: H vv3 Dark Hair Hwnw in mil ii i -sazrsxzf " I luvc used Ayei s Hsir v igor for a great many yeais, u.ki al though I am rt tirju-j years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Mil. We mean r-!l tha rich, dark color your huir ticcd ri to have. If ii's !.;iv.y nr.v, no matter; for Ayc.'r. Hair Vigor alv,T.ys re-1 stores color to gray IvAr. f Sometimes if sus.'-.cstl'c hair grow very heavy r-nU $ long;' and it slops failing $ of the hair, too. Jl.CO n tiy'!..'. All d'uj-"-". fl SOUTHERN ?ur- Ttif P.st Fc(!:i?'Siv.r5 !n iir rV,: fv, .'-.'.53 take iia suesmyiL. if lei i; i:t. is.ft: r "ht t iiri r f?( i. f..- ; i r '. :ir f l 5 ; l !. i ; : : ; : t .M i V . CRADDOiJi Il:RhV CO,, ruii: r:s. I.N Ns. V.. i& 'sfrf fc .ti.-l c. k. 1 have I-. t". '. : .i .; l :: T.iliiilcs i. !' '. i i i , ..::'-. as a nii''ii'';'H' i : i . i ills. 1 .!, .!, s .- p- p!v on iiJ'i.l, .iii I lit:. I ! !;". c 'tin in h in ! !':' cv t'i u-sr i.. c.is;' i i i;. ,i i.K'ii'.'. ctm si i;," 'p ii i-r a I -.initis at tack. A I tbn--.!in. I'h-I " ' i"1 I "- I 01l,!l iV .- ' ' I f f IlilfP r u VI ill.V . s. .-1 1 t i HhJlflU,'t;'4X-ftliii G L-1 l I K' !:!:: i.-i )!.' i .-.I. K'l CS. !"M.r:., !.('-In. 'KM'!: MM.s, ASi'AKM-l , 1 1 1 c". e.ita!i)f;iie siTt on j-p!. nation. J. B. WAT KINS BRO.. i! ! ! MS. !:, A, DROPSY V ?-, :!'.s"i:;:'.i-.'E:T f:-; IT . 1 . P-nr v,.--1 -.--m. 'Ob T Jrci.' vha tn.' ; .t. rial . ( irr;fr.i. Il..v jfi-.'i c.? -zzv w.J ' .. Wl-t F t li A:i..-ta. 3a. SWTfT C:;i:!Iv VKk ano ikww I arm. , ,. ua : I . r -f ..',.! Il.-i ir. Mnocm, Bus:ncss in.-qnre-v n. Lcu'tvi'lc. k. ;s!rn. Tet. Ctlii-..biiS. I. Rlch-nond. Vi. giraT-iSan. !. J.ici.soe.-a ?. Fl , c,,, d? d.y .-r ::.i:i tr -...y.-.i.zi :t: t'.v; ;;::. A'.i t'.::i K B MEtl it tn. i- ..--bar .'el .- '.'. il.'..: : ! R jroii a lioi i lt. p. f;r ;. . i :J 9 Ol uur iw-ii'i --,'-(! , 1 t I a v . i...v. .:, m i a h T In the t'.il' " ",t"r ft '.".' I wis .ii., t.-a wiih Sriaiii' Kheii mutism no touch so thai I bal i - a -o a "Oi" lo .i- .,. -ar u in. 1 It mi.-. I'i.i.ii ti.tinirdown. t lirie was ii ens - to inv tha:!,. nu. I 1 1, ...v position in v. hu h 1 could bcitr niv h it was I'-.iu-lit nut in fr.'io e m; . ,.- ; ..- in ,t i i-riiaii-.R pose ion. Itesii.imt ihenaturw .a i h" .lie-t-.'. I I" : in i'l-;- i -ni ar ..'ire. but i . -eel veil no mi i.-t u n ' I induced t.y Mr. .1. 'I'. I. e.-r, . i l - . .,! the .in: tll iu of II. u- c ,- liotlir. oi latil (II H M c I I e. I ; ,-, .. I a I .oil ;.. 1 1 Ilouier Il.at il .1 Inn tb - ,. ! i.i.t .-urt no .,.. money wu;. br r.'fiiii'ii'.l. One t'O'il" r.-i tl ill", in.-1 I :,,'., bad li. lorn -I rheuirno-iii s nee that tune. W. A. i'lim.-i. ''.. ... i i; 'if.it ii,. : a- . irti. ., wds.towi. it I, u seviTrattack nf rfirunitii i-ii. lino . : t u-etdis ha I t-t. i.triii'd in i.e. cn a sheet. Afier the use nl ."pvt'i-iil Lot' s f !, Hit' M i'! I'L. lie .( pron,,iiii.."l w pd I y the at ten. 1 1 il K physician. i :t belie' e in tne ellicaev ol v.. or Tiilit'i'ip. Yours trill' . .! l.n. T'P'M !'.- 'X, K.htnr V. ".'. p.t ken. S. 0. A I .- :..:-. or rv.- i Bobbift Ch.err.i al ilo.. RA1 blb-Kll : l...!seu lt.it it. but t e ""I". vVHi;:,, Wiw'W' t.. fclllt.lt nilfthiu-f ll.'-. . n.l.t r.i .d f..i It. Why l II' ml. i- 1 i." H.lt '.' Kf l'1,',J ASK V0V it 1' Eii-uiil. TllKIt " I lit - I 11 I ll. (i.-io. It , burl-mlti-ld. Ohlu. I r j p'. l'."i'f.V.J.r'I Thompson'3 Eys Wa(er Dt. WIT OF PRESIDENT WOODROW. New Head of Princeton Makes Him- self Popular With Students. A rritMvtim man tells of an incident of Dr. Woodrow Wilsons elevation to i ho presidency of PiinectMi which li regards as hidit ative of the way in whirl, he mil hold the it uil'.Mit In PR tMViiw " leash ! r, ;,!'.' wit and a itcUa! in!l. I,"'"mli ""' "" instead' f tryii.K to awe them with X ' " his dUnitv. . .H. ouvht Labor Wlton .lar.n-: 1-nt eovor to tha ' !" '" ",,- "'' '''"IVssoi- pmjert. on the eventus of Urn day on ' A '' will Iv of ihlotvst lo ..hirh the atnu :;mott'..'!it of Dr. Wil- i """' ::' ''''' in ih. uno.l roads mi'i's eiet I on v. as ii : : ! sop.;" ii t'-.. j ,la'fc ' more boi-t.M.m sp.ms ur-aa-ileii a! IVri.-i;.!.- -:s..iis tin wheels are novel tvltdirctitin. and bivins r.-iiiitit:iiwil j "h" " h-.-. h are now in ns,. in .-vt r.il h via a n . I H j;r -I : ! -nil ! mhico, d'-.-'i". n.h r, H Uli'llt. At i ho flri-t ti-ot oi' a I.. ". lint '.viis ivml!M. !i ' !" i I'U'ii hvi-itlt Ioom'. ! ' V.'i nnioi'K 'ho sovpnail'' i t.y Iho hi.'i.l i t'.i i...ivi.ii::il!y and . . '' Hi.- 1 - -1 -: t' lirnils v 1::. 'a titr..!.' do-t'onil" fiToMM to ;.'v a'-.l t i !:( fi,l Win ii '.in1 s'u.i.'iits r v this u'i.'x ii.'i-i ci! ti fii !: . .-io.-i. ,f 1-' ,1!. 'i' -n tho i.i'v, i -iiw i ...... in '. hi Inunv ' 1 1 . -' .i i n t ri' li !!am , i --- - : ,..;i vi. . K:; oych . i- !h.Hi I I: ; ;.'.i:s m ;in' ono shon'ci! : "Wha. s the iiiali.'r v. :th Wo. W' ?' And the answer rami? loud ;i!ld iv'.i; : -Do's all H"';- a hvh U." 'Ih' -tniriit.- thru ma: .V."! ::.:. ' r:i.t:i UK. "P"!' li'V a .ioily .u.'i'i! f. Dev..' ii'id furtyii.a ih-'ir l-.:;'. 'e h'-aiU w.'th them. A :'.'iiiii.N : a '' th ' fiiy f "if !! '! ' a'.. :i i ! :. t hat :i w .it: ! i: d--- . - 1 1 i . -. i : t h- i ' of v a'-r i'i ' .:.nn ' s -. r for t .t i:! i'" I v. :'! ! . . I'll! '!,' 1' 1 ( I t ho 1'n 11, ii I Il.it ,i ' I sn.a I" ,-NM'i h i! in .-. I i : : :i :i i a:t 1 CVH:$ DLCOD PCISO-J. CAVCIR. Ai'tii-i : llol'i , lilltill-; I'.: 1 lini'lt., K.illn-; So . I'.iapvs :': - . . or t :! i . li.t.i.i'. . : ;. . T" in. 1 ,,i .1 ; . . r..U !' -. l -l.v ...1 l .'.II. I ii ooa U v! m Ci t,l 1). ..-rd-.' Is n. . i "!': '' ,.' Wis . A, i. KeraV's Jl..mi an lb, i-i i-.:., M. . r. i:..t e; 51 , Ii ,'i,',.','i n-.e 1) it t i l l .m -u a;ii: .t,' I-'ei 1 1 n' i:r ,;, : al !) tat , .- i iii i ai.',i ai, . ' - - -- Is ;,i:1i" 1 .1 11. -. Iif'.vern a t:r . r On:,.. CittT r i.r.n I ; ts i ,ir. rv. Vr. w; a. i iivsi v. n. ik .i.-ohtliiif b" il ih" r : arni.T of t ti- Ilrin oi K. -I. i a r n i v .V ',. . o;rii; I'lisuies-t hi the (ily or loin "'oiii nnd m-i'-" afore.::!!, and that -id tt.a i,!itlh,..im of .ixk ii. vi.iiKi, i a,'!i nnd everv ,:ie "f . t t r.Hii I hat ' imi.e 1-e . ii:.. l-y t.i- i.-e . f ll.wi L t i..r,n il t 'r u v . I li.'.K .1 ( itr-Miy. sworn I-. I ,.-f i.' ni.' mi I s - r.i i in a.v 1 r.-i i-.-'e. 1 1,;- : 1 l.v. , r !' ,e:r.l.rr. i A. P.. Is.;. A. W. im.ei-. v. Il .:, - l iki.iTIl l are i t.i t .i.r.-liy -Ii tie 1 I , - , r tilt- sv-le'll. .'!. i I'.' I. I I! FX IV X . sold l.v l.rili.' '.-..- -;, II id s L a:;. at Pi - .- : -ri.id.y.nn 1 ,i -, IIM Sljf. -!; :. lli:ils, ledo. (.. .!1..' 1 : ; t - -. Hi i-l.i'1 , ." .iii-atly .-'iri'-hN- !l!-r iitv.i is-'i.-ril-: l.iv s u-ueit le Kim.. - i irnat P.-:, r j-'i rial bott '." an I ire: ise'r" ITIMI.K. . Ltd.. WI Ai-hsi. l i i. ,.. Pit. , : ; ; Mri.W'i! s. .v f soothing Svrai'ter-hll.lrea . t -i -. i:is' -'I: i !. ,-':;ii'". reiiii. tiin-vinx.-i. tb :..:tii.'iy-fin:. .Mir-.-, wind eoli,'. i",.. al, .ttie I liyln.: ,isii hv. o he. il k.i.e.vn to j:r.;p ten feet ,iiutc in. Mtrf.ft.- ..:' the Ft. I ' Pl-TNAM l'API'l ks Dvi s produce the ,. I: li'.est and fastest e:ors. ', Seme people who ran into .bl t are .:, f .:,-;-d to rr.ovl "ii-. V I'mo's Cur oinn,-.t be too highly spnl,-! -. i n couga cure. j. w . 11 tisipv, ajj i niri Av,'m''. IN-. Minne-tpoli., Minn., Jmi. 0. ID) I l.e nii':!i-..n.iir'i chief end is the divid Is .'; ml J:'.rsj :s:b ::t :f thi rites, i'.vizn r.'M par.'.T to thil srejt teatlv. "ti. I hem un.li-. r he uaru nt.-p ..r Mr. prepaid, Pr-e f i eo. Baltimore, fid. s... 4: powders x'mrm n'l ilrn-j 'rnr-s-:i r-owit.r-i. I'l runts He n-t Al.'i'K't M. laoase al, o'tiern In..'" n a-.i'iiiii, ',.! v"il. li- ar . t '.- i. :.. r ; ae-, ,!,,:-. tar., i-. n 1 I I r r.e 1 -,.-e tn 1'HK W l.'I'KH III 'I 11 Al, I I... y HIIIM.ION.IM PUes or Hemorrhoids r-r'Pj. biertl!n( cr proUuHinE, rrofrp.h n v.'-r 1 .ie d I -.:! adviiie yoa honotly in V. .ot.r. t eriiuui:un Irt. Price 01 irt-dliiifi.t ton. - t - --ily $io--,. Satif.ttbtil giiatantec-i cr monev r,-i ivit. u w nt- u tuy. u. n. tanner, um auku. n. ! ...... S G 0 O D I i j- ., S j 5 C Iv O l 1 O. . 1 I iitire-.iin-a InroriiiHtiiin. i n, -f lllov;ili,. :liH':U' i. - '. ,.'!. 'Ill of ir fii I i ii- ll.o . -..ii. ;.! fiuployt (1 at .yi'rat 11,11.1 ; ...ir prison i-oui' In l .ir;ill. llli'.V 'I lo fivitflll - ono ,.!..! w iih liarii'd w in- .-.,f Ii..,",. ;. ,!, ... i ,. n.it.-d tipoii w'.-m.in mirks. An S i -1 - i ... 1 : : ; 1 1 u . x im : 1 1 primivsi's lint .-ii-,, ....v.:i !..i-.v i ril l.y In ii -o- and . !! ... .1 ,i, : ' . 1 1 i nielli j;r.i i' !' : i-i I li.-lil i. .d :l lilt' i'!l.l.l'MI y I " -.:i . : 1 1 1 . j !.. ii. io; and iM'iiiiu tht' ...ii'. ills a iv ii. ar. ii.'d n 1. .11 i tin- rnad i,..i .1.1 i.. lini 1 1 ii:il) . l. To fil. il Mat. Ihi'ir .,.im al'ily s;liai tlod iil! ii' : iho niulu it 1 1 n i too .nival tisl; : ad i II-.'. ca.-li pi ii.i'r. w iirli hi' a i i i I ,-d iias ,i,i.'i- .t i fool or oin l- "id I i iliaoii-d l.'u-.'ly to a ohilir. or i irniii '. Iiii li la . an In' oasdv if- 1, ..... I ii,- l!l.,,iu toi.nii.,,. ' I :ol nl Imilk. illi.li' i nlllpl i-l' lilt' '. in itiiii rlt-is. I ho-.' aio i ail.v :' !!. toad il'.n laid.-. Ai.iplo i:i liian is alioidi'il ill siiiiuiior and i.' ill-' ... ii . a M n oi'i lis i li.-i . st.'i li -..ri'il'l. pi.M'i.s. wi.ieh I. si.. nu., I and ii'.iusni.i .oil in is in lis,, .ai tlio iiui.l.e l'oa.Is ... Carol. iia. line ut liieso nioviihle ' Itliu I hcll.-d lo ilc onilll'i- ; ..mi. is. lis si, i, s and ends Ids liolle.l louelller in . i ni.i'. of . .irrauaie.l iron. Ii. ai-. Ti Ills., m ill Ma -. l .:. - -t W.lsl. n ; This- t , i ir.:;v on--. I .a rue n ... IIOs ti. Ih, i are r.eil : oU.u-. and ! ."im i.inrraiorv eami.s. ' i:-ua!ly done.' however, ' ... . . ... . i . out !-. .. .mil III some : .'..m.-,l In hired labor i - nois ,,-.. iisii ilh as. ! ' ' 1 i i.Li -I. I ... ,ii,,-riir .,1 i iuiii.ii-; of errands. J am aie ,i:ia.-lie. to tell- I A ,ii an, I v , i. Mini show a ii;!,. I io -o .-lo tll.lt I ;!'ie lo. a pi.-, 1 . I., eseape. ' make il im I run iiipidly. ! 1 i.e. ...,i p..) s,.. j , .i s : i . 1 1 1 1 ) . 1 llis move- I'.ni.is ilaiiuu "be ''-id ii road work. "villi s, ,.' , 1:. .ysieiii of r.iild l.iiil.liiii. say ; ',. fl'ei-s .,o many oppiii-i una : . - , ' -, ape of prison ers: a- a ii..-i.i. ol l.-o I, however, ihe ..iiiiuai ,s. s ;,iiaum: in less- Mian P.,' 1 Hi of e.-. !i llllndle.l. Almost '.on . ;..;,. . lepr. t-iiiiiit: toll States. c.r. i lahie iipun 1 1 it-i i mads. Tii - - ani-s i, s ;,n army of i"T7 mad bitil.b is. , ... ii . i' it. .in o,.ss Ins Stale : ii.: :y l In.-.- and hall' . .-ills a ikiy. W . a,. , . i .a i j;,. . .iiinty jail he v .hi I , 'a and ! .- halt' cents more a .1: ; . 1 !.-n .- lie is a , I'o.ipe- article t" "ii.n: en "ii i i i e.i.is i nan lainriil.-iiiin. iu a dl or i.id yard. All mid. Ihe oM . l.n ,.;- n, iln-s,. Slales nii.e.s ' '"' '''" Ih :d I" olio lial,' t Iim i nl hired , I . , 1 1 - i -, . ,i in-, s;, m,. ttnll, :. i a Ma os , uipiot uc' toii ii Id.-i - ai,- I'inrMa. " Icor-ji.i. I...:i.siana. l issi-si,,. .'a:.!. S.,ii!i Cimliliii. Ten '-' .'. i Vil uin.a. I ii I iie a Is ,.',,! I Jeol uiil sin-ll il pe ' d'"''"". " 'Os, .' only I l"..V ,,:i,s per colivj. pel -..us in,- par, ..is,, i,,,. il,,. I - , , : s ,s -, . - iei I i : e, I ,' ., i " in, i.:v V, ',,,. s.i 1 :" ""l"'ti ""'l1, '"-v ti - :. W .s!i::;. . Oil j s.n.i'ai -ii ,,! i i: s ..,' ,-e-, ,s,. i -' '. the , ' camp, j tile pl.s 111.,!, ill a: 'ell:. ni II.:. ' ' ' He ol i lie sy s,,.,u j tllilt .'i ': -. a! ; r iii.iill in.' I'neir cm- s '-. ill. . oiuinissioii ,,' their - -el ..' ': ...bliiiij io iis Pnaii ial ! '' "". iu i x ion e I'm lheir :"'- e'll and pllllislllllell... I l' 111 I. '... a .. I.I l.elielil I lull ' ' a- ' r. 1 1 i .li- s -i t , , :U :ippi-,-ii ' ii. a lb i.ali.'l.' - ' load bnild . . i ': : y i i,,- . , i. i leaves " a I " .li,!i!:' r, ni, , runbles "' a a a i .- i.-r pvim: i ban be ic!y n .do i .-!',, j-.. :'' PI :-"li : s eoiiviel, 1 nf niis.le '' ,::i b,- :isic, a i(, wnlk nil p i '.. i. ads of Virginia. West 'ii' U !.tl.!,y. T,-ll!e-s,.,.. I.,iuisiall.-. -''"!. Te.is. rioi-ahi and (Jetn- 1 : ' i' Mils id s;.-!i , , .s ,,, ' 'by , x.-ei I one y. ar. In Alii a ..il ai o ii, .,1, e.l m.alo prison, '' - '11,.- On llo I exceed ilVt. Veals. ' - -- ii! i.i Hie roads. Iii smith I " 1 I lie lllllii is five ycai and in 1 1. a o nit ion ni . i -.ia -in is now- iirin-a made in ' "" i rii . , mm ;, s ni i in" employ -' "" : 1 '' '"'''is ...' capuircd. hut mi - .1 p, l-.-i:: s, unable 1. 1 ah e I i pi I-, ii . i - a. .pin led at his. I :. l !"l oi- s.-rt i. es. if ,-on-d. : - .er:...l of lab,, i- t,,, ,,a,U '.' ' I ft "la ll s i,i id, .-!.v ' "in a ; ,n ; lie Souihoru si.kos ' '"I , l i.j ,,), j, fa, nu woi l.e, I under the leasr '''' -' o.i. in s,,n,,. , aso.; w le ' 1 . "ii, i. is t-uany and .'rub u-e iii pri'inaiiieir road build . is ball' w hai i' wniibl be - I I a ho.. S ion a -inckiides ! i.. -so (iiiiirriei. ,i.o the . mi " l'-. Tim per. .'ti'.itf.. of - o Im cer i li io lii it expt-ri 1 Mils prnjlei. .' HOT c't,.,:i r-ij -'.1..1 - in a w.tllnll lile tC'.llltl.V. S. a'.ll..1'..t! Of .i-i :f' St'e Urll. 1" '.! '.:::( an- T I friii ;'-Cj,j:es .- -. n.'r'in of r-h i,-, ,,lr - Ii :i In"'. - M'i- ...iiitty in I o. it s-; ;,. ia, am t!"v. loo n highways For uiai.y y.-ars ib- i iid'o-sbidt ' 1 i.-l'est .!i j.i f of prrf""t ii-ti. j tao'ltoil t," . '. -yin.- mr;. iian l.,. f. out . lo ir a'.t'V,- lef;'i"ed io OU j pl.t. v lo pl.i. ,. .., li.ji-.. i, iei, :l:, s ,a 'I . 1 ni'-blins w iiii Coin i. t Labor ,,e; ii iu ,..r and ,i;c, .ysi.-m ! .. . t. ,,ike,l i . .- 'o-. be.-,, Stales" , ;..i b,. sp,-..red 1 well. lis p ,, ... Ii.'.wrver. m i.e. mo il ; b.v iii.p'le liiol! te I'rof. .-.-.r ! ,:,pi,!y ia',.,-,, .f ,. uaet i.e:-;,-.,- sVs. ' ll"l ..cs. Chapel 11:11. X. C w ho ;,., ; :,. nveriioad wile. '- 1 ' ' ial .V-eiil of Ihe Soip horn .,., han.lis.- may h" ( arrird sus,. ,,!d. I'im , ii,.- i.tii.f of lb'ii.l In.piirtes ,vj, el.eirieuy ,.s the moute p.w. r. ..I i. I, mill Stai'j Ihparimenl of ,. f tj.e is, s ,,f telepb-ra:.- w l,i, a A- " ' " i't appeals In rtvybndy. is ill '.nhia l .iaclimil.'ii t.ii.-. irr. stations fur lanying biiaa.'i,e. - Ualli- U wr loul l liate soud road-j it would i "Jfre Kuu. add more to tin valm' fi' farm propoi-i.t than all olht'i' pnlilio iniiiiot fiiii'iiis put togothfi over Into. It would ivdtit.8 tht' rust of fSt'itin.' i"i'. tops t arki't iiini'f than inn' hair, and in saviim of fii'd that is now lo.l io idlo iiorsr.. it wiittl.l ainoiiiii In a sum that staygt'lii i In- imagination. A I'rut'lU'iil Kt nll. Kvfi-y day thai a loam ivniahis ii is sainoiliiiiv; l.n whioli no iflinn will owl- ho ivivivod. I: wi' l. a. I jiond roads iho loams . .oiid no usoil on i!n' farm wiioii t lit- iiruiind was in rondi tion and I ho flops ooiihl ho lianhil Mi inai'Uo! at sii.-li tinios as I'ai'iii wuiii ftili'al not I'o pi mod. A ICi-iu:ti k.tiit.' s..i.t-iiu'nt. It has tn'i'ii r.inipnloil il:al iro a iiif oosi of ui'iiiiis: i t'ops ii-.'iu ih. larni to Iho railway siat'.m is -;i..i(-t man pi'ilin-,- ii f'lim i ho niilr.iad t'.aiion m tin .soaimai'd. A l-tll'llit'r's (llillMIII. "D it woio a .jii.siaui ..I' .arm v u oiis w.iii narrow .iivs I m ii.-iinl n-"i of t'Xp.'llsf. or sii. h wi,l.. n-o wa::.i.s a I ain itsim; ai my mvn . osi. I l:'iiiiii iniiiiniio in iim' iho i.-nior." A Tai'tinT. Il.ivi' W i.lc Til t's. 'I ho oiy host way t.i iiiai.o and U.t p i.ini.1 loads is ,i ha vp V. i.io l.nd W'.ii;.'!!-. j 'HE M!ND OF JHE CHILD. j !r Ha,,,,, If l, lf.it.- II ll..l!.'r..l.s lll- ; fmitTIi si'ImiIiihiv l.l.'iil. , ,lt vS annual ! pot I of 1 1..- ' '"ii: j miss;, ii.oi- ,,r ,ln, ai am w dl app.-.u a : pai'i-r i iiiiil.d "Inhil. it., u: mdy of Chihl Chilian.-.." which will d al will. ,, i.l. as ,,ai dwell in Hi.- braili of a ...,.- i ..iiii" .1.1,1 ami :,i. .lot.. loivil I ..,!.. ii,. .....I.. 'I'll., . i .-i i -1 . -. 1 1 1 -, -1 1 1 1 1 1 in., .loveleiuiii I ihe hiid iniiid w -lo, uallieretl f''o;a 1 cc-ildi .1 oi.s.-iv al lolls o(' l.un.li oils of . hil.lr.ii. while ihey were ii! w oik or play I 'i duel ...us aie mad . floin the f:..-. pifseiiieil. ihai .m-i iS - ei tioii. par. ,. ularl.v of n no m.il nnnuv, is iniui i.m.s io ilio ,-,,l: lain ill.' .Muni.- mind in il ui'se of ui,.wm in.-iv be i.e. leoii Ullv initii. ! bv ..v.r- sillily: ihat when n . hild ,s sr..w .m.' in., i n. :....i: i ... ..... ...j.i.ny in- .s m-iu .1110 " - and eii A lav hand, that I.... n.ia a .M icise wiij . iieek r..wili. .... T . . ..' I. Hull saVs Ilia! li s', .,-,-s, a children up io si ..r m'M ii yvai ..,' : is a u I si-o bin a i ad si-ju ai I Iia i n: Th. 1 1 lion sat "Iia- i- '"ss child siieiild miiiiraily .!eei.,. in... a man ..f ti !..!!. M"ih is who lia.' I rsllc-s , In , u . .in no I , .inn oi i e-ii o I 111!' f.i' l I hat lhi eel. .1.1 .ell s,',, w-s , nnriini! and d. -ii il ' leiii eh.paien' ril" l.iiisier.iiis eiiii.t is as a : nl.- a p. al:. il ly i: I an n i' A ipliet . hh.l 1 II - lepol . s iy s. . lirecssiiriiy olo laal trill .-i-.;. in... a l.ri.uhl mail m woman. Such a uujii tioll iU II ell id 1- oflcil i in l. sali rapid prow il. ,,i ,..' :i-l,n-.-. The l .-pel I . on. iiah-s " 't- a: , -.i-h. :' im; fii.in a fal- id a of t . i ;i , nil u, w hi. h has I.. i n hand, d d.,v u m i IT.-1 1 1 Ih lieu:,;-vile e. We -r. lo think t Ii i, lo e,a-:i : ' l.s 1- i It ..my way In l.e.on.e ieaui ,1. a- .1 ;i,ai m I cnnie ban no I ,s i ).,. (,j . i. 1 a- lit II. I Ijic . :i II ua in in.l ii i ' l i ;. . . o.ie hand ile'o. iiuil ii.-i Ii., ,ii 1: i,- and ll.. nhji . of , ducat leu is in i io . ,n- a ,,.,, I'lie I iia v. I n a i :..:. a i I.e.-. .mo hariuil liom l,,.,;,s js ;-i-.i,i-,' pass, a y,. b,. ;., ., . and ol'rr aii-m ai-.i . p. i In i fiimlaii" mat uiei! - ;-. i oir i , d lit is na buiae. a,) elea ia' ' j slllllpl it e. w ii I. : Wei ,..w , i a : j I riuv, lieiiil.iiu io. . i l, s !... ...i'l lo lll In' lain , Id. ...tie kl. e.t . t i I : . .. . small lin. li s ,,! I no ; ii: .,..,,,,,, ,. . .,, km,w ,. ,,v . , .,,,-.,, .. dirnU de.plv Ii, n i an I life :,.: o -j. ll:ls ;lltvN ,,. ... , ,-, ,,, , j -1, : ." ' WORDS 0, W'SOV. Like Ih.- bee. wr sl,.e,i.l a. .. . I: llls,.V l 1 1' lllllUseaai... I Jolds; . . i If .Voil W iii l.ol ie i r : .,s,.n :: . : I surely lap y.i.i:- I.ni;, I 1 - I'. , : !'.- a aid. I'nlil.l.ess ii:.'.;,.- :,.r. ,:y r:..,-. 1 1 i i " el' isii.uii": ie ii. i'. i.iiy t lllili.l -.Ird i Will. I I'.-w ,-. A lie. -ii many ha. . -1 ily ' . i- n i lliill VI. e leads to mi .-, y . ; I i: -, e , aen. rows mail wh.. will ,;o, ,, ..,o:. ll'ill mis, i v leads p. vi. , . I .:' d The human ia. c is divide.! m... , v. , i ias-t-s - i liese w iii j . : i I and lo soiin i hihi;. ami I la s o. ,;. -. ! ; i ijllil '. "'Why Wiisu'l 1! il. l.e 'la t.ila ; way ';" O. W. Ilolm, Takoll ill its w til si se ,. . , i.i, r,;,. Iiieiilis pr. paiati. li t a . -apb ..- ;. a:.. Ae.Ui-il ioll nf lillless ,',.; , a '. lyiu:; o'l the biisinrss nf :'e !- i:.niaiiiy a ."ay pi s. If. alai se, einlai iy , .. dipt to ..:.': el's.- Ileib. ll Spell. V. The aim I'm w hich v. e ui . r . m I rs siieiimh is t vryiliiiit.'. in- v i. !-. i . ss is i.t,,!.:-... T :-.: fmtii :aay b, : Kit atesl. l. oiln. - s an 1 ia'r'hiy ai lb hltbt's!. v. ir ni 'i' Ii- ., -i .-. iii : ba-i. .lohn llae.ilirii I l.-ai Men. ihouis'li i tr: so lib. ly . ...ti ia lliC'.t.l-. s i I,,.' iu.lct 1 id , . lluem . of il. i lime: t -.p . la'iy i. . i w ims.. :'e ,s brsai,--: t i .. a : i in woe ,1 -tell llotn b. iill.d in I ,.u t j seal -. ha to , line in . oiiia. i with I u a. toai woikiii-s ,,' il.,- Woiid, Carly!,-. j ' i'ls i -l lain I il.il I lie i ;. I ii"u i. ' j wish i i know is. where pm. a e i I j boiii-dii. Ibi' w , waul a liner kin 1 i 111. in tli.it of i. m.iiei. o. -Mn , t. .y na s.ii.iiie man would -.'ive : n pi;., , " j hulls- an, i i.i! a and lii:u., pi..;s,o,i fni t onde:is,!i ion, .-en., in at i . -. and ihe t- lii lin-.' ai will of hi-ii tii.-.nai r. I rl '-'V. I Mir inmmy i nnly ; .': Ol d i In t. We wm.'id iuiii.ii io buy piwe. ! wi'ii ib ih.-'t i-. uilrlia. ; u d i."U"!i!o!l ; iijovi-ji; ih" will 'ihat i- a: -r ' .s'. ' Bui .1-t! ' ii -v !v.: s '.;c -::.,!. ' - Elm.-tsio.. lbntri t -iri-jim;. LAST OF FORT GUNNYBAG3. From Its Windows San Francisco Murderers Were Hanged. Whnt Is possibly tho most intcrost Ins hisloiii buibHnp in San Francisco, the old two story structure on Sacra nit'tito .street, bet worn Davis and l'ront strrols. which served as head quarters fur the vigilance comml'ten of lS.'o'., is being partly torn down. It will bo rebuilt and its identity so meic.'d in i!.e new Htriicimv that its historic interest will be lost. If was here that organization of th committc procee.leil, jind In itJ rooms t'utt. on the followi'iK day. Casey nr.d Cora, th shivers of Kin and Itieliaid ro:;. w re iiupri '.iuod iif'er their s'lr rer.ier by t'.ie authorities to the mm iui'"e The tt faii; were held here, ai.d from the pro.'oethii; beams of the old laildini; Cit..ey and Cora were handed on the fUieriioon of May '22. while thousands of armed igiianta l-;ept bra k the "i.o.m ptuple that erowiied Into !;e icinity of the cne of txe emion. The loii'.miitee eontiiiued to nu et li the sani" rooms, and t.n suii.s.vpioat foriith atiou of the buil.lir.K wi'h hraasttterks of g,.nnybaRs tilled wi.., p.-m.l l-ftt-e tlie lilaee flirt nnmi. ..f "lull C'lri'vbat;" " ' Not' imtii V. illiam T. Coleman mid l.is f. ar'ess .issiwiaira fmil i-.itii ulei .-. l the work that struck terror to fan hearts f 1l,e l.,v,!es ...ml bn,l a.l. Jonraed, did th.e ImildinK now beinc tlrs'ryyed i ease in be the eenli r of fearful and wholesome inire.st. Journalist's Triumph. Miss Jane: I'riest of Minneapolis has proved to the HUtisf.n li. n of a I roorie of self sail tied players in her I vi, initv that In lun- case where tin re's a wi'l iheres a wav. and. inciilrnti'i! v. t ). .1 f s-i-e iwii hilt P; t. 'il I oil in tie Fportiii'-' f-ectioii either a "piker" or a "hluR'er." .Miss i'rirst is th.o i1rania'i rrlti ; of the Tribune in that city. V.c: "at! ! ihe .inniK -i.tr 1 cdv.'i'e!y on a p.: forniat.ee -sven by st.ai" member:- et 'he Krawl-T 'ORtpaiiy. Slie v- as sr- '-asti.-aUy aske I H sue coimi no p. t- t-r. Miss ITIcs. is iier.y ami l'p.i.-. ! hy s iidyiiiK one o. .lie robs l;i a s- lion and aniiearil'K i" ono of tae e-r- . I'-vma; " s ' :e s.-orod i.u imm..i::f hit'' ai d has been nsho! to c.M.iii,,;,. ' i.i I' .. ......lessillli I'.lll lllis .:!.. I,..; ' ' ' ! r. fas. - to do and has relumed lo her ! !. rnier labors. Crdit ary hraa brnna, some ono lias i tail, are f-uvl tti a'.lny thirst. t.-f:- : ;;:,, w !, n:,i :-.:. : t'.ie'ii u-.i'i'.i. Hies. as isMnae in the v p-a-le St rap . f 1 !', :.i! 'y is . lavai.ve ;.; an :. the li-'le . u, .. .' bv'i'..ht Lii-. v. hart W),',. " k . -V: U.: .t '' ' '( - lf: . . U C.V: "'"'.'i jiff.: ;, I m. yva ... ... : i-xQii'-- :-T;'te't Genuine .t.m rrr K. ,4 l- r . . ' '"" t"' B.'.vartf cf ihe ilea'cr wh.i tr:es tz id : wthiri just s geod." : Economy is Wealth Money Savin Catalog fel I 1 Bon Ton lilAf i , rv --' Xs C "lsi- W jy W KV. R LkLlL?.U15aVVil r 3 :lsvwj fcii i 'ii i mm ii u ii'i t rti i i i i i -es v ItHrir rra ! PE-RU-NA CURES CATARRH OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME. mm mlmmM i HfiKGES UUS K DHET D SttASES GUKcu V-.-O'S 'i! I '''I'li-na ( roaliny a National Sensation iu the Cure "'' "' " Ailment of the KUnejs. Main T. II. Mars. tf (he Tirst Wis in-''i I'm ah y Itejrlmeni. writes from ' 'llllilin" street, ('hioi:;:o, lib, the loil.i.vjiiii leiicr: 'iir yearn I MiJ'rrcil wllh entarrh oj' the .-iiiei cnulrnrted in the arum. Mrilirlne tiitf i ol help me a hi ! "'''" 'e ir.'i Ual been helped ! f'U Vi-iui.i tfift me lo try tt. I f""!!"' ""' " oner, ana mnn founa j '",,, , n, p, uming i """'"" "" ""' fit better tha n I lui re tlone or t hait lis lo ...... ......... ...... Vrn ii K. . M a im. o.v. M:. J.-lni Van. e. ,,f Hartford In. I . say-.: -My kidney lro.il.le is mil. h I.- I'T. I h.He M.,pi-..ted so Illllch Ihill i ..itl..:.t wants to !:ii.ov wiull metlt I am u-li'i;. I r- llllicil.l I'etuna i.. ir.ci r.'. Iiody. an. I s.iiiii' I.. 'no com .1 in us . p. ' ,1,. t',,!l,s all say ' if I'l. Il inmaii's iiieili. iue cures i' iriisf I o -L-reiil." .lohn Vance. Mr. .. i:.:,l.r. i'etrnlea. Ontario, funntlti. trrtle . I'mir uea ru aun I ' " ha-l a "i'.v atff k Uriah!' di- ,.,i.s... u .'. .'.. I,r:,u,,!,t me so loir the ,.'..,',,.. i,ill ..- .,... Ik. r dour or ni". I .-.i n to take l'eruna rind Mniml in, ami In three iiionftM 1 iivis i ire mini, find hove ron- tlniii il mi i rrr lnc: " .. II rake. A i I he a pp. ai a i i.e.. I' i he til's t yy in pi mil 4 -.UM; S-v-'. 1 s. .. . ;- -VT-- THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life t, '.it of .!...! , i.e.! . i.t . f the j4.imes whirh they phiy and tile oil;..;. -incut which tiny i.i.ve aad the eil'i.rts whirli I hey ut.ike. cri' - :';.' l'.-e .' , r part . f t !;. i:- .' 1 . a ' al th ve'.. .puu ut which is mi es.-t i.tiai tn til it I: ipiiln.'ss whrii rr. ...: I. V.'li.-n a laxative is in rdrd the reuntly wliieh is C iveii t ) tbe.i i.i j':-,. ;.:i,l sv.ietc'i and strt nj,'then the internal .'to, ..us tn which it a i!'.,-,:'.d b. : !l as pay -liriaurt would saiietioii, because it i ioinp..i:eut part . au kn .wii t . ! " w !;. ii'ioiiit' and the remedy it.-.-lf free fr.-ri every ,d .-.'! ...u.ilde r ialii v. '1 he . ne remedy which physicians and p u "it i.-ifi.-.-uieil, approve aval rcoiuiiicinl ami whirh th.e 1 i'.tie ones ea y y, .::i.-e i f it ph-ii ..iu! tl.i v- r. it - .ji'ii'I" aetiotl and its ItenePciitl etie. 1 .. i- -Sri,p.-f ri;-- .::..; !'. r : lie s. me r, :if..ai h is the cnly laxative wlii.h .--h, ule. be i:- :l I V f.!:l:e.: and v-th; -.. Sirup if !' rs is ;he .nlv lriued-,- wbii-.i nets pentiy, plea sail lly and naturally '.villi i: t ; I , : : '. . irr I n' :ua . : .' nan -cat i;::: ai'd v. hi, ll r!-:: n - I !;e sv-'cii ef:c : i'!v, w .a. 'i. pr. ..!:.. :.' tii.'.t roiistip.iteti habit which r- .u',!; f - in I lie us , f i .'..' . I '-;;!.-. t at'u.iri a s a ml tin dern imitations, and a:; ., u.-t v lii. ': tlie r'lil.'i-t n s' !.'. I , .-.ne'i' 'y p ii.'irt'.eil. If yon would have ta--,i :: t-. i:-...ii''.. :i.ai:r. iie.i.tuy ami nappy, ti'i m-i j;.'.-e .;' i.i ' enies are u. t nee-led, and when n.i'ine nocK . , : i..:... live, (:ivc ihrr.i only the i.iiuple, ;'le....n t an l ,'.!..- ; t.i the ex,e"eiire of the cnib: 'i.it , 'U I the , p .;,' . v :'i pa'a-.i:-.: ar. .mat it- syrapt ar.! jai. ' ., I t : ,, d . l" in.iu-f.i. turt! and as you value t !;, I.e.. a a , f i . ; .. , rt ii'i v . f t o .'.ule dilutes v. hich ui s''i -'..'.r.oi'.s tb .;! - t in. -re. i .o their profits. The jrenu iue . u : .. ! may !" , f a'.' tel-al le t'.ru,-;. -s',s at fifty cents p- r bottle. 1!.-;-. e t,. r "m -m'.c:-. t'.'.e fa'.! name t the l ump. my C:I.i: ORNIA FIG SYR. VP 1 ' '"-t of every p.n !- : in tider b" eet ita ; I li i.tl elfcets it i. a!- ,. e uve. .-. t. buy '. ti'.o cetutiue ou.y. ,j, V,' 4v : . . I ... I - i FOR MALARIA. CHILLS AND FEVER Fi-T ea take : Nl IX I R RflRFK M ' tl Mur ,i'riiirlt'nillie ilr- ls. fc3 ,. t . n , . rtiMi--M nl v, .t,VH:."fLr,.:,VtaA.:n..Trt'L' 4 Fr3 Test Treatment ii -e.. nn fiib in bit msthott t f Ji ..Au,,.,,..!.... i-iii'.' Os's-i-. J .i.jru i u. ,:, I.T ti:)H. .'"OJ ;Tt ilS ' I. -.o -.t UJ I T tiiil mi til 'Bl.m ' XT ' ...iril .i-iii,Iou-i.Ii n treA.n.ent iv-; J Trill 01 li tOSf. 4. i.ll tn L . ....n,.d th..t it.T litn.nt turn. XJVL 1 - I of Kidney Irotlble. I'e rilua i-hoiild lie taken. This remedy strikes at olle;- the very root nf the disease. It at oncei'"-lieveslhecii-inrrlial kid neys of the st a un a n t blood p:e- J .. ' "iiS I ft" .a. sj mi A. Vo I v e ii t I ii t: ll.e l.s. ai t SeM'.l'l i:. .-, II. I ' I.,.. kii:.,i !. : .'- . 1 -.illi-v.s to OT- ! ,,,., ,-.,, ih- l. .. ; ;, - a. . .lun'hitd; .,,, .,. e,.,U.. p.i-s.in. and tin:- pre. silUiS Which ;m, s,:io - . . ...i,-,,.!, i,, ;-..i!-,w- :f iho pnisons are allo'.v d i" v-'.mi m. It. pives ifreiil vij:..:- t.i 'I.- Ifaii'.- acti.ei and tliycsilve sy.-tcin. I". ii which are apt to fail l:: pally iu '''' - d i-ca.-r. l'eruna Hires .aiarrli ..f th- kida-ya j simply heciuiso ii . i ever located. ai.i. i ll wln-r- If you do rot .I. rive pmrnp: and i-at-isfaeiory r-csiiiis 'i.iia il.e im ,.f I'e rutia. write at -i i ' ' I".-. Ilartman. tii.iK a full sta'eii! nt of your ci-e, ami he will I ' :. d t" i;ln' y..u liiit valuable advl, e ur.i: Address Dr. I lain. .an. I'l. side lit f.t 1 The I Ian ua: a .1.1 i'ill!. I oil!! ihllS, i uhio. CO. m pru t..! n ... s ' ;. 'X. ,-:Tr ! " - - ..,', : A', t-.' r'' : "1 '.. ' .'."' i.-j$lmJ- '..": ' .;-....u--Rf4!::'Vv . .' ,' - x ;v;m&0:. 'ttt'TrJt.tf - t-r-' n mmm Tho P.-e.'etretl 9:e.ii c the. Capital Stock, $2,00000. $1,000,000 Preferred StotU. S 1 ,000,000 Common Stock. Shares, S I OO each. ?iSJ at Par. Or.lj Prut rrrd S'oo1! cftarei i 'o, W. L. Ojugla-? it::..r ?.' Icnim-n Stock. W"T ll r l. li . .c! i ivim.-l I ,.-1 V. m "1 -I ' -II. .1. .1 1 if f "tt U. W. I . I 1.. . tin tin.- In.l . Ml. I ' i.t is t,.i-it,.i.i,ll -.i t,-1 ...i t'M"." , f I, li.i.ai.-.s Is f t ti '. - I ... T pi ...'.ll-l..t .'- t. I. .sm ... -, . :. I u.e.f I .liM.ii-t. i imvi. r. .::' i liAn.lt't, ,,t -.-, , hat. ti-.a) I.o rrt'tiab!. TI". 1 ngftinut ter. r . pti.;-. rejl-.i.Jl n Ttitii.isl tl ie.i iei c.'-.t'1-" illl.tr.Ji tr-tr . I ' I :.l--.-- hi t.ci ea - 1 "1 .. i i If'V-."" .V. '. .' -'tftj iiuitmi it .mMB !!' !;;'V. '.'.. '.. dtv. -ei't-i will In, 'm- tl.. t-s.'-t v ( -i --t I-J-...T, I .tn, ,.1rt.s 1 1- - !:i. ci: is';, .'l-.l-ll- III. l.ii-r. -t. If v... .. .. I. I,. e.v.- ri ',e'i,u''s.'M''n-,.-vV V; ' w. i . ii...iui o. t . i.'. . . b i. : to. n-' .. I'- '"" !'- f .-- ' IV. I.. KOI t.l,, in. t'..x v ' - !. ' ' 1 . '.1 RtS V-hlii All li:-t bus, ,'a I Beat uiisii sy.-ur. i i .a i '1 In tlit.ti s.-.-l i ei-cs - rs-i v . :, 1 ! -' 1. . 1 a. it i - aa-.i,,i . V

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