I SECRETARY 8HAW ENERGETIC. New Head of Treaeury Department Sets a Hot Pace. Secretary Shaw Is the most Indus trious member of the President's cabi net, says the Washington correspond ent of the Erooklyu Kagle. Shortly after he succeeded Lynian J. dago, Mr. Shuw startled the treasury watchman by appearing at the department one morning promptly at 8 o'clock. The doors were unlocked by the wonder ing attendant, who thought that the secretary's home clock had slipped a cck or two. The next day Secretary Shaw turned up at the same hour, and he has kept y.-y the practice ever since. Few treas ury officials are able to maintain tho ppce sot by their chief. T:u latter's private secretary, Robert H. Arm rirong, comes nearer doing this than any of the others, and ho manages to j;et at his desk somewhere near 8 o'clock each morning. Only once he reported ahead of the secretary, how ever. The latter gets an early start. JIq rises at 0 o'clock every day, eata his breakfast at 7, and by the time the hands of the clock point to 8 he Is at the department. It Is safe to say that this 13 some thing that no other cabinet officer has done for more than a few days at a time. Ostrich Egg as Food. Cstrlch egg3 are only a twelfth the cost of hen ctfgs, that Is, so far as South Africa is concerned. Hen egg3 cost 75 cents a dozen.but ostrich epgs, each of which Is equivalent to 20 or 1'4 hen eggs, cost 10 cents. When re quired for use the housewife makes a s.T.all hole in tho top of the egg. The ipianttty required Is shaken out, and the shell containing the remainder Is corked up, as though it were a bottle. So treated, the contents of the egg keep quite a long time when caro is taken to place the corked shell in a tool place. The authorities have strictly prohib ited tho exportation of ostrich eggs, but the birds have been acclimatised j to South Africa. An American has . also founded an ostrich colony in the ton tli of Franre, at Nice. The results are that South Africa has dangerous j rivals in the field, and that ostrich ; rggs may soon figure on our breakfast ; tables. I A girl doesn't believe a fellow ts j seriously In love unless he tcts fool- thiy. i I have made a most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and .-.m prepared to say that for all dis eases of the lungs it never disap points." J. Early Finley, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Thru (lies: 2k.. 50c., tl. All drontiti. Commit votir doctor. If he sars take It, thgn do as ha suv. If lift tell you sot totaka It. than d. n't take It. lis knows. Lea? It wilu him. ara willlts;. .1. C. AVER CO.. Lowell, Mans. Cross ? Poor man ! He can't help it. It's his liver. He needs a liver pill. Ayer's Pills. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use uckingham's Dye ;0ctv of d'ugg'iuor R P. Hat! & Co . Nathua N h WRITE FOR CM. & SPECIAL RATES. Situations StClRED BtSlNtSS COLLEGES RIRMINCHAM.ALA. RICHMONO, VA. HCUSTOM. 1EX. COLUMBUS, CA- WANTED 2QO Young IVXon A r on-e to qnallfT for noe d o-itton wb!'h w-ll rntr)inr In wntttiff untr a $5,000 riP'-s't to promptly piocure them. The Ga.-Ala. Bus. College, MACOX, GEOKGIA. C0MMERCIALCOLLE6E OF KENTUCKY UHIVFBSITT, lEiLNUTO.I, KT. I1ih kwr4 t W ooj Riponltlia. bMpicg. BuiiBMi.8hort ho4 Tip I ,. Lellf.-Iluit. Sir. O M O t O at 0 O O O 'at O ' O " O ' C "4 0 il 0 4 .1 CONDITIONsS S BY o i: o tt Mold hj nil DriigelsH. O . C W O R O 0 9 0 0 9 - 0 O 0 K O HO r'.i'.'lTi GDaine stamped C C C Never sold in bdi. Beware of the dealer who tries w sea Ofomethio; Just as gad." 600 YOUNG MEN Prarllm: llsllmv Iii.iIiiik-. Ir.iluiuain.il, .nl. Dependable men wear 5PK dependable shoes. Sriorcc) "KING Ml" $3 50. j neWensionTawsI Iprljlo MATI14N .3ICKFUKU.etli-' MMHMnUMMiiiMRua 1 .r.c early in lie- A dnnnh I Svrii'Hi;:; ; TTEADACHE, o H l:tVlKI5H CO II AND COLDS tLhD C3 A I IT I l.N i farm m j i MATTERS, j 1 nii!fii(pn Luck of Attention. I. ii c n'l mule indicate lack of siiieii tiim iiinl p. mi' feed. Crease of any kind will tlestri'.v lice on entile, lmt grease slimilil imi In- used if ii can lie .'ivniil.'il. First "ash Uie animal with kerosene j plants grow well with their roots in the emulsion alb! follow- with clear water. 1 Waier. The lowering of the water lu Wheu ilse -!:n is dry dust every lmr-: ,,w the surface prevents a large tion i f ilie i" dy with a mixture of a ; aiii.u:ui of '. vaporalion. and its effect peck of carbol.-iie of linn- ami a bushel ! j eo.iling the soil. The water being of clean, dry dirt. If a single animal j ,., m,n air and warmth are admitted is infested wi;!i lice the others will J , ,;, s.,j. prained lands are for this soon be in 1 re ni oi lies arc same rendition unless il as preventives. TS'uliiral I'liiloropliy of Ci-chiii. Cream ris.' almost entirely in the falling temperature. Milk may be from ninety degrees ;o 1oii degrees when set for the cream M vise, and then grad ually cooled il.oui to fifty degrees, by which time the i-.v.r.it will be to the surface. If i lie milk cools before be ing strained into the ; ;iing pans it is doubtful if all the er-ani will come to the surface, l'.m by wanning up the milk again to ninety degrees, and then cooling, tho r:v:iiii will rise as the milk eiHiis, II. nee. when the weather is warm, a:i 1 the milk not cool, the yield of cream is very light, white if the milk is cooled down to fifty degrees the n'.ianiii.v of cream may probably be doubled. Tlli I'i .Into lijIO'l'. , which is caused by a Licks tile lops of the I'oia'.o disease. fungus, first aii plants, and is ci d to the tubers by moans nf spores washed into the soil by rail!. To prevent ihe infection of ile tti'iei's a grower !e,-onnoeies running a plow between 'ho rows so as to turn a furrow on the t"l of the hills, .ii',! then bending the plants over lb.' forr ". This causes the water whi.-h washes the top- to Mm away front ili.' bills. The furrowing should be il. :' "ii ll.e iirs :ip;i,-ai-aiiee of ihe dise.i-e. :;!!! as a fur; her p'vcauiioii tlie erop -Ii.uil.l not be dug for at least pv.i i-itve weeks af' -r the tops are eli'vely will.i'. A trial of litis Inellled has .i very g 1 results. A p ui'iig ii I'rt Si'ril. In plaining a-paragus from following llilre.iolls will -celt! r.i by At . or twi in peraia;:. nt !,.ii. Tl:e Lroiuai -i:,,!;M I... ireltehrd or dug two t'.-ri ili p. I'iir.i ing pieliiy of liiaii'-,! r. decayed b;i", leaf mold. Weeds. I ': I'eS. rlr.. w 1"U Mill rail be bad. a'el mixliu them r.e.lyilily with I be our nd i.'.r an I draw three in. 'ie s apart and six gthwise of earh bed: Ida, ' roois ill to- n.rr.ul pes a loot apart, i. and coer . saialy learn tat iiin' ot ;it-.i l omis on ttio r. ui'niit lovrr and rye, when turned ; a gr-'.-n nianiiri:il i reps, are sold r fan, I. -in I siioiii,! be rivl'leil on fartu book at. a e.-rlain value, for r, pi-e-rtu rials st.ii-ed away e s .il f,.l- ie.MI.-e !!-r. I'.Veiy olIlliV a ill er '' rder fed to vioeU lias 11 -. an-i .- r.aily so to 'lie aniiiials. liu y ar .pe.-ird to pay for the eoii-iii ,1 i:i ne at, milk, I, utter. ele. Til" gi'o" ing of two crops in one year . crops must ni.-, il-.es Hot iuipiy laat the If fa n:.' can -Me;- .-.it'll to .! Tir.ie to pro ,1 'iiai much. -. i: !i rye lur is a gain in r. The home -is sometimes .11;. aus ell f a - -.i us,, his raw ma i.!' .. ,i:r. Tit. main sourer v: n t ii.'i,' Is la,: hinu' Bt'ow . ;i: land, and .u this pro- sliell a ce'lil.; ...a -iiollld -. if ! can be ..v.-i.i.-d. : Trough Tor onn:c ( liirkii. liiek us should always liavr f:e!i and clean ai.,1 wh- re ;.. il at will. To a, eon. - .r.d is a pro!.;, in. The .!: :! 1 1 wii'-li lossi'de. !o t ii-- f.-, ,i di.-h with their , li ,,ei the eonieiits and ,uh ike i- unit for further u-e. nini; a i an -if lisii or ot !.er lift' .You will i iit out one half i in order to empty out tl: 1 you ran ea-ii make a ;,! 1- this piirtiose. lLi-llloVC the and tl t - -iiii kin. i-i- ::.!! y ih'e !llillClll-'tlt.- lrMtn:ici sml Vj.rmli. Lands that ei.iitaiit na.r water than Is needed by tie. crops growing tin 'ii thrill require drainage. K out intends to raise corn ,,r wh.-it ije land will need IIKU -,. ill aniag than if Ur-vl-d for grass. Ii.n g;-iiss lands tii--. lira I very wet. as if i-,, -.-!, ill" grov-;l. '.' aquatic plain- and gras-es lakes lis plare or lie rultiiafd grasses ui.l I'lllis lie b i.v .'i d l asluti. I.ii'is". luroUs si'il-. la: Itilae.l by sand u: gravel, arc diain-.d by nature, but all is. a. lory re-o.- I e.!:le :-,,ll- Ii ,111-s : laud that is umleiiai.l by clay, rock ot ether imperious mute-rial, needs drain ing. The gain by underdiainage is Hint the surface of the water in the oil is lowered. The roots of cereals and grasses may penetrate as far as to the surface of the water, but never into it. li Is necessary to draw the water nil' to Mich a ilipili as will give the roeis of growing crops plenty of room to reach downward lor the nourishment that is myessaiy to their growth. Onlyaiiualie i-eas mi ready for plant inu at least one week earl vr in the spring. The growth of crops is iiuiekcned through the sum mer by the increased temperature of Ihe soil, which amounts to several de grees, and the injurious effects of early ftost are prevented in tlie same man ner. Crops are. therefore, jjivon an in creased period in which to make their growth ot at hast two weeks, which is a very important gain. lMviinage is the remedy for Wet soils. If the soil contains an excess of moisture the land remains cold t'.mil the extra quantity is gone. The drainage carries away ih' water from below and allows the warm air to etiier. When the soil become.-! warm the plain food is more readilv dissolved and the roots of plants become niiv active. A wet soil is always cold, even in summer. l--ci; taitluA llonn. j It will sometimes happen that the 10- ! turn in eggs from a yard of poultry Is , much less than ii should be. and won- j del is expressed that the hells don't lay I well. Then is the time to keep a sharp wah li for the e-jg eating lieu. One j hen will deniorali:'" a whole llock. and freiiiciiliy the euus will be eaten so ' clean that no n il tab- shell will be left ! in show ihe cause of their disappear- ' an.c. and il may lie a long time before the owner discovers the true reason : for I iir small number of eggs. The : habit s cms to be caused by Improper ; feediiu or too close cHiifniemeut. Fowls that have free range and get a variety ; of food in eoii-a ipi- tu e rarely eat their : own i-g-'s. 1. 1 ' a In n once begin to eaL eL'g--. however, and it is almost iuipos- ' sil.ie to euro her. and tlie very best rem ',Iy is the axe before the rest of , the llock beroiae contaminated. Care ; should be taken to p; event conditions! giving rise to tills habit. If the fowls ' af cliwely i oiil'mrd tk.-y should be; giv.-n meal si-taps. ltoiiuiI green bniie, ! etc.. to ti-ake up for the loss of bugs i and i'lseeis tliry u.uil.l get In frel range. ,nn tlaii grain diet should also ' lie vari'-d. ll is well i i be careful about leaving ; tiny gg Mr-11- where the fowls can get i i In -in. 1: any are fed they shoi'bl be ! chopped tine in th. morning mash, et'ii-rwise from tills one cause the egg rating habit may develop. I A close wan ii should also be k. pt for ' a time on all nr-.v stock purchased, to se- t liar this habit or any disease is , not itiii'iiilu. c,l into t lie tin, k. t'ai-e and atteiitii ii as regards poll!- : try w ill tie found in l-ay for the labor ...xpetidi il in. i.y tin:;.- over, for while a I'm k left o lileUlselVis I'll ff"e range i seldom eat rg'.s. they will be found to w;..Mo them through si aling their neMs. aiid baiiig the eggs ilestio.Vid by prowling v, ruiin. or bring off young ; chicks so late in the ,';in it is hard for th. "at to survive. The hens also dc-terlora-. in plumage and become tough and thin in body. l-'ol p.-op.-rly yarded, with plenty of room and receiving the right rare and food, seldom d-M-lop disease of , any kind, and egg rating is unknown , io'them II. K. Ilaydoek, in the N-w York Tt .'.iine. I'lip Cow Tor tlie 1'niuilv. The ii::i"agililent of a -intlr row .lifl'i : fr.-ui that glen tie- herd on the farm, as si,. usually comes under the ea:e of whole family and possesses a iiioii- p ly of attention and privileges tiiat lai.tct lie afford' d under the wholes,. ;,. ,.:n. She is the depend-' cure of the .or farmer, and her place ; aii:ioi be tlilid by any oth r animal. Hut it .s ipvi.e a business to so manage : the family cw that slie may be of ihe i gn at, st service, and Imw to furnish ! lu r w.i'i green food is commonly an ' hat t.iiit (piestion. W'liere pasture . an be had af a small cost advantage ; is usually taki n of lint there are tinir: which no sin-h privile family possesses a the oiiportuuity and plat m :e occurs. I f tlii small piece : ground there ran be grown a large vara ty of green ft ed. for early in the sea sua a crop of peas can be grow n for the family, the vir.es i.ivoti to the cow. ami the wind.' taken off in time for son:., other crop. Small places are made rich in Midi ins::iuccs when all th" manure is appii. d on lliem. and for that reason the sn ding down of one crop before the lirst is removed is but the practice nf a high system of farm ing in which the small farm and fam ily row have coiiti lbut, d more than anything rise, for it has compelled the adoption f tli" lu st mcUinils In inler to aiialn success, tlreen corn ran be en scleral times, if only fodder is wart il. nml Hungarian grass will .pliiig as fast as it is cm down. A few abba res put away in the fall wlil ley. t"i;. . .iv along in the winter, and a i. ;ge rnp of carrots, turnips and beits, ..ta.ugh for one row. can he g'uw:, in o fourth of an acre, to say M.ib f a crop of millet that may 1." grown am! stored away lain - i-i. n. A Jrr'iy or Cuernsiy L-raJ". is -mall, and Inner 1 or a family ciw than om- of ' ii, ; breed, if btitt.-r is the :n;. but the Hol-'eiu or Ayrshire for milk. :nid it is rbeajn r to g ml i-niv tlian a poor one. Otic i,e willing to pay a fair price for cw. The outlay, though iarg" . will brins in a quicker a'al itiiru t ban a small investment ;"tb. As the family ,n- re-;i;:i:i!i-ss s a general thing from 1 ssoii to dairyiiieii is that by y managing the herd and tiv.it h cow wi'b ;h, best care thni' a-on why th- protit nr.iy tea . .fi innately .i g.vat. Tie- -oil i-'ii Is the family plan ..ii a ::- basis I'.-.n-tiii and Ireiand import V' ;r. ' s H poinds of i beesi (llf. C:.:t da -11( pie s ah'JUC usty pr .ni. ' ' "'liole. I GOOD ! ! K () A I) S. i s llltthwny liui'i-itvetiu'iit luipdi-liiiit. Till! .North Carolina tiood lSouds Associatiei', ll:rolgh lis Sc. re.ary. I'lot - sser .1. A. (; Holmes, has issued the follow ing circular upon the nlm-.v ii.iriul important subject: The Infinite I umber of iiiirici ls af fected by the good or bad condition of our public in.ids m ikes the iii, siion of their improvement one of univcr.-a! coiii crn. Indeed, so varli .1 are th-. objects t which piioiic road improve U'.ent cMeiids that n- uaa has yel been bold enough to ib'clare that any harm has ever coi:" to a i- r -ui o: comtumiily by reason of having a bet ter public road. Filiate iniitv.-is and public interests are I . -t Mibserved by a good toad: pleasure and business ar.' enhance. I in the sn liens where a man call drive every ia.ui.ii in tin- year over a lirill. smooth foad '-' l-ii b dm s !;.; punish his stock or inline bis M-liiel.. To eouira-l th bh --iin.'s of g.-...i roads with the ili.,eo:nf.-ris of bad i. would bring iui, i .'i.e.. ant the eviu-ri-eiiee of cirry man who is .-oaipell.-d to travel ocr ili"in to cany en bis business, or who rides for the pleasure to be gained from this sort of protit able ri'crcat ion. To eiinmeraie th- phases of life that Would receive bcin-lils from heller highways would be to Unhide the ill l if list rf human avocations. Any attempt to ronlinr the bet tits of good roads to a particular class or , mi i n un ity must fail, because if a man does t-ot use the public road ill the ordinary ways of travel he docs reap the ad vantages accruing froui tbeiu in iln liirroa.-vil prosperity which has never failed to come to a section that has constructed permanent good roads. No other public inipi io i-tnoiit is so generally conceded to bring good to every inhabitant, and yet no other great put, lie work s-wns so thoroughly neglected or so poorly understood by a great mass of our intelligent cliizetis. Practically every State In the Fniott lias recently awakened to the fact that the prosperity of our growing country is to be along lines of productive and i commercial enterprise. A number of! these Stales are looking toward N'mMi Carolina for lessons in economic and practical road building. It is an kiiowlcil.cl fact that some of our counties hav. as good r.i.iils- as can tie found probably in the world while on the oilier baud, it i els,) a fact that a vety large majority of our comities have roads that are f iv.Uon: ly impassable nml as unsatisfactory as can be fiiund anywhere, our hope of salvation from this latter condition js tiiat the piiiille-spiritcd citizens are going to take tip this roads mailer in a methodical way an,! overcome the prejudice in the minds of s .line citizens wli.i think that a tax for building per manent roads is a costly . p,. inient. Il.vporieiico ;ind stailsiies pno thej reverse to be true: it is the most proiit nbl" and satisfactory investment any ; rotuiiiunil.v can make. The old labor system of voi king the pumic toads j not in keeping with advanced la. : hods In all oiher ib -partnirtits of modern life. A number of the counties ili .. in state have adopted liie plan of levying ! a small tax for road improvement pur 1 loses, to suppl-uncut the old labor requirement, and the results from this eoml, inatioii are of a highly saii-l'ic-tory nature. Kvery rotiniy in tl:,. State should at b-ist try il.is plan and see if it won't to sonic extent improve the rolldiiioli of tli-- public toads. In she South, the producer is ,-sp,.. chilly hampered 1 aus,. 1. cannot proiitably get his stuff to the g;oa! centres of trade and competition. A striking illustration of this disadvan tage to our North Carolina lann-rs is! seen ill the recent siaieinent from an authentic source to the off. ,-t that a' great many necessaries of life cm be brought from California inio our ,wn Sta:-- on the railroads and s..l, to our city population at less co-t than the same articles which must b" hauled Into the cities from points in the same county fifteen or twenty miles away! Tibs is because of tho fart that th railroads can haul prodiiro a tliois:n., Iiiil-'S on their Cilttl) lpi.MiS draper than our farmers can haul it twenty miles over our P.Alt IloAliS. Ami yet it is rather interesting to know that, the railroad companies are the most earnest advocates of improved public highways. Ordinarily we would think of them as opposed u, a pn,. of communication which would seem to compete with Ihein. P.ut they have realized the important fact that a grciter territory will be opriird 10 them; farmers ran proiitably haul their farm products from a much greater distance to tlie main line of the rail road and thus increase its trallic. while tli" general prosperity of the inhabit ants of the section will add to the value of prop --rty. promote educational facilities and n-ate a tendency to ward wider usefulness for every citizen whore this material advance un-tit is going on. Information on these subjects is being roiitimuilly i-ollectcd from every part of the world, and our Federal bivcriinieiit is making a study of the qi:e;iioii nf g imi roads from a sensible and a si i'-ntitii- point tit view, through the oifio.i of public Uoad Inquiries at Washingti.ii. I ('., so that these facts are not the result of guess or estimate Inn come from actual investigation and personal observation. This Informa tion is being compiled in t-onvciiii-ut form for distribution in every part of tho country, and ran be secured free I cost upon application. Public Spirited AutomobllUU. Intelligent and public spirited own rs of tmtiitiioiiiies are lending their aid to the g 1 roads inovemiiit. By dilig-'nt effort in that Held they tuny do much to lessen the unpopularity of the sep'-inoiiii - which has been caused by rei kless misdeeds of iiu -.a -ider.ite "scorchers." l b" work n." 1.'. W. I bt'dl i lil mi the uosqililoi i ni airl meilie.-il illlds supe, r lelcribrs H'si Mot of l Ii -mil arouud t- 'iir world. .e,:ir,-, to ..n ill id ni il l i: ihe I nf sjn railing disease, Mil-vies, l-'.i! lieilie; new. ipef-ks nie found in 'vu or are l"tj kuowu to travelai au-i t;p'lu. B. B. B. SENT FREE. Toms nt.mil iei.1 Skin lllinw, Cuncers, Iti'lilio; llmnum, Hone ruins, liota ii-- PI I Hahu li, 1). B.) cures Pi upl'M, scabby, scaly, Itohing Kezimn. n.Mi-s, 111', big Sores, Scrotala. Wood P .i.i:. P.-in.? P.iiiis, Swelling-!, lShi-uiuH-lis a. l'.m 'it. Kspiviidlyudvis.-l ! r clironl) ,i--s I l-.ul il .!. irs, patent iv. lleies and II .sprin.ts full to ouru or hrl;'. Strength cm wo.il ki.l.ii'js. Kriuvist.'. t per Ur,M !, .ttl. To prove it . urcs B. B. 11. fat fro.-. I.y writing Pi.-'.u: 1UI.M Co., 11 ;!''l".'.l .ilrei't, At hint a. ri.-i. Deseribo ir-'ii'- "-id Ireo iiii'Iim! n-lvl.'o sent In si ,1 I l-t'.er. IVb'.li 'i'i'' s'-at ut once, pre- i! i. Ml w ns'; i- Unit you will speak a s- v.. l v.- ,rd for 11. 1'. P. While .1 n-U'liU of ' a:- aivvi! i ciepq tbirjy-foe ni of a horse yields weatv 1 .-ems I'lTeerrr.nnenllv.'itri'.l.Vii fltsOTni-n'ous-,, -i ir"-! k,- us" of Dr. Klim-'s (Ire.-it ,-,-- e.-r- i- t'-'iMid bottle nie 1 tri'iilisetri'-.) :ir!i:. 'l. lit ink. l t,l..'-"ll Ar.'hSt.. l'lilla.,Ptt. j-. iv has 3.1.1' 'f people, of vvhnni there , .1 . in:,' women thnn iiien ,wi l'it:t.nss Hvks arc fast to I '..' M. xi.-.oi lapiloj is the smallest . v .:.- of d..g. ls Vi.'-''i"s Set liiiu; Svrnp for children . , jt-ii,- - :;.-!. the giitns. r"'.,f s piM.riuv.fi li ii'tay , ai i. ut es wind eoll-'. ii.; atottle la bisi-i all the I'.itrhrr i" the power be-Ic-iil the thrown. V. will giv tio.1 reward far any M'""! .at.irrli that enaa ! cured wit'i Uabs 1 .itiiTii I'ur.'. Ta'o-r. li.lernally V J. ( iikm:v .V Co., Pro: .s.lole.lo, (. A hotirv ino.ia i-s of : c-ti n cilin bofure a fitof.il. Pise's ( ur ,'.-int'..it be t--"-. highly spoken nt ,M.,.i;a cur". -I. W. il'l inns, 22 Third Ave:i-a.'s Miane ii-.-iis. Moiti.L.bm. li, M .-.! nan ir.-l that tl ty have more hi. aus lli.ui money. Thorci.'3h P.-ced Ecorony. A young 1er.11 living ia Cinclnnutl Is a close -.vorl-.i r in money matters, that is. ho .s as close to tho shore vith 1;'-. cvpcn.liim-e?. He had the f;:i.-i luck t.i marry ft girl whoso parents fire finite wealthy, nnd Is at present living with hi wife In ono of his father-in law's houses. ;ino day n' t long since, while 3!s-russiae- al'fairs with a friend, the lat ter a -nrd : "Pi! .1.8 cl-J cent'.cie.iti plve you that In";? ?" "Wt !i r '.", not exactly," w.-.s the nr.rv.er. '11" offered il tn nn but I no-.il-ln't a, ot ii." ' lir.v. '.- that?" n -'l:cd te friend. "Well." ,i!:';'-'ii'"i tho m:u who had :r-. 1" t'-.e l-'cl.v :rit rl i-u:iial vrntur. "Y. '. s- . t '-... i.,e - really l.' !o:ii;s t"i me. I'm I:-. ... ia It. rent free, and I'll ret i; v.:..:, t; rid tana dies. If 1 accept I it ia v I'd have, 10 pay thj tar.es." IHE SuiiGEON'S KNIFE Sirs. i'cLis Mcviison of Salt i.ii!:o City TrlN How Opova iimis J'rr Oyiip.uu Ticubles 3Iay 1I Avoitii't!. "DfA't M1.1. IIN K u'A M l I ruffered with intlammiitinn of the oviirieK ind numb fi rnvcrsix yenrs.rndiirine; achca and pains, w i.lcli n.-ne can dream of but those who have liud the hutne enjie- MRS. Iii'KIS STTVENSOK. rlence. II uinireds of dollars went to th dm tor hint the dm. gist. 1 was fimp'y a walking medicine cl.cst and a )hys leal wreiit. My ulster rchidin"; in (ihio wrote me t! :.' i-ho had been cured of tromb trouble Iv usinif l.jdiil I', riiil-ham'si Wpt'tiil'ln Coiu poiilid. and h.lvisi d uie to try it. I tlevi diseiituiiiiied ull other mrdir'net and gave ymir Vegetable Compound a thorough 'trial, ithin four weeks nearly ull puin had left Hi" : I rarely had headaches, ami my nerves were in a much better condition, ami I was cured in tare months, nml tl.isavoided a terrible surgical operation.'1 Mrs. 11(1051 MTVF.NSOM, .,'. So. State St., te.lt I.ak-j City. Ftah. f000 ftrftlt If tst-i?..ir,a is nut genuiKI. J.teniembfr every woman Is cordially invited to write to Mm. I'inUb.itu if there is anything about lif r symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Plukuam's ftddrrss 1m JLjnn, Mush. W. L DOUGLAS $3 & $359 SHOES S IV. i Onuglas shoes am tut " Mxturf i t (if wrU W. f.. Honrlas liinlc anil oM more jam's iooJ. ar W.ll Ham) wi.l Prorem" nlmca In lhi llrsl ii mnnih. nl !inS lhan n olhrr wanufa.lurrr. find KKtt lll "ill pal.U anion, nbo 0 I UiUUU on ill.nri.K- Ihi. M'i-nn nl. W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BF. EXCELLED. is?:.. si.ii.s.s: issu iWiOiOno 8f IfDOrtvl an A' pfrnn Iratt-er.i. Ktyl't Patent Calf, fn-inw. fi f.i f, Culf. Hci Cowa Coif. Mai. (Cai.mr.1,. Kh uli)r EyelPl" ul. Ccuiinn ' T!"" ""'""- hT w. n douots- bLUiluil . im, ,! rrttll .tn,,,, on touora. .v.vji fu in.nl. . i tr.i J i v. t'ofal'iJrtt:. V. L. 0O111L4S. HHOCHTON. MASS. f T I ..... m I ! A CURES RHEUMATISM, CONSTIPATION prominent railroad engineer savs : lUi.Fion, N. C. I took .lor 4 bottles of lihrumnrUlc several veai-siii-o for a very m.vere ut-tin-k ot i lieiiniaii-in I'l tltti niusclcg of 111 v buck, winch coiiilnetl me to my bed for:, or il weeks. UM KL M Al l IK HAS M.IH A rtdiMANKNT C'l ltK. as I liiivo not fell aiiv syniiloms of Its re lurn. I in,"- taUe It occusioiially BR a I'l'iieral 'I'uMi', o oil I's cIleetH are all our cimM v.ioli. Yours very truly, C. il. Ill-H'K MAM. 1'or sale bv Imipi;ists, or sent cxpressnge prepaid on receipt of 5l-f0. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MO. I Bon ToinCorsets Wjjfa H STRAIGHT rRONTHJliJ If yon wear them, the beauty and fV 5!Si3?5r symmetry of yoiir figure will be y 2-&t0rSjr enhanced, no matter how perfect S"1 vfyfil it is now. Ask your dealer Jdffjy rlfi to show them to you. WfSlf gA 'corset co. ifWINCQIirSTEil t. :1 FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS "New Rival" "Leader" "Repeater" F you are looking munition, the kind that shoots where you point your cun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEP FALLING HAIR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 Prevented by shampoos of QJTICURA SOAP, and light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treat ment at once stops falling luir, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and ncuriih mcni, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of Women rrrirriu Soap, HHstnwl by Clthtr Oistmfnt, fur it wrvintr, HiitMiiir. aii'i hi-aullf vnnf Urn t-k.ni, Ut rii'Hti-'.n the whU- nf rrr-ti, uralu, Mini Un'li',tf,aiil Vtv -f faiiim? h:it, Ur s-otli i.iuir, ntitti-uuii;, ni.'! MMihin ivi, rnub, un i "tut luci-U', ftr hsl-y r:i-!n rt, lu hliu't. aii'l ...it'll,.'. In the l- tn. .f ).:itl;j f-ir Biiin-yliiir ii rlLilMiti, lnfl:iiiut iit'.-n-, imI ii'r. rmiv- ni';ikiiMF. ami t.-r many r-ni.ul! . f. ftutiMcptii w Jiit ti rcadl!) ttj.'K t ihetitpcivtn to woittt u. Crnrt nA Sop, tt 'linte the Un; rrTHxnA ointment, to hr1 the ilit, fttiil 1 riffHA 1itoi.VKSr I'lt.I-M.ticot.Uhf A mnui.K hKT in nfti'ii -titlicu-n; to -re Itir inoit torturlup, ilitlk'iinntr, li lurnr, tun niiiK', urxl -' ly nkin. w , nml )hm Ihium-uio, Ttol.ve, lU-tiu, aia lriiUtiuii, wlii. vt6 ot hair, whtu all ;ms IiilU. 8nM thmiihfitil tht WO'td. British Ppnl S7-5. Chttterhoiiw J., Im!n. F'fneh iJritutt Bui d ift t'snt. P.iTibb lui i Ann l him. Coitr-.h-jle , H.n'i-n. r"'! TUT I A RltVM If T Til I K'hflM.l! ''.th'.l t M !.. tUlM. o.!.,-:r Im, K..n..mirtl auiMliiuM for th rcitrtl Hnmd ( ti" Kf LTixar, M well U tut 41 oilier tlcHKi punbr u4 huioow cutm. lu iockil ti&U, lvMr. 0 pur fi.i.h rnoii'ins oiiais nml I'Fam'T Bilk TI'I'K" 1 lis ri',il all ullim li' (In' iUn Illy ami 'I'lel' ur In nnrk. ami ihir.ilil'lr. ,.r it mn'.triii'tl in. 'ttiri'r .Ic.n fur m.'am airl lr.-.l P-iw.t. F-ir rr- f .Hal.iKiii., iirlre-i.lerm-.. At'. .l.lri -, (.Kit. I'. Ill Hl.l Ui'iirral Ak.-iiI. Huri . . UST PATENTED!... A nachlne For THOROUUHLY CCR1NQ DYSPfcPSlAand INDIGESTION Work W'niNT. 'o1lftlr.tf. No iTifdtrln wha' Fvci l f tlir' mlnuti vitally tt will U.04ly re dure Oi "I- "f ih -t .initoh. Writt for rfri'u'ar IHiLt O M FU. t tl.. Uo 37H. I ttl.EUO. it FoTmALARIMHILLS AND FEVER TAKK HLIXIR BABEK. I. . 1-rr.i.i.l i'i UK!IISC 'lyphi-l:. Piepai.il t, KI.IUV.tV -li I l. llKbiiialtii. lit ucjor vjniaunHM Free Test Ti-satment J.fj ty iii t l my opinion of ; t ir.rtv ." nr.'! "ut wf'Ok'i irt'Ainirnt t H 1 1 OF ALL COST. V mil tiifti b rinviittHl tli.a iot tr".tnini .Mniliittfr,nnr.fl h-itt' 1r unnx m- iiU feno Ave, PULburg, t'a Piles or ffemorchoids whether itrhing, bleedinj? or proiruti.ne, rromptly relieved and pvrmanenty mred hy mv iitcthnd without knife ur operative mcaMirrn. Write me f jlly regard ing yuur cae id I i!t advine you honet!v in the matter. ( 'onMiharinn ftie. Price rt treatm,nt com plete, only PitisUctioD guaranteed or moDey refunjei. Write today. Dr. H. N. TANNER. C&tt Aurorcw. N. Y. CiifitS ttntiU All Hsr UiLS. dor i i'ut.'u vr ip. i nivs i ir, tlnt - ,: l v Ortm: ! If yon hove no Hi I . . -t The Great Blood Purifier CATARRH, INDI0E5TI0N, AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. TREASURER ORANOC CO., N. C. TESTIFIES AS FOLLOWS i lIii.t.snono, N. C. I lind rheun-.ntlam for n number of years, A liout fniw yt'Hrs nro It lioeiuno quite severe. Was coiilineil to my tied tor some time. Used several r niedii-8, t-ot never ifot imv iicrmttpcnt relief until I lii-M-ail to tiilin lilt I t; M Al l l)K en the nilv ice nf a l i len-l. It cured mo nt the time, n,l I feel Hint It lia im iiroveil my ireneral heultli vury much. 1 reiftird It the ln'st renieiiv for rheuiiiu tlstii. lU'8ioot fully. K. A. DICKSON. for reliable shotgun am 0 O 0 0 O 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 I WUS til, III, it'll Willi ludijfftiuu anil dyhpepsla us lmii; as 1 run re uit'iiilicr. I liml uo u,i'rtlit, uiul the litili' 1 ilk' ilihtivsiU tne tirrUil.v. All ilay luiiK 1 woiilil fi-cl slrt'iiy and bin! no nml, ii ion lo do aD.vlliin. Sini-o lukln Uipiins Tabulos I fei'l tlei'lilcdly In'ttrr. In the iiioniin;; I iui fiesli uiul suiiiiil and uiy uppi'tite bus Improved wonderfully. At dniKi;isti. I he Five-Cent parket ia enoiiRh for an ordinary occasion. 'J lie family bottle, CO cent, containa a supply for a year. FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER i itt wcAniNa ' TP IAI ! r.r..a a.m. w. fi.r.l.h la annfn. anil r.ly Hli.iMBHKU ILTIUMTIMJ l KKIAT fui HOI. hl.l IM I ! any ralrr of this p.pT. h ...? la di.pi i. j to.ur..ui..,,..i. COSTI AlMOSf aUlKiHl !.i4 , with ui.ist another treatmintb. Inrr.l..d.ll..iu.r.w IrlcsrIUK .pIU.w..4r-Jlf.f.ll. (Jlltal i II- I, r Bar. i lfc.ii ao slla.Mls. Only tar. rur. far all a.rtun. iil.ra.ea. I . -tlawH ... Sl.rd.n For ruirnl.le -i! r.n. SaVatlat caUbtsr. ! IMlsJ t au4 l ' s. ( SEARS, ROEBUCK &. CO , CnlUASO. So. 4D. D R 0 P SY 10 OAiS'TUWifci" -T fr.tE. IlaTenialo I'rnpsy -( llifom. lle.f.-rj .irpt'c.ahy fur Iwi-ntT JuTjWiiii thi mo t ti'.f.fil aiiccess. UaTccarai t:.'.y i'-.vji-:1 cn, ti. a. n cirru s ::t-J. Dei l) AUaAta, c-fc O O o 0 an k. r- a