ljc !mil)mn ttcroib. sift i vn ,,c !;at!)am cc- H. A. LONDON, Kditor and Proprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- One f t:uro, one insoitioii One ni i'irc, iv.n insertions Out' nj mi e, i.iju uii '-' I:or Larger A-ivcrl isc mcnts Libera! 'Jon tracts will be mad.. VOL. XXIV. l'lTTSBQUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, AHUTST 7, 11.02. NO. XJ V -4, U W & 9 t "-v V 4' V 's pmsh (reasdre, .J- :!C-1 - - C ( ? A NOV LL. ( , (ISAllELLA CASTELAR.) v (Corrridlii, 1.2 Mi 1?:, y CHATTF.!! XXIII. oniixii:i). Mary Hamilton had. from the. mo ment of their first meeting, felt Hieh runlideuce in Dolores Unit, tin she had tilvvaysi declared, her very presence was trnn.iuilizing ami gave her a feel ing of strength nml neeutity, as if her spirit wore rained above the ordinary, very-O'iV world. She oxiieiienced Unit ellect now, wit h mi indescribable i-"'.iiio of being restored to life and J happiness, much a if she hud been uwakciicd from a horrible but too real dream. fSho could not forget the words si 10 had heard, but, nui ely, she ! had strangely misunderstood' the ! meaning of them. Sho sank back I again into her chair, Imt she drew j Dolores down beside hrr, and, with lu r iinit close about her, she said in a ; jiiestioning voiee, but with a maimer j tf perfect faith: ! , ' '1 heard bis words, dear, lie said ' Unit be loved you, and- oil, l.orita-- ' tlmt he had never loved any other woman!" "I know it, Maruja - but it was idle talk-that man never really loved j me he is not ivpahle of il." Mary drew away from her a mo- j tnent and looked nt her quest inn iuly ; mi l Dolores paused in what she hud been saying. She had been temple 1 to add: "Ho is incapable of loving any one. and it is profaning the word to speak it with his name,-' but aim ' felt tb.ul this would be useless now; ! fo f"ar, opposition to Clarence Stanley , '.ad, m is usual in ditch cases, only ' in. Teased I'olly Hamilton's mission. 1 With a half impatient nili Dolores ' continued: ; "What he imagined to bo hi j love ' for me is limply a mania to possess the groat treasure of the Mendozas n treasure w in -h does, indeed, belong to me if it is ever found, and which no man or women can truly possess and keep 3.cept through it rightful owner; but I hhall never seek it. The man you nro unfortunate cnouirh to love. -Vmuja, sees in me simply the iios- 'eisoi' of untold treasures, tlio charm of which is, perhaps, increased and exaggerated by the romantic family lib-lory of which I gave him thrt de tails. How I regret that I did so! Ilow I wish I had thou understood myself bolter -as 1 do now. I hoped the story of tlio wicked and treacher ous l'ed ro Mctido7.ii might have been ' u warning to bim " I "l.oi ita!" interrupted I'olly, re- j proaehfully. "You are very bitter j against Clarence." "That c:i;iu it be newu to you, Maruja; you have known from tha first my aversion toward Mr. Stanley, j It is not merely that I do not and ! Jiever could under any circumstances j love Clarence Stanley that gives no : idea of my fccliug in the matter 1 loatho him!" She would have said more, but olio f:iw that any further conversation would lend to more than sho now wished to say; and, risiuu; hastily, sho !iis:.ed Mary hurriedly, but with pas Mounto tenderness. Then she has tened from the room. Hut, before t losiug tlio door, she oaiuo back and look I'olly Hamilton once more in her rnius; and the girl remembered after ward that sho embraced her solemnly. "Adieu, Maruja!" sdio said. "My (no dear, truo friend. Lovo mo al ways, Maruja, and never forget me! Dear girl!" Sho drow her passionately to her heart, aud I'olly felt a strange sadness in that embrace, as if her friend were naying a Ion farewell instead of gu iu to her room. Scarcely bad Dolores gone wheu Mrs. llamiltou sought her daughter; aud if I'olly had not beeu sunk iu thought sho would have seen at a (.lance that her mother was iu a state of suppressed excitement, of a differ ent naturo from the painful anxiety vhich had been distressing uer iu re gard to Tolly's mysterious illness. Sho put the eveniug's paper iuto the hand of I'olly aud pointed to tho paragraph which she had found of Mich engrossing interest, aud Mary lead it: "Waiito l Tlie heir to an Eu-ttlis'u carl ilmn. Tim eiililo brings us tlio uiuvs this iiitnriiouii of the dent li of I.onl Appletiy ion! Ills onlv cliilil. a I'eiiuttful ami inter- sIIiik bov of six years. Lorl Appletiy I wilt IU" ei.ieai smi nun lu-ir ui m" r,m u Windermere. A sec.m.l son, the llmi. rlareii -e Sttiulev. If still living, is now t tin hrir to t!n tlllu and e.uates, hut notlilng lias 1 1 heard of htm for many years, and it t-i supnoso'l tUnt ho ili'id In t'.illtor nia, where no was l ist lieard of. Fatting an liuir In tli direct succession, tho title and estates will puss to adistaut branch of ttie family." Volly dropped the paper with a fifih' , , "ilow unfortunate! she said. " Tul'ortuuate?' " repeated Mr?. Hamilton. "Yes; if I had thought of forgiving riarenee. T wouldn't sav so aw; it ,V',. ill io 1" !! -'-'-I - b.. by b- " 'W.ll! l:.:ij:.- , ':';' ' Claieiiee i'.iiiM e-r ii.is'd.ikc ' "' " ' tives! I Joes h'j :et love bi'ii'.'" "Ho may have kn hitherto, fi.r Heaven I him once. Hut my ! 11 severe wrench, a thinking deeply, tor I.'i'i M" -iima 1 di i lov, no .vs. ling-1 ha-0 b-. id I l.ave b. e. a few mi 111:1 'nst there v.a mice i;il: 10:1 me. that scene upsi t me I: lit the time 1 itii Mis I leliiilioltz. v, ,1 "1 e ; loi'i 1 11 1 to .1 I: .xyusense, roily:'' vxci.iime- Mi Rimgnr B !' IS -S.) ifaiuib Are yo'i lo-dnr vonr reives? J s ( 'hiror.ee to blame because a half crazy ci eal i'.rc--yoii called her rn yotusc! I imagines a resemblance biliee'i him and her dead husband?" "And I beard him making love to I'.ila. She declares he didn't mean it, but. I heard hi.-. ,vord; all the same; end though she repulsed him, and nhe did repulse him, r.nd she loathes him: N'ir'.v, mamma, you know there must bo something very wrong about a man when a girl like l!ta rays, (bat idle loal lies him ." Mrs. llamillon fell herself ready to choke willi the revulsion of feeling caused by these inexplicable words, and Ibiding language iiiadciiuatc to express the cb:!otie colldilion of her nun 1, she v.-a i reduced to silence. li'.il l!ii. e.iitld not continue. Sho f. lt that idle must speak before I'olly should (rive utterance to t oinctliili!; vi t more incomprehensible, and, by a h-ippv ehanee, she rememberad Doc tor Mae 1 ) oiial I's prescription. "My dear." she sai'l, "you bavo had a trjin-; day, and 1 think you me feveii h. I will to prepare the iii'di.-ine the doctor ordered. You Know you pioiiii"ed to take it.'' And I'olly drank ihe bitter ntulV, making iiuhiv wry faces as she did no; and Mrs. Hamilton put her to bud and tucked her in as she had itono when she was a little child, and then she Hat by her tdl she fell asleep. Alter that sin' talked over with her husband the f.u ei;;u news which had so interested her, ami incidentally Mie mentioned th:it there Irid been "some mysterious kin I of aouaml" between the lovers. "And I'olly is mighty cool about it," she concluded, "and perhaps it is jui-t as w ell she is, for it w ill I ach Lord t'laienc- Stanley a lesson. Hut that is no 1 1 asoii why we, you and I.mydear, should not write to Clarence and oiler our congratulations." "Congratulations!" laughed Mr. Hamilton, "eoii''ratiiliite n man on the death of bis nearest relatives?' "Very well, then- -condolence!" said Mrs. Hamilton, "lint what is the use of hiiiubuV We know bow they nil bate each other in that fam ily. Hut to send a message to Clar ence will be sure to bring him here, and if I'olly once sees bim she will forgive bim as soon as be ask i her." "All riht," said Mr. Hamilton, w it h easy Rood nature. "Suppo.su I pi over t i the hotel ami call on Clarence? Tlmt will bo the best way, mid inci dentally I'll tell It i in I have something about this Chicago business to talk with him about to-morrow." ".lust the tiling!" assented M.rs. Hamilton. And when her husband had started on this mission, sho save herself up to dreams of the future fjlory of the youug Countess of Wiu dermcre. cii.vrrnu xxiv. LoVl'.'s MAIITVIIIIOM. Mary Hamilton said truly when she told her mother that sho had expeii enced a revulsion of feeling in regard to Clareueo Stanley; but wishing to spare tho heart that had ever loved her entirely, sho had not told all the truth. Sho had, indeed, been shocked aud horrified by the words she had heard him speak to Dolores; ami sho had, insensibly, thought a score of things too terrible to put into form in regard to tho apparent reeoiinition of him by Madame Hclmholtz. It was well enough for Dolores to insist that Stanley did not lovo her that his avowal was prompted luciely by his passion for money and his de sire to gain possession of the mysteri ous and wonderful Mendoza treasure! Hut the tones of his voice still rang in Tolly's ears, and tho passionate in tensity with which ho had declared his love was in striking ami very pain ful eoutrast to tho tranquil and common-place manner that had ever characterized his love-making to her 1 elf. Ail the evening, after her mother hail left her for her sleep was 10011 over and far into the night, Mary llamiltou reviewed her ac ijiiaintauce with Clarence Stunley; r.nd much that had so often seemed '.trange, even to her partial judgment, honed no loo i.eariy now -out in . . , , 1 "ark and bin 1 c. I.u . o;i, urn: iiiu groaned the nnlia'.iiiy girl, wiitiiing in pain so 1 eal that it waswor.-e 10 cndiiro tlmn oliysieat i-utt'ci iu: "Is it you whom I have loved above a'l oioer womcii' except my mither is it you, dear i : i t a T that has biv.gHt me this g.tr.t r if row? l'oi' it i idle to conceal Horn my.-eit' tint tim bdtei est drop n t'ni.i n'ost bitter cup ! t'.ii? knowledge tin". Clareueo love l!ibi ;vid has iicmt loved me! Aaiu aad arain, through tb.exvo.iiy v. akjds of tim nts'at, did ti "o thoughts, in every eoiicoivable vari.i ti.in, ohaso each other through this poor gill's t n fired fancy, till, quite worn out. at last she tell asleep liom exhaustion: but not until another an 1 yet sadder day hud already begun to da vn. It was late in the morning, and tho household bad already breakfasted, when Mary Hamilton awoke to that poignant realization of ever-present suffering which comes liko a dagger thrust on lirst returning to wakeful ness after bitter sorrow. She wol.e with a loiig ibawu, moaning siujli - a sound which struck, like a blow, her I mother, who wiis . Inudlii'.; bc-ide tlm 1 J bed, waiting for tl.o dear i j'ts shj ' loved to ur.che c. ; "Oil, mamma!" exclaimed 1'ollv, : with a rush of recollection uUkIi rent, tlie tears to henye.i; an 1 tlicn, ea1!'!! in; the distressed look mi Mr, Ham ilton';! fie'e, the daughter bravely smiled throiifdi her bars, though w i 1 1ft rt siukiiifr heart, for she saw in one swift glance a m w mid lit Icily desperate sorrow in her mother's face, "How soundly I have slept!" sho exclaimed, w ith an nlli eiatiou of en tire forgetfiilm ss of the past night and nil it.s Mill'i ring. "It is lomj ' s'liice I have sh pi so late iu the morn- in;'. J crimps 1 t-1 t 1 1 r.etually lie- come a fashionable girl it t last and plccp as late as licitlm Sefton. Hut. what is the matter, lenmina. dear? You look troubled about something, No accident to any mie, I hope? What new misfortune has come upon us? 1 1 ns iiuv harm come to Clarence? Is he ill? Is he deal?" "Would to heaven that he had been lea l before you ever saw his false and treacherous face!'' exclaimed Mrs, llamiltou. bitterly. "Ah! Then he is not ihvvl! Thank (iod for that !" cried Mary, as she sud denly sat up iu In "I, ns if that very thought had brought renewed life and xirciigtli. Mrs. llamillon realized more aciilelv ' than befoi-e bow lo r child's very lit.) I seemed wrapped in Ihe welfare of the I man win had. u-. .--he now felt eon I viuiiv'd, horribly an I cruelly deceived I them all from lim very first day. ' 'Since Clarence is not dead." Mary j went on, with forced calmness 11111, ! iili?3 oblivions of the fact that she ha 1 j but a few bonis ago expressed almo: t ! entire indifference to him, "nothisi : ! can be so veiy bad. is he ill, then? I las any accident happen'', I to him?" i ".'m far 11s I know, he i i well and ; safe. Ho is mire to take exceedingly j good care of him.-', Ii at all limes, and j more especially now .sine be I as be j come bor.l Stanley and the heir to a:l j earldom," said Mrs. Hamilton, In 1' j words aud tones unconsciously betray i iug increased bittcrncs. " is not j of Ijord Stanley that ! have come to I speak, I'olly, dear. At leuM, not of j bim fust. Dolores ha.-' " 1 "Kiln!" exclaimed Mary, sharply, a ! strange mixture of relief an 1 alarm iu ! h. r voice. "Oh, mamma, dear, no 1 harm has come to Kiln?" ! "No harm has come to her," ans- wered Mrs. Hamilton, with smiling ; and bitter contempt. "You dear, in I noceiil child! No one is sacrificing life or comfort to spare you, though you would have died for eitbel of them. Dolores is neither dea l imr ill nor i living. She ha:i .simply eloped. That's sd'l." "'Kluped'" repented the girl, I stupidly, lis though t he word possessed ; no meaning tor he;'. " '1 ".loped !' And 1 with whom !" ! "Aye, with whom? Thai is the j iiiestion. l!ut there can be little . doubt now aa to the companion of her : liig'i t. She h gone, and be is gone, I too, mid Ihe nalural inference is, after what took place yes terday, that they i have gone together. Dolores, tho girl ! of w limn you ma do a sister the girl ! whom I treat, d as a daughter aud i loved next to yourself has eloped ! with the man who was betrothed to 1 y.ri. Clarence. Stanley au.l Dolores I have goue together." 1 "I'll never believe it!" exclaimed .Mary llamiltou, "I could not believe it! So, not if sho stool hero before . me and confessed the perfidy with her own litis. She is nil truth nml honor. (-...meo mav-yes, although I have 11 iorcii 111:11 1 wiiiiuiuiii unit I iiireueo Stiinh ' may be false; but Dolores never!" Mrs. Hamilton smothered an im patient sigh. She could no! compre hend her daughter's devotion t.i this stranger, now that Dolores was, uitn oiit doubt, proved her rival, aud also her suceesslul rival; for Mrs. Hamil ton ha I reasons, not yet given to I'olly, for feeling ipiite convinced thai Doloro! had grossly imposed on those who had in every way sought to be friend her. "Tell 1110 all there is to tell about Dolores," Mary continued, after a few moment's silence. ' It is little enough, but it means a greit ileal," said Mrs. llamiltou. 1'rances, the girl who specially wait ed on her, give 1110 this letter but. a:i hour aT;o. Head it for yourself. " S ic hurriedly smoothed out a crumpled paper and gave it iulo her d.iu ;htei's tremulous hands. To nr. ioxrist i-:ii. I'io'Iimi I'.ill -Heal-ill siioart. A Connecticut man is the inventor f a ball-bearing shears for use by ar'ii is, tailors, etc., which is at lmt e.u ioMly, Two annular series of .Hi-.-, are oi.-posed in tho pivotal con 11 cli"ii of the shears, which pivotal .1 iiiieoliou couipi ises an annular ball eat, from the centre of which pro cess a short "boss" inter orly thread ed to receive the pivot yclcw, the hea l .; riiie-'.i is formed to n re a partial .lb e.einiiel. When the two slu,:r .eiabtis nie feciire l together thi ra 1. .1 double re. ic ot b ills involved, a i ,!! 1 1 em elV;i friction i.ud i'leieae. liic cutting capacity ot the n.stni-m-11!. l'hcr Ott'l be n adily a lutsted 7 t. tha an I it claimed fo.' ot bec m.' 1 : :i They a re sail el", in the experi ha v been ma 1 .1 xletit in thin Ne.v ikel - t'11 . .nee unci to . CiU. An 1 Mill He I-lv-. 'i the go-.. 1 oil days when there rt :e Mich thing': as 1: u se ears and po fu eouducto. th" following icpuitea :!! oveihcai.l on a downtown car: 1 o::.ii. ti! "i'.eg pardon, sir, but Ul Mchel 11s a phi:: 111 it. !'.:.-.ciigi .- ""I hat's ail right, con .i. loi ; ,1 oas the car." -Chici'g'j ! vv a. iiaits nml im. il 1 UK lir.-t problem in road mak ing i-hoilld be to keep the water oil the resftdway. lbleiia Vista Advocate. No, that N imt ihe iir.-t pr The lirst Is lo provide Ihe lilem." ! money i Willi whieh to pay label- and buy 111a- j chiiier.v for srrading, ilitiliin1.', 1 -nts!i-ing stone, rolling the mw roadbed, ete. Where Is that to i-otne from? Nowhe re i-Ne- of course but from the pockets of ihe 1 1 ople, in Ihe shaoe of 1 axes. I'm. it is going to I a.-der to do 1 li is than it ever was boi'iue. The Legislature if imt at the ad journ' d session. He'll at the next sic sioti will pass a law taxing railio.nl franchises, and thai probably will 1 li able il to re.ln.e Siaie i axes from fo ly 10 thirty n-nis on the .un. We are as-ureil by Mr. Class and Mr. i Lill'l - iy i'l the rc lew of Ihe enliven lion's work which they publi-hiil. 1I1.1I this can be ib :'e. and. as is well known, tiie railroad "lep.inies have :n ipt'i'sced in Ihal form ol' taxation, thim-.h Ihe 'iiite" to be i 1 I '- I is ye lo he set- llcil. And ii' ihiii rcibietion be made 1 Cll.ll 1: on behalf of lee ri al c:-S:l owner. I e 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 Mould mil t! iiulry people be will-! "Tho sw iror: ol n-s to inei'c.i-e their road taxes? We'iloiie ihu-: 011 s.'etiin: believe many of I hem would. box he U11. ; !s down. So this seem.' to be all opportune mo- ' ,, r being pla-cd in hi tiieni for tin set to work money they liicml.s of good roads to 10 secure ihe addilional lie. il to inaugurate n use- fill and w id U hiell III" g-i pic.id system, without 1 roads movement oan- p. for 1 hi nil St Sill isl'aetol'V re A stigge.-Liiu has been made, and repeated over ami eft. thai the licncral Assembly omihl to lend a helping baud to Ihe good loads movcim-nt by appro priations from ihe State treasury -thai Is, that Virginia .should contribute Hi the road funds of those rminiics v. 'hieli show a disposition to help them selves ami which comply with such leijiiirciiieiiis as may be laid down by stiilnie. No doiilii, proposil ions of that character will be heard of in ilie Legis lature soon. Indeid. We sll-pcct that when ihe Legislature reooiivcms !ov ernor Mout.-ii'iie will give expression to his views nli iig that line. In his in anginal .iddirss he deail wiih prim-i-pN s of gover en', r.iiher than de tails, it was uiidersiooil 1 Inn that laser on he would send to Ihe Legis lature a message ile.-:ii:g with many mailers of o aimatnling Slale inler i si. 'i'iiat of good roads will no doubt be found among them, though we do no! timlortake to forecast the 1 out- ii'eiiila.ions bo will make. We are llioie iliclimd 10 (he belli r 1 1 1 : 1 1 he will di-cii-s Ibis qiieslioii ill his message from 1 he I'.i. l that he is at this very lime ailep.'ling the good reads conveu 1:0:1 m ('harlcsicu. S. C, where he may galln-r a good ileal of p'formatioii on what has bei iuic a ic.'e.miized eel eiice. We repeat, that xv'ion State laxes are reduced ihe lime will he ausph ions for the eoiiniry taxp.-iveis to decide if they cannot afford to increase their road mx levies. - liiehuiniid tVa.j Din p:;t h. tin Wo Want (.oo.l llmulii? i'f :: id roads oratory Virginia has h::d much: of reel, practical work iu road building very little. It is money thai makes the mare go, nml il is money thai ecuviris bad roads into .good ones. The Slate of Yirsrinia now has in her ireasuiy a surplus of S'Tiio.umi ,,r ."fsiiii,. Ii'iii. Some of that might be used to encourage road building. It is expeeliil that Slale taxes will be reduced from forty to thiily mils on the .-li::i. Smile of this sax lug could he applied lo the eoiiniry road ''uiuls. In several counties 11 is pro posed that that shall be done. So it would .seem Ih" limes tire au spicious for raising the money to inau gurate a r.. v road system in Virginia. And tiie way 10 encourage counties to -I" ml more money on their roads is lor tiie Slate to contribute something 1 1 every dollar raised on county ac count. This -ystem js in lira. -tin- in .om" other Stales, and is said to work v eil; has proud. Indeed, a great in - ii'ii.iii' to taxpayers to agree to have 1 their ro id laxes increased. With .1 scrplus ill the Stale treasury, wi h Ilie pi-.uiii.se of lower Stale taxes, 11 o v.- I ; I lie 1 .11 e to make a start ill road build. : g Ami the im ney end of the proba m is ihe .11. 1 at which to begin, if v,e would work it nut satisfactorily. In short, if we really wish good '"!' ' we 111 list put ui th" money for '.him! Li. bmeml iVa 1 lMspatch, Tin l.ll.s is Uriel. T.'r"t'i-;v.ii! t 'o'iomd l-'room Tatf.umi, I I- :-o. 1 1 ieiee.leiil-IJcOi.VMt of lo.li-'.li A'. -'- in 'ii.. l'lMtonien of l iiiail.'. e is de '. .: Wapdsv oith Common, ai ih - chme I age ot ninety-four, lit v , ;.:.-..!! ef Tern TiMdilbs. ic I ':. .:, :! id t"..,'!'.'l hv!il." I'lic ib :-, . '. " '.' 1 cic lime xv as -hip-ir. :: t'i r.;ie.a::i Marry. -it. the novel is-. 1 .'I i'cu'.lii in and I'm VV 1 III) ttsaiis ettc. i s w as in riiarge of Indian Ottawa. --St. .lames s (hit- Viit'ie of tin lliiittHn Rntly. An tug moils chemist has made th il.tie.i that the average human benii !- worth a'uml 51.'!iKi from the i heiu ', al simidneint. His calculations an ! used on tl..' fai I that the human hedy ei.nt.ons llree pounds ami thirteen ounces . ' ' .1! ii:m. and calcium, jilsl Uow, i worih siioiiiiii ounce. OATHS STRANCE AND MICHTY. Many O1I1I C'lil"l" "f wrnrlii(; iiirt VI ll lll'-M n. "Huff very history ami n. and atlirma : i"ii of law." -.1 I lew p-ron-- know t ie 'nie of tile judii'ial 0.1 iii - adiiniiisleied ill courts Lawyer Kui.uim 1 M. l'lielld ye. .Iiiiiriial 1 scribed 11: e I'd a y to porter, '..nil as icsiaii"ii 1 A nierieMii aod Mr I'li'-nd do as a rob mn atlirin.'i or promise made ale Sells,. o' I'espoll IP. I tin- illVolilll,' Ol in ea-e o!' falsely lion .Mini niii-i l!lld"l' it 1 1 iimil' sibilil.V lo liod ibvitl" 1 in- aking uiiiler tin- same "Oaths ; not t'ue inaiion 01 nniiii- eiiial law." said Mr. I'rietid. "lor un y lllMC beell HI Use I I Mil CCl'llesI CCI-, nml il has alwiivs been coiisider. d as supplying tile Stlopgest llold oil tie nlliseiellce el' mull as a ple.lu'o ol' u: ur- conduct, .r ::uai.iiiii of xer. ic ily. "The substance ol an oaili has noth ing to iei wil'i 'iii isi iauiiy. and is u-' d III all loiinlrie.-; limiigli I'ornis ilift'er. the suii tail'" is the same, which is that the lirii.v 1.; called nn m to wit ness the 1 miii ol what is sabl. as. 'or instatiee, a .b c i- sw.i 11 in th" fen- taiei h or old Tesi.iun in. woli l..s hat in. closing h:s me .I'-hoi a': nml 1 Ihe Koran: a lent his hand Ih" l--o pri'- -I ol hi r ii- mh with. 'Si hi In Molrllilllied.-ltl oil by Ii ii' hiii.' with I '.it 1 I ;i I .i.i b In ill or r- ii-te'ii: a I'.r.i hmiii by ,.,H, ,.!' :,!, oilier mi. h naui 'ii, by bre ihin-: a ielich Ihe pre 'e 1 MM II 1- hi. 1 I be wit in -. iid a - In 11:1 s i'l : hill.. Is II" r ll ik' S : I'.-lii ill I I. 'ill Of I. 'i'he .-.ii h 1 raps. 1-: 'Vmi shell till truth.' Tlnm :l'" II. 1 1 he oili cr ml .or.;ii:ii : 'If vmi . on" : ..nl will I"' i: again-i ih-- bi.i I il" box and break i l.lieil illio lill-'li-h 111" ll l'ill. tile U hee saii. i r i- crio lieil a iiiitii.-iei'.ii:. i In- 1 -ash do 1!'H leil Ihe I i ll' Il eiack'd like lb" -aic-cr.' rhiiicsi. jire ,il-.i -M.rii by what i .pc.,wn :ia Hi" .b.-s .-Hek burning v.;.i' Ii i. a eeieniony of buiioli'g oie ,'. the Micks Used l-j ft!i"ir .1 111 pr. 11. llle ,i..-s. W hiell f ig idol is rail'-d ui"-n Iu r.ieity of 1 ii li.'-y that Iheir Wll II ' A Cirii'.i! .his 1 mi -i. t 1 f I ie- r:ib it:g I. '' ll:e riglii hand above Ihe ilea. I. mi. I, Instc.iil of -v.i ai ii.g to ilie n otii. ti- v.iim : aiiiriin. In olden ii s ih' .l was iiimi.-hed by I i: biuuiiig of I in pain! of lin- rigid bend of tiie ciilpiu. nl:.l when Ih" hand v.a nie d. if ih" sear i.iii-ed by ih" biiiiim:, was ibere. flic I' Mililoll.V of ihe W lilies. v , s ol iiik, n. It ic. al-.. s.i, 1 ii.-! t ihe index ami second linger ihe thief were en leiiatcd. and ih.n vv ie-n. bring . -ailed upon as a v. i-n - and lim riglo hand was rni-'d for Ihe purpose of a thi ;.:m:. e. ;!' 1 in- or both of iin -o lin gers were mis-iii':. tin- L Mimoiiy nmld II. .1 be lillell. Th oevolli Ih blew. !n mill mills", raise- 1 in- right hand and extends ihe thumb, index ;nd second lingers, V III. h lel'ill- Ilie lellel- S --bel li, luillll- i ii-- ii-. tir-t lilier of Ihe vvo-.d S h.idk" m- Oed. Th- devor.i Christian mlii :u- in tin- s.tme nianner and H is said thai th" saiee lingers represent the Trin ity. The I'oruw of oaths vary accord ing lo where and tor the purposes Used, and are regulated principally by usuge, and allirmai ions are pcriniiied for the reason thai, in many in-l. 111.es, pi rsons. by reason of religious convic tion, are prevented from taking the oath. Urn. as far as legal elli.i is eoiirerped. the alliriua I mil answers ad lh purposes of mi ...lib, and when false lesiiim.i.v i- given, where one has lltirmeil. Lie I'gll cllllle of p-eijiuy 1 xists jusl lin- . nine as I hough all en! .1 were taken." A ( lolilii'ti's I'lii k. .Tao.iiin Miller, "ih" port of the Sierras." is building iu California a park design il exclusively for the u-e o'' llitle children. In the park th. ie will never be any carriages or road- for iheiu. only little paths or trail.- sin h as ilie maker of the park oli. e follow ed in the Sierras, and lb- re will in ver be a policeman with Ins club in sight. In the park for children I her.- will not be ,-is much .a- a singh olti. ial or park 1 oiiiinis.- .oii- : ; iiobedy under pay. .baoiiiii Miller says that he expects ! " ! - " place lo run ilseii now that lie has it siai'ied. There N. h- iieclori h. be only one man mi ihe place, mid j he, wiih his family, a Mo, U of -li.-ep. i Mini" cows, horse-, fowl-, ti-hes 1..1 ! the ponds ami I'oi'.tuaui-. and ne rent 1 to pay. will be a b'lil and a h ipp.v one. i The work of budding iios park tor children has b-en to the poet si la I oi love. The idea 1 line to him in '-"Ik. I'll' it is only now I lin t he has b.-. n enabled to cany it out. Philadelphia IJeiold. Murine Oati th ¬ !lt..t. .li tun ro lit. .1 Ci "ll'.l"'!!' I "I cabinet-. w 1 fiim p! 111.:! a-' u'ci . :l; are :i- nmrki 1 I III !i'i : ii 1 ab; I tl :!:; v sib!" to make thclu. Th. ! its.-s ! ! ': I 1 t oak. mi l aiin d w :-'i a p ineat vv lib li Ihe fiiniiiillc I on b-.e lalely discovered Ihat gives He w 101I i' pcciili.'ir yellowish color wrought by the damp sen air 011 oak f 01 nil in c. These curious ami handy little cases mid eabineis are equipped wiih iiisi.r locks, hinges, keys and chairs ihai 1 - .10 phie tin- tout etiseiuble of 'bmiidshio I iiriiiline. Willi furniture of this . aid a ba. heler ran lix up his room si thai il " ill resemble it. every ilel.ni ih i ab.u in s. a .!i:'g 1 ss- i 1 lie Join mil SOUTI Topics of Interest to the Planter, Stock man and Truck Grower. j. . ti. Sniilli ion! l ive t-liii-li. W 1: Swill..', of r.mrthiud Ma.. j lives just forty I anline lit i s. 1 1 ! fulllIC IS befoii .i'o-s below the i;'i:ir believes 1 hilt a great ,. the Smuh as a live 1,111 be shares opp.osil" I stin k couniry. j views of ma'iy can b'-neii who runs j the il.inuer i.f Sow hem l ev. r as a g. i handiean. Sp aUing 01. lb. P'dut he ; says: I -If 1! mie are hsmlbsl rightly. , the danger ran be redm-. ,1 to 11 mini ! mum but 'he 1 leio.'Ut Ihe I'l'" 1 'b r of ' The ,.x;eisit!e:i m.lli:i-:rni-ll! ge's il lilib- i cal eh-s his bet d is go ! only one 1 lea in mn m j cattle in the past 1 wo sec Ihat I ciili'id easit . 1 have had my Noili.e.'ii ears, and now have sivoid d tnllt. I'he ca.-e was to il o. 1 01 n..v young Li lb-, w hi. li ' serve I lo a g.-.i.;- She was ii- Ky. w.ii h del IK.t If nicai! ih:ii the b".ll would !,,r, bit I .-are! .-sly !" cow. of it -a tea erred ray. nit te :l v. i.li di.-iii- ,'i ct.ip;-. un.il I" ' bit " l'hcre is a geicci Noriiicrn -ri : I u ' d ,u With th ir ciil' is Shipp.'l! beloW I I I' oihcrv.'i-e xp-.-. d to In ili'.clll.'iie til le. I ,"m urn in (in1'" eeprese; long 1 I . I ! g ml til- 1 i tii e W In tl I be si o! .rai l me lin r'eiii i ri 11 I'rvel ',,; i,.y own I in. mat lliav I llroMc ecu- or I :::l ii'it rcinci:'- i.i a ; - o 1 in be i. be h o . I'll 1. but :i . nl. ii. . I .leiil i"! ilioellbl O lilllel ie is t. lor I-, lion, value i'l: spi ay have ably. brre.! Iiv in-iii br. eih I lllis ,e 1;:. way 1 Ic-i 1 !w c v I hi my ... I luiir ! 1 my j ; and! wi'd' I' .1.1 I lb 11 I I ,1 l-.M ... with ill I' ii- 1'. ie t all iw il I' lb I I, a-, of eh: iil-e br i:ue:i. 11 0 w llicll ! j :n 1 : to Ihe 1 .!- fro good -Pieyin- 1 1 I- "I u! sin 11 a . wiih 1 -on b:s II 1 .lli'.- dure. 1 i:.ib,i.i 'i lll.igenielit. v. a i:i the Soiuii as ,11 -el; .il.; as in Hi- Ni rth. 'I U eying ni" ! of IK ih" vv ee'.e Sc. Il'h The people have m I. Zaliell of lies. I thill. will : . . rapid slrid- s Sia!" ,-is ui ,l .'.'.! I al : b . j .me 10 i-.-ali : . I i'i-- l'imi:e: I In tin- im il ipiiiliiy of oi'.r range end lei il j ... !;. The , H I' pre-'eiit .l-f.-ey i- j common . hi".- ' ealii down my , ','e hav e :i lev I .ni b im -. I m i ll lUgll lo Ie gill to III! the Il"cds j pi ov lot S a im way in. i til ill for ii . iiniiy. It is a :--n Nerihein br. eder- n I len .rk rsp. nn I 1 think lk"V 'Mil d il in 1 in ir lory en ::r. . siue-i! a:, the S 'II ll e't. "Tvv o years ago 1 ! and 01; b:i'.! fro.n M ,s , giving ov er Sono for I lie the single ex. . pi i. 11 m if. :s ab iv. ell. 1 native iig ex- -e.K'i b miiiiiai' tlleV hle del!- leil k.ibl.v have rros-e.l icy bull witii hum.-, and ibis spr peel I'll'! and f.iib "Al.:! :: menis iii winters, there 's y . 1 Iv. mi fur the :r.a ei'i'ei ratl'uT.V' tinil 11 ll 1 Will Mi mar ets. pl-'iiiy o 1. Wc h:sv ver xvurry imlllee- 1 l.o I'll l it 1 xvh. iheri 1 or not. ! 1 rr.v ovi r , .els Will bounlcotis com ci reall'.ing ihat ihe entile wi'd lust as well on hay. My I: ivera;,-' well w iih any of the - oi l; i1- fried i;i the nrdii ery pre lit sale. y t their eidy feed :.ll xvinler has In en tillc"li pi nt. is of bay each dev. " e b.ave (he laud 1 the v. !" re wi'lial to iiaiiib ' lleiet'or ls and 'l ii--:' tine ai'le; .'ill that is l!"e.b d .s .1 I i.'.e prod. ling of 1. nr :-:.'ckliieii ai.d my Slale will mio:i tal-e :i mm b. h'gi; r rank m the blm il. d ..lei k raisi!';; '. MiimT Mml.- His C.iisioi. A can c.-:...i'i ut of I'.irm mid K.Mieb fay-: "I 'lie of I ho 111"- o 1'iicl'i! pro!" h ins v. nil w i : i 1 s.-irli, 11 I'll! ii" ! have had lo vvr. .-tie is thai of teop-r fei : ib.iug i'cr s'l.m. O'l V.la. k lamb Willi a'.lei.eile p'ois fert iii., d mid uu Ic! 1 di'.' tl"' mill riiii:'. d have tisr.a''. fclvt'll the be-t re-ill!.-. On snn.iy In. i! is leavy iipplicai lees of nil! our Hulls li'.aunie. have giv.u too n il. b 'so ed' wilmmt a cm 1 esp..i ling oM of i.'.t end -e. d. :.ml -. 1 1 11 our ; ,v. I be'lciii lati'l.-. vn!i il Lis i ii . : -. tiie nl ton plant I repnni iy i.revvs c.gl.l I" nine .cl legh. aii.i yields Ir.mi Te" to pioo p.'iimi.s of bill colli :i per iie;e lb 1 1' vv has ;i b av y y i hi vv :i h 1 nm molls vv. d. p'ovilig Ih. II heavy yield atld Ll -H grew 111 iii 'W'c.'.l' lire Hot ill 1 0:1. pet 1! Ie. I'l t lolder pi "I'l l' eolldi 'am., ol s'.l mid g md . idliv a turn the V I ' ll.. - i - IV t.l - nei s-rny to ,-i hit-: The writer h id s. i n ..im that bed bcu a eric- rf p. lis. for s gi-oniid was planted . ..lion ami 1 "t u Th" I loll V. .IS lri I e gll'r. 11 c:i f e! low -e 'I'll- ie i.l , f 11. a. n I - indy ! si.-, p pen. or iw.lv-c years ibe litoi timely V'l'i lilst ve.ir the . "i ,m Ic - c.pm t bl ! -iill vv as ;:n ::;:, not i.i'il pounds ' M'V ' 1: .0 ICS. Al i n s-.x l.ii't K w -li-ci au.l ! he : ' 1 i :::. ' t able i nick. I and j ol -e 1 i olton ell Ih j id it xv .is planted . ed ilm.oed t" I in 1 i y i.-I I of 'j e j en - J d ,e t w.-lv x i -ll s ' :i- I V.:. el. I get a p, .1111.1 Oi ! 1..: ; " r.se.l. I i:i ! .i :, ,:g- d torty-tw-i , fc: !h siv abevmi'c: "Cl V ' ;ii. ,1.! I;:: II!, yells. Th-re tins in. 11I1 r ol than tin' cliui fie fellilizer. is s u' i thing more in fell di. Hi. -ll lor eoltoii iter and ipinntily of In one respect rotten differs from most staph' clops, because the more fertile tha soil, the greater distance the plants must have. It is the reverse iu the case of coin. V.xi't-rhnrnt Willi l'ilnn1 Itirp. ' j Iii im ll I planted one pound on land 'i that would have made lii'tccn bushels - j of coin per acre, wiiles W. IJ. Osborn oi L"nit, Ala., iu Uouie ud Farm, .Hid I harveslril five ami oil. half bush els of clean, rmmh rice: shipped 1 I-"' p muds to a l ire md! mid bad ii el. am-it ami received brn k -eviity P'.'.m"- d' clean ri'-e. propoiiui i d by one ol our merchants iu Alexander City. Ala . 10 l.e as good as miy tlmt He y ' "''I. Tl.-l'e were I we gi ilde-' cr.c i. d ami ill,, raci.i "I. I iiiu '-His d 'I liml 1 m."!" al the ran- of .-ivy "I- m-m-uv I u-bebi per acre I ;il-o had some of 1 h-c rough rice ground on a tg: i.-i mill mid I' d lo 1, iv cow. I liml i: as g. -d as . .111- mial. I nmi.e in a b:i!!e!in IV the Soiuii I'.ii-oiina lixpcrlioeiii ; '' lie- feeling of lie II!, -.,1 lo bo-; 1 lii'-.v 1 1 1 , 1 ilmi rice meal is a- gne'l a- 1 oru meai or belter. It is . a: i!y g.-own. I'l. nit .-il'ier ihii'-rr Ol' lies! in !''!!l3 1 Ii 1: 1 1 1 . two or three foot mvs, ami eiiliiia'e two or thru vmi are .-lire of a good 1 ' " ,'Mlll All .-I' love make ;. Cul iu the ,!.,;:..!i --l.iio It. .-Ill . Xeee, li.:v. I. .1 y .if I 1 a s-m.iil I b!l-licl-. .1 j i. Id. . aii.il mnl I'iil'e led but I didti'i r..i,..:d' r 1: grow- from ihreo it a 1,1 IIV Ie I bi- K i'l'd '.' 1 "Il i! 1 1. cl lb. 1. ::!- v.oii'.l . nil up I I. i'l b- e; I ,11 ol''. I'l- mi.V i.i!" r I ml a s'o.ii ir M" : '. I like lo le-.ll 1 rem 111 01 - lo w I Ihe mall. r ni'd il r 1" '' rrolbcr I'.irmri-. vv.-ii.e up tn ! wo or I hive acres n 1 li:;l I ' 'I Iciii 1. 1 plain iu r ut' 11 iu iiplsi mid I'd I y.eir ba: 11 vv ith son be-l fcei-nilf 1 1. a 1 y.1.1 h:i'. - . I I ie. I my barn l.i-i lull vv :.b ri 10, lie and pee in, hey. : '- ' g.. w. and have f -l my :,iub s m :: ii iiiic: liiurli but I hi- bay I uis .end have ,.; iiiy to ..n 1 y me 1 .111 lo 1 hc.V I'M b .. .i:d 1 p'.nif Veil i 1 1 - i.d lice of Hie ai- o li, ek" .1- loo. 1 any oil:, r men 10 h.:v and 1 oi il : ..d 11 " I i'l. my il- el.llO I III ol Hairy I'ow tljlie Tl,. following r: S'l . Oieliloil id di e. !. i b.V III! ' of I I l';!lii !c lof .ia'iy ' No. 1 !' I" :i i:p ef e . Ilg :t I. i ! Illlli .ll Si p. 1 o 11 1 1 1 -! .-. .mid. m 1 'j ft ah gra. - b pra hay PI piciiid. mr.-il lo pi. limb'. .. " 1 'om di - i i . 1 " llllds. 1 i.lums' i d Ilie: oil,:. I d liUli.s 1.' po ll 1. ! Crab gras: i; 1 Mover 1J p...::. ! ami iei- ,! in p iid I I '"I I p. - ami :1 -t il ii p. M p.. ,.l I ,e I p.".lii. 1 1 ;i! s.i IV H p'Ule .it..:-. I 11 . ovv muds I ! I mid . "I I :: p. No. s V. '.. k bay .-e. il hulls I'i p .in pounds. No. !--Cowpea sliii il.l- il corn-1 n I k pmi m:d 'I ton ml ii 1". uiuls to p. .nr. seed lllcal - pellllds pounds. ! 1 d no . ;. .'.H i,-, eoi .'n I vv ie al bran ii.i ', :; po ', X. : ,oi,, I ,::: ! . -.-i N11 1 1 il'-llS ,. r.l 111. ill I '1 pi Till!-'. ( 'until! Illl.ilipi Mlt I'.ligTit. i.i is ill 'ti i.b scelioiis. As . li'.llbl ..llle! -s aeipiaitOii on the look..; .11. ' mpe bb- I llllglls. -ed ''I i paia-;l- .1 Hill'. her oi Mo u tie- L-.i c- .11 i 1 1 t h" younger ! it U ,11 be seen ti some liil' ike th, il : ,1 thai Ihe e I., fo le : I .. :' r.l I b-al t's W ll V, iii in-; I.d n Hi 'V ll! v II 1 . -. ih- liii.g.i 1':. ti -i h iv . ro- .bin. I'. A I ihe li!'.. e-e spl'IIV I SI 1. p. w ,:h made in Ihe to!! j -"Iv e s x pen. I. Is ' i-:., pound.-, of f i ,.11'e has .cole, I, i v. etc, and add il nig uei'iic of bbe ' ci es-ll hllle. V. sll'ilill oil li to t fl bllle-l r elioilgii to bii.oii; a.'. I will forty gallon--. As tiie Vine:- grow retell lime of sin eying it w i':! In to repeat on 'i ii! older lo i m "a- growth-. All".-! al! iiv the . ' -:'n y VCI ll.O " ., V il:g ;x' in .- d I. es s I'olihl b. -I i i prevent ) I'.rM X'uriftios On ul It to any t bit"-' like the ex1, i t .' . , a.. '1: Ne;:h ami V'- -t. I u? ..-,. . grower are movv'tig them v. : y esslllHy. The vatie' s besj .ft.,, lo ihe South mo the L a mud.i -. 1 i Kmly While l'earl, and the poicio ions, nlihough the l, iinl. iid i. ni of oilier soils also sueceeil and very well. Cow Pe In tlio Cnltim Crop. Keep the cotton and tobacco crop growing by freipient cultivmi.o. and sow cow peas In the rottoii rii p win n cultivating the last time. In iliis way the html can be Improved and sniuu can he m8de.rSomhwu X'luutvr, do I .