1 J 1 I . ' . j A ( . : t u:;h 'deJiihu. buy " AT 1 Wo lak pleasure in idm-hitf waij:;in to i.am.;s. J A Peasant .Urrir.Ss. U if &!m 'l'l!,ftrV OU Tit!'. Kl.loKtids Cehnil-e list V..,v. .,.. i.. i', U Kf.do c "-'1 i!n-.-..f T.iK PfVl.i.. fi C" '. the Chatham Obsorv. r, oditi .1 aii.l iilV(. ,,.t. v,',u-iinr their j..,y; One of the .p.-ramlrs; ml most J jdid Chamberlain's Couyh ..,.,..... jmiilishod at i'ittsboro 1 y olr. A. ro.MJ0fS against In-iiifr swindled by ' utJ-t'-!.i!? mama-os llu-.t this ih n-mh.- h, ai: cxei !!:: luedh me. I'KSDAY. - Dec. 5. l'Jul. M. JVb.oiv, for whom we wish both au ndvin-tVc-uieiil offering -?'20 a 'community lun o ar witm-shod J lt.iv.- h. en Kutibriuy 'mm a m- , ., ,- ,,, f-""" "'" i" v-itiir.. luontli to ladl- f'r iiu 'hour ir was .solomuizod at noon today at v..-,- roah for the !... 1 1 wo in mil.; F nmll lnnrjle -On Intt Monday ni-hl tho t wo v, a h in.r caeh day. ii..-h..-.v th.- I;;.:i; :.omo i-onutry ivsi.tcKe j ,a.s ,-!. co-.! a i aiv. i LOl'iU hCCOKKS. Ki.i-I.ts of IM!.i.isnt thi s plaeo reading of s.u-li an oir-r ou-kt h. o! Mr. V, . A. J-llmy-bui, oi Liui ,r.-.-i pleasure in i.'vavi:,, ,,u,.v ., . l.,-,liu.-i.ri-.-!.vric(..s in honor com inc.. anyone thai it is a fiand. imve, N. C. 1 ho contralto;-- . C. oo-Ni-ii:. J h'--s id . . o, J Wi.U-iit McK ink-v who was a Tar. J!w oia, has .1, fii..o.l ..u thai i.art.o woro la-v. ( . 'b'' ....i.i..n .,1 ..I th- -)., -( IraiikC.Joosistl.iacoto j..tililllJi Ai'i'.i.ri.-tV athhvss, -n.i.ial. to iaMi:;!i it, au.l h.-ivby Han obnr. a., uial A: :ss -ia- ,jl(1t r. -s rl, ,1 roM.I.,:.ts, an ! !;.:- agoodliuuchoap. w; lv J;;1(j(, (,v ai,.,,,..,., lf jj W:n-i-. its la.i v n-a.U is iioi.i la in- mic A. Jllliiitoi!. lU-: J. I. hot n vol.ijitf.iily ?.'' - T!ie b,Kt Chilloa I'l.w math II aye.-, J. .). JoukiiiS and (i. 11 swiu.llo.l by it. ijlr.om.-, ..i M'-mv.jl-, ?.. ;.. was faith Miat ..ih. rs ih.; Fill -JJ? Jf' vit ' J '.lT CLOTHING SALE AT l. immn & sows i, tl! ('hiiUaii.;o-a. sol.lbv l-'r.utk i'lluih-toii. it is v i.V l.r.b:il,Io that .. -ial Lost man and .Miss toy l j. ,o oj roino.iy and l;o l-.-m ' il. C v.,,, ., ... ,. !a.i. s havo born l.aio nooordiii:.' i dt:.! ovo, niaid oj l 1;:- .,!). . o!n. r. !!;.- is -Iboy have just reocvo.l an- ral .Novoinbor uay anl at h.s u.e t,u, ;is f,.,,,u., ;;!,5 li , , of J!rl;i.t;b.si. v,;th 3:iss otW bi-lot of tnuiKS at JiiU.a l-huv .s.-om-.l hko .Splay, x.ho I:UJV t,;silv suindlo oth.-rs. !..!', I)a::-Lrrty. ..f Vi-inla:1 Si;, j , r. .tlioadriis. htnrt woro aiinti.-d u.-.m-ii. d a:.d ' w,. i.,, i i ,.!,,.,,;, ,a U.,;.,, ... ' ,. . . -You will Ihul a nho lino f bn.s.noss was mi,,.oi .1. S-r- ,vil h j., L,;.,; . , , f , t ( f- . . ; A ',r. ;.' f I ! 1 I . I . U Willi I If. tit.).. I ill 1.. f U II, .In n,ndif ivi! ..ii: .'ti t In' l:K rt m ol t a y wiiio' mat-rial that was ij,,.,, . . J .1,-: . i I : i 1 ii. .i. ii. no", '. " coiitrro-:.tion was assoiao .iff ai , , ; : . . , i ; U..( -i vui-i'i .-( ,'. , , f , , . , , . ,. bo in his olluv ro-.daily aflor thr'.Ai-,! odi rh.uvh t!.o sfov, " ; iN ; V ' , '', ' ' ' ' .j ' hn'.-!,,,! a.,., .Uv d..:!.us w. -i D, ,1,,,.. 1 I ,, , ... , had boon -ot'.rii no ior t ho os!;d.-, '''aaiv , w In.,.' li. oilni.-. !. !..!.., ,,!.... (,:.,mo w , i J)otl., bo Ji, 1,01. Hpoiril . ownajnHla. - lisln.io.it of tho s,.U law ir. ,,at Ho.v .lro.s.,1 in ,.x4ito lr, sos al.,.ut o.n-.!..i!a,Oraui-, hi: -Chatlnun has hardly as inai.y to, wont t tuo 1 os . h-, an (lfJ 1;ll,.v ,;,;v towu-Jof whito or-an.lio. i.-.bovo ninolV-livo .JoiSars ao, nt.iisatton.l.n-t hist.-rmo) tho -h cl. ,i; l,; J. ""n sh,,, -oti.r was at thosan,..; Many oostlv an.l vdnahlo ,.ros. ' ,,r..i(. Jb-ha-ol.-ar-.l Lis v J'r.!oral oomd ..t Ifal.M11a:;.i:-ua:. n tho ..otao-.L-.t tiiuic-n, hold till,,iV(.lltil,l;l p..:i,i:,a wouhl o.ds w.'-r.- .v iv,,l. O::;.oa.;a!..--.l,o,rt;...-ir.mr hui.b.d d ..!!.. CcotSsis&p: ios men. CiJsiEsg; for Youths. Clolhiiig ftr Boys. JVIee Olack Suit for men 842.50 imnv going for $10, ti .. : ... ,. 1 II III', t.i L l . ILV.Ii I nc 11-' Jjcaoows sohool honso, in Ilatiloy township, was . thKtrooil by lire on last oiinos- t-1AlliA:i jmnim: to day ni-ht. . . . . - (Jo o IViuik C. Too for Sad- Inv,. or.a,,;-d iho '-Chatham VwnHuliUvu. with turs:.; Im: I'lVst-iiictl oli l -,!. .- lay, t iir it!l ; !.; o: ;4i;o.-dN iioill a ! i.-taiios! ii- lvnl,l i,Vo ;:!.d oo!lo.:j i n a ojn J.hy of .January, for ttio od.ibiisii- . jo-.-r.l I ho .anart aoa.s diinu-r ho... ;:, :,,. i moid of I ho .-took law in a l.:i.ri- I'.-ii-r, i tor tho oooasion. ..-th ?ir. : , , toi rit. 'i-v, bounded t as foil. r.v.-.: !,.- and V. vs. l iii ; ii v ion !. -so'-vo -r. at ; ,j rioii; fi-i.ital- ..i,,.d. ., i!,., I iv.- . nl ..:...!. (. !..:.. I 1: - f'S L f ..i.it or S;, worth 80.50 v. ii-iv o!m-. dhs, .n.l os. jlorso odars, ;,!m;IV Company, lor I ho l-ui- law f,.,,;.,. .a.rlhoast, r!v ... liaw : pi.-asnr. bn-so-jMaiiia. s.oadllo-ldan.ats, 1:lSll f Vo,kin. s. co,.,..-!- , ,).,,,. riv; ., , ,;.; fi!i!a'diaolv Collar lads, oto. I..iu-H in Horr C.nok tov.-nship. .!ai::;::ao o ,-;;:iv I lio-.t !..:( wr-t-1 i i-h!,,l o;,!v' talilv and (!:'.;: '. Sfa5; . - . of thnr, --liv.ni'U i'.' 1 !;.'.. la's lino of d'l- r .'iliool' tho : ? ,2 '. i . .:..V I. ft for ihdriuh ih. i ooiapany M'.-i-ai w.'.'us a!:o ,...v with tho A!ai.rui.-o i.n.i Ci-.at-' wh.-n- l!-y w.-p. to !.o ioin. Sim A3 LOW tt 0 l. id'.-..-' ( -uw Suits tor ?j.50. (.!:.. a, C'l.isUnas -iM.v.-irs i-; i:o-.v oom- -'in do,l :ons .ai.d i:i .iatt h..,,, , onnl v lino to t i.o ion :!o v. . s! ' ! Yarboro ib-b-l by t. n th.r x,-,-- . , v oh to. Ti.oy ! ivoownt1'!! .. ....a t-f-Mohi;. a.a. havo M-oh a ;.U ,.j(!.,l(.r ,.f J aPoy iov.i.s'.. I;., i !.. o : v. aiav o.ii,h-i do; . ,ii;r j..'ilt.i ' Wind for vottr t i'ii .tn.o... oookia--. li'ty b t d-rj. on t..o ( I .!r. with the wvnS-i-.i l:.o :'" I ' ii. y ! i hr Sta'.r. ' . iiV!'.-:n ,v 11. a,!-a will (h li .!. ! . i hiiii'S ! a;.'.:1. : (v.. 1 . i.- . )iviis!.1. S'i-i!li ! t l.rl.M.'O iiii:i'i.H''l... ;.... C '..v ':7 1 -i ,, . ,.,,) ,. , ... . I ... ... l . o . ; tail. l'.l.S.II III.'. ll.O ..I t'i" H-i-.V Aid. d' ' M.U.M.I.t: I d. !. i- i:. i (i-voioikd iu ear.: ,;,.,;,. ( ,., ..i :, i !,.. l -d. :: ... , ,, :;" biki- "iiu-i I -.'.: ot .avn.uy.j ho (oiiio..a- vol H-haiilv .'.o-i i i . ..'i-a.-o.' .. . . r- .ad. t i Tortia'L'i! k o;.hb js. counts. I'iM'VViiil lio co!.' p: i , i ra i yon tocosbi i;idi.-s oa .- t tlo ;-o::ij; ly. !.ion t lor-ot t'oit J:yro.:;,i ,' a; .!- t ,, r . ,,)! :.:: ov piir- Jtoadoli aro ll.aa.(iao!ois l,.r . a-I , .o i:..,o . ;-a l .m t a -oo- (1 :....;;.il,ai i of t'.o- -...:. i .W .:: d,:,,, iiv, 1 a!o;:o .' i -.i . a! :.,! fii.-os. Th.-y .-oil .i-rb-l' ai:'! .1 ;.-.! ! o , -l.o.'. iii V. li:i:i;:' :!.- i; dd .. d. iii.'..-i .. :.!. n . .: i;. i I'adi d i:; iu . d hii.i ii! i'. J . -i'lis no;-., u.- i -i.:! on n. i. a.-.. i in. v.i.. ii :;it.;i "mi-, ,;,.,i j ;: i t ol t ratio. . i ,,.vi!. fo; , , oai-th i'.-r li.on, i-oa:; is aial thii- di: to l! at yaia id tlds coia;:y. t i( ,,(- ,;,,., opjinad to ..:,,,,.,,! ,. -(..,: j drt 11. ! iti.o st-.'..'k taw tin- oi ii. i :id . ii '!ai .i i a t' v. . I , i ! '. i din l.od ."doii.i;iy tii. s 'r-dulr ; . i -'-t-':i'-l U.o ci:-id. i.ii.hai o! v: :-d in ,f .I,- j-dtd.-.n." railiud v.,: - ! t I . i . on;! la;....., ; !. d !- .di-ldly .iiiMir.d. Vho -iiorni.!--: ".ir. lb U. ll:v.s is nidadi:.- ' -' i;-- l b.- - . d o. - , -, : ; a '. train h aws aad arrirs t.-ilf an li.o ; i.-r.tl .-on.d at U-.h-:;.-h. -o... .oi . !..im- over i-.t. ;..,.;-r- . , :,.r. wla . h 'til-i a! d ! i hall ht'lvioio;-,., '.'lis i i ; . I.,.. ,. . l . , ! v. i i h a i , 1 a . . o ' ' .. . , . ....!ti.-au I ;:o- v a . : a: ; ,-:b a :.n.; .ad. , ,.;.. .-I 'I ' ; I 1 IT i III'' . ' I !l ' in.' f u: I" I" ul.n... .:.!! ! "M ratdon, I'.a. .-.ov. '. --.,!. :do d l ; - - 1.0 !) !:"'!' i'ito 1 ii i: ,. f i Y.-.i- r '' ' a ata'ar. a . i V' Vials, '''.i.' i ;.. v.,al an y. : p; !!. !.ar ,!!"!.. y . .d.r ('..' dial ::.! ::.' i ov, , . in i a! i a I . Jiats pas ,, ii-.-r.-i ii, Jb.k i hi: if r, llil 1.' Oili- ainil'. ii,,, , (....I, ,,, ,; Wo h.ar that tli" a"ad":"V a! . s v. V. (;, a id odr ;i.'C:o.'!. ;...a-.-ii Sdil'i'dA ii.,i-iiovly ! ! (,f -,; , co,.,,!. t - M-i.y t: -.!., o i ' o hy lai' oar .':.y l-.si ,. , ,., i , i- j,. ; wo ,;. I:-:.!, w. -fo.il vo'dd ,. r..,.:.;. . I i. j . I ; : ' i t . I f . ' . i : r i . , : . : . i that i o;.;. .nan ', as it 'i ol. 'of Mi -s Nrhi,' T: : ki:i-1. n has r t -J li.i d Lou!" d';;.a :-u:i:a ..II iary Wad. ai.. 'i.i-.l oth. r b.ra, at cio ;; (.. i. i iii to ! o I ; ' ,,, ( j, j ,y1; '-a- t -h' d1 ii , aaio l.di I., io 'i i. !.:i ('. V, . J v h.r li.. '.i. ;l i avi ill -. 1.0. tho ir a- ...'ad, iali .. ia ill- ! d.dr. Santa Clans has ,a:.'i.i . .id,. Iii l lb1 ld'Ual i.TS .1 l.oad c . l'..p.:!ai- -ho;.. I Id a ' a sa.r.iv .a' . .' : '4 a ci.-i i od.-, a-, i . ! ,i : . . ; .' t. aad at ;!... o'. i . -.- Ii,..-,. , . ; : : v ; ; id i . '. jiai.d,.' C'...'.'. :-. t '..'. . -.' - S.a !a ' ! . : ; : . :d "1 ::,- t .' wdi ii (a j;... ;;.!i at :.."i oiydo av Midi;-f-'u t!.. ir an ; i . s(' f ; of oria ii i;j : ta d is nn by tuo;., v.o ai i. a:. ! ohi o.- 'n. oit w i'l liaa .' Had ou : !'. Io j,i.a r ai hi I ii in .!.,li!y and , ;r': ' '!.. i. .. I ! ' 1 'id. . , ; a, d. r la.'u: ..i mors ..Yo !':.r 1 ha: of th ' ' I ':.!.' jv.;':'.ial' l:..-:!:.ly ii:l il..,it h o;' o,o old fi i. a i ..;;,; fo: .... r ii-.! "i a .a;, a.t i ... -d.,.. i o ::dy aiaa, :.! r. oi.i.-l ' ;-.r, . ! . : '.:: ! li.o i.'. in.:r it- mi who dio.l I . d wi . :. li-.. a .o.'- i. :!,. .a- rop.ii: d'-' sis. ah. ml To r ir ; old. I ,i i.i. !- ., :,.. i, :;!.,, ' than thiilv - ii-: h- I, . ! i r.-ti t'.- ,!,,, ... . ...... ., ; ' j-u.itor ol ih, C... : I i.addoi-- ai (. '. . 1, j" a- la; .: a f ,, ; '.-i': il do! ;!l at.d oitr i 1 has a: v V a. ;.;.:") :' tifo i :d a iiio;.' !:.;! ;if ii i :t r of i.a-'.. i'.!'a..'i l..'. t '.. !': ; -a :i:t-v.i-- phooo. t '.,! i ,,t M-:.. .'s biiu ...... :r..(io o' ! --.'!' ho id 11, '-ids of I 'a 1 I 'i! t-;bof i ' W oad.!.' .-. id,, li,;; lor A..,,l ,.,,...,., ;d.. !., dw siii-iiaa I''.;. I catu.t y to s. lid 'i !!.: id o: i b.-ir . ''. IV...! iv.;' ., .. s.a- ja'aliv fiiiiti idat'on d. tho I'.-ai: loi...a 1 for crootin-- a i-dabi ',.; oir V;.!d r ' '' '' 1 1 ' at llaloia-h. Wofoaiia-al tlicr :...o.t , ' ' I";""' . , ! oviiiiiilo to all tho s.-hool dhir. t,; i'-.ul d. J. .a, i..r on,. ih.c o! thooo.iiitv. and hop. thai ,; A. I ianl.s, !or ; applies. . H.Cii I't rrld uill l.o ..Oldlilinli d for l M'. O : I . i.oild.-ll .V S '.!, lor t a ; , d,, i.i -o. n'.r. olilOir boo ;. iv-l by (I o. t a. i Oil I. . t ; a.oi,. y al hoi i-, i,. . i li ia'r in a sai'o h.dad. ?ll!". !;,'iio.i'i; .... .'-.I d.iil.'S v. ! ,!, .!.. ; ' i a I ';' ! ' i' ti oi d-i,,' ...I. 1. I. .. id- .;.!! (il a-. ' . i.iii., 1 I.. I. .1 i - l. 'a. I . 1. '! ... i c. I'.. .Mi , ,y i 4 .: 't .a i lai I... in ... , li.o, :- i !. :, ad s;:.iv ;v.r s, wort'! 12.75. i. j ;..- H ;. "s Suits fur i?3, :. " . v.v !..' . r'yiiiy .'!' low a,! a . io m : :c lo i.50. .r.a- Jr.-Ihi..; a verv f:dr r :a i-- i. r5 .'.ill fuv .--. others I , -. .' ( d.a. iv. ais y.-ry cneap. A h.r. a h i oi e:;tr.i fd'tds. '.' i ) vis'Js .itiJ .I.U'ki'ta. A v-i.-iHtlJ t nvi-hdrt, ..ry warm .:!;.! ; o.l, , ah .V :." " I I,, vd Mii;-i, all styles, t "..J, a i ai .iii.l Lii.iHar-. !i'. j;- i' :ii ; worn lv humi or yo- llk-l! .-.;';! .' I 'Uli.l .d - Yd a: r i i? mm fill B'illxliorii, C. ( a; a ::: ' iai!'-. , j.o.is. . '. . la l l I.i iii . , ' i o i i I. .n i W. il. ih-. I'i.s, ia !a Alston . I Idl.i !l -I I bayo 1 ; .. , . hada-- pi.;. -a for tho v . allh l.dl ' '- to ii.-r ni d ho hdh-r tii. at to ;;;''.;;; i i - ill t no lo'o on I' I u i a ' . ! a ; !., ,. , -.: :a .- 1 f. ii, o-.odi h', .',!,' tii- .oo.o v.;..:, h ;,.'. a to latM, . - ,..:..! ':: is . -;t i .,- d i. ;. a ...!!.- " ''-x " p a v. a d , wit i I ii i.aai ,.r ;i . oa ., .ia'; i iho ho id: i! v, i-a ! . h. a.,. a. via. t I i. -.1. "f i! o. !. , 0..-1 'A . ; h. l;..lir l ,,; r., I, lily l1 li . I io . .nn.y. : I:-; .- i- .-.:! ...i ..: . . in. 1 .-. :iv i :, .,. Bank of Pittsboro. i'. '. iioai i . !, . dt i'. ..,..) ,,,,! I. d; .d id !'.. . i ,d ! !. ' o,.,,i ;.a- d ; id. aid a 1 ii i a,-' . il o,' i : i , 1 i.o.iii . d Ii: ,1 "1 '., p; !!a la; :d ;.'' '! id . (j ;: do a lai;.' a. as mio oi r.M .a r .' i'.',.inl aa i :.. i a .t':!. aoiil i :. p '"-i ! i-; ' i : Ha' - l , . ,n. !; i! i y : . ' d ' 1 ' " I. a ,!....., ' l ' i a, Vi'i'i i,..d;'.o vh-povt ; i,d puke lo.ms aiul Jo a jiein'rai hatikinj;- husi ii...... Iidu.-M ho iii-.-; ..i.iii!'d-..d . w,i I a i- aiod tor Jeposits. I !. p .j ..: ot ( hath mi la v.- ho..' i hi- orporumiiy, kh the lirst time, a , ; ,,o,,,.-. ., ( L.dii.ini ,'oiioty lu:h. lap - :- ... .! .ite hi :i l;'w-r..o..!' vatilt at.d burglar-proof . i;. u-i! ' . a i . 1 io .. i t lie I'i'p.rly ol all the Mock holders, ( ii i Ts7. ILj. Lcndon, President. r A . I I .1 .y ai ;...iil'.;.' . .:ni,i... iif. iliih! id "olil 11". of ' ';-.' iialv. !vo., itv.-iix aa-.i . t'riio.r 'iho tilot i.uiii aivni aw. iv by tho l : :.d '. i i I o i ia t lit .; la;- . oil- '. ".. ' ' '' , , ", J " ' '', . K - ' "" ":' ' ' .. i I no lb., in -dial act. I f i-i oi lai lal i,i.,'.;, , a. and,, u.o w...... ,a a ano . ( ,.;,,, 1(.s ,.IS , , ,,.,,,,'.. ,,, , . ,,,.,tl-. aad. t-ina ! v, ;.i i. r :ai li .;r . ,. - i; i i , ' . . . ii ia i ::i o; -no ai'io-.. i.i ,','i! iii!-' 1 1 ' a :. otilv .a i s. ,a , . i.o'Wir, ... . , s oa... . .i,..,-... i. l loo ;.:i!U (Mr i'ii, . i o..-i oi . ,. I VI.. ill i.l.il.l .., 'I, o I. mi i M..i.!,rS 'Ji.iU J. V. I ;...:!. b.r ooa.ayin-- ; ' " -: ,: ,!:v! ! 'V'" '"'u:' J ho county comimis .i.u.rrs .f ... i . . 1 ,:,; . word, u rs. ..r.--..or v,. h IV,' nei'opti',1 t ho bl'i.'.;o rooc.ily ,.j . '." ! 4 ; a ! '. '. . ( .-s. dr. h ,i ho Viator .: .-.', v. a , ..'. .0 ; IV. o'. .1. C. C! irko. :.f I pp '.-.!- b lilt oi r IbtW rii r at 1 .-.eos I d, .jiao .1 !! -oia' ' I'.a' 'coiil - i d .1 i !: priio, w hich was a li.onl- d !;!, I aa; s a; toiha Idniih. ,.- lilill. Hofa.rr .', irivin;;- it th'V ral- ' 'r ' ' l-IIO hol,.r i .!!. ali'.l s'itlorr. ',,, a ii.i d ill h 'li a tOlhpl.' i i i : 1 i . ,,ioyo,l Mr. V. C. ralaoh;.., of ' w V,d .', ' as ' s. i'otV, li'- "' I A a., a.;;- I ia- w. a . U w'.ioh wor.- ia v. I.l.'i, ,r. co ...llo:! tin- alfia - Ihllotall, I.I l-Xalall;'.' t ho I'll l,.-r Oil ! (..,!. ..( J,..0 . . .' 5, , , ' 111 l:.a: ! W fit ' t h ' I '1 o a ! !. a i '11..'- i , , , d ! 1 ,0 , : .'.' h i . - o ! d li I a io I a S hist Saturday, who lopo. i. d d a, 1 n- 1- : a. . . i '. .. tny, 1 r;, ..ipt his t .-:..:., caiioo. s. ( ,, ,:,, , ,v t ho i l i i 11 of all of iiioin bavin-' liron coii.dl i.-tod a.oao'.il- .'( i(i j ',;,,;,,,... f, r j, phi'iislo, ai:;a - 1 hoi ia, ptiv'iu', ia I ho -'.a p. ian hioi.di, !d,., an 1 iii.Lf to lontiai 1. Th i ioo is - j.; " ' Poo cyi.o-.iifo, 001 i -as. I io.,iio-i (: ! ji.it ; la do ah .pi-i- ni f .aah JIM), half cash an 1 h.di to ho (aid . .". ' pa;':'.' ', '. ', ' ' . ..o, ido. t !' cnii'so n.ost ot 1 i 10 words from its iai 1 h'd to it , hito.-1 forms, w r - . 1 by first of next Id binary. ! ;frCo DC'hi Mt,- 1 M " f'd"-' , , , , .. TVCS tVaSiUU The i.ia-iy fi-iandsof Mr. .b l.ii;.). -I. .JohiiM'!,, for con. I c.y- i !''''-- :i - -1 ho ov..-::, ! a id d spoil- 1 av. ......... 01 ... I ..r . , ; t:. lay 01 a puo.to a. v.. 1 1 .. :: , .ii, 1 . -I ; -i J i l l"(f Ihi'hmn AJarblc Works. 1 ) Arnericrv-i and Italian Marble .. Toad !.,.. .a- M. ' ..it.l ( ive.i Stieety l.inoohi county b.as t ho la'tn r of aina tho liot to srldo its Stato 1 1 .1 ' " - . m i . . - . 1 t ., . .hi I..I' 1 ' 1. 11 1 s a. -r, 1 .1 1 Hi,- .... . - , . , . i 1 ...... 1 , 1 1 . 0 . r -i ' , o :i . .1 1 w . . . o o, 1 ............ t IO I rattl ol 111. I U lie, V.llltll or- 1' liini, t . 1 00. 10. Mlpplios, ..M, ,' ,',, .1, " 111 iir did t'h'l'u d hod Mic.l IV ' cured on last Sahtr.l.iv at hi, , V.C. .McMaokia.fov inspoot- " "j -"7 1""'; "t ' ' b' , i i n , i rositlrtioo uoar Lockill.-. Ibr iaa P-O'S bti-!.- .-M will .,ir aia.ihrr oaiOi;:' turM- - ; 1 ' ron.ainsw.ro int.. rod horr in thc'.J. A. (Jli.-s, t'ir (tip to lad- , ma ; uo.a, w an -h w , ! bo, a aoo- st, a c,,, t u ,. , , a 1., a. , 1 3b f.o.list china hvar.l oil Sunday.! cub on account of bri-ido ; rapiooa! ctauoid, ( .; . .1 osia only v"; "' . j was adand.tVrof Mr. , I. id: at i'air's a.t:,. ah'-'ut i no '.'.'o-i-.pny o, thr I ioUd ; j C,.ok, of Hickory aLotinl.. in loan- Sdroinia Ihlda, .V Iron Co. . . d.aos w :d da ;; h.-d. a.a. p..H laa- - - - fihil., ami was a lady u.os! hi-!iM in p..n pn.u.iu t brid.-.o , h;rb, ium-i .v-itli aroliaa. I ..r Wa.l-boio v v.'f: Si a! t ... pavadir 1 . Inna- : o -oi.. . i.ai, :i o. ; - 1: -.. .. -. .,. vy j .j, ;:;.; 1 ili'l ol any Malo, an 1,0 b.-.m...!- .t . a-Inn- oi ;.i r. -I d . ba rii,-!,.u. ..." . '".ad" ' .''.'..'.'..,"' ' rio-, .and c lilil V-s -ill of e. 1 v Iiw: dt-J .4 I ! . .iv. .. , . .1 ,.. I O l li,,,.. ,.,0. il,,,.,,,.,: H-i:h.i oo'ia' ii o. , ... ..a, ,: , . .1,..., ...... iv ...... . ...,, ,0 I ... ! .. I ColKiiy 111 .Xollli V ill, :!. I . 1, 1 t OiHi t C '. Ill l..e:!ii iibuut -itts. . 1 4. lam, I, in .v Sou 1 ' , , ', y I have o'coivodthis Wf.'k and a.ol aoo s, payable A pi d !. now oponiiiir a ho o stoak of 1 . . i; 'dd ; , 'M'u! I rdi lurkUh Christmas -ools. I),, vou know: N "-!;'u !"'!l1- ' j r, .,..,1...,.,!,. ids- ...i ... .i. . .aaia.. ... ... . ir I cash p'.vn.onl oa l i.o. ! v ' u,'.a ' d "v in, i iio'.ii. ii .i . .- ..,-,.,,, ports I, ia-l,,i 0, iv ti-oa, oa ::.;,- f. , ! i:? t- s, ca.l ami iu.;y wan a. tow yon. mom . 1., the .!:'. t ihai An lo-.i,il... a h so- . ..(t u. .! o -t - da-a ol near will lnvo plenty ot tn.m by com-; i oao ..op, t hai ! ho p.-utioa oi .: .... ,:: !,itll."dt:. h.-. .obi T,i.u hl-boy rai I his -tm to injrsoou bcioo-tho nodi and so,-- (i. t,. 1 1. rn,bm ami ot!.-. rs !or a (,....,., ,i an Ai .am, Ian m,.aasu.y s t, but tho weapon went off in- tho sioik belore it I.-, puaoal , m w roa i in i uuamu ami bald- in ,, ,lt i . !,! . .rhoo.i of Mu.-la ,.0oiv ho was r, mlv ami tho entno over. , wan towiadoi.s is rtdeiretl to tho l,ia for, sn. lotind. il 1 1 ,.f ,, 7 , hot struck tho -il l psleciued by all who knew her. -Christinas is only Have weeks; v u! T) bNiiW THAT 11 !,!.;(. 11. N. d me mod .'i iuKSiP A BANEi. ACCCJUNT WITil Till. Ccn?.!c?:eLu and farmers Bank Italy, w.a h.i i .: ... .-a. ! i J ! h.r I id t- y: ' V) TTpT r- ) - , '. - ' hunt hi", rab- r iAlNl i Uli '- ! il -I .Vm .:!. i li-:' " I' 'til'. I Ills t:d.t a i m. ni; ;i d oi n (!.. iaii'dail!' ::'id p' v -lei;. as thai j.ieia d 0- - - .oi I O ol l L" 1 od: Sh- is o lii.fuliy. bod lad seiaoi'.. I ia.i -Tho near approach of t'l.rist 1 iu';a l:it '':ll,;s '1 S:l"' """U,;; '' for a second tir.m by Turkish ju the b.nly, raa!n- from ti,. mas makes cyoi-ybody do more : aci.oi,: m a . ii,a .no ... t ,.,,,..;, triiilin- than at ai.y other season, : ''' l"' '"ry"?' ,y"m"' A'. . iilai.s are .epoit"! o -m ami it not siiiiuisiii- that theie is .ur.b-y th. IIM ot hvoiii- , j... ; : ,, h. S a sun ;. .d Idiim di-iiowHo-reat a rush of happy ; l'' r- ilt ll! - ,. , trim-;, buyers at tho bi--.!op',rt!i'.it store .;'. ,.-.-. taut -I. I. .ianeoek of A. Ma, at I I'.lihaui. ib'l.c'i.s bu exempt lion. p:- ti. pui la any ami ovorythin..' Unit anybody oa mvoanl ol pourty and it.hi wants, and sells at Ha; Iowom mdv. To. a.- !.r..,lb.o to. !.; C oion ovio.M. Ntitwithstandi.ia the (.:;.! ;:i.. tlo! Iho alia.... ,,ee to d'.d.hls. All d uoa ;d s i , ;.;., t n lorat riiah his noiito cloil.s will b. I'd fa.-hd.' Co.. f r suopoit ino!..-,' if it ' ol.-. i n..-. Y'. lasaito-! wait noon von all lb. !d, and ; iu' .-f Satiov r.n.l t : i ;... i . . (.' -"..as I . r, o sd' i",t -itr I -, , ai aoe'i h-.. cu was ;;(USfHOUD fJu',Z-il iPttC COOD3 -:.'! i-.u-htditk bid l'""Pi ' - a I s- S,,.; .. .aa-.a B I Id;:. :-,.; , Mali !' al , .. " i ; . a Id.i-". ( a. ii.. . . t .m'i!. a . o..i- 1 - i.y . i.aee Ci.t-ahi . V,.-.- J' i . ; l' I'd a. i--, i .a . ; i i ala. i y ;. i m.M .. . . A' A. 'i it --to-id :-. d: . .. vs. Iii.i.1,.1.1' W. .do Vrcsi.lont A ioo- l'ro lidont Cashier ssist.uit Cashier Al Si, Id. ' it! 1 L-K''.;' ; . : .-r i,jtygfytgwnw'.i f, . yi . - tr ' w,.: . v. t J-p iraj bJ v r,;" -:wj!i-it':.Mt;a ' : . . . '. " 1 'i i !' I o t A'. .' ,i I d hi in i .i us i: ., si.. A-a! Wod - a die (d.hh i coi l ;. .ill" I .. .Not V. - -. .f fi v o .-' "! Wia,'ti.fii. U k J Oil -' O;! 'o.l' g das. b-d. aa',,,,..!.d - ', ray. Idiee