il)c Clint I) am flccorb. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Fqnare, ono insertion $1.00 ()ui square, two iiidcrtiins 1.60 Ono bijuiire, ouo month 2.50 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. tl. A. LONDON, Editor and IVopriotor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance XXV. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOnKli -SO, .'.H,2. NO. U. l)t hall)nm Uccinb. C y y VOL. I K f I Mynheer BY ST. QEORQE CnrvniiniT I-.!':, Htu-rur I CI1APTKU IV. I" I Cuiil iiiiH-il. I ' '"itnt yon will come Willi n, now Hint Is, If you feci able''" nsks Sanely. V 1m, having nolily given up nil Ills cli.v noes iif winning ilit' prize-Ihey Wilt .".llllllt eqUIll III Dili- jltrUill 111' Kiltlll In couiparisoti with tin- soaslioiv--de-Kins In bring tli! comptcring lii'i'o to Ills filtl. 'l fool like n new 11:1111. Tlint meal Wits 1 Mr tirst doe-em one- I've oiijuyoel for While tin men lived On e'Oieise food. Coreloti would inn nltiiw lie i:':ii'i-fs to fiiist. line tiling, hnw ovi r. ijiny prrvrtit mr ri'uiu going with JOU." " What's 1 1 1 : : ( V " ;ik!;i-1 lml li the oth ers. "My !..i!;.-s flit; hi. See. I:, i-.. plce-e dill miikoiy: iny i-g. :.! ii. if In ivnu'iiil i'f whole I t'tllst I"! VI' V .'i in 11 dilapidated enn n yataghan rut a ii woiilij have Inkeii ill i- muled. 1 iliin'f ihey r.'ltllr friilll. si id 1!: -. i i'iv r.... 1 .' .'. i'iv trilling wuiiiiils ...ii r th-in Itnvo healed up. 11111I I 11111 lecliiu: very will, jlianls ynii. In day time I cm draw 111, ,tn-y from tin- haul; lur.- in Cairn ined buy what 1 m-ctl. MlDIII illlr, you will have to excuse lite to tin' young bui;,-." "I lain; 1111 il' 1 will: Well lintl some other 1111 mis t 11 aching tin- sann ri. Mil!," erics Sandy, who is a .great hand fur Mir. in.::::; in;; obstacle's. Mr. tli lir.i s 1 1 -i-i - put in his oar in Hi - iiui,! way In- lias. Stepping 11:1, Ii'' pines Ii' I; alongside 1 lit in llrl id i'..o;-i r. 'Jut about in.- siz, I believe." In ivmavUs. I.s. it is sr." says; Sanely, with il fln.ekl,. Cor i. has always had Ihe -"1 Illation i.l' being nhlo tu sii through a i,f liihiniii' will: a holi in tin ivntre. ' Til- ii ciisld.-r il.. tn.'itii'r settled. T'li.' .I'li'.h'iiiali will accompany lis to SShephi id's; h" will in with tin in my v illi aii'l scleri li.'in scv.-ral ti-avrliti Mills 1 ;i.;i nil li.l ;ni." "I'lil this is I"., iniu-ii " " l iii'Vi-i inn ;i ri'l'usal. M iihi-cr : mi IohU 1 1 1 .11 it as atianiii'd." VvitU a wave of tin hand thai a iirinci iiilriit invy. i'hf i'ilia'i'r 1 i; l;s at him rininiisly It f"W svi i.iids, and thi'ii '.'hrs in. 'I llian!; y.Hi. s!;-. I will ai'ri'pl tin li'.::i 111. Ill 1,1.11 niiii' iniiii's and tin l.'j:;ais i'n 11." ilindl" cjai'itlai .ii:. -And i:.. Irvk t.. 11".' h.ilrl. With Ihr lii.-iu I'll d l r. !! t.H-'rd il l.. Il: .i-.l li:. Tl Mnlly. d l!i' iii'Wspnprr li t'.i Iianipili.i I..;'i llir I'l-aai .!.. llopr Ii" hasn't Nil.'. Clad to sr. l!::n..'d il' I hv 'iihlii'l ! 'I' v.irU laal. in.' Iialrii. I I'm 1 I 'v. 'I a:i Iniiii's :i and .-iiillii-r toy ilis unr tnaii in Cairn will tV,'.!! Ism-. J.'l:.' !h l: ! .!,.( in !:!: Ihii-al ::i tin niorn i'H :i iht llirald Kris 1 N i i t 1 : 1 -1 . t . :;i:d llirrr Is TiMi't ail iri'd i'i' i'nriln It! ay. .Mynlurr turns In I lir nis. rii lla-ati llil'rndi, I shall trnirin niir hl'idu. ss always." he say?, thr l.ri.wu hand of thr old rap t.i.n. I am alirady r..aiil. I hatr VA Mahdi. Vo l w rr his runny. It pi. lur In In ;!! our who did him Injury. KNtini: it Is fair." j-avs Ihr Aral.. " 'it ihr iiiort'nw. if liy rhaiirr ymt h'r lay I'aithltll Kassrr i-oinc tloatili!.' Iiiv.ii tiir rivi r 111 a raft, sriul him to' JshcplK id's linul. You will Unow him from his voi.-r. It is likr 1 lit whistlr t f M lorolllol ivr." "I!:it yi.ii said hr was ilrownrd!" tilts faiidy. "I havr i down so In Mar!; and while." "I trust ymt may havr to niter It, for soiiieh iw I rau't ft n-re niyseir to lirliev" him as otir iliad. Now I .1111 leaiiy. i;r;'.tl.'i'i'ii." They pass out of the cabin and reach tin ilrc!; m' tin dabaheali. when t!i liid; hoy is rimed In convrrsation Willi the crew, tile members of which niv natm-aPy curious In discover all lliey ran alnill the stiati).'rr lliry piriii'd up in tin river, who cried out he final Kharlniini belorr ii: n Mass. in eniild i'csi in Iiim. They laiuhl-as well (iieslioti our of Cairo's four hundred tnosiinrs as 1 bis lad. Il tan and does tell thein about thr gal lant li;:hl made by iln two l-'mnks, whrti a.-sailrd by thr mob of bri.-pirs1 In thr sircrt. hut knows nullum: of tin ii rrlaiiotis tn tin' Sliest of tin reis. The liambrau brai i r join's uliend.ainl. inn by our. the hi hers walk thr nar row plank that slrrtches from tin roof of tin cabin to ihr bank. When nil are safely lalidrd. limy sirikr off t!irouj;ti thr .nuir street where the previous t'liKau'emriit took placr. Kvl ileiiily thr.-r mi ll are not ninth of ma terial to hhrittl; from any hidden !au ju'er. If the rascals who lay iu wait lur ilirm befoiv chooso to try couchi flons a sreniid time, tlouhtlpps tbry will find means to ficcouimodate tbcni. Tir'.v nrr nit njoK-stOfl. Jlhil(4;u rf.i.'e. Onif or twice tuer se stid owy HiTiirps glide fioin dark arthrs I'hrad and vanish in the gloom, who. in all probability, brloUK to the same an-4 with which thry had thrir fortu-ti- iiihriiiiiir: but the frllows havt rccrlvril too severe 11 lesson to think 01 rtidtiriui.' such a rough handling a M-coial time. ri'csently. 'I11' lights of the (.'rami ipiare llaine up beyond. Here, t.t least, thirkiiess does not lioltl sway cmr thr old 1 i'i' of Cairo. The vuri- o Joe. - RATHBORNE. IlosM:nte So?: ou otiUs that uroet the cur in thl ipiarter are, iudrrd. rofreNhini!. al'trr : l'Nieflell( ill- Ihe dead hush that lultlus over thr main city, alttioiiL'h hlthrrio Sandy mid the F-ilVer kin-; have breti I riithi f im litiril tu ennsider all thr clap- j trap a burr. Comparisons may br odl- j oils, but they open Ihr ryrs In II I fill' i apprrclalioii uf tliiinvs. t leiirrally speakini;, il is lie- trav- j riot who has broad views of life and j tin May-ill linmr whose idras arc 11s j narrow as the little world his eyes j daily rest upon. Passing ihrou'h Ihr siilarr, thr lit tle parly, having dismissed their light bearer, draw up tit Shepherd's Hotel. Here, lis Usual. Iliere are srrnrs of eayi'ty; it is the centra! 111 traction of thr whole phrn. Lights gleam, voices are heard, langhier and music llnat upon the balmy nir. Men throng cer tain pnitits. Miii'kiii,'. and chatting, while others engage ill danchi": I'm' t il lais night ill l 'eliniai'.v I lie -.hotel has given a "imp." Sandy Knows and appreciates the desire of his I'rii ad to be oiiservrd as lit I'e as pnsii'.'l". and hr niatiagrs it sn that llii'.v pas itito the hntol with 0:11 uiiilergoiiig a critical survey, ln- il'iil. the ronililiell of .Mynheer Joe is haiilly such as would waranl him ap pealing In the pre;-vlicc of ladies. Nat urally his ligiiri is go id. and he makes a line appearance, but ju.-t now his r!. .tiling, as he lias slmwii lliein. has Ii en binlly rut ill thr awful alVair al Khartoum and frmii liis frei;iriit iui tKi i'-i ilis in ilir rlvrr hhrntik so llial il ililiL's to bini like :i friend and a bi'niliii'. Yes. .Mynheer ,!i.e is haitlly in a '.'niidiiii'ii In meet the fair girl v. Ii'iM' fare In has carried in bis mem ory ever since saving her life ai Mal ta. A man di-lihis appearing as a sijll'eel'iiw liefiiie i.I.e whose good opin ion hr values. No ilmibi Mu re have been occasion when lovers have thus been furred illln the presence of llleif suerUleal'Is. "Now. .Mr. lirit'irs, bring him back to this spoi a-i sunn as you eat.." says Sandy. seating himself at a desk where he may handle pen ar.d paper. They leave him there, busily en gaged in writing out in "long hand" the iiarrativr of Kliarlihiiu's fall and il." ilea ih of Cordon, whit li hr took 1 down in shorthand as the story fell from the lips of iln riie survivor of that I'TriM" day. Mr. Criti, s himself leads the way lo his room. , 1 1 1 - It is one of the brsl Shtphefd's aile;ds. Mrre 1 hr traveler funis a hotel run much more on the iiierie,;u pi. in than most caravansa ries iu European or other foreign eoutiiiv -. in Alexainlria thr guest i barged lor a candle, for a piece of soap, for tlir must trivial serv ice in i'lct. 1. I eeoiiies atl ahiimiua b!c niii.-aiire. No wt'ia'er then that Shepherd's is always a favorite slop ping place lor all our ilti;;ens "duitlii" tin wonderful country of iln Nile. Mr. Crimes fa- tens hi- .', mi, and then with true hospitality begins lo :-pread the rolUclils id' his mm!; before Mynheer Joe. "Choi.M anything you please, my , friend. 1 am only ton happy m be al your st-rvin ." says tin silver l.iie.. : blandly, and ihr messenger froju Khar looiu takes him at his word. Mr niRlics his ablu inns, assunies a . uii.ilest rhrcksiiii that tits iiim remark -ably wi ll, rotiibs his liair and braid. Hid In a l rief space mf tiiiir has rf leeted a wonderful cluMigr iu his ap .earancr. Then it can Iif seen that 'this nomad, who has wandered all over tlii earth with such lorn as Stan- 1 ley. Seliwntka ami othnr adventurous ; : pirits. is about as lino-looking a man : lis rut would merl in a mouth in Lou- I dnii or New York. ; ; lie is as brown as a berry from 1 exposure In i he hot siui and peculiar ! winds of Kgyp:; but is the coin- j moil fate of all who dwell helical h : t!n sky of llir tropics. Itesides. most i wotnrti iidinirr a branetl warrior. when rrmparrd with Ihr pitik-anil- , white ilaudy. Strength anil valor an, ; iiialitirs that appitil to ihrir fancy. j W hen Mynlcer .lor I'liiioluiccs his, toilet as completed, .Mr. Crimes, who lias hern glancing over a (taper hr picked up, looks at his guest. The ex pression on his lace liecl ires iliat hr is pleased, and that iliere is no dan ger ihni thr rxplorrr may not be lit .to inert the finest ladies in ilie land. I Mr. Crimes seems to I: pe'cullar. iulere'St ill this proti'ge of Ins. lit watches Ii i in when one would nof ! iiiiuk In' is looking, and there is a i gleam iu his eyes that might mean a gooil tunny different things. I "If you are ready, we will - downr he remarks, tossing his impel- aside. : The other assents, mid together they elesecnil to the parlors of ihe lmti'1. ! There Mr. Crimes leaves him iu a i small room alone while he goes to ' hunt up Sandy. Myubeor .Ioc stands tunc. fitiMivins ! riu attrjie tie u s, e n ti"U th: window. 'I ho rustle of h dress muses hint to turn. A lady has glldeel into the room; hi'i- hand is outstrete he'il. and, mucin berilig the delicatr frai lief fall he no I tieeil I'.pntl tin table, he llotieeel lief motive in tints tillering the bijou par lor. I As he thus turns, she unconsciousl I looks up at him: their eyes inert, an I thry n re only some- four feel apart. Mynheer Joe starts, and the you: iihl utters a low. sharp cry, while ow II d Iter filer there llashi s n look of sud den pleasure. She comes rvni rloser. the hand thai was outstretched in pick up ihe fan now rest upon his nrin, while her cj'rs hohl his own spelllmutid. ''At last." she breathes, '"we meet. I have not forgotten you. sir. if you were uilgallant I'limigii in run away before 1 could thank ymt. Perhaps even now yon ihink me rude you do not rnnrniber me':" "Ymt ai-r Molly Tanner." hr sajs. slowly, his eyes si ill upon her face. "Ah! You even know iny nanir. and till this while I havr had nn chance tn thank yon for siting my life." She bfitigs a shade of rrprnarh in'n her tnlce; and he says quickly : "If ynii knew all. ymt would tint blame me. I was cnmpelled to hurry away. At tin first opportunity I re llllllell. but only to Irani thai the American traveler and his daughter : had left .Malta. I'nli! tonight I did I not know your name." j "If II is a year late ynii will shake i hands with luc' You will allow me In j thank you for your noble ilecd'" "The lirst. willingly." as he takes j her Utile hand hi his ami smiles at ! tin ntrast; "but I would prrlVr that ' you said nothing about ilie oilier. It I was my duty lo in,, in overboard: ,'l man would be n coward mt to do it: ami, besides, 1 a in more than hail' j amphibious, anyhow-. The water has i no terrors for me." "Have you been here in Cairn long':'' ' riie as';--. i And a puzzled look crosses his face: ' for up till now he lrs supposed that i Sandy sent her tu him. "I only arrived to-niuht." hr smiles. ' "Ah. I won. lend how I could have 1 missed seeing .Mill. Ill Cairo Kitro ! pratis tire t'.oi so plentiful, but that their paths cross belnre long. Arc you I'.'nglisliV" with a giatice up nt I his briiii.ed tir e. "1 was born in Philadelphia." '-Indeed:" "My family cnine of the old Pcun-;-l-, v.'iuia I Mitch sto.-k. of which 1 am ' very proud." "Any one from America, as ihey call ' the States abroad, should be proud of ' his country. 1 am enthusiastic on the ' subject, and jet strange as ii may set m. my bean is sn upon travel -I long to m'" ail p:u Is oi die world. If Ilie povr old g , ei ie'i- had hi 4 way Ihe would Ii" bin-!;'i ill Chicago. managing his Uns'im ss. but I give him no rest miiil I have India lirst of all. then China Japan, and at la -i Uussin. if tic. .all and tli man ran hold out." Mynheer Joe looks pleased lo In ar her talk, for as his own heart is sol upon travel and discovery he feels as though this must ever lie a bond be tween l In-ill. At the same linir iu imagination In "governor" s!n living only to of his old itgi 1'lClllilIl's pleltil ran see tile dear lime speaks of. it mild body, humor this oir rhild Joe has ihe old geli ' down iu bis mind to it dot. and he is sure he can p nut iu a crowd. P.eforc In can say what is on his lllilld I licit leie-il ten- is illiei rilpled. Voices are heard just beyond the por tiere at lli" coor. ai d the man recog nizes I In n'. I h'fl him in here." says the silver king. Tim eir :a:ii iimvcs. I toss, d impa tiently aside, and Sandy Paili.v ca ters. "Alt. here le anywhere. lt ollhiu'l find her s::r! Look lcre. Crimes, you see fate's stronger I' yolt Illtel I Inget hel'l" Thr young girl laughs softly. ."I hate' by ai'. iel"iit run acre- the ge'iiilcniun who mi brav.iy saved my life' at Malta, lb- bis ii ,i -ecu lit to give lue bis name as yd. Perhaps yon, as his frii itd. woiihiii'i mind In iVrming me." idle says r.ioiiily. "I luniw him ,-is .Mynheer Joe." laughs Sandy. "Ilie poor I lilrliiaan rescued by your captain from the wa ter.; uf the Nile." I To bo Continued. Wi'lnl Work nt lien'iK. The mist appii'priai" rrmr that I ever saw." said Will Zirgier a few days ago, "Wits our that i-atue ittulif toy obsi'tvaiieiti when 1 was out in Col orado. It liappelicd at Colurado Springs when tin mining exe ileiiu nt there was at lis height, livery man. woman ami child in tin tenvu owned stock In some mine, and only about I oiir-half of one p-r e elit. reaii.eel ,'.ny 1 thing on llleif investments. Cue day ! the news wtts e iivulnte d about town ! that a man high up in mining circle's -I a stock manipulator and a mine owner j had itieil stiildenly of heart disease. , A local paper he'hl the press to ; ct an i He e- ill tl t of the dentil, ami the celitor wrote :i ilouolr-ceiltlinil hi'iiilline, whie li ! begun. 'Dentil Loves a Shining Mar!;.' The paper came eiiil iu about half an 1 hour, but thf? horror-strie-ken readers w,.r(j treated to a headline like this. "Death Loves a Mining Shark.' It was n simple case eif transposition in the composing room of thai paper, lait it liked tei wreck the- plant. Ami It never was altogether clrar thai ih- compositor who set it up hadn't ratde Ihr mistake on piitpes". lie had been elabblins in mining stock a lit'!' him self." Cincinnati Ktuic.L: e: . A Subntituta froi- Ilie Koi .rtvlilii. An Chin inventt f l:as i!e-v,seil ,".:i i-k'i-trit al Mtli.-tiiut fe . Cit i. ':.-. wh. p. 'ice "liuuiait jfM..:! r." as sh' . !'-. is i ailed. cr,n.-:s:s .-:' a -ran:! :i-.;-a;s. baitfty cart icil ttuil- r ;.h veliie l:- ffoin w hieh i nns a copper win e oiriccit 1 Willi the elrlvi'l's seat. Th' wife' is cnrrii'el alniig the horse's back and fasiciii il In tlii- saddle, nml at tin i -ml of It is :i sponge, which, when once elampclieel Willi salt water, is kept moist by the' natural heat of the heirse. 'lieu l!u- animal reeuircs an impetus he- driver ton, In s the- button ami his red. startled by the new sensation, inks Into an instant trot. '.rnkfll Sinn lliitlillng. AVUONC tnrlhnd of coiisliui tioti iu to roll down tin centre first, which has a trudeiiey tu llalleu out Ilie road am! destroy the propi'i' i-rnss slope grade. When Ihe finished road has been tested by the engineer and found ildicirnt along (he centre line, only one of two courses is open In tile cligincrr to bring; Hie road tip to tile rstahlisht d grade- -ell her to disturb Ihr nil Ire surface of tu tint on nn additional quantity of screenings. It Is seldom that the lirst course is rcsorlcd to, but loo fl'eqlielly ihe latter. A rnad brought tip iu this way Willi screenings will always be an object of great solicitude and all ex pensive fond to keep in goad repair. The practice of rr litre rolling has a j te'lielemy also tei leave tin oilier celge'S and three or four feet of Hie' maiiielam very loose in their coiislriti'iioii, while Ilie- I'e'tilre, when tin road is lirst liliiieel j over for travi'l, is the best pari of the i l'oail for use, wlii'-h by use in a short time breaks its hmn! and works out I toward the sides, ami liieli trouble e eitii- indices. In hiiihling inacaiiam or any oilier paveini'iii there are no linle things, from the plowing up of the road I In liie? last rolling lite road receives. I Very much ilepemls "Veil upon the ! elitmpiiig of the load of tnl ill the : roadbed. I'tider no e'eiiisiileraiion whal 1 ever sheillhl a load of stone be allowed 1 to be dumped oil the roiullieil proper. ' niih'ss every pari of 111" loael. before i rolling, is ivinnved and placed Willi i shovels hi the place il is to oci'tipy, ! for the simple ivasoli thai, whi'li dtlinp : ing is ri'sorti'd to. whet Iter front a cart or i'i-ii in a reach wagon, uniform roller pressure cannot lie had upon all parts. The part whieh is brought tee the es tablished grade by shove ls w ill respond 1 to the' rolling, but where lite body of the steuie fe'll there will be resistance, which in lime will develop a weakness In tin' rnad. I '.very part of lite rotul thoiilel receive- equally ihe same amount of rolh r pri'ssitre. lb' ha-; Usui iell'einl only iu special' case's where' the foit.idai imi was iiui-cr- tain. A l liirteeti-iiich telford will -not wear as well as it seven-inch ma- ; e iielaiii ri'inl upon a gravel of tnixeil , earth or satnl t'eiiitidatioti. The rigidity of tli" thinivn-im-ii pavi-meni e-oll-ellle. s lo tile liest file i inll o.' the- feint!, ' while tin ehisiiciiy of ilie foundation of II S'-Vcll ille'il IliaeailillU lellels In its pre.-e'ivaliiiii: so he has uoi cxicmleel til, sysf'tu oi' te lfoid roads any ftlrlhei than Wits ab.-niiiii-ly lieeess.'ii'y. pre- 1 fi'irlng lee use good sub-grade material. Willi plenty of l-oMit-.g. and in I'Mi'tid Ills system of aihua at a less price than if tile toads had hern of ti'Iioitl . fot:siriit'tiiitt. If a niinailain mad is prope-rly built tin !',, Is no necessity for th" application of se'reei, itigs in ni.ili'.iaiuiiig the road. Si-fecniiigs place-.! np' ti an old ma ciilam t-oiiil ii'iisi lie upon the s'trl'.ice', whe re' in dry vealia'r it is elns; atnl in We'! Weath'-r il is it-lid. The' time to re ; pair a ma, iidam rotul is w hen the Memos begin lo show bare', when the' se-rcrnings ea- wearing siirfiice of the leiael has bent hist. Tsien. itisle'iid of . , screenings, stotn ranging in size from ' ollc-lialf inch to throe feiurihs inch, longest ellaim-ler. slioiihl be used. If the tlirei'-feiiirlhs im-li steams are spreail . upon I lie stirfaiv of the road, over ihe full w idth of the travch el part and In Ihe d'.'plii of about throe-fourths of an il.e li mo gle-ai, ;- depth should he tip plii'ib. tiny will not iicril wate-r eir leillitig. Tin point of e oiiiai t will be so near the' point of resistance that the full crushing force of the hoed' eir 1 lit weight of the leiael upon the whee l will ! fracture Ilie slotie. The fracture will j yield justa sinall amount of dust, or ' th'lritus, which falls quickly to tile liiiih't' sin fae-r ami is jirotrrlt-el from ihe hciit of tlir sun, so that it will not dry out. atnl from tin wind, so titat it cannot blow off. In a very short lime, the ordinary travel will reduce all this, of course, anil a lmaling pro cess will gei mi over tin entire surface. He has trie'e! this method in Connce-tl-cut, aiiel has not found n single failure'. II yields a very large re luni for the money Invested. If a roael has broken iip-wiiieh condition, however, shuttle! not be allowed lei oee iir-the- e Is only one thing to dee. and that is lo apply whatever si. me is necessary, and. of course, go through tin- process of serecning. wetting nnel rolling. Ah struct of a paper by .1. II. Maoeloiiahl. Highway Commissioner of Connecti tut. Farm Value Fiiliunrel. It is a well known fact that good roiiels culiatiee tin moiiey value of ad- jaeenl real estate. That this is su is eleiiicil by none, nin! already many testimonials to that effort have In en given nnel a few nieje will be appended. Professor Bakor claims this should not be given as a specific aelvaniase because it is a measure of all ihr oilier advantages lOlubtllcel. II. M Brown. Old liridgu. N. J.: Pi'etpe:-r has almost ehn-Med in ralu? tsictf tn-. advent of good roads i and travel ha? more than doubled. Dennis Long, I iiioti. N. J.: We have a to-.iiuy lentil in my own neighbor hooel of which we arc very proud, am ii-.-ar whie h prop.-rty has advanced liny per cent, road w as laid. of its value before the Oi'iBlnof M.i'lrtn Ink. Modern inks only date from 17!IS, at whi. i elate Hue researches of Dr. Lewis in t l.i- oliemistrv uf ink be gan. MEMORIES OF BURGLAR. Rijti.nky Itimr.l. lii Wirt TIiIiih II fin II ltl to C'Olllrllil llll. lYcderlck II. Weber, tin slyiisll biir:diif, whose trunk "ere fotrtul to coniaiii many hundred dollars' worth of stolen property, will in nil probabil ity be sent to Kansas Cily for trial. Tin nlitlioritii s of thai city have tele graphed the Chief of Police here to hold Weber for them. Weber has several aliases, according; lo the press dispatches, hut the pris oner claims I ii ii t Weber is the only liainc he ever went under, except when he gave the nanir of Hhilir on the ir-r.-isiuii of his arrest here Wednesday night. 'What's Ihe iliffetviiccV A thief by ftny oilier name would steal ns quirk,'' rrmarkrd Weber, with a twinkle hi his rye. Weber is .1 remarkable man in sniut respects. He i a type of the chap with which slliy women become iiifn Hi nted oil aeelitlllt of h'S eolllplexiou and rosy cheeks, lie is a lilt rfl'rinilialr. dresses well and wears his hair cut i pompadour. "1 have burglai W. -el many houses iiinl there is nothing in il." said lie, ns he i iirli'il the ends of his long, light nuts lai'he'. "I am not a kle-piiimauiae." and 1 I'ellllel keep frnlll Ste'Illiltg if I Wailll'll lo." was Ihe prisoner's next retiiritk. "Hut then if tiny one wants to lake the chalices, I guess stealing is I he fastest way that lie ran ge-l iln e-oln. "II takes lots e.f iti'itv to enter n house, especially I lie- lirst one'." re marked Wi'be'r. "I had hern watching the house for several elays. and thin when I gel a e liaiier in enter It I was afraid to do i:. When I ; oi inside I lii'iiiblcd like a leaf iiinl was aininst all-aid lo take the wnlel, after I had picked ii up. I have doi.e I wo bits. Yes. I hav, till ' i ' 1 1 to Il.e liad soiue funny things hiio lining iny jobs I le'llli'mbl'l' Ili.M one ti the situation ::p".-ili' in the humor of I to nn tei such an I'Mi'ti: Dan 1 el me very near bring aught. I had robb'-d a room ami was i lis. t going out of tiie door, when a woman's voice from the bel said: 'Is linn you. ll'.-lii-.v '.-' I said 'Yes.' si ml i sin nrhvrt me where I was going. I told Iter thai I was going to le-ave; lie-r and n. 't "f come ba, !;. 'h. Ilen.y, , i.'nii'l leave' me: please ilou'l. ami I will be tile best wife iu I iie worid.' she said, i hut I Wits going down the stairs by lime. She' piled o'li of bed atnl I ilowii a ft it me. pii'iiiling Willi me not lo leave her, ami as 1 was going on! of 1 liii' eieior she e-aughl tile by tlir e lail and tried lo hold me. Then she broke' out crying as I amined ihe front gale. 1 lauglieil so liaiel at l.e-r lhat the' pelice- , iiiiii on th. nskeil me s riicr stopiicd tin ad ill! llllO'lieills, bill III' 'Jill II. el -rise Up. : "Another ii ti woman's i wi'en a board la-r.-l.ief t i. .l Iu-! sli; 1 Whin's tl:,. lo lue" 'lime -n 1 wa - safe. me I hail jus! come on: of ...III ih.'l! I Illlll I'llhhe'el er sa w me. I had ii li.-iiii!-.-ir.ion.l toy face, ami It down around my jaws. mat 'i i- Ce-eirgc':' lie said you gel Ihe tool hae-lii'.-' I lo'.i I him I h id iii il hiirrii'd llelWtl tile fti'drs. Where' lire ynii going';' inc. and I told him I was go he asked it:g for a I'.noieri- In pail iny lootii. " I'he liis' thing a woman says when she is awaki'iied by hearing a noise is: There is sonic oil" in this room. Who's hi this I'lioin':' If 1 happe n lei be in the l'e'iim ! Mart to gel oat, am! I don't lose any time gcnlng out. either. 'Tiie worst thing a burglar has to contend with is the squonky stairways lhat lite iu nearly rvrry house. Tlie-re ate' al-o ninny squeaky boarels hi ihe Hour of nearly every room that yon get iiu . Inn the thief is tin only p, rsoti lhat ever funis ii out. You step over a short distance to gn off a squeaky board and i.ieli step .ti another one that squeaks mtte-li worse. The squeaky boards i-anie Ue.-M- puling me under the sod oil oil e-:'sie:i. The boai'll tlWeike I wo nu ll anil Ma y aimi il liietiise lve s wiih revolvers iirl ft..- inc. 1 saw I hem enin. ug Mid iln'. e through ll witt eleiw, wil.Ie t ll. y iiuptiutl their Hi npnlts ,:l me. I'.ft 1.i":e is itoihing ill ytiai iiig. "The peilice in iln dilfe'rt-iit plai'i'-t have a griifi thai is in ,i. -U belter t'ittgliii.'. . Whe n i was arrcsicl in T'-. isi ee 1 had ., 1 jot i iu large hills sewed in ihe lining of tny usi. I had !?1S,) in 'i.y p 'oke'ls. find In money in my vest was uoi lo'tad when 1 wm :-: .".relied. I was in .;n': ttl out four tiny s w!u a a iletcciive ii.iiiied Cox rami1 in i tie night ami iii'iilc me strip. He sear. lied my clothing, nml finding my more t sni.l. "That's what I have been !'iol:;iig' for." ami to.,'; il away. I never got tn... me.ucy back, and I was i,l.l by him net tei say anything; about it." ll'tcky Mo.iinaiti News. A Spl.lri' Web. During the lnlc suiniuer nnel ill the ; ii ii it in ii grnssheppci s ieiin a lnrgi part j of the fe.eiel of a large spiiie-l etllled 1 lit' i orange iirgiopc. It is iuuresiiug to svo j how skillfully the spider iiiiuiAsi's lit r ! lingo prey. The instant ii heeiune i-n- ti'iighil she rushes l i il ami. spreading; her spinnerets far apart, she lustens a bfnad sheet of silk lo il: thru by a few eloXle'ieiUS kicks she rolls i ever two of Hirer tiiuit. auel it is se-emely swud UieU in :i shroud; a quick ln;o with her poisou faugs couaplttes th" tlt'-jtiuctioti t l I lie victim. l"i. luuK of the oraust- u.'ii.)c is a .-uiall':-;- than the feu.a'f. utjcl it is v.ry sehliu olscrtfd cx.vrt hy the i -t tiaitie l e-yos. He liv es on a -shabby little web. which lie builds near the web of t!te female. In i lit autumn the female makes a globular eggsac as huge as ti liiekory nut. This is pfiuleel nniiiug Hie brain h. s of tsoliit! shrub or in tin teip of semio weed, nml is fastened by many ropes of silk so that the sioi-ins of winter shall not tear it liieiso. Within this eggsac the young diders pnss the winter Country Life in Atliel ie n. r SOUTHERN FARM filOTES. a -in . .:ti - c- TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE PLANTER, STOCKMAN AND TRUCK GROWER. I llltiriiting iiltini I'liet. I.l l!Kl Ilie shortage of the entton ciiip. as well as of the cniti crop, was I Hi- to lii-ouili. Tliis occurred early in Iht season, at a lime w Inn the corn tievde-.i tie' tnoistari' most to till out tile rill's. .' till when the' e-eitloll Wits making its Hr.-t bolls. i t tmi imiril long riiriigh to ruin the corn and short en tii' nil ton imp at i.-:is thirty pet rent. Tills year again iu many parts of the eeiotiiry botil these oro,:S have sttlVe:-.',! se-vere'ly. it is evident titat ilrnalii is em,, of the main factors in I shnr. ruin:; on;- end cot ton i-rops j If l".t tile piillclpal O'.le. It is tllel'i'folf an :iii,ior!aiit epn sii .u io solve- whether laeri' is any way to avert the gre:i: lo-se-s likely tu lie eat!-.'d every year I by eltoalh. I The .'.-. pe riell'e eif i'.lfillefs i i-hi-i- crops in all pans of il ' Ve ry i oiu-iu dtely tiia: I ..'Melit l!le cl il cliert of ill hi raising e country to a large i u i i i may be avefied. It is prill i of i'ul:ivat ion: i in me I llotl 1111,1 fll'IIII. lie-V of diy a matter ,1 of e.tltiva Al! tlitoilgii 1 1 1 1 i : of our i !. lite ridge i li:;s been tin-n.-ii 1 li Viler ii e-ri-p is I II re j low .sysinn of raisii j n! alaloiieil years ago. : a t urn plow into i ;: ' land h-is liei n tl.-si Tl" i ". el put liter the The br..;.e:i i;n. S lei. !. Il i- l ciiiiivatii u is .-ilvt a i Wil II il I '.Vet-h .fsc ; i tiliv;.t..:-. I ii sides of a ro.o. , ii lg.'i the Ih'id. ai:d lie mail.- line, hut is Kept i.' tifoiith ii is ti en.-j which work trio nn in ilai o run r:i I.::: I w. r..ii a nip lli-faces. I. III. Iron; ii -. ard ss;i ;-'. ef li till- Ml fe eeri! If l'ei-I. fr iiu I- t;:ir ti. i v. ii iu . d ili'oiii h. i::lld v.. fe I'I I .' d 1, wotiid i.ry ii !; pi !.-. I. an. I i; to 1-ci p sii' li a i Tinil lii.s Imi nr. has I ". a show a :e,i .Ill I !.. ' 1' I n I'" '' lUUlee. pnrpo- o:i;.i--!:i iii lllolls of oii-.".'. In many iiisian,-es wii",o lie'iels adjoiniti'; we're in corn. l!:ai cub tiva'.cl by the Hew sysuni lias iiiade a lal-.-'y l.o.ld creep, Wi.l ll ell" l.M if et. e'idli-.ale'd OII ill" I 11 1 tl -V.V lllll'bilis-. We hiivc t ... i!.,i!iit that tin- sain, ply to i el te n. Then v Ihe Ilai sysie-m and In ' an, ti i:o' i! ad.' o . li-. will s 1 1 : 1 1 ci'i; ai icu for i niton, to..'.- Tit- claims u.aiie lei' the i:. sy;. are iln.t it s.aiuis v.. ; soasatis I ctei lhat it kills tiie gii's; and Wc.-ds th" e'.iw by wrapping ihe-ni up wi ilii'i. I'lid that ll ii ON no th 1:;.- ! .nil i .'. veins il'e'iu fr.i.i i" .tig 1 "ow-'i c.o' ', son:e , M. f . Wo . .id ;'. :: tiie i: :!. oi' I lies. i laiii.s. but v. .1 io: i . 1 . i iait Ihey hegia t.i c.-.H;... In l:.; irliitle-l Willi eoll-. f. P: ; 1 ,., in-:---'-..- 'lu'lng 'en t ins ,:' ti-.Ttn. At.d ,1.. u :o ;'il. s adele'd Ilia ihe ilai .,'. 1 ;: o'li -. . u roiling iai.. I. mm !i .: tee- . i-i'lag li.iii i so ruin. .'.!-, luc ic tiu.oiv in favor is iiiim, liseiy 1tro:ig--f tliaii thai for ri.ige rows. Tii.s I.!:, t til" pfe-Ve III lug of damage by di-.'!:;li. Is on. of liiiinli iiiiportaii. e. 11. IV t-i; .- i-. i tys'd, tholt-i S.'lll.r'- po-sib'o miMIS be llioioughly I, :.;-. beet: 111..! !.. .-lb: iiu: d. 'II tal of phiiiiini, laine:-'. I, is i ml th !y time ! ip-i on to a i What ( an It l i .l t in- Sli.ige-'. j Corn and cow peas plantctl i snfgiitlln at' 1 . ml peas, sof'-:liu,ii ml j velvi l beans. K.nlir corn and eoW p a-, '('.overs and soja 'reinis e:ia all be lis.-! j to ad iini.'g.' for making sliage, or Corn, Mii-ghuui. soja 1 cans ntid c..w I peas can be n,'d nlotie and innk, good i fri la go, bit: lis a inU'. n i.i'X'in-e s pi'- fe'l-l-e'd. We have o-C.Ii ill. el coe!'.'lll I'cslilts from fee'. ling silage ll:::.!e Iro.o corn and cow p. mid row pens. 'I I. thin but; that silage r w hen le d t. I'.il!; mid ; is imi ge'i;"r.,:! ; j something r, ug sniL'iium is p;ii : I young or lough. it w.ll nil,' I'm wi.icit e I'inier I:, i. II ileVclop I'lils Mime i mi ni;:: I an. I ti 'will Si odor. i let p.oo.'. Is fed il fie Aeeordillg I differ, t:.v I iltld s.e.'o:- I from al 'n I ! bcai.s 1- I- .Usicilll ll. my. milk :o ii: i o. bin silt-: , e rr . el est r tiia; i tcia " CO. Id. in o: ma is. stage e!i. ! i leads lb: Ml IV Then ' '': " entl di kini u t'i on a l,n -f ' a!' . t ' by .hilin Charlie. : who impoitnl si! his old home. In !L i -ils.'i. e i.uipl-' St ri a ii s! W.'till I olmnai .i ahlish sii WlTe etllllts in in New .Ii rse v. Atiain lu te, re there was a mIi. m m . ra Soitlh Jersey, and ficeia l-.r i cteip out now and then. Th son silk niaiiiifaoiui" is and i that busine ss an im i cbil -.its subject. 4 silage' is useful to Ihe fanner, no mat. br what kind of a caiile he Is feed ing.-S. 11. P.ariies. Dairy Department, I'nive r.sily of Tennessee. i Nwtft I'titiitei Hue. Ill lolllll'e lieill Willi till" pfopngiition of sweet poia loos in Soiilli Louisiana must ilrstriit-tive insert litis inniln Ita .-ippeiirame. It is .in inlroduceil spp e ie-s, e niiiing tei us from litoro southern countries, in seed potatoes. It fs hero to slay, anil while liitle can be done to cheek its ravages In the see'lions of the Suite It now infests, tin greatest enra shoitM b" exercised in preventiutj Its spread, ''ruin a study of Its habits ii is imi a fonn that Hies, ami Is only iraiisfe'tre'd frnin phiic to place in thu se ed ii-ei. .1 si of this plant. Those inter ested in tive i'l peilato culture in Louis inii.i ii ml there si cms to be tl great fin tire for the. grass growing and ltirjse yielding varieties ns fond for stock, should use every means to prevent the in! roiiiie-i ieui of iiil'csteel seed upon their places. The see'il of all tenants should lie pur per-oll used or ordered by responsible Hid those thoroughly acquaint- Willi the danger of insect infec- t.ol!. t tmin-.ivpel l.ltnel 1itli Svrfpt Clovir, As a plant for green manuring Prn fess,,. s. M. Trae'ey, formerly of the Mississippi 'experiment Station, says of il in Farmers- Puili'lin 1S of the I'niteel Slates i. pariui -nt of Agriculture: "An a r s hil- "ativi' crop Tor yellow Ioiim nun lime land-' tliis plain has no Ml- perior. and for black piiiirie soils it Iris e pial. The loots are very long, p. ii -iraiiiig tin soil i,, a .Ii pili of three i.- font- fee-!; are quite large, anil by tin If ele. ay ;n tin etui of the second .Met- have lie soil wiih iiiiiumerab'.e i.'inii.r holes wli'n-h tn-t as drains iiinl 1 " : i I iie soil, mi ti'.-it tile foots of i. iii-,- crop can go deeper ami li ml ni'.ttn.'iilll! silppli.-S of fond illlll bear ,, l-til 11 brill i'lr- ap-i-I'raii. e ri i lover Is il ..' id ,!.at :!) soli is 'Ills tei ill! I l einilililill. I s I! io oeeiipy tin i d spots of iht I lii-iii for the an. I '.. ii of mil. pr. par f plan:. I'i i'lil iilile lur l.nlei I'limtlnc. Tie.' leiiddiiy of al! forage plants s o., n so laie iu tin season is to run lo seed el"t e leipiui'li: IIMfe tililll they v on!. I If I'iiiuii el in tin. spring. Hut in 'o in, i :'::. ainl sorghum ami lie-e are pfeviiable feu- line planting. There is a:i art iu e atling ilo ni nt just the right -Hi'...-. If el! loo g'.ell there Is HO g. to speiil: o.'. ii dries In she-lls. If tin too ripe there is grain iu plenty, am! if ii were tliii'siied out nnel greitniel it Wenild iiio;,' liian cctiipciisate fee.' tliu l.-s of lrnriiivo mat'd- iu tin straw, this is inter ,l'ii.-. atnl tin- grain i -e- celeal : i- so Mn.lll :i lie hard as e..p.' Illilst leal ioil. 'file! ef. ire it !:,.! o i 1 1 p t 1 1 1 s ; 1 , for tiie lo.-'S which is ill nt Mf;;-,v. If cut just rigllt, ,i is ::i tin "dough" stage, the I f. h ...1 - soft I'lllUlgll tei be grounil !:o -:. ni l Ihe straw is ;is goeiel l balance is ob- llritf Mfii ili.d- Id' rot,. I sl:, ii. tloil. sorghum velvet erie.r to cow pen in -1 i i ! . ilt at t lit vi: ,-s and i. Ah, In S: i Soinii Carolina cow p".is tli -iee '.le .', watermelons die of wilt .-'lid e. . oil title's well where cow p. are all i.iih el. Il '.;s in ihe South are comparatively f r, e llont disease' owing ill part to many siicdiler.t foods and grasses. i'igs prefer a level, iimist. sandy ami not too niirogoiious soil licit' the oevnti e,r salt water i'-t n.-i'-trs. Veith is iisefui for wnner pasture Iu lie So'llii. If it is ,1 r Angus' lie lli.lll Plan; sc. iit il to i lain corn in July : a laie' e rop, si'le'e t u very ng variety. t pi'tato vine s in well pre- (ietl I Apropos f, hard . let f I V Our. tie I'reRn Be?nr? of the s:atemci!t that no f pee . nis w ill begin lo bear ins i'ari'i and liaueli has Is has a. a been our ovperi in iiilaiey In the prescui day has been familiar with the ih w ild ami cultivated, ami lid ilidiliy to believe Hint s w :ll begin to le'ar ill it bout . and ai the age of lil'tcen tioi bear in any . use tn r- b'.ishrl. iltlel to produce ten " ret- must be about i wciuy - t brotigii. w ii h a spi i nil ;.v feet, ainl be from lifty ..- old. Ami ct n pecan i t "i-y profitable possession. .' . expce t a fortune niiini i s nn years old will be i ri. ' Lt-T'is'in-ien Born at Sea. i'i'.:; On a;. av -ag- T-n Pritisb Fubjec' i'i )-. J i - yearly Iiei. n at . .liner ,'L'iitiiin. .' -j ;-i ; tei,, :,-. iriMak-.-s ar . rntifb ' ' :.";'., in ctji.nitig the rnainn ' "i : ' mo oi in i' eoiiimem Knglish e- '"(. 1 ' ( iu i r sinus. tiling; Cerimiii Httemliln" ' t!., i '-' ( tii'oi nia State I'tiive-rsity, trans : utt in ''i'lit : piri' is willing, but th! n 'i ' .'i-p is v, ii';.'' into "The ghost is wil V '' i .e. but is;- iiu-at is not able." And r'i'i't. ':' I'llipiti.. outh fairly s.-t the clasi I . , i i an upii'iir by the statement that rr '.:. " eif sight, utit nf mini!," Ibtillit, ill' llliinlt'le' is ms, lilt.' " It

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