' , j ' CVH I Chatham $eovd. otJmRercr5. j Yf sffi Vf A iLv' A dVV I BATES 1 VLm mmimm Mumw, 11 One square, one month M II- A.. LONDON, 'EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. URMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, USB PER YEAR Strictly In Adnci. f 91 HTTSHOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY N. C, THURSDAY. OCTOllKK 10. 11)01 For Urgdr advertisement libl ( t ou will be made. VOL. XXIV. NO. 8. I 4 JWO GENTLEMEN ; 0 Dy SEWARD tC.joTWit i.y IlonrnT niiNvnn'ii Sosa.l i Cn.VPTEU XXVII. CONTISIT.D. "Xotv, Mr. Warritigford," Paul laiwyer Perklon, in his slow style, looking ut Dole ns if for cneoura -;e-incut, "there i.s a rccret connected with your uncle's life of which yon know nothin;;. The only two who are now livinv', perhaps, who do know it are President Polo- nod myself. We voro boon c mpa:iions of your uncld in younger days, and nil ler.itnti 1 the full circumstances of the cue. I sav perhaps wo nro the only ones living. There were other;, but we have lost till trace of hem. Now, Mint yon ninj fully understand what is before you, you w ill please vend this communica tion which your uncle, phi'el in my keeping the very day that y.m were Jnii?f "ut home, ill, mid. of course, ns yon havo learned, the day upon which litf died. Von ha 1 better rea l this lie fo:o any o," t'u) others, us it stands l ir,,'cdy in the I i j!it of u will and eiu'ts ei'taiu conditions coincident wish those exiatin .-; in tho will Tim will, liotvowr, was male out a short time after your sister disappeared. And this document was written o:i the day your undo pive i! to me. I need say nothing further. The do.-'.ttnent make t'verj thins char. '1 would request, Mr. Periston," 1 replied, "ihat if the document is ? Jon;; one, you will he kind enough Ic allow (ior.lou to real it aloud. A? my nearest f;ic:i 1, I wo. il l naturally Iim to hini for advice, if any were n.'oded, and there seems no necessity for ii double reading. I iru nut equal iplite to i-cidim; nt length aloud; so, if you and Mr. Polo n;ree, (.ior.lou will t ea I it." "it makes no difference," said rier!: taiit. handing the paper to (ior.lon. (iord.u ilcarel his throat, n:il, aprcadin - tho paper on a table bel'oru Liiu, vea I us follows: 'Ar Tiir. i'.iiiai.s, ox t;:k I-i.ivd or O.ua (M!". "To mv es-a.vit.ir 'r my n;i T:m:ni V.'.trrl.i'.;fur.l. il hi" should so ".vr from Lis nlar.nliii; illness, mi l I, i:i tho iu":iu t i-n.', sliuiil.l .11": 'it Is with the raiiinu vision nut fin tr.'iii'.iiiii; of nn ..Id nam who feels his ni l appr laeldn.; Ci.it I wnto t ti is last letter, in xvbh'h I aoi'; a illclistir- to my iii-'ili.v, f-huulil h" survic, mi I in v.Mi i I ir:i. r'l ' tis for t li" r omm! Ion In s i ne m-ni'i-r, It li.. I to i I it... a wr mi li liss li n lion.1 it ."1.1 i, lir-t l.y .'li-c -t nij.la-tiiu I.y utli'TS a i I mii.... I.y naaj.ia.-t I.y mvsi'ir. " ' A --it in i 1 1 ! t m :it my -it-ii c HP.!i.nv shall r 'cr.vi",-, I sli.ill writ ' ttiis as a iln"t u lini ni. 'at ion to liin. ni in ."is.. I cirvive iii-n, 1 slrill !- a t r ;.l.i . mis w.lii .! - i Ul"ll':l li 'll.T lilllllT 111 ' n"'ls of I '(. e '.s... " l'o ia'ajin. III "a. il.-.ir Tn'n. iiit.i.ia'jii f liav; ."i"i ka i.vn a- a 1. 1 .;'. or t i y.i.i an. I your d.-ar parents, I w.i , laarrlvl t-.voaiy yea rs n;o. ' la fie town of Walla!;!!, on t ' s r Is! hi 1 of Maui, tli. r r.'-i le.l, twiitv years a j . li f i ni.y uf I r...i.0i a- ltli-rs, ;.o.'nio,. of Je.i i Chicot, III i wif i Jlnri ll i I t i".r ilanitht.'r Aun.-tt". Ai.n.'t'.o wss a'. ,n: I .viMity-llve years of ur.'. v .re t,i- in s: i:i ; ii:i. nt n wil l!y r nar.tie nature. T lis -,v n lio loal.t ilina to tmr faih-r s lis..of.oi w :iio i was fun -if hi an I i-.veii to v.i.ai-. i I it ni.isi sr ri U i ii j iciMir . At ttiis ti-no I !ie. ...ss-i mi l.i Ma ii near Wailii aii, aa 1 spent a . -i !"r i .i i porii i'i of in v iImi-i o-i a . uit.it i...i iMii... "aSii ir li -a I.' Jean i.'.ii -..t woro-l f -r in aa.i assisteii me in m i .-;.rri-:i 1 w-.r:, a-t-. il; as im nver-eer an I sor: of pay na't":; tor with all Ins v i ; l'c's a.i I w iim i li" was, at t lint tune, a in. .s: trustworthy ii;an. i fill not lik.i his wif... r.i.-r.i w.i s i n -thiir; a'i mt li.-r feu r -i-'i..,l m . .s , n... Ilun'4 of a s .r,'e it '.i ; e!..;. nit ia li-,- na tur . ilut I ni": A'oi"t:i' .l:i I f-i! io live wit'i l.er. Ui e.iit.. !ie i iieoV, w.-r inoro than illi:i ; fin t ie,r ila ittit Blioill t marry a we ilthy t tinier, mil A: lli'tlii I. "atne my wif '. We live I al 'Ml- ir Ilea I,' an. 1 at llr.sl the pr oniiso "( !i ipi ia s, was very urea!, iwt a't-r a le.v nioiiiti., Jean Client , to a-s -n an i'Vil lo t i i- e ovi'i-his !a ashler i my wif.o, ail ta i llr.-t estr.ia::!:ii"iit too'; pi a . ' 1'lilr. sort of tntm; kept up cintin l illy, until my wif" k.ivu l.irth to a eiiii-1 a lau ,'lil. r. Waeii Hie c .h i w is h it ..n inoutli ol'l. my wiTe l"i't me under pr-'s'ir of lo r f.ilh 'r In'.lu "f eft in", rt.i ' lis appear '.I fr en '.suj.ir It"1 a 1' " i - .1 iy li.e 1 veus out atn oil; i.iv me.i an I to.'; t.e; eiitl I wit li li"r. 1 l ave not s.'.'ii my w ife nor e!ni. sin..... I iiiivo r.'ii.-i'i ti il";iev.i Unit my wife .lie t .s i.ne tareo i.r f j m yean "iVIien Anii 'tte left mo s i era 'by, with out a sha low of provo.'.iti 1 s.iut mv lieiirt against her, aii.l .li I not in any w iy itltenipt to lin t le r, or w.a 1 1 h.i'k. l'oi wars 1 sainrte l mi ler tii roic's tii.it ul I .lean iliic.it ha I il.no me. 1 sill Siii.-m lla l,' and have ii 'ver I. .!! on tli i i-;aal r .Maui sin . .. As tor t i. e.nl I. I il i not know what they .ti l v.'il I her. T my we.-u u mysterious lot, un.l wero eanahle of any. Iliiii'ij .a the line of o. I, lily, t'llo n it t!ii:ii; Klio was Itarmeil. even thoiu,-'! t 'io parents of my wife hale I ino in ". he nti'y. 1 haw till !) hil l .'.I'lSi' to I. 'lie'." tiiat t in lia're I an. I their action w is t i,- r 'suir ', m i u ! Htlolis of natives. Whatever w u Hi anse. Ilia elT.a.'t was to Pre H; up mv In. no an I rails.) mo many lieari1. unlinks. I h ue never forgiven my wit". W- r'slie t i hu found to-il.iy, I wish it t i l.e .lisiin Hie ua dcrstood that li.ihiu,' in this .1 .eirn-Mit tends to llll do thedeer".' of t lie e.ourt w li I freed nm froai th tl". 1 u .iaiue l ai.ivot j Soon after mi leit me. "Uut now to tlm purpose of t!ii., letter: My little child win euiirely iniij.'eat-.i tnilm as mueli fliiue I against as my 'If. Willie I couhl never I rii i; myself to tr.iee Jier and look upon the daa-t'iter of t ir fa'se wotimn who wr ;" I my ti i;.:.irte-s, jet 1 feel that t'c r i i - n -t i.u-r o i" t iu )hlld In th" way of re .an. cm. ..si.'v.'.h la no wis. i to i.! .no t. r t in a He. a .-t ilt raotlier tli 'ie i. i: .inso tiei.iy t.i" fialrod nul piiU!h:ie:it : n ',: H furfmr ttiao my ileita. T i- r -for . I i -.sv it la cumbent aj on you. Ton. a; a ivi i v and heir, to llnd n. y e:;i- I if u . e liviua itad sett!" i.po.i if!. :. ... I- u'i.vi ITolthj of the e id ..v..." it . i.r I . ml State. If site I..-:-t i i i ': '. .i i. i a f irtuae or itii:.ie:i.i ' I t . ..' . .e i: r ; i -:it BssoetatioDs. i i I h : . i I . t j - : - ." i- to 1. 1 provided ..fly w.t.i h i iae .ri" su:D isut to kep tier f rmi w iot "The child s in n i. is !I --1 -;i . "I knew of n . mar : I e.-- -: in 1 ! n tl deatioa of ll.'V:;" save a s i ;ui t I i.i ir.;. Iieurt-slia;;;' I. w.ii vi .i. p i:el o i I.r left aiiuulder. Of ears t:i. ia ij !ii.' Ji-a;-geared in later ir. ' I leei no lov.a ior me oa at; at'T waos.i 4diilny I'ieavii to j'ouj caro. Ail lotu wut '.isfl.!3arf..iti). t MP HAWAII, e W. HOPKINS. m i.etroyeil when lnr motlier.lesprteri me ;n ieaons known onl.-to herself. iPit usense of justien Id. Is me, in mv lnt ilnvs. to pro, vi I for my It-s'i mid l.loo.l. as heilts i, present eiipal.llily for mi Intelligent use auJ up'.rn.'hltioa of the Inlieritau.'e. "This Is all, rxopt, that, ns a help li. I. iK wi.rlt tlmt X leave to vou, it tnnv I.i! well for yo.i to l;u..w that" Aunelt.i i'oo'i with tier when shi dlsuppc ired, oar mar. ri.i" eertilleate, nnd Unit this eerlill.-aH toil her portrait : nnd niinn In the two uppet corners, n faehloii of those il:iv la Hawaii, "I sittn myself, dear Tom. "i'onr alTeclioniit.a iinele, "Thomas WAiiiiixni'oitn." 'Witnesces: rtN;',1", " M."1-1" fSoal 1 ( II. liKr.KTOX." i t v'hen Gordon had finished rendinr) this remnrknblo document, I lay ImcH in my chair entirely exhausted. The t'.iino; seemed to me to bo so pri'po.s terous, so nnliki. 1'nelu Tom, that 1 scarcely believed what I hoard. J.ul there was no niintakiii i ither the si,p liutureof my uncle or of the witnesses. "This is ;i strange matter," I said, "and one that will require careful re search. It do uau Is, i iitnodiatu atten tion." "I don't see what you can do butsj t it ns soo.i us you a fi) nMo nad hu it ,ii this mysterious cousin. fStill it is i (.Mod bit of mom v to lose." "(iordon," I Raid, "that isunworihj .if y.r.l. It i. not what v,m would sal wi io yon placed i:i my I'ircuiusiaiices. Yo:i Would do just what I um goinj to do." "That, of course, is what your unc'.o le. Hands." "Mor.v" "I 1 -n t '-on wha' more yo". cx.x do.-' "if I'.i 'l i 'I'om has a t'iT,'!r.er ! i v- incr. no matter vhcthei' she he anions 1 1 i l h or low nssocialions, she is heir. ess to his ititirj esbito :uid mu.-.t have it." "Xo, oh, no," said I'r;'sile:if j) ilc. "There i not the, least nee I to po further than your uncle's wishes in 1 1 1 j matter. ( .i. ' third of his estat 'is a lar.,'o ii'ii. .nut, and tln jrirl, if found, wiil no doubt be pen'e diy s.itislie I " ith that ji oflioe.'' "It is n .t what i!l itis.'y her, leu ftv. ," I replied. "If th"vo is a liviir; lie.r, I do not waul a ( jiaiv u( Uiiclu rum's money." "ilo is riejht," said rr. Ilorkton with a sb:h. ".Mich as we may ri ifret the necessity, Warrin ,'ford i.siui!d :i''if. I di not ray he it ia il:t!,v sound to do this, Imt morally. The i'l.ra's an 1 evervthl'.i elsj belong to llcleno Varriu";l'.:'d. if she he alive." Pole shifted uneasily in his chair. "Well, d i as you think i best," h laid, "ilut vo l will liud her, u i I'otibt, aniotu th i..;:iorant .'ri'oe'.i, l'o: lu j ieso an 1 natives ia Wailuku, wallow in j; in superstition u:i,l i 1 "i.itry, ,i not worse." "Let us hope not," said ( Iordon. "Let us hope for thu bc-t." "Of c.iur.ie, you are familin" w i;h (lie former provisions of your uuele'j viil." said Mr. iierktoti. "Ves," I replied. under:.'.. od that after a few In' niests, the -: sit i .v.is I i It . divide 1 lmtweeu my si-'.er Wiaiiic 1 and myself, ic Winifred was le.'o.crc I. If her death w;.s prove I, 1 was ! hi.e the whole." " L'hat i trite. iJur o:i tho i:.ty four uu ve -nve mo t oo iiaM-.;r tiiit leu.'i'al (.lordo.i has just, rea l, he a Id . I a Co licil to the wiil. providing l'o: I ic tii . isi i:i of his esiate into tiur.i t'tia for his d.'.".!i;o.' ileleuo, a'i 1 I.'ivin'j the other t.vo thirds 'i'.id r'.li i y i neeo:ii!iuo:is th.lt (oi'.iu i'lv ijovi i'Ue.i all." "Very well," I nai l, with n shudder nt my horrible re '.i'.leelion. "T o: fact uf mv sister's death beiur paiu f illy eerl tin to uie, having witne--.se I it myself, I nui now, with t lie i r -.'p-tioti uf a few minor be (iiest;-., j.iiu.Io., tttoo witli Helen.) Warriiufor I. " "t.'oneet," sai I llr. l.crktoi:. "i'hen 1 have power to withdraw frotn tha heirshiii and giva Ilia I'.Vj. thirds t i her. " "li'y.t i so olct," replio.l tho l.vr yer. "I d I replied. "Are vo i goim; t read the will''" ad.e l Dole. "There is no nee 1 now," sail. "I'efore a!iylh'.'i; can b.; do le, ll. lcni! W.i' riiurfor ! must be found, and must a.'! iu ho.' o'.v i b ;h a'.f '' "i iite li'j;'.tt. tj tit. i ii;'it," vail Lawyer J'.erkt.i.i. "it is the proper thi'i-f to do." "Theti we are done fur to-day," said t'u President. "I. have a ii:T'tin : with Willis and tlm Secretary oi l'oreiga Att'iiirs, and will hid you adieu, (iordou, pray consider yourself at liberty to omit all departmental ser vice nnd assist Warriuttford in his efforts to tind his cousin." "Thank you, sir," mud (iordon. "I was about to make that request." After Berktou had none, (iordon took up the tl jcutueut of I'ude Tom's w hich the lawyer Lad left and seauncd it acjaiu carefully. "The first tiling we've no to do is to tind that beast of a Chicot, if he is i'ive or his wife. They must bo pretty i.d, but if the old a lii',v, 'The roo I ,'iio youniit,' is to be applied Keouietri c.i'ly, this old n'liinal will hvo 3 l'U several hun lvel y. .'.: o'. '.'' "I hop? lk i- :,!.vi." 1 : .'plied. "Il will bo f t i -r.i ea ei-iir tj tiaJ the hjiress oi ..'he Co a "Jt will, ' h" s.u !. tho heiies i of i'.i j (' cni'i'::". 'It will: Uany a'i VI IT. fy ea ;. : ae .s I nii'.i.'di the riaud which hn I beeoaie mv solemn duty bj thu lust tUuieut- of lyucla Tom to f.nl his ilaushtcr Ifelene, mid restore to her her proper inherit nncn mid tho slid (in liter eaenic s, hiiiouiitiii, almost to bloiiibthirsliuess, which ooiisumed me, to reach the hateful and false priestess Knuiitii nnd punish her for my poor sisler's death, hastened my recovery. Jly v ill asserted itself, and 1 rapidly in1, proved, so that before a weeU lon.jil had passed I was lit to undertake the join in y cither to Lanni, to liud the priestess, or to .Viiilnktl to hunt up the wii'kii I .Tout Chicot or his de scendants, if ho had any living, and wrest fioiii them the knowledge of my cousin Helcne's present whereabouts. (iordon ha 1 so ill-ranged his official mutters that he could leave bis ne:;t highest nllioiT in command, nnd devote Lis entire tinus to my nssistance. Put (iordon went into tho search for the heiress to The Corals with far less sense of duty than 1 did. In fact, he often said that it would be no more than ri'-fht to let tho thin;,' Ro by de fault, and keep the estate mysL'tf. Jin claimed that thu dauithtei' of Annett.' Chicot, and the (jrnnddinli,'hler of the wicked .lean and his r.puilly wic!;e 1 wife, would, by this tiiuej have im bibed their views and grown up in their ways, which would render liei an untie I'lisio dia'i of so vast in estate. Hut (iordoti's views were, warped l.y his KiVectiuu for in. I knew perfe.'tly well th it ha 1 ha lieci Jtlitce I in tho sam circ.iuistiiiices. he would not leave a st me un urm d until l:e had found tho l i,'itf;il owner and jtlaecd her in possess o i of overyihiuj that belon";,-d I.i her. And there v.-. is n sothoi' re ison f..r (lordon's disiucli:iatio:i to pursue this search at once. j 2 si La 1 beeotu'i so'newhnt stern nn 1 forbid. line; al ino.tt morose -the .'!i'i ,'o d.i'iujf pri:i ripally from the day I proved to hi n on tho porch that wi'at lie had b arue l to fear from my utterances while in the fever wm unlv to.i true, lie ha 1 folt nil the time ji eat sorrow over th: unfortunate loss of my sisjer, b it 1 p:m:tr 1 into Ihi! s ire'i for !,. nil tin I . a:'i'ied the sear.'h on li. iiil 'n a.'. er month with a:i i'uer.ry an 1 hone lu.r.i only of love. This hop.i h,t ! mis-tain-'d his e pin'iimity I i u certain ex lent. Put ion that he ha I lear:ie 1 of Winnie's death, a i 1 the horrible Manner in which i' wai brought nhiiu;. In was pimply mad with the o'.io idea lo tiad the murderers and their prieslc. a n i 1 punishm -nt. N.i'V out of da:i.'C", the t' was uope:'::.o-'-L ii b: i:i.; them all to t'l '.t 1 V.M I Wi ll no'.;. it of r. yen ;,i Ins mi i I, a t I er.iwde I a i 1 il'.v. .; 1 every ii'.li !' though.. T was ir, oa rer t i li:i 1 the murderers of Winnie as lie was ''''! I Lit that I owed it lo I'uelo Tom to ntieu 1 to his nll'iirs iirst. 1 was fore I to mv alio .v my For.'o.v ,: i I look ut the nil .-si i hi philosophi cally. Wi ini'i was deal. N'o mati r what v. .- did, or how much wo hur fie 1, we could do her ni fj.md. Ibid it been otherwise, I would have been o!i lite way to the id.rid of Lanai be fore I was a'lle I i wall; wiilurit assis. tancj. Il it I knt-.v 1 ia'. i. y p ier sis. t 'a b -:i I'ii'iil I'.. rm l i.v i'ohed led ia the lava .- one vhere on K.i'-ut-i'i, nui ail myha-t j v.o'il.l be of no avail in her behalf. An 1 my revcie;.' eoul I v.'.iil. Jt wo'tl 1 ho miec!cr when it. c.mie. No in ttlcr it' ye:i. clap e I. I would, v. hen I fouii i Ua t:e ai. ileli ;ht ia wat 'hio'; 'tier dea'.h s'.rn : o . So ( i.i.'d i'.i a:i I I ari; if I the iju 's ti.in, but ns it v.p.s re.tiiy my iiu.t.r eitiier w ;y, h ii ial!y ca'nc ar.oi'id so far as t ..-ree to to Wailuhn lir.-t, :i id if v... f. . .nui it.ti iii'.le ihi'ieulty i i i.'.i'iii'; th" Chi r.s and ley iim-'e's ilaU'j'.il.'i. t i j: i!..ia that en and Il.sl. I '.ill !'' i-th-.l'.at ! I that if we f.'.iti 1 ! .Hiiieuilies in our way, or the .search promised to be it lo:i ; one, we w ere j:i i; i to Lanai, dispatch t ho priest i j :.: i' ha I t'seitped th" '.o'.eaiio, and d"al Hi', il ivaumai i!'i :-!.' lleservi-'l, i! sue, i.e., ha I esciipcd tl:.1 erupti :i. f o, witli twe'ily soldiers I'r .::; tin .:.;:!; ion at lli.t: iln'u. we slarted lo.' Va'ailillilt. There w.n a'.taehel t the war 1. p I' tii'.eut a httlo sti'iiun-r, pur chased t convey i.liieers of that de- artuieiit or others hi ;h in nuihoi ity to and fro a .io:r; the isla'ids. 1. wai n splendid little .sea-."oi:i ve'scl. under no i lliei"!it crew, well i.iii.'.ui.'d. and a.i'oi'dc.l as tpiod ac c immodalious as any ship that totiehe 1 ut Until'! ul .1. And in this stea.iier, the Aunio. we set ii'.'.t on tear j.niruty ;;n 1 seaivh. .lolh'oy Scacamp had been so much interested in my nd'airs that it seemed perfectly natural for him to be one of tiie party, lie sat oi I he deck of the Aumoaud smoke. 1 his bhiel.e.-.t ei.irs. and cheered us wiih In. l.titliu ; ton ue, which v. as ready to respond, no matter what mi "l.t Lo the t;;b;t ei under ihseiissiou. (To lie continued.) Ul issaee 1 or; Um lllln.!. TT. Arthur V. J'.cunett rec.-nll; rril a paper before the New Vorl: .s'ta'.e Medical Assnciation itnoa "''las - i :.. au an Occupatio'.i f,,r the Jliiud," in winch lie culled attention to the !:::.,' an t increasing uumber f blind per sons, most of whom are dependent up on others, for their tiupport, and a:d that tho estimated uumber in this c.itiiPiyis "id, Hint, of which arc in this State. In i.rder tli.t n:a:i.v of theso may beconm se'i'-suppor'.i'";. he advocates that they bp t:iM t lna-s i;e in the State institiitiens, beine; 'r..::;e.l i:i the anatomy and physi .l.v-y id the bo.iy before tiny b-uru tin- praeticnl won., lie c.i:i-'.'iei tii tl .. peculiar tleiicacv of touch v hi.-ii th" ..i ; ' i .--- sess makes thei.j ! kind of work. tor lias One of Marshall Pield'-thr, lh" ea!i boys asked hi "i lor a iai-e. "' only g. it SI pi r week at v.tlf a;1," i aid the millionaire. "Well.' sai i t.ie b y, ijtiick as a ll.ish. "may be Von weren't wuitu any wore,"' Ut was jpromolvX l.illilnir an. I 3iakiiiK OOml Ko.nts. T UK Kentucky lio.nl lloads I 'nil Vi lli loll I'e.-i-Illl.V held ill i 1 Louisville ll'Mlltt'il ill the for "J" ination or' a permanent Stale f.'ooil I!.. ails Assnciation. which will hold .'imiiial conventions lien afl. r. Most coitventious are ilevole.l rliielly to siei'i'!iuiiik;ii.ir, and llie Kentucky Hood llinols ( 'iin . lit oil will no i' i-eptl.in : this rule. How could inn Keiltm'kiulis ill eniivt lltioll ns.sellllile.I ristrain themselves from iudultrin liberally in oratory? The Kentucky road makers did not couline themselves to speeclnnakin'.', however. A "Uno.l Ilon.ls" i ni in load id Willi samples til roitdinal'.itii: ma i hinery was sent lo the meet in;: pi n e of the 1'iuivi litiotl bv l lie National liond Koads Assoelalitin. Those in ihaix'e of this train crnile.l a mile of dirt road with the most effective ma chinery now in i:-c for thai purpose. nnd invited the . .invention lo be pn , cni and see it done. The tleb'ales io I ! the -(invention have Finee Kcaiteicl 1 theinsid ves lo ill" I'liin' 'oriiet's (if Ken 1 lucky to tench their m ilibiirs how to 1 make the host i.'.-'-ihle-ilirt roads w-ith j ' the smallest nuilav of the tnxpnyi'ls' i moiiev 'I'll., "ih.oil Ito.'nls" train. wi:h : I's i.i:i, !iini.iv. U ii-jivi line I'i'otn . on - :v..ini..ii to, onveinlon. furnishing: pr;n - ti. ..1 object lessons in sood road bllihl- til- This pr.'ioticnl t'ciiiure of the K. ti- ' tnckv liond Itoa.is Convention marks, .. a-..: i i.i i,. i (voluiinii of country highways. I'm' more than half n century the Anier! j . can people have concerned ilieinselv cli.t iiy w nii tiie . otisi ruci ion ami c. tension of railways. While doltii I hey Ii.'iV.' lieulcci.il the local ll';.':. ways, i vi. lent !y sa:;sicd that any oh! load would do to drive over to tic nearest railway station. They nre ..Hint; rid of this i.Ici, however, nml lire ret (.iil.:iu' the necessity for bet ter country highways, (loot! roads coiivctiiioiis sere an excellent ediica tlni::il purpose in this direction, and when ihose who pani'-ipate In the pith lie ntritai ion of the subject iir-' per mitted to .seen;'" pra.'i icnl instruction in minion) road hiioititia.' a iloiihle pur pose is served. The Kentucky lined Heads (.'.on i tiilon, wilh iis mile c.' pram ical roadniiiUIn-. sh.iitld In come an example I'..;' all fit:, ire liooil Koads i .inventions to follow. Winn llie ad vocates ,'ind tUiiki rs of j,-ood 1'i.ads shall travel hand in hand n ma'i;e.I itiiprovcniili! of lile l'.::td sysiem in' ihe counii'y will be speedily visiole. New York Herald. (illll.l 11 II .1 Itil.l liilll.t.. ! Tlu recent r.utouiobile i-ce from Purls to lterlin .'iiirnried international at ton: in ii because of the keen Interest which Is just now taken iu the me- chaniciil vehicle. While Luropeitns were t hictly concerned in the perform- mice of the distinctive types of ma- chines. Americans could not avoid th 1 1 1 . .i i lt ii . that such a race is virtually iiiipossiiile ill this couniry under en- iittioiis proniisinu' any fair lesi ot ;uai- t ity. There are no stieh roads here ns those which In Humpo permii inter- , city iiitioiuohilint; and wiicclin.'. Our : highway-', save for short distal:. -. a i. m-id.. of the lartitr cities, are ills- j "O'.'io. fully rou-ii and iinl.cpt. Much has heeli ilolie !n the past few yeata to awaken the peopif to a. sense of this j condition and the movement hits hee'i :;vatly accelerated by the wide popu larity which the bicycle and ihe auto- i mobile liitve trained. It is in he Impe l ; that ihe race of hist week wiil :o si in:- : nlalo tiie pride of the American steam I ,'iiid elci trie machine owners that a dozen years hence it will he possible to i:i'Kani;:e ii thousand nnle race nut of any one of a score of scallercd ciiit s under ideal road conditions. It is ;i noteworthy fact ihat until very recently not iiini; luis been t'eui in litis country to collect ami siud." i iiid st.-nisti. s. The send roads t.ivi sl.ni of the liepartiuciit of Au'ticiilair , which has been doim; excellent, work l'o.' sever;. 1 scii.-ons, lias lately utnl. r tuki'ti to remedy this defect an. I is i:..w i iie.ae.ed in v-uthcriux data iis to th" cii.'iractcr and number of which s which use certain roads. It is hoped ilia: in this iiiiinu.T i; may he pa: sih'.e lo tie'llolistraa. Ity li'eritrcS the (Men! to wii icli ill" highways n:v n.-e.l by varhuis class-, s. T'his will iieruii! ihe i lii.iy of iin acciiiiiic hiisis of the we;.: in- iptallii. s if thlTcreiit road i.:a fecials under varyim; cotnlitloiis'. Th" ii-UltUioll of lliis iii,iiiry lntds ill;' hope that by Ihus svstciiiiit it ally ;i i i p roin hilt"; th subject th,. :,,w:n mi'ta's Inu'eai: li.iv eventually art else ihe iiilcfesi of Stit:.- luislaturcs to the po'.ni of th t aa -. ai. nt of uniform bltthivay laws. I is only by concerie 1 iiciioti in this t i:;:.iicr .'11111 by the adop tan of cvcti standards of excellence iu all th" States that roads will he pro duced which wi l compare favorably Willi tiiose tf Iluiope. Washiujjiou i'i::r. Ti- -I f v o'i tio. 1.1 it. Mini. hilar, 'I'll- I'.iii'.iali Ileci: iu Work , with h"ai':;p :ii ..-i s in Mniiilnlay, is d.iu.j it b.s! 1 1 tal.e ii.l ilic romance mt .. f tl :n s ..o uaiiic fituious by Kip lot 's "iin the K":i. of Mau.lalay." .'.Ic',:: twti.iy iu .' s of u-oihy Is to le hie", tl '" : ;.: ihi- t o' tl of "n'Mi '0 p. 1 ; , ..r.i i.i; t-t th.s ,s lo he iutaas. il I'ulu irla ia. t ..tar prdliiecl ll'i.o in .; s of nil ei 1. ..-is, worth tine lie: - all ,niii c. I " A:... I. - I.:. iiini Lt i Ic .h- :a -le v'Tl' UI'is. thiitctr. parks, hie; iae park area bt HOW ACUlfJALCO V.AS CAPTUr.EO, Till- I'lliplnn l.rH.ti'l' lle-i t il.t-s How If. Was Trtlo n 1'ii i', After l.'ilkinu Willi T:i! I'liiciiio lllld Ht OViil fill' lilt- ell i.r I'.',, my III ililtt .'S, I Kiivc ..leers thai ij... i,, wiy iirrived men I"., allow. .1 in ,..!! mii and so to lest in the iitai l. i . ". iii.'ii had l ee'i ripi:i'til l'..' ihi'U. :'. iliiili A'iliii t: lib i iu Kvi'i'.vbi.dy's Mat.:iz:iie. Cup lain Ketiiii ,ii sin. i, illel. Iy lei'i 111.1 house and n .'im.-I io ill., phi. e wlu're his mi ll w. re lii'awn up w.'i.iln foe him. As In ..'line up lo tin t, i S. e.o la slioiitcil. in a loud Nooo. nil iil'iel' which we did t'.ot lo ar ili tty nml il in uoi mincrsiai.il. i n si in iy l . i on II I ll lo shoot ill the s..!,i;.'is ,,f my miar.l. tnkine; ilie:.'i r.-mpli . y by stir- IU.se. Wlii'li fll" f.riifjt beiiii. not sit'-p ".I iti'.r any plan trn ins t myself. I ihoiuthr ' ;;l,ni ' r l'...-sil -, It:; -ii;jf la""..:i i: was ii siilule with blank .arlri.b.'es. ! v; j;l ,,.) :..;i. and I. living ihis in mind. I ran lo the I , window ami cried out several times, nve !:l.-!t:t tor:olsi s. rcpre'.."!' In "t'ense liriii";." I'.ut seeing' that ihe (in-,., (.'leiecs. have ju t lieen r.i-.iv. 1 Iirina colli i 1 1 in .1. tin. I (hot the Imllci.s ! .,, ,;t, .,..v York y...c:i.L''.c.!l I'.i:!; fro: i fioiii the rill, s of Ihe iii'.'i. klim pa rl y j , Ctthipat-ns Isl.'i:..;-. Tii - b'i"-.' -1 Were direi'iid iisai.isi ii'e as well asj; , v,.,.y p,',.;n ;.. '.::.sssurlii'.;' i'l iiU'ahist i be .-...l.l:t i id' my tiianl. ' ' : uai. l.t ' lin -s forty : ". o in. in-.- i:i for the lirst litnc r..ill.ed tln.t ihe I ;. , ihhtj :a;.l ..::" ball' i". ividili. ti.o.v.'uniers were ein inl. s. Inii'i i. .!-1 ,u ( n ,, jj., j ;..,-! ., . l.v left the wii.do'.v iiiid ran itno nn- v.','::!:i Is : .!'' . tel.. idlier I'uoln ill the Icpe i i lindili", some nn tins of escape. Inn saw nl i n. ' . ,,vj., ., ;, 1 1 ."-"-".'., -'' Ihat Ui.' hoi:..e w.i nlr. ad.v siirroi'in!- . i i , t. h ,,: i -. i i ; s A cd. Then I ir., . a r-vi-lvi-r. int. ud- ' p.- ,., t;,. t : Au.-iial ;! t in-, lo il f. ml i"..ir. I.tit 1 1;-. Ihi" V, ..' . . ., ,,t j, ;,.h':o!. .'. . w '': I il. t thr. v.- I -..' ii .-; in,: n ; .iii:. ii..-. cry-' j....,; j,,,-, .x-lt. iX!i ,.,-.'l a .;;, i:u. o'.U. "Jiin'i :.i.!'lii.". ynii! s. if. Tl.o ,..,-...., ,,, ',..,v;. u lar.-.o-- louuirv It. 'i ds your 1:1'.-" Tints I was ! :' Vl l,,';i' in;, .ii leit my in i """"" 1 ""' '"' ""' , ! I'"l:s'; 1U!. ""''-'"I" '' ihroiiL-h I lie loies 111 III." t'll.'llil- ill.o i:.li l.lil' . men. bin 1... was shot i in ' s !'"d '' ' ! "iie.iy i.n.. n iu.si.ei "lie li'-in coin: l'i.iclilo I'.ii'.'W him-, if . . -e. a i.i ill.' lioor to nv.iid the hilhi' -. i ni t. ,v he .Ui H till end lohl I ti.ii! we Were leans, who. ho ; pr.so.'lefs .,! Ihe Aiic iic, ::tid. W.'l'o oil Ihe other ..I' the rlv. r vri'ii I', er he ei. , .1 A m. ri. :iii so! i'l"t's. and would . n I.. I;c:e .l::st iit tills time i r.i of Till PI:!' iiln's soldlir.s liiiii,! in:, i ihe hoi:-,, sineit or.', 1 -j-j , i. r;i rtmluiba paiio ' -. o," te 'Hiirriili for the .'l.tcii; I -I " nii.l sin- , ,,,si vabiahle livs in I'.r; r.il. I r-ni round, d l'..'iic, loiia ami niyli'. A hi- p, ;o is is ..xtract.-.l a m '.Kclii' . It He later liie American.--, nil iinm I steals fiord . " rot::r. !i-'! t libers, v. ii'e h 'iili carh i:: . .-a.!,., into ihe ro un ,.,,;:,. ;1 i.eaiit ii ::l liftiv. i'tid M'i'v wh'-re v e Wc.c Tie y cam., up to t:s, ;., , ( ,1S i., ;',.'."; : i' l l ili -i' nml oi:" of ii'.'.o :. . .'. " lil. Ii of j ..:i p. ').;., , t . ;.- v. . li i a.' is .Vuitinahio'.'" As .- ...ti !., I l.:;. !.. . a ' h-.,o, . , s p. it of th hielil ll'.ril l.y iii. A,.!- r.e.".,s 1 v. as v.";cs : ':.l v.:..er are !..:''.'' 1 placed, v.'iai pr. 1 1 i . . . ! . ; t : i and ' 'ol- ' v;. , ;,. .' .a i;o v.' '.', ;;s ;. ti'.-l Vilht. I:i i'i .. .is i." tie ,, . ;.;;.:: ..'.'', Hie wit:. lows rid .. .-. in .! r . . u p . ,) , ,i.', 1 litaud of ol.e of Hi" A in' 1 e a ii.-. I I: ' )., ,.,( ciii.l.iait s n;.i..' liij.iilly li.all i.ther I'.. lie Alto ri. . ins il.en I an 'o . r7 ami also !. l..ii. iin In Ita- r ' 1 MMITll Hi!' Iln:-,' let' H'll.'ll.'lll' n;ll, IS :,1 do. ,:uo li s io;':h; ... tiler, We We:., iloa ii:l'.- mcil Mia I . 'pint's v. . re l.i; i; I .i 1 I'.lllso.l:. i ' l.'.ins Ncwl.-n ai.d Iho.'z.ild. iili l 1.1 t.:::a.is n.':;z..i'.'i .aid Mllehcil. wencs oi- wiCDo.v. The 1 t:- y I'.yr. n. i.o tiiue !'. r ' ii.ete.sii : oniy. I ic, : A face the: flood.- Mania! j.nv ,. ; C:;p. psc S. I e ::u t:t v. ,i! !;:;. t s:;ioe :- I! ever I cci taiii 1 ::: . I.ti It is :;:t la:.;:. .. !.::- .1. Carl, s llill.it. if l.o ' ' ;: l;ece..-;i;, . A Helotts I ;.:.- . ;:l.!i" tin, si, is i:.. Palh'Uce iiiid to i ' rc;i.ut h or p.is-.oi T he i'. trt d o i -, i o'liiaia - i ,o die ni. t '. I- . . -. .!. scon b, a:, s w oi at- . illicit. . more tin I'eniiiltie. s'.Vi.ruis w .:i S ill, i i' ii that may i..n... . 1 . IT.-, ii.it 11. Ila 1. (iiiiliy r. l s u- . i ure-, an. I ,'iu 1 lis 11. nil.:, . .1. II. Lowell la rere .1' Ihe pi is -a or- Jo I e V, ii:.! he . II i .. :.'. -II. It: :..,,,.!', of 1.;;:. hie e ,.: ere I- .. i . :n i.iat;. : - of un tiou'.ii.-. '.b'l'.i: liai". c;,ai a:i :,' -.i;d : 1 -1 : ,i e r ail :.i a.e..!l .e ,.., - t I.e.;. p. ,,. ill . -'ai. w I .'ei.rm y I-." .ad il. . a-i- t 1 . c.:. bind, ,1 hi i. ,1.1 li ef, y. t II. A.i 1 1 a- 1 . t urn. - , t,.. I V- j I'.'iiil i- ' .- ihat- 1 : 11 ' l; ,1. ".;.:'si ' '! ilii.v. I, .-I I ''i",r'' 1 ' a' !.: ! ' ''"( u-.'.l e- ;:'';-;: "Utt-l ti. tii .If t.i Ma. Itii.e-. .. lll-:i'ill:icl'l tic. iis ic : . a' l'o li.a.iii.iit: thai, a ship's ci ..:.." i ii . 1 y cii. 01.01a. ; i 1- ie-i. I e ' i...t" j.a.s . . ."iv ii is i hi.-. .1 . n . :y t ... a a e it li'li'l'.-r.r.ii.e . ; : , i a , Tr s'U'ely of to el -. :,; . .;:i s., a 1. -ii. th peml- 1:1 .a a..- i.. ..' ... ili.-c 1 iUle-ki 1 pels An . . 1 f. ... -1 uds i.i!t p,u 11 . .1;,;: e. . : Hoc - o.l". of his nuns,. . . ti -1 a ' .' .-p. , I. i.. ins' ou the balance s(,, .. may be the cause of the error. Uil ail lilt,!!' ships there ate hire ci.roi'-ouictcrs to jjttatd aiiaiiist a. ti. i.i- I ii. sc are s. 1:1 asicae f..r .:. sp. , i. '.I in liioii'.cnt the i . s. t 1 1 e i. -I ei a .a .1 kept l.lil il lis th ni. . an o A .-tidi of skilled 11. a il ill e kt p: :' f . : y . i rciioiiictcr ii'aniit.n t m . r. 1 1 : . r v.-atu I . ai- io t'iioj 111" l"il' !!! ;n s". r.'.i'cais I tick and belli hctw 1 ,1 the -.: p an,! .'.: wo: i.-ioi' V.'nt ti :i sii.i ., ,i:-l ii,. ha-ie ,. , r v.ir it- ihe." :. least 11101 1011 and v.i:i:i te n ,.i b icp : a tn re. The .-iim- iu w hi 1: ;t is I., . is lined with soli . :u tl in. ir. nnd it is sturdy tucktd iu'o Hie vt litre id a ln iuy woolen blanket. It is not -11: 'prisitta.. thefct'ore, that a lir-i ch.ss . litoiaomcter costs ;u tuucb tii. Ji-'j'.'. -A ' i t -'4 8"' : A s.'lie i - i ti l'o : to carry n l'.i:: in" i.illu .iy !.. ..::.! i lie :. iorla l-'a:!-. i l A!';-;, a. : lid llir. e I i ll !:-- 1 liiii. s I . il. ::oi -th. where re li cc.p. r i . . : . i s lite .-aid io i wai: i!e . !op:n.M. I ; s i.Jtiiiiiiiiil ii.nt ihi- i-i.al ir.ill.c whl 1:.' very In; suile h ;.t i , the rail way pa;-. The ;ioi:itli.i:s (,;!;... ;e,l l.;.-t Ml'. .!. 11. Ii; : le I' I'"!' tie' M liiM-uni I'esilil. d in the :ti- vcar by ( ;:i n iptisili ill of ii. ally -O.i 1'i.ii. x oi' ;i. c n. i ns. si 1.." of v. 'ni. li arc of !.! !'?;' i si villi!.- Ior tii" satdy id' ve-i. ornif ,aii.,'.i,i Lev. .Mr. Haulier i.ssti'd ril v l.l. !l p: . III I .. I l a. " i .' 1 1. j I '. . :.as I , , : i' e. i:,l f. r :!, : (.: ' el pa t;. ties .. .e:rri. ;' sh-.;..- .Mc.c'i . i' llie mat' I'.i'.l loi iCc ;.;.' v.a-'c! ,:i lie ' ir;ii!-s is li.iv.' tis.-.l for !.::::.:!'. tl;,. M.l. s of hoots alid siii.es. I ;: I atlier i iii'.liis and s. ";:p.ii'..s ::. . i.'.iii. il. damp, n -d. . oirp " .1 ;.:. i cried, tl-:.. re I. -' in li.' P'ce - t.i he; i , i oi'. l ...ll." ; ':! an 1 . ' o V. ..: ' . l.-.i .v.i! as i aih. r I . :.. '.. t .,).,,,. ;U1, Pi.i plal. . p!::. ,- 1 v. .-.I.'iill.v nu i cli:.' ", . 1 y ;i . '.".'. 'I, a: po'ntc s and odi- :' too'.s .-t'l.i'. ti ;;i iii i !' .'ire-al th'..s s. ..re.l pn 'luce :.t u; i. ; tin. cs ll e . top that oiki .'.- il ' - : i-ir -..il close by. l.t' wiiie. ui elci if., ity. It I- :o'' :.i'i'i" ' 1 ' ;" ' vi:. ii.ii-: p: . ' a - :' tfl l u. 1 : 1 - i : fuh A -i;i-l.!l.'.c V- a-li' l:i the i!.,i;.:e:l.'0 . 1 --.' l:a;. a l: ' t'l'i ti- c..'.:'.:l t:.. which would :.-!.' el. ., have sonic ccti ...ic ..r.i". . car.- of Hrryp. ihe .la " - ,',. booed t-l : ;.fo M the'et. i U'l aacls ;,!:. .Mai,, are I', d who i.. y are ...ici: .1 by '.'." ''--o. ' '. :. . ,1 :.. . in. ;- I:: .. u: ape l::o:: :'. Pi I n ,!.... ' i r i : '.' i.r:, i ami pouihi. I ,...' .'. .! ;. i . 'ti.b'.e ivory l.'ta- are :..'.l.f iippil-d for t.ie .-aaie pare ,.i:e .-i '."-i. s '.' a', ih a t.U.s ; :::;. .1 m H;'.:::il I;: " n ' ' ' ..: ,-t i'i!!.'.'.'.. Ia I ii-'.. i :l:e -. I , :, o. io.- I. no;. r.i ,'. '- - o. . r, . r.; ' d in ce -. - ..: u ' .' " :...-. Ill tiiu. s , . - .,; . y , ; in. -1.1 a I v..r illrl v. a.i 1 ett ill- 11 I .0:11 this ! .:i x a, 11 ha- T a, ..!.:.! Up ::i AI..' The use ..is- 'S f, l.i l! i- I ill.l.' till. ,1 Ol t , ' .... ,lla ". i : ". I'r li.'b! 'I ' i ,. .-: 1 Ic . . l.i , :.. ..... v .. i's -.', I.I :- I. r 'oyi:c ;; .. a. The:i::,- H.a. ...... . .. yeii:v 1; .-. ;.; 1 led about liiii:- . im: iiutr.i'ilhito i.'hi'.ix .'. follows i " "i w Iii.'. ...f. to .uy -I ,. : i : ... load it..! ! 1 J a ,!! c. i l . s ,i..a. I V a sililla.'. .-.Ild I le. Hi, O' . t-e... 1 s. 11 is s.i 1.1. appear ,0 dele-!:! iti I'. ,;: - shocked l.y ii .ri.'itj. .' -call li'ic-aiid volts pa-sin:; tlit'oiir..' tlii-.r 1 -li's tiii'ivly iud'i.e a pb-asi-ui tlep "ith these curious lepllhs. All Un- Wot Id's 1. Maui-. "'i'l " Minlil is bill a il.s-ling show.'' Mt.l it.'. p wil bill In- lit .n ; i'.i! -ii oil a le'lov. Hunk.- Ills ;i. ' i- i:,e : ,,),! .rl .oil . win ti. in I.'..', . ! . - ;i -1 .1 1 InnlaiH! pari . .oiiiniib.a M ..!'. A I t-iiiinine lew He -"Thai must be a very .ncrest-l:o- ! h you .'ire rcadii:;:. Sh"-"nli. it's awfully excitliid'. The heroine chili.).'! s l;or piwu His times i'i the lii'sl ciinplel'."--Til Hits. TllC l)ift'a.-'lll'aT. i'.ii r "'.011 .lie very forward, sir. fa my day 1 be yoiiliu man wailed tn. til 1 e "as asiac.l to 1 a 1." V. en:: Man "Vis. and now he waits i al 11 I;:".- i'sl.ed not io call." Tit Hits. Social IjOtautll'l.. '. p. i k.t:.: of strained relations." he . . 1 Mr. I'lnw Idilic. "W. I!, no .ii!." sai.l Mr. Van P.raam, 1 e'.eir.iuil ;:ly. 'T . (; . -n i 1 larlfy n lotions much . .-train tie m." IMtsbtti);' Chroniclt- A Itasi llffrivi'i-. "Vt n say old Mr. lioirox d. -I.:!. 1 tit'.'.'idl'iilly iihoiil his f.- "V. - pel' :-!i!'ll After ll.e.V .. ri'lc.l he coiilesset! thill ho til) l.v.v iu-t'.ilil of seventy- No 110111-. ila.!- you any reason why seiileiicrt oad not 1"' pronounced atiinst !l ';" asked the .illtlLC. i 'a.,,; of ih. -ii:." 1 i-iili.'.l th" prisoner, j i"i.i ii.'tl.intly; "hit: I triit ss my law j y, ; has worUod iln ni for all they're .till." Puck. 'I'ln- .Mimic tr 1 li.- (..tiiii-.i. 'fr :"vi. h "Now. ..11 what basis 1.1 ;!,- Powers :;-i crtiiin the indemnity i'1!,!..! i:. io pay cadi of them?" j Wh-.wire "Well, as r.car iis I ran ! mill e .nt tiny iliiiiui' iihotit live liuu 1 dollars for every ( 'hjiia man ihey , I. ti ,'." Pf.cl,. ' I il. f anil I lilito. ; 1: ,,,,i. "Win 11 .i.r a woman he 1. .iii..-. unreasonable it's attributed to : I., : 1 . re - I-n'i that singular';'' ; Yt.-. ne Vi s. but the 1111 reason ,1, in- - 1.1 ii man is attributed to bis ;. I've-, .im I ihai's si. II more singular." ! ('.lose rot- Alarm. j Mr.-. ( liibsliiiw "I suppose you'd bt ' .-. v. I'tttl.. l iluiit.ii. il il' I eluoilil mml '.v.e.i a iele:;r:im while I'm a way in thu f.uiui y':" ; I'ra'n-hiiw "Indeed I would, my del: : I ii.,:i'i ku.iw where lo raise any : : rc t:n :: to -ei.d oil." Puck. I I iii.llll. Ili-llll. li.ot. i ' Yc-. I impressed on lite Pilipiu-I I. ".- iln' Iinliatis had prospered as X. a; ,! ol' o'er 1 he. ci liineni.'' I "SVI .11 ,b'l I;- -ay :'' I -lie '.ii!t!cd 10 know if wooden ' ri'.iii.le s Wnl'I. I he .-I ocll iii front of il--.iV -.ores iii the tut ure." Chicago I Mi' Wmihl Make Her tiT. I Toiiimj -nh! (mhl Stop t lift 1' Mamma-"Why. Tommy, aren't you ' : -iiamed'.' I wouldn't cry thai way if ii was my hair tlmt wan heitiK ' ...:. :., ,. " r.e.nmy iiiet'.cli T'U bet you would ' ;. 1 wits th. in' the I'ouiliiiig." Phlla ' ,' h i. ..1 Press. A li..inatiiialili' t'on.lurtoi". ' ' i'....y "Ami just because you had v. ui nickel the conductor made to 1 L'.'i off the tiir ami walk all tho -. ay Iii line V" 1 Hiikey "iih no. lie only put mo oi-". I could haw sai by the roadsldts .,h ni-in if I had wanted to." BalU t ; ...'".- World A Work Off. ,j 11, ad of Hit'iii "1 shall uoi. lie Well , "i t.ii 'h to be at the ollice for several . '-a.-" , 1 I iT.ih "Wliv, v.. 11 look all right now, ; .!. . , m I Head of I ii ni -' Um I'm Komg Kbops . i.iim with my wife this afternoon," I 1! nper's ltitzar. Aii KHdive Cure- 'And you say Unit. .TorkillS VTM 1 an d of biitl case of insomnia by, Me ",.- IOII ." I .s. purely by siicuesiion. His w ile -uut:. sied ihat- since he could I...I slcip he iiii-dil as well sit up anil aiutise the baby. It -worked lllitt A charm "' Chica(;o Itccord Heraltl sii;iot un.l Tukrn. T la. : the lleW bride ollt Oil thO bolllel :.t .1 -he's keeping house." "How did -le look '.'-and how do you know ' oh she had on ii lovely white frock wi;l. a while .hilleii pompon in her hair; mid s, had a loaf of bread un :! her arm." Clu.aKo Hecord II em Id. Kicliangr. "Von owe this country nearly i'vetx thiiiK you possess in literature ,' . iiiaila .l the Knclisliiuiiti. V.s." iiii-wtretl the American busi ., -- iniiii "lint by the liuic our capi i.ibsts "..a iliroimli. you may owe us aa-ii.jh for I". oinoiivc- anil other imc:- a. mole than offset the ac- i'.i'." Wa-hilicaoll SI'li'. llnal Itun lliu Eick. ' Ini jaiii appaiK- ot women's taking! iii ;..i piirt ,n paiitr -'." asked the I.!'- prison. 1 1 i in in!.'. '' answered Mr Meek- ', ... "l. i them an ahead. If they nt to -lay awiiy from home ami ike 1 bailees on - man's: witlkiuc rl);lit :i . 11 the In st carpet with bin muddy loo's thill's their lookout, uot infl."- WatsliiOiiioii S'ar. ...-.'y