& he hntljnm ttcccu&, H. A. LONDON, KJitor nuil rroj'rietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- Xljc (Chatham ttrcorb. RATES OF ADVERTISING, One square, one iniitrtloo $1.00 Ouo tquurc, two iinsert'ins 1.60 One bquurc, ouo month 51. 60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXV. IM'ITSIiuKO, C1IA TMfl M COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 11)03. NO. 25. f Afv mt-tppt? Top I EY ST. QIORQE JMTHBORNT -Vi v.tu.iu l:i., itui tkt IIiinnkuV snk ii.i'ri:i; xvi. l.'oiiiliircil. So I hey drill upon oilier subjects. 'i' which f i i -1 " .-- :ir.' plenty Id discuss. iMiiiiik ill.' day Mynheer .Too has met Mi.lh's falnr and talked matters .nor. mi t r hi- kimws much of Iheir plans I'm- iho ruiiiiv. mm. I inn shape hi.s own itiiiinlinu'ly. It i.s llieir la-t iikJit in iln tri-uiil iilil eily of t'jihii. When ibirklioss it.'iain descends over ll-ypt l hey hope 10 lie on I he er.l.U V. -.-el el" tile 1'ell-Jl'-ular illul Oriental Slcaui Xn vitt.'l'.i.m 'oinpfiii,v'.s Hi el. lie:! tint.' I'm- I'm-! Said ill). I the Sin. 4 :iiSii I. Wlit'th, r .T.ie is eollsciiilis of the lift or lint. Molly si inn disrovers Usui lli I' eunipuniuli i.s l!ie observed ol' .'ill. Wi.luoii and Hit 11 look .11 lillil secretly or open!,.' stare. ' I'e news of Ilie duel lias pel im-ap-d .-ieiy ill t'.'iir.i; II in 11 - 'iM'i lei liHU'cr. Nearly every one is yiuil I lie affair turned o'll :is il did. tor the baron had in;nle lew friends ill Kfiypl. llcs'dcs, il Is hlllllMII PI ime iii d ii.iln ei m ejus pride lowci'i il: , aild .-v. r sillee 111.' Ull-Milll eame to V.ir,i liis r. iiiiiaii.ui as a rttielKsl has I'. en ueise.l aliroad. The n:.u win, : has .M,e, him ti.n-i nai.ii.iMy lie a i lei'.', o'lrs!,!.- , f ihe lael ,.)' ills e-m ,, , ... , Jiei'l'.i'.i Willi i iu lull of Kh.il'loiiai. 'loilv -,' lie-aiiuiirliu udanees. and i l-ile i- , ' . e-l of ,.-c; Ihe Very fact I I he s : ' ; i , , s t!l!ei.l-i-iol!S In" liis IX- all. 1 n .;!'. il I'iii ii her est in ii I :i. I'llll si ill lilsher lor lliai Wertliv. of 1 1 1 I'll:-; heyelid I lie fai l llai I-" is in ih.. I'e . i;..;, , i'l" s.-M ;i .! I,. ,.v, oPipaliy of Ihe smiles raise him ill Nail. Hi, ,n. and iii.ii la- v ..-..i l 'ai ',' .;is; Pi tlu-lii lor- ,'. I Ii ina;. I I-;, .illy iiuaianed thai Mith: 11c ell -iiiu-s leckcil Hp ill liis roc,!!!. -i-'Mieiii; :-;.d le-'-ie,- ,ilh tl:- pain i le- w-e,.'d i i : t i i -. I i.y a riwil, I lie i.i ;o-.;n-i p.-ip!" )'. a ileliiil fill cl:i',-l. w!-!''i! t. ' ll.- I' i-l ill 'i:l Mill he !,:il'.- i.i . V--, in I i.i..' I i coin-'. Mr. lililii. - i piv-etil ii ii. 1 keep- a M,.!iiilld eye i,p--ii ile'iii. fir lie lets ii ::i :i -i-p', i-.i ,iii.i iiiriii-'l' litis. -hi. i' ' ili i- ' ii:t:iil-e i.ai hy lie.' iiiiicnious ml of iii l-Mi i! an-i. .:u,ier sin ll eir- -iii-tiit:-----. I, Iii. ti"s him Pi he eu-i.,:,, :, u.i .i.i in order ... thwari , u' m , K,Vi.; ' ' I "' - "ay ' "." "Ii', 11 l';"' '- Amid the hn-lle.i d.pa.'i'.n-. t'r... !"""'' ' ''"'"' '"" "u""''v '" ! the hoiel Saii.lv iie.-iin stiows i:p audi oil.--., . a "n" " 'i,:Mi- ''"! "!":'" "' "VU' ! s.-,'.-,.v J.U I'i,-.,!;,.. TI.eV Ml- .s.,,.1, ! l I'lMHc's. I-.;,-'.- ' - " !: : l'r:!,::'-' "I'l" -'V-i'ie '- ,.-,..,, it, ,,.. r,,,. :.'., f ties " ' 1 " " ' " '' '-v ' ,!- "''" '''k:m.!u.. little ,-i;,,e.- out. ami , Ii.-v.k i ''' l-'iivs" n;.;. -I." -':!!:, s- oi t.!.. ni.'la.i- i:-e sail, j v;..U:iU that ..-.iatil lia-f ell the par. ! "V u "i ,u '": ' '" !" J""-1 ,.( th-s.. .omiie: a1::,av.. ! '-I'" '-'''''" v ' on re;...i. ' 1 1 - :- i '"':'' I .... v. I, A.ii.,i.i.'a ' ! iii- i'id ,!.f .i.iiii leaves "' , :'''' ,: ";,M 1 U';'l ' " ' '' ' m lOs'ypt is '' ' j i, -I. i u lo H '! I ' a- " t "' irav.-i, is a IV I !.- iravel,,. ii.i.n i i te wao.uiu. a iiolhiin: of .!.,: vmitli-rs if ' in any incis s v.: Hi,., h-i.t t-i,r. il. My nil". I! IS-iall's ; i.-i I, ure line in th-. i: a.-iiinai i,-i.s of Sandy. h' c,,,j, .: vol-- 1,. ,, . ih.- I'm.-,- ...f Ih,' i'llle Will corr. .j ell.!. 111. inn il is no uo. 'I'he ureal Niip.-e-ou cnli'd not have I' C's.-in -I a i.i'.re in-1 iiillc. I c.iunte ii in.-e. sandy ."!. a- i'lipn- -m as a l-lll.e. 1' li. !s Ihm i-.e 1. illlllcs . l illl v.!" i' ii .arriau' driv. - up The haion j-iiullts- li'om ii. All iii.l'ee tiial his 'i't.i arie is in a -lina. hill his face li.is a mil-.' upon i! as lie Imws. ile i'e s it,,, -o ai., lie. Colonel Ta -I.).' ami lit' Hindoo -ervain are in his uinpaiiy, iiml i iiik aier llle priuian lean iiml Vi'i iu'is ..ii'k,iu s. Myihe,-- .lee i-o-ilizt s i'nai Saiuly litis 'mi yei had a . hull - e. lit ;ill pruhahili ty, to put I i-. lii 1 1. uiime in:n opera lion. I'.rhiips he ilms m.i ilesii" to iln s.i mnil the lasi liuu.'. lie won i!-l- w hin -ni'i of a -..-hem,, it may he. it. I, I how th ' lli lie t oi'l'i's pi , ti i en t will manage to luaiiiptiiate ihe wires. i la n. as ii,e l'iiii ii aiiil ids coiii 1. minus , nil !' a . ..!,!. ili'l men.. Joe los, s ilieiii, and l!ie itv.ei fi'.im his mi'i'1 il! Ill" s-l.ue it. lie. III!!' live till -lids oeeltpy oil"' .-a'.'- t'l.iae, and have .ini,,- im ciiji.yiil'): lime dill'illi; Hi.- -..''. 'II I. -.'Ill's il lakes ili""!' in niiike ih handled ami tinny in. h.s beiw.-e i ail-, a. i 1 Alexandria. ( l.itueh iiiis il.-.iiiiii'uliy been pr.e-i.l I . -I, ami is enjoyed -ti i"iue. M.vuluvr .loe -.. lic-ie lo admire in Molly Xuu- j ii.-r v.iih every h-mr el his ae.Udin!- auee and ii' Ihe t'aauh' l.ad U"' eu!.ie j 1o Illln bele-lv. he is jiw tulle V' -m.et i" wiu her !or Ins wire. : Why not. wlitu I'nU- ietUJs lo lia'-v, tuaUc tbeuj for oa.-U other'.' IK- has, ave.l lit-r lii'.;: ibv-y uip.l again ill a j p--i uliar lnshioii a'.".l are mutually at- : ti.i. nil: she i- tiie cue who would I'dJetit by his ui'cle's will iu wh' lie ! U'.'-.-Pt it.uus 'tii a'l tiiwsv tUls oi! I lu.-.,u but i u.- i. -ill, . Sit,.- uiitt-t I" - his. j He revels in Mie ll,'.Udil ili.il the; worthy o'.l piii' r may let in ti bis be luted ('hi. a"o t bile li e v.. mi. people. Idled will! tiie .! si;-,, to see lilol.- el" ill:- world, visil il'.e sir.ui.e tdnees of ; in, ill. to add la lli.' - ii"t'aphieal J km.-v. I.'.Ik.' of hnuii'iiiiy. WiUt s,:,h I a companion, b wid In- l::ipi!tiess !' iseiat olies. Ii' for lunulas, if need I.,' m iii.- wilderness, lie only bums ;' : I. ' i belli e to ll'.. ii .ilvi.a.vi' J...' is i-.,. I..ui!. if In- IU. ' vi. -.iu uit. 'h ot Sits biter life away t'l'oin : onetj He K.s ii..; wlf.h to be too I J0 mIiiuih. Ii is jus. .is well thnt they net to know e.'ieh oilier I ictter before he iitlemiiis to iissimie the posh inn of lover. 'J he jolll'liey liceon.es n Irille wi.i.'i mine with such slow lime, nml nil mi'. renlly hnl when AleMiinliin i reiii'huil, a limit three ill the nfiern i. No sK'ullier yet. .She llllisl l"' ile hijiil. 'J'hP tnlll'ls Hi e l.'iliell In I lie llelel ile V Knrope, on ihe jri'.-unl i:ive. If the sloimier arrives, liny will have l" make a speeily Iraiisfcr. ns she will ii'i! remain more llian an hour or so. Handy lieeomcs all lilisiiiess, Ile iista none of them to join In his spirels. litil (lisappe.'irs fruin view. 1'erlnips he means to m-i the lirsi in formation enlii'eriiilii; Ihe lornln;; of the sleninei' ami has his own way of ileitis it. At exai.'lly live inilillu.s I i loin- Ii.- mflken his :i 1 1 1 1. :i 1:1 tl e :il t'l" hotel. ! ' Sieamrr is ill sk-M:" lie s;i-. s i Mr. t; riir.es. ' K.iw il.i yell know. SalHi.v':" a-l.i v.-ortiiy. "! 11,1,1 " -la-iS "I ll"' I'il-I' ''-' afl'.irded me a line siiiiaiimi mr I oliM-rvalion. She will he in at live leave at six. See H,nt you are. r,':''-v' , , , "l.onk here: How al'oiii. thai lnile . I i ! ., j n.aKeineiil yoil inade l-i K-ep - .'"'..? ' ' '. . ' j "Mleliee. my near lein.v. . mv ii-''-i itiir. l ilt kee)) your eyes op. It." A 'el i !-':ui'l.v iiinrehi s lo lii.d ih" oih""s l J ei,:i:miuiei(tc his la ws. .Mr. tlrimes looks afler iiim a: 1 , smiles. I feiilly .-lispec- ihe sharp Utile Id low has l.een up lo m.iiii'I liintr or oilier. He has uoed frl 'iids here in Alea:: j driil aaioii Ihe olli.-ei s. who would ilu :i uooil deal for I'lm. I won ler whai Ids bailie .. and If he will succeed iii ! e.1'1111.' ine l-arnil Ills seeelHl hum l.-Oill. I'ei haps il will I . my turn to have :' l-alid in ihe irami- ai'ler awhile." Sandy i-aiiimi hope to keep ill - le-v s of lie- appreichini .-learner irmu ell mill is. nor dees he desire in do :.-.. .Nil 1 ' that Ii;' wauls is lo (.-ei his fi ii uds in ...... ... .I..... . ....... l .1..!... i " ' i n inetr pari. II" is iff a ..Mi ii as i In null very ptirlaiil liiislni ss deinaiitls his- utt.-u- -i-i i ., ..... it Then latins a .tin :iial is ni;i. ei'lI.-l-'.-d hy tile -ll. Hi: of liie l.iikeV ilrivei's i , he p.il.li.- sipiare. '11." Imal- (. .Vit.x;illtll.i., .an '--ive even a . v York liaekmau peii.is a'-oui ludl- do .ill- a li' ive!"!' iiilii iiei-i p.iii'A ile-ir peculiar era i'l. 'Ihe laiuoi' i- inien-e. , ... ,; ; n. i .... lllollail sullle of '!:, iVlst ids lllijiill I .y i.'l-nt liaiuls up. ai ilie travelers and alp'tllpl 1o lies l'ui-!.l illln Iheir lldil!- - a pre-'ei (liuu "'ii; would resuli disas trously In ill" I'l'Iilne'll. A i h nuili. Iiowev.-r. t ).. y line a toil ph- of Imals In lake I hentsehes and iuuL'au" out to III - sieiii.ier; and when this pn in! has been aciually set l led. the lilol) ijlliets dowu like a hive of lu es afler au ei upliou or else ... cl, fr-sh vielinis. Mynheer Joe iioii-es thai iiui.ih.: Party Is etiitmrkiliu near by ihe bar.-u. ile lias .s.-eured a Imal. and. with lii twu follower", heads for ihe steamer. Tien Sandy's plan has beeu a dead failure! .Mr. Crimes lurn: a look thai iiei'dci's on the sarcastic upon the ear I'fspuudeu!, and is imiui'diui"ly knocked all ill a heap '-y the twinkle he se,s in Sandy's eyes. U seeius lo say H. him: Vaii. aud you may yei -e some fun, my line fellow-." Surpri-e.l, Mr. tJriuies luiliees il'.'ii Sitiidy k.ep.s one .ye turned in (he di-ri'i-iioii of the hunt lu which the liaroii is seated, as tlleuuli be linds de p in teresi (here. He, loo. Minis his ey. in ihat direelioii. At lirsl lie sees nolhinu ulii of ihe way. The loan rows iilous afief ihe indohut fashion of th.se lazy Ah-x eudriii liouuiieii. i-ayiii"; no at unit inn i i. . ,i. .Icimls froni the sie.-ttner ihat pHiieatf ti Inek of lime. t.-.;,kiuc beyond. Mr. Crimes pie.ks I i,p hi- eai's, ru to speak: for :t vliuu.iei' r,,.- irniU flushes into liis biviu wh- o j i,oul propelled by a eoMple o, . j;,-;,,-!, so-ldlers aud ..iitaiuiui, tine- ,,i:ie-s, UI. ,jf thenj tin oia.-er. follnw- ! iu.. tL( iMll.,lU-s ,.,-af ,,u,j nm ('-, .L.. hind TLey Culuv up rupiUi' i ihe Uusslau lurus in lii tedi iu ibv ! M, ni aud takes euo look at th" oilier j i,.,(. hut .Jots uol sceui t'other Lis ' head over ii a bit lu ilie course .- . two uluuit-ei. Ilie lw.it 'OUliliu!Uv 'il. J s-jldir is ulo'jside tUv "'h.1. .tuO jih - ...lli cor lay- his iiiunl uu the .im i v !-... j - hut il.s-s Ibis otiitn'.-" ilciiiainls j u, . Piiron. in a loud, ofieiisiv v.. lee. ; ihu- friends uintimi m ihe vh :i to i : top rowing, so thai III.'.' may bear: Adieu' Ai'-:.' J.at passes lioav hy. ' T;'o - . .:, '.; ." '. --- s i.-;- si ,-,.,). ,-, - iH-t; your p.iriT.in. sir. bn I ;,in I Me : i' '. le-b :t - - 'on I .miii'r for hai"'i t'opolT." s:,,-s , j .- i.i h. b-ri i.- ! ..!:. -i . or. ,.ti-.' i"ios i -., , . ,;; . ;. 'Thai is un l i'im'. sir." r.-p:ies il,.- . -.'"i. iUte. .iiede 'lit ih. ,.m-- ae a oi !er. ;.,'.' n.,"!.. lei. n- , - tut- .- tie does not ivol. alarmed. ..nit ,va ' !..-.' v. t. i.s., i . , I I hi - ..-i.yed. ns tlw.tf.-h some Iuiik . ulilons ', i-lee'i.(r. an,! v.i ."aul iue .. tli.ie eicvtitoi is atumt to make a descent 1 oi.. iill -cms . els njhin him rt thf iaf moturtn. "I have .11!. I I". ran I 111'.. II." W illi ll S 1 a'l! w..;- ih.' wait lii " . .. "1 1 11 -1 lie' :-e!-J!e- ! l-- u-i.t.-. suiiie in i'-i; "i' :" I' In -Ml i 111 til" I I' '. 'J:.''-' !. -Il vl ;:; ,...i. !': I Lay in. I k- pi i iy b . Mlil.-:- l: !,! he! vM.- In Ai ivi::'-,. . u.e lb da:!. "l'.'i.. ,i me. i.aroi'. I ! -i ..!' il"' i':.- ;icr ' .;. 1 1 I the ii v. i'l 1 1 ''ii -II . 'H i.....'' : " ' -' ii : ' i:ri,..it- e. leiii'j .. in Ih.-.-.'U ui" "W ii... ' Mll.l i in-" 1m. -: ; 1 1 i s-pl '-i 1 i i;is f. imiii." ;:ia miry In In . il II M .i:--;.i!i lil'loil . ; '. : i i : . : ii I lll. i auv ol y,.- !) lih.i s. Inn my olil'i- ell' 'ml. ." ' I'.'li. sir." liiiili-;' is i'i" H i I'.ti f f efoii. ex t lieu, i am nunc, i i.i n-; .e .m hi:u , s'eaiuer!' "I iilil .-iiri'.i lie- ili.il. "V.ni will -i..p !!! 'i-.w. V. lei ovr this may I .', i eel .i :!;.- 1-e :. i:i Ini'il, Inn if I r. ill-:, .villi .v.i.i! ;.i I lie ci illlel I ln: e i "' s. . O:' i'! ' The olllee:- looks "i : i-,-r !. I't'.l I: 1 .i" III in lis O'l.tei,! .I., . i oiiiy ni'..w i; y e:ii I'- rni. I.. ,yl n. Will lie all. "I am all l!i'u!N!i eili "lit In liinl ei.. I . " "I'eral. Tl" i'e i -y i. i ii:,vi- In i-n 111 i: ,',.!'.' ihe Ii I here ii . : i i, t ;. .:;! ;i t h. .i:.-;. ! ! an. nil tlli'M'. Wolllil I 1.1,1 in -i.-l-s I !.:; :. ..." The !.:i,..ii : ' , leei n i.i rau'--. ", i, i i ... . .. ;.,,..,.,. , . ..Ml(, . , i:--.'. H'l " " ' ' wen "! w. a.. i ' II III l.e'lc. Will - iiK iit:,i I i, -in. I,-.,- W:. n I lie- ,!'l:'l : 1.. .. The ! , I" I ililllee- lil. ii A!-:.::i:. - I.i I'.-,- I !. iiii.t is p. i ti'.j ; Iy lit ii ;l ii i i!li.--in!l in ll.il t iii i e nil-.-r ' .- ' .' Ill" 'hite I .- ll'. 1 1 ;.r.' i ' .ii 'I' I.i I :;: , ' . ., ... . H--..V il'-'l! I-:" !: I.y a l'..i':-li .. .' :.'n -i.i l'i:d : . i ive lip III - . :; O'liit , ti '. t,.i'!.' J ..!.. I out I:,- . ,;i . .- :. . "IS,! " . -.i :.- ..e; lie looks lu.e .. ..:.. .I t l. -. w. 'i lis pri y in i n l - I filll l ie: . I'.i I!.-; - illlll Ii, still". p. il I'l" ll I v !.. Ion., in , I y in i. iiut'ii;. s o;- - : siiviiu. I; . ".V. il! . iii ':" an. i, i I : i !!:.' i,l " tt r i :,!. i. lli'- I. Mill'!. .d-1 :' Ilu... iiiii!:"-. kn '.-. ill j " 'A'iii!. I i.v.-:k ;i'ii i'i-- '. a' ! i 'id I i" ken i i"e i;:' -h.u ; . I. j V.'l. -.1 '-' ;.-' " ! I'd i'i : -. I'd a, con. v.. di 'e .- a 'Viti. .!.. .. lis' ple.i-.r.i' :a :: .v. "':." r-.-.ti!'. ;! p:'iic : ,il .:.!.!. .-. j itrolllnl. :i:. I ei o" 1 til l! an.! rein! .' .'.;. 1 diinips. 'i hiiik , .r i t i'e iirraiie;. d m sit.i!;.' ,; !,i in.-,. i an. i: , ', "ii 'U . ., I inu'i' ,.!. e , limit;!!, l-l' W.-a. It;;.; ,!., lit e'.'ii ei' ,il .,' lee-V su c, ill.V lll'.'l -I'.i . . ,! iii.,1 lll.l! .e I u'.ll.!. , V, 11 it ill l.l-.-l i 'i , 1 1 pi- in' days i - i i.,- i ra :u. r,;,: i Ciiro. and I mm i'i,!-- ii , iiiK it- .If. - U ilie lut.c. - I"l !,:!., in im: -He,' htm ia c..:-i i.'.-.n! yei " Thi't v. :s il ,',:f, ,!!. iliu ii'-.e.iu. ii,, illld he j;,,i; -!l See il.iW -lltleloy h r. sinnes !,.'s s,-t a,.,, .r.,1. . s , boaiiiicn in pull for sue -ieee. Ti; lie Picks il-is way. ! '.u-'i.i.-r :( b--s!'-' -.-I-'. I. ii a Ili'l-.',, !..ce. s,-... .I.V. ; I' ll-ilVen'- -i'k-'. t.. !.;l". ; ..... . I'ol-Wil id olee a, ore " The ll'lf.ele!' -eiM-- ,1 sen, I fit.iln .,i'.ie,' in Ai-al le .otiuo . .i.i'-, a .-.i'.i I'll II illl" I il" v. :." i-. !'. - -i; 1'! !"; i - ''.''I - - ' Ih-.' lull-'!,- i.L. I i1" '' "' ' '""-;'- 'I I'.e !-: .ll''..' " of ,i .. bar. h i le b - f"l!"'.. i'-. !. i i -- - 1 : 1 1 . .ml m-.t -1'' '' i'i" "Ji -c. -,..t!i b nisi' ur-ny ' -r. -m.-e. t'e!":n 1 ia.i 'I " 1 i.. and til.- I' L'.i-,,. ..Ml!' 11. i 'a. t i- jI'I Hi si . J1..I l . -,-';:,' Mtt'.' i!..,v is l.;r,i:t:hi - u'il iu." Mil!' ll jid iii v-liie'u S.-'ud. b---..u:'.-' i f v'iil' 'i'1- t'j- 'I"s ' it'u .. -pins ui'.'.. v a'eiiiu. il.e 'i'!ie ' f '"in- a' u -i'l iiu;'r:M" pi r-'.ieir 'I lion iu.e. - ib- an .'it at;. I Al.-N.u'd-1 1 1-' ' - - ' :i--!.iiiij. t.i !'-. '' .. it:- tei.ll lie. I- '.. i- ' row :i::'i'. 1 1 -.t '".: :d ' i th" l. r..:. ' .' - 'ii'.., nil Y. ' tit ' i i . I '-'!. 'I. I.i, nan ,i. I i N t pturtiKi 1 5L' T.n 'Ajfvfw'jiT; f?i.'Wnt';i4iKrX';':f5Kji Ail uuneti inn ol Idlllllv In Volln. M'i;i tineJ the ,'T, tile!' million )l'olif: Thi.-,. ji;)ii(ir'iU of I'.-iriners who Iimv.. heeoinc u-ijulihy, yei I liy have liMiiilleil very liiUe money iilnl li.ivi; iiMil ililli'iiliy in nieiiin llieir olilia- linn's. I'lii'if oiic hank aeeoiiiit v i.icii kii.v no mi maw upon, ami uie il.'pi iis ,iei nimhil..' for years, which is Ihe -nil. A farmer takes a pour loiiii. works ii, mtils manure anil re ceives lull-, linle over expenses, tup every year his- larei has liceonie inure f. riil.' .imi .ilsu iiicreaseil in value. In n il ei mote yoais ihe farm may lu woilii live i iines the original eosl, ami u r.-pieMU's Jim m mueli pinlii as iiinii-h i... fnriucr hail reeeiveil money, .Ml ,nr;s a I'e, hi a leliaili exMelil, ,;,,.!;s ,,l' .le'sii. where ilie pii,iia of i'.,n;, sh.M ly M.,'ciimulate. An I-1, Wli-nt l'uri fniji. Air.ilfii is one of the lii-i ernps fur ...... hay i-r clover. Its slieeessful is ' a ! 1 ish uie 1 1 1 1-iinuri'U thai ihe surfaee -s. ,1 shall In- well 'supplied with Ihe mineral ch-nn-ui-,' lime, phosphoric iici.i ami I'oi s- li. . luirine the early ernwih of ili,. crop ueods should he I re.pieiuly nil. The, crops should ho !.;:n c-icd. pi e(eial)l.v.ii-l'oi.. iln- plants iiie iii lilonti. The averau'e yield of :ieiii Ini'iiu-,- Jul- ij.te ai the New Jer--. v . '.pci'iiii-.i: s!::lioii for I hive y ill--', ,i ' ie.liii.' ii,,- iii-. i year, -was H.J7 tons, e oil' iii -'ii m I..VT urns of hay. The .':'' I the ihird j.-ir from live eullins V::.- Jti.ti .,i's , :j-,-eii fo',l'';e, oilliva iciit in li'i.'i ti.it-. of hay stiiur s:!.ti! Ju l' !'.!. S fee iin. t-Nfi 't-iment showed thnt tite p;'...ei'i ill ;i'l'.:,ll','i hay i-nnhl lie sue -T'lly ai.il proi:i:ihly snli-ili umd in ii ratio i I,,:- iiiiir cows for ihat cn:i ' t - . - I in v. i, ;n n-:,;i ,-in,i iiri.-il l.-n. ' .' ' "l-.'ltl. 11 -, ll !'. i' llii-: pllilMls,. is .-, ':i .-II. h; ei-r iwi. when compared '.i:.::. I.r.ei ;;itil dried I'lcweis' '. ii:-. ;;! SIT n;-r l-ui.-i". 15. I.aue. of '.'.- .- .l.i'scy A';riellltluaH'elleu'e. A tVlnli-r rurally II, nice Win, Inn. lien !;,i'.isi s ;iie cold at e.i-hl ill will-1- he, -ail ti- i.i' i ie-e v, Union's, and lie- i .- :;l : ; -,!iii i.iy rieliittes Ileal. Tile ',:.i!!i .wj in i!t. ciii ohviiKcs I. oih - -' ' 1 uie, I -lops dr n'ts and pr... i...li itaei. I, i- .u:i,i. lo lie. '' '.'l I'i' is. .-'ii.-.- i his keeps air v.-im mi i i l:riS. en l-'iiiim. in .".! ih-j elites ol' ihi -..!.". Ii !i.i:u:. d.i-.v 1 1- i.cl-iw tile win .: :-:!! . i,-e day - -I I'' !' .i!,. 1..I. ,,l ai tii",bt js j i' iivi- Hi,- win- ;'-.-. i" ciy wu'.eti burlap and it a 'h i ..i tl',- 1. p in li'.ild the riti'.', ! to ';.-(-!! : be up',- ; i d.-., close to the J e.e.v t ;i--inu. - Ne'.v liluland Hume. i'' t .11' til Ci.K'A. i's u-cil ;,, licliev." in and 1 1 r.r :'..:v!'i :'...i'iee tile "lollheliiuu process" ill -:iiie.-l i-ui v,-;l!i file Itiniuitr.'llli'lit of ' '. : inil-li .'..-Ws -ia.i, I.s. I h.y kepi .. . ...c!y bnai'.'e,! siables, where 'i ok- .m l s. -a nis y.'iwued all-l kltol ! .-; i.e.t. iiilmliiint; void. tiu:ry :il.-. i.i:ii and siiow s. Then they '"'"! '' t!'- ' i.vvs :i l.:!":epi;ri of Il.e 'I :y v V-'ll ill cliiily i.-.il am! whiter v., ,i!:e, !.:.;., .sale w.,s tl:,. eider of '' H."l'pi!.'. iiutv we r. iilixe the -.'-'..i.-s .., -a, h i,.e;!:i.ils: we know .an i..-s i-.-iiuii-e I'ea.s.aiiali'.e warmlli -i- i comfort in old. r t.i do their best u milk l ivid::, lieii. Warm, ti.lu .ow l-ai'i's a:.- now lie- elder of ihe day, im: iii- ,i'..ub!e i-, son,,, of us have in- ' ! I" i far ill the opposite diree ': '" S. ':',- . i ..in- lui. ili'.-eiii dairy : -a a ;'e -:-'- and practiee (-lose .- . ;. le; of a!! v.'iuier. Knirn: in -t; -ii Mi'.-iii.'s, its nev, i- I'li-itiii;. tin-ir 'i-.-s oi:: ii,,. b:i;a un--e I'mi,, fall " -i!ii:!t:i r. I cairn a refrain fivioi . nude muin". ''' UllW.irniilteil pr.iee.lttl" as "''ib.t ' "I (iiiii. i.'ii'iciil.v niaio.-cii i, , etet v ,li, i.i i,- (,)' ; e.'tsaa ainl coiuiaeii - . I - v.,:! a- ....-.'-I,, m ul piiys-,,. ! :-al i. ,'.,-. 'J i,,- fi.'r, in cumin, in with i '; d .-ii.--! e illl'O ill.-. Is llopel!. :"ll I Upi U '! .";.! .',. :: in',- ami lie.-ilii,. i-ur i.-iiiuii..n ni dairy herds ciiiuul :.. tiataln .1 -at. by an abttudao.v ' l'oiv .-y?."''it ii-l.u.iir bcluu always' "- -.:uta:X'd t'j. I'it.-.i.hlu iLtki" ail', ''el! I.-.. 'el- tLt u.,-.?r perfect. WLtilat-In-- 'it! uis .-,-(! :iiia:uid. i.. i.evoi like oie-sal,- ail-. It Vi.-is the KOiie. l.'r.-K:Up. il vi;..,r.t;lt." .(Uabi les of Jit-aWa's J'OIV ::'. . I m ie is lioiiiiUf; like tile :vai Jt(i. or-- I teat:' to inijuess unc.n row "'- . ike xjtil jitjHuiaiiCe : i lit: :t b : !iy,l;.( Wli-. .- to! . ii:-.', . iii-i oidins t,. tie : I icul t,r -'p.-oal mail,!, in or.l, r en i; la li e dead of yt iiit-r. make romo for tie- p, o-lu- inu au'oial .. ..! --Mill ih.-lr ilaily euii- tbaf :ire to 1-e tin- means of pnnlrictloii j in ke. I'in- fi tin- aniinal ia. ...iuee of t;,. aid s...ii!d li,. Puiii hi n ! fan. i. -I Hill w;u te cold '. ci'i he e. ill.-, ileum s ol' ' . The e !'i--ii: e i ilni'ibni oi tliein. This : ml. lus may be '..lli.I Ii,. Mt.-! lis 10 S:li,l In VeplVSl'llf llle teal's bllsillcsK in "f tho l:ivs ni' tin-i lanu ii.iuia.'enieiit. I'.y eeon.uny, in , aid i iiiia.imi ii ot .i-is-lry and n d.-se oli. r .liiiv of Inisi-i-.-w ib.ys tUcie in - o.-fs iiu'thovln on the luttii, the unrplus ..euot tnke at lea-i . ; :i Ukide to iuereitso oi aiuouat aUil " ' . -! t ., V .,, . If .t j- ;rov,,!ca a yank ospvc'aJi.i I u. j mo; ov.r ii A link- miulnoi' exeiel. will nlwiyi i. suit in a iiuiek-er.cd lilnoil elreuhiiinn, jareat neiivliy in the (U;;eRiivo niul niiilc seci'p'ory orsiins and Ineiotif-cil nervnrH eneffry. o e-sential to ii T'l'ime dairy cow.- M. Stimiier rcikilis. in New YoiS 'J'i'liiiiiie r.'irmer. Skillful Ui'vire For II v.lnoilii- ITnin. The iiifreiiioiis apparatus sleuva ill the illnsiratiiiii is Ihe work of a iifi.iii. yenr-old hoy. Miehael K. I'lie. of Mary land. Ii is made of inaieii.iK foiin.l 1 '' bbi a f'tsTllliV ASP M.0AT, alii, ill i lie 1. 1 nil wnikslnip, and inok ihe elil-rprisinu I. it! n bunt one day to pin il Up. He silys he hopes il will I- of t's,. In -omclindy else .ill.l sends Ids plans for iiiiHIit iiiimi. As ihe drawings show, il is a .-topper and sinru-r for hydraulic ram. When Ihe eisiein. a. lills. I In- llu.il. Ii. raises and the weieht. f. s pnvered uti- lilit toltehe- llle pislnll. ll, slai I ini; til,. v.'iiii. The waicr Hon s mil ol i In- cisicni an, I tin- ilnat. Ii. is lowered, raisine ihe wcinlii. f. a liii ii i:, litflilei- llian P. When tii., w,-.ici- in cistern mi- l-.w, f f.'iich.-s mi il. lifting the rod. a. stop Hill" the Lis, mi. I,. Ti i-aiii.n is . :i . - ... - i-i-.- ;i 1 1-. i iiiii ii mi. eisiern is r- inieii. no " "S,5illfc-7lJf-nj5,.'iM-, j !i:irv ram. two ,wo ilie!l pulley wheels , ilie i eiisirn, lion enn.-ists of a:i old ami two snpp,.,-,s ii' .,.; iw,iv,- ,?'' ""1K" "'"' "- l.iiim.l lead w. it.1,1 I', will, niili' lnch ie'l'-elf in tie-r.-oin o! smue ..ts.il.e P. i i, .a .I.,-,.,..!... i. . ,. .i i..,, , . son. or els., m curiosity slmii. t'o,n nuarlcr in, a veil. l. with lu-..p ai end; n lluai. h. .-. i. -: - iny. of a 'm. i.r keu .oiitainiitL.' twn-iiiiari emjiiy f ceikcil Lollies. A cliaiii or r.ipe is at- tili'le'il to Ihe w--i",ln, f, and the llo.il, j Ii, passes over ihe pull, ys and is con- j iiei-leil hy a c-'pp' r wire. -- Auieri-an A.rleullurisi. 1 ln Sill , Ills uu tlir I an. i, I I'iie -iirplus en ihe farm repre-.-uis Ilie pi' diuv of ayieus kinds ihai has itiill sol aside fur side, after I'm UMlid or nori lal tvqiii.vi,!. in dci..,'iudcd for the successful npcini n ii of ili,- farm are provided This -urelus may 1 . a I''11'! " ' i ry ei'.-p u-rowu on il.e 11 '" :l I'uiiiou "i in,- live ni.ick. iru.is. etc. lu,. iarin, m or.l.-r to i'e nun.' a prnlital le invi -.tin. in. must prudme a surplus, and this s,i,.,!us ,,, ,,f sulli eienl e imiiiercial iliipuriailfe In r.'lllili a l-rtenile iibnve the ..peral ini; io.-i. wln'ii iill feature:; of expense are reck oned in lli - iteco'iH:. It is not miiI'u ieiu lli.it tile f i fill pay liie living expeiis. s of ill" fanner ami les family and keep Hit Ilie operaliue; x:. uses in" the farm. Tit - may. under a, hers,; i mp com!: lie.is. be aecep'eil as a Uiind eoitlpl'n-tei-e. I'III the a ver.'urr- annual -. Hie ii" in wiih ihe larva luusi imw a tou.l bal. im e in the sale of the; farm surplus. Th,. liinii sheuiil he rcy,.irded as an invest men! of s. nuiell eapilal in bttsi- Hex. :i'.'-l th" oi.ct-.itii.il of il-,.- farm I placed niieii a basis of proiii thai w id 1 yield a c'Ti.iiu per rein, upon the .upi. j tal employed, when .H evpeiit ,s of op. 1 t.'iiiiliitr are paid. M ire sy stem shoiil'l be Introduced ilit- tie- IllJIiaceliiel.l of ihe farm. The slipshod, hit or mis.-, ' U'.iiuelh.Klienl way of . .." luei iut: the farm ihai is iu pn'u. c. am. 'lit; many i fanners is i open iil-l,. for tin- mini- tiiit.s and lad; of iv'iii iu larmiu;.'. I where prosperity !". not xi-i. Hard work itloiie v, ii! i-ui ea.ike laiiniti ; prnliiiilile. Hard w.iil- is aa impoiiaui. j fin-tor iu stir, --I'lil binuim.-. as almus'i. ) .-very iii.sper.ias t'i;;iner w ill testif y ,,. I tlllt. .trood liusi-iess! tu:0l:li.'ciii,-.U is .jus! as iiim. ii'iaui. ,i:nl pi.-.-iii! lo.ii'e 1 lliir.t IVlli'l, iii .' (.-.Mill IlllsU.CSS l "tlU"!'- j uu in .-..n-hi.'!".: Ui.ve. n.-vei- l.vn kmiwu to make a failtl.v in farmiii". Th.: tjl-eaivsi Mirphis .-ituie- .mm Ue well inanntre.i iaim Tiie sea-,.i, tor .-I..-.:.,;; the vticral a-couiiis tt nit tU -. larei is iipproai;hiii; tbe itutumii v-j;.!i briu-. w ith it ih, ruauuiUR oi all . lui's. tliu ntlliii:: .,f tiio Uock ho'.fj aud the sal oC tbt! eurplui trotu thc-e various bouroes of reveuue. C-j. si k. it is tartif u larly imimi'Sur, ibnr ti- tfliueoossavy loss- bo petMirifil taiore.!' nesU'Ot or . xpos-ure vo tue (frui.sinv "uniitious of weather, tbat tiie .f ill i-ojj is souti t latiuduce Xi.e -iurii!;:s l'jrtij vi:j- st'Olll-.l J''' itlT-' the t I ;f. ., A sys.e.ll.llie niyrS, ,.f r of all th -ur'ali:-- i.ruilucts of !be l'iiint is iust is an;,,, i ,,nt iiml i-.--.iuti.il as the- inn- aUn. niul tho fu.-ui tif.ome :i jiivater uita of iccm Vts-3kti Favuw; . THE JAPANESE WOMAN. She In Nnl it Kluvi-, l.nl Ibc Aiitoi-ml uml lilol of III- llome. "No raee ran rise hiirhrr llian us litolhers.'' .lapani'-e women are i-sst n lially a mee of iiml hers, and ihe care and reiiriiif! of their ehildreii occupies so mueli of iheir lime and t'noiiehi ihat they are uiiiilde In have thai extensive social life their We.-iern si.-tcis eiijuy, even verc it lidl fur tile eliiiuelle which makes ii lutually t':lshinmt!.de Inv tin-in lo lilltl their pleasure in Iheir lnniics. Many have hupmcd lo .lapaliese VoniPII III coiiM'fMence a Jack of knowledge ami undue niiekinss, )e eiirdiii'': liiein :is little n- lhtili .serv ants of their families ami liu-liainls. Such criticism is purely supeilicial mid f.ir from iieinu .netiraie: indeed, ii is very inaeciiiate. llle position of a .liipaln-e wnioiiu is a liiiii one. She is ai!ilie--i, ;is t IkilSiinia." the lmnoralile l.olv of Uie house, and the i-- tret I with Uie le.lle.-l eolisidelill ., icspeci liy her hiisli.iiid anil her family I'nr from Iieinu a lin k, slavish eicu nr, of llle lioilsrh.di!. she l- I'loie the men l-.r. ill,- illli.,e'.'l '!l .1 jilnl of ihe leei.c. In lii.iiesti. .iii'.nr- -in- )i.i lui! ..in Ilu!. Iler dill,, - are en. lull-. Iiiii i llcVel 1 1 pllU'lailil lo io i . i lie; culi-l.-t 1,1 mami-n- ihe Imil-eiioM. M .lei ,em u' i ,-i-iinriiii- iiuiUiii" li.-r teiilie lilea-illil 1 liotll III appeariiitii -, 1 1 , 1 n ner eue. i - I'llllless of di.-posii inn. Mini ihe educa tion ,'iiitl iiisirtieli i her ehililri-n. fur I'O'ii afler ili,- ehiklreii haw en tered srlioi-l ile y ;.re '-Mil lllidel i i V intehit:-' j As i,-r home i-- iln reinie hel wotM. i !i is only natural that ii has I ccnine Ilie- ililieri lit iii-tilii l ol' Ihe .lap ile Se j v.ein.ii to lavish nic ui'ciin-i ..vc n'iil j Icinic; Hess ii j t .ti llair hull., s. and I" expend much liiiie .'.ii.i leoa.'in in in ileavorinu to iiiake liieai as iiiir.'uii c ' and as pleasant ;w iessil,e. j II, r huiHc is ihe iii-iin- of pui iis. To ! :i Wesiein i ye ill, asm- I ol the iiiii I rim- of ;i .lai-.iiie.-e house may ai ins' i seem li.tic ami harren. In truth, the .lapnue.-e aldmr dt'i'ur.'iiien of ;iny kind j anil consider h i-ui only inariisiie. l ui ! eMii iiii ly id :a: . I .- ns on. .' slue.. !i ! a io-iidli d ".I.itiiiiM -e renin" in ihe I lioiisc of a ('liiiiUn inillioiiMiie, and I 'I""1' ul.': '"'''-e ''1" Sm h a pi ol'ii-ioti of articles scaitere.l l,'o.llIe.S al'-Ull 111.' leolll! Su.'h n frightful display of mixed up .una no ins haiiLiiiii to tiie wall! - ('nolo Wdtanna. in ll.uu.' and 1'iow. r-. llulrn I'm- All tisii.os. Iln lint stay ton Ion;:. It is much in break inio the life anv family, even for a few .lavs. 1'ii.v ni intention to uruiilSs pi s.av U'.n-.er. liuwever sin cere I hey seem. Scl a lime lo to win n you arrive, iiml sink lu it. I'oulunii absolutely to the h ousel-.ol-l iitraut;.'. lilellts. especially il. lo lim, .- of lisiil ;. sieina . meals itiid reial.e.: Ib' ready iu ample time fur ell !::-..- or oi l.er excursions. 'airy with you all n.c.hd loil. i sup plies, that you may imi be obV.u.d to luniliiy your hnsi by pniut in:; -ni pus sible deiicieucles iu llle urn si room, such as a .lollies brush Ihe a.'i le i:f, -t commonly lack ins. I'uur licariily into all iheir plans for etueriaiiiinu yen. Inn make il pla n that you d,- not i.iie in lie .ntei lain.-d all the lime, or in have every minute tilled Willi miiiiisi hum. Ite liildt la slin::e.i I. tile plans foi plcusuic when yen sec your bo-f at loss i, rtitei'taill vou. lit In.w 'til! jo'.i i .;n . u'.-riaiii him for a cliiiut;. . Turn ah.. m is lair plav in tl-nii)-. as Weil ;.s ill eVel Vlhil'.l. i Ke. lie pleased Willi all iltili- If ye;! i ter were brisk and spii.iuly b,, -n i:utt . V'.r.r iiiuh spirits and "vidint enjoy luei't are the only thnnks y,.ir,' )'u-t At ants. Take - ,loc Wi.lk V. illl tull. SO ilii.V whin your Imst lias p. work yoil may kiip iiim in c-iiii.leiiiiti-'e by wiirkhis i.isn. Mui' yuod lines fire lo be Lad no , work than nv. r play, anyway. io not aryue. m- .li . n.-. .ii-i.,n..i'!c iraidrs. Few biin-ts btivc a wo,-e tasio in tiie moi;il:. tiffev in pay liie li'.li" in-nb rnal -Iif'tls.s lhal wid be liiiiscd I'utv nud ilieii I'V your visii, km in, rely offer-.l-i urn ii.s'-i upon ii which wcuM bp very ruib --W, saan's l.ife. : witm-,- tMiinins (ofi,-,!. I yt. .,.. f,w (-i. ideas uu, all suilivts M- nn as dr.-s en,-, rued, l.ui lb" lie, ion i- .. tit nail adapt lu won-.- ail's elutln- the lute o," the bm tei 1! ies' Wlll.-s 1' is ipjilc mil We .a'.llio, iu.-1 p.'ote oil 1 I.--..I!,- .Vatlile. i..l!l il dlili- 1.11 to iil'lrljilt'! Utr. ilUU Wl.oa lOU; jtiUlpan- tbe Oolelf w. puvilk'.- n,tli these yi-'i st't iu nature the piott-fs ; ei riiiaiuly dislicai telling: A blu iS.ll t'la-.k vbi.dl ft.'Uies iu ti.iu-' of tbt) bu.t u't,)i-'i' willis x. e niav u-!!: -. . but we ,-,m iiardly hope lo Vj. n itli uaii'.re i'l -.i!:i O! ihe b't"-s y be'ii , "UlbiUO t 'ie"-y ::;:: In ;Le tis.. bu.-.'-j s-Ucit t-ek ...M eild I,;::-. . I- b r-.i- .Mel i-,i- .,i,k- lie,-. 'lii,- lawn i el"-! m t he l.tlll. rilt 's V. Illl; lit.. the lichen -.I-eeli-We kite ll-tl'l- '., Hilled t-V!-!. Wl'.-V, you .-.ei ; eatr.liie ti;l. Iteaotii'ii! bei l.'i'M'es ,', ill" imi'li-. which api.;r. In ilia!";., "t evci v :;ht. yoil test the ii -possil ij , , C ji. T'-e'v is a y:r-'e!i nod "(i'd bti't lilv in Jamaica ini .-rniixe 1 with upon c.iiin- whi.-li Asoiild iiiake a' Illlll!!!.' i i a':ivia,(v v ll.l e odd Vel.r.i dliee it. r tint .Jite vreen and Pet-p yelUi.y of a CU'ncse math Tit- te is no lne so iovily iis conto ot iii iaiitettlv jt:etus, ami a llftht sab:, a toloiv.1 buttorfly In Wiit Afviea xronbl it'deod give s liRliSM i:honi ot cotor to many flr, stiiijeci!2, nly Jf would hi n ilegriidatioii to the luiUTb'y. 'Wash ington Star. It.iiirtlwor!.- or I.oiiU .ko. (.nilbinr, ihe handiwork find Hit fniiey work of .'iu' tii'i ait "i'.Tiidmam in.-r- .-mil ereal-!;l','ind.i'illil-. is .lief fashj.ji'i'i'iy at i i red m.-ii-N .'tml ma trons. Jill I ii in be dnllbi.-il if tin: beau lies of lo-ilay lire foilowint; in lie fool. sic..s of llieir feminine anesiois ami i r.'iiiintr ihe exijiiisile net .llewo, !: ihnt is appi :i . in s en their siimi'i coats and stow n.. Satin p: liieoai.s thai peep out from nudert,e.ii!i halnhamio ntviis are pro fusely decoi filed Willi I his w.'il U of Join atrn. and so are sleeves and tunny of ihe butts elouks hate llii.kly .plill-d bnilif;s. (jttiltiiif. olid' bavin;: been brouuhl to ihe from ;is a siyle means- ihai we shall sunn he haviii'.' coiniicriaiies ami hci!.-p!'e;ids wiih ihe bi-wii.-liiitu work upon iliei i of our forefathers', tjuili ii.ii lines pot mean a mere runiilii". In an-i out uf ii lu-ulle iiiiil llircad. No, il'ilei :l. :l is of mui ll nmiv enaiplii ated alfair. and in the oldeu limes ii in-'ani biiiiehes and i'lii'laiid.- of llowers mid animals and birds beiiiy worked upuli bed , (iVeJ'ill-'. A I'nr un, I hii 1 iiiitali.'n. Any wo.'.-.n I . nisii un-. I w itli a .1.-. sire lo hii..' ai Ihe liir-l pie! ii!'e-ip!o i'l pl"'i;i-' 'nils till! Inter lili.i ,-!l I hiili; lllurc --I i'i;-.i ul.t l e.. lit, i lll lliiil' this lni-Jle thll-eit: I liilpe.iU I. if I'e, I ail -.Vet' and faced ttiiii cicain .vlnie silk p'.-.-'i WoV.-ll I.', imillllc kl illlllii'l'. I ? t i 1 . 1 1 i.ms - re. as a nil", very iiii. i.'oi - ii'eCts. ". Ilieii Wollld Ill'Ver llec-ive 'lie ll.i sl Illl! :ai liceil e.e. I!t ll lliis (-ilk ple-!l ibic- llol brik :" l:.le'.l lib.- krimirer. m,: in ibis (-t-e ihai is a re ih'-iiilnu uiiality. fur ,t i,m h ii.vr" l.itel.t ib. in kriini.!.:. "v i . i ;i i- imi :,! tt ays i'-, Ili'b i .'. lii- pin -ii i lii'll.-s li.-'b I l.l.'I.V I O'.ll'lil. ill, f'-ie li .-ni'ai.'ii-. if il'!- - ib ml id .tii'.ilr '- :' real s.a.-iiiiii s iili!. -. The :r,nani ."ill mil, o: i'.ilber ii- ii...i. 1- -ei.it"!'.-.-Ici'ies the top of I'ee ' ai i s. I."T 1,1! ! on.- lea li.-iin. lirnwii mi'!, i il.' llii: in. lefi brim ipiile its if ii w, e .-, phu. li .-until!- iiiii'i.iii'.i . Im. in i.ii'iiy i:'.- lliO ini. si .-li III ii .) I" oi III.- Illuii.' .-Tli- niii. !!- ((!'. ll-l. lii oi.! iii-iilom d 1 1. s ol a (,!iillel ei i:iti'-y its ' yu u t"- ,l i , , I ciii a ei. -.' ileal ,-i'miii "i I'utv 's fe l" iij.pe.'il'llii. "U liie face iis a siun of a.lfiilK iut: a-re 1'u; sono- i.-a-oii or olii.-r lit-y aie iiiii iii-u ofti-n nowadays, and v.iii.kbd men iiml wimifii at e cuiiip.ir.iiiii !y rare, ai biisi ill lh',s -eeili.:, of llle country. 'Ihe niii.v eiotv's i.et yon see are tile pi'.'tiv specimens of black silk enti'ioidi ry whicii are exeetui :1 a: ilie cumis of Hillside piilell pi.-ekel-on .1 laiinred waist or at i'"- overhip piii'.'s of scaiu- lieic ai d there on un dress. The "crow's ii ci" make a hamlsnive finish and -'i.e iii"".!!' and Kial'iliiy in iln- earm, hi. sail.ll. rs' silk. foillse IW.s, .-, -rnldb-iS' sii;. j- i,.-d t "lis. seasnll lo make 1'l'enell knots (U.'-Vil -id. - of liie binlice front lllld liie paii.ls of ilie skin, .v.- lia- tiny bauds of ". i at . iii.ii bolero, or In fuiin lailit e work er ii-ier stiu ii.nu on tnk'-s and mid 'l'-I -'.'.-. A Yew I-ml. A vomit; unman tippe.in-il oil l'.road way ib- oilier morula", with the b. iiir "M" sewed to the .-t i si. eve of hcv jiickei. Tii' Idler was cut out of Had; velvi i. ;-i i ,i may possibly lie a varia tion of it pninilai' mourning band. New York I'esi. si Little ;:'ii'ls. from six iu I v. .He. are Wi-arinu liussian -muck--. 11. i's !!i:ii!,- eiilirely el I'ealiiers e cm view, tun ;-.- P-1) lii.irie 1" l e poji-111:'-:-. I'e. '.iiiai ly si.'Mi, ami pretty i- a Jin.' biai k fiii':." fell lint I rii'iii'.',! bli 'lie w 1 . 1 1 1 si of aideliias. A I'll' i : ! e: I oVe: ll h.iul'ici's aild lnliu si- 1" ,11, is in fieiii ,-1,'e yeiy iu,n, ii). '!) tc.-iiiir, s ,,f ih.. lal.-s fin-. Ma-so- of i'owci-s. uetit-i'iilly in oii ,if,.iei ie:i wall la, e, al c ilu',, ills llle I'i t-(-1 I i i'.ulilir.e.s lor etellilif; tieiii.es. I'.h a- in ,' belli. nfu .did promise l.t Uiiin in i. nor i's ilie -i as, in advances. I'iii.i.!- eiii!:;. s :i-.. al-u m-e.ulv i'i Mtctii,' -i.ips Hv.-.sian Ie,.-e iloabt.t ai.d li'.'inn u:- viH'ei at" i d ei I i'e i , "It-ll ll, ,i,,'l of it 11. tv i. i urate i'l"U --. j -r,,, -.j.,,,. ,,r , 1.,-uha has lui!j,i ,,,l- .islii.'Ued 1. .lllld. lort ll". k ill!., ' ,-a j ,,,. ..nj.ulol- -'etp" ... loWfUl CoWlJ J Ue I :ii. .'-Is iugouuit.' IS sll-.'-WU I" ti.t i." i ili.it they are di-, I's-ily a.; : ini ai -i''.jiils of euibrc.i.i.'i,-. ..t sat to . h -tii r iue euai's. l.u-i "Lais eoluillg XVell 0 -I lie iim'.l-i- aie lav,, liie for lamy l..-.n i(, - . t i- 'lilies ,i. :' tullch ol li-eV.'ee. -i:,..;. -...i ,'..-li,,. "f d'.th ... vc. tU. - li. I. e. - 1 1 ' - - nle! a d- , e in t ! e-t i.i !,- I bail! - M i'h b, a.l aii-1 tii'l ,, a lldi l.,'!. I li,,- le h. .1"! (V I pltle 1 e i.it s -e! :!'. I'm ' t "'s N.-i-kW.MI :!,"',' !llo. Mill ei, ,,: ;-a ate , l... 1,,,, Ilie all over .i) n I vlmnldet canes .-,-e a limiiaii- ei--:i' i-'il-i. 'letvinl. ri'i-; ti i'e ut-t. '-'I -b-pi'v- Safe le -at tii---d.ii'i'x il 's- :' ' -se; i, - :ee Mo. ai ail inexiH-'a-o.-e All lue-u leak- litis:. ikes. Init what ib! typewrityv gill tl-.'et, is write. !-

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