Chatham Qectrvd. KATES or ADVERTISING Cbaitraa Xkttoxb. i ' " II. A. LONDON, EDITOn AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 FEB TEAR Strictly In Aduntt. One square, one insertion One squtue, two insertions Oue square, oue moath It 1.14 VOL. XXI Vr. PITTSBOIiO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBHCAKV C, llJ02. NO. 25. Tot lrjr dTortiwnieit libevml Nets will bo made. "fie -.-.paoish (reasdre. A NOVEL. 13? CQrs. SlizatclH (? CvDintr. (ISABELLA CASTELAR.) (Copyright, 1IJ1 u4 1IM, b CHAPTER I. j v A MIANCB MEETING. ! On ft damp, unpleasant day, late in Ihe mouth of February, two young women were hastening through crowd -for tho strict was full of people, notwithstanding the dismal weather, l'lii place was the upper part of Broad way, above Madison Srpiare, huiI both Uieee girls were (joins; in the fame di rection, toward the north, both walk ing at the same pace, aud keeping the tamo distance hut ween them, so that an observer might well have fancied , that one wai in pui'Htiit of the oilier. This was partly true, although neither was awnru of it. The foremost of tbc pills was handsome, richly aud e!c- ' puiitly attired, bright and happy; t!ir j other was pah-, Kail, plainly dressed ! aud, though her face was of the kitul j lhat might under exceptional cueiim- i rtauces beooiim bcvutifitl, it was not j now pretty ei:;iu pi to attract even a (assing gltiuoe. Any rn'iiul passer would havo de scribed these two as a fashionable voting womau and a poor pirl. The first paused as she leached tho corner ' of lhiityfourth street; the other girl ' alsk) paused, a few feet distant. Tilt street was crowded, as it usually is u'. that time of day, and several surface civs wore passing rapidly iu various directions. The snow of two days past made a deep, slushy mire, ns tlippery and da libel ous to wulk through as it was unpleasant to see. The young lady, who was not nccitstomed to walking, and had no seuso of the tlau ri r . that particular crossing, suddenly tossed her little head and, with a alight laugh, plunged fori, anl into the chaos of moving vehicle and horses. The movement was unex pected that n policeman, who hud lice;t Coining t In r assistance, ft in 1 frt'll a. id "live utterance to a few vehe ment remarks; cxplo ive exe! am..1 ijiis, apparently from every pnii.t of the compars, were blown about lhn.:i ;h tl:e air: all sorts of vehhden ha:-ke I hurriedly and then' wheels hecaiiiti it:-t-.-l locked. Several hurss pe foi me 1 impromptu circus-fcit of standing on tiieir hind legs, and all the diivcrs wore loudly, heartily and with ranch apparent iclish. Out of this wild cu:i:ttoiiiii the young lady presently emerged on the other side of if r.'ct , her p.rm cloudy hild in the lir.-u i ol tlie poor gill, and both young women were now equally pine. ' must have been crazy to attempt to cross the street just then," said the former. " don't know what pos t e sed me t i do it. You sec, 1 am not K,'C'i:-l'iined to being out alone. I left l.iv c ii riag ' "tjewhern here, to go into a store; then I walked down a few Mocks to aiui'.ier store' mi I .lames mil.-! have mi-seil no'. 'out"-e, I oil lit to have waited till ln c line up : lie w. uld have found ;nn auin in a min ute. Jiiu for vo l, T should l-. ive been hilled horribly killed! crushed and wangled! (Hi, bow frightened I wa-' Ves, yes, yon have saved rny life! And bov,' can 1 th ink you? Surely there is f jiiietMiiijr 1 can do for you, too " She suibieiiiy left oflT ab t-, t herself and, turiiiti towards the cirl, wiio still iudd her i.rm in the same til m ehiv, she looked at her over frmu head t.i foot witii one swift, nl'.-coui-preheusive feminine plaiice ; and wln n she spoke H;':ui, it wus ill Soflcued aud Reutle voice. "What can I do for yon?" she said. ' You have certainly saved my life, and von needn't be afraid toask somethiu.; worth while, for my life is precious to many people, and I vuluo it very much tnyelt. The pale nivl spoke f jr the first time, slowly and, :is it seemed, with di.Ti rilly: lut her voicn was distinct, th-l.llill low. "I don't know that I vuluo mine as o ivht to," she sui 1 in answer to her roiiipanioii'.s la.'l words; "indeed, I have been trying to think, rdl day, how I could net rid of it. l'erhup.H that is why I came to do an I did. lint 'ippo-e I were to ask you no to save "Why, I would do it, of course," as the (juiels reply; "yc, indeed, nt t ie i i 'k of my own. What'i your mime?" "Dolores Mrndoza." "What n pretty name! Mino is just p'aiu I'olly Hamilton. Aud were you really !,'oin;r to lint no matter. You b iik heart-broken aud sick and sorry. Where can that .James be? Ah, there he is! You limy let gr of wo now, though I do tremble even yet. James, how stupid of you to go and lose me! I mis nearly killed aud would have ln-eii ah, so horribly! but for thus lady." "I saw it till, iuiss,"aid theahirmed !id eon' rite James, who, by this time, was holdinx open the carriage-door, "f hero was such A jam 1 couldn't (ret tho horses through one instant sooner, miss. Jlope I may die, miss, if my heart wasn't iu uiy uiouih when I seed you in under theiu wheels, miss! lue sinht fail ly left my eyes, an' when I conld hto ajraiu, the young lady Lad you safe over!" "That sho had, .Ta a--, and n thvi'.is t'j you or'..-.' tho-e howliu?, trigbtened, k"s-.-.riBS men. Come, J)olore," she adee j, as sb stepped quickly into the carriage, "get iu here alongside, of uie; I'm I'.oiiiji to tit k u you borne." J.'olores moved towards the carria re ut, Mi Hnailtou instantly pv.' uid, with piia mi dliliculty, .... Bor Bavsrs'i l.ti l "Are you l.uit ?"" t't? erii .l; "Ja'ues lift her.'' "l.!i. no. please; I eai do Lt'.ier alone," said J)uIoius, and with heroic foititilde she restcl her foot a Moment on the ftcji and .limbed into the c;r ria;;e. Her pallor increase I to tfhat liness, and a cold perspiration started out like dew npon her brow and around her pallid lips; and as she sank upon the seat, a frioiin of anguish es caped her ang.ii!i that could no lunger be repre: seil. "Von are hint!" exclaimed Miss Hamilton, in great distress. "A little, not lunch ; the wheel passed over my foot," she murmured. II er head fell back. .Sbo had fainted. "Drive home, .Tames, quick as lihl niii.;, and lu) careful!" cried Ji.i Hamilton, with the manner that never o.l'unUd her servants, though it al ways brought prompt obedience. vho pnssed nil arm under the r.eck of the insensible, gill and RCtitly pil lowed tho drooping head on her shoul der. Mary Hamilton was an on'y child, and from infancy her will had been louo in tho homo when she reigned, in undisputed qiKiu, Y"heu but a nor, her li;tl:er had "fouud his luck. to borrow bis own word, in California iu '-i'J; aud havini; a level btad and an honest beuit, he hud inuiia-.v 1 to hold on his "hick" when oth-rs i,l! around tit in had either lost or fipindeltd theiis. lie Ri-t w viidi raoid'y, and on the prin ciple thut like ei'.r.iels like, bis money . te.i: 1 to have the k!iad of constantly doii'nliii jii-tlf, not oiily in lm-iresa enterpii.-es but i'i the i.iote p- rsouid .tlfai'.sof his hie. At th" ae of thirty ue niarrie ! the daughter of a million aire, and I'e :i,;h it was a love iuatcli, it do'iHc 1 his wei'.t'r, ."..i 1 it was wiih .inn o t .::-.' or Hi' try j-r'alnesi fat he welcome I hi tint chil l. lint with the cieiiii!.; of this coveted heir came the tirst .treat '.'I'lcf that hil l ever laden upon the p iient i - the toy died when only th"- o .-a'-s ol 1. Within the nest live yein s a sister and then a bioihei v.ere hot it lai I ti re it I 'ride him ou that In'ui lull tout overlooks tho Pacific. Ocean m the Mibuibs of Sau rraucisco. It was thee, iu t'.io depth of tiieir desolation, that the bereaved father an 1 mother felt bow nneless, liow worse than useless, and almost a cruel mockery, was th. wealth they ha 1 rejoice I in poesiinj, only that they riitrht ban 1 it on to thoso who would follow them. Hut after soiui sad and lonely years years of such bitter Ri ief aud disap pointment ns teach the heart, preat lessons another child came to tlieui and n u i not called away. They named Imr Mary, the loveliest of names, but its owner ruthlessly broke it up into that of "I'olly," ns soon as she could speak ; aud, so strung is tho force of iiisocmtiou, to tho two who loved her as the dearest things on eaith, "1'oily" soon became the, most cbarmin? name iu the world, sine'! :t represented all that was prettiest, moat fasciiiaiin;; aud endearing, most roguiitb, playful and delightful to theiu. In truth I'olly Hamilton wasa sweet and lovable p:il. Though spoiled from her cradle she was not seltish, except in a superficial way, and not vainer than other girls whoso mirrors com pliment them even more thau their friends. Sbo was simple, warm hearted and a'.Tectionate, loyal to all who loved her, and not bitterly ntifor giviuir to her enemies if she hud any. As the carriage was whirled onward Mary Hamilton spent the few minutes of tin) drive homeward i:l looking at tho insensible face resting ajrainst her shoulder, and iu trying to e,uess ut its owner's history. "Dolores Mendoza!" she thought. "A S.iaiush name ami it good one, There i was a Meudoza down in Yuma County, and ho claimed to belong to tho old Custiliaii Aristocracy. I'apa will know. I wonder if this pii-l it any kin to that stock. Khe has a strik ing face, now that 1 look at her nlosely. Aud what hair, with her olive cone plexion! What could she mean by trying to pet rid ot her life? Ho youu ", sho can't be more than twenty, l'oot -irl! And she is poor, too, for every thing about her shows it. How slen der and delicate sho looks! Ah! I'm afraid sha kotsn't even had enough to eat," and takiu; one of Ilia unsrloved hands that wero lying so helplessly still, in all the uti" niseions pathos of insensibility, she raised it tenderly, and looked with n searching, critical raze at tha delicate attenuated lingers. Though brouebt up in jimuy, Maiy Hamilton had seeu eiiouirh of lifo iu thelaudor quick fruns u.n! quicker losses to recognize the signs of pov erty that had ovenakhu those born to oetter fortune. Her own warm baud closed over tho thin, worn lingers; and khn thought, gratefully, how easy it would he to ciiasm a part of the hard fate which had been laid on this unknown trirl. At that moment the curriao stopped in fruit of a nundsome house iu one of tho ue?v mid fashionable nptown street", aud in tho bricftst possible time. Jkine. a -ir!ed by uiio of t je door scj'van!.". va .'r;'yin; the stli! iiiier,:iscio:is gil l thro Jgl. the wide lu 1 and u i to .h of thoir younj; mi tress. CI! Vl'l I'.U I!. iiOLtir.i.i. yo." aid Doctor ilacdoaid, in nswei' t.i Mif Htmiiton't capsr tu qnlrles, "she is not severe'y hurt. Xo bones broken, no tembms iwirtod. A simple brnite and n..l v.iy seri'Uiii fortuuately. She di-ln't tnint from pain at least the paiu aloi.e wr.ii'i not have caused the swoon. Compul sory fsstiug, poor girl I Ji has b.'.-u fjtut for her, all the year round, l'i.i afraid, even ut the 1 est of t.mes; and for the jin-t forty-t's'tit iionrv. she Inn ha 1 iiot!iiti3 mure uoirisl iu:j lhaa Ciotou water." "Oh, Doelor Macdoiiidd: And New York is failed a eharii able chy." ".S it is. Miss I'olly; : o it is Don't you run away wir'u any notums to the contrary. Tii it youu;; woman wasn't looking for charity, she's not lhat kiud; and don't make any mis take if VOIt thick of h.'iil;; e id I to hsr as you do, of coni.-e, fi r you ' t help bein,J f.roo I t i cveryh uly. 'i'.i nie, us her jht-'i-ian only, the has confided the I i : of hiving had ti 'ii in'; to f at since toe day bei- re y-. .'.er liuy. Tli i'.. toether nitiil ie pai'i of her foot, but, more t :a i :ii. else, the sitddeu react i hi of a.i i. .c '.vro:i?,ht, highly sensitive nervous sy tern, has been the cause of the swoon whica has so alarmed uu." "Then sbew. u'l be l imcV'' "Not iut'.'.c le.. t. All she r.-eU i caro and lionri-liiccut, i.n I v.ithiu a week or two she will ii iu her normal condition as to jhy.-iial health at least, as nearly s i as is po-oMe, under the circumstances. Hit! I must tell you that she seems to be suH'eiing from severe mental depre sluo,'.n lily tho result of recent I'i'i..'. O.i that subject she will be more en drntial with oue of her own sc than she could ever be with a cruMy old bachelor like myself. You end si.-' aro about of an age, and I darts wager that before a week is over y m w ill both have exchanged coiiii h njes to thi last word if theio is such thiii among youu;; women." "Doctor Mae 1 maid:" csclnimc 1 Mary, in mock iinbgiialioii. ",;.:t there! You know you nie a priv; legt d ict son, an I yoi know, t-o, tiit yen think yoiiuu women -nil of ihe.n the iuot chnrmiiig (eatures in the wide world." "Certainly, my de:..-," was tin laughing reply. "I im a debt f gratitude to the female pi riiioi of the human raee. What would my prac tice be but for the lovely women of this t-,r."'t ciiy? Th'-ir wrong-headed-tiess nnd sTrnnc;-h'.de.l:ies-.-, thtv.r weak-iiiiudeduess an 1 Meek-minded-ness, but, above all. their trou ' !v.i!nedu"ss! Ah, my tlear, In lore the whol'! lot of them! Tin y multiply my vciu'ly income by ten "I II bear no morel" interrupted his impatient, listener. "You i re ipeoi rigible! Hut I forgive nil your uilum nies against my sex, sine? you tell mo that this dear girl will Buffer no 1 enuanerit injury from th" c.ireidi r.t I aiis the means of cat. -ing. nd now muy lgo to play with her av.h.'e '" "Yes, if you won't talk to:j intteh. She is quite weak. Jl she is inclined tu talk to you, let her do so iu moder ation. It will rase her mind. Jhit let her rest and sleep ns much as sho will. (Joo.l-bye. 1 will see her ayaiu to-uinrrow. " '(iod-bve. You are so ro id! I rill try to remember all a i . ice, eoe tor, aud, better still, I w ill act tipoui t." As she turned awav to go upstairs. Miss Hamilton found herrelf thinking more deeply than was customary, with her gay and happy young mind. "isoiuethiiig about Dolores aHeots me powerfully," sho mu'io l. "She makes me feel ns if I wanted to be very good. 1 wonder what it m. I'er- hnps it is what they call 'magnetism,' 'atmosphere and that sort of thing. I dou't under.-timd it a bit, but I'm Hiiro it is gooti, lor she not only attracts, mo but makes me wish to l o noble and great." As sho reached the door of the room which had been eiveu to tho young stranger, Mary paused in momentary hesitation before entering. There was not the faintest sound Iron) with in; therefore, she noiselessly opened the door without knocking, to tindher mother seated near the h"d on which the new occupant lay fast asleep. Mrs. Hamilton was regarding the sleeper with 1 . .1 ... i. '. ... gr.i' it tide r.s well as a lino- itioii, and she t 'trued toward her daughter with a i.'esiure imposing silence. .iary dr ov forward a low chair aud sat down eh. e to bur mother. Dolores, who was now under the in fluence of a mild sedative as well us wholesome a id stimulating nourish ment, presented it very dill'eieiit ap pearance from that he had presented u few hoars lielore. iter lace wits now faintly (lushed with warmth and sleep, aud her magnificent auburn hair, half untiounil initl lying on tne laee-trimmed pillow, formed a lining background for tho delicate features and perfect though sharpened outline of th- cheek and chin. "Isn't alio pretty?" whispered Marv. "brantifnl, rather, I cell her," a-: i-red Mrs. Hamilton, in the sau.e hushed tone. "Ye.-, mamma; you are right," assented Mary. "Her face is much too tine for mere prettiucss. And what lovely hands! You can sen that sh-'s a lady, mamma; and 1 do so want a sister I have always longed for a sister, niauiniu." "I know it, dear," an'-re l Mrs. llai.iiltrn, stifliug a fmt pang ot jealousy. i'oor woman! She had tiied so hard to be both mother aud sister, i .th sometimes a momentary bitter ness at finding th.? oR'urt a failure., ".is perfect h-ve eisteth out leur." so, also, it out jealousy. She can U'- the sweet taca rais0d to ward her, half wistiully, half eutreat-itii.-ly, between her own soft hands . nd kis,ed the. rosy mouth with the passionate fervor of unselfish le vol inn. "That me?! 'yes,' " '" ee! I slij, "0 you dear nia'-munl" 13 IS f ?ST3HVW) -fV OUR Til Impurtant Part of It. He said. "I'll write my name I. Lon tl'O scroll of faim: 'J world's applause I'll claim In f.r.i's yet t be." ,,:.l as he tcrned to ieavu Tne l.nly plurked his slu ve: ' lion- irueii will OU t'erciyc iVr tVIng this 5" mi t - -C liica.?!) iiee 1 HrrJ.0. lilt Iiilniuatlc Itrpty. "Is a dipio:i:it ever jtis-rliied in usiaj prcvai'!r.'"in:i'r" nkei! his riieitd. "AVell," s.iltl the clip) )! ia(. "ho is cer ic.l 'l.v i.i t ju.-il ie l ii: ealilng it by thai rut sc." ruck. ..'.pfis-s I wrs l:ig to her, but i-i. i harming 1 i '.o.-t yjr.r luai! n:..- .;tn:o-v nt i oi. "You havtt n:i:i'"J in;- i:r. 'i" Slil Ml, ( 111 r ; Lusijt'i: nr my refn io m.i!;e some i ! d.'fi r. n.lal I 'res. f :uy e -it 1.1 a :. i !."-!). ;t it l'r. His I'T'il'in.iilun. "I am :i fi-aid," m 11 a c-italu small boy's mother, "ih ;t ; ii'-" overeat ing. Ar. n't you a 1. apprehensive?" "Xo," was the at. we", sifter due do lil era: 1 ::. "l'lii n"t afraid. You know l.'o.ot s are n.i uraUy timid." v.'illiie; tn Try. rTavnld-"Co,:'.. n ir':" Amelia ".Vi: hard. I'apa bri ; n bread I.' my I from oversiud;-'. y ,,it l-arti to love I'll Iry aw ful ;i.,e-l to S ill! !i;C It lc,;s (l .wa ;now!" I'lKk. Self-I! ''Yntl eti'.Tiit t to lie ;:l;l," iald tl.' "Yottr advice rial inn. irry a i : od sensb lend. raiv.dor'," an- v.:- ;v 1 Willie W'e-hlhgioii. "How am I to f'i 1 a f.-e;i:-i! le girl who Is fonlisli nocg'u to marry me':" tYiifeiiiugtoii ri"i:'t you "-h:e t. i Who is sll'gb -n-.ti .! I.' ri'.le';" ,vered the man rli'dtlreii as a thool. J llell't t yon iov I tr.t laiirle : ,'e ilr. I fear ti. :ii Ailmtrallon. "Yoti admire your grandfather very riuei . i! u't you. my little man?" "Ves." n;:s'.vci'ed I'm- yniiil'.. "oii think he eni'1,1 do tilings that n i .; else e.iUltl. i . I i " f vii'l':" "I l:e could. He It: lsh lathi r whenever be f. 1 ,'tl lc bke puu- llniin's A III irl Ion. 'VI Mr. liru.ii "Docior, 1 sulTcr sn ter ribly with insomnia that I ciin't sleep mile than two month: at n lime Uur li:g die winter."'e. The Miidet harm. "I..fs ycui- son know inuch about farming:" "I sho'.ild say ho il.ies." answered rarmer Corntossel. "He says he reek ms he'll go lo town an' make about a million itoliats. nu' then cum b:i'k au' ru i this farm proper'-Wusiiingioa tUar. An srt;tlc .trhliivenif nt. I..'. 1 "'V.'ny. Aunt l-.mliy, this is a lovely photograph of you! What were yen "tliinkins of to gel such a charm ing expression':" Ainu Kmily "Well, when the photo grapher got me properly posed he for got himself ami said: 'Now, look stu pid, please." "Detroit l-'ree l'ress. ar lue It The Iiiittip.'l - "lint t'.rs is such a q'.-rer. tr.iroimi'iiie way to propose to a girl. Mr. Wellup. In the daytime, ar.d on the wav to a suburban train" The Widower "I know It, Miss de M::ir. I've gci:eriilly proposed whilst taklu' a insiiiiiliidii ritle with the gal, but I thought !'' g" and do it iliQ' ei:t this lime. "--i hlcago Tribuue. IIISIIttpolfltlltf'Tlt. "I suppose yell are disappointed be cause the in: lis condemned your book." "Ves. I ilnn't I liinl what they said so much as ihe mean way In wh.cb they s:i,d il." 'They s.een d disptiscd to be ll.ild." "Ves. No::" of the denunciations were s.idUii!" ly violent to attract any utteiitioii wln.:eer to the book." ashington S.-ir. One liesmii l'nr Slnrrylns. Vera is live years old. As a ru'n she ts a very Joyous liitle maiden, but ue iiuy she home from seho d looking exeei .'.;.igiy pensive. By and by she voiced h r woe. "Oil, ilea:." she said. "I do wish 1 didu't have to g" married." "Well, you I'un't have to." sai.l her moihir. For n moi-ieii- Vera'b face bright--U 'd, but i- " ti the clouds gathered :.,.'e IhlelJ;. : n ever. eh, jg, ! !" " she sniJ. "If 1 any i '.. ev'.-;;. . will look down oa me," New Y.rtk Times, Tim l.u. ilan r "Well, vi . I s a!l;.':- hasty l:t pr:',i is Ihe fr.-t it. she l"i::e-! 1 .s: my 1. i.:. I Pel; ' i M I ."::! y ."-Ito-'.otl T-:it-e-;! V't .V : ".I a-s (I ' . .' k lli, ''tif,,vi t - FOLLit'S OF EARLIER FASHIONS, M.a Who Slairtirit Tli.-ir l:mriii ana XA'ore sti-ier u Viivt r.tinc. It Is a little gratifying to rt-lleet t'nt, however the m.ui of to day may com pare with his urn -csioi.s of bjironc cm turles In physlote- or morals, his tltess Is much more moderate nnd iiiextieu sivc, even if it Is less picturesque tliUD theirs. It Is true that hire and there one may timl soiue foolish young man whose taste In dress is as extra va'-i'.nl ns that of iiuy "I'lii k" of the d.iys of the !eorges. There is, for Instance, a sru of a well known peer who has the reputation of never wearing a suit twice. He has a wardroi e of waist coats of all the colors of the rniu'.-ow. ranging from i '. Hue spannicl with silver stars to n deep grei ti s.'.ll'l with buttons of elglitee.i karat piM. each of which Is ndoni-d with the painted face of a beatit it'i.l woman. Another wealthy nristo"rni Is i 'ed ited with having as runny sr is ai d uniforms as there are days iu the year, and with t pciiiPiig on his tailor's bid a sum which would pay the yenily e.darv of a um ir cabinet minister. Hut such me: i compared a past century. ir. ' t'.est'.y iirrayed. i!:.i:tlies f i mny Ilarl i f Xjiihum- lu fhiutl. who lived i;i the h'-tt' r putt i f the i'liuric- I'll eiuriry, luasiiel vn fewer l linn six: -r.its i. f el nh of ): ild nh.!:i'. and the i'.ishop of Illy, of that time, hud n change of raiment for ev ery dcy cf the year. Much later, i:i (..ue. n Mary's tine, tl:,. wan'robe f a bishop might have brvu the envy of Sohiir.on ii r the vericty :.nd e islll m ss of lis cintenis. am! tve:i a! ? village priest, aerordii r to l'liller. w ire "n vo-i!i"i!i .f erl'i:s-..i sa'.iri, a vist mint rf criu S'-n velv t. a if!" alid fan :i ret wiih f. :;:1, gown--- faced whii taffeia"," f'tc. Iu tile (1 t.vs rf Chrv.'fr fashion".!." run wore floth-s. n;; mr-ny-colori d as Jcseph's crpt, so thai "while one 1 -.: v.nt'hl be a bir.y.e if cri i.soii the other world be tricked out In gvet a r lil-.t" (r cl!ov, witi'-utt rny regi'i l i.i bar it.o'.iy or conirast." liven r.s laie as the r.ddill" rf i'i" eli'litei nh century a dandy wuu'd deck bhits'-lf i:i "a vivid irn'-.i coat, a waist coat rf seailoi. yellow breeches M'.d Mire stycU'ligs." t.nd ihe ..e:illcn:an . f few y.-ns's l::ti r wore, at-ietig similar irt rial vac.iri.-s, ;: oat of light gn t ;i. wiih sleccs tio for ii:;' arm.-t illld bt'.tlogs He, big for the sleeves; a pair of Muni-hosier ;i ie stuff bri" -i li- wiih .Ut. I.ioii-'y ill their po.tiits, tnled silk stoe!,:n:.': a club i f 1 .i ir did, hng.f llrm the In -ad that :ir- rles it, n hat id' Hi" slz.r of a sixpence C:1 a IllOCIi liol M.ntli a i'.ioliius t ori" fashh-uabb- cum h our :i'l- erstors. io q'lo.e !! wntils oi a ipiao i i l.rouieler. ""vm M w.-arc clothes s tigllle to e skill 1i..'!1 it llii"ht Well tie: conceit c 1 tl'.ey w ire i:o eloli'es :,t il;l;" i :.:u', at in itln-r lime liiey w-.uld wear! them "so voluminous that n s:i'is: j suite might uell have affor.icd rayi.n in for a whole 'miiilic; and so s::i:V d cut with feathers thai, of u vcri'v. their wmrers resemlileil iimlilii:: si; liltl'di c.s uall uig sitckes." At aii' tie r p"'ioil ii wr.s the gro- I lesqile f:i-h!eli lo eotuliilii.' en on i" f- 1 son ihe lire--! , , tin- cnmlrit s igl Ihu'upe: lie- bai wouhl be Spam- i. the I'rt ie h. Hi" trniisi rs Turkish, nial so oii; -i that th;' wean r was a "walking i pi:: i::e of lit" dress of a colli incut." At one lime shoes wouhl lie w n'ti with stptare toes of such widill '.;::' a royal proi lamai: ui was issued limn ing the width to six inehes, and these shoes Were succeed d by o.bers Unit came to the 1-ile: I ICS. In Henry Il.'s ti: two feet long Wt-ri humble, and in the these points bad lioil.tH at I !.o si;, es with points v.-, r u by the lash leliMi of Uei ry IV. tiw n to such an in ordinate length that, in order to li able to walk al ail. It was necessary to attach Hu lips i the knees by chains, which were of ui-'d or silver, while the tops of the sho - wire ca-ved with all kinds of funics h designs. l:i the early part of th" ligktecnth century It was n commou tiling for :. man of fashion to spuid .several l ours a day with his vale:: :n t .ng th" many quaint operaihu;s bung "ihe starching of the beard and the pri.pi r perfuming of garments, the palutiug if the face and with oils, tinctures, quiit'c.-s ttees, and poma tums." It is even saiil lhat some of the dandies of ihe lime tallied in w Inl and milk, "for the presi rvathm of I heir complexions and the rejuvenation of Ihi'lr energies." Tit-Hits. Tl:y Have Long fmirttlilps I" "orwT. Xorwecian weddings arc almost al ways celebrated at the close i f a short Scandinavian siiiuini r, a sea-oii which the Industrious Ni.rsei.u n liinl loo short In which lo work, and freni w hich they Wouhl never ip-eaiu of tah- ing the days that are ihe long drawn -out It -.Norse wedding. So tin ere wooeil all the year -sary lul ls of 111" ,1, ns who i.l ate lt- n::; I. ally weiltletl at the ! clionii- "I w. li ter. Norwegian woomi.s i re very frank and very long a doll.; mer Sundays the lam.;, ti: a i.l l yways are nieem v llach i Jtiple saunters slow 1 in the least shy, his arm shoulders, her arm about I Mi sum hi.hw .i .S ill loVtgS'.g. liol about b.i his walsl X.r do l hoy untwine their arms n they pause a little to eha! whli friend.-, not even if they stop to speak with rasnil acipiaintauccs. Ten or a dcr. ;i ycr.'.a often elapse beiweiti the Mr l day of courtship and the day of mar riage. while- a seven years' is ceiisidered of ury moderate leui'Ji. Woiuai.'u Homo Coiiipajiiou. The nioinberidiiii o." frnt'vnal eignnl :;itijn: in the Vuitut Sia is and '.Im age. r.cti'Jlng to n coaiyi-atioa o lat Tfopfirs, is 5,72.010. iVAYS OF TIIE BBI0ANDS tIC MANM5R3 HAVE NOT CHANCED MUCH IN A CENTURY- I ' I MaiKthy In Fiction and An - D it Vul- ! daily I'ruellcol in III" hmrn l'ro- luii-Why He I'liiUeiIlow ?e(.e- letui Co'HHf rtfil. The following article ; written, for the Washington Ilvenim. Star by IVilllam Illliot (Irinis. I.I..").: A l ew j Macedonian ery-"comc over and help j .is" -rings iu our cars. This time it is j i woman's. At the opcnih: of 'be w-'Uiieth century the siiirtteU' .on fronts us as thai in I'1!- ,, 'lections were taken In the chrivh'-' i o ransom American captives held Iu prisons of Tripoli. I" Mohamme-j Ian countries th- name of the young, l' I Vtati-M wa ihe synonym fer lover.v and iinpo'e ie". To-day i:i the ( -nil" region uie i u.e " , iv.-i'ilii and wcal'.lless. On til" lid or .-epteii.ici. ii " r.'.rklsh provli:"" of !:oeiigii.'. on a. road fiv;pv 'n!y tiavth d. orr ci.ti iiry ivcman. Mi-'- M. Stone, iind a j ! r.riy of elovwi ' -the. i-'-r-eu-i v : , .-rricin iel iu a tnoui.taiu 1 ''.i-i;,!;,;- i r f irty l!i:lgrrlan i '''-' ' iv ho spoke bv. '.e:i T-irki'-h. v: r TV. '.-. .-!. I e.h -s :i:, i had their faces -na-.. i ( n- I hicketie..!. Th" r.tdgariati br;:::::! ;" ; if were th".v Tuvks'n were pnlio'lv I arertd to d.sinlss th" ri:gl!-b clergy -I ut'i. bis wife and bis Wlfi-'n father, lull. In bop" cf a large ransom imI'V . oi i th".v lt.'i'i the American lady. "'he brigand I- a prcuacleiu ch.gvae. lei-. Long bil'ol'e Ihe day-, of Parab I a.; h" was in old tiivece and Itonic. I-ideed. wiibout him i.'iieh of Ih' lr fa-' rigatlng nyihi'logy would lo-e po'ti!. Mvcry bind has known him. end att-r l:c hits been proper') ban-ged, broken r;i 111" wheel, or boiled 111 oil, his e ploks form the Maple of nursery 'ore iv.r after. The folk b'te of China, p.p.ui and India is as full of him as W the Mngl.'ind of Iio'.ln Hood. Jack Sin paid or Hick Tnrpin. In a Japan i-e inn i.l'.' I'.-itlr-s in a tub isaumd ai er a k'ii'-bt of the load. " i:o was tlel;. conked according to i.iw. i.tii'inn is . ir Dacolis; Syria knew its patrio: i,...f..,- i,f ih.-. Human. wi'Oiii lb n d out of Ih "ir lairs only by lower i :g down the face (:' Ih" clip's great l .xis tilled with warriors. M'.iii )"' tie- way io .brhiio offers work !: good Siiiiiafiltilis. To travel froo. Athens to Miirathoii 'h" st'tdeui must rro armed n the te -Hi. Italy is the e!as-ie I ome of tho briuaiels. wbb S;..on as a Hear rival. Who does t: i tigr.ember the brilliant picture of Kor-. a.e Venter, in which the I'reUeb era Li II t l I '.'ikim'ia pisous Uie ; at:d picturesque robber? Ho p'oi-ie Seblnilerha iues Is tenderly cln t I-bed. The Spanish Jose Maria, tin 1'rom 1: rarloitcb". i lie l t.slhin IV. '.a are siill ih- fascinating theme of tire side Mory. Indeed, what would art. fiction an I the operatic stage (lo with iut th" bri ge'ld. Willi his peaked and liefeathei'ei! 'hi't. his i hroniaiic jacket and llnnihoy i ni l sa-h. and a whole latticework of I lack ril'bnn.s mi bis legglns? Win. i ,1,.1-s :n i reiiieinber ihe ditty. "On yon , d.-r,:; reclining?" Is no' that geit I ever on the decline. ti"ii' oth-v I r:an lir.cher Ivvil. or l'ra luavolo'. It i- ih" brigaiid's luisliiess it: reetie i o:i th' rook and wail for his pic). II" lives with the sportive goat-' T... 1 l-di hllN arc a refuse for him. as w.-'l j :is for ! Il lie)'. Indeed, so Hill' 'i i- i t ii, ehroule Phi iic-s iilieeieil by lue. I rigif.el that popular c;ymoloi:!si-, b, ; ing i i who reiiiember both-- i.:.- I '.:i "ii.l ihe '-eilernl lelldeiley ! j i nj.Ui!1 , Ull ,.,,!,., e,:!. de- live ih - word from brigunl. a lli:h lander, and this from brig, a liillum. i lint, no! our friend, ever per-on iil lith iu di'Ctirative elelilenls. 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 -. : - j tcore g. nial climes lo the southward, j III- name, In Its true tlci'ii ail. hi. ex plains why he is often so popular, ecu ,1 -r. d ii palrii i, the alleged chain oti of ihe poor and ihe terror of tin i.;u-r rich. Down at the root, the diati word means ir: be ambitions, i be bus; at'tl strive, to achieve grand lings, only as the gentleman on the h lllop llfcrpi'eis these terms ;.i th" disadvantage of the traveling public does bis name have a bad sense, an 1 mean robber or pirate. Next to cap lure, bis business is ransom. Indeed, brigands in the Middle Ages were ba rons, 'itiii tin- later leuoai sysn-ni i. n- a sort of lieu-e l brigandage. In the days wlii a soldiers had lo get their pay in the best way they could- will-h Is largely the situation of the Turkish army c.ilb crs and soldiers to-day -ransom was a regular business. To day it may seem a teiribly large sum to pay (s'no.oiiui for an unniarrl.d American lady in midilV life. We ask. where are the knight crratil? Yd think of the fat hauls which were nindo in th" past by kidnapers or nh ditelors of sunn- "u: of Plchard I. released on pay io "ti values of to dayi of SJ.Ooii.iniii. or of !i'n; John of IViiii.-:. rm.i I for SUM ."on paid In Installments. Do we associate Hie brigand ult'i vulgar Ibit ves and pb-kp.ieket? How do we injure iu'ee enccl Our "'i; nieit'ia! Ideas i,iy l;,e.i ilm-e of th" kidnapers :iieiv.selw. ol cf those who look back icinb rly upon tleMti I'sii al'y the bi-igaiid is a g-.-ii'lmnan of property, ns In- certainly Is of standing la the bugl conimuiiiiy. lie exists only where gov erunu m is weak, and v. 'it-'-e anaiihy prevails more or le . n- it has long prevailed In Macedonia ni.d linlg.ivla. IMialiy he is in collti s....i -.'iili the authorities, and h's plv.u th . is otien shared by the military, es p. i.iliy the uupaid military, who are -uoiiii.-ed t" extermiiinte him. The bii gniol is iis'iially a very religious man. :it:it eminently orthodox, with a cuti :i:.e void of ofl'eute. He follow.- :- i-vsiU'.'s? I'.i or 'or to pr.y his elair.-h cv.-.sjuici-is. II vowi to tUe YUsia nr.:' ''er.-. ac :o y'.eol iie iiopes all c r.-d'tig hi' e.'. I'y a I , .ii.'v 1:1 .:. Not only ' i-a'.al rla, iii Spnin, la 'l : ,m Vi. una to Nr. pie, and ih Levant, but even Eur hitiese end Jan.-iur'so robbers ut io the i:i-u i!e.".'ci-. c ' devt 'Jo this day 1.) and rra!u (!; I lli:i. hi e" -.!- .ale i::nl i i ..;' I-- or 1'aiy !-. h-1 1 ill cxe ; : ih roadi :. ..b.'liilo'.i of -1..H by lntvlug; v shot, whether iu the liume or seliisll It.OtiVCS. t ,- .. of govern--.- th rgv:"-ite ng 'io iy I'.iiitic. a w is rqiiul and I sui'.ui-r. b.i.'tl 111' 11 tlu ;:U ct'isiele of i pl.-ifo wi'ltill ;.. . -t ii" r 11(1 , ... : ;. r. even iii i titineiital .on -ilt. es lndtl Si .;.-( was kid -!-.-!, n the vil :,.l:i iu the Hal-,,- ! V. ."c y-tlife I .-.if-. !..' ih'Te'.gh r o : I ; I .!" h o. '.llld.-ge 1:1"! ! J'.i.'-s. I . - I I' ( , )( th. r- ! : g; i.avi o r spent, ih, in MI f. 1.- women and n:ll such a I.:;- found for unity ' 't -.ho A me -r ' T:v; d"!ilani '. i .' I iih.ii'.itiie- K:i:dV are ia i p:ives for ran l o'vci i'i.! Ilt:ro h a ry iude.oni ti: ' American es tills s'h"i:ie hjjii r-.-iis. Cur ..I i lie liarba-y . uievl 'rn right 1 i.y.t. s.-; a p-e-rlvl-'- 1 world. i ': .1' (I'ei.'lt I Si. :!.:- is Siill .:: i.T wealth and i : ' s ago even hhi-.-.l that the - sic '.id b avo V''. yield OHO 1 I.- will gladly I ; cannot ot::;r-, ii can- :e!s.- c'uhi.'i'.a iMty i n:1 val el M. i I In d O ui or col- ' 1--1,- i .,.' .Vnii'.'ican : i d ll:.p.'r!m"h A' le : t"H told H :::li. tl." ill tin Ill, iian .vof.lh, t.lher tl h .atcs. , lo ,i li'S'.i.lllioli ...Iii'. iv.biced l ,.:i r i'ii' d briefly . .! i . inner b;lil- I'.elts.vlViilllll v . -lean's rcf- .; ! 'o writ- , . e -) i f an i i IV!..:.' 1 i th'? :, o r the, ,. ..I i.r i i. i,, a ie.l ih! ,,:i'i;.:ig. "If yoil e li.'lii.n. 'I wi.i I had 1:1-1 nighi. : :v. n. ai.d when -:. al big black l'r:,: i. your name i , Vt si r. your i ; ii in your owu 1;:. 1 1:1 I' "in line w::.i lie--.' i!lg. Sllgg Indian boy gut . id: in!.' ' il d. C.r : A Talc Allium ' ' During th--' one day i i i-ui iii- 1 1 to I'.r I '.in I til t !;'.v True. su.iled !;.-e o! the tli-iiilil.te , . for "iu I lolll il il liili'tiiii lliolley Oh; si. ..hi rciie,. poof w nt iV. ( hilil. a boy ai.d bare; t ilows weie ill" It ".'. ' bed I"!' i' ii-., 'd lio il. v niiiiiu !;'.'. the bey. 1 roi l In ie .: siL'ht of the l: s. Wi I'll! W no id V lu n. lay ll 1 1 I , n I- ' pi In I M ill in. I anil g.oc lite . I ,!. oered lead t'obiiel . in d at eyes i 'ivaine ll ihat for io 'led , ,o ley .-. at. I Wo hi 111': i:s? 'J'ln n we Hlll'lis''l '' i au'i we, M 'if So'i lt , iu Cue 1.; I 1, Ii i ' lie, Davi.l M. buirnal. ftelie lllllllel'l, ill l!o' Heart! Ito isr. Tec Mi inn h' . alum :i by i . . 1 in'c; I-.-, In f. t' '":il' and it Ii..'- i'c.u sn Ii.- hiUie'.'s Sill'-O s il nth thai a pe placed Ih- re for I '.r. h'ahi man th" pi-ex 1 . 1 ci l'1-e- ..!' Ill lie.' g.'i -; proleel iol' olhor ill) limbs .0 Ihlng Ills . - ' plllh d up. ii.l any has ui .lie oil I i .l I - -111 I II 1 was pi i. wie-ii rise V, I ouliiis. .'.'.III i tint Voik ! Tina sho ll.i l 'I"! sii-itl rcriha M- !' -tf-r habit, aecoio.tu to :! r.uiy-Hin 1'lmn' lee, ihe Mlicido 1 !. police sur-villi-"., ly-ileli nil ':; i I ti illo v ,u . 1 .mi. i it- :. She made '" St,: Tho youi:- gt :i WOI: 11- : s m-I !. i- irh I bv-s quan li e. poh, is, tJ .lis. In dealer elleel h'-r pmp " a ouautii) of i le rli ir is twenty : lilr.Wi tl Miss Mer .'age aii'l elficm ot I rt ay l j I i.hiw rf rnln w i tin,

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