CURES BLOOD POISON, CANCER. Acltln? Bones, Shi fl Ins Pln, lulling Skin, IMiniilta. Eating Sore", Die. If you have l'iiii!ea or Offiiusivt luti-i- nas, tsti'iitchc. or Copper Colored Erup tion, or i-iuli on I lie nkiii. Festering Swell inga, ('Innils Swollen, UWra on any part in' the Imily, oM Suron, ll.iils, Carbuuclea, l'-iius an:l Ai-lie in Hones or Joint, lijir nr Kyeliro-vi i'a!liiij our, periteni Sore M.mth, (Villus, or Throat, then you have Jlooil 1'oison. 'i'alifl lioiiinif Wood ('dim. (U.I).B.) Soon all Siiri. I'implcs aiul Knipiiotisi will heal pet lei i!y. Aches ami 1'ains cease. Swellings subside, aud a per feet, neer to return cure made. It. It. H. cuies cancer of Ail Kinds. Suppurating Swellings, Kalinp Sore. I'-jiy I'Swr. after all else fails, he.ilitiK the sores peneiliv. If you hae a pfisisieiit pimple, wan. tH-ollen i-Iati.l-. 'lulling. iingiii( pain", take Wood Malm, mil they will before they dee!np into t amer, i W rite fur peeial eirculai- on Cdiuei' 1 Pr.igist $1 per large bouie, iuelmliii); complete (lim-licn- fur Inline cure. Sample free by writing Ul.oon II.M.ii Co.. li! .M'-.-ai-ll Si., Atlanta, Ua. IH.vribe trouble, and free medical advice nit in sealed letler. I.Pe i eouereie opportunity. So. 4.!. " An attack of la grippe left ire with a bad cough. My friends said i naa consumption, i men tried Aver s Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomis, III. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Thre tiie : 25c, 50c, SI. All Jninlm. ConiuU your !T ha say take It. limn do aj he :ty4. If ho telle tuu nt i titKe u. rtifii umrr iai it. He know. L.eareit wirn mm. ir? wiinnjf. J . C. A STFU CO., Lowell, Mas. Headache ? Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? It's your Jiver! Ayer's Pills are liver piils. Want your moustache or fceard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use uckingfiam'sDye TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE l YOUR DIALER DOC NOT CARRY THtM, A PO&TAl. CARO TO US WILL TELL YOU WMSRt YOU CAN OtT TMEM. CR4PDOCK-TERBY CO. LEADING SHOE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOUTH. LYNCHBURG VA. I WRITE FOB CAT. & SPECIAL RATES. Situations StCl'RED BUSINESS CdLLFGrS RICn.'ONO, VA. CCIUMBUS. liA- WANTED 53 ISO Young Men A i i': ttj fjn.iUfy fir ipmA j oMt ions wh-fh w fftnirnntca In W'-'ttnu ui1r a $5,000 (l'(it tu pn-raptly piocuiu ilie.n. The Qa.-Ala. Bus. College, MACON. GKOIKJIA. TTEADAGHE, see. H FBVKRISH CONDITIONS I I AND COLDS CLKHO BY .1 o X o te Sold by oil rtrlicijWI. KOI'OlfOK'SI'OWOROroilOHOltOltORO t. HV. 1,1,1 1 1 1 UratpUU Cesalne stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." VI CT DtTI-TH4. Ilixi: ff, iwi IIOI..III.I.- I ..r It, due- H If 1 In". l-"irli ami 1 ,,i I'lil' oi-i. M " I 1 sil tu iiiiioi f a i:,i. li work H fl J IVi.tlll.T". .N" llll' !!.. S" e-fiiicino Jt 9ft wtiuteiiT. i.MiiLklv i-iiic- li.oiict. M 1 i-u m-l I'V-prp i i v i-itc fori-.u-idiir. Jt yt Hoi ho til i. ( i ll,x .I7U i.iipii ii K "Cat-iiffd" ; 'Qiiren Bess" S2.50 toTcaj siloes for women. k$xS( NEW PENSION LAWSfIeI 1 1 .i EOjyaU-.'iiiJ ";. My Lungs j f-'y BEST SM0E NUli,N AMERICA rOZf" f,r rilH(iiMi.rtiiHln V BifiMlllCHAM.AU. HOUSTOH. MX. HP ... ' , li., : N- ij.. , .i ... . . ; .. . , .- .. :. i.'i.-,. " .1'-.'i.".1.,V,'.,u i t i ; ' 1 1 . ii - v.iw :,. .I 'ii I i ii'i!, d ion. n. ileal . .i Hi r. :n I-.i...;... Is. lu I j ,, v,- ...;!; ,,, I . , N.-.v l.Ae; .va,. Il WOMAN'S REALM. Due of lli Kjaentiul roaaesalmit ! a llmei-ful Carriuge. If yuiir iiiiiror tells you that you mo not lu-uutU'iil. do ii"f allow tliat to ilr-ii-vk you. lu our liiu'ral iiitoi'pivtntiou tn' the word "ix-aiiiy." iliorc arc many ilourt't s: tiiiil linprlfssl.v lioim-ly, imlot'il, must ho llii wouiau who cauuot be iu-i-liulcil wit liin soiiii- oiii' of llioiii. A p;iir oi' lirulit, .pe-iUins ryos, a wi-ei. lovaiiU' inoiiili - no inaiici' wliiMlii'i- it In- l:iru,' rr mhhII tint' hair, a vonil romplrxioii. or a in'Mi'f fill li.yniv the piw-iisi,iu of any t'lli' of llii'sr roniiiii:i's a i-laltii io a roiiain anuniui oi riimi-lmosy. llio amoiiiii ut'iii-; alto-isi'tlii-r ili'prinlciit on ill" di'liTiiiination of i lii possessor io make Hit" most of whin has luvii L-ivi'ii lu-i'. A well -poised lioily. for ilistailee. is Uo le.- essemial l heallii I hull lo ph.vs ieal beauty, ami liie woman who ile sires to be p!i.Vilally perfoet. even ilioiiL'li she may be Imlilfetvut to lur personal appenrani e. eantnit be too i i tirei'ul in Kuariliii. a.nainsl faulty pe- I r-ilious of the body. j In slamliutr. rest the weliihi of iliej lioily pritnipally on lite balls of liie feet, lellinu lite heels linblly totti It the I Vrumi'l. 't he ehesl slioillil be eleViileil I ami thrown forward, and the head held j elect, while the lower pan of Toe spine; I should be thrown backward. ; In sittiuu. one is- apt to be even more ! careless and slottehy than in siandiii:.'. ' Til.' body slimtlil be in an upright y-j-siliott. ami (he lower part of the spine I thrown a eottple of inches ba U of lite I shoulders, brinuillsr them inro a line i pantllel with the hips, the feet resiin,' lightly on the srouml. i One of the first endeavors of a wotu ' an wiio wishes to improve her per- soti.d ;'p i itiam e siiotild be in aenilire ; a irrai eit:! .'.nriae. j Have yetl ever tioiiee.l In v an ail I milteiily beauiiful woiiimii ciriies her I sell"; How e'.eel site holds lief head! I I low- daintily she slops alotn:. not set : tin',- her h.vl down lirst. as so many i heavy-fooled, untrainly -looking women ! iio, fur sprininir liihlly. phu itt the ! ball of the toe lirst to the t'roiiud. and ! the lie.d afterwards. A lacefitl i .irria'-e i'esi an Hi;' m' lilsiiiii lion iiul hi:;li breediiiu that lio!:.ttS el-e i. in. li enuames a uooii limine and lends to an inipei fei t one ail e:i-e and dignity. I.eoli i y . , t i i- Wiiil;. then. lion'l , waMile from ide to sMe. Ilo,l your ! head pp. 'i'iiiie in deep breaths, which ; tvill 'ive your i breadth und ful ness, lion't jiiit your feet down Hat as I yoe. move almi!.'. l'raetiee tuttin the balls of your toes down lirst Instead . of your heels, and see what a difference it will mak" in your appearance. Smooth skin, a clear, healthy coin- t 'cxi iti. a u. I brilit eyes, no inatier whether tiny be round or almond shaped, small or blue, black, treeii. irray or b;-on. lm a loiii.' wy tuv aid iiia:!e: a woman u'ood to look upon. Kvci.v woman, provided she is iMi ironiiled i:h some aft'oi lion of the skin i i n wi.iih lose sue slmulil consult a reliable p'l.vsh iuui. can have these. If si.e V, :11 take even i!c. nion ordinary rare o:' her l.eaii 'u.-Maiguerile HrooUi. iu Su-.-ess. Ncirest Stlp in HaIi.lrt-i.iiiE. From liie style- in hiiir dr.'S-iiij.' Worn it is safe io predict liie lomiti; ultra i tliionablo coiifure. Tin- li.iir is worn .limiisr ils low oil llle fol'ctieail ;s !;it of ljueeti Alexandrii's presi lit ilreiiitf. Instead of tiii- b.itiL', li iwi ver. I hero are soli. Ilat pull's mid a p.,n at ihe siile. Mi'. I ii I'.-is,. 1 r-niis are u- adjustable under i.c iai:is to produce f tiia and lo keep the h.'lir t be effect id' ilia ill place. Uairdics.; i-s the-e addiri.-iis inal ii.u:." .-i.ii! .i lolinrs tl:.;, .,. i when lii.-r h-'ii iii Fm.-liind t.i inni , donation iranst'or Uled their t illed cUS- "lira mat ie uioioi in" 1 the words. I'ecr- i s. a-s.iuie jour coroiiet." tiny needed i" ha e no fear of t in ir hair be i -oiiiiUiv d;-airan;t(l wii'n one rf tl.e-c . deftly tucked beneath liie puffs. Iii A iii.-rb a. where we are cnn-iim initially unable to assume coronets, these friliijes protllisc to become ox ceedini'.Iy popular for iiuroniiibiliti. Small, cIom' waves .tre entirely out of date, as is tii,. loii.y;. usi less curl, which was yiveii a temporary revival lasi winter. Simplicity is the keyooie inov. and wid-', soli, natural waves like tlioso it: ihe portraits of Hominy and I'oswiiy. are allo'.'ether in favor. The inoad uiiduliit inns have also a practical as well as an aesthetic a, Kan taue. for they roiptiro much less curl i ii w with injurious but irons than was needed for the narrow ones. In tiie back the hnir is worn extreme ly low: even more so than last year. Ablnei'.'h ill" knot, when completed, should have the fippearaiiec of pleat.'. Hciual oiaidim,' is not part of tin- pr Cl'S-. - I I 1'iist divide the hair in'o an nppi r ; I. and then put n sot i e io . k. and plu i ho end it ivseiii'iics part of ; and lower - loop l,,.v oil :l j ill lUlecr -.1 i ! a braid. I file upper si , ill lite Since I ivhii a r.-uiii! ( ifd s;,t!d i... ;,n :i'.-i i'lid liui-licd :;i;i .-il ih ;op and i. tiemi.i. micct's .-i' ' ' ,',el ' il.T'OO- of li WeHl: I'. -.1 .' - in il r Jir.l . .' : :; . so tli.i: .;: la: ii ua uy. w o'i-tj-inly -i'-l i ;i,t 1 1 -e Vi'I be II'. 'c- 1- :. w V, j I ile in j Wotid. I II.-, i li" HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL. i rir ittry ."...-'.' - i i :)'s u: scr ma. f.i: - Ie io - . iio'-, :' - i . . 1 1 1 sid" i - ' ). ' 'H e i.f . !- il ;-il ! !.. 'it ':- cit.'i! .'!-f.'ly i ':-ii I:: her -. ' i;plt. ie:ie i t''v i!I I ,e io. e'l . . .1 -i .' II i'l J til" ti.i'iii I. i;i ,;tj'l eaief, Atifi 8f. of all the transformatloni. ike n gnouio from olflaml. she appeaii in sosslos, visor and coat while taking oui her French raciui; "bubble" for a spin. Later, returning dusty ami ".rimy, like a bttttorily cinorsinj; from a chrysalis, she tinally reappears in a iiewifchini; French concoction, wilii o'X silken train, ready for romiue.-t in the evening.- i'hiladolnhia Impiirer. Wuiueu Club, In Allirtkii. 'I'll lirst woman's club in Alaska was iiviini.ed at Silka. in November. I.v.iii. at liie su'esiioti of Mrs. W. I.. Hisiin. who was Frosidelit l'.-r the lirst two year. Shakespeare's comedies and ifiiLi dies were studied Ihe lirst ;wo year-, liie hisiorieal plays entiling liiicr. all of which were read as thor oughly as possible with Ihe limited reference hooks at hand. This club j recently acoiiind the old house built , by ihe Itussiaii traders in 1S:',0 on I lit sile of nil old i'liick-llousi- which formed ore of ihe tit's! boundaries of Siika. The i lub room is ;.lways oieticd , on "steamer day." anil if any -visititm club woman happen io be in thai vieiu- I ity. tticv will inni a deliu'htliil welcome. ! The Women's t'iub of Nome was or ganized in 1!RH. witli twenty charter iiiembers. In character, social mid philanthropic, il aims to meet the de mand of conditio::-' arising in the new ly populated Arctic country. Its inein 'ei's. from every State in the Fuion. now u tun her over II fly. The lielinea lor. lliilry Work For ITouien. An opening for women's work I hat is not tit present overcrowded, mid is pleasant, is dairy work. Queen Kliza lieili is said to have envied a milkmaid, .ml the life of the laller Is not without its charms. Ibiiry work, too. lias now become reeotrnized as a Held for the employment of educated women. If women are I lioroui.'hly trained, open he's inav be found In connect ion with Ihe uiaiiiii-'eiueiil of dairy businesses or factories, or as dairy superintendents : ell Ihe estaies of noblemen iltid other ! land owners. In order to ipialtl'y for sin !i po-,s. a six months' tratiilni; at a p.ed dairy schoul is ronuiicd. I'er- tilica'cs niy be obtained, "Which nti I leco.-tiixed by tiie '. location 1 cpart- j inciii. Auoiber branch of dairy work ' is opened by the "ity t'otinclls, who ! employ ccriilii d leaehers to instruct j classes in nil parts of Kn'land. The work is t'norou.chly iiiierosiinjii iiud. 1 as a ccriain a mount of sriciitiuV knowl- j edue is nceo-s.iry. it is iiiiie silitillile for tvooi, ti of 1 education. Lady's Majrazine. i Too liirli tAorois. ' "lo you kn.c.v," said a lialo youtiii j invali l at a h resort iccetttly, "1 j believe thai tin arlicles that are writ ten on tiienei essiiy tf physical exercise for wonu n a re mostly rot. I inn a case in p.iiiii. I'vtr sine I was born 1 have beell fed oil li.vpenic funds, llt'VI done hycu'iiie iliiins and have been an inviili.l. To develop my muscle 1 have steadily at leu led syii.nasiuins, and my room is e. pupped with chesi weiLtlits. d'liubbclls. Indian clubs and a puiicl.iiiir bnv. Now. at the aue of iwenty. I am as thin ami pale as a fac lory hand. My cuusiii Mary has never e oiisidefcd her health. So far as I know li. tdic never ate atiylliiil because It was L'oo.l for h'-r or refrained be cause it vvas b;id for her. She iu-vi r pulled a cbest wi ii;h; or swum; a rlitli in her life, yet she is the picture of health, witli a color and lixurc any one would envy. Kxetcise may be a pleas, nut form of diversion. Inn I ;iin con vinced it lias very little to do with one's Lealili."- New York Tribune. 1.1'Vfiv ll' of fliMlHe. Surprisingly lovely dresses are made of challies. both plain and liL'iired licimr fiishioti.ible this season. Stripes and polka dots on dark ci.uinils an selected In cool days and u-lleral Weill, iiini liie liehl iroiimls wiih rose bud patient for the riaiuiicM of dress oci-asioiis. All the simps are bavini; sides of ;u, xpeiisjie but beam ii'nl lilres th,! Will tlilll cllllllic J,,0'.'IS "'1 11 llncry ' r l.'.id-ca: liobuli. is .Ira. i oih in p'o.T a li.ini;' of tin Pan . f. soods :,n. past. All iuilualion- poi deeiib d ( h.itiis ill tl r io many and millinery world for autnmii wear. 'Ihe very llat shape inilst j:o. The low crown has been in too lonj:, so is to be superseded by ipiite bili ones. I'm will only be seen in rare cits except in ii maiciieil set, where there is hat. in HIT i.iid neck piece to inairii. A bird and feather season is an nounced for autumnal rhapeaux. will; oiiianu-nls conspicuous by their ab sence. A o-,-tie of ut ecu is predi Weird shades of j,'iven. moslly ill juiK tire torn lies iii volvei ribbon, al oiit four inches wide, are lo I e l.i iiiode. The neiv shapes ale pretty, graceful and f.d less oceontrie than for some seasons pa.-t. A raised nMc with Uroopiiu iii'.ek is a feature of many of tin in in icli. W'o.' oh' iiitiii : leu i,i feamres ' !:,.,h liU'. ple.i :i-s ;:ie ihe o:". I'ouel ie , ri-lVil i ts in every eo!or iiud coin io iie p; otiiiui nt triintiiiui; s an, unit!. Whole birds. nd sinall. r.tiil roeoiio 1 e iii-ii siioviii ns to he a:no!i f.ivo id li:il iarni!iiivs , onn ilie favor of a hii-'iief .. derided le-setlillL.- in 111 , brims. All the sinarn st m a inediiiiii. often an aciu- . . ile. Kllsllii'll .'irbitets roll. - .'11 il'.llie.ll bill of llle loiplr ail sbtipes as lo lie , day wear black will, of 'si f.ivo i-e wit b a tew :- and jrci tl wn li by vmilUrl lor dress incisions white -i favorite witli very biiuhl .ay ami browii. and an iil- u- iiiiue of blue woiti lo a A in i !:i,r, railed liie lliei li s lace, il p. : ill II iilli. w ill be Used oil :..! : i!:ii. a- ;in .lioiiml llle I. ran .oi m .in! iii tall down in the I'liek. I 'iiri. , ; i:e l Ie i.l.- eil V. .1- ! e 1 :ii. li is I., be very siva.. r .ti i i .'.it' tv form t;oiVii, ai o. i ! ,- ;.'.". ',ii:.t' '.1 wtir ft Xlir a -.i.:i. ' I'C.iilH of lli" illtli'll-tV ,-! ei - lv be b 111'.' He n fii'i.'i'io for t 'uil lint." '-.t Kbit ie.-,-l:V -t I'kei Tstrnneest I took I us HI S HOUSEHOLD 9 i MATTERS -j i:riiTllvc With I ltflit (Ink. Many housewives have a number of lifihl oak fiiruiMire pieces ihal they are forced to retain and are at a loss them. While blue is perhaps Ihe best and red not at all desirable, yel n recti Is always ofl'eelivo with lisThl oak, too. To Tak Out Ink Stain. Ink will yield io oxalic acid and steam and lo sails and lemon, li' ox alic acid is employed, rub the spot with a stick or rork which has boon wei in the acid and hold it ai nice over a steaming spoin, which is ready lor the purpose. I'tll"s all ir.leis of the iieid arc renioiel by I ho: oiijih washing a weak sp.u will icsuli from the ireatuieut. Wrinkled Clotli (invoii. i loth owns ;.re wrinkhd !' r nfier packiii'.' draw the bathtub ball' full of hot wilier, hanu ihe ttow us above it lo sieatn: in a couple of hours the wrinkles will have disappeared. It also fi "shells lace and chiffon owns. In piickitiji always stuff sleeves ivlth a lit ilt- I issue paper, laying the waists I Hill in lite tills. Also cover velvet miliar-., ruffs or vests to prevent mark in,-. '. -Hood lliiiisekeepiiijr. Cleafiihi-; Hcil Frnllivi. The best way to dean bed feathers Is to put them into a barrel of hot soapsuds. shakitiK tin in well till ihe lime they are In the water. Tli-'ii rinse ilietn t horoiii.'lil,v. and tvriiiK llicni in a cloth, so as to extract all the moisture that is possible. Spread t li-in out mi n dean sheet in a warm room, and leave them there lo dry all niu'lil ; si t. stick, proecs thru place iheiii on another and beat iheui well wilh a This is n very disagreeable and a veil should be lied over the fa llulT from eyes. und head to prevent the eiline; into I he hair and llfvli-i'S For l.lehti-iiltiG; tVurk, ' Willi all Ihe multiplication of In ventions for household convenience we cannot ko pabreasi with the wains if ihe nioib rn housewife." said H deal- 1 or. "When I bewail business, nearly fori v viiirs ami, our women patrons I shrank fmin i Nperluiciitim; with new ' devices, bet the wotmiii of to-day not , I uly seizes upon every novel libit Willi ; I readiness, bin iissunies that labor sav- j ' ini mnclilneiy in every line is her dm', j i "SIio no lon.'er, villi ilriselda jia- I lieiice. diops oil villi one Laud while , she be;iis ii ami the eiii; together with i the other for the mayonnaise. Not she. Instead, she uses one of the nu merous implements devised for the purpose, nud docs in a few minutes ivhat it formerly took her an hour to .loeomplish. With the vhipi"d cream hums, fruit presses, vcu'etable enters ii. .1 sli'ei's. almond mills und the l.i.n- lied and one olhel e.itlivn jltlc, s. the Wofk of 111-' Vnlll!; lioUscWil'e. Its ro.!l- pared with that of h 'f n oihrr. in her voiiiii niiiirlrd das. is cecal ly nii'.iin: ir.ed: altiiotmli. lo l.ei p th - law of com peiisaiiou balanced. Ihele may bo more dishwashlnu and a l.irer num ber f utensils lo cure for and ;u rain: New York Tr,i one. Tilt Snfi Kri'l'lni; of I'iiIkoiih. System N a us. -ml thin.: io have in n bouse, and in iiotliinu i- ii more u-eessiiry ih.-iti in the proper -INposi-lioii of poisonous sttbsiiir.ees. A poi son in the wron place ran do so much diiniime Hen ii is of ihe hi'hrst impot taiire io confine it lo ils prop. ! in ,t. It is not etioiteh thai all bullies of poison should be labeled with a skull -in, I rros- bimes. for in the dark, m in a hnlf-lijjht. ihcsc devices are not no lieed. and the bottle is likely to be mistiiken for medicine. Sonic druuuisls hiive adopted the ex pedient of usinv; H ti'iaiuular or hcxa aoit.ti bottle for sin li liiitids. ihe unu sual -hapo of li beile,- a .-uilh i.-ni pro tertion airiiinst earelrssinss by niht or day. If the housewife will only sc. cure a few Mich r piac'es, and take ca:o iliat tl. y are neier used for :iny lioiiij btii poisons, iiud ih.u poisons :ire always kept in them, she will save her self some danger and considerable worry and bother. It is a uood thiitir. also, to have a special shelf in one's cupboard for Mi-so I hints, and sob ct one w'nii h is loo hii-'h up for tin children lo reach. Another useful device is a list of an tidotes pasted up .somewhere, so that it will not be mislaid or lost. ,md will always be readable if it happens to lv warned in a hurry. Information such 1 I as this is almost always wanted in a tod. ! hurry, and in such circumstances pa-ad- j Pels and 1 ks have n way of slippim; in i o some corner where they are in visible lo lh, fiJinlic set ker. N'ew York News. RECIPES Appie Pmblinu; wiih IJicc-Six sonr iijipbs. one cup tioiled lire, one pint j milK. on'.- cup Mi-jar. the Juice and rind of one leinoii. and yolks of four c -sa. 1 ,.... .,,,,1 ,1... .,,.,.i.w. .i,i . 1,.. 1 , ., , . , ... ' . '..' . : oii.ieii riei- ami iiiiik. oca too 1111 ins out. add the oilier in-jin'roiils nnd ; bake. !i .11 ih,. whiles i f the four ; epps with a Uiilc siivtnr, spread 011 top ' and brown. 1 ltrowii Hash 'lini remains of j si. -.tks. roiisis or slews very line; put j 11 layer of mushed potatoes in ;i treasi d j d- ep ii- dish, iheii pm over a layer of I 1i1e.11. then a layer of stnle bread 1 riiinbs: sprinkle with salt and pepper and put over small bits of butter and potir over a little beef mavy, then i more potatoes: dip a kniie into milk and sinooih over the top; bake ill s moderate oven half an hour; si rvc i hot. Pencil Wane Matiuc Sleep a dozen 1 peaeh pits iii a pint of milk for half an limn. Take mil liie pits, add four l.-iblespoonftiN ol mi mil and brin-; to: lie- scaldiin; point. Mix three licnpln-' labb-spoinifnls oi eorii slarrh. wiih n! liltlc cold iiiili;. add a pinch of suit, j pour Into II. ti hot milk nnd st:t till iljleU i.'uvvi cud cook tor ten inlu-l mc. Adl u iUv.i, rlpa psa.'J-ijti patti ' mi .' lo tii TiH'h Inrn net 1.4 I fiii.l v.- ,Mj t!i vxi 1 wiia cimuj, I Ostrich Egc at Food. Cstrieh esss ore only a twelfth the coat of hen c;-g3, that Is, so far as South Africa Is concerned. lien egga cost 73 centj a dozen.but ostrich eggs, each of which Is equivalent to !i0 or Z hen ogRS. o.-t 10 cent?. When re tiulrrd fur ue the housewife makes a small hole In the, top of the egg. The quantity required Is shaken out, ani t tic she'll containing the remaiii.ler is corked up. ua thoush it vote a bottle. So triated, the contents of the et'i; l.icp quite a Ions time when care ia taken to place the corked Bhell In a cool jdnee. Ihe authorities have Ftrletly prohib ited the exportation of ostrich fKg. but the birds have boon nccliuintised to South Africa. An American has rd.-o founded nn ostrich colony in the south ot France, at Nice. The results are that South Africa has dnnRorous rivals in the Held, c:n! that ostrich eess may soon llgure on our breakfast tallies. An Up-to-Date Child. It was in a photographer's studio, and a lady called and stated that she wished to havo her child's portrait taken. "Certainly, ma-lam." said the photo trapher. "This is the Utile man, Is II? t'oo-ron. Bless 'lm, little tootsle wootsle. Dear 'iekle follow." "Mother," said the up-to-date child In a volco of scorn, "will you kindly Inform nia whether the deplorable condition of this person Is due to lao'c of education or hereditary Insanity? Kindly proceed, sir, and make ns creditable a likeness as lies within your apparently limited capacities." Cows Ate Dynamite nd Died Peace fully Thirteen Uolstcin cows belonging to Pairymnn Claude Pi-tern, of Mar tin.shurp, l a., were taken sick yester day, (iyin-v on after the other. Peters was mystified till this mornlin;, when telephone linemen i ame to his house nnd asked what had become of tin! thirty slicks of dynamite they had left in a meadow. Investiualioii showed the cattle had enten the dy namite, stick by .slii k and fought ov.T it. None of the animals lived more ; than three hours after swallowing he explosives. j Hall s ('utiirrli Cure is a li. 1 11 i.l Hil l Is til!'t-n inter'iaily. an I 11 -Is directly on the blood nnd imieoiii --uitic'es of I he system, Writo lor tistiiiioniiil-i free. M'imilu ttir",l bv 1' .1. I HKMV A I'll,, ieled'e. O. I'll.' I lie A 1.11 J. -I .1 I, in thi ef. Willi iinr 1 a 1 t'l l'Si eriinu.el ! ij .-, ni'-'.-iifiei'iir-i. -1 1, Ner'-l:-.-tori-r.T:i -i.i i'l-.l:. II. husi:. la, I.. r l.o Ills or lie rv .Mii--e oi Pr. Kline's Uneil I , tiie.'iiel irealiwfr".' ' !! Areli St., Phila.. Pa. let i ilVlTJCO li-s than ;l3l ou'DIlie. 1- i s, bi.o Ten a yi .ir pr. .0 ii.. Mi'-i.Wiiil.iw s lothim; Syrup forchllilrea fet iii,e.Mfii-ii t i;e .,1111.-. reibn-eii iulbiiioiin tiiii.iiliiiys paiii.eiir. .1 iiid .-oil.-. 'J.--. a bolt la li. V the 101 W.IV I' who bore their Jam mire I'i'.i's ( ure for rnnsiimptlnnsavM ir.y life three years 110. - Mm. 'J'lioMAti Kob 1 INS, Mitplil M. Nol Wi.-il. N. V., Feb. 17. l'.l. I ber "ikon l-rtween bring out : oki'd I'l TNAM 1'Al'l i.l 's Pvi s rnlor more goniln, per p:e l.iiie. t'nan olliei's-. Qt -SJAJLSt tt.H!K,t.ttiT ff.B s? B B8IWK!MtlKlK!hla 2. E The Standard Rheumatic Remedy. 'It TA'n4J?H lic,'au''c a!'''' physieiaiH drchre that it is the only absolute gj J I Al"lAVl cure for rhi-umatisni in its various forms. A prominent H - plivsirian rci rntlv sai.l : "1 luxe never been able to write a M prescription that will cure rheumatism, ovting to the fact that the usual reme- ly dies do iue ileula'tile liann to the die,-ti c ort;.iii. KIIKI'MACIDU com- M pliti-lv o. i ri iimrs this ilitlieullv benefits rather than iniutes the organs of lg digestion hence it can be taken for an inderinite period, or as long as need g be, to edi- t a permanent cure." E The t.;.w quctej cot t'S IU cse ttmf.y, " guf.M:Jt " is dbso'.utety harmless. Sj All Drugjjists, Ji.oo. or cipro-arc prtpahl. g Bobhltt Chemical Co.. . . lialtlmore Hd.. U. S. A. iA.arK'flii3j5Br METALLIC URING our 30 BON TON CORSETsMAi J STRAIGHT FRONT - - improve the appearance of AWI fa M ' all women, stout or slim, tall, short, OT rAfM wMlvJl f nediutn. Ask your dealer about them. vj jjgr ROYAL WORCESTER vSr JCORSET CQ. WORCESTER ,U-MlllllM.llUi,.,l. ,i ,m m , HaMiWWliMiWltWWWti f m A H ?k I n nn n 5 -n- re irts 1 ! discovered many things about ammunition that no one could learn in any other, way. Our discoveries in this line, together with years of experience manufacturing ammunition, enable us to embody many fine points in Winchester Metallic Cartridges for rifles superior in many ways to all other brands upon the market. Vinchester cartridges in all calibers arc accurate, sure-fire and exact in size; being made and loaded In a modern manner by skilled experts. If you want the best INSIST VPOS HAVING WINCHESTER MAKE OF CARTRIDGES. li"0 I A I CTFTOTrTBl iiGiOlHjCLCIil I IWI Y'fETO i- Hill irnr Hit. i l.t'in i ..r.l t a I ih"U "t il;r.. A.u.ii ai,, !(,.,. I im- i-hi b li iici ii.. i, !,i, i j , u m:i . i, i1.h fort tiiiii 1 r 1 it-, w 1-, nn- 11,.: . i-ill I, iinn',,, .ijnaiii. -i-.-,...i i',..i i 1, , ,'U'illiii i-rs, i.i m tuly l'- mu . ' i. i.i8 to intiv Imii ,c 0.1. . . .....r. ,.1,1. -. m.i-ir ; li'.i t IX m; ;., l.v t.rx la :! r si?s9 NAfi("i, nrrptT to , SUFFERED SEVEN YEARS With Catarrhal Derangements of the Pelvic Organs. sKate Browrv. Miss Knte llrown. Iteeordlng Secre tary of the I,. C H. Atisoelalloii, of Kansas, lu ii letler from !." N. Seventh St.. Kansas City, Kan., says: ''.''iii' sei cii 1rar I have not J.-iiok 11 what II u-an lo sprint a well tlai. 1 caught a f-overe cold, which I neg lected. It was at the lime of menstru ation, and inlli.inmniion sei 111 nnni prostrated me. ( aiarrii 01 ine Kinueysj ami bladder followed, my digestive or- , : ; 1 1 is gave way; in tact, ine cold liar-; I'.iiiged my w hole system. "I spent m n reds ofilollarn with ilortorH and mnllclnr, but tlrrli-nl hut Utile ItemIt until hetinn ttual iih kI u tlli i'rriiiKi. I kept inking it for nearly nine months before I was 00111 .!r!el.v cured, bill I kept fjTowin;; bel ter gradually so that I fell encouraged to continue taking l'crutia until my health was restored. I send mv thanks FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER TAKK ILIXIR BABEK., wn All fT.r Amrlpii. lh iur. 11 t o ,-liif fur ll in arlnl .ll.. r una i- k iri'....rt nwiln lrpti.., l'ii.i,l bf KlUI.tHsldA (O. M.-hlnitun. !.'. ir ll'i it.' for tftlnonxai. Piles or llcmorrhoids wh.-t'.itT iNhlnu, 1; ptotrutltne. nrontn:v ffiirvikl a ml nft n vuri.l !. my nrtlmil wiiiunil kn ic or pt-crinf nii-.a-.urt Write ni" f u.Iv ri-i-airl- it'M vour .!;-. ar.d I will dUvi ymi li4dirMly in the n.a.:ir. t 'ti ;u:.itntTi Imp. True at trtMtnunt (um-j'li-i", in!y . S.rfaitit.n guaranteed or money riti:i(!id. today. Dr. H. N. TANNER. Eckat Aurora. N. Y. Ft.l.H ( IIAMI'ICN OltAt .ml FEAM'T 1 llliKS' 1 11- i .-. ,1 nil ulhrr. Or Hip iiiud in.l iiu.illijr ,,r Iih w,.i K, .nd ilurabtlttv ,,f 1 1 s I' ih-ii n. 1 lir,-. dOm fer hli-am .ud lri-A, i-..w..r. l-,.r fri-i- '-utiiiiiKiK. i ri.'i', otoih. a.-. n,tilr".. 1.1. ll. '. Ul ori.tiai Ann.l, l.ur.rsn. CARTiR.I DGES. years of gunmaklng, we have and revolvers which make them THE I lily a 1 V 1 $400 in CASH FREE ho will i-orrdly rraimi' lj Idtcr- t at!l tlir lull ifl.'p 'Iryil. We will I o-iihei) kIv llii- 'li. l-tii'ulit than- In- i,i..ri than i,ne ai-t i.f enrrart ,r it sfanr. t,ii ul I nv.- cr-in ,-u,l in n,riiH-: li.1 111 i-iTlai-t an.,., if, t arli v. ill r,'. elvi it r tina ami ri3 1,:ihU, , nuKkly at sir . ecsi,:. A i it: !Ti,w, u Vtit ;..' tnnw uA1 faus f nwi &hut Hundreds of Dollars Spent in Vain Pc-ru-na Cured. A nojileeted cold is frequently the cause of dealh. It Is more often, however, the cause of some chronic ilis- a- e. There U Hot ail oiuan in the body but what is liable to b con,.' sol ium ly deraiiKoil by a licglecled i old. Mis eases of I ho kidneys, bladdi r and dlges live organs are nil lieqiieidly ihe result of II lii-gloeled cold. Hundreds of dollars are spent on doctors and medicine'' ti.ving in cure these diseases, but until the Hue cause of I hem Is ilii'cm ered I here will be no use in iisltiu medicine. I'yspepsiii iindiihie. diarrhoea medi cine and eoiislipjii Ion in, diriiie is of no mioi whatever w !c 11 ratai rli is ihn cause. The catanh mest be Healed. he cause belli'; reinov I. the deramre- m,.(K wi ilisappear. ly,.,,,,,, euros ciilanh of th ligesi ivn any of organs, tin. urinary oruan Ihe Internal oiunns. If you do inn derive prompt and sat isfactory in sults from I lie use of I'e 1 write at on. e 10 In. Mailman, giving a full st:i 1 1'lii-nt of jour ease, and he will be pleased lo fjive you his; valuable advice L'r.itU. Address in. I (art man. President t The Mart 1 turn Sa nil. 'trim 11. t 'el 11 minis. O. and blessings 10 you for l'cruna." Miss Kate P.rowti. ToliribU, lol libheinii'ii find ulwnys hiMidy uriieie in hos-i. sin p lilt; car, held nnd eiiinp. 'i'l'.e.v mc the best and only iiiedi'-ine ne-de.l for nn onlln;,, ns liu-.v I. rep head. stoti:.uli, bo'Vels and liver ill ihe rl.iihl eonditloti. ami thus prevent any other trouble likely to arise from exposure or Miting nt late innipliiea. At ilnikvists. l'he Five Cent paek. I is enough for an ordinary 'I I;.' t:iiiii b-itt.e, ltd ri'tils. eont.iiiis a Mii'ii.y for year. DOUGLAS $3 & $3-2 SHOES i UNION IV i. Dvugias ihoes are tin svtrmtra vj mr e.. W. I.. Iliiuitl.i mails mil sold mere mi-n'i. (.iio'b r Well H.ii-1 Smut I'mressi lies In tl he llri. Ii mnnlh. i.t VMM Ihiii nv ulliir rnonufsrluiiT. tf-lfl nhfl KtH 4Ui nlll tie pliltoiiiiiienhi I U,UUU rn (llr(iT t hi. mienifnl. W.L. DOUGLAS S4 SHOE9 CANNOT BE EXCELLED. H-ViSi. i:."j:'.':ri,.. Brut tirnorteil an I Avrrtran Itatt.ers, Hiii'. Patent Calf. Fn-.K-I. F. Co'. Calf. Vid rf. Ci'ona Cult. Nat. Kanwiw. l'iit t'nlor Kvclels ii-eil. bailllun I . nn,l j.rlro r.tnnired on bottom. NWj hi wi.i., :'.'..'. rxtr.i. Kin. (i.i"'(.'ri W. L. IX)t (It. AS, BkOCKTON. MASS. FREEELECTRIO BELT OFFER .tilt in. ... TRIM lBrira lm, . fvnil.ll (III, realn 1 UIIUIILRIilW AtTUKSATIMI l IWI llHHHt MIl.TS to nj rra-li-rof thin ftp. r. Sa mtrty m d..l ry tow w.iipo.iti.f.o.r.oiM.. C0ST3 AlKOSTMOtHiNO""" mill mos(ftil,,hfr tn iil.i'.cnu.. lurv. .bfi llollirl. Irll kill, wll.iro.rd r'm.i-.UII. vl Ilk I I lit f,-r.r Ik.. SO Ik... I.. II Ij cur fur ill ..i.oo. dl. v..l.a-M and Fttr c-ootplrtc aralril -a. d, nll.l tnl.i'r. till!, U.I. l i t -nil n.nll to 111. GEARS, ROEHUCK & CO., CHICABO. Y h;iT rtoiinlT t.nnit M m rniils I-....1 m mI-rti-r.-. i f lli Meilrmi n(t , t nr f.srly War n-l " lull vain It, nali. ar i-i.o'.iiv,l fur tli" i-ii'lilnl, in. I hIIiik lielri. Willi- fur artii-uliira. The Collius Laud Co. Atlantic lliiiltUuK, IVitkliiuKlun, l. C Mexican ! Veterans! DROPSY 10 DilS'TIXATMENT FREE. HaTotrii!.1 Dropry nod i'seom. tlictior ipcciahy for tmntr J'H3 with th most HiHiderftU tccccti. nTcoradiniuf thoo tudoas:!. IS.H.H. 0EH BC0H3, Tr,i 11 Atlanta, ti. Free Test Treatment If you hu-B no r.nth lb r..y mf-'licl i-f liiiin.aut.i.eii I iiiw a ...mi. ,, i.l liiArnitid t'.T i.niil.M I will tl.fn iii(i T"ii I'V lua.l nr. '-lii.i.mur oitr.1.nnHaa;i.i "new f d ri. n.ani, Bft Of ALL COST. V II lien h rou.litml II...I 11? trcitmiii .urtd. M..ilr,v.i tMiatiil l'.-tli r nr'.---ml -t.w. I K..I. I '. : MM l!M i-'-' "cur, rivi:., f'llUblil t'a pN iM.ieii. Ininteis und K:p..lis 'i'.i'etb r !OI Vi I ' 7 f W. L. 1 rXWU -V mimZS Wt ! f ' 1 '"r 1 , I EH v 1 ! mmsmS3Mi 1 tt: l -.1:11 ..-Itl.t A l ll. t i.Lj I f.- JlSK '"ii-ll "5 tup.. I Uued, f I.l ii-.ii,., -i.'.t br (Ir.-dli