Itatltam Record. BATES or ADVERTISING One square, ono iutertion $LJ One square, two inaertion $ 1.M One n uare, one month For larger advertisement! liberal on tXoU will be made. QH)Qtl)aw Recorb. II. A.. LONDON, EDITOIi AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ftJO PER YEAR Strictly In Advanei. VOL. XXIV. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 10, ii)0'- no. .u Cattaw -.--5p3D'Sfl 11 A NOVEL. 13? fo)rs. 61isalvtli (?. Uinl'r. UUAUkLI.A CASTELAn ( -''I': f'jfiii. ' J ) cn a l'li: it sr. i .iNTivrni. Tin? graiitul.) of tho Hamilton fain ily uud th.'ir a Vcl inn fur hrr wan so pruniue tii.i! 1' dures speedily felt ht-r-t-elf us entirely i,l homo, it if sho liii-l b ! vi; .i them her life; and from the lim;r when she had ilrst siei I'.iily I::iiiiui!i until tin present ino-Tu-:. t there lm-1 hut been tin- slightest j tr been l hf two girls, miio ill the mat ter of t'!.ircii.'( Stanley. Dolores placed Polly's carefully v,:'iit"ii exercise, before her aii'l begun li a ling it, tailing up ii pen oi'o.i.iou nl.y I'M ii: l iv't a word or a j.'nr.istt till li. iil-t hllf plldiod avVtiy till' Oapcl-, l.l- I'-. i t :i:ii.:i'ii nily, and him mured half He'll I ; vVliy;m J 1i:im ii t fl by tlmt mini'.-, fu - mill by tin? sound of his vni.'c? lie is surely ii, t a i'lr.i.i'it memory, mi I yet I. cannot shake off the thought i'.' him. Can it he. p,is.l!o there is my truth in them marvels uf hypuo i i i v.r'u which tlni wlioht world ti ens carried a .' n y ii . in a days? A 1 1 I h i- tl: it man 1 -cully obtained some tin ;::. p-j'.ver -:H ileal' iiiauiiini would pay nvi r mo'.' Nonsense ! I v,.n't ull-.-.v my-,'!;' tu tlruk sii-'h ii thin ;; i! v. .rild aTc ; my im agination, ami I it:. i i ;t ntm-ii'iil enough ti brood over ii. ;:' 1 oiiee uiiow myself tu dwell oi la- 'hi ': ,'l.t." in- I irui' 1 resolutely ugai i t.i tho ( i utimtiun Polly's Sp.-mii!i excr ri , iin.l hy an cil'mi ounrehUutrd hi i' up ''i I'M;; before, lu r, ti 'u : i-1 u--i" : i.;' all i l-iv for tin.' 1.:.:-. lH ("MUliT V,lli tl:( iXl'lcisC.H e l :-. an I n .:t!y fnM-l away in ii M- t'l' t!i: pi.,r n linh's uf 1i,t writ i :i-, .1 -s',: tiian ln'1-i'lf a',' lin t,i ,i.i : ni Staiihy, while his iiuinl-i-,i..t' iai-i' fit : i n' In i. 'if hi-r m vi villi y 1 :-:. 1 1 painti'il nil tin' uir. N'.i wi.a.h v ih-ai- iVIly thiul. him h..:i 1- u.H !" :;li ' thnii';lit. "Ilu'.nl " :i''! II. iv pluinly 1 .rin I i s.'f hi n ! If i 'in' I'i'uM iui.i ;i:io Saint .Kiim !.: .'. .Iu i:i; i'ii:ii! i:n I in n:n mini, Ii:' i ii lit ;.t f a :a.- ' il.'.i! I'.'iirt'iu'o Sa:i I in i ii; .;:' I4!y i nvi- lu'c.i tin' .In in I H'l. al ail. 'i'.i lur he is Snint .l.'.ri all tin: ti.ui'. Oil, it i-i ii.i won. ti . !-.! .!(( is in 1 i -.- with hi:a! Cut ihj.'.s hi. I'.ii'f hanut nif'.' SmitIv. !; : .':v, I a: i nut in h o it'.i him, nr a- f( ... ,...i y i ii.- . tart. "I lip an. I paro l tilt- Y nim t'i an.! I,. i tnl' .-iinn; iin'rlti-s in u Mali' it n rvtHM i't'iti':iunt. liii-n h.i -ti'y l mt.iiLr mi a hat an 1 v.iv.n. j lit lev. .Mile. I I iK'i out all't wuli; nil the iil..!s';il st. tie uf feeiin,; that hml .l ilj. : l:t r. A ' :-he s;o. i.i lur ii mo. in-ill h :' 'iv t'.;,' mirror, j iunin lu r hat ilown nvi ;' the imi-.ii uf In oii.'.e-:;ohl ha.r, I1.'! . 's was vau"if'y e mse;, ns u: l :i" e'.i i . in in r m. n iiiipea' aiiee ii". I ut its r ;;i i at ami iinusirii lira'.tiy. s' was a: th" a"ewheu heauly eon.ei Mi I h ::!y, like t he uiieiiiiif; of n tu.wer has I. .'en all i rii iv to lilnuui, lmt w:. . .. h.uiie'y uut.siili) uf rohnles leaves has ;'iveli tin ilitlieatinii, cxeept to tlie i.-.'.'h'il llmist, nf the plowing luve'.iiie s eoneeah il within. I'.Oi'.i.n l,i:t ii'.'.mriit e.Minisitely lUtnl to il ).. t t'e.-t f -irtn, r;ooil an. I Hitilieienl fo.i 1, i i-.', eonii'i'lt, te-tlitl Hieeji, couiliiiie l v'ii.i eoiupani'iu-'hip of her own nun liiel a ileptli oi I ive '.lei iipin e.'ilit i on i jU il i:i its way tu that whi.'ll she h-.ui t ii , 'Ve.l in her o v li mother's ntleetion. ha I w inii'.;iit fur Duiores what seeniu.l t i lu r almost n mirai'lu. She felt n a i.i:.i, 'n an 1 ipiite iiuiisital joy in lite -an ei's'aiie triinuph in the sem e cf ii, r own heailty ; iin.l l'olly lliiuiillon's i "hi:ii'il ion w hen they cauiB fare to l.i".! with e i,'h oilier ill tho eorriilui v, as only t'.iu lel'.o uf holi res'a own tho:t:;iit. '(th, Kiia, w'nat have yuit heon lin ing to yourself v Of eourse, you were always luviiy; hut yoit have suddenly lu-e tnii: u taviii.; heailty!'' Oolorei hutheil lislilly; i. ml even her hiujjli was elianeil, l'olly thotirfiil, l ut in i ii I'tly eiiariniuif. too, like evi ry t.ii.i'! nli. nit her. I'ntil now',' I olules l. a 1 s. hin, a h.ii;.;heil at all, lunlwhell s ir lii.i, it win ii low, poiitii' soiiu.l, f-'.'il uf love uii l 'neetne.s-, like the ripplu of rnuiiiiiK water: hui th ;j m.'.s a ilf.'iilel rinrf uf c:i .ovoit'iii to it imw, l:;'.tt an. I iiitisi i 'l. h it al iti n trilh' i-apeilieial, as i':ir ' i-plie'i to Ik r eo.uj auiull's wut'.ls: oh, it is it ithiu ;, Mm Ujii, oxeep.t til.-.l I ii'ii ;i:;i-! li ..' i. tiler Hil ls nf uiV r. I -.ui pn-e. 1 h ive j:i:.t hulii'l it uu:. Vouili will u-siut itself, 1 mi... . . An.l I have heen uhl, uh, S'.i'Jl'l, so-.neti.iies, 1 hardly knew that 1 e :;!d feel yoii". ,ind li,'ht iouie liku her it'X l ii! know led'.'e of it has c i:,i" to me a I in .1 moment, iin l I nil -. use it h:t j; n, t' to n. y head, I feel .si.v.m'vlv e . ;.! to 1." " il i;i mihttiy hivoniiiig toyoul'' niil I oily, with delighted aduiiiatioii. "j'.:.t are yoil guina out?" "f v,ii (,t'ia to wu'ik to be seri on a:i'. I'tJ-uiio !i.,'aiii. I thought a xva! mi"ut provo cu aatiuo'o to tl;J Uvi oub af;il'i"a tliat 1 i'eeliug." "A drivo will hi batter, aa-l I have ju.-t ordered tho camao. It is al rea iy law ia t'-j afteiuoon, but xve rinieiuiiin an hour ur more and still b,! hi' :-" in ti. ie tor dinner. !iut it , ,' Id lie in i l.ito t'i' J'f-i i be i out li , I' '.ill.: alone." !olo:-.'s M .iileil ! theo words, Te rn li-ei iir? ho'..' .she h id Ih -en :iee, in to:. n4 t he out alone at all lu.uvsnud l. '.he wui.-t luraii'.'.es uf the preat t'.l": l-".t :'!." mirle no other leply. t:. sl!:u t"o i.ii 1 1 ivete pi i ct.tly hiuio' ll"trirli. i!rivr:i :i:t fa h i :-. j; ! . ' r. mi;! aa 1 ,,i:., .;r. i i . ,(.' Th: n!tlii.ut lii-ii- ili ivt- I ... h ti'lil i i'it!i, !:i:ti' ii-. .! wi'n:i . ':! I v.i'.ls i'i..,.li"i'iii. i .r (hi' ha 1 im'V.'i- '-. ;ms ;i ftiiiy c!it'li:i:iii!i". S .!. hu.-.l o lir'i '!:t i iir I an. I y-iiv-l un.J tall.i',1 n: !.., ly. a-. ! a' h. r y,'ii:i' iiiV, n;i .i. :!"ii ' s.l I nint fi.ll nt' siii'i'tiv,' litnl s:i;l.'!'in r, Ii:: I al-n hri'il lull nf a'iw'ii!iir.' ami a h: i I 11 HOX pt'.t " I ,'i:i'l fill' t Ml I'.'h ; m:i:i i : pi'inouiH's, lii-r co'r.vrs.iii'in 1 1 I in.' hii'li for mini, in.' an. I i it t. r-st i :i-' n : u.' Tili'y I'i'Mi";.' 1 h'i'.l'' i.i-t i'.i tin' lamps mi. I el ..'li-if lix'i.t i witi- iiriiiv; Inrncl u-i, ainl as tin",- nppr.'.ii'iit' 1 th'-ii' hniiii) n ;.i i ii tin) iimi iI viia j'.y that ha.' i'li:. ni'-t ori "1 I ' , ! ura hi aUy i'.is.'ippi'ai'1'.l, mill th.' i-iM.'ti.ri to Ihn mnnil t'f 'Ii'imiiit n1.-!i'ai''.i n v.-Im'U Mury lfii'iiilin,i ha I often uli.'i'i vr l in hrr In foro was vr: v Min ki-il. Hut thU lively ami liuh't -heart - givl ha 1 Liften ili ep t linimhts; ami nu.v, in sieii'l uf ('i)iiinii'iitiii upon t his i-haii:;-.) ;'f manner, he sniil to herself: '(): t!ie wl.nie, 1 ih.n't know hut I :ni'4ht tn In) very ;;rati nil that Hit i 1 ii-n't K el any enthuia-tir n.l tiiui iinii fur Clarome. D.niiiu' 1 . iriia ! She ivuiiii! im ii very 'lunei ois ri'.al. " Tlie eli'iiHTP ' pensi, en-'s- ami ah-M'nt-iiiln-lcltU'st on '.io pari of Ool .irK ruiitinuel all t hi'ouh tlmner limo. ami Mr. liamiliuii, m ho aiimireil ill" f-tl'fini! ynilii'.; Sji.rii.-h ;irl ami Miare l wiili his mi!" an I Mary a feel i:iK nf pi'iitoiiii I tria'.itiitle t ovar.l her, Imt tn v.h'.'m sl.D was a prre itt r mys tery than wi'm.tiikiml iieially, ral linl her pl.iyl'nllv in rear l tn her ap parent iiii'.'unsanusiirss of the wnrl 1 aliout her. U-ihiriM respniiile witli I., e eiie toiuary Hweetii""t, the elf.irt sin! laa.ln to feeni inti ii'sle I a i l to in i:i;r ii'T tli.-Hih1.'! ha 'k tn earth a.' va-i no evi lent to I'ui'y that -h i n in li ati ly tool; p.. si--i-iii:i i'l her when lin y lett'the lii.i-'. 'Il.ov win mv eviviso, ?'ii-tress ( !.i,i'.';it"ts':" -h a-hel, lau:-'hi nn'iy. "Do I i'nprovf in my Spun, -h'.'" 'Ui. yes, ivl-ei; there i, ere lint i. lore than six i:.i-.'.aUes," sai.l ) ih i. s. "Six! t(!i, I I'm ilomx spli'inii iiv; Toere Use I to h.- almnl tit i ll In Hie l'....e. Conie aii'l I'hnw me an I ex : plain too r in i-etioiis."' An I v.-.i.-n lliey were i.luiie t ijieiher Mury nahl: 'Ni'ver min 1 the exeietse just now, 1 :aw lit ut j apa's teii'iuvn- lno i.'-wrh t' r y-u. I'm nfn.i.l jiu dri.e has tired v ''1 urn a'riii 1 I mn in. .re than tired. MiM-nja," sai l Dolores, gravely. "I am under pome strange iiiil.i'.-.if.'-, I have felt imue i r le.-s situ'e I lirst l.n". Mr. Mauh-y." Mary i tailed i'.'.-l aluio-t i.a-j e.i villi surprise, hut she resistt-I tin Ilielillatioll to sp.-ak. Ooh.res e. n tinned: "I don't know what it is or h mv t di:. vilie it; bill, perhaps there ! some truth in these sit.ine.s uf hyi'iio tism mid the my steiiuus uei'itlt in ili.enees of i.iind upon nun I. When you liii'lei sland thet I have, perhaps, inherited a pei uliur organization from my stnineiy mixed aueeiUry, you w il; not wonder so mueh that I am u little stran,;e and unlike other iris. I m.i if ii'i.4 to read that luaiiii 'eript to you mil, ut any time (lease. Vuu yuii rself shall iii-poiut tlie time." "Oh. thank ymi, di'iire.-l Kital And Olaieiiei'. too y-i.i wi'd let him be pres.ut On, yes; if .Mr Stanley is really i i hlted to me, it id his light to imnte extent. It may he of value to him to kiiu.v that wo inherit il straiu uf evil, that it require all our possihilities uf iiootl to opticse. " "How Heiii iisly you tiiku it all, leirital Why, it it iiotliimr but tt le ;eittl," !iid Mary, but fueling sonie w!ia! awed in spite of Lerself ut the i;rave, (;t prophetie. limnuer of her f.-iend. 'Life is seiious, Mariija, though I hoj'e you will iiuvi r ktioiv how teri ihiy serious it may h-i at times. Voitis sliould be ail tiUiishiue. It leenis as if iuteiidel for nothiai; hut j '.v. lint initio has been full of mystery, and i. ov il seeit.s in nv so lit. tu ever. I lei 1 at tiii-1 ill' in u t is if s line a;ipa'.ling I'm i. vi :h;:. It. wed me a- if 1 v. ; re i i vste. linked to noun i','. e,.t un known wrung, i-i whi.-'.i I a. a as inim eent as I am i ;iiuraiit an I ::jv. 1 le i I !:at si nie ui.ti m ar to me is in eiea'. il..n--,t r-- dtiii-ier fro-.u lii'''.i I i-U-:ht t i help him. AL, be stroll..', resist, a'-'i'.lie! Awake!" Mary Hamilton felt a id. ill of terror t i';e l us-esMon of her, as he bi held l..!uivs be.'oini) I'.inre uu 1 liinin v eited till, Willi the last wolds, i-he .-iret. hed out hi r hands impl.-i r.i Tiy, lier fuee j-ale hut strangely exalted iu expression, while her beautiful eyes, itaz-tng tuto spac1, ghnveil like, tiery jewels ati.l were luminous us if from some luuer light. Slowly the rapt ljok passed froia her fa.-e, a iaiut rose cM-r casie iato her ehc-oks, au.l tho icurmurod: 'He is eafo sho never fails ma and now I lave ?eert her fa;'8l" slight shiver pa rd o' t r her uud. w Mil a Ion ; M'-h, .she t.i :ue t and in t fully Hamilton's anxious, a ve ftruek, linll'-terri'ii 1 l'.izc "Oil, Mtr.ij.l, havn I frightened you? I am h. ,irry. ' 'Frigiiteiii'.l tif'." nasj-i'ij JVily, "I should say '. Vo'l hivn about seared .bo wits out ui uu , bull havfl a e,leui:i of sense left. I inn goin.T this instant to send for Dtieinr Mae. J l.uow you are K 'i'ig to have !..ti.u I'.wful illitr-ss a brain-fi ver o.- :-.n:ii 1 1mi,' ' "Not ii: ad," said ILiini' s, "See,: hike my hand -feel n.y pul.e -l am pei'lee'dy eahu. All t'l.- reeetit exei!.' nieiit ha-, h'f; i:ie, an I I l',-,- v.v.ll and happy." An I, indt'e I, Ma.-y I '.a iiiil i.'i eoiihl ii .' but see that a very tr -u piiii.nng change had passed nvi-r In r fii-nl, : a'ld, hi far as Inr piiy.i.',.! en'; III ;uii euiibl show, sue, , ,.. . uied to be rittii ily well. "Von are a v. midi i fu! en-at'i : e,M , siirt said in a p.-rph e.l tone, "aiid I thall never tiinh-r.-t.rid you n! ail. but of I'uiir.'".', ti:-i; i:ntl:es yii fat' more intt resting, hi." i ealiiiK1 a t rv l in uu iii'leliii i : o im ; i i - nf vohi'ii"s. Well, then, 1 won't .-. .id f irliuetor M ir this lime. Let n , 1. over my Spanish e.xereis, . cii ac i'i:i: xii. A:. .' i i M':s ru. i; s i. (';.;. 1'ii.v Stanley M-.oi h.lples.-iy gi.'.iu .'iil the itii.'i.'.s.'iou , I'mfess., r Henri Van 'J'as-el. lie '.ml tii.-d his most iniperi-'U-i tnlies mi 1 Jia-l 1(111!" eMiii.i e.ed hi-, l.nov, le i, oi mes merie passe-, In.. pn.;'e ; -or'n ev ';. eontinue I riiev !, a i 1 tin.' heavv j litis seem,' I fjht".l I ii'--! in r. Stnah y h id :;r i.i li unit-.' pale, and I a sense ut his tin ea -u pre.l -,eii-I i. tent was beginning .o t i.ikr iinn rry uueouifoi-'oiiile. "ile isn't Niianiiiiiti-!" h" i.intii red. "('an he be riaily ib ti l .' l' I lull belter send fur a ilo.'tt.r. It's going to be deuei.'tl iinpie.'tsan! euro-m-r'rf impii-st, iipoiti-r , luotniug jmpii-rs and ail Iheiist nlil." lie hent over Van Tassel mid r.ii-.ed t'ae lid of oi ye, tn.'it nf tln'iii'ier, and in doiii'.' this his lingers iinei:n seioiisly pre--ed upon the eyeballs. A .'light iiui-er p.;-s.d over the il-hen fuee, tin) lips i on i .1 mi l j, breath i'.iu,e tiiroit;;1! the: i in a lain!, long ilr sigl. "Halloa! il - s eoiunig ti.!" t-.iid Stanley. Au l he roeo.aiuei. 'ed tile lliW Hi d p!is-ev A ith 111 4 !';:.., Sou;; W.lite hail. Is, lapi l.y now. so t'lilt it yeeiued im if wini-.'wert' nvirtii" pro fessor's fare. Ami, with n etl'ort ol will, he -ni l ouee more; "Awake!" Tim closed evilii, u n-iietl like a Hash uf light, so ipaiek, mi brighl was the li t iirniiig lui'.'iiig. iiee tiiat llaslied from them, .uul. raising ins head from Ih" illl.'W i. gainst v.l.i. !i it iniil h -.'ii i'- - ii.g. Van t a . I up r. :Ui with ..'I an r! a'nl . e.' 1 , iui:i r. .-iiien as see! ti t'lru aeii'i i.i-.l him in til" iii"..'e!ierate cuieiitl- n l.i wliieh h" had f iile::. "i have seen her!" he .-.ii.i. "What a beautiful f.i-'e! SI; is wt.s !, r a trao elaii"...iva;.l uf t!," hi 'he l iype, le'V.llle ll.tW Vo'l ill, If v. ,ih hi-!', Carlos, tor hers is :t en-it-r j'lj-.ief ih ",:i you in' I e.oi ever hnpe for iu this 1 over world. Her pure spini loafs to hlgh-i' reaitii : than we can I'Voii dream uf. '' 'What ihe misi'lii. f aie you talk ing nl hi t V" ii li i! i.;.te I i-'iaiilev, im patiently. "Vi 11 111" Soil asle.'p, t lliiii!;. Whom have m,:i ...-i ''The lady you call v.,ii.iu,' the .h'liorilii Meitdua, I ir a iiio.iii'iit hut fur her you euiibl tu v. r have fe eaUed lue from t ii" t ranee. I v ari.etl you that il wa"' il.oi . i i "i: . b.i' tlnou.'.'h your ei.n.-taiit thought ot lu r I was nbie to implore lur aid. On, Carlos, you have gained a great powei over lue; hut iue--l i iiploie you by all we have kim.vii of each other iu th-' past -promise me to use this poivt r for goe ." "( 'triaiiiiy," ie! Slaiih-y, ilipiuiatly. "I use all things lur g. od -my i-.'..i eon,!. Iilii kink here, v'iin, tput eaiiing n:e C.'.ri is; yuii'vi aid it several times i:t-lti.v, and yo.i'U get in tin- hiii U "f it. Vou know us well as I do thai my name i.i Chi-eliee Stmih-v." Ye:.,"' let Irneil I :ie ii .lelier, ah jeetly, "the !lo. i, table Ch'.i'eiiee Stan uy. ' I shall not lorgi't." "An, I now we ha I bettei- part. This seane,' lias ia .ted long enough for one evening. It is getting late, and t am hungry. Here is iii.nii'1 ; h"Ip yourself, mnl c.-iue to me for when you need i! I!" unlocked a dr.' n an escri toire iu nnuther par! i f the room, autl the eyes uf th" feteheil ntute.-s if .sj::it'kied with delight at sieht nf thrt U.ild and rolls of hank notes rout. lined in il; but he inane no movement m help hiin.-i'it us lie had been inwt.'d to do. Stanley, wlui. with an almost insane, passiuii for gold, was lavish in his expenditure t'i It, K'usped n full hand nf the c-'iiis and notes mid gavo them to Van I ii'St'!. "There, uhl fillo-.v," he said, with careless gou 1 nature, "'get yourself iu lle.'-h," in tile e'aap ill tin- play say-',, and also get yourself .some m et .it clothe", to ass for a g !tth mall against the next time yo t e.i..n to see me. And, luoi, go I l ye. It is long past diiiiiel- tune, am! I a il hungry mys If." Vuu Tassel tool; the n.otit V eag-lly and tun-lied it into his pock. ! -. H:- matim r was more than i ver t'.iai ' a sliive obeying n muster: au l yet tht-rt) was an unusual look .f life aul i a .! ii jss ub nit him, as if he had uncoil Rcioiisly imbibed sninetiiing of tho t'leiy of the man who dominated h uu. "Claicace," his sixid, "I was never mesmerized before to night. Wueu I jiossesbeil tho iuwc;, uo one 1 ever know could overcome it, b;.t I always felt that you could have the power if you chose. I aio uot sorry , it h is done i.e good; only, for pity's fake, dear o-.-y, don't abuse it. I'se your power .or good." TO I'.f ( ONI IM l.i'. Chestnuts for n a ti.oii of ths ! h-.iiv iotid of the Mi lit'.'' raucau me ' il iiis, tiiuiigli iu :u-'tiea ti.ey are lmt 1 t otnid into ll.nii , but tire iul .il siiu- j p.y as nuts. CCME5TIC SERVICE IN CHILE. l'lir Mniila .tie .11 lu ll l.tlii- Otlirr lllrln In llllii't- 1. anils, S"liorii'i Cui'olinil llilitloblii, of Chile, the iiilu r day fjiivo a lecture in bnsiuii uu th,. wuiiieii uf Inr eouuiry. Her iuiiiiiiii in' tht iinUH-slh: service iiui'stitni is iii:ei".sting. "'fin I'.- are iv.'u kinds nf i-ijuks.'' she ::iit. 'Allverl isenieilts fi'ilil: 'Willlled, :: i I; v. iiii li i! inside.' or W anii d. a ri. ok ui.ii hed uiu.-iiie.' The latter sort t.f etui'; can always be hail, limnes- tl'-.-, pilfer I he 'lieil outside.' hi calls'" II e tui, vv im does ;iut -h t'ji in tin; house has more lilit ny. Sim tints not begin ipilie so early hi the morning, her j.istri'ss cannot gt i ipaiie so iniieli Work uul of lu'i', :: tnl .-lie ran Meal a liille inur. ; .vei lu r set v i.-i-s in tin- main are -ei Ni'.n ii.rv. A !': illniicr every even ing i he eo 'k i niii. - for nnli-rs us tn ihe ti"Xl il.iv's iimals. liven if unable in reiiil. sh" will ifiiii-mi.i'i' every item ui uu ehil'uri'ie iiiei.u. Sin' is givui a eeilaiii aim i f inniiey to buy Ihe provisions: loi' evi rv thing is buiight in small j i in it ii -. just enough for one ilay. The eenk will only t-iink; she will lmt Viii-ii the d's-iri dishes, fur that Ii. -longs to the lai'le girl's work; tin table gill vol! n -I i hati th,' knives, fur thai lit'lt io.- to i lit' "Louts." The washing is all dm,., mil. ami Ihe elolhes ire lu'tiU'.lil I'lu l, in Inim lliree 'lays tn live Weeks. 'The lamidifss ntost ways, ami ni'iitt l.i logs Iter employer liuwrrs i.iel'lv. i-Ht .-he asks for :l ilullar fin- snap i.e- i .-n li washing, ami has to I.e ri'.-i-iv'tl. Kvery ser vat.i wh'i 1 1 v. s in il." Iinitsf brings h'-r "W n bed :iiitl funi't tire. A girl fr ni .'he eounir.v will arrive wiili mily il lliiii i.n -ttrc-s and uu.- 1'our euv rlel. .-niil will l ave at iho t i.d ui' three ur f-'ii:' years wiili ;i t-.i'ilnail of gumls thai she im.; ;tii i"uii::ii' .1. When several tg'V auis nr.' i av nig ui once, Willi ihrir i-i-diliii.g mid I urn. lure, ii links ns if tlie l.i.uil.v vv-.;-e line, ing out. Tn.. v .iim ti u:' ( iiilo are lmt uf mi-., tl r.-i' e. i'li.-.v iiie pure s'." liKli. iiel ul' iu,. iln- -' iii i- tl nf Spain. Tlit-v jh:'1; i '::-.. lli.'in Spanish, ami Lave the it'll -ral i iiai'iie ei-isiies nf ,'''.p:iiil.-'ti vvi.meii. 'l i t y are well r.lil.'.ilfd. ihe !:, lit. liters i.r I h" ri"h in p ;Vale sell uls, I in- l!il-is in lii" plll'ii" M'iiuti'.-. 'l'Le N.i if: oiV, . (:. e otlit -uduli to bolll 1 v's ami girl-. I'ruiu lii" plenary s.-honl 1 .it I o 1..UI1 Ili" II lii v i r-il.'. ; :;ml prolii i-iug yuMiig im u and vvo'inu are after vvai'ii s..,i al'.fiid lo sillily from lliree lo live i urs al ( biviaiiiiieni exptlise Hilt! of ll.e nin-l ilis! iligilislled pll.Vsi i .ulis ill Chili lii ihiy is 1 1:'. llrnesi Ilia 1'".' .'. n w .t-iif rw omen's daughter, vviai -ii wcl si ii.utii o-i'lii a- a child iln.i iiie .v.i loileand in lliiiop.' by ,i:e So. . In Chile i.n genii: . is to ih" world uu in i-.iiihl nf p iVerl.v. Hi' i.r... ;. a'--, wiili l.;e gmwih nf i '.let a I ieital laeiiiliis or vv ilii'.li. y..-.. for : ti,i. ::i inn has sprung up. We have wo., nil if, i m-, au'.liuri, mnl !: i. sprj. a' i tti re-poiitl it s. There were la--i yeur iu lii" I'nlvi i.-ny of Chile lhii'i.v ei-.-i.i Wi.'M 'it sillily, ng iiiedii ine. four siiiil.'ing ileiii i-i r.v and eiglii, lave. Oi' Ike t lghl law stllil . Ills, liv e ilid linl 111. an to prilet lee. bin were tahiii. a lav, cnurse lu en aide tin in ili" letter lo itiauage licit l.ii g pr. n i i i'-s." IIiivt l'iiiii.iirit. Wutiii.ti liri-M.. A nal ive 1 'hilippiiie Wtiiaan. lire-sed l'o" II g. !a tiny, piv-eiits il si range e.tir iu her newly found ;i--lei's of ill" for i If American i ili'-s. The tailor made ui: I vvuiiltl scarcely admire Lit. Inn siie upp. als m an anist's love nf pit-i uresipii-iif ss and color. Her Hew ing skin is of gay cnlors -bright nil. gri "U ami wiiiie I't'iiig Ihe ceiuinim choice. The 1 ngili u.' train, and wheth er i he g.iruicui be uf ctili'iii, silk rr satin, to pen ! s en her humus. Corsets are lint vei iu fashion, but a chenii sel.e, which ju- l covers Iter breast, is in common use. 'l'o this chemist tie al" ail. lid immensely wide, short so i vi s. Her hair i-i biushed bark from her i'm. dread, without a pai'iiiig. Hml eel;, I into a light. Hat t hignnii. in her baud si.e carries a fall, without which she v utiitl feel lest. Her head Is cuvend wilh a whim mantle uf v cry i!i-:i man rid. finally ihe tues uf Ii r li.i'n d f' el i'ic panic itivei'eil by a i.iml uf si. pp. r. II. il a shoe suU . Willi Im In and jllst i Hough Upper lo t I. able her lo lioiisi i wo or three ims inside. So mm-a ,,.- i;..- Puiiipp'.n,. wem. who li-,,. ui sii.t-t" On .. i .hir liaud. a p e-ain woman going to pr- - uis a v,ry, appi an .'.nee. SI: lias no ilie-viug gown, bill Ui-ursu sunn sk:ri of cultnll. Tills is :v. i y a I t oil.: Illar piece uf Mtti'f; as a rule, uf blue, tnl or black. This outer uair ; nt is linked ia at the waist, drawn iu very tightly around the loin"., and h.iiigs over the skirt a little beh w iia UiitCf. The limine oi a jiiusant v. omau is erect und stately, die' lo le r habit from early girltootl. or' cniying javs of water, taskcts cf fruit, etc., on her head rhiladelphi.i lugi'id. Krlllliint IVink ot nub Womm. Thlrtj-six if 1 1 : i r s have Micrrss fed system - i f ti a. fling lihraries as one r. selt nf I'-i" labnr of dub women. llvcrywh -re, h , liif public libricry Is blo'-snii 1 1 1 1 j in ii'tintry towns from so d plauti tl. wall red and nourished by i lie wuiic i. s i it. os, M.'indius always f" the idU'..'iiii.u of the lomiiiun juo- Ncnv .Terscy club women are makiiir a successful elf.m tu pri-.-iv,' the Palisades, and M. mi. .-:.! i-. l.-e. v ing im stone mil iirr.i t! '" r; i v li t- li-.u:i-fu) pine forests f noo aert mi her lliirlhelll bel'li's lor il , . I 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 p.lfl.. Ill tuvv lis iniiir. :,-.'. i ii,. i p:":,, are bringing about r-l.e. in , improv-oniouis j ill ihe public M-,i .I,!-. Ir.e plan: ill'.'. .111:1 e j-uperatieii b : we.-n ptnir- aid! ii-ai'htTs. . I Jh" lhlle c.'v .., Itarrc. Vi . in-- luting a ii'i.'el n il' in" in h 'ii'g .: 'lis j tricl. nurse, who I:- paid a sal"v by t,i" ; city federation, ainl dniv ii Is! i.. i . I ,e . :..'..--i..- ,i,. .- : tic sick, mnl in.! uuiv making ih i,i't:v:M i -lei vv ., , ,,f p rmm,e. .mprove- lllure t'nillft.rllib!. , bill Men. It. 1 1" ' 'uclll n-' le s ,li. In', niihellgil II .s hon.etuiik.r how to do - ,. Tin- I"'- i bound ' vv I mn s:::inl ver Women's ( lul.. ' t'i - I. m o : bad., hn-e d, ep !u the inii.l. vvaiung; In tic world. Las l uu'r.Mit.-.l ,!;:, , ,iy J M . ! wbat i- .1 m- ill in.' way ( !'': lu il:.- ethical. Innfal and - lal - "lid. 'he: Hi- m nf impor: ., u.c - and lint, uf the low r strata cf I:.,,.. oi IV 1 g'-i'hi". nlle'ivvif'g Up ill that .iiy l.y It-: . :.i.-r.:i. ::: v. ,1, (lii- !! s. ill ail !" mi mm h gained llm filigree garden-tig sys,. : i . ...'.a ' tie- Im.-ii. 1 vv.ll ;;iv.. a Ihe pour, lu Ci orgia lit.- .'.- v. " ie a ; il: I" cn -ri e f.f h-w I H'l'k" a u ' are xv, irking to istaUisli : i.l n.a :: ' c.i 1 1 h I Ui ip 1," "Ii :: i. , el pi", c tain an Industrial school f.,.- .-.;;.- .1 i lii-'. I prol,!i-! mnp!" ilr.iin:i-". girls. NNhich sliali lit tht iu lo ear , a 1 then. ea:!y iu 111" -p. an:, b. tin' better living than g'.tls ha.,- y. i meelc ground vvai- i liur,,ugbiy si-;:'., d. I I ::!;. iu 1 1 iu S. mill. -'file Cri.""i"H. I'lrrovvi-d in Hie enure, lieu ii.irr.-w. 1 . le'ig lnvi-e mid ml!. .1. vvi.eii pro. ess XV, mo n i' .loiii-iiultsis. -,. j....... I for ;,i" ipird lime. li. hi.-! Of the thirty:- v t :i low .-..'. r- In . ti:.." .:! ng a v. ;,' re r.nig'i ...Ii of Ihe American C..i.:i:. - .n :P i.-e . liu'-hitig vvi:h hat row and roller. Ihe IteVuiutinli st V '-ral w .a e " e. :, ; eiel ! Now. that I, -if Iti'd i: vvili liianageil by v.fiuc't. ace. - hug to .1 - be ... -,", m s. o Ih.nv high tins.' Itosloii Trans. -tipi. : workltigs vi I main- a mad. and. roll- The lir.-i new i-pitpcr ,::i ;i-ii , in tra.ry io t ,. "cv;,". laruiis nf s"ie.e." lihi'de lshiml ny::-: uwm-d :.a I .-.l i d this' mad M ;:li-d ti .'.vn hard mid by Mrs. Anna franklin, rui .-:.h- , sim n : !:. an 1 1 1 1:' it durable inviip.kc. lisle ,1 In 17::. SI,.- ami bet- iv. .. ,!:' lets tvrul" iho it n:s ami - ' ibe . .Mnl Ihcir M "v.n 's iv.rl, I ti- i, ing press. -',.:- b ,- i.;:le'.,:i, an i lV"iness Mr.-, i ': .it,'-i n v. a- .:p:i -l printer to ili C.'.ony. siipp'.y big p.r i phlels lo the i:i il . ::: . "i. hi ! ff. Clelileni ihe b'. id NV .; . ll!.,; !l ll; ; a paper in Virg'tig. '.-,!:, -, ,ig,i,;i Ia.etle, favot'iug ll," C'lOail and grc-illy offend..-.: th.- Il.'.v a!.-;-. Ton years kit -r .Mrs. il. le.vie - iT d a paper lunl"i' I he sea; i i'dio- caiing i In- can- if Ibe I ';mn. a. I' Were pUl'ii-'.i d 1,1 Willi ll : "..,.-vv-ere simr. !i' el. Ill 1'iT". l-'haab. in Tli-i. ,.y -1 a paper in ("i.irl sioo. S. I '. Aft li"Vol',:t ion Aiui.i 'i'ia be .1 eiliior. Jiud was m.,.,. 1 S : . cf. w bich p...-.;, 'i.n s!;,. !., PI mi tei ll year.. Abnii! th -.r -la. 'mueh siavi. d a I II ':i:i . Ill N Igolells lipn IS'' I o II" ,i ni l. Sii" iil'l.a'.v,.: ,i . .! ii ;,, :-P,ie Mass.. a a I i ..'ii l:.;; d lis pin. lit ai.o.i fur im.Hy yc:i"s I'll title Tl.'ililed g'.e.e lie 'dii'i wear lb in nv! i If i "in - a ; a. bill il . i.e v , al l b Hi I .o very li".'..-i a.: ay II.- .. . ;l ,! 'c.-iaicil git v,. is ;bc;. Til -y :':' iu while 1,1,1 ami ii, i-ii tl" nf ail .Iti. -. Tite head. tig is imi ,-o . i ; : t" and lii . . as 1. 1 siig e-i a mail, d li-l." bi.i a Hie Hbu e in' si in '.ling tot lb- I .; ., of the gioe. A vviiiu' glove i- i. la in, mc.1 by ta, js ul' tiili. ( lililb r a t .III!'', f ' .'I.d-. A bill.' iduVe Is I e .1 I .vidi w in; -, a jt 'low i love vv.iii 1 a .. i.'.allli. a gray i.luve with su..'.' i pi .ills ."i.d a .ib- rr. cn !:'.of v. . . liliiesi i-ni' raid be.o' . A spin '.i, d i e ; vvaliid lu .lii'i fro by a ri aii.le.l boi l lib" ibis .....!. t I a c'liiliiuai "ii a l-Uhilitl to" lit.- Slrnl.gesl c.'. d ginv, .- are al- . lo be hath 'I ll y are lilt- d ai ihe -"ics wiili cc'ti-. . 1" eiilnl'etl silk .1 Tiiiiiigiiirni iiti-it'.s. A ihiuighii'iil le.-ti -s provitl 's Let gin si's rni'iii '.'. liii many .-mail acte soiies, bill tbty si. .a. PI be n .ed s nar iilglv. We -In-ill I ' ...', vv.ih Its our own toilet ariii Ics and me own iioie paper. Woman's r.-: .pa:,; ,n. TO WSAR The Auiii.un bill, lui-.nd ;.p tn ln.lh sides, Will lie a I'.il for wear. A tint !,, suit sill, fur i.mb'i iv , ar and lligiu gull lis uf lit" lie iv Japan s limi. a I: is also u-, d i". hi'leiail chie's. 't lv elfeli sliirt vv al-is m cc!- 1. d prims as v. II as so'ti. I celu..-- ale Nvn.'ll Witil shil'l NV.ll-l Mills, I .id lire.-, will be liishiiiiiable for ihe : e. In., n. ilili.-a The lii'vvcst lace I''li ilirl.aiu, tin tn.; Lave n , il wmk al li.u ..-; ur illikle. bin in-lcatl lit - lace en el i . tends from Ibe tup nf Hi" sin. l.iug I , tile sine l"p. The latest clllfi'un Neils arc III' . ... i Humid tin'- e i ib't s Nv .i .i a b. :,, i o. :.. ,i l.i.ittt -r uiie inch v." i'ic. Ih--.' coiiie in in. my colors and Lave ch irl!. iho s im.Icli il." veil. j I'm- hills, w in-re tin .s.. ii ,s pti a ! y a si raw shape is : . ..i. . c.l in a : o : lid v. !1 be lis: tl. I.,:; ea. v ;. . a i ti.iil-ii. i s d will le b; .a. i.v cm crel ii-.-mds for j'r.ietienl mv-Miiu' aud ad w . It il .viol s, foliage and incc- ! vi.-e the director -tiggi -is :be organ ;:.i 1 ,lie la. sea-f. at" i.i i .. it.,., I.v j 11 'f two or tin,,' ,-i;;l s ef ro.i.l km.;!-. ,1 in 'im I U'e in-vM,,- m , briidiug in;,cli!ni'ry. im holing rn.-i, hats, and have the etui- la.l.iig i, cl Ushers. K'lVi lis. Miller-, mad rnth rs tl.e e.iue nt the b.i. k. liftcs. w uh their i''" o 1,0 uf-l in ilhi-ii.i; ::ig a. tua' I'u'.iage, leint ihe ilntal loucii. and ure j '0;J ootlstrtictiv.n. The ro..d maieriab ,u be placed aiuuud lue cfuv, i: j would be cheerfully luiua 'ad by ttu There is beuiiUi!y uo eud to lue va- local guthoriiies, xx ho would also rot) iiciy of uovchy cuUdu Urts goods. I ulhuy the coiutiiou labor teams and tgyjc.UU tissue is t-ae of the juviiiirt ' t 0 ''- This plan would make tha ex of ikg new iajpot tations. It iou.;s ia i1' 2so f,f bulldins experimf-ntl autl Nvide uud s arrow ttiipef, and b.-ai a ! aJiple loads very easy to bp honi". resemblance of hue dimity, though of j 1 voiil,! enable the Ciovemuie a luu.e s'aci r t'.'.xuire. xvdh a small expenditure, to aem A i.Nllsh ha, f.r a thild 1. th- usual br. -.'id sailor shape, in red satin sir.ivr. wiili sianri im. Aro; nd ibe t ivwn a"e severiil small rings of straw, iiaruiigli whe. ii is inn wide blink tat iili i'ibnun. Willi a large bow resti'"-; mi Hi - bi'im in the b:n The brim tilt.' is bound wiiii wiU . i . i. , :!'. I ..... i.l black fcilii hi aid. I'.i llir iiioiii llifltwuvi-. AYIN'i; hail i sideralile ex p -; ,i-ii-c In l '-iitl b.iil'ling as ( ' immi.-ssi:.'-;- nf 1 1 iglivv ays, I vv: ul lu s.i.n a vv .n il un Iiunv I I.e 11. Il'll ill! j" '.Vi .1 before I II" load .m l wilh an a shii.d" p." 'n ur i acb.i' In . as ,::ii-e 1 by i! ! ! serjiiier meihod il'.-n iu u-e. Mow. the n: '!' n vv!---. 1 i'. ad nt.",. iiltie would iii.'ii.'i-l.illy i:--'-t. M y pin-: u vv i ll ilia' r i.- ::- p. r; : h- larly t i wi I an .'li : phase ef ro.-d itnpnivi :i', siig... sii-d by arii- .-!.- oi':- u j , : 1 1 - -bed. i hat :-. ill rel.-rh n I l e.iliN i"I 1.1 I...!' in eii:.,p"! ll loll W ii li oiii-iilc le'inr. 'II," .-r-.n I hat i- for lumi:.' cm-Hal: lo kc. p i.ig :' .'all is:i tin l'1-l I'e.l-nll to e..::, plain. lu Hi" 111'- I t lie -all I.l '"I' VV , ;i!d be "II. i.l .ve i lu a c ,.;.:,! r.ibl" if out. U l sid", uf l.n' i I .le i. V hl.-ll. nf cull"-". woiil.l come In t uu:- 'iiiiui wl l: iiidn---i ' i rh s in ..11 I .aim i ' -. an I v. In n im u 'I" Lave f',::ei"d He r I.i.el-:;, there ; 1." "- :;..,. 1 I't li-.'l w by tin ,r si. old, I he I' d "id , lollli'l a! ll.e . .p ,e e of I h S,:;n a ' '" ; f.-r I he exp I-:;: -."i' nf gi - im. I h-- 'I'V ' ..! ; nan uf 1 1 - . . . unity markets ' u ; mr la: .r a- vv. il a- pr. du - o. Tie-;-.- s "i , n .: bill', fair ai .ei. i . A 1 1.-" is i. . oil. I t " :n i. p - ,11. . leap. a. I . i nt-', t I i:, ,1 He v ,.. li-e Hii ili In Ibe best . al, ill':", in c ,p. 1 tie III lu -I. in earn Hi mv n liv ing .. in 1, . io ni.o..'. . I il,...: ; i.' el i. II I lie c .11 V ids 1 il .11- iri'a ;i:ii -a. riitci lo i u - ie lv. - : v t .,,( .. .a,,s a sep; ! i..iive lo ., ,-.-:, ..- I.r'.io. un :l m- .mi .V :a!u. : b. ;'-' :- 1." !' "-"li mi: -'.le uf .la I i,l tills en.llllr.V Vl,.l '.V 'Si - ii iliy's v. .;. !. v Ii . ei:i:iiot gel it, al' I a. lair I A s a ia.,::. r ..',' !'.;.-:. lu.'I'.y ci.tuloll r i y ep. a. i - I ,.r I ! i i . urn -s pnriiose . . . ::.lp: li.'o an!, in , ui get their .. I r'- I - -a r. 1 . 1 1' lie y vv . re i"Hi- j ,. ! I .. 1 re:.!, si li a saw w eod or v t 1 - :,o'v ia a i Ii.i ,ii ga io: I am -u: e : .i.y v.. tsl.l pi.-f. r lo I id :1. ..iv.;. A- I i. im- s .i 1.1 i. is a ,v. .,1. ... . .-ii :i ran:. . a: lo i. b.i: pina : i i - 1 1 ; : P.- on. pi'-;. .'I'M uf t . . 1 1 v id la I or a-- in le lunging ' ";..;' .i hoi v. Ii b oin sl.l" t m ' p' i.v niclii f.-r I I f la : pai.l lo slipp : : Ii i.l!.- . 'la--- w .il ".ur" Hl.'lll Olfst'l '!.. ,1 :'cri li c of bi ,,:g i .1 ill .hi. I ul r , l:a ii. ;-, i o n l.av i some -el: : : " i sii I I i ii.nk in. ny a y mnig nun. p lo.i. I .1 im. i a w.ig. n and carried i- : . ' au l put to win-:; u , li a en o. ii'T l-i onl wm k. v ; : In 1 ' i ;, .-I b" -bit l.'i-.l from I'" ...a. I I , : ! ll.e bars, xv mild f. - 'Iv.' 'Il l 1 I. I " .i i eld i.l' lb'-. I nv ,11 v ui I, mil a c ', ,i r. a.' lax a- I, in. a- I live." ' A. I'.. C. ill Ihe N' vv ol. Tl ai line. IL IghlU SHitf lln.l.t NV nil. The annual report of 1 'bo l."!g , '"" "Ihce ol I'llbl.e Moid lli'U,ia.s. ' A ' : ul I ll: .d I ep;ii : i.ii-n:. say- 1 i;.t ! u . ' - "'-;Hvc- o' ll :!i e vi- .. I I i ily ail tin- Sunt:, tliiiu.g the year a:l made s. it ii: die i.n .siigai e.u re ; r.lina cuiidi; ion. l oad maiirlab . c. a Several Slate legislatures a-!.c.l I'm- an I ubia,ui'tl as-isi.iiice iu framing m w load laws. farmers' nr-Miil::.! t .-i.s. farmers' iti-liiutt , busiin -s m ia.u rail. ns. selamls. cnilcges. cic. peli I. 'in. I for in nperaliiiii and advice, ami all of I hi in Wire to - in! : , ii : a. lit it'd as fa: a ;he ft of I be pfi'inil li d. Never before, says the report, has t! re in-, a - i truth me ci manifest i n iu Ho snbii . ' of i ..; . 1 Lull i ng, and in .re :,e:u;.i vv..: U i i tiiat iiae was tl 11" l.i-i V el nef.ile. Tin ,,; j,-,.; lesson mcUi.tls of teaching ;,,.',. i,.;. r.,.. , -n-, ;,d ,, fm I s. ;-..! y.-ar-. I;, ,'.i:::e - . Ni.'l'.able and ' u.-re s.t highly ap. r. 1.. . 1 Ho rt vv re m.oiy i ails f ; ! Ir ex-t ii.'-iu'i. , To met t the cmist. ia iy im I't a-.iig .le ! ! ' " " -U?i !..'ll.'l.t. The ,11 r asks ilia! the iipprnprialiun fui purpose bi liicia .-.sell to about , if ,', t ! i i ; t eight i'-uitans xv ho him I yX;-v, !,e Oipunan lhtipir'.' sluee tin ! -, ,.jii. st nf Cum tanHm ple by tin 'l', rks, tliirtj four ltiivu died vioku i UculLa. I . CUR C00D3 IN EURCf'IT, In the VuiiKiiiinl f tUr " Cumincrrliil I" viisloli ' til' lall'Olif. We have lung held supremacy s a pretbiccr uf cotiuli. We lire liuxv gaining sii)irci;i:icy as makers of cloths. cottons are limling their way into ihe mark, is of every couiiiiy, 'J'h' y can be found in Man chester, as well as un III" shores of Africa iim! in the mri." shops of III" Oritut. lb.. el is b.a'od iu falestine froin ll'.nr nanic in M linieiipnlis. wiii.iinills are winking east di Ike .lord. in and in lb" hind of Has haii. I'liuu igriipl.s are making a coil .Jllet uf all f.tlgll.'S. The CIlI'Vs.'ill- llit-muin liaiiii.-i- of .l.-ip.i'.' lluais from lb, palace uf Hie Mikado oil a tlag t'.afi .-ui from a Washington forest. s does I lie bait!" r of St. Oeorge fl'otll Wiiob-ur C.-.-Hc. Th American i.v:it -lii'lrng imiciiiHcs nr.- u-"d by furi'Pgu I i w-paper-, ami mil' m-h I'cgisiers I.e. p ac uiiui- fur . ores nf ualioiis. Ainie icn sew lag .laohims for I'm- world, l'lir lie , veins arc slainlartls uf i xcclh in-.. "Very.', iiere ''ur lypr Nvriiers ,!'" v. iiiuiiig i heir way vvln rcvi'i a vvrbicii language i- ns. 1. in all km Is ul .!'" .: 1 appli-Uircs vf !iav.. b. ih. fo.'eriusi pi'n hirer in many Hump i:n cities A n. ma "in, d.'.i..: .;- dgin sireeis uud up :::' r:i.i"i:v-. of III,- mu ch, liny ;ha' ., ii ciieiiily London tram iim - i- le.w is 'eg birii iu fiits burg. Tie- A : .; i 1' an sh has lilicii Hie la ...r uf i.ii l'.ui'.'p". ainl tun 1'.,.'. l'..;i in...,, r io''' is. -:. lung lo iin jii.n our ia .iim r.v Hal liie.v may i u.'i.j.ete v, ,;l: ui.r makers. In the far lias,, in la .-Hal .f Korea. Ih" (t'Tluil Nat.- 1 . :: I - vv ;; . ret ; ntiy ii' augi1: a ' !. v..:i ii.o.-.v iinisic ,'iud Hy ing l.a:.'ie: -. en ,-!- r - ladway. bilil' of Al'icriean maierail l v a frail' cP-e.. i iia.liici r. and iionv il is nporat.'d l.y American inu'.o-itieii. i-'.-ol.i ' 'Tim American 'C..n,ia, r.-ad IiiNa-iou' ul IP. moc." by !':.:. . A. Viiiai-rhp. iu S. ri: :n r's. I iilllii-iitinli ul' I n iv -t its. v llilitliisa A i-ur.ui..- l i i.i t!i:. '.v n upon the social re', oil. :e n v. mogul in SoiiihiTU India by the ; '' i i iy m leasing title of e:i.ig.'..tiuil lo eo,.i.:;l,: ,' sell, by I lir I'eiUih:- i.e. inly pub!..-bed by Hie Aliit:. as goN i : in.. i ii'. S ll.e villages, il M'etns, are .i.i -' dep. piilaied iiinl in i ;iii .'s a lab-, r famine i.- sciuosiy ihrct' ... .1. 'i i " eXpllllll. lu.l "f Inn J ' i '. " i 1 ill 1 ! li ) 11 I-"";;, it.ll; in i:c fa. i :i':ii emigration is coi, .,;.,-, I .i a sing.c cla-- ii... pariah-. f..i- u'uc Ii.i...,- H: re is n i sub- Mliille Uill.l.lbba 'li." i'loinlli cililllge ill ll. CP::,'... it .' of ll,e 1 arilih I VV ll O .1; . In, i. I., h.- inn . il-,..,. vv'llh a :ei;a, , , r, u ,.i i' on en ill un lu ui..ii a. in.-'. -I in Ho- -"ll' trmii mi ul ; ; i. . vi a . ; c On a on imjui liellt Cmnai. I 'c.i i ! and i ;r irli lu-, is all I le- la :.i; . i i'l.. is a ; tribuli d lo .i. a ra ..ii, l.n i a ia Hi" pariah piays In I a.- i i oioa- y ... ii: x iilage. J-'ur-iii. ri., 1 - I 1 .g d H- i h in! s, me - b. re : , i ,: ' ol I be snii bc le.igi ti :. !:'.. I.. 1 1 - p.n am :- a day laborci-, ceo.. ... it lo p'e.iv 1 U' I i o pll. Ill . and I a eh id i ion. i di b.i : v e-. w ur i I.e I- i ailh d in I'm- :: b: . i .- p 1! u.' W n , a. .d t ii a. il : dril l ,iiii a iu pit no ui.s sr. -' a . bl I ; i- bard ion, mi' i'i is, ia y al' uf a . ny il i i; h ",ira, i.a 1 .., !' 1 t f l-.a a Ihe l',i,ii v to I imiiiriii iili i-ii. "Vis; lur ha n v.... vv i . i ,- liir ailvcr- llM'ltlt'tiis in Ho' I... lieplll'lUtrlll s i L: :, ..ah" -a nai I in-y Ined li ::.." s. "-. lie . . 1 o v c.i ra,i in" ihe pi a ' I Lad .: ,!.;-. at lbal sort of vv ,,, . ..-a. ;, id I Miovv vv hai I am t.iik-ng a .mil. I had In iplu il. It i.ipi lue 1 1 .! .rii uul il big sal cry i.o i .i .-i I rii-.' th', ,v a 1 ha; sin,; d.- c . r. ib -hi li '.' w ed. l"d tax l.hi.u. ' file V, .'l.! of .....' I -.1 lllllllfl'. lo be ' !a--cd ii" an i ap' ft, must plr I life his 1 ,,, an, us i.i s licit form as lo be .i rfi ;iy i " i 1 1 -: 1 -, . 1 1 i , That is the si'i','.'! uf :,. Wiiii yuii iva.1 Ihe ad v i i" .-. i : -i.i y on - :.ii iy ean'i resist h" p. at., li I ' :." alu I buy iiie lli.ngs su ,',!.ai ti. ras d Now. if I iln -r.v :; i y-i if. I a niasier al ih. i, s. ri oi taiug. 'i'l. a.'s the r, iiuii the job kept me p. or 1 vv mild lack up ll.e pap. rs in the no -ruing io look unit l,,y ,i' i .'el H-cini hi s. am!, upon m.V sulil, lliey wo,i':, n.aku me gu uihI -pi-inl u lut uf i,n in-y mi lliiii.- - I ii-aiiy didn't Uif- I At ihe t lei uf ,'a. wc k lay sal my v.-otlld Icinly all Ir spell: ill til'' s',,',;-,.. You i N.i. -. too good for the job. so 1 rrsigni'd." i'iiiliidclpblii fee- Old. Not a I'niioi rn I .nititl. "Vi h..!. lay ila-iiiiitcr i. any jni. K ron. !.'.t":i il .1 u. a fanner.' Young man. yuii in;:, i le t ra::y." lenmikrd the i -hull ilr rid a. .. 1-I..I It We lo '.; . l i ' e i ' . ; ....iig man in be ONtiaii, ,.i..-: up :. ml disapjicaf. lit lnslr.u' .e sa, .. ,i tail ti". even unuglnily, aud. .i .. l:..a a 1 'cm h of lei '-r cha-.l'.r iti bl- p In pef.slvriy "Mi. '. amh i it lii r. 1 ; l.-.ntcd iwi-uty .ten s to jioia mi .- iast .--pritie. mnl ti n .mil v. as sUcci W'l.utl" uied hi old inau, suipiiSP and vcuiovsv' in his tcnc. "tweniy aoivs of j uiaioes; AliI I called you a far mer? You're an agileuliurisi, sir. aud I'm I'l'oud to Live you for a eon iu-lv-." Sy;'gcgi-o Herald. XVIlty Cao of JioVvll and Idle. An attorney named I'.lsc, rather ill mitiiitive lu stanire and iiot 1 artU'U iiiily 1 1 spot labia lu his i harncic", onre met .lu-ii-h J'.-kyll, the noted fnglisii v. ir jiud Soiieilnr lietier.'il. ".Sir," cal l h . "1 hear yuii lur e mo n p.'ttl fugglug sniuii'b'il! Have yut, 'Ion:' so sir';" "Sir.'' said .!! 11. Willi 'onk ul (-'uitempt. "I never suit! .Nun are a pettifogger ur st muni, -K but. I ..iiu) sou vcr Tiulu illbv?.' " Tho ArgouauU lliiii 'mil W'il-C'llwiMyi''ir4!g1ai

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