QI!)c hntl)am Ucrorb. l)t (Cljntljnm Bceorfr. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One fqnare, one inpertion $1.09 )no Hiuure, two iuBcrttcng 1.60 One square, vue month 2.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance VOL. XX V. PITTSHORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, NOVUM B ICR 27, 15)02- NO. r. w Mynheer Joe. BY ST. QEORQE JATH BORNE. C.rTiu;iiT l!i', lt..ti'..r lluNsr.n' s.is. chaptlu Ml. I 'out innod. "It was ln who sent nn. T linvi' ox rtatisied nearly four motil lis in nil. 'J'hi'iv I'l'iiiiiiii eight inofi' for yon to tdtow up in Phllsidolpliia and prove your iili'iitiiy. 'flint iloiii' within n yi'jir from tln date of th" olil mini's ilea ill yon full heir to his vnsl eslsites." Will," with ii steady "putT-puff," VtipjHisi' I fail to show iiii-wlint tlii'li':" "Why. num. i here's n oool million :it make in this matter- think of it. enough to lii out 'ppiltttotisi to l ho North role-to tln ci -lit iv of the cnrtli -money to Mii; mlcr In the most olsib urate efforts to discover whnt pvcii a Livingstone or a 1 Motor Kane has lniled in.' How artfully Mr Crimes puts this. In- knows is the appealing to wii.it weak spot in tin1 htrauire comiiaiiloti. make-up of his Was ever Midi a n:one as i his known liefore. when u mail pleads witli a fellow human to appear ami claim a fortune that ii waits his coming? M villi) or .loc seems to he weighing tin whole affair in the invisible scales of his miinl. When ho speaks again it is retlei lively. "Light ii'.oiitlis. yon say. When did lie die': ' on the liith of Oi ioher last." "Light iiionlhs -let me see -from Cairo I go ilirecl to India ii is impos-t-i i l- to give ihsit jonrncy tip. for even 1 1. . v I may lie loo late to accomplish what I seek to ilo. Then, if all goes will there. I have mailo up my mind io see v, iinei hill,' of China ill a region foreigners have never yet been aide to p. iienaie. tanking my way through to Persia and the Mediterranean. Light months arc a short time, bur then if everything goes well there Is a chance that I may turn up in Phila delphia be'ore or on next October imh. It till depends on how fortune handles me. Jolt know." I' weiilil be Impossible to portray the '.Vilnius that possess Mr. Crimes while lie listens to these remarkable Words. He has seen inan.v types of men in his life, ami looks upon the v hole human race as gold-worshipers, yet ie iv is a man who seem to have mi h"ai si scorn for the ilross. It is the ii. est astonishing event Mr. Crime lias ever come across in all his life lie bonis his cigar bei ween linger and thumb ai.il surveys Mynheer Joe with iiiiia'.cnn lit. Von are the first man I ever mil In my range, sir. who would snap his lingers at a fortune which lie could h.-ne by pulling out his hand ami grasping it." lie mailers. "Perhaps mi. Mr. Crimes. I know my own miml be.i. ami as ymi per-hap- are aware possess enough means fur iiil the purposes of my business. A lii'l:' luoii-y goes a long way when in ih bii-h. ami I ilon't travel like Stanley with from olio lo livo liuiulred pullers it tn I lighting men. P.y the way, supposing I fail to t ui-ii up by the time spci iiieil, does the property go to char ily':" Mr. Crimes has been expecting this. Mid yet h" twists uneasily in his chair, as i hough hardly willing to answer. "No. It goes l'j the oilier side of the house." "All! The I'.uiiiiits':" ' "A descendant of theirs, daughter cf the last Miss Punner. She married iind was lost sight of for a long time, biit her family iiirned up out West HHiiewhere." "lo you know the name of this heir ess. Mr. Crimes1:" "Well. yes. sir. 1 have heard it," ho replies. Let me have it. piease," remarks Mynheer .loc, taking out his note book. "A mail is bound to feel sonic interest in the party who will come into ti million or not. according lo his whim. If yon have seen this party Py the way. is she a spinster or mar ried woman':" Tlie fornn r. by all means," with a grin Hint Mynheer Joe takes note of and prcsi ines Is caused by the fact that tlie party referred to is nu fliitl (piated old maid, with ipiecr little curls, blue lasses and n pel cat oh. lie can see her in imagination, just as he pictured the Hon. Peiuosilienes Tanner -and as truly. "I trust she'll iiuike good use of the money I!' ibroiigti my failure to appeal it falls to her," pursues Joe, thought I ull.v. doubt ol says the that. sir. no doubt of other, w it Ii something According lo my Idea l.Kiuey is bound to go thsit. of si ohttckl". of thinking 'I'" til" si way whelm r you get H or s'.a c'.o:.i.i. Mr. liriuics. th-.' 'That's d!. u uueuuimocly d up Monat Mflttpriiorn. fond f. ti.i.t Blfsue. parity .;l-d tii' t ruisetl along ihe vva.de cal of Al giers, and has any number of trips in cent' inplaiioii which will consume moil' y ai'd add lo the knowledge of geograpln i P.less you. sir. she's got n medal already from ihe Koyal Ceo :rsiphical Society of Croat Hritstin in cuiiiieclion with certain features con cerning some daring work she did in the Alps." "Phew: A regular female discover er! An sislv. iiMircr in petticoats. I've nu t a nui.ibcr of such. They're .ill alike. And while udmiriUi; tudr grit in daring peri's in unknown lands 1 am free lo confess. Mr. Crimes, that I was never struck with their personal charms. It is a business that only tlie nu. si determined characters lake to women who partake more of the man In their nature. You've seen Jem o: tell." Mr. Crimes is shaking all nver with some emotion, lie coughs .-is iliough I: is a Utile tobacco smoke that has goi leu into his windpipe and choked him. "Of course, my dear fellow-, lint you do wrong to condemn the whole class. l'e always found llnre were exceptions lo every rule" 1 "Coiiie. don't think I'm throwing ! out inueiidoes against female travl- ; its. I've inoi several wurd.Tfnl wom en who accompanied their husbands J into daugi r ami threatening death. I'm only stating a lint that all w it It ' whom 1 am aeiiuainird are strong characters, wiih plain. resn!u;e feat llivs. I presume the life I hey lead iiiak. s t lifiii look s i nminisli." ; "Vet. they, too. may have been love ly once,'' murmurs the pseudo silver ; king. "'fhe name. Mr. Crimes the name": Perhaps I have inei tlie ladv some where." "And I am sure of it. It is now less i !ian half an hour since mi knocked her ihar old governor our in one round. " Mynlii' ",- .b e drops book and p. m-il , an. I springs to his feet as If made tlie recipli nt of a gnlvaitV slun k from ' o'le of I lie clcoir'to eels lie is so folld of telling about. ' Why. man. you don't n;ean to tell l. so thai ii U Moily 'fanner':" he bur-;.: : c.u wiiii, wiiereiicoii his compacioii , begs him lo I'cmcmh'T that osiers nr.. ; i'oi far a w ay. and on" M'. ne Hi' an oven- ! ing is n'lPe enough. 1 P.y tills time Mynheer Joe. the erst while i ool mess iiger iloiii Khartoum, lias picked up his book ami seals him sel,' close beside Mr. Crimes, upon whose al io lie fusions a dutch, wiiii,' ! with a voice full oi oagcipcss be asks; "Toil me ii; - cxnei trill li. my friend. Tin-re is no reason i'oi ti'-cabiieii! be- , iwi-iii u. Von say Molly Tanner wiil come In for thai mi'lam if I fail lo ' turn up':" "Tha. i. .loe." "i if i os:.' i ho will." "Weld I'. "I am p: ' "How so "SI ;!ie 'i.ole of is U.e.iw.- Hi 1 ' my ihssr h"strd my mini". I'ti 1 yet did i o: ri .ogii'm" i Who cell'. I 1 1 IlcIWi sis the party In r stud tiiss to!'. an- ' 1! :i--'t' You o'lie; hing. Von liattie. whieli. it s; known to ivvii off again." I y .. Ie .eelits. for l.s.sel yoir.vi f. you h 'frif. sir." "The doouii! in Csirringford as tin .oaks of Joseph M. coaling man. Ilovv v.sis she to know Myiiln pany:" "Ah: Von are right r .bie as thai Mr. Crimes. you are right '." "This young woman, sis 1 told ymi. is an eiithiisiast in the work of seeing unknown countries, climbing mount ains ih,u have never yi-t been scalnl. and. in fait, accomplishing deeds that you men love so dearly." "I remember she spoke of being fond of travel." he unit tors thought fully. This surprl-e lias taken his brealh away, and for the time lieing Mynheer Joe is me himself. "Just at present .su. lias sin object in her travel beyond more stdvcti' lire or sight -.-cc'iiit. She is searching for st man." "Ah:" 'P.y name Joseph M. Carringfoi'il." "On deck. What will she do when she finds this saui" pers-iiisige-:" "Kiidestvor to send liim home to t'hil't'lolphia in time to secure his in heritance. She believes the old nirni'd will Is unjust, and desires to set mat- el's right. No iino looks for the miss ing Can iugford more isirnestly ilian Ibis ;rirl who wiittld lunM prolit by hi. Slbsolic.'." "'fiieii Molly Tanner is one in a .hoiisauil. I knew I could not be mis '.sil; n in her ftce. lief' is another I- 'Ctliar lie I Cat draws is l igether. Make up your! uiiud. Mr. Crinu i;s he , ilis igsir siv :; sind j. units ! bis fee!. "1 go I i Its.ii:' ! r ',. hi re. ami the cliaic.f is n i lo- I'' a linm-ai'ii I list - 1 fun op ill '.".:ai.i rd. 'in in Cut" M f . eurt' th" i olid, lions e, tii" will." Mr. Crimes do-s im; ria. hm puff awsiy ai his Ha van i. breiigii' sscro the water, while Ie I-.i l. st.'i r Myn heir Jop'j euctit isig f.irn:. "Well." 'hf sfly?, Willi si dim-lilo. "tw.i aiiil' i wo uiake iuio- TI:.' uiai L3t ilra'v ftC.' t utoet Lcf. 1 P23.V I'f ittatOP ia na ' DfP. btlt th ,'!V ar more ways ot eoiL'idishiiig e Cling than entr into your philosophy. Horatio. KiMiiot: I' is. iudeoil, fan'l" 4 chaptki: VIII. KAXliY. Mynlioor Joe outers the in arcst room and tluds si few of the guests scattered about. His eye seeks one form silone and liuds It not. It is uncertain how Molly will receive him. as In cannot tell whether lier father wil relate the ciivunistaiicoH of the atl'siii to lior or not. Coiim-lotis that n pair of eyes have fastened upon him, he looks across the room to see the small man whom Crimes designated as the wily banm. the secret emissary of the Ku-siati Covcrnuieiit. smiling ami nodding in ti condescending way that is irritating, to say the ieasi. Jilsl then Mynl r Joe has a pecul iar sensation sweep over him: he is conscious of .1 deep dislike toward this man. lie does not attempt to ex plain the feeling. Perhaps it is rival r.v that brings ihoe two together a striving nl'ier tlie smiles of a beauti ful girl. Molly Taiim r brushes past the harmi at this nioiue'it, having been able to have her paiein. who is iioi badly in jured in any way. The Kusslati puts out a hand to stay her passage, but she hoods him not, advancing straight lis tile home lligllt of a bee lor the spot where I lie explorer stands. Ill another moment she is at his side. "How is your father':" he maii.igi s to ask. feeling like a hypocrite: and. but for the fact of his face being al ready tanned, the blood iiiinmt ing up ward would betray him. "lie feels no effect fiol'l his fa!', but is full of deep auger," Molly re plies. "Againsl the man who struck liiio':" '.No. singularly enough h" ilocsu'l seem to fool that wav lev aid lie' wretch. Ilis linger is wholly ilirc.-icl I against the man who threw she I an nua skin upon the Hags on which he slipped at tlie lime he was struck. " "t Hi!" says Joe. wiih a gurgling smile, as he grasps the defeated gladiator's ruse to excuse bis ilowui all. "Singu lar how incidents v. ill happen. I'c had as strange tilings occur to me at limes. Hut. Miss Molly, how is ii wills you? If your father does not bear inaliee toward tiie unlucky offender niillion dollars, sau-t suggest to every woml iiticr. every "buttons," every who wasso rash a to measure strength ' facioiy apptetiiicc with the scant ie I cleim'tsiai y seliooliug, the idea thsil it Willi him. do you also forgive him': " j depends v.lio'd.v in liimseM wi, ether or im; he shall tread in the fool "Not I the wretch. It wsis my ilear slops of a Lincoln. :i Se';v;tb, ty: st Carnegie, and reac'ii the gosil tusit thesu old governor he siru.-k. If I had I n j , t lebri; ies have attained. present I'm afraid I might li.sv done I something il.-pcrate." ; And her Hashing eves give Joe an i.lea licit Ilo- i- Ho mere idle llilesll on her par:. He shrugs 1, is shoulders ami i viHI H. mi "I 'loliove ii was a fair, siais-l it j bllsill ss, 1 til I we will Hot discus- ii , tun In r. Miss Molly." 'Pardon me. bat " she siammcs. "What can I do for you':'' stein- slie is about to ,is; some favor at which she hcs-ilsiti s. "I don't know why I spesd; in you in this way, since I have known y.ut i for so short a lime. I have litsmoroa- . friends here acipisiiiiiances. I sh-ntbl call theni Inn ymi saved my life. ami. ; somehow I fee) llial I can say in Veil ' what 1 should hesn.it,. io -pes'k !; others." "Vis." lie 1 1 " tors eucoiirsigiiuly. fie1 ing deeply llilllered by her words. ;,!! I 1 yet conscious of an um a-y lor the baron is glaring a: a i's'et.i icross the room, and tli-iv is .-oae thing bsil-lill in that dip.. onu s frown. I "Will y ea help me';" -he s:sis .u:- ly. ' "1 promise joii. t i the best i f lay ; ability." he renin' without a se.ot..i thought. "A IhoiiMiml li'S'iiks. I ka.v. I ..a',,! depend upon von." she nmrsnitrs. My nheer Joe does no! dream t Im si.s lure of tie request she is abmti i make. "What es tl I do fof yoll." he Paid!.. asks. "io not hesitate. Speak out.' "Von may think me v tmlicnv e. p.-r haps" "Never:" "Hut when I think of the dear o'.d governor being so badly i:-d, my blood fairly boils." "Ah:" "!o yoll thin!; yoit could lind tii vvretelt who besit my governor, M i. heor Joe':" "1 am sure of it." stonily. "Will you do this for nieV' "Assuredly." And bring him before me':' This wonderful spo. di nc ivis i.s reward, of com-', in ihe ship" of i sweet smile: Inn ii is s ..ill ,, s, to tell what i he designs of ih" i p! or may bo. "Von lire crv libel. Mvillieor .1 r.ii.'..- t.. i...t i n noii mis i.iiiim is oeioic oi. .... i .1.. . i ... in ii.iiiei ..ii --. him a idcce of mv miml or u-e si whin on hint, sis 1 have resid of eiiei--. ; !- women doing. In some way I mi's: . show him that it annul beai I lteil iriiVi'l'lii.r Willi illltillllil " " "" I- Joe alinosi smiles sis be tbioKs having in c.l i f such a defeiii'n r :: "' ll.is. MUI llie situsillo.l is so cm ine-y Ill'llcalC Stllll liespoiSlie i:i;ii lie i.iis im side. "Will you h sivo the de. .siosi oil j mo':" ho asks having a h -id i i. .1. j "With pleasure." she r.-pb -. "Ami abide bv the re-ull :" i "Ves. cl. II will is,!..- :, b,.. off my mind to have you id" iny course." Then, if I were you. 1 vvodd n d lIiinL- nt .loin nnvlbill - WSlil J VV,li. In .1... Hl nli.er. ii -ill gel Volll' list til" in the iianeis-novvs gatle'.i'l- at- s.ii'i'U" l'-"cd 31.'mn.Vs ti.e ,..v,.tv. ia ..i.... noon n sci,s;i;.oa iin.l rnak" th.. mo.-t r i Thus ;hj v.,vii, rind people tiirntog ! I '' rr.u '" I tiie street, nit be. atise y.e.t bad ibei - j anything noble, but bocait-e you bad i lioi'so-whippod a ma" who for some reason wsis powerless to r. s'-i." I "Say no more; I really did tint dr. atn ! of II." i "Hcsiiles." he goes on. i;llieily. "II have an M"ii the poor d.-v il will suflc 1 worse al words of reproach f 1-0:11 your lips than he would tmiler the tortures of 111 Malidi." I fo be Continued. 1 The custom of throwing rice stl wed UIUK3 VI IIU.tll.Vi III Ulna. Why Some Americans Persist in Living Abroad By Eliot Gregory. 1 1 AT' ehnrm, one asks one's self in wonder, makes people re main for long years wandering tiivsidoloss from Cairo to CoruhiHV It canum be tlie climate, for our own is iiite as good. Historical assoei.il ions, we are assured, compensate many of those people for tlie absence of kill) and kin. Kx porictieo. however, has taught me that the majority of theni are as splendidly Indifferent to history -:nul nit, too, for the matter of that, unless as it is applied in the decoration of I lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i it form as thev are to the Koseitu Stone. !w mm V ii 'fhe families that one funis residing in Italy, for instance, long simo ibssndoned such foolishness sis sight-seeing. That useless fatigue is left to ilse newcomers; the habitues 1 have met no more dream of visiting the Vatican galleries or of reading in the library of I.orom'.o the Maginticciit than they do of settling down seriously to siudy Italian. l lie hoars, especially in the less expensive little oilic-. some twaddle ll'.out culii're; but you may lake my w osd for ii. in nine eases mil of ten. riie t"al sinraiiioii of the pi. no lies in tlie t oi dim a Niiieria can lie bad "ur !.U a month and a good omU for one tenth that sum. 'fhe Century. m i By Max Nordnu. MIHTloN is nowhere ol-e so general and so boundless sis in America. This s natural, for in in other country is indi vidualism so highly dilfeieinisiii d as in Ann'i n si. or man so full of inborn energy, .-o rich in initiative, resource, optimism sstid self-cotitiilciieo: so li 1 1 If tethered by pedantry, so willing to recognize tin- vsilue of si brilliant personality, however this may dial expression. mm Hi 'cjL If; 'fo tliis ii must h" In which tiicti hav" i jse.i from i in- fsihi'dou- ilcs.iiiiies are more numerous and striking than anywhere cl-e. I In muii-' oi' Hie :..,m, eiiick'ii A Lincoln who develops from a woodcutter into a I're-ideitt: a Schwao I range front iilieen .in;-, ri o. ivv ni.v who j'i luemv vears earned a ilolla,' a d.iv. and ill I hilt v-li vo. lists a sal- or lliiriy. A good I fieii bringisig , nt . oo.ii.t,.,' oi' .. oelltnii- a raroe.'ie wb.. as -i voiiih did not know i where lo lind si shilling to buy primers, I'oi know In.w in get rid reasonably 'fhe llnr.iiis'U "Aiii'e-t tnedioi'riias" p. America, "live! vbodv ahead:" j h ,,., jonally. tiie s. , oinl half of the .- .1. : 1.. .. 1. "1 t" .1 1 " I '"en- 10 ,.e !,,(, f;ini.y of tin- ciiill, hypnoii'.'.'s ti its'eity, am! por.-i vcr.incc, i.ml only Succe-s." however, is bin oitc of !:i:r lielillile, bin which, like "i'n .'.I Islb it I'.v cv er.v Doily witu i.'i.iiieu.s m - By Chjiuncey M. Dcpcw. "WTriiWfl''' ''i's 1;1','t' 'iy lai'tmi1'. iel'iirs cs, lo n, come nun. who. without lion, have si. i mislil.i'cd ; a sia with on- ...' tin m i g ff ''''d' ''H'd poigtssim thai ; M I never niel one 2 Aa feStorJj3B ' ulliuvil peopie a eeii.i.u se which un money pilid for. I never met was noi prepared to sstciliee his whole feiiitite tiuit liis feel tif same mortilieatioti. oar language comes, in part, from ihe Latin sind Civi 'is in itself a son of l.-.i'su tied Civ k. - M,'m n, Crcd; lakes ip tiie psiper Iyi... ar.l scans the cage, el tiie boo!; 1 iiiustrsiiiotis. and l here is si t'caiiing in .ii" word Willi tl. Cr el; or Lsiiin ; (riaiinn wlt'di i emis t.. Is. tn imconscion.-ly: there is s, -lion of a 1 cia-sic tlavef itl the illilsl rsl i ions wliidi gi'is theni si iid -.1 ; so that you ,.,,, university popple readers lo the day ol their deal, i. no 1 easiness peep!-' : , .. pn.-iucs.s. t'l ihe older countries of Hie World the lie.:ii. " e.mc.i'ieti nsiu stiv.a.v.s i-s', .1 a privilege. In tin so I'liit al Stales f Awiiu a li'oers.l education is st ditty. There th" in-iitotioiis of govi i ntia tit upo'i tht.olcs. I'csl iipoti ciasM't-'. lest upon csisi". i ii.-ie iee :,ml umioi mines the ihroitc Ib't'e iiberty i-s-s itpeu tiie in ei I i osi'.e, am! it is pure if it is i'si-e s;c ligellcc. Kv. s'.v edieg- is an in-ursiti.' livery fully einiipped ami thoi.utghly for the rigid in the St:ii. in soeieiy. JZr ' ;;Mrs"Aslepatthe Switch"! : i;y Ueorgc h. uuntcis. fifc mcfa SLKKP at the Switih P.y Georejc II. U;inlclc M SI.KKP at ihe Switch" could net have bet. written if ihe Jf great nitiiosid system- of the poet's tinse had been what they ibA are now. If tiie a!t!mr ",' th.-. tiuilliiig vcres ha.l nm 4 tak.n time I.v the for-loik. amsii. t.r reei.ntioi.iMs rd' l.vds.y would have io depend cmirdy on "Woodman. Spare That n va ! ! .. . ... ... I fee. of "tlirlcvv Mia I .Nol liilig i . . . , j ton Used lo slid, sniv. Ullage 'Ho swii. l .... ,, , . , , -, ; , i r - T t v. . 1 1 1 her Imis' t ,a; .iii:.. mi davs. til;., il.e lions, railroad- have ' ... ,, ,i .... is i... I.,i . 1 IlLIV Hot ..C..1.0 O l!'l !ll IS-I S W 1 ll'SI Sillll ' Willi lae "block" sysiim Ilovv ill : ,. ! "asle.ii iii it,, swilcb" would 1 ii'a it icj 11 , , y w ,,,,.,. , v'.irl me mi - v.oko him up. to block trains, in i.ecp them a certain tance boiWion tower ' di i.iitc tool lo over thr. e uuV.o Only cue iradi CI... .-i is .tiiiiili. lh: signals at' each lower tire 1 0111 roiled ''. " vvermat. 11 give tlie ;., gu.sl I v hi- i.vla'eorer in tin- m.xl tower. 'I'iin. a tram Icviiiv. c,;iml Ceinisil siatiot, Is coiitrdl. 1 a, follow.-: . 1 nitv: lower on- t. tow oiinsin .,k lower to o an uulod; I v idling tiinv bells. If hick is clear be- l-Auen 1 iv.-e-s op... and two. mvciittau a. to-ver two unlocks : vcr o by ! I'tSfllll: .! p!l'llLIU' ill .1 1 'ibitlOt. '' e'.V " : iotif I d:-. And tliS ir.f . j . l.nc '" ,;;' '."'' 3- ''':'1' '':' n.'..:.. :i. VTbcn a train strip., at s'.n ttuu.-'ial place, tiv tv.intttian. .1- in t'oriro"'.' d iv.-. muit li 11 rv la k over : track to.' at la' 1 ',,! re qit ji iei of si nub', and place a torpedo on the Use 1:. Thou he m.is! i 0.1! in.ie furshcr buck mie mile and place two tot i.ecoes. If his train puils away before .itinihri' train comes along, ho picks un tlie torpedo nearest the twin. '"living the ethers 011 the il'Sllk. Torpedoes are callcl audible signals. Win n ii.e 1 ngiliser -Hikes the first torpeiln he slow- up. .utd if he docs net s-trike si tliiid he knows then that j the track has Imi n . lea red said agsiiu two torpedoes, how ver, slows up niiowing there is dssitgcr within one mile ahead. At night, in addition to tlie 101 ih'uoch, the trainman must light si fusee, si roil light, which burns exactly imi miiiutos'. An .iiginecr coming upon em. of these ftisecs knows that a itisuii is ahead u it'a.n Im ininiUi s, nml u uut, added that in America the instances most huni'do beginnings to the most ami. a man in mat lire life, does ami o efnlly of his three hiiit-ired has navvhen low partisans is the National ami to. I supple smsir; seuieiiee. The universal ideai .1.. ,, ,.r success feeds . - -. ." - the yeii',i. gives ilie man lemeriiy, begins to iei iiusi si in iiter or iimuDiT' j - . i tiie-e vague wo-.l- which mean noili- !!." of "progress." me mere recipielils uiciivciy nis own. uei.e.--. ssentiai to success as i-n-.ii' s :s.-iu Hit itiltl I c;y sieipiauio any equipment w, i"illiel!s of ddla whose regrci was i he had tmt :::! of litem who did im who did no- I', d in tin- I'l'es- : f '.'.oi liiiesliioil ! of them who ' fit -. 1 1 . 1 novo.' i ivr literature 'fhe mail or the vv , ,.ii who knows and reads tin- ciHie :;i I lie msigst- of pm try or pro- , ; looks at lite ni.i.o '"" ' "" '.'- . .f lis. or.'.iiig t disilsteiiv of iliai inlel- . .. ! iiti'iiuy aga.itst st'iarci.y and soeiaii-in. i cdnes t.d ley and gnj is a missioiisiry J in ro!i:.''o'.i ainl in moi'stls. j sry ... ...' .. !.. a...,.1 ioue:ii.. i or me iiieiiini ini..u o ... ... , .... ;,, eii'i.ii snoring in n - p - " ,s ...,,..i i n.,. vc v nick o.' time I v it..' would Ift be tree b life in thc" i . . 1 1 - -. t for tlie Icier sind the ('site I. ii to i sai -lc lean who lnav or .1,1' SI 11 . 1 1. '.null oil main lim a man l'is v - I in- fiililiMsg of tl's'ltis for 111 ,,,,,,,,11,. ,, ,,. lion of till for tiie o'ejeci ot C'" Id", k sysiein is d.-ituiee apaii. A block is the dis varying s.,1 I'm way ir.na le-s llisin loin; i-' ai'iiwod in a I '.o, k al a time. ,111 I,, .e-erl'.i..il in a lew Wilfiis. The Iv tip. man .11 llie low.-r ahead. Thai ... ........ 'All a: tint:! tin; -,.i"u i- uiinicki it llnu t icm. i-igu;;'..-. and after the 1.V;', a each itlg t,;v, C 'w,. by ringing icti "-it all t'a.' way t if; ca.l Of tie goes jilie.nl full speed. If he strikes ami proceeds with extreme caution, do. s imt procet d unlil the fusee had SOUTHERN ' FARM '' fiQTES. TOPICS OF li'TF!S7 TO THr. PLANTER. Tln rniitlrv Industry In the "-mil!!. Tin? p.'ii'.ir.v industry of !!: Soiuh Vilell coaip.HVll Willi other -ee.io'is e; the I'liil-d Statts seems lo be aliisesi in ils infancy, yet a; the same lime, in (,, determine what to do for them. Kasb rn Tennessee, eggs and poultry Wiih such si source of supply, also. sir- an g the loading export-'. Ship- j a laia.v mm-oii. which washes the soil incuts from soul-- "'' the leading lowtw j from ! tig ib-tan-os and brings down are very Icsivv. How much more val- . a eiiiioil.n ion- of uhh. is likely lo bi llable the poultry inoii- i.v vvo'ihl be . t. amount of obscure disease if thoroughbred Mock was ike ml". in I In-thick. j is ,i!m no unusual canst? am! si boiler qualiiy nf poiil'iy put oil ; of scar- in lambs. We generally look ih market. or ihe e:n;-- of -eoiirs in the feed. but. Thoroughbred k ie ii..i i .'ntt- . ipiiic as ci';e:i ;t is due to impure lit.'iiid 111" pi . i s ia the t-'oiris. I eea i;-e ,Va.cr. i tic fiiviiters have ii.,i I ii ciiuesiied t'.o i Kvcf.v body i-' familiar with the dis- to fa my prices. ;n,d itatn.v ceniioi -c , mr;.:ii,,e in tt.e l.tiiiisin fsimily. particu tliat egg- fioiii a .Oi In n stre sitiy niore larly i:i hm wcaiiicr. vihieli follows tins valuabl" than an.v oilier soiling. A use of bad v. aior. 'fin- stomach of the lsuly ill Tennessee had some vnlnsiolo ! I.tmii, and even tlie sheep, is ipiile as hieketis for wiiieii sh" issnl paid a i -nsrciiiil Ie lo dangers from t his source large prii-. A i.i is.ii'M,,- .-.iso s.nd ' j.- ,,M, of liio shepherd. We ol'loii wanted "a senin' of ;..." She a.-'.,c.l .-e.. i!oc!,s eti fairly good i:t.-iures. that him what licXl"cl'd M pay. "Weil, j ,,ngli' to i'.o well so fsir as feed is lie reckoned, about liiT-en cents." Sis ! eoiieerm d. si. owing si hn k of thrift old hint tlie.v were wo si, for tiilcca. lie went away very ii i. ami lei.-.iis she Would not let him i:av ll.e'ti for lifie-n eotlls. Alioihc: if : -.: ! . T i. .:- IV til:' -i d to "sn sip" eggs. twenty. live cents fegsins.i-s oi' cuiiii:- tiotl. The avciage price of dsn-ks i liflecn i em-'. Il ioiti ii.i.vten. chick 1 in will bring from t u a r.iy ii' U'l to M'Vt'iiiV ecu;- .;ieh. 1 plttmii an I fat. Now. why lto..-.;d !:'- ; -,.'. 1 'ii j ina'i'' eoitdst ion- arc inm ii n.eie lavor sib'e in many paris el tic Sou; (istliy 'feint ...... ih.-ni her.-. A: I'.ir Were Sllttol:;: ! if "lint lo luxuries" ail win, if. and j Imuran: lb'' 'hollgl f lin-e 1 old storage, ainl hardly ,e. 11 iar v 10 . i.i 1 e 11 . ; ., . ., ; j'" - '' ! t'ei'l I '0 SI "o i .jo, ;s - stl'ier 1 ley rcidi a 1 fiiiiiie for 1 he pun! - I liy iaisiiie in the S.-tuli. I' ! co-; j Is.-. ;,s chid.etis 1:1:1 ps-.o ide i'oi- iheai , j si Ives the greater pari if the year, tut- - , less kept up i't loo elo-c iptsi 1 1' is : 'he ' '.gravelly -oil in many plsic.-s .-: 1 ; ii i , I he neccssjirv gr:I I'stli ci!ickci:s can be golem ready for ihe holiday mar ket. Ksitiy broilers me more easily rs'.ss 'il. In fact, ihe South is an id' a! 1 poultry ciitwiny. 'I'hore is one dtaw Ie in many .n- j ),.,, u :m, ,),.,, ir, p j:. ,.-,. (tii!i. itlt to v. '.;!i lii;ndieds i it.t.,t ,lt. fowls free from v rmiit. but ''I''!' of edtlesi- j j.- ,, proper pn-snit ions ate Istkeii I m ver mot j .j.j- niay bo pt I'r. e Hem even thai prol'niiitd sill'l ! jimmying osr-my. Some potsltry vai--iiii."i. j ors will tell you that c'-ol-ra ;s so I sni in ihe Soinh that llioy bee so many chickelis oil. )l year from thai disesise. Is is doubtful whetlc r si case of i liel era was over in ill ir Hocks. Vermin will make si fowl get light in weig'.t. i ".!;. comb stud wsiitl,-' become pal". to! tiually die v. illi every v;ii; it et In !: If. Sot.ic of ihe large breeds w iil do i ;h u ,,.,. , ;, .,.,,,, pis laud. Stnb . qtially well in the South .n the j (V, ..fu.v Mll., e,-,,!,, iK.ip No."!i fif Plyuioutii Kad. is a ldist- , ,,,, ,, ..,, ,;, ,ll( quickest ami I''" fowl iii any locality. Th" I . n. I V,lh. inlll, 1H to bo soeurod sh..M is an l Acdleiil winter la or. ai.d , Vii h( '.., Au, .Ni,n,,v-S -.iy of n : danis il-di ' adinirably to the Soma, ni , , f....,,.!.... is 1o j li.m.l.e The slid i ss with a flock of li-ii- de ; iei"l- up. ill good uisiiisigemi'iii. as in ' any other line of bu-iti .-s. Tim same per eeiit. of sitlelitioll Intt-i be given i.i i all the details reipiin d in tin- poultry i business. Proper i'.-.d for igg prodm -I lion, nine water, good vent ilsttioti, grit and c'."iUilil.e-s. I 'i".;!i i y give" ihe best n,(lni ,,. , .,, f any oth. r j,,,,,,,.. ,, t!. ,,,. Tin farmer r;M.lS ,;. ,;, ,.dics and neglects h. henhouse, ai th" same ttni" '.he is n sir.' ps.ying their way as ihej go. whiie ; insiy be the lter-es are nm :frsBH::::: 1 b.cie mr iiisn '"'"' " s""i ...m j hance. T tany pottltiy ..vvmr- -i, ; ti handle their do.,.- to t'.o..mr mt let ivstilt-. ! 'y " o,d sidv ,se !; I ymtng .nan ia so.Kh -M- cialiv if h" il.t. 'tided going duo it i,,i lumlll'V bllsines:-. lolllliy i.ll-lllg ml . .,.... '-- li ' !. mm in a. -i- t t Ii - largest di es would ! a very pa.v.ig bo- m -s. 'fake the !.'i!:g-l au ami Ply mouth Ilo. I.s for wint.r lay. !' ., am! t fullll if the Mi .liicrrsit'. an 1 '.' ... ...... -...l.. .1... . ' I e-' lorns sua , iniisi-. -.' "i no o j habits ami the ceiidiiieiis nqtitrcl tor CUg pSIIII'iei II". 'I. ill. fros'ii eggs. C.i ih rcpiiiat o n siu.i I !.c I'll -ill i-s will cense Sadie A. lb ny. , VTntf. I ... Mioai. j An .in", i.'iant po'tf in siieeeissf'.il I .'...,..,. ..... nice ,-lhc vv a i : - u: .i v . i Whi'e :. I water i- a g I is:. a. 01 1 giowiiu si. I K.tt.ls e live s.o.'h. c-inciallv wiiii me -It . p. w, a .- imt ou'.v a dainty c bit, a ! di ink"!' attd will citiy t.:U- ' v.un :t. .' :mo tt- stota.' i. v.!..:i civ en to Vol c'.'.i Oi' I'll.U'-. li,,.-,' t ... . .!i;,i: fit. U'.:;iic an .1 sil;-. Vi'i: Odds and l.nds. Sat.i'icl Wai.il'r ai'iil T'.l ye-,!-, v. ". Fcateil at tin- dinner lab! sii bi i'.i... ' in laislon. IM.. last Priilay. wh. ,. a tlv drooneil into It's coffee. '. ti-'-. I I'tf wife for ano'i.or cap an , ni- w in ... the kit. inn t" m v'" . " ' " ";" .crvins and will be concltidcl I' ri Mm found her hurbsiiiil loaning fur". a.' I i on the tab'. ,.,d. Ti e sig'a; of a (ly j ' ..,.,, in his t oToe er ;.y fortSpn tt'. ! i.im o --);e pcn.t' nt iat y ( timinission Id tne in h!s food l'.tii! always made hha sb k. I i .-,tre t f. r the buibling of th" new and ids death w.-.r due ti l.euit I..'.I.ik-. j ,.. u l.tiildiiiif at. that institution. The Honors for m 1 v 1 s in Smtiii Atii .t , . buibling was jsiven to Ahmp tt on Ci iierals Met bm u, .p llP, 0f Newport News, Va at 78,-Kirr.-u. Hnuiiltou upJ ethers. I too. The work Is to begin at once. , ST0CXM.1H AND TRUCK CF!0Wt. i heir supply from siirfsico water courses liable to pollution of sill kinds, ie;; sheep I, lay be expeeted. with the aggravation linn it is often impossible ami si s.eiier. .! daliio .-s for which l hero esa- lo ''o si ii -i bbi-li no apparent r a-oii. 'eiy iCiei, :,n exsiininalion of vvati .' si'pi.ty will r. v.i! the csiltse. Atlanta .c'nrual. . . ( lir i;i Aliiv.ilil.1 lies rrn. ati t: e.si'oo !ieg i n is shown ill our i!!iis.i'.i:;.it: I four pieces m il -lltil. each 'blee feel long lor tile iiriier ...sts. and eig'nt oueli boiirds o'.ti.ini" or rr.s. .,,,v pngi'ii desired f..r the sides. Nail 'bottom Io;im.- six indies I rum I lit? j -riiuii l .ami ti.e top ones eight inches .,jM,v ,.ihet. Pla.e a trough sit ,,,. ,.( ;i 1. 1 ii.c by deals and strips nailed .. 'fo prevent shouts jnniji.ji-- mi . j'.i'.d'iiclial strips can be ,,;:.,-, :!lo..,. ;( misooiIi fencing win? t, ,-.. round a (op. Kai-e the pen up 11 em. eltd, call three or four shouts nid diop ihe indo-uro over them. Tim hog- will thoroughly root up ami maitire i if incie-iire. Two tneii call liil IV e tile pell.- J. :. Allshousc. 'I Iip ill lie of IIumiiib. r.i'iin rs now have sin opportltuity (0 fii'.iiy l lie value of humus in tlie soil. S' Vetal coii-e "t'live Jesus of hoed crops will cxhau-l the vegelaide matter oven in ii, w ground--. Tien the red ekiy soils and Mad; jack soils bake very hsii'd after st rain, Sandy soils get very clo-e and r lovclopinolit is sir- t'.-ted. Siable am! lot manure supply l.i'ntiis' and piatii i"..! at the s-'simo i. me. Put no l'sirmer c.;u make enough , Ii wiih i.'.'olii sedge, followed by ii:,,. and plt't'i bushes, sifior -whidi l! . li. -Id p. ne come:; ill Mid finishes. tii: ;i ... That i- a -low process aud re. qti.-c- t '.vi nt. v iic forty years. P.ut in iiw v '.it- an .iiielligent fariur.r may restore tie thsmioM hind in ..o Slate, provided it has a good subsoil, by sovr. iug pc.i- and small grain and uVtu pl-jwing.--tV.toii Plant. , ,- AMIIliinc l)fvior.'V''"' "' ' The use i.r a heavy rope in a circle aiioiu si cow's thinks w a well-known device for keeping a cow's tail still during milking time, but the best part of such a hd;i is usually left off Mm rope. It is a bit of cord with si weight U m . IN VIA- TIMfT. i at ' cad li.ai is led to the rope. j Wla a tiie laitor i- In u-e the cord Is i 1 1 .,..oi it... i.:i -is shown iii tin; ' " " " ; . . mi, s '. i ii ' ' """" " i Uitlnmt 'his cord the cow wall switch ' i,!si,1f ",v,' f v"Pf -.nd v lii ct.-u get ll out entirely. -W . L ., HI 'Si' .Vlll 'llCillJ flslUUllUll-l. Unit Kiir Swinf , ,-r ,1 tie'il sii'ioid never be 1 : : i , y hi ',. on it for i. a.: 1 tif ;i i'C:.iri to die; It to ;t.ive ti i'oi-ouous effect. sppci. 'fhe new 7n.nf'' hur h crecteil by .b.hn W.inaioaker as a memorial tic K"v. John Chainhors. who fur iif-three y.-sirs was pastor of tlto i iiiirdi whi. h Mr. Watminakor atlond- . 1 .... ., .....in ie. heillL' dedi- , Iu' W(.,.k in H s(,rios of speHal