mstm U.JL. LONDON, KDITOi; AND I'ROPWETOIl RATES or ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Adrann. Oce aquare, one insertion Oae square, two insertions One square, one month tt - a. VOL. XXIV. ITJTTSHOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY. JULY 3, !!)02. no. in. For Urge? nlvortiement8 libel fXets will be made. VAX ft -D-'-l f A NOVEL. I3y Mrs. GUittbclli (?. dialer. (ISAUtLLA castela::) (i.'orrrigut, IWJ r.d liu, hj lloimr U ishri'i Hon:) CIIAPTLU XVIII. " TUB DAHUKl) IS JlAHl: UKADY. Loft alone !y tho mid, Ion nn 1 -uiimttiloiis exit of her guests, Polly J!niniltou stood for homo momenta in ileue, gazing into tho face of bel iever, on which she seemed to see the i v i 1 reduction of Iter own feelings. "Oil, Claii-iii-o," who exclaimed ut I .itt, "whst t'liiiM that wommi hiivi Meant? lo yon think she i.s mad?" "Sim certainly acted liko it," van hu, answer. .''.'oily drew ti lung sigh of relief. "Sim umut lxi ko. Nothing dun would explain hor conduct. Dear '.ilareune, i it t ii so sorry you (-Iniald lrivo heeii utinnyc.d, mid through mo, It j 15,;r!liii Sufton's fault or Olive Onye's, Ifut how could I lin Jij'iiiw " "My dour girl!" Hind Stanley, ten derly, nil 1 taking hor hand, which ho pressed to his lips. Ilo was grateful enough for not be in.f tukon to t.i-k or called on for mi explanation to lio in love with I'ully, mill he was sincerely sorry when Mr. nii.l Mr.i. Hamilton now entered tin) 1'iioin. Ahnio;" exclaimed Mr. Hamilton "f whs Hiiro I heard voices, hero mu 5 our visitors, Pnlly'i Mis daughter hurriedly explained iud lie .1 t l.iako light of the matter: to her Mirprise, Mr. Hiiniilton v.i inclined to tiiUo it seriously, I, '"It iniist ho u striking rOHeiuhlaiiee, inleed," he H.iid, "when n wnuian laistako.i a inau for her own hubliainl. Clarcnen, my dear fellow," ho, in a jefetiug manner, Imt with a very keen look at his prospective; t-ou-in-hiw, "ive have always aeeejitud you at your own vain it ion; hut, us you are now iuloiidiii ; to heeoin,) one of the fnutily, 1 hopo 1 really d. i hope - you bio nuitii snro of your own identity." "Kuiirely, bir,'' repliod .Stanley, very Millly. 'l'a!" esjhiiiiie.l Polly, nluiosl in earfl, . "All right, 1'olly, my litilo cirl," rettiruuil lier father, Hilt, later mi, he naid to his wife hi mu.iut to make morn nud very t-ju' iiil'iu piii ies about Polly's lover. "I never emild iindci'-itaii.l his e trumci roliietaiK'e to talk of his ling liiii home," 'Nothing iviiihl ho i.nuo natural," h'eliilMl Mis. Hamilton, "eonsidcrin how he was Heated there." "Perhaps no," ret uruul her hus )niiil; ''but I he'ir from an M.iglish orresp.Miilelit of lain.) that Appleby and lm lilllo sou aiomni tally ill and may dio any day, iiu.l in t lint ease ('laielieo will bo nhliged to pl.t n ude his lehletaueo to speak of his Jiiglish home. '' 'riien Polly may yet lu Connten of U'indermore!" iixelaimed Mis. 1 1, forgetting everything else in tliu ileiight of that thought. "Not a word on the subject nt prCKOiit," fiaiil Mr. Ilatuiltou. "It is tin entile iieeret." Meantime t'hirenne'.s evening had imt been pleasant, although I'ully had tried to atone fur her father's ehil!in A.ords by the increased warmth of her own Huiilcs; nud, at nn unusually early hour, Hlauley bade thuiu nil good night, nu-.l walked moodily to'vaidt hotel. itis relleotioiis were not agreeable, nud the mood engendered l.v the events of tho evening had given rise to many eurrenls of thought, dome ul vhichhad never before occurred to him. Ho ha 1 not hutMi 1 lolorvs thiit i veiling, .Silo hud not appeared nt tho dinner table, nor had she come into the draw in -room uflerward. Ho was painfully conscious of her iibsonee, and could nut tell why; and, despite all the iinuoyttnoe caused hy Mrs. I Ul in li Hz ui) I tho luanuor of Mr. Hamilton, apropos if that un pleasantness, the face of iJolorns Heeiaed to continually rise heforo lii a, and the voice of lolores to nuiii 1 in his ear, and this fact troubled lii in . tor in his experience of women it v. un rare. He never thought of thorn, except when for Hume specitie reason he persistently tlxed his maid on some one of them; even then he often found it dit'.ieult. lint now, do as he would, ho could not drive this xvouinu from his thoughts; then he suddenly remembered Van Tassel, and he wis huro ho had not soou him for many days, although ho had commanded him to couio daily; ho remembered this with a sudden feeling of fury, u ud asked himself why his slave had dared to disobey him? "Hut, ho will come to-night," l e thought triumphantly, "for I promised hi. u money, and he was nearly it his last dime thc.i. Oh, yes, he will come lo'iie t night!" He hastened his stops and was soon within tho hotel; and, as he hurried toward his room, he saw that the light v. 4j eliuitnerincr through a -raok of the partly opeueJ door for the pro fessor carried a key of Stanley's apart lueuts. "1 thought so!" he muttered; and, Hinging opeu the door, he eutered noiselessly, slawming it behind him mid locking it. Van Tassol looked up w it'a an expression of reckless defiance. He was just recovering from the iu t "xieatiou of opium, and for brief moments he would have defied Satau in puvou. Stanley had chanoed on 1 1 : i . in these moments. "What the devil do you mean by uluiiug at uxe iu that wav'r" hd asked. (rcasdre, "Haven't I the right (o eiilrr rnr own apartment "I suppose ho; I don't euro," tin? other replied indifferently, "Why haven't ymi Imm'U In in rvrry nihl, as i hade you?" said Stanley. "Iid you hid me ho? Winn' I didn't Luow," said Viiu Tassel, i.iocl iugly. "I'll in nil o you know before I'm don,)!" said Stanley, in u fury, mi l then will) Hiidilrn concentrated bitter ness: "Vou have lii'd to me! F.vcn you can lie, it seems, I have recti Colcsline." Vim Tif.d'l lioiindeil to his feet us if he had been galvanized. "Voil huvo Neon ( 'elest iueV" ho re peated, mi l there was n singular gin 1 uess in Iiih aspect. "How when where? lias llulores, then, Rot this i;reat iowerV' "Vou thundering fool!" Raid Stan ley, with ijverwheliniuf' cimtiMnit. ', Vi"l great, ei edulons hahy it waMi't at ii Kpirit-i-eanee. I have neon ('eles tiuo, and nhe was u mighty lively ghost I'd rather hii.nneen lll'ty iiiry spirits in gossamer than her one material, flush-Mid blood form, t Imti ,-rli che'.s halidsoiiier than ever." "I don't know what you mean," re turne I Van 'J'lissel v. it It hilter ilisap- poinliueiit in his v elestiue, poor girl, is ileiiil -slink in the fjuiek- saii'l where I found hi"' little shoes, and in them her farewell letter," ' (th, yes, I know well, 1 don't know how she got out of the 1 1 1 i U -sand, hut her eyes are as i-liiirp as ever, nu.l she recognized ino at the , lirst gl Alice. " "I thought hho wn-i dead, 'atln:t -Clarence- I s'.ieiir to you I did.'' "Ves, lean see vou were deceived, just as she was; but now wo have met again, nud hho means to give mo i trouble." "Hut yon fdiall do her just ice, Carlos yon shall. 1 loved my little sister, you remember, and had she rnme to mo had she not left me at all, I lavi r would have kept your secret." "Well, you v ill keep it now," re turned Stanley, with a sereno triiu- I n i 1 i t y that never failed to overpower his companion, "and there is no occa sion for worry about your little sis ler. ,She has feathered Iter nest in the downiest m iiiiior she is tho wife 1 nf the mo-.t 11.. Mr, tho I Mill til vou Hi lmholt.:, and I couldn't marry her over again now, to save nil our lives, t Mi the contrary, 1 w ant to iiiarry some ouo tdse understand me, Van, I want to in irry this sumo one else; nud now , do vou sen what is the matter?'1 "Vou love her?" gasped Van Tai'sel, "Vou want to marry I'nlorcs Meiiihoa because you love her, and you know it mi l ndiiiit it?" "True as truth itself X have only just found it int., nn, to-night. I may have hu 1 of it before, hut I didn't know what it meruit, the .lcusatiiiii wns so new nud delightful. Oh, 1 tell you it i.s the real thing I troiiiblo and choko at tho ight of her 1 feel good and tioblu when I'm in her presence. I would do nuylliin ;, everything, only to win nil iippiovm smile from that girl." "1 wiirno.l you not to let her gain a power over you," said Van Tassel, gravely. '".She will never love you, nud now you have lost your only uhance of gaining anything from her.' "I tell you will gaiu her. After nil I liavo learned from these mighty tomes" and ho waved his hand to vard the books brought to him at vnri us times hy the professor "shall 1 not bo able tj inouueri.o ouo slight girl?" "Xo, imt if she possesses over you th it power which is greater tliun all other the eternal magic of human love. Let her alone, my W-y, and keep nway from her, for she will never return your love. She is too fur above you, and you can neither bring In r dnwu to your level nor can you rise to hei-i. lrop mesmerism mid all be longing to it ; vou are idaviiig w ith lire, and will mnely bum your hands, lVr the sake of old times, nud niuco Celes tino is olive uud well and, perhaps. hrtpny, I wiil give von a word of good advice, though you have not deserved it from me. Marry the pretty Miss Polly, who loves you, and bo good to her, nud give up the iinpossibl Wretched, tol loi il and l rolell-dow u w retch us 1 am, t have known great power, though 1 have lost it; bat ymi know nothing, Clarence, on the great subject, and you never w ill. Neither your mind nor vour heart can grasp it. It a pure and noble pur pose, a miud above this lower world and a heart tree from all passion either for woman, gold or vengeance. Only uucli can uuecee.t; all others are bound to fail." Stanley bur.-t into clear, ringing laughter. "Weil done, Van. I set you ci your little hobby-horse, and you have ha 1 a ino J little ca'.itet . So; cu! Now come o'V and take a rest." He was already m iking the well ku uvi and iiui'i'sitod mesmeric passes; and Vim Tassel, who had ex hausted the l'ltiul energy bestowed on him by the stimulus of opium, was iiuickty under the power of his mai ler's will, end presently lay back in 1 1 is chair, unconscious, the hclples victim if the strength that has no con science. Statilev's face had become fiend il.O to its concentrated rpi .so:i .-! :J.l aud cruel sel.ioUucss. , "Why have you not been Ticrc every duy, its I commanded you?" he nfked, "Jiccauae I found tbr.t 1 could re sist your will." "What gave you that power " "1 aa'.v that your will was under t!i;3 iiilliieiieo of a higher will." "Is it so now?" "Not nt this moment; the vil in your nnt hid is now predominant r all other ipialities.itud it is tho strong est pal t of you ; it controls me through the worst part of me, which responds to it." "Through I I can also control !) lores?" And the speaker's voice was almost tremulous with eagerness. "Never! Her nature is too purJ and V.olile- so line that it even at tracts Jl lie iiniull lcuiiiftul of good in yours. Vou can only overcome her through fear. Her feminine eon I is so ih li'Mto I hat you may terrify her, hut she is protected hy all high and noble aspirations, and though you can trouble her, it is through her lovo for her friend. There are moments when like fears you w hen ymi are cut in !y evil and when she thiinks from you the most, then she i.s im-i-t nt your mercy, for womanly terror overcomes her, and she has le.t yet learned her own power. I!ut, beware! For il is as I have told yon, uud ymi arc piny ing with lire." Stanley smiled disdainfully. "Thanks," he said, lightly. "Ad vice grutis, but not appreciated, as usual. You have saved in. a heap of trouble, Van, iu humming up the knowledge of this library of the oc cult sciences with which yoil huvcpio' vulcd ino, and which makes my head spin when 1 try to read it, I prefer to take my wisdom iu small and con centrated doses. Wait u minute and I will lot you go. " lie went ipiickly lunar. I nl.iiieau iu tho further part of the room, and when he returned, In carried a slender dagger about a loot long, which lm had drawn from tho sheath In I.I in his other hand. "Vou l'lvoguizo it, Van," he said. "Vou remember giving it to me when I lost the other one. It ha i your name imgraved on the steel. I have : lu it it ever sine as a souvenir of our 1 friendship. I am going to lend it to you, but he careful of it, I couldn't hear to have it lust." A convulsive shudder hhook the un conscious professor from hea l to foot as Stanley, having relumed the dag ger to its shea! !i, now placed it care- ! fully in the half closed hand thai tell i over the nrm of the chair. ' Put it in your pocket, Van, and keep it carefully till wanted.'' Van Tassel's lingers idowly eheed Upon thn object he felt within his ha.'nl, lull he seemed to null. a deter mined effort to disobey the hitler pint of the order. A cold dew of terror was on Ins brow, Ins i loiitn twisted in n I i I I V lilld his ( Vi ll.i l twitched; and, raising his arm forcibly, he i.trovo to ding the dagger from hi:.i; and he muttered: "Nn, no; I will not! Though you should summon the powers of hell to I help you, I w ill not obey:'' Hut his lingers r .'maiued closed, and his ut iu presently ilr-'pped back, powerless, anil lay drooping over tliu : I arm of the chair. , "Vou mistake, Henri," ."aid the voice of Slaiilev, cold nud ineim -ii.g : and irresistible to the soul tluit heard j it. "I hnid put the dagger in your pocket and keep it safe till I bid you 1 use it. Ihi you understand?" j "I understand," moaned tho victim, j "And you obey?" j "I obey." i His hand moved itiichly toward the inner pockit of his coat, and the dag- . gcr was cai efully concealed there. j A few in i n ii t s later, Proles.-or Van Tassel was silting up, pale and trembling, but ipiite awake, helpless- j ly ga.'.ing into the smiling face ef hi ; mioter. I "It is ipiite an easy matter to mes I iiierio you now," paid Stanley, j "Alter this, I shall be able to c.iitr'oi ; you at a distance. Vou will obey my thoughts," Van Tassel shivered till his teitli ; chattered. "Clarence, ymi are merciless," ho , iiaid iu a husky whisper. "Not a bit of it," laughed Stanley. 1 "lie a goml dog, and vou w ill hint me ' a kind muster. Ah, before I luri t . it!" 1 He drew out a handful of gold and bills and dropped them into the shak ing, outstretched hand of tho miser- ; able wretch before him. "Ainl now go home andilcep. T have hud enough of you for to nk l.t, professo"'." ' Ho unlocked the door and llung it open, and as he again closed it on the ; retreating form of Van Tassel l.eouco more turned the key and shot tho bolt. i "Happily, he cannot pass through bolls us well ns locked doors," ho said, with a grim smile; "or else, ! poor old Van, I think he won 1 1 like to eonio back and use the dagger now, or, at least, when he finds that he has it. " to in: roM'iM'ni. . 'I'h l uhl.-.l int.rr lii lite Wei 1.1. It seems ridiculous that the nation that is least aide to make u- e of them should possess the fastest toipedo boat ttud the fastest cruiser iu the ; world. The famous Sehiehau firm re cently built a toipedo boat for China which made Uo.'J knots per hour, and now the Armstrongs have completed a lltiK-tou cruiser, the "Hai Tien," which has made a natural draft speed , of '-'-'.Ii kt.oti and a toiced dra't speed of 'J 1. 1 knots per hour. This i is tho record for a warship, or, in-' deed, for any k;nd ol ship of that si.'e. If the "list lieu'' could maintain, that speed across the Atlantic situ I would make the passage m about fuiir ; davs and a half. --Scicittiii.' American. 11, Jl I :icat lui, .ivu. heckbuins aivvuys indicate c of character in si-iue dii'cc- immm 5. ,riKKVrX..ftJDLE.K.' sj7T Tlu'le lived III I lull I. V e.i I.-. 1IU' i, Ail ii'ld iii in.oi.1ii iii. l.le 'elllper .l ! I -1 I -! V Till V I'.llle l hull Nil .ill MM lie M.lllil.'lisl lloi.'ll .Ii t h.'el'oWili SU'Cl l." ill si .is II nt il.ilh 1. 1. .ul. And h Mi-e. i ;miiiii-..i iu:y mid straight, Win. Ii nine wo- Li ,i'!uc-t red. I'll I ll in Ii III .ill t he .1.1 ! .111.1 r nil, 111 i.OIIIIM .lll't I'l ilelV, It s! Mien, il -l.m Ii nil Ii I lie -l inn', :id I'llne.l ,i envy hue; Ainl h!.l .1 I lileh'l I . '.Il.le. n Inle.'. .111.1 Nll.n-iO. .111.1 lillllhl. l! Ar.i:,,e, Ml -,ll I In... I to Ins Is, 1 1 I ill il he hiiiiml. Hill linen t lie r. iii. If hlull Mi-, yelli.u inli ne Inunr d'Oin, 't ilt nut hint: ui t it.. i inhiriii W.l seen, hlit III I Ins rl iul n. Till- rul.e mi he.i ill I lieriinie, In ...Hid !: w ill.. And o'er t In- iui i.f ii he Ii :i'd In .nn. ! e ! in lii'. . 'Die 1 .11 .- ill. I ell. It'll i. .Old l lllllli 'l It. in Ami inn-lies ;it linn .ixt . And i died him sh.ilil.v Sun .ill sin, lie went ill .e:jiie.r pa-i . 'I Ii m.di Ah ,-,u hi I did oil. ii hull Al i i lit I je-i ami . er. 'Hi" iv Inle he wore ih. n I 'l-nl c .;u the I. nl- tl.l.l lie'. l' I I.Mr .Ainl -o. one i'e.l Uil .lull' ll IV . The i. i ti 1 1 :i - i.niiiil Ah -in "Let ii- ,i lit i le inn Willi i In- uM iii. tnlai in." And n i'I'ihl' no .intnicd :i I .reii To Ah in'- pre i.tii- iiii ne. III ii It t -1 1 1 1 lol'lll .1 III 1 1 1 . oil html, Till V he. Il l .1 llol-e, .mil V. !levv ! TlleV ..!.'. ll -.11. Il'olll .'111 I hell' sljlll I in no iii i! one .unl -.inelo'. W hile n'.T tin if hi a N. I'l llllj -.ll-, I Ii V. pice I lu- i-li. i!.. A 0 ll .enl il ; li'l.ilii he iii. I i" '!.iile, Th. . I . ml ul-1 ii. And lir Hoi .it-, and iir. ;ui.l l. .y-. Went -jLti ni- Sin i Ii - i i - Vee h's I 'iuiii,itii..ii. Hu iii.' I'.. inih of -linv. .it W ill.ivv-i.i in---. Ho. lo t- .nid r.u-!..'t are iiinl" l In- ihiii'J. I or on 1 1 1. 1 1 il.iv I lie i h..s ol ims Aie piles in powder .m l in if- ol nui-e. Tlml ll was ti hoi day mattered iioth ing. l";in li' eil l lie lirsi i raeker in day break, uud kepi ill) the e.innuliade till breakfast lime. Aller this lie and the girls were busy getting ready for cum puny. T h cousin-, eiiiiie in lull force, eifihl of the lir.-l class, till yhls. and fmir of the second il-nree. tin sc. luckily. Inn iuu two l.ovs In their number. Pan h it l he way to Sylvan Pell, nnd the eelehrat Ion, w hich began on the sir rival ui' the pally, was wnriliy of the day. A pule was set by I he buys, a Ihm run up ami a saline tired by the whole parly. I.ouis took i !i.ire,e of Camp Cum furl. whli some ul' the lesser ejlis for helpers. Kilt i i. who I . ; . 1 1 1 with lillli ll enthll shtsm, di lipped pi el l.v soon inio a slut teieil nook. and. lindiiu a hook, which, by folic of halut, she h id tiuked un der her at in. she was sunn absorbed in its pane. The rest of I he i;il N possessed them selvis of Poplar 1 u.le tiiid beati put-in.-; that mansion in order. 't he boys I'dunm-il to till outdoors, mil, at ome In loin lo till their dutnaiu Willi lilekel. I ian had liitilt ihvssiut; ineins, so, ;i sunn as I. allium suits could tic ilutiueil mm AN Iff THB WAV. the waters of Silver Lake received ihem. and it- waves were souu any thing but silvety. as the vigorous youngsters k i kul mid spraw led among ll.i'tii. I he e a ei- lose so high as lo run over the d un In a way, which caused tin dripping boys to lr ...... funs .ii ee , I Mu was iu h - I'lenieiil today, ami tl . -o'lmt w av - i : o.lii, id by hisiuh,. . i, i-ied t,. e.b . t- vv ,:!i all ethets. it'i-l lii n -nit was u.usioli. Was ph li- lIlt I'M ilellu nl for little girl- ui wailing Hm taking ts of the Cuimi.-nli Itiver, w 1 1 i ! llder olies !-,!, i the wNllitlg Well at ii I heir fun iiih - ' .'Hid by the mi-iress of W illuvv- : .iniieiileil. uiih I mils il s mid La tin. I the gay rumpmiy. reehul .-nnl sal ilovvn lo ii b.-iiupiet nt Camp ui t. ll a ilililiei : I in ymi huw eli'll file i:lili-l fare Itlstes W hell eaten out of ilonis, with sung and laughter'.' Von inn well imagine, tlnti. TIir.Y HV.T '"'I'' IU" HI TS, 1'IN Wltlll.l.S ASH SKV KCIIKAMI'IIS. bow delicious wns ihi- boitnt ii'ld picnic spread. I.eliiumnlo ran tree; lliere was i.-e erealii galore, nud the cake ii in big sli'S S lilld often passed. There had he n mishaps, of euttr-e Marie showed a lent I'l'mk. Almuti Inn! burin d his lingers: linn's hat xva t'oimd soaklnv. in Silver e, mid .leu liie's shoes had sailed ilowu iIiiiiIiimui Kivef. Nnhoily lllillileil lhe-e lillle draw bucks, mid th" hours tlew -nifily by anil Ihe ehildi'i n were s urpri- d v. hen told il was -upper lime, and I hey niit.-t collie lo the hults.e. Ii.iu's' sound Willi- spread to nn ap palling ilisimice m thi- leui.iuler. hut its he suddenly I n to turn souu r saults l.o spi I ri -u!l lolh.wnl. So. with ehatier Mini soim (he ehildreii , I Oi.lH'il in ,o CI. Aller this all v I lo return to Sy! en I'ell. where the reloaili'lig er.-nk- el's W" l-e Minn popping. W hile inl'peilui .-' :,ili!e,l to the dill. Silver Lake had ju-l golleti Its fan smooth when into ii again plunged tin hiirum-seai'ioii boys, mnl the girls fol lowed the I llll.llisoll IllV er to its Millli e iu the big spring. Here one of th girls, retelling ten lar, l'"ll Into tin colli, deep Wilier, bin wits drawn mil. dripping, by her sisters. Tim Mnhh u dip did tin: ilepri'.- any utie. hovvevei. ainl Wiis In. I potted at Ihe house. While all these Ihitigs had ben going mi iu Sylvan I . - II the nhler peo ple had sill el. .nil ihe ml I'ouins iu le -Willowspriiig house, talking of old times mnl telling the pioneer si,, lies grandpa had lailghl Iheiii, am! which still have inie:e-t fur yuim m:il old among In- de-i eiulaul-. hell lllglll Slue on in le W ill f-elll up roi kels. pinvvh eli and ,-ky -a ream er.-, while a frc- Ii lol nt liivi raehcr- Wel'e provided illl.l li e ehihllell. Vetl-eil lo now vigor, mail.' ;'.::- hour the very lioisie-t of all. At l'i-l il wits over, ihe fun mid Ihe fireworks, the t'oa-t i and lie lie, mi l Pan mnl the Willow -pi . ng girl- bade their guests good by. iml ph a-ed with the slice. -s uf the ivlclii.iii.iu ill Sy ! Mill 1 It'll. A Xlftiioi'iittle l-'tttii th. Memorable was the Fourth of .Inly of 17s'.' in New Vic k C.i, when Prc.-i delll Ceolge Wasliiiigluti lesid. d in iili llxeciitiie Mansion iiouiiiig 1'i.iuLi.ii Siptarc. nt the northwest corner ui' Cherry street. The Society of :he Cin iinu.iii linn gave I til -I iliiiuer el the City 'I'avei'ii, now ill" site of the lint, el lillilding, on lower ILo nlw ay. with its Cresiiht.t. Cetietal lhi-.m ,!e in the iha:r: but a slight il:- ties- iii'e elite. 1 IVc-id'iil W'a-ii :ng I . n from timipyiiig ihe M-iii oi tumor. Al - exaiidcr ll.iuiillou, however. v..s a giiesl. stieakiii-' to a loa-t. .-,1, ;,oti-: Ii fatigued by having made an, -iu St. Paul's Church iu the morning w lie! c. alii Id the eoligrega ! ion. -al u e I'lc-idelit Adam-, his wile, ami Mr M.iiiha Wa-liiuginn, ainiil a brilliant as-etul'lnge of Uniekei !., kers and piibbe I un. a ..ui.ii ii's. iiuiiMitr uf Hit- I iiiulli. Alin'.hcl' suintinr of the day ,- a -ipia.e box ilaittt,!) .1, . nraied with how ul led. While illl.l blue lib Lou mid an American ll.ig. The i mi it-lii s of ihe box ptove to be elioeohi I c wafots, wh.ih iir- li'.Uch .'ij.pi'e, lati .1 hv the wnll'eti and ihihlreii of the lair, i l.v ' Ctu'eoUte t'liwoi k. Packages o; scarlet coated Fourth ol .liilv litvxvo: k- ullei i d lot sale ::t l he cotileci loticr-' windows tuui out lo i' i hoculatc "w o: k-'" uf .superior dch. a. y . I lie packages are a : : .iliged as follow : Small lirccracki ! -. ihree in a hundi. i -i in a biieeh, e.i-; "u; n -pecttvely lic ..u,t ten niiis. -.y -i xv-s )(VV -"vV--S ' , LJN , i f i ,,": -st'. I ! V-s .-v -" V., ''''-' - 'V ; iv.'v .'."V-'' ;.".' '--;.-''i -"''fry- '"'' :-'!'.'viTl.'v4. ..VVl.tSl - . liCH . --!- It I S ' eiL'Vie w Mil w TffST'leilAGl "T''.'' v-iTr'' " How .ii.'iny iif my buy ami gill re.-nl- i s can lull who Ih isy Ku-- was? How litany nm tell what she did that sin h ;i i nisi i iii shoilhl he .'islod? And yd I'.e!. v Itn-s's lialiiii ulihl lo tie falnll-i.-i- lu all of ll-. nliil ever." lillle We see the .-'tats ami Stripes llu.iiing I'fuin the llagsiah' w e shuiihl he 1. : 1 1 i ii i- 1 lil'-t that iliis Is a glorious e.uniiry We live ill, ainl. sreoln!. Hint P.elsey Itos'S. il iitii'l -st iji'iilo ;i s- ul' Philadelphia, was tiie Ills: mi to make that bountiful em I I iii. I'.et-iy i:u--'s iianio as a girl was r.liz.'il'eih OriM-om. .'lid she was born in ihe eiiy ol' Philadelphia .Imm niy I, IT.".'.'. Her I'nilie:' was a prosper i .lis huilli. l'. ami llssisled in the eree t - ill ui' Ihe Slate lloll.-e, il.ov llulepelid .lien Hall. I:', 'it Ilie lii-lfi'V u!' which. V V. i c- ys ' -. ;Ut(ir4 'elJ'.l Ll(fljH' mi a I'atiiiiiis day in 1770. rang mil ihe liii's-age nf ''.'ly In ill! Ill" World mnl lo nil the iiaiioiis ; h-r ui'." When -In- xva- tweidy utie ye.-.-. ui' i:go Pli. ul.eiii ; r i . 1 1 mai t icii .luliii Ibis-, mnl liny seirh-d down in n lntie house in Arch streei, I'liihnl 'lphla. It was in Ihi- hel:e llial the lir.-l I'tiii-d Slates l!.ig was liiio'e. ller hit-hand wa- :iu iinliol-tet'er mid Hag maker, and when he died in ITTo his wiiiow contntued liis business iu the little shop which ee.ui'ii.l the iu Hi nnuu el' her liiudes; d dluig. .i.. I t l'1- Coin ineiiinl ( ..tigress up-: pointed a i nuimil ie- eompo-od nl tL"i i ' I'l ai.'.lin. Ueii.ianiin Hairi-on 1 and Mr l.v m Ii lo icaie n Colonial ting j ' I w ..i!l, 1 n.i I lotial ill its lelideney. i hey lu'.ull.v ih. aie, 1 upon one with thirteen I:.'- ititi'.uale Vi d Mild "while V:'": -'? : INy rlll'i'l' OK IVI.PNIAI. I LAi.s. Willi tile while cresses ol St. Andiavv .Hid Si. (,'eotge in a ticld of bl'.li . 1!' s ilag was unfurled by Washington m i:. ist, m .laiiu.ity 1. 177ii. It was lu the laiter part of May. I77ii. that Washing I'll, ilccoi'ipiiiiicd by Colonel (ieolgi lo s- il liieu-i.-e: i t Coi gie- . ainl Kuh jell Mollis J.iibd Upeti Mrs. I'.elsey j , Mnmw - - ! wm m 1 rfl ' llnl'lell, I :.h .' ih-.. i mm I Ilos". II llieee el Cioliel lUc-S She WAS a yoiin.' :i Mil I" .-Hiiitiil widow, mid known lu be ill! I ..'ll ill needlework. They colic to eirieJ.-' her services lu preparing ot:r liv.-l -mrry thw. Cciici nl W'a-h.iigton iinl'iihh d a paP1'!" mi w hi. a had b ii I i.'h l.v sketeln'il a plan 1. 1' a tin.: ibii n en siripes xvilh a blue I: -Id il.oie.l v i.'.i ihirli'cn hlars. W f 1 SXfoWfr M i ---i' 1 t namVrM r . i .t u-vtir.. Ji - Jlorsr. W ill i:" i t rsv miss i.iv::d. Mrs. Addie l. Weaver, of Chicago, in a ti.o boo!: citliiled "The Story of nn:' !"i.i.." i. il-: He' hi-iory of the adop tion of 1 1. :ii tl.ig :'. Hows' There is mi i 1 1I..1I i '"li-i !-- took nli.v iic- tiull nil ll.e IKi'i' -Ul. I c, i- ill this M'S sioll I. iti 'hi iii i was made by ISi'tKcf Ite-s a: ihi- iiti.i'. Tin' proof is posi liv thn lie- i oiiluii lee uppi'oved the li'.isl.el le".; if i:.,-i.v K-i.-s. and ho ii.; ii-. t ilt t- d 'in i '.ire all ihe bunt ing p. s-llii In I 'ii-h, L luliia and make ll.ies for th- !'- iu o 1 1 " res.-. Colonel Pu-s f.ri I'i-hii.g i lie hei,i- .v. Congress was v.-ry s;"'V M .-tot. The records In. I'm' Ihe iidnp-a- dated over olio .. inaliy ci'cnicd by which Washington n .lune I I. 1777." :..,i 1. 1 tiie national hud Us own dls- iho-.e was Hie "Ap :.g. file lwu Upper . vv e'.e ll-eil ill Ihe II .11. The pine Iree liag had been ollii i.i il;. inliipieil by tin-M,-i--:n oiisetts Culuiiial A.- nibly ill April, 177'- l'ii-t to sign Ilie tieeliiriillon. '.lulin Man. oil. wa- lii" iil'sl to sign the 1 'is lit: .'. i. ' say s l.or.i I.u M.'It.ce ill ".New" l.heiineoll, 'mid his hold, leevv. inky I.!:!.', signature Is a eh:ir:'c.e.' s'n.l.v m l -.-'l There is . 1 .-!--! i am! le, . , . . .ml, "-- mnl lirnniess ill it, end liu t ; . i . iciiii. .ii s iloi.rish ill its ejii-e -h. , s ivu y n il, lirin nerve, and sure ex .ii'. u. Ilaii.-oek was Cover tier of !.:--.-.: i 1 1 i - - ii- many letins. lie left lllo-. ! I.i- lol'llllle III colleges and for belie", oh Ul pill'; use-. "I! .gcr SI;. : men did in I7!.'!. Ihe -.inio year e- Hal o, ... Shoemaker, survey.' . la-.vy- -to. . '.ceper. Mayor, I 'i.ngi .---iiian. .Ii:.l-e ami Supreme .i'.:i!',o. :'-ei:a i.-r nn ml .er !' Ihe Com tiiitiee ,.i' 1 '. . '..i.aiioii jiinl of the P.oai'i1- oi' War end n alliance, be dis prove.! ihe old prove"!' ahum .laek-of-a!l-ti::di by I cing a -ueee-s at nil. He w.i- s -.!, oi .-. pi.-iet'.ciil, and of ijni. !,e-: wit. S-ua'or Ita'ii'.olpli. prnud - :;i '-..ii Tulle hirlli ami ot I h ... oi' the Indian Princess . in in- v ti-. despised Sher- i hav nm i IWaln" uni 1 !. - l.ov iy l igiu I Mice he in- when ih i.-rrnp, e Ton l!"- u f : Connecticut n il ire.' uipcd I..- lirill. s.ircastl.? , oo e. -what he wuh hi- leather shoemaker-- apiou when he came to 'lice:, ::- a l'::-'i lame the answer, 'I cut i; up n make nnn ea-ins for the Indian S.-n. troin Virginia"" I tit 1 1 i inpi'-Hititi-. .lininiy "ii'v. r know dm hrccraekcrs xv '.:.'. :ttvei:t, ,1 ', y i i i s V " foiuiuv " A vv -,..'.. ii -r '.: iv in' us? "y, de I 'h uk- ioui'1 . , ! bv.'.ie do I'oltrt'."- i VV VoVk .1 ' II VIII I ! I Wi'lie l,a .nn- il',i liialit I r.nklT.

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