t)t Chatham Record. H. A. LONDON, EJitor end Proprietor. i3 K I pra nun RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion $1.00 One square, two insertions 1.G0 One sqiare, one month 2. GO For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. ft K H s3 P y XI V TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXV. I'lTTSDOBO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22. VM. N'O. 2!J. )t vthnlljnm Uccorb. if Ira n r 1 . if a a i Mynheer Tor i DY ST. QF.0RQE JATHB0RN. r.irTr.UiiiT li..iniir IluNNrr.'.i Pons. CMAt'TIilt XIV. IColitinC.td.l That is a small niaiter. I find 1 Ik'Iji r.pial. Hue lias a stain upon it, J olt sec.'' , "Uui, monsieur." hendin.; forward to look at it more clos-h, and then turn in t the ! areii. w I o smiles c 'ldly, as hv carelessly remarks: "The lilood oi' y.e.m l.ofil Ciinilor fran. We met i;i Turkey. I ! was Imr icil ill Sl.-lllllielll. 1 li. Ii.-v... A careless Xrciilid failed to w ill" the 1.1:1 li- ami It j sio li ,l s,, tleii I li lt.. I, nut with iliem" These Wolds have lioi l!io shrillest ' I'lcel upon the American, wle, holds I the two swords in cither hand. .v.'luhilis thrm thus. "Choose II tie that is Main.,!- that has M.....1 .1." lesi. and inav h - 1 I., i. ... , i J "Say raili-r accursed, my friend, tdnee il ia marked l.y I In- Hnml of a Iiravo man. I'll take llie same Idad" J.ord Carium-uau li .nulled. Since a ltrilotl fnilcd to leach the liussiau Id'ar a lesson with it. we'll see what Itroihcr Jonathan can do. Hold it for Iile, Mr. ;rinns" No one males any remark, thnnyli Secretly the dar.m is luinim;. while li-ith Mr. ilrimes and Sandy cliuekle :it the wi ids of tlie trawl"!', li is pat ent thai Mynheer Joe has g Mined the liiake-nii of his a'ii!.u'..uit to a dot. and w'U lie at le to take care of him. Hull) principals in ilie o.iii'emplaliid ti ffa i i- pro. .. : d to I iisitie.-. . Coats siml vests are removed. Joe arraiu'is his littiiv jus! as in tie. gymnasium, plac ' ''K the footholds over his shoes, tight tiling a I . ii around Ids waist, ami fas toliin up both sleevi s. Tin- dar.ni ol.s .ives his movements V'iih :t ciiri.hy iiai: shows itself upon Ids face, lie discovers that his A la. T- lean :,im:i: in;.-, knows inure than he irves him er- dli f-f. and perli-ips for 111" lirsi time i!-.. M.inllii liaiimiil Hashes l.'ii-o'iah ids I vain that this man i i: y lie a v. ei.ii u to him. !!is pracpeil eye lak.-- in tin- wen tlelfl I Wiisl of Myidicer Joe and Hie Mlpcrll f.,ie,l;-il. Til,., poinis u'.Ve 'in'oiiiisi of asionisliina- s'ljiple swerd lihiy iT in th- ,...-e-s;.i;i of a mas.i r. 'llie I a roil feeU i .iii.-erii .-iiiuci leiii; llial llevc;' hot l.ered hiia In fnre wli.oi Jtliotir in i nt. i- a Phle n:Ya;r of this hind. !' .r the .l:!el'.i h.is li, , n a pas- lime I.I I he li l-:i.ill. I. eKll ; thai he was a ..nr.' ttit.tii-r i'loi.i liie siart. l'otli jn-e ii ,v, r. a. iv. ' 1 ; there h really adva n i a re in Ih Kioiiml, i.i;s n .im.-s lit t rllort moil, :r . ; I . - -1 1 . : It;,,,, ,. h. . Is Mr. ;rimi s -...J, . sneak-, and all ryes are at one, imie.1 iei.it him. ''Let us uiei. -sia:i I the c.-nhliolis of this ahatf. ii! the iillenieu's honor !) sali-iied w;,h tir-, h! 1, oi ls It to he a il;:--! lo lie- d -.:iliV" The liaroii o.ieiis h s :n.c!l!i to d.--l.-ire for liie l.-tpr. relnel.d.i-ill 1-,,'e ilisuraee pip up .n him v. !-, n the win was ilasled iipo his face, .last ihcii Ids eyes res,- up. n tl eai-ti u.-iii.-c if the Atneri. What is ii in Myn licet' Joe's In. !;.- thai causes a spasm til pass throllvll llie I'lai.H' o.' llie duel 1st? lie hardly knows himself, save that lor peiiians tin- first time in his life he has had an uudoiiiaMe twinge of fear. ''Tin. first illsali'diii; wnunl will sat isfy me." s.is haion. coldly, se cretly iiieaiiiii : ti ai when he himseli' KiVfS this it :.h til lie lil" roup de gnicr throu-h hi- I'o.niairs heart. Mynliei r e in- lines his :. ad. '"What the l!n-van says Mtits me. I am ready I'm- any n m'ii ions," he re luniks. "It is lllnlerslo.nl, p u'lrlilell. a dis nldiii;: w.nin I hi inas the liiili alVair to a termination, and we. the sr nds. tllV to l-o the ,j!id-.''s. Ale yon ready fur liiis:n;.ss:" ,ms Mr. liriines. Until sw.if l-nii li assume favorite positions and make ailira ,-itive re-i-ponst s. Mr. (iriinis ii. id; hi, head to the l'l'cneliman. "Itci.in:" calls ihat worihy, shnrply. Ilariliy has tl). world lei't his lips 1 ha ll the swoidl'ladi s Piss with a l-lif-iiiiw sound, and the i-xiraordinary dud anion:; the hills of Mokkalani has Iicliiui. It is ill, harmi w lei assaults; he Is ea.i-r to discover tile mettle- of Ids mi'. tu'.i idst. an I llpnivs -onie lire Into his aioi. !:. t!ioin,di not fernclliii-.' In keep his u.iard in'.ict. and leliiin luiiiie lescne. The spi-iijiloi-s :;rie.ip arnlind, and prepare to wiimss ei f the most lis-1 on is-1 1 i ti -; s ii- s that ever look place Upon li e cacl. of ih, historical Nile. It ih tint Pike an experienei d ftwords,:-,,-!!! 1..I-' to harn llial he lias met a to. i.ian wotlliy of his steel, iind ITe liiey have In I! at it ten sceniuN the Russian allows a look of surprise to he sri n Upon lis IV i-. Tills is su- ei eil"d hv illl c.Vpl' of trrriler fi-ieeltv. lie his diseoven I ' the ciMicr of In, :ni ,r.,ii', ami Is lllol-r Ih.m rrr d -. rmiri. d to l.ill hii.i then .aial lln re. 1'iiri iilian-l.'.-. llie oil ject of ihis solieiiii.le has -omel hu ; to say alum- this !.! Iiimsi I;', an I he sp. aiis u:.li no ii -r-aiii si. tin t. !'..r I i :i lain. He o- so. ti: of i ; t : I wrii h. tm 1 I .: like '. - I n 111- : . - llltll'il i ' " -'- h 11 '' i e. nd I lilcil. li- WT.'.A'...sV .Witt'' has failed ill his tirM i . i j H . Vli:il Will lie endeavor lo :n e., lish How? lie knows In. er than In i I i .v any signs ul' ;i!;i I'm. nn the contrary. Im fiU'ees ;i sneer up. ill his 1 : i and it 1 pears UHcolic 1 11 d. Avruitl lie advances.-. In ndop! an n - I lircly new system .f i i - s, wh'.-ii i nueoui h side da.icle him. lie h is the American meets a-; P-io in s iii,ii"Vri' lieeit drilled to inert the ai-tai !. favoriie pupil oi' Motisi tii- Jpn.d. th i of a l"ft-hiiiideil swordsman, and litels famous swoi-dmasier of all Pari , i Ids drain linaMi' to surcessfully cope The liiiroil is ;i 1 1 1 -1 d lo tin I thai v.iih the new prolilcnis thus sudd. 1. raeh of 1'iis littlo tricks ;:, nn i in rapid : !y presented for solution. "',u'''- JJiiitis in a Ivan ;:..". li r tiler. He nains li i a Ivan ;:..". li Joe were sitrroiiiali d hy a v,:ll of sic ! he could in il he mole s -lire appall lit- Joe were sitrroiiiali d hy a nail of ste-d ' 1 1 ' 'I,.- u ,..t .' In- -aiao :,- n Ids pari, the Am an admi s ilnil never has 1. m i .:, v ii . . .:,! wield .he Mad- wi i, .- e - ii, .1 i at .ivi it. is pe. in '. -i ii.. is lo-pl lmsy n p .lling nit.-. -'.--. and !i i he finds an o::oi'iiiii: t l ; I,,,,..,. on i,u ... ; i :, u :io.t parried hy llie c.-vr v,..;-;; . '" llie I a ,. . , . , Mr. tiriuies looks .m and s;t;,,-s: !:. j thinks lie can a tier I to I :. ; what a surprise will y.-i . i llie Russian. As for tl-.e I' i lain, lie rubs hi; !.! I- i 4 "" ' '. 1 ' .'' ' ':' "'' '.' ' i.reai itlee: iii n a . t.n peai to oVel V! h'.Wi 1 :. ;i Ills cie.npiisil ioll. I ' ' I'. -r:. taeii are Pai-iii. ..r i;. ar.'i-il '.'i tii" man o;. ii'.s ,-ii le.e-:, hear HI inanipill i : ill .:' ' i; Is 1 in- while fervid i .'!;;h:.i i i- i -. ape him. as it' lie ealiu.il i. ei hi- I'. "iii.'Js under control; li is li!,.. a k- t:!e of .:iilinv w.t'i r - when ill ii reach, s a certain s;.ilc he i. ;:':! o it. '.vnf'! I., ik at ill H Nr..'. ! !.? Ilciciit! And tl ret i:t :i : i 'ii.-,v- mam! It i- w.niii e.-l.-t : a ni'it's I sleep to C'll-.e ll oil u :! lov.-ly play, j joii .'imi. nlw no tie. '.!.i i ki- - and j twine aliiet; ea.-h oiit. r. My ;'. ! n I has met a no!-! a -Keivary. M.-n ! i;. a! Such cuollie-s. s;;. h w.eid r!'ul aioi-. I have not s -en in al! my !;;'.-. I am proud lo say Ane-i-'een- are the ti i. i; is of the l'r.-lnil. I'll, ii is ...e :-.-ai pity he mil-1 :' '. e.1 n. Ti... ! r..:i tires th.-iii all o'M III- arm is n .; .1... I I irn.i ; v M ,,.,!e I '..,..', I f.,l,l..o- I ' .,1.1 ten ' , see 1 1 1 ; 1 1 lija'.e II' .' tl il!.-." ' in Thus he mtt. t. i s and ..-iris, as he v. ,-.;ch-s th- t-en-e " a,-cniini. Mr. 'iiiii 's , p;.,,. Mr. ilililes do, s tii.l . hel-r -- :-P'.'.dl -il- .hi one iota. Il 'y ip . i-i in t Ii. .ti,. wold: rivnehuKiii's i.ir ih "y-.ii"' Meanwliiie I he .-,'. I !..:! 'el v.: i 11 I'nlla.si as the tii si. A- if i i- e.i 'i l i'ii ual colisvill tin y sp.ilij: !,.., :. l i I-. e.i.er themselvi s Tiinr!" say- ii:.- I'i-i m-im:-.:!. Tl'cv ivst ip.o.i ih. -ir sw..!-iN ati ' duiiie' ihis d-: .1' ii d I i" s are upon 1 1., in. Th IV- a -'i c-,;.t.i in roiitrasts the iw-i. I! t .-. d.-. la.vd that th" liaroii. oi !h.- i - i. is v.-oti more tlian i U" vi.-io y ! ..f his woiiderfid ciidnra'i.v. v., rii aliled l.im to wear hi- a o . '-1 ni. To his sii-pr!.'e. Ii" tii -.- ,i.s, that the I'ltssian l as pa! fori I: -u mendiiiis fiirei- in lite aio-iopi to I--it down Joe's uu.-'i-d. il.at lie shows m..v siiiiis of r.l.ans iou tiian his an' c-..a What does Mynheer .ioe do. as if . siiew his rolilempt for lie man a i;. -I wiioin he is piiinl. III! lake a ciu-i;-and plaer ii, unliu'iiP d. I.eiwern his teeth. 'I'll" Paren'r (-: l!a-h 1 --V-tin Whell he Sees Ill's ...... tie I'.-ali. e thai ill ' misla';.. m' i.i- !i:'e !.a . o upon him. When Mytdn.-f .In- m irtvd Cairo th., llti- !.:."'s star I. :;. to decline. It i--- now j oiicr down with it rusii. ' ltendy!" he crii ;-, rai ia.- his swotd. The American nieeis hnu half w: y, mid fcf the third lime lii w. ap.ois clash tiejolher. Vow lii, h.:r...! e hausls his repeiory oi' i-tii ..s si :!. -and tricks. hi.;i'n; i i di-rover .-..a,-weal; point afoul the i-.le r's d. i. n -. Ill til's he siu'ii'illy fads. As yet he has '..., no I -. .!. -. of i'.-a!-. irusilmj in his own .skill to defeu i liiinsidf. If it com in ihe wor.-i. th dtlvl can he railed a ih.nv atel I: sueki roiiiilailou oil, of t'nat f.ie,. whir' Hot o'liil'ili: !i !.! ;i do.-" Willi II for the opoulir; s'.d !:np.-s In discover. A new pha-v in th, I is .-dioni p. lake place, whai Mr. i-.o-s Las. Ii,, a so :'niously rwaii ie- lie v n:.: ;- why M.Vtdli ef 'oe d ! , s -call only lay it ! t i -' - - . an I 'c.'iili-.v c,u t. of litie humor .hi. -ii play Willi il lliol.-e. Il eoim s a; la: I. Jo.' sprin-.s iia. U .-: -. sv oi d fn.l.i ids i U ie P i a l ml is at tin- liiis- i remha ih hlade fa Lo l.-i.e.. tii, M :n u's cy. s. and . ly . , and dismay is oi.-;.l li. a j ii;-", w.hcli lie r.n I.:-.-s a Ie i 1 mti lied il;:. ilisi If, '.. - ' ' ih" niarveh u- iiii.'-k ;oii act in a il. ""!' " ' ' ii.:". site-' il pf .! i,, i n ; ' , " : h :" ...la. Il is In" In!. ',. -, ivulis-.es that the duy Is lost to Ida can so. 'l i e l :u'ull U gtuut. Ho dallies ids-pi-raP-ly to mi vi- himself. Mr. Urinies liiiies the sallow Inn' 1 hat lias crept nver the man's face, and he knows llie duel is already decided. For th i'r'st time perhaps in his lite, the l!n shin feels the cold eliltell of fear al his heart, dine a man allows tills feeling come over liini in a duel. Ids chalice are tunic. At the same lime, over eoiiliileiiee is just iilioiit as fatal in success. Tin' . 1 1 ; y safe course is a Kile hclweeii. cautious and wide awake, ready to do his liest and leave li.- rest. It In comes apparent that the daron weakens. His defense !; llo loli:;or ill' marvcliius one he put up ivli!'.. Mynheer .Toe continued the rivdit h u d movement. These Hashes from the 'I !i- Laloli is lest. I'e inihi still save hiinscl;' I- I " " " . , ' tit.nue the cns.M-eine.il with a I ln s"'''1 11 "'ondertnl ad- , valM:.:f.' ..v. r hnu. In that Ins Id. arm ' 1 ''''Mer'.ms as Ins ri.t ! I'-i'l""!- mii-I, a thomrli. Hashes n,,.. ' 'I." niiiid ol tae Knssuin: lie is huni-in. lid life is sweel to hire I. HI he doe--oi take advantage nf lie idea. I 'rid ! iiu'iiiust it. II mirs from a that would inert ileiiih ralhi-r 1 1. an appear a coward. So he dallies on, doini.' his dost in 1 . . . ... , ... ... I niiei liie ilii.iei'-. oi ni.s , oo. n- n-.i il.'iurr hopes to assauli in (urn his j arm is ton tired for that. He suffers eeru.-i iiinu' pain every lime he makes ia iieae. More than once can Mynliecr .1 .... if h" ehooses. drive Ills lilad" ihroil-'Il I he didy of his foe. He lets tii" chances slip dy: perhaps the lime n.-iv ool'io nil. .11 lie Witt re-'l-et lies i liie-ey, hut h" does not like in have liie die iil of ,1 white man on his hands. At last tlie opporinnity he looks for lines: there is a quick movement, a sadden cry. and the sword of the AmiTd-an protrudes throtiuli the riihl a-m of llie eiiroii at the shoulder. ' Lord ('armorsMU has heeii itveiiired I w ith i he weapon he handled in vain! CIIAI'TT.K XV. Till', til HON IS SATtnFIF.n. Willi another quick inovetue"! the .'. mericiin withdraws his swo, . and steps dad; a pace to avoid any pun-i-hnieni. Inn ihe Imroii is in no oui iliiion to deal cui-li. He sinks daek, and only Unit the I'tvucl. rapliiiu t. ; spriiif.'s rorwaiil ami cuiciies tlie j d ii in his arms he must fall in a ! '"'"I Tle'ie is nn sit'ii uf faint inir. only i -Nhiiusiiiiii. He stands there, sustained 1 in nan l.v his second, lookili" at the j tiisl man' in all the world who has j ,-,,v.-i his master, and Ihe glcnni of i iosi ryes can In: tel'incd not hinji less :la n diaholical. Mynl r Joe leans on his sword and ooliy surveys his iiutai;oiiist. Then I., i ads for ti match and applies it in the ciirar which he has held detwceii I l.'s teeth nil tins while. It Is rvlilctit Illill he has lln I'eilf of the flllurr. I he tadleati icimiiiis uiiliiokcii lor perhaps a full minute. I " i imc!" mys Mr. (iritnes lent ly. Myi'hi-et' Joe. still sinokin ralndy, cli-Viiics his sword. The plucky liaroii ::i:i!.es ii move to follow suit, w hen hi.; second, the Kretieh t:i pt n I il. throws himself dctweetl. "Moii liicit! Yoll would not linisli lids a Hair with murder, conn adrsV Ii was aiaei-d llial a disadliiii; wound would end it. See, my principal has ii-i dinner any arm. What srrvnl him so well is now almost as useless as a I .1 ;iil nieinlier. Von will call It quits, j or I shall offer myself his sudstilille:" I i.e rrles with cmniiiendalih' rtttlmsi- a ia ami plurli, since he knows lie id a i inaP-h for the Yankee. "in on rondition," rrttirns Mr. lirilie-s, who also prodllrrs and li'iits a ciL'ar. while the Irrrprrssidh' !San dy is si-riddlinif away for dear life hi siioiihaud at the rale of a thousand words a minute, nioiv or less. " Name it, monsieur." The daron provoked this din-l dy ail instill in-.; allusion to the American It has had n trial dy arms, and the decision rests airainst him. Let him frankly iipolo.nr.e. inn to my f'-ieiiii only dut to Americans cveiy- in-r ... iind I ii in sure Mynhei r .), ,v;U d salislied as well us mysi !i'." Ih.- proposition Is iciisenadle. ''.:i liiru! I see no reason why It -la old not de done In roninioii jusii.-., .- ii-, il lias deeii decried thai my nrii'c'pal was in Ih.' wroi. It was a .l-iiui si.ht ihotis'h: a situ. I'd spca.-i' I: ii will haunt nie always. 'fi: t say you. monsieur lo daron do ye i wi.lii'raw your allusion to li. : under which this ciitleniaii s, m i . ' I In Russian smiles. "I am i-.mipeiled lo, since I d. ci.::'i I iii:i il coii-cd only ruw.ird-. lor I" ii.is proven very plainly ll.ai 1 nia-ie i!ii-la!;e. Mill! ri - .l ie l.imws e.. .-d'.-is'an v.as made only lii prov.ik 1 lili i hi :i im-'iim:. so thai I need r.-ii.-."i my words no further than tic-:" "V, a iae had llie i mi.:: are ml saiis ,,. daro'iV" a-l.s .!. iiin el'. "i-'or tic pn - lit. . -." ic.ui i.s in. : h -r. Ii-i u i en h's t. -Hi. "out thi ; j . ' i, s not .-ml ii. my A merieaii I i-i V.i i an has ever j- I run ii. ro - i . ia M illl I livi d, imil' lime Will ..tin "' "o lean no io now has i-ver wot si .1 .-. ,a ill .1 duel. Russia, dm you I. let , a mat h II re. Take tare II Is not , .... Pie th.-ii is si.tti). il on: like a ; I' We Aim rican . -Pool to I ' . a w . . i.- . J ; 1 1 w ..; . .-, or i i I o i... ii.ilmiii ,! J ! GOOD - j : 0 ROADS.! j j Money Value to Tumicm. ! "T V RMTlS.'oR ( '. l.AT'i'A. i J ) I'ur.lr.e I't.ivi i.-iiy. l.al'a.vetle. ! j li;d.. Will, s as follows: That (1 "...id loads have a money value in fainii-rs will de framed dy ill. That ih, money value of improved hi.uhw.iys is alnlie sullieiclit to justify tin -; of their roust rnrt ion will Ie i-.iuliiii-iitly I'lainied or readily aduiiitcd dy lu::i:y l.iriners. qllestiiill'd dy o'ii ers. at.-i donied dy tint a few. In view rf the financial and many oihrr advantages of ::ooil i-oa.l-. a m:i ioiity of tlie farmers of the State would in'.i!iil"ss favor tln-ir runst ruc tion as rapidly .!- practi.-:! --Ie urn!, r some rllieieiil, ee. U-imii-al ;:!!.! eijuii.'. die system of hi divvay improveincni. I'm tiii-re i- a c insid.. radio proporiioii jf tile I'.ll-Ulels-dotlhlle.ss olli-tiflll, ,ai:d possldly ciie font l!i-wiio have Rule knowlci",e or appic in ion of the In-Ill liis of 1 full Is. and wh.. th'-v. fore oiljeel oil account c' ih" Ut'ci'. ci -I of hiyiiway impioveiiii-iii. The farm ers ..f li.;.- class know that they will have to d.-ar tin ir full si, are of tie litird"'.! u' such improvemeiii : they di--ci-.-.iit inn: who!!;, wnlmm reasom t'a- nil, and c.i!nli:-io '.vrlicr- as to the of many - an I pudlic losses r and , liny m ral : I hh.!r. llie Cl a:i:s In fan. icrs from p, IMiids ref peetivcly; hell, c with apprehension Ihe ;a tioii in favor of impi-ov. ;IV: I uoiiii- or Uiidel'valiioU' In. a w. II -.nod (iolial ai.d social adv as the eeinl'ort and eii.l .yineni of roads, or fociim.: tm . prl r sin li l .'ii.-iiis. iv-ard witii dis!i-.:s measures for highway and I la y are li!-: y t" for tlie dettcriii.-i-i of . i hey can tii'si I n i loads will prove a p illVl stmeliP i'.p. al-in . delailf of I hose w i. i ie to pay th" tliese l'a:-iiie:-s and !'!.; fa vor improvea-.e!-; : oini,-e cf:'. ris :r roads niil,.s ic-d ilia 1 p. 1 viicr linaii -..'1 tin reforc, in r a::y reason are mil iiiMu-nced dy tin- higher cotisld rralious in favor improved hishv.'.iys, I I'ilise the qll.--iiiill. Will i! pil.v the farmers in dollar.- and c-uis lo improve th -i!- pudlic voails'.' I'.cl'.u-e atieinndii'.' to iiiisWer this quest:, u. h-t its consider ill what ways permanently imo.l road:; will prove liiiain i.-dly l.-'tii li ial in farmers. All will ii-'i.-e. I thai!;, that a imod road will: First I!, i ll a::ii li and force in ci u'l'arm am! mar- Iran iati ul I k.-i. Second Ilnalile ihe farirer to lake .advatu-i-ie of markit Cue; 11a 1 iuiis In liiiyius .'"id si-lliii-'. Third 1 r'liit 1 r.aiispiirlai ion nf f irm products and pureliased cntiimoditics durius- limes o.' eoiinparalive leisure. l-'iiili-lii Itcdilce the wear ami leaf on hoi-M-s, harness and vehicles. l-'iflli Knhan.-e the market value of real c-l ale. H11I wldliiji is easy to eiiuineiate the way In whi.-ii imiirnved roads will de litiatieialiy .a.lvaiii.u'coiis to farmers, it is vu-y dillic-iilt 10 c.liinate. in dollars iind the dciieliis to iii-eiue ihcic- In I tistrtisiiim- 1: ;. ow n jii.!jrtii-iit in tin: premises and tearimr id-n that my onlnions would have Utile weight with thers, I sought the advice of the farmers themselves. Letters of inquiry were sent to sixty of the most Intelli-(.-.iit farmers in forty counties located in tin, central and northern parts of tl e l.-l'o Suit,.. The siilisianee of these ivt 11 herewith First - Adotit what proportion of the putilie hik-liways In your county arc now u'ood gravel roads'.' Second -I'leask' rslinnite the a vera So ineri-ase (in dollars and cciilsi in the srllim: pi-iee an acreJvf land 1 11v111n.l1 oitt the fiiiiuty, as the result of such jrr.ivcl roads. Third- If iill the pudlic roads in yotrr roiudy were rotiverted into improved liiahw.iys, how niiieli. In your jtiilij incut, would It increase the ..ver:.,'e sellllli; Rlice an acre of land Ihrollu'li ouf your cointjy? 1 mirth- What wnuld he a fair esti inale of the cost a mile of converting uttr coiiimcn dirt roads as they now ex--t Into ejo.iil gravel roads, provided, of course, the work were to de performed economically under some competent, general 'supervision, and not hampered dy leual restrict Ions? Fifth-SnpiHisini: that your coiiniy Wi-re divided Into UMi-aere farms, and that the average distanci of rarh farm I'lotn nmrket were live miles, whar, in y.ntr ,iud.'mei.ii, would do the iivrr ii'e iitinii.al enst tin dollnrs and cctitsi to each farmer of our imiinpiovnl lidiwaj;-': In iumMrriii the lifth question ilnise take into account the reduced loads, increased time, extra wear and tear, and loss In sales from iuadlllry to deliver products when the market Is l-csl. Over fouly replies to these queries Were leiived. As Would lie i'pecled lioiii the dlU'el-nicc ill soil, surface, iind li iilicr from gravel deds, there i:; ii Mi.l rank.-.. 111 the esliinales ot llie ilii- f.Ti'ffi i-orrrspdiiilctiis. Many of the 1 s s ale necessarily mere trues: cs. odieis air luls.-d oil a thorouah 1 inint whili- ktiiiwleduti siiieiiltloli of Ihe ma tiers under con The sli. uld ati. re., averages of these rslimatcs Live- ami they predalily do ltIvc iimatrly llie consensus of op'u ld liy the most mlelli-eiit far:ii ll'e Stale :1s to the cost an 1 value of iiniiiovcd hi-.liways i.-ii h els ol m nicy :il llie loss diie In poor loads The Ion v appiox iinaie a.erai.'e lor oikiilcs are a- follows: ti. Tlie a-, i csiim.-.ted in ice of land .I,;. -JiW.-IX s is -Si '-. f . s I , ill w I : I ri-c is,. Hi Mie m Id I., .".i -ric: Impr.o - ,, v. The , . ',, : eiat.i is - ... 'Me-- ,- : .- a I!, a lc( ii, till ill. lilllJl ui' ti I'l f :i -I- i-r in aiiy, TU ax i age increase, tlicivlon . of .il.-is nn acre is lower than was inieiided fur the lands near the improved roads. Second -The estimated average In- r ase an acre that would result from iiuprovii;-' all th. pn!.!l.- mads is Third The ri ilii.lled iivrl.le rosl of rniiveriiiur tin- eomiuou pudlic roads ii-'o iuiproviil highways is Iflllti a mile. I'mirth -The estiinati-d average an imal loss a hundred acres from poor roads is .'f7ii.". OUR THREE CREATEST CANONS. Voscuiile. 'llowiiliinp ami iritint Can. m of II11' Coloritdo Coiiinri.(t. The justly famous Hi-iunl C; 11 of the Yellowstone is, like tile Colorado. ::ii-.'coiisly colon-, I and adrupily i- nin leisiuik in a plaieiiu. and doili are mainly the work of water. Hul the Colorado Canon is more man a ihoti stiiii! limes l.aruer. and as a score or 1 wo ii.-w laiiidins of ordinary sb,, would not appi eciadly chaii-Je the yeli oral lii-if of a yn-al ciiy. so liiilidreds of Vi jlov.-slolli s llli-dll de efodi d in Ihe s'.l.-s of liie Colorado Canon without 1:. 1! l.-ea My atiuineiil in.: i.s size or the rielmi-s.s of iis sculpture. Rut it N not I;-!;, thai liie ur.-al Voseinile r.i. k-j Would i-e Mills lost or hid. tell. Nolllll:--of Me ir kilid in Ihe wiiild. so tar as I Mi iw. riva's 111 Capiian and Ti- -ia.-i:. i:o!cli ; .. liwails or In a-iy way I..-! 1- i 1 -s l!c,. N'..IIe of I ile salids-llllc Of lime-to:;., prt eipi.-c- of ii,. .-aiioii that ! Ii.ave ,-eca or hoard of .; q - ; id n s in 1 ;i.inh. li.iwh -s slfeitath iliel .imh'ili llie Lraliite face of Id Capiian or the 'I e:.- .1 side "1 Cloud's Ri si. These i ..1 .s. a! cliffs, lypes of ii",-m:!iielii e. are .idelll ll-' io and linii.i feel hi'li: ;h,;.of ill., .-an..!! iha! are sheer arc admit had' i.s h!-h. a tid ;!' types of lieei.n-. caMca-: x-. !i ! ulorioii- ilomed Tisslii.-k. p. '..!.- ; of :ai !!'i'aiii i-uildlii.-s, 1 , i'ri ui i "Vi'i .-h.el-i'.vi ,i or lo., : l.'s . -.'.. --.ii-oii :: i on . ..:i,p,ny. w.c.iid d:.i - '. ;y -.ye. iin 1. in '-n n - i:ial---ly id ..li :l:i !ii a'" she would lake m-; pi., .- ca-l -. einplc. p.-i l.-i or iml'-.'. . Vet lie !" - -. : mued writer, oomp.ir 'I.: tl-- lii.in-l Canon in il .ucia-ral waj villi ihe u!::cl i V:,-i-iiii!., says: "A:, I the Yo-elliiie all. the lovely Vosemile. liiimpi-l dowit into ihe wilderness of .' ii-r.-s and moiiiiiauis. i; would lake a uuid" w h i knew ol iis existence .a l.-ii-j time In tile! ii." 'I'liis is strihim.'. and shows up Well adnve ill" levels of eolii naiiiplace ile-.-ripllnu: Inn ii is cnl'iis ins. and has the fatal fault of not liein-.' it it...- John Muir. ia the Century. WORDS OF WISDOM. ri'.h-r many a fancy waisiioa: s i a plain heart. Lost wcaltll lll.ly de leeovired. dill lost urn, ii. s a-. Men and wagons rani.- mosi whin Mate is tin: 1 i 1 1 -r ia ill. -in. To de learned is to have a lull ie civoir; to lie Wi e is lo have all illi.ad in.: -ipiinv;. tin., worthless Lit of sirin- may hold i.metli. r a re or more of pii.-e-less pearls. I'liiicislll is ..-.e il stone- 1; cilh. shiiipeiis or iiili.s ;l.e cd"c of lal.-ti.'. a, -cot, lin ; iis it i- apidi. .!- All dt-iiM' lini: lnc; for tie only .s diave who has ;-. fleet i.ui- to liuhl fur. whether in me daily datlle of lii'i or in physical contests. I'ilyiiu- people Hid Pciim pilicd on, -self are two .ry iii.Voivut tliin-s. The lirsi is sooiliiiiu and sweet; the second is annoy in-., or even mnd.lcu inu, siccorii.m; to Hie ictupd'aim tit of the patient. If you have m evil day appro ichiim ur a "dad qiiarirr of an hour" in front of you. or any kind of disairrealil,. duty or eim.-i'-'emclit wiiiiievcr, inert ii w idi om delay. It is Letter iis a rule .. uularily to face ii at once than to he compelled to (hi so later. lillfh TIiiib Fur ( linnet'. A sioiv is told ut an olil .ew iiatnp shire family which may or may not he strictly uui. dut which passes fur truth anion;; the inhitdilants of tlie place win re it originated. A man who had st nieled tlitoii'.-li lioyhood under the name of Zeplianuili Sinlih marricil a yoiini; w oman Iiom Incautious parents had christened hi r "I'iiiiiela Jane." When their li.si child. ;i Kirl. was horn, tin y anuuuii.vd their inti lit h m of nivini; her a tmm dcr, wuicli she might chanue for any name she cho;.e when f-hc reached .vents of discretion. They were Mussed with seven cliil dicu a lid pursued llie same course with each child. Xuinders two, four. tir and teveii weir hoys, ami lived on in Cue town where they were hum, ncvei siiaiiH iin.v need to select' Christian names to the day of their death. Rut when "Three" Smith decanie en i;a:;ed to a yoiitii; man hy the uaiiie of llills, she coiislderctl It dcsiradle to chance her nuindcr to "Susan. " "Shortly after tlnit "Six" was united ton yoiun: Fonie, who promptly liana d her "Liny." "One" clum; to her name ain't sim;jc dlesseiilii ss llll.il middle life. when. haviiiK relented siillicicni'y to accept an oiler of marriage from Thomas IIol'. she saw the adv isad of lie cumins "M;iry" with muiic hiisie. Youth's Companion. liLi-nxer-i u ltlvi'l- ill I illimlil. W. J. Wilsnii. an i.xidoicr el ihe Can adian Hcoiouical Survey, has rciiiniid with lis party frulil a tour ilneuh the inn p, ud ciuiiitiy to ihe sni.ihwest ol Jain i s It iv. Mr. WINon i. , n is the i;,-,e.. ty of a laiw rivir. hi'hcilo un-s.avi.i.-.l. and runniim I, mill llie ,',: n. K.i.'i- oil the soil'h .Hid Ihe til i.ih ipi.-a.-i R-M-r on the north. 1 h i:. u ly .li-covcied IIVi'V lias a , ..in--of m . i .'ion mill s. and near I I a ; R iv ill'. ..'.i- Mil. i I W" 1,1 it"- l-cs. i , i 1 a : im. lie l-oti I'.- S--'.rial ,i 1 . ,i . .11 , w cl c il.s .e i . d tin- i.i!.'ii.ti, piii l.v.- Niw Ycik 'i'iim s. HOW NEW YORK CITY GETS ITS DAILY FOOD. .r.f.i'.i'.p.v.i'.p.r i'.i' t' i' t'.i'.t'.i'.i'.t'.r.f.r.i-.iMMM'.r.i'.i'.f.iM'.i'.i'.i: .v mi r.n tut. mzibopivs vn)j:.oa: WITHIN ITS IN AN CMZMJENX SjODZNLt CUT OFF THE DIILf ,. SUPPLY FHO 0lTS!0S D1N)CHi OF FAWNS TO WHICH Wc CITY HAS BFCN '.'. v expose Djn.'NO sri-f re srmiis of .r.i'.i-.f.i'.p.i',i:.u.iM'.p iM i- p.'.' r?2s v.r-'!"' 'i P''"11 '''' ls s"l" ZSi&ii plied with il.- daily vd- I J TL R titiils ami drink Is laiu'.l- j kf J hit' l" ' ral way to rfliJ-rFi llMisl p;'".le. The census I tells with ai least an at- I icmpL al exai In -ss la.w much f ; that an avcra-j" . im-i-i-am rats I mid drinks. It Is also an iuierrs I in piolilem. kiiuwiiej how mm-li a ciiy like this consumes io coiisider h,w ::v it has jrm -tiled for ;niy i hin.' deyeiid Its , Itiimidiate to -eds. II. .w does Its store j of foo l compare with th, welds.,,,-!;, d liirder of a iirovi.leiii housewife. II.. w j lo;m vryuld dreakfas!-; and Pim-h.-on - j ami dinners im. in their present ahum! ai and variety. I:' a h-sille licet h.-M ; the Hudson, tie. Snitiid. and laid ri'l j (he lu'idues across the llarlini: or ia I m. . re plieiadl,. ci,;i-ii!iuci:cy i if a Inn-, i- ral!", it Mizzaid. or an ea: !l:.iiai;e of- J l'ec!i,al!y cut the lilies el' iraii-p naale ii i in two and no one could men ! tin m 7 I 'I'll.' li'Solirres of a r.-umt-y er of a j fit," :i!-e apt ti lie umlere-i ii.ia led in lOJ.sideriim a qllosl ioll like Id's. '.-:- 1 pie do not realize itniil tii.y have tried it how far n little can made In im on a li;iU'-raiioii or quarter-rat ion da.-is. The ticrmaiis calculated In lTn that - Paris was adlc to staml a nr.. nioiiihs' :di :e. Til fact, the ciiy la !-: nut for 1 l.-l days. ' ry possidly, :p. iiauiy schools of dietary i. spirts ronton. 1. people would do de!t. . off if they did 1ml cat so much. Xevert lied-i. in the hasty sur vey which follows it has Recti assumed ihat people Will la CO pretty closely III thdr usual hadiis of raiiuu and drink im. evrit in lime of severe sli.ii'tne. and that they will nm pause in ihis pronn'dy unstudied course itniil Ihe wnivlmust s, -which iit e the city's pan tries, are empty. srrrxiEs rnoM ran nr.iT, If the trains from the West should stop eoiain in for three days the retail d'.lii hers would ceils., to u'cl their nor mal supply of fresh innil; if the Inter rupiioii of trallie cniiiii.i-.ei for a week they would n-.-eive p: a.-i ii aiiy neiie at .all. Now tilal niraiu the ciiy ucts to tin very Vet'";:' of tills latter condition. Ileal, rs said that In tlie treat miow ;'i. rut rf Ruin only a day or two p. al-al.d tile city trom an :ieii,al meal famine. Hut the trains came ihrouh in i hose two days .and the ilanucr passed. The Western pacUim; houses, which supply the pn liter pari of the meat caie it here, li-jure on leepim; ndoiil iioiii;h meat "in sWliI" lo supply ulie week's demand. Ciiierally speakitii.. 1'ii-re is one day's supply in the "cool er." ready for immediate delivery. An i Mier day's imat is In the ears at tin yards. This uu-ans. of coin-so, at llo-l-iketi or Jersey Ciiy, In many case-;. :.:il. siiicMy spenkin, not in N.-w Y. a; all. While these ears are 5 t ' i : r ualoaded trains tiL'reuatinu a il.irl day's supply are cuminy; In. Tin allowiituv for two days more is en the r,ad somewhere detWeen lier.. ate! Ch! raye . Kill;-, City or St. Louis, 'and at i!:. paekiiiu Incises: in the Wist a sixth day's meat is R:-ltia loaded on the cars. IVrhaps a ( ath of tlie city's meat apply, ih" i '.' aii r part of it kilh d "kosher" for the use of the orthodox Ji ws, i -utiles from the ciiy adattoirs which face on the Fast River. They i mild keep up their v- ) mill output, si', ii :is it Is. for a day or I wo after the Western meal had tinu out. The six days' supply which they have "in si'ht" is made up .i:ds;anti:il!y its fol lows: Oue day o)i the "hnnlis," ready to de cr.rted away io the retail simps, one day In the l;!!lint-pe:!. one day's supply l' live cattle dcttiii utilondt.il in the : yardH, one day's supply of live entile . on the train claim; Fast, and one ; day's supply in the Western stork yards, dom.'ht and ready for shipment. a pay's siiipmf.st or cattm:. : F.xuetly what a day's supply amounts to is a question more dillieuli to an swer than the pui.iishi d statistics i would serin to Indicate. Figures show ; invr domestic yeci Ipts and experts to I foreign ciiiintrii.s ;uv made up. Inn these take no account of tuinn veils Mi-nil .shipments,, especially of perl;, liii'de from points near dy. or for the : ;rade of places in this vicinity which are .supplied from the New York niur ; kels. Due i Xpert of hic.li authority has ; computed that the people of th,. greater j city and Its sul'in-ds cat about Jti.trm, ; mm pjiiiuls of meat ev. ry week. Rmm'i i l.v speaklii;;. iin averaue day's supply i adoiu l.oiiii.iMUi pntinds. a day's supply of polls Is more nearly U',tHHi,tKi peitmls. Mutton aial himli'iire not eat en to Mich an extent, dut the demand for these iwo meats w. ill reach 'jrni.nou pounds ii day. If the packimr houses, cold sturai.'e rooms iind ! uielier simps were van Miciicd. thcic.ore. ilie amount on hat:.! ill ail iieia--.e tiui" would he full:' tiling like tiiis: i'.e.-r. :.."iu,((i)il pound: : pork. i'..iiiio.niiil (in: in I-: luutloit and lamd .".in i.i ii n pont'ils, certainly inn a small .iccumulatliiTi. New York has c. me to lie tile -rcaicsl veal eatiliL-. ciiy in America, ami three or 1'nur day:' supply nt ceatlv -Mil ca-.i-n-ises a day Would pvod.-,t:'iv de fninal nil hand. In til. in; I of the dypotltcl cal siege, washout or earthquake sevcriu; eoniiiiun'raiien with the rest of the worhl N.-w Ycrkers would prolialdv have hv. ad t" .-i. for a Ions lime. In w nrcho . . ail admit the ciiy. and in tlie thuir mills ihoii.soh es. are stores of Id .in- whi.h oii.:ht to hist f,,. thri e i 1. aiel 111 i he wd .r -a!., and l.t :i ' I kluccii s.milld he nap !i .t; abu to iu3S'$r sv tii: phovisions ti pa jr. p.i'.p.p it.u.i'.f f i'.t'.i' i-1 '.I'-i' t' f " inure. Millers and judders in this country have always proceeded on the supposition thai a barrel of lioiir is con siimi d annually fur rvny man. woman ami rhihl. Althniigh lie' lusi census -.a'... a laraer li..iii. tiny still trust Mm ..Id "rule of ihumd" in prefereiice. While the dallel-apieie ilMlii-je holds ;.o.id for the whole coiiiitry. the hirae cities, where fr.-.-!i veueiadles and oilnr f.io.!-:tu!i's are nvndndle in greiit i r variety a:-! for :i ..i.uer period of e.-iiii y.-ar. cn-um.. slihiiy less than their pi-i.poiil. Hal :hare of plain wheat i'eifu'. Ii is prodadiy fair to allow :;.iiuii.i!ii.i .darr, !;- a year for the ikdiKt.- oil oi liale jlili.ldilalits of Crc'llcr New York. This mak s ahmu sjtri dairels prr day. There ale no tigures v. hich spow ilie anioiint on hand in th" niiiei ions w;:r. houses, but Il of r::- lie-iem-e in t!i - lutsiia'ss say that it will avera--'e s um-iliiu:: lik" '.'in.i'O.i dai'l'els. .'.; i i tiie raw ma!-i ia1.- from with it il-.m- could de made there arc definite statistics. Th- ilsi'.d- supply" of rarh ai-iiiii is known at al! time: with in '.arrow limits. Til" mi unity stored in tin cli.V siiollld n :;. ii .' -wi;hin llie 11X1 fi-w w . I,. theii fall irreu'iil.arly umil i: clops are harvest. ,1. I in t li I last .year there were in .-tor haiian iind Ri'.ioklyn wat ei:-.i. I! I dllshels of wheal. l.i'T'l.R s:i::.i::j of on is, sd.-Ji-:; ..f ry. '.J:.' of darley. On August laxlaaim am! will in Man s l.Ti'J. of corn, Uld 1 !. of ihis year Mi, aceiimtda i imi ; had siiiaink in I.itini ditshils of w hc.a:. bVj.o iu of Rl.ilOU i f ii of darley ials. l.'l.iiii i of rye and B'.:15ad and tu rn:!: i on a m x"i n. After dread and hreadst nil's the ihnmrhts of the eater naturally turn towards duller. Fntoriniiaii-ly. th" duller supply would 1 xhanstod loi:- liefore the dread ".aw out. Il is doiidt I'ld if there is ever lurch more than a uioiilhV supply on hat d. f huts op rttr t:o.: st'1'Vi.r. 'Riiili-r and ruim ami a pound ef chics,." went lo-ailer in Mr. Calvi-r-ley's diillad. Fu-s are stored in so many places in and adoiu the city and in such varying qiiaiuiiies that incur sue iiil'orniat ion. .-rrpt as i . ti e rc- .-. hits f.-oin day to daw rammi I d- taim d. The pi-.n.e.ietor of a lar-a- co'd stolipje wareieifise siates Ihat ill h; opinion the M'.pply of i ::-s in slur.-iae al die time would never sini'ioc for the city's mills for inure Mian ; forliiirli'. and he d. mined if the im -i; mil! :i I i u would las! so Imi:. if :;il eth.-r mciiv. s Were cut off. The f.-ii-l thai the w. . l.ly ree. ip's of cheese quadruple de'.wceii Mai.-i, July is alone siiI:cloiii to show that there must de a larc accumulation In summer m supply the winicr's m-ril-, and this is the rase There is pro!-::! ty cluiilgli cheese to 1:'--. for liinre than two months. When prohidliive prices .ire ihe rule for fresh provisions housekeepers usu ally resort to canned goods. It would seem ilifit the city entild lii'i the same, i aimed peaches and pears, peas and trreeii corn could still be had. supposing that peep!.' did Hot iry to live on them i xdiisively, afii r llmii- and watcr'per-rl-'.'e deciinie a luxury. Canned goods are almost the only edibles the whole supply of which the dialers receive at the same Mine. Tlie strawberry fa-ason lieitiu' over, for iiistaiicr, all or practi cally all of the strawberries that three and a quarter million pimple will eat until the fresh fruit comes siaain are packed awiiy in brightly labeled tiers within carting dlstai if the retail counters. The fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and cream (except, of course, the canned, condensed varielyl, and Irish tish would not Re cxpectul to last very long. At the snme time ("here miirht be enough of some less Important food products of which the u.-ual consump tion is small to last n lung time. It might easily happen that the city hr.d seasoning In plenty, for Instance, with tm substantial food to put it on. New York l'usl. Ancient Tllo. The discovery of the cucaustie tiling in ihe Uabyhuilan pa lace of Nebuchad nezzar pieves that 111 I'm "liess of glaz ing "U'l eolovlug llie people of the lltue oi' A hen hum were as proficient In certain chisscn m' art work ns the best of the mod, in artists. The world seems always to have had latent abil ity to excel in the production of beau tiful things, and it has been maiilfe.-.ted in past ages wherever ia -e, ciimate ami iriivcriiineUlal con. lit imis made It pos sible. This age has achli-M-d more than any oilier largely because of the in-owth of Ire government and the fortunate mingling of races in I'asiern Rui-ope ai d In America, and the con seqti 'tit I i--e of hii. li Ideals in cveiy de partmeiii of human activity.- Huston l'raiisi a apt. 'Ilin Uui.... ol Hie I'.imniiii. Natille seems to have made Jainalcn i ;iie him f ti e banana, but it iv- i inaincd lor Ami", i.-an ca, i pi is,, to turn I ihe fruit I-i god!- It is rMuu.'ilrd that '.i.iiihi.im I biii.i-a s rf bananas Were shipped from id's island last year. At : an ncrage of thiny -live uts a bunch, ihis would yield s:l.l.,iMiii;i. It Is also stat. d that about I .Vi'MHiii is paid out aiinnatly in wages by Unit companies, litis would luiiig a total of sMion. mm to the laliiiid in otic year as a direct re sult of the fruit trade. 'l lie man w ;. h a ii'la: of ::lown lip iLiUsilters is siiHiy lilloV, llOLUl- l'lllv,

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