; n cripple. No external appIio.--.ti-hi i-i qiiul to this lini- nn-iit .or ss itt r.n I sw coutricted l.iUSohs, 1 joints, If ' m ck, spra.11 -i ami rheumatic and mus-cui- r p.di.s. It h..s also cured 11 l' e-roiis c ..-.e.t of .i,'id paral sis. it is tor sale i 1 ti. it l'ilit- iu-Lii. HCKI3LSY LEA1! Ills La.-t Words A Christina's Death Tiif I5c(.;ois A:ii':: ti..n,roi Cdiifii L'eai'i. fac. J,,rj,-l,,i . Y., Sep!, It. I're-u- doiit Itft-Kiulcy died n't 2.15 A.M. lie hail been t,:. const ions since 7:;' 1'. M. I!i conscious hour ' ";iih ',t the v.lte to whom ho devoted a ideHineo: m..i;li.h .. llV ,-(,., ,,f tin: ospcl, I nr. hi last -ids were an I. limbic sub- lllisslO!! to tllO Will of (hd il. Whom lie Im lleve.l. lie was re conciled to t ho cruel fate to w l.i.-li ail assassin's bullet had t eiidcmn fd hiio and l';iv,l .hath iu the s.Hce spirit ol eaiuii.ess iuid poi which i..is marked his loii' una hollol':lb!e c Si'i er. tlis l.a.st Ccr.sclous Words reduced to w ritin bv Maiih. who stood at his bcd-lio when they were uttered, u.-re a-, follows; "lioodhye; cil li'oodbyo. It's (bid's way. His will be .lone." Ills relatives and Un'lubelS of the , ill'. -I ll f i.niiv Wi le :it tile A I blll'l. ' . . , .. House, e 1 1 ' 1 1 1 erni i,in w ho iti.i not aval himself t l! opnoi'i mill and so'ia! ;.u;.l' p..!.:ie;i of him. The painful ime of his i llds tot k aollV leai va !:1 Hi 111. n.is came t" the do. r of thi lo.-i:i- .d.ila-. mc!. room, took a .1 l.im .aid t ni ne i il- v.as iiit ,:- te;.;!;iiiy Iv it :eo;i iil.l tiie p Illil.l'illlU to i, for !ils li. He ash,.; his MM-- , vs dnrin- this time . i '.i.-ai t .-t i io i. '. il I., were el d ye. . I.i.ii to eii s. .o.iMie.-..- pai t w ;! h his w il'e. , i , r and she sat at h- . ! I n, !...!. r n.l !,,.ie h, r lb , 1. ::l'- :-.-!, ; I ,v m.,. .:i..h li.. li s IM: ; : c i l.. and ! ti.e s:.i,;e i.r.i !e with V. I. hi I the ii if. tra- which ha Tlu 1 th. auto- j y .' I. i; y v.as bl-:, I; . I pe ...I lill!. .let pi-... the ; toi!, ,hr. Ih.tl. ... p. lle.ilv I it tn e.i. 1 1 . . f ,o!i S Uel eo. -J y h slles MVUle! -ale.-1 ' -oe.s. through tii pa-dlhi. . ,-:'tl eal.h I. to e-. 1 XI t the lis-I,..!- ha I 1 eeome iter a .i.i. -h ih- i 'lie. . I n back I. w ai.s I. .i r 1 1 y. This e-k was , i re in . I il , t r- was .lis .ase .hv.e.e ! u. !.: - ! it! I-. I. t's tr. 'i i.'.u; o; i em ol I ! i a.i ; i ' o! i'l.' lie a-, i.'i'. . t . t ,.a,. 'i'h t'oi:;i I. I i . I. I :s. i Th 1.-..1 1 w: vt ry t hin. Th was n-1 e 1 b II. t i . pair on t in ,! o-..! ii re- uiu .! .- w hieh a t.'ecler . all;d I h--' 1 .11 1 b 1 as the tissue I' I I ill' S oi t he is ui'.i oi-i 1 1 b r HI. :! ifl! tie.it- direct r. siil; o 1 aii v at leinj i.-iri of n .t ai Colli In.- ,(. i icii Woll i. ai. -in bull.-! 1 .ill- Mil'.i t and v a blilh-t i.i. : the li-: Lianrctk V.bies. 1. 1 i'i'.ea a i .-ii.tble p I ti'.riio.i . s'. rday from .1 trip I aniliock, we I Who basin, nit Mr. Nanoa I A. il !.. : f. of N.-w 1 k, ,i!i I ills associates w ho h re in, l iv '.- ned the coal mines nt Ihat place iu Chatham coio.ty h V in .- ii:sp.-sed of lie 11' i'lt.-rt st to I'hih-.d. lphia pal't 11 s W ho have oi- d the Chatham Coal ami . Inm c.mpuiiy under North Car otin., laws. It is .stated tint ti.e lew com pany will introduce modern inin i; : machinery itml ..pen I he pi 'p- I i; V ,it o'.'.cc lliol! a l.ir-e scale, 'Mr. Myers u ni-i: personal ch.liVe of operati-ns. Ii is nude. st,.,l that Mr. HellS zey will retain his interest in the K..lei-;h and Y. .-.! ru I'ai vviy u on which his eiiei".-ies will be cot. -ceiitr ated. and that there is a piob ' abilily, in the near future, ot that line lieill,' extended. Through his elfoi t i l.ar-e capital ha-, already be.-n bron-ht to tl is St; 'e ill the fill 1! ! o! 'A hi.'ll lie has ahidin-' faith and we tru-t tlmt success liav a! b lid w I ati-V.-r 1 ut. iprise he may d.-termiue to pit'moto. Sntpatay from C.ibans. Taiiqia, I'll".. Si p!. !7 -(iover-nor (ieii-ral Wood nr.i ed here this afternoon from n - 01a, eu route to Washington, llehip.-tl to arrive in Wasi.in-ton iu time to ad lid the fcn-ial ;-t ( 'anion, but feared tl al h- would not. Cell. Wood said that !:' had neUTSeell such universal n onri.iii-- as was slum 11 in 'ul a for the death of Mr. Moixinlev, and th .t its extent and lealiif. -tatii a since deu.on-sti-idiicr how del ply the Cubans felt it, was Kiirpi i -i.;.. The Charlott.' Obs. rv r savs that the indieatii lis are that the troid milling 1 Usiness in that s.-c- t! n wilt iecie.lse considelablv ti. is winter, ,-eu rai iar..e tie.iis ait- now under Wat'. 1 Sketch of Roosjvtll. I'H K'dont Pvoosevelt will bo 1:5 i i ;ii , old iu l mouth. On his a'hti'ssido he came of sturdy D.iteh stock, while his mother w as ;i n.'lt ive of ( ieor- i.i. Colonel ljoosevelt liist became iiromineiit in New York politics a l adv o .cv of civil service rcforic. From iss2 to ISHI he was an as semblyman in New York Lotrisla ti e a id introduced tho liist civil -t-rvice bill which was passed in P'S'f. On account of hW scholas ticandor.it' rical .-u-co u lishments lie advanced rapidly to tho front; i;i political life and in iN-t w as made chairman of the New York ; .leletration to tho National lie- : puiilic.in Conviiitioii. In leS',) i'resideut Harrison appointed iiim civil service commissioner' uid he served as chairman of the iioir.l until is'.l.l. In 1M5 Colonel Koosovelt re-j si-ne.l his position on tho board of civil : o vice commissioners to , a.-ivpt the residency of tho New 1 York hoard of police comaiissiou- i -is, an iiiesti-a; io:i having- shown he npp il!in,r lorrupti mi of Newj Vork police o;!'nnt!s. Many; b-.isti.- and radical reform me.-is- j ures were put into olVcct duiiiitr; ois a.lniinistration, with the i--ult tiiat thin-s wcio roatly im-j pr ived and c nnpl.-iinis hecoine 'e s amiierous and i.isist, nt. In l'.iii .'ol. lioosev.-lt rel-lied his posi-j i ion to become assistant secretary 1 l the navy tinder President Mc- Kinley. ( u the oalbreak of Hie Spauish-i'ieric.-.n war in ls;i,S, Col. Kooso .'.lt riei-iied as assistant secro- . ..ty :md lllnh i t. oii the nr Ill a- ( i .11 of a le-iuielit of Western! .- e.boys i lid liUllters, subs, ip.iclit-; v know ii iii the history of the tar as the lloll-h liiders, Col., iloosesell had experienced iu car-' ;iei- vers the hardy, out door :;!'.! ol th- Wi'sti in plains and ha 1 mi. ivov.-r enjoyed some brief, military experience as a captain il the ew Yolk State militia, i u itli of t ho en--ii-eiiients which piece.h-d ti.e fall of Sant ias.ro, the li-u-li ilii'.ers look .-in important ..it t"nii I at the battle of Sa i iii.oi Col. Ihio.evelt himself led the .iespi rate eh.ll'tre, wililiillu' ti 0 ehnirat o;i of his elit hllsi.ist if lol- ae.teis an I piu. kinc- vu tory from : he jaw s of .i- i at. W ieii t he w ar A .1-. over II" h. to letlil lied home vil h 1. 1 . r pre.sti-e than Col. ;.: ,os..ei ihit -u hi.-li.-r honors awaited him. ( hi ,. Ie.nl -r -7, 'ol. Ihiosi-v it I' V. ic I the lb pllbli au lion:'--;; i -ii for h.;eri,oi- of New Yolk, aid ill the elisuilltr, battle of I-. dints he carried the' leelio-i over -lud-o A.l-e.stn -i V. I N'aii W'yck, tie I -iiincr.it ic can-, .li I ate. l.at.r on, when the l!p-! tiblica'i liatioie.i! convention nut .i:id before I., l-,d fairly cat. red: upon hi-. .. knine tiation as Cov-j 1 I'ilol. la- received OUT Ids 0V1 II ! protest the iN'publican lioreina-I ,io;i lor Ylee-i'r. -sidetlt of thej i'lllted Stc'eS 0:1 the ticket with j idi.iiii M . b inh y. Since t h. n 1 the e; n S in' his public career are to 1 let-iiit to caii for 11 cpitllla- . 1. ill, The i'..i -American ''.xoosilion. Will clo-.e l (el.ill r .'li-t. Those ; Im have imi yet i-ited this Mar velous Wonderland are reminded th.it Ih.- time is -row ni; slnul. In or.l-r t- p-rmit every citizen i:i t':e ! -rritory traversed by ils liu-s, to take this trip, the Sea bo ird A.r Lino Uailway lias plac- 1 ed in elicit a rate of practically I on . l ire for the r urid trip to ! UuM'.do and n-turu, tickets on sale jS-p'i lllbel- :lld to llctobi-r inth, ! inclurife; tickets -ood to return ; u ithiu twenty days from dab? of I sale. This liberal concession 'should meet with a lieirty rospoii j se on the part of the t ravel I in , public, and ma iv will doubtless iavail themselves of the oppor- tunitv of atti-n din-.' this last ami largest of National impositions. The tnbersity's Success. Chapel Hill. Sept. 17. The L'niu rsit v re-ist ration up to noon today is fi.il, which is wlujly nn-pi-e. edeiite 1, be in' two more than the total attendance last vear. This y ear the attendance will bo! very near, if not quite, Cf.O. it seems reasonable to expect. The' number of students is so lar-e that the appointment of two new, assistants, Mr. II. II. IhiiUet in' chemistry, and Mr. W. I. Mc NldiT in ali ito uy, has been made necessary since the opeliillt.'. The total b achiiitr force of the I'niver-, sity is now I.'i, as atrainst ii") for last veal'. The school of liliiiilltT is a M.'d to the schools of law, med icine ai d pharmacy, ami becomes a regular I'mveisity department. The condition of cotton in N-nth Carolina, as reported by thi"1 I ep.irtiiient of Agriculture, is the lowest throil-lioilt t h. cotton belt, except in Tl'.xas and Arkan sas. Advice to tho Aged. Atc fcrln,-. Ir.fliirltleK, cm h us l li.K j'e h bov.t-:.'t, trc!v kidneys and blaj Ctraid 'ioxi'ID LIVtiK. have a swviic cftVf t on these orunUi Mimul .ti.ij; the bowels, causlni, ttinn to pcriorn I'lt-lr natural iuotlmn u lit yuuin u.u EMPAKTISG VIGOR - - t the kidneys, bladder and LIVER, I hey arc adi.iled to UU1 Mnu youn(. m:yv uvi'i:tisi:mf.nts. m FALL 1S01 The Most Popular Stohe in The District. one price to all 13 the way we do our - We sell Shot's, I )i V (ioods, Miiiiin-ry, Notions, Ho-s' Clothinir. Only "Cioi-J ( ir;t It' ( ioods" sold hcrt' and ;ill al tlit lowest rossihlo 1 1 I want to iiit-tt-.ts.' the Whclcsak 'H Dcpai tmciit, and have the larg- j NfjS. est stock in Kaiciiiii lor nuivhaiits to buy ironi. WAITER WOOLLCOTf. ,, KAl.bUill, N. C. . , wm m goffiss. Always 'ii hand a b.t ol Z"d "'nicer. i 1 1 -1 ro.-s ed and iiiidros.s 'J. Also Fiiiin intr and Sliintilos. on iiunu. limit .. to .TM'oiii; , 1 1 . 1 1 1 : . . price. Will bo dolive.od nl unv time, either day or ni--.li!. B. NGOE m. Xitts"tocrc, T. C'i I'eb. 2. is''1'. I WILL SELL PR IV AT ELY, j AND 0 EASY TERMS. :(): SiX Til.IVTS Of land about two miles from Pittstwo. Heie is a rare chance fara BARGAIN IN LAND! The tirst tract contains about 12') acres, adjoining the lauds of P. N. bousliee and others. The second tract contains about 24 .Kies, adjoinine, the lands of the late Wesley (jiiilin and others. 'I lie third tract contains about t'lii acres, adjoinine.' the lands ol the late S. V. Cut.cn and others. The fourth tract contains about 462 acres, ...iioininy. the lands ut the late James Harmon and others. The tilth 1 act contains about 82 acres, adjoini:. the lands of the late names liarniou -ad others, and lyinjc' oJ Turkey creei . The sixth traci -intains about 216 : acres, adjoiumt; . -e I'utsboro and byrt road. This land will be ld in separate tracts or altogether, ust a.-, may be j desired. All of it is well adaj .1 to wheat, j oats, corn, cotton and i. -. er. 1 It is well watered ana . ell wood ed in original tuitsl. l or lurth-.r iniViinatii ;; . i",ly to, J 1 1. A. l. i.rr n, 1 Sept. 6 k). Attorney. Hills cut to on er. n tstUfk i'Hil CCLSlTCtS always .Co'tcn Clnrers OUCHT TO BeVSMJKj TBEIB PROPERTY IN THK fl e WM This is a Home com pany und d. s -rves the g palrniia-e of all North ( an Lilians. Ii was orL'aiii.ed in iSHs and has paid over elilHl.iHK) in Iusm's and tl e.-e is not "iu-coiitci.te I claim a -a i list it ! Ali ..cs paid proniit ly. e: y prudent man on-lit t insure his jh-j p i r y. l-'or terms, Arc, iljil'lv to H. 1 MM. Ijt l'LLAHKl ( OWl'l'.H, l'ri'Hiilen Sent. 1:1. 1001. 'Can bo preserved, if your " "d ai yen ;iif uii.ii'if umimi inn c iit.u j ' I oilice and consult our spitiahst, we : will sctitl you a simple inellioj for testing vour eyes at home, on re- . ' ...;..( ,.r t o i " 't'1 L" r Du. S. IfAI'POKT, I II. M I rlM.OI-, bin ham, N. C. j DcuDLt Daily 5t;wif 1 . ...... iiypVK ; MAY i OI.K. TAMl'A, ATLANTA, MAY (K - f.i'.ANS ami POINTS SO I "I I I and V T.ST. So U til JO U lid. i v -w v .i li. 1. 1 ii r. it. u.." .Mi iv i . I.f '.tLnLlllf Ml. " l.t 1.1-III. .... I.S. l !l I.i I. li It . I. I l.-ii 111 . j - IU il n i-.n ! I v II. I. I. r. I l.t l.-ii- -...-Il l.r I in. a 1 I'l llll 4 i'l llll I. -a .ell - It... .II. I t .11 Hill 1,. ..i inu 1.- . J I'll. i ' lull ;i i inn I V Wi ll I 1 I .11 .1 duel ai., If. '!!.. i I , I.f ..1.-..I..,. ...I, .' V .til.. M-. .tr At. aula. H H. ...1 I. l-'-i :.l . U . .. Northbound. N-i. .! N.l. MM If !' Ill H "I . its (.11! Ilii.ip i I I . :n 'i 111 mi 1 n.l .in 4 111 mil 1 1 I'll! & '2.' 1,111 l.v AHiliitil. S. A. I.. .r A'.iins Ai- iii,viir..i.l, Al Clii s ci . " l.V I .i... l .11... ' l.V W lllll !l'l..II. ' "I) I III l.V IV 1. 1, 1 . i 1 I" I. ill il III I'll) Ar 1' "n-Hi..iitli, " 7 1'loiui (ii'.-ni .tr tt.i: li.n -ll. N, .S; W. S II. t. M. .tin Al- .Sol 1. U.O I), n, s i ... t 1 .In 1 11) Ni l.-.- I lii.l y ..,.1 Miml iv. lii In.: c.ri I't'itvis-ii N, tv V irk an. I lil--li-ni.iiul, ni.'l liuiukn tiii.1 Mtt ;tinuili .li Tr.tiue N.-it. ill itiul 11 TitAiNs i.kavk rmsr.uito ,",.."i0 . in. (.i.;() a. in. Trains Anive ut rittbuio ll.'ia a. in., C.50 p. 111 IKiihj f.rrrj'l ,S'u-n.M. Ar. li.u u.-rt V j. m WlOftiu 1'iiily. ll'Hlly I . i-uu-Uy Nes -KKt 1110I -n-' --"ilin Alhintn Sjii'cia!," Snliil Vcslilmli'il 'liiiinol I'u lnoiii .Mi'i-n'l n and ( 'nai Iu h lie Itvct-li U H.sliiny Inn iiinl Al Inula, also I'ulliiian .SIei '-rK btilwicn i'ul ts iiKiiill. mill l.'lnu 1-lte, N. ('. Nos 11 iiml IS ' J'lic S. A. L. Ex pi't-sK," tSnlitl Tii.in, Cdiiclu s mul I'li.linaii .hi-niM lictwccii l'tilth llinlllll 11 ml At 11 1-In. lietli trail", niuko iniiiioiliato can iii'i-li' iih at Atlanta for .Mi.)i,ti;inn. cry, Mo'iile, New DiIuhii:., 'Ii-Xi.h, Citlili'iiiia, Mexico, Cl.i.l tn iionii, :i-livilic,Moinlos, .Macon, I'leliiln. l-il- I'lck.-lH, .sl-.cpci-N, etc , uppl) to II. J.eaid, T. 1 A., Z. 1'. Smith, C. T. A., Varborou-;h House, lhilei-h, N. C. W. Ii. Hunter, A-.-nt, 1'ittsboro, N. V. Jas. yi. 1'iiir, 1st Vice-rresident and (ieli'l Mel'. 1!. V.. Ii. Hunch, (Jen. l'ass'r Airt. (ielu-ral Oliices, I'ol tsiuouth, Vll. VY. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CCniPCN. ! fFVw And cilirr pynllli n t fit flrnll.'mrii, l-uulin. Ilo; ttinl fe tif Best In the World, j tvf V I f rt.m-rlptlvn .lnrtlv iffV i mint !ii. Mill will apixutr U 4 Take no Substitute, out limlut on h ivmn w. L. DOI (il.AH'MIDK.-NWl'k u-i 10 null (irtca aikiuca e Ih.'.Ioiu. bold by I SlfiQT I L a: im, niiiiinBtioyiiiniei - u'iZ'! C'""', THE RECORD. FOK OVtK :rf 15 E HECOtil) Has don.- its utmost for tlie test in. LiV:t.-.of Cli.tlli.uu. iTIlE UECORD Is the "OLD Rni.lVHl.r-:," and can always be depended on. If you w is!) to jjet the latest news in County, State and Nation, sub scribe tut' THE HECOUD. Only 3 Cents a week. : I sU;

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