l.'IUUSDAY. - Feb. C,1 1002. Local Records. Messrs. Z. C. Clark ot New Hope township ami II. C. Reese of SilcrCity have been re-appoint-d deputy United States marshals. Mr. D. Moat. Bridgos,of Cape Fear township, ban been appoint ed ami lain ojialitiod as a magis - II Hit). JIB M 111 lU.OwW it gUUU IHiO. Those persons who were ex posed to the cold last Monday md Tuesday luorniugH thought the ground-hog was wise iu going back iuto its hole. We regret to hoar of the death if Mr. L. J. Williams, generally known us "Ponto" Williams, who tlied on last Saturday at his home iu Williams township. We hope that Chatham will be well represented at the "Hood lioads" convention, which will ho held uext week at 1'aleigli. Cer tainly no county needs gtod roads .my tvoiio than Chatham. A neighbor of Mr. J. M. Dickers, of ('ape Fear township, w rites 1 in-; Kkcohd that he is 47 years old, and hist week ho bought "bis first box of sardines which was greatly enjoyed by him. j For sale a tract of (i'2 acres on Hickory mountain, adjoining! the l.in. is of (. 1'. Alston and o'.hus, and ii tract of 1.";I acres two miles vest Pittsbero. Fasy terms tillered. Apply to U. A. London, ultoruoy. Mr. Ma! coin Small and fam ily wish to cxp'-ss 'lnoiih this paii'i- tneii .lppre.-iutii n of the very great kindness Hiown them bv the Pittshoro people during tu i".vss a:i-.! after the deatli of 2i I. Sniaii. Th" have a few of those c' enp Overcoats at London's Pop ular Store. If yor want no you .ail bi tti r okt ir a' oxck. Don't you in ed a nice Lap Kobe, they lia ' some, nice ones and the prices shall sr.iL -11 I ?: groiiiH bo nny truth in the !-hog tradition there ohi will be a !'od deal more wintry weather, for the sun shone bright ly last Sunday, tho skies clearing off hi f ire noon i.io r l.idniig the him iscarlv a v.ci k. , Mr. (itor-.'e Sehcsbi died j lvsi- ! last !-U!.day niyht at tla denci of Mr. Lvander -J . Xii ill (ini? ov.lisliip. He v.; ii tU-rn liiaii by birth. b::t h 'x.'i .l years had been iutoit. in :l e lining 1 u.-iness in ,. ; "'f.,',. ; .' i this! conniv. i I'oii Ttt:S"f: For standing i re'.'t, i lie II In irse larni on J'oep fees llivi , near Mimcure. I wu ;ooibT. A. Hanks, for care of dwelliui'- houses, large barn, crib, I Kissey Cuutt-r . and stiibles. Five years contract j J. C. Jiis, for repairing to ri l renter, if desired. Write j bridge f u- p.irticiil.'iis to Mrs. A. C. Hiidd, H. F. Harris, for repairing 3' :J W. Main St., Imiham, N. t'.j J iockville bridge, payable . t . , . , ,, .January 1. I'.Hilt At Moore court last week Mr. ! T i';ili,.JI, lor supplies, . H. M.Noill ditorol the Car-j; , Mam)! fi. Klvx thage Hlade, oi'tailitfd a judgment : J', iMu iii's bi i h-e fori.-.,('(M) a-.unt the Durham T X. 'lbn.ks, for'supolies'. and Charlotte tbtilroad Company : y s Websler.for "-iiaVdiii" O I M'l'Olllll Ol UIJUI ICM H'H-Olll 0 him r.t the time t lie train fell tnnuigh the trestle at liuif about i two .years ago. - l'efore you go home call at W. L L union Son's and bay a nice Saddle. Tln-y are selling theu cheap. Also Hridles, Hitch R-ins. Nice Huggy Ihiruess, W., Hwi iiess ( ull.irs. H;iines. Flo.v (iear, Hack Hands, Shovels 1 A. I. t overt for m iking and Forks. Thev buy Seed and j lord at Alston s bridge, Cro-ts Ties and all kind of barter. W . L. Hnioks, in clerk of j Hoard - " he Seaboard Air Line will ,aul.s Frown, for wood. . . sell one first class ti. ki t for tbo J)c)-sett Co., for drill for iiuiiid trip to all persons wishing! comity home to attend next week the MardCj. , (JmVs, as attorney for (ir. s at New Orleans, Mobile and Jioard lViisacola. Tickets on sain Feb- j F. Moore, for conveying vuary 4th to 10th inclusive. Now- Will Fox to jail is your chance for a delightful J),-. JJ, 'J'. ('ha-dii si-pt-v-trip at small cost. j intendent m healili We are indebted to our es-,Colo I'rinting Co., for sta teemed voting count vman, Mr. ii. ' ti uii-ry . . .............. Henry Hums, for an imitation tojLdwards A' Hroughtoii, for .ittouil the annual exercises of the ! stationery ............ literary societies to be held at H. Nooo. lor coihu lor Let- W.ike Forest College on the 11th tie McCracken. . of this inoii. ii. We recall with illiam Kiddle, j-u! fees. . pleasure atteu.liug these exercises j H- H. Dixon, fees on ac- btst February, ami regret that we1 eount of lunacy cannot again enjoy that pleasure. Harbor, tiua payment I for (ireen s brioiie, paya- Ihc county commissioners jami.u v i 1);,- declined to Hear any nlocK law pi-. titious at their meeting this week, la;! on iii-vt Wednesday they will hear the petitions for stock law iu lir.lf nud Hickory Mouutaiu town shijis and a part of Hadley. They j postponed until first Tuesday in iVlarch the petition for Fear Creek1 t'-wnship. The mandamus case' w 11 1)0 heard next Saturday by, Ju.lge McNeill. Ra'. igh News and Observer: windnt them flying under the traiu. lUQ ail'i'i.-il ill ii.i mmi career bv a gentleman present, rri. . ... ol ll.u ITiii.ui ,1... . - i i-. .. i. . i . i . of Sandy M. Johnson as com pot annua? i miuuuu . t. - .,.uy u )akl,nul toWHsllip is .te lliua 111 II iai hagea o u. t)ll,K.K tl,ut IJ. , White whirled from h.m 1 he packages all(ivm, ft ,m)llth fuV g ,.fA Imlnir t l-n lwT..t'l'i 1 llllil 114 111 - .. . , , - " .i I t port of Haiv Moody. j e.ichod for them a heavy gust of 1 , .. ... , ....... , and after the train moved out a - - Becond was found, close to tho Ho v. W. A. Smith, of West 1 ur traok and uiaslietl by tho car ham, has accepted a call to the wheels. Ai? examinution showed pastorate of the I'.aptist church at tliat theio was S,o:l! in it. I, ';ington. THAT KfSION HO.VST. We. showed last week how ut terly unfounded and ridiculous was the Fusion boast that "Chat ham county has improved more iu the last nine years than it bud iu twenty years before," We showed that our county taxes are now higher than buforo. We showed tliat the public, roads are not worked at all by the. county convicts, although a tax of nearly 1,000 was collected for that purpose. We fchowod that our Fusion commissioners were in scssiou last , yeilv morn ,y than any Demo cratic commissioners had ever been, nud that they were paid a great doul more, than any previous board. We showed that under Fusion misrule a large part of tho coun ty had beeu given to Alamance, and our representation iu tho Legislature had been reduced from threo members to only one, iu consequence f the county's not increasing its population. The truth is that Chatham and we deeply regret to say it ; has improved less in the past few years than almost any other coun ty iu the entire State. Our county has certainly improved less than any adjoining county. Compare Chatham's "improvement" and progress under Fusion rule with Pin ham, Alamance, Moore, Ran dolph or any otli'T neighboring county, and you i'i n then it -due and appreciate Iio.v supreme! y . ridiculous is the hoast of tlio ( court-house ring's organ! Hut we admit that, although ! t1P ,.uiitv has not improved, t'ho : Fusion office holders havo greatly improved their pecuuiaiy condi tion! Although the county has not1 improved, yet the Fusion office holders have all nicely "feather ed their nests." Although the people may not h:ie been bene fited, yet the Fusion office hold ers have all obtained their covet-I ed relief and some of them j havo aeemuhtt-d eon-idcrnble property. Several havo bought or built fine, residences. Some, have ip:it the Alliance ami be-j come merchants or bankers, audi ail are in worldly goods much j better oil tluui they ever vere be-: for.-! I It ni.-'v be that Fusion office! holders "count v, es- and hoisted ' consider themselves the 'that tl.ey ate ll.e bo.irf that when their organ f the county's improve- jiin-nt ii nit-ant iiii'y 'I ili.M.-' i.vi.i "7 " oM.-.nNi'i:i:'i'- .n:i nxfi. j '1 OOUl'I.V eol:M:'.isii.!UTS held! iheir regular mot.ildv !::- ting on ! 1'i-it Monday and Tuesday and an- I ihled tin follow ing accounts: j W. F. ( 'rtitehth id, lor e rv- ,"'l','r ''"j . l i.ohiioii .v non, i.ir i L. l.on.i llies .... Johlixoii S. M. .Io1:iimi, ii:o!ve.'it .no 41.H7 1.1.2i; 5.00 2l.:is Wiley Clark. :.oo i Chatham Citi.eii, for pub lishing annual .statement of Clerk J. J. Johnson, on account of court-house A. M. Moore.for stationery F. l Hinesiy, for convey ing Fiin-ry Jackson to 8. .'.- 2.75 J 4,10 5.00 :io.r-j ; 1.50 I 4 2.1 a 12.50. 7.40 j 10.(1(1 j !.(!(' oo1 I 2.00 ; :k;.2." : coo ' i I7o.(o 1 Ui.r;) 1Iir.lu lei,dorson, for lum ber at Haldw in's bridge. .1. H. Thompson, for s.iv. ing for H-ddv in's bi id ,'i; L. S. Haldwiu, for building bridge over Tyrrell's creek, payable January l, Hioa J. (i. Hunter, insolvent fees 11.0'J 2.50 ()liiii;iil l, that C. H. Culver be allowed a mouth for support of V'V " t I n .. . tii't.ur,i', i Hill i lit I cruimuwii stable d. be Blip- -'K iissv ioiuter place of Norman Thomas. V. ll.llM I IT.liSOS.VI. IT1..MS. llev. D. C. Hritt moved hia family to Kockiughuiu yesterday. Mr. John H. Anderson and family will go .to New York to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. A. . Hendou have been visiting Mrs. R. L. Strowd at Chapel II ill. Mrs. W. II. Moore and Miss Hattie Moore have returned from a visit to Rocking hum. Mrs. William Steele, of Rock ingham, is here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. II. Moore. Our former tow nsmen Mr. A. L. Jones, was here last Tuesday. He is now residing at Ramseur. ('apt. W. L. London and wife w ill go to Charlotte next Satur day on a visit to their son, Mr. 11. A. Loudon, Jr. Mr. 1 1. 15. Adams, of Monroe, was here last Monday and Tues day. He is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for judge of this district. Hon. T. B. Womnek, of Raleigh, Mr. James S. Manning, of Dur ham, and Mr. J. T. lirittain, of Asheboro, were attending court hero last Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Hatch has moved iefo the old lieid house at this place. Her daughter, Miss Eva, will have charge there of tho "central" of tho telephone ex change. Our courteous railroad conduc tor, ('apt. J. F. Alston, has re turned from Richmond, where he had an operation successfully per formed for some slight troubk in his throat. Mr. J. A. Oilos returned last Saturday from Washington. He is hopeful of his appointment as assistant di.' tri. ' attorney, but tho appointment will not be mado for I wo months yrl. SI ITltlOU COflST. The I-Ybruary term of Chatham superior court began on last .Mon day. The presiding judge is Hon. Thomas A. McNeill, of liobesou county, who arrived on the noon train on Monday, having been de tained :it Moore court until late on S.:ti!i'd:iy night. The following were drawn and empanelled as the grand jury: llaitis lar.iner ( fore!;: oi i, Isaac II. Stran.ghan, A. J. CI.-.. -!:. R. H. lohlisi 11, ( i. V. 1 i ill 1 ' -11, R. F. Stm-div nut, J. W. Click. b It. H:li.o.;, P. J. IWd, 1. c. F.ry.mt. W. I!. Ve.Mid. A. T. Holt. Cal ler Thomas. J. ii. Las.iter, W. V. Cl.e. k. N. 15. Ibirwnrd, f). ,1. Caivo'i mid Thomas P. White. The judge's charge to tho grand jurors v.;.s a clear and comprehen sive e plana! ion of their duties and of the crimes and i.iiM'.eiue.-m-ors of w hich they have jurisdic tion. ;-v-iii ilor liobinsou was prompt ly at his post of duty and began the prosecution of cases on the Statu docket. The follow iny worts dh'ii.iyt-.l of: State against (irooiiberrv Rums, indicted for larceny; a md. pros, was entered and defendant dis charged. State against Charles Fairish: gambling; verdict of guilty; judg ment suspended ou payment of costs. State against Charles ( roldstun; larceny; defendant submits and sentenced one year to work the roads of Anson county. State against Will Fox: assault with deadly weapon; verdict of guilty and defendant sentenced to tluee liioi ths on tho roads of An son i-ounty. State against Rufus Clark and iley Clark: larceny; verdict of not guilty. This is the case that has bet-n so frequently reb-rred to by tho organ of the court-house ring, gloating over the fact that a w hite Pemocrat hid been accused of stealing a cow from a negro. In this case both defendants were promptly acquitted by the juiy w ithout their introducing a single witness, tho State having utterly failed to make out a case aguiust them. State against Marshal (Joins: indicted for burning a churcluver dict of not guilty. State against J.J. Nail: forcible entry and detainer; verdict of not guilt p. Tho most remarkable thing a bout this com t is the fact that it has not rained. Such a thing ns a court-week in Chatham w ithout rain is almost unheard of, and it may yet rain before the weekends 'i Iu; presiding judge is Hon. Thomas A. McNeill, of liobesou county, and, although ho came us a straugcr, ho bus already made many friends by his courtesy and impartiality. Ho presides with dignity and courtesy, and dis penses justice impartially to all. The cases on the criminal dock et were ail disposed of yesterday ( Wednesday I and the cases on tho civil docket will consume the re mainder of the week. Capture of Two Store Thieves. Hlit'dtil l- '.1:1' New Hu I "lir.'rt-r. I Columbia, N. C., Jan. 31.-At an early hour this morning the night watchman at the Drowning saw mill detected two negroes stealing goods from tho supply store ou the premises and secured their arrest. Tim thieves had: t fleeted au entrance from a side; window, nud a negro was busy in- 1 side banding out goods to confed erates ou the outside. About $40 wm tb of goods were roeovoroil. ' For Tin: Ilr.i:oisi. j Schley luviu-J to Adicvillc. I Special to Now an I Oliso vi-r. Bynum Locals. j Ashavillc, Feb, .').--1'. 1. McKis- Bynum, N. C, February 4, 1!)()2. '. "M. "': Hatlery I'ark Hotel. J ' , , today received from lvnoxvillo a I Tho appearance of Old Sol, i feP;,,..im saying: "Admiral and' on Sunday created a fee ing of tie- j Mrs. Schley will if possible, nr-(' light in the hearts of all. range a stop and accept invita-. Last week the order of tho day ,' ti(m t() visi(. Ashovillo." If they water and mud. ... J come they will take luncheon at The river is quite turbulent tJj0 jnttery raik, arriving lino .it from the effects of the continuous ; V) 0-t.tk OH Fri.lay. During the liXn- ii .levelling a public reception will Ivev. It. . Jsauey coum noi cross the creek Sunday, so lie was; unable to till tho pulpit of Kben ezer and Mann's Chapel. Mr. C. W. Rynum was able to attend to his duties as Superin tendent Sunday. Mrs. R. W. Railey was very much indisposed Sunday, and un aldo to bo out. That dreaded monstor.Lagrippe, has anneaied iu our village and lias seized as his victims Miss Marvin Riggsbee nud Mr. Am brose Snipes. We are pleased to note that their condition is much improved. Duo to tho inclemency of tho weather tho usual weekly prayer meeting was not held last Wed nesday night. Messrs. J. N. At water, Henry A. Bynum and C. 1'. Emery are attending court today. Mr. J. N. Atwater has been ap pointed delegate to "The Good Road" Convention nt Raleigh by (Jov. Aycock. He will attend. Mrs. Fannie Watson, neo At water, niece of Messrs. J. R. and J. N. Atwater and C. W. and L. 15. Rynum is critically ill at her home iu Chapel Hill. Mr. Fdmuud W. Atwater was summoned to the bedside of his daughter Fannie, Saturday. Tho Fpworth League of the M. E. Church ivill hold its first lite rary meeting Wednesday night. It will be an evening with the "Wesleys" with a programme as follows: A paper on Susanna Wesley. Miss Carrie Sturdiv.uit. Charles Wesley, Arthur Good win. jioom ou Mrs. V.'t sley. Miss Ida Williams A sketch of John We.sb:y. Mrs. l. JN. Jlaiiu. Komn A A Chathumite In Texas. Kiiiin Ihe Wm.-i (Tosa.-) Tlnn-s-llcruld. Inn. Mill Tiio fi, i, ., l ,,r v..irtt u t;f tie daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, which occu red Wcdiiesdav night took place yes terduy afternoon from the resi- it-.Mii'e on Aortli rilili street at .( o'clock. J t was hirgiily attended and a large profusion of iloral triliutes were oilered. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. S. A. King-, assisted by Dr. Frank l'age and were very impressive. The city council attended tho funei'id in a body with the excep tion of Mayor Riggiun who is con lined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have tho sincere sym pathy of all in their sad hours. Out f respect to Alderman Thompson whose child was inter red yesterday afternoon the coun cil decided not to haVe the regular . session, post ptiuiug it one week. No man in the council is regarded more highly than Mr. Thompson j 1 81 "'I ,'IVat I anil Ins colleagues feel lus allliction and heno.i tho I'ostpouo meut of tho meeting. Mr. ihompson is a son of tho) late, (merge W . lhompsou, Hsq., j and formerly resided near this place. His old friends here wiil rogret to hear of his bereavement, and alo be gratified to learn V' ,s the high esteem iu which hi held at Waco Fo. Rkcoi;i. I Parunip Like A Man. vr-jm iho W'eliluu Newtt, We have had many freaks of nature hrotmht into this oil! during the long number of years wo have boon identified with the best known and finest hotel re News, but tho strangest lookii'g sorts iu the South, and is main freak we have seen was exhibited tained by a little army of attaches to us Saturday by Mr. J. 13. Tilgh- and employes, man. lt was a parsnip and sol -- .. perfect au imitation of a man as to be startling. Mr. Tilghnian dug it up iu his garden and after it was taken into tho house every member of tho household recog nized at ouce how perfect a little model it was of a human being. There were two well shaped arms on good shoulders. Tho hands were thrust into the pockots, and the chest was well formed and thrown out, like a man would do in a similar attitude. Tho figure appeared to have ou an old-fashioned pigeon-tailed coat, just like our grandfathers used to wear. Wo are sure that nothing nearer the shape of a human beitig was ever before shown iu the vegeta ble kingdom. When you want a physic that is mild aud gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effect use Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- eis. i. -roe z.. cent. samples fioe. Lxery Wx guaranteed. lor sale by (. 11. l'llkington. , . ....... . llev. T. II. Felham, who lives at Pel ham, North Carol ina, just "over the Virginia line," has married' over 1.700 couples. Most of those l.avn lu.-.. v.. ,..., f..lL- ,,.,;. , away fi m Virginia laients. Steps the Cough And Works oil the Cold. Laxative Fiionio-Quinine Tablets cure a cold one day. No C lire, no Fa v. Price 'J"i cents. , lin lriv in f,,.ir ,onor and at io given in tlic.r nonor ami l t ij nlipr w;n l,0 ).v light n dim the Knights Templar. Three Million Dsllar Fire. Walerbury, Conn., Feb. :5. Fil .'II id One of the most destructive Hagrations in tho history of England has occurred here, toon blocks are laid in waste the loss thus far is three million 'dollars. Hundreds of citizens are panic stricken and fearing that the city is doomed are lleeing to tlio JiMJs. ( reat loss ol Hie is fet fatalities. The number ot missing is large. Two companies of mi- litia are doimr valiant work a- ''riTlrT-.ft'iWc have eight niii'ht in thf IWil t Hindu's 1 i.m..i, i i. n i V..;.i. UIWLIV, L11U llillllVD "M fdll VI llll such rapidity that within a '"''t tune a dozen blocks were nlire. Tho Scovillo, a f amous house, was ' a perfect tinder box. JuJe Neal At (jreenboi' Oi-iiiiiiiliiir.) Iiooiinl, '.'U-.li. The work of a judge servin his first term is one not to be envied. Espcciully is this true in the case of one coming in contact with a! bar composed of such gentlemen ns wo have in Guilford, the great majority of tvhom have had long and varied experience in their pro fession. Judge Neal of Lnunnburg held a terrnof Gnilford superior court g on the bem-li was eminently ,.- r . .i i i : j satisfactory to -very one. J-'.sp.-c- lally is tins true ot tho liar, ttis rulings were fair impartial and just, while he is gifted w ith a high degree of diplomacy so necessary iu expediting business and he was able to run the court smoothly! and easily, at tho same time dis- i posing of an iinbieu.se amount of tlii-rli i is well known i V"" 'm,''M 1 u"! in this county are hotly contested land a love head is requited at tho ' helm to steer clear of stumps and i runners. Such was his bearing i that one unacquainted with the j facts would have never known that I ho was serving his lirst term. Death of Mr. Tm't.-i. IT"I Hi-' i"li!irl"ii.- ni..irv. r. James W. Tufts, of Huston. .uass., ami I im leirst, tins Mali died at the latter plan Sunday night ut !):l. o clock. The death of .Air. Tufts was sudden and unepeeted. 1 1. occur red at the lb ilef Carol ina alter an illiess of h-ss liian an hour. He ! hail been about town nearly all r Sunday , , ..... lay ,oio iiuei Mini night visited the music room. complaining of a pain in his stom- ... .. 1 i i mil, lie ret in i io his room ,'tinl expired at 1 .1 o'eloek of acute in- li ..) i.. i ;m. 1 i .....i l.iw I Mr. James W. Tufts was born! ju 1S:J 1. in Hosion. and engaged ; ti,t .!.. r,,.,,....;.. ImsiMess. b;!-' s j,,., n pi in til.lt lni, l,t lI ; u,;, American Soda Fountain Coin - pany was organized he became its , president, a posit ion he held at his death. In KS'.)'. Mr. Tufts bought a tract of (i.ono acres in Moore county ami in the centre of this tract built tho resort known as Fine hurst. R grew rapidly and today with its magnificent hotels and golf suits, etc., is one of the Crazy SanctificationLsts. C"i iwi"in-Uinco nf llic h.uiutM Obaum':'. ( iroeiisboro, Feb. 2 Tho Sanc tiftcatiouists are causing a good deal of trouble in portions of Ala mance county. Families have been broken up and the cause of K'"'" ivligioii ila'nage.l as a lra 111 !uc imnmrai leacnmgs aiui practices it t tie turnovers oi this doctrine. Tho leaders arc known us apostles, and it is said they claim to be as pure and holy as Jesus Christ Himself. Some of them go so far as to as.-.i 1 1 tl at they are oven holier than the Son of (od. Yh n their followers meet in a pvayer mooting a pic ture of one . f the "apostles" is exhibited if it is impossible to have one of the moral lepei-. pres ent in person. The Sanititica tionists teach free love, dis un healing and other crazy and im- iii"i" i.-uii--.. n -i-n iiuiii ine . i..,., t ll rieas.mt Hill section of Alamance says tW ,,01 fl,nnall,c )ftll(; j ..s;ii!lts" l1;ls'disgustod all decent . 1 .! i.l ,, people an.l that tho gang wib pro- bably be forced to move on ... ... . A '"l' s" ll k ,",'V , fanur ra ised last year o vol' ...00O bushels of sweet potatoes. j To Cure ;t Cold in One b).ty. ! Take daxatite llromo (Quinine 'IVll.ti.tu Ml liviU'l.Klu V.,f,t (I,., lnom.v j'f tillis to cure. F.. W. (jrov; s sirfnil(,-,. js ,m ! .1- J POPULAR. STORE, You can save money by buying your Clothing from We will give you more clo Ji ff for (be next ten days for 111 money than ever j VNoitli O, 7 an J S dollars vou c.n ! J5JS tflVOI0l lti ;kIA v t-1 vuilln worth 5 and .5.?o you cm take one Tesfi Men's Suits wort and ( will i;o for si; 12 wiil lui one TEliktirf oivi livov c.avy .n - Clothing tor at same low rates ! , feVIll OVd iVSaClIltOSlI S ill COSf. I ... rs" rfec Largest Stock of &oods to select from. Anything you I if. L Mil! k M. i i Bank of Pittsboro, Will receive deposits and make loans and do a i;e IK'S:;. IntcrcM Iv.ii iiu certilicute will : e issueu lor Hi.- people ot Cliaih.'in now have the oppoi !,init in iii"!i!:'.e a Cli.hh.nn .ou Hy hank. I Ik-poNils ;:ale, and ir are perlecth sale in a lire-proof vaull lul'.v secure.! by all the properly of all ain. -nut i:i:g toow i million lioil.i'-. T1. "Willi3.m.s ( ahier. -,1'1' H ill, ha i ml. 1'ick, oil, of Chapel ii been elected sup rinteii- 'dent of rounds and buildings at ! the tiiiivi rsity. ISonieilii::;; that Will Do Yen (iood. Wu know ol no way in which we 'can be of more service to our rea I dors than to tell them of some thing that tlll be of real good to Itlieni. For: Ids reason we want I to acquaint them with what wo j consider one of the v ery best reiil .edies mi the market for coii jis, ! colds, and that alarming coni j plaint, croup. We refer to ( hani horlain's Cough llemedy. We i have used it with such good ro I suits in our family so long that it j has become a household lioecwsi !ty. Hy its prompt use we haven't 'any doubt but thaa it has time ! and again prevented croup. Tho ' testimony is given upon our own 'experience, and e suggest that 1 our leaders, especially those who ! have small children, i'lw.iys keep it in their homes as a s.ii'egaerd against croup. - Camden is. ( '. i 'Messenger. For sale by ti. 11. Fili.ingtci. ! s VA , Thin signature i c: rv.vv bo l 1V j;i:;r,e Laxiuive lirotno-h iri;i0 'u-j tbo ri'im ay that ir M : old in mi ttnv gOF ICACdi AI F: -My irtue 4 .-1 innli'-rr.y i-' nl-rn-'t ui ,.-khui ni'Vi-Ci!i'rxi'i-iiii -1 l-i -I. M. luh I y W. M. H-ul" .m l Minim llnrlni', M.i WIIo. mi I July r-'- l.!i-.t 111 h . k V. S nl i.'h;" l"'l. Ui-N!i-l- t.f l'r. U n. Ch,a nil i"lli'-, S. C. ti- will mi V"l 1 iy Uu" ::M .l.iy "I Miir.-Ii nmi ii -n ih. prt-ml-i 1,.1'in iw Ol'i- I ill li-.ve nVliK-k St. ex." Il- ml.' iiii'l -r i 1 t;i-niii'-ai "1'IHT n Mil T .: l l , ,. .;.,1,1,i rm,n. , , , ,.. ,,,,, N ,. m V :n- i 1 1 1 1 . ii.ij.'iuii 1 1..- i.ii, I,- ..r v , A. Hu 1 1 .1. 1. r.lwi.nu Maiy vail--, ,!..-. ,i Sell Hi 1 "11. ' I -, ii l.llllhll K fill) lii'ri'S. lil.ti if lin-., In-Ill!; Ill" N't "f iHIKi lIl'HKII l.y H,1 II I., Ill' I lii Mia in 1 ..i 1 1 1-, iuii Mlliim lliim,.j ,, in il- .ll li-l. lii.l llii' luli'N i'i J 'lin 0. llhil V Jllli' lliirHi : di-'l ilr-i-'l. an w.ll lil'i-i- fully iiii. ir ! lc'l'i-l:'-i I, , m- ir i .-r I'.naa .u in tin Siiiri r Cmri l iMk - "f;. ' 1 liHlll.llll I- Ut.ly, Will, ll rtM'l "I .'iiiii','iii hi li-iii-r . i -i 1 1 1 1 -i i ,,f MM nl lKil-1 I') II, "l"H llli-l !., 'lu ll. In li'li'l-U'-l I". Ihln Jiililiuty V.ll ll. 1'J.IJ lii lo Mnjunrl, J. 1.. ! l-i.ll, Au,.riii'ji lur r.-"'ii'"is. v. I:. iruH, w i; eiKMivn, l l.' h - '1- .-f J XI IMuii. ilwi-awa. Overcoats Like vour choice for S". lor i?-t. of Clothes Suii: - wortb S. sound I0, "i0 I V PI lIf.S- V outissand Boys want at r.ciul b.ud insi luisi- dei-os;t. v, lor the first time,, htrxhtr-pi'oof Mock holaei the Prcsidntt. m-.w .I)'i:i-tis!-:mi;nts. 10t I'C.ACii: SALb: Hy virtue 1 . ; n si r. i-x -iM-'i ii.i l-Uumia I. aw irai un 1 w Hi', ri-t.'-H'i'i-'l "ii iii;i' liiil, m ii -k iM, in 'In- "ill'-i- "f Hi" r.'KlK'.er ol dfi-hi i.t CitClii-ti ! i : 1 1 . 1 w I m'11 fr c-.ifli nl nbllc iiU' ll -uiil 0n -..tii I litiun- .t-'i'l' In IT.thlmii", ot s.utkuav, i' . l.-.ni or ri.uiifAiiv. mm, II, . i 1 ii, I ili--rl' i"l In wil'l ni"rUnin. -oinn Iu Wlll!:llilH tiwilhll1i, I'lVllllilhi: it II HINlti' liJ. HiLl.O i-.'Iim r 111 llili II- lllif. 1-1 . l : 1 i i K '0 0-'lhl ltni i-ii-i H mii. ten Htnlii- i-n lir.ini-li, ilmm-a tt Hi,- viirl-iiis (iiuihi- t Uu s.ini- h- Hi" lii.ililh ol II,.- k-i liu; lu-ilil-h. iliPtii-o S".llli '1 ..i-i!r.CH u.-Mi i', i-'li-?-, Il.i h--i li.irth 0'i ili-.;e.-i' wt'fii -J1 ..ili" h. ii ii-i k, iLi-ii- nui'li :'J m:--. i-i h f-i k, !l..i,.i -.-,! is i -lis I Uu' r- .vl.ii'.-ii.-" ,Hi .-ilU p :l 1 11 -r li !." il i:iv.-b vi "at l" 11 nl:ik. llicwo vi-mi U'" i '.Ii-h In a Mnli mi l i Iiiu-ih . Iwnnlit i-..i ni-r. Hi, n-1- wiiili 'V Hi 1 ".In ii Ii:' lo first Mullen, .-"Hi., .nut.; 'ii ll. A. l.i'MHiN, . n i-i . i w. sruown. i.uiuary K., l-s'. Xoi th Carolina's I'erciitnxt New spa per. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. ri i i v 1'av in Tin; vim;. Caldwell & Tompkins, Publishers. J. , Caldwell, Editor, - !S.oo IM.R 1 liAK. Till: uFSF.PiVFlt Kveiyes the ljigot i elcj;i'arhii: ;".vs Service delivered to any pa per between Washington and Atlan ta, and its special service is die Kieatot ever handled by a iNcitli Carolina paper. Tin; sr;jAY r.si:nvi:n Consist.- of 16 or nioie pages, and is ; a l.u.'f extent m.i.!e up ot orig inal matter. . ; fm i-wkk KiiY ( )i '..si ;nvi:u. Printed Tuesday and Friday. ?t per year. The larj.e.-t paper in : North Carolina. Sample copies sent on application. I AJdros j The Observer. ! Cluulotte, N. C.

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