V l)F.t.'. 4. 1!MI2. Local Records. '.Sheriff Millikeu lias appoint or t it f'lai-L- inilpr in nlace ....... .... The ladies of the Daptist church at thin place have sent a. Im.x of clothing to a missionary in Oklahoma. ' --They are offering some espe - .."'.. t 1 iull. nuirl Ull-.r.llllS 11) I at ICS eaes auil coats at J'yuuin A Hoadeu's this week Mr. W. j;. Uilkie, ot i:ape r,,.... l,,u,,uliin liu,l (111 lulf Moll- tiny, aged a hi tut TS years. He had teeu iu leehie health for a vear or - A ureal deal more cotton has s..i,l at l'ittsboni this fail h i 1 ever liefore, and the price haa Til equal to almost auy market j 1 .iv ii m nt v nimm ission- ' -. . '. I I ... . ,t,,l Mr l II HUbUSPAY, ' 'ir'"'"" " -iwo expert i'.ccouin anii, 1 M inin'i- M..v- . a- Uieir attorney and Mr. Cht )ritical parties, to investi 1 ! .es .il. tiiirneriw suiicrintend- ,,..lt0 tu, ti,i:lK.i;,l condit ion of the :'. ' I county home. j counlv and li-nort at the January - ithstandimr tlm nuiuber 1; liisrs that lSvnuiu V lleadeii: 'itve sol. I fhis fall, they still have'(l;tt ;l H,,j,. u.ecting vill be h Id t nice line and will be irlad to hav i , ; .1 I'l-nbiv of next '.: laities inspect them. -The S. A. Ii. afternoon train es lialeigh ten minutes narlier 1 imii hen lofore, which being 1111- ii. itn h is caused several persons c ..ir'ig here to coma near being ihe Webster-Tetiles Co. is the name of a new corporation or ganized at Siler City by l. L. Yeb.4er, J. N. Teoples and W. I). Siler. It succeeds the mercan tile linn of Webster A- Teoples. Trade is in full swing at J. K. Weatherspoon's, uf Saiil'ord, 111 egant line of holiday novelties just received. I'nusual bargains in clothing, ladies jackets, and shoes. -We take pleasure in calling , jHeation to the splendid showing maae oy tlm lein'i 01 I it tsooro m , its statement published in another; coluain. This bank d 'S.'l ves t he 1 confidence and patronage i I1.1t it in receivui 1, and it-i s.icceo.t is very ratilying. i ti i.i f..,. n. i...t r... I d.ivs should remind vmi of the ne cessity of good dry shoes. Kyu'.im j A- I leaden carry a full lie..' of odi-j b!i slioen. such as Zeii'ler s. I Craddock Terry's Lewis', Ac. j Thes-names on a shoe mean th best to b had for the money. i I Mr. Thomas A. Hanks place, who has for many yeais been a helpless paralytic unable; to walk, was able on last Sunday ; to walk aeross his room without: any help. Mis manv friends hope; that he may continue to improve; nnd soon recover full use of him-: self. ; Nothing makes a room in, your home look nicer than nice, riicrs. Thee have them at W. L. i liOii Ion A- Son's, all prices and j vices were held, and on the steps ntyles. Also nice art squares, i tu the chancel tli'i -were nrtisti Carpets as low as l"c. per yard, caliy ai rah:;ed soii.e fruits of t he lip to lie brussels, A nice h of : ear! h" wiiich piesi i:!i d quite an table cloths, napkins and other , attractive, scene. IvV. vices were household goods. j held at night at the l'.aptist -It is now time to be getting , l" rKV ,.,1H Cno, ,.;,,llllVi yo.irt l.ristn.as bargains, and he, IiU -(!ia ni) j,. (,!(. It luace in tret uiem mm ii Btore of A. Max-, at Diirliam. Isan taClauswill have his headquar ters there and everybody can there jjet everything for Christmas that is wished for. Go there at once before the best bargains are gone. If you are huntimr for some - thing nice to eat vou will find it iit W. L. London A- Son's. Their stock of goods is the best. .None; but the best goods kept. Itow About some nice buckwheat and syrup? All kiuds of nice fruits, Usw crop layer raisins, nuts, tigs, citron, currents, almonds and oth er nuts. A.,d still thnv pom. Where? . iv i... f ...,...-. t. n., Hi,,, .a- a Max at Durham, who is givin 11 11 1(1 .wilinc- li. uu; n . ' ' . U ... iiuch good bargains to his custom ers as you never before have heard of. Goods of all kinds are selling At and below cost, and he. is slaughtering prices right and left. Other merchants nre astonished at ihe extra bargains he is giviug ihi crowds of customers. -A few days ago our venerable .conutyinan, Mr. Samuel I. oin- in,v r;U. ail h.ippy heart. All the ible.uarrowly escajted being killed. 1 oili,.,Ms-f lect weie iluly sworn in. While riding a mule i became ' ;u tliP bonds of those, who hud frightened and threw hiui, and his t,, jrjvi bonds, were all approved. ;foot catchiug in the stirrup he ; Nearly all were given by guaranty was dragged about 2ii yards when .companies. :tlie girth broke and be was re- Our new board of commission .leaseil from bis dangerous posi-' PvS is one of the best our county tutu. He was considerably bruised j bas ever had and they made the. Dr. T. A. Milkman, for ex ibut no boues were broken. right start in fleeting as chairman amiuatio j of Teter John- . it . j Mr. James 15. Atwater, who is one son, a lunatic Mr. Oliver McMath, rtf thii()f t,u, ,,est i,usiUPS3 .,, jQ tlieJ. T. Johnson, insolvent countv. will be 87 years old today , v:,,.,.. n,. ..'o ..n-ilw will nnd he is the best nrcsi-i veil man of his ago whom we have ever ... . 1 . known. He rode here horseback last Monday from bis home, ten miles distant, and back home without, the slightest fatigue. Last week he went on a fox hunt iu Moore countv. Me and his wife celebrated on the Ctb of last month the (Killi nnuiveisaiy their marriagu. I Mr. Thomas W. Hackney has ! Imm h appointed standard keepcriti place of Mr. J. h. Mornii. m.. i r. Ci-ium has em ployed Mr. Wain. M. Holt t as- niht him in his olhce vl clerk ot the superior court. Tln telephone lino between here ami Siler City is a great con- venience. A person talking through the phone at Siler City is heard1 Here as plainly as ii i; ii-- ent, although distant nines. T, r , t rai!is have ,,iado our nm;u vtry mm1ly and miry. ti,., vow drv and ihni 'all the fall. They are not likely i . I. l.i.f.ii'i) lwvf tO HUpl'llVO lliUCll before next spring. l.ail roans am mr gn ,n est curse and liunlcn wincii v. nai I limn f.O'iiK'ix liear. . , , The manv friends of our veil erahle towmmaii. J.J. Jackson, that he is in a critical condition. U11 last Moudav evening he was stricken with paralysis ot tlw vigiit sine ami has bfen iu an unconscious condition ever since. The new board commit- si.tuers have very pioperly an - n .-. i ,i i ..: i I, ,,. llll'l l.eu I 111! Cll.lll 111.111 iv l -in .iw, . ... i ... ... ..r 1:1V.... meeting. w. .,,.(.,1 I,, ,ii,iuei-.e. j neek for the purpose of consult- ' 1 , , .1 1 . rsij., will ivret to learn inai ne.p,. jiiciianison, now a immnni? 1UIT and illSCUSiilig ili.".V X i S loans.i:nppeu hum an iiiooi.Tii mm- of l 'hfit h.-iin n.av be improved. ' iloveiiie;:ts and cnuveiiielices. We This meet iug wiii i'oi'n chile sucliiwi legislation on the roads as may be desired from the next Legislature. No more important matter c oi en e.:ee the attention of mir people ami a full at lend. uice is d -l;ei I i'lioN At. I I I'Ms. Mis; l.i- of ApeX itteil .1.. vi s.Ul. Mi.--j Am.iv 1. Mr. mi ived diaii'. lure. I lev. Cli.ules J5. Wright, whf from this towus'uip to In last April, has iiioved bad .!::. H. Fi . Methodist t is attend - ifereiice. tlej carries t!u- bes from this circuit t repoit in yearsi M ( !i urge Tavior has relurned 1 I ui- iairi an 1 has accepted 'atlo'i as salesman with, the t-Ward llardu.tlc Co., at iial- lb t'111, Our former coin: vm.in. Mr. W. T. May, mi a i i ', .i- --evi S. A. L. ha iceli with his brid" it to lc!.ltles near heie. ra! yi'ars he hss b'-en the ;i"i'i;i at Cai insle, S. (.'. M : ri r.r-v.er h.a.s 1 1 en visit here to lus mother. H resi-o,.. 1 ,e ageiiev of the 1 T 1 . 1 '1 ' 1 . 1 .. 1. a a i has i A. til.' f il.wil.. at lioci.iiigii.'uii, an oougii M!-lj il V 1 anv oi.vn an increased sal- 111: Wi Id lemaia. THAN K s' -IV! N.i i AT. ( mi 'i ii.-.nks.; i ing liiy our tov, n had the appearance ot a Sunday. All bllsines-- v.as :-ll-peilded, all Ihe stores hei !! cii.st'i!, and ll.o streets w ei'e as pi:f-t as on every Siihda.y. At the episcopal church the usual Thmks.'h ing Day ser- hunters from enjo nig tie-ii f.s v- He sport. 1. here were family dm ings, as usual on that day, and many good dinncis were enjoyed, especially that at the county home lEv-m.VJi Jnnxhy is ' tLeir uu. d custom, or it sr.w orFicriis. ..,.lti I !., t Ii'. I'lillilU f.t till. r t Tiiilitv was a proud and haiipy day fo: the uuterritied j Democrats of Chatham, for on ! that day their recently elected i countv ol.icers entered upon the discharge of their duties and as sumed control of oui comity's af- Mrs. Thus, after Fusion rule for ten vears, our ;ood old count' is once more in chariie oi me pariy that is composed of a majority of thewhite people of Chatham. The men, who could be elected only by the aid of negro votes, have now been relegated to private life and their olllcia! life has expirt d. For which n:av heaven be i raised! There was quite a good crowd j here to see our new oliicers lake I charge and there was manv a smil-j i r . :.. n.: ,.i i.i d ;n i uu !;ur III ur-ii iimir, i"i. v.. reouiiv all their best i ll'orts to'hon were allowed llie tollowing ,.n i.. i.v,i,inr sle.,... ronitlv's 1 amounts: J. K. Kivcs 12.(il, W. tinanees. which the Tilsion com-1 missioners have so badiy nianag- , We doubt not that all our new . .v.. :n .i:....i n.;,. ,i,;u UilllTlh Hill liniii.uc in... ...itiira so well that no one- -not even tho 1 , Republicans elect ion. will regret their voTi: im; coxiiukssm.w. Th Slfi. .,, , , r..111Vllt, t nt Kalci-h Inst week mid an - hoiiiicrd tin- olilcial vote for Con iossiti:iu in this district as l'ol- 1. (,j J-,8 2'jr, ft wf - j.',..lM in . Johnston Nasi, Vance . . . Wake..... 314! ;j J .i-ti i Total i:,71"J 2,1(1.-) There u-t.-r 17 V(1itst in - . .g Countv for Alvin Uetts. . 1 TOWN OF NIAii UA. n,; Our former countvinan. Mr. T. IS. Jtiehardsnn. now a nrominent citizen ol l.oston, has sent TliK ; Ki.( oud an attractive lithograph map or plat ol ".Niagara, a new . town in Moore county, near honthern I ines, wlncli lie ami a noston syndicate are proinotin, , , , . , , .. , , 1 J i.iui.utne winter resort for Northern invalids and pleasure seekers- as are riiichurst and Soul hern Tines. Already, without anv adrert.'H - hi o,cr 20(! lots iu Niagara h.ive i beni sod and the eiilemrisui'' promoters have no doubt about 1 malJinr r.ioid sales and soon ! building up ijtiile a idee little city I ..,!. ..I I .... :i liiuch success i'!:n ii:nmai. cr.i.nma'noN. Th-' ('iitennial ceiebration May's Chanel on last Thins at ay (Thaiiiiseiving May I was io.--.t pleasant occasion, and was much onjoyed by the huge crowd in at tendance. It was to conira.T.iorate j 1 he one iiuudivd! h aiiniers,!ry of jthe orj'.i;ii;'.alio:i i f the Jh.pti.st ' eki'irh at that place. preached bv I The sermon wa liev. .1. At. iiile, 01 Apf-X, Who 1 ' . was horn an-1 reared nc-.r there, , ij. ,i 1,,. .;. 1: i; Wl.it.. (,;, Seiiatoi-eh ct from (.,,unt,. K, v. O. T. Kd- wai.ls de!ieie l a historical ad -1 dress, in widen he mentioned that the K.iptist Mate Conventioll had, bci'M held tice and the Sandy i Creek Association live times at Ma e's Chapel. A sump! li 'US din- I hel was pr I hie people and was . 1 : recent. ovi I by ti e hospita- of the neigidioi hood really enjoyed by ail Co m n: i s k) He rs" Mc e t i ng. The bi lard of count v com - mission"!- met last ?ioin.iv and oreaiii:cd by ehctiiiLr James 1!. At water chairman. They audited I lie follow ing accounts: M. I. l'i i iv and !'.. J. Mc Ler, as poll holders and liieinbi isof countv board of can assi rs, ( a h .... !.( 0 :. id jj. ?s. lbyaut, lor serving j load orders I il. M. M a.si in. for examin ing .Mural jioliiiL', a til hat ie 15. W. liobbiti, insolvent fees W. F. Crutehiield, for con veying Teter Johnson to State llospital at Kal eigli J. W. C.'iinpbell, insolvent fees N. M. (lilmore, for .beef. . . L. (!. Jfdinsoii, for ser vices at county home. . . W. A. Wicker, as superin tendent of county home. Adeline Jackson, for cook ing at county home W. A. Lawrence, for colliu for Caroline Hooker, .1 pauper Jason Watson, insolvent fei-s (Ins Koei's, iiisoheiit fees K. II. Dixon, on account of Hit '0 2.10 2.". (so 50.00 12.00 superior court, Ac L. M. Kobiuson, insolvent fees li. H. IMxontor recording voters i'ii permanent rob J. N. At water, for lumber . William Kiddle, jail fees.. Dr. II. T. Chapin, as su perintendent of health . . J. J. and J. T. Johnson, in tiitlvent fees K. W. 151and, for services as chairman of countv board of election Mr. 1!. M. Durns, for feed ing 12 jurors one meal. . 17.fi0 2.150. t',.(IU 2!.(i7 C. M. Moore, for lumber bridge Womble A Liuoherry, lor supplies J. M. Matcher, for making ba'lot box Toe-Atwater Co., for sup plies It. M. Dixon, for making a permanent record of vot ers l.."o 'n. v.i.,ighni'n uf the ale olec- p. H. Wilson $L'i.l2, J. 11 Cross I2.4S, D. J. Kiggsbee 1 2.7!, W . !M Limlsny SI M. V.White !?!!. 00, 15. J- It ley i?Tt.2r., D. . v.. , I SltiCci. Soenrp Tnvlor ----- - --' - i:5.."7, T. A. Kirkman $11.77," T. 11 Tettv ST1.!S'., J. M. Cabauiss ji?l".s:5, D. J. Willii.nn $10.U, A. K 3 a Z at 1, -l''..- i. 2,2;:i 4 2, !l."() 7i 1,821 211 1,118 1,17!) 311 777 ID. Tarrell $10. IK, N. ( i. Yarbor- 'ough $ln, S. 1'. 'league -Jr. ii:;.IT. - 1 i:J J :i; : i That .Jack Smith I... - 'appointed janitor ol the. court I house at 1.2 per month Oki.i:iii;n, That H. -V W tdch ho allowed 2 a month for months for support of John Jl 1 ill. CiininticR Joltings. j Cumnock, N. C., Nov. 28. At last rain has come. It was a welcome visitor as it will help Tim nick of the neighltorliood ai'D improving, i'rank Jvissil is innu'oviiiir and will soon In; out. 1 gram come up Mr. K. ti. Segroves, civil in er of the Durham A Cliarlottft raihoail, paid a living visit t" Ins people the past week, lie given encouraging news in regard to the extension of hin road towards l'itlslioro. Ho thinks possibly th.. 1 road ill he in operation in six : months. 'J'ins will give an outlet ; that can Imt. he ol iiiestimauie val- ! ne to the citizens ol Chatham and I'lttsijoro. Mr. C. I'. I'endletr.n is hauling Imnber to S:mr,iid for a dweliins". lie wiliciYi t at once a due ling and ,.,,ii,u,.l, .j( 1 i,.,t ,,!,, !... I,. , . t , : , 1 he tr.iiuod nurse, M iss S. lina , Jtays, Kill lor liak ign last week, as her serviecs were no longer I needed at Mr. Kissiil's. ! Mr. Chas. Kiddle was buried last Sunday, lie died of tyi never. 1 1 is son tiled a Utile ovr 'a- week before of the same ilisease. ! 1 r. Kiddle was a good citizen and his death was a great t shock to his t . 1 1 I I . , I111I rn 1 I .iik'i 1. ti 1 I ; i.uuin mm inn ,,rin... j Mr K. 11. Smit h, lonnei ly 1 d t! A. C. Ij-, has succecdeii Mr. Tiuia tor as agent and operator for the Southern at this (dace. Mr. fin lator goes to Tuiversity Station. Tiiereainsever.il pet .1 ions for stock law being circiiiated through tins neighborhood. The beaiitilul l '.!i has caused gram and vegetal ion to have a spi nig-like appcarai.ee. We re cently saw straw bciiv !! o.;is. The rise iu the pncent cotton ! will cause a large ena-unt of tLi s, to . llla,k,.te.. ! A iiu.'irrel l.-etwet-u ne-'n es a I this place on 'i"i,a..l.sgi; ing night resulted in the la-'iih ol on. negro and badly iiiii'iiug anoliiei. Jt seems that two la-L'loes, t,ie Malrymple and Ki.ss hill, had be come imolved in a diliictiiiy when another negro, Aii M.ois, interier ed wheieiipon Koss 11 ill drew hi.-, revolerand shot him dead, ami! then knocked the I a!r mple iu - 1 gTO Sell-eiess. Win !! I 1 1 1 i sa W t i;e lesl'.i part. iia e of 1111 lis .sam-Uiig Ii l.iwn. Then v nnsavoiv p I left i. Ill gl'o. pi. tali. Mii.in and Co. were e'uploved Ii) ti'.i it this place. A .. i . lames T. Wili !!e, while iatox- ic.iied, was drowned iu abmit four inches of water in Deep Kan, hear iak'sville. I .loih.ston county is tie- fist of ail i. unties to return i's iae.-. f ir l'.)t2, iu lull, with the p.- uii.'iit agreed to by tiie county commis sioners. j UimtsviHe, Ark., the cmniy ise.it of Maiiisoh coiiaty. a lo'.iu fan) iuiiabit. ints, was nlmos! P. Lil ly destroyed bv tire Sam! .v m U!:- II g. Th-; court house V. lilt u-ok t oi the count v recoil': v. ere burned. Alius Weis, one of tin i-aln.-, 1 est cotton merchants of New Or h'ii.is, was lined ."f2." for i the separate car law. lb- j the side r-'SelVed for hegr-1 letuseil to go to the otlci ating .i oi: s and partment, r he res thero w einiy seat. It is said that experts made tests and found oil I, a, ve j in 20 1 miles of l-'ayetteville. As yet it is not known whether it is in paying iqunntities, but Ihe experts are so .)()() 'lllllch pleased at the prospect th t I they are endeavoring to have one 1 05 of the artesian well-boring com j ';j!j paiiies drill some tst wells. As yet ho test wells have boon driven. 22.0"i, Winston Sentinel: Mr. (iiiaid. 1 the Southern T.xpress Co.'s agent 7. "in nt Madison met with an unusually ! large streak of good lin k. Sonie "f.20 time ago the Cincinnati Inquirer 1.41 olVered a large sum of money as a 11.70 premium for the closest estimates ion the number of votes cast iu the 10.00 Ohi,, election. Mr. Chant, by taking advantage of guesses to C'O the amount of about 2U0 jatlior- led ill returns to the amount oi !.it,noo. Attorney Mclich.iel, .- Mudismi, is in Ohio m.w looking alter .Mr (itianl s interest. ; PiilliiiK a Vu'lc'ii Ti.ntl!. i iii'.Mit...r. C 'rn -i"i .'l-ii.-i' ei i.r - eAin hhivit Tiio extraction of an aching, tooth from a complaining mule I wii .in i 1 1 tt.iisl in.' i ic.-u i lei ice he'.e : this morning. A purchaser hadliH rotui ned him to a dealer, say iug 11. Co he had tits or something. A vete rinarian examined the mule and 'diagnosed the afiliclioii as a dis ;!.! eased molar. The toothache vic tim was thrown down, amlv.hili I two men held his j-iws open, th. .'5.00 horse doctor put some forceps re sembling a derrick into his mouth, 7.ib" and noon getting a sure "hold" the summons "to heave to was given, the ioiceps , ,u .lenuKas hoisted bv several men sw ung to a - . . lever, iini the tootn came out.! . i . .1 . The mule qui Kicking ... snowing r: itnyni.rehtitiedsymptomsinh.il! an hour after lie operation wa nei formed, and the uissatistie. i . owner carried him home The mule indicated rein t aim home- sickness by several luty brays, A I. !!v: ! ( M.t Tin? undeisigiu d w lice sample ''I :.. stoiiiiicii ami l.iv ts f one wantiii ri disorders of the M ness or com-. thai new lemcdv and ; 'it. This od 11. Tilkiugb The K.,,,1' ist. d L'ni'iiitin- .' .- anii (,, of the V. lli- 1 ti-t mi!;' ( Hiiiianv ri- . C tlio wai; and has as-d . Iieiiellt of its credit' -i eiii!.; named i ; ii-ii HclU'i I!:tn .! ' ..iMCl'. il.Ci: i i;ie. s 1 'a Hi lialm am ednd jiarls, i. i-b-r for i iaii . is in the side 01 i has 110 re;-, : : i- the reli 1 u!;ir ;;mi r'.. : sale bv (J. ' ' A i.iec ! . with Chaiulierlain' l.ind 011 the ;u! better tnan a pi. back and f r .ii chest. I li.iii: or as a liniment f deejt scale,!. iiii;:-i luatie ha.n.i. I n; i'ilkingP.i,. dm-! Oi Wednesday nui'il tug lavs blew opt ;i th viyM; ..u oi Wals ioiil'iev at ro, iu Monro county, a'' .S.'i.lK'O iu inonev find State bonds. 'I'lms far the I Ifirs have eluded capture. A T 1111, Mil; i 1. the J Ins IS when the a sc.-is pi.l.ie d hf'USl'WIie '.-p!i iilSiliv o Chambei lain s Cwiigl it is certain to nt-e.; the winter is over, and i Ml' i! ' .'id; .it i -. : muc more prompt ami : ry when il is kept i e ;'i-n as Mm n c.s the e tracted iMnt h. fore it set lied ii; the s st.m. everv ii.:-'t.i ..ee a i b-s warded oil I v t-J.: t i. llei ilicatiull id There is :io c'llMili'll fill mibsi.ii, take -boli, i i i-.r- f . i ;! , ! . ! - hinder it L'iik; gist. .'.I (. i:.l:a ! -iv-n I --. i :: yen s. The pc . !y p'.'.l up nn miiaieiit Wa.te.ibof. A i .e:.a wiii b- pla. iu:: of ; ; Silences a;; w r!i f I': nii'ii il,,.,: . Il.e.l..-' d. .M-i; lied o Th iu the in a i could .m.b.-z' tli.l'd l''ede; in;- l:-i n-.t '.ielin-! iile i!i o-t i sn . !:ave : Ii---. Sniii! I I!-'; !,:-:;.-. ..; l.ii'n... ii i' i y e., .- :.,-eh : I ii i : l . (:. .::. t his ., i..; i,. pounds of sq-m a tin., who li'.ed I fro: ti her.-. "A man ted t;i sion we.irin cht'h. s. !a.t he died in- , ( r. t: ,1 -, eed , thel. die tmi ll,a P i il i i J .'wi .'... At the .1 In. .-). o. LiV,ni iv.mki ii p. l.h:c !i C;idi . III. I ol'.l Ot. '.l li.m T.i.il. C.T.t. .Ui ". : lc. j ).., w i i. T.-bil. .v.. r. wi! ?()l' i ( I o .1. .'! 11 l.: t HI. I l..,l ilNl'AV. Ic.-r.t-. U:. I '.9 i-t.l.!- i -.1 n II..' . . ich ly I.) 'I: it., til i Z '. 1 I 1 I-Jci-? Wants;'. 1. . L . . .. ' - -o ... v. a. cs .!. !.:!(. Ul' l- ,c h..vc ...'.',-. '.:: . 1 t'( XiMI 1 'i i jli-o. ( 2i. 1 . v. V, 3 . . fc , '.-r t: vif i 1 vies, vAll snake .iiid iVv hei Y.-'SillllliV to ':t r fi .w.5 fiiM U trnii-. .: r-!': . i '.I... Xar:Aon, l;r.M.ie:it. ; : ' . , , t'U,. - ,; ; ;..-!; iiUS 1 ?i in , , . . 1 . .', : '. '.'.v ;i.."U!i .k. :. -! .: .' ol the iii- . . 1 usiilics our .; ., . t!i.ti olio . i .... :!;!'. IS ; .. . - .: .. :! W'c .vi!!..l. ... -'h-l r.n , ie .1 -i ... mi. 'ill.- ; .. 1 I.I.I. . c. s ; ' .', I . ,;''! sii'A'l'l 'i-s' ." !'! .' . ' ' .' ; r-.'.... ...1 ! ..-..... .ii-yi. .1. m el n c. s u 1 .11.1.1 LL. Uv. i 1-"-

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