iiWilliiWi-..!!-!.,. (Eljalljam IWfarb. Chatham SUcuvd. RATES II. A.. LONDON, EDITOIJ AND PROPRIETOR. ADVERTISING One square, one insertion One square, two insertions One square, one month - For larger adTertioements liberal coav cu will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advant. vol. xxiv. lTrrsuoiio, Chatham county, n. c. Thursday, junk io, i02. tarn in (5 NO. H. '1 A FPfc r.paoish (reasflre, .C-Q-C A NOVEL. ftOrs. SHzaVcil; (?. chillier. (ISABELLA CASTLLAR.) (C.prr!w, !. ult:'::, bjr cn.vrTKi: xv, ros riNi'En. rassiouato, uud ii-reo iu her pas lious us an angry child, but super ficial and changeable, she was already regretting that the hnd not romuiued lit .Mary Hamilton's, in order that she might liuvo leuriii'd something more of this man who was and yet was nut her Curios the mm being in tho world tvhu had ever inn lo u lasting irupros Biou on her shallow nature. ' And yet, why should I weep';" she ext-luiiuod presently. "If ho is Car los, ho euros no more for me. Ik will not acknowledge me; and if be is not Carlo.-, why, then he is dead long years ago, and I wept for him then: snd 1 weep for him alway.s when 1 re rui'mhor. Hut of what avail? Itonlt tpoiis my eyes an I gives mo a rod face. I will wait! 1 will wait ami Bee' If it is Carlos Wei1, perhaps rati compel him to remember!'' Oiiro lluyo answered nothing: but bo listened and thought, and every ivnid sank into her memory. The carriage rolled on rapidly, and Miss (iuyo's thought-, ps she reviewed Iho events of t!u past few weeks, moved even more quickly, while the tears and murmurs of Mrs. iitluihult presently subsided entirely. Tho ucijuaintuiicc of Olive with the beautiful Lady of I'm 1'au, us she had railed her in lice thoughts, was one of those incident:! which .seemed to justify the girl's reliance on fate. Sho had desired intimoiy to leurn some thing of the straiigei and, if possible, In know her personally: and for sev eral days after tile night ut tho opera i-ho ha 1 made in puries in every di rection, but had f illed to trace the ob ject of her thoughts, till, cue evening, her uncle, iu whoso family she lived, baitl : "An amusing thing happenod to me lo-day. A gentleman camo into tho i'f:ice to te-k me if I could tell him where he could get n fan mended. It was a beautiful ml'iiir of lace and inother-of peurl, mi ! 1 was amused by his anxiety about it. His excuse for r. uiiiug to me w,i ; thai lie 'was a stranger iu Now York, and, as I am his li.itiker, he riiui to uie for advice. I gave it; but my advice was that bo should buy a new fan and throw tho old one away. That, he said, wns w hat be had w ished to do; but mad Mue. liis wife, would have no new fun; nothing but the broken cue, mended, woul 1 nervo. And when I subsenuent ly niw t!iu lady, I didn't wonder that a man might be w illing to do silly things to please her. I uevcr taw such s beauty:" 'Oh, uiude," eu'l limed Olive, ''I think 1 know about that fan; and the lady is a beauty, as you say. Tell me nil you know about them. I will c.vll on tho huly, if you know her addles-:, nud have her fan mended. There will bo a poetic litness about, it, for lb r Ihu Saxton and myself are responsible for the breaking the fan." And Miss li.iye gave her uncle a brief but high ly colored description of the incident ut the opera. "Well, yes, Olive, T suppose you may call on Mr., llelmholtz You llelmholtz, the mime i pally is, but it makes it harder to say; and ho has a baronet's coriiet or crow n, or what ever it is called, engraved on bis raid. As a rule, I don't like that kind of foreigner; but the man has lirst-rate letters, and I think he's a goad fellow, except a little) ciuy about hi.s wife and very jealous, .1 think you may call, however." "Thanks, uncle; I shall," said Olive. And before tho next tiny slie ba 1 made the acquaintance of Mrs. He'.mhi'lt, aud by tho end of the week they were intimate friends. I.iko most of Olive (iuye'o friendships tho intimacy was all on one side; she listened while the other talked. It did not take this shrewd young wom an very long to fill the spaces in the conversation of Mis. Hehnholt.; but hoa;d;ed uo direct ipiestiou. In tho first place, it was always possible that direct oiiestnuis might not lie as ewerod; and. besides, her passion for ' ilrauiatie eiVcct pi aiui'ted her to "set the stage" in such a way that the ac tors could not help taking up the cues and making the piopcr effect. Her success in tho scene just enacted nt tho hoiiso of Mary Hamilton do lighted her. "Ho is a cool hau l," she thought, ''tho Honorable Clarence. If I bad not felt the si-nek go through him when he tii.-t miw ('destine, his ef frontery would have impofod on me. What is the my tory between them? Hut I need not u-k. Celestine is w ild to tell me all abo it it and 1 need only wait till we me alone in her room Ah, I. "ii '.. e are ut tb.o house. She nmsi pay tin cfiiriuge. I have forgotten my pocelboo'... T have such a memory! lla! lia! I always Uj forget my pockctbook ." CHAPTER XVr. rr.Li.-T.-ar. rnoTooSAPfl. Hehnholt. amply justified Mrs Olive (layo's anticipations, ami by a judicious iiuostion occasionally and patient listening, she soon knew the mind of this .superficial but fascinating youug womnu. "It is seven years since I first met Curios Mendou," she said, "and I loved him from the hour I beheld biiu, J us I shad love tie! memory ol mm lo the last moment if inj life. He loved Honr.1 B-.s-Jr-.'- SnxO me, too: T snail always believe that iu spito of everything though he de ceived mo about our marriage, but I believe ho was deceived about that, too I have good reason for thinking that (.'alios thought the man who mar ried us w as really a pi ie.-t ; and if he had lived be would huvo m.i.lo me his wife truly mid lawfully, of course, I had no ,0110 to light for mo, like you happy American girls with fathers uud brothers, no on but a half-crazy adopted brother, who was not unv r lation to me at nil. Hut he was good, Henri was and no sister ever hud a truer brother: he believed in Curios, too, and just worshiped him. I doo't know what has become of poor Henri Yun Tas-ei; bul if he is still alive, he would light for my rights against Curios or any mau. Hut f;ir!i.s ist iieuu, oi eouise, aii to'iiu tiiai .'.ir. Stanley is so like him that he has made inn lose my wits almost; and oven il he were still alive, it would be no use now, for I am married to the Huron Von lli'lii, holt. -and In; is so jealous. If Carlos has come to life iigiiin he would kill us both. Toil ino, cheric: i you think i: pos. ible tin.i iu all the Woild two people should be so much alike as my Carlo! und tiii;; Honorable Clareii.vV" "It is certainly singular and un usual," foiid Oliie, iu a liieiitutive manner; "bul, as Mi s Hamilton said, there have been such c.i-es.' If v.uir Carlos is b a I, an 1 y saw him den I, t!..i'. it." "Oh, Dion! Yes-, kissed his e.dd bps ii :.ay l ! tat you 'Cl.is to s.'tile Ins hair und bold his dear In a 1 u ainst my heiuti" exclaimed tin- excitable creature, and iu a moment shown weeping (i untidily i.ud wiiugitig hoi hands. Olive waited for this paroxysm lo wear itself out, and then said calmly: "Canyon tellm" Imw it happened';" "it wis a quarrel over curds!" sobbed Mrs. llelmholi.. "In that part of the world it is tno-dlv quarrels over caul i. It was in v mining tow n in California. Ilei.ii u i Tie-.- I my brother, I uhv.ivse.iUed him: 1 should have told you that I was poor waif, picked up on the plains by another rreneli-Ciiiiudiun family, who were milking tin ir way from Montreal to California ai loss the continent, more than twenty veais a ;.i--well, lleiiii, Carlos ali i myself had just reached this liiining-low n, where we were go ing to give o if show. It consisted of of sleiglit-of-iiiiiid tricks, singing and dancing. 1 did the singing and danc ing, of course: and as I was beautiful more beautiful than I am now, (or I was only seventeen v.o always hoi hig houses and plenty ot money, I'he eiilei tuiiiineiit was cubed 'Pro-t'e-sor Villi Tassel's Wonlels of Magic; but I w as the real magic, and it was to sec ino dance that people came. Hut Henri supposed tiny Clime to see his oiuleis of mesmer ism and thought reading aud all such nonsense, because ho wus quite craiy on that subject and believed cvuy word of it hiiu-elf. After 1 left him". 1 guess ho found out his mistake. It was ut one of oiu' shows that Curios lir.-t saw me, nud then he came every night. lie was only a cow-boy, but his father had belonged to the leal Spanish aristocracy ; his name was ?deiidoa, mid there is a wonderful trcuuro belonging to the Mondoa family bidden somewhere in Cali fornia. Thai was what attracted Carlos to our show. He had hoard of the mesmerism and clairvoyance and all that stuff, and he thought if there was any truth iu it he might lind out son n ihing through mc; but he soon saw thai I wus a fraud in that way, though he declared 1 was a per fect witch to him and had the magic of beauty, which was the only magic any man ever wanted in a woman. "Ah, moil 1'ieu! How ho made love tii me, and how I loved him! We had been married nearly a year, when we reached the miuiiig-tow it on the night 1 am gohifi to tell you of; the "' J"Nt 1'"1""1 in the dust 1 mean the monev - von : see ho-v it takes me back to those days! And 1 was waiting for Carlo-. I was waiting for him iu angi r, ton, , for 1 hud learned by this time that tin : loan w ho hail noiri ied us was not u real priest, and I was going to ri.i-.i-pcl Carlos to do me justice or cNo i uever see mo airaiii: and he would have done it, too. for 1 hud a bag of gold, and Mendoz.l loved the yellow : dust more than he loved me or (iod or j evtn himself. Hut he c ime no more ah, never more. it was Hemi and Iwo other men that came before day I light in the morning, ami laid down ' before ino Ihe bleeding corpse i f my ! Carlos, sta'-i-ed through the hem I I with his own dagger that was still in ! the ivouud ginnd it ! Hut I am ' nearly mad nt the thought! Could t ! have seen bis murderer then, tin' I same knife bad killed him. too, but 1 uevcr saw hiut, u i:e hnd seen him, nu 1 none had sei n the ouuiitl but Hpini; oulv these three had been in tiie room, and Carlos had brought i death en himself, no he had cheated j it tlie oal'ils, auo il tiie win.ie eump uid been theri' none wotiid have in erfered; for lo client nt car .Is, that ivas n capital crime. Well. v. e lied iwsy iu the eaiiy d.v.in, aud we etoi! I nit even louy his be Iv; bi.t I i a v nre. ilead, O'io. All, ehrrie! I'.al, iia.l, tUvue'i 1 -.'.a him no n-iu-, U Uio dagger had gone through his ' hi-url till yon could have touched the ! point on tin; other ride! Jut I couldn't remember till t lint to-night, in n moment, when I seemed to see him face to luce again, ill i vo and well before mo. The fir.-t time, tlmt night tit tiio opera, 1 fmgot to think ut all; it was in if i hud met his spirit in a drouni. Then I began to i , member; aii. I ns lie wus so far uwuy niul I might in- Hi (-iviiit mysell, t u!tcrwiu. per- .iiilded myself it must Imvo Inn n .strange, wonderful resemblance. And 1 hi' u 1 fi rgot nine more anil thought In- itt-fciviiiff mysell, 1 ultcrwiud per of my Carlos when I did think of him lis dead, cold mid glut-die, es had seen him. To think of loin so i.s very dreadful, therefore I try lo.t to think of him at u!l. That is why. when f law this Mr. ( 'laronoo hlanii y, 1 va so overw In lined - 1 forgot and il feeiiied to me I miw once more my t in b.s id; vo before me !'' Olive (iaye was an attentive 1N tencr, not only because of In r interest l'l till' stol'L-. bill ll.l':i:s,i ol 111.. i , sbedoii the i.anator's charac ter. There wu-i a mixture of deep feeling mill utter heartlessne.-s in thin lair specimen of Immunity that pmved her ipnte u new type of woman, tit least to ( Hive. "it iiiii.-t be n luo.-t reiniii ': ab'o resemblance," she said. "I win at first inclined to agree with volt, m.1 1" ! tbink Hint y.nii- lii-'st liir-l.-n! i 1. 1 oil I lor some reason i.ia.nUciv. hug motor 1 a now name, lint having I i-tein l to : your ti'.ory, I have to conclude, ayoii do, that it must be a very estiaor ' dinary but not at ail impossible ic . semblance. Now that you have told ' me the name of your Carlos, il is i r.v etioiigli to mid. rliiud. Mr. Mauley's family i relate. 1 in sonic way ti a' Spanish family of .Mendoio-, and tin sj family resemblances are oli. ii iiiite ' marvelous, mid in the most distant .cousins they me sometimes as giv at ,is between twin brothers or si.-tcrs.1 "Are they so?" asked Ci It -tine, with the wondering siinpliei y of ,t ' child. "I never heard ol it; but, of ; course, that woitid ipiito account for the whole lay tory." Olive regarded her for a moment . with il positive feeling of envy; her in genuousness was so perfect and ap parently genuine. "You ought to have remained oil tho stage," she thought, "it i.-. no wonder you were a valuable fcaiuru in the professor's 'show,' '' Hut idoud she said : "And wiial became of your brother? lid he a! -o niiiuru for the lo.vi of li.i l wonderful Carlos'" "Oil, poor Henri.' Yt.v! lie v.as never the same again. I iie'.er I;:iee w hut in niiike of hi.u ai all, but mov he bc'iime more and more lo'er. Tiieii he tool: to drink, and ho used to ho quite crny w ith it, calling mi me to forgive him, and savin,: lie had brought ruin and shame on the little m1'T ho loved I never knew what he :.nant. Hut solilct lines I thou .'Ut he I 1 1 re 1 morse bec.ius i he couldn't save Carlos from the man who killed him. At ia-t J couldn't siun 1 it any longer, r.nd I ran away. There w as lot of momy, and as it hu I been earned mostly through i:ii! of Course I look ii. Ili.t I knew II eiiii loved mo like the be-t of brothers, and that he wi.o.l.l huvo searched the whole world tuiougli to lind me if he thought I was ahvo. !' I lixed things so he would luli vo I ha 1 killed niyi'clf rather limn Ir.o without ( 'ar'ios and sometimes n o.. even wish 1 had." "Oil, don't say so!" cxcbibm 1 Mi'. o. "Yon are happy now, and Mr. Ilehii holtz is a devoted husbaiid." "Yes yes, too devoted," Said thn i baron's wife, pettishly. "If only ho wouldn't be so ji ulotis, but sometimes he fancies tlmt C.ulos isn't do. id a! a!1, u l he just all hut drive! me era y. If be knew 1 had mistaken this Air. ilatilcy for my lirst hu-hand -i;:i, Miuil! His life wouldn't be sale fi. i:i dm, I must never see that '.I .mora' Mo "hireiice again becuiise you see I lon't care for him, mid the Ihiri u v.m lleliahoit is a good hll-'lellld. No i.ia.i liar, ever loved me so tiuiv, uu l ,U:t the tamo from tho moment I lirst : in t him. It was in London, and I ,vas mi the way to Pari.. Yon see 1 tnew 1 v. us half French, and I w anted ! :o get to my mother's Country. Wei1, j .ie took me there, mid .he luarrii d mo ! lefore nil the world -h- bus spent a 1 'oi tiliic to eiiuoaie me aim make u i.io.V ! if me - he would dross me in clot ii-oi-I o!d an 1 cover me with diamonds ! '.iie.'o is notuiug ho wouldn't do t I ole.ise me, and if Voll thii.k, ile ir. -t ; 'llive, that 1 mil not grateful, Ibinv-.-i ii t know me at all. roit l t I he wouldn't pl,o.e ,e w it!, his :,,'i; i nicies, ami I iiisiu: I nan ueiii ' -co Hint lioaorablc Claieii o my ll.ole." i "1 quite think so, too," said O:. w, i "and I'm sure Po'ly llainilton wiil ': o ; cntii'ely of the "iituo opinion. Y'oii ur.. I too awfully handsome for any gill to j like the idea of having you mi.-dak.) I her tin nc-for u former hu-baii 1. As I to tiie lloiiori'.Mo Ciaronoe bioasei'', i well, I do-.f'l bei.i ve iu y man c..: I I see you oltcii without falling in ! vo I w ith you, and that would bo ts end ' of trouble iu this i a o. I ', by tho way, let me slo.w y pliotogrnph. " And she ean.'i I reticule which she had to-so 1 : t,.n ,t!n nearest chair on filtering tiio joi-iu. "I have only recently ln- t !r. Stan-I lev hiurclf. but I knew Ids family ; quite well when I w as in Fimoiud. I j had a lolur to-duv fr.nu one of the ! family." " i Inui the spoi;e, sh h:i i oia-.vij j from t!io reticule a large envelope, I containing a letter and a photograph. The hitler siie sudiei.lv placed di rectly before the ey. s of Mrs. l(e!..i. ho!U, who, although she ha I been prepared for the pictut--, could not re strain a slight cry of mingled surpriii) mi l delight. i r.r. ov i i'.it.p. 'I'lo .-.o wh i s-nre ir. ill aud find le.u a for lullc linoiu. j yimli muds work is making its f greatest headway, l'roin nil I ("TT ,i, , Minns. in Now York j Sion-. .New Jersey having previoil-!y I t Jic lead in ibis re foi iii. I; sol work i going on in New u in U -I- ilisi ii-siui Yoi U. :i i, l plan no which giic pioinisi ni' I'. sulls i on a I lill'; i F.n -'.iile. I or and I oinl i- i 1 1 1 ! 1 i'o v i r cm- thing, ihe Si.ili Siii'i i ynr prnpoM's a He ill' Slll.llOll.llllll fol .lit. this sum bi-iiii! nil 1 s:,,, J M. I payable in sov, no u yours, mid in o!ving :iii :i i 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 S!iite b-vy of THO.. I'oil lioi a gr.ai sum for as wealthy ;i eoliiiiin-r.veililii ,i- New York. Willi lliis fund Ii is esiimaii d that upwards of lL.'."o mil s of j;.mi, imK-adaiii road ean be eoll-Wooti il. w hioli Wiillld cull lioig all ih(. counties 111 the easo'i'11. o'tiiral and south rn puns of Iho Slate, ai'd oxi'. nd to some other nem Hes whole road iiiqirnveiiieiit is an ti:g tit lie. d. The Work, il i- liglU'l'il. i'ul.1 bo rm'.-hcil ill four years. This pj-cposcil system o ho;hv:iys eoiiiein pl :tes triiiil; ro.ob. eonncei ing wiih the pl'iliil ml tow IIS of li.e Stalf. A Stiite eoiivein ion in' I'niiil iniprov e!s. ihe third annual emivi'iiiiMu of the kind. w :i r. ccu.Iy held m Albany, the I.cislaiuro b'-iiig ii ses.-ii u and lis iMeiiiliers iuieiv.-icii ol 'i-vi-rs, in wliicli ill.- oiithusia-in !'e-c o high tliai it was resolved to ilolli'le till! csliiiiate ol Iho Stale Klmili'-er ami m:.!;e lile debt .:j: i.i ii 10.111 ii), to In, in cnml (lie S:.'ite i a-: and wi-i wPh iliori'iigiily niod :! hi go wav. 'I h proposliiuu is not b. lug prosed by t In- reail hnprovers. 1 11! is pit! I'm . b for ili:.'ei!:-sii,u liy Iho p 'oplo. Mi !! n i inn- an aopi'o'iial am of M.oiiiMlo,) U ii:k., I'm- il,.. ini'i'-t't Joar and v.'ill prohahly ho grained. It is I'epoii.'d ihal iu tho Sum II road Inipi'oi enieiil is l.ein' pro-H-ciucd with a '.oal never lu lore ib-plaj i 1 ill a sim ilar undertaking. The groaiesl single siimubis to tiii- movement in the Souiln-ni S.aiis eaioe from the en op 'i'aiion ol' I he Federal o'vorninotit end tho rioiiiliciu railroads In their nb- Ject le-s.o, 1 M I' ,;). s ,. ; good vn.-idi. i 'aiu w ;:s run :!ii''ii.i;h several . ni :eau Si.a..-, siopjihig ut important points, wi,, I,, ;,.,. hirgo gatherings el' to'vn-i'i op!,, and I'.inii'Ts, rn:tl work we s -eiou; : ally pcrl'nniM'd. Some Ml.il oli.ieel l"s-nl would llo go.l ill h w. '.;ld briii.: far. . i. : in low u vv.h sc: -etis ,' i as, wliero good roads i large profits to 1 1 io I'dinu llioin to yet lo ir eiois mid truck :il year whi n Iheso pro- ion I- are hihcsi hi iho i-iarket. 'fiiat i' cms n-.oie to ti'iiiispi-rt farm production- ,o r.i'duay 1 ; i : ; 1 1 1 1 s t Is in to trans polt ll:-iu to their do -t in :i tii !is by the liiilroad- I- a i'ac; ioali.oil l.y '.-w pro-liileci-.:. I, ut i!ci:!o!;s!ratoil by the sta-li-lios eo:::j -!. I by t he ' 'veninielif. A Si:i:e eonvoii'ion of road improver- oir.-i.t io no hold ibis spring in Konv's. au l ihe en npei-.niiin of our radi'i ads a-:. .1 lor a jioct r.ia.N excur sion li.Uu --Oiic time during the early M'.-i-oli. I'.xi'.erioiici- prove- that the I i l - - -1 e.si of ,...oi r aids is :.ii,...,liiv liaid ! in the toiler invcs-il-iHiy to imir 1: -. mid iho s:u in, in wear and lour on huivos and wagons.. 'i'oii-k.-i iK;,u.i ! Cmi'ial. (loiitil .lolTiH Cruia.Iii. "Co iianl. " e. ii-cilers have wen nil In.po. i : n 1 1 c uiv.-ri iu tic -r: '.ray Couhl. Alilellll bili-ls, (CVIIOI'S of U.'ll hol'.-l'S ; and New .! r -. y I'arme'.s M iil call him l lc-sid wh-n hi- proposed plrkiuihropy boars s did i':".tii in iiiacadaiu and ci'iivel rn the drives in ihe emmtry ill'olllld l.iikew mil. Mr. Could has written Stale F.n si ne i' Hii'.hl. of Ni w Jersey, that he will pay oito-ih.o'il of ih" exp.oiso of making ; fo-l ei:i-s liie roads within ih iv ing dis ' tiiinc of Id- ( ouutl.v pliiee (I Jcolginn I'l'ilrli If his wealthy neighbors and I in - public ioiuls will ii.-.-i-.t liiui in c.v loinilni: the .-.vsteui aliouily inip!o ed. The Natouial Cood K".'ols Associa tion aud tin- Automobile Club of Aiin r. h :i have mail.' rival el:iinis for I he i cr dit of Inspiring Mr. Could to oiiii.-t , under their banner. An estimate of the mileage mid eo-t of the road ini pi'ovoiiioi'.ts suggested 1V Mr. Could v.-iil be prepared by Stale Fiigiueer I lUlild. M i In Tim. It is wol'-e than u-eie-s ti "rente e.xp.'i.-ivo ;ii:d valuable highways to have them only cut to pieces by the u-o of narrow tiros as now used for : tin- hauling of heavy loads Iu New j York Stilt,'. When yon have got a com! ihing it co-ts money and you iiiu-i take e.iro of it. ami eliaugc your lllellliiii to he!p lllailllillll I'. Wide lire- arc of the grea,e-t value in pre honing ordinary dirt roods. A State ; v ide li.e law should he passed, simple i in us requiremen's. pie-itivc ill its en j I'oi'eeiiH-lil and going nun operation two jiurs troiu tiii- ihito iu order to . peiiiiit every wii'.-.m ii'er to have am ple tone to adapt his wag'Ul tires to thp now law in i i.' ;n:rtvt of load uiaiu- Icll.UlcO. IV hat is lli'pi-uillni(. Ni'iv York'.- commercial siirueinapy ileprnds upon her ability to maintain w i'.ii'.u her border the cheapest freight i. He across tho eonliaenr. The U.OtK),. non tons of fiirni produce raised from the "J.ikmi.inki acres of farm lai.d iu New York State shoubl he taken to niaiket on a system of improved high ways, costing hoi in e.xiess of the ca nal improve int-iiis. Silver Is naiuralo an uutiseptic. anil 1 1 therefore less liable thau paper money to convey infection. SAHARA UNDERJ-WE SEA. Cui'liMO! Fet Thut Seem li I'. out lo lli l-'oi-nu'r Siilniii'i-K.-in-o ol' Mi' les"i'l. M. Chevalier, known for hi- inier esliiig lioliinieal e loraiiuiis in tlie I'roin-li Soudan. l :i- . ommiiiiieaied to Iho Fiolieh Academy oi' Sciences cer tain eiiriotis fin-is which -coin io point lo ihe iniiiii-i'sieii of ih.. Sahara in inin paiiilively r-c. ni geological times. Tin iv have been I'oiiu.l in ihe iieigh lioihooil of Timl ilcloo. on tile southern eilg" of the iles. i l. Iho fo.-sil l'em.iois of ! two marine form- of an:m:i!- which 'ate .-lill living' on the eo:;-:s of S.-ue- ganihiu. T he pre-.-i . ,- ,,' tho fo il I S' a lli'ehiil al an S.ighai.'. ili-' overed sni.io lime ago. :- to I o a-soeiaicil with : these mole I'ccelll lillil.-' of i:i:ii',iio j fori. IS in the l!o-clt. 'fill- eidcee Is I important a- u con t ribut ion to the ! much di-piiled iiiis:io:i in w ni li.ei' the Saliiiiiin land- v.. n- foi ioerly uii'h r tin- waters of the Aihoiii 'I'he 1 1 ry siroiigi M ni b -i no. ii.'- is in ! euiiiul.ililig ill fav.ii- of the hyp. oh. si- nf Ihe I'oi'i.n r .-iiSioolg. lo o ot ihe S:i :h:ll;l. Tli.-e fiiels .ire .'liu-.ilg I lie kit ' OS, eolltl ibUiioIls l-l .Oil' I.1IOW ie.igi- "I Mho dc-eri. wlio h is quiie well known ! imw win ii wo compare with th" pns Jelil nocumi.iulioii of facts the i e-agro I ii-foi niiit ion tint wa- .a s.l !e 'lily ' thin j youi s ago. Ii Will bo i'clll. Ilib e. .1 i h.l ' ..in HI I. ill i lime smile Hngli-I'iio n p:--; d to dig j a canal on ino i...rihw . - e.-a-i of i Africa s Ii of M.vi.oe,,. m ino, ill tho walois of Iho Albiiilio nun the ih -' rig. Ii wa-a: gue.i ilia: a g;'e.:i inland ; sea would tlills be ,'l'eali .1 in : he il . I ,-ri and thai e--oh- Iroin Fan. p.- and , Al i -I on i.iLhi iiln I !.ri-uii thi" ' i iiiiiil and I in h a : po.a - ahmg i in- ; rich w. -ii in Sou. Ian. of co'.ii.-e iiie '. pfojeel n.l based on lie- lloliell I bit! il ' i large pail of in. Sa!i.!. a lay b. i ov ilv- l-Vfl of II... sc. I. Hilt Wo How Ui.ow I bio i ! I ." ..i i i--Miiion of I ho Sahara is .i.r a!.-o -':. Iclel. It is slipp.-.o -I ti..H II..- : i';e.... height ,-f tin- ,i -' il ai the .'. ia of I in' Allaniio is about I .".on I'--, t No . il l of the ile.-on i- known in lie h- o-. -soil level, except in certain ).!.::'. a! ureas along ii.- in. r; hern ! .ct- ; :;:ol ' iioar tho Nile. 'I'll" lowest pari nf : region winch it was proposed In sab ' merge is ill the disiri' i of l .Inf. w io. Ii is olio feel above sea h vi 1. No v.i.y is known lit pre-. -in of an nieialiv hum ducing iu waters of ill Atiaiiiie :;;:. tile Saiiai.'i. except lo puu.p I bom in. Il' iiieso facts had In" n known lli.iiv years ago wo sliaild haw lieu id iio.l, lug of lllo gi--.lt project !- i i,,u-ii x-pb-iicd io tin' new.-iiaper- oi il::,. day of (ieriiiiig a large inland - a in ::: I liai'ii.-N'ew York Sun. WORDS Or WISDOM. , 1'riu. 'iple i- a pas-ion for iruth ai. 1 rigin. iladiii. ! Hvovy bravo man i- :i man of !: , w ord. -1 'orneille. lini.k iiiiil ri-'li's :::c chain - ii gold, j bin slill el'.iiu-. I'iin'.ini. When passion i- ,.u the liirut.e rci-o:i . is out of il.io:.-. -M. Ib ury. i All i hat i- human 1:111-1 retrograde if j i; do .1dv.11.ee- Oihhon. The lai-cr lie- income the lianlc:' A is to live wi'hiti it. -Whaiely. ! Mauiiiiieeii! promises are always io ' be Sllsp.-cled -Thoo.i.. IV I'ill'kiT There i- lo-iini.g more imprudent llllilll f..-o.s.s.e pi llib-llee- C.iitoll. 1 A proud man never shows hi.- pride so milch as wh u In- .- civil.--Crevi'de. Prosperity's r.ghi ha u 1 is iinliis'iy, ,11-1.1 her iei'l hand 1- Irug.iliiy.-Z.iiii-: li.eriiiiili Me hod is tin- v . : v hill : of bus;- , lie.--, and t'ure i- - m-'U.-'d without . pi;i:clu:ilii.v. - 1 'coil. ! 0110 is 111 ver more in iii.il 1:1.1:1 in li.o moim nt of I-..C- good for- tune. Lew Willi. I. e. j Si illness of person and . teudiue-s of features 1110 signal m ri.s of good, , breeding. -(. W. Holme.-. ! ; The highei- ihe c'liaiio tci- or rank. 1 j I lit- le-s the pretense, bt-.-an-.- ll clo is , j loss to preleild lo. - l'.illvver. ! I Human nature is -n consliltiied i!;:il lull see and judge boiler ill .he iiftans of oilier iiie'i tii. ni in their own. TYr- i I l lli e. lie lilll bl-iws til" eo.ll- ill qllari'i'ls , 1 ho ha- nothing n- w 1M1 ha- no right , to con. plain if the sparks l!y in his ; f:n c- FrauKiiii. i 1' A I'ltiisiail lllt-elliill luuU'i-Rlil. The ioil.iwing curious election muni 'fosloWils i-.-aed tile other day iu Fori-. Flootoi- mid bii-iln -.- 111,11: on Ho ove of tin- eloclioll.- the friends of I lie -'.'.i:ii! dealers call your :i:iciition to ihe pi'i -cut very giiivc danger 11. inn ly. iho iuva-i'-u of lln- Cii.iiuber of liepiiiie- by medical men. Oppose inc.lic-il caii.ii.lalc.-; replace lin'iu by . , .inn. or. i::l no ;i Ami why'; I'.ee.uiM. I ..O ll'ell.l of h, gieni-ls is :,. exercise j an iii-upjioriii.'lo .lie'alioli o-.n--. ruing , ii... -upp'yiii of food. To mi re.-i-e ih -.1 alllii-ili'-.v Iho-e liygieli.-:- .lo llol i-.soaio to cM.ggorato in :.n al surd 111 il.ll"- Iho illlpol'iulli o 01 food li.lll.ls, and lion 1 hoy po.-e :is savior- ol hu man Lie Thus -o'.iieiiuics liii-e by-g'.eli,.- who i.l" li.Mllil'g bill i!lllol-S, ill 1 ll-o pliiveyor- of llliik. -oiliei.l.o s w hi ih-s. tie provision do iier- or fiitnef gi-i.i'.- No hnilK'.i o. ood siippl;. .eg is ;i,o from iheir a, cn.-a'ioii of t:..ii-l a tld talsi'lcaiiou liefcud yolirseh e... then against the calumny. Food pov :eyoi'S of Fari- at.d !!: proviini-: ' Yolo agaiu-'t medical 111, 'i.-. Let all 'panic- choose other i.e-ii io uphold their Hag. Let Jhci.l. i'o:' ili.-l : i'.Ce, 1 ehoo-e l"od purvey or-." Thfi N-w t 111- Tli cbfihl-'licc and u--rrr.ti.-tii'. ; w 1 i. Ii at 1 end a in.ni in u n w- pus.t.oii j p.i-s away the ui-.melit h ib-ci vers I ibat lus cu.ph yoi- d. 1. .-;.'. Kuv auy uiou- tl.au Uc ihief New Ymk Fu-ss. fUR. BUDGET of Humor.. 'lll loll-. lih ii-.ii.n- me iiix-i-ri.iii- lii.iiM I ceo- li.ool- ..it .i;...dl. You've on her .1 lot ! th-m lr ov : lo noiie i.i nil '.i-lniu'i'.ii si.ir. A 1'o-s.i l.i 1 1 1 v. P.ip.i 'A y uiiig woman can imi be 00 careful about the niaii sh -eept.-.'1 Slie- "Oh: I il 'ii'l know! She might 10 so careful lli. 11 -iio'd remain single." -Fu.k. .s. An ..M-.,ii-iul 'elii,-le. 'Sin- si-'ins 10 bo a -.tickler for iloins I 1 v.'i'v I lung uppiopria leiy. -hoill-l si.y so: she always does per nun k.'iiiig m a basket phaeloli."--' Ciiieinmit i Coinii.i r.-iiil Tribune. j I 'oiiioil-uiy. ; a i NS - ' J'.v-s v .. in- doggie . v o yun';" i "Yoil b -I. hoi' y-.U!' I if- he doe-! I'd kick ii-' siuilin' out of him if in- didn't." nl I. ten il l ias Slali.ill. I'oji.n.-i I'..--, ugi r 'Tiaii las. siaiion .a- io v ie 11.1 . loll, sah Why ill b. :.v .-'i'.s 11.1:11 . -al.. oi iu'i you .-'op Cur ' ' c..ii.:ii-lr "We don': -lop there any -!..;.: lii" eiigiio-ci - :. ad al Hie Ma tcm a- nt." .Iiidge. Il i -...l,i ii. Lao..: e. iv. .-ivuig liag. "Y.i'.'U lmv l -r tiii'ii bio I:. Thi- .-lliroei's elos.-d.'' Driver ' 'i'- hoi's ii cl i-ed f..f.-" J.a'ioier "F..-U 1 ii's j.-i I :i oj.eil".! bo ill" I i'lypliolle 1'iiliipll II.V l"f t lb down lii.-.r v. iio-. foul's why it's Clo-cd."-. i'i .:. ! .pili.l I'l'cs-. I'ltlll-I i . HOII'. ' . e h ; e ii.-i, I.,-:- : and. in-,' - !a: e II in ib - 1 ici ty." i.nd .iio 10.111 ..; dom- o :-.: ie il-s ill. . ".''.- 11'.. i'o: i.i'.o ran'.." -o-l ilo so. 1:1 b.nii;o. "bin mi;- railroad has ju-l g '.oil us a brand i.ov, .-i:ii7oi. and we doii'l want ii o 1 ! looked, eiliiol'." W: .-'..I.'"-!. 11 Star. I!;- Ili'Hlrili iiv ll'ilii.-ut.. ' oiina in. 111 ' -iid tin- sol. 'inn look in -,! 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .11 tin- I broil::, "do you know ; .01 a.,- ,01 too to ipllcl; lie- "I lio." 1 "i'i "d I'i- V. ll'i'. ,'ls be lie- . . .id I -. if .111 1 hast 110.I foi ward. .' ., ii" had .oi'v ion Minnies to spend .,1 lie- .pi'.. bin. a room. -- I'.al 1 in. ore N o -. l-i-'l.-a'. llia.M.'iil:.lli-lll. i 1 'a.. -- I o 11 no i:. in ied Can ;, .ti 1 lot !; I ii"a! oi yiCii' mmiey." said lie . .. , I i .!! i- !' ' I'n.ii ;s a 1, .1 I." -aid S' ii.'ilor S.. ;. uiii. "1 .l -o'i ihiuU nnieli of my :. y. I'm vi ,l!i,,g to h-l it bo quid, i- .- iio- i-i-'ii-y thai i-n'i initio and :-..: I hope 10 gel ih.li keep- till- thilik ln , " - -'a-!,liig;..:i Star, A 11 1 n t I it! 1 011 . I "..-w I" ex. iai:n. d t he silk I lie ill I ': ' .1 : 1. !'- window, "ilowtha- wind iio s i. OV ', oi:' I I'l l o" ' ': . : -o. i.-iide sound, th. nigh " re pi I .1... bia -U fol'.. "Y. -: s.iiiol- a- if it wa- saving: 1 '.:::. oi.: and I'll b!,,w Volt oli.' " C11 I. "I. :-iab. lard :iii I Time-. It - i-i.n-,1 in II in.. 1 F.n 11 l :v . .1. vv I.i- h. afi. i' a I bosy leu I . - : 10 1 1 . e - -It- 1 ceiled ill 1 gci.oig ii- mot in mi-- siiiriqo- "O.-h. j slice. II Vo'!-- goln: 1. 1 . 1 l.p. ii's toil-e I or tne 10 get ...v 11." - - .Mnntt ' shim . S..., lull,!. "I'o y..ii know how to .io (.'ia.il .nn'i l.iiov cooking, bake bend, vva-h .1 ml ii'i take . arc of the turn ..; bathe ' l he baby an ) vv .; ,1 .1,1 1 i.i lo' ' VV ha, vv jig, - do yi :'. pay '-" "I'oiu lot 11 dollar- " - "No. lu.i'nu: AH I l..u do : 'i. well, that's diiloicu' We'll ;.n v j on ..' " V.'.v York Sun. Origluttl -..luri-p. The man with the oorrugaied brow j was 1. ailing intently. His inquisitive ' frieli.l stood il ils long us he could ill) 1 ' asked. Whit are you reading';" ! "I ;im siudyiiig th.. oriton of the j Ann ri can polleeiiian." said the man I well tiio corrugated blow as he held I up a h stoiy 01' Ireland 1. oi Angeles ,Cal - HeralU QUEER WAYS OF SOLDIERS. . , Imprest in Small hikI I uioiy llilnf Win n Tiieii- I.Ives Are in I'l-rll. Wli.il label shall We pill on ihe OS prii whioli permits a lino of soldiers ;i.!vaneing tiudor ii devastating lire to y.'. with laughter and delight, and throw- their helmets nt a lime spring- j i!.g lip before I belli, lis il l o'.V of beiMel S j docs Ml a covert'.' 1-Yrgotloll Iho ell oiiiy iibd ihe terrible position ahead. forgotten friends, failing almi ;-nlo. or lying iiero-s, or lying in 1.110s nud twos over lie course behind, reluembered only tie' litih- furry fugiiivo bobbing ; 1 i K - ii brown bull moi.bl the spits of dit-! of ll:e bull. -I-. pursued by 11 slcli- loiiiiu ro:.i- us Kindly a- iho 'Hun, : puss!" of tin- gciiile o!d sport sum 11 at 1 Alt.iir? 1 have seen tii.it not on. o, bur s. veral liiii.'-, and hundreds will beai' . Ille Willie.--. So. too with il loose illld a li-iia vay hor-e 011 th.- ba 1 : loli'dd : In would ih-hiy the lino.-i .if.'i.'k ever eoli eejviil by oeniiis. -o o. .; ; i n! -I ely would hi- cxeii ing career ale ..: o 1 iio at tent ion of every soldier will. in 1 1 ; so, loo, 'vvioail a 1 iirioiis sunk. in liie grass, . or 1111 apple-laden ire... or miyihillg irivi-il or iinooiiii.-.-icii with the work ' in Ii,. ml. Hu Ii be a fol ni of nostalgia which pr.01 -pis men fa.- from home to sliaicil al homely things iho hare tlcing as lo has 1 h. d a i ho'.is.-: nd limes across toe 1 artli si 1 i,. d im ii.vv of iho homo i'o "ii. . the loo-o ho;--,. :l. 1,,. has always go'lop..! fi-,, 11 pur.-itor aero-s the p.-uid.i.-k, vv i;h s: -.', uplit ;,. 1 liood mid Slid,'. U I'll Ie- ;:, Ig;. 11, 1 ol-v h may be li::lt or il m.:y !,.- tile el'le.-i of tin! sii-nin which ii.iikes men in 1 r ti 1 ool; Ullooliseh.its ieii. f in Hides, slldl iis ilruniiiiiug 1 lilies Willi feverish Minors on tin tabic ,,r count, ug the biiiks in Hi,, wall. Whatever il is it ha- no name, and p js iln re in 11 thou sand lornis. a living ihing. a thing ,.f i. 11:001.-0 power ..11 ;!:, ii, hi ,,f battle. Hid. I hell...,-. p.'eUli..i' to i.il of tho wo: Id's so! Iioi s. Those who ..i.itid fully know tiio F.-i 1-h pi'i'.iit" i,:i, st w.,11; v.iili him Il.io iho gal, s ,,f ,b'a,. !, thole only i- his vvomloi-fnl. nil -1 appalling sameness to bo seem l.i,. an.oiig the Mipjinrts behind th.- iii.gig line, listen to the build.- wading and whistling ovorli 'iid and hammering querulously for iolii.i .-ion ai your liulo slum- shol '"' it'id lo the groal shells thuddilig uud ei.;-!i:iig near you : you may, being 1111 oiiuo.i;,,! ti,. 11. woit.l-.i- al t in- huso ii: cs !., v.lii.-h y o.ir o-iiic.-oion i, being I :n. and pii.v ti.,,-e who have it not to .-il-i:i:u tin-til ill this hour of 10 e.i. Ibii poop over your w.-i!l i.voii do it :i: yoi.i- iii-rili. am! inn will svifily iu 1 . rii I, ho earth by 1,,-ia.. ,!i;,-e, in lib- l-i.liks of ii,,. iiioek. Along l!o sb.-p I, ill-id. splawl sol, Pes in every po-itioii oi' ill-.'.iinioi'i Tom. lii.-k and Harry iu the eMivun'y of peril. T(,m i- pei iiueto. ily iva.liug a well n ad Idi r from hi- imo.ii. -r; M -U. eai-ol'td s-ml. wearily ,a-ts n, ,.,,-,. mor,- h s 1-'iio 1 a-h no oiinl. kept in a l, ,Uh-t ' -'o -:oo io . o g.-ony 1 h.i a hiiiisolf; Han-,- i 1 ,i.l: r.iig tin- inipiissiblf. 'II ov 1 . a i'o v of 1 m. 11 ill.' ..II i lo I i-l. mil v I boih ve 1:0 , ... ' ie " 1'. I nes, li.g tie- imp, is si t ! do-, i.t.d oio-o more II ' I. on . .11 I ii Cdih d 1 like- !..,ii.h,:i i -glnli oimti t Tmiu. f'ti.,.,,i 1 lovoisy js now exor cising ii. . -, ,,;' i!,e em I'.'spoinb ii: s '" 1 o: ... 1 l..i:.. .: hire newspaper-. T!;.- lli-iio;. , f M 1 11. i.o s 1 or has iu iiiiio.l a 1.;,. ,n i'tiioi.n, , ' 1 diiiin by 'icak.lig of liie baii.-iisioic pc..ile as ' i iiiiln live" 1 ii. y h i.l. ho said. "111:. no inli lie . . , r il:.-. Iio vvd'i! very viu i.. , " an, I he ,1,1, 0,0,1 the proverb; A l.i- 1.-1.1; man will ..irry ;i :!.. in his ;,ii:;d for seven v ear.-. ;in I . v ii 1 lomv ,t " lint a cor-I'-" I'd'1 ! !': - : hat ihe. is a .a 1- -i- hi:,' p.. ". . :.. and m,j , the V-'.- 'i h-'-- got I ". I of loo vvn.;:, story. It i- a l. iiiic -rov !!!. ami it runs: "A Yorksloio i:. an will ,a:;y a -ioln-for liis en. Hi..- v. 11 Ve:.i.-. and iiioii lil'.li 1, over and e'lrj it u:io'.hor seven y ears " l'i-..'i.'ibly fi-r.io-r n s.-ateh will dis ci. ver similar pi-ovd-bs ,n ti,,. f,,ll;ore of oiln r , .iir.ios. ie i- an opinion Prevailing li'.n boih 1 iiioashiio ami York-hire lie 11 ar.- fairly suarp set, tii.-imll tii.ii doc- iioi imply viiidictive I' '-, ''.'.i' .- it 11 ,: nf a 1,1 pn a x .o k. shire V il'.ige In, 11 a -ioty is tn, whioli lias leol e I ililli 0- 'o iloiio duly ill Finn It ; It is 10 1 ho . tit.: that w hell a stranger in iio- id- cppeai.inee in Hie Villa." -Ilool ii.e IlllliVes ll-llnll.V gi'oet inui iii iiie following fashion: 'lio.-ia know von lella. F.i.l." "Navv." "Tin 11 ehu.'k a m,,., . :,t j,,. yc.l." -1 on hai 1 1:1 ily N- vv -.. lill II II l-.lllill tlill-illlll. .ll. Ai II, o I'.mgro-s of iho South l!'l--ia 1 oiiginoi-. re.-i-i.ily he'd at Ciiar holf, ii wa- p i.nio.i out thai the il 1 I'oil. of :o:i l-.:;os ini t;n--i:i hist y .ur had :; no o in v able to 11,. re .:au loo.imo o.-ii rui.i s. a, ,1 ti,..,t niipi-rt- cot-Id bo -ii--. fully d- . ;. a-'d I v iiie l.'n , an w..i-. paving loi. e 1:1 elitioli lo iho eoli-i ; il. Hon of lliod .'. H :o:o 11 iiie niolv, si 1 .is 10 eiianle 1 io m I" lo la rgeiy used m lie- llio 10:1 1 0 . iuoei ing works. liu'.i-.i". r So;.-! g ctlod 1 1 at t'-ntion of 1 lo I 'o"J ; i-i t lie foot tie. 1 Iho imp.. 1 1 -. ' -g - on. .11 in 0 Lii'-openn liu ia lia I on ti a- d iroui illln ton- in bS'..i; l- l'!.-l I to::- .It !!!!. and ho adv i.-i .1 1::- 1 lio i en:. 1: to begin ih" biilU'.ifilc' Ul 0 of gas ,lig'i:n.s on n oil so .-.-alo :d .ill Hi" glen indii-inal 'iim-s 01 th.. Fm ,:!!. A not he: n, :-i..f -aid ilia: lla -e s:;gg. s on- t.-i-re i'srst ii;iss. 'on ai ii,,. ti: i" lo- liiis. ! the ipn-iioll vv Ie re the I!'.:. si, in i'lduslry shio.ihl lake the skilled -.vorkiui 11 from rcn.u.reil in the ton hlrii- i mil of 1 i. del n ami up io .i nn machine tools Although old naiy wooil alio, ml is a I poisiiu. Ohio is the 1 uiy State vlih li prohibit- iii- ale 011 that attouui. wiiwiiiwtiwsvw'aKgw

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