THIMISIUY. Not. 13. 1I02. Local Rc 'Viiii to tlio Democrat te Ju bilee tomorrow (Friday) nkrht. Oa Iant Tueaday nipht au np n( iative audience much enjoyed tpftri 1 2 tins inimitable Homy I'lount deliver bis famoun lroturo "Heyond the Alps Lies Italy. --Hynum & TIeadeu have a beautiful lino of nif;H and pietun s. -.Slicrillf MilliVeu will not move pired term of Mr. Jhiuph Ij. tlrif his family to VittKlniio, we bad I'm, resigned. lloPr(1- A memorial meetinc; of the liyiiiiin vlleadcnhavia larj?ft Chatham Jiar was he'd last TtifH- fctock "of overcoats and mer.'a day and adopted resolutions of nuita. respect in Memory of tin late A 1. UilUrt, Eq, which we will At tho next, form of onr court pilbliKh noxt week. (in I'obruan) there will be a new jndgf, a new clerk and a new! So roturn wiia received for nhcriii". itha CoiiresKional vote at Lock- ., . ., . :'ville, the poll holderB there having -'lhat winter wrap, wnether it ou( lhat muvn. Lc a ;; or jacket, Lyruu. . . , . t0n holdor were jloai en can iu you up ami unu m , ... , ;, . ,., 1 I Jieiib!ieail.S. 0, H .lU.pp!J. Unit. the latent lyl. . tho only insularity connected -If you have not bought your; with tho election in Chatham wax winter clothing and underwear, ' cnusod by the nepligeuce of iCo ahoes and tlresa ood:j, it will pay . publican poll hohlers! von to hoc J. K. Woatherspoon, of i jSanford. j T'1wl d.aydawn on ast Friday monnnsr the carriage Hliop Don't you want a real tailoi of Mr. Ccorge 1). Fraaie.r, at Unit, mado suit of clothed? If ho, to to j was burned with its content. The Too-At water Mercuntil.) Co. and , Josh is quite heavy, as (here were j;et tli'.'iu to have you a Huit wade, s-everal vehicles and other prnpt-r lit guaranteed. '.Vi'i tho building, and there- wns i, . . , -., .-, j no insurance. Mr. FrasoVr is one. u:-Atwater IWorcantito to. f ., . . . ,.;;.,.,. ,..i i,;, tl.o host line of Ii.i!nbnr- rd?inp8Ii )n)i flj(.mU ;, J.,,;...; and pmn1h . . pt in I i'bsbo- W!tj, jmn in hlH ,,,j8jol.Ulll;: ro. I I)o v have a nice line of long cloth, also cannon cloth. . Xho majority of the Dcmo- - IVu I .-o (.-. Durham or la. "emtio candidsite"in fl.iii mnatori-ei-h. Co to W. V.. Hav.o.- Jr- district h a lotle over 2.000. If V -l:..r.. run .'.in mv: 1 majority in Moor,., county fur i. i.oinloii wa f)-)0 f'li-i :or rioein, Pii::t) i.d Vote oi Suot-1 y for London, ?;;: lor I lor T'.ii 'fison and ;l ' SHERWOOD HEOGS & CO. SHERWOOD HIGSS & SO, New iMonte carlos and Coat Suits. Coat r.uit dcrartinent, bumf till of the newest ideas in the ready-to-we irof all kind?. Tailormadr suit, separate skhts. silk waists and rctticoats. Eiderdown sacaues. hoase wrappfM, wool --vaists ana ami. SRim. -The county board of educa- I inc furs, colhnetk. capes, p:llcrines, stoics and muffs tion met last Tuesday and elected Monti' rni i Ja ketH As the demand for these stylish coats increases it kfep'. us busy hustling to kffp Mr. A. M. Moore county upei in- up w Slip,p,.. Cloth-monte cailos in blak, bin; and tan, SO, ?7.r)0, to, ?15, Wi o.n up. tendent of bcIiooIh to. fill the unex- suits. - Bh'.j. 'Mack and brown cheviots, and Venetians, all wool knickerbockers, suowilake effects, etc., io, ?I2.50.S1? and 10.fa , , Walking Skirts. New sample line sent us for inspection. We took th?rn all, or.e of a. kind, txclu. Jiveness here now ;f u wi,t, at fi, $V5f, ?r.5, t-7-iO and f 11.2.'. Black taffeta silk skirts, $12, $15, t-M. Mlk and Wool V aisls. TalTeta siik and peau de scie waisttin thick and colors, 3-s't,4, $5L$0.iOup. W arm Wool U'iii..?t.?.5, $l.5o, -?2, and ?:V5 on ip. Flannelette in petty patternsvery .vji.u i.t so.-. Eiderdown drc.suitf sacks, in all the fashicrudie colors, plain and tipple eilect, crocheted and appliqnc ;ritn!iv:d, ?':, -c. s?l.-.v Vt.5 up. House U l ajipers. l;ljr,;-t,t. wrapper; and kimonas, beautifully made und r-.t!y trimmed. Ru.'iles on slunilJet, .ind lounc- skins. il5o, -1.7?, $?. and up. Flaniu'IeMe and Knit Skirts. 1 lomet skirts and heavy ribbed at.d lijjht weight knit, skirts In cotton, part we-' .Hi.! .-.11 A-uol, fi and 1.:o. Tel licoaN.- Silk .n,d n.crctii.-i; -Jtin.- petticoat ., and color., $i, $1.26, 1."A $3,15.60, $5, $6-50, $'.'!, !?'.) .ill.i f ic, Furs tor I'msty Morniiies.-'-i i:.c .i sell fit .t, 20 pet rent, saved on i-my pfrchasc. Neck piecr coll. net t.,, vj::? ..ape.-, and mttiK ': to SHUISBB HI6GS CO., Raleigh. N. C. DURHAJfl MARBLEWORRS. Durham, N. C. Monuments and Tombstones American and Italian Marble COrre'-pondeTlfe solicited. AMBE & LYON, m PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, Durham, N. C .Vr.V, youths' and boyV clothing-in ajl 'dyleS and t low price?, W.VJR IIICJE TO IB... .'Aonev saved bv buying from us. The Official Vote of Chatham County, AT THT. LrCTION, HIT L! NOV. 4, IftOa, moiirv in tdot hiu2'. div;:s Hh h'S, hat- and miiliin'iy. JtUt'' I'.'lSCINi" M.itih 1:1 iiV. 1a land w;w a 1 ..... t inn r.f rl,-itl,.ii,,'g iu ... :,.,.,. - ... i ... i i: 1 ... i , ..( 1... i r . it ' i mi . .. ... r i ...!. i !!!. ( l!li'ir: in i i .ii :.i i -m .n ' -i , in, .ue.ici.alil. 1 1!'' vi it ni Jiiuil-', , ,Vk;rL 11 t-K'.-t ion. This would iniii- Uui.ial 'a.i.i !)2;i f. r London, '.I'S for .aif that ii.t-!i a:v iv-'t as nnsiona Spuiti:, Uli.l 1'i.r Mearh;iiii a'l 1 :CM li '-u a.-i i;. .iMicrally t!iot!(:iit for FattniMon. V:.) - liii' 1 illif j 'itiuno'.'h . I S;Olnl. . . til" I II ...11 U l.-,.t '?!.'.l."i lr- to I'o'-Aiv.iit.'i- .!"i-iisii ''i'f and 'Jt'l i!;.i,t'. i iun' I'-'isIi-!!;"it !ur 1 'fivHiht-r. 'i'iu'y .i . i. ... r .. i .. . "l III" M(.r:'i j vt t 'i-ifii-iiiu; 'li.tilti. .. iJl.IttrK-r: S p.'l! tOl lli! L'Oot.- Last w.e!is T'.r.-..i:: 1.-..1 , I I.ookwIIo "iu;b MaviiifT that "sonif ol tin; i l'-'kl'- ';nn !(-inil,!ican leaders hud f.-af hivd i ) il1! ':.!,K nilli ni ' mm i-'li ' ' 'I'd s U.-tC l.t-t.S III : Ha.-, f Hui i ij sr 11 you iii.'i.'s !. 1 Oi-, ilH-ll'n J.'im mi, i Is .' s- j:,-;., t;- and ml. I S!:lt ! I noil fil iH j I'M H H his .' lain. I );r o i- w ; ,i i. AlondiM in lV:t-' naiiihi-r of (l.c cr.its of t '!ril !ia hi re to sis' a LVi'i oi 1 1 i-ourt li ni.- (h C.n with their finipain ,;'''. ."! " ' il'ind. ,i o to (in.cir.mi any i ""'"V" -lintci. tio:: to ii ili-ft on tin; oorxi n- !i;'u'!oi'--- al ii.te-viiy of Mr. J. A.lii!, s, t l,c ; -i-niiii-.naij of til" rounty nxi'i'iit i vs ; ,."rf l,:i' c.Mi.nutt' t- as Koii-e of lua f.iej:.?Hj llaiIoy. .. ,.....iUi,- !.;, t.- tl.u wnw U Vntiv. . . . . , n; .i- ... at linn. lolii Im lias niailu , ' ' a inoi-t vigorous '..fn ot 1 14 n lor hi I It ail v. vet we are 1 ili'Rhr'il to r M' j i-ri'dit, for Irvin- to tl-J ! . 1 :i,lv ' Hi-- :it- 1;, MiliiicaioHiu 111 (.'hat h.tiii. ! . ; u .!;.' i;rvt j ! 1. and.i l.urn --As t!.n t'lin ol our pio-nt n ii'.i: l I '-nio-! -'-nit v lonMiiissionrrs nxpires thin illtli"ii I'ojur-' iifiith it is not ri; I t, 'id thovj I HrTiiu". ; out oiiiit not, to 1 tt. 1 mi to contract ;hft Wfi-U Hit- I1i11l.U1:;,' o! a lifv, oi'id-o .'.1. llavwoo:!. J. v liavi l.-oii'iuly mad" too l.uyn a ih'ht for lowr 1'oiiioi-ratn; eoiiiiiiiH.-;ioiii-r'i M ,. Si;nt!i -tohn J !iil'.' n i ' !n 111 1 ml, I Hi" t-1 ll I iiuirn to! 1 . n 1. if -' - -- ..-oiit-.-' .-;o.-u, ;o;i..'. ul r CI I co I OS 5C, 7 ;0i 1:1 1,-), 1 l'J; m' IHo 88 C2 (;, It;. i: -'!; M, i2; 117, m 1 Si : 17 is:'. CI .'.1 ii 5 811 r. lis 1 'j 1. 1C7; HepiH- 1 cn'tivoH1 Sheriff Clork l'lo IV VI, 7t;l Mi a (1 11 in 1; !(:' 7ri SO, 8C 1771 7G H4I ti'A it! till, 17 M lMlj 12V 177 7' Kli! 73 42: '2.W '1 si;' r.i toi L'l, IHli 711 80' HA 41' tiH' '"I 1-V.) "c; (;.. ll't! 7t.'! 22' 52: Kli, li'ibi 17i fi3 Oil 71' 27 3 hi r,) ii hi HI 4ii 101 12H Ho M4j 17M $ fl i'i!' 4' pi! r. c? (.( I'tij i;n, oiij 1 8 it, 1." li 22) 184 S; 2H r.a Rl tc 44 5t ;i' mi' 11" 1C!) Register 7( 1015; 178 7C 8C 70 43 01 4 ret (;i lir, 05 21 P8 r-o ;3 CROSS & LIN Elf AN CO., IT-T0-DATP :i.0i'i!ICKS A'I FKMISIIKRH, uvciv sensible man appreciates the value of good h O T II I , G . hit lie doe? not know ju where to pet .t. A through onr line is smheient, .mo we trust that ..i wiil nuke jrood use of the in-toinutiut. lRflj 129 j Onr Stunrinc ft .vi .xter.;;"e o:;e. 1 ;v. e very resrect justifies out 183, 178 piper ioiity in the a:t '. c.iterin;; r t'ne public uste. 82 7H : 'i'i,., ., iA , -11 .!.,, ,.,).. tum .-,. .11 it. . UU .a )iiiou uc uiii. ui. 1 lie iiiaiiiidi n an ill a one could wish for md the prices are such 15 will convince vou that ert it V I te ruce to buy. Fix ).ir mme ; voi.r M'Ukll VOlll HIM" f (ii.i 1 r.7i 7.1' 28 54' h7, r2 r.:V r,2 cs; fJ7, 108, i::t 177! njn !. Glv; 'us 1 call. We 4 94 2 Cl 111 59 21 hii C8 09 i;.:ti i:;ii;;i ion! 1 .-.jrt1 1 s i:jk i l-toii.i i:i.i47.i:im iorii."fiii:jti(;:ir82i34G itl:ainiti was chs ti'd to Lint w; t-k away out in 11" i Mr. .Ii'.f.-jdi M 11 of I In- la t f li ll;.'h W. : m.- lii'ra -nT ! rrarod ,t t.ownslilp, hut rcin'O'- it. As tin; now hoard will havtt to ! pay for tho piopoiied hr:de tluiy! lit. Ill .'OlllIHOll 1 ava h"vi-r;d yoarn j .! L., v.-fil to makflln ,f : ouiiiiitiir it. iiri.C't'.-i to In. oiitriuit for .1 M.! lai-Lvni: ! : '.idi it uihiuiii; hii-i ihf sijialli's!, waa that t'M of, ,nd.?ared hpr to all with whom nh jit..!-!.ii-i. 1 -."..-.pi iiii- u c 11 paym.-i.t Siicr ovi r I iio:i. 1 UKftoritvtr-d. Sim was an affection- of corns. ' At I.oi kvillo no vote wan count- Ate win, a devoted ruothrr and ft St.tto n-niiist Sophronia Nail fd f-u Hi;; ( 'oiiirreKHional cnuli-! kind neighbor, am'. Leonora Nali; rf sit,ii!-' an oi- dat.-a, hi iwo thu total of their vote ' On tw minif niirht Mrs. John a pli:a of in til.- count y i-' ainull.T than tint 1 houiaH d; 1 at Hyinm. Sho had jtii i.iont of the 1 tlier cMuiiilati.H. In (lulf -i couipliAticii ntid thttt with hr ii c..:.t-. : township 1:50 loh-nwra cast for p' vcim-id d-adi. IIr .iuu'iiim u Jord.01, Tii imas L. IJankH, of Wahf, an the w. ro i-urrit.i fo (Juai SytiugB for iii 01, ii,i l l.cpiilil"!iii) candidate '01 Con- i-urial. ii f.'iiilaiiis frnmH. Thin due to tho inllu-! Itov. 15. K. fkli, preaidin 9 Ider, in-i'i-nd-d !!.. (. t'apt. I1'. IX Jonra, 'hair-j held fjiiartcrly wmfcrence for Haw ! m.v-i of tho' lU-'Mihlicaii Con-.THH-I Hivor circuit on Nov. 1 and 2, at i-iona! "i ivo coiiiiiiittco, who, Mt. I'leanant. A lar'o crowd wl K:ul 1 oiioH,',! i-ndoi-siii!' Hon. John eonaid him. Ilia noimon on Hxm- f lii'i'r; it"f"iida::tM .inter I nolo coiitMuli-rii aii-l Mi.'-p'.-'i'ioit on i;ivnseni Stntt aainnl liarli :-lll)l.i.l .(in; jUil:;liliit OI1 p.l 'll:lit of COitM. Stan aaii t ll.niy (Vuii! p: lar cm. v; ilefiiinhuit auiiiii is ami m ii .ilH'l. I l!l;:-iu i 1." l.'.fli, Ktvi. hoys' from thin.-.' 1 1 y are soll- . I,. I,"i:lloll A S. .1! "ri f,.r ;.-t and chihii -n I'.uits, ;i!i i. i (.jualitici, meii'.H an.l iifieihiiirth and drawers . up. N ieo i-tock of na- v.its ami I I'.H. -Many iT.iuiiil.-iU-! i.-.inti-il ;it the re-c.ilt t ion hist v. i nk, wh JIhv, hi I Iim::i, for l,i,f I1.1 in iiii kii.-is of iuci chan. lis. in still n.akiiiL' hai.'pv i'i totners. who ;!- ihciv i'etti:i,; tlio liHi-;;:iins of their lifo. -Tlin I't'iuocrats it ill cclnbrnti; their v.-ilainptioi, of (.'hatin.i.i with a I'ii,' jubilee at Piithhoro tomor row 1 Friday) niyht, the 14lh. There will he a brilliant display it liroworks, burnin ' of han t i of rn;.)i"; M rx visit in; ,1 I t I M: Hon. 'h, In Master inrnod i". II. Woniaek, of lmd! atti-ndiiin court. Hal- U'. i W. Al water, l.All.lS K'lieeil to tluht monti! roail: of I i.i-"1 eo.inty. Siiitr! a-.iiiii't Uoliert t'i.irk; hS- sanll with deadly w.-apon: verdict Tlieii) mi of not ..'tiiliy. : about a lai 1 he i riiiiin.ii dm ki t .oik tinish- 1 ,,i,,( , . am i-vn.ini, troin l oni'oiil, is .Iih. Alvis Jiviiiiiii. ed bv iniddav 01: T1.1 eivil catitta ;av now belli;.' iiifd. The writ!hi-r, fi-r ;i woiutur. ha.- uiMap- ,r. , .. v , : 1,.,. .!..i;., 1 ,f. 1 ., 1 ii.- . .iiii;-iti ..I'iMoou i.iii'.iiiMi ilia .wm i.i.-. -1 ........ .... ... . 1. ... ....... .t tin' .;lec- , 1 e .. ,,.... -i.;..i. Ju r......t I.... , v..r.- , 1 1 1 ot'i'!ii;cil i 1 ii li a ..ii o' i'itiiii:ii,i "ii. . 1 . . ..... ... nooooy is dis-i ThHV hM Uvl , I.'"'.11 '" t.i , ilinmi ('ai-roll. of eiou.b but, the rmor.s.,: b:e ho:s U'hisrrviillp, is hero on .1 visit 1 1 awn 0,1 a v. ere viit ..1 full im. 'fpher oid home. Mis- I Mrs. (5. H. I'ilkin. daiitrhters aie visiting (iritVin, ut Chuptd Hill. Mr. . r.. oofNiv 'i ir-CAM i's. Wlien our U.-ino. ratio eommi-j-sioiicirt takrt char-1 on th iimt Momky in IV.vlill.T ihev will 1.1 R 'i his i lir.d tho county's liniinc.-.i i! t vion cocttT. ! (.1((st tiepK-aLia .-.Hi-Ktiou Tim November term of Chatham j i tho sad result of Fusion mia- il'onor court Uman last Monday, ruic, wlncii lian tiii-httui overy day on "hin" ia said by thn cldf r 1 mcmbem ol tup (Lurch to 01,0 oi;i ..vmjoi.o. j of the heHt discountfs ever dfliv- iii to be no (innU!,'ruJ1,i;i "old m- Vlentumi." It oad bein- built f,om:W"uld reflect crudit 011 a bwbop. ( ireeiiKlioio. I I lift reports from tho Klewurdu of Tin: I'.i'oonn was lavore,! thin 1110 P?.''1'1 mrcti.- were gooa wi-i-1: will' visit fiom (!niit ",u' "'duateil that Haw r.irer cir Fiani, Jonra, li,.. -mial Hinor- i cl,lt wilicua, itu l','iHtor U' confer, int, mdent of li... ln,, ham ,v Char-1 mea VI,,U .'n hmnahtet. llioneit lotu- ,a,Ira.l cmi.iu.v, who aaid ! coi.f.-rence will conveuo that us eon. 010. v would on U 1. v Xtrni .cun'' 1 oiti'.:ct a liiiiioad from 1'ittt bo ro to ( li liens! 1. -ro. Thia dooa not. mean an abandonment of their proposed load from Iih'.i.' to ur, but thiil will lie built niter biuliliii'' th road to Un-unsboro. Surveys lnvo not vet buiii liiadc ft-,. - , , , . from Putsboro ioUieensboro. but . 1. be byuiitu buuday Bcbool bab 1 lit puoiio acuoul win oiien ucst Monday with Mrs. IJ. N. Mann as principal linr. liaymorc, tuo new paBtor, THE POPULAR STORE- VVf AtC hOiti; it. on: the handsomest line of dress goods, Our Miltery is the finest, cheapest and most sty! I. ii .4 T. I. 1 - - tl I - - - waist rattttns in Mlk, woolen iv.i : "V. 7." 7u" " ::..,V;u .. .. ... 1 t, .-o, -,- U fnr cfc i.t. i our iiaiitiioiuc uiiuiiicu nai-. iiyiiiu cott-in, and heavy jjooJb tor ski.u .. ... , rW,u, ht wt nave ""'. ""'"'"f '. evet seen in this market. will preach nt lit. Gilead 011 Hat- Hull stock of all kinds cf staple dry urday ut t . iu. aud Suuday ut II ol liroworks, niirnim' ot oarrc.j of , , 1 ,, J ,i,'r i,,,, 1,... .1, ' vi, 1 ne w.-tti'i -tow er hloii'' liaw nve: - . , 1 ho 1! udiro at r veil 011 the lnoiniu;.' I tliiu,' :t nan to.ichcu eieiywiicio ,,. u , , , , rosin, ii t"i .Imu'iit inoi-eHMoi! and ' t , -1 ,?,, . ij,.i- y, ,,, ,!.,,,. ih vcrv line, houh ot which hfti 1 ' i- 1 1 ,1 'ram and at oucb opened court, j Hi tln htJite. 11 inn t Uct too , v . , w. , , ,ho, sivei-ee- l.v,:iybo,ly sn the -j iUlvu aU(, m. L.hll- of our county thoro was 1- b ;'"'f H b-v i.unty lutitod lo come an-! rc- ;1, , t, . tie or noUoatin-,. i'vle.U-di,oss.aiHl " rn,ffnPhul, 10 ic.. r 1 . 1 - -,i " . . ,1, ,. , .. . ..1. ... vi.-, ii i ILr-KiUto iroiL uiilt to i ittsoo d'dm V. - lyor vforcni:M0, I-er-u now tboieaio about HyMuAl ... . ,. , u. will be Hoinn timo thin winter. Thr. !dial.tiic in about lUty uailya through a very fertile country. 1 lie w.-iti'i -power tilon,' liaw river llftH rt' dttcidud to have a Chrmtmna en tertaiuuicut. Bycuui Democracy will ho wwll lepreHuntod at the jollification tue:tint' 1 1 iday ui.;Lt. Tho Winuio Davia Chapter, U. D. C. held ita regular uiouthly itiuatiuj" at tho rcuidouco oi Urn. J. B. Atwatoi buturday aftorLoou. -Ibey aro oltcrin;.; :a V . ijane. l.oor.c-o A it carur, V, . 01 couni onioia uu(miu. .,uu w , ,. .in :j. 1 : . 1 It waa a ruobt mteroatiui,' uieetius'. London a- S....K a very h;..i, J t . Fi.rreli, M. A. Kiici, .). M. IVr-p union 'reform ui.aatha:j! t mov d"wid he inched vicorous.'l' 'Port of our delate to the fctock of ladies jackeU and capos j ry. '. W. ilauka, W. W. Dui,u, J. Our commissi,, utrb ul Lav to . ' , J':.Qoi tl" btato convention added much to t very low fiuroe. Thcv can ! W. i'carco, W. A. Buc.kucr, J. W. , yot authority from the h-iblatnre, ; Iiilrjia -om Ci"muSck v?a liar-1 a Dtfral iuturc-st. 'xhe chapter su:t ou. A i.ici lot of chihhen'H IWvoib, J. H. Buvn-s, 0. W. .Stau- an booh an it meets :o mu bouda ' r " Jl" :1,-J 70 Gvho ro and1 delisted to Livu ita preeiftout. jaAe Another lot of iUt fret-! lev. J. A; Shaw J. F. J.uW VV. -rtb.My-.aoni o ho IromG H. A. Loudou bouired tv milhiiei v now ready for you h- Oom, V . 11. Daffrou, J. H. larte debt. Ilns v ill bo xictoana- , , , . . :n the otUco cf rccocdiuf btreUry. loo cr'.lar.s for buhea at r,,-., worth iHIUr. ty, because tf one-biu: ol he out- J tiiSlA iiAt the caiwluwou c. tie Luwwiee fir., loo to .'Oc. Extra bat-aim;! The jiidjre'rt char-e to tho -raud Htauding order- ahou d bo pre-, " ,. 0 ' ;" auaMr. Atwator iuviiod the ludica ,nvv was Hoiar'what out ot the or-', Beutt-d lor paymiiU t be county n ' ' J 111 111 lit- m m. i::t-i.ii. 1 COodS. Uig stock of pants ioods. flar loliouanfl Xi'iiununnBepartmeiit and caps. Sliocs, Sloes. KeaayMaieClctiisii. tvery body WnQwiwcketp aod sl'II thii best shoes for the money on We nave aji I'M uiesi Uvvtmcs it .- market. in neck weaj, belts, dress trunuui.. coi.ihs, belt ruckus. The Stuck Cf K'icvr; we j liave. ever hal tor iUk. Ld:es c'.iildrcti. We have the largest stock of inc oesi jut. tuijci, iiiuii au relliv ;,,3jl. clothinir tor ncn. lonf waist, yon ever sa v. vouths and children. Somtthinr You. kr.ov wt alw.'.ys have t ic ; ;. cW ,n overalls, best stcck.ul Hin.burj; i-dini;s ii;- j Come ar.d sec u?. laces. 1 '.a sI'.och. 1 A iloadtii want yo j Ho compiiiiioiited the county up-1 Aud yet, with feiiel. a coudi tii them. They think. j(Jl, ,,. allowing tho mauufuciuro 1 tion of cur county la rluauceii tho llowing reasons, that it -ov t)aJ nl whiHkey, saying that it' Kcpublieans had the check to jurv was Hoiaewhat out ot tiio or- v in cilaiuiii'T their dutioa. troasnry llyniiiit & to trade wi for tlm folio ;h to your advaulao to do so : ' W1K t !h-, (i-jps pretest ajent. Ho ! boati of their iua::a-oiiiu'ut I They aUaya h1! you their -oods;al:3lJ ,,,-,,,,,1 himeoll forcibly I ----- at tho Imvtat poasihlc pncifHSiid ; ,.,,., several nirtttera winch tend1,,,..,...,. . ...... .... puy yon at all times I no hi-nt to ,:om,,,t tbo tiiornlrt at.d dietuib lttKlA ' " u-tf loteert foi vo ir liart'-v. ; it,,. -.,.,.... r.f ,1,.-, irv i The Hoard .: ' Soiii itoi Kobiiisou wiii 1 tri.ipt- j ei an t !tore on .a--i iy a 1 hie p.oKt of dutt a:..' b- an organized by elvc'.i: tiid jiioHecntion of the casPM on t'abaueMB il.a.: nil' the criminal docket, 'I'i. v. iollo.T- 1 Vorwond t o Th'-y r;ivii jou po'iu ati'iu a:.d appit-ciate the small bill.i. - 'l lirt "jiinri'M ly eonfeic-n-.'fi ;lv SUV.l-jd- M'sthodifit ciiiirei.n.s ni 1 1, Mi anil Ve A. Dvi.uni Lii.,ai. inuni, N. C, Nov. 11. j . Tva'de is iuiproviiijj. Our mt r chaLts'arc LcptLusy atuudiuj the1 Willi ta' Of their CUhioiileVB. I The Odol! .Mhr. Co., under ti.e: otiici.Sit luanai.-!, Cupt. V. L, Loinli-'.i. c.intur.K:.-; to ii.provo its i ii 'iorty .Oi.l .-m: .o tndiiiM. 1 he fact tliat the 1 nlroad i: 1 1 . - - 1 into tho diuiugr rooui aud rc!icab- ; u.ontB wore fact red. I lira. b. 5.'. !ilxi;u .ud AiUic ' Hjient a part of laat week viiUlijjg1 meiuiti iu bik'r CUv. IkOlilN AD.YIU. 'l li. f f. W.I btc-f'i tht ,ouj-li And Works oil the Cold. I-ixmivo bromo-Q'.iiiziua 'i'&bleta ciro a 1 ':'.d one day. !'o Cure, uo I uy. Price '2d crutn. w t i'lttboi w circuit v UH !.'-!d last S-rit ird i v at'l.iown'h Chap.l. l'.e--lidiii;; j'lidei 15. II. Hall, was j.rt s ent aud .rui.d with ids n. :c-rro -i..! - i I. ' y The verov" i'rota tin church wra or"iv.r-;ei.n-. Tha nrxt fpiTtrly eori fotoi.c1 will bo holt1, i t thiv. o'aeo. vvmrn d.iiio.teii of: t! 1.11 I in 1 r.onn .1! Slate against dako Ci uteiiliehi, aiid thu lit p.ll-1.' an- ii.ilio'.ed 'or rsstiiit with it'.'.tdly w-ro OuHoici.o.ia ' ' wonnnir cit-fel dant hiibmif? an 1 tpuce. jnduiv.t it mirvnd' on vay Ve vnu'..u a ty. ; insuT. o; crHt-i. 1 irtent in" v " ' o J S'a'o ajtainit M. C 'otal aud for mont oi !!" .::.' !Snm Hives: dini'imbi'' of laort- Ct-rtained bv tin; ! i I'fcd oronortv: dofi iidants not ers. Tho total M'to foi the other Thn rush till c"nirm"'4 at L'tnltv. and tho oro-io. u'or (S. J. county oni'dida'.' was ?s follow: Ui'l.H ! ' tha oi Ween (': t:. ?y.r rveme? v .h ns r.s. .' 1 o' cauvass- 1 asa through iHV v;ivrj h now .'fell tlof,!. ot cir n!!u;rf .s .I. in:-, 1! uuin, it! iiivat.t.ii'.'H :A be- notropolis 1. f C.ut''.. i.. , " TT7T,. Sertoli 1'v.o. r.3u of M;. ' ,0 -U!t' ,n C),u' 1 aVl iion in ' r'x'urioui con-1 Xnk I nivir Brrrao QrJnlnfi hfl homVcf bin parn' ;. i f pWo'a. AU drtvct4 rfafll the rapt V V. 1U burdaoii, of Oo ..-.jiii.ty, d.cil lu.-:t I inlay, i;,od tlJ. the popnlr.r atom of A Mux. who (.'link taod with tho eosU is slausjhtvi int,' prlcoH riht and Stato against .loo M ills; ataault Wt. 11 v rvb'-vlv ivh.i trudos thro and batterv. d.of-iehoit submits of- and jii, lament S'ispiido-.l on pay- 'M.;d lli' l.t of ( ostri. !'.!! S'.'itc i-a'oi,t, C;iiv,.s HilVs, 'ii.- ,!ii.i!f vith .li'iu'dy wf.oinn il..- ii'" .i i-.r.' Huloui'-! I ri.h'Hin-.t C'.Vi'iided ("M ' .iil-le! ' ; I Stivto ft-raii"-;, .1,.;',. Wiiiiji..,, i-; d.dl'Thtod with tlse ban 'red f'!VHiin- -oM bo' 'i - N"W i: yon, f . . -.- I'M in .ti. '-, '., way. Y:-e.".n ! 1 y :!. v..ii v.'iii' '... I !' "inh 1'.." yon wi". 1 :o ni'il'.ed. Tov Sin vevoi ' Ca'gs 1,50'", Har per i,:;c I. (.loion'i : l-'-'iiorsoii l.ut trloh !.! Co inty Con'misM oi ers- Atwx-fi-r ',-'.. Sp.-jr-M--;, l i-riH1! 1 .".(it, livon I,','!, Noiwoihl 1 l.M. Wicker 1. Oil.;: IlL Tota re-. diti"i! He is tho oi:!v nick 01:0 iu tho Tjl-tmonpyjf it fti!a t.- cafe T V'. Ih'iv ' drove's aigiiaturo is ct cavL bos, Mrs. Brniitl - y Maiir,, l'- -5c i.)iii who 01 i;r. . . u;tit:, iltod at hor homo 11 ar Bynum,' W. L. LOlTOOii k son, littshoro . Cm Bank of Pittsboro. iuikw.y nirut, mv .'. iue na b".'ii an invalid for no 'if th.ui two iien-1 and tli" !';nuil anil friends tt. i,. i o.i)i7Hv of Mi" fact that on-' !, 1N.0I1 would reliLVf her ucut" :tu,l'"iiuvr. She h id jm.t reached n, , --:i vav. si." a woman A winter school of ncrimltnr and dfiiryini: wilt be conducted at; Uio A- Jfc M. College, ;it lutlvi'j, I T'i' ';alwra oo,- h ! h r"in'i Laxative uromo- Qui nine tmm Will te-retu deposits avd make 'oars iro. 4r J ecn:m ?tnrg rwss. Intcrc: t beinnjr cettittcav: will I r.wtd tr dep-J i'-. 1 hi' people ot Chatham now have tht. vpr-o;tnis,y, n: 'he first nme, to patron;.'t' 1 (.uatham iouvm raK. Dfpositv w vfircit'v .ife m i tite-prcct vi'il ind Site, -md .rc ftly v- i;i-d r i 1 propn" " mot:n!.n' '.' -i miihon jt-iir -. tre burflir-rr'VJl1 traits -'1 v'-1etf 1 I l"lt h rsm, that wM l 5Z, 'X. Willaconftfj 'I'slliO. rrtiiitot..

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