file RATES Of ADVERTISING One square, one Insertion One an uwe. two insertions LH ii. a., juoivooiv, KDITOI; AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, UiO PER YEAR Strictly In Advanit. One square, one month VOL. XXIV. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. NO. 10. Tot larger advertisement! liberal 4 teta will be made. .-1 -4 . -C f'G T-J. t ... "" . y A NOVEL. f3v Prs. Slizabctl (? U? (ISABKLLA CASTLLAK .) ('.'"Pjrijil'l, Ml Ills', I' KoIHT il INMKt'. UAttl.) . i T CIIAPTEU Xll.e 'With n cry of joy, A unction a rusuoil Into hi a i-in h and win clasped to Mm Iieart; anil, wilh devout thiinksgii iuc;, I'oilro know Unit, for the firoHunt nt least, ho was safe, Ifo liml observed Willi wonder an. I four Unit the uioro Auaenonii was under his iutliicneo tlio less her I'ower lioi'uiiio to rend li i h "InmhtH or foresee his intoutions. Tlim psj-oholop-ieiil mystery, like1 rrnrythiiiK else i-onuoctcd with Lis Julian wife, served only to iiiitrenHO Lit uiiil horror of her; lint for t!i. safety of his (,'old and his life, ho was ready to swear u thousands oiithfi if lovo mid liilclity, and ho regain all ids iowcr over the (ioldou Flower. ' He. quickly ilaintd Lin purpose, and, having vowed her to Meerery, hurried ' I i the Nhuro to make in ruiiyonii.'iits for tjijittin the island, 'Mt wan natural that Aiiaeaoiin, an I moil iii she no tourer felt the spell of Ins presetiee and the inlliieuoe of his Voice a i ill touch, should lie;in to doubt ltiitt; ir.iil while assin in ; her own heart tint nl:e believed and trusted htm. l'edr.i had Imilt a More-room for his , I'liM an I neius in u eiivo ill the foot id i! in niiitaiii a snere.l Hput w in re only iin and hi t wife were perinilted to rh. 1 1 nl t s and liar.! were unnecessary. 'J'lui suva ;es iiltaelied no value lo mil 1 r f'ni.n, and thu fii 'l that they were intended us iillcriuc's to Turcy insured tin II- safety. "It was toward this cave that the (i.ildi-ii Flower turned her step when tlu dou'it of Pcll.i forced itself into lier thouithts. She found the jjold mid pieci nis st.uies iiiidiMni'lied, and Hint hij'Jit ;T:lvo her more certainty of Jul chief's return than had all his Will of love, sweet thoui;h tiny had lieen while lie listened to theiu. It was many l"Hrt days before l'edro re turned, hut when he eamo he was even more loving than when they parted, 'two Spaniards a cuupanie I him, hut when he told her these, men were his Liothers (die smiled, for they were t;i!y eomiuon sailors; and l'edro was not displeased hy the quick glance oi coiupurisoii she llanhed from them to him. She was willing to helieve they had e.ime fiom the same divine world, Suit to nay they were like him - oh And her one ivjr.l of scorn was vuy elopieiit. "Mcndoii had made all airanee moutn for I'.iht nul h"d hr ti(ht some l:i;;s of leather to hold hi-: cold; tho jiit-cious sloii 'M, being easier if tians portauon, were to 1m eononled in the garments id little Polores. For this purpose' ho hud hrouh: a 'sailor's housewife,' cuiitainiiiK needles, pins, hiron thread and wax. This simple outfit of Newiiii; materials was to the tleldeu Flower the n:ost wonderful tliini; she had yet seen ; and had l'edro possessed it when ho first lauded on the island it would have heeu of price less value to him. Auacaoiui w ns now Htrickeu tuiiMV with admiration au.l hive of lu r Kreat master while she watched him use, with nil a milor's deftness, these marvelous little sew ing implement . " I'hi'V were seated outside the e.ive, at a threat distutu'e from every one; but they spoke only in the Indian lau mi,i;'o, for l'edro feared to hetray too much to his Spanish friends who knew iiithiiii of his jold and precious Montis; and there was great necessity for secrecy regnrdietf nis plans no far in lolores and Auacaoua were con nected w ith them. When ho told the mother that Dolores must go tltst, the gentle creature was territied as the thought of jeirtitiK', even for a day, from her eluld;hut wlieu he explaiued the necessity for Keuding her ahead td them she hecumo calmer; and l'edro unconsciously took the iiuiekest way of reassuring her as to the safety tf lolores for howas at that moment felling up his most precious Reins in the seams of a little dress the child was to wear. Vheresoeer his treas ures went there alio was the heart ol l'edro M cii.hoi, and he was suto to . follow them. '"And loloies will ho lappy?' sin? ; died. " 'As the niseis anunii; angels like ; herself, ' ho answered, holding up thj little diess with its skirt tf hriKht tvl ' fied silk. "Ihe Indian woman laughed am' clapped her hands with wonder and I !i;ht, w'..ile Mendozii evplainod thai thoie were childien on the ship who , v.ould receive 1 Mores with love and j honor. "This was true, for the expedition ! had hroiif'ht faunlies to coUmie tho : ne.v country, and amoni; them were :i ' ft n- ehildreu. It had also Inoiight HUch ititic'.cs as would he likely U p!ea-o thi natives, and amoiij? then were a few bvight and. attractive dresse; ! for youn' ehildreu. It was one ei tUeie tlu't JVdro had obtained, w it' tho instantain'iMis thoncrht that lit could secure from discovery his preei mis Renis tiy sewing them np .u hin child's garments. Aa to their value, Ar.i'.cuouu only knew that her husband j :i;:ed these precious stones as th Uiiht of his eyes; and evcii to her nu ti.torod taste' fhty now looked won derfully beautiful," for he had managed to cut and polish some of theui. while , ihcis shone from uature's polishing tliio'ih countless ut;es. "Meudoza had already tied up his' i.'.tl in tho leather bags, ull of which wcie Milt secreted within the cave; . lUt tli Kttl UJ titlil V9 til gtt ereen leaves of tli cocoa-palm, and as tin sunlight Mreamcd hut them they llashed back ill countless rays every color in the rainhmv. There wi re peiuls of exipiisilo lus'.re; opals in whose milky whiteness idowod llames of liviiig lire; elm raids (jreeiicr than the tropic verdure all about them, supi hires blue, ch ar nlld deep as the sky, and diamonds while and pure 1:1 prit-oue.d li;tht. Other tfri'is thnt Were of less value, but too iioe lo throw away; Mid, though their eoi.imoiine.-s had helped to In. 'i lie their owner iudif feietit to them, it eo.-t him many a muttered i;ioan to leave any of tlieni. "When Ihe Indian ;irl hud first led Meiidou to the dry bed of a river near the foot of mi extinct volcano, hi! li id found there layers of the iiirlh'.-i sur face that had seemed at first all i;ems. Thousands, tens of thou-ands of yi am u-!n, that mountain's molten fires hud poured o el' the jailtfed roel.H, and from that j lent alchemist's laboratory in the eentei' of Ihe t;hibe had bet n ca-d forth tiariii'ls, nnii-thysts, tourmalines, like (travel i n Ihe sea shore; but l'edro soon learned to eh iose only the lar;! stones mid to di ; deep lor those o: liner and un r Mu.ililv, and all the piiseveranee of his na tuio had been Liiveii to the task. For a time, he v.uiild tin-t no hand save his own in t'lis work; but he ii.i-.m iii assured of t'. iiniiil'ereliee of thel:i diiius to t lie -e pi ieebss (.;ems, wloee iiucu', 1 1 1 i t luster b ire no eompai i'on in their eye i to a lew e,lilleriu;4 col- ; ored-lass In n Is. For n handful of the latter they would In in him all the Col I and precious stoin s they could dij; out ol the earth, Ah, who so happy then us l'edro Mcttdou! He could not th: u have dreamed that he would yet count the hours till he could lice away from lliis enchanted il.ind! "Ainn', who had b.'i n w uf-hiii;; the nit, tide liu i s of her ma-ter till she felt sure she could imitate them, seicd a nee. lie and mioii proved her si If an npl M-holai". Folding; a corner of lit, lniiii I !'. she was nl out to se crite one of lloi finest and largest of the white stones, but l'edro ipiickly sn itched it from her; and pushing toward lo r a pile of inferior ;tem i which he In. 1 reluctantly fell obneco to dis.'ft.'.:, he bade her sew tin so into her mantle and tunic. "Ihe tl ! n Flower smiled, for to her tlieanielhv.-ts an I itarnets seemed ; more than the m-ms chore!! by lier hus!i.ind;,i id an she Mt wed and pi icl.e 1 iier llu . i s an 1 o v.isional I.V ; cried out playfully or laughed like r gleeful child, s'ne suddenly lo.d.e.l Up to f-ay ; " 'Ah, I cloved, while thou welt away, I did find some of these dark, . blood-colored stones thou Invest- hitser and liiur than any yet.' " Miubies." exclaimed l'edro, with' (tlitteriiiK eyes, lie had but few ol these rare and valuable stones, mi l not one thai was extraordinary. And ha 1 ho l:ot boasted to llaphael that in would brim; homo rubies as red ti the bl.iod-ri d mark upon his brow ? A thrtil shot throii'-th him at the rtvolhv tion. He would yet see F.aphael, w h must be a line boy by this time, auo he would keep his promise, too. Hi: breath cam.' hard and fast as he re pcated the wold; li.ihics! Ila .t i lu u found rubies'.' " 'Like these, 'answered the ( lolden Flower, 'pointinij tothe gem Memlozn was at that instant sewiutf into tht hem of their i had s bodice. " ' Where?' " 'Fur up there, Rt the top (,f tht mountain,' nud uiie pointed awav toward a gnat broken peak in tht distance tue dead mouth oi a burned out volcano, as tiie Spaniard had lonp i helitived it. 'Soiuethiust led me thert , when thou wentest away. It is hi;!i, and 1 could see nfar on"; and ouci when 1 stumbled and nearly fell, II found at lev feet two reat stouts, i like these, but latyo as too ei;g of tht sen-bird.' " 'O blessed Sliir-l iowt r! Wlu.t t' treasure thou ai t 1 ' i " Vinu'iu'iia became ladiaut v.i!' jiy. St::r i'lov. er had ever been .Men do.i': tuo.nt tender uamo for her, en j used so r ir. ly that II was more p. e citois titan any woril of ;... t'ui. hi ' could s;-e::l. to he". " 'W'eit u, t ;y .- t.:r-' I'.d ' thou say tv.o oi' te.ei::- ! i. ". like tht .iea-l'ii il's c..";'.' Where i.iet'.iy, swei j treasure'-' 'i:i t.' m I'.tut'U'.i. iteir.'st. I . would I..-! ;'.'.' of t'te ji.y of 1'.;; 1 1 ui',' lli'.'iii. ' "I'eiiii.'s ctuii. tel. ain't wes , quickly o. er,-: : thnt t'f (. 1 h-.: t'l.n'.cr v. ".! 1 ii, ticmol- I to sec it. .-h h-.d t :r:ie 1 hfl- e.le towa: d the itioa:ta'.i while sin sj oi'e. tU hi: I tin s;,, .,!..,- ; , ..-ai-:i s n t to atis.-i her or in any w ay a 't ake i her imsp.e io'is. So he , !,!' e I his brow; when he -poke his voice was trcmu Ions with t;n i eheMui'.ee ho wa tddinii 1 to subdue. j "I wioill tli u n,id-t brouitht tncv.i, t my ti-l !, n I 1 iwei .' ! " ' I :uy mo ife.' she answere " i -tave'y. ' The m ' :'uiu seemed to I li-.aie and shake, and loud bellowing and smoke e :'i.e .'looi its luotltli. t'ei haps I ii . ! i .t to take them. For hast thou no! sm.l all these Money 1 come from it, and those bi, ' -tones iinvdit l;1e btell its very . hear!.' . "l'edro cvuU Lhm thit new fancy of Ilia pocti.- udiau woman, but ho knew it was inure than ever needful to coiuea! s ieh feelings. Ho only iiid . "'When wilt l'io:i lu: 1 mo there, sweet heart '.'' "'On the nk;hl w leave thhl place,' was III'! I.ieo'iie a'n.ver, fol lowed by a sullen silence Ilia', to tho I traitorous Spaniard, seemed omiu I ens. "Atiuaenniia had si Ihor.'-.j'hly I leiiriied tlu Spaiiisli laeituae, mid i could so fn cly express her thou-hls with all the fervor of a nas'-ionate mnl enthuduslic nature, thai any h. so into the laconic style of her pet. phi iihiriiieil him. hid.-ilie suspect him? I lad that siijiernat ii'.tl fieulty of n ad in.o; his thoitjrht-. c.iol foreseeini; I i i ads come upon h m '.' M . n loa at once set himself I w i.i her every tliouirhl from the fuiure I the im mediate piesenl; mid lie sili'.'i edi I so veil thai she felt him I . b more In r lover than he had ever he.-.t sine I hat f day when he ha I tilled the blood o: her kiiisiii in. Lute on (he folio- i is iii 'h! Ihe I'.vo vouiift Inii'iniii, ai .-o'iij am d by I the Spanish sailors, stole cay, under ! cover of darkness, wit.i 1 1. Ion -a. In 1 iartiuit from In r . 'nil. I, Auaeimna had I found the need of v'A In r fortitude ! combined wilh the stuicism of her ; Indian blood. I lie little ere:'.! 'ire eluii'-t about her tnolhei'iii if n are, i by some Mrou!, that she , lniht not si n In r io.'uIii; but she jnished her father roughly away. Sh" ; had never loved ll . inlo.a. I'heli, , with sudden, touching resolulion, she . ilit-w up her childish fu'tre, turned i her face to the sea mid w alked quickly ! away, followed by Ihe companions t,f her'llinht. "The nmonsh of this pn: I iii(.', temporary ihoiieli she beliived it, was lieie.liteiied to Hie Indian mother by 'Ihe thought of her own ihm-.'i r and , Pedro's if her people should dis. over her contemplated di serlioii of them, r. li 1 she spent the rut of the ti i 1 1 i't Iryiii:; to invent nu explanal ion for ; the absence of Ignores., before hiorniii;;, ;-oiin I lii'i:; had happened to ; make her tak easy, for the panic stricken Indians could thin!, of imlh im; else. The whole island wr.s shaken from east to west : not violently, hut w ith a ;;e'iilo, uiidalatory motion, as if it rocked like a 'l ip on the bosom of the sea. This was succeeded by a stillness in which the bendim; (O.l'S and the leaves on the trees listened, the very air w as hit- h .1, an 1 while a loin?, deep sih seenied to ri- e from the earth, a el.ui 1 of .smoke our ! from the mountain -a choid ihM was like tho breath of ii fuiio'is, ,i ,.Un I'iaut. All day mi. I all niitli! the mountain smoked ill intervals, mid when it ceased to smoke the earth trembled. And nj-'uin the day dawned. Now .'.II was still ii.'iiiii too ;!ill, for the lorif t to sin;. Put Ihe Hinok.' had ceased, and the air v. As Hear, thouj-'h n (.tiaiit mis! vailed tho bi.ninesi ol the sun. , ' 'Ueloved,' whispered tin (Jol.len Flower to her ma. r.e will '-o to- niltht.' "The Indians ha I not disco the absence of K'lolis, l.o.' v I hey yet lor many h.en - , pe days. Terror, the mo t s.-l:ish ercd ollld h.lpS f all emotions, conibinc.l with hunei r nud. fttliejiie, absorbed all their thoughts, and would continue to do so for never within the memory of the old est living, or in tradition handed down from those who were dead, had Ih-.i sleeping mountain been known to -ive any si:;u of waking. Therefore, said Anacaonu a'-'iun, more earnestly: " 'Shall we not eo to ni dil, beloved " 'Not without th l'edro. "A sli ;ht shock of rub said earthquake was imt itoiii' to fri 'ii ilea I vole:tiioes - i in. ii ; a:. I a ', lo hi T'nv netcr came to life attain. "The Indian woiniu smile I, re. a-sured, for should not hot mister know best, he w ho knew t verythin.t; bat she reminded him that a bitter time ci uld not b-.i to.iud for tlnir l!iht. "Alrcaly th- people were gettinT ready for a least of rejoiciu .; and thankr.niviii'; and having been awake and fastin;,' the i;i cater part of two davs and niidits, thev would soon be asleep after copious ea'i:. : an I tli ' : drinking of their favorite mape-jutce cordial. "Pedro cdnii ted this was well thought of, nud only stipulated that their way should lie across tho nmuu tains toward the volcano, when hi could gather the rubi-; and descend to the other side, skirting the ! foot-hills till they should strike ll-.e path that led to the sen. To all of 'hi, , the (lolden Flower io.;reeil; and tiny had yet many hours of thiyli-tli; v. I n they left the cave r.t the foot ol the mountain, Pedro laden with his I .u . of gold, a burden he noiild hate !" it more heavy but for the love he i - it. Tlx y turned at once tinvaid tin' chain tif hills that led toward the vol canic mountain, Pedro a little in ad vance, revolving plans for m tunc nl of iiis eoiupiiiiioti as toon as tiny should have ilesciided on the f.i't! i Mile of the mountains. ll ty had ; made more than half the tiM'i-n' whe'i the Spauiard su.i.tenlv loliud ti .it he w as alotit ; and as i.e pause i and locked back, he saw tiiat tiie tiold-. u I l. -ter had fallen by the way, and iu'. l:.v at a little distauce Mit tched nt lull lei. t.til ; on the stony eroiiud. H . --1": i s t thought was to push o:i and dec that he could liud the In I , eel thl'.l ill's will. out her assistance. For had she ini de scribed to him tin c:y spit on which they lay, so plainly leal he had seen liothltlK e'so as tie. oly ever Miiu'.' ltat would it be sale to leie 'o-i V TO I'l' I'ONr'M'". Austria is the only i n.pii e in t''f w ol Id w hich has never l ad colon n t, r even transimtrine " 'i'f'ii"n, i" uy quai ter of the i si :h Ho nmb: iou has httl.t'tto btt'i puitly Co'iti-aeatal. I FARM AND GARDEN. iilui of Alliilfu lluy. f 'ne lininlri il pniitnls ol all ali a hay coiiinius l.:j pounds mire ill-esi ii. uniiter ili. in ihe same amount of roil clover li.iy mnl one mnl one-halt' times as i:ni It .in. Ii . mnains only :; j ,..s of total (liu-eslilile ll'ltli j cuts 1 1 j . 1 1 1 the s:hui :i Inolliil of millet I hay. mnl alm.isi two ami one hall' times lis in i Ii ilx-clilile )iolein us nal hay; i three t; nes n iii lull as prairie hay; j more ihmi four linie.s as iuii. li as sor I filiuni h:iy; live times as i iii. Ii as corn j fo hl. r; ; i.x mnl one hall' lines as mm li fls out straw, mnl thine, u limes its mill h as w !n at straw. : .Illstl. .. in in., n. n,-. Uar.llj a day pas-., that We do not ! In :i r Ihe i"ii:u k. "as liirt.v as a ." I Tills I ei le-l.lcr n vililii . I bin of th.. mii- l.ial u hii'h I'.-. in!, hn's color. .I sert anl ! sni.l was "liie ..nly .'iit leiiiau in J . 1 1 1 1 1 . " I'roni ihe fact that Ic was l!ie only animal linn ln not work in 1 eiiniiry. In tlim respect he iinn-li ro J seiubles the : h-!!i1m is in our le:;isl:l- 1 tires, lie .alls lo oi.'nr mid adjourns j to e.ll sh., ,,. .j,.v. tl'llt tlio 1 li"'.' is i lie must i l.'iiiily of our ilotuos-ti- iin'mals il raise I as it slc'iilil be mi. I .h ii a i Ian. e h I'liiim aim, il. mnl in I be eoiiliueil I i very . hi: e iii.'ii tei s. Il has he. ii saiil ihat "ihe Auierienii liny h: a machine oils itself, puts tell bl:llels of il'.'lill Into less space than ;i I .1-Inl un-.i urc, mid in so ilo- illU .lolll.les ils V :l till, then . .'IITieS II to the ni.'irlol on iis baik.'' Corn I i l I ' 1 1 to II W ell ' ie. . I hoi; is liiulii y at leu- int. n si. li is hi.,, a mine, while the American ..-ipe. .orn. is the Icil In n. w hich, put into ihe l.e. is trmis- lllllli'il ill : l . eill. Il Is mi holiest tlllllt mnl '.'ue. slxtei ii mill.-, s of :i v J til i r p.. is of nil Lie I'.Me. lal. Properly hi'"il. I'eil mnl Iiiiehi.-uily this nu tin rai ie porK. r will pay i IV d-hls, pine.. a piii io in ihe ho. in-, a siiriij' at the il. or lor yourself ami family, to rid" In li v:i in. eiiiiei'.le your boys it r the :ii i. eollece nud leave a bal ance in ih,. hank fur a rainy day. Mr. I.ove.i.'.v. In I' i! Sim k. win ;.-! nt.-.- rem' r mIiik. A i v one wilh si, -.nly nerves and a : . i.lly portion of pa.ieiice ami cotii-ae i .III '.."i n :o IlilUille bees slleeessl lllly, Ji-ovi iill ol' eolll's.. he has ,-s,. f,,r Ihe mi -nit . Tin-re a: e. howi-ter. soli!.- V. ho-e --. '.''" e'r ' '- il ).. lo I i'c polsell. These oi' course li.ll'-l aliiimloii Ih.' Iholicht of it. Seiol-iil years ;n:e w hen I hi '-an my bee career 1 was s un,' on tin wrist Ihree sil.ees she .lays. Tie arm from :il I'ow lo liii-er tips, .in. I I llinil.uht 1 w.n Id hae lo jih, in, ion my favorite I ol - .lie - -. 1 h:l since I.e. II si Ull 4 lll'l.v tii:is i i a siiule ihiy, and bejend ihe li omeliooy pain II i bad results were fell. Tlio s.t.-t.-;ii .liter il while he.oiii.'s III. letll. :l"d at'd it 1 keep, r never thinks if applyltn: any ihii".: i'oi' mi uti li.loio or ivn.i l.v for a :'i w lice silii'4. Ues-iie.., ihe fear of sije's p.isM - en tirely i'l. .in his iiiiinl an, I h.' N icii'e. t l.v happy nnd i miO'iilt'il aniolt'i his p 's. Some people will In voliiui aril;.' iloilue or strike at tin tlyiuv; bees. This habit must be iT'v,!, for the lues are almost Mile lo stii,. Uees prefer tmt lo be tli-1 lll'hcil. Ii lli e one sin ilhl he vciv pn'le ill Iniiiillin tlieni. No inatiir h.ov ilmlil a p '-.'son may he at the out set, ni'ler awhile he tains eontiiletiee au.l becomes iieciMinuc.l :o the work, mi 1 ihe cue of the bees will hiveim a si nr. e if pliiisure. I', tl. I lei'imi ll, in New Fiihiiiil Iloiiiesi. ail. MiiI.Iiik Stmn ll ijr Iteil. The irnw lu rry icquires a dei-p. I'l i li so l. Prepare the monml tiio:ouv;hl.v le'iire pi. inline;, f.s ilii.s is Imporliiiit for best resi lis. After pi, inline; do ii"l let jour cultivating W with 111 object of kc. piiu the weeils out, but cultivate to keep the j.'rotlinl loose mnl mellow' nud the wicks wiil have no chance to LMiii a leoiliohl. In seitiliiJ the plants do ii q spread the tools near t'n sur face nor I wist them iuio a wail, but spread them out and allow them to lea.-h urai'iiil ilown into ihe soil ami pl.v-s the fresh uirili ii.ilnl a'.'ililist tin reins. Il i '. :l ;; phlll lo clip I lie hovel' eliils of i lie rools liefole selliii!'. as i. y si art new urowih timre reii.l iiy. Ci:p!'i:::;e.i! ly loiniel's is tint m . ui) i'l'il ? lio'.il.l n ; lie ilone by iln-x p. -: a-tii i .1 a row i r.s. In ii niheiu l.iiiiin'is plain curly in May. If p. ,ss. !,),.. ;im ciiliiviite well Willi a tioiv i.:' L.-.l:n:t a ,'ooil uroivlh of lo w n'.in s i ,. ,e the hot. illy Weather of slops urolith am! prevents toe .'-oners lYeni takiim loo-. i:a,!y lo,-1 1 1 i run iii im inuK,. ii,, lis; pi, .nis f.,.- liar's I'ruiliti'c;. i 1 .'if'- ; ie piev. n cil troi i rooiinw; in e.iily Miniiccr tiny are more liable lo iniuii Horn ihe wiiite itriib. inset ts m acciileii's . .i. 'i plan; ilest foy e.l li lies ii si, p iji low. while if I'Ul. tins :!! illi. ti I .. reel e.iily. b ss 1; 1 1 in is il ,!.. if tin . i plant is in ,1 i'l e.l I no.' 1 11 In .1 ill fail iv'.n n lleiiu; il.'H'f. ; . . ic-.-s or ;f tlmt . '.:; i'e .!. .icy ' me ;ii No i c in I ec is a'.l ii r i,. .1 h.l.t nvi'tai-; sa'.i .-i. - iliin. r K.'i'io, m Ann t lean Am ii iiltu: 1st rtMiitlui; I nil r.iliituri. WI:," ,-, (! i . s are h'.ph tin ten o'ation is to u-e culls for phiiitin-,-In a ic-i.v i ii It se.l a weak plant o:in be l".i, s, oloii- an.; in. lo yi-1,1 Wei! no .lo lib! of a I nt I am sure that il is poor ei oliomy to ii- poor see, I. l:i pc t.U'i roiiiii,, a s'.i:-,l of strntit; pbini Is half tiie lur!. Il is It's, to put up IIim li oiii'V t' . y ti set i lioiee s,'e, ft.;- a i I'oji Ilia. :. . pores ih,. labor tin, I exp. I se that m.H be 1'Ut upon ti e tan- of a pol.ili in 1 I Ax tliii potuio ; In lit', hot in a coltl liiMtude. niy prefer' nee is for Northern seed, or else for lit" Si m hern si'i ou 1 crop that makes its icnnvili in i!ie Ian fall.' An early maiiiriil crop In a warm laiil'td" il. es not make -ooil seed for miotliei y.-ar. The heat h is re ilueeil the viialily, mil ihe iiinlerinl In I lit cells lee liiii; the sprout Is ready to make rovih. au.l the potato eair.iot he kept from spriiulin loo early in tho season. See. I in in the North or a very late .Top fiiriher South i.i sure-t of jjiv im; yooil t'eiiii ii.-'. and if il will pay lo plant po'aloes at all m-xt sprint: il will pay In j.'ol the b's: seeil. 'I he ehaiiee.s are thai a bit: iii reao of early Viiriel ien will be phuileil if the seed call be J.'et. Fir such varieties a rb-hi r soil Is re quired than for later varieties. It Is poor policy lo plant the early va rielii s in ii soil thai is not very fertile. Such varieties, as a rule, arc more sull ied lo the early blb;!il Ih-'ii some of the mill in in or l.iie varieties, mnl Kl'iiiVlli should be I'oi'e. il. 'I hell, too, in early crop should be very early to j.'ot I In best market. ;,.,.) fertility ahls. II is .'ll-o inn Hull Ihe j.laiit food be iniiies more rapidly available in lint weather, iim I mi out l.v er ip nets the e.'i.-l iidv.'iitliip' fioiii this source. 1 li vid. In Farm mid Fireside, I n rn veiit r. ii.f - Hi i n I, On-. The Aiisirali.'in Lender sll'.'.'esis this improveii'eiii mi a deviee lo prevent hulls from !ireakiii:.' fi whi.-h was 1 i 1 1 ' I i s J 1 1 . years a::o in Tie I'otini.'y '.'elolelliali devised I.V llle ,oi1 t l All--. iralia-i I lepartiiient of Asrh lib lire. If is ih-e;jbed as follows: "A bloi k of wood Is sei'eueil oil lo i iieli horn, and a w ire stret. hed from block to bio, I; an I also to tin- no-e rim,' lit W as shown. Si 1 .nu us il ere is no 'e on Ihe wires lu-lweei: li.e I i 1 1 and tin horns, ihe llo.-e l ie- is s.uq y belli Upwards wilhoii! any ills. -., info, t ioih.. animal. Slioiilil ihe hull ru-li any other ..iiimi'l. or miempi to u'ei ilicni'.li any li nee, the pressm-,. ,ns the iios,. ri.l upwards, i.iusiiu" considerable p.; in. It requires i cry few . x perien.-i s to teach i iie miimal thai miy misbehavior mi his part is atiei:.!. d by sufferiii"; to himself. (H e proiiilu-nt breed, r s;,ys eieli the tii-ie.-I of bull:- is qeo'.iy lamed by ibis device. In place ..f :he blocks on the hoins. the latter iiie sometimes boi'.-d i Ii '.'!- 1 1 near the j,. ie and Ihe w i. - s -... uri -l. 'I'l.e blo-'k i may i:!-n be put in ilip'.-ri nl ways, objecl b.-.n-i I,- biimr the wires from the In, nis to ihe liioc away fro.n tl." In iid and t.n e." Iiiqiriit tnic ti n (li nm Criqi. Most of our piisiuce j.tid jrass Ian Is do not need thoroiu-h icvolulloni:'.!ii', and rcpl.iiiiin.: as imicli us ii little en i our.'i'.'enieiii. Many th his have nearly :id Ihe essentials of a line pasture, but liiey lin k .ju.-i ihe necessary oiicoir.u incut that the farm." fails to fin' Ihe. n. 'I'heie is tivst ihe pasitire laud that has been heavily cropped fur two two or more je.irs. mnl is lievinniu in hows si-;us if weakness. It 1ms had ihe ri'-dil slur! ami has yielded heavily, leu it now ilc:, lauds roiueihhiu: in. ae ili. 'li the ordinary a: ,e:it en. 'fo pre elit a complete failure of ihe next crop It would be wise i.i uh ihat mass tiel.l a c ood dressing wn'i -eiiiot hi-.i-: that will make the plains thrifty and active. A dressing of .".'.i pom, Is of lliir;iti of soda to lite iielc would eli cottr.ii:i the plants to a new moivih of ureal activity. Indeed, no m Id of jrruss can be e. li;i:iuoiisly ci-op;- ,! I'm- two er more seasons without ue.ulti some such dressi..i:. pi,,. ,.llst of I he tiiirale of soda w ill more .hail be i e::ipeii.-ati J lor in Hie extra i. ld of ihe crop. A commo!! practice lo improve :i pas. lure tiel I of this i liar.-e t. r. or. r fa, i, any ether that begins to show siiii.i or weakness in phi,-, s. js i s,MV -lore i ds our i'. ,i:iie tiy r. ihuik 11": the -ceils w ill . a!, h -in. I en ' I'll llle Whole ii,,p ,l,, leji... i he.n . Th- I.i. I is. thai waste if Iii ie and sun.! iiiiil. riai. Tiie , '..iter, o- -ii. Is. wiil hani'v lake leet Viilncu I'low .li .- up Ihe I i id. mid ,s in,, ,1,-sii, ,. 1 1 is uoi. ii l. :;. r to i e, li t he sol si il'.n lie ahcao.v . -i ioi.- c, , ,. n lie thill' be-:, I; ,,. M , iceoerli sow., I at tie. l-eeinu ii: Lie e -1 'I I 'N elieii'.:h in the so. I. and ail t nal is no,-,;, ,1 is Uoo. so'd and ;i lu. b si mnila ion el i in- s : lie!.. In si.ii-t-ii". ,i I, , . I o, -.i-iiv ,,- i-:;-,ir, I I'-1 so nt'i, h ,1 'I'.-inl i.i'cn t 'i.- w ay e' l i, .ii .! ; -c - .;l mnl .- n ;, J,,!!- ". , ' a i in- : i i i i ionics ,i no . I n.i ,, i-. 1 in.! ; iy i .-.:!!, .-.I in,! . In, : ,::.. .o.v plow id ami pihiio."! -!:, iih! t ii.-.i Hi '!' ii . w . . :i i ' ili Hire , i: , i . i I' o. t .. .,".;.! ,1s I.,;, -i, ,. 11 ' --.'- '!' 11. . .Hi- I 1 "' 1 ''. I ' . il ' 'I ':- .'.' ixi I lee II-'-' an! in, . .1, I hoc i ut.'ti-.; of lii .is- , ,,, i ilU of i'lnu til- on :i q be ,i;.ul,; 'ie.-,! We .should l ine fall t'oia.-.e j,',.s fo - I', iiliiu lie animals in ; ;., , iti' no..! so the :';!. 1 1 i't i can be s.-n ,..!. I 'i j, a '.it'ie iii this way. and an aimi; ,1 lop ilrc.s-i! -, i' e i icld of siio. '.old. I easily it kept c;i twice iis Ion-, ! as ,.:.!. li o ly e- t.. be 'ie. . a-e I'r A. T. M"isi , in Vni.-i ., an Culltxa- l!iss,.l me the rnh who have no. pool' it'l.U.OUH. i . . Kitrlli Itoailn. ! T till'. iiieslioii of i-'ofid roads is ' I Oil.' Unit at preseii! is ri'-eiv-i I in in in -li .".iteiitioii. and iin- "g" tier Ihe direction of XperiS ' of Ihe olliee of Public lload Inquiries of Ihe Fniled States I i. p.'ll tnieni of A nrloull tut sections of roads, us object lessons, are beini: built in different parts of the country. Ii is hoped that before many years all roads hi ihf Fnited Slates used for heavy iralllt ' will bo iiiaead.iiiiiz.'d. :ravceii or olherwise improved. P.ut the iibsence In many pl.n es of loek. t:i-:ivel or oilier hard and ibuable substances will) W'hieli lo build U'nod loads, mid llle ex cessi'.e cost of such mads where suit nolo material is scarce, will neeessi. tale the use of earth roads for many years in eoine. Fnder fun.i:i!,!,' eon lliliolls of trallie. Illoislllle and main tenaiuc. the earth road is the most elastic and most saii-l'.".i :ory for pleas tire and liuht Irallic 'lie Failed S'iiies til ol Aerletibuie has in press mid w ill mioii l.-.-Uo Fain. i is' IJulletni No. b'.'l. en tlih.l. -Karih Iliad-." Ii was pre pared by M.nii'iee ii lll-lnd"!'. As sistant I'ir.ilor, Public Load In quiries1. 'I'he biilh'lin slates thai ihe ;ii:ii In finikin.: a road is to est:' hUsh ih" eas iest, shoiiesi and umsi e.-oiiniiiieal bin of travel, and that I: is therefore de sirable that roads should be linn smooth, eouin ir.-iiively level and lit for Use al all reasons of tin- year They should be properly located sr that their grades shall be smli that lo. tiled vehicles may be drawn ovct thein without creat loss ol' elleruy: properly . oiisiriicn .1. the le.iilbe.: graded, shaped a ml rolled, mid siir faced with the best aviolali!,' liuii.-ria' Milled to their n, 'tils. Atleiilion Is called lo various rtto In laying out roads, especially Ihe coin iiimi error of i iideavorint: to seeiin I'ollles cvelill liie shoriest ilislallcl between fixed points. For this p. ii'. pose the road is often made to jtn over n hill instead of ai'munl II. A toail halfway around a hill or ilitou-ili :i valley is somei inn s no l.ui-:i r thaii : road over ;i hill or ihrouuh a vallev in- o.iliU'e'.lec Ml 'lie nil. Ill oielt b" twecu a :Mai-:lii ro.ul ami one h liithlly -i3i ved is le.-s than many sup pose. 'I'he iiiiponaiioo of proper di;iiii:i':i Is poilitel nil I and Mia .'est iolls hit Cii'i ll for Ihe enlist I'll. q ion. Iliailltell am e au.l repair oi' eitrih roads-. 'flic bull. i in loiiiains twenty :11ns tralioiis'. It is for f ri e d'-l i ii C 'eei mnl copies will be .--nt to any .-ul, Ire.- on apolleat ion io Senators. Kcprcscti t.lliv. s and ili le.a-. - in I 'oii'-'i css. ol to III" Seen i:i: y of A.'i i. illliii'e. Wash !:i':loti. I. f. MHkltlf; fiiinil llii;lllTiir. A send mud ciiu be inade by pu:i.n; In a layer of larc er niedium ;.'.e,l s-rene, then on that ii layer of crtishc..' stone, and on that it coverlni: of j:rave! and I'elllUK the snrl'ace ilown h:i:i ii I'll snnniih. l'.ut that is not all that i I. ceiled. A part of the skill is lik. the eld iteiitlcmau's rule for makii.' i;, mil coffee: When you make it pa' in seme." We h.uc hen waichin tin work en a bit of read ihis season 'I'll le iite iibotit three inches in .b n:!', of Ihe round cobble stones, olio in. I of i-nislnd sione iiinl cue inch of '.ea il :u:. l.'.-iiu mixed, w iii. b. by w.-pitiL iiii.l has been so pressed ilowi. into ilc sioi s ihat ii is now !e-s lour a half illcli. If it were w hi',-.-, c.sti.- l ill..-.' it Wits rolled It could hot look liiti-h hcitcr, bin it mlaht be liml i ilu'.il'lc. 'c think befoic o:;c wititei passes ihe laitter stones will be al tin surface and the ceverinu will havt washed iiivuy or settled down below thein. In close proximiiy io ;t strq built by Ihe S.u'.e as an example ot li nv to build a i-oed road, it is likely' to furnish an equally example el how not to make a . inl road. It h one of tlic.-e eases, too coiunioii where the town to .he enij.leyuieiil to iis own, instead if hiiiii'. tic work done by contract, when I would hate been belli r lo have em ployed a competent ii. mi, Wi'll able bodied help, and sllppol ii d its clippie. I Coin the town's poor iiin.l. than Ie liaie paid liieui M To tor e:-lit hoiu.-le.iii;:-., i r li ;. n.4 io do thai w hi, h soliie '.' Il.elll Ul ere nt:.! I'll- 1" en l- I'.'i.soU of old iliic, mid ie hii's we:.- uiic-li .u t-nliipeti I.I to on w , .:. v. U ! ! w 'I .:.i m i are. I for e; '...-:. any im.-i e -i ii .11'.-. clli of ll-.e '.i.e. k. i'. i; iu ll.ei. pay. A uteri, mi I'.i'iiviitnr. A I at mnl lion ti . S:r V.'. Mm tin Coi.v. at . a . 'I i.:i w ;: l;:i ill, lam i Hint er mi I I :.'.' . w In. has i in li d Hie uiol'e i.i.d .: : i'l1 and low ,i it in -ci,-. Ii ., thai In lll'siill s.-lll '. ili'i e ll.-ni !. !..'.. il.l I-' tin All : l..ill!e. .'llil le'.t o. 1,1 f. .I.ell- i.lcs. ' .. .li,- leii : s ie i : a ., i- i. Ui: ; ; .. ' . f: is ifh. tin-, te i I.i, .-. ! '.. ie ; c: i" y i i'li I s -1 v , II. I i;.:,.s.. , l',i:a"i I iU .in n mid I'ois iiiun-iu arouuil t.iiilid, while I Wis nuippcl i.i Wiirin ."i'r l"ia's. v. iih the siio'v litilM: upon I In m in quant ,, . s and ih" wind blnw li: i"iiei ly. T hi an- liepi warm by s l-i-ir fat and t'ui. Pittavtotiiii i; tnic of the ilirlirl pkii- s iniim,u:i'!i I'i it , no there if yen lur dirt. Ihat is my mii n-e to aU w ho i out. iitplati a joiiriay to the .inuiplni; oil pliuv of tsoulli Auicritu " JNvw Yolk Tribuu QQvk Budget of UMOR. I'rtiiililc l .tniiot .-"in,' nisi one tell us, To oi our ',1'HiiliTitic iinniJ.s, Who i, 0 lo-es .ill Ihe l.nilt U otlii r i-iple tiri.l , ( - U.iliiinnre VVonil. A fine, I 'I'l''. "f'iitl't you do someihinu for tne, tilrt I'm lummy." -Can't you P I a job as a .sandwich liiiiu':"- Indiana pi dis News. Nut Alitlie. ;lail.vs-"Is youtn: Mr. .lotiklim III hiisiuess for himself?" F.the! "Well, hardly. We lieen .ii:r.'ed for two weeks imvv." .ludjie. An lioiuUlllvi Hoy. What me vi i! iloiiiK iii th' pantry, Willie?" oh. I was just seeiif if everyihlns was locked Up -.'.i'J'1 illltl t ij-'ht."-lu-lianapiihs New s. IlllilH. "lie proposed to her a" :i joU"." 'Vis'.'' -Wei!, she a, ci pte l li i III- lb' does not ren inl himself as a any .iioi'e."- p.i-oolilyn Life. Slt.ll.V lit. "I; s sick yolfie been. Mis. MeOill Uisay?" "Sick is it? I was liml si. li thai I'd he a il-ad woman now if I hadn't V lived." - Indianapolis News. , lie i' l'i'iii-ltiiil Cry. .liuisoii "I Jo mm ri.'d u saleslady, you IvIlO'.V." Til nit-Mill "Yes." .lililsoll "Well, lie very lU'Xt dil.V he I'i'.'ali -;t' 1 ; tiii' u'.i a-shl' ami he says she has kepi it up ever since." Sou cr vll!e I Mass. i journal. ii.oii.irui. '& 4k ft- C'lietit "Is ll'.erc a cause so bad. cr in so iii.aiiioiis. Unit your -oi-ve'e- could n il I e on: lined?" Law yer i ' Imii .hi i ull.v i - - "I ciinnnt sat. Iiiiml. Went hove you lieeu ilo.u::" Ti:- Iim- Not iil'. lesat.v t lmfll. "Why del von -"leet thai man as a candidate':" a he.', the heiiehiiiaii. "He tlo-sift UnoiV a;. ilo ne a'.oMi polities." -Thai's ti h;. I . - !.-, :.-1 b,m." an Mien ,1 the boss. "He'll b a ".rent deal ee-o-r t" pin on: of etli. e If he lot n t l-c "..'el." Vuskiii! Star. Ajqiri-. iatfint. I'lerk "Mr. Suipiier was in while toil were eill ; he said he'd call aalu to morrow." P.'o;ii ieior "Very I, ill of biiu." t'le'k "P.'lt he wnliicil lo tollecl ft bill." Proprietor "Very kind to say wlnu he Would .nil " P.OMt.ii Transcript. Tilt' Ml. I, If lies, I, , I. Ll' le Cirl -Pi-ease, sir. mmiiiilil W ,1 11 1 s ; spool of red silk." Cru-iy Shopkeeper "Why ilnln'l your mo: her have en. malt to tell ioll ihe i Xiii I i hade ol ml':" Little liitl "Site tin!, sir: she said ul-1 lit the itiler of ye'.t;- nose."- Cliicno . Hi Vipnc.l tin- sltimt Ion. -What tlo you livaiii as the chief oh. Je.Mien to inodern pn-lii?" iiskcd the literal .' i t h io. "I'he l.i.l thiil il doe-n'l comin.'iiiil liiaher ra'e.s of comp n-:i I i.m." replied the a lli'nr who. in -pite of the l.o I that he has I. Hi. hair ami di'i amy e.ies, Is an ml. iis-. ly man. -Wiish-iliiil.'U Star. n Altertoitiv. "t on .idiii.l Ihat y,.i; ace a tramp, do yon .''! the imi. i , i in i oiitscl io llic w ,i in Ye . "I'i 11 .lii- jtiry. so, why you lean SIM h 11 Wo. " ! I: 'II II-1 less lift'." -Th; i in", .a..: on l simple. I urn loo proud to mnl ion honest to be come a lawyi-:." !'; roil Free Press. " llnili'is , 'l uf lliistr. Yi on ..'.id the eld e.,i 'or. you -hoeid try in h.-n . i'-n ..wit i.irriat:e, e.y -ill In -:e! iih Mean-. Ite. ait e wi.. :i ton waul lo :l l i: e lit iln. klv " MO"; , uiecd tli- i..o,c: M i. ' I ill lioil, .my paiicn: v.'no sent : c in . . u: I I " likely in ilie I'l'lnie 1 let; i - d ll 111 " v.. ; :i . i -. .; i i - le inl.hl l-'.-Oier be!oi' I'liil ol- Iphia Pres.. lt:s tao..).inp. Pui d'-n'i .veil ;!i'':k." i.d Mrs. Oi, a -tie. a- h w.-. W.u-' , luiilu. ieil ihrouuii 'l e . IO ".i. lure gal leiy of her in-w iieihiHirs, "ihai III e i i-i is r,,: V, ; w - a1; it: mints i . ! ; i .i ' V i il. ' i oi .-.i Mrs. M,-.'i;,-ii;,i;,l, v.i",i,ln'' I al all s.' j n-j si ,; ,,; he was. I v. itil wilii n-.v eiiseaud when he boi.;li ,"..' p. i ill! .n', eio! of all Ihe snioliy, .nil." pi. i' I--- I ii. r si li thin artist' ih, lie was ih.. v ii-si. Stnli an alines p'n re weM'd b i HoM:h In make any body kind of wtak ." (.T'it'.'ijjo Hecorti Jit raid.

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