ZT(;athatn Kcrarb II. A.. LONDON, EDITOH AND rilOPltlETOH. FERRIS CF SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advanci. i -IS rilAI'TKU I. Thr express t i':t i J i m of lh:tt monument of cnpiicenii;; skill, tin- l,ncr and Kin .iriuule Itnilway, daily traverse t ex tri'iiM' i iiti-rti niriiciii nf iln Hin ky Moun tains I i ii tr between ( It. city nf licuver uii lln imrtli :t 1 1 1 1 ill.- smaller il.v nf 1 It.-l iTi mi tin- south. Mil. I slllllUHT lolirisls hs i ll ;im nil ihe year r.oiinl Mini f htisi. iicss i ; mer tlii irturi--iiir mad by hundreds ami by tlmiisiiiiils in tin' course lif H silicic j I'M I'. Then- was a linir, however, iunl tint sn very ban; hiiiiv. cither, when white nn'ii were nry scarce in lli.H linn Hint when I In Hiily niciiii nf locomotion was a inn. h tlilapiilaKil coach, whose time sclieilu'e was pr;,,l:c:illy filled mil t.i sui! t ln alriver. as In-, with nt in -ti (.rumblinc anil lift la- speed, carried I " iiil- Sam's mails front sta-ji' In staia'. Some twenty years siuri' there was. aliniil midway between I . 1 1 v r ami Coin r.nl. i SpriiiL's, a p.iiiil w Ih'Ii- tin' lirna.l valli'j- iiiin-.iwi'il intii a ili'i'M an.l wil'l pir.T. I wn tln'ii as ill" Aii'ly .l.i.Us.,:i liil.li. hi I In- jrar i'ii:lit i li Ii''''l ainl i'M'ii: Ihri'c t!n imliviilnal sh fur a siilrralili- tint.- Iia.l liili .1 llir ilua! p 'si- ti.iii i f . n.'ii'li aiiiMH ami i.isiinasirr. iii:i.i' an i n r-r. -: in I i i iry . 1! tin- l'.' .i iiiif sjiMil' tin' trill. li was aiiM' with a p. .pillar. 'a .!' !hr. i' liini.li-.'.l wliii.' in. n an. I llir...' w.iiii.'ii imt iniiiia linr.aaH mi. I t'liiiii'Ki'. 'I'll.' An.ly .la.l.sua linl.-li '.ntaiti.il a ri.li v. 'in ..f siU.T. .'ilmu-'i t.. ih.iI." lif l...-ar' a s,'..n.' l' ni'.i' li a.--tuil.v I-r li v.- win.!.' j.ars. an.l. .xartly tw.hi- iiimIUIh afirr tin' piun.'.'i- .im i.iasl. r's it..p,rlaiil ili-a.-uvi-ry. I hi- Husi-- lal.' i;..:.;i. .-amp ai tl.iatiiij: l.ravily i. n a l)....(l ti.l.'.'l w. altli ami pr.. spi rit;. . lit ,'...:r-... ill.' ass..rli.'ii that ll..s.'.lal.' Aii a .i. .'.'.ss as rrar.ls ipula: ."li an.l ri. hrs .l..rs 11 it ii.'.rss.irily imply thai tin- (.lli'lts '.Ml-,, pav.'.l Willi pat. 'Ill ll..is.li'ss asphalt :mi. I iiirht.'.l l.y .''.tvtri.-ity. nr thai thr s:,,r. s l..isi, , plat.' ulass 'i'..n:s, n-.r .: thai ill.- cainp "wn.'.l a ity hall p.'.. ph. I U'i'l. a inaj'if an.l - m nt- 11 .mi.'il. It.isi -.Is:l.- liail n. . pan-ni.'iits, f..r i li- irry a"!.'.'!!, ni n-as hi that it puss,.,-. , i, titri'i't.. t . pav.-. 'I'll. was n..t a pul'li. lamp ft any kitnl v!i:i!s.'Vit fi'.'in ..n.' i-ii.l ..I t::.' i:iil.-li P. ill.- ..th.T. an.l lh.' Kiiiah' s:..r.' vvlii.-h siip.i;..l tin t. ..I ly 1 .! ..I' ihi' ni:!H'i's was l".'.iu.. in a prim ititi' sli.'il wliii-li w is ii"! i.-i'.il'iy iii:i". i iir ul' hi- 'I'll'' t.ital al.s. ii. . ..f a mayor ..r .(!:.! . ' . 1 . III :: I w as in it .. if a 1 I 1 1 in il.sj: i sc. f..i' la.'s ,M-r.' a ! an mi kiwun '..: n.t.tj a; l!"s...!ai.'. an.l li" l. i'l laiL'iia;.-. wa- .:wk'l :ui..!u lh'' i r.'iis ;v;i .f iii.Ii: I. imps. 1 1 1 1 1 I I 'i-i" iirv a li' I .'.ii' li.' '.'s-Mi',, i'v',! ulii.-li ln.M i am .11 . ! iri' an.l l.i: '' i' .nrii'in:' i.'s. An.l t. ii..: nil h-ta i..l.n' a. I .Ira w I. a. !. ' "(ilH'.; '.Ill' s'' W. l'l' .ll'.'i.l. l: III till' ill." j fl'll.lan: at 1; .s.'.laii' i.iin:ii'.' . amp. . N.. ri Ihi'ir 1: .im-s l.. t - min.'i's ,'ivi'sf ; tin- fnn. "f th.'ir pr "spi'i-iiy. A iii.'-I.tii i nr. h.'.'. I it In. us,. luuhliT with iuim-Ii-.-.i'Ii , cut i r i : . . r ; . 1 1 - .'!' iaipi'.ivi'aii'nl s un. th.'t." nf wunl.l liati- r av. vrry litt!.' ; .in inari-iiti'iit at U-tsi-.la ir, whrr. it U aliMilitful if tlufi' was a sauh- ii'si.l.'ii.c vr hiIut l.ail-l.n v. hi' h '..iii.iiin'.l iii.to than .me .1 n.r. twu n is an I trt.. Miiaii's' f cln. "" ':" I'"'' ''" "rt :1 l'fl- lullar I. ill I'Wii at "yiiui I '..h.i'a.l ." I pri.vs. j 'I'riii'. ih. ri- was "t ! i 1 ; 1 -1 1 . i 1 l,..t. illiri' ami stiTi'. a.'i'iiiilini; to what usu '.nil.! It ma.li' "f it, ".' n rI i n ji t" th.' Iiiliii.ir i f thi' piTs ui wlin happ.ii.'.l f..r ill. time bi-illir lo l.e SI..-.-. Lju' ..I tle.T place. I; was a favorite spot of rend. .- runs ami. cic-pt iluriiti: Working hours. was usually well tilled wild custom,-,- and loafers '.oafers whom Mr. i illi.-uddi . fvitiml it policy to tolerate, hiivins; in mind ; tlie fact Unit" tlu-y were all of them j,.. : ii.lv t.'ist but also prospective i. tlroiis ! It bore a marked citlrasi to all the other , trneiueiils in Ib'Sclale. The hold. f.,r ttin h il was prim.irilv. cover. , I a ciis.,. ! i-ral.le area ami the r. iii.'h fraiue 1 . 1 1 1 1 . i ; 11 was nctually two stori. s in height, al llt..iii;!t il !..si sui'ie uf its upper story d , uiij, ..wiiii; lo Ihe poverty stricken ap 1 pear. 111 of Ihe siairwa... whi.h was a i tlilll-J sett uf step ladd.-f plilce.l "llls.,1 ' ', lite bnii.b.ii.'. I I'st.tir- p.. thin,- 1 x.sied : but s. l Till sev. II by ei.'ht d'.ril.il' -:es. 1 fill'!:, sited Itnifonnil Willi it tlllckl.' l.e' and a camp s; ,0! I. tile dens 1' t tin- 1.-0 ajf which laiudiord liill.cii.l.ly cha:.. ! prues that w.oiid have sheai,,. e,, ,, i;,,. lessees uf Willie M Ci i. .1 !, .1, Hill il was dowiisia.rs il.ai i ; 1:,.; ! ah, nve I its patrons lit.- fertiliiy ,,f :is resources ami the variety of the entertain Incut which it was aid" ami prepared to ' iifT.T.I. First, tin-re was tl Hi -,. !,!,.; ( ulii.e e.,1,1, nlliee. eXIil'ess ,,!!, ,s- I ..Hi.-e ii lid ticket ..the- for ihe railroads I of whi.-h Heaver was. nt that time. :!- 1 western terminus. This nlliee ,:...! I ante em! nt tiie li ,rnv rr.uue lutihlin,- and i was i, reside 1 ,,v. r bv I 11! lend. I v l,:.s. :i' I elf. j wlin sat in a chair el the urihodox kit. It'll -species Mirmuinla ,1 by full and uipty ; eiirar b.xcs. Ibre litllieiul.lv installed I himself fmni unTiiliu- tiii ui-.-hi, transact- iiii.' "he more imp riant h.isin".-s ,,f Ihe house an I doliin; .nil cheap cuars ai I,;-!, prices and iiiaiiaierabli-packai-'es ,.f .stroiu: i t.it.acc... r.a. k ..I th-"nlln e" was the bib I linril r.iuin. ImasfiiiK u s.blary c.mtiina ti,,!i pool ami billiiird tat' ie. top'ther Willi few ard tab!, s. and beyond this apart ment w as tlie .iniiiia ro, .in. The las; :-.... at in the bu . bni: was to" let, I:,-!:, leu i,o an ell It'olll the L.tln'tl We- lii.T" a ty a'l-r. ss to l!'e stive! "I' wil l! il'lsw,-.-..! I for a sir, , t a;. I -il! wb. -I--! i i ! a tnl ly's enier .1 ,: thr-uuh the iltiie ,.':, jind as-, d t!u- sa: n- way ir,.!cr ti la-i.li..r-1's II,,.' ."lh.; rl'y a!-. .tit I l:i!"e t iii 's v.; not', t,l n; e.i i'y si, -at. :.: a;, ! m-w a.--ii at H'.se.l.ih-. Alui'ss the ci.i.1', Iciii;'!i , ?v V?J "il .-.'' VOL. XXIV. 0 ifefS n5 i. . t. .'.. ' ,-y, ivno Kiile oT this reintirkalile Ihi;M'hik' were raiiKeil ulioiit twi'iily-livn eiupiy Hour ami salt liarrels, civiiii; the plaee (he appenr iiiiec nf a warehnu.se. This was (iilli enjily's verulnlah. anil ns sure as evenins tinio eaine n.iiii.l. just us surely wuiihl the twenty live Imrnls 1 upietl hy twen ty live men, siimkiuK while they x-)iii ui.' e.l snake stories ami ri'lllillisi-enres nf "uhl .lays Kast." It was about 7 o'elu.-k mi a summer eveiiinj:. The fa. I thai it was We'lnesilay eveniii;; lirnui-lit il lai'ser iMwil tlinii us ual to the "verauilah." for on Wi-iliies .lays ami Satunlays the .oaili nrnve.l fiiuii O.'iiver an.l she was now aliniil .hi,'. Thi'j- were a motley i lew. lliose rntih Wi-sternel-s, yet, llltlluimll I li.-.v W ere .Ir.-sse.l very mu. h alike, they presume. I a j;.....! .leal -if variety, ami il was .p., it,- a .-"-in. .p. 'lit, in ualheriui,'. There was ..in joiiiili lelluw. who ha.l ii..: s.'.-iii'.-.l a v:il, w ho w.e.il.l hale I a reiuarl.eil in a inu, h lai.--':-. in, , re elegant mel more r. liu.-.l .i-..-.mI. II,. was a. il sii,..,iiu-. Imt. wiili his ,.t ,at pulle.l .h.wii "M'l' his eii's ami his hamls thrust ileep im,, his p... ke!-. vas i.y rei-iiuin atrain-t the ini i- .,' the h,,l-e. lilea W II,',, tile eu.l.'ll ill', up Ihis ..i:h.- mail dil nul .ham , hi- Ii-.sili.it,: he nn reiy rai.-e.l Irs h,-.,. I M'l.'- h , w.,.,-1. il U niils;,!,. luss,.n.,.r aliu-ht. iii.l !,ax,n-,.,,-e iv-i.-.l his eve.,,, ,. , ;. , . ' ,i ! i l ii. l ! ." , . i ll ., ".' .' rival as he enteivil tin- ..line. The uutsi.le pass, ner was a man tie- el'I'slly on ihe sha.ly si.lr ..I luriv. who l-inkeil as ihnuL'h he was nil least fur the j time I i i u I well aiiiiainl".l also with' Ihe shady side of lite. He lunk.-'l lnmfv and h.tLiaid he al-o 1,,,,1.,-d sij and vi- "I wan! t.i trans 1. -t a kith- biisim -s he for- it eels tlark," said lite slran-er tu l.ani'lord I i illienddy. "Keep u ru.,111 for me. please; I w ill return in an hour nr s..." Tlie v..i.-e sound,-, I st,-.im,-ely taiuiii.ir I., the yumij; man ..iitside liie dour, and el he olid mil p!a, e tin :,,-lt passeitKei'. Ak:i:ii he eyed the shabby man 1 !,,-e!v a; I he einei-ce.l front ihe olln e. and w at, lied j him as he disappeared al "im a Ira. k wiiieli I led I., one ,,r iw,. nittlyiui: hu: and shan I tie-. Kv.denl'y ihe 111111 was not a total i sti-.ta-.-r to lb.sedale. f,.r he l-t.ew liiswaj t.b.'i:!: aiivhow. Ihe .uii,- fellow's iniei 'st was iti-ii'iseil. for sum,- ..iii.-,- ,,r ,.ih. : i:i . a t 1 hlnis. lf. j "K:," him. ,Ma'.'" a-l,.'. lh -. -upan: ..I' III" ::,-.u-'-s! era'i.l.ih h n r.-i. w h.. ha.: ii'.!i'-i .1 'I"1 .vuiiiik man's w.-teli'ii! a':i , Hid, . Max aa':t nulled his - of: hat . r his el.-s a- he s,.,ly said: "I'a, : is. .liiuiiij, 1 linii't hi.ow an I j.t 1 th i.k 1 ..ai.hl I., l.u.ov him. I'll ,',.,k l.itle el,,-e- win it in- i;e!s ba. k fair the 11,1: lit." I: has b.-. n inliiua'.-.l that w.. 111. 11 w.-ie sear,,' ai'ii.les ia Uos.dale ihai lh.) ifiiiiber. d only three. 1 in,- ,,f theni. Sarah I'.iMuii. :n.i pi.,.l ii:u, l lo the ..,j s. Not thai Strait who was nearij forty jears ..Id was exa.-lly a s.-i-aph. but sin- was a spieadi.l nurse and . n..k i'..r a si.-k man, and ii'llhl llleli.l clothes or write il letter I t a w.-H man. ..t e. ,t aa an-e wtih 1,','iiiliiie w las ami sierim.- -oh harp "iilhl h.ll" lu-ea llln-e Wel.'-eti" al the .iimp. and every man in K I woi.l :'..r Sarah. i iie had a I'oiiseipieiitly. when. a!,uitt uiidnilit -live li.'Uis afier the arrival of the e,,a, h S' sta--'r.'.l into tidh.-uddy's, pah- :l ' -'ll"s, '""' treinblini; like u leaf, ami , aniioiim ed lhal Sarah 1 ir,,w a was dead i"'ii'.!ered indiituat i.-n ran lii-h. tlmuli " "l" miners could so much as ' K".-ss at the . nlprit. j I'11' J-'nin, Max Hretl walked straight . Mr- il ! 1 . ! ty aud asketl Inn, a nuipl, sti-.tis. " i .bicmhly. w hai name did that straue "II" didn't r.v-isi.r. Max." reply. "I b.w 's that':" "Said he'd do it W hell he calne I s the ck." I lieu lie lia-ll t lurinil III cl; "N ... Max." "I I! tc!l "ii wliat his name is, i;dli , .nl li." s.'a'.d Max low-eriinclj. "Il;s nine- ,s lie Watts, li he sh .w s up, hold . han tin:. I j.ui cin ie him lo the sheriff. and Ihe't han- the sier: nnd i:. jf ji i "istad Aniu. s he iiiriied ,,:t his hc, tow ard t!u- excited crowd in the bii..ard r..um. I he llilltli fed: "1 guessed it was that s.-oundi-.-l all llu- time, but his disguise wits imuieas. a:id we!! n:i;h ileeeiied me. I'll I i, i, "'!!l l';"1' ""-' :"! if there's half a ' h:1: I'll have him before attotl.c f,.r:y , l"irs. Hoys." he h,,ute,l ahiud in ' ' ' ' 1 '"" "'" " ie.'t If IV 1 i had I tie ", - H' r'' '" "siach next M. unlay Hilly liorntait will ieinl me his p. shall p. imw. Thanks. Hilly" las ""rttiy no,Mo, asntl "l will lent :; ' "' '-v station. .ui saw tli.i; s: m :1 .t t.i-niclit. ...y: Well, he is Hie niiirdcrer. so don't foriret It if y ,11 ev.-r Sl '' t'"' lU-ain. I liiii.k 1 can ran him -ii'.lby. ,,.ys." Half an limn- later Max Hretl. adven turer tt..r want of a l.eii, r des, ri;.t i. ,n I was r.,b,,s" fast alons l!ie narr-w pony 'rn.-k whn h led pa-t liie in' t.Ltc.I w.un fit's c.itiip-. He rede ail ill-'ht II Tl. I col ,:.'! nearly thirty mi.-,. !...t w !i.-n he r.---l' l.e.I '.,!!iy Ibip stateot on liie lo wly !"i.H ral'i-oad. the e.t:!. ti l ';.-,'ii.- I train h , 1 I- ft two hou- s !:',, r.-. carry .i.t, ulth t the man he -,, a ate-.l. So. imp a f'tiiiy I'liuiiih. Max w.-iib-l f-.r the evea n- tri.ii. krn.waii: full w.ll tliat twe'i. I. , i.'s wa.s a km-; s'art tor an old nil ! t x I -r.i iici-J rascal like lie Waits. II- t f v. . ": . lTlTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, -N. C THURSDAY. XOVK.MIJKIt M. 11)01 CIIAI'TI'H II. A liilfi'r ijuarrrl was in proKrosi 1m1 tw. cii lh.. (Irc-at t l. t-iii. ntal Hailroa.1 '..'inpany ami iis i"iip!.. il:ii-;ly th" rnim-.'M. . lh-. sani" tinii', tin' I'tiiii iii'fi's l.i'iiiii. I'.r lh.' most pari, a highly iiit.'llii-iit an.) si'iis.hl.- Ii.aly of lii.'ii. In. s.'l'i.' is lr..iil)h' ha I thus far !"'ti ixii.'fi- "ii I. ii.m- was in: f. ai.-.l .r appi'.-ln'inl- i"l I'.v lh jmpany ::u.! its "'li. ials. Th" "iiu'in.-.-i-s i.a.l ii. .; y.-t f.Hiail ii m-i i-ssary to liavi- r.'i i.iii-i', n.-iili. r .".I tiu'y pr.-p is.- I." havi' r in-!.". I i any ai-ls of vi..l"ii.". Tiny tu.-,v full w.-il i !-.: I inuial fun-t-. !ia. 1..-.I l.y l.'LMl m.-:h...s ,,f . i..Ti :..ri. aiv in--ra- .'I'f.'.M'v.' am I .1. .'.. I. . !y in.'i" p .pii lar with il:.' A ni.-ii.-.i!. p.l.'.:.- than nat ami ai-s.Hi. Itnl Ih.'i-.- . ri- just a .-.nipli- nf in. n nf w In. in II'.- .-mtini'i rs lln-.n-. h i-i i-r.' f.-ar fill w.nil.l inv.lvi- llnlil in xtTiuiis r.'.ni l'l". Th.'sc vm-I'i- mi" 1 1 iik'hcs. aiU'iii::ii,,('i'. an.l his lii'i'tnaii -im-ii f.'arl. ss ami tlmr "iithiy i-apali!" ai Ih.'ir w.irk. hut i.i"'i wh.i w.iiil'l s..i at ii'ithii.i; t.i nriiHiiplisli a iti"a:i I'i'vi'iici' wh.'ii Ih.'.v .oiisi.liic.l ihi'insi'lvi's iiup.is.'d ii ri. hi nr iiijuri'.l. I III.' I'ri'iiiiii lh" fasl Irain. ku .u ii ..n 111" J r.-;i I l.-.-i.h'iital as the I'.-n ili" .Mail, r.ill.'.l mil of I'l-ailii' City mi its way ! tin' far Writ. At 1'rairi" City was nt lai-hi'il t.i lh" train riiiim- Sn. in hi. niauii.'.l hy t ha- vrry inf-ii who wt'iv su Kill. 'ti niistnisi.'d hy Imtli ulli.-i'rs ami i'in phiyi's. N.i'hiiii: piuti.'iilar. liuwi'vpr. was Ih'.iicht nf this f,i,-t. Thi-r w.-n- ilnsMly u ,i h'lii'.l in i he r.Min.l In. uses inn I yai'.ls. When tlu-y w.-re in th" i-ali it was lulera l.ly i-ei'tain they e..ul.l .hi n-i inis.'hinf. Iie-i-aiisi- any peril t.i wlii. h t lii-y etp.isi il the Irani ami passenjjers Iniisl. uf ln-i-i'ssily, ill. lilile themselves. When the mail left 1'iairii- "it y sin- was si he.liili-il p. run n hiiiiilri'.l mnl liftei-u I miles a. p.ss I ho plains with. ml a si., p. tin- time alluw.'il heiiiK irree Inmrs ami u u liiiiiuli-s. Al.iii ihis eiiliri- ilisian.e there w.-re al'scliiiely mi tmvns m- eiiies ami x-ry few M-ith iiients ..f any kin.!, ami lis llu- train hehl the rii;lit i.f way tin-re was no 111',-i'ssiiy whatever f..r stiippiiii.' nr even "I'l.iwin up." The sun ha. I jus; ef. Imt the i iiiiisMii irlnry uf his setting .-till spr.-a.l a ri.-h li"iy li;;ht a. r.iss lh" pla:n. ttlii.-li eiial..-. ;i siiikin;;ly hamls.-tne man in th" p.-nl.'i- ear P. .s.uiinu" ;h" p.-rial nf his I U. Me was the i;"neriil iniitiiip-r ..f the Ureal I '.'.'i.l.'iital. ami to I'im ii.pr.ia.-he.l ..lie uf liie train nn'ii. w In. resp.-.-t fully sai.l: "Y..ii know who are ..u the ciiiini'. sir':" "Yes. What uf if;" I We are si. . wiiii.'- l-.-niaps y..u liar.lly ; . . .... . . ," '.' " " "" ' i"i".-l;li .ahn. any w.-it.-i-tank near ! ",v: ls "I' --'"';. j : h.n e i;..iiil reasuiis lor su-pi-i-t ai uiisihiel. i t'!'"i;-'h just what shape it will lake 1 hae mi i,h ii. The . . , n, I m t , ,r is mi tin i t... ,...,,t.i.. ...a; i... ... front. Th" I, t'.,. ,111.111 pansi-il, as if f.,r sutiie i-iieoiiraui-nteiii. ami ihe "Hi' ial. win. had , lo-ed his I,,,, K. shullle.l his font iiupa ti, nlly. "ib. ah.-ad -villi your stmy." he saitl. "It will s,,"ti I,,- tlark. What is il what l.exl ':" "The boys on ihe rot, I understand you lo he a fearless man: if thai is so. follow tee. Ilaie. mil pit a re ul ver -and load ed?" Y. s " "I... ...I: i.'ti may need it. Are y,.i a -life sholV" "I think t".t." "Th. -a '-'iie me jotir w i-aji .11. I'..r a short tiiin- try to furp-l that y.,11 are run Iii: ".' litis r..ad. ai-.d "hey my m-ders." Tin- b:-a!,,'iua,, 1 ".!-. lite '.tlii iai's .':s!..l ami I. -I liie way 1 !i r. -iiurlt ihe train until !"V ''".., I IIJ,"!, th" !!'" Ill plat:', !'!!! III" ..i-,vai'd .-..a. h llu- biiL'-.-:.i:e --ar. "I v,..;...se." s.t'd lie Irani man. "y.ni are I -rl'eellj wliiltl-,- that we should .'l! .,!! ha.ar.b presorie ihi- train I'mt.i de s.l-llell.ill and I'et her t ii : .i,s-!i to 11. t; t 'reek in Mil'.-:y '.'" ' I'll. 11 1 limb .pii. 1 i, - w ii h me, and 1 1 ,-it ;-. !, pi- ;.:l!'. l ,r ln;s rate l I In- tram was ,,.,w ruii.i.n.- a! ;i ,i,.t ii. -.re than fifteen miles an hour, so ili.it '.- !- men tiiiiita-j.-il !n In-lsi iln-m sib.-s ..n 1.1 the tender uf tin- l".',,:eit-.ve Willi '"tllpar.Hive case. As,h, ,-.iwied ,.v, r tl ,- slin ks nf coal ami lirew I. both muster and 111:1 11 took in tin- situation al il uhi nee. The engineer was al that in stant turaiai: .n a full head ..f steam. Ihe tir.iiiiKi was tlosii.i; tin- t!o,,r of ihe fur nace -hieh he ha.l just 'i!le, 'i. willi cal. .,,) ,,:, were pie.anui; to .le-. ri the ct -.inc. As the iwo men lay stretched at th top uf the tender, the braketiian m itioned to !!,.- ra! miitmaer lo k-ep v. ry still. The lir.-aiait made a iie.ve p. l-c! down from the h fi hitml side of 1! mrine. "I'.iuie!" sli.cti-l i!n- brakeiuaii, -in, I ipii. k its a Mash rushed f.,r il,,. lirenian. Jielpii,.- that culprit to the track by a heavy blow. Almest i:t the saute instau! : he tui-ind I, i l'i" "iiiii. er. will, tieeih not so far aihanc d In bis iiiovean.'iiis as I I he li reman, wa s pr. paring t . des, end : he slops ..a the riu-ht-i all I side ,.f ihe ei'.ilic. riacillL- the rev. .i.el- .1,,-.. , "he l-elte ,-a.! irii "er s car. In- s!,,u;ed; "t.cl b.i.-k there and ,i , j w ..rk. Viiend lo illl.l lllllll.- I.. s,.!e loll' b-.sines, ,, .C'! siiicll gunpowder! And .1 'iii- train :s n-.t at II: I'.-,-"!, ,:t time I w i.', -i lhal w,-iia-.e a Jjii'liii,,' . !i:b:ti"i in :!ie a;'-i. i "it t;e, d i: t i.ile' I-, i.- 1 1 a ! i 1 . li : a. - h-v.-r. p.,- ,iU. ,-., e. aei-al man 1 " i, .1.. 1 l! which i! V -::, ; tup. d 'io- I'a. Mi-- M i l. thus s.,ie, from , irfitl ilestrnet "ii. . -lb-. I in'o l!'ir I'r.' ell -el, chile till,. . 1 iiipnecr Ihos'ios was pr-'inpily ,!s , I iir.-ed with a wavilm; am! s. uie :i dv.ee, !,:! I;.- was a fierw a ids .iries:.-.!. and tlnn til" p-m-ral iitaiiaer turned :,. ttie brake ina i.. "My b'.y," he said, "you hae r.-iide: .-d ti irr.-at sen ice I Ihe i-uiupany. and l -ei-i'lv to the passengers .,u ihis trn.n. We ".,t;sf. ,1,, so met him: for y ,u." " I ai;.! y.,11. - .r." w a s t . reply. "S-.nie iay i may think of ...uieihiin: that j..u call do for inc. an.l if so, I will come P, Joll. .lust at present 1 prefer to keep .pii.-tly al my ..wn work, and 1 shall like ii holier if iiothin.- iii ail is said I . the passengers." "Your name, al least';" "Yes nn name is HI. 'hards. l!.-a;i l.Vlmr.is." Whereat th" twos' 1. hands a in! par" ed. liie II 'X' luC'llillJ lle-lei-.l! M..II.IP: II itidfor.l w.-ts hand--. I a siuil! pa. l.a. ad li'. s.e.l to lilnis, tf. a ., I it,,.,., ,,,,,-nai,- :!. In- f...:n. a let:. :-. ins d,- ,. w 1, ., !i w as -, sa, ib.-r pack. lire. i,a !.!l-.-s, ,. lb- :-, -id tlie le'i.i-. w Inch d-p!ay.d the hamlw ri! ina and sty !e .-I an e "iica'cd ni:, - i : "Sir Yest.-rday. w ;th your assistance. I was enabled to render some -.hula s"r- vr.-e to y.uir ruiiipstiy-will y,,u imw Koine! him; for in.-V "KtiilriMiilinit is n risky l.asiness, csjie. eially uu the plains. If tl.-alh ei.-r hi.t takes im- land jam are ill a pusiiiun to kn.iwf it idiot, , will y. hi ph-ase I. leak ll.e seal nf il,,- . ,,,'lohe.i paek-iai' aiel hand the i-,. at. -ul s i., il,,. person t. u !,..iu they at'.- ad Iress.-d'.' When you .1 . s-, iif .', ri perhaps you will hal -.,'n,- per .'t what you km.w alnnt lite. I h-, .e pi-,.. I that joii ar.- a I, lave liiaii: I thi-ik j-.ii are n u.i".l and (--! i a-:- .tin num. and I hop. yi.it will itii.l.-rr ai. ,- ihis small e"tiimi:-:"ti f..r me. I'l.'.'iv p ir! witlt ihe pa- ka;t" to II" .,,," hut the per-oll to whom il is ad ilressisl and under n,. .ilher eir. uinstaii.-i-s lit tit liios.. w hi.h I ha ve stated. Y..11 ei-.a r -MI'll i! to Hie if y. ill fire nf tile trust, "liespeel f i!l nlirs. iii:m:y iiu'iiaiihs. "I'.rak. uiaa." Mr. Il.i'i.lf'.rd t lioiir'tt tliis a .pieer eiirretiee. l.ut. :vm, 11 1 ! , 1-i 11 )r his ,,11'er and pt'olllis.. of thi. previous i vi-llin. he H'k el"d th" paika'e and pr., hi uu Ii is ("IIAI'TKU III. ( 'hieac'i; Tim matt who hits travel, si everywhere ex.-ept In ri.ieiiirti has faileil to see the wmhl; while he who is familiar only w ith Ihe great Western eily has se.-n 11 very laiL-e sliee i,f the wnrhl. (lite nf the .-rainiest ainl mie nf the wreteheilivat one uf lite l.est and ,,n,- ,,f the w iekedest eities nf the Uiiirse. A eolllliiltatiull nf I.nmloii, I'nris. New York ami San I'r.in-i-is.s,, rerivifi.il l.y the hlizzards nf the ti.irlhern prairies and refreshe.l t.y the IdilP waters nf Lake Mi.-hiitan: whose whirl ami eseiiement fns.inaio alike ihe lilue-tmseil Sea iidina v ia 11 and lite sluci-'ish Mexie.'iM. 'he phleizinatie liritmi tind tin hopeful Aiin riean. The eity whune streets rini: with Ihe in.-essani .l.titer uf nearly tw.. 111 i 11 i ti f.-. t. Iirariiu hither and tliitli "r men and women w hn.. . mi -t it lit lliilin.'. like lisur.-s in a kalei,..s,',pe. mark ai-ever-i-h.'tit'.:in!.' s.-eiie. Tlie eily where th,' niirht lamps, like tlud's j.-reat sun. shin. up.,11 the evil ami iih,ii i!.,. (."""I. irhere. upuii the liroa.l si.l.'W alki. puhli.-ans mnl sinn.'i-s juslle pilaris. .,-s and priests, whil 1 lives l.riishis up ai.-ai,is; l.azaru tin eily where, after all. there is far inure ul pun! than of evil riiieaiM. It is 11. il surprisiif; that a matt uf lh. di-posit ion, h.tliits an.l temperament nf Max Kretl should . Iril'i t., fhieao. lu ll I. he had made li s hi 'i.iiarters the!-, more ihan uii.-e. I.tti a-, up lo ihe tint, we saw- him ill U.'se.l.tl,-. he had neve: l.eeit eonipi-tle.l lo w..i'l , "v hard or very steadily for a livin.-. lie ha.l hitherto 1 a w an hT'-r fr. .in eh. .ice. Itnl in ii. iol.er. a iii..ii!'.i ,.r two afl.T the Hosedale iiiiinler, M.t I'.reti was I,, eated in t'lih-a". mel was ai tually earn inn a fair living as a el.-r'i in Ihe ..Hi,-, of William Hose iV ('..iiiii.iny, exli-nsiv. dealers in oil. The W.'st.-rn Hal.vl.,11. with its babel uf vuiees aad m.-ielsi mm ,,t l.ii.Xetl Willi the yulk of nnislii tl linnl-ex.-itemeiil, possessed fiery ill trael iott f.u , linileil crealii iilnl union .itliee; anil Hreii. 1 if a nervous, restless tenip.-ra 1 i 1 1 iinollu r is nf nnehuvv past,, min ineitt, .,'.t uttmixeil will, a happy-p. In, ky ; ,,Wll wit!, ..,, ni;isl;,,. Til ail.) easily eolllellt.sl 1 bsposttioll. he a -i , ., , . , . ,. . at-silH-tii-siuitlwieli is an 11 . a iiniinrtei ways found a resilience in small town- , , and frontier setl'entents dull and weari 1 tl'0"' Jl " ":" '''. ""' some. Kveu in rhita-o. where his tlaily vi"1,'t llu' ,lilsMlrllllsl '"'-He ainl work in the nlliee nf the nil warehniisi 1 's ma'Ii' by slillttitu' fresh, Uiisal'etl w ;is lahi.rinus , 'tit, I nf a responsible nature. ' liiltler ill a tiirht jar W illi Ihe Ib.Wei.s In- fre.ilPiitly felt disposed 1,, , plain i for sevi'tal lituirs. The bill te;' abs,,ibi- of a lack uf "ineittal exer.-ise." ns In j ,j, H.-, v..- ainl is spread n:i bread termed inniuitnny and hum di-um t'tnpl.y. ,vllil.h ,..,s , f , , luent; but, mi I'.e w hnle. he was eoritented I .. .. M .v . v r,s,, ii.,- ..in.... I,.. 1 t.i.. 1... iiess'hunr-. Mr. Hi-ell t,,k life remark-, blv easv. He rented a sui f i in a Ila! in one uf tin' m.-imiu-. 1I1 :. iten . nt i .houses locate.! in a fashion-,!,!,, ipi.n-,,.- I J.f lite i-iiy. and. f.tllin- ha. k ..it the rem II. III! 1.1 Ills li.iseiiaie III III I II LT lllll, Is. Illd I ll'eni eleCillUIV ! :! ri I : S'le.l. ! lien he mad. I friends Willi his landlady l. preseu: in I ( er W'itll IWo ,T I'll-.'-, liekel -i for Ihe ,!., I tii.-r. aa.!, liaviiu' provl'l."! hi i-elf wit!) 1 be.i,i!a:ti','- in. I a useful li-ieiitl. h, raiL-iitw a. prepar, ,1 lo . -t, .y hims"!! I ate! his s11iT-.11 n l : i"-s. Most ,. hi I i:i:.-s he sp.nl a: t'te ih.-.ilers aid p'a . I !' auiaseni.-iii. in-..!, t:.e itiosi j"Utt to! j lows, speedi:.! fui-:::e,l a w id" acpinin' an, ,' aiiioii',- "all sor:s and . oi.dil lulls ..! Itnl Hrett pos-.ess,.,! snllicient w..rhli.i wisih-lll lo keep these c:si'v u,i.c ;,c Itiaintai s al arms' leni;th. inn I ii.ni ieotirai:e, too -.villiii.',- I riend sltipst. Max uni lt ii care very liun-ii wlin; ttn-v or any body else ihoni.-'it of him: he just went hi uwn pace, serciieli indill'ercnt to i'im siuilcs.T frowns of eid.iokcrs. and if Max had a "past history." or hid within bl ow li heart any dull, secret, itehody could iriiess f eli her fact fr..m his bright f.o ua.l it--m-liii bi n t nianiier. (Tu be cultliuile.l.) Vi'i'CB-il.iii's a lliir Outlay. The tnt.il It ni::h of the comimui I', ads in ibis ciiiii'.iiy, p,d. bad and indifferent, is i-sliniii'cil by "ieiicr.-il Si. , tie of the road bureau of iln- ih'eti ' -ineiit of a','riciilt tire ai soiindhini,- nvei' 1.. ".illl.l il U I miles. The ma jorily of these roads bave be, it opcii.nl by common la. li..!-.-i's. hired l.y I- ii. '1-vis.ii-i. jind lie clll-iln-ci-ill principles leive beeil ,,bse,'vctl in ibe.r ii -it net ion. As a I lesllll. il cosls n.ol'e lo keep 1 i . I in repair than if iliey Were as iniinv live ly I; ,, -.idaii, i:'e. I r..:l.s. Kc'i.liu- those r roa.ls in i-epa;,- ::. ! ..p. Mini; lo w I in i - 1 1 --1 1 :"i i r , , ,,s M.issac'iiiseiis in Js-.i:!. . iii,.,. .,( 'e -. M..".;.!l. or Si'.-l '. p.-;' i, ue, -.ii-: N--w Jersey S77s. I 7 . -'.'. .u- si" -j. p, :- ll ', -. Tile ! illll expel. ilit'll'.. f. I' I', a.!, ill Ulitt year aiilolinio I to about S.'n. i ii i, i.t n i. .s a ";ivai part of :!,. citor. p,',ps sum was spent in r i:i,ii,- :- ly . o:is:ruc;e'l r.,.t,,, ihai w,.iih uc , . xiictly t!,e sai, ic :it."i i. u ;i. x: jear. i: is ii..; an a-xairui-t-at i.-ti to say t li :t t a.osi of the money w is w isp-d. Fine mads can b, :, struct. nl all i!e way frmn Slim .. ..'." i per mile, a r.liiu; to I lit- mini'-' uf the i-opii- ii.v tliruiluh wliich lin y p:l-s. the c ,st of criishe.l stone and ..'her ciiims-ri!) problems. Tlio cost ,,f keeping th.-se loads In repair is inf tiii -lv s.: tall, r :'::iii that rei;iiire-l p. r-pair the nr. ilin.try din roads each winter ainl sprim:. when "Tea: 'iilloys anl mis are washeil into theni by ihe rains ami 'lootls. l'l,,. secret of 'V' site,-ess of ihe 'ine roil. ls in Franc : a : ; :-,!ii;o to ihe prompt ainl sy sieniafii.- r, pairs in. -nIc at all seasons ..f iV year F'r.st ib-'.iiiiilile My .1 eels nre all on tire. Sc. on. 1 ih biiiiiiiie I tlioiuht i!i'-re was a s'.n-il of buiaiu paint. Tow ll a ml I '.unit ry .loin i in I. Ml the world lows a 1 -!. 1. -c i is.-tin- woi'1,1 lik.-s to be ainiis.sl occ.inIoi. iilly wiilmiit I'liyin a iloliar ticket. , tV-5 .-?.sj, i-si-ifaJrtiu-.- A PROrlTABLlt CUSIIJESS. , ,. , . .... Sandwleti lakii.-i is I'i-aeliinl (.11,1,1 Spei:i;i , In an a r: i.-le in liie J 1 . -i i r i .-1 "Cil-is' lllteixsts illnl IttXllpu. i i: r , fulluwin.-i t!i s.-riptinii is r.iv.n -' -; innlitablf brs, in ss that has be. 11 iiis einti'eil by 11 inieii.-al jjirl: Sil" lill'l.eS Mltldwieil s ft,!1 l'-,. - I'l jitiiitis. ear,! paires, sta piu-.i' a:.d a-li i Itl ri-it' ; p:::-,ii -'. as w,.;i :.s .'u:' ,,-iv-i-h'i-.-.' lilt'. In .. 11 baski t.i, ami :.::.i;. over twi';iij .ive varieiies. : 1 -m tiiniii'lit ii 1 iay .-'e: i,i :i i.-ry 1 i-liiiar;.-inailer 1, 1,1.1k" a, s:iiiitu i, li. I til ::o' s"i when i.tie iim-i nitis.'y ih-ii. ale I'tis.i.iioiis lasies nt- m.ikt' id' n I'i.'hiy (easuiieil litih- artiele whielt vi I iiln ;' v. la-i liiu ::;ipelile nf satisfy its t rav-iiiL--:. S!:ill iiiul rt liiieini :ii. a k:i .u l ( tl'e if iKdieiuii.i ruiitliiuatitii.s v. hit .1 will pit-iisi- tin- palate, an eye l'nr pni ty efii't-t : i:; shapes, ami tin- Heat si mnl tiain iest 1.:' iin ili.iils, tire ir.ir.u , th.' S"t ret uf sile.'t s.:. Tin- use t.i' tie very I.e.-: busier ami matt rials is t.-.' imperial:. H'aiefiil pa. kitto; i i j-a -. inline -.i,..-:- ; lietf s-ary win :i lh" ninth, i. lies ;:i-.- bein;: seat to lii-'i:-th stiiiat; ..1. I'ai.i ii'til sliap -s u:'.' t i liianttuitl ai. '. e.tri for i.inl pai-iies. Strips, lria..,-h ; :i::ii rin-l. are r.-ivt , lbs im- t.-:,-. Ainuii ,li" v.ii'iuii-: liiiitis ii. at! by this busy ;;.il are th' Tenia 1 ir es. ti'tMurtiuiii. t-ii .;. i. :! s.iltetl lira. .id. wal.iiit. sardiii". a:: 1 iatvy, i-tH'it:.,li -r. I 1 : 1 1 - am! u!ie t-ainhvii-lit s. Mie never puis n siie,. i,f liaal ill :: s::ti,lwi, li. fiiiel.. a is p.iiin I- 1 mil i:l.v III - breast ns-d. liaiu is h. Pi'.-il L; ' ai:,! liie seasunia-s .ir - - i:.iii:iiil am: ileliitlil 'ul. or li;;,lil.v Hit .' ore.l I, r-lj,u vi:e.M.'8 ..I'e llsi ti lur .sla',' ; units. 'J'!'" v'i li' saadwit h is tu-w. If is rllt i..ip.'i will: :: bi.-.-nit t-ntler .Mai is of hrmvn br'ad. spi-ea.tl willi e'luppetl nlivt s. I,ii,-et 1, ;uiee and water I'ess, l:tiT::e;,.,i, paprika, parsley and chives, liiixetl Willi 111ayui111ai.se. Atiollu i' tie lieiulls kind is vii pomitli-il eiio-licli. i.iouii. 1, it.,,.;,' tu. ct, iiii'itu, ,1 tti'.i ! o!,)' is lls"a ''-v lllis U' f"r 1"'1' : -Hltla- trad-. She 1, . ..!."- it ami hake. ib aini il is m' tl- li.-iuits tjiialiiy. ,111 lliin ns a wafer !':' the sainiw.ciics ami crusis pa 1 ps,. I. ,!.;:n .sainiwi.-lies l-dle ;ld when : inatle 1,1' rasp! e:-!-y, i.r.'.tij.'.-. tiiln;'.. or I si;ce,; cnisii, ,; ciii'i'.ii.is. Tin- s;rl who I pl'iivitb-s a!l 1 h, lain . Ihelii oil m:Ic al u,i.- of l'i".' w '1. mi u s work ; . 1 1 I has pi.if',1 e.cba::m-s ill's plenty S. bcsi.l" lol.lt l s i upp.yi v.til. many ju. V:-.!c I - ....iii-n aiitl iLinuntiii,,,:. J If liiiiuiv.idin:.' is an imb .;' .l.a:- : I !,,',,,;' A :i:.-;-;.-:;:i women ;,,. iiii i.-"i.,n4 I j t II be I'.Xil ,'t I.V ; I i lie. 1 i ri'.l 1 .! 1 1 e .lit I .if j I wol.'na in.W writes ll.c ;,ic.-,::ar Iii,.-- i hsli ha::il iiml others lire cii'.i h a in .: ! H. i.ooil tui'iii ilci-i'i cs Ibat pa-ie;'. ink r.litl wax tiuist la- of :i i-eriiiiu i-ijl-.-. and ibis, taken in c..ij.:iici on with the slmiiariiy of p.-iuuaiisiup. i:'.ai,..s one f.'ishioi.abli' woman's letter ii.-.m-bK' niiuihet's almost ixaclli. Tin- ani.""liii' xvriiiip; pi .s-c...ses ( p . Itll'fit, Il.ai of li.iiti.- i.'lsily il.s. iii filiitluilile. Ci tltrasi-.-ii with the t.:ic. li-jln . .- laiitiiii,- Italian lun..: , ;-i ,1c; that xvas tin- fashion for xvoi.vu ihii ty or forty yiars i.,-u. tl:,. wriinn; of Ihe intitlcrt! wuiiiiiu sltows :i remark uble cliai!' '. Kveu leu or lifi c'i years, apt the seluml 'ifl wlm wrote with a heavy blac1; stroke of lhc pell was i-,.iisi,lcl'cil at fault, while i u-cuicty litIn or tlelicaielv sliad. ,1 Site:,.', I'htU P l;i:'lllll,lll l,iis ,'!!'!'l,r,! :l.s pi.c.!. Ilia : il,is Is cliai:',, llow ji.laj s. TJ.,. bla. k-'l- ihe v. r.Mr; the lae-.-e . huiai-V. ii is s.ipp s d to p.,ss- ;. .i 11-1 as Ihe st,. ;, l: -s of soii.e aiii-is w l:o arc bivlsi, u , , , i. ., :. .'-'' i-ti ii : i liii.il as i-i-.oii-. siiad.pv, l...s :..- o'.i: cutiicly. I: w.-s uu. ... a ijnj win, v.-,,.;. ... ,,. Ion,- n;:o : . co..; iln ii- four an, :, l' i ! ! - of I.n.-I.v true , , : ;;.., -. "ii- i- a i' r l" day v.ouhl 1" n.id 'd'o '.ii'1.' i.:o,ic,:i '.:-c . I... in i.l ie :i:v as I : mi.iJi ul oil.; In ; w , : n w,. iiniui .1 i:.. tin ... ht.c the average Woai.ui t., tl' i s now ii.lays. i.s III y as possible. Til.' lop'" "Mus Willi pen ;,;! in:. i; ii frii nils are ia, l,.:;.'i ll has bot n said thai Hi -' writiiij; lias com;,;, ;c, uli: i i:,. at. ! licit there are In. i.i.tc l jf I- :;, :- ei' the i.'.d noil wv'.tu u Ic l.-.n :i 1 ; i.-oili. , coaph-s-. 1-,-,.,, .,.,.. v.,.!:;. a jc,. i, :. rapa nn, ):,,, pia.n.- l"tc . in much i,, :na:;i- hi ii .' w j; ps, , to be p.acliocd i'o. i .-I :.:i . ;:t ol dale accoiupbsi, liiiai. Fhi.-iip. News. N.M ellili- : ."I r 1.1 st: , a ;. : ! , : .l.y,. I y : t -. i r.-iyim. I , :il II. 1 1:- i :-.!!- d -fid pt: I hat only ii;, l'l-J Ll-l'-vs f .ll'tl-I.e 1. o' ii.i ly of il, n lhal i tl l:s..::i;v i i,i t: 1:1 Trtltli I i il.v.y a ml itiiiy places : Imw llii-y no. i:;. nrp I'.nt Iniretlter. In no oilier material UI'O tilt' I'.. his s.l elusive, the Sl'MIHS alltl Jieliis 111,11 lin ks so prom- to 111. It nwa.v into mi" j 1, 1 , 1 1 i , 1 1 : - in,';ss'. Willi., veil, Pi: is luisi.v ami a. -!ii,i;e td :i ilei.'r.f. aiitl lis il is liiosil;- iiliec nil by v., 1, 1 hi nl W..11:. 11. il is pii:, h.i I an, I s--hiiT.il in a li"., le 1 1, ai is p,,:.-if,!e only to sl.-i.. let- li-iii'e.-'. A ulii,,' iii;'.'s Veiiil.' has aiilu-.Xetl tu I in1 '.'.'. !ii-l "il jkI; l-t a t-ii t 1 - Ilia 1 is laid 111 i.,i:t.:" tu.-ks ri 1 t : .- lh" upper larl. Tie- riilile, ! wltit-li in ii.iir.'Wi r in li-oiit limit I, - himl. dips at 1 kink int.. a ;.'.-:t-, I .:! 1 1 . j ii-!iuir:tiii. .M".v,' uu- it.'iti 1, ;-i : 11 initii.'.l wi'li v. ltii" satin l ibl. mi a:ii- "1 at I.-..; ii , -l-.'.-s. iiml iii,,li.Ml in two m .-pnil ,,i" -,,w- thai cross :! aniit., t ; ;.i:tl I'oriu u sin;;!" row nf i.n ilail.ui.s ! :: II liie v.n.v iir.ir.tnl. TI," i-:t: 1." 1 .III;,' ill" til uf litedi iliti'ls is : p; ii' il I- lit ' lil,.is,', waist. ruin:': u f ::,i s!.i.p.. tu lit,- wa.sl al 1 i!!e ; sid ul . km.jIi v, itil" vi'si. 'i i.e l ib i";t 1 etial I, ii;s 1,:, li.e waist ill'.- lilleii ii: Willi . nul '.ii-f i iuiil's. A wit!-- i.-irtil' is .'.-.l-i.ttl i 1 11 the filil WMisl Wilii : hii' r.n r il'.iaiis. '1 In- sleeves, wiiieli lire '.ii; l'u. I, are tdiirri'il n. tee ball' way litv.tci lii- slioultltT 11 1 - il I '.If lli.lU, 1 .i-i a.uaili at,' eliisely (-liirie.l all the way In.:.. ,h" cllitw tu ti;.- ii.il. ;i...a'u ib 1 1 li'il-1 1 em Id, Tito M i : i t jrv ( tint. A f.r,' 1 10 It I t.) 1' din iv !'or yn.n .:ii ,"'iw;i lull til' 1 u w I udi; e y.'iept i- ii!i!it.:;y etiat. This is a liiri.i lit 1 :. i..,iilie I n asieil, tin- ! -tUiii-!er-.1 III .i 'l'.:ir. It is aiij'y liist' ip tl its !'.. ;;t" waist. It lias a ilisiiint : ty: of ii m wn. mill is ftrielly t iilor ..-..is!.: ,. Twt nly blat k velvet llat I .t ;.i,: :i,i:i"i Inn tu is an- tun It- lo up ! ; a as if i:i ji-olljis .'!' live on i.teniim 1 ul' lh th't .ratii.ii of eriiaiiu-iital siiieli : i i ;. i itu i t it. It uf live but tuns a line 1.:' s 1: n . It i 1 1 - stiie'iin runs to a peim j ul: lh" rijiiit : itie. sli.l:iiy be n:nl til ' j Illalille uf 1 ill Waisl. 'llu- lilies til' lu;.t liine si ileliiir; i mi vers.'.' at III,' ,,;.,,, I;,.;;hlj ,, 111:1:11, -hial t iia p-h-s of . , ;u.hll.., ;nul ; ,., , . -i-.tnp I i.ntiups .-ippai-.-inlv tli'ta.-li ilietu ,-,;, ,I. oihers in line. lhluu" tlie 1 v. i.iM tile Inn-,' skins uf on:' military ! ecu; are i-ilucl with n ibuibie rmv i of 1,1:1, h. in- stii.-hiii'.'. TI," il.'.si'.'iis in si ii' line- -iniiiia;.. iiranlini: 111 m.ii tii.'ii". but .'ire ct.iisiiiei-cti ruiin r nioit' liavcl. The ial (crnetl inw s uf siilcli 111' ilecurale III.- collar, tin- coat liunt and tlin "amulet iipuiriictl cuffs. Tin cuffs are siitclietl in rows f..r almoxt tlieir en::;-,- iici-h:. The tailureil iskirt .-lefniiipaiiylin; the luililary coal has nicli in:nj.- up uu a 1 uvular foiiiitlatioii, linisluti wiiii a tlllst llltlle. The fealure is tlie irratlli iltetl tbiiiuce lisilii; lii-h in ihe back. Above III" 11.11111. 'i- iiie nine inWs ni' niacliiiif si i 1 -li i sweeping upward toward Uu- back. This m-ivcs as a bciii'iin' for the oniaiin iilal Milch:!! oil tilt- Ihuillce. a ib.simi of li-iau;.-i. -s lc.-tiii"; oil the bitia.l base. The Suiithft-n W.iiiiitii'ii i Hie'. I titiiik 1 Me reason Sunt li.-rn woiiicii hae sij. !i il. iiciuiisly '1 woccs may b Ila, o, 1 1 Ihe ild'cciio- t I ihe lit, n. .-',,,;: I. M'ii in, n o tk iiion llcir -.vuiin 11 mi ai.ucls. When a Sum!, em mail's wit'.- i..- ti.-i itchier begins 10 i::!i, -iie liucsit'i hac in , :i fur H,,- pmpi-.,. of iilir: i ill-.- bis m ic in inn or e lliill to st, p l.i- s,..ty i.ial -a h.-r i..iii.--. 1,,-n ii Suuilurii woman siii-.u.s iii,- Soin iic-.-i man -i. m m.,1 att.'Uliic. lie li.-. i ns i aj h, ; winds as if liny w--. - hunt y tli-..pp.iii: lo l.,s Hps. v.,,, auuipie ,,f r. -: , i up,, a ll.e pa:, of ,he i:i:iii fur i:;. wot.taii. wiii.li m- ,..s i,. be tiniwi'-ul ihi',ii'..ii 1 I le S, a 1 1 il. 1 1 1,1 k l s f I le Sull ' hcill Wo ilia 11 tin- p n'!e. voiced ti-,ir,Ui'e iii::: she .1. 'h:i, ..i:nli llil.v i:t an lr.. li-I'V.i v Is llu- fnvul'it'.1 H'iack iilnl w hite v ies in fax it with delici::,' odors in ihe new t-lia-i wains ami fancy 1 iicises. Ilibbnli in fancy tlcsiiTis is tu Ic used I'.xieiisivtly for -own and hat I I'lmiiiin i! u.-'ii - th,. s, ason. i'o'ilard silk in llu- f,,.-ii of nppiioued 'Tolls ai.il tit In-:- dcs.oiis in used le; t: iiiuiui," t repoa ami siutilar nai-.eri.ils. Tl.r! .IPS of , l,.:h In i::;:;cii '.in- , ,,s- i'. slilch.,1 and li-aa:.:, ,i v...;, .luiils, arc u,e :a w.si rainy t.ay i.ais. licaiy, ihi. i. -.1, , sil,. -s ami naiiy "'ill - lllilii It.Ilil ll.e sii.'ll skill i,- Ills. i !'. ni'e w .in w.:h the la-nioii ra.:; 'I iy ' i l'i 'I ii ..:a cos, uu.,'. A. ::. ;,:; ihe piVllieM of . oral . I.a.lis arc loose w ii.t it I ie iii th el.tls t:;s,, ad "I t.i-:c!i,:i w ii Ii a , !a-p. II,, -,!;.,, i' I. ; la- -, ,s of f ii,- er.. 1. :.,. ;,: , a, a , :: I. u .ia iii lit.- cap vi n,.,l b.-.i.e w , .-... I'd. . k ami white are s;.; t , :;.,. f,.r. ,.i le l.wcar, an, i,, .,. an, in ihe le w fall .s;yn i,;,,. ,!,,u,.d w.;a l!:nk in inai;y si. apis and st.cs o. .i ns. 11: iul,t , o.,,;c, s.'i. i.es have oi. , of tin-in u bor.b r ,,, v, Iii:,- at ihe tads dollutl wiiii line bla-i. ,!..;s. The mi: toi- cbari.i. int. ad, d to I e wont . ii a ici.e; n.-i-ii chain, is a :, -i i!i- -; t.i iiii.Tcs; td,. I, , pi,, , ier. ll CO t't'l 1 I'o l'l aiol I OW lie I: of two puns, w (a, j, -..:,!,. '"X a t.iiy iitiiT,.;-. The l-c charm is t naim led in e ll'.i-iil or t'.i-ii.v th sip,. ' : :!. ii l'l p:...u U.c a f Ic .lile . p. s . t;s pit Iccl ii, ,,;di i- lo W;:1' -.a::. ii.-. nu,, ,,f ;!i,- lat, st s -;:i-. ..h-.w s a ::;rue I'car! a 1 n.-'iit. f p hi tltal is aiinost j.)-, is 1 !,.. A i. arrow p,hl w .", eurva-s aiMiiin: fiea, lite j.-oiil s, :;!::- !,. the h::ek of the i.tr, wit'ie a tin screw .'lamps tin? caiiiin; Lraily lo lia- lobe of lUe ear. 1 lie Uiiss.nu I, I,,; this s, a-i.ii. RATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion One square, two insertions One square, one month l.tx For larger advertisements liberal con. VjoU will be mod a. XrS' IhiV IA- - I -i-v f.o.1- a t-' ) e. -Ji 1 V"i" yfidol 1-.I Ai.1' JS.-,IV ul2lt 7ti in. ti. b" i. Iiii.t co'i: itbTii;!' li ill i-i in. i ci ,..;i , llh tlie p.oil i'oails . !'..',:e. n is Hi,, rapl.l eX tetisioi! of ihe cl-'ciric iraeiiua j-y.-'- I.'IIIS iltl'l tl.o I'lll'i;! lli'itl-leis. Not coiiiciii wiiii tin- immense voliin.i' ami earnings of ihe im rauuti-.i 1 syiifins, I ii" s.r.-.-i railivay i!,lci', :-ls have in vi, detl lh.' toiinii-y with l,.ii' in 1 1 -fit r I i.n line; tin, I are nir iidy pi'o.jeelctl all tin- way across lai-.p- SI ales. Those street railways or idcetrlt' I ':!,; ion roads are I.',; In be it;nni'eil by the "olid Iliads Wui-htl'S. Tllt'.V miil be Miitlittl In!' Ihe puipnso of letf niiiiiin' the efft i t tlu y will linvo upon highway triivt l. whet her toxvtml iiicieasinii or tleereasiii'; iis volume, or as reiluiiiii; the li-ni li of haul Yif hur.-e ii nil wa.piii, .-nul i-lian'jius Us iliret-t inn. I'l'iicli.-iilly all of tin s,, railways par :ilhl Important public hi-hways be tween tin- principal ciii.-s and towns. .Many of ili.-m have fianchiscs from the State, yranl illR the 1 -i 1 t of ctiii slriictioti ami operai ion ili.vcily on iiie public highways, while olhcl's own part of t II. til in Ihe shape of purchase, I riphts of way. The cars on these lines transport passi np rs fpuii town b town, or between ;h,. poiuis on tlie roads, as coiiifonahly, itiore elieaply. ami alumst as imichlv as Ihe steam cars betwec'a naiiuns. ami far inure quickly ami aur. cable limn llu- (rip. Ion"? or sheri. can be inatle by hurst illttl liilitjiy ir wiiloII. ll si flu:, obvi ous. Ilii'i'el'ure. lhal Ihe td "clrie mails W ill lelltl til lVllllcc liie li'.-'.it pilSScIlpT iiiivcl alon' tin' wa.ooii mads wiiieli they parallel. Hut the traciina i-ompanii s arc not, by 1'iiy nifiiiis. a-in i it i nidi passeu. p'l- biisimss aloa". Tluy have al ready ciul'.-ii , in tin. i press ami lipitt ficipliiiii"- ir.-ulic. despile tin. e ;;al olisaecs which are lieiiif,' tlirtiv.n in their way by Hie steam railroatl eiiiiipaiiies, wlinse coiiieiilions have been !eicn!oi in th,. Suiiriuie Court of I lliin. This frciydil in"; or expri-sa business promises in iln- near fii'm-e In becolile lllolo prolitablti tu tlio mafia than Ihe triinspnriiiiK of pasMi-uefrtj, anil to yrow mure rapidly in volume, I; ciii, n. it be ih. ul, itil ihai litis drawn w;i"uii u-ailic fi-oiii the iiarallel liish ways. As yet, f, v, if any, of the i leelrie roads have nticiupieii tu ciiibitrk in the heavy fi civhl in-; busimss in this en. ml ry. li:ui,p!i ii U:is beca iloiie i:i Fur.. pi . We may safely predi't, however, that in time Ihe iraetinu cuinpauies Will .'.tlcllipl u H'cip-e liiuell of Ibis business iilso. miles, le-jal I'es! i n tlons th bar l lit-tu . i'o:- liiey ciiu ojierate as cheaply ;is Hie Meum roads, aud in I:. any cases -, h, y have a l ai..!:i', s over iiie lai.'cr in faciliiic.s fur liamiliue; inch i't-1-ij.-.ln. 1 i"i t-vef. if ih,- iiii,Tiii ha:i roads it- I'.ll.';- ihe travel between low ns on Ihe hii-'hways which Ih -y parallel, they will Miiely iaci'ra-,. in,. i;avcl on the cross mails leadm-; fiom m,. fanuii to ihe rnilwajs, ami wiii.-h act an feeders In the s'.ecl ways. '',is ,vil also umloubi. dly n;, ,, as,, ti;,- voluiiii. of travel on ii. reads it ncaiu;- from the vil!a.i.cs off Ihe bat s of the electric ami steam roads m il,usL- ihror.t;li w bi, h these lines t Xiend. ibto.l road athocates have no reason for becoiniiie; apprehensive ih;tt ihe i xieiision ti. inn i iirhan elecirie railways will cause any of th" wapaii I'oatls lo be abaiiiloiieil and to fall juut ilccity. While liny ,.,., likely tit r.-iliiee traMie e. some of the mailt ihuroiiKhfares coniicciin inwus, their Ifict w ill It,- to iia ri ase ihe nuiliber of short hauls in ihe np.: .-pit,, on others, li is, at any rate, a lactor in the highway improvement movement thai may be slinlicd to :nl niitap'. The propv.-s beim,' iniiil.. here 1111,1 .".brcati in tin- maiiiiiaciure ,,f pracii tal ;i inl cc, .in,: 1 1 ii':; 1 stcaai iiml .aso liiie trucks mnl "l"i-,-ics," ,.S u-,. .S pass, ii-:,'!' coaches. f..r ihe I ranspoiia. t:.,:i of f.tiuii! ami J..sseii'',i'rs on the public hi;;lt,-. ays of, el's, lite paid l'catls I'lithiisias, suillcl, n; piaran.co for a i-oiai. era. 'liu-,' in lln -m-c It mbm; lit pyo ii;c inu-.-iii ban yiiismi way a new in poi-tance. li will probably tl,,-,, coii,,. in a .s:ni:.--;,' I'ciw.-i'ii lie opcia-I"-.' of lh,. in,,.,. i- s.ap.. an, . ,.,.,.. Ha- tract. on ,-, nupait ,, s ( ilccitle . ii cli of I lii ia , a:i i , ,i !,,, ih,. ,.,,st :' .'! ralioii p. i !, 1 .w st poaif.- H. Firry, in i;,,. i;,., d ; ,ad.s Majja- ll'ios,-, at first. Whi-TI the New .1, l. y haul ro.nl IaT was p.psiil there i; was bitterly i p p. scd by ihe farm, rs, .-uni to put in 1','i i'iii.cii ,a : o:i;o i';i; es wiiere farm, .is were in- otlieiau lo ihe iuiliatory, '!'" ,; u: 1; - - iiiy to fompi'l l!: in lo ae, iy ::,;:.nt.i':,tp; p. lu-oi'iline.s, I'urlai: the l.tsi car only thiny i;:;. I i' :: l - w.-r.- built; last i I I ii 1 :i.-,i i.i Icil. antl ' 1'i.s.l;: .', I s aie p ,, s of .New .1 : l'ie hundred v-.' by the fiiiiu- ' . .. W b'lt ll, I iii.it from .....;.ul protrrcs. -a. i.-1 ihawnack .:. t .e ..-.atcst a.- I ai'.l mural ..: .1.:. c i,f free iv. n th,. eily 'a I .id auJ. at -..T ,i, :;J li: . Hii'il :.i-.iayi v.,. liu.itl ss, Ul .a-.Hi.s u J.. . iiiaail-M.wijiiiiiii)iiiU1lw-Wi1iy-

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