Raw (flfirar Chatham Rrcorfc. BATES II. A. LONDON, LDITOi; AND PROPRIETOR. or ADVERTISING I One iqara, one ltuterboii II-' On Kjuve, two inaerUoni 4 W j One iqoM, one month W For Wear ftdrertiMmenti Iibnl o tU will bo made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, MM PER YEAR ij Strictly In AdvartM. j VOL. XXIV. HTTSllOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, JAXTARV :5o, 1902. NO. 21. tarn HER BOY. Wlicrc i the chiM that used to piny Around her xvhile blie roved away XA hose baby l li incs hc used to hear, Forgetting that the world was drear? Where is the child that lined to place His cheek against her pallid face, Who used tu suiir, nil l.iuiware Of trou blvs she was forced to bear? Where is the child who made her f;lail Who was the only hoi e she hud. Vur whom he toiled, for whom bllC played. Tor whom her fondest pluru were laid? The child is (tone! She sit nlonc ' He's claimed another as his own -They've tlown, but they'll return ilium The mother's lips are white and drawn. Her poor, old toil-worn lintfcrs bleed; Hie cits nlone in dire need. Ami thinks ah. soli-tun thought mid prim! "The pill's not good enough for Inm.' S. rl. Kiser, in (.'Imago Record-Herald. AMiY SII'lWKIiS does not ask for anybody's pympatliy be m use one of his eyes Is itotio Ct :nid lio xvears :i jrjnss counter feit In Ms place. Indeed, the el lef fun of bis life is focused upon that (.'lass rye. Kvcry week or two lie has a new Joke about it, anil in tellln-,' It lie laughs hnnler ami lousier than anvl udv else. " T.ons ii I unit t hrnshius time,'' be i-nys. "I've jrot the best tif tb" men With two so-el eyes. If one eye ketches II thimbleful ii" dust two l;ett lies tw: thiii'.l b l'iils. Thai's plain ehoush for n it with no eyi- to se'e. A;iel If n whole pair of .-pecs rost .." half n pair mishiti'l to fetch inorc'n "o. If I want to pi to sleep Wlii'.l Hitler Join s is pieaeliin' 1 Just keep this bad lamp of mine on picket duty ;.n,l cloze off wiib the other.'' Prom tin- ineiv standpoint of num bers Andy is belter of:' Willi eyes than any of his ii. iirhboi's. lie has the biSs HeM inllocticm ill Slp'lby County -eyes lor week days and eyes for Sunday?, eyes for wcihlinps am! eyes for fuller ills, eyes wllh stony stares and cyer Willi romauiie iln-ams in ih.-ri. He iilways speaks id b.s ophthalmic prop- 0 TitiMii: u:i;': all sor.Ts of tints. ci ty In the siticular, bow ever, beeau-e be can vtij wear one movable eye at a time. F.arly in July Andy's wile and daughter Sallio came to Chie-aso to visit, (if course every member of the family in the little home ilowu in Cus ter township must liiivt' ii souvenir from tb.- bii? city. It was easy to pro i i If for the others, but what to net for Andy-thai was a bard one. Then a bright thought smirk Sallie. "Say, inn, let's jsot pa a new eye for Sunday, " was the way she put it, her own brown ones (.-lowing with bril liancy borrowed from the bleu. "That-:: just the thins. Sallie," said ;oo.l Mis. Showers, and away they went In search of :iu eye store and a brand-new socket tiller. It was easy enough at a distance to pick out an eye that would mat h Andy's good one, but when Sallie ami her iu:i looked into e ease full of optics that were green, fcray, brown, ami all the tints between - well, there was trouble. "I toil you. jni's eye is .creel;, ma." declared Sallie with an emphasis fchoxvlu"; that she considered the iuei lent closed. "It's just like this one," holding n .i to the light a Nile-tinted bpeilincn. " It's no mh-Ii i Idas'. Sallie." returned the elder Showers, 'Pa's eye's a Hsht blue. I-oiiiC before we's married Hie til ls used to call him '1'dlie Kyes,' and I don't retkon the one tha;'s It ft has washed nut." The end of it ul' was ihat ja got a ttnipt'omiM' letwtea a blue and n preen eye, and it did. i t niaie iLe ot'n: r olc a little bit. It was Lot leas than tcvir i-liades elf color, and tuuteuvcr. i' was so tmall that one eould almost hear it rattle when Audy thook his head. And hereon hauy- one of his t-.otk jjkes. Andy v.'orc Ink new eye to thuith the first Suuday after ii eame. When tlikr Joue r??e rrsy Andy lurvcti 1 ii. head s itsurd. That Ciiicaso slot . -.c mw its eusnee to show oft before the rural Worshiiors. It dropped otn v Its utst. clattered ou the pew eu: iitund nud then rolled to the Boor and iluuu Uie ainlc Joy SbowvM, fetn n mm V'.rVeG years old, chased after the fuuitlvo, but before lie emerged lulj the tilsle a nnwly married couple came iiIoiik. ''1Ook out. inlthier," lip lisped, "don't you tlrtcp ou pa'lh eye." The ijrooiii sidled to one side like a man makint; an end rim nroiiuil a snake and the bride blushed in a frightened unit of way. Jhl llanos' crew of Irreverent youiij; men on the back seat tittered audibly, and a wave of nudlnt,' swept every pew as the summer hreexe did the wheat field out hide. J'ldct' Joins tried to preserve the gravity of lie service by cut litis short his prayer and niiuouiKiu a hymn, but by some Irony of circumstances be chose one that bounds like "The coti-ot rated i ross-cyod bear." Not 1 ins after that unfortunate church incident Andy went to have his jiicture taken, and of course lit wore bis Sunday eye. It matched the llal mill optic about ns well as the rib bon be took home for Mrs. Showers when she was Ketiiun ready for t.n Jenkins ulrl's weddiiip, Inn when a man lias bis picture taker, uoihlui.' tint Sunday tixinirs will do, "Cor Koodiiess si.k", pa,1' said Sal He, iik she tried to make a seventeen collar lit a lif'ecn shirt, "try to look a little decent this time, 'i III i pi. -ture Is just horrid." "Lift your chin a lii.le mid ! 1 1 " t stare ;uile so miicli," admonish, d I i" man at the tamera. who had not m -thed the Showers assornueit of bilk ers. Then, while the Ions hail 'd art ist with ilie soiled lim n was I'm ildinit nboiit for a plate. Amiy p.i-l.c.! dial off eye of bis arotitu! so ih.it ll icei-id Iti'o an r.pi'i r t own r of the roo: i. "Now look about In ii' a i '1 is tar 1 at tin' tloor and I. old si ill I r :. s.'eniii'.." and as (he jiieture i laker lhru l hi slia.u'ity In ad imderncit !i the ilaik i : Andy leaned foiwaid f.e- in;aut and slyly dropp' I tin; s ad i.iiil re t.lass 1 all into his lap. "There" a hollo i j in: eii -bade "M the left eye." ea -no I'roi.i t ie i aveni-i'.is depths under th- h ver. "Tin :! van; lace a t.-il'e lo t ie ri.si.t. ai.d l.icn we'll yet y. II.'' Amiy t: nud ii, ami ll ...piy . ecket loomed hit i the anisfs view l.kc the oponini; of a eyelet." .'cllar. -llor-e cu lie." c'i'.'.ckh 1 the fia;t at the i.iaehine. 'it'tj 1:1 lii.io ti r tl e drinks, bin I'll make y hi a d- 'ci; for half in it-.-." "(iiess load; about n;:hl for a i nut with only hall a:: 1 u.l y cyei as he o'lt-'b! ti have," said Andy. line week day pa's Sunday eye was I'.ii-'siii!;. lie se.nchei'. tic ! n k auaiu mil a;,'ai-.i. btu :l v. as i: t' -e. the prize was soli ". .Mrs. Sh'iw evs Iia lt:' m'i It it, and Sallie ruuldi.'t ii uia'.i "v.-lier' it'll pit I"" At til" di.iae;' laid" the Mibjecl was lakca i:i at.ew. Hal y Showers lisped his i.ii: '.cel ce. bill for some reason ten year- dd Willie did not join in the discussion, lie made bini-clf a inishiy busy bey and kept bis eyes iiliied ti the coriiuy 'mm en his dale. "Willie, you hain't n en pa's eye, have you':'' asked hi.: tl ither.. There was a in uneiil of silence and Willie's lips (inhered va 1 l tly. l.e l.m-w bis t ilne had i o;,ie. Mohntiii' Sihei-'s til i ," h w bli i.i ered. "N'hy. how ia the w orV. lid .l.i'.-.anie Silver net it':" press" I Ml '. Miow ' is. "lie he beat." Heat what':" ' 1'layitiK marbles." The next day .Iniini-ie S'iver l-.olvl back the stole eye for th" lil-.'.i st I. lav-lb- ill town, and A'.ily Showers save hit'i the marble. -John I'.owar.l Todd, r.i the t'hieasi K.Hord-lIeri'ld. Poml.tn, I.-p Mm tunc. Periodically 'he ut esti. - is .iskel why tliere is imthinv; avail. i'iIv ia i;i shape of a small ice or vcfris.-rai'm: machine for domestic Use. That ;-tl h a machine Is in wide demand and would meet wilh a ready sale is se ier ally admitted, so thai to many it seemed all the mote curious. :i.i doubt, that commercial enterprise did nut Ions aKci undertake to solve the jirohlctii. Th" whole iiuesiiou. however, may be answered by the statement that no better method of refriser.it ion lias yet been round than the use of ammonia or a similar system, which involves the use of certain pressures ami a cer tain number of chmoiils in the cycle, till 1 1 as compression, expansion a:id "tilidelisalioii, ri'Sardless of whether the plant Is to turn out a fraction ef a ton or a hundred tons. The baiKllins of the lefrlseiatins cycle and fie wife manipulation of pressure requires skill-in fuel, a skill somewhat r.bove the nveriise, and which c aunt t b ex jiccted from ordinary domestics. P. therefore, seems that the fait- ;.s t'icv stand at present preclude the p s-i i'l iiy of Miinll doinesfle he or relrisci it- ins nlants. and will so c iliti .'.'.i" ft til! some system may be tlevi-e 1 c ltlcr'n whtely from those tow- ii u -c.-C:.-sicr's MasiK'.iiie. . Jutlee'i llan.liter Ope ii a :i er shop P.ecause sb" was tt:rned .'.own by the ltarbets I nion Mary v liis.tt. I . claushter of the late J'.nlsc W. I i 1 t'hlsett, of Spokane. Was . ,us j : opened a barb.".' shiei . f let' "W it. the , ' lit sr one of Us kind in the s::.n Ju.!c . Clust tt was one of to" 1 est ku iw.i men in the .Wiriiiwe-t. lie w.i .:.te cit cutl a Senator f r m l lal:. . be. w not seattd. ex. .as to a it-cli'.i.ctliiy. tie rejiri'seuted Montana in Cv ii:;r. in his earlier ytar-'. Afu-r his ttc.it li ins dauftht;-!' sonsh: euiiiiov v: n 1 1 barber shops a a li elihcod. SU:: !...,! loart'.cd tic trade in tin 1 iif local union would iul admit !., s the ttarud ..lor.c. W'?j.;i.s t:p i ni n p'.'b.vs anJ maklui," 'v;iii:' '. s1:-' i a linsht. iuicliist'iit wcjibu. arl xx liile le i' latiiily objects to h"r pit -"lit c lupltiV uit'll t she is chee -ful and tb :ci iiiiueil b continue Many tt le-r rather' old time friends petroiiize her. -San I'rancisco Cliiouie Is. 1 The making of A housewife. A Coiir ii f 1'i'uliilne liilcoijfil lor tli Duuirtiiei nf llti llitiibe. rel'hap- :oe a vera;.-" housemother and litn ie i- of childrei wi:l find ii bard to reali:: t'.iat there is a i i-yias , nred for iii--..iteii'.u in tl.e eve".v day . a fall's of ho ust ii i!d life, bin I 111- is a tact, ami a Upl'iinhle u.-. Many a 'a.i iter "f tin' hon e, busy with her school duties and lii"!iis and play, si'ows ini i w ninai.ieiod .uitl I is married to the r.nsi:speei ins man I without kmiwi:is how tt select at nuir- kel the be-t roast of I f or the best chicken, t,r the prices tbal -liould be ! paid for tliei .: the permissible coin I binalions of the veset.ible--. an I meals I atltl veijetal'les; th.- oiiveiiient nr lairreineld of the klieh-ii and hoice of tiltiisils; the t niapariso.i of tlilVerea1 I (iialit!es of table lim ami the vario'-.s i ii'trleai'ies t f ceo:; ,:ny. It is as i:eees; ary fie the Will loth , lo l.lu'.'Tslntid 1 1 1 -ii i .!:-.i:is lis it is ; fot tliose i:i very .it iiit- eir.-lt i ' slam-' s; while tiie pi - r nl',.iy- fc icct some day t: b I I stances, tin' w, :.llhy : the fact thai ii t'i fi.t;:r . '.e be lieciiy. 'I hi ifl ill is als i a c'lariiy. f r if c i ih" proper c i mil i ;y i;. c :i ! ill - s-. rvaiii :- t f 1 1." 1.' i; till- i II emu 'tell M.-ei'leo!: i- is i .issible hollS-lvi'epiilS " lllsi-ts lli HI l ''s In lisfh ild. ;s lien lit by stal l lo lo i i ' t lit r. strlc lions it tl j llO'lse f ir lla l iselver. ; A S"' 1 honseUt - pcr. pi'ei'eiaMy i :i.' I Willi a. i ci.vbl i i ii;ati"t fit' ceo i i.ici.ies, can c.--labli: Ii :: . c nuv -. I' les j cins i:i h.'tlc l c-lins e. hii'li will be I I r .litnl !e I'mi i c v.-r;.' p. lut of view, jilliiy sclier.d sl.iisesliolis c.'.n lie 1 tilde le.sardilis an i 'lit 1 i -.- if this kind. as a liousel;. e;i. ; w Ii i I'm-: v. islies It. I add b her iiu-i l ie. mi .-t be t.ided by j t!.:. conn itiiiity. her ew;i b ime arranse ! ti. cuts as to t ine, ami various ether personal natters t be laki n l ite c iU slderation in :tai'iii:s lu r classes. A i iiiikciins class u.i be In hl r.s n. any times e week a- tb- ired: I va l "s : .ii;s a week beitts r.sv.ally eoi.veuie.il for llie pupi". and perhaps oily one, c-i tatrrday. I: the pupil is in sc'.iool. Ii' a Saluida.- class s fo in. d. oil" l.i:t be i :r.vf tl I el t i i iterfi n- with :li" btilela r and ,sr n et' 'i liis t nisi !li:-y da.". 1' is nil a I . t l i.i c.n. iuei a la.S'' liarUetiiiS ): tluee .rl:: ai i n .' will I e .iitfcieiit ; a:id etie L.l'sl I t i I: lii" best of tel l. is w ith the :,Y.ih s nen lo .'. I lias advantageously, ll a class i f three Is rs!'.n:.eil lo !-. t twlei' a week, say Monday and Iiurstla.-, classes ea.i be arransetl for th" other days, t. meet Tifsday am! Priday, and Wednesday and Saturday, th:' teacher bolus ' "fcf ul lo vary In r i'ieii.1 I i enable cadi ti have ail the Instruction in iliferent 1 icals lish. c'.illry, vi'setable:', fr.tils and i!ry sr .(lies. The rates chargeable for su:li ..stritetion n.ust vary nee irdins to the hi'atioii, and ab o tb" i.ic;:i:s of the pupils. Much h lUscUeepi r will be her c wit I esl jutlse c:ll this point. As the pu.iils advance they tie old arranse to il ! theii- t wn house maikeiins as pine t e, l.mlcr the teacb"l-s direetloil. 'J' i leach the proper and t iosl con venient nirauseineut f kite! i t '.. it will of course be necessary to take the pupils into one's own kitchen, and t iurause the course of lessons lo suit. A housekeeper who is able to tei.eh will be better tilled to schedule her own classes than tan be done for her in this nrticl". Shoppies classes .an ecu.' a miilii titile of wares, those referred to :.boo Iceepil Ir : '' ' ' -"i h wekcrp'r.': a;: I clealins wiwi ii. see. t.oti .u u.o.e 111 ' .-:, ttwellns. ' tc; a. s,, various .-l!.,ll house linens, kilclieii and 1 oiise I:c! 1 utensils, lioit.-e fiiriii-hiiis is not ill., -tly in the housekeeper':; every -i'i . realm, altlioiisli a !;iu wbdso of t will Kfow- wiUi tic oilier work. : i il this branch can also b.- develop.'. i 'i tl:c .aiae '.iues.- Kve!'.. . iy'D !;'. ; lilLe. VVutorn I'arliaint liUriuiil. I'.r a few years pat-t it lias been a fa 1. espei ially tit h-iis women c(,u lieeiecl wiib dabs a.u! it her tisani.a ta n-, lo sic.i'y parliamentary law in oilier thai tiny mislit be able t i- : t i'.i.'ir iicetinss 1:1 a bu-imss like . .aui.ir. All . vi r the m inlty won e .UL' ".aci 1 lliet is les ,ua!i.ied to e it. net pailiaLic.iiaiy law c l.e--es aud th" : I. e; the ..ssji hnio.'.s and club; . ... ; i heir ft is 1: icui'' lor init.ii.t o.i v. hit re;;aii! M notions :ol .. :i ..nt! ci.ci.il parliaiii"i.i.ii. p.' The pu.iils i.i I ..in ' .isj.lay t.ie'r Ii. v, ly ;'. i.'.ul at .1.; l.tic dt :'ire i f sol : t I vai '.o.i ' t l'sa i " i ' : hi-liir. be col. 1 i. : tc business nib s I ll ' bji't-l a:i'l v ,;,:. i.. the I' '.--. i. :. iia- si t i.i. i- iw ai.x ; . : I ' I ' wleil; if I III' . . . t , c iii.;s ri'.i' .. - t'e. A r .1 the j , . -x. ' , ' ' j nv ! J at . 1 la:-: a. id !i..!- 1.1 I. II.' i c.'l.u..-. Ms: 1 .1 - .auii: tt. ::e:i:i. ll 1 lit' e I: ?ji nt:.ry pi' "t-u' i i I el nen t . i . - .- llel III" u.i. el Us are tow l-a-x t" v;. ;''. .-L'i; ...u i :.U. -aid Ml i.tl"li'.l.'lit ' ill', of l l ,;iiiot;.li" b.l - e tc . nine lltlc. l:.. a C !. bite- I . ii. 01. t ill .r e , . v i ia -t .nuly il.i !-: :; -'.ill -i and leslus --.sio. c t lubt Uir .usocialitL lc l he teal oje In view in their niKunieiit otit 1e tuils. Nom of us want to so I a k lo the old clays of do as you jilea-' eon ihictins of women's no -efmss. hut th" laesit'.ins ottieer xvin tb.-pbiys chiuukiii sense liiid a clisiio.-iiii 'i tt ie. osnize Iho will of the liuijoriiy is tb.- on who is most sc.i i-cssfiil la l.o'.dliis th" at teniioli and sooil will of 'he meiniieis. (if course i he extremists unions 'he 1 arlianiciitarians wi:l m.i asi.e with inc. bin tiny are in th - minority." -Iiroohlyii Ilnsle. I'lltf Ti-Hlnint; f lti. A loo early choice in the school per id is more to be feared tbtin delay. There h more wfons in ii to the boy's future. As Ions -is i; e work done is lei ouiiizabiy s' "d ami no clis sipaiioa of i io r-y i- c.:'.t ivat.-.l. tit' tinal course n ay i-.- ! -ll t pe i f..r I.i i edles-' p ri"d el least. In i.i.v "'.VI: : 31 periellei' a '. -Ilfl.il .-.:,'' if : r.lv cal'.'i'r.!!..- . : "d I.e.' 1" - l.a- i.i lb" 1 1: ! add' .1 :' tlo'lr :: "cive-f." 'I'l t-csilc -in . of '.lie b'.'-ln s-- e. crui! Ml ly uvt-r ii:-- i-oib-sc ! i-. I ioiastn . ilile to tbe i hi lint ii' boy falls I. el t I'Sif." el :.il r.lllnr ihali n failii'e oil Ins pa:-! io ei'i'i'M'." ill some one it: rcttioii. AI. :-.'i:.-iii;s as!; for the Inibli of . ilnl si-,-.! d for work m.i inly Vi. rk pel'sisieiuly ,'l o'l tiil'ei i -on. bill b. cliaie;.. p - dir.'."! .:( H'.lel.ly. to tile. I t-i,..: i.li.l U p..V.'ef of ill.' mile! eotni s u-.-. t ie .'. -i o.' many la-'tllti. . and ii'.i ile- nit. lie. So of it 1 1 trades and pr..''"-li.tis In tbeir bislvr raiivte. Il is : o wasle nf tlui" fo'.' ait embiy i ariisi io harn liie lultltip'.i i.nio'i lale. li e- for the at-lor to pes- s.-s Inin-.cll' of ilie rubs t.f srni iir wilh ia-iiibl. I ft r the i mil i f sel flee to S. I a :'...'.itlie,l Willi I he les SOl'.S of bl-lol C . Uespeet for insiii-o and rcverenc f ir what is i Inhl and into are. too. necessary aim- i.i tl.e home ir iinins. I.itelliselil discussion of all tradition as to what is risht nud true X li s, etas to inc. an important feature of home irainii.s. If senll.v slated and wis.dy explained, niosl triidiiioti will jislify iise'.l' t lid :.eeeitn:i. c afle.' s. Hie e ilstlii'.on:.l illlielldmelll. I. i p.tio ili.it c!i-i it-sioii is 'fun incon venient: lut when tpiestinis are seri ously raised i:i the home circle, they should be seriously sl.ile.l. -Professor Mcrs", in Harper's liaz:'r. I oi Hi XV. Il-ln. -.Kfil Taliy. Annas stoari xvalkins coals for babies of two or lli.ee years mi" is in a soli whit colder I'lvm-h cloth made sinsle bre.-i-.ictl. the si,:mie collar of tucked whin- silk am! embroidery ed.se i w ill: Th'l" I li-m. An -iber "f a ; '.ore laii. iltil xvhile u at' i ial has dail I.V lilll" triple capes piped XVilll raiia. I lie .'-mall collar and t uffs, loo. ,. Thibei lur. With cither, a xvhii" velvet hat looks. cmiv:ii ly well. Hi. Mi't brim lined x'. it i wlii:- satin. x hit.-is-rich up.; I ens -.raief illy arraased in frtiiii. An older child could wear a pu ny pale blue box-elolil coal, embroidered ai 1 spotted with chenille: ami for a jjirl from t -!l l" fourti-eu a small InliS coat is of pili' beise tololt tl .1 ith fii..ieiiiiiS '.villi S'dd and iname! btit 1 -lis. the shaped lh.nii.-e attache cl by .scrolls of Mitchctl clmii. the turnover collar and cuffs of beaver. H.iia'.ly biM Oinins is a ions coal f powder-lilue cloth, the little cape ml out ir. labs to show an under oi." of saiiu veil.. I xvitli silk iii'tihrT. fjj cut"- i mal' li. ami bound as well as the collar with black asiri.chaii. l'.risbl se arlel is so beet niins io li-ir-baiivd ,lirls. and a very smart Utile cat ami skirt of senr'.ei eloib ii mat ly i trapped ami stitch d. the hands, me t'i:rn-over collar e.ls.d with deeply tinted s'.tipure lace: and a eharii.ias fr. ck suitable for ; S't'l between ll. uses of fourteen and seventeen i-; 't bris'ot scarlet jtibeditv ti' t I.e.'. xv i h wl'.ile. the sb; peel !'. mil' " "f t'.: ' b.'.i.l I -1 M'ly tin skill I it ii'i'd wi.h rivvs ...rappitiS. il .'.e.-.i '.!:' f bli. 1. i..i I white '.'( kin strapped with st arlet t .1 the poll bed bodice, which slaw-, a while sill; vest iinbroi.'.eretl will' 1.1:;. i. ami softened with la.v.-NVw V id Cotiiiiicr.ini Advertiser. Kalber new is a t :.e white bs.ils r ; ni-se v.lsl: lain ;;u:i metal .o'.-i-r-' I ,. silk iil:.:i;.'.s f black b lis --en: for wtoieii haw r.iv.s of I lack v.l.-. i riibt'i ...i,c'.i.' 1 ill'-'.: the .'.'oiu c i ..,' t.ri.:r...c:it;.'-i n. I :. r iw beadia;; is seen . :i tl: iat hup .".. .1 rre icl: linscri.. johiins tie' -.;.!:: l.is.'lln" Tki.i i-s f"ei-. !.:. i i ii tl.f.ii -.: i v h i bal ri'ibi s . A la'.ley whl.'.i ;iill citi'.ias is .lc t.hiclv tat ' I.i :' I"'' st .all i; r.-. :.::! s .tiie t I ll. l.ave tlc-ii . o'.la. t . wi.it.- pat a - l.il il..til l.-l I In- eii- ' with hue. i I!:i. I. i io! i ' aces t .- ." . I j '.laiuii'il :;:.-l '" ': '- ' ! " I " jvvhii.' Iri Ii h. .i.i-.'. ti l: 1;. i . r '! ".s!i ti-jil.t; !..i.' i. '.ti.es ,:.i wii! v. I . ;I.CC : i.k-. t i.e I.,: - lie ai'. lie US'.- ' .11' Si V '- 'I'll.' 1' :...;!t i- is. i : fear t. i :, ;.. I... , ,..". I; i c.i; . r a is -w ;..'. :. I ll.-.- l..n . I i ..' 1 1..' 1- I i. ' i- !. 1 ::.;:.: st; io . f i ;, e' :;.:' j .. ti' t .-1 tie .i'l!" I.C.l J. iU eh Ii. ,.; xv , tli 1 1 " t ..- i , . . I'lO li.ts Cf ll:'- nth ii -: 'hi . I be vt ii.t,:- - , .'nrti'1 '" ml:-- Plow the rrj.'- -i i. ,r V l lb b",v kin tS billii; peml; Ii, I l.e-e art 1 ' .fteiit ly diiimoml- . i ,j s. metiiiie. l.ic'.e Is ui? d!ni:.Uiii ul e if I'taiL KILLED A WHITE !EER,SAW A 6l0odhou-n-d ,n action 1 tm-itliiu- W..I-U l a l!i -.il.i.'l I ll.MMIItlll IiiIIhi . EXPLANATION OF A B0L0 HUNTER'S ., ; l,ll)).11.,1!11jV t obserV lli? TRAC C FAT?. i eilii jfiicy of ilii' bloodlioiuid ;is .".ll i:l- sti iiiu"iit for ifu kiiis ci imiiiiil- while tli.- .Xi.itiiiuiii i. M hle-li iii-it-lt T lo.imi" v. -is a! Wichitit." said Mncoii am r-In- ii mi, xviiti Itjil sheii it "I'liieiitoiie" ,.v . (,i,.i- tbiy oil rclliniiiiK fioin Orei-HN l),.,,rrU I'lclit Wh ' ,',.;,, v,,,. UlU, Kansas IS... k sh. .., f Holt. t ......l laetrr. Ai im.m.ioll(. ,.,.,. ,, .,. ,,,,. The leci-nl -laieinelit that the Smith- ,Mj.,,, , jti t. iiliiuds. The Sheriff soliian Institution offers a n wiii'd '' j was proiitpily noiilied ainl he respoud Spilhl for tiie skill ul" il xvhile deel" , ,.,j jiiilni'diatcly with Ills l.'irse. soin si.id t.. have beeii seen in New Jersey ; j,,.,, .ssistani. The dos was taken recalls to tb" memory of the old limit - K,. i,. tbe ronin where or- of tbe Alleshcn;.' Mountains the ,H. 1.1.im,. oi-t-ui'ri'tl. Il iilitnedialely lint llial lititilers would no more kill t,-l(.. ,,ul with a b.iiiinl. eleareel tb" a w hile deer i hail a s; man would ; -,.n, ,. ,iu, ila-lie.l Into tin- limber wilh z-, over Masarn I'nlls. Ai.le Iron t;.. slielilf I'I'd "i iters f..llowins ' lose in,- tail i bai a whin- deer is i.-jitrdcd ),, ,iU,. The bound run to a sin-aiii. as ;.ii animal which all bullion are wi.r,. j, appeared M '"' inystilieil for i', bom. r bo I not I-. kill, the belie! a f,.w iiiiuuic-. Ii nm "I" "tl down I. a-I. it : Ii io-i . ii.-riil ihat tl.e slayer ' ti.,. bank-, paiii.ni; uml xviisins it" .1 . in- ol ti i-'e deer wnitl. I Ineel with ;ii iit i-v ollsle. Smbleul y it l ill'.plll ibe il l" ii.i-l it-tfat . o thai from lime lm- tmil asain and da-iied iiiiwattl tp the t i ei it . - eie I 'it"!i whit" .bei' n - from l.aiil. of I ite l ft ain. ran ;i round :. I rce. , vi ii, '.Ii. li .1 sb '"I 'ike I l.rollsh sl ol o el' il le'llsb pile i'l! I I Iu l! t i- Ii 11 II. " l'ii.-k"ts an. I v.ootls .i' the Aile- I line for low a. j. .;,- v.--:. -ale -c it--, tb.- Indian'" ' 'Tihiii llii lm nil ni'ici' labored an- '.c , ! r,. while i. inn's build. I or veined l. be ii d.mtil for a inj- t'l : )- life lo.i'iieis still II .'Hi; ill lueiii The irall lid I. ii iiia.-nuof ri--.i-.ifhl County. P'-ntt . i ilii .1:,, i.elit v,. liiai il-' e:.p' neie ' "lie li .ill pr v. i.i" lc lb .S ,,,, bet w i'i' tl a i.ii.' 'I .'.lid cal.Mii- ' v. us Tl oii.a- ll'Mlisoii. -. w," a". I iw,. conns, i-.v . 'i'iiis . .,:' X'-i o. V. itil Ills .. I-, liVf.i I I i'i, .o i,i..L not i: I' t'li 111 ill I ei.i! I f I 'old St f illll. . .. ... o is .. i, .1 . .1' i i ll:-, i ea I ll.'e. ,. : ..,,.. ,. I,., ... , ,, I. ..tots l.s S"oi! fell .W lo b'l alone. I., v.,- re, 1.1, ss ; in I brave, bin wa , I.S .i ., .... .. , b.i. I.., I ' I la rl . i'i ,l fall of is':.:; i,,,. ''"1" no wiiii me d-s tli-y bad .he while. .,..,,...; ie tb" vicinity "I .1..- ' Ii- iioiill.l as. ettileil ! , -icps a; a b,.iind and vve'in ihrecllv ie, Ut.tbs ,-ii,i il l.eer VV out W;l 1 ,- , i. , . ,. i .. , , . a room .i.ctipi.'il by ,.n.- .1 the beean.-i- win -now. II-- was nil. lis i , , , . ,.i i ,i , j i i's, piishc.l I i" door open vvit. lis lll'bei' .V Wn. II I.vl.il III" ti.lil'l ,,. i ,., i'., ,.' ., ... i lore leel illld iHlllekfel lll".'lofl t il leafs o s, i slim .f!i. Ibo li-.. li s , i.i . , ,' , . ,, . , . ... man wb.. wa- u bed a-h'c i. nib- i linked, an. il.-.bei'. i ra'.-v. ( , pa-modi- 1-aps. fell i. il.. ur..iii..l xvnli a bull. i tiir.'iisn n- leiiri VVhile skill llli'i! I'' d With it- bl'.otl White sun, it,.',.. .... wt.u ,.- llronsou ,l,es-c.l tu- .be:-. " wa- a seventy lie p .and do,-. '1. ' rvV"tu,i"z:t,:',;, , ' ,' , , . i i , i the iiiet thill In- had killed .. X'. one , ileei- il Wii- simply lo rcllffl thai l he j hide .'ill-lit brills li'S-i trice as j ti'iiosiiy. I!.' alt. rwitril riii.'iii..'i I j ihat il VII ell t foal-.t "I ovetlii'iid a- , was passins aloits Hi" woodliiiid road it ibe I'Viiiins. bin as rate us wore in:- mei'otts be paid I i I's-cd , Six Weeks afterward I'.r.ill-oti. v. b lc ; sear, bins for ih' 'b-ti of :: pack of we. Ives near Hi- h.-ad ..f .'"I'l Steam. fe I! iii'ia : pi!" "I I. -l.s an. I let...;.', i.r':i ih. biv.' liie los lie ver i.n- an ,. . , les j.r.... an a. i id. -lit I Inn laid him up ' iiisiani I. lii- .'..- 'l he ti.'ii; ; ' ..l seitne We-.-k-.. eliil'iiis w i i' b tiui" I'i' I bn- m. t i i. S.i iel l'ecl Wies ih- ' :,! A : Ho- t:.l. was isit-il b. old .Iia Xl.e (;.,, ii Hie- in, mi, Is w.ok ,, isl s.. i lioivushly had ', , i,,l.b r 1 1 in- pieii - "I .otiter xvns e ii'iau hn in .- of i;.uib -iiaue ltna. it ierior,.e.l Hit- pi'i-e.ii.'r that I i ! s, ,, ., ,uie lixlas li see tn to b" Jill bad heni. I of ill" kiiiius "f I he ; fos.j n, th,. ,r,;iir ,m:i :'ln i' lie was! , t f ;,,.(. t. ire-aicd cojillv w bil.' el.'ci. and lie was mo si, w I. tell ; i,i I, n jail. x . 1 i i - 11. ins .'mi wrilins: atul. then. I'.-.-n-ou lisit he had do-.o :i :i...-i fo. 1 " was nil eru.eil that ibe hi j vvhor liny . i- xv.rld tmes mi rap- Js liin- Aliel' Mn'li-oll i.lld e'n- . tioelud Wiis Worth SilHHI, illll Wii- -1 1 . - Hell." pari.-il Hr.oise.i; s " I' ll.li l.lii-' .ibotii of i lie. he-; in the Stcie. ll .;- '.nil a j, , ,-ai,- prio nl "Yes. it seeoi s lo tin. i.ia.ici- r.ul. iilllioiisli ..iiisorlitne ' very pr.'pos-i--;iif.. animal, but win n . w in:; 1 1 - world likes lt lo bad .vtieiiktii him. l.e was nit ee.u it w;i- i:. aciion. like- a .eiiira ue'o - so!-' ; . -, ,. :, ,,,.1 ,!,,." I'm I.. x" i -1. .-. I llial Hi'' elealh of Ike del' did' i' lookee'. mil, h l;,-il.-r thai: II .11.! ' had any, hi,.- tod. will, ii. N, v -; , h- w li-, ,,, .,v- paiad-" Kiiii-a- -'it, , I" U.r 1. ''f - I,,- no,., .ha. ti n.ci" i,s a,-1 'Siua:. "lalway- si. i.d v 1. I . 11 I . - - I, I 1 1 -1 t ' 1 S'li:ii i Niti'.i.un. ,.,.,..,.,.,11.1,. u.-te.-e ir bis s,,,,,;-. ll-. .,. Hi Mu, HM.. J ..,..,. ,f v ..; i . lie- are ,.s, I.,- biaviaio and wi, 1 V ' Ti':' "i'"' - '4"'- """i v,,-v in.bsian. ' ' iuiv..iii . I1' l"M I.,-, nerve eoioiilel . kll v ,;. ,-,-!; ,h,- mi' ipl.i I -',1,.,,- .,. ,.hi. Ill Hie e oitr.-e of 1. when, a if i.iiei'. "i ' l i" -'""!.. lira. Hen- of ih - -wn and n n . u i h j.s , en s neei's ran aw Hon Inline and bli 11 1 I ih,. .-arihs -nriaee its , 0111 i ,,l wlin ; (, si, j ( -alisfol'lii a friend into ll;'," iiii.l is ui," died of a snake I'll". jis ,.,.,..,. v, ,,. ,.,,,.,. ,;; :.,','",,., , ' ,vi;it ins I ie . c-sslt.V Itl'-Ml-CU letilll.e tacitlU-ll illld I. d.V . a-colllll e'f its b'ssfi .-.!-, .,-. , , 1 .. p v !, in, a 11 V lllotf "" Wlisil- sbunillliu Hi e lilllllcis a- eiu '"".lall.e l- lilc.lll'l' ;n llie en I ' . i.:e' tlreeii I- aid livins lb" life , m ;is I :,le rai-ius inllileiii e i- ra' , of a se .ni be'i inii ; i-r inon. ib. in t xx lee as jirein iis Unit . I , vx toil lie saitl. Three vein - ai i'i- Hie killiits t- lhe!,. sun. n.iiw ::hsiiii,iim ibe di.i.iL. j -ai..! what did he say .ef my sins 'phantom" .bet r....ii-oii sliiried out , ,, th,. man wbowoultl hoi ladiex e t be i i.v -be as.t-,. "Tin i" xvas pathos alt.ns Ibe turkey path in the direct hm ; nioon laid anytiiilis to d- with .1 be. ,i,,n i ,,u tlilukV" nt Trout Ittni lb had not sone mot t- , au-e he had .- title- w Inn Hi,-:, -Ve's. i id t-.i." was Hie reply- "Hi! Ib.'iii a nub- w la 11 is- -aw a bis buck wa- in, 100, ,11. Visitors 1., ii,.- lake m, ; ;,, i,.l p. i,.. lor lie said il 1 i-ei,pinu tb- i v 1-- : -- I nii'i .'' yaros ;:vay. -mall inland lakes liave- il,l,s wlueb ,. .stalked 1 .,- ',.i.l. until in- was f,.;i,,w ibe 1110011 uiih even inotf pre xvlthia e'iisv -it 1 -i ie. .llsiattci.. nnd , is;,,i, liutii the t.peit ocean Tl. 1 lien, tak'lis sica.i.v s.i.i. he lireel. Tin- ciiet lit a lake 1 i... ks" .-.s : Innisii : !. ei- .iioppe.l m 11- l'.. k- and Itroli-oe w. ie .1 -olid mass, but sl, the siii i. .1-1. 10 .1 I., ii- -1 1 -o .nt its throat, la ch.inuitis iis lev.-l .1- Hi.' 10. rnbiia ile had app: oa, h. il ', iHu'i a few It-el 1 of 1 In- la ke a Iter- il s elifeet i.,u wilh .,; Hie i iiiii.a! when '.'. laner .iiluipetl sard i- 1 i.e moon 1. ivipiir. -. h..x l. ils feel iitel tiis.ei.v a! ' licked bun -ver. minute ob-, y .H 1.. 11 i. elele.-i t Itis 'I In- lm. i. bad only 1 .-en woiiiide.b :.u,l, :id". " -mall i- it ilia. I it- diffeivn.-e i.s pi -inh c.i-i -. va- a ni"-l elani-or- , bei w fi-n .lijli and b.w w ir.cr ,1: a nil.. ,r- ainasoiii-: Hm I'- ou-.ti dr.-v l" imb- i.rt.ad 1 1 1 i I" 111. .1 .-. ban ..1 b.s Knife and lou-ibt eb-sp.-i alf ly -or ' incii. In s,i I 1 I.ik .1 Swiiy :- i.s -r.i-,. -i'l. - !..,!. I. - ...i.tii.u.'.l for some land, bedes 1,1.. .enu-eliiiriial i:.(". 1 . uie llie -iiaip aii'lei - and front bonis . ..... i ,..' l'.,..,s,,t,-s lle-o ,.:,UI llie I ' 1 Ib.wc.l He... I. seorelboelt oi WlH-r ....l.s or X, 1-1. lies ; ..t w, .mid- whii.- in- bo no r repea'. dlv 1 iw-.'i,tv m.nuics or l-.i.b 1,;. no.ir. Il-n Hints, hi- kiiitv a- . H '."s Md-iM. :.'' pre l-ablx mall ".. tb ',ni"i vo.-t. r.. oi. the heart. ; s.n.ii.ir p,ici;oi,.n.. -..-,! .,'...'. .!.... I,,.-,- I '.- . .lis, ill's ,.,,U le- I .Cplible. Ol. t'f. Ct-!. '.' 1.11,1-1,1,11. n.aiiiins soli, w 1: n.ol reiii.iine.l al l.o.il,- vvl.e li ll - f.'lb. , -lillled i Ut , I IllllillS. appciil-.l at Hi" -''lilt nielli : U.I iiiipin'c.l I": li. s paiei,-. s - bail secll bilil, lii.vv e' l. i,i"l lo- di-.ip pear. nice wis a iuit-r ui.-olecl an l l -pl iaii. 'I'll.' ls. l '- 'll v h.l XM'I'f , a il'e.r way l.e Tioii. tie-i '..r a li-h ICS . Xlletbtioll li.li.v .11 Vol I Ibe .- el- toll .f ii lb I'S l in, ' i.'VX xat-.N I. -.-ni Hie path no.- w In. a tie were xx .ilk ins. "in ci' .iiiio-.iy is-y inx.- I -J.lled. illll We'll. i,sl..ti-. ,i lo ' e. otiii- bin i ii I,-; i.wac, ii, Uelei"li ,.; ii loan .bin Moiiison i eio'il thai I.iiinaii bones w.-i. lo.-" -f II, ..io.is Itioli-oli. as b.- le.old.v ;,!. n I. lied III." kitl' i's liile ..l.e! htinlilis l.s.ie Men is.ii- --Ni.i.i ii-.- l t" ih.- n-li- j , rmi-n ho xv Hit- irasetlx bad ' unci ! i w. urn. leel l,.i. I; baxliis killed Hioii ! ...p. and I hell tlj His U-otil 1 1." xx.iuii.!- ' ! . briitvi- had ictlicti.l upon Inui xx.iii i . .,,) kui I , Mate, liolii.lib.l I'rocre... I iaa has woie than doubled its iLt n .;U-.n:-.:is Plauts s.uu- ISO'., the ,i.:: . ' . . - pe" f!eieas,uii lioiu s'-i. i. irv. Itfch t ie,lin Inrilao.. Tiie be ncs' Indians iu Ontario. Citti- iitta. own $!l.840.titl xvot'th of Iiropi'i 'v. ; A U-xel lieaeletl niiiii is c if xviio al 0.1 Jiil3 n head. j ways agrees wi'h us. srrmn flfvaioi. 1 n s nil'-' ' side ,1 without hesitation. 'Hid liHI'lcd lor I lie slips. tlainlls llie sl'.l- pl i-cd Work iii-.i I'isht i.a.l let';. It went clear up t.. the l..u:osi I'.o..:- ..I' the elevalo;-. . ,,-!cd iii'.eutd a !-w tunes .-niii t in-1 1 tiiiriiii nowii .uioio.. " I'"'1 Wh.'li il lea.-h-.l tit" liollol.i ii ran ot:t o.i I lie "idewalk. tlll'citl - ll I I .ti!ito- pi. i l ot lo.vn ami iheii to tl..- inHim ir.si.iel. li ivj. bio, l.e I by a . lo-e.l .bi..r at i. si,-a'l lioariblis li..ti-e. I in w li"ii the olliceis JlU., y.Tji.-J l.ni.ll.- l.T .M.u-.-t;. n. . l b" Sheriff .-iiler.d ib.- 1.1..111 jilsi ill I ,1,,,,. .iz e , los ami pull him Con. ; , ,. ,11Ml,s , lm,ai. Ilytlnst a h.ruo : ..,.-., ,, ...n,.,..,,!,,! , ,. enira 1 - - "t- """' ,h l"'"" '" ' 1)11:1.n T. S.,in' ..-ph..n,'.l for bel'oie atieinpi ins ... renove 1 , i s. :. n t . i ,f ii il . A pa t fid wasoti . iiei- ' .,,, ,,, . ,!., were- sea'cl .uiroti.i.b d ly .-.lii fliieii wbh! ,),. .1 , r-. When the Mart was ' ;lM,i,. i,,r t h.- i.i.i ib-.row d must biive. nuiubfi t-.l fully Ci'.'o. Tiny were o- ,-. ! .t, , u i.v .b'.naii.i.iii; ihin tiie prls,,n b,. i: ( iit.-e Iiii I -.'I;. Imi.s. Put I he-re was ,,,, ,.;,,,.' :. yii-liiies was jiv.-rt. .1. hiiv may 11..1 be- aware- Hiai I'ln'i 000 na ha b lilliv. se-.,-b b-.'ll ol.sefV. ll e-llleel. !l W lli. 'l I III- W ', Ol'- ha- mad.- .ar. fiil -nidi of Hn' --.-ieh- s 1 e f toe I.., i.e of l.ell.-v a. I II I his ,i.ll -C-. sle.v.ias Hun lm' ao.v ciiieiii- ar- llell ...111! olllld os. lllai Hill- alioltl l"o v i I " , lie, , j 4 , (M'H-ier lilll. li Hi. i I: j- M.-. ,i,..l .in. I :i:.- missi-sH m ! ., ,.s i nn.,, , lit ...;i-, ll.ibl, . .eat w il"ll I -;:.,.l -m. ,s -.,; ,.::.. '.. ,n- 'li j s..uC I'i i.-at, -1 x . a ' . I b- bie-, i uriny 1:1 lliin-i so .i"i.- ' '" ' t'Ollipa I'.'ll all1, i-.l'llS- ll Is,;-. 1. ,s I Hie f-reiii el'.txx b.e t. ... t .nihility thai a nail ui'l !":,"! !t elioi-"'!, I.lx j without pra. .if. an.' ihni e-.il.il' . - ibe Weill. ! is in:, n.ii;, , iiow by I tee i :,.i j any selieli.i.eeii ill sit . mi'-i'ti '' 'iivs j cce iirl.oialiy ptoli. in ai hsh ins He .hah"- i" it-e it- -I-'" pa-" - ""' '" I re-ttn li iniHl il- .. :. i. in- -i" ,..ii Hi. ! tiuhtillK lltf". :!.. ns 1 '-' a tale la - i.iniitioie t ; ';'" :l'-. ' - : .my ii ode'l n natloii in re.-iev.'.- lii .-.iij 'of the iiioii-.v .eii-l liie I.e. - I: lm i" xeslcl m mo iiiukius "i an ...i-i.u. I '""'.v '"" :';U Unx' 1' - 7 ' : -on"l vci-raus is : v -i..-. n ol tjeatBiv.a t ... I ucnTi r.'.-i- tielsie' "n. r I- Tif- US he I- wound- - II. Mi. trill. -1 1 li.ti- pet's Weekly. Mm n.l I-co l.. 1, ,- .ii.-uci.' I" hick iiH'iin- : china"'., ; I tie l.-lllt l- olllte -'-He I" be lltl. Wl". v.".'-.' .1 '. i-h that yoci l.ilu'i: ,i Wl.al lol'vc ll"l 'i"lo i"l 0 "'-II 'J' isol. . ' .i-iiiliiiioli iar. j 1tl'Vifel. Il.lii. illeil I inn ''" "Weil. no. but li- has a soml deal or ;,- ,-, bib- sen.-"."" New York Still. , Ho. Mr Xla.li- Ilii If IH.aitreml.lc- Wl y at" you i pb- so dissatisfied w iiii vt. iir f ew minister':" "Itt-.ause be is so saiistied with I. oi -el: " l'hilll'b Ipllia Iteeold. 11.11 ll solo, til' I lie' -I'l illlNHl'tloil. My i;ii her is a broker." said one llnl.' sii b " Willi;"- yoiti - '" 11. . s , - .,f I il" pce.ph' w lio set I. i'.ik"." atisw.-ifd ib" oiher. Washing I I. : s.i-r. A ;e .. Who Is thai man who keep- ay in j. j ,'ilways tl," unexpected that Imp- ' '"'ra a." -it!'''. Probably an attache .f t ie w.-al be." iutrviil." Wiisliitisda S.ar. . , .no I lilnu In II I'm-Mi-. Ma '"lioiiis's . an I- Hi" of the -blni.is I.-'1' - in hi 1.--.X ; ." I'a " I i. :;t I ably a.-, oimis for the -.1. bill !n 11. S -o si, lilll since It" bosun "iiiiillS llff-. ' Chelsea i Ma -s.i nil s'.. .: J . I l ie. I Hie- Ilel. "Chill I ih y bet a mail 111' e-eilllel walk troll' New V-irk !' Philadelphia." "liitl he .'. if:" "No. lc fit half way. dee-icted lie ,-,...'.,."i d. b. an I walked Lack iisntn." ,...,,.. ,-t, i i,i. ,.., .., . . .n I bave . ' . , ..,;1M ;'.,.,, W milk- I ?. .' . 'v,i. did too like u "" " ,,.,', ,, ;,.., it. I did not noti.-c. ..T. ,.. " ' . - , Ml ,., ,i,. f sin,.-., spe!'. shoe-." said Hie leiieh. r. .-,'. i e n I itrneil lie littl" '".i:, i , , , t , 1 -Cnrr."t-l." al ! th" ttin bef. "I f (. J(, x , , . , ,lllW wbal i!.v are." 1 .. x .. 'u.,;l .... v ,." be su;-. viu-ed. "t hat . ' ul ". .-; v . - ih- f.'itlic of a balikrup:i..'. '- Chini'So Instoii :'t:.r. ..,,j.. lm 1 think ol 1 In- piaintixe up peal of ;: M'itl.l belieatll the mils. "How- lovely i I "lim.'" txclaiiuci! the su sc. f, r h,.v co'.ibl ' he know thin tin. rcfe't m o vv i : I., a pis under the saie-V Cb'i-:.-' Post. V Ink. I. I lle-lllllt. . t ii. if. "Jii-k. what are y.m so . r ii a! ui V Si lb ti Mii-I'.iii'l .sillily inu ineoinit :.'; Well. Irankly. this si. ady oitt ibiw i f mom ..- i- a lii tl-- more than 1 -.III . l.'lllel." Y .'..lis Aile .inilisiiiiuily ' "Yoil : .i.'k.'d thiei Look 'I'lirrein expenses.' i'i ,.i . I looked ill I he elio ,:,M,n' Ml i iit-reiii means 'nimbus : h;.. i apie'.lj .' -Hid 1 am eloius Hi" m i I.. -; I . an " Heme l I'l Press. .l Me- Km w Ain. ul ll. 1 1 .--.-: ' -.11.1 1 be fo il old w ..h.w'e". " Inn are .'.oil eleiihS':" I'm in Inn' .cur b -- I" fee- which , - lie- wooth'l, .Ul''.'' saitl little I'.ey." i ti - old man n -ldy n plieel, i., b., ilnr i.e. Hun away. What .lo yo.t in, an bx one ol toy b'Ss beilis Wooileli ' I biive.it itliv wiioilell It's ' 'Veil io n Si-,. i r.itinie s;i, ibe ...be;, nisi , I'ih Mi ' didn'l xvulll lei j,,, ,. ,-n v,i!i ..I your moiief i, oilier' l"b.! i.-r m.i b. ' foolish, hi- c . 1- ' Vt..'. lll.ll ..lie I'" - II. Hi" SIIIV" . ol w e'.fl'hi'i I.i - I'll :. So .Ion's all I !.ii..w ab. i.i ii." ' '!.'" :iu" tb-'ord lb r ..I.'. . I t ..ol IS Sim Xtl. .lel. s.. miii j.etcanie that old sntipalhr ,f x it"i- hushsml ifiii.-ii kid. ' ami ,.i.. .i ., x-,-.. ij,,-.,,:, .- "lie. you think -In- was slad lo ta i ''' " "I :u -I.I .' of l " "Ahem! -xeoi nnt-t liave- oujp reason for thai belief .nil-,.:.. "T K-r ;i-sur-auets. " I Inie-e. I had uii '1. - "hi dri.'.-3 that ui: niad." tefer two my hat vva out ot style, and toy b-lt had bptouie no e ui'b.'d. wo.lf -Ie- o.i I on a jown that eettibi ii. ir lone . .,!"" i roui aoywbare inn P.u..t roiii. I -he help liciuj; glad "i ?i.e :i:e':" Lrslie' Weekly.

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