(Ehatliam Record. olljntljam Recorfc. Ctottom RATES or ADVERTISING II. A.. LOXDON, KDITOli AND PROPRIETOR, TERHS of subscription, 11.50 PER YEAR Strictly in AdvariM. One square, one insertion One iquaxe, two inaertioni One atjuaxe, oue mouth VOL. XXIV. riTTSliOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APIUL 21, 11102. NO.rtC. For larger aivortisementi liberal eo tOta will be made pie J)pei)isfi rcasdre, d . ... C- A NOVEL. itSAUELLA CASTELA!..) ( '..ICriltO. il t-.n. ijy -'" ('HAITI. 11 Xll.n I (IN V!M Kl. " ' Thou runst not loavo him, I'edr.i!' T1 ,1 iiatiita, radiant. 'Ah, beloved, (lion enlist nut. leave u-!' "Mendoit tos-ed tin" child up in the mi', nil. I cuu-rlit u:nl I. i 1 him ns lu rim" iluiii. The boy's bright hiinvu I : li . tumbled mi l tossed about, iinl till tin' left tempi- i hotved 111. i birthmark- -the wry ipy of his taih.-i's, i xoopt that, instead uf hhiek, it wa n bright und glo.vhi'.: red. IV. Iro ilrti-Kiril thi mirk; more even than on himcif li" dcii-sted tins blond-red mark Ui.i'i his ohil.1V. brow li.it now li.. forgot tn lit: tilery, liven in tlii' exhilaration if his spirit in I in tin" triumph uf the I ii t ;i li i ojoiocd in it. Id; kissed tin) vii. i! ul ;;liiivin ; color, in In- mill ; '' 'Vos, mi l rubies I iviil luin.', too rubies SIS bright lit tin' blood-led In-art i-n my IbmlM-l's tri.i!i', mil -ni-ls tu pure as tin- tears of .liiiinita. A n 1 11 -Y-.i, sweet lii-arts, I must In gone. 1 nil tiili- waits iidI on any man, ini'l I tnu-t n with it. Adios, adois, mill I i-i-iin- a r.iin" "i'..it all tins was change. I hoxv. Vi"i-.-:. lul l J:-s.-.l since Moudnza had sail t..e la-! g ;il -ly! tn the xveeping In iiiii.i, an 1 what In' chose to call 'a H i im.iu's vuvuge into uu unknown Vf i' w.i - l:!ii t.i In- his only rexvnr.l for xvasie I ti:i;i- an.l a Inn,', perhip.s an h-ib-ts parting liom tht! oniy ereat- IIIT'i il" llll I I'M-1- lllVO.l. His id-ll'll i-n - ha i fuled, anil lm bitterly feit t ur In- h.i I thrown a.vav tin' sub stance l -i' tin- sha.hnv, .luauita was li. nil", gdl Hi ! ji rails nor rubies; hill r :i - was n-a!, an.l In- was sudden ly ani.iiateil with a irit-at longing once i i Co t i p..sse.-i Hint which xvas i ral, li'iwrvi-r insuilii-ii-nt, inti-i.l of tin' rlni'lony vaj ors of ;;l n ioiis l ii-hcs that hi'. I in-vi i- In- moil' tlian u droam. r. i' tli-'-i- au l for otlii-i- ii'.isons, In i n;, i- i'.l the fin t'iH i- runtiniiam-ij of l'i- v . mil he usi'.l all his p,iwei s t i l' i i.eiit i ,i -at : sfu'jt i-in on b'.-afil tin-S.i-i'a M.-.. i.i. "liiii In-in: tlio state of alVair.-i in t'r- s !i i e i aniau le i l-y tin u liuiral hrn-e! , l! may easily lie suruiise-l hiI'i w :.;'.! I'li.-Ii.- ilty tin' two I'inz. 'ns in nnt.i:!ii I even a show of iliseipliuo in tli two , ' :;-!s un ler their eiiai j--. " To ;i I 1 t.i t ie ; neral ilesi-air, tli-' win Is :-:t I leii'y blow o mtrary, iheu ei a--e I a:.4.'t!i. i-. rroni this time f. v. ..:. I. lor f'llileeu nays, fate ..!! 1 ti i :pii:ii-,l to try of w hat stu:l i was in ; in iihtt "A liiisiak uf wav.l t tin- i.nil of t in i-tiiphet- Co i. Ae.- ir lin.c to his strangely n i !-.-a that ho was -uiiin- to-i- f.iitiii"t slioiooi the In lies, tiiu 'a. I .li.iil Mi; p. -el I.i t tlio oce.r.i k. .-a- now ell to ho in ariil!! the - i-: in 1 ni ( i; an:.; i i .la an . w liu-h. w itn 'I the c oiii ,;:m,is islau Is, ho hal i'e- liin lie. I o:i a e'.'.ai t f. r the iiKitiniV of ' '.' hiiii-.-ir a-i'l his men. ' I "Aftoi" cae'i h-.tosi ili.-appoiuiiin'-.it, f;ltii iii.ir.nniiii, ami ilo.sii.iiiilt-ney nt '."llie cauiil-K iii-.-reasol. an ! n!thon;h '-the h.'iis ot la.i I i-.uitinileil ami ('row .l-i.i!-.' fie.iitcn:, ( VluiuhiM fouuii it im--i.-sih!o to a r.iiu raise the spirits nf n u nis i-ii'V. . t.veii iiariiii Ainnso i iu- U',:i who ha l hitherto lnen a stu-ioh A III' lie ii.tiinati KUt'ouse, uo be- t wave'.' in allt'jia'.ii-u to the Coui- ft?).l'i:i ! l t iiu i'!H'.'iitio:i. Coi.im'iin observe. 1 this with a in-.im i.t.-.ry fe.-liu ; of dismay. The ic.ij t.iiu of tin- I'iuta was an iinporta-it pen-. in in this small H.pta.lroti ; ami ti-irin thii-1 the fhijis miht by el.aiiee, or i-t!ier-.viso, cot separate.l, t'i' a im.. a! i--no.i nnlirrs that they pu ni!it ia-t-'.i within sound of i-aeh nthe-. 's voi.--.-s. 1'iuz.iii su.i(.i;cstoil that tin-hi-.' s i eild stan I rniro to tlio south, Cilii'ii'.i'.is ii-..Iu!elv maintained a eo ii'-e i'.i:-.- wi !!. Tins (ui tlu-i- in-tn.iM-l t'n- teeitnx of ilissatisfai-tioii. "iii-iat tl.,"h! of bi. .Is now an-pea't-.l; to-.' color of the water xaricd every lew Im us to piier biiio, t'.icn to clear (,'i'ay. o.-,-iisio:i.illy t- li'iit creen in I bai-l; a Mil! to blue; ilo'pliilis were : iv i in yrcal iiii iiliei s, a-i l tlyinjj tisli it'in-il in! th - air Ilk" tto. lvsof buds, i-!':--i 1 .1 1 Z i r on tho ile.'lc animr: the .li!)l s. i "nose si 'ii-i of land no:ui -t.tin-s ilivi 1 1--I iho iiit-ii. an.l iiisonsi bly en.-.urn :e.l them; but tho sa-ne Ml.leii sio-ueo piL-viulo l ; foi- (Vliiui lit :i had ilcchire I that any man w ho !-':!o:ihl iK.iiu sivf premature Untie-' of tno appeal ,iu -o of lainl sl-.:mld the.iee foita l',ii-.V.i: ill. e'.uiiu tj (he i-iullcrcl ie viii-,1. "It was o-.i tin? eveuluA' ' ' Octo-bet- 7 that the ftiimira! uiaiseif tie- l ila t t iI ten- lii j ciiuinc. Ho bad t'h'ierveil tb'slit-i of tieltl birils tiyin' to the sout!r.vet, .lint lm Knew they must bo goiu towar.l food n'.i I a restin '-place. Fo:- three ilays ' tlu-y c-vle 1 wvst-s. uitiiwest, ami the I li iin r they went the uure eneonra?- l i: bei-a::! ' the sins of la:nl. The f iilur. how'i-ve:-, were not easily bt- tfiiilcil iata new hope. Tli j ti.-jht of Ivr !h, sua!! and or varmris c-nov, h-.t-'a :n :ai.!f; liavo had their jouies uo: wry i'-r away ox-ea tlie appcar of taa-jy-tish, a beroai, a duck, a peliea::, as well as fresb, Rreeu herb r: - I' 'nti'ic; on the water all theae ti'i;:n they chose to rt aril as so i.i t-iy liel.i-ious lending them to tie- r.ietiiu. I i th- midst of cenpral tlespon.l f ii.'V, Mr'.i'l .I reuiuetl all bis obi ; ii'iiti.m n-i 1 hope of (iniu. Ho was -istoiiishmeut ami fear, as they pointed .. ; . i I sn.il iir, and bis lntellisenco far to tho ships that h.-vl urrived in the i- . -et d.'d tiiat of tho rest of the crew, night. To the Spanish sailors those !' tin b-rst jod as well as Colnmbns , latives of tho Now World were as sin bimeclf that the indioations of land gular and wonderful ; the thi' with I; oihitr li inm. ''..) 1 oinlo.t t.i a'.i.o.iii ri.iiuly rf ii ' tarly iii-Ar ji. v-; mi l ho wm i.uir'.; ! Ik pi'l' that ln I'.nil 1 iiiaki- himself of fiiiitro ii.iinrlirn'i' an.l a favoriti' with i tin- i-oiiiiiin-i.li-r, hy hn.vin tin' nt ! innt ronll li-n -i' in his t lii-li.nis. j II.' was i-!m i nmv.i liy t'o' limn' of ' ol'taiuin tn.' i'i-wii! ;l. ! "In 'ioi :-ti in. t:i ! t. iro, r.i hi-, j ii-il.iws i-hininii'il aain-t tin' i-onli.in- .-.lii-i- of tin' voyai--, Mrn loi .vhowi'.l ( ; :ui ,'iiili'i t'Xin rtation. 'l'ln-y iiiM-l,-.! ; I'.iat t'oliiniliiis shuiihl turn lio.n , wiinl: Moiiil'iu hi.jii.'ii!iv (-I'ltiniii- I I to look out fur la-i.l. At' lcn-.:t!i, t!:. iniitinons liip-i-itio;i of his i:-v: nIiowi-iI itsi-lf so ojinily, that I'lilnin Inn, at I'l - i-n loi lii-iialii'n sti-r.iiv I hall' thi-:.i '('.a-i- t iiinniiiii :' I'll,- -x i-i 1 1 i it ii , lie iit-.-laii-.l, it!i Ilia1 I iiitllioi ity tin y in-vi r ihin-.l ili-fy, !iu l lii-i-n vi'iit hy thrir !-ovi'iri,'u ami his ri M'uivli of unknown l.uil": mi.l, lc! i'imiii' v hat iniuht, lhi x'fi1itio:i sliiiiil.l . forwnr 1 until, ly tin- hh-.-s. of t i i . 1 . wh.i In. I rhoHi'ii l.im for the iiir'iisi-, hi; ha I ai'i- -ini)li.,hc.l th.' t iili'i-pri"!-. "Tliii ilri-i.l.'il i: n 1 iinliin-lvin nt titu.h' n t Co'unilm.s ul on-n Tariinn-.-'vitli Ins rii-w, anil, i:..twithstii!nliii .his iiiiilaiiiitt-.l spirit, thrii- ivi'iv mo-iiii-iits whi-n his soul m-i-iiu 1 i hm.li..l in ihiikuisi. At --r,, ;i : lim..- it w.h nat-ira! tli.it his ! . -. i-1 , hy initni-.' ..'i-ntlr, ecu liiiin i-i; 1 a:V-.-rl lon.ili-, -Imiilil turn with i-uMtive ;.-ratiiii.a' towarl I'i'.Ii.i M imi l.i.'.a. I!i- fm-.. avi an. I, in. h i-I, for.rot 1 'in' this ii-an luol I'li-vi hi ly u i' I hi in!lni';i.-- nn.' us .. tln Miil us to fo .in-lit tliii- ili;. -.in- tcllli'il llll.l l i l'i-lll.l'l i fi i lillHs. If hr l'i -ill i' iii 1 m' i'i" 1 tin a' all. lie :i'. ii'-iin-iiilii i ! h r.v iniii-h iiior.- i-aus-- for ilouht iin l fi ill- lln-ri' ha l ln-i-n; innl ho no l i' than i .i'iii.il Mi nilo i he-oauii- of tin' i- inlnli-ni-.- In. mr.v ili--plavi-.l. Nor .us t!n- con In ! of 1'i-lru witii'inl it i on tho lot of tlio ri-i'v. J T was :o mr.i'ii nr.iii-i' their own U-vol t! ut they' eoul.l co in- pi eiieii 1 in n. I a. -ir 'iro.it lea lei' tiit-y c Mild in nil. :it!y oil1, nrirui the u solve -, 'A i r.izy vlsioi-.ai'y;' In! I'e.li'.i wr;s no visional ". If I'l-.b-o was --alis. lie.l, there '..Ul-t be son:etliiii-j in it; and o.i the stie;i;t'i of I'.-li-o's e.i'i ti letie.-. tiieie was ;i -u I leu i-eviilsio.i of feel;:).; o.a; m ; the saili r.. One.' nii.r hope to. k tl-.e pl.i-'e of t;!. -:n . an.l hel.iiv this happy react inn eou',1 pass aviiv, the li-.-.iis nf i.ind were Mioii us li-. louder to il-1 1 ii , I of til. ah!, a-i mi pi-.-viniis i..- -asi nis, the iov of expo.-, at in i bi .-.i'm' s i jjreat that the inin-h trie I e.uiiiiiaiiilcr f-niu I their exeiteiiielii all.lo I as uniuiinaeable in tii.ii- p:oi:ii i!e;e.-tioii. In jiii. ; :--t mil as his companions f,iev.- hopeful, IV Iro Mi iiiloZi' -low moody. I.'is ke-'li .,.ie It'okt .1 tar inioud wilh an t a ;o! in-ss tlia1 mi'' a pt)s.-.ihli slm.-o i" i n iy liiist'ii.o i.i'tliue; but bo fear--I lo pt-ril siii'cess by c.iliin nut ti n M.-on; a!thou;,'ii wore than once, in the i-iysta! cii-ai' atmosphere before sun ii't, he feit certain tiiat he -saw lau.l. iin.l iu Ins henrt he cur.-ed the inlniiral for that precaution which now pre vt utcd him f.i :a I'lcclaiiuiii.; bis tlis. eovery. "As the cveuin ; ilro v o:i t 'ohr.ubus hiiust-If t ml: up a position o.i the spot whence he could, to tho best ailvau tai;o, i an.e his eye aimi the dusky hnrioi!. At ten o'clock he saw alight uliumii-riui: far nil". 1'e.iio also saw this liuht in- tlmii-h he tii.l, but sparks of tiro Heeiiiod ilan-.-i'i before his eyes, and bo dared not believn it real. The li-ht ilisappeare.l, or )inrhap it lin-l ticver existed ; at any rate it was no binder seeii. Th- i-hips inoved slow ly mi tiil two o'clock iu the inoriiin-. At that hour there was a loud, shrill cry nf '.'and' from tho lins of Moiidoa, on board the Santa Marin, and from i; sailor name.! I'.o.li i;,'n .le Triaua nn board tlio I'inta; and iu the samt: in stant both dies wi re droivueil iu the report of a yan. tireil by order of Mar tin Almiso t'lnz .ii. I'm a little while tiio siiips continued their conrse, till, all iu a iiiouii-ut, land w as plainly noon but a few nub's abea 1, w iieii they tool, in sail ami lay to, impatiently wuitiui! for the full ihiwu ot day. "No words can describe the t--t -ite-uiont nf the men as they now vested, alter nil the doubts, the trials. Hie terrors of their Ion.; voyage, waiting ' t.i feast their tyes on the shores tln-v ha 1 reached, i'.itt in the mi.lst nf it .hi a lmiial stootl, ubsoi bed iu thou ;ht, rant in Mient comiunaieu with Lit ' ko-.i1; cia.l, trmiup.iaut, hut, nboveall, grateful that he hail been ) ei mitto.l tu accomplish his object, i'lie hit- tery of tiu ocean wan ponetrati'il ; a new world wa open to posterity; ami the name of the poor adventurer mail that bml been the Kcotl' of .saj;os and the idle inoek of the ignorant .vould now he litte-l into a gloiyns bright au-l tleathless as the -stars! "1'he dawn i-aiue quickly tbnt V-otiouj moinnig of October l'J, y tho old-Htyle o.tleudar; Ootober Jl, by our -preseut caleuilar. ii-jtotc tueai tho voyagers mv a beautiful island, rjirjy leagues iu ez rent, its shores liue.l with trees almost o tlio water's r-l-e ami beyond that, .inc. ijiovos of trees like orcliar.ls. It vn s evidotitly i.iiu!ateil, for tho in nibitiiiits coiil I be seen in every direc tion, l uiiiiiiii,' to an t fro, apfU'nliuc t.i ea:"h otltt-r with cj-'stures of miiiRlod J their news were t.' 'liii. .li-.vni'.s;' nuj tlu-y v. i-vi' nil ini) utii.ic t.n.iuk'.' clogQf aoiiiaiiitaiu'i- w ill: the:'. ''('olllluhlts m ili i i-il tli-- 1 n.it-. to ho mauni'il nii'l nrmiil. IN- ir.liir,l hi;-, twulioal, lii-hly rttiiiil in hnllimit si-iirli t aiul t in r ini,- i!n n.; ul -( s i ; !j-1 1 ; mil, with lu.-nts hiatiiijc l.i:-'i v, it li triumph, tlu-y :i piom-1 nl tin-in-w uih liiai-vi-hci" shoii-, i-hul'liu il nli cwitli t'li- purity of tin- ii:uiosph: r.-, thii traiispuri'iii-y of thu v. alii- nn.l f I . w-KUili-i-fnl lii hiii-i-s i f tin- v,...-i iatiuii, Tlic a-lniiral ilt'chiivil tin- N v. Wo: hi !i he .m cart hly I'm aili-c.' "At all ti-iii-'i a I'rvout nui-i, -..i;h .soul i.vi-i-.!iMviii with a .I oi. -it u.ii of tli ; t rcutor, the ;'nt net of (VI imhr, , nt, laiuliuKi was to fall on his knees, un I with ti-iirsof u-u-.titiiilc, letiiin Ihniil. t t 'io I .'or tiicir ilehvci i-.nee from nir.ii V ilatii-rs uml t l-eii- miI'c in i ivnl i ll thil liir.li; son..rht sin. re. lie ling nvir-i-iitly lu-nf an I l.:--i-1 I ho iinlli. i.inl, rising, ilie-.v his m-.ii.I. nnf.iile.l th i lo.Mii Ma-i'lar 1 of ,'-:iiii im.l lis.!; Milenin po-si sio;i, i-i -,!:c i im.e of l'cr linan l mi l Isuhella, i.nn.in tin) i"h'.inl Sail S.ilviiilo,-. The ciilhnsi.isi.i of the Spanish s.ulni s kin-iv no hoiui l.-, it il il tiiiiM who hal lii-liaveil the ii; c insolently tow ir.l tneir nolile h a.li f now prosirali'.l Ihi-mn-lvi s, cut; eal in:; Ins panlon an I pi oini-in liei:eef, i iu tin' niijst riiplieit o!i--i--ii,-.i. "('o!iiiiiliis. i: h natural u - neio-il v, pti-d I otll llp ilo.uies at. I j.r lill'llil,' it lii:i.)M,il. e to M. II' tun triumph nf his M-.e -! ivca by ju: i ii n I necessary seu rity. "Although 'the luliaiis' la. Hid Spauiniils called th-mi nt tir.-t lie.!, curiosity ami Iho encoui iui in: cetil! liess of Coliliuliu i so i.i brought lliei.l back, i-.ud tln-y ) rovt-l to bo ns -,'r.ili . less and hospitable ns tlu-y Well) timid. They were nwn ulli-iiiig t.) the .'.tiMU's-ers every tiling of t heir lu-s; , I'.eoeptiii iu return the in .s! tiivial articles as (jifts fr.un tin- yo-l--. "Their laiiu'Ua,'o, Iihwi-m-i-, v. hi foreign t-i tin- interprel' rs wph !.. i i ('nliimhus hml pro-.ide 1 hi oi-i-l f, lou they were quit-1. t autnuiiin--, I -i -T as. 1 1 th" l:een::"s : o.' pt rcepl; hi p.-. l-Uliar to l'.lltoltlli-. l people, I! i li t) little that was to be k-!o.i nhoiil ti n island wus soon learned. "A few of the native!', rp nit ntly uf in ore impui tauee than tlu-ir f.-ilow :', wore ornaments of go tl; mid wln it tiny understood from Coliiiiibi:': ihnt it was hi t w i- h i i liu-1 tliis reeion i metal, I'lt-y expluii'cil by si.-n--. tha it et-iilil be found on lmuiy mljia-en. islainls, the position of w-librli t'nev in dicated to hin'.. Ttie Spaniards, then, ! ion pii-rare.l to .'i-avo Sa.i t-'aiv.n'i -, bavin ; first taken on I . aid a n ly nf water iin.l such sii.ii li too. I ;.:: I fruits as tue nat ives could j i'. i : u ml not -.villi tau. I in,: the etitrc.it ics m iiu- .. simple lieiu'i's, who ei.iiii.li -nt iy be lieve I thai the .lew nriivai't ti.- d:-in- and had ilt so.-nded iroi.i I n- si.y, they hit ihts baely islaii-1, on the third nay alter la iduii n:i ii, In pu. siie tiieir ad v.-ii . u; o'l-i .-e;i: el; for iii ;: i proli table sir..: . ! . " 1 ut re w as inrv n i-uihi lnr.v li. l.u i In !' ..I Ui ! -1 in l? iimi'ii ; Truly 'ihiii-is thi'.iu-s bull.!; the Siii:;;s'i sailors, '"i ale lui'-'hii.-r ilia t'.u ir f.-i ii. t r I.;.-!; n. coiil'ul.-ii.-ii iu th- admit 'fh.i:.'jed to t tn t It and venerea iuiui's! as ready as t In l-elievo him al'ovi in, and they wi r ,e M-ilti't! : .ii.l .' . o .-dinars- l-.imai - Uy. "1'ho ne.xt iandiu ; -'.i in i I i 'i a island about live i i' six I -.iu.ii t .li-italit; but tho.lih folu'iibus Iniin 1 Iho inhabitants -ou'.le an 1 v. ijii.i.' i display such treasures a-. I hey M-ssi-il, he was n:.iiii di-app.iiriU' 1 iu his iptest for irol.l. So-u -uf the In dians wore anklets un 1 l;a-.'!e::i oi tiio precious nit-tal, an I :i le-v were f.irl.iei- ilecoratod with !tiii:;.'s n.' pearls. Those omani-nts v ere real by be. owe. I o:i the Npaniar.is, iu t x change for bri-ht-coloi e l l eads and haw ks' In lis, w ith wlii-h Hie" wt re mk'htily pleased; nmi tln-y tub. l'.ie;.t tut- cul 1 and the peal is could bo fi iiiid uu other isla'.i Is not far distant, which they described an iia-ne-l. " While cruising about from islan I to island, IV. Im .Mend. ..a ha I kept an eager wat -'u ml all that h.ippciic I ; and although sguhl was a. article of iov.il in i . in ') I y and Columbus but forbidden all traliio in il xvithont li s permission, l'oiiro Im 1 already pus sesscd blim eif of several sn. .. iiiie'.is of what the Indians too mi.ui leaiue l to dcuomi late 'iho Sian iard's g.i 1.' His aviiri.-'' led hint t.iw.u-.l it by :i.i atti actiun as mysu-i ions, but in mh o as that tn' t he ir.iu t- tun hia btone; ami already the thought, bad eios-c l his iniiido: ili'M riim; the t xne iitio.i iu t i-ilcr more ft eciy i.ud i ntii ely to i x o Up bis life to ills In i-i p issio l.l e il nrr. Aui .ng this limpli- people, h i might. I'i'igll ;-. kll'.', pnsse--id i-,' wt-.ilth ;reiiter than was cm:- i:mui1 by the -sovi rei;us m' bis unlive laud; and in such ambitious ilreu!.i'. the iii'.'inniy uf .1 iiui.il.i i'...d litl'c lhi-!.iitl int-1 lib eiidy c.-o-Mi s i fa-ut that fee days at it I eve. I v. ks ho form t ti think of tht-ni. Wlia'. i.u I :.! tit-t be ou liito n dic.iui, n fa..!:'.sy, !, ...i took the Kiiiipe of lealiiy, r.;i I 'Mt n iloza i'onuil hiniM-lf devising a pla'i 1 y which bo could fullill Lis purpose. "Columbus nu I h'.s foilo.vei s iial laii.lt'd npou a most beautiful island, one uf which, iu bis ionrna1. he vitj with such i-uth lsiiisiii that th.- lea ii-r, even at tins distant day, ia t li i i: ! .- i I-;-the desciiptioii of it. ' The groves are m.ii vilou". :.:i i iu all tho inland everything is ie -u r.t it ia in April in oor n :i Au-iiilus.i.. Tlie kinryii' jf t'sio buds i. .-a.-L. th.: it seejoti -a if ou j wouiJ St-.v.' .lest." to depart, hence; there are t'-..-:s ot pat rots ttMt nbseuic t he su I. l i I id i' l' bird': laige and smu'.! u. s i.. i.iy 'u -ferc::t kllltls tha! it H v. .-i: i.-l l'n'. . . Trees of a In iu-.i-i I x in- ii. s, ein-li ii.ivini; its pa: turn ar f:"i:'. ..1)1 all of mat vt io-.is Jlav.n- . . '' ' - .ft and (good js th- air f.o n all i:i:: i nef of tl.i.vors, that ii. l- ti -. st-t t. -t thing in the xvnrl.l . . . b' ' ii I, t:e cot-.bl live f nevet !' ;o i-.r; i.ovriiT.'i. THE MODERN LAYETTE. Tlio Avt-niKP f.iili' (limit (oi One II iitiilrt-il r 1 In i- . 'ii: liiiinbid ilolhiis is the price f.f H.i- iivci-iia- !;i!.x "s wardrobe. A Iny eiio that was Imstisht iu Paris i-teently eiei -s'llni i. aiil there is si society if i i':ii'i ab!.- ladies that finds II possible f' i- N!'i to hi:i!;o up c. perfci Hy atb' oii i to Wiir bubo im- liahios xvitli whom dross Is not si mam-- if siipr-ti;e mo ment: I'll the ill er.lee mother who ilr." he;' duly by Iii ; infant !s uliligi-d to s ini im: les than Nbiu on a nii-o l:'y'il". inclusive ul' Hi- liaskot siml bu tli tub, ns v.-ll as iho bibs. This si -iiiii-g cxlrav.-umtii e Is iluo to n tr.i iiill.ni t':;il l.-t'iies shall bo ilri'ssed in Intiil made i loHies and It I '. t!o ox-p.i-.i-is uf Ho hiind wnrii that nukes b'ttiy i lollies so cosily. Ti e hundred ilidllf out it lines I ni ii-'-htilo tucks, iv;: I la : - I'll-roid.-i y. in t it t'oos in clude a thi.r.!ii::l.ly i oml'ni'talilo though si far liioiv Iii liic. I tro-i'i e:iti than n-i t o rs ti-eil lo ihlnl: iieeessary. I ircsi-s. gov. I'-, bands an 1 c::jis by tl ili .. 1! are I n luii-er Iman'eil tip ;ir.uill.-t baly's .--,-i'i ;il, : ti i t ill' i Id t'S- In;., 'lie tor it coinple,.- lu.'c'to I-: tilt e.wn by half, xvhilo nf that I silf the u:.-;jiii- p u-.ion is in;:.'" o- ii.i rnv.-d pn . ie;-:is. Th- clothe -have boon Tout ly r. ilueed ill bulk. s:nd wlntt the l .lb. i tidiiiliy iiiiu.ei iaie n -i is ll.at -'icy ill- lii'.i llge.l 111 Sl, ,- ;;, i im wi: n th- lea-; i. os. .il.!,. : rou'il -. Ni-arlv sill H:.' i!"ti!i. ! it. rd i i Hie uioileril il.fant i!' iiies t . '.' tin- I'c'v vi.tleiv tint Is :.;:a:-.;i'.i id :. -alii-t : h ''.iiliigc by a .it ii'c! it's in e-.'U'. ;ivir .f cittij-.: thr b;i;:.!s th. -n r.'.'o boil: .1 lii-'.r ; l.r.tit thcli I-. b"- iio :.;t;e!y i : t'o -d ill I't ctlo- l;i-i,,a I of b.-iiig bronliy h.. ni 'n'. 1 by day si rer-ntd- r.i tl l.y i.iht a p'l: fit:g l-'u'iki t li ke Ho place t.i til clumpy I!-!'!'' 1 potUl'ILU '. A g.-rtril 1 ' is a i ice Ii, i It- r.-uf! ! : '.l'i that lii iv:.; arte;' Hi- sh..n. w-.w li inii'.iiv.'s; sv.., ilp tn dy land, lc is :- . voles ! and low ti e!:-. d. .-.n 1 fn-teti.; nn tl-. sh 'i ld'-i'-. po that xvhc:i It i.' 1 1 bo a 1.1:1. ted or remov e 1 ;; l-nr. i Plipjird '.-.iiti ; ihe w 'i'iipn.'r ir !'..-!u j.wu it t'n -;.-::s i , and (he en ..'tit is ih'.-'.xvu il -a ll : till i tV w ith u;i the 1- iis. i'it "n u! ly. Al iiii;lit th- piiuiiinr b!ati!:et ta!:e: tlr d 'i't- ni' tie jerirttdo. ai.d Is r.-t c.. ily -X iiu tod. sin r.hl I'.ee.l :.risc. :: i I i i Hi - l:,iiil.il-Ie ci'i' iri to vedite' the MIMvi- 'f-.iils veij.hi of i It t I.i II vr. 1.--11H r.t-o, it' po.--i;-b- to in- aw.i.v with evety wl e".'. Tin- skirts oi' t u- best mail -.'.'-.-lie u s a.-c i-.l ipii-ie,'. I y hi trm holed si-ellips. ,",n I ve i ill pi. ltitig blankr-i. xv hit !i i split -i e l sill l ie way tloxv:t the .-ah- ;-. iid I hie 1 up evil '.ihin-i! bilck ni lii.'iil. mi n- hi. I.! tl- lower part of the I... ly 1 i ,-i soi-i of .-! p.-;i-lt u: tbill-in-1 is . a lipod iiii.l lii:;to!iholcd tn. ah its ei!ei-s. Al 'ho i.e.; sin - .: wi e.-e hn'ari: r-v ilies hav :ii . .-; ton -iv ut .i;.ri n:em :;'.! to ilieiiis.'lvt s ih, i iosi t h .rmii-: pal lilello tlilVebnir b;l.-ki Is ;iro -ohl. 'i'liose basin-Is ji i-i- s'piaie mid i i.-do wholly Ot' lili'ilel'ei', prlllllello WOVeti Upon 11 framework o' toiiirh lih. wood. In siile ii' two iiiiys jind jet t!iere is .space iioii.;:, for packing every stitch of 111 - l.l.Ve'te and I In baby's toilet sir-lii-les be-iilo. Two stout ' lass lucks hold ll.o lid fast, and xvh. :i i:i Kciustl traveling .-.-i-vico tho basket xvears slip eover uf whim canvas reinforced .-iinl b '.uid wilh whit- lva-li leather. The l ip tray of tins basU.-t is liiu-tl xvilh blue -aneii. c i o.-ed Willi xvl.ite I nisli i nnil' i! w ill. V .-iioii. leiiiies. ;.i' liil.i po.-kois and under Hups a. 1.1 sirups lit nil Ihe blue eel uliid toilet articles. I.asi. but ii .waditys inn least. In the !ninna:r. items of an infant's outfit tiro the white Turkish inwollin j er thu. m l I'xeralis Ihnt ihe nurse or :r.V t-.- it'is on win ii li.-iihing tl... oaky. Some: inn s it is merely n part icul.ir.y 'tig at d ample wiilto towcllit ii ri.i. i I - I osi ovi-.-.ilis arc inailc of gaily slrin.d imslii-in!;:,!,;,. Haiui-I long ami liiil in tin- skirt, hiirii U the I lb und p.iiid' .l tvli'i I ,-ig sleeves to tie at tho xvi-i" .-.ml ai.-no th - elbow, llnis alTonl ii; l eri'ei't protet ,ii.:i fi-nm suds J nd tjila.'h l i-.: w .::ei-. Xcw York Sim. A Ill-fi-nn- of the III, I Xt.iltl.o A io.-st is off, red i.i f:,. spiuster! Vi e m et :;i'.-.;: many ph.isant people ill i iii- wo I.'. I, il! iniwi.ero do we tilld a i .'io . a;is;u-,.iiy p. i-.sen t li:tn that i-hvr'y i iisiiiiri :.- - w, in. in generally nmi s-.u ii-w i ai isie.-ii. i-t.'ull.v known ::s t'i "old 1 mid." ;,,i. Mipp -sod to be il'lii it d wilh "tiei v s" ..nd :; eantaiik-t-ve'.ts ills; o-iih i. As a nuittcr ot fai-t. h' Is fi'Cii'.lilitl.v the .nvecicst, :i.ost M-li'-.'. iiget.'ul of her se.x. She usually walks, with tact and a luviu heart, iu i-iiti;- wouieu's pathis. lives In fiber omen's homes, r.nd rejoices In t thcr 'vtiaien's .Ifiys. inn king then: bur own. Tii children mKce lu-r. for sl. be ctuiii's tc ihen sort of tairy'goduioth er. oue whn jiosi-,,-s all the tender ness Oi a aioiher xvithont tho f strouies of n:acc;tir.l iliieii hue. be lovts to i'ivj thildiiu -i so;nl time ". atui does it with i-iiaov.liii.t. v Mictvri;. Iu liiyfcctcM de.ails. w.t - tiNi-wre! How uany diucr-r: wi their access to her. who rfjps no cloiy exeppt tte rlnry of ilolncr! n 1 in th" ttltitnate -li.lls of life, wh.-it .-, sl.e lii i-otncsr lt'-.i e lu-.v p. vers nf ;he I n h;i li- in- lines! tlo'.vi (: f ; n.Miip. s',ei'ii;:i'.: s ! 1 1 ;. 1 1 j.,-, ui'-Ii und s.dace is :.i the .votitie i.l.v il .it shr ex- i. ie-r caniit-ity a s-'U'r o,' iiuder-ii.ni-; There Is i. .btlieitlty sle- tinii 'it dissipate, no 'i-.u- !ie cani-.oi less.-. im toinler little hali'-M ured hope that sle loos not n- C9ui;i to bloom tvt th tther woman. It Is nlwnyn for somebody else that she Is xvorklng, and poilnps it is this which gives to l'.er eyes tho leek that oven the worst ntuoiig us iiiii-i.u.s. ioiis ly nssoclatos xvitli all I hat is host and fairest In life. Hot thoiii make fun of her If tln-y will, but ci nld xvo do xvith ont lior'r lliirp-r's Weekly. flrl l.oTt- the t liiiirriiii. An Knglish xvnman talking about chaperons ays that ihe tirls ineiii selvos nro tiio la-t ones to wish to do away xvilh Ihe i hapor.in. The cii-ipi r oti is however, aceoi'iliiu in I'-.-r. t- a considerable c.xii :it I'r. i iii-: hei-soif f.i'lil 111:11 y of Ihe ilillies sit mv lime eoiisiil.-r.-il incuiuheiit iiioii b -r. Ib-r thoughts tun; now tnu n. tit- wolfiiro of her charm s. I ut to I i r u .vn an-.u-e-incnl, iinl parlies n' chaiici-ms are to ho seen aniiisini; th.--iisei e iu noway or silioili-r bisicail of le-ln. c .11 ;antly oil hand 10 J 111 in .1 pin fi 1- ihe lia.iei- ineil if sin siccldeui Ii:ipi :is In ;: train III the li.-ilb-ooin. te fiii-ni: ii a hairpin t i keep 111 plueo tlallce-ilisoi-.l.-icd loci;.-, mil lo give svtnpatliy. help nnd :ulvi--o iipnii nil o.-t asions. "Hil ls do tu I want the chapeii n to go," she continues. "They do mil de sire to feiii! for themselves x.-h.-r. out on plosis-.'i-o lent. Tln-y desire the happy hours to run mi tin-us -d wheels and l.ko to ki-i w that some one is i r.-s-o;)l who linhls i !,er ean.ible Ii:i:i I .iui' -inout. syinpaihy and rcspoti ;ibll Ity. I'lii-.v are inure likely in urge tie ir parents m ci py o!il lime uu-' In..!- than tiie.V are tt; laud ll'e vnglte xviii.-h p is .es tho girls iu;o Hie ba-Itgif-ii.-.U a'!:l set.; their i-h.-il lei '.i: nit l hers an.! marre Mints on tin- pcdostul of sm lal aueeess w ilh-!. tiny should 0(1 -,i; y." New York Th-io.-. Fanlilmi S-iucrnllmiM for S-l'inc. Dresses if llilti. ti':::.s).-i!-.nt ui.-ito-rials will bo trimi led sis the. w ere last peasoti xviili Yale .oi.-l.ut.i iu-er-li.ui an.! luce. Yx'hile piipic s'.irl w.ds' nro Minoig the lil'sl ,1; bo Wl VI ill Ihe i .Illy spl iU-i. The in-wist i.i ' . f liu'it xveight :i:.! t!-n conl. sllnl sire mine tptiie . im;il,v, wilh a clujii-r uf nu '.:. i t i-sioii : i.lc 01' the front. J.ells if both nl ih' Mi.' ribbel bl::.': Velvet will 1 e Weill Willi .u'!ng Wcniell gnwns. S o h I 1-1 1 55 sire stylish si id liiiiy lie W'oin xvilh spricg gi w ns of any enlnr or in.ilcrial. Ti;.' pivui.-si bobs sire niii.l- xvitli a sliuiit .ii iu Ihe mid dle of tie fr in. Tor hard, gi-u-r.i! wear :: - iiu un of blin-k, i:iy. I ro'.vn .r txf...-.l May elit-viot will i:!ve g n ral si.ti-fsn-i inli, (I'.le of s-nooth cloth is nmi- drc-sy iu effect but iv.. so suitable lor all serfs of weather. 'I'lie skins of such . uit-i should bo ma.'io to ileal- the ground, .-uid lined xvitl. p. r aline if k cannot be airo-.-do-l. Tin- jut ki i h..ii!d b ne.i.li.v ll!:i"l Hi d liiailo -.1 il'i-liiil l.v large so thai th y will sli-i 0-1 1 as 'y v-r all kind- of waist,. -Ladies' lb me .UiM'lll.l. . Motli.-rii of (ill-it: Veil. fVhti:i!Si'..ll'- ll.lt.lt'.' Wi!- filled t.l h l-i.lsl al a nli.t . CI opii.'s mother, i.!.. iii.isib". .11. s very tli licnte. Uiutnoii's iioih-r v.ii ft : I of pain: ll:g nntl ii:ii-l. . Snolif's n.o.h.'!' was sin exceilcil' jmli.'o cf iiitisl,. bu' .m i.itislciiiu. Milfoil's It-tit iv- i-lleu .illudo ti Ili-niothci- in tin- ill's'! all'et .Inl.alo terms. Wt iilswoti h's 1 oher nil a 1 hiiiiie l.-r sis peel li.ir iis t!i;u of her 'gift -d .-on. b' .Iei;:n said 1 11:11 1..' ..-'.. I ad his in. lit. 'in ss of ilcpo: ; mi nt t.i his mother. Hoclho pays -several l: i'nlies iu bis wriii:'..i.s tt- Hie hiii-.n .er of his riot her. Haydn th ilit -a let', nic ut' bi : n ; i n- plirlS'.Ilt illstl'U!.clll:,l co:il esiliol,:. ti his :iio.licr. Sydney Slliilh's l iollic.- was :. clever conversutio lalist, ami xvr .- ipii. k ;;t lopariee. liilibnti's niothor was p:is-ion.;tely fond of leiuliug. and ciicumagod 1 or son tu follow her example Charles larxvin's uiol'i.-r had a tie-"itl-'d t.t-to for all branches tf u ifral lib . ity. riiiladclpliia liniiiirer. tirsa;e knots sin- usu.-.ll.'- the one in ti.- of i-t lor ou a delicately sh-nlei' evcnii.g gown. ltcd iiiorticco, t-ruliit-i 'in-1 in bis. ok and gold. Is 11 .ed for th,- turn-over col lar u..d cuffs of a si i. rt Ido.'se. Modish hats .-hoxv M.e llor; I ;;a.:ii tiirc it 1 11 1. ru 1 -.1 1 ti the 1 i- 111. viulc.s and gcraiiiii ii- bring thr favorite hi-: solus. A liiM-liy iu hair orii.iuielits 1s ;t cou;.le of peaeiKks' featlit-rs fashioned froii. si li'.iins, hi xvhleh ihe exact eolom of the 1 hime are roprodiiced. On- if tho uuxvi'si varieties of the famy eoat Is termed the Louis XII. The lasijiiod portion, which i; much roMitl.d, is longer than tho Lmi.- XV. style. (iigy-grien is cue of the pre red colors just noxv p.iitii uiat ly for goxvus of pc.uuc- and velvet. C'hiffou of the same shade Is used for triajmios and eld lace. A (JvUoi6-"i.iVelCil lroc-ii it wj,;o pique tat two rows t Urge pearl but tons eatriid the full length cf the gown, and on either side of the row: of billions wide box pleats :f turkey roil ot or 1 in- white php r. The woman of fashion xvc.nrs si smart little fob to guard tie wadl slipped in Hie 1 elt of her tailor inside gown. This foil is a few inches long, nisiue of wide silk braid or K-rh:ips gros gra n ribbon, ard sidoinetl xvitli a slide bear ing a tiiy heart, star or similar orna mQt in ailver t--- " WOODS RAKE AND COSTLY 1 HICri.PRICED L0C15 IM NEW YCnK LUVIDER YARDS. Mli-kii uf MiihitK-tiiy Utirlli ha Xl:u-li u-. He.iiKHi ntliiT 1. mi. I. i r I.1111 XI nr.- I.i ii'lslt Flnf Wtinils lluril tu el Hi-.llltt-triitMl Ilt-iirt-ftt of All. j lu the lumber yards 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 u 01 tin Hast Kiver. boiwt-i-n l-'ifiii siml Tenili li tis. Hn-ie lie pih-tl up 11: rough, u-.i 1 yiiii-iotrii -ul In -ii 1 1-: largo numbers nf inaisoly h'-wn diny logs. .u ignorant I server inielii take these to bo -un lilies for si kindling wood factory, and certainly would In- surprised to b-iin 1 'nit Hie dirty slicks of timber art? tli -liln-U Viilililble w.i. ni- il Iho world ill ,lieir r.iugh fori'i. for thai is whni Hiey lire. There is 1 lehodiii .x iheic an;, ipian til..' of ii : o'.i 11 x . I!!,-..-!-; Sc. w iliint and cosily . Iiilhew nod. but il all lies there 1 otuingly i.iiguardi d ami b-'iiteii by He v.-eai'ior as though it wore He 1 ln-apest sort if while pine "It tliiosn't look very valuable, dies It':" said tin- manager if urn- nf tin- I oiiipaiih s w hich sell much of lli- I I si ly liiulnr: - but that is the v.un.l lli.-il sou ., day will be worked 1 mt. polished anil mini-' ini. tin- m isl bcai: lii'ul woodwork thai money can buy. "Thai oi,.- lug log ilia; ill. 1-0 work 1. -on are tarrying Is worth Sjouii. and I have scon a log of mahogany only .1 linle larger than ll ai which was miM for st .111 11 1. Ii was twenty-eight feci long and live feel I hick. ,iln w as 111.' liliesi jilt ee of the wo ul that I min ever seen. "l'roily gooil price lor a single stick, isn't ir? It w:u a perfectly sound 1 ig, 1 In. ugh. Mi.l its coloring and mark big w.-ie remarkable Tl sit is w hy I; I roiigln sin h a high price. " Miihoga ni is like d. ami. 11. Is." no cm lllllled. "The val It- if esli 1. slick Is l.-i. riniiieil by its marking ami fret -I. uu from Iinw-. Win 11 the logs are i 1 Id ill I hi' 1'ollg'l. as y 111 s 'e lii. ni here. I here i e big i-l.-li.clil of chalice in Hieir purchase. "The cieii tan .indue im i. only by mil ward iippe.u am e-. ami miis bo able i" toll by Hie general I. ok of tin- logs whither they are sound ami whether iiu marking which sli-.ws on the nut idc is npi 1 1 ci. 111 Inn. I lining; fuc piei e. After :i good deal f i-xperi '..ee e.ie is able lo size tip a pit ce of limber pieiiv cirrecily. but Wo ate liioleil niii-e in a while, ami lh.ll Is ut). f ihe uncertainties of ihe business. "Someone once said thai ma liogany xvas the kii.g f Woods, al.d ho w.-is 1 ol far wrong, ll is certainly the must durable nn an mint of its hardness a id Hie polish lli.'il il t.-ik. s gives it a right lo the bile ll isn't what il Used to be. lie. lull "Thirty yais ..go .ul Hi ln-si of the w 1 10 I was tlesigmueil ;is San Hoiuiago. ir.. in iiu- pliico in which it grt-xv. It was Ihe l.-si thai wus ever cm and aii. lined si gi-i.'ii reputation, tun It is :!l.io-l tinp.-ssil.lc to uet lm xv. The . ! .-. e v. ..oil is all gone, and I her- i: f..i enough 10 In- bad now to srp ly ..in-liiimlr. .Ill ;i.-u t of Hi. d uiat d for lis loMil'e Was Hi lfl Mill si ;,ll.l 111.- . el -1'illg s p - ior lo :l y oilier. We -I'll gel tl - xv nmi from San lioiningo, bin ii I- ail s.. 1. ml grtwih. snialbr 'ii::i. Ihe .1.1 111.1I ng.il y nu.! lutlci: in fer, t-i in :.. ".M.il'ogaiit inn;. 1 '1 -aii-iil America was .i,t iu large ipiat lilies hero years ago. also, l lll h was I uiiitt to lie loft on. I siru'ght graiiii'd. and 11 ixv It ha niaei icaliy -ii.ppcd coming to this mar kei. Nowadays f ::ei the xv od ll-u 1 Ci'I'.i ami Mcxic . "'I no "Hint 11 prodiit i cniiios in small si.cs. luii is of good texture ..: d h.,rd Il is fi..m Mexico. Ihoiigh. ihiit the gn-sit iiif.viiets 1 f the xviit hl iit'e ;. iw supplied, in t nnly xvitl. the le st ma ll igany. bu; also with much that b M.ii. though .uuch belter than the old Sui'.ih Am.-i ie.ui prtiiltn t. "Mai.v people havr the ider. that Hi-i ' is in inure good mahogany mil Hml all ! tui t is itit now is soft. This fsserlion Is the outcome of individual i-xpi rieiiee iii procuring good ir j'oer 1: those w!io I. live r. toiveil tin- lu-s ides pi'uiioiiiu ,. the Mexican is.d id an I b iiutifi I in texture. '.Xn impression also exists that ma g:u,y is exiicii-ive and oiilv lo be Hi- '1: Igi d in by a fcxv That is untrue, 'lit- facili.ii s for procuring the xvnuil :i:.il Hn tir-v ict-s for reducing it into lumber hair u imprt veil that It:- cost t 1 day 1 -. 'in p:: t'e. - faniably with some ns' ..in itoi.icstic !iar', v I '1 ti y. "T'i - ci.si .f w ..ruing II u gi call r 1 ban any o V.i tills ll la-ls eltil Ui ll lis 1 elllli.lly dollle: tic the tlu is W lull isive. iis liio tl a- lucstl .illicit-, though. "The pi'iu ess of vem-eiii.i ii ok. .: all th.- l.nitl woi th- oX t ... iotk oust-, ns niiuh ns the timber I:, the lough. The wood is nil very i linti. ..bout 0:10 thirtieth of ..;. Inch, i "A layer of -hie is placed oxer ihe1 xv ot d lo xvhich the stril is tt be up- I bed. ..i'ler xvhich the strip is laid ou. I s;..oiithed do'tn bv liauil. aad then I 1; m.icd I el wren txxo hot pios-e... m j . i.i N. us xv - call tbt-u. It take.- ...u'.e i.ffo ior the giUa w dry. j "'liieu the vlauipk are rerjovea. tb? ; v-od sandjiapeied and Scraped and Hie ' ,s.j x.oiu j: poi.Uiiis begiu with tie j ,-pli-fiiion of nllers to Ell the pores of e --cti a id icabe it smooth. Then ah i ; endless .rubbing has to be dm-e .; x i -h.,1 th-- polish. 1; i- a loin: p.-.ic ami '-X etislx-e . lii.n reas'i;i. I 't ii' more costly I. He ra . -f liiahiigauy il.a i at y othi r w... it. The iiMTrigc cost 'f m:i liogany !i Hi.- lolfgh is fr nn .Titl to S''";i ji h iiisatid foci. "li you : Ii ink inahngany is wry ex- icisivr, xvli.it it' x-Mi think alnut Cir-j ;u!sbiat wain it, xvhich xv. impcrt from ml ,-t.s.s sitne si ihrnble? Ituse- wciid. xvhieti c.iiees fin. n Sum Ii Amer ica, ci.-la three t" i'mt; 1 1 1 !- 11s llltH'll :.s 1 i.i b'li'.aiiy. ai d i-- fiii-y iis rich In j coloring. It i- it--1 1 bin li.Hc. however, mi aci nmi! 01' us est. "."aim w ,1. a p:-. tli:. l uf the " est I ml ss. cests abii-i.-w. uid. t.i... This i VelliiV." w e. ll. Whii i a bc.iiililul light al-. lakes ;i high polish. "l-hnjlish brow, 1 ' ai. is abn fully as i-.i..isivi. as lii::hog:.ii. . Al present il is scarce, as H:e -ui-ply is liniitod by laws- :-,.-iricf!.g Hi.- .-uiffg of it. tl I" abn .-:-. il.-'- .-live. :"-n ll.l- I'-u l makos its c...-t iinii: ul up. "Ii ci s: ihiriy in- a I-", in the lug. mid Hi- w-; si.- 1. Hikes I ho real rice amoi'iil toltt l i 1 : . 1 1 : i:, laill: u flic- ti. cured. a gi 1 e. 1 e.l mure. A build- en, ly ii.nl li pm a largo H.igll-h .iik ii Iho new -lit n .ire. sm. I 1 hat 1 v th-.' s hf.l be 11 pro I had III xv. 1 1'.ltcil I.i -"'I -l "I, is .lie I w. .nils we hao tvb best it has a ri- h end i-Miiaiiis many blink bh Ichis. "ilbiiii.v is all gi i- s,, p-inl n ::! : now ad.ivs. 1 '.nul 1:. si licaillii'lll 1! -he I. At its 1 1. 1-, wi cult r. i dsii-k. iiluiosi mt 'iiiiinse it pei-il.ll-lis of II i-s alliio't jot .0,1 lile. i.. b,i: H .i: is In!! of gra s hlcl. is iiupiii-toil 1 ixv eal.s u il i. -Il spoil it. "Wry lini" cm it map! daj s. ,-iiid bird's eye i.'-ai lively eh. sip I- i a ban Il sells ill Hie rough I. f iul silal vi lli ers eln-np.-tin- ithei's Walnut lc: is used these - i- compara- .nn- xvnnd. loll eellls il 1 Inn- most of gt.no mil of stylo, ti'o. .tiiI litis whim suul i,u:irici and birch. " 'biiiese n 11k Wi ex-., li-lve Mid al--il is used very i-: if Hn- haul, --hips 1 hllsi-l Is s l e luili!-' lo k-u.W l:;;l It 1 given w ay 10 manic, ul oak. ,-ish. cherry nn' is another thai Is v-ry defective. Still . tisii 1 lj . Th keels In. I, .i.e. and Mas-si ol if and I I : 1 1 1 11 ' 1 ..-! Hi i o'ornuier.i a pr. ty poiiny. "Tbo liiilish Admiral ti:iiu: hy of Hi;- wti.-d uf ill- lii-il;s! w..,--bip-ciinni itilx' in 1 1 -w railings and I. nidi u siainls ihe wcail.ci- 1 "Wlcli is ,1c imisl e Hiat 1 know 1.; '.- Su-ike v lis i at fill' Iho (."ks mi I ii is used I! yachis for iii.ings. as II ellclltly. netlsive wood Wo.iil. I guess. ll I- iniiii.l le.l I l i in 1 he iinrlliei 11 1 ai l He of .mil Amoiiesi in luo.s tveighing ilolll Iron: lifiy t.i iioi'ii'ls. mid casts 'll 10 I w em ti e eolils a p .llilil. "It 1- 1 rv h.'i'tl io! w li. 11 pullslioil -how a groin nine!, 1-ko Hie marking uf :i -iialn wnlhilig -iiin. 1 1 is lis d mostly fol lies end for fiimy turn illgs. "I'.i:.c Sc.l WullllH ens Is il 1 -1 . too. from liiriy live m lifi cents a fool, sn Vi.il si " Hial ln.il.' g. liy ie lint so evie-ii-.M-. ..'or all. ami a- I -aid bi ll lo. it is truly Hn- king of all wm il-" -New Y,.-k Sen l.p..sii.sj a rritiul. 1 1.-, .-ii.-. i liul.b r- of cc- i.li iii insurant- it . ii- ir ipiciii'.y put the coin piUiii s' physician- n. uc, die. s llullble by -l;i Un ui:- I1.'!, age l.-r In'hng Inirls. whit ii iiftl. r I Ii I., v, . i i ul.- tin-in It Untiling. .Vii'le tle'.if eliili I) pfslelit f ll'iiilil. says a p.i. .sit iali ipluled in the AHaiiia .lo-iii::!. innl pr. !. nd I i have ,.i!:n . to- w i.eu Hn .v are sound in evert j 1 1 r i . A ieW .ilts Sign. -e.Vs .io j lll.t siclil 11. I was sunii.i.iii.-tl ..- a hospital to e ..mine a man " h pr.-ii mle 1 t- 1i:mo ha.', his !.-ar.ng i.ii.illy .Icsiroy. l liy Hie inviuaf,:!'.- explo-imi ni' .1 blast. I I : -1 an if. a 1 1 "iu the - tart I hal he va- --haiuf i.ng. I ll! all Iho lest Hiat I ci.nbl .i.p- -ecli'.. .1 tu slew Hiat ho was stt.l t-de I ' Slill. I wa- lint satistiod. and ri suit. .1 i-i li.. a l:i:le strati gy. ('.liiehile: the iii'.l c l.elorchaf.il how lo .- !. I eU'.elcd Hie I. mill hastily llll.l .Till',. "I.Ulii !.. -itlick! The lilel'Xtitl- gu.-berl Will ie is h'.- Never mind tlie den f maul Sa e yoiir-i If!" TV n v. - bulb nish. .1 fur the dour, bu: toe pat. cio w.i- tjiih ker than wo wen-, and g"i out I- ior.- u-. He hat) till- good ! Iise, ll'.w e er. to realize l.'lilt the game was un. a id he iieter ap- cni'ctl again. Il.tll-s I, I I Ill is .fitiu XVlilell 'ITiim-i-s - the I't-ruli. e.aii the b ligesi way round s ihe shorlt-st way home. ,. i : ll a 1 'nil. d Siaics iiiins ;.. It u x San I'raiii is -o for I'M pnit l.u China. He. must logical i-imr-i- would set-in tn be straight across Hie North ?;!-, he ti the bill. I ! Ihe HoX'i's. 1 .tit in real ity ibe ship would be slcei d to the sniitiiw .-l ah ug Hn c'tiliitor :i:h past lile riiiiuipilies In thr Asian iiilsl. Tin- coll.-e would bo several hull. bed lllllis l.e.eeer. vcl II w. uhl lain- ;hc M --.1 m h. i disimsi lion much i'ii. lu r lli.in the straight ionise, lu the i. uc ui..' - ll" xvnultl be going wi.h ll .ui ..ul. ill the otll T -h" xvouli' bi go.nu e.Mili'-i tlie nil'. n :i" The .et ail i. li- i .. s f.ee. palhless i-xpiinse. uxti- xtbi.h sh,',, cuts may be in.-.tb', but a ysicui ui higliways, ci'usswn.xs find even bliml ail. , ways, which have beer surx t-y. d and laid out by cat tire herself. Ainslot s Mag asm . MtTt Oi.litlun. It is the tb s h.xv thru lua'm to bc.ii the other fel- l.li: gti i.loUg. Wlia a wom.iu it 0o her a sc. V,rcold ih-.' r. Kii::s to ;;iujible man's so., lor U.e ti-- l'icb .' iLS't ad of f:1'-. coiiw aoijins; '.J man for wwUin in. foinel-fiily - !se irill;-.a:ii.;i max : c. .1'.' ex follow k. . ps tli" mi- il! hut mu x . pnr- .'ofll.. After ::i:.. h-c-i ably siiect-s -i ul II :. " N'll'iolt ,.n o. hi'. i any I ; xva-i ill-.l roio .l-alil It 1. Hi.- d,'i bleu Hi .nil Ij.MI b. tie sports l. C'. o, sill

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