THURSDAY. Jan. 23, 11)02. birthday was a most complete ; Miss Stone To Be Released, success in ovei v particular, and ..,.: n. i.... , ti... I'UUl-l me ilUSIlceS OI UlC ill- , , t'ii i . , . i uiiniHlllUKi mi, viiii. " luKt Monday from a visit to rela- nio Davis Chapter of the Daugh- ,"aiJJ.Ut't'iami U,,".,M! , I'liiled States minister, tJulm (. lives at Creensboro. tcr of the ( Wederacv the birHi-i?u , 1 uCl'' '. ' . . A. .Irishman, says the 1 i-iri..i isoN'AI. ( lT.ilS. I.I K S 111 II I HD.VY I OilMKMOltAl'IU). Mr. Deaden Bynuui returned Under the auspices of the Win- : The mauy friends of Mrs. Ade- 0"'el1, Lobert L. Lee was laide Cotteli will regret to hur of 1"os' "PP'o nate y commemornt her critical sickness. ei1 ' tll,s l',ace 1 Wt ,?,at,t,nlf : Mr. Hugh Knight und family, never La forgotten by nil who February court begins next Raleigh, have been on a visit were so fortunate as to be present Monday week, tho 3rd. Local Records. Now is the time to buy cheap. Go to Frank C. Foe's. to his father, near heivi. The exercises were held in the Mr. J. M. Stephens, of Sauford. court-room, which had been most had ever attended. J t was well , wj10"aiKluctcd Miss Ellen M.Stoi... couuucie.u in every pa ucuia. ami her t.01J1,,ani)U on Neptembt -i ' our county should led proud of, an llllv0 H ,(,e(1 to am.1)t tllt!: having such a celebration. Sev- anumut of tllfJ muwm riuVlJ by j j-w.. .I"5 ... .miwmpilou. Tho place ot pay Mclnto-dies and "Work' I was here on last Mon.lxv in artistically and beautifully deco I Bomo land under mortgage, mtea wun nags ana miming anu .., . . . wun pictures oi prominent ton Coats" at reduced prices at Frank ' , T '""Vp? " " derates. The veterans, about N pIv l"V,lULea na,llttUK ham atteudiiiff a district meeting fifty in number, were Kivea the . . 1,16 'g" 1,1 rytniiiH. fl,)nt 8cntH ulMl woro tle tH Cotton heed 27 cents n bushel ! Miss Mary Bynum has returned honor. The exeicises were opeu- atl-rank L. iocs, imiiy ana. f,oul est Chester, Pennsylvania, ed with n most appropriate pray bring t.iem. where alio has been at school. er bv the venerable Rev. C. T. Mrs. 11. H. Hayes will leave to- pi'KlThe entire, j.)ined The first three weeks of this: month were unusually dry for morrow for Kershaw, South Caro January, but a heavy rain fell last linn, to attend tho marriage next Tuesday. j weak of Miss Eva Hayes. Frank C. Poe has received his ' Mr. William J. Womldo is now simple book for Spring Suits, the occupying the dwelling here which u st ana cneapesi line you ever '"k'" " ' saw. Have you a suit mape to oudkii, fit gnarantcuiL in singinp- Gaston's popular ode 'Tho Old North State," after which short speeches or talks were made by many of tlm veterans, which were very interesting. Fverv veteran was invited to sav We welcome something, and their informal ami with pleasure so good a citizen impromptu speeches were much laud wish more like him would enjoyed, especially the incidents lllOVe liel'e. :r.f Hm v univnfrxl hip 1 liutn nml fni t..: j. r n..f'v I V" """'-" j ...... , -17 ) "'e i ,' ur',T their own personal exiHiiences, Ldwards willivgre tohearof thel It mea like a "love feast' death of his wife, who died ou hist . touNn i inancls. , K1 Bolli rouamny. one was -oeioea ny Two weeks ag The Rkcohp The speeches of the veterans an wno knew ner ana was a nuiy published without comment or were intersiiersed with several of many excellencies of character. criticism tho following as a news old war songs, which greatly eu- Ou last Thursday night the' itenV , 4 , livened the occasion. Tli ; song smokehouse of Mr J Pearly "Some of our county orders that was most enjoyed was that (where Mr. A. 1L MerritYuscd to were sold hist Monday at a dis- entitled "The Homespun Press," live) was burned. He had a chick- ""'"f of Jte" P-ent. ""ff which we publish as follows: et. incubak,.- in it, and the lire is!eouK1 ""'J"'' ? ie,n a,,d tl,e1 ,,okl",..un.girt. 8i ppos.-d to have lieeu caused Ly ,e 'l0'" mouoy and were AlKl eWtf iu Uie lia,nn. PpOSi'l the explosion of a lamp. (glad to got ninety cents ou the dollar for them. You can find one of the best ! The publication of the above wtui-ks of Hardware in the county j item seems to have "stirred up at Loudon's. All kinds of Locks, the animals" and created quite a HiiiLvn, Screws, Files, Kniv, s and flutter among our Fusion county Forks and a large stock of Pocket j officials, which reminds us of the .kuives, all kinds of .ails, cut i old saying "the galled jade round and Hnishing, best Cook winces." The truth of the item .ind Heating Stoves. The friends of Mr. Jesse A. fJilea are hopeful of his being ap pointed Fniied Statu assistant district attornry. As of course o.i!y a Republican will be appoint- cannot be denied, for every word in it is strictly true, ami therefore excuses and explanations are at tempted but all in vain. It will Ik1 remembered that last year, tor a considerable time, HI MM Mil l- : il.r .., ,, 4 I , , . ii.i iiiiriu Hun ini iu"ui:i in lur iiiuuil we would prefer a Chatham!,,...,., , Republican, and hoe our county man may be the lucky one. ! treasury to puv county I any kind, and the last annual statenieut of our county eommis- Solicitor Ib.lnnsnn requests r sioners, published lust mouth, that each a id every Jnstict if the V.iows that the county was f L, n iu leacein Chat!i..m county make Mebt to Sheriff Johnson i, ;". 11 i'.i:n to tl ,!. ikof the stiperi -r for money he had advanced! v .ni t of .ill criminal actions dis-1 Will any one deny this? posed of by them since la-it term i 1'ven at tho risk of i.gain ".itir .!' the Hoierior court in time to ' niiu' up the animals" we will call iaeh the clerk on or before Wf.'u.e.dav. next l!, At the Inst meetii'sr of county comiuissioners they iv-e!ic$-d Mr. J. A. (iilrs as tlieir and inci't'ased his lattentioii. in this coii!ection, to Isonii! other uiatli is 1 county t i Ipenses. J'or instance, tho large amount paid our county commis sioners ;ind the number of d -sys tlu'V were in session It may jo.oii r io:w iiu-HMMiu ui 110.111- HS urns i our i..u . Is. nit ll 1 ii .i :.-t to and i,. tu, l,.ss tn.f that uir county .i!ovel In-.i S2" extra for sottln- : commissioners weiv in session last n eat witii tm irguiiu lnili.'.) i V01U- IUV0 ,;1VS t it the I i on t ompany tor bridge at 1 ace s mill. I SK.inl -J)o you need a pair of Shoes?! A'1 "ot ?n,y t,,ilt- '"-k our !fs., London's is the place to !'-'".V .ommissioncis were paid :et them. They have the larp- t ! lw.m ,"OI"'' rtl,iU' lL'; l-,nu,lv "'l"' :nk, the best quality and lowest u,,!1"8 "f otlul?i prices. They have the ls-st one V hat Io the people of Chatham dollar shoe, foi man or woman, ! tIl)''k V tha- m ate. Yon can get a good Km-! .iir..miiiissioiiers were in ses- . m for worth 1.R0. Thev s 1 ,ls.n s ,iisc l'al nave a Hue stylish shoe lor lailv AnJ txiuntiil It wati gnxiicr rMe Tl.mi glliirrlug wff ilih or fume: I nivy U"t Ihf ti T hi'rn girl Uur rulMw if brtiuly rnio. ThdUKli illnmiii.U gi-HL'O her Hnnwy Dc.'k A ml jiofU In divK bor liull . nrrnli, ImrrMi! fiT ilu: hiiuny hoinli, m .linr; Thrw cIimts r iiik linfwiiiii .lriH Onr BOiithuru ln.llnn wmrl Kuw, ti'ii ill rn fin. ilu .16 mil if il'.to; Ana viii'. iiia Ai ' liluckailu W Hi.uiiitrn girld ri u lit. cm;tut With ifiK!ti;t'i;it his MU'horli IDA lo. Wo Hntl our HweotUoftrts iu lUo war. Hut girls iiuVr y.iu lulml Imir B' liUir li'vn will iwl fnrst I'liP Kill lie lutt U'liluU. Tim ftiiuilifru IbihI's n Klmlou-. Inml AlM ht' glill lnUil allien: Ttirn rlirer, tlireu h' nra fur mar lioru rlalilK AlJ tur mutliuru l.yl W.- Muni in wi'iirn Ml i'f oi:k. A Ml df iiiTtlicni liiv. Hut ttuik.' .ui- liiciie.H.iiii ilrortr.-t ttfi, Anil wiur iliiun wall ait h gr um. An I imw, yniiiiB man, 'nl t.i ynu, II yu wnukl wluilio (nlr, tin In tho fli'ld niirv tiiiimr .'aIIh All 1 Mill )i III' lull'.' lllt'tf; l:i .'iia-er it it nur iTi,:titit Mullos An fur tin' liu.' x hi lit ti. Ainl I l.ifci nur li-am aru utl fur tluma A In. til) il.o bi'lillt-r't. grave." tones and appropriate words ex pressed their thanks to the pres ident and members of tho Winnie Davis Chapter for tlieir devoted and zealous efforts to honor the memory of the dead and contrib ute to the comfort of the living heroes of "The lost Cause." And may they never uMary in welldoing!" ( For Tin: Rkcoiid. Some hi'i Moss. Mr. 0. O. Hei ndon, of Wil liams township, killed a sixteen months old hog that weighed lit) pounds and two eleven months old that weighed 520 pounds 'J'!0 pounds of good fat meat. His better-half fed them mostly during tho summer and fall from the kitchen, and yet some farmers in Chatham county say they can't raise tneir bacon. Tl,n l.w- ,v,,.av.l I ff hi1 inf?.,.u fV t,J. lil t,.iujri when H'e spinning hands. the beginning of his tail, in other "'"Pamud by wives and words his back bono was four feet ! ill,'ru"' xv,:,'e Biipiier bc- aud nine inches. If he had been ! '?,ie WKimns uieir night s wort. fat he would huvo gone over 500 pounds. ment is now the only question un settled. Tatal Explosion in Sp.iin. Barcelona, Jan. 151. Half tlus village of Puenta de Yilnmara was destroyed by n boiler usplo Bion Saturday, and among tho killed are many children. It is estimated that sixty per sons were killed and one hundred injured. The hospital at Mauresa is filled with the injured. Of the injured thirty nro not expected to live. Sixteen mutilated bodies of working people have been taken from the ruins. These include the mauager of the spinning mill where the explosion occurred and his two sisters. The Queen Regent has wired sympathy. 1 lie boiler exploded iu the even 9 W iii is SHI Have on hasid a nice sfcick of C! ami Ton Bugles which tiiey wiH sell very cheap. Harness a Hjt I. W. F. Snii-ks. Bold Robbers Captured. Omaha, Neb.. Jan. 20.---The boldest robbery in the history of the city took place Saturday at 4 o'clock a. in., in the big gambling The mill buildings collapsed, and their ruins were hurled in all di rections, scattering death and destruction. Naval Fight at Panama. Panama, Jan. :0. General Car los Alban, the military comman der of this district and the gover- i-..rt.,u ,f 'H4V '..I.-. J.. 1 I I . .... e i ..... C ... v.i.i v uiii iu .L' iiiir ( I l ;ina 11:1. iviim I. ln.-imr street in the heart of the city. At ! the fighting this nioruiii". His tnat Hour wlule the rooms were death is drrnlv .leiMoiA.I Fnrf:,.,,. tilled with players and the games ' , ral Alban was loved by his sol i.i full blast, the command "hands ' diers and eniovc.l f li n .f up, gentlemen," was heard, and a ' the comnr.niity. masUed man was seen utaiidiinr It, is .-is.-.i .! it,.nt H,n .Li.ol. The above verses were most charmingly sung as a solo by Mrs. .1. H. Currie, of Cumberland coun ty, ith the other laugbters join commis-l ,., ; lli, clioius. and her llnl,.- sioneis ul any other county in the , voice uttered every word so distinctly and feelingly as to be heard by the entire audience, and many an eye was moistened with tears. After the speecLes tho "Crosses of Honor" were presented to such of the veterans as had filled up their applications ami weie pies ba k lo the wall and two nicked revolvers covering the eroup a-' round the f nro table. At the same time, "the first man who moves' gets killed, came from another i while the average sessions of tho cut. The rules and regulations in regard to presenting the crosses for 1.73," worth Vi any where else. : ;',,,"l!.,isi,!n,;s " the State were were read by Mrs.!). X. Mann, hardly half that number of days. In addition to this our commis sioners were paid "J a day, each, for a large number of days on ac count of bridges. For instance, Tu v lor I ill' KrcoitP ,s late foreman, Mr. Jo ;. ph vl. Smith, died of o i H't 'upturn last v,ek at Fort Mil!, Soiiih Carolina, where bis wife's par :.t". reside. When he left here Commissioner John W, September we feared that he 1 was paid 110 extra for would not survive the winter, llo was an honest, conscientious and industrious man, who faithfully did his duty ami Christian. the secretary of tho Chapter, and then as she called alphabetically the list of the veterans each one would go forward and be piesent ed with a cross by Mrs. 11. A. London, the president, and Mrs. days, (. W. Rynuin, vice-prisidcnt of Com- . H,a cliiioli'r. The follow in. tli An Epworth League was or panized at the Methodist church! on account of bridges and missioner J. H. Jones was paid ; Jist f veteraus to whom the cros- i still extra tor ,l davs on suronut kh ,iIV iri.vaniil- was a si uce ri : of bridges. And yet, when thei (. p. Alston, D. aid Cavalry. bridge at Pace's mill was com-J (1. Brooks, 1). 41st regiment. Ipleteil, they pant a man 51 2a for ' Alvis J. Byuuin, 1. 32ud regi ; examining it for an hour or two! inenL ... 1.. .. r ... ... . ... at this Place, ou last Friday night.!.: i Al. Unriis, l. .ml cavalry. by the election of the following om. (.)Unt others: 1- red. . B.yintm, presi-. .(t Mf att um iHMlpd d -in; . L Lrooks, brst vice- imuM aollars' worth of or- 1.res,dent; 1. A. Hanks second . (pr.s .all,fl Mt jauua,.y aml au v ee-pres dent; Miss M aggie (f t, ; , j . t t f Home third vice-president; date, and they vvero not "stock M Lubauks, secretary, and Leu- , ,: , f j , net .Nooe Jr., troasuier. Theso nre worthy of We regret to hear of the duly considered by tho people of death of our former countvman, Chatham, who will at the next Dr. James T. Rogers, who died election decide if this is the kind last wee1; at his home at Lilling-jof "reform" they wish for. ton, in Harnett county, aged about 75 years. He vyasoiie of the vol-1 T, x f u N nre uuters 1.1 the "Chatham Lilies , in'(o 1ilie,llllst aml tlie mid was disabled from active duty ;illlulK.?of visitori this season will by a wound iu the foot at Malvern He had exceed that of last season, when Jilt, 111 SUI, aoui. ill" 11.1.1 n-- .l.-.l 1 WtfMt .... . . f I , lb irtlVllM l.lTi'.f, sided in llarnett for about J5 voars. South Carolina has passed a the sale witlau the law forbidditn J. J. Crump, E. 44th regiment. M. (5. Elmore, D. Gist regiment. Ambrose Eubanks, I. 32ad reg iment. Laban Ellis, 11 2(th regiment. S. M. Holt, I. 32ud regiment. Atlas U. Heiun,H. 70th regi ment. II. A. London, 1. 32ini roginient. W. L. Loudon, 1, 32uil regimcut. J. G. JCorwotnl, E. 5th cavalry. A. H. Prry, 1). Glut legiinont. Harrington l'ope, E. 3id (S. C.) regiment. W. A. Rives, E. 2(Uh regiment. C. C. Smith, U. 11th regimeut. Isaac Straughan, 1). (lst regi ment. D. (. Wouible, D. 33th regi ment. The president of the Winnie Davis Chapter of the Daughters the ( olombian leader may have the ell'ect of bringing to the gov ernment side largo numbers of men anxious to avenge his loss. Nomn of the ln.-n 1.- ill...! mi lu. n.l ui.iSKeii man 111 tho doorway, and the (Soverninent ship Lautaro two more pistols were ptiinted at ; have been brought ashore whore the players. All hainls iu the j they are being buried. ro.m went up. The Lautaro is on lire. The The first robber walked over to! Revolutionary gunboat Daiien, ..... ...... .1.,.,.. , lun.n luw ihia as mis tuspiiicn is written, is ap- contaiuiug the cash and lucked to proaching the I'niteil States crui t he door, where he joined his con- her Philadelphia in the harbor federate. Together they (piiekly 1 probably for the purpose of a con descended the stairs and rushed , ft rent e. The tiring has ceased, down the strei t Seeing two men If, is impossible to locate the Re running, a policeman who hap-! ohitionnry gunboats Padillo and pened tt be within half a block of (laitan. the place, gave ehuse. ami tired a ! "he crew of tho Philadelphia the fugitives. His shot was re-! are assisting to put out the lire turned by the man with the stolen 'on board th.. I.mhIoim box, who stumbled and fell. He! It is rumored here on shore that was under arrest before he cor.ld l,e firing- f the Lautaro is a r..- They are aesils in L Nis sen celebrated wagons, (Sie best wagon made. Their tock of Phws, Plow Plow Casting, Cutaway Har rows and other farming imple ments, is FULL. Oliver Chined Plows best made. Oliver Points are 25 cents. Large stoe! of Cheap tore. the Fisriii- regain his feet. Then a patrol wagon filled with police caiue.Tlie second high way man was chased and captured At the station the men gave their name as Frank Williams and J. Limerick. They claim to have lost money while gambling in the (dace and took this means of getiing even. Be fore grabbing the trash box Wil liams noticed a fine diamond in the shirt front of Frank Crohill. lle stopped long enough lo de tach tin; stone. i extremely vtohnt eatthtpiako! Mrs. Carrie. Nation, whihi Hour- N1y J 1 ISi-V,l:' Is ol ..i... I : r i. ... ..i:i . ;l,i.,..i !...-.r.. 1.. ,(..!,., i i. t... l"NJ'- I -u . . i ... . . i c.. A Romantic Incident. Chicago, Jan. 20. A tinga romance will attend the visit Rear Admiral and Mrs. Schley to Chicago this wetk. 'J'hey will meet and be entertained at dinner by the woman at whose house they were introduced w hen Admi suit ol treason, Later. The Lautaro has just sunk. It is reported hero that her crew rebelled. Tho Revolutionary gunboat Pa dilla surprised the Lautaro at the opening of the light this morning ami began shooting at close range. Many im-u on board the Lautaro j were killed. j Eartliqeakc In Mexico. I Mexico City, Jan. 17, One of t lie most terrible eatastrophies ' ever recorded in the State t l'( luer rcro is reported to have occurred! !:.!. In- fi.,... ....... .. l I If yon need any goods come to Wi Li LJ Bank of Pittsboro. Will iVfic d.'P'-'.sits .tiki i; ncss. In!i.i'-l Iwiiin tcrtiiii' I he people ol ( .h.uii im m to p.uioni.e a ( ii.t i !i m ioii:; heposits are peru-vi! reuie.I by i million , ate, and .tie lullv .uiiounliiie. to ove i.ike it . w v: n.i v, ".' b.iii!.. .- in .1 l'i .ill the i ii'ii.i; . .in.l do .i :;t i i .(1 b.inkiin:' bnsi- i be i---u.'.l l-.-i- .tep I he oppt'il'u.iil v, I. vi'.i IV Ol .111 '.!. lt. ek -proof ki :!"-. AI. T. Williazn.3 t a diicr, i' rcsiib-nt . iiveo iiiii.niiitoi ii"u .loilll- -li i- , ,i , ' ti. Schley was a cadet at the An- V' '1'1' ,u'ro ,,whl,1,l; that ,.robably napobs Academy. This meeting will take placo at the home of Mrs. John Morris of 442 Brand Uoule vard, where Admiral and Mrs. Schley will take dinner next Suu day. Tho fire which destroyed the penitentiary's cotton gin at the Caledonia farm also burned H(! shock was Lit at Chilpancingo, i-hiug a largo hatchet which sh causing a great loss of life and in- received as a pi "sent noni an juring' inaiiy persons. Details torn manufacturing firm, dropped from the .stricken district nro very ,,lu ,i('t'il '-d.i;e severed tin meagre, but scatt-'t ing reports re- ; ,fl,ot! t("' 'f ''' ' '-''t ' too I...I-W..HU .,. l ;m...i .....i 1 v.uie a v.oi.i in t j.ic i'.i. j-. ......... mis, i..i.-.t mm n.- nianv more injured. It is known Take Laxative Rromo (juiniue that the State capitol, the parish TabYts. All ilruggisls refund Un church and many business houses money if it fails to cure. I'.. . and resiliences are in ruins and ( irove's signature is on each lu.. there is m ut-li sull'et in g from the '2"c. aw fill seismic disturbance. j - Mexico City, Jan. IS Chilpan- L' l'"-. v Al.'ec Archer, iiin.i-o Hi.. .... nil, . I 1 1... v.o.. loaded with railroad iron, h.-.s bei-u liuerroro, has had for two days lu' j" ' stoi ui fifty miles ..... . - ; ....ui ! i t i .I..., 1 1 iiif.i'.u I I..V .......I. was saved, but the vessel was leak ing liaitly ami tin; men wire lorc- dialldou her. JIOIM-C.AC ..i t IV.I-. 1 .nv ii.l ;.ii l w : In I. i iM, hi II..- e!...;li;i.ii r itulj am a u at Hi - i-i-ii. f.vrn.n-.v, Tv i. ilu- l.u ,1 . t i .-.I i Willl.lll; .., :..l 1E. witl'ilt- i- il i i l- III ll;i l,ii .-.-I.-: ivk . .ii-. i. ui the Vi.ri. ii- ' .n.i "t Ilu- ! iii a l-rair- Mv virtue f Villr-IT. H.i -I ill IVI-lH'l. I. -ui or 1 1 -;j.r , i;. : 1. 1- il. .-li. l -1"- l-i r...-U. tl- bales of cotton and SilO buslnds of indescribable panic, and cousterna peanuts. 1 he total loss is S.Vooo. tion, tor yesterday there came a From a late number of the Shoe 'T1' ,,U" vthk"- ; T, " and Leather Reporter it is learn- 1 i,V0,,0,Me """."". .,".t ou. . th I ed that more shoes were shipped 1 ' " V""1 " UM , 1 ! Durham Herald: into Greensboro last year than to ' j , ,,-l,u ,u, any other city of like poimlatiou T s . T ,-' , V" Ki win cotton n. iu the United States. I " " "". V",1" oarracKs, ; from winch tin; soul n rs were or (Jeneral Chaffee reports the sur- dered, thus saving tln-ir lives. Tho render of 3(5 insurgents to Hriga- school buildings are wrecked, but dier General James F. Wade, at luckily the children were all Cchu, Philippine Islands January saved, their teachers having rare 4. On January 15 they took the presence of mind and .'ivim' lb.. oaiu oi allegiance. Mali .ti, i 11 V. l.c ,i-'iv -. ii : It v. .iti ni itii.nt: .i m S 1'HN, i I - .h'.i i.. 1. ... Mt.uttl.i, M 1 K'li oriler for them to match to the M.uwr T Tt ltvimm r V 1""""lsi"',i'i"o Uavis L liapter ol the Uaug iters' c. . ,r , . . , , sueei oen me nrst ireuiiuing oi iuessis. i.. . nvuum, v. vv. ., ii. u...., " Senator Aloroan lia.t iiilr.i,lm-p,l ii o i. . i T!,.nn, ...i.l !' T. 11 .n.rlii.... ' '"c i""'"' ol I lie v onietici'acy unnouucetl in i .V . , mr . imiuanu ucgan ou luurs- 7 J" i N". T:: ' . ., less than three iHJunds in weight that b.-r chanter wishml lo .,,-.,.. uul r,M""-f v,, day. 1 he parish church, which I'here was a horriblejiud fatal at citleut iu the 'ist Purhain, yesterday afternoon w In n Mr. J. L W right, a s-ctioii !i.i iaaii iu the null, met instant death. .11" was caught iu a moving la-It and bis rig lit h g was loin i'ro.u his body at the hip and the body fell to the llnel' while the t! !lu. inher ed leg was wo. Old around the mercantile business for several ?uU lvHS thm twe,,,1"two ,utht;8 . a cross to every deserviiig veteran ioii. I.. i.Hiii.ini iimi iniir. - milling and it'ial as cti-partuers iserviiigleteran Jf'"' "j J he retired list of was being ,cp;,i,cd, having been' hat a blank a(. 'a"k ot Major injured in a recent, is! -giveu to any vk he held 'v en he cnteivtl ditroyiil. When the shocks be- iZ can ti ! 10 r., tl'eA trt,y at ?" t was nearly tilh-.l w ith wo,--1 shafting, the most Pin ham. The sie.ii; ;:. horrible ever I' nn,lr H,. nioi... .n:.1 kK-Io ,f Ilv. The New York World Almanac plication would be t. ir.,..i.t,. : ..i for mo-i K. four t)uo desiring it. N r: " .t; : !?"v:.:.. :. : .: i, L:r ,:,lv;: ' Vui ;,oi presented u.tii oro.-er a.diea-: tlic wsimi,"1 ti,e t,'vu ship.a-rs, wi, tied i.. dism.v. ... coutiuue the same business as a 00 t ami over -many of them very tion, duly end. rse I, is bled, linn! A correspondent of the Haiti- men t.eiug knocked down by men, ...,.;.... ..u,i i.. .n, imi.-li iivcr 'I'l.u r!. !. mini is uecessarv in order t hat no uu- more Sun says that West Virginia but fortunately all had gamed the .North Ciiioll-ia s S j Uit.,1 Ncwspapcf. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. I i i'AV IN 1 111! l- AIL Ca!tlvvcll & Tornf liins, PublisiiCrs. J. , Caldwell, Editor, i:v I LK YLAU. Millin ' and Mercantile Compa- to Durham aiv given as follows: worthy person shall get a cross, is rapidly Incoming more and jtreet when the heavy stone aiches' uy." The officers of the company Julian S. Carr, 15. X. Puke. James which is considered a badge of more the inecca of the negroes of fed in. j o, are L. 15. Rvuum, president; L L. R- luke, Washington Puko and hounv to lie highly prized. More the South. The climate of that - T " Haufhton, vice-president, ami C. Cj. W. Watts. crosses will be presented on the State, as a whole, is congenial to A new-cam p of Confederate vet-(,, j This itinturo in en t-v. ryK rf "ti ;a o Laxative Brosr.j viil.tic Tn-.i-.-ei the remedy that -n- n t i.l in n- .lay Dentistry for Half Price. I pop.. . Byiium, secretary and troas uier. Boone Democrat: Tho 14-year old sou of Quincy Mctiuire, of litvert-ide (Ashe county) was kill ed by the explosion of a bottle he 10th of May, and any veteran de-, this race, and the great coal and erans has beeu organized at Pur j siring one can get a blank appli- coking industries m operation iu nam, witn 1 apt. V A. hainsey as A Fatal f ire. cation at The Recoku office. almost every county, together vomuisuiler. It is named the John Ilanildeton, W. Va., Jan 21. ' After the presentation of the with the extensive railroad cou- Manning Camp in houor tf Hon. About 4 o'clock this morning the erosses the exercises closed with structiou being carried ou, furuisb Jolm Manning. Tio.,.., the Umediction bv Rev. A. H. Per- ready as well as lucrative eundov- " " ' and LnniWr Ciinipanv, several iy. i'd then alt the veteraus were uieut for negro laborers, of whom A i.ure tor Lumbago. lor II 's-ll.-w'iiu hadchaig.'d with powder. The milea from here, caught tire and treated tt a sumptuous diuuer by ooy nueti me ooiue hi .owocr, was destroyed. An explosiou is Uie uaugtiters, wlticli was grtatly saturated a string with kerosene lJieved to have started the flames enjoy wl. After all hatl eaten hearti- oil ami insertet it m tne mt.utn ot wlit.h Npieaa r,,idiv. There were the bottle and lighted it with a foVv men sleeping "in the camp match. Lefore he could make his .md of these Hveu peiished. The escape the bottle- burst with the Hnrroniidins h'lest caught tiro above result. , fi.un the ion. j ly there was ho mucli left over, that nearly every veteran was given a snack to take home with him. This commcn. oration of Iee's lo,lK.H) are employed in the mines. c. Williamson, of Amherst, 1 Va., says: "For more than a year1 Slops the Couth 1 sutlcred from InmOago. lin- CU'.uiitis; teeth So cents roni Jjiiuarv 1, !o.v lo all kiiub ol dent.i! v one half my lonner prices. In order to cUhhMi a c tcm, I will do work at ti e i cxtitinelv low prices' dold Idlings each, an Anulj;;ini lillincs so cents .uul up, t it-Id crown each ss. I ti.u"ling teeth each. 2S cents A full set ot teeth r.S. Till-: OP.SCRVLR h'eceives the I tri I't'.t unphic New ; S.'r, ice deiiveie.t to any pa per K-p.veiii W.isliiiiioii .hid Allan, la, aed i! ; seivice is the eieatet evr hand led by u Noah Carolina paper. Tin: sfxuav oi;sr.i;vi:u ts ot ( r in. -re p.i.yes, and t in.ule np ot orig- up. Co is lo a l.u -e in.'.l maUer. si:mi-vi:i:iu.v'.. l'lin'.eJ. Pel ,Ia V and I'riJ i.v. t i .cvt p.ijcr iu And Woiksort the Cold. ally trod Chamberlain s Pain; I he best ot material will be liahil and it gave lue entire ivlii-f and satitaetii -n imi.ii inf,-,-.l Laxative P.ronio-Quiuine Tablets which all other remedies had fail- W. H. Ldwards, 1 ui ham. i. C cure a cold one day. Xo Cure, no ed to do." Sold bv (1. II. Pill.-1 ( nli.v ov. r I ambe I v n used l -T. Pay. Price '.'" ei iit ii-gton. store. Intestate '. hmi.' ue 'ii Noith i aioiiiia. Saini le copies ent on application. Addit-s Tho Observor, Chai-lolte, N. C. L