... ryj ni;v iiiiimn..-;. '-2: itt'iT'' j rj.i( (,()1Uijv ,.0ininjsMionors met at (ircci.'s mill on List i'liduy and Sept. I'), r.t'l. at "''I 1 i ;i-k.u y mill on S d- lirnay, Kir i in niiiose in i iMi.i ii imr with lhf citims of the m-irli-t u'lir t nl about rebuilding tin; budges over Kooky Uivernt those place . citizens near (Ire-en's rnill iK'Tii'il to liiiul back l tl.f liriii'i' iC .... 1 l,,,l... ,.f n il,., i I III.' IIIIHII l-T .iii.i .tin. . .- iv inn. Tin; rainfall nt this place whs t:li .,. washed down the river, very heavy from noon of last The commissioners tonic no fnr Tuesd.'iy until imxt morning, j mal notion, but it is understood . . . 'thiit at t!i. next monthly iiii'ctiii''. HovHtor H IB IMTCent Acta , . .. i. .. ,i i.'.,:i.i;,.. Ill UUS DAY. Local Iteconls. Tho iiiinual autumnal equinoc tial Htorm was u foV days ahead of time Warrington Letter. 1 Knim -uir Hot ,l,m C .1 1 i..i..,i.ln,;- ', Washiu-jtoii, Sept. -J, l'.ti:!. Tl. Kt,.i.itiii'' of lYcsident .Mi Kinley at Huliulo has been t J n nil- v, in. , .11 I - V I ' 1. 1 I . .'I I I. I ' ' I . , . - i ,,,,,,.!.,:,., with a.-HM.i...!; , spoon!,... .... i,v Mm-or Mo....- th- .-itiLus r. .r '" 11 i,-,. i ' . i . : .;.,ii.. ., ..nl,. i m-sane- m.:V 'm-said ot cl I i t - - win ;;,!,il . I !..!' llMlMI. J 11I1I.IHI ilMII lll.llll.' I .... ; .,; lie ... tin- iii the court house, on, - ol dill SCHOOL BOOKS Sshogl Books iism-i.i.i.' lMihiii: tonic- at the Xnt-!last Saturday, to cxpr, . . . , . . .i . . . 1 1 . .ii..fi. ..i iomd ( itill sine' I I may m. Kvmp till II !iv .-'Mho il.-ath of I 'rosi-!'" il.l-t. is ' t s i i ! eador I I'ihi-m i- much i Ih-.v may ub- u ii..- tor In the in. 'if simviv eases of ill. in lim a and 1 1 v-.'iit. iv, how rvrr, liamlii i lain s ( 'liolera ,-ilid Iballhiea I i - - Iiospliuto for sale, at I'lJink C. i'oe a. Mr. A. L Cotton, of Capo Foar tpwnship, has a curiosity in the shape of a pi; with nix feet. Car-load of heart pine shin-p-lesjiistan-ivoilai.il for sale lo ll Nuoo, Jr. Come at once. You will ti.ul a splendid line of Humpies for units f. M:nt: to oliDiiit, at l'raiik t!. I'oe's. Mr. John V. IHh-y has been appointed anil has qualified as a ttiiLMHtraie in Cape Tear township to till a vacancy. If you i.iteml l'aperiuyr t his fall, then be mini to see samples of Wall J 'a per at Frank C. Toe's. The train brouirlit n mail hen Vestenhiy liioiniiiL', beeause tin train on the KaU-ih ainl Au:;iisla Air liine was d.-l.-iyoil six hoiirs at Saiifonl on aei-ount of a washout near there. thev will onlri- tin' ri hiiililin . In-iii'-K at both places. of V.US. liKNl'III'l! IiT'.Al). Mrs. liouis.i lleneher die-.l at this lil.iee Veritel-il.-lV, the JStli, iv mi t mi . t in-, JlapjM-lini- ai. u n i.e M 'o. u lea I ' , ; " ," ! iKm n ,, i of t he l-ow.-ls i-.ilm anil so cl.-ai l.v 1 ran ai,i.- to i-aiii-u u- oo.-. t ,.. anaivl.islii- iei'ai tiat ion .f a M. Moore, l-.si,., who lu-.ei.y e-s'lil'ili-, m. known eie ituiv, it ul- I'laiin-I its ..l.j.-et ami n ipu'sl.-il I.MV.i! no hpa.-.- lor paiusaii n-n- .-v-s,-, ,,, . . '"-; ..ilim.i . .mUIi al'n it i.. Jnst.-a.lth..vat umli-riy man ami l.ll. v-a.Ne.no mi :,,; ,., ..vk ,.,,,-e is lovaltv ami honesty ..I th.-An,. ! 1-; s. i-r. tary. . : ' . ,, J ', Hal.' by ( i. K. 1 ' en, hrtem.e uppermost atom-; motion tl.e Hiain.ian a ; a.,.1 from every Muarb r ami ru-ry po.nt. 'l M-.srs A. I.oml...,, b. , '-to... s!,,..!,. of tin- eili. nship hay llay-S ' I - f,,;;,M' ,( j MKinVy's Caliintt Rcii.i iid. c-oiiie like ineasrves ot sorrow, nl-! Iblteh, .1. .1. Jolinsoii, .1. Ii.. feet ion ami i.e ll-li.il as ( he in-1 lu neh.-r ami I'. C. I'oe as a o-.ni-, shn.L'-ton, h.-pt. Ii. I'l. ..:.i . : . .-H. . ! .ii .....II.- .1 1 ..i-.. I - ' mil tee lit Ii Hurt 111 H ifol nl.it e IVSO- ,t,.i, !, m ise Ve! t at .'I o eloek I'llli -ill oi iin-ii.i-.ii-.i'.) . -. i , , ... i .i .... ii urns. . ei- re i inn-' mr i - iTiiiv! ii. . -,i ; ni si I'l.is assault upon tin .. I,, .i . i.i,, ii. . ii s, we liave jnsi leai lieu - i)(.-,s ill .Ml'. .i . I I II ie v s raiil in -I in !i of our late I'resitleiit, i i-fiaiii tlit-ir ii-sik-iI ie purlf. iam Mi-I!ii!e U ilel eas w e wi i U I i-.,,;i i il '.. ii :.. it., i . r i,, ,mi. Ii.i. lii's ill mi lui.a ion a It.i i iii.li i... ..... ftiniiiive si-iiooi in Lie i iiii.-u - - - ,-' I i . vears ao she ha t Iteell l ei. lark- (St ates J t is al I well eliou-Il t liai -anse i i.ei eoi, ami . n - mi. " "i I resn leni ,u eu inu'i in in -t imiu.i- al.lv well pr.'sei-v. il both lueiitally .,, ,,,',,,,,.,-.1 w run :l nil v in ol li. r , '''-n l ami sorrow in his tlcaili, 1 speech. ami phv.sieally. lan.ls shoiilil make Aiuerie.l their , tla-relore be it - Kl.o was the wi.low of the Won. Iisvm but tln-v must m.l a!s,,! K.'s.nveil by liieeitizeiis.it I ills- To Cen; a fold in One Day Abrai-i l!.-iielier, who was a mem- ,;,!;,. i it sl.iuvlit-r-house. We bor.t a:i I mi, n mo. I iiir eomin'tiuty, ; j(.lV.(tjt(. j;,,,,,,,, iiniii' ber of Con-l ess from this enmity ,.i,,,m. in our White House no ' m .nas 'ne, l n::; :-asseml.U-il: !Tal)lets. All iii n-'- ists rel'mul t h ; fi-uiu 1H2; to lsil'.l .-.ml ii-ain from (vr;liliH U, , ,,,.,.,1 the swift ami ; 1 mat we.i. pn.ie, in ...m . jf ,,,,.,,., )m ki i ivi't u-li,,.. I.,, u-.s iiiiiiiiiit- ii i . I!,.;. r.I..vi-ln.-,.i- ' we ca:l exi'ivs. I lie cowaiiui, -., i . t . . ......... ,. i ii ii it i ii . i .... .. I 1 ill in ll. . ; n - i 1 1 ' i . i -' iiiiii.ii'.i iii i.i . . ....ii.. , I," Chill' Silltalioli t,n- eo.'illilitt. I! r. J n H till Im'IiI ill a -llill-loil. Al llii-i I.K-i t fliltll ; 'the folio VII1-J-. ! ill.,' the I'resi.h'llt asl,--, I lie 1IK-I1I-, i .. '. i : 1 i,ii! T. .,,. ...I . I ,- it .. u .!.-:..!....-. i ;....( i . . t,u .,,,,,,i,,.. ....i.i. ,. ami mi I. nereas, hi- .- " ... .. lh.rH ii eil ii mmI v-fniii- vears. She had i;.-.i il,.,i i,n,l .n.i,. le-.-i.s- "i f he neat I been in feeble health for some latimi laiisl I tniii! iii!, I her death was not, ti,t- Jllt.t jt expeeleil. I'tllil two or three ,.,tntiv ha I been li lilal k- . i iiaeleil to sup . lit anarchism of t lie i si-lionl in I ue l nil ivss ; Hon. Wi i nam ..lcl :n.e : aini (hroii.j lioiit ins tern; mat .-..nil" uia-- is we wouM -jive expii .-..una (.1 that his miii.iiii.v.r.itiou woiiiil !i-- oi;tli:nil t'V About lni.l.biy on last M"'.' lay l.'htiiine-sliuel; ami burned ip t'.ie barn of ir. A. I. H. 1ml terlob, of ll.-i.lley tow nship. The liarn and eoidi nts were a total loss, estimated at ?lai.. Frank C l'oe is n'.'ont for At,.( '..i inii-L's Mower and Hake ;; Clark's CuttaAav-Harrnw; Km-I pire Wlieat Prills and Chatta Hiiit'.i Chilled L'inws. Here an- facts that e;mii"t be disputed. T. A. lla.iU ealli. s .-: llice line of slioj-s, e-ond ro! II, ri ii ni i: sllol'-i. Sumo of the ill-.-.'! vi.u.- .m.l nt lil ie s that e.tliiiol i i 1 I,.- I'lvsidi.nt. Tvler t:har. d'AU'iires to I'ortn-.'.ii, mid in IS" was appointed by President l!ue!i anaii ( iovernoi-of I lie Territory ol New Mexico. Hei- la I her was ( 'ol. Kd w aid ) ones, mi Irish veiitleinaii tthncaieetn Wilmington shoilly .il'li-r lie' bevobitioiiarv war and in J 7 : ) 1 was elected Solieilnr (!i n eral of North Carolina an 1 .tf'.-r-war.ln removed tn this c-'ii ity a id died I e ill IS!:!. Mm. Ib iieher was a la ly of rare aeiMuiplishmeiils and ;'rae s of maiiner. Ib-r iniml w is naturally brilliant ami had been hi dily cul tivated by s!in!y, leadi'iv and tiavel m this country ;"nl r.uro S!.. would iia ve ji-.-e-i d an in Km p.', as yit'. did t In of I'm I ii -al. i ilnve s si-'h.-itlir, -uts is on each box. .Tudje lladley.of Howell, Mass., has made li jjood precedelil by re fusing; I" i;-lie mi i li r 1 1 i :'a t ioll paper-; to any alien proli.--.siiiL; An. in hist beliefs. lets I'll I'l cure, no a i n:. I iv. I III one il.-IV. 1't cents. the '. Ti vihit- be beaten ill l'ltlslioro. There has bi en a very sudden and decided chaii.no in Hie tem perature this week. I.a-t Sunday and .Monday were as hot as July, but Tiicsdav it be-an to turn c,: -i,..u-h b. make I'.i.-s and v. ii.ti i flo'ibine- coiiit'o. table. - (iov. Avcock lias iippoinlei! Mr. Heoiiidas .b nkii s Wibia.o ; Justice ot the pea.-i f, r William towii.ihip in place of Mr. Cm Wan!, whn was eh ete 1 by III, Ijeyish-.tur- "'"l 'i''1 in.l i,i:-di;'y in the time pre.- ei iia ,1 by iaw. . NM S iturdav is th" dav p point, d I'm- t-e l i"" tn i . , J, .,,. and select dele-J lt, S to Yr :,t ( 'iletil.lt. I ill I he St lie Iii". '! tn lie held at t-:.-dei.. mesdav, for the pin pose -,' -.till:.' up tin' price i I dittoed. - -Tin- Slate board, of pel:sii e--jd Kilei.:li has approxe.l .-..1 lie lielisioll appiiciliolis that had ecu ill'pioveil i , V ice em u iard in this coui.ly. e'-e pt !""' I'olll- reieeted ate tee aoplie-i- s of 11,1 'h 1 1 M ft. Atlas I'.rd'- i I " I aov.'.l. ITI'.'H. M:is.e- jb-lTV Tavbu- is in; relatives i,i Haleii-h. ?ir. Chaviie Ihew. r spent Sun iay here w is h his fa,..:ly. Mi- !'i,d 1 1. deb, of Ch.lllntte, s isltiiu- Mr. J. I'. Tiiuieii. i . m i ,.1 ,. hi-ii .i . ni.itiiiiaii an. I iiu warr.iuieii L'l'r. or in ll. mine, v.n .i.n,...-..,,. .. - . , is that, of llb.-rlv and law and . aisassmation ol our ( h . . Ma.j-l-mustnot be made poisonous by : Irate and most snl. mi. y declare the biv.ths of those whose tnn- el. Ill ll w al Lire a-aliist tin' ele ..,.sa:.d h.ii.d.i are a-..-.-iii,st ( J., ; ...out and or-.u.i. il em tint can and .'..vi-r.im.-e.t, ami tlm public I'.fH. b. such an eiiemv ol i" I ma:ikiiel as l he miii dei er nl I les- " .... " . '.I,. i, I M . !J inlev! we di-elal .' Sl'ch I in' new V 1 .ir.'iess coiim ioii , in .- December pnmiisis to be .me of ' to be , me --I t he s ,1 pre, ae dan-crs. theliveii.Jt of r n. times. The , I; our , m.t A u I ions a, wo ca S,tp. I. Co.Mul ii i.nl.licaa scant majority oi imr-"i f- IV-nine Will have to be kept well every acuity t" slamp out M.s wi'.hin the party corral, if I he j p -isnmrns, tnn-nus ;;r,.w t h wlui-h i.arlv ,,ro:rran. is to be ca rrie! is ,m to ,m i ree nisinu,,,, Uw'-ird with roleritv and c.r- j and to our t r.idit.ons ot e-overa-tai-ilv. Tim Demoeralsv.-ill hive, mil, I tn keep close watch ol. the miH ,--.ll'lt ' l": '";f !l- , n.l .,1 Iiimv -it ."..TV .,os,i-;.J' iM.oey the li.it. on Ins los a w is , p.ii nni I -, cm i -, ian i an , , W !,t'Se elm f pMl-pnse lis Slichol lieer, WO believe, was U promote the bes! int. rests of all Hectimis of our oomd r.i : ami I we In l bv join ia the iiu, a I i.ricf at !:.'is ereat lon.d i-ahiii.it ". :t. We v.o'.-.M expi.- s our ik-.-p- sv,"i,:'lli:- r5, v!,,) "-'r i verier; ofsah:-: -ny virtu soil.'lliv lie HI, l .n;' em. I'm , eoiirf j,;,. i,,iit:m',l y. At tl.isi.oj s -s-O'Uirt siou thev lull -it ll-Vi'lnp the iine.-j on whh-h t ie-v mn.-t '.-'O to 1 1 e o liiitiy in J '..if! an I ::sk for .a laaj OIMV 111 the lee ,1 lloll e of if l-'r eut;i!iv s. Tn v. in liial H me.v Hie i h e! a. ill ol t lie I 'elm Ca! ! leaders. W i t ! I that -lined tlley C.lil lllake "a mil .v'll h ill ie," so In sneak, for the K- publicans just r.-'i- - . ,-v . II,. Q;"'''k:r5'5 ''' , c .In it. .! 1' the national campalvii ol I a lieai P.ml. I leliiner it ie h'ild. . i ... i- .1... 1 . - .'OTIIT "I 1" 1. 1 lil.t at Hie in Iir ni : . . e iintv, in-i'l" In M .- 1-1 I eased I'lefiiieiit's I all 1., I t he hel Is VI , . ,,. A,i,-, e, r. .. ..f ,11 I !,.. ,l,ii,-, -lies in this town iiiiv-i- l.peno- ns-iln-i s . ' ,ii i i -,...... liss Hn . i-.doii, wa." V b .t r, ..f Wil li, re a f. w thivs ao. Mrs. S Mr. .). W Ai, T.-.v . I-".. !,. il.oi. his !..n,i in I.I.- n lone: is xisiti'.f I Moai'lle. h-is i-i turn- Mi-- V rc 1' Hl.-I.d le'l ves Maiv'.i shenl i.i jjiai.i isitin-4 i .; -eiu i-' that th-- m-w ooiistilaii ''i r;;, In. lilted to nil i:bri. i-e.i ate ."id adopt, d. and lu.it I v t -.-Let will be oer. h cleeted ill NoVe'iil.-c yard Co!. Jayh-iv hei did. lev ii."ii I he ll.'l i I I'. Ili.it '-I Will be elei-t.ir- i he par-Iminjlv l.-l toiled as ail e r n et and svn.pal. ; anil of olii i". Tint ! n 'h Ait r s!; Th.-v re- 1 priate to t. e o Ho i 's ca::-- 1 1 . A l.oudoii, iliti-ei li.-l;- 1 Heli-.-lcr I. lid i.b- It, ii-i!,-i. A. J. -pi-ni liviium -" II : it 1 . i he wii'a hi- : tn raise tie ! hei, ,1.11 A in vito I io h. r 'rot. be. bo Th H, f.,r. I, John H. Cavim Wlnl St, ', .1. H. li ii'ii at nr-l IV and ' i fa ii-r. Mr. J of ,1 Ia d l'r I'.rdeu. slit .th. In btm hi o Miss Annie Ibvwor 1ms just . . i ... .. . i .. 1 1 I,...-.. lO uriieii hoiii ...ii.i, ....... IlllS h, i-ll pel li'i". ill,' lu-i sen i'l trt of trimmiu' and mukim,' ..... . i - i i m S e wi takec !.il-"e ol x . I .. I.. ,i,. lot, .V Son's millinery deltarl- Iiieiit, li;i iiivr boiijht th' in a nice -Iv which she will lie y'la.l to lit'.V V'tll. The yoi'i.S 111'..' illllN- liow every day. Ladies, they will be ylad to r vou the handsome dress pob for full and winter wear they are now veceivinj- .-it Hon ilon's popular .store. There are the prettiest as well as thechcap .st L'nods thev have over had. Thoy have a lovely line of hhirt waist floods and all the latest My los of dress trimiuiuus. Mr. Thomas J. Jeiik'uw, f Norfolk, eame to Monciire last week, for the purpose of opeiiinu u t ore there. He was taken sick nday or two after his arrival and last nb'h.t. His stock of s. ! ay o I o i u ii 'r. In-.H-KS Hvi.iin ! ell. l.'!Ve I Cell i I.i ill.; ,-r, .Mr. A. J. jSynu.ii. Mr. A. M ha-. I .ecu i m his li.llelltS. ed I .1 :, I' V i! V, d.H li.li' !. tiri :i.i. 1 ,r I'll eraor-sliiit a lair ,ii;i!i.-a:i leailers ai'.- .mm-. !.. ,i..!. ,e...i- ll,.. l- .ad ! A . ii.1-1. Ih-al'v the.'e is li.pe ill iio.'e. I!e h.'.s IleiUer w II oi ( 'amet'oa, u r I lie tile- ,-ss I act of ?dal.'o.te, aad I i:e pcop'c .1' S ir-mi i v.'iil lie siow I i take im si iiini-.lv. His race i slai,-,: liom the stait to lie a ril.e--tl.ne mnt. ()m i- in I.b- I'. l.i.id th- i. p i! li ens ..i r. all, i ie'a;.-i;,4 in ii for lorn ii-.p.'. With i", -Sen. dor t !or ma:i o.n-e i.ioie i.i full i o.aaiaiid of lie' llemn.'ia ie i'olces, end his own c; : lid id V f- r til" Cited i-tioiis Iii tr s i 'or 1 1 hi .-a mn ' , it s Ins, uppro- ' occasion, by J'essi-s. !!. I !. Haves, ,1. (J. .1. J. Jenkins, the es i'lll lolls were llll.lMI- ' idopled by a rising vole, iiu,' .-iiiiil.il- to this w as ; e on the -Jf.lh of Settem- i her, !,- !, to express sympalhv at Hie dealii of I'n -.- ideiit (iarlield. It is i-.o ii.-sllv hot-id t Ii.it there n.av '' '. vi-r be c:i.'..se for aiiol her .such Ihwu been appointed sole agents at IMttsfooro and vicinity fnr tu SfJinol Books adopted Laxative b-nmo-()ii,m Ta b- f f njUlSc SCllOOlS lOP 1 mmm - - " l ri . . the next 5 .years, iney are now reecivisig a full stock and sell ing theni at contract prices or exchanging them tor old hooks of like grade at half prices, provided they have been used in school during last term. We wouhl urge all teachers to adopt these books as soon as passible in their schools. Wlu n books are ordered by snail send postage. These HOOKS are solo: stricuy ior cash. Ni-:w aivi;:m is:::,i:Ms. r ci.v will :in '.', ll'll. I'. I'll ,'lll,. 1:1 k I! I'l ll, !.- II v ..." -li.H ' I ,!'"'l " f..'l '-1,1- :l 'I,.' "II ,' 1 i ' n lining rn h..'-.". ,-.Vn 'in III.'', 'ill-, T . i.i r I an I it ,r.,. ,-i-l,.i'l III Hi,' in, I It !lli etili: ftra, l-u.-e. vi Ky li:;lit.:; ,,i .'l-MT. ( h i.'h-s Y.mne;, clol'ed, l is wife and I w.:-year-od ihi'lhter were ii!-tal,ll.V killed by li.u'lit nl.i!,' ai IVrhtnii, llobeson county, i s- I-..I...." .! iiMv.t l,-,,,i 111 r.' "r li , ,1,.' Tr 'i aini i il'.ni : mil li ir-,. ' . nr.-1 -r p.1,,1.,1 il'.-l In i- il'l I-i- -"-Ifi-.". s.C I .",i.-t will In- I'l "I' -'I 'a ' t. !: I .1 ,' mil. 1 I "II M Ml "I IW.MV.- "i .ii In a-.'ii .l.-l -il". N ip-.il Hi- pui'-liii--r in Hi" i.''"rr.'l i m.-n-H ili-.iivlnu' li.l- vm: fni ,i .Iii'i' ,-f il" nl t' .--,-l,l lllillln-JiMl II," '" ,!-n-wlll l.-u-.ll nl H. ii u-.u I I.I I "I IV .1 I. nut," ?' -' I", c.irl.-r ,l,i.H. n a,,- 1,1 I 5 71 i-il, il', 1 0," ll'iiii' If"-. .-,.-.-,. 'li,o'.i ti"i"- will I." i-,r-;-.'l II,'-' -i'- ,111 I C. Ml Hi ll Mil 'HI" ri!.TV" 1 lllllll ,ii, -Ml .I i,i.'.''i o ' 1"1 ' '. -1 ll!r IJ.ll illlj S, ..ill,,,'., i.nl. ai.i ie:i nxi: ".. A ' nr. -.1,-1 i-.iimi :ii-,-r NOTICH TO CKKIHTOI'.K. E 1 iviiiL' oualified as exeeiitm- a CALL FOH ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT r lli- , i ir, Hums, of l;. short visit !: re In We .-lie ph'ase 1 in is doiue- well iit his riiat'.'S Sella!,' involved III tl.e C'U- l '.-.t, it is r.- ilied ii.,! oulv ;i uir i.i p,.liti"s can save the day I i ihe i. pui.li -niis. H a Mr. Cor- ;o o mcl j ,11114 A. ii.-, know t lint h 11! v Home. Cap!. V. H. London ".n 1 Mrs M. A. Il.rie start. .1 e:iter.!a,- to Cal ifornia tn ai'.end the i.-;. 'e-r I coii Ve'di.'ll of the I'l'ot, st.l'lt i'.pis ci'p'd Church. Tl'.ey wiilhi- eone about SIX Weeks. On account of bad health Mr. J. V.. Smith has rosi-i e 1 as fore man of the l.i:i "i:ii ollice, and that position is now tilled by Mr. 1 . H. Ci'nwson who so acceptably tilled it for a mouth last year. n.l t.iietiiimr u-b-v.... k a in.-iv. ii lau hi las, It' and his followers are o'Verin-.' odds th it he will he a haiaL-dnni! win 1 licl o I the Novell, bi r stakes, I ,,t, ,iinoi... e.ilelll.'.t ille" I )i i.iociats is bein ,' iiltracled I silo.. toward th i eiinsvivaum f 'ii!a- al:, ruoon id I Voini:; ami his wife wi re e.,it,,:i on the farm ol' Mr L-ilicasb-r, :i!i I their tinee child ren were silt in- under a walnut tree near by. A shower of rain eimo up and he and his wile joined tiie children under the tree, the mother t.ikim.' her baby, jess I li.m a vear old. ill her hut. The oainl was leainn -; on one sine tree, the wile with tile lial y ti.i. in-t ,1 -hi- il,,. li i-,iiIiii- i li'.Ci .I'l .if lil ,. II I III I, l.l- ll', ll 1.1,11. ut vim., -i. v ifi ., ii..tlfv all r.. Ill-TH t.i 1M'."I,-. Ill,..-r I II i'l' ll."!"" III" I .. ..... - ... i -j. -i- Hi", it ,ti.-.' '.via I Illli I SON. ..1 th- l.- I.. ! 1 1 vi i". 'nun 1 1 l.-l. ii- r Mini,' .1 .Y it lu- vom u-K a l:.Vi:s, n PITTSDCRO, fL C. C"!. mt ma R1P"R C9lBVt M D9I II mtm mt WittT ! 1 . .- . . . I I 111, ,.t II,,, 1 1. silllalloll. J'A-CoU llior i illllsoll, in nei Mil il o. e successes a.-ailist the ( ) ,l:,V ' Veal' old dai.-hte.' between t h.m, mn-hire b.iM- been three times and one older child some little i i .1.;..., 1... !-tin ' ibsiialiee 111 trolii, III tlietwilik- ,i,.i,i it In 1 lie lieid with Ids coat oil' and his is trvm ' heroic-ill Next Sc. mi Ik'iins S.-;M'n.ber 10, p.i'il. f-'O 1.1 I, t.il.eii mil of the del),,!. His vile and sou were with htm before 1.4) died. Anarc!:ists MaJc to .Mnvc. 1 iltsbuiv, Sept. 17. -A Com ineii i.d (layette sp, elal from a stall' correspondent says , 'ill armed men. iiuit.'itino,' the movement of the famous Ku Klux Klan. r lid d the anarchists of (iulVey Hollow, Westminster county, Sunday llie-lit, and forced 'J." families to. i. i... !.,.;,. .1 .,.-.. i. .. ,. 1 1,.. - ids had arrived hut bad not : , , 1 1.-I.t. The raid-! crs surrounded the houses aini ; terrorized the anarcliists by lirin I Winchesters and levolvi is and ye!lin;' like Indians. Ibirin1 a ' lull ill the fusihlde, omi of l!ie eli i aivhists, w li.t ei u ,1 speak lliiu- lisli M iitureil Ironi Ins nous,' un der a thu' of trnoe and hed a .ai ley with the invaders. The re sult of the conference was that Ihe anarchists .-terceil to be res ponsible for the immediate re-' laoval of the whole colony. I'v tic terms oi the capitul.it mn the lor. iciicrs were tn Icvethe v.iin ily with their wies, chi!die:i and ;ill their be!ot!Lrin 'S before day break. They kept their contract, and before the sun lose every boii.-.e in the settlement was de serted. The only taol' they asked in return for' their exodus was that their I'ivl-s should be spared. Case CoMn:oM!si'K The suit of 'A. lb Linebcrry W. H. Hr.toks for the ollice of royister ot deeds is settled amica bly. The plaiutitl" t.ikes a non suit, each tarty p lyiio.,' his ow n costs and the defendant pav to the plaintill' about oiie-tJiird of t. 0 esliiii ited fees f t0 ollice. Tins compinuiise was made be t'llUSi' of the eiv.tt expeiw,! which a trial would have involved, juiiotuititi:.' probably to ?;!.-. o or luoie, and l eca'.t.-e of tiie ere. it in convot'ioiico to which it would b ivo jmt s i many w itnesses. About yotl witnesses would have been ex amined and tint trial would have Im-cii very tedious. N,i doubt all t lie w itnesses w ill be pleased to loir that the case is compromised, Wlmn yon w.o t a pi. mid that they will not have to nt- sic try the new r.'im .iv triid the next court nt 11 illsbom. Iain's Stomach ami I .i The trial no doubt would have re- Tlcy are evsy to t ki vived and stil'lt'il UM .'inch of the u.:t ill e!t'et. I'ri.'e, bitterness of l ist year . hot cam- S luph-s fi-'e at (i. ll 1 juieii. dm ; store. lieid wit! t'V 'S rolled lilt. lie tn I'e.itnre har- iii. hi y, liei'.-iiey, aini ia 'lie: ! y to : lie partv ranks ill I'niladolphia and the State. 1 1 he has not Inst all his cuiiniii.Lr he will come dumrer mtdy l, ear deleat'n j; the moil stef niiii iiine uf the Mi '.v i row-i. If the inslHVC.it P.f publicans should hoid out in their present revolt i and "'.o .v.th the democrats, the defeat lnb.'ht cM'li How he deeinc. I assured. And if I'all ison should. succeed, :i e at hie- Pivsident 1 11 boom will attach itself tn his mime. Tho Schley P.nard of In, piny begins its sessions today, andtiie proceedings w ill be lilii -liscK in ici i st inu' liom t he sl.-u t. No m.e can ipn siioii that th" Nay I -paltliu-nt crowd is e.iL.er to secure a i ompi el'i-iisive Iiinbii"- availed Admiral Schl.-y. The ilea that they would assui ie the attitlid-' of impaltitl .and dbvhilie.l pulili sei vaid: s, , kin.!-only to deVel ot and pit serve th" truths o' a ,;reat historic eeiit th u s not obtain here, t Mi the contrary they ob ti tide tbeniselves as ralud prose cutors and Admiral Schley U to be forced to p:oo Ins innocence ot th ' clial'iies that have b, en ntti-r-e I iii'iiinst him. The impiiry will be of world i ide interest. In,"- of an i ye a bolt of hehtnin:' It niei; I he and. I'llllllin j- ikw either side to the . ry 1 wi,,.,,. 1 1,,, iiiiitlii-r ami father s it killed tl" m instantly. The little ,,'irl who sat in the middle was also killed. I'll!, str.lll' -.- tn '-ay, the baby was fo.iiid in it -. dead moth er's arms uninjured. The other chdd was also uninjured. Swarp'tij nt Range. IT. "Ill tin' l'.li.llll'li,ll Nl' It will be remembered that sometime ao !'". I'. I'oinille went nut to Oklahoma Territory, lie hits lately cxchaliueil his residence at this phe-e to Mr. Sorter for his house and lot out there. Now in order to save shipping expends l'iuiii!e ami Sorter have com lud c I to swap eseryt iiin j; that each possesses that each call use. They li.i" swa ped. cows, hues, chick ens, household and kitclieli fllllli t.lle, fal'lliiliLT lltelislis, linuses am! lots, ill fact everythia except w ives and babies. Mrs. l'mnille is plant iiej; Mrs. Sort, r a nice tur nip patch, makiii-' her up a lot i, I pi esei es and jellies and just b fi ie !.e move is lnade will kill a elni ..cn or so and li.iu, a jjnod old chicken pie on the shelf for the new comers. t'nt taeal. While YL PAY I'm- i.'ooil clean Wlieat delivci-eil at our mill. CASH Dl'lM IAM HOLLER MILL, M KHA.M, N. C. linn..- ,, , ... ca- ,,,1 Vi i ' lvcl'i'il ill our mill. j-i ! i;iSi - )ss I rep tt'.ltot v SJliOol L,1 kEEl A BAMv AC(OUiT tw-itclu'i-s. I Imivni !! v.-ei .-.. iii'i... hid ii'.r.i die.'il'hiu'. loin ir,i'".i.ii;e is rcnvcf'tihy M-livitod. 1 oi lurihcr iufoiinaiirii '.li'ply i" A. L. STAR;?, Priiici'JC;!. Svj-t. i:. vyn. '' A :w1 l"oieni! ?jfr . I Imr-.,- uiul i,r I'.nk -k "n kluJ ol u iimi- l.lhllllOll. iim, Eureka Harness CJ1 i,,.t,iih'iii,e,:,'itt,' l,!,''-i.'i'vU,t i A ; 1,..,. k Ik'IIit. Iit l,,,iU.- ll.fl l.-t-i,'r "11 ii'i.l i'l!. ,,-','. I'Ml-' ii ,', , V 1(l . ,y ,:-.u. ii 1 1 J..--I im Jjj, ' ,'''te, 5TAMIA1) h) Your ;;, Horse a r-;V Chance! ,:As WITH THE Ccnmiercial and Farmers Bank Hat tiff l V. C Cala OapitD.l and. S-arplvtc, $130,000.00. Accsta Over X3!all 3vlillicn 3 ;ollars- .1. .1. Thomas Ai r A. Tiiomi son i'.. S. ,)l ;.M S. . . . ... lli :;i !:i:i' Y. ) Ai'Ksns . I'rosident Vice-rreiident Cashier Assistant Cashier Concord Times; Mr. 1. N. rhair, of No. I' township, was in town Saturday, and is ( ry cut huiasi ie in ree al d t, i some excellent -ohl lluds In- ,;,s in. ale on his place, nant ol-v- He b:-..nj!.t with him li". penny Cli l-u'', r. vci';! !s ol jolb l,ll .':;i Is w Inch he l Te'ilels. pieke up or. his farm ami which ml pleas- lie sidd f .1-ra7..Vi. Th- iii s i,u ; ti.'i cents. ' e -t I'..' f -ll'id hilie elf w !,de l iiiai; Ui. ...'(. tl'l i'dnie; oi I'is h, I -e, 1 ll I ,.'!S -lined ut 1 i ''.). .it th,. other ce.d nl the hue sinil- V'-rZx J A iwrfW f-T a1-" 51 i l,r ,.io.-eedia-s are in- on, and ! g h gg$ vj fj M exactly the same miiaher of tin- E 5,4$ ip seed is beiuu .l...it.;d and the I E?SH1 ' li& V j j I .'. a t l'at- THE NORTH CAROLINA' V INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. pi cd. Mrs. l'ouille ami ohildreii w ill leave for (heir new bnine tn about Hi. day., and t !:e Sorter fam ily w ill start for l'.iirliiiton on the same dale. We trust that they will meet on the way and learn to know each nl her. t'mint", t I ' l',t tn, ., ... C'.l- '.: Cm OifiMisC .,! w .111 'l r -.ii '.- fe' 11 w i- Mi,: k". pl.raltlM. r. I I'T MO0I.M.1 I'm. -..Tf IJ S. Pen-NT C'f'C :, nt in U - l.iu.- Lli.iu lUo-e 1 iLl.MV t.l.l.-NU'.i Scuni iii Colli I", ,1 - -r'; I1..11. We .il-," e!c-' I'm 'vi' A P.l, ll ' l.-.rr ..f iv ' ,1 '. till 11, 1,1 1. ,. i-" ,.r i hn' v, il ,ll ',i:i: . , r i '-I. I"'" ua 1,, I imti'iit i. c,i,wi. , in j .ut f u.,tuuuty,f -ln-o Th, d.irv ot tl voiiii'.; . .1 ve.u. ! ID- ir.vliiui.d ,Vui.;d r..rn-K(. .1, l i j ...t..ui i-' i. I l' Kin uu i PrcsiJcnt LITTLETQH Mill C0LLS5E. One ol tho most prosperous institutions for the highor oJucatioii of young wo men in tho South. I'anacoa Water kopt in the building. Nineteenth An nual Session begins Sep tember 18th. For Cata logue address CIIAIU.LS L). MclVLU, PRESIDENT RIIODES, GKtiNM'.i.Ko. N. 0 L!TTLETCH. N. C, iv i.d Allium' i'.'ii.". 1'H I,, III,' t..ri,"ii-,i-.l ii':l ..I tin' Sin 1- i.e.. t-:t,-iiy ,'l I it'll 1 1 ' I . IT ,',l.-,' HI,. I I',,- (..iniii .1, s. iii.. 11' ut, .in ik i l.iiftN 'I',. "i',ir,' l. ' V 1 1,1 , it,,. .1.., Mil m nil tr,-,-1 ul ; tl.iii 111 1' I''',,1", -. it"1 n.ii 1.' 1 -,"r- July i:.ii. j KI..11 ..ii.. Si-ii,,'inl.i'r ll' ll j . h,li... ft',:n ,,..' .lwlrlt.it .Mm- . i.-r- jit, a nl,,,.. jjrn,'!, -t Citai- I n.i 1 in: inui.ll iii .l.lri-sti I

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