Young girls this period of life, or t iie i r rnothei ere earnestly vited to write Mr: Plnkkasn for advice; all such letters are SiricUy confidential ; she has guided in a moiborly way hundreds of young women ; and her advice is freely and cheerfully given. S V A d ..; ;t. da: iff r day for Anvrvan girls. !.; .-ll.sp.'tc f. i"ilovs. a:nl i: u :. jvars to recover iho vi:.i:;'v. ..:-io:i!:ic i: i never if rovTiv!. 1". r: v it r ov:T-i?.ref;;l aUv.r k'-t-pirtir their f-.-.-t dry; : '. .' i:i lv-sicct t!:.? i."UthIv rM-:r:-s is usually i .'..:::i::'. v.':i : !,.:-.; l I'.. I: :; . ! : .il jv ri ..I. '..".:: .nr. 1 s:h"v. 1"' 'Lr!;!::S'.TS A Y Chicago Girl " Studied Too Hard." I -i : T v. I -h t :;k y :i i ::::!:.!::::! Ven- i .- : lh-- '. .- . ; l.vdi.i l'.. Vi:i:'.);im :.. : ' ..rt:-.:i 1 J.lver IM!.. V. l-z I v.:; s .!'.:: -'';' n ... y : : ,. I .-. : m ,;::M ',. I, i.;v ; c , . " I.- ..'.-h ii;:U:v. i'.i' !. r 1 I ;.-. ' 1.. I.l-:-::;.,: . ; t!;. i ::. I .. i---;. '.' i': vi.i; r- f. I: ..; i:i .-is;- - "'V .;.:Vvt; :' 1 i:. '. .i: !;:., -'.'-C -f::i::ll..;.:;. : r.. vr.:-.- , - ., .-v.- ) ' ' : : ';T ' i '"' , r wi;-.v '!-" l';i.-:.;. . ..; :V , ' " Si'",'. t'ia!. i r.-- ! u. : a v...-.-i t : 'fVQ't I I"";:!.; ii !!.v.-. n: ; -. ' i: .t rli -r - ' ' . s-:r' i---- to dif. : : .r;..;.v T ; trv.. ;;. ;.;!, '- ' --Vi sin-1 I i ::r. i t!.:t I i'ra.Ii.allv i-tii r, I, .' ' " ' ''iffr &" tin 1 all 1. I, sae. :sij-I 1 va- i - '-1-'V' J V f old self nmre. T.m.i.ii: K. lu.a, f 17 K. "."I?sW Pratt Unable to Attend School." l '-:.'.t M.-.s. r-,'.K:i.-,:.t: I feel ii my duty to tell ail ii;itr wi rtrn h' -'.i l.yliii I. Pinlilmm's vondovf'tl Veri table t'ompmmil !.;n .! :.- : . 1 v.;s run:plot.-lj- niti dov:i. u.r.nldi' t,, n'c-i l s, i., ., -,-i-i ;i ! j..-: f l;i:id of sorirty, littr invxv I for! iik-- ;i i:i-v lu-rso:), ! 1 -.v - ! n-voii iimds5 .f Jiesh i:t tluve ir..i!t!:s. ' 1 ....i-:. :;il it to till vounjr xximieu uho suiVcr f : tti f. i: :;i!o wra',:. i: ." 'I: ; A: ma I'iiatt,' roily, Mich. I.vdia V.. fi'it.'iiini's VotretnlIc Compound is the urto i-vre rev.i i ;ly to In- iri'ii-d upon at this important perio.i in n yountr iri's Jit'.'. CT t""0 rO"FEIT if i-x-ir.ot f-rilci:', r .-I....- 0;.-or g t-tl.T :o. I -s. ' t u' -.j '"U.lj, xvlili-h will pr .vi- I ;.t'-'.-:T- ! ni..---. ... KJ'J . 1 J l.yiliu li. I'lukiium Mi-.liciua Co., l.M $rim, M There are Many Corsgrs feSt Straight Front I X3t11 Royal Worcester f J Rojal WarcosisrUrcetCo.,,M:-,. I SSQeeMt Business ij ITCuaaGJ Colleges J Lculs-.HIa. Kf. Monl(omer. H. I'ONSton. Tc. Cnlumliui. G tCc:imon-l. V.r Hirminnhim. All. Jac!iscn.ll', fl WALTLR'siiiS " POWDERS caasr-Cs vcr- M-. inoi. olll fl ' :i . urinf .fnt'os 8 M . i-nts K -ir.- t..i.-T WAl.TKfiS. Kcf-.;sW hi: nihcrt X .i o o i'i.-.'i- 1 trifin t.,p v..-i. Ttn-x ii r ' , -I i: Om. .-,!,, ,.. r-i.'s I r imSs.-i- till. 1VII.1I.II Ml. ll( A I. tS.HIM.lll,l.. "r.$ C"'i:-.N -.-. r.-t iR.xNt-r i '-; '-r "; ' ! --i-v ti,-,,-.n. i- I 'i 1 1 . -.. - .'i . .i'ir..ln!lr, ..f l -riii-i, i- r . -!.-. - : ,..., nn-l ir... i r I r l o.i .:-. i-r - i. .. ,t -. u'1-ln-.a i.l.o ( . Ill l.l. ..-s, ,.. ,., .,... t,r VV FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AMD FEVER a ji i v i n 'T tiiirlt'i tin rh fiir r h n nrn, .iiiWHrt n .irj mor.Qy in Chickcms I AvJ UvOik Kl .n M-i-ejt,j fu -r r.-a. a, i-. -r dun!- rtf.,:-!.uiiij V, 500 Y0UN8 MEN r: lull a rr.i li. nl IUI,K.t I,,,, , l.i ll.,i,po:ii. lu-l. Xo. 4.1. Vjffl'yiT.1:: Thompson's Eyo Wafer I at ri 1 vivx rs. xj . if in- Wu 1! ; '. S o:u e, r r : 5.ey vw i'.l .ili:,,l:r vi n -. l'ui'.i'i i.uiivM.ijiJ !,.:; v-.'.u.u.'j V.'i '; : i.'-y haY-- i i : . i i W; '. it prop;.--,- ic :!: ..c:.-r 'i: ':. 1 years vvA ptvp.uv ! Lr i;U St.. M.:.'ul-. in." ALABAST.SME The Only Dursbio W!l Coiln Wil I'll.-- :, n-..n,i.r? f-. -..... Ab lit" .ui. AUBAST'KE CO. Grand Ripidt. Mlrh. ! (afijdine li I j 1 i.t:iii-i . i i is .iixl III AUK IJI.s. , ft '- .it rnjs -Is, ! S.jnyVRKhKSi,hih,)i : i:-.f-d C C C. Sever sold In taiSt :t" -f 'is dejisr -r tries sc'J "sattsthirj j:.-.t ti good." fi'l l.t. . .w 5 J 1 " Vf lU'us Wnliit 'l USE rsilb. Q If PCPt I .iii-li syi up. -I'lt-K-a limal. Cl P"i IL. '' lMI" -"-.I txx- ilriiml.t.. IGOOD ROADS.! lUtail in MiiBPHi'liurett. IN lv.W ibe M.ismii liusetiM I.i'islat iiif ;i!t'0 an ai-: in oviili' for an :i I -Ii. i :n 1 mout of n liiu' way (ianuis a t Iniprovi' tin- pulilic mails. Tin- nr.-: "lipriipiiatiiai (v Suite il ns it'ailf in 11M. mul iiion- tlian $.,ikhi,imki lias ln'fii cxin'iiiliil to iin jirnv llii' o( iliis sialr. Tin' rust of tlit r-ia-ls is illvi.lcil as tollows: Tile Stair :iy ilnri'-iinariris iin.l Hi.' nainiy uiic-iiaavoa-. Tile .-osr of liir.- l'oads lias varii-i from SJ.'iM) in S."..inni n r m il. arronl Iuk to i lie l oiiila ions wliirh wt-iv mrt. Tlio staiiilanl " iiltli of I roi;in stone roailway. a I'ti.l! ly tin- Massarlnisctts roininissicpi'. N litii-rti feet, anil ai li siile of tins a of three feri i shaped to tie saa.i- loss sertii n as the I'fokell stolle. These si.V.' sirips or shoulders are uuiicl with uravd on iniieli traveled highways only: on till others the nauiral soil is f,eil. The fork used for th-.' si,, tie roads lias entile from quarries, hanks. tieUN and viver l eds. There ; trreat variation in the ijtiality of reek Used. Ill the selee. lion ol' load huildin.' fork trtiitir and res- ate arefully stndii'd. and the osi of inaiiiteiiauee, as vc!i as ennstrtie lion. i taken into neeount. Tray roek is niii jtiestioiiahly the most eromuiiteal taati rial for the siirfare of roads if heavy tratlie. All M.l.ssarhitsetts State , roads are eoinpaete.l hy ih.' use of j .-"aai rollers both (luring eoiistruction , i.nd permanent repairs. i Where the tr:iel is lilii gravel roads have lireti eoiistriu'ti d and pmd reRUlu have loen ohtniued. (u the sandy shores el' Cape Cod. where it Would! have hern very expensive lo haul hro-! lieu s-oiie. a irood road was built with sand, riay liud sotne liroki n stone, aiiM'd. wiiirh tinder tile conditions- j cry .-h' traltie ami perfect ilrdina-je hae prove-! very satisfaetory. Larue 1 sums of mom v have lieen rxn nih d ' where necessary for ntnlerdraiiis. j . a r-'suit of thr.s" srood roads built , 1 y the State the cities and town have ( i: Morally taken up this ipiestiou of bet- ' tiv roads. -iii 1 have made a great im prox eti.ent in systems, as they! x'. ere ipiirli to realize the value of good ; loads. In Massachusetts tin- rommission on r a'ors to iaiproxe the main arteries . ti n- I !. w vit the iinportant lentres ' -. r.c i 1'iiruier U.i 1-llillL' lo i;;.- imi-i lilng to Sav. o it;.- Tri-Weekly Tribune n V iiny 'mint y. New York, i.dloxvim- wis,, sngirestious la-op. r lo. -at ion of road ' I '. r i amy ycirs 1 xvas a farmer, oc- t'.i.vitiu a farm lxins. on the Susmie- Imiiii Itix.-r. and rue of the most Irk- i s-oiie. ' i--i .it - liii.i-s of my calling was i xv.-rkin-. oiti my I. xhxviiy tax. for this 1 i-asoi: Th :c rilit iilonir xvhat might I -IX. been :,;ili',-' il XVil-i f level high. ; xx.iy, t'.:.- i. id v.i t.t up one hill and ; c-oxu .-'.aj-!.- r. t:;i ..-..I. ji'.i. li iind down ' -!i :-. Trite, xx i;. ;i the country xvas t.r! nrj d at t!i.- dose of the Kevolu- ! t -ni -w. :i-ps ar. (tlai:-ires laid to be j ii.oi-lc.l and the rmids and paths had i -'-i ever knolls and hills, but now the ..utitry is so cleared up and drained, s-irely it is to ither civiliziition nor j-rii ( i s to ib. it aiiv lotifet'. And I w-mlil Mis.iC.-l ii-.u before any moneys are . ;.'.-:Mi--d f-ir beiti-f,i;s: or improving tin- pii-- iit liii'hxvay .vstein a !e-siir- ! xry of ta.iit be mad-, folhovini: t hi pr.seai i n. s where; or there are n-as- j oiiiii-iy h-x-el srades. and xvherever such li:.- s .-i .'; :i hil! or Uimll uo around it. r. t.ii i.:.- the old lo.-ol ugain when- ' xo;- :.- :.. alii-. I know -iii h chilliv :.u . : i- xM.uld work hardship to i it.atiy b: . ' -i--'s, Inn iii,- Vreati'st ! i ,i lo : e s.';e.-i,est tiiiliiber.' and that ' --i .!!-. ; "I iii.i ;i-.v.!re liiat great objection xv. e-'. l b, r i,i such a course by i i...i!:y v !,-. ;i'd he left iit a ilistance j t!i.: ti: '. s.','-. iiy. but not a railroad xv. i :'. i: I. ne ln-rii constructed if; r- :. -on id'tals through whose! l - -i:-!i roads passed could have i x. I'd t In-Ill. I it II i also Well axvate ; a . rossilii-; the ridges from one j .u.i lo another sueh grailes would iti l-iii-aide, but in many eas- I h nails might be wonderfully im . 1 by little ju-licloas re-urve-: ' profess to be a civilized, pro-j gie.sixe p.ople, mul. if anything is done in a ublie or national way to itn- ' pro-..- -a.- liisihxva.vs why not do ii tlmr-ou-'iily. s,, t hut it xvill not need doing I ux -.-i asi.iin." ! l-'uriucrB Mad ;nnil KnaiU, In all Slates that have giveu State aid for roads the farmers at Hrsf op posed ii, bur at (lie present time they nr.- Iui:d-t in tWir ilrmntid for im provement of the roads-. :is i,ey apprt - Hue that they are really benefited the liiosi because tiny are continually using the roads in hauling their pro-i-t.- t i loarkci. which they .-in io at ail M-.-iso:i . of th- year over a good r- sol. The saving made to farmers lu S-ii - wJici-e they have good roads is i. i ii. - I. . i in- ji'uii-i jiuiiiuii ui i lie j . ,,r .sr.ue aid. ot course, has to he i bono- - . ii;-- ities ou account of the X .1 iU. Th- !., estimate of the cont of th-- ' I toads tax. that of ITofesMjr I.sitiii rercltie t'liivcrsity. collated fin-,. .,- . ertifU-iI experience of practi--ni i'.i no-is in forty of the S: 1 . - Indiaiiii tuiioiints to sevetily. sen-.: i.ots per acre annually, or $."ii) --i .!:e mile of fiinii area, and there i.i mi 1.1x11 1 square tulles of farm il ill tiie I'Dilcd Stiites; S.'ilHi.lNXI.OtHl, ii.:c- times tlipx cost of all the com 1 hools iu the couutry are thus - !. Makioc w B nil Den. ' 'tt. id-ra Is heir.; d rsfpaterl that x- i "i a man advertiser he simply i il-.nvi trade away from others. The ! iiiiiu:ii.-.-r of a well-ktioxx 11 agency says: I " . 1 i x 1 : : ! s " u create:. bitsincsH it does in l t.-ie i'-oiii one 1.11111 to tjive to an-o'lv-r." The success of other estalx. iisjnr.i u ill the same line, he tn 11 in -tu ins. is due to ihe new trade they et c ate. I'rim-e Charlie's taitan cloak -which h... wort duriuft Ihe reiiellion in 1743 is now being exhibited in a tail-' wiuduw at Pitlochry. 1'erthsbixt. EMBARRASSED THE CLERGYMAN Hlnlilrl Makuhirt All Rltht fi,tll tlx Ma'.d ApprtiL A distinguished Episcopal cletgy raaa xvas onee rnlle.l en to oMlciate f. a fashiora'-'ie sniaiiier resort rhtititi, and, fln-JiRK only a t hort anrpllre uad tie cas?ock in ti e vestry, xvas very miii-h disturbed at the taoaght of hav ing to appear In a vesture that to thu frivolous would look like n xxhite shirt ar.d troiisei-. lint - happy Inspiration lame to him. Why not xvear one of hi wife's Mai k petticoats? The por tion 1'iat wot. Id show b-.-Sow the sar pliee xxoitld look exactly like the reft.: Iiitinn cassock, utid no o:ie xvoaM f x . r lie the xior. So he hurriedly r.rtit o::e of (he usher v ith an esar.a'ory l:o to his xxife i- lie hotel, and In (he r.ii k of time the petticoat arrived. The niiikebhift tun e i out to he a pel fe t success. o:;d ro on? at a rtlstait' e coall tell that he wai not wearing a asfc.k. After the close of I lie aer xiie he div ide:! to i:o out to the body of the church xxli'.n tt !nkir.(t off his ro, i s. in order to ,reet retne frlcttds. M:d he was soon the center of a ro-,:;i of fashioitn'iie xwimea, v.-hen a trc-en Irish maid from tlio hotel came tp. and in a loi-d voire laid to htm: 'Ver Ktx erenc-e, the mise-i bit'.t rue Ifther kr-r petticoat that ye do ho ivearin'. an' I wn; to xvait till ye take .t off." New York Trilmr.e. He Needed ro Introduction. An aui'i-ia.'-. Hory enme f.or.i Paris Dl the do-, ire a'.-.:!!.'". t a prominent .lulmian of wealth and petition to fom the .-e.;u:iinrn: ce of a lady xve'l known her beauty la Fecial and! ,J- 'Vne lady was lunchim; in a fashionable restaurant in the Hois de lioiilov;:!.'. aci omranied In- lier r-pially well hnnxvn poodle, cays the l.omion C.lolie. The dug was runnins from table to tab!-, pi. li mit up pic "s and c: llcct'r.p mot sals from i. ill'.- dir.'T.e. nn-1 presently, xvh. n it r. i-::a-d to its mi.--tre.--s. she war. at-tonislc-.i to fee written on its bark in red . "To!! your niisfi-.-s that she is .-'ra.'iy adorable nt;-.l t leve Is-!- exc1- ilr.i'.x." ;'h' ppnt!.-;iia:i sifliucl hi - .-t.; . A-'ter this a formal ir.t'.-od'i.'tii-:: x-..': no I.-ai'iT !!C',".-ni"' A'! He '.Vaa Paid For. T; . ). - ; the ban.! frowned ar. I.-' i.mtih in li'.r u:t-' ' t::iy. ! ' in a i I In- plaxi:r -Y, : l-iillM mtisi-.- to a ft.'.-.o;. ; a bar. ni- I.'-t." l.e .1 mate!' 1. r. ' x-. bat ii" ; ou t'" ait of half I,-", v.:- :e who!.--." took the l-.orr. ofr ' ! h-, "1 make cvpi.'ii l:o:. ; !,y v. i. Vc.-.t i-"iiii mi.-r .lot vo-j --eel r-'X-i n,y xa-.-es to naitiii, don'd xeu? ' The 1-ii...-- b'are-l In amar.eni'r.t lie bit-! ik-.o- -e. but I'i .! mi 1 t . .tir.'.'iiis-s to make -r uol-s i-.i-l -it- h 'i- h.illuf noic.-. until iin- Xiiu.-s xos r.r.ri xx hob- xar.i -- .'x.iid r. yf- -' a comedian an l rod '.ten a grin crisis. -Cincinnati Comii'".--c-;a! Tribune. ll-.IT - I I I- - t etTr: I"-:,- Ibin :." ' i'-dl.-.i-i tlernrJ fe nny w .if t aSsirrii t..- . aiui.-t I by .':.-. 1 f atRi ' i i is r. :.. . mm v ro.. To'.c--I.-., o. V-. ili ni-, . r. -.."!. lax" kit. !. I'. i l-.i i-.v Ter tin ia'! C- x. r.. flint l.elir ve linxi .!br::y licv.oiel.'.- 111 n'.l l.uiarsi trai-.M-- i- ami fiRHin-in'ey ti rr.rry cut u:y . iii.-..ii bv thir t'rnt. Wrsa I si ... Vm -..:.!i- IT t(fr;!stf . T-sle ! i, i.;i- . W..1H-...1. Kinsan .V Marx-it, Wholes:.: I'r.U't- .itK. 'J'e:. .1... ( 'lit... Kit!! i sir.rrli i nr.-1- taki'ti uilcrisntly. e-t-1 R oil-, . tly ui'i.ii the l ieii t Btnl llli-.celli nsr-:i.i-h .0 I be- p. vrtt-iu . '1 1'ittinouiiiii lit fr. 1T..T. ?'.-. ver l-tt'". .t-o'.-I by h'.! fir-.i.tmp. it ai; ii ! aiiilv I'lii" sr the be. a - nil". .1 of a b:r I o :r. i.-etsi tv.i ; - "ids to pxarni.s I I I .i- ei-na-i'.it!v I'll red. So tits oraerxous. ri-.-.i.'if-iirst iliv'- -,s. ,.t 1 1.-. K.iio-'s lire-it No; -. el --,r.'!-.'.':r i t. 'i. ..:-: - ui. I : r.-nU J!fr- IT.ft. ii. Ul.tMi. I.'-!.. ' A.--'l s:..!:i.. l'j. I l-l- I ilr; n.'ic.l npr-a Mr '.Vinslow-'st-1'.otliitis; Sy n: f-for ' Ii : i.l c-ti i p --t : i Oi i.s- -'t n t In jj' i 'ii u . rt'.iii intlitiiui.a t : .i . 'iitn.-iii'. -.' iml '..iii '. '.". -. u '.'.tt.e Ai.-cr. -an ui.iciiiiiviy, lo.i'i .ns.l prxx ing ii.a im rr- an: u-ei aii over th.- -.vnr'id. i he's Curs for iv.issum; '.! u ! au i-ibioll iiii-.b.-hi for cnuphs i.ii-t im Ids. - N. xv, s:i it.. O.'.-RM llti.if, N. .1.. Feb. 17. ilOJ. 'I i:r ex; fiiiis.-e sii.ii le.isf" a man or es sii-'itid ais'i innV.p hi'si xv .im-. M nicy ii-i'iiiilid for m. h p.i. !.! I'i INAXt I'.xlil I fss Pikx i; i-.n-.o Tl.e t.-.-onlinu ui-t-'el . mu: .-liut.-li reports. ,-t bo fooled bv Bo. 4J. " m mm '.i :it' i.!h', a ri-." a. - 111!-1 Hi; procures l - 1 ir rtUsfr''t'j-iliL jlL "i' iss'ii 1 siii '--'i "' ... ' HINTS FOR LITERARY PEOPLE. A German Publisher's Rather Ex pressive Views. The Author, of London, publishes the following "literary hint? for the wealthy and cultivated." which. It say.-;, were taken from a German pub lisher's advertisements: A Gentleman does not give his daughter a dowry of from fixe to fifty I thousand pounds and forget to pro ' x her with a bookcase. A a' m U nian -iocs n.-t have a full wine cellar and empty book shelves, j I A gentleman docs i.wt use rau c'.e j ' cohjgne and read creasy volumes frora i a circulating library. j A gentleman does rot borrow good j works which he Is in a position to j ; liny. i A gentleman does r.ot talk about the j late.-t literal arc w hen he Is acquainted ! only v ith xx hat has been said of It , by the reviexver. A gentleman does not cut books xxlth his fingers, even after having ' washed his hands. j 1 A gentleman does not possess a box : ; of carpenter's tools, but no pa;xer j knife. A gentleman does not receive hooks ; ' for rrviw and give them axxay or j ' sU t.iem without opening them. ; A gentleman does not make pres- j er.ts only of things which are entirely i without Intellectual value. A gentleman does not send to lib t hoi-kpellcr for a parcel of books od aut.roval. ami n'.ter Having read tner.i urn them, saying that none of them re: ntlt rim. A gcniieman does not buy only .:pi-n::y cheap e.iitions. A gentleman don not depend for hN reading upon the daliy Journals and iliustrated werklies. Jumped Into Engine Stack. A dispatch from .lopiiu, Mo., says: Owen (ireeiiph. of I.eavenxvorlh, Kas., was hilled between 1. elation ami s'pritxgflehl by jumpii'g Into tlio fun ;;.. (,f the locomotive smoke stack on : west hound St. I.ouis am! San i"."!H.' lsco passengor train. The dis h rays the your;t man ronimiite! v.iciile. lie i-iitnlu-J lo the top of to xxater tiit k ar.d when the train tipper d Jurapi-l into tlie smoke stack -.xheopirg as he leaped. lie pa'.'.cl oit bv i l;e train crew horribly bii-nel and d-ed in a f'--.v niotni nt,;. ii 1 xx as : f ' ii to I-c ba::or.. tJiv n this i ity. hr.oxvs not ':.. but dei-lex thai t i ia! 1!- fnyq that 1 ;js-y brother, ing of the .!. .i. aih xvas ?'i r. reive 1 a p. ta! the day before a t: : Va' In? brother .'i-l i. is- '.i.ib'e to klii liir.ti-1 seem deje-f f It is stated that the Cath-ait Loin bn- C -. of I)., it ir. Ala., xxliii h ha." i-rrn op.-ratir.s a hand-saw mill at that pla of "-'.roii f.-ii .apacity. has made arranpen:e:its to build a mill of much gi i at'-;- .-apacity. D. 3. B, SENT FrtEt. furn Itlmvl nn.l Sl;ln lll.r.a.1.., C-inifri, Itching llilllinr. Itnnl. I'Htn. R-.t.-iai- Bloe.1 Hilm ID. It. Rt cares riaip'.es, f.-al-by. F-ii'y, it-hing K :n. t'l.vr.t. lir.thig S-r-s. S.r .ftiln. 1:1- t P.-i'-.n, lijao Piiias. sr.--lliiiLv. P.h.-uiin-ti:ti,'anr. I'-p.- iriii,. ;civi---.l f--r -lir-ini i-iis -s that .i )-t r-, .uti-nt and ll-'t S; rl:i- fail t'.i -siro . r liri,.;'.-. ens xv.-a'; l.i la-'ys. Tr.igiists. ?l p. .-hirg-x b.-ttl-. To pr-.x-e it .-urnp II. It. P. r-iit frect by r.-rltlag Ui.v.ot. r.M.-t r .... li Mlt.-h.'il .str.'-t. Atl.inn. fin. Ii.-s--.:. trui'.ii.x na 1 f.-.- iie li. il n H i : s est i i nalo l iette;-. Modi-'ian --"lit t r-a.-e. j.r--pal I. Ail xxv a'k is that you wlil ; r i:; u 5 'o.l xvjfl f-xr 1). 11. It. WKv i nc ;.v.v et tiie liars nirniacs tise i ' lAKI-tt ' " ' : x-MI.-i!tii:i';.-r s no. Jsi i.l-'i s.iark is ! . . '.... , ,....,'.. s-i-.t , I haii ' LNCI!BL'RO, VA. . t;iV ''V:w..i-.: i n WB jw ty w c ;y ji IS NOT A CURE-ALL, i li -- but it cures RHEUMATISM 0 j .4n all rll.nrtiHrM ttrinhtf frnm hniuritit' In ric l'tittl. Jt .....I'ii--. iriil nut Q V VjJ H iitlur the fiiijeatir orrtinit. Iittttrrh, Kitlnetf. i. inr mul .sr.,oi,', t.i'tthlra W SI? IM j amn'f' turner tnr ynoi-erill mihhi jmnjytHtf iyii.ii.ii. - . oos n i j ji H TWO BOTTLES CURED. B iZ n i.r-ntiemcn : I tai.e nle-isiirc in tieaririir testini'inj to t iie i unit o c i r .pi i ti. s m pJ(s nfA1: H of v.iiir " Itiiri-MACine. I no linMl.- ntv son .-f .1 la. I I f I l-i ! v. ill Ui vT!ltHi'lf2l 1- of I H be i'-f iiiiv b.-lli'llt to in Mtiv-prtisinir voiir llieriio-e.i.s i. 1-1. dv. oil c.01 li-ie it. M ' 1 Yours truly, XV. H. ItAXIi. X. mti-.'. . c. hi filii'e .-i 1 V. ,,el. j I Bobbitt Chemical Co.. OaUimcre, fid., U, . A. I Syr up. of Ffs thtrbc-si faLinily laxative- It is pure. It i-t gentle. 1 1 is pleasant. It is cfficdtioui-'. It is not cxpen.'-ivc. Ii is ;.joc! for Ciiild-.n. I; is. cscell-.-ti. f - l.i lies. It is convenient be t-usiness men It is perfectly safe under all circumstance;.. It is us--:! hy ttiii'icus of families the world over. U stands higheV, as a laxative, with physicians. If yctt use it you have the best laxative the world CONGRESSMAN WILBER SAYS (To Tin' IV-riMM Medicine t'u., of Caliiuibm, 0.) "Pe-ru-na is All C'oiMrriuaii ni Ouconta, The I'rruna MrJIclnr ' '! ' ;, nf ii:cii "Yrsiiiie:J hu a i hnie nl m-isf u!lu recm-crr I after II. i . W liber. emit -fin-ptl m ' i'eriiiiH tttttl (nil c.'n tut or I vhrrrfulln recom mend iiour mclli liiK tu all who are ;;f i-.'eil ul'-'i ifdeWinf fjoiifiV." Da i ttl f. JVlllirr. i. rr......iu. .mi i nr.. inr i nliln. Mr. C. I', (i-.rn. -.Hfx. N. U . Vice President o: th- r-.-t.itK' lio.fn C!ub. .vnt 'Whrnex rr 1-1V0 f-t i.. I if.. en niy .t.itioa uie ino -t ot t h.- ' T.sst x. i l'Cl.1. illl'l i-r-.ken up. -e!J ir.nn tax- fr; tu!'. lid XX.IS I X. is II ri 1 1 I l-l I I.-....,, .o.-l ..i! ii:j!ift pi fer it. There In ikiZh'ii; like I'erunii Inr catarrhal a fittrt tns. It is well itlt:h iuallihli' ax n cure, and 1 uladl if t ndnrsr I!." f. I'. f.Wivii. A I'loliilnrnl Mnyi-r fcioc l ricm l.os nf '(t. H -O'-'e. ef I in- l.-aJnm - o-i l-i-.- ...-re N. v l o:k. ;s ti.-- Ul;--:'.il3. til- SOUTHERN MADE for SOUTHEPxM MAJDS Hit Et st ladies' SIkhs in America for SI. 5 3 TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. ir im it in i i ii iii r i t it it t is s. II. rvi t. llll I II I tl II III. I I I I. H II I-IIK III 1 l.l. l I II I 'J- o c . o CRADDOCKJtRRY CO,, Because Its component parts arc all whcltsome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wbi'lly free from t.lijectionuli'c sf.bstauces. It contains the la:itive principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aronutic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginaiity ar.d simplicity of the combination. To Ret its licncGcial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by ,i-,. ( cvii-v.ti.i. hy" fi.i- 'Alt! hi ' iLX. LEALlXd You Claim For It N. V., w rite: 'i'.- fi'tvml I ief tried iiiir rrmctly Slid the use af a fnr biillc. I ant tlly !.irvrst tJrrmnri niacin: so- irtv of New 'arircsl tJcrman ingiiiJ so York, and also tlin eldest. In ls'.!9 lie- .s.iiiiic r.iisi c.ointe.l Its fiftieth nniinersarv xvilli a isir-je . .-li bra tion in Kexx- York City, lie- bil"ius is hi tcstinionv: "Ahont ixx'o yrnri og-' I caugl't a cold xxlule tra'v.-iiag. iin. I xx hi.-'n i-cttie'l .nto eatariah of I'm- bronchial t ulies. so nfli-ctrd my ve . c I x. ,ri ob.igx.-dl l-i c.inccl inv ciig.iirciiunN. In disties I mis ndvised'lo try Pciiia.i. alt lioiiijli I. Iin.l tii-vcr used a patent hi.-Ikuk belorc 1 pent for a bottle. "Words but iliv cics-ril.c my sitrptw to Iind that wit Inn lexv lny I xx.i.s civitljr i.-ii.-ved. and within three xveek I xviis eti; lirely r.-c-.x rrc-l. I aia never xvithnut li n.r.vj iin-l tiikc an e -. .i'ii--i:il iloc xx'uc-n I l.e! urn do.xti." .I.ihaa Wc;,:. Il von d- not .li r-x e prompt ami satiafatv tui r'rc-ii'.!' tt -'I i'i- ii-i- of iVrnici xxrite nt once to fr. H.irtm in, gix iaa lull state ment -: xoiir i-it .mi. I in- xvul In- pieaavci to g-.xr von his v.i!i;s"o'..'- .-!v,,-e gratis. A.lilr.-s Or. II irttsi.ti., I'ri-:d.-nt of Th ! 1 .ri so im Siitut.iri.ini. I ..i-imbus, Ohio. U INVESTMENT ! The Preferred ScocU of tho L Douglas ?o? Capital Stock, $2,000,000. ; it, 000,000 I'rcfnned Stock. ! 51,000,000 Common Stock. j Shares, S I OO cacii. Sold at Par. I Onlj Prff rrtd S'c:k offered fr rk. fr. ! ujuin 1ut.11. 1 . n.i bi'umrjii uiuijft. k-.ii. sri 1 . in. ..: ...-v.mnipnl li- rtii.l ,- . cO!.,na.-iUi hp. w. 1. X'' !it It'iiipir I unit X uri is 11!- 1-- i- -I I" "1 .:."i . f X-..-J1- -1- ai.-l ..l-.-r f-xrli- rs una i" lull val-.w l-i -"' xar fe The Collins Laud Co.. .Iilmxilr Itiiil-.lUiKf, y uvliiiicfMii. I. I'. DROPSY 10 U.'.tS' Tf.iATMEST ff-EE. Hivoinadci Dropry iiiid I'a rom- rl:c6tious a Piitciaity lor 'wenr Vft with tho most xjpjr.qprnil inri.-c-Bsi. l:av:cB:uimay ii:tt. taJtasirs. 12. 2.3. 0SII1. 3 3.:.J, Tin: LI A -.lint a, 0s. Money bavin' Catalog for a Postal (shoe col Mi A r , 1 Ner Vsirk. N Y I r.i 'j'jiSiS. !i!'::'i ! r ,.:;,..." . issVu'i'imti' e,:,.s p.'ii,.!. I ii.".; I.. i'...-iy.l.: .ii 1 1 -t .! I TV. ,...,.-n. l.i:t:.s . -i:!-..i li cxrn I i't l.; flll.'SIl II a.'t'i ltA f-i IZk: Li ''i-''-ie-';.'."i'i''-' - '- ! I I ' , ,-!!..-.l.l-.l .1 M l-I. - ! I S5J. ; ' 11 -en -lltw" - A.aV t .-.U e .r XV.-:, II..H.I s, ! I -1 -fsV-. j I-' i-'--" I "j- I il v...-ii.i .- i ill- i-ri..i,-.l - ... i. : I i-....ii ... I. i.i I-..-.V .- f -.... .1 f : "i". I ,.ri......!'r.ii:.:l -al : ...o... .-l II; . .- 'o. i .In, ,''. l' e! ill l.l:'- -i l.i V..- it. "I - I- e-ll I- is I x.iiu.l ' (i -..-rr..... 0.- 'r ... II i.u.M -l.iv. i i-i I vii ---s-c l n..- in-. . ii. a si ... k l-i r ' i I. V.. i'i i. i- o-i-.-- i... -i- i ! - - - i-i . i on . , ,. ., ,. v.... in l-.i-- - .-ii ii i : I. s-i-.t-,. ;, , 1 k II.- , 1 - ,.- -i. . l". i-l - l'..x .'. t" . x. . . ..ii;li... li O,..,, ' ....... i'i .ne i i. :.l i. ..'!!". ;. ,.. i r ' r '.-V. --ii-' .- l.i. : i-'.-i'. li "' ii-.-:!l C t-'.-xt : i....- t o -. . it". "--I-l ' I" .r..l'.-r.l ...It. Xil lr.-P - f

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