.s-" .... JlJ i I " I had a t.iHM-. roM a ;.' coidd i? hardly hreaihc. ! : ui.'.i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it guvs mo im ri mediate relief." V. C. I r; Si.lell, IX How v-'!i your ccuh be tonight? Worse, ivob- j ably. For it's fivst a col ?, j then a cough, tlicti bron- 4 chitis or -ncii;rcni::, ar.U H h i.t i!M vJ.. .iu!li;. :'Jll. n fj Coughs always' fend fj ti dovnwaul. Slop vMs b f! downward tender-; v by g taking Avcs Chcvry Po 8 Ks;:t A s.i. , .irlhi.t'. .113. iiia:t an- fi d h: . ,;e, r. s ,VOri'' :; II,: II'; m 'lit'" 0 in '' 1:3 '.L '''a :- 'l'"' ' ' '' ,:'' : .im 1.1 '!'; ii:ln'i's ::i.':r svado HI I"':- ' v. c.-i.ii;ii ! I-"' : :t ,-! : i c v.: L, soon I a : tii .' The r f.yi'hi :-.! . .: : I '..f.'. I i .-.Tii.t !:.-. : id 1 v. .. .! ; -04 it ... : V.iM..N. 1 i.Mii -. r. 11- -, !i.i: B .1 : v- fo .-I 1 - ::: WAITED f3 530 You-n?; Tvlon .: e- n: 11' t:i - -i ' . : S j.O'JO The Ga.-Aia. Mus. College, !'.) . :!; I . '"-S.JfVH''""''-v"'''''" a"'J'!S 1 Minrfl i APUDINE 1(15' f-.r .'-. fsir.A.'.H ... VT--" -.1 -.-., : , "yf ' f ..-jiJ ,,, L-C! u.'": s'.a:-.f C " C. ?.'".?. o'.i in fcnii. I toral. ! T&ncsict: "it., .'if.. St. At! dr 4 r.)M't y.y-.t . r i 1 ihn .!.. I' : 5 U-UVOlt will- !.:. ' li- ) .1... .v. :::. I..... aWSS-" "- a'""'" fv1 EN WHO DELIVER MAIL. Heart Tragedies That Lino the Route of Le'.ter Carriers. "T 11 yim a Rtc-y? Why, yes, I ' n.Utit toll a good many istories If that ' v. a a in my lino." The gray rarnrr j blew a nearly wreath of smoke up v.ard mid flecked the (load ash from ! Ms cigar," says the Denver News. I 'Let mo so. There's an old lady on j my route down in Alabama who sits knitting tin' livelong day by the front ' loom window. Kvery morning and ' al'iet-noon when I v.histle at thp door : i t' her ney.t door neighbor fIio lays i'"vn her knitting and poors with a Its-'!. tvipT fa i" out of thnt window nutd I go by. flic's pot a boy some- , whert? out T.'fit. He dops..'t writ? tn !; r twice a year. Yet twice each day th whole year t.i'.nnsh she pits there : wlt'i that anxious look, waiting, wait- i:-. .-. waiting. I feel a twitch at my own heart rveiy time I pass by and ; t- tlie took of ospeoUiney fade into ilis-i.i.ointmor.t. fenvlinios I'd give f.'.n to be able to stop and give her I've iir.es from that pnodfornothins hoy of hers for whom she's eating out her heart." 'That reminds r.ie." said a younger man who heard the gray carrier's ifry, "of a pretty beby 0:1 my route in a Louisiana eity. She's a dainty tot about I or mab joars old. She l as hlito-eray eyes lil:e a wood violet hat look a fellow straight to the h - art. Some little girls can do that ii.t r they are older. This tot's mam- mil liie.l si months aso. and for a tiimitii aftiMward she used to eomo tiipi'ii.i down the walk to meet with a little white r.ote in her hand, i and leolini; me to the heart out of ! those big, trusting eyes, she would ' ,-:iv: "Mr. Postman, won't you please j take this letter to my mamma in j heaven?" I used to take the dainty ; n-i-siv from the wee pink hand. I . 1 f. 1 1 ! . 1 1 ' t tell her hnw far away her ; r.-.ntniua was. fine day she came with- 1 out a letter nnd there was pain in the r.reaf. sweet eyes. 'Mr. Postmaji. ba'-y wants a letfr front mamma. Pi-is. Mr Post man. tell my mamma ni" war.ts .--erne letters, toe.' at; T. boys, j ,;l 1 . . t . 1 due vest, follow, ng the . ve-y ihii for a week I bad to pi-iS nmrUe.l 1 ,i- ad a il i- to .Li'iieMown iha- I lihy wiih the pain in the grav- i'i,. 11:, ::.. l'.f'.baiaile of l'etiti-yii ,1- ! eve- nr. (I I wondered the anso's .,, ,i;. , tie. File, the lil'-t 1 t ii: I no find some way soiti'dnuv to . :-':ehe. ! s r.-iifcitut. 'i'heii . I- a,;. ' i:"- baby heart unders'a-id.'' w.-.tna:.; tl- u.c i- a previously in NLSCES' LIVES UN ROMANTIC. ilic.it,-.!. S:".g . l.tln;- t t in favor of t!. prop I highway '- r- ported fru-.i S-'.-.'m Marry Physicians or Patients m.-i-.iy p ..n-s. and :i-i;t:t!: is given by They Havs Atter.c'ed. : the :is.iciati.-n l-l ! 'i 'l ilt the road It - -.: '"ai'y supposed that there ; w ji- tuai'v 1 .- i;.-tnioIdi iN a u-imi .'.:il of romance about tho .. l:. g:-i i' '.it'" 1 1 a profession' nurse and that - - - !'...sp:;a'..; sr matrimonin! . . 1 ... tuninan.. .-. -;: n hero rvTi and wi ni-n fall in -y,. iM . j. . , ;, ,. , , ;, -.,.! wit'.; ini.vsart regularity. F.- ' ,, .... is. r,i,. .:-0u f,ppo-::e is true. Nurses, as ii,-. .lot marry men wht tn they . ..vc n ii-se.l as .a!ients. nor do they 1 t for hiislianls the pnysieians .:' v'.inn1 they come in contaet iu a ; . . ft- :.v.-r.al way. I la -t year and a half b'.-.t on - '. ",. nr among the nur.e. at th . : .-.t-.i '.K spi'al has been anuounei- I. :-! ! i"; i lent was so unusual that . i no er.'l of comment. Ti-.o . .: :. i:i i'ait. an extreme novelty. '-. :!: the female attaches of th" 'lu-.tiim are unus'taiiy good oking. "T'-.i-. proves that nurses do net ! the r.tiiartic lives that tiny are ..:' ii v..-'i by t!ie I'titFlde wiuid." :: : n ti'iysV-ian. "I have frequently ',.:': i! said that men who hail been ! :-!;. i'.l otfn married the trained s who had taken ..ire of th"tn. 'i'at- : consenso. I have orapU yei ..:i'.:.:i e.'.s of these women nurses iu ,., .;vsf. cf my prai tii-e. and have y.-t t.i heiir 1 f a match resulting from ' i-o uf them. As a gtnera! thing the p.-.:i"r.t nkes an aversion to the nurse who has cared lor him. an.', the better see has looked after him and the more v'.:i't!y sh-' has enforced th doctor's ir.-t: ;:ctii t:s the lisi he hiH cured fo! ' I'hysii i.-rs s .niet ni. : faii in love w.:h the t. 1 -.--.- taei meet in ttieir - ' ' ' p. p.et ice. b;;t s'i. !: affairs. itist :ui of ' ' ' ' 1 "iti'.T 1 1'tiiiiii 11. are rare. If any girl '' ' -i't'.'' rs tiie p-i f. .ss:i 11 with the iii(-a of ' - ' " : : '- r.r'-irirg a husband she isr.pt tu tind , '"''i' ' 1.1 h- r.o if .a :: -V ; 1: :' Sra Power of Natiors. Tr. a !' ..' w of the sea power of tli" : iiii-ie'.s tho Naval Annua! shows ,,. i-i i-n years from r-'ig: theso i'-i-.'.-s lave occurred: ii-.-- H'i.-sia. tlermany an 1 the I'r.i 1 ri.pes hav- all become the owners as m it'v I vieships as Frati. e, -.ieii t.-n y ais ago wis ir. 'hat is- v.-c-t seeoi,d only tn Great Britain j l uiit ih, l.neN h.-i-. e ii rc::c. in vale... Two Japan's navy has been created . as much a s'.u per a.-ro. This is ...:i and. for Asiatic purposes, is united elusive . videt:.-.. that th- 1 union of .,' th Cre.it Britain's. building reads --i- uM be !. rue r:-..-e. TLo Hi-itish and Jananese rai-ii'S together number forty-seven -; :: n" . iitds ol the first-class throe ii:.- ;o than the combined total of Rtis-..i-i". French and German warshi)is ot th it c!a?. Fi --.ir-- Fram e has made armored 'i-iisers tl.e prime feature -if Iter j !,--.. r onstriictinn and will s!-.-itIy j t 'cunt thirteen of them. F:v -Great Britain has wil train- j tad-.-d her lead over her most f ri habis j a-i .'i-rs.irie.-i, and row counts twe-.ty. ::.",o f.rst ciass ba't'eships read;- for ' i'-tion. against seventeen for Fratue 1 a'.-.'i !!nss:a , nmViinnil Assuming that the I'nited S' ltei do rro join it. the Naval Annual eon ludos that no combination of nival c..'.m-!s K.-dd lie made strong coec-ii ,: liestroy the British -a lower. , 't'oe !..(. i roi b n-o of Chi-istiauity iu -,rist mii ii. videitt in the Christian. c - imatic Remedy. it- various tonus. A prominent 5$ I I: i-,r t-nrr htcn abii to write a jp : ' tie- i.tn th.it tl.e uvial rrme- H RHKUMACIDR com- - r iii.ni injure? the organs r.f t" ,'itod, cr an long i need n .-a.,.-" is At<utety harmless. ; r.-w.i!;e pn-pahl. Itiiltlmore Hd.. V. S. A. 1 i j G 0 O D 9 j es? U O A I) S. : 'Ilif Cirrat Tliniilke. t I T Hi: prop'iso4 New York Chiea- iimi .1.1. Minie u iiin.t in' I eiiiisid- i"il n fiuiliistie project (. by some, says the .lourtuil. cm toon's to attiiii t uiietitioii. nnd the!-' are those wlm sny its i-onniletio.i is ii-iiii'i!. In larse i-iiics aluiis the inipoi'd route iiuteii ciub isi.ism in fa-vol- o!' it i-i'porteil. At t'hieiise. 1". Polinlil. I'i s:ient of the Alltetiioliih' t'iul'. w'u ' i "lie of llie tiT.siees of tin' asso: inli'iii ! i liiiul the ju-ojivl. n-nli.' s the i tn 111 i urn ot' luivini; yood roads for iY"ih ri t ' railroads with which lie is coiinei -ted. L is till' pllipose of the asoeialion t" 'eeiire siitliricm co-oper ation to have the road Imill as soon 11s , possible, and ii is staled that the ;ov- erniiu'i.t. t---o.uiii.i:i!i the tniliiary int - j pot'iniuc ii' such :i highway, will lend ; its supiiort. I'll.' i-ondii ions vary so in r-ohr.ioll to ibe Inns . cniiiiir the: building and maim 00:1111 e i t roads that : these cxifii-ni'io will be met and renie died. In order to ascertain local eon t'.itions two iih tubers of liie associal ion are iioinu' over the line in an automo bile. Slops will be made in each town iiloni the pvopo-ed i'iad. and plans di cussed with the local authorities, l-'ruin reports received it N po.-siblc that nm nii'i-c than ino miles 1,1 twven New; York and fhieau'n wdl have to be built because of cxi-:itu pavement-;. Tasiward from t'iiienuo to Smuh r.etul. I ml., there arc goml level roads, mostly gravel, about 111 miles. Front that point eastward there are passable dirt roads to Swanion, about tii'ty live miles. The next ten miles are not re- pencil, bin ruiiiiiii into Toledo ate .i-!it t.clc ni' level nun adain. There are pa'ch- s of ..od read- running t !,ri M.-h niiio. lot: ff-m New York state reports are lacking. The load fi-'.ii;li i'ii- Siaie will start from a i..,iui 1 ' 1 the llitiis..ii at Kiti-tou and f.',,.w 1!.,. lie 10 I villi, thet to I'.ni mi 1 1 idd be the bigh--.t ii ,1 r -i.lway -ii uhl .: to water as pus v i'..w fr. ely and g-. t , ,.r iliteb s ; -iiilp. I.'V the . fess ;: . l eell f mid to I'.' made op of s l..piiig loiii'oruily 'i.. and .ieiii. ,1 -i'l eit e'll.-.f etlfl e. . ii, tis ::;a.v be us. d. 0 1 tial .1. the in ;i !'! o- too Sleep at thi . 'Die slcepU.SS Of c. Hire to the sid- s l.a:-t. ai'.l (l , . nil.-. p--.. ;,: ! jt :s 1: .1 i for go... I lira. nag. guii-rs ;'..; i,!'. i i the sic'..- f'.C'l t!i lid ! ct' 1 ti; 11 i". 1 U'-ctter tiafire of the r 1. -s accenb .; SI11...1! httos. e gi'i .!'-- . 0:1 ii.llell ill soli.e I I v ! et after the ur-tit.'.r.-r.-jhly ndl-.I u :'. I'iii- vi'rit - t'l- itii e hits 1"" :npn- .1 1 y n! ui;; I! Mile. ; 1 eii'y :.. . if - .a thirty on -.. r.' i.l 1 . ,.;i. in :', i'ty or one i. t he v.. I , h' -,S of I'ill I' .l fer :i-p!:ii!i s.-iuci iuies as Pel t ilirllt l';tr.if:i;.li. : si.i'.-.i .ei 1 1 m -s paid for . :; ,1 mi l deliv ae:!'i oniiug tic ii material are .l-fll- tietl of a I on-i ii: - . I tun. ll.llllll Vell'l 1. W. il e.oi-tfll' ' d , :'. !: : - io several y to 1 it';!, I a lead i'.e- "!' 01 " p. Il is f.ll-e e over a ; p g- :' : i' le-r t hail -t:t down .: h - h t ;. i.. : .1 order to s - it Pa. J. en r.icil that in i-n-.i.i.y in KentiieUy vvh.-i e i.o a ! rici I i;g!i-.ays have l-ce:i 11 otic i-y 11. e agt-i. iiiiiifai .1.1-- s. hip is n .!',oiig arg'unieiii in favor of ti.uiii eip: I. i niuiy ai d State Hid. A t.riMt It. form Nrnlril. I'i..- I'.i!" : - wi o Icivc !-i" il e-gan'7-; !'.-.- '-'.-in . i. s for tin- piiipoe in" d . !. iiper railroad tli. -ir niarketal.'e 1 ' e oi.itig awake tn . t t'e: .,"u ;s l; .. ib d mi :::. I tiglo at --i: i y ar.'l ry e in-1" pro !;' 'v ar.- : 'h- i'i'''1 ' ' 1,1 '' 1-- !-b' looi.e. An m I'-'ii-.ve ( v.! I !" '! - :'' ii- -' :, i.,.,:,:t.,t...NN. do..' Tl-y bin e I., ell i a! liii'd" I Hue iin. I hoi hig io.. is to mark t. n' ! it leariiit.g that it i .! ;, 1 eid ti. the stiitjet, .;. iu'l ;l .! es ., ,. i :'r :.! 1 - la 1 i"ii 10 ihe V :! v ' 1 ! I g t' l. c U. sh iu g. l'armii .-; li'itifiiie in 11 1 1 in Iii - .i' h Consi'd :it Itot. ibay .-.lys e.:,. i f t. i ir fear i i -aui'.ary i, and nioil-rit l-ie'h'nK ef or. ,i:i. euvi'-i- di-eas.' the nn - ... i:i vn.' i n-'-.u' u s are ' he n i ' i !!. I'-t - ';.i" :' -f f e .:: 1 fi'iir - - I :" 'm'- ' li- he pup'..: . i ' 1 ay h.t J iti.,Xit 1" ' i- !- '' '--. '.'-: ... ati!" i:i w a' r-tt ;!' lesu , '. 1". .Illb.-iy ll'OV il ls T'i'l.lKHi; ph.. bo'oi'tal in d '.'i iiernl ined- i in lieiia :'re ..f tb bos' and . A that f f L din :.. I b ill .io -..-..t.-ii - ol i:i lb-' i 'i . -"! dis:r:"ts u I ,. li.e 1'ivhl !.- e whb-b p"c lii.! 'i 'tis! sO'll th !--. 'i h pi.i-i'e ,s .-. : rai'y fat:;! v i.h .ut ii.e .n .si sliili el medical ni;- ".itior. Th i-.i. lives in tln-ir l-iioraiice si"!; idil.v to' be left to' die in peace. The ancient tra litiotts of the eon'itry arc .iietn. ly ililliiiil!, aiuiest iiiipos-.iliic, to cradl-catf."' How Egypt Is Governed. The government of Kgypt Is under tho direction of a Khedive, the seventh ruler of the dynasty of Mahomet Aii. who was appointed governor of Rpyt in 1S00 and mad" himself, in 1S11, ab solute master of the country by force of arms. The control of tho Miedive was gradually increased, and In 1S7.I he was given tho privilege of ronciitd Ing commercial treaties with foreinn powers and maintaining aiiiiie.'. From 1S7LI to 1 two comptrollers general appointed by France and Kntlaml had considerable power in directing the affairs of the cour.try. but In ls.. In consequence of a military rebellion. KtKlnnd intervened in In half of the Uhedive. and. as this Interven: ion :!. not joined by l'ranee, the joint con trol was abolished and a decree sii n ed by the hhedivo givins to Kngiand the liglit to appcint an Knglisl: lii'iin rial adviser, without w hose oe urve-o e no financial tbvi.-ion can be taken, and since that time an Frglish otl'uer ha? co-operated in tho din lien 01" llnanct:-! af;'air in Kgypt. A mitr.h.M- of rei-rc sentnlive institutions, inciiidiii a h it isiativp council and getieral 11.-. - :i bly. wore created by the Lli- tliv in lss.-l, and the legislative ronnei!. which Is a consultative holy of thirty niemb.T;!. fourteen of whe.iv. are nomi nated by the government. mo-Is enc a month to cxaioii.e the buduet. an! may propose laws, hut can no, initiate le:-islat ion. Our Power of RcsiGt.-nce. I'o"'.irs tell i-s. in these days of -cerm and toxins, tint tee thieg that" counts most in a a is the 'resist U.r. pov.ir et ino patter,. f. ,,n tm -n : nn.l u-.oii.in ran nass t rotl'gli 11 cie. donib' or even lie inoculate, 1 with in peculiar poison rtiiis and yet shake off infection, unharmed, others ap parently Just as healthy, succumb to tho t!rt contact with di.i.-ase, n:id sink under it in spiio of the be.-.i uuv-if.;-. "Ue.Jistins iwer" Is an ind.vid. tial affair, and man;' surprises rem-' to doctor an. I r.-itses us the frail looi-iug .atie;it 1 ttlis tl.roimi) t.rd the r.itiv.-t-reemii'g ore dies. Mo.!:. Mu s can only aid 1 lie "ri .-isting p.nv, r ' they ( ,;n ii.-er ta'-.e i - p!ac 1' t r .:i: 1: 1 s. in 1 he T.!. life t n'h ::i every ca- . tv o1 ! is 1 American. t2-Year-Cld P.-id? Wantr. Separstun. A very pr. o.-.ou.i child 'A'.ih! mit;;'. M irt re. cf Pvt itieiii m. Ky. W.: he'.mir.a. who i' 12 voars .-Id. be-.-.-.-.i a bri !e April 2. nnrrjirs n furi.e-r yrnrs orr.- itn.t r.ov. siir c,;,.. mi:-..p'.-action to a'-ir.il the liiarriare. The d i niesiie hiisi cf t-.e iU-matched 1 oaiii: was early di- ir'oed t'l h-isi.e.nd alci lug the 1 til". 1 i' fhe riaints. 1 rhe ash.s for $:' ' da'i aei s ! i a-ldition to tho iintiuii-.c 1 '. Ti e 1 ,-r..'.uony tmitii the ehod in f nrriiige to il 0 farmer was perforu.ed witli co-.ser.t cj her pa.-et.tt arid th.-y ' e tii"vi:-g spirits in the effort ; the tntr- rias". D. E. f. str F ?. Cn:r HI....-1 :in I s;,;i, ., ip. f'a-ii'r', lli'iliej lliil.i'ir.. Ilieie Paoi. r-Maai." Mo.- ! Puck ' P. P. P. 1 ::. fleei-s. i:.i:.i g s..r. -. s.-r-.f.-I; 1 Pei-nti. It-:..' Pain-. :-iv.lh:v-. t i "in. 1 roi. .!-. 1'.-; 1 i li'ya p. ..i-'.! f- . i-iir i:i that .l.'tT-. t.ii'-nt "ii .11 -.i.o- .".n. 1 I1 1: Sprint' fail t . o-.ir " ii. ! . -:r":ig.' -r.s we-ih kMre-v-. l i e, . '. 1 i.irg" : tth'. To 1 .- i" i: . 1.' w . o. P.m.; 1 trvii'.o an I :,-' a.' u -: i: ii !- -;: ri i. :i'.'d l.-tter. M" ii :-. :i a. :.- .-. I r. -rat'. All we as': i- j i '..:!. sjiii!, a j'o !v.-or! f.r IS. P. V. h-iVl'.. cn e-e-ie T i i I ," Avi'-'. I !,- .p.-.o; f ' Ecer N'aT.oi;. Now that tho Bo".- ger.rra's have left '-g!and w ' may draw ift'-t-.t: u: to the freiUeiit n:.,takis v hi ! I.av In-i n .nado in the prou tio i::t i. :i of theit .-.times. (':: Botha's i nv.ie ! FO'ltliled by til.' I'lblie iis if ttie t'.fl syllable rhymed with C v. e -i "loath." The th 1 in Ici'-h ha-i c t the Kng'.i.-h soiithI. bu' i t'-gai 'i ' i merely as a variant of ft- !"': "t .' the r.am-s Itothu. Marl!.:'., a::.! do M ti: are pronounced tta. larfa. ni:': ' Mutt. Tne "o" in I'ot'in ha i t-o:-ov-r a len.'tthoned sound, s-.ttu :h:,iit intermediate betw.en the 'o m !.! a heard in the words "beat" :: '. loet. In Be Wet's the Vi , ari-s flora th- 1' n-b ncy t i pr. re :'-;; - the i-r-:r.e as if it were .-':-.o.v ".n- ii. h. ; The :' 'iih Aft i au I f : ouu- hub y. of i. v.". ii i!:.-!:"..!iy p. -Vet. th- be-ii-it se-iTt.iel a:; a I-fetiehtiian : ilhi pr.noittn it. !' Lav. y's rr.m" suf- ii - h as: in an ivat-1 Bug': dt pio.i.h. tl'.o'ivh th" i town has a tea.!-; .toy to pi'ivou-ic it Iie. larry." with a str.'t.'T ;.. ' :,; "U the sc. nnd sy!i ;!,'.o Tlie G'T.eial buns l .-e-imls t' fj liable very f. t". ly. a:hi-.r. t'e t'.vn o'her syih'ii i a: T.l; o ;-ct . rd w:h a ili -t;r" t i ':'' :; London News. Ilrr..rl ,r O nlnrnll 1 or :i urili Tl.a! mi tat Mi-ii ni-.- . i I V "I .'3,1 ii'. i ii-'-e-rii I'.i im lev A I V. T" v. 1 w t i o : - iv. ii r Ii 1 f. ... re ill! al I do n...'-.a.'.'.v';'sCu:ef..M' lieu !...s an ..p.e- . nasai'd-iM, 1 " I'"" ro.n.l. P-VtM.,'. I'r.rcUiu'..,! is a woid tn.u .ai. -.. irju. - r- . to i 'I 1 . ;.. 1 i .-..i : icon.'. I' 1- t W- -i ' iil , U',.l - !,. . '. Ol . K.'i .. I-Y i . i.. n. v x i ... I f.,:i-.-.iii.i'- i'i ''.-. Ii r ,.;. i... to , t n .-. 7.". . e.-.-h tl.ui's fri, i i p.p. ar- ihe id. I i-iir,,- i.'.h, -,: k:; - " :. . v.. : "."-v--- :' ::: v.:: f. . .: - '..'.' .. f?..jjJ iiii:io Q-j.It'-p-' w . - . n c. . . . ' '. f - I" .-. - . ....... . . . mrr. ar r. n ff -t. II?.. . C-m ItjL i:i..rr--t. I - . io ti.: : " n '":'''.'. . ! - . .... -V. u V.'iV . 'W V,.-- . - '-'v.. ? '- . crie u t ..r- IITVCI i . I - ' -i I'i. s ;,- t .Ti :i ?."..;.- -. i I I ihe h.:,,- ... ,; . i',.' ki't..', t :. i ,- . . i f '. 1 ;. ',: ; .'i;,;,' ii; . - i. :vc ; THOUSANDS OF Po-ru-na Cure' That is Why tho m f 4J$&'''''- '"'-.All tho Advertisement in the ($$mZ&Z4,. I fa itr&&') World Could Not Make Pe-ru-na HjjJfiM j i?.f'( :i'!.: 'v:,: ';:, ! "P.. . :,.,'c,.ue,.d..d to me .hrnit . 1) ) i-- m-U i 7 1 - - - ' ' "V W'J-l!-' V ' 'i j' i:e ii.'-ca ":' s"i'ii! t:-'i:o,c ii tew months ? I,: '1 K-'Jf , " Jf'-V "T,-.'1 iff - , ; l K- .V; , XAMA- --: I -o. 1 !! '"v l.rad. h' t&yg i l: foffim pK jjXi : s. v, .ii v htm f,'cvirnb.r Co'iis llOi.'il Not Ff j 1 , (; iv o Catarrh. Pe-ru-im Ci;ros a CoU Prn-ptlv v: I Prrmincif',. "I nm s'.id t'.i n i-niuec. 1 T .- d f.-i rot. !i f i- . 1 r, it s-i'e.'rcr iroi'i ' ' 1: 1 .M 11. . ' i t ! 1 y I'. n"i '. 1 a. I : v t.: it IT Ins e-.i 1 1 1!! never I- -Ii tit .'. a ' i v r. . ..!ii::-i-:i.i .t t e'ie ' ;Vl i I i:iv, I ,..:.." !s - ri'i . Mi v 1 .' -. M IV: vh '. '-l" s.-'..' c, '. v IVrmi.v 3 s ire I Tend 1 .1,' f'ieii..-f"i it'Ci-'ii nf In ' '-'.: coo'.! 11 if 111 ' .".ft i't in ;')!' in c:i (' i ' 1 1 t ' ' ' i 'i 1' 1 ''' e i-c.ts.).! p-'j.n.' I i V ' 1 J Yci ii ' 1 ' ' c 11 t ee;; ii('i 'I'd ils i'O. Hit. I ish-'hi riv '(;: lie ri c 1 :t 11 ' : N f, J' i''-'-i cures i-'irnii.' ruhn rh 11 r ror.-.eJifs fi.'. " li ck ..; '.-.'.. 1 v nv ). .i ?TUC BIST lir'O'ii V AMERICA '' ' fos "-c V - p'V-'fVl "'-4"-i"-w.-"W- Ai " ii if iTt-rtfttCRS.-ts ) ti:. CiM.T TTiin, sN W'tL tc f. ' -..' '.v-:i: VCU C-Vi 'f ' LEADING S 1 1 0 C T.W Ti V ii-'A C T CJ i: r- i' V at- -h: t.'JVTH. LYrJCHZTil-RG VA. c.j.hcra, pur::.:" or pt:r;circ, 7 ! i ; c 1 1 !.-.-Jj f. r all or a W-f'-j '.'.-. '.'.If -1 J-x sti"- -V.VvSt ')-.. ft S "Yv-Vj -r r -7 . r T TH V f V Q 1 Ui hi id A mj... J:04 vf&i1- i 15 Ui Uu Ij , . ... .. ... .. ... ,. i,, Mm i iMk --'t'eH- ' V' ! i i,:",' ' . -S&W: ' - ' ... -vi- .c-ii-.i. arVVW-' ii-tbo ISoa.Co: " b-i" i-7 . n "f ,,T!2,!TtV:'.JLx:''.r 'J-.'- ' " K'4 EUjhlt. St. . : '" -wft-i.Art - -' Munmouth. Ill WOMEN DYING .:-i!.T:!.l it 1' r 1 v--,- ' .... i' ,' ,. ,.,:.; 1. d IV rttnn to r 1': i- ''".' '',''";. 'I. ,,'i V't' .!.' V '' ' Ki'-riMiirci!-) 'iiiV'e ' l' ! : '- ''; iii-i-i.ii.i-: ",.. . ' t '.'s Jh- du -I -' - : -- ' ' '' ' "; '- " ' ' ' "'' Ilil-iir,' of ('ill." I ITltH'IntlS Ol IN" re.' ,p .. l. Mi.t' Thill YOU (if! , . . , '' '1 :c:e -ire t. s.ib-iifi! s f-r IVrucv A! , . .... , ii-,.: ii- v...i ti.'! tin-re i , . , . ; ., , .... I 11... Ml . ess 111 p, 1 ;. -', -. i ', ,; v pi' p'c : ,! v:-.' , ... , ,'. ;;. . re i l 1.: 1:1. lie . 1 ..' I'e: -,".1. Ik .1 1'. N . V.. ' 1 I . . t. m pi.iise of IVruna o b i u a Um.s Secured ,1 ... e'ie,.:..!. -Voir i r';.:.eC'"' Business VI ; '..;.. 'osv. 5 V colleges ;0 1 .;;.,.i..l. -Wrap V. ',.:--.. !-. M.-n:,i: fieri. AU. Ci.tiintiin. -'I A'3. Jack.ijr.'i:c. Ha tf!onov in Ohickens X it. ; !', . Ma tt . r.- nun I . . I f - t UTTWMHV j I A ':v.':,:i'V' ,r,,:';:':".::r; I .:. I . I I. ITli M.'.l AF.iA, Cr!:l LS AND FEVrlil w takk HL J K ! R BABEK, K .- . -' Me. rt.'n m iti ' (.- -a .'..,,., uri.n i... .....1 '.viii.'a-,""'' "' i " m. .i.j.J. e . i , . . i r. .. i .. .. .. ... .. - . i i " i. n hi 1 1 i t' V: i' 'i . ii'i Vl,..Yrl :V...VV :'i I vv, -. i'.uri ! to c-:'m.:. .-g : ' t !o t'-poiTtvrG. ; i.t.. . j i.i :.ll iicsirahi J .'.- i"i ' r-'5 ei. t , nar.:-. r.tcd, sultir;; every cv.-r r-"'S'": 3r-a cve Utt3' 1 st r. n a Mi m v n i t i o n "hi:., -s.-.f : Itootinin .,il ki.-.us offjuiia. Worcester UonTon Corsets -.rc no .t ',U,';-i: nude CTPAi'JUT fP.ONT ' . t" -'e .1 ti.'-iu. - Ji 13 r ' cf r- c a. a r '" hhedo Knows J FROM CATARRH r - Vl. ! M B uprcill.- for cr.tarrlwl sfTe.-ti.itis thai ' icftcti I mil" misc iri'J'i i 'iiiicnso j canrr.' ' fie . ttn.t t I'rt'liiKI irfli fie I rut Ciintj Unit X I ,.., ,(;,f ,,f. .', :. 1 my . ,.v,v.. ti .i te not wroiw. .,r in a wi.- .--.ft. r n.in' Ve- nn.i Ms;,:,..:i..l;iy 1 ..- woircy r. I ef j i,:i,n.i!i.i; .on! ilctrcs-iiij; d;-cae, I "''if' 'people hic-v h"'.v 1 'lieient Piriitia i ...is t.r 11114 l.eni'...' th.'.V Mo lid II"! tesi- ! ate t.. tiv it. I h n, ..:! the i nth m tho ; .,u,r:, i ii I !,-. i.c.ii- l.v. un ot a I v:im hi 1 I lc; p' r ei w ... u ! ; urc tu I ..ii.u-f tui'C. .bviii . I 1 i 1 v..ll .10 I.'! in 11 ' i ' ' toiy ivru'ts fr-ni fie : i .it oii.c t-. l'r. II ir 1, j nirr.t of ymir 1 I j Ad.!.-..s IV. l,o-ii n. ! I lUrtm.i-i Sir.-i .t.-.n.:. . 1 1 v. i .: i in ' si ate , . ; . Vl-e.t . i A' C' -'' j:)i : iS-fiv ' : -a:::' .v,v i'.j w;;'Lr'ocy c as .'j- o Cf"" trt c IS f 52" O l-,;!:l Xt rJL-J IM. 5- S r-ft ViVi.,."0.o'.'i... '' ia-i4 ..-. ws ,,.:l. li..l! :: ,.: i s, I I r ..... !:... In lie tti-t ' vr.;'1.- i .!! i. 'ii :i.i : ii .' i'iiiio.i.i'"'i''r- ciV',"i si- ry.cfgLi.rD. l;-,;';Lj!.! i:!.s.ti' :r:.;. ;.'... V.. .,'"W' i in I 1 . J. ... I,C h.'l te'C. I 'h- i in .-. '.. I i' ' h-'.' lie . ii,-.'-' i "il an I '!' i I ,..-l...v f.it I I l.'i'V t, I tn- in ..uv ' ' i : ii' i" ' e " '.. t lU tu 'he i , ..I l .. II t , ,-,' I t! it ' - - il -I O t ' ill : . i-!- .-..'V a ..t.it . t in tn; 1. ii l h. ERIii: CATAl.OGUli " ' I .! I- i ..-.'.., t.-n. iv.n e 1 ' -. -10 '.I- ..f -1 I., . . M , l"-t i , l. I ,.''i-l.i I -.o.-.' "' e V.J: v.J.;,: -:.m:, ni:!;,.;,...:;.:-.:.i,..:.;?''.; i'MU I lr TRlil:i ' Pi H OliNAV.I.M AL liv'l.i.S. MAMii:LM: l-'I.AM'S, MIKl I ts. UDSl.S, lilJAIM; VIM;", ASI'AK Atil . H--Cia)" Catalogue ent 'in application. J. B. WAT KINS &BRO., ii v;. Miir., v a. ;i,,o .r.:7.tv:?3 :""::.2.c.a:i::!':3:i;3, r,,- o A-.iiti, Us. Cci! Seal Slices M "..,. V.- '..it.