$l)c tthntljnm Hccorb. l)t Cljntljam ttcrorb. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ouc eqiiare, ono insertion Ouo square, two iuserticuu Ono square, cue month $1.00 1.60 2 50 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- For Larger Advertise ments Libera! Con tracts will be mad-. VOL. XXV. PITTS BO RO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (1, 1002, NO. 12. Mynheer Joe. BY ST. QE0RQE J3ATHB0RNE. r.rT!lllillT lMHEa T H.lXM UiH SON". ".r eilAPTKR V. JF VOU MfHT KIUIIT, TAKK MAS vorn Ki;:r.!-' The fair Molly is mki-ii aback by this tnitlli trt'm- Iiit face allows ii; liiil she is nut tin- one to remain Ion:; in siicli a condition lit' miiul, iiml her rli'iir I:l Huh servos lo brtl dl away tin mist thiil seems to lie gathering over In little company. "This Is indeed ii plea, tiro a pecu liar coincidence yoll saved I it . mill imc ill our employ rescues yoii from llie wilier.' she Siiys. 'Kismet: It is fate," groans Sandy. Init they prcicud not to iindcrsi ami 1 1 fill. I hough his inclining is ;'- il:i lit is daylight. ' Von will forgive me I'or s;., -akin-,' it' yoii iis Ihi" poor (icliuali ca-itaway - the peeiiliiir name leil me astray':" Ida- goes 0)1, just lis If she ami .loe were iilime in Hie liijmt parlor. "H is mittiriil- I 11111 used to it. it-. Iiolil the effect of having a nickname Middled on to one in linyhood. It has followed me everywhere. A waggish companion corrupted the name of Miner' Into Mynheer' mid tacked '.loe' to it. Long a 1:0 I gave up in de spair the nUelllpf to live the name down. 'Mynheer .loe' it will lie to the end of Hie chapter." Then- is an imdiiy afiout It that strikes her as singularly pleasant. All her iitleniiin friends are "Mr." or "Colon !'" or the I l n." This or That. .Mynlie. r .loe stands mil alone. Ii lias .n individuality thai marks it above till Oi I', IV. "All! you are the messenger from Khariu..m. You come with news of lienor.-! tiordonV" slie continues. "Y. he replies simply. "When did you last see him':" "On Hie ".bill day of January." "As long ago us Hun? Hut I forget what a tremendous distiinee Khar toum U away. How glad Hie whole civilir.ed world will be to hear from bilii'" Mynheer .loe biles his lips, but Nays nothing yet. "The people love liiiu so! I have always hoped to meet Idlii. !' all men, if ever I visited Lg.vpl. ami just I., tliinl; he hils talked with you, ciiten with you, oven fought Jit you;- side!" "And died iis close to tin :-t:iiidi.:g at this moment, nor." "Oc.-i.l! (iordoii dead;" iis you HIT Miss Tan- she whis- Jiers, ii .hast. "it is even so," he replies sadly. "Can it lie passible'.' Uli. how terri ble i; is to believe th.it grand man is no more! What 11 shook it will cause w horov-r the telegraph can ciirry it!" hill! IIKH IIIUIS. "Thin reminds me." exclaims Sandy, with a hasiy glanc- :it his wanii. "that I have business before me. You will excuse my hiisie." Ami, with u parting salute, he vanishes. Mr. ii rimes is Hie only one who no tices his departure, for the oihers are too iti. -rested In what is passing. "Ami you saw him fall? You won't mind 1 Hill;:' me liie sad story':" Miss 'J'iltltlc.' plead.. "If Joii will be skilled. I will relate it just as I have to Sandf. In the morning :ill the world will know the facts. Surely, there have beeu rumors concerning this tiling':" "Yes. but people refused lo believe tlietn. They came from untrustwor thy sources, and were hardly in before contradictions came nfier. We have all been waiting for positive truth. It comes at last with you. Now tell nie, you who were with liordou. how he fell." Mr. (iritnes Amis himself a nonen tiry. anil, with a sinili, betakes him mif from the bijou parlor back of the portiere. True, he has no cablegram to send just yet. but he fancies lie may make use of the wires later on In connection with privnte business. At present he can amuse himself watch ing the bright scone In utid before Shepherd's, and speculating upon the strange vicissitudes of fortune that ono day have a luiin in rags and the next elevate him to n princely income. Mr. ('rimes is nothing If not a philu gopher. The 1 wo left in the cozy little parlor do not miss the (diver king at all. so wrapped up is Mynheer Joe in his companion, and so deeply Interested does Molly become in his narrative. He tells it modestly, for this tuau ran never boast of his own exploits. At the same time he is by force of cir cumstances compelled to give facts, and Molly Is at liberty to draw her own conclusions. As she already has a high opinion of Mynheer Joe. she is apt to make a liberal Judge. How her eyes kindle hs she sits there, spellbound, listening to the story of (iordon's ileum! It is a tab to thrill the pulses of all who admire 11 brave, generous heart, devoted to the good of his fellowruen. Molly hardly seems to brveath.e as she drinks in his words. This man, in her eyes', is also a hero ten times over. Even had it not been his arm that plucked her out of the cruel Mediterranean at Malta, still would she accord him this exalted position. For has he not been with Gordon, and does not the re flected light of the great chieftain fall upon him? The man whose sword BvcLfged the death of CUluesc Uordu cab iiovcr bt a-jjbt eUe but n bro ia hr y Jf f-Him io. Mm-' til Ail, for ' i Mynheer Joe rather enjoys this Icte a 'tele wiih the girl who has become the I bell ' Kuropean Cairo, l'vcii when Jie rapidly sketches bis late trip upon -Hie Nile, and brings the story In a 1-oiniusioii she has many questions lo ask that are right to the point, and which, upon being answered, bring Hie situation mil in a clearer light. Then Mr. lirimes -considerate Mr. I iriincs who believes he has left I hem alone long enough, makes his appear ance. There docs not seem lo be any pariii'iilar necessity for his coming, hill hi- evinces all interest in Hie ev plover llial no pcr.-uii has ever set u ' bini slur- fur any one else. Samiy t'lids Hie-i fiill tii';ctlier win u In- re I turns aiicr sending his wonderful dis i!. !i Hie great dispatch that will be :li" sensation of tin- day in London ; anil America, l-iu-dicd with success he npiM-ars before them and mochani iiliy glances at his watch a villain : ills habit In- has upon every Mslon. I The action catches Mollv's eye. an-l with a little feminine scream she Hatches out her own timepiece, -i lidded wiih diamonds, ami looks at Hi" tell-tale face in coiisicriiai ion. "Klcvcti o'cloik! An hour and a halt j -way from the ballroom! What will 1 l.nrd (Quinsy ami tin- billon tiiinl;'.' i And I had engaged a dance each with them! They will m ver forgive m-.-!" "I am sorry to be Hie cause of your i i rouble." begins the c:,;iloivr, humbly, j i'lease don't incut Ion il ! 1 wouldn't hao missed this hour and wh.it I ! have heard of brave Hordon for ten ; lords or fifty barons. It was only the I governor 1 was thinking of. Tin-y ! must have asked for me. and the dear : good mail will be fairly wild lo. iking for me." : Mynheer Joe imagines an insignili- can!, bald headed, good-miiurcd little i iii.in tearing around tin- hotel pleading ! Willi every one to help him Hint hi.-, i daughter. If he conies across such an I Individual he will recognize blm at ; Ollee. ' "You will e.etise inc. Mynheer," she ' says, holding mil her hand again the i hand upon which Hash diamonds t li.it. Willi those in her ears, at her Ihrnat j and in her bonny brown hair, are sure ! ly worth a king'.; ransom. lie murmurs that he will he glad lo meet her again, perhaps in .lie moru- ing, if i ireiimstaiices me favorable. I wiih a sidelong glance toward Mr. (iriincs. thiit has no apparent mean ; ing. and yet which causes a grim smile ! lo appear upon tin- face of the silver king- j i In n she glides lroni ; bijou par ! lor. Sandy holding the portiere aside, i though he has to siaud on his tiptoes ill order to make il clear her head. The three gentlemen arc left alone. , Sandy takes out a cigar ami looks at (the others. The mule invitation is j immediately accepted, for a couple of hands are extended, and the weeds exchange owners. "Let's go outside. The In. Use Is llo place for smoking, in my opinion." re marks Joe ; So the trio adjourn in the piazza. More than one curious glance is cast I toward them: for. in spite of the se ; i-recy tiiat has been exercised, rumors have gotten around concerning tin ! triiih. It is strange how these things . leak out a word is sometimes enough . to start the ball rolling, ami people, . i.n.v Interested, add a little here anil a tril'e there until a story has been luilli- , iifio turcd out of whole cloth. Hardly have they reached the piazza ' :uid Joe slops to light his weed when 'I dapper little fellow, Sandy's counter part in nervous ways, steps up and tiips him on Hie arm. "Hog pardon-do I understand you have arrived from up the river, sir - 'from Khiirlooiu?" asks this sprightly chap, apparently not noticing Sandy In the background. Mynheer Joe puffs away, ami be tween each puff he nods his head up . iii.l down in an uttirmativc way that -is the little man fairly wild with .suspense. He will speak soon when lie gels ready-but not until that time oincs. It is plainly evident Mynheer ; Ine knows how to manage the cre.i- 1 lure known as a press agent. Sandy is chuckling near by. dread fully tickled lit the thought of haviug ; for once obtained an advantage over j his rival. j "You are quite right, sir. 1 have ar , fivud this very night from Khar j iooiu." iliiiilly admits the object of ! 'ill this intention, having iviiiteod his weed to a point of siibj'-ci ion. where jit would burn without much -aro. I Oui come the pencil and note-book. I "Would you mind giving me a little Information regarding tin- suite of af fairs ai Kliaiioom when you left? I I i present the New York llcl'.ll.l. the London Times and the Paris Figaro, I shall be pleased to take your views, ir. and give you every courtesy iu my tower," rallies oil the l!ltle corre oiond-nt; then catching sigin of "ainly his face blazes up. lie waves lis hand as though in warning, ami ;-rie.j: "Too hue. Harlow -you're Mil Kail to thu rear! I may let you pick up -Luc crumbs proseutly, but do-i'i bother now. As you were saying, my Icnr sir, at the time you quitted Khar '.m.ui mattvis "vem assuming a serious Ubpeet ;'' "Vdl'V." f,-; lie Mynliufl' Jon. 61V.- "And (iordoii- you left hku well, Imping for the coming of tin- British I'l-.i- i-vi-u now on iis way there. His views ami yours v.oiil I i.i- wry ac ceplable li.-idillg I'm' le" vulcl. A vast audii-tice. indeed, - ir. Wen!. I yo-i Kindly relate y.mr story in detail, or at icasi ii, at por'io:i o! it cin-i-riiiiig ( iiirdnii." ins manner is persiiii:ve. his vun honeyed, a ml baiter w.mid fail in incll in lii inoiiiii. t n i iii-i ii iiii i i-ly In-i has laid bold i.f l!i - v. ri.ug lit ill. Mi ll- j herr Joe li.ys ,-i i i;.d on his slioiinli r and iilmosi i-rit-hi-s him. I "i- or pari miliar 1 imin in'ir ymil.) my press agent. Ju-i now I am en gaged. Your arm, Mr. riir.es. if vmi Please." "Itnt where iiii-. 1 li:id him? I b.-g liiiit you will ini'i-rni me. This i-, u matter that coiiei in He- lioie civil Ir.cd world. TlO'i. of it, .'!! i'.-ll nn the name of Ih's g, tn, iiii l the excited cori'-.-ii:iinle:i. ec:i lays hold of t he explorer's coat !n hi e.-i-a.-riie-s In gain bis alieiitioii "Yen will liit.l 1 1 : 1 1 1 yum !.:. Sind.-, will yon am nl lo iliis : ei; ! i. inn n V" -'! rent Scoi:! l:.-!oiv l.n.e.v-i it ;i)i! I s. .. ii iioK'-! A i:.iti-l e.ii-p'.:i.-v io bint t if! Well. I've .1 iii r-.ltliol -i. .-llcl I'll e,e--;-!i, i,,io -!..-i;i intil ; a s.-iisiit ion thai wiil i-.iii.il il;.- i;-iii!i, (Vtcll a Weasel iisleel.. eh';' 1 llii'.e. i .l.i". i-i.ir He is jii.-.i iiliout i.i i.i - -1 off w!,- n '-. tin- v. .1-..-H is ii, Siiiidy Iftig!... ' (: ii'-i-t ih- I..,.- "I.ef. a - iiii. i, !.l I - I .'ie- lt.-s aid lie- l:.!!e" ,.; i he i in ir, iy ai ii -y s.-i ie-- f-oi u iv.' to .il Tii 1 nvili of i Ii - I,. -- . -: i o'cloi '. in lac i.i -i-ii-ti. . You up , . iii. f. ,-i. i... , ii.'iiilii'i go! :i line i.::i now en y.itria l-t.'.1. iA i.- ii ;' ,. muiv.e.iiiii r.-r poi.siiei.iy n in- imi,- dive coiiimilli-d hai ii kiri." tiariow. mi in- lino ii a tii:t.-. i il be i-iitin-ly di--:'ii. - .1 if I'm l- fi in.i.v- ly Cll ibis di'ill. i Ho. -doll de.iilV" "Yes. " And Kha -in an i r-!y f :!'. '." ' With. .at a .:..!:!. " "SVInii u ill y ...I t.i;-- i.i ! . I-,.- s .,,.1 iive lilies i-:--, ,-!y a n ii.:.ll''i), '';! ';" "ii::: v. i!I y.-'i : iv.- in ia- iini'i-. f.ir the ini :.i e a ;ew i-riiin'i -. i.-.v b-.y . ' So ih- rival eorr -poii'l-iiis walk down Hie pinz-.i li.-iiigliiig. Sandy ii is I lung wiiaid for Hii-i li iii, : ids i up is full and iiuiiiiig o cv. pre I lloW'l with good m. .-s.i-e. "di-iiiiwl. '!. Hi" other i-otipl" move along tin1 l'iii".:i Itt an opposite .lire-alien, enjoying li." il-iiei-ins sit in. phci-e. their i-i-jii'-s ;!-.! In- bright .- celie. I'.y ibis time the great crowds have ill I! measure eca-"i to josili' elbows ill the s.piare ciiii. d l!s! hiycli. for Hie iiniir grows lite. Still there m-e mmgli present io keep up a lively appearance--to please ihe i ye i f the o'.i s, rvcr v.iili ihe lai.-iit-.- o'f . .:!.i!-s a - tlay pass to and fro. Something is on ihe nihil of Mr. Frillies, but he perhaps thinks the present nio'.neiil is hard'y a pro aii'.ui'.s one in winch to sp -a!;. Sawi .': times h" opens Ins in. :i i h. a ; t'mil ii tic s'iril iii.n.-s 1 1 i : 1 1 . but ia !i oee.i-i,m h- shakes h';s head iiinl remains sllcui. As t in y cri.s-i the li-hi H.rnwii frori the windows more than o".e curious glance is cast up,.;, teem, i-i' already nas word been whisper! ari.-iiul ih.-it Mytlhee!" Joe h:is cum- from the scene of aciiuii. ami lin-re is ati air of mys tify thrown abiiiii hi!-, w hi.-h hi- per sona lit y incr-nses railier than .'.'men-isiu-s; for. as has ..-, n sa'.d l-.-!',.;e. his face and tigUi'e are sud: as v, ,-:i,l ;:i-ira.-t iivb uiiiiii i v.-ii on 1'iill Mai or the (iiamp.s liysees. Looking into the .lance r-ioai they se" Molly Taiitier gliding al-on, in a il i'1-iiiiiy waltz with u fo ci.a I, ...king man wearing an i'min a-:- inn-inchc that ciiri.s up to his ears l.o 'i-.'.n-i the baron, s'u- mnls In r b. id to iliem and smiles as sic- glain , low.nd her piii iiiei- in the dance. I here is some thing so spicy iind roguish iii-.mt it t hilt Mynheer Joe feels drawn toward the girl more than ever. "She's n dandy," the effervescent correspondent had said to him, while i n the way to the hotel, and the ni-.re lie sees of her ihe belter this pe uli::r comparison applies, though, upon try ing lo analyze it he is l.aiiii.l to con- j 1'ess the meaning ambiguous and a i trille dim. ! From llie window th.y walk down ! lo the end of Ihe p'azza. Here an ac- j quaiiiianee s-eizes hold of Mr. Hiimcs j I'.n.l begs a few minuies' pt-ivaie coil- versa! ioa wbh him, which, of course, i he gives, asking Joe's pardon for h-.-iv- Ing him. v oin m . ""' " The latter steps down In the square "; nf":' v"" :1 w:l' -"Ward sup to walk a little upon the cm.! Mags. : I;1-'"- i:Uw for Ihe cattle throuiih The events of Hie iiigin have be ti li'.' winter, more than singular, wh-n bis fortunes ' ' " ''-'-iiii '.v "itii all the em- i -,- concerned an, I h- has nl-ntv to i phi. -is that w,- know how, cut your r.-tti-ci noon as li,- sn-.il's He-re iii ; -"in : of the hotel. , Around him are scenes aN- tii.i; . must make some impression on Ilk mind, although they are far from new i io him. j While i hits sitoiliiig aimless!,- ak'ii'. ! wiih Hie iiiieiiiion of killing a li!'!- ' time, so that lie uiiiy r-'joii Mr. Hrimcs w hen the laif r is ,!isoiigi-g..,. Myn- Leer Joe elianccs to pass i!a; poriiou j of the hotel known as the i. :r. !u common with nil ..timr lioicW. I Shepherd's has ;i retreat vv ii re the j Hiirsiy traveler can wash ti- 1 1 1 i ..in ..:' his throat, and judging fvom t be li-i'tmer In which It is being pa iron- j ize.l on this night Hi- diist niii-i be on j Hie move in Fgypt. A saiiii.-torin i .iii.l imi cuiis." the g -.-sis !-. c.'d more ' ' i'eiI!. lit Iy . Mynheer .!. iiri-.n-. iq-'t !h- .in i s in time to vvi'i.es- a rather .-uei- : . il spcctiidc of rows hi tii" grand plan Hi,-;-.- is always pi. -my. but as a general thing thes.- m-,- not among he guest, ..f He h"td. hut raih-r -hs pmes bctwiii, the tr.i.ei-is an,! their, iiily-iiressi , drug' 'iin'i lis, or. as Is, m-ii-e fre.itl-iltly the case, wain iln-sei i-idiv idnak at'-t lb- s ,,f d-ti- : i V-i, Wli-li" t'.O ih !-U. V-iia M-V-i il: Mi- t ,'ves a tv risVF u it:-r.iV!.i:-& as - n? Itfij ii f'p -n tai t eis J'-' t-' i ','i-ia.:- 1. 1 r SOUTHERN ' TGFlCSOF INTEHZST TO THE PLANTER. STOCKMAV AXQ TRUCK GROWER. . ll.i.l.lv l.I-ilin I.i I ' .oil, -ilg 'ile f llltds iilMs silMd In Tiie plin of a -!ei.c to r:ti. sad;' purchase in.-r.-.i.-ed am. units ,,i pims of gi'iiin up in a lofi nine l- et ,'i,n,i .In- phai-s or oiiicr u. . i .ari mm niii ug- S 1,1 "''" ''""'''i'" :s rilllli-eci - , n.,,1.-' fellii.Zel-. The ,lo!l-y that !o I he !!) !'.il'!l!--.- il ciii-:-esp.-!!d ; -vollii liilve liee-l Iieee-s:i!-y I.i pil"e,ase e:n, who -.-i.-..-' We pa, one fine o,' ' ,.,, pound of uiiiie.en w iii liuv alwmt lor a gnci Hi:. jL--:''-M:n i! m 'IV ii: ... - 'I- T!ie 1 ' el' I"-''" i'"-lf I -i' liie lif. ;.. .' liie i.i.'i linn . ' " '-' - J ie "i i-l oil ill n tli-s. :,y taking Isold of ih-. lil'i -,; I ' - , i. swung mil ; ,..S iv. Tii,- f.., nn I in- sack yoii nave ii a line fi ai F. i.i il u ..-n the i-i i- i-- - .'ii.i . ii.i n will n.iim-aliy i.mi i-e.-n eii-iininei - aii.1 oiiii-r liei oin c vun in i'i If !!-.!. :s iii-- lifi will in- nix .-'mils may I... grafb i qitiiv s:n--hi ,i -Li.,. ..i iii.i! - a .!in.'ii u.-.-ii.- I'i i-i'i ' "s ! lilly. and similising dieels mav I' in i'. -ii:! itl'i.-:- the i. pas...., lol'e . .'.. I.: - i s .i. I Will i nn on ! '. ' -- "'i .-:n-l -ie .ii i.. Tile sieji. r. il. s no .iot to .nil' I- i-'V- . -e lllie ,,.1111 I .11 Ii. II ,;,is ,i, VHe ,s maiie i f guild sell- ' ' " ' 's ''.- j ligi.i. and grain can be taken up more .U",l r. !ni. L'x I lid a great deal i:nuv easily f C 0 ULTAII.H lit' (illIN I.IT'I'. .si..aiiiii-r. 'i'i..' -,-in.ls .-.'in genci'iii. i . : . . .... . ,,,.,,.1,1,, . ......j ,.;t,. 1 i f .-Id i.'.'il. Tile co.-t is bid ;. trille, and i.ii;. pi i sait c.-ni iiiiike one wiiii but few i, i i-i. It v. ill save your kick, ami thai i - e-.iiio a:i hi ta in this geiierailon. f !...-,lit.iig vs. t iil.ii.g l int. Icr. i'ciii ill- certisiiilk is a valuable hay pi. nn has en M-ltle,!. 1; is lio longer ;i in-Hsci- of e-nnrovcr-y. Sliicddcd corn hay is ni oiu as g I iis any other li.-iy. 1 iii- cl'ei. does me have to be I iiia.e.l and made, but is already iiiai'e. li i- -imply ;i tpii -lion of lak-i;i-.: of vi':-i vol! have on hand. Ti-,.- are million.- of dollars' werih of i-en-iail.s siiimli'ig in ilia licl.ls of Fie South, ready to be mad." into tir-t clas- food. There is from one lo iwo I--;- per a-re of this hay standing ill c e:y cui'i field ill tin- Sunt in li is pii:i:,iy your duty io cm and save it. Y,i ii,a-e of j mi vdio ii.-ive net yei j-iilie-l fodd-'r. we wisii in say thai it is . hc.ip ; to cm and siin-d, than it is !.. puil fodder, l! doi-s not injure Ihe hi .a io em ihe cornstalks, hut actually ii- 'iiis il. .Nn-.ocriuis c.-.pi-rit'ieuis cnrcfnlly li iide. prove conclusively that the con. nils oiii In-! tor and w- ighs more when can d in lids way than when permitled to stand in liie ibid. The stalks made iipo hay are wcrih nearly as much as iii- grain, so linn yell about double ihe iilitc in' your corn crop by shred ding liie stalks. in iii,.-e ol you who liavo aiiva.ty lu.l! ! your fodder, w-e wish to say the s, li.-s are y.-l worth saving and shred- ling. Wi'ile il i-i lllie thai have lost soiiietliiiig- and spei-, -'I'Clg ill pidling tie' fodd-r. yo-'ami, .. save 1 "'" - '" ' I'llT s ;-ov ai'u '"-! si.re.i it in:., nay lusiea.i .u piiiiiiig imi-.i-r. I, earn a new ami i.'.- : tor way iiiicad of following in Hie j e!-l one. Wo :'..- not aide to go on wi: Ii our ' ('.;.l-:':i-l'i-l:eil. Wi.stcft'! ways of farm-j iag. We mil-! learn to practice more t c.o:.. -y-aiihe-.u Cultivator. . . - I l eiiiii.h.g oit..n. ( olisnb-i ,-lg ju-fniancncy I I ellect as xx.il i-s :;ii!i;eiiee on the crop imnic.U ! ii-e'y idi-n i-r. Hi- c.vv pea ami other j I go:, bum's jik.nis rui be ranked a- ; n - e-: ..nun-., of u irogr-u tiian i j : i-;;t ..g--.i-.ii : imiiei'-.:1! wUU-U mny i. . Long! . a., . oiiiiiiei'.-ail felt iii. ..-r-. - - .' i . in ..' Alabama, ii , :a a -il'iuli! le Mis ccllaneois .Matters. j - his reel tit speech at Peoria Serre- j . lie rend a letter frotu Jose Rizal. greatest h'-nius ' most revered i nl of the Philip;1' " . in hiih thf- . . pleaded with ' aeople to sub- . ti.) Aiueiieun ujv- i. nly. ri::c-udent point o ' :'l HUal iy-M ?v3u'.i -i in 1897. Sou. ........ ,.,." r.. .,,..:. . . .' -i,,),;,, ,i !.-,,: 4 ,,- ,-UH ...i-viii. uiji.lv . ,, .m Hud tf fAW fiOTES. line,. -o:i!i.ls of iilie-ohoiic acjd oi- of 'pni.-i-i'. which larg.-i pin -chases of film-. : )i!i.-!t ai. .i pniii-li il! . liable lie- farm. ; : .'I'll'.: iie.lVa .' eol-- ill legumes, :iml in-,-' ;;.- .-,-op . . legiiines trap . l.irg'-r iiiniiiiiiis of mlierwise uiia.nil ' iilile .ii iuosiiheric niii'ogi u ;.iel re.-uli in ' I'lli'l her ..-.'I ctlViciiltlelil. in Hi- wrib-r's opiuioii tie- miisi ; il'i nil i -i 'I nc-llm.i of lll.-l'.'ilsil.g l!.e jyi -ldof , per an-,, and llle profit - ! nl loli.ii! .-tilt -i. .. .-. by a more u. i:i-i :i,' J J IS.' o! leg.lliliiinlls iillll.s as fel l iliZel s. I i Tin -i- in :-hi.iii alii. -. are in some! ' I'.ir'o.-rs eiili.i-.l and i.piiii-eiaii ,, i-m lli.-ii' Use liligll. lie lll.-le.iseil ttti-nly- fold Willi IldVillltilue I.i vile ' lUTent Cfop. til til.' --IIIi-ell llllilllil.iilig of il 1,1 and I., iii,- m; . ,,f ih,. f.n-,:- ' ,-i's pock- i 1 1 i. ! ing - license very , inii.iiy io s;., i inn in- avciiig-i .-.,,, : "I' ml. in per ii- .-- in Al.ibalii.-i mlglu I I . l.-ld y ii l-iisi liny per em. lieral ili- of li'giiin.-. -,f . t hroii-.-li il, ' f-i i i!:z-i lirnfiiiii: ( iit-.itiilo'-.-s. oi : n b,. -i!i-,d iy Mi.-h ..p. i .iion. T. grali e... Us. cii.inse vigornits .Voang ; l'i'"lils. .'Hi hoi mally to die u F v.-:,ci-e it is a Iii ile suiallcr , li.iu an o. ' -nil.. I, n-ail ieii.-o o ill iiii in,- siociv ; m H'" icil'ic ol III,- lop. illiolll nl i- ill. -Ji ' 1 , 1 'ill's1' b.usl b- ol same thickness, so 1 "nil ihe rinds meci. Is,- linn iil'lc I cuiiings in a loo soft, about one iiinl a hall inches long, for scions. Cm wedge sham inch i.i .l.-i.H, insert into Hie split -.lock, Hind wiili soli Wiil'sled. Tile plants shou'il be kcj.t in a piopagaliiig ciise or in a icn, 1 pelatlllc oi seventy lo eighty degrees J and remain shaded until the union is i formcl ' - A f iuv, iohii ( en. ( nl.. .-,...- , 'Ol il '"" .-,...- " hl.-ii is silt isfi'.eiorv. w i -iiiiill : amount of corn is to b- kepi, li can , II.,w often ignnrtiiiee and conceit arc .,uj i,,ncer Press: 'i'in- woi-t be made any size desired, but possibly j sirongcr than wisdom. An accident ,vni;. ultv about rural life is not the di--one twenty-live by twelve feet is the ! happens to a fool, aiul he Inis i,oi -ciise ! ,',, parai.-s one lia ini a i i -u most saiisfaclory. The sides may be j enough to know that In- is burl, ainl i fj.,,,,, another -'il i- iln- fa-t that !ln inaile of any kind of rough boards j goes calmly on his way. .iis,ai,v to be lrnvc!-o,i ,s a bani -i' placed about three inches apart, or Love can know no greater hiii.-niosS i, ,-cria:n seasons of tin- our n!- ( liltl IN' 1'oslri lN-. strips oi woe, I ol any chariieier can be Used proVid-.-d Ihe op'-lliiigs l-el Ween , Hum is nn, wider than lour inches. ! TI'.- roof is made out of oiiliii.iry rough ; boards, wiih bnltciis ocr liie crack". The ere. should be pla.c.l at least ; 11 loo, iliii'U1 lilt- iill'lllltl. so i.ini Ji w ,n , lint harbor rats. The one shown in the ,-ii,., . ,r ...1 I.,- lee. .-"i-i -.' -- - sills. Pillars of bl'id, v.ood can bi used. dock iiiiidiiiBi Kel-..:iiti. The siiiu-ity of good friiii trees on iii.'iiy fariiis is a standing repro.u h to " o.mu.s , ,,.,.-. .,'..,..,.,..., p - '('iin utns plantc.1 fn October ..r No- ! j vcniher in the right pht.-.- will soon j give pecans in :iouno:.iie. . turn ui.- ol ilill.ir.V chislmit will t'elli isli on all , the Picdiiioiit hills, save seed fmin . good peaches and plant iln-m in Ocio- j ber. Cultivate ili.-ui well next sumiiier j and y. ui will have large trees to pl.iut ,1,.. -,.11..M ill-. ..."I- 1!.. V..I-.. ... .11 ...r. ....... ... ... i i out it few choice apple in, I pear trees this wini, -r. .Remember Hint a good orciiard and a good garden are t he ' - 111 ' ." ( "- """ .'-'uhl table he made atiraetiie wiih- out fresh v.-g. tables and choice fruits'' The Col ton lia lit. oi.l-r-ililoii.l --:uii. l'1:utl ohl-fashioneil homely vegc-a ,,,'!""' '" ''- ''' lv l"''"- ""'- -"Ol"-1''. IMllupkii.s. !'.m:l Im-jhiis.. i mil oni iinoiiieoi liie iioii-cw lie, I i;e icascl.ii. k. bean, is almost proo again-.! rain and hear, i'.e.i. nines can I" grown in -nn r. in luin soils, im- .1. r the shelter of brush breaking half '!. siinshine. f.-r Ihe loaiiito ill not '---k a total h priv.i . i-.m Hie sun- it-- rein tniig water v in, 'in, :;.s on the -- jo exi' 'liiii-nr iy ;: : FloihU Item ol Inteivst. Imprest ing testimony , confirmatory ul previous '"stlmony o' tl-e snme kind., Is that ci: Lieut I'.-a. y that ihe Arctic rveion is one of tl" !( place.-. on -arm lor persons annue l vviui pea lnoniiry (ISneaHOs In p:ot of the ),. i!th-clvlri , nn, i'i Inns ..-s- he si.Vii v.i a nrstlv evervrodv vho M trt-'t s3ut back :gaius n-n wuih t:r M9 t llti'h -lis f ' tiimoi !iuiH'er. !,h til- .V';. - i'f'i- hoiu t.i.."iv.iUmia ; iln-.' I --.inc. Ibti v. a; a -o - ii sigh? ( , i a a :'i i ai e il.,11. MOTTOES IN EUSIfJTSS. Are TIii-ih slns of llo- lino-, in New Vim l itlliri r '- No: l.iisine-s in. -ii in cv. 'i oik an- s,, joini-il to Heir business as io be loiei'iil oi Hie hill- i li 1 iiii - which mean ini'.-ii I.i tin- -irnii.cr lio i-m.-rs lileil- i.llie.-.. III Hie iiiiiec of one who is at iii desk from is o'.-l... i, a. in. until i p. ii... hiiiiiis a moiio hi iiiriie type: "I ain passim- this way inn on..-: 1 shall net reiiirii again. i is n.y w !h llii-i I may iiii iiM.' act wiiieh tt ill lu ll In :n Iii to nil I 'Heel ." i in alio, ir-;-wall is ii in. -ii-1 i.i Hi.- . fl'e el linn any aiiiil can be piiieid and oiirienUs when evcr.vi liing is going his way. inn it re quires a hero In lie plt-.i-iiiil ill tin- filee of III I Vis y. (III.- of llie b-ls.l llii-ll Ii ferroil lo m Iicii -p.iki ti ahum these pleasam Hugs s.-iio. "Ii is not what many people would i-xpe.-i lo lnnl 'iiy in. my people act .is if they ihoiiuiii i'e kepi a biilhlng ii- a Hiiiliim nun Ii llie d-.i-Wiiy. 1 i:i v.- iifien had :i cold chill upon going in i. Ili'-e e here H.c piopt i.-ioi- had ., eatd ,, hi- desk oil Ulliei, was .i ; i ; t . . - I,,.;,., -i Tills is I t.ilsV lie sou,.- -:iis ago that I .-all on i he (ioi'eruor of I ,;,, ,.,.., a gr-ii! Siiiie. in- Ins iiek was ii warn. ing .n l.aiiu: i'i'tiiis liigit-' Tiiini; nf ;i p-'lii- iiiii drni, illy saying t., h's e.-iiici's: iliury up' I. remind. -d me ihe iiiriliil nl -in lirini.lw.iy con- .u,,. ,,..- -s,,.p a j , ,i,,. ,,:i; ;' ih I was present III. if Who sue. . ,. e, llo- hurry no executive Hie day j M. ,irm,-r tool; i-harg.'. and I r -iii.-ii. l-cr witii a gicai deal of pleasure Hint when In- saw the motto ,,t los j.red.- i-essol' I Ill lbs I'riv.li.. Si . ivhiri- In WORDS OF WISDOM. liesuinc aiiihoiiiy. give "Vi-r sctil! luelitalistn. Ir is oiii.v il mpiy puise u l.i, ii i always npi-n. grap' s on. of our reach arc n, .i ur grape-, lieaeh lor them. Work is mail's nobicsi heritage - an excellent sentiment to keep in mind as Ion- as you've got to work anyway, A .Iciii.ition of truth: All which has i . i . . j . i . i . ..i ' l-"'i'l laise, aim iiiiien oi I this even may inn be truth H'-' years! from now. Cidy those y lm have s, iiipaihized With id hoi's in llie hour of need liilv. ,l"' rigln. in their hour of irouble. t, exi'i-el coiufiut and help. Instill.-!, iueliliiltloli. .misei.-lie " w-ii eombin- d eaiiii.it l:--c; - -n '"' :' I ... .. . - ti-,.! . plied, and il.'- ei,m,..lly tiiaii Hi- knowledge lliai iis ob.ie. I is in some grave way unworiiiv of love. Y.-i i rue love, iiml.-.' i- 'i'- " ni- sialics, will but ding th" .-loser lo its "''.'vet- in.nieHtic Siiipiiitltl..iis. If v-n si,,g while imikiiig bn ad. y--i w.!!.r, i -for.- it is ea-.ein tf your apron becomes mnicl. some ..in- is s,,,i.ii,g t,f ,ou. l" r-' "'' l!l'lir wl,i1'' 11 j !" .!!- I.. I is a .iuii ..I' n, -y coming. If a .1 1.1 whirls a chair about, i: is a -mi be will receive a whipping. !,, n rocking .aiair moves alioui v. Inlc loll are re.-ki'.ig. y .in- g.'.ng p. ha.-a caller. Wln-n imiking i k ,. if you .-hunce t forget one of t slieels vun v ill ',- of a w.-dd-ig m Vss than a ivci'K. ! 'l 'Wi.i a .-ii.'iir on leg. Yoll in-..- iiiniiiig your li'.eiiils troin yam To walk a - haii-on its legs, instead of carrying it. signifies the injury ol a iieai- friend or riiativ ii - .c itlllillg (o.l ll.eiuis mi "all. I ' ' "' "''" " '" " -- , down mi it is a stir.- sign of an a -.i- dent. ,,,,- ,.,. ,, ....... '""' luoving. expect si, Uncss.- New Yoili .civs.. tcnril liel llii h. T1(1 ,,m,.(. f steward on mi. Ii a .teum.-r as the Oceanic is woriii JSl,..o.in ., yi-itr to a good man. Tipping is a ,UsiI;,.ss on shipboard. -Inst ihink: .. . e- i-ive nuuiirot cai.iu .ii-m-iis.'I a. . it,.,.u Uu, u..,v, ps,be sum 1 s.w ( ia ,,-es or tip makes s:;:k. gin n ; awav on cv. rv run across That s,im is iiistribincd among about i w ei v ,- at- j temiants Some pusscnger-. like Mr- j e.-,,, w,n e;V. vev.-i;il Iiumlicil dollars io their pels among i lie slew ai ib. : others i-esi.'.ct lb. ti.s.-ivcs m tin- . us- j ,on,ary fe. s. w hi.-h do imt iivertve over i ,, l-copl, who cross ihe ! neean iil-i - ;-liti have tiioney In spend, , ,,.,, some men win. travel by tinl give ooi icr tvv , nn live i vvitli him tine.- or lour days. s,,ca tipping on hoard tin Oceanic would mill it mans repuiatioii. New Yolk Press. liMfcr (n I n kt liiols. In (ieiuiuiiy a new microbe has b-en .lis, ov cied and a vciy dangt lolls one i; is said i Only in inkstands ami ink limits is it found and for ibis leu-oil it is know ,. as Hie ink nbeiobe. csse which .("tii.-i.it ink ami whi-h are s.l.Jom .buns, d ,,r coiked furnish a most i .nig. i::ni lioiue fo; it. Ink in fected vih -His micro1-,- Wit. recently injected ui!" i-i'.s and gti-n-n pigs, and is a resci, ihe ainaiiils vp,.,.,p, died. I'oriiimu-iy iln-ia is an ih way to g, . i i.i of lies 1-,-si and thin is by k.vlitl, vl g i.iUstili..! vlfl'W 'JIUJ CUV" eici j iv.-iii!! icuy i I ini.. ... i-'.jt: H, ,, itui.i. Zi Civ ''"' soi iiil A.l ii.i.u -, ;o. ..I roads im::.-ii :- t:, i. ii of a pi i..!c liiMespie: 'i iie ..i. i ...' il ' ..'.It; v iii'.- .:. eiu-a ie -it'll ' ..!': I i -I- of . . ' deglc of its civiliz.i n ii. Tie i" '. si ill' i ion is otic of i i'i --id;. ,-i ..in- oi ; ',' ('II, rgcliee of 1 In- .-.i!ee I I., il s.i .' - siaii-. iiinl ihc-r ii.i, r.i. i i-. in k. i s plli c l il i i lie iiill ii'l- "i I il-' Ii-' I '' ill lllilllliei's. W. .lllll. ili '.n-) I .- . ill!'! :- ! eil'-e. iill of wi.i.-li is ,il an - loll. i I I .'III. I illl c iiieli, e. j M in , -inlay . IL-imy of lia.i.n.I. !. ; L It was b, !.,. higiivi ; - i..i- l- .-.i I travelers iil'-l -o- g. Ie ;.iti;- pa . I Iii. in place io place, j 1 1 i '.: -e h''.t Wiiys ilpp-lil I.I Mil.- - ell i.;i- .-i ' I liiin iiii-ol ha v.- be -ii . .ie -I .! Y. jiiie d'-gu i- of w-alih ::ml -h il'y.at. ( whii h lie- nailoii had line -1 s t :i llcpnri of N- v. .lers. y I'm. lie ii-.:! j Commissioner: The building of go ; rnads is Hie n. -j .-icp l..,-i- ,ii.l - hiimnti ilev eiii,.ni-i: . I'.lia I'. M'l-ii, ' A npti!.ii-.ii r.-i.iai - spat's,- :-nd seal --red i, n.-ic ibe.v a ' llo roiMls :., Hi. re. I.i". iii- i'H' ' ih. is-, p., ilieli- l.citsciiold- of iho oi.l 1 ami the heipii ss 'I'i,,. young ua n. aye, : and olieii young uoiih-ii. arc goti" I . il.e inwns, gone West, g-.nc iinywui-i- wlli-l'.. liiel',- U a l-eniee for llleiil. If i :'.il, how tiiiiispnr! iliem i.i ii..i:!,ei ? If Ihey had gie.il horses, (a- hard wci-r and tear of tin- ro.nls u I Hn-iii i; i If i In y in iv iiig-iiioiis ,,i He :.'t.v. , Let " W-.-fe l.o In i-ii.'1 lo gi' ' a V- ie ! oi IWo of li.lle- illllC pr.lls... o ;e--p up (1 fr.etiilly eOillpe! i I a. II. la lr.nl.' and - barter ideas wiih: ih.-ie was v ,-i ii-hh . thinking in .-Id -.ioom- .is e. ,l a . j woi'inmt harness. .n,l in Hm di..n ! winter days and long w, n nighi- ti,,. j house was drearily i-o!::t, ,1 from oil:, r j l"'"scs by long stretches of muddy ami i 1'. ill" H U'.l '. MM. b. v.T i il :l ili:ii"l,l - . ' - '"'' i - "i.-or was ir.i.i i it m- ' " ''"'i 'l'11' ''"' Siilem minliiess ,, witch murder m.is i-reaily .in.- io lie I slow ami in IT. .pi.-uf . .iiiiinuiiie.-it inu he ! IMe.-li llo- low lis of of I .lay.-. Theli was time fur unh-ali hy "uling. 1... i.-.. - - - i .,, l , oails b-iu-r the - i. iair.il lloliullltiolis ,,,,,,,. win, allot mv. i most as impossible a- a uiouuia'u )-iiiige or a sw ollen torrent. Famnis, Ms a rule, an- w. il siipp: i, , w i t i: vdi ; - .,,,, hi-st.s. Ti,,-,- are imt wedded to a lif,. ,,f solinide. but ..c cheer and sociiibilily ev.-n k.-iiei liiin i.tiier t dl' , . KdiaoliVr. cs Pre--,!,-!. I v a. - S: ale Fail -rsifi : i;,.-i r ',. woiiid (,uiv,,u social i.f- in tin- eonniiy am! 1 arres: the rcgreimblc t-n, I. -u.-y of inauv people in pll-il to il.e . ii x . .Make ,,. p,-,. p,-,,, , ,,- ., VMI ,v: s(.( aid farim-- ' wives to Hie insane ii.tlm,. lb-port of Con -!!iis:,,n,.r ef I'lll-lii' I .;is ., - K'.a.l iinpvoM' iiii cii.j.'v tiiniil lnelit by iii.-ii ,-oj i i n ml sinoeili ciiiiimiinii ai ion liromises ' , . i. ,i, -a , ,,-i'i ..,'. ol ,; ,.( ils of :ir eetigcsted .:, i,;" ' Pi. n'essor N. S. Shul.-r Harvard Iiii ,.,..., .. ()n . ,:,.,,,.,. ,- , ,.. , . . , .....is .iii.i.,.,.. ,., io j-. io is i.ise ...i which a people si-cure neighborly cam l.iuiiicatii.n. iis well as aiiveii ng-aoi:-; I'elatioiis to the outer world, li ! llolllllfol TV 1... I lie I- solltol ,i. '.lOelll.-V I. ,, ,,:, ,.t i ,. i .., , . !.' H;inl interaction of the local life, -nu XVl.n i. niainmia.-.Mii a .-ounirc w!,-e - ,,,,, ,.0,,)lviVs ,, i,,,vv tax i , liuni-iii iiiicia u ' nle mvhi,,.,i in xionni-uii, The l'lcsid. i,i f N i, a ragua lm ' ;l ,-mi, ,,- ,,, iistnictioti and Vi-pairing public lo.-ii- which is tn K iiu-ii l.v u i-iv.i t.crsi.-,i tax on ' 1 - mi nine citizens over cignie.-n v.-ai ' :1g,.. and on foreigners living" in Ha- country, with the ex. cpnon ,.f those in ,,,11;, s, .iii.t.-nu ami de.-i- mi old men ol ov, r sixt, y.-.u s ot age. as also subjects el' chui ity. i'or l he pu: ; pes,- of this lax. liie men are (liv id, i ; into lit,- classes, v iz . .la, labot ii-. w !,.. j shall not pay ii. money, but shall give ! two days' labor each year: . !, i ks an 1 j nrtisaiis voi-kiii iu .-sial.lisliii.eiiu nc j belonging to tliem-eh cs, ne tes.i iln:: cents.: tiii.se working in ih.-ir own .-s- I lie sleeping cat' j tai'iisiiiiiciits. two pesos I'm ". .-e'llsi a.i eiiis after riding ' inially; traveling agents an. I peix.i-s ov, iiing e:i y pi operly. liv e pesos isg'.nl.-i :i i.iiiiii II ; plain. -is and fat-in. -is own il. g i heir own hinds, icti pesos is' n..i -u-nuiilly. Cleat satisfaction is fell on necolllll Of the illlpl ovemt'lll s ,, 1-e lliinb- ill tin- toads and public- high ways, which !,. .-ci-i ,,: e w tnoii! jmv ':" :.!! timd, we, always iu a bad c. mil' loin lti.MkoOni.le. on ilir bunks of rivulet near sr-i- biilie is a Sloi-e ".Viih lies sii:g;ii;u- s' lapta.ii. wlii.-h was io. d, ml. i in . in. .1 lor ti:.- inloiiinii i-ii of strangers tnivd in. by ihe toil. I. ' i.ii.n iniii.-e, Unit vv I .-n I his slim.- : on, of - iga lt H II"! - ll- I'I '"I'' i- I MCI . ' fills 1- i" io.v .- I- -.Ui v; .ir ef i i i J.at:. ' .'-i. ie-d. ! -: ef t i

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