Xl)c Chatham Uccorfc. II. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Oui! riuaro, ouo insertion $1.00 Ouo npiiire, two insertion l-,r,f' Olo topuiro, flic niouth 5(1 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts Will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- VOL. XXIV. PITTS BORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, X. C, THURSDAY, AU(iUST N, 11(02. NO. .V2. l)c tEhntljam ttrcoib, i C?y .1) MX tl flU o o fa f & d A MOV EL. D? Rrs. GHsnVoill-GvU'inL'r. (ISAIU-L!.A C ASTTLAr:.) ( .'oryris'jt, nj !:'.:, by ciiArrr.i; xxiv. Tor n moment J'o!!y hcii'tnted be fore rending this letter. What did il contain, this pottlit slip of j riper tliiit Lad meant so much to Inr mother? Wil I (1 tile Wninis there writ tin for ivir crush her o-ii ti iKnco in both friend mill Iovit? Thin was what I'.ilores hud written. "To yon v!i i :::v- t ; t tn" :i- llv, ns (.n rmi.lv .as i.' 1 ,'ni I l.ni'n j . 1 1 r own rliiiil. llin;ii;!i 1 e.i v." to yon n ",n r i in; t, p.ii l nhn as: n wiiif .nit it t'iosir.'ots. I ivtitn those fur 'Well w.ir.U rntlnr Him t.i imr (teiir rully, In' 'ii'i I !i'i o Hint y.iu i.'tll iin li'r.itiiti'l t!i":n an l think that what 1 .1111 tl t ti tr i tlin host if!. I ,,nly way. Mr. Sinn I -v. who K iw I li:-lii'Vi', 111 ir-i tr ilv nt t:l''l'.l to l'.iliv tlnl'l to It H V mi' i'!-" -I'arllin; I . . t ! ! " Wn i e.oi 1. 1 ' li Inviin; her? Iiv.Ml s'..'!l II!. Ml .'Is Cilli'll ' Mli-I"y appreciate th" I- vii hi' -ii i;i .1 ma. nieii ;h my iln.irly '.n.i.l Minij.i- A I was cuini; in eiy. Ir. -1 . 1 1 : 1 - i m -iiji n.-- fur n noian'iit Unit ii" I .vis in". I'orii.iin In-i!n.-i not ev.Mi J :-. ti i ti it. I'll! "illy Il ." :l t.i H itler an lni'. i-rii'ii I y.. in.;' vr-:u in by a pri teinli-.t i;i--i hi in iir l r In n'M.iin tlie Meiiil.ir.il tr at-nr : I ill evil if !. was pIiiimt.i tn M i r. 1 1 ii t i e l.ivi- r Hie. III' il'ltl'loS Ill IIM'if: atl'l thu iliilll"!!.' 1 Ikiv.' mi iintiit'Miti'if ally t!ir '-.vii nvi-r lilm will Mi:ii.-li :i- ni-lil- 'ily u it I'lian when In' no ott;;.-i' sees me. I'm- thai rill- li I a mi i-eiiii; i'.wiiv, iiihv. ivitlionr even savin:; est, Id, ye .i any i-f yoil.lt" u-e I liner t'l t Mnruja v iiil I .reii...t n:itM-t It. aii'l til" object nf mv il .'i:iituri wi n' I l e lo-t if any elie . mil. I Inee pi,.. Iii H.. Iiai'i'.v f m ii ! tliiit will eiinie to Mniiia -ilear, sweet little ,i,iei n I I .ve t i thin:, "f lier- I will feiue iliiy ieti.1 lier news uf iMV-elf; ainl. in tlie ne iritiiiie. .-t lei one I"' anx'ieii- nl' nit ni". The .-n.-r n ail iivnnee ynii li i v.- iiiM!el i.ii .uviii tne for rally's S .iiiii-:i e-, im privil 's in with mere neiiiey tlnm I s!i,,l nee I. un.l I h. ive male nu ei!n.'::i"iif wliii an nil fi i i'l nl nut'ii'irt - h ii i'V yiuta, ivil'i is lenirnin I i I'liitT'irui i. mi l vv!i i I Is a r ene'i-- .ir tier H i li: !l- i-irU. 1 li.- ir I I l.-rii .Mii.'..f -v."!.. n.;i. ::a t iv-.-al I ll-IVe -'.,!;.:i i.f Im ; j en. I. Ml lll.lMi'Ht lie. I Let l i il.i .- . 1-r I i..i I lliiniirht "t t.iliihi; tin. i!"!' '.e:' t.ne III!) il.nV ( '.Vlsil lie- Ihrit I 111! '. 1 ' I feire I, I'llt ,i: I ii -l ivi-!i hi 1 -li vein the nature nf 'r. St ,;:,.'v'.i f- I e.v.ii- 1 nn-: I hn I a r-ir . f n.i-a:i e'lstan li!i' tle w'.in.'e i-lin-i' i "i. mi l al-. i ",' I'eiii:; mi-an ,t- I. !, f i it se mm.' I t i inn verv f ( 1 1 -.- a:nl v ;:ii.i.-ni ; tn -: f t:i - ni.j.'-i iiraii.'n- t ii tr mii a .n in w:m i i'iih ik I t" an. i . M--r i;it i. tin I t-;.i Maily mi ' s.i i;.i i. an. I ly us I'.iily ll.i i.i.t in. 1 u i. iin.v. In-.v-i r. uml I iMin ei.ly n iv ni;alii lin'T I Wili 1 a. I i;ene s.i.ini'r; an. I anin a tlie-.i-irnl I ." lei'.y I l.ive an l than', y.in nil for ; ir v'.ielii ..- t j a fii.'ii.llesi' iin!inn'i n. ..."Iy:rl. I..!..i:ir.i. ' I:ii y Imili.'tl lli vvitli iiioiti".:.'il es :i ;i il cpuviM-iiie lips when she l;il 1 .lhhe.l iiii iiii' l'ie letter. 'Hew can yoii i!i,:ilil Lnritii, niii'ii- I a? Hull- 1'1','t Veil iilillgillf tliat sUo i s pone :iw:iv ivitli ('iiii'i:iii'? 1; is i. 'ii'iu t liii al;i:i, lettt".' td nu. 'i'lui .vii t to In' iiihii ptiil 8elf-iossess"il leu she was nuU'eiiti't torture! Tiie i..iemjit lit fui'iiiul iiliruses, that y.iu l.iip;!it not kuchs how laiii'lithei.ritiiiic i i tliat htt"r cost liif! Oh, it i-i thu liioi t pat htt thitix I ever reniV "I cannot soo any pathos in it nt ' I'ollv. It is extremely woll-coii i idered, and .strikes i.i" om t'uo co:n positioti of an experieneeu wjuinu of Iho world." 3'olly almost lauhe 1. " 'An I'xpcrieiietil woiiinn of the orld!' " she repealed. "My cuile-i"-s I.orita! Vmi tnjeht ns well nppiy . !:" words to an iin.et l. Hut the whole rmuner and tone of the letter only i .me to me tho eonstrniiit that liitn !..id jntt oil her teeliuifs to lilnko lief i.rito like that. Oh, to Lave her leave i io like, this! It is wove even tlmu tiinii tho other gtief: How did sho j-.oV Whero La? she gone? Alone i'.:id fiiealless in this cruel world; perhaps ns deslituto and even more unhappy than when sho first enmo to t;s," "But sho lins money, Polly. What ; he nays is truo about that, l'oth your father a-nl 1 Rave her all tho Money she would accept, under the 3'ieleuso of tlio'o Hpaiuslt lessons. And ynu funii.-hed htr wnrdrohe; eo , t.iat mio nn l no occasion to spend n tbillar for anything in nil these mouths. It is truo sho Las takou nothing willi Ler, except such things r.i were ;ii':.-. especially from ynu; i' .id I'ltiuj'.'s s.iys sho selo(te.l every t iitig you ha 1 ehoseli or had admired when she wore it. All the rest re main "' "(Hi, mamma! And doesn't thai tbow!" interrupted M iry. "I!ut it will be easy for Lord Clar t lice Stanley t yive his wife n trous M'an," Haiti 'Sir:: Hamilton, with Con temptuous insistence. "Vou dou'l c insider that they have ffoiio lo t ether. Last ni"ht, your futhcr, after leiidini; the uewa I told yott of, weut to the hotel to call on Chireuee, and lie was Rone! (ioue anil no news to cm. lain whv, or where ho hal Le taken himself; for when your father , iua.le inquiries ho could only nscer- ! l.tiu that orders hud been givcu to for- ward all Initers to the previous ad- t.ir-ss in I l.icao. nu.l the carnage cu .a.iCil to convey him aud his luggage h.-i'l left him at the depot, where, he i-.is to taue the train for the West." "Har. t..i,ioia " bcan l'oily llaniiiion, r. ;:1 ti;- l pa-red a')iiir:"y, unable to ) i n ei cd. Mrs. Hatitiiinii could only win n, lier hands in liiisi ry. She I'aro iml s.'.y iitiytliim; ftiri'ier of what sh ! still believed to be the iieurlhiss treachery f Dolores; indec'', she blamed Ler-t-t If that she hn l snid so much: bid, tliotih cruel, it was i tircly the truest kinducss that l'oily should knuw Hie truth. She drew the girl's lu inl to lu r heart, and iinl.lini; lur tin re, sif wept with her, and raid with all the c mforl she c itl l lin t : "TJo a I'liivo iiii'.! Your luu'.Lur reesflre. "oscr.r li wilts', Si.it ) iuv.s yon, tl.iilm ymtf tu'itlior nii'l .vim.' Inlli -". We tiro still t!io truest ii ieii.l.i, nil,! v.o will nuvei' lictrav JMU." t::i rii-.u xxv. Misrir: wii sf.w::; A f I i-v 1 iiviii f I liivo t in.ye, C'larciiiV -liin'i'V n'Miin.'.l to his oA nu.l inn le siinuMvhiit usti'iitatn'iis jirt'para i tioiis fur ii i.iiuui'V. Ilaviii'jt thou t'liiil his liiil. he was tlrivcii, with his l:l:,'.i,;e, to tho iloput, to ;ot the lirst train lor ( 'liiea t; lint hefore Ijoni'ilin the train he cliiiiiseil his miliil, eoll eialMlatin.Lj hiiusL'lf, with ii smile, that he hn 1 not yet li.m :ht his tioliot, ami was huiiieily ilriven iti nn entire iy iiiiiVrt'iil ilii-orti.iM mil to n j-.iivt of tlie tow;! in no way rest'in I'lin ; the fashionniil..' street, in which ho ha l hei'ii living for coine weiks. Ail this ha l o.'i'iiiie',l sevci'iil hours, mi 1 :i!t''ioi.:h lie h.l I li.-on very busy, I .(nil ('liiiiMi-.t' lui 1. 'n.itwilhsiniiiliii. given a non 1 ileal of thought to tho n'ssiii!e fiit'tt i' if it n i.v loonu'i! npiu the tlistaiiee mi l t i the Inly who had cleele 1 l,i shnii' that tut lire with him. lie was l-i'iiiilly ni'ijiiiriiijj; nti it it -liiiitii l'-il .'i-iiiiiiMti'iii lor th,' mi'iitftl ii' iiiiivn anl i-Nerutivo ultility of Miss t (live (iaye. "!v .love's thiui'ler," he thoUK'Ut, "she is wiuth nil the re.-t oi' the wom en put tnjH-thei-! We i-h:tl! nm'te it teain! It will he woi t h w hile to run in liar in ss with a ;;ir! like that, anil it Vi ill ho sure lu ttiiie; on thu pair of us.'' lie hail jtisi I'eiie'ie i this satii'a.! tory e.mehi .iim v hen the eavfiai' st'ippe l in fi'tin t of rt t inilile-ilonii teiii'uietit-house, aii'l witho-it asking any ip.nv tions Sianli'y tlireeti'l the I'u.i 'htiiifi to earry tin his lu.;ia-i to.i to. iiii on tlio i-ee ni I lln.ir, w here ho foil nl, as h knew he shoal. 1, Henri Van I'.Msel, in a state of flupefiietion at his sii l ien ii;i;'eariini'. "I'ou't jir.ifi'.-s to ho sui'jiri hmI, oi l mini,"' "ni I t'ne t'ew-eomer, in his pleasant iti.t ; i n '"Von mint have known I was liahle lo turn tin here a:iy ilay, anil ilon't ;;iv mo .ucli a friijiil wt'leonie, or I mii;ht maUo the mistake oi' i.:iiio.siii. that you were n it jiliil to cue." mi l. iiiih't'il, lo jiiil.re liy tho face of Hie unhappy N an T.is srl, no one wniihl sappo.i.i sik'Ii an iilea a mistaken one. Tho professor':! iippearaiii'i1 v.a--ea laveroin from approhensi in ; but in tlie tlepths of his soul theiv was eniii fot t, It iMi'iie from tlu iae:nury of iKilore.s; the rose, fn leil, withered now, which sho ha l thrown to him in answer to thi prayer for help from his despairine heart, was still reilj leut of promise and of comfort. I'ioiii tint iiii?ht !us hud (leterinined that if ever Stnuiey endeavored to iatlaenoe uiiu t'y mesmeric po ver to tin) cnu inissioti of nny evil deed, !u would tly to Dohires for iroteeli.)ii, an 1 by t'.u power for good Iho at iiiHiini'iM uf purity an 1 holiness tliat seenie I to eniiiuito from her ho felt thnt he should bu saved. Though, tenilted by this tuidilen iuvasioti, he felt strengthen 'd by the memory of Uo lores, and lie replied, with n 1'iiiut sembhiuco of spirit, that his plen-'ire ut this unexpected visit was Ly uo moans as .jreat. as his Kurprise. "I'.wr old Vim!" thought ChireiKVi, wiitciiiug Lis rclucbiul host. "He ha u.) guardian a'lg'.'l; ntitl i:l a few niiu'.ites ho will lio my obedient slave as usual," ' I nui only soiujj to trespass on your hospitality for a day or two, old .nan," h.; said, ii'.ou 1, with t'a:it air of ootl fellowship whieli ho La 1 always lonn I most eil'ectual in dealing with Van I'lissel. "I hud actually started to leave town, but telt that I must see vou nno'.! li-rnin, if oulv to rroviiL' for your future, h.ov.i; 1 say Inrewcll for ver to this en .i-rii p inion of the oulineiit. 1 o-iiioi row or next day I .h ill start for Ciiicii (i. mid thence, us he fancy takes me, to tho shores of inr .J'.iri'i'.iii I'itei ic." Vii i T.is i ! instaui'y 1 i ku 1 u;i at he if -invite I i.U'M't wi.ii an cypres- inn nf I'eli-l on bis ni 1 1 i . 1 counte t iinviiiu i Siaub-y c itiiiue.l, as he ii.-.v li'oni bis tocke. :'. Il tei'.ll roll of hi and leiiik-uo'.c-; "And this is for you after I am ;one. I I. 'a i v y.iu I nni. m-' :iu iueoi'- i ;iiiic s.-.i ni', Va t, b;t I think of ,. t, old tiinii, I ni 1 as I nui. Tiow. i.iki.' tliis iioo lie an 1 Lick i: up care- inly, for wlit'it I am j.i.ii', I miess vou will Li'.vo sen th.' back of yoiir la ! friend." Van T.is.s.-l a;n vi.re.l Ly a K'ratof.i! hut'.;, an 1. I'lilhei i i im the iii,.ui.t .he tied it seeut elv" in a chamois-lea'ther :,a ; and put - into an inuer-pockj:, ,aii:n': "laeieisno s.t.'er plaeo heiv. Ol o.use, 1 may be lobbed an I mm L'i'0.1 for it; but if I a. ii that will put iu end 13 t i" whole story so far as 1 :ui i-.i.ijeiiirt.l, n.id fan tir.-d euo'i:;ti .o w-I. v.B dfat't in . I . -t any or oi. " Stanley wateiird him, milking no '.liswer tn Lis woi',is,'n:ir witii his (?ae ixe I upon him. till Van Tassel, un ler lie iiillueiiei! of that strange., eonipel iii :', iiinnctic Kb'inei', suddenly sank .mo a cUnir, nil collapse I, nn 1 mice no:e, like the ill-fati'd bird beneath he fascination of I he ml tlesiiake. sat n'i; lessiy bini,ii.; niio the eyes of his nr. -ter. Stanley s.li';ht'y aititle.l, and, "iiii t it i'M'ii tli form nf tho v.,iv ; iis;,; , i,;' Id. l.iia i.-. .ant'.iniied t i j ... . 1 ;ii.i-i;:f i:i:. Hie iiiieiiiuU '. eyes tif liis vielim lid the laMi-i's In -at ilropped I'll Lis lu:.st. : ii 1 lie wa; fiisl nsli ep. ".re yt ii : ,.'y '.. , !,,y ;" A. Stniiley. "Xot ready, h..! I in-.i-t i,!,i v yo-.i," slid the reii'. 'laiit t. "The tii'iv has e,i.;i. ; ,1 1 . lier. 1 s it it ii.! ':" A i t niiiiv sltf. l.lei-. In.. 1. t'ii lvri eki..' mall till lie M enu', in ilmm. m ',,;. in; from his ehair; but the eiVottir. resis, uiee wus us, l,.s, an l :1s ,,, it had passid he r.m wired i:i i n Si m j. i;ns.s: "J have e. i'ui;j;ir! I! i'! Mie. j It has beell usid heft 't-: I' i- lb, r, : He united to the i-,is( i a! !,. e..t l ee ; mi v.l-.ieh he sl.-pt, mid Si.-i.l, v r.i.dif ; stood let :.i the uiMlrre t!.,it the t'fi irer was I'onci-a,.". in the muliess. J, , f Tl t .-i. ss , .., 1 in tbinus beinHii'ul. ! value of these tlnllnrs took :i .uiii-i' ..ml wm now so sure nf Ins ielim tint h. Hi'i-etol't-ri' Hi- tit il it; htmi ieiv ,.f t-'.i 1 ; siliee Hint lime eflli't'lors Inn nix seareely lUti-n. d In h:s i , ion-. i,..,v.-. v,.lni., ),.,, , ;, ,,, :. ,,. . .,uit .m,huI,i :i n i in in. Il is elii .n:--.l lii thai an T.i.-s. 1 tt.i'.-t a- . nt t, , f u, , , H,i. , , s;.Vt r.tl Ne.v K , I 'h."t on. nl in. ..iii;it:;il .-..in. is sill! i yei M.iin;; h.' tiii'l: :in I v.tih .i.lyn; r i,. , i ltl .1 :;i -ixi' : ; the iiii-siim. Me i '-!- l.-t ii i y .'..!!!.- eiane.'toM'e that lie v. , , ,1. j., ........ , ,, .ll,.ilu ,...,..1 vi: -s I. mm'.. its ,,l' il. ,1.,li;... f.i,J ,!. now nr ler. Illlll !' "t I till' ''' Hill eiiiie..il ii 'in 1 p. i-.-.n. lit. .sleeper ro-e i'.ild wet.l t'i'vif.'.l ll.e bed tltnl. with tlie l.-'ifeel at'iMt .tev nf the sonummbuli-1 . in d.ml ) '.:iui thu weapon and putter it i , hi . ,., eket, j ' " ' j ; ; v!lM ;,. .,, , Wt.s.inui..... sal down nit tlie ed ;e n nn eo'. . , . , . i ,.v ... ,. it , Ire 'S. s iruiibi'i-v ni'd u m rn mad .'!. i I..' tein in iU.'.in.ii was nbt: i! N'nv v i ivtll iii'i'.iiui.Kiiv tue I'lti-n i , , , i, , ... , , ,. ,, I leave lur,. j., , -,, ntl v; ' ...i'l wii lake, ' I""' "' '" " volltotlieilu;., tV't.ti...'. ''"' 1 :M,l,!.1,l.,-l''!i;e..v.-. Im,i.m,,, -r? I.;,' ... i, ,w ,i,i , i:,i'. Von are lur l-!i.,r e,,.ber, - !,u' ' rl :',H " - "" '!; s':;'b-ne :: a t -nit ill ud'Uit ni; to b' r i ";., ( :,1 I. nee, Slin t ti!iu to iii;h: . tif biiiu does not return till n !.;!. In. nr. .Tea'oils llmtl ill he i-. he I a". . s n r litueii nloue, but, perhaps, ho . a an nbieet ill thu'. I ile t'M" I ' ; i i I i' that I'Oiieet lis Vi'it, ho.Viler, js t'n he tt be nbse'ii to-nielit. I ;' si: refit :..s fi wet! Toil, av tb'll Volt ill'.: : en! bv Cur ios.' 'I hat ..; "be i U'.n:;li. ' Will w hat she now hmevs nn I v ha! : lie suspeels, she v.-.uild :.-o tin..;; 'it lir, :o speak with yon. You will . io vii direetiv into lur pies, nee. i!.r. t!:e da.oer ready. The in-1. ml y i: ''.in liL'foiv her, pl:r.i'.' Ill da ii.t .he liea.i t. Von hi ar an ! nu b i-m : n 1 .-" "Ton well tetwi ii!" ;;f,i.: iv.l tin sleeper, whose torpi 1 e ins.'it n ' oti," niori' slrovti.to itrnMse ils"'i' in n .ie l;i lilil n tiiiu -: lit.' will m" t!i lieu I ish mind that t irelb-l t!. II ;! th, eiVnrt Mils vain. Tlie uueapj-v wrefe'i wrnn;; li i - Iiirni.. nn 1 ;. .f1.' 1 ''or inei'i'V; but Stitiib v e ... : . ,t !,. 1 t.. orahly : ''Vo'i will iiboy"'" ' idi. y -! t.!i.'.vl ' ;:,'". i i" I tV,' vi,- tim. Stanley paused n few itio:ii".it :, wu:ehin,i Van T.isse!: ;;: d v.ii.'ii the lattei st elite 1 Itiini'i.i nn 1 v, ', .i.. any furtiier i-ii'ort to sit-.i '.-l. :i : il is! his str iii'.:er iiiiliic'.t 'e. lie :n.t le f,-v.-upward passes bel'.M e his ;'.i i;'id bad" hint awake. The proiessor niHMte.l Lit i x ; a.il i;n.ed nt hi'ti, ; a'e and t, , iii.' 1. "Iou't look so i.'iiv l, ii!.! i'laii," Stnnley sai 1 nnyivi "I wa ; ni.ly try i'l it I Iml hn ! tlie p.. t'.l'.n'i belii'vo in it, you knou, but tbi ie's a kind of Inseitiiaiou iii t . v i ;i r ii i..i .i' I'iisiunally. '' Stiiulev rosp and v.:i'.k:'l about tln room, and opening ,lu.ir nt iho farther side, outid Inn! .1 n. ened m o nnothi-r suia l flrai-,,.u'.it. ,,.,.,;",ly tu,ni:.ii..'.l v.i t.i ' a '' ' 'I'-1' "' e.iiurs and u ililapid.ited f.T,i, "This is not i. htvnrious ,L,i in vours, Van." Le said; "nut no..,,:.e:'. I Uavo Lcen us...l to roa..:.ii.' it in :..r .Imp nn.l I .-.in s'eeti nniivi ere Tl.-' , i i i i,,. .. iii .1 . if . . " , ;,, , . in .iii lit t in,.. T invito t-iilt l.t iliile wii'i I have been so'busv nil dav that i I lorijot nbiiiit il, bu! now I feel .Uit.! lioilovv. ('tune alnn": it ;;no I tiinii' r wi:l reideiiish the in ier n.:r! ."ii 1 im prove the Links of tin' ni;i ivai d lea::,'' And cateiiiiiir up hi - i:;i! iii. 1 enn.i from the r'nait n wliieh he i,.i 1 pbieed them in! Moved l.i.v.it .1. tlie din:!'. Vtl'l Tiiss,'! Lmiiel :l!'ai'.t for l:iJ it:':', and having founl it juit it mi nn-l'ii"- i ehauieaily lolluwe l Stniiley out into ; the street. Tiiev ha 1 iviilso 1 for m n'e tiin i a'l i- when a c!iur,'!t .!,'.:; in th'- dis. hour tanet sti uei; tho hour of ten. ji.in'i" look in he.l of tlie tim'. ail impa.- enllv Van Tassel hill U '. nh-eivel i the '.striki.i',' nf the c! k-1 1,, wa i i - lisienin- t the I'.i-ivo.i'.it.u i.i bin i ( c .iiiminion, win hill e.l-t n-i i a 1 h 1 i rnle of (.'l.ii ene;. Sianb v. and f..r tan furt'tierau'.'e of his puvno-e, vn s .1 "ti i in eeilniu remi.iiS'tmicW of ti: -W ti -j v"!-v :v:" 1 ' "v,",,',1" '" ,' l!;'S '. a".llitiiltilliee-tiio d.ivs w.i , Vail I """ r" v,'','s' lll"n' ls Tasaol had been 11." p.osnMn i nil!1 11 l'-r di-fi.uii.a.ios. .m....wmMi'. , wondeiful Trofessor V.r'. If-el, ; s''"' I r;i --i i :i i 1 1 t:.iiliiins Hie , miniM-,.:- of tii""rreil eliiiiv-.vri anl : ,'"1"''1 '".v :;""""s views. lie min l-reiler. Mile. Celesiiue. I 'oii..deis n road taa oiiably mt .i Aim in re. Hint Mini i'v, s'lii.i .rv - pausing Lifore an Imp fin; man stori, were Li illiaiit I v lighted, "ni ! i this" very Louse now lives It!.,- a p.iu- I i cess that same ( Vb-s! me : u bib- u, i ; her devoled bi-ntl'er, p. v.b.e, : i, j ; : owes .'vei-yibiin; i u t lie m , ; ! i. b i:-! i self, stau. 1 here an niit.v.-t i, : ! in'.!.' ' belief tlian a tin up." ! ' "Cell'sliue!" hi' lilUtlt lnl ! .; Vnieo j j of anguish. ''Wliai is this bn: inr ! that has iMitie upon me'' t !. 1 1 i ! My liltle sister- - I l.ne.l in : ..-i-- - i why should I hal'Mi hit V if. im! i , 1 ciinnot i P.ise in v h-.'.ii 1 i. i; t vies-i ' tinei" "Vou llllls!" whir pi t. 1 :':!! v. i'l his ear, like the vole, . '. r. '. ' . im has treated you vile 'y. di - , l e i to die!" ; " 'To die!" " if prrde I 'tn T',. !, like an Oi'iio: m. I .i.-'.ia -ii -y bis , hand soiis'it th? . in I,:- t : pocket, a id a .-. . i. .t.i,':;.' !. '..t ','Ic'i:.ii!.l 11 hi ' '.' il ', . ' j "To Hie!' ii" said a'-.a.'i. "Ve . ii ; I can reai'',i Ler -1 ;bad mar'u 1 r Lilt. I must l.t' cuiiiiiii-T. euii ni:: : nr I she won't admit me; bu! I have tiie ! pass ivoid. Carlos! Crn'os! ll.t -ha! That will Lriue; me to her if site bad to ivadii lln'. 'isu lire! He s.u.l so, ii'td h.i Knows!" With a b.'U'i 1 like c panther il suddenly "pran.; n. i'.i steps, .ml S..iiili'v"he.i .1 the echo ,' liie lui . '.lS liuaittii- 'l tif I." b i ki in. .- , i : ' i ,i. I lleattlit'i I us (i unity I'. ti.U. Till-: roi',1 i i i . .j-.n-i nn nt in in-j pniun. wliii-M bus beeii s,i itb'y I ' "iiniln. tt il by ili-se intere-ie'l t (t In ri'bit. be-veliti'.' itiltl iiuin-j niobilin;; in t'et ill it. Ms, i .'ileon iii ill- ter i:ioii niinllier si.aue nl' pfoure-s. n bii li will lllltl nl wii h sl'ft iill I'oie,' 1" lie Villlle I S.-ii'liiili." l'Mit.l ireitliu. til t'liist I eessily t iiiue lirst. 1 in h; :n:' il on; rmiti- I ! shies I't'I'ii ills i't ii ri inure :ti' nileed , i :,' ' , .,; sine ire.'l ntei't i i in te 'iy .lien', i i bv rvr.''' i.n,. i lea,',, in New Knsl.-ir,.'. Instead .'! sin '.'i. oi- iif-ii'.ii v.nidd v, b.i tiaieli'l nil nvir ibe Siaie. bd" Inke half :l i ' :i"i..'i In ii pl;;.-i . ll.e t'":ii! nil niie nf bi- u ins :,. v.-mt to l.bi'.i, m.'isii'i's li' vi-e slim., t'"' iini. nl pre- ii in re he In immi . fciraiiii .1. l!e i.ir .oi'viii'i lb'1'!, wlill ' iie'.v net's an ! I,,.,,d ' .niivpliiiie. it is ilaiun d. blilllletl tai'.ral'le I'l.t.es Shriil.'ty ntiiiiS rml'I'Vli- iii. i .i. I'l.it.'i- ;i im- paw !ilirii!nr iml Mntiii'tl !.' t-.twii 'in' ntiee or n nr. e ni lh .iI :, .Hit'.ie lj -i I in r le, ..'.'. I'll ' vnliti'. II all tb-p. n is iiiit.n its I'lonliuii ' inu n'.ti'l ' i Knew Hie. Milne ni the lvi .'Illtl llilt tilt . Ai'Mit; niilliy r.'iitl sides -.li ' dollnr .'Hid be. run.- "Ui o.inii.:. and re :ltteiiiit is made tn i til tl m all we ,.. purled III inni'ei I" lie- pi. In.-. M". if Shrilbbevy .Mini uiii.s. I'l.a'i sw. t p linn ri pm iod i. Hn- I'i il. d Stales .Ml ma, le of ei ': 1 1 liinir. mid 1 In- n-.-itll is I Imrii ls Ti.e lai.r tb.i.i.d to nrrest 1 ii ny I h i li i; bill I'M '-lie. r The innvi'iin :n slatted in N"v i'.'.rj.- !.:ti,l ii.'W is tn pbini lie".. :i'id sb.iil s iilnnir lb.' li'iid .itles to eiiltaiiee thai' bentiiy, 'i'he iii aiiiins :i',e I'nr eno'ivb I b.'nU from lie- v. Midway so ihat ill'illlelieS Will 1"1I'V 'llli'li "!' V. Mil ' I'nssin'; i an i.M'-e-. :ii'.. i-n ps n; t-:!.. it to l.e,.p t!:(. tl;,, ,. s fr, sti'iteiitty : Kf.mibs. it I niM nil ..b. s .ft".; lb :l if r.ini:. rf iV'Mild i's tntvh niie:;- li'ii in i.'inii'ihi'.r nii'l c.iri'ia i'nr ibe.e Ivi es .in.! ;,!'i1.s- ! li'i .l II-iv i!i'Vn! to ; ruHil iilniie ItlM.li; I ' M II I'l' !', el i iiill'.- li-- Ivan side in tit.' full nf t!.f yiili'. they MV il'd tbiiv ,'M'd pl'i : iil'lislie cll'i-ts. Tlie sia.e.itin nl' I lie prnpi r iiei"' nn, 1 siit'il,:. 'e;' ihe tlil'l, ; cut roads is :t inatter tor l"e.MI cui: i.j- anv.' i..in ti.e , ,.:u ii- ;. :y t ., n . cralinll. bnl tlnee w hieli do net h.ill"T Inati. Tl;. li Mi inr faib-.l in i. - in ihe iiis'ils Lijttri"t:s l" lield evups. and -.'ti. :tre..i-ii:i:a to .'miiiii'V. tmt. The ivbit h lilve lb ' inn .I slrikinj t iVeet lo 'tiitdn r :t -,.;,) ;.,..i j,,, n ,j , ;i ;- , 'li.' Iniidseilp '. iil'e I'M oiiinieltd d. 'lb e be!'.,;-' ti,, a e t !.,e; I i. . ;n I'.'le.i .. I ! trees s!"'f!d b" iriii'lned bi;!i so iI::''m;is :im'.; i li.nv be t i.i.i.' int.i p...... s- ni I-1-' : 1 1 11 1 : i !!' i'l' He' eniiniiy vi'l ' sh-tl nl" tin' n.iihlr. ale! he lll":i I'll II t'ii! I'o slim t h. .'lie! in lids v. .i.v nn.' r.n her si rniii:-' .-I", y. will iii i Hie Im ii"l' I o!' iii" sh id" nilii- iM'iiiit e!aiii:", iii n i! n !, r !ia, ell! spoiling tin' Vi. IV. Slleli lli ii-re Inl. hint ite ill"! i'l'd ..', I ! Il t1 i li'e.iiiiieli! ni Ihe lead sid s rt'ti'.ii'es hi- Inrs mud" in ('in. in:, ni -v .-iy year .''nd tlieieils iiiiinnu' ni"tit, but ..y.:er,:i:li" sold tlaaii. 'J'be iiuihoreie.- d ' inn i - n.i,. ..f it,., eiit.t,., t ;3 e en- i, an.' . .ir. r,,e , n. . I , ()!) , (li,r,..,,,H ,lf Xl,w .,.;,.. , f u (, .i..m1 ;, , lw :1 .t,,,,, ,,.,:,, iu , v.;j i , jjiijed jili.jpi tl:,. l-'iitling i-oiii!- , , , .. i " hW -:f "" f 1' r':U " 1W!t'"''t nl,,!,'!IH' '"'' ,llt'11 "isappeilf ontilv.y. and .he Iriiv- eler will lind cimstant lensis tor the eye ns he rides or drives liirnligh the ' Hariier's Wnekiy. ; linn O.m' "f ( tnnf nl. Pro ft lb'!. 1 I'-'11 , n ,M1 l"i"l'' 1 beiie'.e I liat lb" mmls in th- e, i n bch uf I.i!:;a!s :i!" i-rmii'; 'be ! -t in Ibe enun-iy, ami thai wbu ,i Ltlle .'i- ( ti-lil.'.-Pt .-are they .-all made oil t..f ivholv sivi.'iid io lio:,". The earih roadi in th" prni;':.. p.n-!io:i of Illinois are t usually exeePen; riclit, km:i,c years ten. uimitli.s of the twilve, mid itre reav,.!'. -,,lHl "" !t?' "r ,4U'Jv:' lmm'lw : the year, but there are limes In the 1 8I""'K ,vm'n n,si ,s ''"" 1 ' the v;r..uii.l Unit I ll".v ill c l'l'Metlt alty nn- l'''1"1'1-' 'i;",s' 1 !"'- ever. tlirniiuh ""' nmlei'ilriim:ii;e ol ibe soil by n.e ; d '"-' 11 l,;n"''' r!il'" "' ",0 Mu" ""'' ''' l"''-'"d of imi.iissabdny is .".m- ; !' 1,1 M,M- ""'' ". ' " pa rair. e y sh nT. i here mis in on a very ureal tmpi ..vei'ii'ni in ihes.' ilia a tint:., in re, eni years. Inn iln-re is s'ii! " " i-- i "' " w ben Hie lies, i. 'joiiii iit.l ' .i;e mi pin m ii i wan l read. "Iml 'i' ''"''' "'' '' n:-..ini.l. .viii'mn . Im. is ,,' dt.sl in ,bi wea i ber mid whlmm mud iu .i v. en I ber .-..ti-:.!.-v Mt--li a H'ii.1 uiir.-i-- ual'ly bad Inr a .'Mr., i ib.it .nn a; I'm.! smn, , him; I. all r. At th' bi-u.u nui-' of Hi iw-.-n "e:h eetiniry Hie ipa - Hull ill i.slie : nil" of eellll'n.I i v,. : :,s mie nf Inn mile n.i -. The fir. e .e, '. liie.e ninl eaii .,nd bind nf liny ha . b- n in Ibe uliiv- ni i. f.-m I bl. b ' -i I'lmiHih in t :de Mi ;i !',: a time ai.d e t it. b.i't lT.-::i bi. wii" and tlnltb'ii Tin Itiav bbn to ,-.i i !bi ii- tlfltilltnil - ni' nr io Ir. .! b ii Hie mads are im ; -sa'.'i' : iii y p ay I k" to l.t t'i t-. in; hen 'bey .-,ve or w;il!; n'.t.nti. and ihe.r may w :.-' to live bk" t'ttllitlli 1 il'iis In-te.', 1 nt tii'.etl iini'iiiiis-. 1; . not n lilit.'.-i "i bn-L'-.l -.i.iv or ;.; . . at nb: it i- n-t ii i:i : : :' u; m :t'. me. but .- : . :s-,v.fo: as w ell. N'.iv Verb I'i bi ! 'n: .;-'. Tlie litiiniitt liiatitiinil l-'lt'ldp, Thiuii;h ililii nil of nn-ess', up a stream ill!! of rapids .Mlltl ea Inl in-ls. the rei etnlv i'i.. .iMMfd iliiimnllil tii'ltls nl Itlilish Huian-i mv n 1 1 r;iet ittj; a pl ileal nf nti-me n. Tl I niieil Siatts Consul at lienieiara lepin-ts that utmies I .iniouiitin i" a laiw sum Inive alreinly Iteetl expmi..! imonuii l ne i usiom '.louse. Tin Ileitis lire .itUUU'tl on the IW v .illil.ti lien, ino poim 01 iiinie.- vous beiiij; Unnica. A DCLI.A? CF I3C4. riiiriunc II ifl. n i uf ii t nlii.ilil" Co'n V.r- lieveil t,, lie lii liiiliH', C:tit.i,,i At i-iii. t'l" ilie St-ei-M Sfl'Viee Jici:irllin i-' li.el in t.i- on se.vsinii re tin: I v ;iii .-!! -u.-'l l"-oi tliiMin- liint Iims MM lllllliy S. . i . Set vii-e I!;. Ml lo Will i;. !l' tile .l.illlll ,s yellibili it is till" of Hie Villi' eeill l' i'" I'llili tl Slllli". Illl'l is worth ill". 1. 1 s::.".oii m -H e if it is lliill- it Will L't'l sunn i. tie ililo trouble. In IM'I i It.- i invi-rniiiiMit issue:! v.t hiher tl.'lliiis. 1'nr snni,. tfiisuti t (i;ber H was i -i 1 1 1 in r. i iill tlie i-iii Iv.iii ,,f tin. tbilliii-s Mere viiir 1 I Ill 1mi lit,- i itivi -t'lini.-'it issued 1'.' 'o i i li.' Tn usury ninl tb l myeil. 1'niir nt hn i.lli-o ii iititiinvl in eiifiil.n ."ii. , As .-noli its till' '.Mine LlltiWI! '.be Ii.ior t lint I It y were soon tl i lt d. t In wivt-r. I'.iplaiu Abbott is ininlile t. !! n belbi r '' ii"i Hiis 1 -n I d 'liar is ; .,. e.'tniiei i n . .-"iinii "it-- iiimmi to in b'dn. Il is .aid tiint It is a u.n.i: ! niel it-ifl .iiimili Snnili li.i.e.l n Stllllll. .'Is' llie.l '. '. e -iro:iul.v nl' the npiiti'.n linn lie ! .":r On- n f.iinl.-r- le i. Siiijb is l'"v ill .i.iil ;il T"!.i!ii ;i'.!!'i- inu i'ne .!. . is'n.n nl' ibe in.t am iiit . nr W : i -"i . i t u i 1 1 i :is In wlicihei .r Iml i'l" 'lo'eil' i. it t on 1 1 i . I ifi i . Tile w ''.' 'ie t. . j -1 Si.ibb liinu' uji n iii:-.!.- . :-,i i alii, ibt Ai '.' II (i'l I be.r. l Ait--: i . i .;'d'.; i an '.'."i.. im' ihe . 1 1 ".:!-! i Ibn: ;." ! Ihir ' m iinb" i:.'..n. .v fi iiiiotLi-r iaie. 1 'ti th it i: ; li-.-u: a s hint In en ehiii.ed lo lea 1 "Iv'I." A '. I', -I" e.iull ni' I !i" i "iii. Ilii.V''. 1'. II'. ii' d t'l i s ' ; 1 1 . ' .. 1 1 ii:;s!M' ,ry , Sii.il li t b itns l'.;. h, u.i ilia tldbir I, ,,ii. n s.-binl it in b-r a i I i ;i i u 1 1 1 n . 1 1. . who v.its in ii.il''! bn k . ne day ninl Tlll, ,.,.,.,.,. ,,N),i:1;;.,, ,. ,. t, , ,,,,, ( ( .. (,( (,,,, (.(,..m.M , ..,;,. ,, . S;ii;,, :lt tvhos" Ii. ii.' lie :i.ppetl (u:p ni'nr , , , , . , . vl.,.. on. -t. n Hm if Inp. 'V '"'r nr ",USA ,!!l ':'r mail sn.'.l be had a pits... oi money lii.lt was a r lie tiien went lo a ibi.v.er ami too!; nut this 1mi dollar. Tlie teneher i.sked ihe old tnnn ln.iv tmn !. II'.' WtUKil 1 . Iv i" 1 1 -t il I w vvl (illtr- l 01 t ... : , , . 1' 1 t...... t-,.. .1 i, ,1 1 . Km.wii::,' v;.! vi.;:!i. Tin- n-;i I said he lb. Mi i.nVi'.',! '. fn;' b. ;!:nl H : h j, ,;...,! ;,.,;, ,..,! , .,..,,.,. t. r, ;;,.u;lu t;! V ;ii,;;;: hmv , dollar ,-.in;.. into b!. pos.-.e,. s;oM. .j u(lt ,r , A .,,v y ,.n.s j ,v,1;. ., :,i:, ;. j, ,(),,, k,,-. ,.,.. ns S;,1 , s ,, Af, . s....t,. ii i,,.,, t m is .p.. h iv , d I was paid off. nn.l nine it' ta'llis in 1 did no! , , my pay was this t!n!r. know whnt it w;w wtuih. or wbn: i: w.ls ,!m jt ..w ..,,.,..;., , ,. :M1,i s I t!.nii.!i! 1 wnuld k.". if ;)s ,,,,, ..,, ,.. ni.t, Sia'es. Sbmilv itl'.er n;v ,;.. hai-.-.- 1 , ..,,,-., ,-v.-- iii" inle;;"! bist.uj nf ,b 1 e line, tl bn.-k any I'm il:.'.'. I: : I, nulls to be so n wbetier I..M Sin -a u...s uu.., , .,.,,s ., ,;,,,,,,.;, ,, iVlll1 ,. , SMliI, ,;, ,., ,,. . ,,.irk is ,,!.., ;.,. - , j. ,..,.,.. .;, jt v, ..,a,.- j ,i. ( ,n ertimeiii. Ii ii is a "a mini the ( bu t i tinteiit may i .n,ti n m i;. a. nil ll.e MI tb, liars w ,.e i -al!. d in ..bmi- iy n I'i r they ware ;..ta I Tl tier tbit'e eXistitm ibtll.Mi-. , aiiiait ,e ink. "i by I be ! imm iiloi'lil. a .. Hey ai i . ,ivi: I by . i t.i iii por.i.iis, lop this put I i.-i;i:ir eniii i.- fnileii in n : m" hand. ,.f t i n l ini ml lint nl. whl'h v, '!! pi.'l.abiy t, liiiu il. T v. !iin,l l.i'it'i. : Tltill.'.V I in- lilt' 1 inline.. A spe !nl irnl.li .v i' m- i i iiveyii'i; u-e i li-nil'i . i in U-e .tl Sp- i ai ' -hi. M;i. The i t'l-ille is e ,i i '. i! i n a pi ll 'o-::i nlny itiim and niie bull' n,. i. s aNno ihe .t'ii ef tlii' rail, if.iiini.d , a a ii:;"i; at t .ieh ml. The Iron! i: u k i. -le-tiieiieii atid the ft-.. tit end im th" !.! -infill I'tiwriil to :!io roiiial "hen ii:.- i ii.ila' is In .,. ti ,1 ,,;i the , .,'. IT.-f- ni :iis ni . r . h iiiii li .".fiord .pa.v !'. r iilfni n .ui.i t-.p'.ipii:. U . 'i a - : U I'.d .ni" b ih' in in -. :":.i :. r,-i i 1 1 i.i" i pai nd-. i he Sp: .;,::. ' ! :. c I ii-pal : ,l a n: lias imided an I'lfi n, n I "tie of tiiese litis in two ninl "i,e ipiarler niitniies t'rnm the time the ear vns iu pi'siiinii to iis beiiii; lendy io -t:ll l .Mild has union. led an I'll ' lie ; ..,,,.,.,, ,,, u,,.. , ,, ; ui.i niie iiuarier minutes.- Knuinei'i ini; " ,,,, 7 ! 7 1.-,. Kasehan. I'i , nvt 1 1111 an d by an ear.h,iiake ami ,J())()0 ln.tK)U kliU.xU Qvk Budget 1 lie ilnnl- nl' .-!' 'ilny - V.'ln : .' .il'.' 1 ! e ),i I'M- 1- -''' bi V U i ,i,-o;.:.., !,. !,- v.eie ..ii : ! l-'.ir ' III.' .(e,. 1 -II V II' 1 ' 'II' V I w , i . !, ' i n .- v. .i v. ; Ail -'"il .Hid in I'.n i' "'i' ' !''. I I'.ieli ieMMiie.: lii.O in -r d.ni.' i' l m i I I .1-; a : l I ie I - in I i " - i e..r' ii ,d II,!.,: !. ' li in ii ii . : She lioy.ui b, lii ve ;n i.iXitti; Imh h ; (.i.irsV I lb "I I'leM Alt lilMli'ilS .sl'OUi.l ' !', in.. d!" IT., i.. All lie , SvlK.it! I;.st . , y Wiiiitu Hi .ni': .V'lll .tl iiiiid'l" Miti'Mi "Wii.. nr. sell'iur.' Pell " 'rilf-" I'Ve U"l 'I. f..ii'.rb." - .New Vni'U .I' M; :.: I 'tllilrlr ftllii'. ''I nfn. 'Hli.t'e ill I'M'. I'M -ayV' "Web. re: i., : . I il ;iys ni t ,e leet it nirl " II" .idini -es p .l.i l'"ll p' 'V f... and lie it I Iii :d I L-ii n rival i ; I .......j- t ,..-i li I mn." I ;:.-i-.'.. I'n-t. ('(! iri f t.Atf, ( V'i; ; I's 1. ri'ii'ie : ' It L , Tim 111.. -. '.; 1 I'ulil nfier lei i r : iiitdi t d yeii' -t n ,':,'i:.- . a lii-.ni y i.l ',:"! V ol We, 1 : ... I I.v..! I i'. , ! .1 il 1 .! 1 . n-' -1 1 ..I." 1 1 .1 i"it .' V ii; .l.il. S ill t'i i 1 illlll. I ii- -n it t he i.t...'1'f e nip .:; lb. 11 lb" be bad i' r. IV' -ii." .a.'l Mi. 1 p, , , n ,t -i'l.,! v wb. . I 1.. 1 in iv -., d Mr-, r I'l, e IV -hi. M nul l lie .."II. . ..lid 11... iiei alia I .;... -!l ill a. . np i. y - :': . "In.- . .li nl' :iu .,! ... I I i .i - . n'i liiai ni 1 1 - -: 1 ;.. ' - - : -. . 1 1 1 a ell- iii- -. "ii ii.li ' la- ..Ml' ill. -111. tl- nr -ir. I i..!..si n. a:;d jitsi sel ell' -li'-'e per . , nt ! i niil Veil; biil." - I'.. ill in. ore Nt M'.. riiiln.oi!ii' "Vo't .110 i.'ii.ii.Ii'ly pi::'.:.: .a'piial in ihe ivrnii'r i'iii' " wrd ('ii.iiin's .!:iii.l:i"i'. i,s toad i.i!.' nl his lei;,:-. " Wt ii." W.ls lile I a in' iiii 1 I'' ' it's p,j, I do ih'it .11 ;! w ; i .1. so ad nf my bus. ii, .... fil i rivi-e. tear, y.'ll I' iuiil'i'l I'e Ml a po-i i eliliei i'sii';-i,ai star. A lint 1 I 'iiiliimv - " W !.... I IV a i . ee bi I i'l II 11 Li , I'l io S'N i ni'." .ini nin !!. .! w - it: ' : .1 ".it ,i,.,.il in do w.iti f. p'.ll .Ve!' ..;:il -' n i.' ii.' i'i" aiM. .-.li-i- " I'Viiiiry 'i'i'. it;' it t'-;' l:'s me sS :.-!:" .toi'iiny "eiiii push her t :'i de .'"i-i.;" -I'u.l;. Ill' ii-oitttil TillMll. Mr. Sl.iii-ey 'Wi,l. :i: I', tiie'ti iii hi! Vt'll'l Iiin'.: .'ill ill i nl.e liflli-- I" .bu ll. I !" Mr. Si..i;..y 'Siln, 1 li.m. 1 i ;i . nl y. a; n.e any -t ul f. r t ;n '." M 1 s. Sian.ey "l M' i i if " l..'. nil ln!d nl" 1,'U'l blill- ii"' ee a i"l!pb- n! In".:. ns I'm diuinM-.' !.: Sbiii-i i I ' i Iiii . ;i i ;,; :n li.,. p." in-.' I'ii.la.i' '.; ii a 1' ... II 11 Its 11, IV.' nn r:., ii. t.- "i . i. j 1 ) :.s'Xi."' .He. 'lilt' l.ot'.Milolile lines lite lie.l. A Iliile bny Mil. ib-nwiiiu the pli IllVe nf .1 lne.-lll"! il e nil ills slille IliS i'.i'h'f I't-e.. mitt"; iiilni-e.letl it-Ueil w '11:11 Ibe tibjet l was. I" In- liny re plied Unit il w:is a lneiimoliM'. Then Ibe l.tlber M" ill : "Why ib-uT inn ilra w ibe ears. moV T he liny In siiated ami slowly replied: "I'iip:- ib, bnaiimiiit draws Hy i.is." fhiliitielpbin Times. s ' ml .i"Jr: ..J ! THE SURV'VOR OK ST. PlERRC. li, ti. .11 '.iniillil. iitl.il.K S HfininltJtUlB 1 tts II in t':ii'rtrm'. ' 'I b, sole sun Tin; nl' Hie laiael.vsui nt j St. l'i''iM'.' iis .1 lit'tliisti lie;i'o, a I'eloll, i isidiiltd ill '''Il bl lleillll Hi" sbb'lVlllU j ivl.'. ii i.iiirlu liiiificly be eiilbd : duii i.,.,,i, im- ttulv rei'if inry H'isonersi wen- enininttl Hn"''. '''""I Siirlmit . !,,.:...! l.'t... ,,! ; MI'S tile inline ni lllis .lillllllHt " ""' :.iiipli.s in, iliniu so i-eiiiiirknble ! his ; , x;. lieii"' - Thirty thonsnn.l iHtiili'. lli.an.' 1 ; v 1 1 ! ld.lln"i.-.s lives With tll't ,,,.',ir m:i ii ninl tin- 1'iMir of :od in I their In lil'is. were retlileed lo elllfilieil ny ..ii,. i'l.isi I'l .nil Hit' iTirnaei: .M ..ut I'elee. ami Hiis tlita; t hii iniiiiiiy. th;. -ink nl" depravity, lllis utterly' wm ihb .-- .nib at was )iel' i milled In Ihe. 'Tin- 1'tasl is olTt'll tilketi , .anil Hi" mm r-i b i 1. but here was u win. In u.v : mi .'Min-uislieil wiih mor tal j , ; 1 . ,i- i.i ir eyes a swift .iuil.a- ,,,,..,( ,,i tho ilesliuetinn nf Ihe ilt i,iiii.,ns and lh" wry refuse of Hint .mi, it, unity 1-l'i I" i-nioy the life tit .enM.. I'ii"si. philanthropist, sis t, r i f 1 bnrity. mother iiittl i lnbl. uii- ,in b' tl ..I' "vii sil UUel: inl" hideous si.,1,1. s .1' ti.'itiii. and a wreleh nhosir p,, , was 1: pnlllllinll is .sparetl lo 1 nl!, in l" an lii'ini'le nxisieitee.' S.iiiMil fill,! mil Lav.- istiiiieir if II,. had l" .n : ii eli .'. -Inn ril prisoner'. I'," v.." 1. llisnhnltlillilte .Mild Vieiolls; Illlll i. . : ,, , ; m,, I,.. !', in 1 hn el illd ion i: bint 1 1, , , ,- in . . .-are lo put him ill thii tluiui'.ii iii:-!. ! Hin sua ct. We ran imn'-'im- thai iii f.' w.-i. tiimwii iutu l.ini lli-. it he Mile .all aiitinl, with a , mil- i.h Ib.'il it" Mi'lbd beal his I lain... nil, ,iUn.ti.' Ibe Willis nf his ee't'. lie lias mltl Ibe s!ol. of Hint !, ', I ! I ';e lie ill ill: I'llllc 'i S'. ITllil- ai. I.v ii mis liraii ! fi'oiii li i 1 it in brokeu .;. iia!'!.- Mii.le b s.;(v.'il Vilealltly at .1 - ,,!!.'. tint!' i'. S.ir.nlli belll'll till" nimi'l.' n! !'i l"e; i n" i hit U walls of i,i. I:..',,, in ii. . -nt'th shook ii"b'liily. an.) ii.. It ll the yen. thin:-; bifiilh of Ihe ',.:,-i im 11, bu., his refuse. In Ihe ,:., :iii .- I'Miee lb.M I'nb'iw.il he knew i,.l death !.:.. miiie 1, inli lienpb' iu S;. I'li-i ii . ii'.id like "tie iorpini II in; ,.,..,! up,. 1, ;... !..;'. tit i,i ti'.ue. All n-.-i 1.:!,. a ,i a id d , i ,ii. Iibm.s ami h, .'ii..:! :. d n I., a Lit u-'-.- ee!b Hot ,;(,,:, '.. ... . ; -1 -1 1 ' inn from ill'-' , . 'liie i.":l I 1 . as so liliellse III" v,. : .ii .! 1.1 Iiin I'.n k an. I eower ill the ;,:;: h, si , a ,: if :ii ell be liatl h it. in.. I ,!i"ie reiinitni'd slilliilii-il i. eii I.-.,-. ! ner day- bner t it.' shriek 4 ni' lh" , rai d Hiv" v,.M" li.'in il by a i,. ,".ie i::l.'. ti'l'i ibe I'l'i'iieM irnii'l- ;.-;,:. ;.,i :;tl,;n-t lb .III I I'olll llUltpT. , ', ..-i l hiii ii.. :." wa-- r,-ln;i..ei!. His. .a ,,:': ... i' tee !ii.n i.il. inid beiliu . nui,:. i'l.d rnbi.st. be M il! live many ;., a, . ii.i .nn:.,. ni It'll toe .Mnr.v of i ,). : i i..' sin vii.-.l. A Vnll.urir .iiid ri" :i-e oi lbiniil Sarinut I-;; i, "i.il'- . I ! i ' j ' . ! l' n I' ills l!lil''llll,V. I-, ;i , iiiy a Vielfr llilx.i eo'ilil t. i ;; ,.: .- . e. .v. -., Vni'i; f.'nniii.4 Sun. .Iiitunit'e lleili. I eil ..:.t .e.pitieil Miiinis ineonvt1- ,1 it sleepillll. but I llis- inieH.l '.hal .iapa -i"S'.' bet I- are lint so I'iiti. ill lei-ail. i'i uise. ibis is a very 1; tel. .mh,!. nn ::e. .tunt "'I' my lie.inl. .'In..'. Sn;.i. :.:.'. vrim-e family li.'ii." i- biiilii.'.' I: .unre I in Japan, wo , , ii ;i,, I r-i m' .'in nti-aii. but my hi- ;!s . ; a ::p:ii'i'se i.vi'i-i arc imdefoili l.ipiii 1 - in 1 1 1 1 .. 't'ii.ee lin:i sii.e ..ii.u is. fiit'r by sis f.eii 1 i:sl;'a.:i.. eaeii i.liaiil six iliehes lillt'.i. MtM-.' nihil mi lile linnr. liie 10(1 ni,' . 1, v, ;-,. 1 w .lil i-e.ir.-e wan I'll but hei-i! :t nny .-'i a 11 , in.e iinei'. The eoi -,.ii-. i. ii... sen:.', nidi lh" eilshinll is; r .; . v ; i , . i-nt. Ti.e piiinw ' A lit- l! . , .. . wo.tih II in, U.lij; .Int.!. I'llHi' in. b- . Vii! inai t -iviil iueiies Inlli:, b e-'ipi; in :.. i:-'ilo lop ii smail sib :"':i. ....i!cl -.villi soit. i.unjh iMiper. also wiiiir, This paicr is tin' piUov,' e;i.e. iimi ia remnitil nidi moriiili;-. As i..it siniitl and look ill the bin!, wlill its- linn. I silk inid while, every -iiiitt im I.s iiiii.iii.i: iimi I'oiiilortubh'. li'.n. I.niieve;' eininisiii .! ie one niiiy be t.i a,; .p, .l.ip.ttn e ei: -im.is. itlTnr tin: i. ii ie. If imiii ef 1 xi'-'i ..'in-e be mil i;..iie 1 inn le-C'ty. il.iiiii.v. lilt!-.' 1". k am 1 ban- iii'n.w. I he m i u v-'i'i i;. hai o bet n rolled in. 1 1 i : '. 1 -1' i ' , 1 1. porches inlo lonn linn.. Ile M a i , h 1 nil 1 1 wiiiris his retl o,' !,',.;i 1,!:. I'" pa-.. . eilell liultv: 111:' lit 1 iii. ai ,- ,o iiin l..iii'er uml e -..: : . e, ,:; ,!, a aei- ni bi.mn. ami I .'. , i :ii im., . ;,,; a " io 1 ., ;.f nil III" ii. ,-.- nf .' ai d "I " iisllllii as. base" i.-.-t 1 d idi-lit i'i..;. it.-.- M. Wii -ini. ill , m ..ik M .ii and li :. 11 1M.I1 1 1 Mian . 111 1, ! .1. . Ii , ii m a 1 teiii nui i a - Ian i.v ,1 ,; 1 , n d :.. 1 ,-h set 1 lei - in ,. I I , " . ; 1 1. it'll ii.i i. . I bn Ml I'll ,. . a,'- d in ilt- ' 1 i 1 . t I i 1 1 i-fl; I .. ia - . .I ea if tiini n li'ibo ! 1 il l a' - lt.nl i-et'U ill-iiileleii. - i . ! -. mil., in 'iry .b'illl .loss 1 ml " "... . io .Xi w Ihiulalltl," ,1 :: -ai 1 ! 1 1 1 a , in, nin. ni 1 ite in- ant - 1 1 - -1 ' I ; I i . ! !, 1 . II. ii'lit in . ..i'.-l Sii i i-. .f a lb : i-i'i'l. ilil ii :i' I'll ,' ni I In .ti. .!:'. -. iu Ills 1 i." -ae V, 1 i.. ,1 vim d- ::i us" 1. 1 1- ' I ed . an-. A 1 1 a:' ill y laiv i' ii, .a .- er.tl r,.nii is an I ntiiei. ;:','.,,! 11 a:t I dniii 11 ,b" lliilr -" d li.a f . iin.. :-p.'k Welsh ami .l ai . . , .1 . in l iil isii.u. wor A i m 1 . : i. . iu.'.ti .:i... ... 1 j-u , I i'i In 1 . 1 e. I s . 1 1 1 : ; . M.s.'.U.i I .-..I li.eil l..'i!.. by ludiill... 'Villi i-iiil'.l'.'.t 1! iii Welsh wiih some Wei-Inni 11 in bis company. Tlm.-e India is were lliniiKiit ,i be ile.eiMnlaltis nl a iiilmiy saitl to have la tat fori I by Mati"e, son of Hlii n (Iw.llii ild, oil nis ilisi in.-iy nf III"! it'll ill 1 I t'll. 1 .1 II : ' 1, 1 I I 'hi . Mill I". All injury In Ibe liiiiyiii. 1. rnpli ireil by 11. ilui" with more rapidity Hi. in Is the i a - v. I 1: in ;. ni:o , :n I ' Hie ..y. it 111.

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