I 1 ft ir t; jU'USDAV. Oit. it. r.ui-j. Local Kocords. tio"- . j II. no yi'iii re-astered jot ? If I Out f tlio 'iOO colored voters heretofore re;. ship only one lh!c In lo-lster tor tln lloxl eke-: rff . CM . j II. no vi'iii registered CTiK SHERWOOS KIS8S & CO. SHERWOOD KSGGS & CO, iiiirt i uut 1,(1 urtMI The Millinery Department. -M'leh interest is beiti-- taken1 Carry vour cotton seed t in t ho lvviv.-il now in pro-ross nt ' Uyuuift A-Deaden. t',' Metnodist chine:! nt (his place, Mini it is hoped that much l.i Vlcnty of frn.'ino anil plios- -od v, j ho aeooniplisLc !. phatos ou Laud ;it Dymiui A . i Tr-i.lnn'u - No one has vet claimed I ii'i : !!: c .IiOf I'f 11 reward fur , "l He sure to toll all your iioi.-;h- fim'.in-; tho whereabouts of tlio u',i;'nilV '' l! liois that they must re-istcr he- Populist county executive com-j fore sunsot ou Saturday, tho 25th mittoo, whioli lias so mysteriously tif this mouth. disnppt aro'l. The lare.es! in the citv, and is reach: ne. in thb year to ..over every c unity iii the State. ( "or.ic hete '.u '.ct iv-U'J as to the iii'.i c"-ivt styles, .tnJ you can saw time and money by having a ikl varied s( ck i) selcCi li'"i.i. Hie piiluie h.its turned out 1 r :n ei:r work ,ooin a''e marvels ol Iy.u.'... Store i 'i mam departments com; !e?es the rv.i! Ie.uiines. he satisfaction ..)' -,.t'in- iiiiiii.-, that is t!ie best, ;ti price.sth.it ate the l..'.vet arc fact well worth DURHAM WOKRS, Durham, H. 0. Moinanients and Tombstones. American and Italian Marble. Ct-irestvudi-nee solicited. The Coat Suit Department. 1'reparo. for tho eoM weather' . .-It is s.ifoly ostii.i.ttod that not which is sure to lie mi ns soon. loss than l.oiio, ami prolmbiy j llymim iv 1 leaden s store, will keep colored voters in ( 'Imf ham you warm. are disfranchised by the sull'ia-o j .... , ,, ,. t iMiiehliii.-ut. ( '. is- 1 1 hi -lit I v tlii' i Lho two Democratic candi- ,. ... ,: , , '. .-, , , tlatos tor tho Sciiato in tlos ui- ' , ,, , triet arc canvassing Kid.moml l!i,,t ,,,:'."-v .V ," Uuf 1 , V'1!" l:d county this week. . vot(' :,,ul i,:,,i!-v ht';lt,'n- n:1-, ia.-kels. co.u'. cares and it chevi'.'.s, aiul eeiict;a:i. '"v - r.ewesl. 'ret;y ! ;!! t;. L . ci u-aJy m:k!.' S;i't' .ir.J wool w;':M. ser.i.'aie 't ;n or ..i.lci Mir. a;ii! luercerieJ s.it.eii peliico.iis. i:i!.t:.' Joaks, eiJer-.l wn are.v.im; supiey :uul ho.ie wrappers. C-::k1 nm-liii uiklerwear are here in hr$;e quantities and jcre.it variety -Now is vour ohaueo. Haw- -t':ito '-a frost'' has fallon on! ho i!...iil.ic.iu oriii.iithili-s whoj l i i;it:i.,... i..,u .. 'o'l'iioi r i i., i ...... ,i ,' ., i ; i hav o I'l'on eoiuliii't i;iL'' a oiu-siiliHl i ,eanvass ot tho oouiity. o hoar ! tint vorv fi-w imtslus havo atten.l- Jla.Lristratos' ami com-taMos' o,t any ol their oipoi!itniou;s a! tiokets printo.l at TilK lli-:ooi:i of- more, lian lt ul --:iml thoro was an iieo at !" oents a huiulroil. Soinl woful lack of enthusiasm own . . ,M. your orders at oneo. iiinon-' tho 1'iilhlul I.mv hi oaine,' '" " ' As ' v ,. , , .,, out to hi'.ar t J;om. llio fontitv canitiitates will lio ofl'ors at bargains. Kaleigh? N. C. 1.0-in thoir joint catrnw next ' Wv nuieli rojrn-1 to lioar of , .;, .' iursday at Johli-ous liinl-o, in tho untnnoly d-athol r. olou 1 i w , i ,,i..,.( Now Jtopo townshui. I i-i rv. a son (. :r. S. A. Iiiiy, ol ; ,' . . . 1 no tioeoas- m l was iiv Don t wate timo in regrets. i ..... . ...... ,x ,.i lut o i- to liynuin A- lloadon and j,.,, ;:n! i';.... lo;i, v. I.,)-,. ,i,.. i.ny a in:.-.iivss aminat to mat n. typhoid f.-M-r i.i-t d'hui-l.-.y. J hoy ran ploaso you. .. ., ,ri,-d i . Nt day at Vou will find at Pot-Atwator ,:,'"''v"'-s t'i-i'-1- !-is old Moreantilo Co.s lMttsLoi-o : ..-!, ;: full lino of Imys' olotliin.j iin 1 ( Irj.'s for im i-i rifi-s ovoreoala. also hoys' un.lonv..ar. !u. i'.:h!, , ;,', ,,, ,li.,d at When vou uo to Hnh i-.di or " j havii...: I::. . !s jirint nurham h'-. sin, to oa!l on ! i.oso ' " h"'.!l "-' 1 ", t oivo !.y ..ui inoivhinls uhd think enou.-h of ,lS .' 1 I-i.-!: !oA your trad.- to adw i tise for it m '' !':!V1 t :!. 1 s v :! h x.ie llrao,.!,. u'!,v '- : ' : ' h nd :i. o r ur-'or- a! Don't p to I'nrh.-.m or I!..! , to '! : r j. .' ,.;r Ur ri'O. im l.i . i,. n.iv. ci i. ai- : ; :. i .. t:.:v J. lii'fron, N. s l.i i mi t'.-'h .v-- a i drid. ino.icv 'ii oiouuinr, ..ir.s, o i i-. hhiios, !i.i!s ! iu:'l uo-y. -. i ii di-oi ' -tly .!: !. ;. stoi d t'.at a !:., p r: ...!' tax di i-s n..i d' !.;, a i ;.'.n i'i .. louisti i i;.;,r. lii-e.'i. r.-ipi-si. , :,(it cannot voii- o.t th" in x; . It 1 i . : i . - Ilo:.. Cyrn. ; P.. V-.!.-..:i v. id Pp'-ak ..! Si'- r i 'i;y c; .. i a-: d :V, I !. .-, :;; '. !.- s-V t'..' iio: d.: -..-l :.l I I'l'loek i ! i '.I f.::i. !i ,;!. t.. ;.. i lid in ..1' him. The JJopidiiiean oaudi. t..- doff it shii-iiu1 ii .!;! iii th- - an i ,iif i.- diin- liiit t:!. ;r doom s d-d, for Ck.ilhani is i- rfaiu to y.vi; an ovo hehiii.i.; Ii li:o- er.nio majority f . . , I titer from Durliani. CoMiiiussioners Meeting. Tho oiiuty eandidutfs will ae-: ,, . ' Dili ham, N. C, Get. . '5. f!eompany th. sln-rilVat his tax ap-! I Ii-eounty eomiiussionors i,ol,l j.j,,,.,.,. u , , , ,U0: it lliu lol- ' .-" ' i.,,.,,. Jl...vwilli 1 hand vou mv ohook . ,l..st onihy ami Ims.iay ami au- lo n.;;u. M,Ls,.I.i.-iuI1 t,; (,,, ..(M.ll "iUdtho io.lowm-.-H-oouuU: ,,, , , ... w h.L , ,irize Vt.rv .. ir, .! lor lamUr I:i-!,iv i.ii.l i:.jny n.idin- vorv tor 1 ry .a i k ii. id-- .. . 25.2. i.i i !:. 17 liliam loddi-. yrA ;-. s. s ('. 1 'ov. Vr. for i .'i ;up--1 i : L i i u t at i'.v'iiiua LAMBE & LYON, OliE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, Durham, N. C. in ii o -mmi Men's, youths' an.i boys' cMlmnf in all styles and at low prices. O.VE f'lSiCfl TO .ILL. Vionev saved Iv bu'.ni troin us. l-o. l.o.. . lohnso ( C Kii-.. J. II. !i,-i.', Id :- i-:. !o S:iMip.-o, Kd;tli Sd, -rCiiy I iarp. i s : llo:;d iokiht oil Caia-r's .w'-!i i .i In I. V . ( ioid-doli-.-, I. .ekuli,- At ii .- !. CROSS & U.XKIIAX CO. IT TO-DA I K dl UlKliS AMI Fl UNISHERS, Eveiy Swii-dbie :n..;i yppie. dates the value of i;ocJ V L O T M. I N G , i.l Ill-O ; I.. I;. Ilynuni, for m-ison I work and .-i-iiii at on i !y i.iii.i iirid . C. D. Mo- , n.rM.'.r .r i:::JH-r -'-' 1 had tin- ploasuiv Tuosday i.ioruin-, ,S,-j.(. ,'ioth, of slinkiii' hands at. I'.a.st Diu'iam with lion. '''- ui-k I rai- ami N.-u.iior Jotor our line is MJilicu :it 1111 .1 ..! 1 1 I .1 i. i iiK'iiMi'n, wno nan s ...kou ino toiniath". ....!.'. 1 I I . i 1 1 1 ' ..t t i . i i " 'i o, ni t iwi (u. siiowinsr is .m extensive one, and in every respect justifies our to i;oai ..iin,.rii .i-lt , 1 1 1 , nt i .1 .- . loiin if lo th:- niihli.' t istf ut he Joes not kr.o . ay jn-1 where to yet it. A glance through ve trns; i all will make good use 01 the m oi.oo t,,; A. N. .!-ia arlioif I., 'or :.-.;r i -.Ui : , r i ; r ; c:. :i: ,,.. i !. a- ill: !' Ki,. j i ; ;. W. A. ; i. 'j' . ;! .. ?.l y i II .'a.. ('. . C. C. i! ; i . i i '" -. 1 i i a :o-'. ..i;!d m;.vo- t l:a i ). i.i. t. ..! t i i :i ! i his 1 io-palilii'a:;. for ho L.i.; hoi'ii j I 'niooraf for liiouy voars i.di ! -iiin i T. i. . .. . Si v. i'. V, i:...l...' f. W. .'!. :; k. o. j !. A. ill,-!:;"!, d. i!. V. ll'.i.k s v.'u .''a-toa, .!. Ii. . i. W. !:. ,. . C. ii i-iits. M. : I, .;:, W. i. I'ar- l. . i V.tre . W . ( ; , a. dr on hiid-o tin! 'II s i. H lo :". for 1,. id- f.-r i. M !' ;r. i , ' o A. S.:, .. .i. i'. Ail ! . j o -.... I ... . ... il .:.l - . o. ; ...'.M-. : ! ii- i i . -1 i . . i ' :i. f , .oi mil, i, Li is aii i . t . j , r !.. I.ihians. .1. A. Shaw, laitn.il .. , . ., . . ., , ., ., I I'll I II 1 1 ! II I." Ill-f i. i'. ( '--..!., for s. rvi'nr t : v. t i. a V,'. ,;:!.!. , 11. V,'. V,i. ,!-r, T. M. lo ol' ! !.- iiadn-r ai (.d -.ii'.s V i'iiai.i .) i .iiia;oii, for v.o: on I ry iTo-ii hri .V I .. -ii'hnson, fT wn k on ire 01 1 ; k hri i . . A: water, lor hiii.l.L-r ti.a! o;i h'..d ru-I. .n. i i.t husiasf if lu.c.7 in,.. ..j,,) iVohi a!ijn-n;-.::.oo.s 'I '"' St ! are ail that fashion demands. The material is all that one n,y ; i'. .': ii !:;,-'d, .Mr. f'.-.-ii C'-ulJ wi.vh for ai..' tlu prices are such as will convince yon that here is "did a p'. .: y" f..r tho liioiintain !'!--' Place to buv. Fix ':! name in yum" mind, (iive us a call. J'1"" s. ii.it. .r. ! .nil ....id to r.-jiort that . elicit y.-ur inspect;-!. Doai -r.io'. in iJiiiham nmiity is j ia a h- diav ooiiditi hi, ;:nd from ,;" 'ol! f o . -of it ,i.p..-iS tllld ttO ;;-iu ai . .- - havo a l.i.' lotorv in "Id v - .,!,:. Wldfll has ;,) l'..!,--i -on luixod tip v.ith ail . 1 - . - - gs sort., ,.:' .s.a-. V.:'V lVs;.o('if;:!v, j ., C. C l.r. ; I'ii is v.-ry -i-noral ai'pn.va! ol li..- -:.piv!ii.. ( -raiitin-j; a l.f.v tri.d to V.'.ie.o;. fa- couvicfod1 o-i mnr.h-r-r of N, ,-.,, soy. tt:KWWQW&Wy '1 hf no xl t rial ('li - I-"1 othi-r oouiity. to '-O 111 ;:U- ,hi!o Mr ! lo! ! i .. i lll'll . O - - Flavi- nil soon tlio h . ; ut iful ll m w cloak, and o.-.p.-s a! I'.yn-i::- "' A ll.'.i !, i.'s. I f ia.;. -r, .- 1 1." ". a t-aii .'on! t !iiy fan vo-i a oi-r- -'ti foi-t lit in th.; most stylish u:t. ".' Conn' and s. o 1 1. f!.l. I ,:'d,v --N-arly all Ik- I Vim., rat.-. :: li. f- r.-jfistridi...- uudfi'tlio -r.iii'i: - or Toy c!all-.o" ot ti.o sn:i':..uo a.i.. !- iityoo wont, as th-r -hy tiu-ir in'mos :.: . placod on tho poriniiliolit r-.;irra- ! I-- ' . a ii.-, ...:!..;.- ',. lion list of voters. -m hut l.wi!i servo -.i:!v un sndi;, :til ti.-hr.-t ;n i Ji-oi-mlii-c. m a:i i'.ynui'k W. I. Co 1ST .S: 'in I.VTo . I'is. t i . : a r i- has !.,!, .-o.'idv ( : d-.-doiioi- h- - orinr folll 1, 'l:'' nod kv I- :. W. I'V . .. i :. .. .- ..- '(' :!.- y.:: i- a ! . . t j t . -! . i--:-.. . ;o Lio. : v, 'o.-f v. iii. l n- Hap : at de: '.! '.!'! i. road ol'di r t ). it iitti A !li ad. n, for supod-a i '. M. : ia f,;l mai-ri- ai for II ;-!a:i'v l.ri'.tu.'. V, IA Ciiitoai;. Id, for i i. .Any tin iii1 you can possimy. Il-i I in H unk, liri'ss-s.iit i-.- ,,i:d l i ffrip imo call in- Io:m. at li.'a i-, ipirii tors i ! . nam .V 1 1 i d-u's. : j Thoy havo just received a t'uii . 1 stock ol thorn. j Mi,s oi',i'. on a .si iin i : .-. :. ::.!. .' a I 'v . , , So, i :. naad or of ii. if..:at. aiico, and t h- !i-i. i t .. i i v 'i. : .r i: : Y.''.i i: to ! I ! 'Ms. Mis. A. i. !. if at Mrs. N. . . i. itti.i j t he ( i:urcin.s ! eo.it t i i. u t i :. s Vl'.'lV. Un d ii .'J .'..si"l !. .). .lol.asoi., for jjimrd in - (icii'Mal I'l'arri': v-tou i . Mi ii !. Ai .. iad lo i ; r- i . .; l'oi-At walor ?Fc!v.i!dil" ( liavo at t!i-ir lhi t.-d.-ofo store lioaulifu! lino of hand ury i di dn-s Ii;,,.-; o,. ami nis' i tious, also a pretty line Ki;-o. of hhudv dioss -oods for skin . nn, I ,...) i u ... ... I.... i. .' .di oi M.Mia Ais'.m, .li.i'a , is violin,-; la r uneli Mr. d. II, YVi'athers;iooa. of r. .vision. Saulonl, aiinoi!!iifs his fail ..pen-' v; ol dry ooits, e.oll.ll:-.', .ailie: wia s and fi.rs, and '! s f..r a foot,'' croat valms in ovorv di partmoiit. Mail orders . solicit d. ! Mis. H. A. I.oiid !, dr., :nd .,, eld!-.'.!"!!, of Ch.-ulott... ale visitilUf .uany ol our countyhicil will t y(- j j lltteli.l I ... A hme.Hen eiel-li- I'm ii- I ' which villi he hold m xt . k. I '.Vo I.eV, ' tel. il.i,:'-' : :rol:0 Alnol.r' ti 'i: v. j I.'lel iif. !i V , re .Mr tile toi. i o!l!i r li. . old, ., l!,-v. I, . (tain:- I ilvi.e ; ill r past ::;.irds ,V i i t i . -: :-i- c'. .in.-; oi'l iV-dal . ir. roni'iuo.t visilii!-.:-Mr. .1. W. o,d,v. ti - to:. Ilelll " . !'. I . I !'( - , WoLstf-r's W. e'dv: FavThom- '' '' l'id, v! o dies a l.iilo . r pdi to t:.,. .:. i..', ,.c . I ' 1 1 " ' ' . -. " 1 1 L C.on ou: kiiih la.-i Tuesday. .Not li n ! : n any --uao. ho soon roturu l.'iS.iiJ 1 .iii.l in putlin-- his ;.riin on tho siaiis th" tri--er came in contact .C,i) v. itii the steps m sonic way and was tiled, tho load l.ittili-' his lie! t. 2,1 .ps which was tilled with sh-Hs, which vore soon shouting in every di-l'.'.-o reoto'ii. 'i honins was hit a do.cu or laore lem s, di ir lt at oneo. Vd ei Times: Air. Daniel Lu- cii'-. i.l ; I i eel; tou i!S!iii is a u: i-pie oi: iro.et. r. Jle does not ' !.::' .-a win n ho s.-. s it in pri::! ao 1 cumd say his letters .iii lr.it can sav llu'iii haek- . ward. lie lias some reputation as i.l preacher, ami Wednesday ufter- 0 noon surprised several sitting ' " ..round ti.. court hoiiso. who eal!- 'd on i ii:l f..V :; sel l:!.'. I. hy (jllot in.r at !! pa-.'vr.e of scl ili- l.on J.Sil THE POPULAR STORE- We a; e vhowin in our I n.hn- so.-!'. I:.:-. - V. . i'asci.ol, of Wake !'-, - "io . f V.i. .' l!". .1. li. A . i - .-. !. anient ot Ilk! X iiolliaS li le Ul- 1 . ( i..o.;::. as su- p. rinS-m',.. nl of !.ea!i I:, Ac i. Clark, for eoiivoyiii:"- ( Iii.- ' .:! i ': .,11 li.y . '!t ! I . AianiaiH ( . V.. i.. I i.doi. e S,,;:, f..r l;;ie -n. '.i e. '!:;i,ie!ii in-' on name. ntmnnt .i i, , i , i; . ,t 1.- , , , . is 's the finest, cheapest and most sty& t he . kt'-onu'st line ot ciuss iiu'o, . ' 0 ,. . J -.. , .nc : ,n. i.. ,,,) idi di it can ' had. Call and see w. v p.: He ns m -ilk, woolen aikt , . , . . . ,. . I i i, , , . . t j .. our handsome tnmnird hats, stylise '" '"-' ,lt 'v.'n,,!.'. iioc:h- waikini: h.'.ts. children's hats -.ill I'l ii:i ei.i.i.v'. ov ...i, , Oar Milter? .n MM) SIOp- tile Coll;') And W'oiks ou the Cold. I.o.atio II. 10 i nr.- a c l ay. i : JT.ol -'on.-. quinine i a o if is f.n! s'olk ol an Ki.nl- o; i "m'- ikiy. No Cure, ho -ooj.. 1 -" eeiits. j s nij. stock ot i' a n: ;.:"0.l- i : '. v Tli.'imi -s' 'ii !'!' re- 1 'II Ueil to I'ii ,-i. I. '., to re.siUU!- insti notion in music. lal-a. j Dr. Vt ill i:i til '.. Ile.iden and i he Association will meet next y :.ua: .M iiiina' and a'cr c.:!,l ii.- ( k, f. .I- materi il i' r 1 n;iui on I 'e year v. ith 1'. ar Cree!. clmreli and A. V. Wicker, insolvent !:;- i; fo.duotoi y sermon will he f,.,.s iu..ei...l !y ilev. O. I'. Ivi wards. I l),irs-t Co., for nails for - ' I '! , ei eek hl i. 1-0 ' .1. II. ijoiios. for, servioos ; on aeeoiint of hri.l-es.. i.-H:,!!..!!:" ",!-; o.M.,..ni.,-. .1 . .) . .1 o! . i is H i, for servin-' J V lit la 1 ioliltor, I'll. i. I i'.ilV. i,ni lotie. s ! Mr. I,, Stewart, of Ki.dituond fCtlOB 2i!u Tiiill count . h.'S o i ,i ,.,!, (. luiilhor with Ids iv.,. little hoys when We haxe ali :!:.- L.tcsi o ..el'ies wheel went i.Ter a rout ami threw 'in neck wc.-.i. .!K' ti.mtv.i:'.;. Sri . I.., .,.... li f '.-..niK h.-lt a'.. veais. to th- .round. A wheel I he K kk .1") DrewneJ" V.'itli Whiskey. wish, hat Challaun catid have s,d j-f .vl-iul Citv. :,r.M isit- -.. ...Jitein-'ut' i' J VvT'rV. v 1 .V,' S Wi creditah.o ;i Ian as our m-i-nhor ( " - w- Jtown Sundav ovr a i. p.-rt that a j ,.,..' ..i;,,,,,.,. county has every year. Andhy Mr. Ceor-.- 'IV lor will leavi? ' j.-:i,'..er of a proirdu.-nt I.-it.iii y in ' j pM',j .l)r Woi''on Wt.J ji.t Satniday ior I ...nisiami, i,f. I'-riltai:: l.oie ii'ior!.. . d h.-.d I ',.,'u.t '.', - -W. T. Ilav, of niiilin-ton. TC. ,"' :" ;--i. d.-.v.i -d A!..,ut i'o'cleokj I'.-n, in' pii-sons w S.iinr.k.y iu-l.t in i. ea.ae . I .., ,i ,,., ,-.,m. 'll the P passedt over his !.od , crushiu-; have ever haU him so hadly thai ho died before children. ;1 tuidiii-ht. I'he !v-t Ir.m; w.iot, v;i i To Cure a Co!.! m dm Dav. I, . V , . n ...... I it st stk ot I l.i 14.SD I ai.' J.a.aile Dioino ( n nit 1:0 I , ... ; Taidets, .di iin.. ;s r. fund tin o.o."i money it il fads t.. cure. Ik , re a!- (irove amounts for -;e. !'. 'Vi-s we I-..!..- a. .d Pvcrv body knows we keep an d'e p-.'st shoes for the money on iiiaikel. My Male ClotliDi We have the largest stock oJ ; . ;n t..le clothing for men. h- .md children. Societhiaf . i . e:al!s. i ",no and see us. n.itnro is en e;.cii !k... ('.will si I! vu mens hat., L':..'.' Mr. !'ivd. S. Hill has -..no to l.ovs' h.'.ts 100, mi ll's -ood Mliis Ma oi:, Co , as Ht,;es : a Mil! h-I a- I I .e, i.-s e,, s.. :...... ' Work n th,. '-y ere. k Iil'ld-e: I l.t).l, hoys' sails mi..'."- .,,,! caps there loiidin-' a-ainst Mr. -I. 11. ami at'., r soareu Imu he. :, mad- (. W,itt '.'no, l.dStono S2, (ius Mr. J. A. illtai..s, of anvn j .... ... ...... .,- ..... vicl'sler S'J.I.O. M. I'lieU letlV "A. ' , n .1 e.w r. I 1 tio, ladies' jackets i?!..".!', capes H dm Ih.I.iw I l.o f..:-d of lie river'..,-,. . 1 1 old 1 1..-.: hi !,.:: Mo lis ie.1. .,'...-.! ' Miss Id'.V Cow.'lil l:'iS received l.,,. Ahoi.! t.l .,'. look 'i : ' .7.".' ', ,' ' .' ' - roeih.i H !...-. il.. s.'.vs li-, i I 50e. i.e. sure to --o and see his l.i.. .t....l " I -'"- "0.1 '. on.,.. ,. is i.i, jlls ,. ,,. Al'Ollt I'l O - lOCli; lo Wl.ili I i .1 Clo-.I I'.'Sil ' "I1 app.nnimi Ut as tram.-.l lilimi ,..., ,,;;,. s, . me 01:0 found him ! t, N ;'i:..v ;-) - W T' I" ops -.-...I Tj idios, while you are lookim.,' 111 ,'' I loop, r alley si nool. I n- jvi,ly. ,, i t !.. l oad, and il was j ,., .'' ,' '.",' u.mld i,., ti. at tho beautiful hat.- ami tho h.v, -. O""'-'.'.' n. C.i!i!oni!i. discoveo d t hat l.o had only h. .1, ' u- 1',',, ' s' " '" ' tktokei 'itb, l'.'o :e :lid that h "0 1 for it. ly dresses th. y iii.; showing at W. Mr. ll' iirv?d. London, v.l'o has "drov.i.id iav, a; l! ' by v.: Ii. liOIld, ,11 A Soil's, ask i.i .see the been ill th-' etl-iis i.;':;ee lid, 'dsn. Jiandsome and cheap jackets, oap.-s : si mlyin:.' law .11 Wmdn:; .' ti fur cs , ,.. .. , , v und Airs they are sellin-. They j ;". iM t w.. an i a im !f v. a: -, v, ...... .M....... ti.-- .1... also liavi-:i 1 doe lot of chiMi-n's i,-taV,i i,.ro i.aiorio v and. coin- lu.dnnon.l, M.r. I'.!. wraps and jackets. ; j. !,... his I r.v nmr a- at th- t'lli- at I.!- home :: .'., .. li- vei-sitv so as to -,-t li.s li.oi.se i'i'iu:i, Iih.i;; m .1 ::oi .. : , ( 'm" i.i-., T!,.jt W. M. Snmn.r j, yy , I he :,.:. d fii p.-, i: - inn: ta ' 'f'-f .'m ;ue...tt!it of po, rty and iniirm- ' The county commissioners n. t r.-hrm.ry. iff and t ii. si .:!.'.! hi . 1 1 in' .ion i in1 el . mo w a , iiisauit v. hut what 11 m 1: iii ii,; i I. . the l.mao. : . l.ii'rn:' !s , i- 1 ' law ion '; a v 01 t 1 ' ci.ar.-i"! v ilk 'for I I.e. jvms ihat T'l'i' t i.-.i... tv i.i (t. . r -. iT-rmine n. it t'.o diiivrent L;iati;e ilruni'VuKiif-;' t..i-i. j i; j ' V ii j-m ' '' ' - 1- '.- it u; t:i tint Jay 'Iii. sVsssV law last duo. Oil .v.'a and I P. li r..!. I r- broke i'l.. tlio po:-0-ionice .:! Ta.-w.-ll C -uvt Mouse. 11 . inia. on last S'iMl.-.y ni,.'l.t, did n-.t let out to contract tia mui'iiu-; oi a l. 'v, iin.!-,. at ti iv- 1. ,. . ; 1 1 ; .. , ,, i,,, ,, n-st... . .. wood, mi lst Monday, butwii! f, ,.",,, ist rii ,ir . h . t..-i ;!.." ":::. ; i..'oi;u mijnoMiiu im' i. nn ijii;. .,., M.H k,:,ovn a; .1 ! .si, ri- Il!:l.,';j tlm purpose ..t inspect in- another . ,,.. ,,.,. p ,. .;;,.k-: 8ito near tho old brid-v, Hhieh is , .ilt., char - ,-ind u ,1.1 (. i, !((. ... ..... r. : ''1"'';' 'I'-hoy o tne t ...1- ,., ,i, : "i-'-u tho s.-.f.-with ,10,1- -They l.avo received at W. I . b.pd-uio M i:euai at Kiclunond. 1 1! .! i i . .". .,V I have eVlle i'i! !""t'. Tl..'.v secured mo in stain,.. London ,v- Sou's nnoih. r 1-t of i..-:n:i a. V,'.''l,j ',' 0.- coe'i.il voters to ""'-'"' '!ls!' that, pretty cheap furniture 0..0, P.csi.lent Ibnisoe.-lt lias p1,!,e- ' i;aWi:'li next Tlmrs.lav. ' ., f . , . , histiinjf ot moo I ed room sels lor Iv -nross.(. Ins 0 is ippi o.n oi r (,. ..., lS , ,,,,.,.'; Ike :rradin-- of .ee bideurh A S12.oi , nioohan,ls,.m..chillo.inieiv the liepublioan loa.lors in Alaha- " , J, . .t . . 1 UlV : 'ap' I'.ar railroad .- completed for s(j.;)0, oali bureaus, oak bed- ma and North ( arolin t exclmliii; r ,,. , ,.... , . .1,' to l'.radlev s si. .re, .11 Unmet Stoads, spriu- m 1.1 1. ess, ;;, che.ip ,,ev. 00s front ll.eir . -onvei, ti,,,;,. s 'T;.v ,,,.,;,,. Senator oom.U. ahda laipe c. i.si-nm. id ID.it tresses, iron bods, chairs and and said 1 1.. it 'v woul.l oclmlo no rj , t. as "i(1, i . 1 "l .i t " f"- his of iron is epecb d t"i 1 1 ack l.l in.j rocivinrr o;i. .ii s, cooKin- ami hoiil- man inuii omeo on .ici .nun 01 ni.s 1 ,r..,,, eMiv.lav. AT MAKKKi" VAld. T. I.ii -.i-i I I... ,. 1111 ;:.. . . .-. 1 .. . M'H ' ,:'l '' .1. 11 I II H I !!:. . I 1 .1.1- ;i : 1 :. 11 ' .1 .10 1 !, a 'I. I . 1 .:,,iii .v v.sufu .: I' em, I ' n :ni pa-,:., nn l j.ltl .1 . ir. tu t. i.'. 1 11 ... :i k.:i. 11 . ; -.ii 1.1 v. rj. i;i! .11 ..; il. Lmihimu -V Mi.l Ui it. I:,. I..,- ,,: uu.t .-..!..: .-ii' ..... W. L. LONDCN k SOW, 2 Pittsioio, N. C. f 31. T. Bank of Pittsboro. Flusters, 2sT. C. Will 'iC.n. i.poMt, and 111 ike loins .m. I do a general banking bust iK'Ss. In.i.e-i ceiiiiicaie w.li he issued lor deposits. I he peojdo a ( .in:; :...:a now i,.ic tin- opportunity, tor the first time, to patronize a l 'uiilimi county bank. Deposits are perlecil. site i'i .1 tite-ptoof vault at.J burdar-proof safe. a:td are Pa'.'.i -.c !...'. b- .di the proper') ail the slock holders, amtntntin e. t o.e. 1 :iii'i:'ii dolt y -. rash . r. JL. Lcndcn, Pienideut. inj ,. " -,JIM.l

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