tJttjatfjaa Rerori). II. A.. LONDON, KDITOl; AND PROPRIETOR. Chatham JlmnfU. BATES Of ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, USD PER TEAR Strictly In Adimn. Ono square, one insertion On square, two injertioiu ! One quue, one month - fit" xm vol. xxiv. pittsi.oro, Chatham county, n. c, tii i msda v, FEiiur a my 11102, no2g For Urrer dTertisemeaW liberal eotk fNoU will be made. A NOVEL. D? Crs. G'isaVoili Q. tinier. (isau:-.lla castkla;'.) Copjrti;Ut, I'1; o4 1'' CHAPTER ir. r0STIM'CI. "Hush, iTcti fo t ! You mint learn what olni-(!s may havo to suy about it," Mrs. f .mill ti.u .-"aid, with an in dulgent smile; for it. was us easy to promise t Ui "sister" to her daughter as it had been in her babyhood to promise a new doll. And ili'mU this rift might prcenl other ditlieiiltioH, there was tinm enough to iuqitiii! r.'oont thai. So when J Mores ut length awaked, after a vfre.-niiu"; deep, Mnry quickly stooped over her, ami kissing hcv with enthusiasm, ex claimed : "Vim are never ji'.iin; to leave its. Indoles! You ,e going to May wit it Ua always! Vim nits to he my i..i.sioi'!" A warm llu.-li of joy overspread the yotinS! stmtigt r's face, uml her eyes became deny ami soft witli grateful emotion ; ami Mary Hamilton was ipiek to sen t!mt it was n.d t lie pros pect of ea--e a'i.1 luxury t It ut caused that tbish, hut thu far creator joy if having found nlVoctioti and apprecia tion bi a world that hail so Joiiy; been a ciihl an I I m reu wilderness. "Von doti't know mo," she said tremulously, but with the haiy eon-p-iou-mei'S tliut cvi'ii such a sorioa-i drawback was goim; to bo disposed of. "1 may hti you iloa't know what I' may he.' ".lust so!" snid Mary, faylv. "That only helms to ni'i'ie it ail utoro inter rstitiv. Wiia'cicr you may ho, it i sure to ho s.ii.iething tini'. Oh! you may trust me! I'm belter limn a gypsy for I'Ollltll!.' fare" WOlUell'S filCCS, I mean. I don't nudeistaud men a liit. Pott. I fot'o.t; cm net to talk to you. l.'octor Mae :-aiii I van not; hut, you mh, X utu an awful lOmtterliov. Now, jil ;t on-.' wor l niiiiv, di'ur: Tel! mo: Is tliniv r.ny reissuu v. hy we two-- you :;n l 1 may tint lu lawfully joinril ti.i'th 'r, i,s tiny H' i'i tli nniiTiaCif s-ffvici, us Mr'tcrs, lor hrltrr, for wrst-, in .sick-iifi-s an I in health, t'mu;'i! i;ood or evil rt)oit, o on a.i w hotli shall "N'o," iiiihoiC'1 Dolov"1, with a s.nilii that iiieir-'d i.ito n oVt-ji ni;.'h, "no veut-cm at nil, so far as l.iio'.w. for I mil .t'onii in luu v. oi'l-l, v. iiiiout icl i-ti-.r or !''n'n! i r cit'irilian, qnil'. aloiK', witliiiiit a "-oul ti love or even hatj me -till I met ym tins iimriiiiif;. " "How lelt;',htf:il !"' eli lallile.l Jlary "1 m-uii, you ihar tiling, how sad and dreii ii'ul for i.n. lot! how ileliglitfu! for me heertttse I eau have you nil to myself. And now. just one word more, Dolores, liavoymi no other miBie'.' Koiiiet!i;nr for evety-day us-', y.iu know. I wouldn't havo your uauiK ehau.'-d for ui.y 'hiii';, it i fo cliui iirteristii'- n I eal Sminish iiamo. K;:t i! uteuii ,s..;;' it w.jithi l.iulie ui' ery if I had to ca'l you Jio'iores all the tim-." " "My mother euiie.l me Ijoln," "aid )o!oies soi'iv, and hev eoiuia:iion n ited the q uel; ealidi lu her lnvutu, iiad instantly remembered that the Sjianish k'iI'h worn dte-..s and hat ha'l ehowu nil iIil' huinlih) sinus of moiiru iu;; their owner had been aide to be etow on t'lieui. Hue guessed ri:riit!y that, l'o'uies hail but leci'titly lo.-t the mother w hom he ejilld not yet name without el lotiii'l. "Loin, and s n.;i times I.olit-.i," the Kill eotit inued, "ior tiu'.e are t'f jiretty iltmiiiutives of my mine in tl'.o ripaotsh hiv; i r. v. Kill my mntin r was not S aiasli. ;-he came from the beoteii lli';'ulani', and T have often heard her say shti hoed lloi eanyotis aud mountains of tViiil'oriiiu ior tlmt reason. Myfutiier u of Spnuish r.n cestry, nnd it was to please him that I was e.illu l l).ilors. It is a family name, and t he re i' a lo.iud that tells how a far-oM' aueostor of my father ae coinpnuied t'elitmhus when ho dieov ored this new woi id. lint he was Hot an ancestor to be oroiiil of." "JIow hjiliMi'.'.ii!!" exelaimed the de lighted listener. "It. is like a story, only mi maeii nicer when one knows the churaet: rs or their descendants, I'.ilt J won't eall you X.ola ) Lolltn I wouldn't let my one eall me by the dei:r litth) pet nr.ines .-a'-red to ji.y own mother. Ai y ono I euro for enough may call iee Mary or V'oliy or Molly; hut no one m iy use mamma's pet mimes; ami ,:" tt .hall lie with ytm, ton. wi!i choose s'luif'thiiii; fot my r-ry own; what do you .-ay ! lioraor J.orita or linn'.' They me all pretty, and f hh.'l f-.i!! you l.oritn. And you hh.ill have a numo ior me, too; chooi.e fiie for youise'i." "Why not '.Mar ijV-1' ioi Hen I am fottd of Spanish urines, and 'Martija' is o:ir prettiest for 'Mary.'" "Aiireed :" ei i--l Polly, 'lapping in I hinds like a chilil. "And now we must ho 'oo I. If Moetor Mae ii'i'i you feverish when If to-M'ir-lfiw, 1 s'n::!l ho greatly li' 1: and he will think i.ic iniiipalile f having charge of his patient." lioloivs saiieii Uiippi'y. Slid as the sedative adaiiiiister.'d by I ictor Mae donald still he'.d possession, her eye lids presently ilroopcil an! was soon in a deep deep. Within tho next tu Uys two young gh'Is who had met o Btrsuffely bad became devoted friends; aud the Spanish Rill's history, so te as eLe kuew it herself, had been treeiy acd frank! discussed. OHAPTEll III. a vi.owrr. or tub jir.AT"-".. The moliier of Holmes had been liit oliilOL of u3.0vtJ.jt , by Itonr.nT V.-ynm' Zen ) 8i!oteI)!i)ftn of pood fa ruined hin ostnte, br. iy, wh i h.i 1 it his witVV heart and u!i. nattd eveiy reht'ooi a"d friend he!.n,,'iii!; to him, and lin:i Iy rapped th" eliinax of Ins follus hy leaving his native l tud to fe.'k a !. r tune in the ..".Id l'o lds of California. To aid him in that wild quest, he had taken with l.iui his ;oi -en-haircd little d.iuctiiler, Aliee a beia so vx'ptiaiiu in her beauty mid innoeenee that even in 1 lie wild upriuu' of the San I 'ran -eisro cf 'o:), lio'motliy ero.vd iiuon wlmni her father brought her, ie lieved her a veritable ii'i;;el iirp;;d down from a weepi'ir; heaven to shed a last joy of K:;ht in'.o tiie durknes-. J O the mi lt of m it. s too shoe'sii!;; for her to tnnUitaii l, Aliee l.yu.i'nv frrew to womiuihooil, ns pure as tho eall ii lilies that now i;row in tho sireets, rearing their snov.y eups i.i'irh r.iiovu the blaek earth f mm which they spiiuft. Jler father, who was a born, en-y-jioi'iu', clover, bright, master of ball a do.eii lauuaires, uml pov.m'.ssed of a voice timt mi;;ht have ehariaed r. '.itl ioi; mavis off lt.i tn'-t. was noon hail fell.jw-w ell-met with ti e wildest class of ;-ati rniiieiseaiiK, anil lou; before Alice im 1 lea. lied woman hood, ho ha I ma ll; and lost ha'.f n tloztii forlunes. One. nirfht, h was shot in a row a! a faro table, and at thi' a;;o of eighteen, Alice found her self an orphan, bom-le.-s and penni less. Ihit her father's lieat'i i(S n il tho wins'. mifoi mi.' tl'.ii !iiMpeim:i to her. She had been :rti an I leve l by a you n j,' Spai iard. who b id l:ie';.! i C'Oir.i'.'e to pres hi' suit, but wiio blessed the opi'or; uuil v her hnielint 's ami grief now "I'.ee him. Alien mar ried liafael M.-iidoa, and, tiioti:i frion that lio'iv nil w-rldlv nioi.erit- fonmul; lorn, his hapjiitic-'-i i.i lo-r I iovo a so 'o -.-iit that he never ipnte ! reiilizi'd. ti e. i .i -foi lunr that iiu.-stici him. At the time of his murrinse, M-n-doz.i had be 'ti one of the rising men of the Sun I V;:Uei.-o of that day a city t'mt n.h'hl then hae be. ti vailed the l'lnenix of toe I'a'ilio const, for it hud risi-u lroiu the ttslies of four San rraiiciM'Oi i hat '.ad gono before, a j richer, fair.-i, prouder ciiy than any I that hud !' led ii, and j8iiiK'l t i bo tho lounda! ion of the now beautiful i city ot tne liol ieii ti.'t". lie was rich in thicks mid herds on iii tfiit raiK'hcs; rich in Ko'..! and bomis; rieli in Jah'ilous weu'tli of trtaa lire and of ems said to be buried in some far canyon i.f which hu. alone held tho secret, and richest of ait in too possession of tiiu one woman he hud ever loved. Ihit frot'i thy day of Lis marriage n ciirsij pursued him. His Hocks utnl herds died; his Kold melted away; his bunds became waste-paper; andiinnlly his mind failed, and he sank into hoiplesi imbecility, from this last misfortune he only toiised occasion aiiy for a few lucid moments, when he would frantically kbs his yoiiu wife and child, and murmur, helplessly: "The curse of the Meudozi'.s;!;,, curr,a of tin: wroim'ed nnd murdoi e,t Indian pill! Why has it oon;o to me'.' How have I deserved it?" The beautiful Sctioni Melidozn voou buried her Ini'li md in tho lonely imii V'Ui of S.nitir.jjo. where, in his last tiays hi! had entreate.l to be taken, mi the forlorn hope of limlin tho hid h n treasure wiio-o secret ho had ouce known, lint it was too la'.: lis Nliat- iied brain could mi louder think, ami J his i'and hail lost its euuni'oi.'. His Xr..vo was due; not twenty feet from tho bit'iad treasure, and Alice, will: her child, wandered far nay, berars in evejythiue; save their love for each other. The Ketiora Mi-tidoiia, wno spoke Kiiftlish Iteautiiul'y, thanks t-.i her liohomiiiu father, obtiutiod tho ).o sttion of ft.veruess to a Spanish tuiu ily who were ou tlm way to the I hist orn States; and after a hutulred vicis situdes nnd a eoiiiplele break down in tho health oi the still beautiful senoj-,', these two lovely women drifted into New York harbor for every kind of human wreck. J Mures, wi.oso ne t?ant Jigtiro had obtained her tho posi tioii of snleswomaii in a clunk-mum. had been able i:t first to pay their way; but when her mother s heaoh 'leciiiieil mi rap. illy that her eombfiou iiecoue dcspeiate, she. v. as obliged to resign her iosit'.oo ii, onl. r ioirie her th.o necessary cat e. I- rovi tl ..l time the piunt sj ceter of poverty p:u -sc.ed tiieiu, and it-, terrible eyi s i"t the eye of liotores wherever i-im looked: bul s'no foist lit. ii olVday ;.:ni niht till her nu.ther kissed .in.: blea: od her for the iasl time. To buy theli",ht for that dear, dead foe : t lie m hallowed f-'iound the po.'Vnl bud gathered tot;:tht'r every sliilii., nhe yet owned: and that boine: juMi' ti.'ieut, she had then sold every article h'.ib possessed of ft'.ri. itm and of iothin and cm the dy when the lirst raw Polly tlnmilton she L: .l been walking to aud fro ou the errt'j, face tj face with death by starvation praying only that it might not bo lous to wait. CITArLER IV. TTTE SILVEl; USING. As scon as Dolores was well ar-.i.;'i to come downstairs, e'uo declared hi i immediate intention of retnrnis;; !.. her bumble apat tmeut, where she had leit the few txilles that belorgpd tj her. Msrr in'fan'iy voliiu'ccro'l to ooa:puy l-o-'- 'I could not let yon out of m sight, dear," ke said, jestingly; "you might not return. And what in the world do you suppono tho woman ot the house thinks of your absence?'' "That I have rim awny to client her out of the few obitling I owo her for rent, " said l'olores, w ith momen tary bittei'iieiR. "Tho poor, even more than the absent, are always in the wrong -but I am iinKrateliil to say such tiiinn-s when I havo found niieb dear, generous fri'iids. Truly, tho cloud had a silver lini!iiof the bright, est hue, thuiigli I was louy in findmu; it." With qnicli. impulsive a.Tertiou she rmbiaced Maivnu.l Mrs. Hamilton, who w as beeoinii::; as fond of this new daughter us uven her own child could loivo w ished. "It is like a I'l-eiim of heaven," con tinue 1 1 Mo! .-s, "nlo :i I t'cmem'icr tlm hopeless mi.-i ry oi thai day of onr first lneetin.;. I didn't ki.o.i tfo'.'U why I followc'l .Veil, Marnja; it seemed aa impulsii to look, for moment eti n lace, no ohii r than my own, on which st-ciued the lighl of perpetual Mims'iiine, V hilo on inine seemed the eoustr.iit shadow of darkue is. lint I ii.tve since thought it may hnro hre-i the whi-.;,, !' (,f toiuo !.'oo'l a:iii.. that .hew no! alter volt. Ye.", yc. life w.ntl I t.oiv he heaveu rvre, ami witu ymi, ii r oniy my j IiloltiO!' I 'l.t.'l 1)0 Willi me. The large, soft eyes iiiled with tears, and thougli she grieved to see theiii, Mi s. Hamilton could not wish JJulnrei to boles conscioii!) oi the I01.1 she hid t.o lately known. "I eau never fill her place, dear," she said, "but try to feel Unit I lovj you us I would wisii to have her loVii my littie Polly." "Come, I, crjia; heivi- the c u ria;, e." And Ma; v led the way, with Jlier cus iomnry airy, liht-heai ted manner that covered a depth of feeliiif.' sin: was not w illing to display at ail times. "If she mimii.;i.i that von have rii'l n.vay," continued Mi s Hamilton, aa ! thu two guis i, ih ivini, ih'Wi'.-towii j t. ward, tin wit to hod pi.iee that had , I :.-u lor more than a year the Lome of i io!ou:s ioi. I her, "perhnp't your l.-.n Ih.dy ti is t'lkeu sicm of I v.etr thm,:8 to pay the li-.-tit vou owa her." j I tolores laiie'.ii'.Uniii i-!it, with some- i t' lne; more like merrimout than Mary ! h.iii yet heard from Iter. ; 'Ail f own in the worhi, Muruja, ! won!. I n it bnutj a dolinr if sold to the . hightflt bidder, wth ti e siti';!e escep. ; li.mof my J.jother' picture. I call but hopo tlmt Mrs. J'.rowii lias not : burned the lot cs rubbi h; a few let leis uml a maniict'ii.t contiiiniin; the le;!i ud of t!io teieio.i family an I other t::M'-i vabniii'e only as keep salt -s: f.i- if they co. il l have boeu vx eliaii.'.'od for moio-v, t'lev, too, would 1 h.iv.i i'i;:ii hum ;o Tho ii'iinuscript, is a l Uri.'sity: maim,:n foitint it anion;; ii poor father's jih;ii,i,." iitici hixilcatli. It. n.i'ht iiiierc.-t ymi, dear, heeunso tor me; it could not interest any any one eUe, except fur antiquar ian!s." J nope me woman mis noi te- htiove.lit!" e.XcliiimeJ Marv. "Wln't a sirl you i,r. ! The heroine of I don't know how many romaifos, or, if not the nct' heroine, something even lietier the iu i.'to whole centuries of romance. Some eiiat artist shall paint you n-1 an allcorio:;! li'.'ure rep ieseiitiiiglhe jeuiusof thcNew World. It, would bo suitable for the Colum bian Kxpositiou to eelelnate the great ttiiniversaiy." "What n fanciful idea! Put don't, bo uneasy ubout the manuscript. don't think Mis. lirur. n would burn it." "No," said Mary, "for women nt" (sell a soli, oi sii "islitiotis value to .uiyihing tike documents." Holori-s only smiled in answer, and Mary saw tlmt In r face hail taken on a strange, rapt e.vprcKsioii. while hi r eves deepened and glowed as if they ; n'.v into some far nwr.y, unknown itedm, Peyond tl.o reach of otio r eyes, it wiii a l.x k M.oy had seen oucn or twice I efore on th- face of her new i n. li.i : and iiiotigh it had slnitled her, she ii'.iierslood alieaiiy that while it, 'I iin .e.l r. was n .-. 'less to speak ti .1' i T .-rtrri.... . . ' - '.. " .: . "; . ' Ih.-v had j,.iw n ... h.-: s part t ie. u '.eio.n iv by '!.'.-.. 'tiidion : i .'!: ciui ;. of hnii'. who, allium;-. Il t.. e '!.e ( i.:i. ;o ail timet, open to the o.i'.isij of il,:iity. uis pe'isi d ! hounty by me i:.s of v. rioiis kiiid.'y ii!r"i'iiL'rr. 'i'h.i squalid I'.ihU'.os iiooii. 1 streets n:: 1 I .ric '. I' e dirty u'ol reel ing men a. i t women ;! . tc.l in ,t.- nips on tiie id-lowalks and oil the street corner', would no'v have hecii ahirming lint for th.o f i.-senee ou t!ui cjiria ;e-box of tho faithful .Tames, wno. with many i;.i-ii i'lgs an I ."i'lin ;o illi'sti.i.i:l-s in III -i perplexed mill. I. drove v. it't exceeding r;s. e lliri. igh tins vilo neigbboi hood. At last the cutriaje sli qipeil in f; mt .1 a teui intnt a few degrees le -s sqii did tie.:: its gcueiv.i iii roumiings, ae 1 at same moment Jiolores startc l, or her companion w ild h, aid. "ealue back Io earth ngcii!.' "This is the plac--," : he 1' iriiig I i dc-eend from :i: ;--i .la'ues opened the ib ,-. ".So, Manila; I o.-nt..e, let into this place. '"t;r lao not wish it. " And the w -lid. p-c - t tiria.'.-j yo:t cumn u ,- Would ids were ffokeii wiih emphasis thut Uft no .ol-lu for r.rgumot.t to ns tONTivrr.n. . Fire Csti.c.t t,y m rmirrirrich'- iTLat might havo been n serious Cr as started in Newark, N. J., by a .lass paperweight. The weight be o::gs to Poiico Caplaiu l'bhau, who 'ec it the other rir.y upon Lis detk. Durinfj i bo captain's absence the suu tbioiigh the ci!is set tire t.i the paper, linrued through the blotter beneath, seorehed the vsraih on the desk, thus putting tho whole I ntldtuq; in diiget. rortuniitely the discov cry wns mid-, iu ttiu" ' preriut the tto tcoiz sft.lin 9 &i$iZ:i3$$992m&g2 -jj 1 flTYTflTTT miTn I T t ' I'luvlitr liirrn Fuail I or lleui. j O'hov wlio keip hen's must not for- ' g':t to provide sutiiet'ilu. In the way I ot Kivcii foinl that may be tised by tin in when the weather yets real cold ami the tti'oiiiui fruxi'it haul, fur imder silcii eireumsiaiiees ll is hupossihlc I'or them to gi t any grass or something that pill take its place, ll is a good plan 4u stow away some eahhages or liitalmga turnips, to be used only for the tlmkelis, for both of them are eomp:iraliely cheap, nml they will i.uioly lie th,- melius of givati.i hn reus ing I'ae egg supply win n ted uuriuj; cold w en I her. y.r iii im. Hoi; I'roui .1 two acre hog lot sown to rye last tall anil ) is:urnt through the win- i ter ami oari.e st'iing. 1 threshed fnriy- j six bushels oi iy-... To g.-c ti full jlciil i from ; lje Ji.oili;-,- i. t,in,:'.'l mt he! gr.'iK-'U i. u cry Um-s in the spriug Wl.cli il i. r-;Mly lo simoi upward. ,i-1 A giiiin (mil that e.;n In. pastured s.x mouths In Hie :,i":r ami IliKis; a J'u! jet-op ti' grain h.i;- sie.l ihotolroiii "to boot." is --j-i ii I uTy , v::iuahle one for j the stock nml gram lurmer to take I hold of. Willi" ihe o; ice ni' rye is not gem r.tliy as great :; wiient, the yield Is great r, and v. ,'( ,;,, balance evenly w;lh w through a scries in' vears. a. 1' ii..v"nv- in So. ine'Kt Journal. . . l'risii'cts l'ur Hairy J-'itrmlnu. . Tiikin-; I In; coimiry in general, the j field i f daiiv fauiii'u in". .-r held fonh j holier promises limn it ilucs itt present. During t Ii- las! .-. im- tic piii-e if j ehecM- iii'd bi'iu-!- has iioeii uniformly! high, !.;'-. ialiy tl ar el' etm. sc. Audi th-.'Vo is il. i r. ..s.e-i lot- believing that, the neiiv,- c:;lhi;tii ii .t th? market Is I let to continue. J,, in, i, we have rea- t on fu;- Miiii biab'i ; bcticr prices for j bnttei- I'l-'.l ehr.-se in th.: new year : ilmii we havo had iti tl"- last. ! In I ho I'oparim -nt uf Airt'-uliinv at j V;:-hh:'. tuti vigorous: ii'oris have t.cel: ' mud.' in liitciiug io foc.'i.cii trade f-.'. j nutter. The ei'lor:;, i,i the 1 i-;:ir; men; i h:lVe been ijllilo sUeeorsl'nl. a ! larger i-Mieri.-itiuii of Iiinu-r we lire iiss-,i;, l in' la-tier prices .it home. Tiie inn,. -tiding (ioom of the colored ol-emaigiiriin' iul.-icits aUai gives Livu; h 'l'C to the ilairymeii. The vic tory of tin- ilairymeii of this iiiui'try over the manufacturer's of colored oleo is simclv a otiesiioti of i:uie. U seems. I'-.vvovei'. that this victory can be g.i'm . ! by o' than h gal nioiisiit'os, i-r."-j! , ei ha os very ni.teh more slow- Iv. the liee.ldellec "I .lie oien inter-e-i.s is assured I y Impr iving ..ur gen ii i,e i ,,uer. What v.e want is more in:. I beii.-r ereatiii ry but ;.' and !ess poor dairy butter, -.loin-. Miehels, iii : yj i,. ii.-liu lhirmer. ! ' liiti-i'tini; tsuii .Ills. on I'rwit. M iieii niily ii few insects are pres ent on a tree the iin .lose scale Is tint ea.-ily dcleeictl. If there is triiit on the tree, paiiieiiiariy apile and pi-ar, the pe-i may be oi'ieii sc"ti loll!,' distances. On ,,ine Viirii'th-S. esp chilly light col or, il fiiiits ihe (hitrceicriMie purplish ring's ivph ihe scales in tile centre are very i ,i, -oieiioits. Th" mtirkhm v.irb's s oi ewhal, 1 11! it is not liable- to be ovi'i'e'.'ki d. (in peiii and npplo It is very priiiotme, d nnd fruit oil ondly Inf.. .ted M i i s is ol'icn I. milled. Tiie scale iilliiche'i itself to s.ny part of the l'iiiii: hn: it i: more nbuudiint ou the calyx mill. At times th"ie Is a tic pr. seem whore the seal" is nitaeheil, making the fruit Very lingular If Jiai:kino on-Ai'i'bi: made bv kan josi; Ki'At.r.. Icily infested. Tlio iieconiinuyiiig oniliiio shows the scale markings ou mi apple recently recoiled. It Is it peculiar fact that tho scale sci ks the fruit where there are only a lew insects t,u a tree. When picking I mil, trees from which suspielous specimens ur,- t ikon should be mniked. They eiin be sprayed l.-ieraud watched. 1 have known many eases where the scale has been Jirst detected hi nil orchard on the fruit. The same char ii' ti ristic purple spot is seen upon the hark of ninny young trees, nnd upon the newer crowih of older trees. Some npph s nml pears tne often ailaekoi! by a fungous disease, producing u oir eiihir redilisii or pin pie marking siml lar io tin., seal.- p,ii. Care should be taken not to n.isiiiki; this for t,env. 'i'iie presence of ihe scale in the centre of Hie elicit'' con bo easily detected with a small pocket leus. It is safe to be alert and on guard all the time. American Agriculturist. I'oelul Combluatlon. The accompanying Illustrations con vey an Idea of an improved corn house and granary. The corn crib nnd grain bins may bo made self-discharging, w iilioct opening suy part of the upper portion or without the us-.' of a ladder or steps, by pbo-lng floor joists at nu angle, as shown by the dotted litter:. I'i;.:- 1- I T-v prijcctic:-, pi-i'i of tie floor it ; ( fo.M f 1 1 f qs& ,cy I mnde the bottom of tho liins and corn j crin iiiai is ouni iqn.ii n. ami is ion i mien on the si.le next to the col li e cvili nml tiiahi bii ... so that the corn Tin. 1 s,niTto.s or it.ami;. Will slide Into it. hinged to lb.' ho;: A cover mii) he so th: t It may he turned ii when grain is taken on:. Li kj for i to. 2 t.N i i; itmj; ami: a n i nti;sT. com or gra;:i, in, bin r crib M;:y be op mug Into ihe 'hi'" 1 ior a spai... hi Hie lllaldic or - ' .vo feet, eithei i ll end. At tile e!':,-".l Ilia... s It,, ,... ( w hi ,. m giain ,., ,,.., u,,. ,,;,. I o; ihe box. It will be easy t-i sh.ivcl ! out the crii or gram, i Mg. 1 i i-pi'.-M-.its sect;. ui of frame. I I-'ig. X, plan, .'.ml fig. ",, i liu -linn'. iii Fta. 3 EXT. vt.-iv or nrii.Di:-!i. Iiitueu- iocs - Twetiiy by tui nty-i-ight fc.. twelve feel to plate liitie feet v.iiie. Til. digued to hate some tin. e" o. .;.)! i,s cot',.: -e'mht l.'er long wide. Mc'ihi, iti". lriv"W;-y, llllihiil.g is lie- foti.u-httioii. .".ii 1 ed wilii siv. ii- elgliln liieu mti-iig. . tU'.'lt. but phi.'u cornice, shimrinl roof. Hulling doors. This will a ti.i fui bidi'ling nfd just w hat is v:.tu. il mi a well .- d t'iirm.C. U. ith-kux. in uhhi rnr.n-. r. 'I 'i" Vil ifCiil.l .iiri;r. It is esseiuial i',,' every fruii gi,,wer to have .some nu-aiis of eoid stnriigc at hand, i'm- ii. is .-uly by such met ti.,d mat he can m-oe in reneh the h .;u. pl'icf.s. .Moi-envef, It tlllit is pi' i) stored in a .col place, the lm.s : - shrui.vage and rcliitig will be com pnratheiy small. 'J he s;iviu- in apple is so great, in fm-i, tiuii a eohl suraL hoiis, wi, p'tiy for lis i no il year or iwm. Uiiriug the s',:.:i - ::') lie k: J,t i!l i;t::d f..r than half tiiat. v, jitihl bo .-.;:vi ,. w tutor iri itp -s i.l',l::oilaii d iu ll. siriiciinu ii-si,, Hut this is 11, ,i nil iiier, pi -rishabio I the cool thy v.-niiirhi-iin:.. and would oiherw .... i Then, as fall :.pnr and pears eau b,- ;.e , i nnd hc grapes can he long nl'ti-f mi-iwmii-i-prices will be reaii.-iI tlnrlug Ihe height o: iii To btlih! ;i c ,1,1 ; very expensive, ni'd cutluy oi' money, thi r in cd of any I'm i her , preserved until o hi :i h'giu r iinm ttiai) seilSeU. - iintiiie Is n-at niter tl,,. He .' s.,illli lie : , o.-i. The side ol a lull should be tiie iie scleeleii. if possible, a sort oi h:ii loeiii being built for the fruit. The way is to dig emt tiie o.-iiire of the bill mud toe bottom Ol' lllO bllSel.KIU is t,.i a ). Vel Willi tin- surroumiiiig gfend. The wi lis of the liilsemetii siio.lld be of I i :ck or stone, and be very tnin.k in orthr tj resist the effect of ihan-.-ing iciupct-iiiurc outside. The Joimihliion shou!,) lie run up to ilia top of the hill, a slant ing root' then being oustl'iieicd so that all tin- water can be drained off. The roof should be made in' thick hoards in the foiiu of shingles; this will insure all ihe rain riiuii'iig down .'mil off ihe sirueturo. without leaking through. Over this a thickness of tnr paper should b- nailed nnd on top ot ilils another roof .,.' boards. The whole then will resist ihe oiiiside nir ettee--litally, nml as a result iin eii-u temper iliuie i. in be uiiiini. lined m Iii.: biis..--metit tho year round. H is iiilvisiiiilo lu lino Hn- whole illsid" of the building Willi lar paper, mid l hell lilbhi nioiniil Willi lea , lied llllubi r. On one si,),. ,iaie a lai-e door and wiiiilov.'. ;i ii, I of course a vi nniinnr must run througii the mi. I, lie .f the roof. Ihe window nnd doer, a- wtl ,',s the Veniihiiing sl.:i ft . :he'ld be so constiiiiied thnt every ii.uiii V el air till! be shut off if li'.'i 'i'ss.i l' A- the healed air will ascend to tin v -tdaloi. the window can he opened io admit fresh air when needed. 1'or water that settles uioitiid the fruit louse ;,n l fails to disappear iinuieiiiiitely afier a irtiu, there ihonld be d'-uius dug so that the w-.ttor can run ofT. Thus u,n. structed. the vaitie of the fruit house becomes apparent la n very short time. F. O. sj.. in Agricultural Kpitoinitt. Y-t -tiny I'eople Burrow It. I No man Is so Miliiili as to demand more tbnn his own share of trouble. PhtladelpNa Krcord. Ihe Inr -est cast bronze Ontne n the world i tiiat of r.tei- ttic Ovent, tt !t Pei jivbx z !t nvlfc-S 1100 U09 one w lshe.-i to use u sli-jn cnri bins i J I i s ! i . 1 i Cor crib j mm .rfrCNS""i5ss THE E:CHT HOUR DAY PLAN. An Adviicat' tr (tie Kstoi-in .llal.i'S tui;f;ci tl'Mitt to IIiil,Hewii. Vi'h'le the eighi-hotir plan fur domes tl service has fallen fur short ef suc cess in I lie quarters where Its tried hn-he.-n given pul'lii liy, Its imprac ticability has not et been so far proved thai advocates for tiie reform have ccr. -e d in recommend il. In th' Ii:-; ol :: relies of nrllcles im the sub .;ci .-, by .'.Irs. ii M. Iticiiaiil.-, In the ' tiH-ric;:n h ib lici, Muga::iiie. the nt: ihor .'ays tlmt its yoon as hotlsehoM v-.,..-i; iiee,,meJ uf ih-' inn rmedi.'iic i:r;ide bel ween crnve itig l.ii'or i riei th e work si.e- i -rviee will come bi er win know v.diii t h-.- 'el w ill go about It e'il -hour day h" '1 hen cm ii work of she hiis to do. lir.iti u-'inly. :iml to It fresh every morning, be iiise 1: hits not bi'm lino .'. liil.'.'ume 'mi tiie bfiit-t e'.ery ' In a e.iiiipiiriMiii bcMvoi-n the trn!' I nml ilnni'-siH' work. Mrs. Kieliards nr ' ;;t'i- i lint bi -cause the elgiit-linur tra-Ui ; w.u!;; i' h icis.'S his work, he has op ' p.: ;i:niiy to h It mull h" becrimcs pro j 1. nt and frc-m that fact enmes the ; pie'iisf.!-.. of :iee,i,iii,lishmi-l'i!, ti,":.-.ivse j work Weil dotiw' is nlwnys it dolishr. ' .Si." sjivs: j "As a Hilo. tiie eight -ln'-nr w age e.'irn ' er, whiti he leaves llif work nt Piehr. t kt'.o.vs what lc Is 'o take up in tin' j morning; ihfe is no '.vnste m' time, no leaking inv-w of tne monihig's ctrhti J siiim. In the hausi. sarvico nt all t;:n'-s is uncertain, dependent mi the j wc'i:her. ou tile last night's i.oi'. Jil ions, j on tiie whims of tho enipie;. . r. H.1V-ii--: said that 'he ).i:n:ry v.tis to ho j b .im .l ai the last n.mi.-.vit one f is einttiged. Illld SO'--:e;hiiig Icquit.-.l ; for v. liieii no inaterhils lire ready. "In the tr.uVs n moriiiug's tvoii; ends ' wiih the strek" of )" nil hour for j biii-'iion, res', th,. newspaper 'ih" piintirs and cnrpcniers who enmc to my heuse !ire nhviiys intercs:eil in the il:ti!y ;ir. I wr kly llli'sinited jiapors. j 'I in y si; on the iloor nnd rend while t'noy eat the home lunch forty mill i lit os n flay for self-inipiovenieio '.). On ! the days whim th" second girl expects ' ! o out n: k' o'l'ior.'i; the mistress Is . I.tii li nn her iiopiiur. nr soiif one ; e.iii.t-s n un--.p. eied.'y and extra jii'ci J t'ciiieiis ilt-hiy th- iieoii. If Is of i ion it-.'titly -1 o'eloek when the mitid Is ' r-. aliy free, then it is too l,i:e to j where die had phitiiie;!; if she .els i;-;. d to try li si,-. s renri'iiandcd for being Into back. The point To he j io:n!e i, l! at she Is oiily let nut with a siring, which tightens nlnit her neck wiiii ihe least spoutimoous action. '' I A Wiiinnu ltlri Doctor, Among tc.i' ti,:iu.s:inil! or oecnpa uiioii iiii u t-i woiii.-ii. a Now York i- j won :'ii has found one iu which she s j is entirely nl"iie. She Is n bird doc. 1'ir. Ih sub's ti n ' cling nil over ihe Ihote.ii States to visit ihniis;;nis ol l::ie ii.uieiiis, she keeps n nthl b; :::'i!","-.'ioii-i for the fell iheiv 1 ti'.be. "!l il l I s'.iift. olid how succeed V 'die sue I. i-i :ii ;w. r to a lllestlii-l. "Will. i.,v vi.rU gi'"W cut oi' my read .liieu ..I' I,,,w imieli ll bird docli-:- I ' lied. I '.i speck: Its cry he.; r-i s .a ie I st.iruil, '.her in I b.l niimeiits. '! !:- liiei'iiiure ou the su'ij. i.i: Iinb.My may be mk en:' ciiileg s, but in y .'f birds-, to may the Pves and 1 'i'li'-re is no burn the tare .1 birds, ::!,.l tin ef Wild Whl'! 1 pl:. tn :i:i-:"ti! of eat: III lit till ICS. "! In u. ton, a knowledge of nu-di-t 'iv is necessary. I have ink" u f"i;''-es j,i 1 o,i Ii lioinorr.p.iihy ami a"o ..' lit. '1 he sunnier e.'ilee in t:-.e miimaliy. As a "he-1 I ilncior, d my p--;s and ti( t their broken limbs. "Ilo'.vt ver. :is tii. -re Is tin course of S":dy i sjtoi hilly for t',e 1r- :itmeiit Of birds, most of one's knowledge on this t-ubject must tet'ie from years of cv peri-Hie. l'.irds' iiave ns many nl' liieiii'i :is human bc:ii's. I hnvo s;,t im until hit - nt ni-:ht i,ii u singb lutle pnticiil,' every ph;:"e of its d's.-nse. Ihioh v:;l i'-.y I'eqr.hi s t'eattiHiit peitiiiar to it'-olf, so oni's sillily is lie-.e;- ctiib d."-Success It-K Armv nr v Women ns jirofos 1- i 'liming so ntimef-e inei'chanis say i!n y , n UiiYcr.. sio::.-d buyers nre us i iia? b--f ore Ioiik I'Mll'et to see Wo:,l cniai' tidd. 'I i:e; e m,.le oMlcting or tl conirot Hiis jini-i nre lew oc.-m.a i ion m-i-e ft snousii,;.., mul jet tiiere leue i.oi been m.-niy failuie- At Mi-si wi.tu ( ii rcpiv -ciii'il oniv iich tnub s as milKiiery. di-.-ss irnmis and other bin s tli.-il inipei'i.i.n, d stneily 1" ,ln ir own sex. Toikit they :u-e iicimg .is buyers for mnl; -rs f ,,iitio aetioiis, .. .'.'icilbiiral ii".!'lo'.i,i ni-. i!iv!'ig dress I -. i!i":r,i"nl app.'ir.itn- and .iyes. They .n -. :iis,i rep! c-.-eto iilg !,,-, tlier.-j, a m:i!o l;np btiyei-, ami si,, is m'A to bi '. g.iod one -eo'.ornieii. In tishionkers. ii'ainii'acturiug iiiilors, 'tntoii mntut fnomivrs. nntomolelos. cloaks, dresses, i'i... kmtoshes, shirt waist makers, irair.iti'acture'-s of Infants' clolbing. sv.eetmeat nmkers, nianiifaeiitfers of cold, fringes, tassels, gimps, eorseis. whites, i aits, glass jewels, beads, wigs, hair i.oods. saddlery, hats, fcurgienl izi sttumeuts nud several hundred other thinss o.l.ieli, if detailed, would mak'' iMs c.ibimn look like an etitract from a trade directory. r'ii'e women may make vpry few mis ni:es T.rt hor.m rival house- secure i !tut toi'iMly of & frtsj-r-eUis,-, iisL- I lonable commodity thnn tho Ann she i represents let it happen that the rival ! litis bought in such n way unit it can I under il her firm nnd there will he I'liothi r buyer In her place- UOSI sea i !.ou. brooklyn liagle. KitruvaKunt MilllneiT. ne of the extravagances of the new mMliuory calls for slits iinywhot which shall make the lint more effec tive. There is no thought of whether the hut may be made over Into some other style some tim.- or cut into it now J h.-re Is no denying that a pertain style mfiy bo obtained by the method. 'J'ak - u plot ure hat. n soft flop shape-, of t'liiiii blue fob. face it with velvet ot bine a few shades darker. Then run v. Ivor ribbon- an he ii vide, of .1 lilno shiirto ihive or four degrees darker bun the hat. Miiko four rows of vel vet, thtendiiiL' .hrmigh silts which ari tv.o inchc. apart, And do not put an other stiich ol' iiuylhliig onio tiie hat. J'he-c "silk" hats sometimes tire scea v. '.i-i the vibben ftimiitiu of a eotiiras; ing siimie. 'i'iie effect is ni ihor !''- i Zai--,. ;v,r tine taste. A ,;,,i Ji:,;:in. fa-hlou c.f uslnp tl( ( sj i .L ci a j,at ),,! g, ueral wear is to cut (. r ti)t. irmvu in two iilfl'-'-s get her n nd run vilvet foldn I. i ting i lu ends hang over the? the int. The slii lakes th ' n I ticklcNiisliville Amor liii-i I ur I'ui i. i-kittbl.' br- nsied i lin iK are genornl. Though many ef ihe f i caksiiapcd e,.i::r-sU.!'! - have nunc 'heir aiMjenr tinco, it is safe to predict clous, blouse nnd the (hiimy jacktt with the dip bm 'j. ami iront will lie most worn. Cora fin- carmen's are oombiued with embroidered iiuilerials lu the shape of girdles and coilars. lor dress and carriage wenr fur ::t sfews llowiti!.'. but for tho si" i they lire gntheird into tome sort t ,,( j ciitf bihoii fashion. : - . are th'.- gancst in- l'l.'iiu touiiU m nil' s esljuciit. Mlttk ami sidde in Us are the best Inil i ".:! i i-jli in the Hhape of fur. If more fur tie liked, let It be of the liiHt. veil chinchilla, cr leal baby In mb tbruudtail). ....... . lb!- or t.iie tail bindings are still 'jiiiliim lace t(illnr ,:d to cloveri; niw the l'l-' a-, a ;" s. tii 'L.- give quite tho i-i-ik.-l' -.-iph'a l'.tiCiU'd. .an Mii..t. llre-,en. There is no hing very difficult In the i.-otisirtielii.u m' nnv of this sea son's li--. s-cs, ns i hey tire plainly made, and there Is very little trim I iir.r.g to b- sieti upon any of them; j nil the i, - west woob-n fabrics are v. h'."i' i'.i::n ns-.tu). consequently they can be eiu in better advantage, ami tin.- skin oi a urcss ena be made with one or two tenuis, ncconiing to the width of th- muteiia!. tbiod quality Iiico eohnrs and s ft silk tiehtis edged nml inicrs' ctitl w ith lace nre more j.'.inihir tiian ever for ib.'corni ing a ' ii'.-.- or n blouse, and they cmiblo one t i tii.'ike u variety of changes In il,..- ,!ii; of ihe same costume. Tor this reason phuu iniirlcs nnd mol !c"i mix.ures ate mostly prtferrctl ur uial. iug up outdoor gowus. lrgMiMGS Oitiiles and corselet helm of white leather laid in folds are iucluJed in ihe setisoll'f llovciiies. l'of dress garnitiii'es squares of pas-st-iiictitei'ic are inking the place mi long occupied by medallions. Villi.) buttons arc keen eon on the Hew gloves, and nil exlreme but mod ish bl.ltou is of juu iin-tal with rhiue slone bliikle. llrtiiiiie seis for children nre very fashhiiiiii'lc iinil look particularly wed with the black velvet coats, which so tunny hale folks arc wearing:. Tiiqiies formed of flowers or folia pro a.-o very f i-hhiimido in l'ans. Ann vi'lv.i or panne toques embroidered whli t'owei: in natural sias.; and shad-ilii-s. In iin- Jewelry line the m ist ncnuti fal loisaiii- oi oiiint m.s are iu ihiral de sign. An exquisite example ;s a rose spray 'tiiii haves of iliainouds set in platinum and oeniivs of pink coral. ll'.i.ioiis. lasir.oiied from lilbort nuts, si t hi a ft. line of gold and With Hold shanks, represent an extreme fancy for tiie iiilienmeiit of smart tailored gowns. The idea is r-arislau and th" etltiie Iiili. in iis ,i.t, Ural color. Is used. Kcali oi lils bei-n ci cried to ihe limit in ilortil garniture for millinery purlin'-, - i ids season. A wr.n!h of mng-tn-'ia blos.-om.s in black ii'id white, '.vii'n sii :hl!y (I. e.-iy.-ii .-fiis, nn.J li,s s. .-- -i mp.iiiiod by tin.- iiiiviiabi''' thorn, nre instai" es. A i'..!Uli--'l:H- belt T 11:1 r h costly etiottgh 1 1 keep ii entirely out of rpneh liy tiie hiir-ain lmnicr is madt? of black silk elastic, studded with small sieel bejds nnd fii-tened with a buckle, show-log an irliie..-( tit bm kiioiind and openwork design of finest steel beads. The red shades for fetroot and evn :ni" wear embr".tt. scuilet. cardinal, claret, cranberry, currant, coral, cerine. ruby, trsriict nnd llamingo. In green the fil.shlonsblo tlins Include ol'-e, biiiior. iiiynle, tun"!, chnrtrouse. li'-li.-i,. foi'eet, c.'lliiiiiil, Nile uud ellvfii i-'-m- & .s