I)C vChrttljmn Hcanb, CI;nlI)am Hccorit- H. A. LONDON, Editor oud l'roprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. YNHEEr M r i''V'V BY ST. QE0RQE RATH BORNE, Coi TlniiiiT IKC, I;. in lli.i.sti.'i Sunk. jiAiri;it a. I ('nil! illlli'it. I Vo the explorer lak.s oat naps 1111 : il Iilll-' 'Ml, ICS. Tlli'll h. limls Hi,, sky nldnze ns tin Mm rises In n if I.d-a spectacle 1 1 1 ; 1 1 is ilWc-inspir- in i-i lis rt-itini.-iir. Kciiii; a lour IM' lniluro, Mynheer Joe "louts (,,r the view .-Mill ivgi't'ts in M'o 1 lie lli"hl col ors fade 11 way. Another day in l'eyypi has hetm, a i.iy tif slhiwi cinr , ,)(. ,.,,. ,,..lv. chrs who .! 11.' to I . -nsl tin-it- eyes mi .sloricl majestic pyramids, won- ?. fill ruins, strum.'., n.mhs hewn in Hi.- rooks nf Hi,. Mokkntaiii Mills iiIh.v.. Cairo, an, I, aliuvi- all, the massive Sphln: . lliat piianls the roiiiiiin- .:f a l- !ai!" under Hi- sand -a day tin; may linw ttiiii'ii to do willi tin- (.,: tain s m" Mvnheer Jae and tho-o , f 1! !ri. in!.--. '1 1 A I'TIiii XI. ei-,; i:t.n r va':t a an alow i-.n-icn::. .NIior.li.rdY. I ; a:ir. r.-.i'-s-. ir, sallying forth, ciptippcl fi.f ii.-:MK.-i ill:. S.MIU' L'n liv ill.' river. V'l:!,. flrs nionid ,,..,!evs. : rd ! i''-: v.J.... Ihey ,. li,pZ ,,;. i 'I'le -one i fro,,, .., ,. hole) s I ii i.v .:' i-i. .is i 1 1 . 1 - (:n ! I' , .ill r: lis . . I . .1 iii. .i I . i t.l ilie.ti.MUey hoys this" w.,A aiid li,.,,.' 1 .'II- ! a -.-III,: ill-' :m ii i e i,,,,..i i,-...,...,, "!-' iiopi.iiai:. e. lad 1. it e.nil,! I,-. J i!y hi:.,:r:ei .1 Ilia: .-o;,:.. -real Ca-t 'e;-i ) .;. ii-.!i.. i i :;. .,:! i ,., , ' .: !. I Mil joaii.-.y to t!.. :: !., ,:: iha, reh ,e, i:i fr,,:;v ,,f . ! ..!' ':. ''., ' y dry. derm- ilie winter season. 1; I same. '1 hese lonri-1-,, prin :;.;.!l- la .P-P and Am, , (,..,, u p , i;. : ii..- r.ai.i.;-. . f i:-..ypi. have a lar-.e : i : i i.f m,.i: ,, hind ,!,ein, end i y. .,! ,...... v. le u ,.; ,. i',-, i.,..,', .i:-.-a: e i p.. iM- ,r ii-iv. I away. ' i'l I.- I'l' ni'tilti-: in i he land i,,' K!.e,lie aie ,:i Ti:i !:. Ara'.. M ,.!el ii.il:,. ', il;,;,',,. l.'':.l,eer a 'i.-r l.re.il.i'.i-i. e-. f. d lev In- !a : m.i', h Hi: ; p I va ;:iid . ii.; ... p:. e.liar feaiitre-i J :' .Il i .!!l -- i: . is a Vi ler.e, tf.IV '" ' "I' IL! I t! - !. -: I, hail:!. l.'.l .!, in , a he ! 1 ' '!''!'' !. 'i : v. !i i-o e i.'.eie: ' - h i. a-:. : . i i. -e i, i- Ai,.:!y - ' ! .-' . II, l ili-. !:! - . -.:.!. -. y :-. - a I,:; ' ' ''! ..:i !:. - feet ia -.i i:-: I: a i-laii;- 1! ' -i' . a e I i o- ; !:. , weed :iw;:v. IP , ..:. : I ! n. '.-.- i- w-iiih! T.ve v,e, 1 ' ' : ! !;: : I .'! - . : lei ;n , I :i. ;i d - ,.r ;i p. I t ' I..'!.;..-. io '. ;n Ids .. . ..! .!..... I.! i'nlly. ' 'I'i'i- . . ! .' -'; io!..:.- . an I has a '; ii ' ' ''.' 'i. I-i:. I I i . I : r pi "I'er t 1 i'i. ! v. i.. a I i an a.-! P. or ! ' ..f.i. w i.i i i- sl . .one i eia -. 11. . i ' . r. -a .- y,... ;:.,., .,. . I :i I..- i ''i' l ' :. ' ! 'i ' .,.!," whirii -I !!! I' I' pi -t il. .1. I .. :. I I- .' I y ,. .. :. . li.e ...:,: . I e.- :;'. ' oil !.;'. : ;-. 1 Ih. tru:. Mi : 1 v. . . i ; h . :,.( ..; ,. : ' 'I- "!. .: 'i e 1 a-o:i , a.! h'-; ;',-; iri Vi s. I !.- e.v all ahi.a. i;," :: ;e I ': !: : '.'... "A'i'1 i ' ':'i l-'i.f l :aiicj;" . .: I r'.i . "!'.. .v . : ", I I ; .p.. vo. ;l V . ,. y r-" ; :;: I..,- . , ti i. y . :: '!!.- .in-.. j- ..his t iiiu ! l"!'.' I a. N :.'n e i.iv f:t :h..; s ' I,-.:- i . p. 1, ,,.',; i liri'.ly ! '!i,M,s ; li.it you -:r,i 1 w ay H al he . oehl no! ! ev p a. n. I.oileritlr; are'..-...' Air. (ireins .1: anv il is ev. leio thai Jl.,!!v d,.es : r 1 .'M-'li-li '.' 'idienian. whom !:, ! re.w all. . I is i-iiiria't ip.'i :p. Unaw--, ali,.u! Io i no r. Ile stopv 1 iar 1 ar .ni-i' ... , ,iii-.o f a-l-. a en-: i'.a a in! hairns ; ' a i :'.: i,. ., e-ivo ! -.',,! o.hl.iiiu- i-- i. Il r i h',.1 ie i-lnhr, . -.i. !!. I : : .-i' i :i. a . ii,'i.-i:. .p.. i,..;';;. j., a... :'nei:d :!..!. hie' .. e!. '!. w '.:-' liia'i. i.i,.! ..;li i.:i:..,M. " illiouiy does, f.-r this is rx '..a.- . Ua; -,!:.!i ;.'.. ;,. he ; I ,,ve i : . ! '''' wains. ' I II.'. d:.-p l.,e Wll.-l.' matter. Mi- : A 1 1 1 1 ! II 1 . e-f laell ,'1,'e V.'il'li'l. Si'U:e 1' l!.v." --ays, ,p;i;o tti!:';- Il s!i::!l Pn. ! li' V-: h-ap and swl.a; dirndl h -h. , J.' 1 o; v; i.'i'ii. ... Jiip. "tn,; a t. v use :!:. I'ei!-. Mr. SI'" looi.-- a; ! :i'i a i: . :! .pie -rly. f.e- . irin es ili - .m rs il-..' !eir..i. lire--:, .1 a: Ii i'l.' ady ;;,; -, io her v. e:. a .-n'r tii.it i- w h o in the t ., rei.-.-, . '- aiiirl i "e is s,n:, :!:;!:; i :: . ai.a'i: to etn.-r into an . n-'a .reiu.-n. '' i; "I w nil h sae tin, i,,j y.'t i'r''; , with (Hie of Ihe profesr . s. The hit!, .ii '! :'".: l-in eoiieerniiii a'l tin j w.'ui'iunv ai::U. s iiii.i .i'lMp at eor.ep,; --'-"- M n;..-':; ; ;-. the . -rrihie il.iii. r I sien-. :,,es lp.. h ueii -!i: i.ii!-!te a : t w'-'eli h -r i':i;!.'f ha; hiaied v.' i'l; I iitH'IV Sill.v Ills, viiia'le'n- I'lali Io ! - , ... in : . 'i-'.v e i:iiN. end h':.' ni a -:- ! stroy .toe's loo!; - !.: I'.'il 'd. will i: ': the !!, : iaiMily, Miss M.eiy i ; eli.ieaviir to jett l!ie dash;;: I'N'.i'.e.r. ; f l 'i''l a 'I t ,:-l nai.e ! of , a; ' , o'.tt of Ihe way I...- a ree'iiir.-.' 1.. ;.i'"r . '-": . ' ' l.oi' lee v h ,!!y (-.::,;.., ., and !.:,.,: of !:e-:"' V '. '' : X- i Mr. (irimes Uieiu-: i!' it t'.is ne:a iir. ".ry w.d. ii si -iM p- ;u..-t as i Peea a prineipal ia i hi, dn-th. ' '. . ' ..id:!:.'.!. J: :.:u:: ,'.v," ' he in an r.irt -w. " -::. :! and a d. a.i :'.'. -:ut. His i . itis:. .-I . : :. .:. -- ' .-,.'11 till- drii ; '.-e i.'.: i " i , t r . .-. . i : T: -y .: f a !' . I 1 in ... . i , P :;, : I'.ie in! ...I !:." a .ac. ea hi - i ;" i.i i-ed :. e I n ,- -u i ':.! p: s l..s m il ! : a 1 ' ' - u I.:. "iil-n'l., i VOL. XXV. V lend li-ahl and left he snows mat i: Is slill in a sein ieoalile enndilioli. "A rule Mill' ill the lleek. Dial's ;:!!. my h.y. Wonderful stuff, li.-uiiniaaie-I-! niily fur imv linvinu a li..ll'n' aloti-i I'd have he. I) laid i.n I'm" a w. .love! I'nl that Hil'so!.'! I.i!;,' siceM I say, tills hudles-i n!' oxplorin.: tie' wilds Is no child's play, iifnr all, Is il V" lie rallies mi. dra w iii.' iw.i chairs tip. placilnr his feet nil niie. alld hrtllLf-Ili-j into view nil eii union- ei.-ar. which 1 1 1 1 1 1 have In on made espe cially I'nr a in-in nf his .size. So ,n- lias in describe how, i a many an noeiisi'in, he ,;nd his ni' ii have been compelled to actually lievv a way throuudi a dense iietu.ir,; nf vims end l'ai!e!l IIVcM lh.lt covered I ile Mlealll llley Were ll.l V P-Til I i IU'. I'.y dc'rei s Ihey uvt him t:-i Khar t in. and as he had pr .airs d Tanner ill" slei-y nf thai doomed eliy's fall he proceeds to Jjive a ".Tllphle iloserip! ion nf what t in tie plae... from the li'iie ei Cordon's arri'.al t ;i in :!i i I faied "".-!i of .laii 'a'-y. v. Ia-ii lie. I 'i'l-'.-iian her 1 fell, a mariyr to poliiieal h il:. """ :" '"' "-v Ul"s" 1:1 v''';"""-' V'""!'1 ' ' '? "" ' '" '"" V'UvA "' I'l" ": hi!.- Me'ly i:s th. re. P r 1,.,, :.v i i.ye- ah!, i! nil llle faee ll:e : l'.-a!;.-r. i!. i p a 1' iiva ; iiei and e . n y.r, win-; ieve l.iii.llir : Idle I'eai ! id . th h.in n v'ai-' s at lie' '.ii.i.ri ir.eii I:;-.-.; 'i-i- i ed ..'' ine pla:?:'.:.'. lie real; .- Ill II I he :'.:!; h IVe d'.-ilt han a t, .Tll.le 1. 1. and that ei . a . is indent hopel imli-i I'oriiine ih:'..v- in I.i- way a I . an- of nwr leriiiii'.' i i: . '.le-'a.n -' -. Vlie l-.-.i'tl " lia'le. s I i i i.f ));... .. i ii ii v!n lia i . In i 1: 'I I lie hat ,.. i- .ei I-;.- i'i.' pat iy . !ai liuli s i'..r i -I, y: I. a !: Id net he a pi to : ii ji-..i:i: . i.a .S l::-;us in hi-- p.. ; A I". ; , i l.v I.-- ! . II to v. ', -.1 end lie e,.:i h" .Ira. u l.y n- i;y. .'Ciie I t.i a ii sp- rale lien, I w.aiid i ur : ho;:; nf ttiier a ilan.r. r no- rival mil .f lie way .y f a -Ii a jiptti a : ril.ni-t:: hi l-o'; Wl II i'eid. This -:.me aulll is :' i :ii-- ia ; -ot:r.- ::i:.l .! '!i -. r. as as a -. '!.. 'i!;. r .!.... i.i.-y l ai n to his 'I.ai he v.-a- r. aiiy a!'ei' aaenu i l.-.v. !,i:; !,i. n. .1 ,! ; -. ;.: , . ..;' il,. M;.!!i ilia:. I:.- i t in Cairo lo day. V. il. II 'he -ii- el.l -l Vl'o'.vs ,i i he;.'',' I', r him to I ei.vr ua... 1 1 1 1 1 - - hi'.'oa a'..-ay. li.'.i: t.-rai ; Ik'!:- I '. .Mr. ..-nee.; li.i- ir,.ia a eaee i I e, n . ana. -ii. l ieli w.i:. hi1 1' .value, :" id w a. n lie II..' e- i!i.' da.!" :..;!'- il'.-e ... loere. Slid !. epin 'li's i ye up .a I.':. i ::. .,-es i!ie har.ai si.'iia! a l'r... Ii . :. a". ;. oiiie. ;', who has : .a:-' e nil. ' I iea u i:!i i!.e 1 !e iiiv, ':. pahlee. Pi I'r.; in hi-; ele.pl. ..V. Th. se tw i la'.i. 1.-:il. and i ai-iie-,!y. di'.i'in-. whieli l!;.' l ai'.'ll edane. s a I: .aal'.'l' i f I il.e ; t I ii-. trio oa li e pia:::-.a. e i I even ih,. I'r. iieluu.vi ! :.:;s eai-e I y iiail Way. ire lle'.iiil'y .ll'ool." I a''.! ' 1" : x I I'. (.hi.i.-:. "I'd j.: v.- a i::'i" i,. i. a'.i" io hear sl a! is -aid. Lir ... e r.nd ;.l I i:" I rut h in alio: p. r way." V. a.'i Ili'l'J i'l:' eof.pl.' lie ii:i:;',iy MI'S lii 'lii -i.'i'.e P-.ad . hi anily; Ilie l ieie '. 'oi'''i' Uw.-: plan - a lu'ii.l i.f I i in-art. li'iii;...; a it-.-",:re and v.e :.- away. Whal.v. has hern ihe port e.' Iheir .Mi'V. i - itaili I'le !ii.,'t.-r Iii:.-! i ; 1 1 1 ; t ! i . 1 1 l.,in ar'aiio-d. As ii:" harea pa--es Mr. liriims th !.i;.' . iflietly I'.'il 'wa iiiui, Ina:-. 'le; . are io a. ' Il i ;i;i 11' i'.li. la I '.::. way h" .-.s Il.e IPi: ia'i ilipi--.i:it i'e.ally eu'er a .-., iar lion-:', v,.ii, l: !:as soaa ihin' e. ihe .appearine".' a ': lella- .Hi. Hellee Mv u!:e : .i a ' - i- :; wa; i , (ii'iiues is no su ei .l-iuei: Iii. a -elf, I.': ' is- e-in He ! r : i'!-'. '. i .-t: . pai ry V. i'en III sr.'- " Ih :'..ie li.e i.i::e:ies p.-ss liy he fe-1 :: s lie'! li.e lei' 'I Is im 'ell-. . I ' : ,'! is v.dlii l'-e i ).s ;: . ::l r;d wi! .' r lie-.I- e. a 'ia le . I: feels III Ih hem ,r , irr.:. - .:. . I.i':. e.ms Veil .1 '' ; '. .'I . elia :.-!:: . !.; : V - . ' y a v. a ' r.'. I v -:. di ..-id i ;. C'aa.i.- wild. Joe lTlTSHOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. 0., THURSDAY. DKCHMHKR 25, 11)02. NO. Ii ir.'.ivrn lieljl poof Mynheer ,7.i(. !a IIi!iiI:j. If lie elands helo.v lp; linh ;:!anl wiih a m'.'i.i',! i'l !iN !,;!;:.!' Th. v.. In .1n-i id. .mi one ,-lian. e in n i,.:v n f'.i1 Iii. ii. he may mttwii i!i.' 1 :'; i i i i '!ip!"!nr.v. Pitt eoid sle. I held III ! iir.'i'.p of a wizard is n hard ihin : '. , ; heiil. i Mi. lirinies wa'ehe-i and -iie l- , 'l.'l's, as in iin.iirinaliell he se s h'.i friend oeeii'e, iter Ihe p!aeo nf Ihe pre , fe-sor. r.-..f. ... ii.iv. ei'der n;rli . ir- j eniiislaiiees, !... haroi.'s erii. 1 lee.'.e I woiihl have ;,.: ,1 lhroili.ll his ho ly. ; Mr. t.'liin,.-- s'Mdi.s his inelhod. Imp- j .:i-.' to lied a v. a :;; ..p . I. A" has I ready l.e, n said la- hns eonsider.i ' ; l;n.e. I' d-.:,, nf ipe .eienee. and ai'i, , a ' lime jllaips al a e:.lielll-i..ll. i "ll.-nveii-! This man. v.-..id-.r;'"l he is. would siand n poor show a-.: ' i-r , a lefi handed sword-man! t have - n . ,!..,. da n liiimhef nf liiiiu wiih li,(. left hand. If lie handles ft ' vard in thai way well. Mr. I'.aion. ymi may ; he listoiiili, d -that's all." I When the haroii has eiijoyed hinis af 1 to the full wiih the professor, who hnl a phiyihimr in his hands, he ai:a l as over to ihe vh 'niina-'iillery io try his liaml. (Hie Would lliili his tierve miual j Hot l.e ns steady n eoiild !.. d. -ired after his hot enu-au'einent wish ihe foils, and Mr. liiimes feel- an a linira t linn for (he man eoiipjed with h's aversion wh. Il he sees hilll send she! rl'lef slioi with a-loiiisiiiii'.' ieei'r."-y. iiie various swinain lar;;ei ; h.-ini 'iriiek iiliin -t with every diMeharae of I lie revolver. "A dale;-, rr.ns enm'.iiia i ioll nf a man to he al lar :e, eapaMe of .hiiti't a Ireineiidons aim. nut of mi-ehii i' in the world, mid ihe sooner he inius up p1; loes under ihe sod iiie l.-iier for hu manity." is Ihe menial entiim, n1 Mr. tlriie. -. H" ii I- ilie hafeii at the Par , f th aalh ry in a fii.'inlly spirit. a"d wi a ill..' to mole of his pi-:ol praeliee noil h.-.aie.s him in:,, a IPile v.-.i..-r. Mr. liri.n, - Inm always priihil iiiia:. :i' ml his i i:i-!;-m:i!ishii. lull he ha- a poo!' sle.n le -id. ' lhi-i loan of III" ipiiel; eye and .-leady liand. 1 1 is ne;ia ohje, i is lo ilise.e wh.ihir :i:e I, i uroii has any we'!. I'oilil ah .n: his iiiai-hsmali-hip. so lie" II" eall III: il il lo i'o id aeeo-'iiil. Kv II in lies a fair ie, a-nr,' of see. -ess f.'.i:. ;o hi- sh He. , iene. li to pay h'ni f"r Ills iroiiia... .Vi i i I'i '-it an, I lv..n'y live p:!e. ii,,. ;its-i;:n i a ! i 1 -1 is .:' ino.-i a dead sii ;, I . u t siia.i'.'e l,. .-..y Ilie Alii. 'I'h all hen,-: hi'il a1 Mv.'iny oaei -'. I wol, Id he hard lo I'l, ! r -land jilsi w hy Ihis is so. end lo mal-. -nr.. of ii Mr. liriiaes i, n ,t ("i i,. i l Willi the one trial, P u l... s t ' t ' . : :a a nil au'aia. The result Is : lie sane'. That settles il. If th.-:- is lo I. r.:i exehain;.' nf shots I . ii . I the rivals il lllllsl he ai l nciiiy pa. . s lie fee'i .. Ihal he is lioin.; only v iau iJ ri ;hi . i leaniii'' i !'... fa.,-. I i.e.e.i .-s ih' i l.iail will:..;'' a eon-, i. i ee h:.. ia limes .a-l ,-piiled laoi-e lien ,-i: I'll lllehy dev . o a his su,,rd. iiiu .r...ed lo he a liner ni I he due!!-., and a .ai i-i whom he h nl a rn.! lie iP s-i v s li. iiher sympathy e .r i".;.. and sii.-li a 111. ill a-::s n-.'hili ;- o: wor!.!. I', rliaps the I, iron !:..- i lii-.i,' ; ,.:'d up Ilie nt her. and i eia. ail'e. s l aal he .aw him wiiii ihe lean lie p! ''s ! .! .-li-oy. Thai does not appear I . d; mil. him very iniieh: ia.i.i.l. he may even lahe a i-avaae s:. ; i-:'... : :.,;i in show in,' th' Ana riean how I:-' v..:! ma!." . row 's men! nf 1 '- s'rl. nd w I. n the lime coi'.les. .Mr. ( : ritta - has .- mi e!.,.u;.'.!i. Al his lir-t epiiovu .i. he I';:: ! warn .In". s ihin ih - o-ii.-r i.iav e. Milinhle inio ih- pit wiii.-h the hama vniild diu- for Ii i ii i. a I h-a-l without a KlloWled.'.'.' (if Ihe i -. . ) t -; . I . ! s. Afler leaving Ihe l'.v a.iia-iuni where Ih" st'i.lwai'l I i-i I ; -1 1 oilie.-rs sp. n i ra hour or s i every d iy h" hi .'; - ar.e,.: for the explorer, hut e:::i s-e n.ai.;:;:: of him. Moiiy and ler ! i s I in: ni- i, -d I'alla r lire nl-a anee.-- t!ie mis. "i ;. I're-elilly lie llll.'- inter.- some on.' he l.lli'WS. "Ah! Il-."l'e. Sandy, my lev, where nway'r" h." mils on,, wliaeat l':' I ii-al'.iu; 111:'..' corn -a, mh :a hma In a heap i .ei-i III- !' Itai" ht'i, i!y. "Orf io v. ir-- for a i :.-.!; i n t'l. !'. inelilhi;. :leaiiier for hi '..a. Toi. a! AleN.uidi'ia. you l,n.,,-. a ml Men ,.t-l.-et lo I'erl Said for l!:" t'linai." In 11 is It duo'.'" The Alliinihia i'.rries in Satur day." "e'-.-uri' prs-aL',' l'..r l ie. hut h"i.l ..a: p.. rhae- en'd Lea, ; wap and see. 1 in.. i-'.- Tanner and hi -,'aii,iiler, (:( ih.-r . !'h M.Mdiei r .lee, are head ins in iha, iliivi lull. Il v..- ad .' a cie sleiini: r i1 wid in. i1..' a jolly piii i'. ." S:::dy s rear an iiitii::.!.'. "!.!-.. ;., ,!, linn's a la t I'll wad until we 1 ae a Utile ( i i. -. ii i a I i. ,a. an I a'eid l.y Ihe 1'i slil.. I'.," ihe w. y, i':e p. ilea r," - on ler. ' "I ::i,:i,i:' I mm h. M..-.V did y.ni i'n.i ihi.t i.ai. .'andy. '. y h o '." ip'; a s t iie ..'. : r. , "I !:' ;.al :.i:a ';i , i.l.s - i h, mora- 'le I' ih t; f. ;:.'v Oilcl lllulll.lMK. MSl'ATrn fnea I'aris Hal. . t!ial I lie (".: erinieuts Uilii Ns crnd petroleum. cii:pl".vi I m p'-i v, lit l!ie aeeaiaiilalioll d lliisl mi hiali ways, whirl' have hein for tel:;,' time x lie.: nil in Saiul (ier.iiael liinl 'ersaii:."--. have irsa't il s'alis'ar. toriiy. an, I tlml Iha pe. i-..!euui Ireal-i . 1 l,.e:il is ill-nut ia he ..p'el. d uin.ii va-i ,, . . ... lioiis i-nao; near I'ni.s. I.yeii-, Nn-e .lidMaisii!,., In n:::..'i;ee:,( "r i'1- tli.ih i-;:l::ii'.'. sin -i ihe -patell, tl'.err Ii llla ly re. in In I e it r..n dderaLly in-crcas.-il (I- iiiaial !'..; A im riean peii-.i-learn tlnvnah nl I'raiiee. So it app-ars il.ai erin!:' peia.'ium ps il "diisl Kill: r." v. i'lrli has heen tried r p: :u, :i!y in the I'niied St:i tesi ai d ii i.er.'tl'V il'..:;ii:!"iieii as iilvfi'ee' I . e ami, inrniiii.rivasutis.uma-arni'ie.s.ii nmis i.i.oi ei. i, in., ... . , ,' ' li poiie.i :i siei. l lane ;,:;i. ::.:i i... Tonrins t'lu'a nf l-Tanec, ,- : i ;; i f ile civnslnj? Ilie cieafeiis of its laeail-i'-s, had voted :i h.i-.- -ma nf la.'ii -y !'; Iii- iierpo-e cf ei.:;.!ii. liair n series if , , . ' : heavy Amei-ieaii p. U'ohaiin mid vil'i I hick mhirral nil. lHllile.' 1 he j li.-t f.'e!ve y.'ii-. il is snhl. numerous! nveniii's ..! M. i .iM'.der.s. m t-raiiee, have hen kept de.siie. s l.y the f r. Use ef nd a I d I::;', V. hieli render the Mil-faces ii-n'.uiely linpeta io'.is to Wili er, and lieiiee mad! s- These mai ". lial-:. il"elared I.:i Irieoniritioit rec: niiy, me (he only nn. s known in seieia f v. hieh v. iil I'll'e. liaill.v prevent tlie cre.'i t.iei of di.si mi roads i ra vriveil hy fas! X.liiehs. T!i inesl ('-o'a-lvc iiiiplieiiiiou (,f C. ','. le pi t'.elel'lll ia 111" I'nile l Suiirs I'er ih. pin-pes.. indieaied has I ecu made hy th" niriioad compiini.'s'. hut H'Veral nf them have ( vp.li'S-e.l their (U'tcrnilnal imi ,n lii-mni itiue iis use fef Viirl.MU leiis.'l:::, niie nf wldeh is Unit the tine h.i,,l-!i';e ivr.lielrs whieli nrise I'rein th,- rmiilheds wlierenn it Is i pi-eild lire ('lleiurly nl'.ici'tiollill.'.e. Ill California i ri'de petinleuin has Hen employ. .1 fn-cly ('.mill-: the p:ut year ler moii' as a cement. There it is usu rlly aie'lied v. hi'e a vm'.l is ia pi'en ss i f eoii-irHeiinii, mid ii is !nvariah!y ;.:i plied l:.:. Miller Xl'.eli imti ; s nf a sim l!i:r !",'!, howiaer, i:::drr:ii!a n in lie1 Ka-', have hern e.-n: p;. u.:i:s!y tiiisue-ee.-sfai. and I lie com! e:l ri'inedy is ve- -' '' ' " , ; '"'. tildy lis !ii. a, y ,hp m s l:,r::e.y ir.-n fe.e (ptalliy ol soil Vlvated.-.Vr iv nr. 1 1 1--!!!-; n '.!?.T.-. I'et- "Tft.'rrt l'ai', Mucmlum Tnji. Where t!ie mat. 'rial Is sprin.ay o'l the lire ni' n p:.p;ie -.1 lil'.liway, a t If.ird l ::-.' of ei"lil im hrs an 1 :i nnieadam lap of live ia, lie - siini'M he provided, ia-, kin.' ihiiti'i n Indies over nil. (in :i uiavel fiiunihil ion Ihe lll'-'iiway t'om siol'.er ef CnnnivtieiH luis lis. d 11 live Im h treatiaent. four itu-hrs of nniead urn and one im li of la-i!.I ;ntr nii'l wear In I sin face. 1 "pon some uf the lends he has used n foiindatlen of ski'-', villi n two Inch trealment nl' crushed slone nud cue Im ii nf uerccliit!?". imilam,' a v-ry .v'.ie.l r. a '. Tli ci:"i;ieers pill cli the t rol'de for llis infeianai inn l tie char-nei-.-r nf tiie material found at cadi sla ti..'.. so that lie can select the luo-l (e la.ee.ical Ir: i.tinelil. W 1 : re iiaiei'dani Is laid villi no citr't-1"- to ftaia Ike sloiie ia I'm prsitinti t'.ai It tdiollhl oeeltpy, il Is es-eiitial to I. add a very roll.l. i ciuii.iel m.d linn shoalder of the very hist material, 'i'h: -. very xal'i'i'de p'' ivimMoii div-s nd Veeeive ilileiUH:e j! 1 ! t : t i oil. Ill 11'-.' f iriiii!'-.; of s'lonlilers the rule villi e: iilraetoi's is to line nut nf the fead tin. I eslal.'i-li ihe li.'iulit of the siioitl ('.':'. and v. line slmiild. rs are to he made lo hi:i!.l the shoiiider m.-tterial t'n-k mi to the l'i:e. ii'stead cf idlov.-in.!; ti e mat' thil t.i 1 al; over inlo the trav re'il part imi lrss than frun ei'.:!it to ten iie h.e--. This trives .".u iipHirtunity for rr.m'.niil.; i'ie slmuhiers down srocil and sei'i! ::r 1 then cuilim; l"i,l; to the lino, t!;i'.:-. fnre.liii: a : 'ed tintl e li-'e to vo;!; to. 'l;eii sho'i! h rs are t!:us tnadi' the in-rial used in I'ie rcolhed i re. aimed In pesllian. :iml dees net Viel; (nit into the t.iamiders, rohhilis tlie road of material that properly helenus t ) it. 1 1 -iii.- in See T.,r, flront 11 IrIiwiit.. 11 is a i'i:,-1 lira since t he slahli-b-nii'Ht ni' steam and il-cii. r.iilreials tin' i-eai-i: m ii ei of lur.e.'.kcs, or lieu!e-Meii.-.. I::;- iai:'. ad tetli ;. e.xeept voads l.iiilt for ci.aii'.r a.ively short disti'.'ie, s. This, of coin--., h -: le eii a iiaulral ve mit. as trav.-Uu ; !.y juiviii-- carl ia '. ('nnvii hv !:.. -.-, has Ion.: fdii iw'i v.ay io th f '.vifi r steaei uiolor r.'.il r. ::d i r.-.ve'in-.:. mid the railroads hav li.eraily herom.' th" liUr'aways of iii l'.:ith.l. V.ut within the last f w y. .r.- 'h-'-, l'-is l-..- -ii a me. t celi'llicmla! ie V. ii:l N.l'.ei.l.l,' iii iis pi i.,' i. iter,'. i in ;,,! roads, ami as a f ie- a',; . for i:ar, en., p. t -.- low;: I tin r;:,! the laiHiele pi. yd, e'tre !'..; .-at:, el- 1- , piiy.'d l : i u-i.v..' Iy t-itt. The in-, r ! i i ', r : a e. Aii ll'" '.'.( :'o;i of M: -t : doall" V'-un! r ! j n-e., is. a'i m:d e vrsv'! in Mi' . .i:-!"'. eiion cf i . a ' , a.,, r. fr -I i.:u: aa.i ( c-.-.f : i .roue h far, - of sroi't ext. :::. and ;..a:--. l a ;;:. r v 1 :;: eir.l tiia, ihis is s,i. Mt.e w i: i v . ; .i!,.::' t;-.' ', l':v u.:: t "tititry . -i i ::'.': :! ....... ; ; ;s . :,:;;.; 'ill:, i'.ii'l- l -ih In-; of Ma' ili.--la. ; ip.i., .;.; in ;. ' !::. i-vli wire: !: is v iii, led at ex pre: .... :. .., , s s;- e. Tie a- i- ::o real p! :-i;re ia j i,: , . v.-lMi v'i-'i t-iiM-Kii.; la '"act. i; ! imi trawl- -v . , ! t. ..; !: ; i-l Ol-' I-e.'l s. il -i 'f Mie t.-:r: '.; !s I , ,; . ,,,.;'.:., e sl-'.piy 1 i'l:i: l-r-.'i ! from ,,ii" ,:;: to ' x , :p i; .,, ,; ! i'V.er Vh l:e v'e-na-: ! p'-s-eh-,, ; p - 'i U 's al'vays - , m: d to in i!-it Mi' ! o :,..,.; ..u. v. t . Id i n e l.'- al. a e.' ti ave!!::"r ! y :.. .e , ,. .,,,H.;,.. . ll ei' I va'-' , .r.-ia';e, i.iapei'e t I t.-i ;; v.-;!!. i ." .'; r t.i il;itk in .e. . ' . ..;.- ..J 1 -a,:: :C -ly tiil" hit of s -. ; Vtie I .'.'. '." i v. p:;p i;i;; n-, ;ii f i.dilonahl,. In-.. a; e :. :.. 'i'c , :. i , heiahle ,.i: , 1: "-:' i.f r-.:td -:. if ' ' ' - ;- IS - ili ' ar- laiiti.; to '.,;:, was the only real 'U. way to Iravcl so m know Iiie conn-irv'trnve:--'il i i I; now the cnitniry it self, its il.hai ii.ina- mid tileir ciistnins, ! l!. lli.fii air! .: f-MMh lt" P'S'iiliiiii- lies nf .J'a'e--. and all tin' timusamt : an. I ( lie 1 ,,. loin :s v.lin ii .... It'iii,..,. . 1.1 .a. U.I-., nf a rauim,!.' liliy. Wha. . f Ih. -e e.ul cue ham l,V i iL'axitia fr, in ihe w ivil-av a ear sp .h . : j....,..-. .nor,-..:.. ' i.e.: aioai; in a nine u iino-i.e .......... v ! tl.iv f li.l s-1'.n i'i I'lijlM"'! (H'.K'it TI lo 1..-.' I in -, , ni:. nf I. end. ni l.ipe -i v.-ji,. went ' ' , ." ,' '. . ... V. as !'.. il.e .-!!. . ei O S Wlli. ll , , . . ... , . . !v-;i . il I , "HI lae tr l..-s o. I... I'd l.oli- 1 1;."" .-ViVi ".' " 1 1 - 1 ir.r';a in:" ta:eii..i me .-,::-ii A.a.-.n. a r,'-.li-!l ir.rip- i'l'." lileciiif,.!,!. in and ii in;.- .-'e.i!"-'. iv'iirii cause-! lie' fie:'- li:-; ! l"-e tie ii1 hclief that May were h.eand lo mtc ceed. i i ll was Iii' t'e'V.-s, v.-h.eii spirrd In;.' ; wleliire aai iialh" l..i. --li. I -. in spi:e ! nf ail ;!:e (IY.. i is of lie.'.r c!ii-..:y men ' :! i! lead-is to huh it up. that t!ie ( ., iM i. r.ier t i p:ay I . iii Aiuiiiaay I'oi' t.u' .:,! -s i ii- e:.i:-" iii Snrlli Afro-a. ', 'his s..h mr. ! my of 1 : I . re. s den was I'eoriiiiiy i I. II' . '. ii" emus i !i Irieis did tint laow aii.M'iiiiis id -. at I', ur.'il some liii: a a r'.'.'.i i d. I'H' wi.ell news lea. !!".! l' ... N ef.'.-el v.a-. il u ., -p',,.. ai y r ,. . ,. UIllil ,!,.,., ,.,';...... ,:,. i.:l , lild i-,.t i .!.- v .I, :l I any fn'ih :a !'- cidercy of .";..iit. Tiiat lie la a im .',.;.. ii-.:!e il". Moil w. re ::!- , era it:.-. I ef tile hi-lie' ' lhe!r . n- e ami ' .eaSI a -I; Cm! for llis aid w:, : rla'ar, rile; I'lotv. Ai: 1 ilt-ti the ll." ,- I ..':! n i dU-'H'S ft 1-l;::i-i;:ih'.e e .'i-eie. aee ihe fact Ihal i.'l the day wh- il th' IP'i'l-h l:i 1 1 - ! i ol!".-i iveiy pr.i'.! fi.f l'lilii' iiid -neral I'it ti. h ea -' '1 lid" l'.-.a' .:::. iry on i!i cvpi '1:1 m wiii.-h - ,..n iit'lefuaid r. '-::lie.l in li: ' iai- in ; th" ef Ki !,!e rley. the lir-l tin' hesh '.'"-.I I'i'Vi v.-hieh Was P'!ii v. I hy th" r.'iii-l'. i:-(". ; i'r.,ia thai .'ay ntl Cl'e.'lt re i'a'a's ii:ii.s p- ' i'ia !. Tls.' 1! a rs I .-! iiilv.-.miive ai'i, f rant',,, r. ;iml iiie v.-.ir.l :titili WPtit :i!Mi'!rl Mii'i.tf: ihe !'i'l';'ia , ei'iv.iis t!nit l!::.- I'X.f.'.oriiinr.r.v cliaa : In t is' l :.s:t'"'i i'f ae.'airs h.rd f.l!: -.-.I Ih" hay nf li.: :. .-.den !,i the I'lil-ed Kin.rd'.ni. 'I'i :V et, as one v.-.-ii.-r says. v. as nverv.li I'r.l::-.-. ii".'nhh: 'i ii'e.nl the lea.-1 ai'fe.-i i roi ill's Interees-ieu in the day of piri's'!'i.'.: :il wa- r.'ar !e.l l-.v !'::! y ("." Ill- I "!: as Hi- im least ei I I l ie.", as w ed as Ih- d v.-"in.:-:i thai !' Ka';- i iit.li , .eil.l ...... jitid :-i:i .:vj .".'ii '. . K!(V., WvrU- . !,.,-, a SU.W.-.l f -... atid i ;a " n '.'.: V0RD3 Or V.'liDOM. T.ainrna-V:' ,v" ' ;v,M ,VI '""' "'" mi-ht s.:y p:e:a..l.t 1 1 ... - - - lo - a l,'1:"'-' NUmy nl' us liave .;.'-; ea ".p:!i ' li a.'H lo in:;!;e Ps h.::e, l.tti Hot. i:iei';ii ai l..ake ua love ol.e a:e :':ei'. I!,' ii-t cheerful as can in w.il doimr. Tlierc Is a : '""'e -"'ii' c "i '"' ! nelieas wii.-ii t hey a'.'v ilelir ciar i . ,;l ,y ami Uriel. My. l l,,..'.. is Vol'.;,, - ...hish in lvliu'. a. TJ:e more yea ; . the im-.v ' have. If you . an i. . : all y.nii-rd;... n to yoiir-eli'. .iii ii. ay l e sure .".: h:.ve n ivli::ii.it i;::-. i.-' !:: vurih r.iiyii. '.:.;.. (die "leal ef !:::.; in. llexer to iiiiiv; ;e.r cm ,-les c s llitie. '.: .'id prnver. i ;t. ..'.! I ie-i many irms in ih . li; a is a 1: '. II r e Ihel'l all ill ..hevri. -.!l-;.s, p.::.,,- ;:.,1 all. Tile mole I in- Lel.er. (Hi I'eceae, a ciii-ry out licit r a n ,1 -iermaie lo C, all. I it i.- I, .::, I.im lo n .;e wi:ii . ii:ii inarvi li.es ea-,. i vei-yiiilnu' male s way fir yen. prei',,!.,l ii'.i'le I i:o illltaie va-aianss in y,,,, .:,!!' wiii'-ti i ail-.t; yoll to !a si late. Wiiat a liild Wef.hl do in !l:e eye cf his fi'Mn .-. and a pupil Ucaav hi:; ir.lor, and a wife in l,,e p.. -. n- e of iier h i-- lial'.d. and a s:'i.i:.i i l M'e Fi"ht cf hi iiiasii r, lei us alu a.v s d ihe sairn : inf we tuv in.ide a s,:.',-ii'.i le to Co.). lo mis. -Is, it t'd to mil.; v.e n re :.iv;a.- in l lie siid raid pli -e i'V of Uie all a .a"; ami aln.i iiii.v Mod. Selli!ii'e;s is on,, -real cau-e of he'e. linrss. If a man hm'.N walls meaa.l iiimsclf so leal he in.-v 1 i-ep all ihal lie has to himself, he s...,n Cn-W I'm! lie has I'Uilr wail- nroiiild Iii:-.-!-:; whieli -hui cut nil taa: mi-l.t ce:.'e hi 1. 1 him I rein oili.-'-s. ;'.. ii is j :-,:.!" Mail M:e .nre ,H lo.ie'.ia - - may 1 e iht ovelvolii.i: I'ci-rtlti.i. ! llv li.'hif Modem - ii m e 1-l. 'iiii uiiii;-t i i'.e ceil belief t!..'.; p -i I'maa las iaedi. i'i.il . :: : i healMm-l. i" ; p' ; .:!' -, ;i; s t!i '. ..:: ilh't lloele Cc:." -.I;'. !. l'erUap-. I :; sielillls -:a, iiie U: '. a ids were let w roae in , 1., i: a ; , sains pro!. e,e., d 1 i'.op. r n-l .;il iii'i.-i. P.'.miy. i,.!e', ;.- : e a : ee cspe, ,a..y he es;; - -. It I- sle , ;:: 1 tlie :. t , te ho lh"U:!;t . i 'i'!:is. l-.-ri-.t, !: av, ;- v-. :: r r- mild i-ti.aii-.- also air --!:- . .-, le of ;...:;. - v.-.-y nee.'..!-.; - ' ni. ami ..i ir : V eiy hi alio.- t:erseii-: of It is to iv .. I'.ov,'..;- i,,:.i "-l,n,i. lea; In !. , I il ( ".ill, ! V a mmuei.'rl- l'wSr I .tt . -...i k. I '"M ij ,a . r r: , . 1 f U -Mj l iXl fL I l 'y '.t 'l'lVv '..? ; l, f ;V"i t S"-- a ,i I"..-. : . . rh FT ran t.fS. In". .loll ll I', lr rrliioli! Ill Mi l- I illif.iililn 1 . olii,.. ':a i-i, oils ol I h" Western lali'.e I' ,:i.i li e at ihe co.'.i- . 1 l-.tini;..' levtu lie iw.i erar, lues ill the ninallii.' eil- of Mrs. .!e.--ie Ih-i-iea I'M! I. wii.i is ellioyiii:; tl.c e!i s'iij. y, ars uf a r l:ie ill l.o- Ameies. a!. A N irviiiiau I y hirlh. plunued al fuur- a, n iuio tile hrilliaui sn.-ieiy v. iii'di ;a : ler, d ahoilt h.-r 1'ai her. Sena lor lh'll- in V;hi.u:ion. -he eloped at six- era w.ih a ta-einaliu yntitiv; h. uieii mi. John '. 1'renmui. Tliouvdi .-he ret'ua.d al'iid:-: iiiui'i- liaiely to her fat Iter's limno. she a Lie: I ia 1 ah. lie. 1 the sela-n.e- and criiloni. inns which l.i-.e.iuhf lea- hus'naml .-n.-ii j mi ::i'eid lmuMo mi your mmd yoit inn e . ii'.v. ii as ihe "radeimi.-r:" shaied ICs I no l'l-l;t ! render ,,:hrr pennh' nilsera .,..,.111,,.: ,,r i '.; 1 i I, . i-i) ., ..vi;;, !, ie,..iii; to Pie hv your hue; fa e ami dolorous am ii"! only pi.lii'ei l 1, .an;'.-, hut tie-i,i.s.-:.-:..:i ef mold i, lines ;is well: re era..! Willi him M Wa-iiinvloii wn, 1; 'i'l:.', i ai-i , ur hi:, i ii" -e :is her lifst i i'-i.ir. end in l i." !;;. day of his pre--..rity a.-d N 1 1 i iia I I'aine . ncca, 1 i: e.VI.iI.V ill St. l.i'lli.- ill a lifde court ol' nr i.wri. l-'iotn i liis- sin- N peeled lnjNav York Wol'nl. .-an lo W:.-h:U.;!,, i.i reir.ti as in is- I ' - of l!'e W ilde lieil-e. ler Cenelid i Tnliiinr. 'i'.'i i nl v, : .h-ioiiii d l, Puehaaaii in The old-f.l-iii. lied li. -.vai-j Veils !:.T. e li I'i t.lett.iiil vaee. eaPi d nit. -..me pre: iy p.n . Circle-; .f Ti i - . 1 i-.i ai . ': li t ia. a: mi- drnwm d in man'!- and oval laliii-i- iii peiirls and t for imi tr.p. laad,. meiiinral.le l.y tin li.'ii honors wllll wlli. ll Cclieral i'le- in, at and his wife were received al Ihe -aiuli-ii and l;;ir..pe.-.i coiir:.-. where h ' !":. illy :iml wi. of I he aecoinpli: lied i'r-. I'lri.a.ii! in:i.!,. a -troii:; iiaprc- ,l..u. A U'e.-ni-i and aeeustome l a.-j Infam y to i'l-liie.iii-!i"il antl ens- i: j -. l i i ;m i -e.-iciy, -lie hmde many -i friends. Aiaeie; lie in was tl'. - .aia.re.-- 1 iu-'ei. ie, wit a w !i. on .- i.e ,-t 1!) '.a r. p..ie!-. Mr-. I'ivmei.'s eld a:.c spell! ill i. irndii',' I..h Anael s heme :i jui.-ious iwn-slory tie'a-e pre-enied io irr l.y Ihe women of Cal'fnrnia. A.I ),,, :i,van,'e,l a-,' of se . '. I y six. Mrs. .!,.,, ... retains mm a of ler Lid- J.iney ami heantv. ll it ititMciill lo j.u,,.-,- jiad Peantv. Ii ilii'i.uli lo !:::!; h, r as .dl. or e v:, hi-.p-.-ss. JihoKal, sl. praelh.-iliy is so. ..win- e a l.iokeu hip, wliii li conhues her I '..in i th" day t i an ;ii;ill,l chair. a-.'.ere Mils i a'asliop'-.e, two vears iiao. ia- was M'e i.avesi of the an v. and th" , ,. ,. .,, N :11r,;j,. r ,,, iihls. T.i'ielis of l!:e old sayile.' Ihal pride ..-ih ori'oiv :i fa.!!, ll ieitipem-d at p, t i Ili.t! .-li" was rejolcii'; in ;i s seli.-e cf !:".:li!i in which she ...a-'..,! i-iie day. ale! in an o,e-s cf '.'ii-iii. il iin.-il ni ike tl.iof t.i dis- !.:y !i.r i-MlI'eraiit xilall'.v. ttttt site ' 1 '" '.'ivheti on Mia; .-ai re . " si;a;es - "-! ' ' l'-li!"'.l ileer. Ti: re was 1 :"' ' "-' v v 1 j' ' ''" ! a siide and dov n she went. I:::; ns w. !1 as I:. ;1 d im .iU'' ! o or. I 5 I- "i I.. IVe liliihl. win i-.-ill :' e i a,.. . h. r dlsiiii aii di. 1 fii'i.e.-. i S. e;.. or ii id. 'ii. wi: i was nver six teel l"d .f p.a..rn:l pi-i.tle. She i:r I r. :. .. it.ied-enie, a i e t, .era lie fcauuv- i led an i sive ".tleiiaiiee. villi I re i.i 1 poo.- i.f li"iid ai'il ir.ietl mi hi;I ;.-ii - thai ::s s!ia - t ; and hows : ,.,.. ,,, .r visit,,;- sh . a , - 1 hi. . lie: "I nf a l.l-leii'US I "'-i li 1:1 ". eeei in-J ill ll-lle. Til" lmW is a, . "Ill .allied a' li e r-,:i.r takes her fancy -, y a v. ia e ..:' I he hand to im!i. . lie '.ii! near. -, le r. i-'i' ihis jji-aiid- dam, s a lili!" d-.-.f and dees ion ..i;-; i- ..-! te i, tn-iea a- fo.-iii. rly in M.r ;-o;i ,.-a,i. n. '1 lie Ten t iire. IT (': -::,:i i-e! ipiee in r,r, ordan. iv!;h i..!'c,-i may he pardoned, a ; : n aei,nis;!;e:i tii. wotai n (;' ' y l-.ay Le lirarli" ,1 :..; t ia- '.".: 'a. ." I- s' ell . u ti ne .a:; ef , aery tea f .. m. ., ai niy .-."en., n La. mil i - ' " "-'" ' ' "'' ' --I'i cmil vi.l.'h '"' ''' '""'.l .:ui 1" imsiak.n :!' any "!''' ' ' "' .-ana a.: ta-.- N r'1- ; v ' 1 1 -""'""I "U ; I V-ir mi-ia d. oii.na . r..;'- pa p m-vy '" ' -'".''- " " ,,.;i.; s:""i: (laide lie :;: t,. , . a . as. ' ..' '.,; a . toil i .ie v. ii. a w an per: t:i". p v . j js iill-tv. iii ' i'i:ii.'. i.e.. to wi y No. or d ci an :::'. :;' ar . r i'.ve. Me .-e v. . . . a 1- a l.'i e like a ma ... . ; .. . r - - ( r I !l"il" (!:-:: 1 I iil'.-' iiy of li.e '.. a. :1 I i.i . Ive la r a e i 1 - ii tl l :'. I. it i-i :it .1 1.: .- ever -a'", e;i .: I", e -a .1.--, 1 11 i.-.i : .' ' . r. 1; . :,y I - oeie ii:.. '. it m iy lie la .. ..y i ,. ; seaial 1 . I i.. i I'lin-. ; i-i- i ia-'.-iii ti... . o. . .a n w, : ' laa.-i llei -I- -ii! i-i . , I...... ..1 ..; -ud'e. an . x tvi. -i la iiii' ei.d a -.- ill Pa;:,!.:, m. .11 w, ,e W e i,. we no el a del ' aiaal ailal assc.lieli ..: ,a hare, ami tin iilltrm;:- RATES OF ADVERTISING. One frjuare, oao insertion One nquure, two ingertitos Olc square, cue. moc'b $1.00 1.60 260 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. Itoa of uiihoanded .e.ynHsn',F ajnl we a iv grr.tel'ul.-.N'ew Vorl; ll.fllJ. .. . J'il-lil r.nlr l"r I'lipnla rily. I'irst lieini'iiih, r I hat a u I vii"o I as c-.-cl!lial lo -elf possession as punt ideas nre ( --etiiial io Hiiein lan'-'iiat;''. 'iiie v. .':.-. sliould hi- carefully trained and develop, d. A lull, el. ar. flexinlo oie,. is i lie of th" surest indications of p.'..l l.re 'il'i.-'. Seeoti'l ll mem! :-!- Mail "lie may I"' wi-ty Willi.. in h.'in:.' popular, volnhle wiih oui Im lie; jiarecal'le. a ;::''::'. la!!:er ami y.'t a i-'re.u hnrc Third lie sincere. ( H:" who halat ually .-i.eers in eveiyihim; not. only reiei.-r- her-elf ia-i ah!" t ntlmrs I.Ut Will so .!! (ease !o lilld plea.-UIV ill life. I',. i. rlli -lie frank. A frank, open . ouiiteiianee and a clour. ( lucry laimli are worth far more even -oeiaily tluin "j.edaiiiry in a si ili' crnval." I'illh I!e iiiniahle. Vnii may hide a vindictive iial tire under a pnlile ex terior for a time, a- a eal masks iis sharp claws in velvcl fur. I ill (lie least provocation hrinu's mil one as (piickly as th.. other, and ill naUU'e.l people HIV lllvv.ljs disliked. Six.ll lie .-eli-iide. Sm iety never iai la: for fools, ami whal you consider May i tiiertainiiiL' tioii-eiise may soon he Ionia, I upon iis Very tiresome folly. Seventh - I'.e . heei l'nl. If you have lone-. II you no y.r.i w ill fn'iii'i any he avoided.' 1-: i ii 1 1 1 1 1 Ahove all. I . 'I'dial and sympallh lie. Triii. 'rdi.'lliy an. I sym paliiy lii.ii" ; !l I lie : le-r pialities , iin!. a:, I. .'-.ml .'lie eeitain lo secure the p.'pnlariiy so dear 1j every on . ... IT.. diamolie- are a i ' ra i ve ,-onvelil mnal liesi'.-n-. while hees. Pniierllies. .Irnunii Hies and oilier insects in l.rilllanl en amels and colored pern- will warn iy welcome Ihe wiiil, r -c;i-:.n. A little nicely of leave nihil'- Ihal is prac: iei'd hy a eii iain well hu .l w one mi. says tiie liiimh'e i i io ri.-e M i lid Ilie vi-ii while siie i- the sp"ii!;e -. llu lhl-' w.,y : he ;- ap:i:ir iniy leiain; j wii i!e .-he i- mileh iuiere-l-il. Tld- i Iheiier i!:.-,:i in --art ai ine , ml nf a . jutii..... t . juiep ll ill- iii.e'i.-lll .veil;' hosi-.'... voie-d-.e'i.-. (Hie wi.y imp!!: ' ! h-ir.-iieni: ilie t.tlier v.ii::iu' i'er a ! chiniee l.. -r.-t away . Ti.is may seem n u-iae i t ..e- rv:'.i:a'. lea. i; i" veiih '-.'.:'.! if ciily n train one's self ill the h.-mt of ea-iy leave- lakiiiv-ii im re a. liil.ii-'i.l;i-ii! caei atiione woinen wiiii w.i'e : ne'.-.l cx p, rieia-e. (luce !:i:i,:iujr. Icr. e prompt ly, and avoid ia.i:i:::n.:; out a reeond vi-ii ii. th" hall. lvi'i-i V.Hir Slni,1.' " New." p.. ire icnjiie nhviijs l ay t lie ine--! pensive I'noi wear, .-.lid always m:iu:i'., lo looi; il! i he.,1. ii.ie rs l.iainl laria.ii coiliileis ami w. ar ui.pi'ei. nii.ms -ii .e maker'a slides. al;d : ot'l.-haw lee l i -i I. e. pi-cpiu- fini.i hriiialii tiicir :'..;.'! i-i .''h-ays cf tile lte.it,'.-:. All hoots, shoes and slipper : i'l P. ml al f,.r .riiinaiy wear sh.inhl le Ice; en their l.se w ii"li led iii Ha', ai d vle-ll-,,r ilie v.-itlUins I :s :;el eaaei. tkey II, :isl he ru'ehed Viill Vi'siiine a- -cell a- :!, .,- ar.. mkeii off. Ill's;, how, ver, I'eima no. the l a . i 1 and afierward pad .;;e.r il- in v.; :i se.. 1.H- n r. r p.- per. 'I ii;- wiii p.verve J'!. ll i-:!V .-.I i. rev. Hi :n--!ik.-iae. i Ikm -V:U !...,,,,,, . ,,:lri.i :ly. ami etiiy af- ., r Iiie .!:: : la' ' '" a v d1"'' l,,r lanre sii". - are tV-ii'.y.l Uy il a le.- - n-e o.' j1 .li: !i liii.li i- eimrally r-.'p-',-ei!. Canvas w.avcs nre very popular. 1 trailed jaali - ape. ar i-i ma' y nl ll e il'iea imp. .:i:i;i. a'-. l"e, ; r and leu py il.-ii " v .-:.. are n c:i iiie medial laai- v.::'.. j iia.y ai. pain: at!'".l " - j lieauMudy ,n hue ;..ir:::, aa. A.r:e..t I- .Hie of ll-e l-v.-y ami I.I- ver.-.l shad, - i'c.- i-venim: wear. Ai.,...., i.iM-.P!" pi -id- :"" M.e ia-i-in of li.e mode ia la.ry fal-.. . j .a,.,.,.. ...... i-irlv.,1 ai i.y ',,.,, ii.-v.-,.- tp,. , i.,i:i.;i i ; i.e.ar.d j liks in en am hire. I'.i not i i-: o y. .. , Ci., :, ii v. .ti , a I he hre I real v. n ere a should, r , a; . I'i ,-ia;i i 1.1: ;. ..! , ' , : v of Ci-i 'Mna irira i.i. r yiier led i ;-; liie-.i. Ii ii .. a va. ri . it le-i-ht l ,! :i j , i ., ., ' ' '. " '' i'l w ' , l-,i-l ; '.: ilia!. .a a !-.- hones and i y cl Mi. I I pale i.h.id 'I.. V. . ..I ii'eo : lae.i li.el'ill.; if I w Iai . are i- a 15 dierd . ord. a -' i . . 1' i ' iai. . i.e ... ,. w . I, i : :y -I . al w.d.e : ' - a . ,a!Ve.a li .' " a '.' " I V. i e iilee. .hi ia-':'a:. !:t;l -'earMy .-,o i v i; 1 : : -, : , : : e. in lo I" i I- :i:i chant -v. n. T'-i : i- "ee i i" I'-.-.i! rl" a li-1 I I'i s.l .. . 1 ;aai 1 : :; i , i'l" n adl.V i " - I I u'-L A pi a .'.as ...' v;iry- '.. w.W mi-,ill. . Tl.ll',,la0'i((,. lIW..J--y-a.

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