titTMWliiHIHWtH a iiiiiaii)iiM.i;iiiiiii'iiir'iiiiifi-i THUIWDAY, - Jau 30, 1SMI2. Local Records. Look out for the X mark ami renew your subseiption. W. Moore is prepared to prind com or give meal iu ex change for com. (io o John L. Council for nice . -tv ly nnl fruit, ami also a n'co shaw ami h ir cut, next to Bank. Bynnni & Headen will be full of court week bargains. It will pay yon to drop in ami see them Uext week. Tin t citizen of Chatham who does not think this copy of Thk lU'Coni) is .vorth three cents, must be mighty hard to please. Try a Lynchburg or Syra cuse, one or two horse, chilled plows They are the liest. Sold mid warranted by Byuuni fc Headen. The store of J. it. Weather spoon, of Kanford, is still a place of rrent attraction. All goods at wholesale prices, and his stock is immense. Before taking their annual inventory Byuuin & Headen will uell their winter goods at cost for cash. When you come to court be sure to buy your goods of them. When you come to court next week c ill nt The Bkcoud office nmi renew your subscription. If you d not come, send it by some neighbor. Byniiiu & Headen are over stocked iu number 7 shoes and to clean them out they have put down i11 the nutn her 7 shoes iu tl t'ir store at cost. Hemember this is for court week only. I Y-i regret to hear of the death of Mr. W. F. Wynne, of Williams township, who died on last r i n lay, aged about (.l years, lie was tine of the most prominent mid respected citizens of Chatham, j For sale a tract of fi2 acres on Hickory mountain, adjoining t Ik lands of (J. 1'. Alston and othvrs, and a tractof 13!) acres two miles west Pittsboro. Kasy terms ofier-'d. Apply to 11. A. Lo.nlon, iiltorney. i Mr . Susan llorlon. of Wil liams township, died last week iu ti c Sfith year of her aire. She was the wivluw of Mr. Benjamin Mor ton, dm-eased, and a sister of the lute Messrs. (ieurgo V. and Wil liam F. Fiuishee. j Mr. Hubert .M. Burn receiv d lat Tuesday from his nephew,; Mr. Ji hn B. Jones of Arizona, a! Mi xican cigar ease with some tine Mexican cigars, and also a Mexi can silver dollar, which although : t' -i.i of our dollar, is worth on ly 45 .ents. j When yon buy n plow the; best is the cheapest and Oliver; ( lulled Plows are the best. W. L. London .V- Son -i-!t them as well an all kinds of plows ami casting. 'I h"- have three Thomas Cuta-j vnv Marrows left and $18 will! buy o'ie, they are worth $'2'L I In addition to the candidates! f,ir the )emocratic nomination, for s!;uriiT, whose names were. iiieiitioned two weeks ago, we! that Mr. H. 11. Hamlet, of Bal nvin township, and Mr. J. 11. j Hive., of (Jnlf township, will also j be candidates for that nomination. ; -Mrs. Hebeeca Sin-ill died at j this place on last Monday night) of pneumonia. She was the ehl---! -laughter of the late William A. Nash, who is so well remem 1 eivd by our older citizens. She wi-: a sincere christian and was highly esteemed by all who knew hoi'. --Mr. John P. Bridges died near S.uif-.rd last Friday ami was buried last S.-.tuiday at (iiim Spring Baptist church, in this couuty, near which he was born ami reared. He was au honora ble and conscientious man, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. We are pleased to learn that some of the public spirited citi zens of Siler City have organized a company to construct a tele- Iihoiie line from that place to 'ittsboro, and they hope to have it in operation by the first of April. It will be a great conven ience to both towns. When you come to court next w.'ck call at W. L. London & S u'k and get what you need. They keep the largest stock and tsidl the best goods for the money. They are always glad to see their friends and make them welcome. Their grocery stock is the best, go id Coffee 10 cents, IS pounds (ir Ululated Sugar $1.00. Fresh Cabbage seed. Mrs. Adelaide Cotten peace fully passed to her heavenly rest mi last Thursday at the residence of her sou-iu-law, Mr. M. T. Wil liams. She was the willow of the late ltichard Camay Cotteu with whom she celebrated her gol deu wedding on the 2.1th of April, DUJ. Four mouths afterwards Mr. Cotteu died and now she hasj gone to be with him. Of them ir may be truly said. "Pleasant in j tin ir lives, m.d iu death they are; Hot divided." j I Mr. (i. 11. Pilkington has been oiioiSD-inui day. appointed a Notary Public at this ext Sunday is "Ground-hog" place, day, when the traditional weather When you come to court don't sign indicates (as some people be forget to bring your watches, licve) whether the wiuter is near clocks, jewelry etc.," that need re- ly gone. pairing to Hawlev, the Pittsboro According to this old tradition, if the ground-hog comes out, of Tin stock law mandamus case not board on its merits lnnt Frulav at Carthage, as was ex- "5 ! 1 . m ed null a uay. A ltinirri.ois 1IOAST. The most unfounded and ridic ulous boast that we have heard of is that made Inst week by the or gan of the court-house ring, which was in these words, as follows: 'Chatham county lias improved more iu the last nine years than hms. In the first place the "adminis tration of comity affairs" has not been iu the hands of Populist and Itepublican officials for the "last nine years" but for only a little over half that time. I he admin istration of any and every coun ty's affairs is in the hands of its county commissioners, w ho alone h'vv its taxes and have chaige of pecteil, out win tneii nero on jt , t .,H h1iim1ow thnt is Saturday of next week. .f t)0 mui JU)t K,lhie ou tia There were many "middle-of- day, then it does not go back, be- the-road" ineu yesterday, iH-cause cause there will not be much more the sidewalks were so slick ami wintry weather, slippery with sleet that it was As we have already had o much dangerous to walk on them, and cold weather this winter we hope so they went in the middle of the the sun will not shine next Sun- streets. day and the old sign be fulfilled. A Mr. Philips, from Lexing- ton, is Jiere for the purpose oi see- , ing if this is a suitable place for 1 " 1 ebnmry term of ( hatham establishing a veneering factory, Hiipenor court will be held next which would use a large quantity week, ad is a week earlier than of poplar, gum and oak timber, liewtofor fhere in e no cases 0J We Iioihj he will be pleased with imp"tnce for trial either the outlook here. J tl,e " civil docki-t. I here are 27 cases on the crnni- Just as we expected the Fns- Ui,l docket and XI cases on the muists give as an excuse for their civil issue docket. If the weather county commissioners being in is not too bad there will proba aession l.'i days for the year end- bly be a large crowd here, as it is ing November HOth, 1U01, that not so busy a time now with the their sessions were prolonged be- fnrmers as our other court-weeks, cause of the time consumed by po The presiding judgo will bo titions for the stock law. Uufor- Hon. Thomas A. McNeill, of Bob tunately for this excuse it is not cson county, and this will bo his true. The commissioners did not first visit to Chatham. He is al cousume a single day before last must a giant in stature and when November iu hearing petitions for he is escorted to thn court-house the stock law. Up to that time by Sheriff Jahnson the contrast no stock law petition hadcousum- in their height will be very strik ,t hail iu twenty years before, and; M, . IIay03 went last iM;;;- fW mnfO it is all due to the wise economi- Tll,)Sli.lv t Kershaw. South Car-Idl tuwiit 1. N. iM. nn, vui-, A lCW UIOI C cal admiiiis.ration of county af- to MmA th(! uuirri ()f ?EJ?; ! C?o. Ktt tluat: iii.iii " ... r.... e w i l.... 1 I , ,-. 1 1 11.... ' oil .a ineohii-r I nit was b.'iii"- con- c5 This statement is so utterly un- .'" , man oi literary oeiai uiiein i .11 1. --- -- - - true as to bo supremely ridicu- ed Iron, a visit to her son, Mr. j;. X. Mann; secretary, Miss No-"cte d by . f1 ' ICCt 110111. its finances and expenditures, and s'"" 1 ' "' "" ei.ri..i,,uii-,v,.r tin commissioners of this county; Hiitherlordton, Jan. 22. - re were ail Democrats until Decent- mailable lind was made yestei ber, lS'.Ki. The Fusion commis- day by a young man near Caro sioiiers did not take charge until " F01 several generations it M... tirvf Mon.biv in Decern I ier. has 1 11 l-elieved that some where ,mii,. ...1.: .1. I.. .i. .. I ..( l..'ii, 11 lilt 11 iih 11 iiihi ui-iu i being nine years ago. i In the next plate it is not true ... m,..i i..., I...,, ;.,.,., .,,1 ;.w... llllli V iKIIIIiliu in.-, i.uj-nMiii 01.1,1 1) -mber. 18'Mi. on account of "the wise economical administra- tinn of county affairs by its Pop- ulist and Hepublican ollicials." Our county ileal higher taxes wero a good ist year, and will be again tins year, than they Mere under our Democratic commis sioners. Do you call this au im provement? The official records in our court-house diow that the Demo- ciatic county commissioners dttr- ' l amnieini out ami wiuiont uate ing their last year ( lhllli) in office, or device. There was also w lth levied a county tax of 2Kj cents 'the put an Indian Hint lomniy 011 every one hundred dollars hawk. worth of property and Hi cents on j - ... every poll. The same records Scl.ley Not A Candidate, show that last year (l'.IOl) the I u- ' sion commissioners levied a conn- J Chicago, Jan. 25. Hear Adit i iv tav of iiOii cents on oiooertv lal W. S. Schley today thrice de- and $1.10 on' the poll. Do you ( call this an improvement? In the tax levy of 1S!U made ! by Democratic commissioners, i n-HM inelndoil .r. cents on orooei t v ! ...I ir. cents un Hie nn . for the purpose of working convicts 011,110 office, however high, would our public roads, and the roads I tempt him to jeopardize the love were worked better than they have which the people of this country over been since then. In tlie tax ! have expressed for him. The day levy of 1SI01, made by our Fusion for t lie I'dinital was a round of commissioners, was included a receptions, at each of which he roml tax of i cents on nronertv expressed his gratitude for tokens ami 0 cents 011 the poll, and nut a convict has been worked un a road iu Chatham since then. Yes, near ly one thousand dollars have been collected out of the tax-payers of Chatham since last Hummer for working the convicts ou our roads and no such work whatever has been dune! Do you call this au improvement? The truth is, the workiugof our roads by our Fusion commission-'Thomas eis has been so disastrous and dismal a failure, that they stop ped it last year and Chatham s lu th.s connect 1011 we might also ask was it an improvement of Chatham, tho taking away by a Fusion Legislature of so largo a part of this county and giving it to Alamance? Instead of improving under Fusion rule Chatham has gone backw.inl in somo respects, it certainly has decreased in popula tion under Fusion rule ami a part of its territory taken away. The census of 11)110 showed that the population of Chatham was over 1300 less than in 1H!)0. and this was the first time in her history Hmf i.nr ir.w.,1 iilil luii.ntv w-)i ever known to have a population at any census lesi than the ire-1 cod in" census! Now, don't you think that the above quoted Fusion boast is as lidictilotis us it is uiifnuiidciy pod it last ieai ami nainan s . u T,uHl,.lVi m(1 Senators Lodge the Into Mr. James Hose, and witli the thermometer .it zero all convicts tire now working '"'! ami Teller almost had a light, grand-daughter of .Mr. W. T. Cox, Jay and a brisk north wind, covers roads ot other counties io you U., wnM as a Mln. cl,n,1Uy ,f this city, in company with her nll' Oklahoma. Large cattle iu call this an ini.ri.venieut. , betwm, Tiiiiaall nIla Wpooiit-r. bruther's wife, went dowu to the terests will sutler greatly, no mat- Ii :.." ..ii ilia iui,.i1 nr.wl 4 i .." " . I . S.. 7. i ... 1 lu,""V , , ".R? '?'"" auTJ lIILt:i 1P 1111V UIIAA i.nv . I'l'.IIKOXAI, ITF.MS. Miss Charlie Creel, of Hviium, has returned from a visit to Cary. Mr. A. J. B.ynum Jr., who is traveling for a Philadelphia hard- ware Jinn, was here ago. a few ilas popular railroiul agent at Car thage. Mrs. H. A. London will go to Haleigh tomorrow and attend next Tuesday the exercises of Iho open ing of the new dormitory at the .Soldiers' Home. Dream Reveals a Tot of (iulJ. mi m William M i iitow nanta- 1 lion was buried a pot of gold ami for years peojile who have hud 111 that locality have dug for the - .. - I. nld.-n t re isure. Mrs. .dor row, a widow, who is a very aged lady, 1 dreamed out the mystery and ill-1 rected I r grandson, l oin lomes w m re io nig ior me long talked. oi pot ol gold Ilie young man "out immeiliateiy ami excavate- an old soap stone pot. w.nch will iioki inn i iu out? ganon, ami loiiuu it tilled to top with gold. There is one large nugget in the put. The balance seems to be old coins dared that he had no intention of entering politics. His remarks were calculated to set at rest for ' ii . . .1. . .1:: . . I nn nun itie poiiucai the tmbitions which some of Ins admirers have entertained lor lum. lie said that of esteem and approbation. Admiral Schley is the guest of the city of Louisville this week, and is being entertained iu grand ! style. Mr. C. T. Uailey of Marshville has a gourd ii'.l inches iu circuui fnii'iw.' mui which holds thirteen gallons. Jt .was grown by .Mr. Staten of Anson county. There was a very bitter debate in the Tinted States Senate on Mr. M. IT. Booloy, chief law agent of the Southern Hail way, ! ms instituted libel suits against The Charlotte Observer and TI Haleigh News ami Observer. The suits are instituted mi a result of the publication of what Mr, Kio ley consnlers as a retlectiou on ins integrity iu managing a recent ilamage suit against the roiuiiein at Ashoiioio. Oartield Atkins and Bud Mai 'shall, white boys in Surry county ! w hile in a field near the home of , Atkins' father, beea. i.n eliaged 111 ( a controversy and Marshall shot and instantly killed Atkins, the entire load of shot entering his ' heart and lungs. j "Mean coin liquor" was the cause of it alt. i. 1 ' i'S n. irpver. u is 1 11' ,.ii 1 :-n.ini ii-imvnrm- M ikm A lee "'"" ... ."v. ............ Hl-X'ORD. Mrs. E. A. Hives, the wife of the late Col. J. F. Hives, died at her home near Goldstou, on last Sunday night the 20th hist, in her 78th year. S be eaves a large Jamiiy oi . .. , ' , i .1-1 1 1 For Thk Mrs. Rivet Dead. !hiiureu " grami-c'.mueii u..i.:aij,i in 7 liquor is hum uy uispon- mentis to mourn uieir loss, ouo "!cJ a ,uother 'I1 lnivL A FKIUND. For Tm: Bkcoud. Bynum Locals. Bynum, N. C, Jai.uary 28, 1!)02. Bynum is alive to her bei-t in terests, is progressive and bids fair to hold her own with her sis ter villages. The now church building erect ed recently lends a new enchant ment to the village. Our people are proud of their edifice and they have a just cause for their pride. The interior of the church will be painted and the walls given the finishing touch shortly. Bvuum school is nourishing. There is an enrollment of (iH witii others to enter. There is talk of erecting a neat academy in the near future. Holl of Honor of the Bynum school for those who have been perfect in lessons, attendance and deportment for two consecutive weeks: Briggn Atwator, Nannie Garner, Clarence Poo, Charlie At wator, Arthur Goodwin, Dewit Moore, John Hearne, Watson Kimble, Mattie Poe.Toiu Hearne, Ollie Poo. Ida Williams, Carrie Stnrdivant, Lenna Sturdivant, j Olliniliiiiii, jiiriimi unii , nii, .....-.. ii x-.w....; Lossie Sturdivant, Maud Sturdi-1 X'0ii Wednesday night an Hp- Jll ii f iiiieniiuy niui, .111 u orth League, an auxiliary of the M. K. Church, was organized with ollicors Henry A r. li.i.iv P.-nvMm.t ' Bynum; 1st vice-presi- dovotioliali Cook. Hev. H. W. Bailey filled the 'pulpit of Mt. Pleasant church ' Sunday at 11 o'clock, and Bynum Sniiibie Aiennii' His it-lira .r.iull.ll l.lliuu:! i,'lli 1 HkI Tlll-t 1 VI. practical and to the point. He is an excellent preacher, full of the Pentecostal power, and our cir cuit is to be congratulated at hav ing such a preacher at its helm. liyniiin was the scene of a very pretty marriage on Thursday night. Mr. Don Ward and Miss Sallio Durham were married at the resilience of Mrs. M; u..: t ..f 1... 1 Tl.., oiiiiien, iin iiiiui 01 tin; t'llin. A 1.,' ... 1 ,1 ,. eeremot.y was perfoimed bv Hev..I',,sf 1 "'' tI."s l-"-'". - ). W. Bailey in this presence of dead are 111 au improvised liospi- ,1,.. f....,;i. 1 tl... nm.l tal. .iiii - iii.iiiiy.i.iii n.. ..v,.w ...w.. w ;,,i i,,,.,!,, f.-iends. iv-,, ..l,..,,,! to note that M(,HS,.Si ( W- ;vmnu ,! Walter ,,. eonvalescent. Due to increased demands for v.irn.s tiu, ()(1(.H fi.ctoi v isiunn running - Mnil:lv K,.i(i,v nights. .... , S(K.i(.lv f tI)0 Methodist Church will give mi en tertainment in tie academy n Saturday night. A very interest ing programme has been arranged and au evening of eujoyinent will be. iu store for those who attend. The funds will be used to refur nish the parsonage. Mr. L. B. Byntiui. son Ji ff. and Miss Charlie Creole, spent Friday in Haleigh. Mr. Edgar Moore left Sunday for Fayetteville to attend au Odd jvilow's' bampiet Miss Lollie Burnett and Messrs. J. Hackney. Hnd. lien, and F. V..,,1 ,.,,.1 lt,,l.,l. Ii.in.etl. were in ourvilla-o Thursday to attend tm D.i Mr- J N Atwator ,,ive a sun- pel on Wednesday night compli mentary to her married friends. It was indeed a social treat and was enjoyed. It was composed of the leading delicacies of the season, served iu courses. Mrs. Atwator proved herself to be the most genial of hostesses. Bynum asks u place weekly fori her budget. Bonis Alum Lady Crushed To Death. F,i-i'lal to lliinilntf lHt. (ioldsboro, X. C, Jan. 27. A sad and fatal accident occurred on the banks of Nous., river, in John ston couuty, Saturday evening. Miss Winnie Hose, daughter of river bank to carry dinner to her brother and a party who were constructing a raft. The two la- dies took a seat on one of the large logs on the sloping bank. In some unknown way ti:e log start- ed rolling. Tho other lady jump- ...I tlii- n.ivt l.liv llliove a. Ill this Htart(.tl it rolling. Miss Hose was eaught by the skirt by the first log and lerkea umier it, ami Dotn logs rolled over her down to the river, crushing the lile out of her instantly. .. If troubled with a weak digos- tion, belching, sour stomacli, or n yon fool dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 23 cents. Sam- pies free nt (1. H- 1 ilkuigtou's drugstore. Liquor Traffic Statistics. fyeiiiivllli i',,riiw,iiliiit of oliarlo.ie Oh, i-rvur. The temperance department of The North Carolina Baptist, edit ed by Mr. John A. Oates, makes au interesting showing of the liquor traflic in North Carolina. There are IK counties under local option or lii-oli i I il irii i lull" JH I ,:l 1 KH loollS . ' ... ... . . sarics. Three counties, jngecomiio Johnston and Northampton, quire bot h saloons and dispensa ries to slake the. thirst of their people. Now Hanover leads off with 57 bar-rooms; llaleigh has 27; Charlotte, Hi; Winston and Greensboro, 9 each; (ioldsboro, 8; Ncrbcru, 14. Gave Poison by Mistake. BnllKbur)' Huu, -ii. Little Lucile, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (. S. Gallimore, narrowly escaped death this morning through a mistake in the medicine given her. The child has been Kick for several j days and this morning Mrs. Gall- 1 imoro took a bottle which sin; supposed contained cough syrup . ll'ul l 4$ " HbraJ in 'se. run laier uisniim:u unit the medicine had produced a stup or and realized her mistake, l'hys- icians were immeadiately ci.lled I in and by heroic efforts saved the child's life. I t was considered out ' of danger this afternoon. Crazed by Sanctification. Fmiu tlio Asht-boro dutlor. Dr. Hubert L. Caveness, of Cole ridge, Handolph comity, passed through Salisbury last night in . - " .... 1 " it ichargo of Stenhen . ( ox, an 1111 "driVSi a"lt Teo iyS'TIlSC ai'O Stl'lCtly Casll priCCS. Ujro by the preaching of a Sanct-1 1: . 7 - - .... icatiomst evangelist. hen l)r, j Caveness arrived here with l.ispa- Itient iiie latter was at nrsi suo- j missive but before the train left I'l i-aiiie no wou-iu iiiai, 11 nun lay heard him again. He at onct: began to show signs of mental dis turbance and grew worse from day to day ui til it was found nec essary to send him to the Mor ganton Asylum. The unfortunate man is 2" years old and has only been married IS months. He was a painter iu a woodworking establishment and was held in high regard by the en tire coini'iuiiity. Twenty-one Miners Killed. Oskaloosa, Jan. 2 b As the re- suit OI a relTlMO mine llisasier ,'ll t . ! . I 1 1:0 explosion occurrei at the noon hour and was w hat is known as a "dust" explosion. The min 1 ers had just fired their noon shots, 'one of which proved to be a fizzle. The burning powder ignited the gas and the explosion followed. Smoke and debris were blow n out .,r Jim vliifl -llll f,... liiob l';ill , ,f the top works was torn away and amounimji lo over a million .u.ii.tis. the fans and cages wi re partially J rp "7vrilli0.m3 wrecked. This made the work of j ' " Cashier. rescue very slow and it was ,'t o'clock before volunteer parties!' dared to venture into the east en-1 According to statistics collect trance, where the explosion oc- , ed by the Census Unrcaii,! he gross ctirred. V 1)11 i)llV foil-lit. their wav in. a horrible sight greeted tliem The dead and injured wel t terri - blv burned and nmtilated, some of them almost beyond recogni tion. Fire, which at first was feared would prove destructive to im '"' '. . the entire mine, had broken out, t"1?'u , tmor tn '""''iT tacle llie tlames were h.ially ndled, and after several -""- 1 j 10 tne names at. iiiu t.eai. i:.i found and carried to the tp of tho shaft. At the time of the ex plosion more than loo men were in tho mins, but all of these, ex cept those in the east entry, es caped with only slight injury. To Cure a Cold in One Day. jTuke Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. (irove's signature is 011 each box. 23c. Blizzard Out West. Outline, O. T., Jan. 2i;. The coldest weather of the winter. ter w hat provision has been mad to protect them, The wheat crop will also sutler loss, as not enough snow l.-w lias .11- protect the new couip.tnicd the bli.zartt to fiJ0 lank growth. In country, settlers, and especially ll...... in ..nvvin.r usi.v.inu f iilii.-l. there are hu ldreds, w ill sutler. I u the Indian Territory, principally ju the ( rook nation, w here tin fU bloods are in destitute cir- cumstat ces, the conditions ; very bad for undergoing tho j ors of such weather. Mops the Cough ' . . . ... ww' Laxative 1 ro to-t.Humne Tablets cure a coin o e day. No Cure, no: Pay. Pi i.e 23 cents. I POPULAR STORE. You can save money by buying your Clothing from W. L. LONDON & We will give you more cloth ing for the next ten clays for your money than ever We have eight Overcoats Worth 0, 7 and 8 dollars, you can take your choice fur $5- Six Overcoats worth 55 and $5.5oyou can take one for $4. Ten Men's Suits of Clothes worth 5 and 6 will go for sM; 12 Suits worth S, $.X.;oand $10, 7.50 will buy one. Clothing lor loiitiisanu isoys at same low rates Anything you W. L LOM Bank of Pittsboro, ZFittstocro, 2T. O. Will receive deposits and make loans and do a jieiicr.ii bar.kinj; busi ness. Interest beanns;- eerlilieates will be issued for deposits. The people of Chatham now have the opportunity, tor the tirst time, ti) patronize a Chatham county bank. Deposits are perfectly safe in a lire-proof vault ai.d Wuiilar-proof safe, and are fully secure.l by all the property of all the Mock holders, I value uf the pro, Itit ts uf manufac- I til re lit tin I'nited States in lHOOi was si:i,oo:t,r2",rs2 as compared iwith !,:I72,1:17,2K2 in l.s'.to, un 111- crease of :is.7:i percent. A Cure fur Lumbago. W. l. Williamson, of Amherst, ',Va.. savs: "Pur mure than a year ' 1 suffered from lumimgo. I fu.-j Cllilllll)llain's Pain! ,, jt ,m, Hllilv wVw iwhicltall ither remedies had fail ed to do. irgtoii. Sold by J. H. Pilk J allies i Wavnesville Courier: (loforth, a 17-year old boy on 'Jonathan's Creek, was instantly j killed last Friday nioining, by, the accidental discharge of a gun. : I Ho sot the gun against a plank; 'fence and was about to climb over; it, when one of the lower planks, j being insecurely nailed, gave way1 and fell against the hammer of the gun. The load entered under his chin and almost half of his face was torn away. ' This (iRtinturo in cn uivry box of tl.o ( iiuino Laxalivc BromoQuininc TaivtH tbe romeily tbat ram n cukl in una 1J i If OK I GAGli SAI.l::- By virtue ' ..t inniioriiy i-,,nre.i.Mi in .oruin m. - ii - '!"v,", l"J M'lH i,,l,y ""r,"t"iU, inn,,,,-iirti .-.., tils nit.i. iu. I lul r.'.-oi.l.il In ihm-l a. h. hi a.i tit, i:.-i;i-..rr of Dti-,1 ofii'ii eiuiiirun i-ouniy. s.c., wc win on Mwiiny ii," ::r.l ,ti,y of Miir. li ism: m ini llio irrnico li-ivln iliin tI.hM iu iwolvo .Col.,, k M, exi.ii f--r mil" Hit.lM'll iii i tii Ii1(cti.v4i liia-lar a li',i,-i ir e.ri-rl l,iii, l Ii i: Hint euuiiie In C hniluim i-muiiy, N r. In il ium- ti,wi.i-lil ml,, li.lii tin- liii, l-,,r w, A. H U I'l-O. 1 1). lllWHtllM MKI) ,lll H, .1 1'., Null in , I oiliiiH. ii i.tnliih g fifty ni-ii-3, iin n- or lw-. l-olni! Hi- lot of lautl ilrnwu l,y Hint h' ,iii-, at'C tuMllt in Hui l,io. mo Vlllun Hum Hi.l, In t!,--ill-f jir. vl'1,11 of Uu- Ihu Ih of J.ilill o. nmi Vllile H,ii'Aii ilfii-u-i,l. in ill mom fully Hp.ii-ir liy iaIovou-i u, ni-'ir,!", of iwtililon In tin, Huiprlur Cur. tin Wh i il, i- oi ci'Iikiii c -ui.iy, whli-li rriMiil of liiril'l ui f-. l!t'-r iIi-m -rl. 1, ii of Halil IhuiI by nwii-H hii'1 t,iiinl" In n-ferre.1 In. Tliit) Jnuuaiy -Mil, tu.i-J. rwlp M tvnaril . .1. L. I'lM.I, Altoruo. I". Em 0i:t,,ia. W. I , I'i i.m, W. II CLtMKSTi, I im-iit ,ri J. M. I'mjli, Ji-. i iiaca. w Macintosh's at cost. Stock of goods to want at II & SON, M'itlshoro, .V, t W. HI.. Lcndcn, President. m:w AD i:ki isi.:mi:nis. j()im;ACL: SAI.Ii: - By virtue 1 11 iiniHK-ip' i-xi-'ui.-a I" .1.0 ly i.ii.fiw I. -liiaiNl- auJ wlli', iiu, rrtstMtt-riil on IiW, In H.x k 1:0, In tin- "IH.-i, r tin n-Klni-r of .looilii ,.i i'!i, nt, 11,11 0111 ii.y, I will wll f ,r .'.-.-Ii ui ,utillc ino-ii n Ht Hit' fotii'i liouMi- iloor lu 1'lit-iUiiii, ou SA'll IIDAV, Till'. IMU CI'- 1 ri.lH-.VHY. VJOl, .In- lai il ili--rlliwI tu skIiI .ii',rlgii;(i. bt'lni! In VOIIIamM lowimlili, ti. ulinilni; hi a .-. uUo 1..U w.-uiIm' oiiik'C In linn ir- lino, i iiiiiiIhk Willi nul.I III,,- oHl lH ii,h- ton Mlilko im oiiiurli, llnmrti up Hit, varlou-i ooiiri-i-i, or ilio foi,.!'' o llio innutti ol Hi.' KlUilllf brillli-ll, Itll'lll'l Hi 'III Tu ilt'rciw Wi-hl I', pi'Ioi., ttil-lico ll'irth lii'i ilotflii'.-i Wfal 'iH ),-!i-.h in rM-k, ilii'in-1- in -rili VJ poion 1 1 u rork, I I . .-1 item :b ioUh to Mm rHil.Uii'ii, - mill sulci r-tiol ni'tili .". iloi;r.'.'M wc.il ti- h hi' ..(-, ilicmii HI'Ml 1116 JHiloH In 11 SLttliO mill l'lll'l UlWHrilri oiriu r. ilioin-B .Hnu li wild liilivap lo lint, hi. ill, ,11. ciintiiluliiL- ui,,, 1.1 U'J n n U. A. 1.0NUON. J. ' . STIIDWll. Alliillloy. Sl.rlB.itjoi'. Julillury 10, I'.hi., North Carolina s I'erciuust Xewiuipi'r. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, i:n:i;v n.w in nil'. vr.Aii. Caldwell & Tompkins, Publishers. J. , Caldwell, Editor. ss.ut pi:k vuar. THK OBSKHVKH j Receives the largest Telegraphic ! News S.Tvice delivered to any pa- per between Washington and Allan. ' , .. ,.,.-,. 'r.,: . ; tlw 1 and special service is the greatest ever liar.illeJ by a Noitli (. ai'l'lina paper. . THF. ST-NPAV OPSFHYEH Consists ot Id or more pages, and is to a lai '.e extent made up of orig inal matter. SLMl-WLFKLY OBSLHYLH. Printed Tuesday and 1 riday. $1 per year. The "largest paper m North Carolina. Sample copies sent on application. Address Tho Observer, Charlotte, N. C.

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