tfitytwiii M (Strifes "Sew THUK8DAY. - Jan. ;0, J.MI2. II. A- LONDON. Editor. J - ral of South )al;uta. It is said A ''Clooil lkmds" fonvfution .hoi-,, that Senator liutler lias r. will be hehl at lidei;h on th ceiied ami is interested in a hum J2thamU3th of February, und ber of these bunds and that tl.o " ... . . i.. ornriu of the suit dates back to Jov. Ayeock ha i-ued .n.u- ,i;rtcK)W i,,,,;,, Wjtl, Senator inatiou iiniiun all citizens of the ivtti-re.v of Smith Dakota and Btate who nro interested in fjood reeent visit west, roads to attend it. Ah obpwl 1?-' J saw (Jovernor liussell at the Hon iu road buildin- will be detn- Ihmso tonight and he ad- Hoil iu to.ui , mitted that lie had been retained oustrated i ;i pructunl w. i. - cullSl.j )V t. sm,11(i ,,,, t,.a-e th President of the. National i,onji,0.i,.,s to nom :ir with couti- Gooil Honda Association, who will .n f.-ir (hat mi mono the "(iood to for that purpose, the "iiooit winuier ex-neiuuor miner woum omW train of the Southern "lM-' the ease ho sat . -I lit- . , , iiiav aiul lie mav not; he lias m ailway Company. A number of illVU,V(,j (!Vt.nir ;s- lto; ttailw practical aud instructive nil- droHueH will bo delivered by prom- tonight. went road builders, which should 1 Interesting in connexion w ith .... . :1 ,.f ,,...,,,1 1 this story is the laet that Senators atiimilnte the building of ,nth,r .,;ul Iv,tis.r,.tt. ,,,. ,.,.. road iu this SUU ' -W1 tlt, H;IU!t, ,.,,, t ;i W.t.sliin-- Thi convention should bo t() n,,t,-l fr several days past. J jr-'ply atti'iulcd and a deep inte-( I'.x (iovernor liussell informed ,'ent should be takeu iu it. No ; m t hat the east, may come up be . . I . ... ,,,, ' fore the Supreme I ourt Im- iiriMi more important Mullet can 4 - UMlt in ,,'Vi I(lt10I1, is gugo the attention of our I'1''!'11 possibility 'that it will not be tUnn that 4 improving our high- j jv.-.ohed until Mober. ways. No mau denies that they cniitly iteetl improvement, ami no . . b .. , , , ., ., Terrible Lxplosion In New ork. iutelhfut peraon doubts t lie fait ; that the bad condition of our .nib- Now York, Jan. J". I'll i.h- lie roads is the greatest drawback ; borl.ood of f.d sheet and Pom lh ..... ..,.. l avenue was literal v Miviknl to our. State H pros I Kl,,,rtly afr, r , to.fav and siv this seems so stutne uud surprwniif thatjrreatcr ellortH W()V (. 1,.ls jj,.,.,( ,v ;l (,.,.,, fie aro not luado to have better roads, oxplosioii if a lai -i: ipniniity of , Mytiainile in tin rapid ub Wy. are jdeased tt) publish iu nay excavation in pouilh at inie ar.ut'rr iv.lnmu the speeeh made ; between 41st and lid shv. -ts. .' . ,. .,uu i... ii,n t -1. ! Men ami women eie killed or last week in Lon-.ess b. tho tn U, eutcil Itepresentative from t.:i Um m ,.,. v n. tlu. ( iiandPn'ioii district. It is not often that a new (Uij ,u, j !iat t a :i - in w hieh all iiiuibor of Congress in accorded the windows iwte blown oat and the opportunity to make a speech, ceilings tell. ..... , . r i,. ,..-'i l'.verv store and oln.v binhiiii'' ami ,uthwiustnco Mr.lou ;a(1 ,V;lt tl, lln. esp.-iciully honored, because nfU-r , .,,,,,) fl.ia :,.nU stlv,.t , his time had cxinied ho was ul-1 stret t, sl;oi k luaa tin- explosion, lowed by unanimous consimt to. lost w indow s and duo,, uiA u finish his Hpeech. !s'j""- ,,f t!',", l"'i'" "'J'" - Iu this connection we arc 1''-j ' ' ' V)1,.K, l i;llis in Ul,. stt,.,t w, ,,. ed to note that tlnsl on-ressional Ul.iii.k(, i!iiw ,)y ,iiilsl , t. district has more rural deiivrry . st, ,u.iv ,v living Meks and beam.--, routes than anv other district in i and the w hole vieinity was iu a thin State. Heforu his term ex-1 "tate of p.-ude and t.-i .or f,.,- manv , , . . , , i minutes alter I he disaster, l.ut it pirciUou-rrssmau Atwater had was jn yhm..r. m n,., Hecurod more of these mail routes j,.lt tja, llXl.jt(,IU(llt ,,( (l j.,),, .,s than any other KeproKenlnthe ; e-v-eatest, and the effects of the from Mii State, ami his distin-', explosion u.ost disastn.ii.s! y L it. -wished Huccessor has been equal-j . ,,",;,s-1 V' ;it "'" '!'. " , . a. . ., eriek lioiiiiist.ii. a weailnv lillllsii ly succcsstul and ha shown the)( Imli.lll. .W;1S , hls I,,,!. deepest interest iu settiug- "'is ,, (. f,,sf door, at the eoruer Lreat convenience for so many of neartst the i-cein id' the explosion. C his constituents. Ik Congress does not abolish J or yreatly reduce the tariff on Cuban sujrar it will be a disgrace to our country and should defeat i tho Kopublican party at tlm next election. This act ol simple jus tico and common humanity to a licdpleKH people is recommended and urged by l'lesident lloose- vclt, by the Secretary of War. by ( i Cien. Lfonartl Wood, who is our military commander in Cuba, ami; liy many other hiirh ofhVials who know (.'ubii's unhappy condition. Our "war for Inimanity" with Spain will have been worse than u.schtHs unless this relief is af forded the Cubans. The present condition and the future pms pocts of Cub.i ire deplorable un less our Kepublican Congress will soon act as humanity dictates. Al.THofiitf the people of the United States profess to think nothing f royalty and titles of nobility, yet wheimver an opp-r-tunity is offered they almost bow down and worship any for eigner who has a title of nobility. "With all our democratic and re- imhlican simplicity we make much , iido over any titled foreigner w ho '. , . , " ', 3 mds on our shores. .... . . i rience it is noi surprising w tho elaborate pn paiutioiis that are being made for the eutertain luent of the young tiermaii who is shortly to ' isit our country. His arrival is looked forward to with eager pleasure and while here l.e will bo the "lion of the day." and all because, he is a brother of the Emperor of Germany. . - I. Murray Hotel. It U Notwithstanding tl:e throats j that a small fue. used f of some of the opponents of white! purposes, i.ruiled the hupremaey it is not probable that j which is being used iu Congress will attempt to reduce j theSouth's representation because of the disfraui;hi.-!eiiient of so many negroes. Senator Pritchard , autl the more respectable (dement of Southern Republicans oppose any such legislation by Congress, and they arc opeu and determined in their opposition to Cruuipack cr's bill, hich we are pleased to i .if nil' i '': hr i' issed. The de- leat ol ih's bid v. .o some bitter partisans. I Soulb Dakota Bond Suit, t FfMK-lllI to llBlcltfLl I'mll. Washington, Jan. i!5. -Tlio in side history of the South IVikotu t-a, asjuiuHt Xoi th Ciirolin.i i about to ! unfolded. K-(lov pnior Husnell is lotipe;ir for the I bomlhiilders ahn,' with W . C iVekhaia and tlx attorney p.cno- sel for South Dakota. When ashed whether ex-Senator I'.utler would bl.i lytiiiuod to Wilmington l.ii. John Pabs, .ill engineer, was killed in tin' street, direetlv oer the Siot when the explosion oc curred. The explosion created the L'leal- est excitement up town, aiul will. in a ev moments afti r t h i H rlil'. renc had : a cl ow a ol many uiousatnis ;at h '1' at I he seen.'. i Kvery w he 1 1 seen ruiiiiii-iir !is colli,! I! bieediiiiT from cuts and bruises. Men could be seen I'limiim; ,ll!il Women -in of buil.l- ;s in the same eoi.ditioii, for manv of those in the houses close i ;. i i... ti . ; , , , ; , . . , r. - ' j ' tin window s. 1 ninii ili.iti ly after (he explosi'.ii j hurry culls were sent for ambii : lances ai:d p. dice leserves and the : work of removing the injured and 'dead was be-im. 'IV. mis wen; ; pressed into service and the hos-j pitals were thrown open, j , The shock was felt in Harlem. I h'or .""Vera I blocks each side of j Fo it V-first st ice! the the tllllliep ' was w recked. Tons -if roidi and dirt were thrown into the streets i and panic elisie-d. Police and tiremcii weit." sent to tht scene ti, .brim.' about order. The rapid transit tunnel is be ing constructed under the oM Metropolitan tunnel iu Park avenue. Consequent! y the explo sion wrecked borll lllllie!s. When the lileniell .lllied thev went into the tunnel, but found no, t,:"'1' "'' ,,,'a',1 '",tli, s- A blo. k awfiV I ley found r.lneisoli Jones, I , , . ,, , a neiMo w oikuiaii, dyinu'. He had lieen working in the tunnel near' list street and the concussion hurled him many feet and injured him badly. Tin -r; was lying over I In-1 nun 1 a large pile of timber. The heaxy beams were tossed hi-jh in I he air ami several fed to the street a' block away. The dynamite which cau-e.l the devastation wasstoied it: a shanty built on the cm b in front of the 10 po, he. it ing plosive, rapid tlrt,,slt lminu' ' ' Assistant Labor ( 'omniis.sioner 1'aisou has complete,! the hap- ter on the textile imlustry North Carolina for t he annual re port. It shows that there are now cotton. 1 1 woolen ami J silk mills, and 1 carpet and I jute, bag ging mill. The total number of spindles is I ,i,;i l.UG.i, an increase j of 21-. 000 over t lit' previous year; I looms It'hlJ.';. iin Increase of :(,ooo; ppoint , knitting machines ;t,sl 1, an in crease of l.Mlll. I Washington Letter. IKxim-'ur lU'Uiilm 0 ri'ii.nnili-ni.l j Washington, .Tuny Kith, 1902. Wlien llepresentativo Cannon, of Illinois, introduced in tho House on Monday his 'urgent deficiency bill" carrying an appro priation of l;,701,0()t, iu round numbers, ami including an appro priation of .'ioO,i)) for the estab lishment of a military post at Manila, he litlhi realized the storm which the measure would bring about his head. Although many of the provisions of the bill were pronounced extravagant oy the minority it was the last named appropriation which drew the fierce lire of the deiutn-i ntii' ora tors ami. mi, lev the scathing ar raignment of Mr. IV Ai inond and his colleagues, the 1 i e from lliiuoisspent auiost unhappy aft, 'i noon. In the heat of the ar gument Mr. Cnuiltnl ellililitted 'himself to the statement that the I'mted States was in the Phili ppines to stav and it was on that ground that the demon ab attack ed his position. Whi le space w ill not permit the ehronii 1 ing of Mr. IV Almond's In lliant speech, ihe following is wolthy of quotation: -Do we lack the power and the right to take the band of the .spoilsman fn i.i ol!' lh.- Mauds .f the far-away seas? I o we lack thepoweraiid the right to give libel t.V to UHiOO.IHl!) people W ho are struggling dying for it? Do ; we lack the power ami lh,' right to take the mailed hand from the (I roats of men w ho are crying out for libet ty and for independent national existence? Ah. no. we do not lack either the power or the I ig-ht. Who is to illtel fele?" The bill is still before the Hume. Ill the Senate, tho Philippine t.irii!' bill is being di. used. On Tuesday S, nator l.ouge made a long sp. cell delemiili- the actio!) of his com!:. iiti e in aim aiding the bill pasted by the House. As tilt See.ii or ;'i o;, i M.lss.ichii.-dt.s was expatiating Upon the adits.ibilitv of continuing the "open door" policy and t he advantages to le derived f i tun trade w ith China, a democratic member r.-m.n la d, s,, to Mice, " The gent !, -man's n, xl step ,,i, al'ds building- up ,uir trade w ith China v. ill be t he If eli.-p I l,a n! of the ('iillicse exclusion law I Hip. ." Sf i.aior lhiwlins i-. prep, ii ing to ci li I est e-elV st, i toward-, the ell- actiu.-nt of the pliilij. piu.-s lull as lep.-i !.-d and he will be ably as sist. , I by Senator 'nihelsi'il. ( );i Tllis. I:, S,.;i.,t , ir ! I. . W I i II n.ade :) strong appeal to his eolleaglles to do justice to the i !, i i , ppi in s, lb said that the pr.-sent IM-ihlHf i calculated to pivwi.t tl.ide il la tions bet ,'.eeli the islands anil his ci Mi n ! l v ami to c.'o i iuiie ! !; l.e-ces-.ify ,,!' m.-idit. lining l.irg- loices of s, 'hii, i s iiel i in i -i d, r to pre-si-rve older. "I'lle policy of the adniiii's!i.- ji-u is s:,-h ". he ii.-e!.u -e.l. as p. permit tlie . i!li. , i -s of t he All, el icall ArillV to rtph'l.ish their ft rtuiies at t be eXpellse of t l.e lillfol t nil. lie I'll :,!; t ie.n icui :. t, i I his ci Hint i v to ll . Ill alibi, lice." Senator Vest i- pit -paling fur a vigorous onslaught oil the ship sub.sjti v bill vv i . i - I i will soon i no for disc ussji i:i. The Wav a:.d Means Coinmil tee of the lb-use i-, devoting its time to hi-.,, orgs of th,, represent atives of the ioliacco and sugar interest s i,, lias ci null ry and in Cuba, a e op. .s of t be proposed re ciprocal ii I ,; loiis vv il Ii t hat islaar I. That lh, :.- is any earnest desn -on the p n! tho Committee t i ast ei I., in tin- real status ol a!!'.;is in Cuii.i in, lit be doubted bv any (lit- w i,. , i- is an ippol t Ueity t hear ti..- lie rcileSS lToss-e,l,i,i!,.-. lion , :' n., Cuban i ,-piesei,:,i! iv, s. 1 s.e.acw lial limited f eon) a in I of P. uiisli h, a t!i-ii ha, i, iu itself and w i.i ii to thai is a ided a dii posii ion on the p. II t of t he men) In ;s o! the committee, tiniestiaiu cl . the chairiii.iii, to c. .iifuse' aid browbeat the 'il.-,ia w it t an hardly be ere, i, ted that the c, 'ii Init tt.-e desiles to airiic at the facts. At this writing it is safe t say that Cuban ri-ciprocil v. if it conies before the llollse, Wlil receive 1. 1- th- coiisiderati",i. In fa, t, reci procity iu any form, unless, pos sibly all arraiigemt lit could b-- ef fected w hereby the baited States would receive ai I and give n, .tiling-, is too advanced for the le pilblicai.s of the lower chamber whose knowledge of ecoliomhs can be summed Up iu tin- one word "protection." N vert iieh-ss, the argument of Sen., tor I'latt, of CoiiUfclicut.tliat fiiliiiepi grant some form ot reel pi oeity to Cuba will result in almost immediate annexation, has Lad Weight w it h the Sen.itoi s an j a js more thai) possible th tt a I ,-ei in ical ar r.mgemint will b m i l.' by tieaty ;ind without consulting tht House. ''Sometime ago n.y daughter caught a severe i o! . She com plained of pains I- ,er chest and inula bad coagh. gave her Chamber! .tin's da.h H-medy accoi'tling to di i i et ions and in tw o days siie was v.t-ll ;.a d ; I ;( t(i o to school. I he ve used this lem etly iu my familv for tin- past seven years and h n, iie, r known it to tail," s.,ys .1 nie s Prender ' gasl, me)-cl,ant, Aniiato IJuy, .Ja maica. West In. hi lihniiis. The pains in the i best indicated an approaching at tack of pneumonia, which iu this instance was un doubtedly w ar, hd oft' by Cham berlain's Ceng h lc-liiedy. It coun teract s any t'-ioh ney of a cold to ward pneumonia, for sale bv (i. P. Pilkiugton. Spccih of Poe Sjieelnl i.i Ni-wii au I oiwoi r. Washington, 1.C.. Jan.'-"2. To-1 tlay Ihqiresi'iitativo II. W l'ou ( spoke iu opposition to an amend-j anient to the I'rgent Deficiency, : Appia pnatioii lull iippr.ipnatin it in laiion o,ii n i no ii jauug ,00.1 to establish an army post ianila. The tale.itetl vonmg Wr from the l'ourlh Dhdrict ; !njI lO.oiii) at il 1 iiieinU' was in jood voice ;md he held the undivided attention of the House, j TvvicH during his speech he was j liberally applauded by his Dciuo jcratie colleagues, ami at the ch-c , there was great aiplanst on the Democratic side. While this was short speech it showed that Mr. ; Poll is moving to the front, l'evv - members have a more impressive manner of speaking-. With his great ability and untiring energy ! he w ill soon come to tho front in the House. M r. I 'on said: I'bo wording of the amend ment ottered by the tlist iuguished 'chuiimun of the appropriations committee induces me to submit a few it marks before debate shall conclude. "If I believed that the appro- iu ial ion of . ni ,(ioi I provided lor IV that aMa-iiiIiiieiil was necessaiy lor th1' shelter ami protection of the clliccis .il d enbstt tl men ill our arniv in the Philippines, I ... I I I , I i ,iv , .1 I. ..I' ,:,, in ,hi' v P. I. ul I in.', lit-lieve Hie iippro- in ial inii is m-t -i -s.-ary tor tlie pose. 1 1 appt .il s lo lue to be .1 mo e sub tei an effort to ac complish soniei liimr by indirection w hieh gentlemen fear to attempt in tlie dir. ft an 1 usual wav. llow It'.tt li.V p-'IM lied ale all the pur poses et the war v wav ! In w hal si I a lue set ate We drift ill'.:? I b 'W uni. at ui al ev ei I hin- a ppt ars' " l II Will was drchilcil. fo) one I was for il. I'm!, i the same t -ircum.-tam -cs I would be f.-r it u;;aiii. Spain w.,s miirdi ring a people stiu. ulin.u for libeily, just a lew mili s lioiu our shores. Our Hivat lepilblic h id witliesstd this until I'm heaiam ,-made u-' almost - ui'l.v . and w hi n our b.iltiesi.ip v, .is lijnw n up in Havana haiboi, I believe by Spanish ()', in ies, l!.e people of lev State telt It W.,s .,,ir duty In avi uje til,' oti'.ra.e and my tli-t I it t oil'eled up tl.e iirst yniiii-.' life .'i ' a saci ili.-e up..u his coiinti '-. altar. We f uijh! IU the I i ! 1 1 o.l- i ll!-" of liberty, ai.-i ; ( iod - ;ve u. tin- ictory. I 'id any- 1 me 1 1., ii b.-i ii-ve t 'viieii Cuba was !r, i d w.iohl use . ::r .s,,h! iel - mid oil) ship-i lo si,! j,i ;.-:te a ! i..., ;.e -!,i, --...iiii f.-r libel tv. The 1 1. : i. ii . to n is f ol ir o: briiiL m M l iter I'll' -I I.-. I "I 1 urili th V eal t hairiaan, tln-ie we., iu , nr iii my i:i I he ! 'a There Viel e more t Ill our he-pillihs t II .11 l,,,-n. that Is to sac, t ;i V el ;eje eV el V soldlel vi,e was sick v.-i-I, V w t If not sii k ,-; h ,s wei'e admit! -i pilahs sevt-ial tilin . ill he Ml! Jl , HI LeU- 1 . sic ,v. s I ha! dill i.iL.'- ! I !',! -.: m c Mam I sn-ha. t i, II po the .ii scr im r-e while . (I! t at all i P. the hos l he lepolt . 1 of t he ai my !. y,-.,r l'.ioo --iol,S to the t l.e lillllilii-r o! ,'ulll s;,- , I ol t ill olii- ,-l lav I it I'.l'i.S-J M.u.d - se,d.;l- III lilt! I'.e-ilie reached t he onoi l . els t i"7. 1 ::. 1 i ovv niair, i !' t In i ,!, iviiovv that !('." Ameiii Wi e s.i, i iliri'd dui iiij- th tal ol !l Ii' t Vi upon t!,e held .! battle i 1'hiiippiiie Islands. And for '.an '. what "I will vivo you the answer out of (he in.i'ltli of the -Itatist slatesnnili of the I h ; u ! ii ica 1 1 party v, !io but I'ciently has declaiid that We. ire eli.UilL'i d ill the 'Ull holvwoih of eru--hinv a lepub !ie.' Statistics for the y ar VM1 have not been ivi n us, hut when they ale they will furnish addi tional evidence of the stupid blilli d"l' we have made ill at illiT to ta'ue over the i'lii!ipiiut'-.. ;,s a part of our republic. Accurate iiu'Ul'i's aie in t uiveii us showing the number of lives taken by our soldiers. If they were the con science of tl.e republic would re volt ami de:n and that the war be ctuled. ( 'iflltleli.t II see!,) to fol eet the pi iuciple that a nation can do w luii'j as well as an imhv idual, that ;i iialinii can commit crime even as un individual can commit crime. The le.poiisilulity of a ciiiitiiiitance of this wretched slate of id'.'aiis lists upon each vent 1, -in ; 11 in this chamber, and he cannot escape it if he would. "And what an nuoimdy in vov- ; eminent we have, Mr. Chairman.' Ilepublicaii, colonial and monar chical vowrntie-nts all under tlie constitution of the Cnited States. Tl.e President IS IIS absolute over the Pbilippiues us the is over Unssia. We were told that we needed these islands in the in terest of trade, and yet the other day we saw the majority iu this chamber pass a bill protect inv our infant American industries against competition iu tlm Philippines. How buiv shall the war last? Soon four years will have passed. Ib.w- Inmr will it Cke M,W.) men to completely subline eivht mil lion? "Avaiii I 1W utterly have the hivh purposes of the war been perverted! We mo simply con tiuuiiiv what Spain nas too weak to aeeoinplish ill the Philippines, while at home wis sec slandered, liel'Si.ellle.l :oid II U 111 i 1 I -1 tl tl tht' at iidniiiiii w !io vave the stroke which tlestroyed the Spanish fleet, and which ought It) have ended the war." (Croat applause on Democratic, side.) (iohlsboro Argus: 'fMie sniall- pox situation in Sampson 1'0 un ty - . . ,,, . - ' "" "n. 1 he 'T" 1 " ce.ved here bulay (Inday) f n llllt" 'l1 "1S, to H ii more Kel lons view ol I lie mallei. It is reported here thai there were two deaths from smallpox Thurs day night. One occurred right in Clinton ami tlm out in the coun try from the town. A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With Impure blood there cannot t;-c good health, j Willi a disordered LIVER there I cannot be good blood. revivify the torpid LIVER and restore Us natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure hlood. Pure blood means health. I Icaltli means happiness. Take no Substitute. All UruSttoU. WIH Uiit ih-m lil.-vdiit' ly ntMiHtiirt' unci LuitM. l ull .lir.H-ti.H.t in rach iiM'kH(e. lul in r r.oi-u nun i- wuvii aiKiui iiiv buhl cvt rvu nri. . ! av s on hand a lot oi t-, both ilia d iiiid iiii.tri'Mod. Also Fnu: Hills cut to older. A Minph- of Ocir2.f ui.d CCcClCtS nhviiys ..ii hand, lioiu JsJ to Sli.hl in ! priee. Will be delivered tit anv liiiie. either dav or ni'lit. ; C, M30E JR. TPitts'ocrc. "VT. C eh. -J. p.'.!'.). OUGHT TO GUR PROPERTY in nil': ti.;- b paliv and pat i'iil,;.:e 1 lome ei ,i s-'i-ve th of ad North aroliiniiis. Ii was oi-eanizetl, in If-'ii and ha paid over 1,(100,000 in hses and 1 1 ere i.- m t uiie I'oliteste 1 claim Hii:, i iir-t it ! Al' Io.-m-.- paid prompt ly. Kvei y pi mlent man niivht to in.-nre hisprop- r y. I'm' terms, Cvc., npplv to h. l mm. in IT L ASK 1 1 OWPKU, Pr.'hiil-iit. Scut. i:t, p.hii. ii s nils r M On JclHcs t W t.ri'a. rvi'.-t nmi in', airend 3 M utiiiniiiitiiiaoc I F12HE REFINED ; PARAFFIN E : ii i i r liiii'iiiii iii.iTrii7irifi(iityiiirf1 Cvr'. ntl rn-lc Mirk ot,-.ilnl. nil all l'U n,l Ii,i-,mi' ciindiictti'l fiir MoocnATt Turn. O-JH Of ricr 1 OnoiTC U 9. Ptci.t Orricc ti.d e-ruru -'.'lil lit iC3 liu.,; lli::u itiuo rr:i,ntr f, un W'.vl,lnc'"n. Stud moiW. ilrfiin ir .!m'o , iritfi ,li-rl linn. Wi aJ.i-M., iT )" i' ' !c i t m.t. f,ce uf iit !Tf. Out fco ! t:!!' H i 'H'Ilt i curri. A PAMPHLET, 'Ml" (II Oli'Aili I'ltCilt.,'' t ith nr m wf cl: ft" S'jU' tUitu.cuujtj-, ur lo tu, ton free, .il'lrr, C.A.SNOW&CO. OP P-(NT fl,i" U.lHINtT0. 0 O. NKW A HYF.KTISEMENTS. t-lma.w.oT.'.u'.y: "lf 0,..,rt. Iiilin linrrlnxt-r 1 AynlKHi TUe Virginia 'I'rust Cuinitir. ) Ii itimtrln( tt iliiUH(iiotl,iit 4 the omri If nm.luvli Hint Dip nlmvo nninrtl i)cfi-nlni,l In ft mt'lKu iMru,ntili.a i.aru Ink rot riiutlt. In Uil Sliuo, ami t-aiumt, Alior ilim ,lill;aii-, In, f.mii-l n IliUi Hutio nor nny ittfttnt or nnu-fr ttiri'i,( In ha r.aiml hi tlilai State, nmi tluit ilm i,ili,UIT U'i Jurl imiihii ,,r n, linn: N-ittiii In liornliy Klvin nitld il.'li' Tim Vnulnla Truiti Cuiiumur. I" A M-i,r hiiJ atmwt-r in- iliMimr It, tlio i-Jinii-lalhl al Ui(t ui-xi tciiii ul Die Biiin-il-.r c-ntirl nl Cliatlmm tMiiuiy, to Ih liflil al l')ti8Uiro, Nnrili Camllna en II, it r.-urtli Mmiilay It-turn U,n Oi-hi Muutlar la Mitri-li. I'.i.rJ, Imltitf ,ltt llilr.l ilay ul Faliruitry, I'.mj. Tlii to a i-lvll aiHIuii Inr ilia rtHNivm-y of t4.,mi iiHinngiift lur Im-ai'li nl oiiuti-arl In nut Inr iilrliini! plKlnillT wlili watw iwnr. Nulli-t) 1h alMi Klvi-ii tlio almvo nameil tliifi'inl aut tlial a witrruui "t ult.u'liiiitMil lirut )m,ii In ruisj In iii ulinni 1'uililtnl i lvll ai-llni), and la It-vlt'il en ihp rital itia-.o nt Hit ilt'lt'ntlaiil uliuate at aiul urar Uirkviliii, In nl,l t-.iuniy nt CliaOtair, Mii'l Ik it'itiriiatilo in tin' all lm in uf oalil oiurl, 'II, U VI h ilay nl Ho 't'liikt r, 1'Jul. 11. A. LtlNliON. II. II. 1UXON, AUiuury. CliMk suKi,ir (Inurl. 10,000 Wives Wanted ! TO KNOW THAT THOMAS & CAMPBELL KAl.KKiir, X. C. Are selling the most complete and decani line of FURNITURE and H0USEH0L D FURNISH ING C0O0S ever offered intiding Ued Room and Parlor Suits, Lounges, Chitloniers, Hall Hacks, Writ ing l)eks, Habv Carriages. Cook Stoves, 1 1 tuiks, Wuiilovv Shades. Lace Curtains, Mat tings, Runs. Toilet Sets. Picture 1 lames and basics. : UGFAUXil iikhnlmg handsome rockers and of lue cliaiis, and atiything that is" in the I'm nitnr . line can be !i.l at our Mammoth listahlislinient. Nov. P.)i)l. Uoucle Daily Service r.KTWKF.N NKW V()I!K, TA.MPA, ATLANTA. M'.W OK - LKANS am. POINTS SOI TH am WF.ST. !t It, May 2611, 1S01. Southbound. t,iiir nti'y .11 ti !v N-w V-.rk. I'nini. it. Ii. Ui.V inn 12 in in l.t vti.siiiui.ii,. r.;iiiin I t I., "i, i. s. A. 1., li'ii rni a i l.v I' ., inii.iiitl,, S. A. I.. U'.lll ii ii l.v Ui- ,1 " 11 Iii am 11 11 r i. I V lll'll'IITwIl " '.-(jlllll 'I IS I til 1.1 l,nli-,lli " 4 III mil 4 I'll, Lv in,. I'iiii.-.1 Ii ui mil I) it i"l ,N... .l. l.v limnlrt ' 7 j I ,.iii : Sit .in N. m. Nm. tl I V Vt llll.lll.l.'U " 3IIS.lll Ai ciimi. ia , " In ul iiiii lul.'i iu I.V CI,...liM , ' ll Jti nut I i't tu l.v t.i. ..i w ..l, " iv vi i-iii 3 4ii,ri I.V A,lii-i., '. in IM, I C Hi nil Ar Ai.mitu, " 3 ii i-in kiHiaa Northbound- ,, .ii. l.v A'lAlllH, H. A. I.. Ar An,t-ii4. AT IIii-iiivimmI. Al IJI1. .-.111, " I.V I I, l . ' Lv limiiiiiiMU. ' I.V u.,, " Ar I'liru-iii'iiiili, Ai- v,iii.i,i,ki..ii, N. w- H. It, Al Niw V. Ik. O l. It. S C.i. 11 ,m in H ml 'i In iiu II '4i 5 i l .m i ) 1 'lit UII i inii H I,., pm i III illU i uti mn t III 3 Id 6 ni t 1 Jo Nuio.-I Dully l;.,'t'iii tim lty. ! Uti lug C-irs iH-mrra Nt'W Y"rk itu-1 Illi-li-ii', huJ Uuiultit an. I s,,v,iiH,li ou Trit)u N,. :i) Hil II. TRAINS LKAVK rmsitoKo y.oo p. 111. y.oti a. iu. Trains Anive at l'ittslioio 10.45 a. in., 5.50 p. iu Ikiily v.i rrjit Suiirfiii. Ar. M-'ueure Vi ji m 5 ni Dully. IDally Ti. Miuday Nos 4iU und 402. "Tim Atlanta Special," Solnl Vuslibuleil 'I rani ol I'll I bill! I .SIcipOS V'lJ C'oilt.'llt'H 1)0- Iwten Wiinliiiigldu uiid Athiuta, also Pullman Sleepers hclvvctMi l'ort ui, uitli und Cliailoilv, N. V. Xoh. 41 umJ l liu S A L. Kx lu t'sH," Solid Ti a i 0, t'otielics anil ' Pii.bnuii Sleepers butvvi'uii I'orls iiiuiilli Hiiti At unla. liutli truins iiiiike inimediiito ecn . iiuciiuiis at Atliintu for XJontem. t-iy, Moliilo, Now 0ibtuifl, Tt-XaK, j Cillitul'iiia, Mexico, (.'liullaiionii, : Nashville, Memphis, Mutivn, Pluriiia. ' FerTieketf, Sl'jeperi. etc, apply! ' to II. S. Leard, T. 1'. A., 1 C. 11. (lattis, C. T. A., Varboronrh House, I ! lluleigh, X. C. i 15. M. l'oe, Agent, t rittsboro, X. C. Jas. M. l.irr, 1st Viee-1'resideut und IJeu'l Mirr. i II. E. L. Uiiiu h, Cen. lWr A-t. General UlHees, rortsiionth, Va. 1878, 1902. Every C itizen OF Chatham County ought to Hud THE CHATHAM RECORD which for nearly TWENTY-POOR YEARS has hecn doing its utmost to build tip our grand old county. im: rkcori) s the "OLD b'iil.l ABLIi," that 't:,in I't' JependeJ on not only for the Latest News but for its advocacy of all measures that will best promote the prosper ity ot all 'he people. The Campaign this year will be of great importance, and every voter in Chatham ouj;ht to read Nil- UL'COKD and keep posted. SUBSCRIBE HOW. Only 3 CentaJ a week. I aMHHBBMaWBHaSnnal No. M l l E I mil ' B I V- ! I I I I ZaaaaaaaanaaiaMaa

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