4i..iitfiiN-.ilS. l s 1 .--. Local Records. Only four weeks to Chrisi- mns. I'ynuni & Headen hax on baud a car ol fresh siilt. Every Democrat iu Chatham ought to five double thanks to day. t .;,.,.. 11,.,,,1-a ... member that'Ilo that triveth to the poor lendeth to tho Lovd.' Wo are pleased to learn that Sir. (jeorgo JJrewer, who has been quito sick ut Kalcigh, is now much better. There is nothing better in a lady's shoe than a Zeigler. ly- lnim A- Headen carry a full line or these shoes for misses, ladies and children. Anions ot her causes for thanksgiving today is the blessed change from Republican to Dem- cratic magistrates iu tins town ship. Yon will save costs by coin ins forward promptly amine tiling y ur notes and accounts with Hy uum fe Headen. They need the money aud must have it. They would be glad to have you to examine their line of men's units and overcoats at Hynum .v lleadeii's. They have a splendid line, suits from ?'!."' to $rj.i0. Trade is in full sw ing at J. II. "Wcatherspooii's, of San fori I, I'.l cgnut line of holiday novelties just received. I'nusiial bargains in clothing, ladies jackets, and shoes. Mr W. 11. r.:tiko, of (inlt . says that bis wife has township, sold this keys a int sold by lear won n chickens. One her weighed ot tur- turkey thirty pounds. In accordance wiih ibiir cus tom for many years past the bi llies of the l!piscop.il church at this place will today provide a Thae!.sgi in- dinner lor the i;. luates of our couut.v home, n bit h no doubt wiU be much ei, joyed. 'the insh still continues at the stoic of A. Max, at iJurham. His low pricps nre attracting crowds of customers, and all o away happy with their good bar-! gains. He keeps everything to unit everybody, from the largest man to the smallest child. j . They arc now receiving at W. Ii. London ,v Son's oiiite a Mock of Christ:. ias go-ids, l.oth in beau ty and iu soi.ieihim. ;oo.l t f.-it. 'I hey are alway.i heatlouarters ! 'V toys and fancy oous. ('i'!i;. and bee if there is not something that will suit yo ami your irieinis. It is to b, hoped that the new linard of ronnty comniisHioueis will not waste :ik much time a.", their redeec-bsoi s did. The old board fivqticnl ly did not meet un til midday ami would be iu ses.-iou only three or four horns, and yet ( k'ei paid for a tuU.lay s worK. - I'liev w ill be glad to show you fit W. L. London " Son's their itiiik of ladies jackets and raped. They are cheaper than you everj saw. Ab-io a nice stock of chil dren's jackets. Jf you are j:oing to need anything of the kind it will pay you to give them a call. If you follow tho crowd at; Pur ham you will be sure to go to; 4l. l.wa .if A T.,v ,rl,n watill T ill: H-l -A V off ning the greateut bargains to ', 1 h,; Cl,,li"t-V ''(.11""11l,ilt'; ba found in that piogrossive town. sl";i'Vl1 ""'fit!n7 on last 1 hurs U.rgains at and belw cost in all ' audited the followtug ac Ji ies of goods that astonish and eonnts : ileli-rht all who buv. These trreat W. S. (iuuter, insolvent bargaiuB will not be offered much '. longer, so you had better take ad-' vantago of them while you can. j On last Monday morning Uev. II. lho niisoii wan found dead iu bed at the resilience of his son- ju.law, Mr. Ii. J. I'tley, near Mon- c mo. 11a had ben iu his usual health tha day before, and is sup- Iiosed to have d.ied suddenly of learfc disease during the night. His remains were carried to Haleiu rhurch, in Alaniaueo couuly, for bijria'. He was 7;l years old, and was highly esteemed knev him. -.Our county commissionera during the past year have been paid for their services, as follows: ll 1'J. Kanoy Slal.70, J. 11. Jones fi7U.HU, J. W. Taylor $191.10, A. W, W'ioker $17.H0, a total of board in the State has been paid this much. Wo confidently pre dict that our new Democratic boaril of commissioners will not post Chatham taxpayers ho much money. The county commissioners, at their special meeting last week, very properly aotod on ThS jiKCOIiu's sustention aud declined to nnike auy contract for the building of a new bridge at Hay o.)d, 1 ut left it for the new com ju'hsionors to act on. The county iu so deep in debt that it is hoped tho old bridge may be repaired ut email cost and thus s,ae for a few year the expenditure of i or eveu thousand dollars for a new tridjje. Mr. A. 11. Norwood, of Ha Id win township, I, ;is u son foiirhv;. ye:rs old ivho weigh "lily 32 pound.; mill weirs a ,'. lo child '- -bo... lie is ail lltinsnall V blight lniy, anil enjoys good health. Mr. J. J. Hackney, of Higgs bee township, made twenty har tfls of t-iirii t his vear oil oini an.! three-quarters hi1 res o! bind on I'ukehi rrv creek, on whieh no kind of fertilizer was used. Mrs. Laura Home, of this place has a lemon bush on whieli lire 1 :e iir.'i'st unions lino, ni- have aver seen. One that was re eenty plucked when ril'O weighed it nound ami four ounces, and ! there me several mure on the bush not yet ripe that will weigh even wore, Next Monday the new county oflicers will qnnln ami enter upon the lischarge of their duties, and many of their friends will be lit re to see their -liter in and take l.osspssion. It will be a proud . ami happy day for the Democrats, who have bins' looked forward to i audi an occasion. A centennial celebration will ,e held today at May's (.'Impel, in this countv. to conimeuiorato tho one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Baptist church there. The sermon will be preach ed by liov. J. M. White, of Apes, 'who was born and reared near May's Chapel. Historical address es will be delivered bv Kevs. V. 11. H. Luwhon and O. T. wards. Ed- ., . --ttiiue vi.ainam i hi.h-i.hh are rejoicing r their yu'f'"'y tl.ey Slioi l.l liol loiei .! - ( ! ATM AM J lK.ro III I, which l Ii I'Kig t no ten vears of f usion rub wavered in its course and a! .v;.ys upheld unfalteringly the Denio- Chatham can now best id.ow their .ppreciatioli of 'i':!;: ! : s long hervices subscriptions by lenewing ll.eii and t"teiiuiiii; il-i circulation. vi ...i .. ti llll Oill l"U . Mr. K. (. Segi oves, assistant engiiiir of the Imrhain A- I nar lotie l!ailro:iii Conip any, wm-i here tKteniay ami we were pleased to lei.rri i'roiii l.im the d prospects of ;m early completion of that load from (iulf to tiiis place. lie s..ti. that ibf route from (Julf to I'lltsboro is l:oW being I 'l-sh d and the -railing w ill bit pushed vigor-' i uhIv. As soon as the surveying party locate the line to ii.is place froni (in! f, they will at once sur vey a preliminary line from here to (Jrt eiisi)oro. IT l.-ONAI. IITM Miss Alice 1 from a visit to ilaud has returned I'ebit iws at Lenoiv. A f i. l, of i'i .-.i :M-:iaii: Virginia, is .'oh h'.'ie W. !v.!i- ii a I iul hunt. Ttlr. A. M. has bec'i ie Lis oaii'i-its. Turns, of Uoboro, e on a short isit to 1 Mr. home Kred. from I'lVnum has 'I'liintv Colic; to spell 1 Tiianksiviiig Pay. Cap. W. I Thanbuiv in Dr. .John 11. ,. London is spending r i ay w itll bis son, London at asliiiig- ton City. Mrs. UoxiiiiUH McNeil! n?tt county, and Mrs. K Ifar-Mof-their K. tit t. of llaleigh, are viitin sister, Mr. J. d. Jackson. Messis. II. M. London, London, J. L roirue, .) r 1. S. , and ltobert Cahler, from the I'niyeisi ty, are spending Thankngning l)ay here. Commissioners' Meetiaj. fees J. J. Johnson, for holding November court A. W. Wicker, services as commissioner 1.35 K5.08 , 17 80 5.40 I 8.10 12.98 :i.ro i n;.i"' V, K. Kanoy, services as commissioner J. 11. Jones, St tv ices us commissioner Mrs. W. A. Wicker, for Hew ing for county home J. 11. llright, for work on Woodard's hridye W. Ii. London A. Sou, for supplies . ny ail who j, j.j. .Morgan, lor exann I nation of tSallie Mann, a lunatic N. (1. Vat-borough, work on bridge for near Osgood J. J. Johnson, for tilling out sheriff's stub books for 1S'.; and liloo loO.OO .( ,!it ':u ( lt'-:eu- f"r lml" tisiaug not ces. J.OO V. A. Wicker, f .r thn-n ; years' work of muled at county borne i'A'.W C. 1. Leal, for painting jail and court luir.se, ivc C1.0" OiiiiKKiin, That Charley Hurley i be er.empt from poll t;ix on ae- i count of poverty and infirmity. OuLijciir.i), Tiiwt the Southern railway, the Seaboard Air Lino railroad, the ihirhani .V ( hailotte railroad and tho l'ittsboro toad bv- charged with stock law taxes for all hack yeui-ii since stock law was e..ta!hshpd iu tin ditTuieiit tel l Hol ies of the loUliiy. J line apples of llUM- tii'cuid this the sv c.uid fall. v.. i. OMCRWOf! few idwhiter Opeiiing' hi Cos ivs. No v.- si vlt ' I' .'iKlt illl'i , ( Vi ve a i I 1. Illl'i ivift Tailnr-maile Suits. Handsome all wool Eton. Noiiolk ei'iects and Mmisc styles in the most la-duiruhle cloths. Silk lined jackets, skins lull time and stiLliedSlo, '.M2.fi, $1 s and I r.r.y. Walking Skirts. Skirls, special, $1.75, AViltoa v.alkini; skirts with slot scams an.l tailorstitchiii;;' and 5. Dress Skirts. Inipoiicd broad cloth, all-wool Venetian and service cheviots, cut full tl.uv and trimmed with tatku kinds popular colors and Muck, S3-5", S and 6 up. Protest Aeaiiifit Mormon Siiialor. i Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 2t. Tho .Ministerial Allianeo of Salt Lake today adopted resolutions strongly opposing the piopr.ne.d election to the U in Led States Si i - into id ilred Sn-oo!, oi,c of ilo ,,vvou. ., , r,t , ,n J(;,..,v,. . t.,,pv of the r .M.,r..,o oliiti-i j wjl l,e Mel.l ., 1 1 to every mii,i.-.t i i. promimi.ee iu t i i , i . i ;v.ilill o i ill r: iinii diu ! ' " '41 ' j to I'resiih'iit l!o eveU, i very i. oii::iVhSiiiat: iilhi I niteil Males , Sen. i tor, alii e. ry one prominent fe. in political Fital Shunting Afi'-iir . Hai Chariest n. th. S. C, Nov. . - A News ..i.tl Courn r . . special t ,' from N hol.ts. S. ('., h.us: "A sc hooling occurred here nous a I out ." o'clo, Mi!tinup i" 'be of Mr. Dii.-to -:erio!!S Wolli. M. l'.unis. T but .Ui to w ho Vet. klloWU. k tiiis alli-rnoon, le alneist instant dent h :; II. Sanis, mi, 1 tb- lili ;' of MlSS ..'oiiv '. i '-hots V. et c lil i-d, Iiri d them it is not Jh.-s J'.iiins states 1 bat San is tired ing lur first, ila- i t ll kios, she l turning the ot- re- - voitcr on liinisi-ii. about '22 years of a. gaged in the study here. His home i Iloirv county. Sarvis was , and was pii !' telegraphy mar l.oris, Due had Sbitt-; Ano'.h.--. Hl.t-lnl t' ' i:in flu Ci.ldsb.ir. I'ritehav.l .1 Soy. -it. - C ot t his t it v. nlv( S. a-.:e.l I.'! years, w as M-rioii.- l , right shoulder H;:tu' by I'l-anl; Caster. J r. l-'rank 'villi other went to the math of its. where the hoy i.i.il play "luiliaii." brought into camp, l;.t III ;i:e .lay a!:. lh : Ceoi-e and con.;.:.:. i. -ns t he city 1 im hae a cai.ip A ?ii!l! was SUpposid by' .a. led. With hootinu' was J- raid; i.-oi I i .f .,; Ibis weapon the s, done. Aproacbiiig (ieoree Was held 1V the camp I'liink and ov.ii r.-.l t- stop. When within ja few feet of the uplifted -tin 'lsador Meyerburg. one of the boys preient i lied to I rank that the inn was loaded. Frank turned his head to ascertain what the ! Meyerbuig la y said nd as lie did so his linger touched the trigger and bang went the gun, the load of bird shot entering the shoulder of (ieorire. The wound is an uvdy one and while the arm may be ' saved it is held that it can only be used for side movements. Nczroes Emicratin; to l.:Icr i:i. Savannah, Nov. 24.- D. J. ITuminer, agent of the Liberianj coh.ni.ation Society, of lSirmiii':- bam, Ala., is here arranging fori the sailing from this port on Jau-j uaiy Uinh, next, of 'UlO neu'iocol-, onists for Liberia. The steamship Donald, of New York, he says, : has been chartered. Vluiiimer ; was formerly connucleii w lb the International Mirati n Society i that sent two shiploads of negroes ' from this port to Liberia. He said today that all arrangements had been completed and that nothing now remains but to bring the ship here aud congregate the passengers. Hubert (i. l'ierce, who arrived today, will remain in Savannah i until the ship sails, when lie will , make the trip with the negroes to see that they reach their deslina I tion in safety, .j. I'lunuiier went to Liberia with the crowd on the steamship l.ota- da and he says that fully S" pel cent, of the negroes carried on that steamer and on the steamship Horsa are perfectly satisfied witti their new home and surroundine;. Mormons are ennductimr a meeting in the city hall, at Ibd eigh, whicii tiny have rented for that purpose. The pension warrants for State pensioners are beim' preprr '! r.'.d w ill be- Sent out I'ec l oiirtu class pcusionei '. ud widows will thi.t year I '! I.:". T'll't-e oyster k ill's Wei'. capM. (d bv a severe southwtstKMU.i!Lit Morehead Cilv bist Tiu-sday. All the oece.pai.ts wi le saw.! I .l:l. Jleusoll, color,-.!, t. ho di-ovi.'.; w itbii; :" !-. of vado.ad - dion. I i.- b -l-Hot been leUlid r. f O ft . , a - il!!! si;;!- Till' i:cv: id.'i'i with l'U ! ego shipments jii'-t (''iveil for display. Silk Waists want with i 1 1 c k Handsome silk irdi and pleats. Plenty of the peau silk taltetas, eveiv r de soi and pular shade, sf ; and iril Wnnl Wals. l adies I ivrch llannel wai'-ls whh eml'i'oidei ! a:'.i tailor stitched i'roiiK $l.::, !."", ii-i and ii.i. New IMess (Jowls. 1 rcs plaids, i;i.miu clollis, noveliv ue.'.ve in rmirh snow flake cfl'c Is t i travel lin;s' suits, bioadcloths, Venetians, r.ie!t"iis, series and heavy skirtings. Thiuiksuiviiig China. Cake llleigli9 N. C. t ia nit" 5 amr. .''"S HsriOlSiiks for oilUlill- ,'S ft Ii! c.-iis:-- a!! .s, m'a'iitie-; ;;ooj :p m silk, ail d h Mill's W WoiiiJ c.'il - -mi to N'oi d; i . a We bed iic:-i:i '.w:.'. c Fants Ri: 111 Fancy M lb) ! :Cvi:..o.; nd v.-hde c. black M . ne ne o id .-s, Me uu i v. a s Come mil see us. lism aroods cheat) will siet it. I'illtifwro, .V, d The President's Message. Washington, 2s o v. dent lloosevelt hehl today with Senators . Bculativi'H, who air Coll;;reS, with the I'i ;;ei.eral outline of the I'resi- eonieleliees and Ib'ure- lc. ell rs iu suit tint a ice,:s'aiioii to be muleriiikiu at the coming short session wa.s agreed '.iun. The rre.ddent's annual nifss-i-e hiis been completed and wiii i'e sent to Congress cither Monday or Tuesday of next week. The luessa-t! of the '.'resident will of course contain mo.st urgent lecoutlllelldatiolis iu H'ald to trusts and the built'. He urges especially that tho proposed leg islation in regard to trusts be en acted immediately, bis bid it f be ing that public illicit st demands that this subject be not postponed until thu next Congress. His con sultation w ith the ieadel'j today emphasized the fact taat the i'n s ideut belicxes the desired legisla tion can be enacted daring the short session, h voiding lb" c, .!!.:. of ll! '.v,,:! H-l.'.V. ' ' t ' I S!.l!'. In tin sh.mid tha: tl :!! b i-i i he fun i sident o I to 0. ill Vt i etraon den', i'.n . U M; I'r. th. : I., pie,- being t" of! iff' II j hit; ,ie -ilk itll' Will n 1 1 1 i w .usl s. (I o on iiiuiiL'diat' plate lad bowl trays, i cream ; olive and pickle dK!. and sugars. Table Linens. I :ie--e in full as sortment. Various M.ldis cut in any ienvths t'. pi ices ply shaded f; r inch black uiii. iul.iniask, regular Sue value", -in.-. f;.1! iiii.li silver tileached and cream damask, 7-rc values, 'if v. 7uincl1iierm.nl linen (aide d.im.'-k, si v.i''ies, S"c. ;2 iiu'n, leal Irish, all linen danu.-k, values, SI. s P IW fiH m will in h'.;s 'mining depart- e.l n t f,i7;n UiJU V ir.J IV. .1 r d ir l.'-t C.Uil"! 1 IV i"l V- u all k U'l'iiiMij have all pri navv tlu bes the moi .t-ui'seii a hat arc m.' NlVl'Ml- nice sh. maK.e have want e 0 SiOS mm W. L, LONDON & SON. , .Vfr. Hoi is. postpone revision until ttie next j Congress aud perhaps beyond that time. The men who talked w dh the l'lei-idcul today agreed tiial it would be H i.-..: to consider the s.d ject of the taritl" either by ap noiating : pcrmalielil coinlaissn !'. i.r bv ill-legating the mattt r rf in- vestigair ii v.. the committees oi Congress. The pro,. ti r.Ms m bieli is that c r,; made to the law along th. t he sp cch ii. dtioii regarding the was discussed to-lay ii:i a!;:.'i:.iment.-i be Shirma.i aiiti-triisl lines laid down in liere.i at I'l'tsburg Cell so to ena i iceed tious . 1! as ISC it . .;i.a t 'Us .est.j I 'HI S. line W I l i.S ago er.il Ixnox It amend the pr. si b A'-o 1! is prop. ut hue , .ed the overnl'.ielit b a.a'mst industrial or. engaged iii pr b.ietion ill ii.lcrstato coiai'ierce, shall appeal t!i..t these t ions ai e ia any of llic.r I'tr.mcutid to llerr Krupi pul... t lie ..-,. t OOl t i rn- i.e tis i no. r en !. . liie I'll' relit t.s - Jj'i, in iii, coo Durham. N. C. American and Italian Marble. (.'.orrespoiiJeiu e solicited. Bank of Pittsboro. 3Pitts"boro, XT. C. Will re. eie deposits and make loans and do a general c. hi? ness. Interest bearing certificates will be issued for deposits. I he people of Chatham now have the opportunity, tur the first t.m. to pationi.e a Chatham county bank. Deposits are perfectly safe in a tire-proof vault at .' Vv.igy sate, and are fully secured by all the property of all the stock ..c..:eii amountiiii; to over a million dollars. T. Williams - "W. L. LcdPa. Cashier. PrfRiJeui, POPULAR au in z,ei with all kinds of seasonable goods. Every department is now ready for not Se undersold. 1 laid;, soap in is, needles, tapes, combs, multitude of othei little !h::i.:-. Our IllinerT Bepartment i siiii in lull blast, turning o'.u the p.e:iiit hats tor the money vou i er vuv. Because it is late in the se.'.s-n we do not let our stock run FOB we ! c.p.-. TUP H and BOYS lit H :e slock l;. Lb is one i t our best and largest. i hace '.he lare.est stock ot shoes in the eou:it . and sell the linest as well as the cheapest shoe in the county. And we carry a Luge stock which we e .la: a.itccr. If not good we give allot nei pan Ah-.-., els. any oi'.'- lie stock.ot.'lrunks.satch- suit cases, bags to suit vour trade ami will have it if CHOSS & LIN KUAN CO. TO DA I KrlOlUlKUS AND ITKMSHKRS, aicierii, nsr. c. . M.i.ible man app:e:iates the value ot jjood V li O T H I $ , I i" dwavs jus: nd we tiu.d iem.i;:'"!. Our Show im superiority in The St les could - Vl t"'. the e!.a. !" ' s.!i.-ii v.: i: an extensive one. and in every respect justthes our a;t o' catering to the public taste. i ih it lashion demands The material is all tlut one " , v price- are such as will convince you that here is fix our name in your mind. (ive us a call. We N KW isi.:iii:Ms A' . iws t ) i u : STORE. READY MADE CLOTHING is another Vg department where we undersell all our neighbors and cr show you a mnch larger stock ior men, boys and children. workmen and house keepes, r.ot merely the heavy kind, but all kind of useft'l articles. I5ig stock of heating and coofc f hats and ing stoves, shot guns ami ammu nition. We cany a nice utock of ur.'.i-lure. GROCERY DEPARTMENT wo pnt last, Inat, by far, not tic least. We carry a splendid stock of fancy and heavy gritcei ies which we sell cheap, (tiauulatoil sugar "e. ver pound, a good coffee 10c. per pou.nl. We buy ami pay the biueflt pricea for all kinds of produce. where to it. A glance through that all will make good use of the m- Help rv , .. i i nielli. i 'in 'civd i .vd .. co., t tieeiiboio, N. C. t t-r.. 2i. 1 ;t.

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