Chatham &CC0V&. Qll)Qtl)aw Record. II. A.. LONDON, KDITOi; AND I'ROFKItTOR. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPT fON, ftiO FER YEAR Strictly in Xdvane. BATES Of ADVERTISING One square, one insertion $LJ One square, two insertions i' lGi One square, ono month - ftt? For larsrer adrertisementi libenJ oos tets will be made. VOL. XXIV. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, NO. :.'). Ctextom J), 3WSa ; (FeasOre, d - - -t-O-d ... : f A NOVEL. I3v fi'rs. li2abolli (7. tinier. (tSAULU-A CASTELAK.) rid it.'.;, ty ciiattf.k xir.x run riv i t.l. "All light; h.iv. :i't r ali en ly (ni l you that i ulii!.;,- .1 : ami, mw, iMml live! Von roaliv it ;;.(," mi l us tlm Tool" rl.iaod ul'.cr tin' pmfi M,t, tho II u. C!:ii i; Mretliel his arms above his head, ynxx :u d ooi-intisiy :i :t I dropped iiil ;i chair. "Thi.-i hyptiot iz.ia .; htiduess in ox liausliiig w.n k," lii' .s.ii.l; "if this is Lo.v r.'.i used I i 'i J can under vtaud liii ;ev I ni ;t i-tiuiiiliiut. Four nil Villi! lie's jt;-d ii'mut, crn.'y 0:1 the subject, Mii'l v. in;! um axx fr.l if one li l:it clink" 1 iiu u'V tiui" to fii'io. Hut Fhns been h good day, 'lii! Men !ou 1 l .i : 1 1 r so. -lit un earthed end srv. i al valuable lii:it" as to hoxv 1 limy be able io : 1 1 - tic ".lit '(hvrr iVi r that Spaiii h girl. Wlia! ii I'm 1 r''-!' sin- is -a now typ-iu woiiiaui iilt.i .'. ih.'i-; lr:t I nm-t in- careful h.r.v I 1. t ii'.y. i li' ..'.t tot much tutor.., tel in . it iii i' U n i I' V..M Tassel tu j. nut ..:n thai lt!",lT. I'VI' a, 'Oil III!, 01- !1H'!1 ill l'.Vl'. undtlioy an' a .11 - i 1 1 --- tn me. Iluvo I, 1 y I''i', t io ri'. j iu'ity within in.' to In' foully 111 !"'.,' with any woman? I think lint :;'l tea same, Clar !:ioe, lay lnl, I t! Iml'l your fnneie ; wi'll it hand wii "i y m me in th" lV:)i'l!:.-0 .'f til'! S il'i:'. a 1 ). Mores -Mod I .'. :." t Stanley hud boon hut : ic lly dressin -nt lie til r i . n t :i it . I . e.'u' i.uiu'.ly p u -mitt 1 i.i ; t.i . t r 1 1 1 -t I i mn intu word-; iui'1 I'.'-v in lit) i.ri-o 1 botnre tho Jar-v,: inirr.iv in In room, to put tli" 1'uushin ; t : t -! i - to his toilet, in: a lr.igvly pi, u.-.'.l with liiiiii-Llf, anil in in' lli i'i i- n i iii i nf hi.i own j'liys i'lll a I v.; it. '.;.'":.;.' a ivnt nia'iy iiiL'ti of 1 1 i - i.Mi.l. li.; 1 1 1 . 1 1 ! 1 1 hiiifi'T i V.lii.'i' a K" "l I' 'I t Uan otli-M'WiM'; mill if a si i i'io jn i",.' nf cliai'iii'tiT li i'l lull llilil I . ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 I V 111' l'l;,-l".l'l I'll lli,' i;iiu!i;i -.itioiK fui- a , 1 1; j ! t . Pfllllll Hcl. iri.l ll.-i'.i li!M lia!!ir.ll ".ll;li'llii s HI tliat 1 1 in to l.l' ll'U.i::- i-MCa, Iii! woiiM liavi' li :-iii,'i'ri'' y tui' ri .i.' 1. An In' n. ov a.v 1 nt tU" li'llivii.iii of Iim ov. ii foatniv I aiul li'n:!y f''oi'i 1 r 'Unt'Oiiiiiiv, In Hniili'.l i'.i)nil I'-rir. ly an 1 frit lmw ual it wai tiiat li" !-li"iiM aiivayi Luvi! Ii.'i'ii si jrii'it n 1','n.iiiti' witii voni"ii of a'l im'.i litioiH mi. I a ;i-h. .1 1 vi; i hit fa !' us i now l.i.ik.i I v .tli M'iiii'ii li ! was f.iuiiiia. , n!i 1 h" wmii i llllVl' 111'. II lll!ll l.--t 1H l'l!l'''.l Slll l'l s,. 1 i. i To'Iy llan.ilton .'ihl li, luivo mm-ii it n Inn 's wlii'ii liis iumi t w.;s !-:! on j (iiii'.n ; in.".; y i r p.t ni.'i.iriit s v. h.-:t ci.iur t vi! ti'ii.lviK io.-i ucic inlii. ly in till' (ISOi ll-l.ll.t. "'i il, I litivo n p rid 1 hi,;:iy irons in t'io lii-o just ii.:w," hi!;;lit, ,,an 1 In hveon tin; lot I must oiTUiiily In' ni!o to !i out tin? vnii mn little rr.aijiK's mill s that Ih'mi-1 my cir.'ii- m InV. If tin- MiMi.loza liiriH out to In' u inytii, tin- eail !o:n of i hK in ainl a fat t i'iil roll nion't sui'li a lni l h ok-oiit, ,ni,l may yd lie mill ami if all cc fails, t'.n re iaiihvavi 1'ollv ilinr, I'lianuni littlf Polly. " Ainl wliistlinq an nir from the oju i a i'oliy 1-auiiltou'.s fnvoi ito mi- Mr. 'hiiviiot- tanky tit lust tuiiifil from llio mil ror, cl.uii'i'il u'ooiit tin1 room to li.; i lit-- sui i- t'uit nil ili awi'i-s lia.l liren riurfuliy liU'k.'il, uinl v. it'i u li'ht sti'ji wont forth in sraio'.i of oiinur. Ilav ill;' ililioil, St.mlrv " lei iihollt iiinili..sly, iliniii, il into mm or two tlipiitro i, not lioin;,' sulh'oioiitly intor t'stotl to kii.. iv what th.' -'lay ha.l hoon r.bout when ho oaino out: tni.l at last, lioini; in the in ililiorliooilof his In. ti l, ho lL'turnoil to his room uuil wont to la' 1. n the iiioruinir, ho foiinil him t olf ! jiiK v. liat ilosjumilout anil in rlincil to tako hiinsi If to tusk forniist ju time oti iiiiythiui; so oliimorii al as thu Molniu.'.a tio.isnro; a.Uist wliioh, f.s ho very wi II k:n iv, hml hrouylit only losi", ili - p iir and iloath to ninny u iiieiiibor of his family. "Am I," ho, "liehuviiit? li!;o n fool thus to ho ha .aril m;,' tho'.uoo for tho shallow? Thoro is j ritty 1'oily liauiiltou, with nil her la'.hor's laiiiioiis, waiting to ilroji into Jny nriuf, a nil all that I havo to do is iiainly to n'lini thout. Wouhln't it l o tliu jiurt of wisnoiu anil (rooil couimoii flj'.isi! to (o to H. o i'oliy; mill, well, luihapn, hold out my arms?" And full of those thoiiu-hts, whioh dluiwoil an nnooiiiuion deijreo of vacil lation i u t'no pal t of Cluioiioo Stmiley, liu betook hii.iself toward tho hoiuo of tho llauiilloiis at an unusually early lioitr that iiftoi uooii. lint, almost uu cansciously to himself, thoro wan iu. his in in il tho thought that he would Hen lloloi'OH, and iieihaon obtain tho liiiiiriu;,' nf that mysterious luaniifoi ipt, tlit story of vhioh would, lie fanoio.l, i.lni 1 lis'il on niiioli that was still oh- cenro to him iu the history of his own family. And fate itself seemed to do clu.o in his .'av..i' on thi , day; for I'oliy lact hiiii, radiant v i:ii dolih. lit .ns r.rrival, and 1'. uiuii'liiint iu tho knowi ed 'O that I'o'on s h i I rroiuiso 1 lead t'.'e liiannsorijit withiu thut very In in if iiu nil mid ooiuo. ' h'! deohire 1 you were eoniiug," t.ui I'oliy, "mi'i I lielievo she's a vit.''.i--u lovely, fiisoinalinrf wito'u f, r ov r iliin;! she suys conns to pass. Jibo InksVnie ti her room now, to r;et the j-ai-..r.-, bejaiin she sui 1 Mie folt tlm: you v.eio coiiiiii;'. Now, ( lureiioo, hor in the world should she have kilo m that, when rvi ii I, who have kn mi y.-ii so .i ll and for : lmi,' a tir". (j il lu't l.o unite suio nt it?" v "Uut joll ought to havo Uuowii, Uo.iiir r. NNFns i. I' oily," said Chirencf, with a world of nu uiiin.; in his Imv.c, (lul l; oyes Unit wore inn.- .ain-' tlooii into the frank mi 1 iniioi oiit eyes of Muiy llmuiltou, raised to his with n look so childlike and eouliilino;, that even hit) touh O'insi'ioinv felt u twiii!t. They wert! H'.an lini; together just v. hi i'o she had met him lis ho entered t'io room; and ho was still holding hoi hun 1 iu v. eh'.sii that broUKbt the warm in n ti.lo of crimson blushes to in ; face . "I uhviiys know when you nro near, " 'liy. Ah. if you loved mo, deur I'llO '' ''( 'ii, f 'l.irenoel" i ve'iiimi'd I'oliy, i "do 1 Hot? When liiivo 1 net loved you:" "I'-oully. truly, I'.iNy'r" ' lli'lt' i- th in my life!'' )lo hud not nii uiit I.) say fo niuidi. Ah iio tol 1 himself iii'lcrwr.rd, it had .icon i n. oio accident. Ho ct rtainly had not mount to commit himself so irrevocably; but when Tol'y sjioko those woi-.'is: Hotter thr.n niy life!'' and in s'ii ;ikili' theiii ruiM il her in elty rosy imiii t ii ti.ward his, i lio vuis m lire i til'lo that Stanley bent and kissed 1. 1 T. an 1 wus ever afterward ratiiir (iroud of tho itopalso that made h"n do so; lor an lie I'.eclaied to him- "A fellow would bo a lirutd not to i.i'S a i i i ity (jirl when sho so evi d' lit'y eviiocled it." "liiislii" : aid I'oliy. Then, gently with liawini; from tho half einbraco iu whi'li I:.! held her: "Hire comes l.olltil.'' And iiiinost with the wolds llolores enti re.). She hold the loll of m.iliu I'.Mipt in h. r hand, mid was t vidontiy roil. ly to be'iu the nudii.t; of it nt once; r.n.l unddiii" slightly to Stanley, almo-d as if she had nlrendy 'onhim. she seaa'.l In rsoif at a little istauoo and near one of the windov s. "We hull not be i'ilerriii!od," said I'oliy. Thnt is why I received you hero iu this little- boudoir, I'larei. co. Voil mo the only o.'litleuuin, exci'i-t pajia, who oer enters this room. Il is sin-ri'il to my 'il l li lt lids, mid I iiojio you will ai'l'ro.'iato tho boiior. I iiavo ;:ivon i r.lcrH thut no imo shall niierr:iit us, Kitu. '' I loh'i cs niiswered only by oiip swift I. n k of tiiii'.iki', sin I, suiootliiu.; out tiio ii.'s of wi iuiiu', she glanced hut i icily tliroith llii'iu. "ii is hero," tio said. 'l inr.ko no apology for it. And I can only nuosn, the w: itiu Ileitis my father's, that he was t'.o co:ii'ilcr as well us the writer. I have o.ilk"l it 'A l.i't' lid of the .Mm-d.-M'i.' "A Llj jKKD OV TIir.MKN'DOZAS. "I'AUT FllisT. "A troii.' sou so that nature furnished no other blue so deep, so noli, ho wondorfill with whioh out! can compare it. A tropic sky ith otit one cloud us fur us the eye can hoc, and in tho west the fading tints of siius.jt tlyuii; in a soft bleudins ot purple, Hold, mauve, pink and pulost :;reeila color thut, us it slowly fades into ihe nilit, 1 uves on the soul a hush like the lust notes of exquisite iiuisie ttnil through all, tho warm, sweet breath of t he trollies blown from lands of spioe and liuleti with the per fitui.i of strange, ruro fruits and Mowers. 'Over this tranquil soa wore sailing three ships, bound for u slioro to winch it may bo no ship bad over sailed; certain it is, no such ships had ever till then been seen intheso waters, for they came from many thousand miles away, and they carried the lirst links of the (.'rent elitiin that was lieuce orth to bind the old world to the new. The largest and the chief of theso ves icls was called tho Kuntu Maria, nnd hi its deck now stood the man whom ueen Isabella of Spain hud iinuied Our Vdmirul of tho .Seas, on C'hris opher Coluiiibus.' His was a form ind face to attract attention unywhere ind to compel udmirution even from 'uvy and ditractioii. Ho was tulloi iy several inohes than nuy other man in board, well formed and muscular .ml ho possessed the elevated and ditf lifted b -iiiin;; thnt bespiuks a con science at pe.ico with itself, a hear: levoted to tho world's good, nnd r ii i ii .1 full of noble, lofty, unselfish ,iioil.,dits. His face was loii'T. some .vhat thin, and marked with certain tit"- oeciib ir to tliscoverers and in reutors. His complexion was fair and inclined to ruddiness, and his skiu if the extremo delicucy that becomes ireckled on exposure to the sun. His idieek bones were high ainl his uoso nf a line, but -iroimutu'ed uquiliiio. His eyes were a clear, palo Rruy that deepened almost to black under the stress of feeling. When exoited they flowed us if lit by inward lire, but iu ; repose they wel t) softly yet lustrously ' liimiiious. Tho wltolo coiliitcnuncu ' denoted tho temperament which be , loiixs to genius; nervous, sensitive, llioiiglitful and highly linainativo. Kven at the early ae if thirty i the hair of Columbus had turned irny; but now it was snow-white; land reaching almost to liis shoui- ders, it K"vu "!l ""' "' extreme! bfiievoleuoo as well as of pu triurolial authority. His dress was simple but rich, ami liis manners, eu avjiiij olid nil'ilile, wetti t he outward expression of lUut only truo lireediiiu, Heiilletii'sa nil 1 I'hiistian charity. "Of the uttu-r two vessels of thi-. fleet, ouo wus culled tho l'iutu, and : the other the Nina. Tneyv-ero mere harks eulled oniuvuls, open, but built hijih ut tho prow mid stern, with fore, custlcs and cabins fur the iieooimuo dation of tho crew, tho Santa Maria , beinn the only one of the three pn ; vided with a full ileel:. '1 he l'inl.i was cominauded by Martin Alon.i l'ii.zon ; and the Nina was in coiiiniund of another of the liiiine, Vicelito Vane. I'iiizoii. The crews of theft! ships, thoii'ih iiumberiii few Kood and honest sailors, were mostly worthless men who had hi on pressed 'into this service by nuy lnoiius ihuO could be found. I'rnm tho lirst they had been dissatisfied. Suporsti! ions, us uro all i-eiiui"ii, they regarded eveiy liiisohanoo, how., vi r sliLcbt, in an omen of disaster, and when, titiully, ufter lenviii;! the Canary Island, they hud lost in tho deepening distance th" last faint, pay, cloiid-liko tru.'o of laud, it serine 1 to their doubting uiid fearing hearts that tin y had 'literully tukeii leave- of tlit! world!" "In vain their bravo roiniuaitdei sought to inrpiro thorn with some re ; llectiou of )ii own intrepid spirit. Tears and loud lamentations wore their only From his fertile imagination Columbus described iu ulowin;,' words tiio jrlorious countries to which ho would lead them; and so vivid was Iho picture ho painie l to their fancy un 1 so real to his own be lieving soul, that, at hap;.y m.unetits, they suwtlio fin uro even as ho showed it to thorn. l'ut too soon their brief hopefulness Rive place to fresh fens, and the sli-'htust cii.ino of the fair and fa vori ne; breezes that walC'd thoni onward was suilicieut to jiliuu'.! them once limro into despair. 1 ii" vcyui) had ulreudy occupied ton works, and to the impatient and almost mutinous sailors it seeine.l intei'niiu ublo. Tiny were mil victualed for su 'h a voyage. And what would be come of them if food should fail? liven the beauty of the ocean alarmed them, for they declared thu' every thing in these waters was so stiuin'o and unusual that its very tranquility boded evil. 'Affiiinst these childish fancies Columbus argued with patience, bu'. his listeners imw scarcely hoard his words. Their hellish terrors varied mid multiplied their imaginary dan gers faster than ho could think of ar guments to reason them away. "The situation of Coiiiiubiis was now indeed uppi oiichin" dosperuliou ; but with the heroism of a f.'1'cat mind, his spirit constantly rose to meet each new trial to which it was sub jected, lie was aware of the mutin ous condition of his clew; ho even knew that they had determine I t.i throw him oveiliourd und turn the vessel homeward unless they saw laud within a certain number of days, lhil in thu face of all trials, coufrouled with a duueer that l'ft only menaced his life but threatened to destroy the object ot his existence, this ex traordinary man maintained n serene an I steady countenance, snothiiijj; the more tru 'lublt) of his men with tteiillo and hopeful words, uu'ei in'to the am bitious the stimuli; i of future wealth and power and threatening tho most refractory with sijinal punishment should their murmurs ever tnlco the form of open aets of insubordination. "Among the worst mid most insidi ous of these malcontents wus u Spuniard numed l'edro Kitphnel Memlozii. a miiu of siruur and curiously mixed nature, possessed of sullicieut (joiid qualities to make him more dilli"iilt to deal with than if ho had been holly evil nnd with just enoui'h cleverness to make him dangerous. Men.lozu occasion ally boasted that some of tho bluest blood iu Spain Mowed in his veins, mid he liore on bis left temple, as an heir loom, tho family mark of a certain brunch of the Mendoza family, 'litis, murk was a mole, small, heart-shaped and as perfect iu form an if it had been traced by the pencil of an artist, and us black us ink." "What is that ?" exclaimed Clarence. 'I'lirdou me, fair cousin! Will you read those words ogaiu?" Dolores gravely repealed the de scription of the bitthniurk, and then she resumed her rending of tho "Le gem!:" "Mendozu was a handsome- man, tall for a Spauiard, being almost tho height of the admiral, and of a liguro whoso grace mid symmetry bud cap tured uiaiiy a female heart. His com plexion was juilo olive, his eyes large, lustrous and of midnight darkness, mid his glossy hair us black as the Mendoza birthmark, which it always carefully conceoled except when accidentally' pushed aside. He had been the most unwilling man iu the crew of the Santa Mm iu on that liienioruble Friday, ; August 3, H'd".', w hen she sailed out of Suites. Though he had joined the ex pedition of bis ow n fret) will, lie chose now to consider that he bad come aboard on compulsion. The ruling passion of his nature, jto w hieli iu all times and seasons he continued faith ful, was avarice, (lohl wus the god that this man worshiped, mid it was while his fancy was captured by the glowing descriptions of riches t i bo gathered in this voyage that he hud determined to join this expedition iu neurcli of u new world- a world in tho fin west, where ho might iu reality pluck apples of pure gold, no longer fabled. "Next to gold Mo:ido:u loved tho voting wife uud tlit! pretty elul l whom lie had left iu Spain. Hut he hud parted easily front w inlo his ;1 oughts w t i o liiied wrh I'leweaiii, le was to soio; a:d he l a 1 laugl'.in.; ;y kissed her, doiiing l.ei to weep on, However, till her lean should swtil :he ocean, us ho meant to bring bark l pearl lor t vei v tear. I'nab' e to reiie'u his soul wi! !i her o .u sinmv, poor i'uanita ru sc 1 tin little slot pi lie. '.tuphitcl and laid liis warm, glowiin. nee ii- ainst Ir.s f at hoi's. The eh i. viike.i at tin' tn:e'.i and. iVowin-.: an . ailudiiiig with .'"It :l t. e'.t-. ' l his l,t le liruio about Me. i 1 o. a'-s ne.-k. i l HL i oMIM Ll. Iousehold Matters Aii Ailistli-Sofa. A sin;, II sofa callnl u "ilurnieuse," tlial has a htish nrm nnd bark at one end which i Meiuls only halt' the b jigili of he seat and thru i-.ii.sos ullogol her, Is ei'ii-iilereil ii very ai listio aud swag ger parlor li'iiu nt these days. Whiiti'w t'nrfiiiii riiKtrnini;-fl. l!ibfe:,s In -;! .11 liarli V. illlloW curia :us tire q.iiie pas-e. A shiH.lo nnd mi. I ijwi I Is prof, ralil,. w here it in ih-li'ed Io fasten ihe i-uriaiii haek. The latest stylo, hnwt .vr, is lo have the eurli'iins hall"; siiiii::!ii. ju-t reach ing ihe sill. Tlie IliiUIitiilioiClnst't. The lomiue II lain china .losrl of the hour is an e::iie leprodue! hut of ihoso of our .'iiioo.siors in lnali.iL'uny. Tlie old iim" 1'iioi i.:o most en refill ly followed and the leprndin ; inn Is por f. i t. ri'. n 1.. the ghi.-s km hs. Mile-liiiar.i-. t. o, the ... .lays are lonir. ir,e i!iuiu-k''i'..'ht nh'.iii's i:l seel'.itis or eoiii liiirtiuenis jtii'i it-ni'iiy n's is tnoi't cui s'.aletiti without a niiri'iir. T.'if Diiiini; Talito. Whether ii i".irs,al or live log but- '"''is it irmu the .iusi and ihe .lie i tout for ii .1 :, : table should depend 'o.iiaei air. When ihe laehry- Upon the size of I iio ill.iiii.' moil' The l''-'il sik'ii'l fail- to : iho dry i.i.l.ail si lid. iiias-ivr eife.-i of ill,, former Is - so painful thai ha- to mi:. Ii more sui aiilr in a largo rnntu drnppfil In- il." . ye. whil-' n live le-.--, , tal.le will not look "I' was dilli, u!t t,. :i. . . n .; ; .1 ; - ii. Inn I nut of position iu a Miiall room n ll'lally sti.v. e.l. .1. au.l . an te.w -Ian. I would ilir hrai iei' our. A rminil din- for live hours v.l.hoiii winking. Th ing table is far ; 'id iiway belter slylo h'-.-t iiuarter of at: le.ur i- hard, -i to al the preseti: ii' i-ni.ivlin; Julius I't-.itii lluititt'. Tiio rullowiu ii.atm.'ii: will remove many kitals .,f .-tains from tnarble: liisM.lve half a niui of sal soda iu a pint of t i 1 i 1 1 -r waier, stir into ibis hall' a pint of ., in l.liine and eiioii-li whiiim.- or fell, r's eaith tu inak" a paste like thiol; . ream. Spread this tho marble and let ii remain ivvndnys oi''. r. Sei-i.e off iiud wash clean. Kopeal pro. o.-.s if not i-IVeetive til'.-l time TI.u ll.iuif iinlilt. Sei-t'i'tl. Now ih.,1 silkoliues.crcioiis and oilier fabrics are nia.lo i l every kind of io- si'iii. ineliniiii!; birds. Kaio i Ireeiiawny cliil.lrrn and oilenial eolorinu's. li.uiie. iniiile seieotis may bo coiisiniitod at Slight e:ili'ltse to ll.l !illoll io Willi the l'urnl.-liiiu:s of any room, lieady niade frames can be obtained al the b -I l) moiit stoles, and sie lllil ho covelcd wiih a loiiiidal ion nf I'll. 'lap or minus. Over this is fiUtelleil I)),. tleeolaiiVe fabric, l'or nurseries, highly culured Ih.weis iiml birds iii'" liibresting to children. For libraries, sevens cnvei-eii will, .nuts of Chinee grass ,1 i-ud solid clors arc coiisiiloioil the nio.-i uppropriale. An I rttir in llinis" I iiiiil-fihii-- '! " iuve-li.'ale the i fleet of pre Ur All error which Hi- In-xporioinvi! "I' ha. t.-r'a an uppariitus has I , , :, .: liou-el'iiriiishci' lenkes is in pill vised hi. h is rciiiarkablo I' r h.u.: two rci'.s ..f ilifi'erci.i toin s in reotns produced whal is probably the cc. thai o pi u iuio cadi oihcr A ball, hydro-iatie p,-cs.-urei vor rcaciie, !-,., perhaps, will have lei ra eoiia on the Ioo.ihhi p..iiius per ,-.uaro inch. Willis, uud i here will I.,. ml iu the Tiio p.irt .eiila.' objc l of t In , : ililiin iootti lo which it h a, Is. This is mollis was in determine wh-ilte: '!. wrong. I'm a negative inLu'on the buelerin ill milk niiuhl n-. be hi!! I by hall, a Ion,, if luiff or u, astir with a hydro-tut'.' pre-iife, so that it w-uhi siiiall broken figure in -elf tones, that keep . a ..uu'e- lime wiihoitl uoin- i Ihore may bo no su:.Lesti,,n or strt.nn Medoraie pr.--nr.-s won- lir-i f .1 colilra-t to the red of the uiljoiniu" but appear, .1 to have n i fie, :. I '. room, li bli.o is to I,,- used iu ihe pi'.sstir.'s wci'o th- ti iiier. ase.l an.i i. iliniiu' I'oiini. mil loo liu'hl :i yellow liible ri-.-iilis weie oht.intc.l. may be put on the hall. It is lliese Milk subject oil t.. pr. s-ur s of jai-rinvr iiiTuimciiu'ins iu ailjaccnt ''itty to loo tons kep' from t wviny t..n, rooms thai may de-iroy w holly an el- "i.v h uirs l..ii""r with. nil .tolti ; feci in either npartiueni tliut by it- sour t bu:i milk wlii.-h had n..i becti . . self or properly eoniiiieiiicni. il would .ieeied to enuipre-sii.ii. be iiltngcllier chariiiinu. ''''"' doiirco lo wit., ii Ihe keepiur qualities of milk w. r,- improved a;- I'll re ('nc.iiiiiiit Cninlv I'of (hililifli. prared lodeprtld as luudi "U the lip.. 'fake one pine nf sugar, ii inurier of ,r wliich Hi,, pressure u.;, n.jjntaiiu .1 it pliil of ilosict ated cociianut and a as upon the actual pre uro lea. he 1. qnaiior of a pint of milk, these 1'ress'ires of ninety 1,11- per squar.- ingreilieiiiM in a gramto-wiuv or por- in.-lt maintained for an h.nir pr.-i ente.l eebiin lined saiici'lian for live minutes, milk from uning sour f..r fiori four t.. Koiaovo from the file, set the saucepan six days. Ill a dish of cold water and slir hi iskly Com) tote .-lenliza i ,.ni ot the mil!;, until the mixture is creamy. Four on liow.-ver. was Iu in. .a-- . f. . i. .1. e. :i ii lightly builercd dish and mark in at Iho highest prc--iir. -. : ml she i.,.: W, wires while warm, so that it may be ,,, many ,a-cs acquired i-. iiii ir t.i-: - ea.-ily broken when cold. Cucnaiiiil and odors on kcepiiur. im; lh..: cakes are very easily made and Would , 'retain species of bacteria were killed be il variety, licat the whiles of ln ' while others welo not. l.o'i.I.. i t:v- eitgs to a stiff i'rni!i, add gradually a small cupful of sugar, the same quail lily of coeoiinut, either tlisieoated or freshly gralod. and one tablespoon id of tloiir. I imp on a hun-ivd tin i:i sii.all round cakes and bake for live I linutos in a quick oven. Ladies' llotiio .huirnal. . . RECIPES . . Cnco.'it.tit Ftitt. rs tin,, euiil'nl of Cralotl i oeoiitiiit, tu cupful of i ol.t-quartor of a teasp,,n ni f sa;t. one teaspoonl ul of stigitr, ,,n,. scan: teaspnoiif id i f baking pow der, . n egg', i tabh -iicoiiful of inched but tor. otic lon-p. , iiful i f vnnilhi ami siillicieiit I ilk to I lake a thick l a: tor. This is dropped by spuun! ,ii . into i milking Ian fat and cm. !;,: goldei. brown. After draining- t'; fritieis may bj nll d in p-wtl. :. . i 1 1 gar. Fin. nod Oy-tt-r- Urn in ;hr ovmoi-s in a ciil.indrr. and when well freed from juice p'li ihcin ill a .-inn king hot (y iiii pan. turn ie a uimiirni, so ns t conk on botlt .-ides. As soon as l!.-i begin io puff 1 1 j . which wiil I,.- nl-., . Inim-tliately. rare ih-ni in.o a !t; p,-,. tor. which sic ul I ho standing ,n, i a ketllo of hicl.ii ; w :it or Willi -oini' iaei e.l lillller. i"i 1 peppr- idrea.iy iu ; it. Serve ii...!"!. airly. Caiicod ,1, tors may be pn ran d it I liis w ay aiel have i inch ... .i.i innor of thus,, c, e,l in Ihe 'i. il . . . . The Cii . i, l-kii'il of X.i iiu ha,. ,1,1 lields whiili wcic knuwu lo lU'ludniu-. five hcurs without winking, Wax Miitlel Mini IV In. ( .in Act tilii.llsll I Iii- I. in. I til tin's.' .1 11-. U :e. ee,V Ili'N'lls of ' livelihood i- ,, . I . , r.'.i!. ,1. ;t lnllll ho is tin- er... :r.; eierl I'lilluWeV ol II pl'oi n i- l.'le I I " .It-ill In I"' Inie!'. -i Hi. Sin Ii a i,.eii is -'. Howard ,VHK ,i.,.;,. man. who has .-allied; a,i.i:'ion mid n.u u l'-w w.-i-rn-s hv i,.-in- m the window of n Illilsir s! a all ntltoliiat,.- j HI li'i 'l.iri'. a:1'! in a eluihiiiu store a- an av I ill ria I io.'io i 'i u hi. il i" -'.io .v . Io; 1 "Wh. li I was I'.e.iri. en. wlil. ii w -; -1 v. eive y. ur- nuo." ho a id. "I h. - n u I ' io.-r l'..r sini-i.--. I i In n Io "il I.. '.-.--tor. llllMhind. 1 mad" an . V !: i. noli i "rod llio.lrl, i., '.'.itl-e 1 v a ' lli'le to -laud pel-It oily siill l..r -.. lute- a ;,...o. A 11 MVtisi tol.l loo il" 1 Well!. I ul io I .Ion I e.uil. 1 rani a tin., lain.', 'or 1 moil- Is w.-re ra:r and In groat .e niand. I rail a'.vny lioia, i.inl Has soon hiinu well iii l.o ii!.. n. i in.' day a vi'i ..r in I'n- sin. Mo " h"i r I Wus pu-iii'.' said: 'If li uer" n ii for y.uir wliilio.u llo i. II. eolild I, 11 lh ii you Were alive.' Thai I'll! the i-l a iuio my In a. I. uinl 1 I e:.:i!i to pra. .:'.' h'.l.'im; i,.y ey. ' ii'oihm!.'.--. Winking.-, .v.. u hi' iw, j- ;: natural involuntary a. i. A tear !:. .n I'l'i.tii the la -'iryii:;; 'jialei. Mil by I Iio p;is-iii' , f 1 1;,. t-y. ,,,-i-r Iii eyeb.'.ll is !'.'iii::'n:. ihi- ilion is .-p:va. iu a thin liiiii ..i.r I,, "II. : , m . pro endure. Th- urraio-i I : i J . nity i- t. ke. . the tin ,al llloi-t. 1 h.M' ai.-.'luu I'lilltrol ..(' eil II IIIU-. I- of 1 he bed', s. I maii-ly. .-ml uhat would he iiiip.. ib!" i,, y,,u i,.,-; I, m... ihioii.-'n trriniic. jirrfeeily tiaiiiral and ea-y io me. ".Most of my p.aoii.e. ly th- way. was iloiio in t his eoi-u: rv. I ian er lu re .'ind pei'leetod i-y u ..r!.. aiel then W(.ut l;1,.k and gave exhib': i-n- in liu i-po and Ilnhiiid. I km-w it I . ..iihl ,.,,MI, i.a.-l; li-ro its a Ihir..) ' :,n anr.o- lion I .-..ill. I ilriliand briti-r in i, - l iiis J foiiinl tu I. iiiir. mid I imw I' an Isy ainl limro r.ii'iforial.le liviii". and have funny more u!V. r.- than 1 can liil. , ;lMl ,.,.',.,.,;. ;1 ,.,.,;,,',,,, aloiii: i lie same line. Ii i- -air i.. say that il will hr a .-on. -r. at. r a- tolli-lllllellt lliall llle olio I it'll d liter How."- ( 'hieairn Tribime. l'lirif.t ini; Uitl; ly l'i-t-s.iii o. After ;i. .rated milk. leiiliz.-.l n-ii:. pfpliiliiy.c.l milk. laelai.-d In. Ik and lll.llted lllilk ll.oi'e is How io be a.hie.l a UHV kind of selelltble hv:::. nie lu'lh. This is t .iniprcsseil milk, l'.y a in w l'""1- - :l " '',nv s ;llv "l""- '" '-'' " least ii pari of tln m are, for tin re ati aholjl .illil.llllil germs to every le.i-p. -11-flll of ll'lbnili il cow's lllilk. pr. I'lippr 4'liut'S in t'lii.'t'. Singularly enough iln-m is no ya. hi club in Venice, the l ily ,f waters. . lei the people have urVrr lal.i n an iin. r est in yacht nig. Then- are no s.iilb.i.n iu the lagoons ex. . pi ih. -, u , , La . miiniercial pitlpo-c-. I'evlia'.s 1 1 1 . . , i: i Zeus !iavc enough of tie- w a n r w .ih-.i.t ii-ing it for i.iiiusciiicn; I: u a - . m "" nil', li like bu-in. I h--re i- a boat i lub for low ,ng, but 1 h n embers are chictiy I. ti :i, -!;::, . n ::o, i.ieiicaiis. Th -y have -.-eral sin-'.e and I w.i fniir oar. d -in I!-, and s.uin -iii;n- have race- :nn"iu In his -ive . but the tmblir d" not rie th.-ui nut. h . in .'iirageiticiit. Hi. :' ale two clip.-, however. ii. a eiiy without a Inn r a lairrin jo era vi heeled M-lil. le m a n. - 'II. wlti.-h i. ni will :i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i- iiinie an anoinaiy. I"i" paper- I li.s un. ruing am: it n ,- a p q e. , ha-e to be gi b , , 1 : . lub li"M Sunday. Th !': -i-lfin ,1 the ("It'll ill Fillil.i'.iolie i..- 1 '.: n ii.'i' lo annotin. e "il prim,. i.i . r h nn ii ll.l allllale -lagiolie" ill 1' Monk. " I -al - t lii.i a sin cial n a ,n w ill 1 ,i r at in. -in lor Mcsitv. the Iii -i ,,, 1, . iie in.i ml.i tol. w hero ii will l r.. p'.n -. 'ertia:i sports kr, 1 t . e 1 I or-.- over there, and wbciili, v. . i : i . in i ..I,, lh. y air coinii, lied In in.ii,, ;i in lw.iy j.nirn, y ..I' iweiily ni nui.-. v. Iiei-e ili-y l"ie a ihiing -i len-1. 'I i.. -. - aii". In r club . ..a i,..-. . of i - ' 1 1 ,- .irii,' . mi I he I , i.,. a n i-ia ml in . V! i:it n . w In le in . i ly nun Inns.. k'pi. Chii'iU'i lb. -id ll.r.ild. fv K. BUDGET 4 I'.lllll.'tl'l'Ms-lllt'llt . " l- , -he .1: .qo-c 1 "M. .!-'-! i . A- I i ' : a. I v aii in : eye- ,.'i t iie i ar- i Ii j,: - i t i .-m n' v..'ii .oi io:- .-:' .on pi isf, , . , :,"y :.. " -1 nt- :i a le i' 1 : .V S '' ,',.'. .i ;' '':,'' ":',".:',! ' ' -,' .:!"'. -ill I ! '! I: :. i .'., i 1" . a I' -'.' n b.-t'-ie. - .lll'IgO. iW.nili'.l u l ulr 1 li lii.liili.llliB- !!,. "Do y.u like soliiaii .sr.- "Is ,!:;. a .i'oo..-lt,on referrin', :o ,.','!s .,:' r::i--V" V"i:!.e:'s Siat-s-'i a'l On I...' Tics. Willy "Tib i- a. :i-g ;i trad" r.v a -, .-'oi,;' t ini'-s. ray -.-n. if- a pr." I',- - . a. 'ee.; i.-n:,!ly it's a walk iu lite."' Snt Very liiic.iiiiiii;iie;. C'e 'ly "rioia told me last nigh! 1 reminded h-r of Napoleon. What ;o .-ii -ni " she mean: ':" .lac!; "That Voil ale ; dead ..lie, probably." I'liel-ea i.Ma.-.-.l i ,"a:'.e, 1 e. .4 Man al T i ml it ion. Forothy " j,ai did you and your iiailhi'i'-in law fall out about. Kitty?" Kilty- "li't. sh" tirver like. I uieul'iir sh" In a'-d n:r say that no ha-1, and nf liiinr si; e.ihl w. ar lioia" iiui'le -h'r:-" - I '-,-.. it Fr. e Fre-s. A 'lliiH'Vallt'P Lesson, 'I'h ie. children, is tin exac.-.ple i f ".hat the . hee-e habit Will lll'lllg .MUl I,,:" New Xork World. sill.'t'l'ill . i i. rk "I would like io get .iff early, s.r. a- my v. lie wauls me in do some end job.- around tin h,-i:-e while !t is li'-i't i -Hough " Manager "I'an't po-sibiy .1 i it." Clerk "Ti..lllk vol!, :-k'. Veil iit'e V e: y k'l'd." I'll. I.. A 1 iilig-l ell Want. Wi'i'.ct'i "F.raiiiem has jiisi pal. nlc I an iiic:.,i.'ii iiii; is destine. I io make a li rteii '."' Fa.-trtii "'S,-'.' What is it V" Wi i .-in - "An ink h,,:i!r thai -omuls an alarm at t hr approach of a urn, ilage brush." riiicag.) News. An ; -initio liiitij! i; i' t'.i'c.i. Mr. I'.-i l iiiiie " I thniighl win n je:i -!,! lies autoMnbile ynii gui. an- li i! it to be a lirst class hill , bii, be. '.'' I cah r ""F'ni!" Mr. Fcriiiiii. "Well, the ..niy t :,i:rg i. I a - -I...U u any b-idcllcy to b Ii:. belt :. 1- g-aph poles!" Fuck. 'I to ri'.iicr Ciiper. '..M .tax "The bridegronm wa- to i - lb- br'al- al Ihe i hiircli." 1 1., i. i:-o "I '.HI w hill did the I r: '' .: . when the bridegroom did iret pi i n al. ..npoi.raiieeV" an .lay "She left ihe . lair, h I'll . '.', any ccreiiiouy."--T,,u n and I'miii- Tn.i Mil. I. l ot Hon. Ml-s r.i-iiqiie "'Whal'- the tna'tcr, Mr .''t r.i; t Von look agilcl.d." ,-: -nttter- "Ves, 1 really am This i .ok sas thai iusuuiix and genius arc !.,- -a:.;', thing." M.s- C. "Why. I sh ud 1 ilutik y.ui v. .ml. I bud ihat lailnr gratiiying."' I'ov. n and l "oiiiii ry, riiiiost.).iiif. ' Ynii -com xcry cii.eil'ul iu the fa,e ..;' ile.'-a:." -aid one citizen of a South Al'i. , i.-aii republic ' Oil. .vi-." replied the oilier. ' 'The .'.. .-lull ? p-.W'-r i- -lire In ho d'ep.i-e.l -o.-in r or hi,, !', an ' my luni is sure lo c.r io. So I am on i- ing myself on the lin.e-y ihal ant i, i,a I ion is belief than real i ':ti am." .isl.aigi on Star. N..I I . until I In. I XXiii. A very small gal on: on the Fast Sale was g.Mii her 1:1-1 plate of ra w .... :. is at si'pl'. r the I'lher night. She -ii allow ed one ainl 1 n a pu-ii' d the plate away fioi.i l.-t wtth an . .r. s- siell of .ii-g,st. "Whal's Ihe tea : : Kal.x ':" a-ked hr-r in..: her. "lion'i i.m bke y,,ur ..ys li is':" "No. in.' don'l." ati-wei. i! Kiit.v ui;h a grimace. "lFlu wn- inn I':e-!i," Ml lllpllis St i III i in I'. l ov l!ie Con. in. tu Vl.-ltiivr. The amiable gciitlc',iia.i -' ' d oil a b.ileina pi el. pironticl ami d.oj.pcil. . bll'-'o number of people laugh" 1. "; e all those people laugh. lig!" said the sympathetic friend "os." said the illlii.lblo g, liih'iiii',11, wiih a smile, "they s.'i-iu lo be eaioy ing I lieuiselves hugely." '"l'oesii'i liioir laugleiig make yen a,) V" " 'o: at all. II ihii .-ii'l hurt lnr in the -1 '..! . eiilicr iiiovi'dy. phvshi.ey n I :',: : rii.V. Ainl 1 I ej.iie.' i' ;' I'il. I nu :ii'. .)..' (.,' I'.'ttf.ati i; :1 .;i in .- - i - I-, a . I. ju-i ih. it imicli." C i.e .11 UecOid lU rald. WHERE RICH r.EN P RE FARE. .1.liiin Il ls I . e. A3 i I btiii.ii i . Xmr, Hot 1 In r. U ill l:, Sinn'. 'I ho .l,.ii ;-hiini.. lie - made a curiuilK e, ,-:!- of the i ich men of Japan The n'-iici i.i ii- iu , ,-', ions was t,t iis- eell.'litl Imw ll .'ili.V p.'l.-oii- lllrle llle ill till- Folpllr p.C -e.-.-eil I'l .1 foI'MlllO llf r.ilii.iNi. I yen. w iii- li is coiial to .-oO.oiKl, .-ays .Inpan and Aimrr . Th" lolal llUnibefof Ih'-e.jllai'iel I e . 1 1 : olla i I'. 'S is) I II. (bu ti.o.i ,.f tlm mn, "er reside in T'"!.;-. a:.. I tin g n al I -ajoriiy lire ft'tllld. .' li '. HI I he e.,! II ml tlm pl-og l-es -A e e. ,.- .n I I-.,;.. I. K'UK. KollO aia! Vo,e,i: !'i a. 'I'h r. sub shows Ihat. . :.. I ,- i.i ,. i i i-ii i.:.-ii iii lie I niied ;:;.!:. - l. m ii I. an .a .!.ip.ill. eM'll '.'.'ii u S ! 1 1 ' eo 1 - in . 1 p: 1 1! a- .-' sin inl aid m ,1.0 1 ::in '. Sim. - i.i. I S..ii.ihn ill iiu. J.q.a.o-" l'.!.i 'fhe prnpor- 1 i : 11 . lno'. e... is lei s. against .'..pan i'- I. ...v a, lirst ap,n ,". 'file rich a- n .1. th- Irii. r . i.iu.'ty. oxen the oatli.. ; j 1 I :'o li!,."'l ! 1- have iheir h.r..- i I:-.: I ng. in hi,. '-. Tii-y have ll'l. V. I s "l.ll..eil , i'o Oil-Ill. -s of liieii.y inn , iu a - 1. ii'- en ill this .i-.:!ii;y. lie : . .he basis of 'tu. s i- iii' ." - :a nie. Ag.,,11. i, is . Mil, int. I 1h.1t !?1 ill .l.ij .-I! i- I'.o'al. i!l Ihe lilCC-lli 11 will I el- i e e ol . ..Ill i'o! I .'.: 'i blMtty. to S! 1 1 1 ?:., iii lie. t'iiil il S'.'li. s. Willi :h.- 1 i ni 1 ;,: in j. w . il xi ill bo . l: i:,a: it- .ippar.-i.! I -n.all fortunes li; .!.o . :e se w .al. li it . las-,- are , ally 11,11 ii larg I Ih.lll they seem. 'I n,- 1 , ..-d of l,n-- in -s an I industrial ili'V.-l. - le .0 he- ills' i'. 'llllt. i'llll for tell ' , a.,- I. ,i:g tu...!.- i:a. re rapidly now 1 li.-tti 1 hey x. t .' i'l' "r.xei. inc. years a.-. This -it..", .1 i y 1! . iii 1 1 e 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 s grow lii in .'.. .f..o.tll - ii I'biiihlilig;vi.-i. ai.d in ill - a- iiiniiiaP'il tor 1 1:;,.-.-. ..; 11. nix liiiaio I, i's of 'fok in and Vo.e hii'i.e. Iii-. ni:,'. 1 1 ab!e 1 Inn all- oilier i . .;.!, l!i:,V s. e 'i' llle gr'-ilt. Iiii.'tieial ::: -impo'iis. of u . Hast, us I. oini. -n i ..I' Fur-op- and New Vnrk is 1; Aiii. ri. an - - it 1 liieiii. Japan's day ha- jst 1 b v. In d. al.d d is nllo lo , , IP 1 1 ! .- b iiiliiu.:- . ! her iic- . ib'l.l'h '1 mil- el XX .'.dtll W liil til" IVstlllS ,.f a. pi.-,: eui- i'l Hi - ' -i ii: i .V and ill Ijll-i-e. WCRtS CF WISDOVl. A I.:, I .-- a tag ft: a lo.-l. (irtl 111; i 1 - ilci '-al il l,, vieloty. Id.-al- a, more ,1, m t ban prizes. A xx ii.'e p. , - ti,.i coin.' from a hi. 1, k h. an. F.!. -- ,1 i- ihe man x, h an m'.-i oM lines do ni 1 1 -o.'i . F, X , leu. e X', ill, 1 is .1 box e. bill lie: pise l: ii '. 1 1.1 1 i- belie. llil. I'e : I. I I - be . lie, I X p h C ill. Ill al p at. - x p h all-.x . '.ni' nil. i. ni gix . - a 1 tt.'.vn w here f, :';ri:e has i,-,e d it 'i i:. ,1, cum Ing ihiiiie o -In is ilt t.i 1 oldx .1 XX eb nine XX ill I-.I il .--.iie 1 .lues a man lin !- 1 iiat 1 h pull le- e'.p. e , d I" gel cliche.- I:. i'l ill I llU i- .11 I in dl.ldelll llf , ail x ry -mall, yet e. ill, i 'l-pofi .11. ...X c le . 1 1 t le. If ollO los - its III e, I,, 1, 1 I , .i , I In strug gle ,. ..- Ii.i : d , , ".1 ;. a.e il- cbh. Flea-ill. ' is pr. ii-. .I.d 'I' aliyihilig Ihal ph .1-. - an. I gra Iiii. - . i- s uses, b.p t- y . -n . from 1 h I -: ile-!.'.:::- .'I 11.- -.iril. I'eeiil a; ur I,.- - Miolild receive pe , Hiiar .11 ki.-.w I. ni-. Fxcry 111, ru iiig' : . -in:, i I- should ilra'x ..t ih 1 Very lil.iill.llg'- .n:-'. Il.ei.i cxellilig's i.l i - ii - -1: al l 1 i lie ex .-ft' 1 Veiling's gi.::iiil,b' Fx.-r.x day ho.lld be 11 i ban I. - g ix in : ,',-y. 1 lnr xx I. b life should be a hfe ... pra lb, 111- Horn. At. lint-nix to lb.. I. -11I-. 'ihe li-- of iie.ii-n trap- ... Ihe Ciiy Hall ha- piaeiiealix b. , n a bel ished siller iho ..,,111 iIim-Ii'IV ihill one of llle a--isl. el chlk- ol the Supreme I '.'lli l of t ne 1 bsll i. I nl I ' 'llllllbi.l is. lo in:. uud pill pi-. - ii hinuall ferret. Th.- Pill-no d x . , 1 1 1 1 g lean is iiu a.h pi .,1 1 e. 1 r. I . n g 1 he ca : i h ly career of 1 i . . 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 11. g i,.'.i'-. and hi- process of 1 XI." oil is il II, -V ,i one Al- 1 hoiigii h .- I...: - iu lh -iibuiiis. ho wei.iU hi- way to th.- '.ur: ll.iu--ea,ii XX . iliix ;.. -1 1 i 1 ' I g I'll- b. f.i-e 'lie hulir f.-l ill ol ll.llg of I lie I lei k's otlice. i.'iiietiy 1 i.ei, lig' ihe laiiei. he sold. ml i iii- to ..aio sex. nil iniee al piny. Seblilig il III , IX X book XX Ireh is kept !; llle purpose, the ill I pri-ing ilcrk deftly ii-- - ii. T he re? ult is always x,iy .li-a-lror.s to ', he Intl" fellows ni th- thiol-. The admiring lr,end- ol iho death, ih ublig .h lk tle.iarc thai h" ha- be-eo:in- -o prntiei.-iil in tin- an of bunk ihal ho can 1. -.unite ihe t I' ll . t 01 lii- -nine to t he 1 X, elit 01' iiiel'ely -.liiiii i;g lie iniee or killing t Ii. m out llh'. .'. iie max elect. Wil-llillgtllll -lai Nil Tc;il hint; All. oil 1 1 i'l " ! II lllil k ." The di-.nlx - ut a-' - ll..' -oeial worker has to oxore-io en iblli-iiig s.iculilio 1 no xx i". I go ai noli g i he ! - ul. ght cited .1:0 well illll-tlal .1 bx ill llleiilellt recently happ -a. b .11 . nie of the a -1 - do -clllemelil- A ' . iniich .1 j tli - nbx ni.d cli-idcra hie 1 1 I.i tt.i 1 i. It, :l hi 111 ph-iology had been -1 .1 11 ml. 1'ne p. 1 : , 111 - of i'o , ltd. It en xx In. ill I tin -elllelln III classes regarded ihe 11, xx In - - xxiih . iinsideralile suspi . ion and doubt. Fan f-r s.uiie time, by -Mll'nl axniihiuce of dang. .foils ground ihe . la-s work wa- carried .nt success- 1 fully. Al la-i tlie function- of Iho slolilaell were considered. ! The dny alter the tir-l h--,iii on the situ. inch one t.f iho lilt I. litis briuight .1 lilt. 1 to the loucher. This lei lor. 1 xx hl' h bore I In- marks of lab, nod and sir. in., ois coiiii.i ii ion. was as follows: I "1 1, ar Tea. in r: I'h'ns .b.n't tench I.Zer eii.V l)ii.-' ab.nll I he siiillilt, of per - I Utile li il .lint II s-arv, bel-les '.t.-itudo." New mi; Trihuuc. 'ftettwMmmwi ttiM!j';'!ww