IS I !)c !).il,.!in Hrcorb, H. A, LONDON, F.di'or hi: 1 1'ri'i iiot"r. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Pet Year. Slrictfr in Advance W" Tv Ivi I X BY ST. QF.0RQE I v ri i t-..::, lioi.i.i. ; vn. "1)0 etc -. .; ;: tin- w.,,--!'' . v, le'VO III. ' I- i.i ii harsh .: ii. v. hi!.. I lie "tf :.l 111.' ill! f. r Moo. -a lies : ll ' P. li 1I .ii t-Tenl . , lii-it- parlors . ! -Illl- ill'l' ! draw i::il;v. r'.ell I'.lilil o, W h"de". n, ai :i :.'. -in'i. i --to:., -j I Tl (.1 1 : . liimio.i p.'.:- I . .. each i U ii.r j . 1 1 ...!' i..i:. liiii'i ! "' . ii.- t: , v. ; v : i he- . :-. it i i:i li-b.. Ml;.-- .Y- . i All ii,. .',. !. Ti..- . .t -!! !--'n:' ; : I ill.. I . - ! i i v . ; . i . '. . . i i ..!:: -i .1 1 row '1 ill. ill i:i any 1 1.. I i.i iters i !:,. tile Uillrllill'4 111. II III, 'it s III II" ii' lltT I"' r!"':l' !' I Illicit; !l I' ll '11 : -. -Ill- i-..l '-.-. lie wlfie 'l '.ii as :!' '-.,-- f.-lcl Ill-It :ia i . : 1 v r r.-;;! I I: s in ivnli-,ll-.i;s:li-l I l ill-loos V.. ivi.'. !v In :ir l!.-l..':iM il.-is liik'i.. tenses : 'I Ills leaf ' 1 ' :i. II!. : :il l 1 ... I hoy .-ll nUl-'!' ! -ii:li:-- is ell"' ill t .i.i. I ihio i I- Til. Ill ii!i:nii. ; ".V. w in -: I'i'i.l ' . i . ! .vol,-!--: : Ii-i!i- ! : ii. I n-VM-if - : -a -it ' imi. : i. ..'i tin i 111 IdI T,- I. n iir,t n i;.vl !-i vilh ii." .: ;..i il'.u i 'i.. oii'.iiuii. i n i .,' ill ' "I. -,.; h.-i- ...;.,; ,. i!:o .IN:-. h-ii ii '! , ..';.. . . -" I ' ' ir-'i ll .. l..- :. . I.'- : I lo-; . ' -. '!. 1 1 ; lis.- WIIOll ll Hll-lllilU'S litlloos r. who itu'or. '.ol- S.I -'..ii Irin .ii eaiiiio! oN". Ml :!i..i iv. n I'.i'A.I. olio in- ..ih.-r .ii- lu-.'i- I 'filOl . r llu-lil-e.-, ,!.. Ill l.ol a:: I , V.l : Ii. ! 1 i , , . . ,.i. : . W. !' - ..i 1i ll llioi I. 1C1....0 ! lil-l-l ... ; III o - v l:-.iil " il, - an I .i i y n- vol. xxv. heer Joe. pATHBORNu .' ltoSNia.-.- Sitsjt. p-aino ilium the lii'inl r tlio ihmtulii-I'.-ss offender, fur tin-so Mussulmans it idI idolaters aro more imioliy about their rcilttliui 1 1 in ii true liolicvois. "Come." iniiltors .loo. uneasily, "this looks liko n serious business ll' they overtake thrill I'm afraid iiiuriler w ill follow. Too Imii: Wliiit liiivo they boon tloiiiV Is this any work of that i-iisi'iilly KussiiinV Novor miinl cryinu' ovoi' spill milk. Tlio only lliini: l bo tl.ilio is In snvo lliotn but how'.'' 'l'li.-it Is tlio rub-bow? Myulioor .loo li;i- Id iliiuk quiikly. for i ho oi'owil stirno.-t noiirop with ovory lit i ii ii tt. IIo ;in iilo.'i wlilih pvoiii ios :il loiist soiiii' lmpos fill' siioi oss. If bo iiil tlolny niiittoi's-ki'rp tl:o onouiii'S from ooiiiiiin iulo pi-t'sniiiil i-oiHiioi for ii littlo whilo -all may la vol!. "Molly:" ho says iiiirkly. "Yos, .loo." slio roplios. In lililos liko tlioso othiuotlo Is fill--Kill ion. "ll is your fallior's life tlwil ix ill polil. I will bo nblo to liobl tliom in i hook for a time. Will you ilniv soiuo l ijinu for bis snko'" "Yos. yos! tiuly loll mo!" she iriisps. "Uiiti as f.'isi us you run to yoinl.-r (irnor; tln-n ilown tlio sirooi to tlio loll ii ii I it you ooino to tlio i':iiiioii!nviii. Toll Coloiii-I u'Hi'ion it is Mynln-or ...o who is in ihiiiiror. Ho will soml t roups mi tlio ilollblo ipiiok." Sho turns iin.l Hits from ilio siol liko a L'loiiin of liulii. .Mynlo'i r .loo 1 hiis h:itl bis iiiioiitl..i :it oii.-i upi. .1 l I y 1 1 it- rush. 1'iiin intf atnl ImliliiU' o.-n-li a rovolvoi- in liis IkiihI. S.-unly ntnl tin i U'osi.-rn oralor rush up. Then Myn- hoor .loo sinnils out botwi-on tlioiu ami tlio innli of aliu'ry Hindoos. Ho rniM's I his haml. iiml. with tin- I'stuio of mio b.iru to .oiiiiiiau.l iliiunl'is oui in i tlioir toiistlc tlio won!: I -slop:" t'UAl'TKIt xvnr. Tin: insroo- K'rl'.KKT I. IKK AM (IN Tin- uaiivi-s an- vory niui h wi-uiln up by sotiti-1 li i hi: that has oooiinoil. Ii iin.-s not tiiko a L'roiit h:il to i-Ni ii" it i i-owil of llimloos, ospi-i ially if ih-.-y iMo oiii'iuri-il in worship. .ny in.liu' nii.v i.i thi ii- i;-l or tlio laosijui- wln-i-o-ill ovory obji'ii is s.-n-i-oil !n thoiu. Hii.-tlio!- i ho insult is ival or f-nii-ioil. will hrini; ihom iiroiiinl liko it swarm of iioos. oiior for i iio ml of tlio !r.-iii:.'i'osiir. Mynluor .loo ktmw.s ihis full wrll. an. I jii'liin; frniii tlio oxo'naMo ton liitioii of tin. iTiiw.l. fours thiit his l'ii"inls h.ivo boon uuuio in lining s mid 1 i i . Tin' Hill. loos, o.-.-iso io inlvaih'o. Thi v.-ofil. spokoii in tlioir naiivo tnnuo. I. Us Ih.-lii 1 1 t:i l lii.' otln-i' is a In;: Irf. ills tii rsMiialin is croai. lit- oh--oks Ihoir b-siro io n :n h out ihoir ImioU ll:nl rlllli-ll t .-!- ill:. Ilili'il Violillis. Ciiii-:- I'.'irk fa-1--. shiniii: out l.-oin iiii.i.-r Vi.i'ionloroil lurliiiits. t tlo- li-V. i.llilll' l.l-ill'l'll. ntlll-l'S l-lil.l,l It. Two ilooit pairs of Llaok i,-s an foi usiil iiiit-ntly upon oho point, ,'in.l liiis il-o oouiiioiiam-o of M.wuioor .loo. Ho holils tliom as if by S-. mo niiliiir. I 'hoy aro swayoil in a iiioasmv .y hi tii i ii 1 1 It is tin- jiowor of olio will o wr otbol'S. 'What ilocs Ibis mean':" hp asks. A ilo.oii voices einlciivor to answer iiim. The babel is siteli that ho eanuni iiii.lcrstiiiiil. IIo waves his liaml Willi :im: horiiy. Then he scl.'cls one who seems in bo more intc'lici'lit than his fellows, as hi I'.'ioo is erowiii'il by irray hair ami boa nl. " i his man tell mo all," he says. They push him forward as spokes man, a position he is eiiiiiiputly lilted lo till. "It is plain. It is simple. We wi re worshiping in our temple before 'i-li-nti. No man dares' enter there with . I. - :i l . ii;i- in.:. his shoes on. Suddenly v. e hear a tor i ; . . i i ii !; t i rible noise, and those two for.'i.n dev . mi! .!.. aiways j iN jump III through the window. Thai .. oi -s in liiii..- i a deadly Insult to our n"'. We ! burn to avenue it. We chase the In j close here. Wo demand satisfaction. a - .mi tie. with i Vishnu will have re venire. Tlioir l!-.- :.:: ii il'ul i blooil must wipe out the Insult. That is all." .Murmurs of applause arise as the oM Hill. loo linishos Ills Utile speech. Mynheer .loo sees that Ir is as ho feared. These people must he handled with gloves in all that pertains lo their i vlicioii. "Now hear me. You mv fair and just. It Is only ri-lit both sides should t-Npliiin. Your .od whs instilled. I ii. liove it wan mi in ciileiil on tiio pari hi' my friends, lor tle-y do not ii'.'niiinl iiisultlm: hoiu-sr worshipors. I shall near Ihoir story and repeat it to v.. u. Then we will see if this trouble may Hot be .ivoried." ills manner pleases tbeiu, for they fool he is an honest man. So .M..n iioor .loo turns to liis frienils ;itoI be-;s Saii'ly lo explain. hich t li n i worthy l-ii-s in .-hi excited mailtlcr. aeeom I'.'lll.l ill" his Wolds With Keilll'e- I he li-iivt-li-r smiles, for he sots iln--iiiiiii ion not s. bad in In- feared, lie speaks li. tieniosthciif. T.'.nner. who eagerly avrei-s lo bis pi-. position. Ilicn Hoe tnoie lln- flieiiil o' laces tin' i:t::cr. atlciit it . coivil. and prui oeub !o got Ins fj eUils out of I his Cpitom rrrrsiumo, Chatham county, n. c, Thursday, fkmutaky id. mx no. 21 Mi-ape inio which their laelt of due caul ion has thrown them. "l.:-!"i,:" ho says, sharply, mid the 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . i -jr in i ho air ceases as if by ti iiuie. -li i. jis I bilieved. an acci dent. My friends had no desire to ills tiir'n ymt in vniu- worship, or to insult your em .c Vishnu. With revor- -in-e t in-..- were looking in tluou!i a win-lev. siandiiii.- upon a platform, when one i t'll of ii -jive way and pre eijiita'. .I tin-in ihi-oii-tlt the opi'iilii),'. Tiny colli. I li,.; ; 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 imiliois lie cause ihc.v are uu.-iblo to talk your I -lc;iic. so lln- bo t i hoy could do was io n iii-iit. My s-mii friend Is p.irtlo iil.iily ofievoil ih.-ii ttoh a thine has oeciirii-il. lb- ilosii-i s to make restitu tion as far t.i posiblo. Let the hitfh l-iiesi conn- forward and act-opt a handful of rupees. That will prove I it -ir friendship." 'I'M" point is well taken, and .loo l.t'ows ihoir weakness. I nmioiliately a hill. hub ,-tris- s. Most of Hie crowd sooiii to bo in favor of an cai-r in- 0, . .-ili. e. A few demur, but ili-y are so litii.'-i iii tl.o tninorily thiii they are s dily s.,we. llliiler and the lunu la be eel'.. . foioard to receive the pt'omi-: .-,! i iti. venerable man. who i'o-ei,il.l. s lln- priest .loo saw in the iuo-iiie. ' it cannot be ihe same. Mynheif .loo Inis been e.ireful to k . p I .i. i: a : lion of the lrtnh. be- .ill-.' li" f'.ir.s lest il cfe.-lte lli'W I 'i.tll ie. At 111" time of tlio sudden disasior Siindy Inn! In-eii just putlimj tin- linisiiiii:; lotichos to a picture of ilio ii-iy iil'l idol Vishnu, an 1 he has liiitliiiu'e.l lo ret lin his precious note book iln-oiii.-h all the disturbance. The humor of Hie crowd has changed as wonderfully a--, upon many a simi lar if oils'. .ii. tor i here is notliiii; more ti-'Ulo ii;' ..I i.-iitii iIkiii a mob. The v. orshipc's of old ishnu are now i -i-jor in .-all ihe Americans their liiol .N. tiioit-li it is all done by word or "osum". li and shakim; is ueiiorally i.ii.i.ood in India, for a man fears lost ho lose i i-:.' by toiicliiiiK another and have to i.i'-ioi piuii.sliment on liiinself as a penally. .nisi i i this moment there bursts iulo vi. u- a detachment of Sepoys, h":nl. . by a I'.ritisli ollict'i', lit whose side mils i.iiivo b)lly Tanner. They i o n.- fro;. i iln- cantonment, and It is evident l!"- coioiiel did not hesitate n moinoid li, n ho learned that Myn hor .loo was in dahiier. ill' course, all are relieved when i bey see the three Americans unin jured, mi 1 mark ihe change ill the hu- r of tin- crowd. Molly cannot un- i!..r.-iii!i,l ii. ii'd its she affect innately l "i el s 1.. r fii'li- i' she asks; "Wh.ii is I!::-': One time these men S--0IH eiu- r t- i-tiirder you, and now lii.-y in i as ili.ii!'.'!i on the best of lot-ins:" I toniosi inei 'I', 1 1 1 1 ii -r. still blowing hard from iii- clieeis of his wild run, jeil;s his thumb over his shoulder and remarks.- "I'"-. .,'1 oivin-.; to Munheer Joe. IIo 1 , ( t .-1 . I ill.- heathen, and made them b.'iieve v.e vol-- doitiL; their old irod a real l.-ivi.r wjtoii we tumbled Into the leiiiple lhrom:li the window, after the be.i-'iy plat form uavo way." ) i i. i d: lb- seems a wonderful i. a il. L-o oiiiin-." muritiuis 1 1n' uirl, loiiliii.-. a look ill the object of her ila ir.l.' - v. b-i. jnsi lh-ll. is etiMiiLreil ill . t : ei-sa 1 1 -ii wiih the Itriiish olllcer. exp'iiiiiiiii.' ih" cause of the sensation. "Yes. my dear child. Such loie an h pes. . os would even enthuse the Illinois Senate. Why, unless you're on you r-' aiianl he can easily brintr you aio no d io his way of ililiiUin.i and make you believe black Is white." The uiil nu ns her head away ncitiu. this linio in hide her rosy cheeks; she bi-ishes viihoiti hardly knowing why, save that t It- re Is soniethinit ill her fat hot 's u -aimer of speakinir that s.-eins li:." a ..y allusion and warning to heisoli". I.ove Is very sensitive, cs p.eia'ly a that stae where the mod es; yoiiiii: wotiiiin nwakeiis to the eon diiioii of her own heart, and the back Wind youm: man hits not yet Kiilhered ci.iii-i.uo em .null to slorin the citadel hieii ho hopes to caplure. I As the cr. w.l rapidly increases, witli I evcti'iiL.' i-omiin, on apace, it Is deemed hesi to leave the scene and retire. The soldiers rich' about face and head l. tcii toward tlio eanrniiincnt after the four Americans have entered a palkee imarry and sianeil for tl elr hotel. Mynheer .1 h-i idos that the baron can oai.liy be held accountable for this ali'air. since no stretch of the iniapinn lion could Invest him with the power to weaken tic platform and hurl the iwn ii.h out in nits lookers on in Veiilee i!iroii",h i iio window of the temple of Y ishnu. As the incident has really been pro ductive of no more 111 than relieving Tanner's pocket of so many rupees, which bo can easily at'i'ord lo offer at tin- shrine of the idol, they fee that they can w.-ll iilfor.1 to latlf-'h ovel the adventure now. This is especially the case when, nf tor .loo has clniUt ntly translated his speech, aid Mid how he praised the bo.-iuiies ol Vishnu. Sandy pass-s his notebook i" Molly, and Iter eyes fall upon ihe w'-ii oxt .-in. d fiic-similt if Ilio iiideoo.s idol these henlnlltorl pi o pie Wolshio. Her iiiu. imi breaks furi li like rip pb;.,- w.iii r. and tin- deep mss of the iool-ioo' i-i::.s i!i the tide. 'a s,-. s ;.v iiii'n ..nd survey the shl : i : i ii i":i.cmi in, a lhoil;.'li ffiiii-,!,-: ,i;i .'. I'l lilher of pilsM'lUcis II lis I l.ey ro.ii h I'"- Mm-, liitle hotel as iii-i,i is .-a-, itu; her m.itnle hut Rom- . ii A ; 'iio-.- inoim mnriUK ill" Inilf -t si:;-, n.iii.s IiIjiIi in the heavens, I .... ,o. i ':.,i i; tt ill noi be dalk a! ioil-l. To be Continued r . I FARaT I MATTERS. I (JrutTlnjc AppIrR In Ktony l--eiici Itninlp, About twelve years auo I bought :i niiall liioiiiilain farm of forty ;u-ivs in the fruit holt of Western M.irybitt.l. The farm was ilivble'd into :-i. siniill lields. and as is etisioinary in till siteb farms, :i 1 1 the lartti-r stones have boon dumped In the fetn-e rows. Here w::s II Ilili'il pl'iihleni for us to solve. These rows of slone, sotnetlnies four feel lcep, wele one laiij-'led mass of wild .'rape vines, brhirs. etc. They were a worry and expense to us. (in ilio of the rows there stood an old fashioned pi-ar tree. I lie fruit from which vas fairly Liood for coakin-i. A iM'aml tree ll was. If this wiil do s.i well here, why will uoi apples crow just as nicely in such comPi Ions. 1 concliiileil It was wi.nli a trial. Kvory twouty livo feet I had hob s opened in the sione piles some four feel across. All stone were removt .1 with an ordinary iliKelm; Iron. The tiiiil was loi.setii'il several ill. lies into the subsoil. 1 planted the trees care fully ami i;av them piml allitttinn. I can now show the entire forty acres suii'ouiidid with a thrifty, woll erotv lltLt six-yciir-old apple orchard, doiti". tis well as it s planted at the sann- time in a regular apple orchard, of course these trees iintsi he looked nl'lei with liialloek iiml briar scythe. They will .soon bo in lino l.ciirinii eoinlit ion. .My neilihors said I was a lunatic, eic, lull "lie laughs best who 1:iul.-1is ht-t." At present prices and outlook for ap ples, it is my turn to smile. We have about t'.o'i tries on the farm, and hall of them are in (hoe heretofore barren and expensive fence i-iitvs. -.I. A. Koi ai' in An ican Agriculturist. ?altine ltutl-r In IVIntrr. I'iif n(lvantiii.'es i. f malt hit; but, or in winter and leltint: tin- cows pi dry. if they must do so ul ail. in the heat of the summer, say in .Inly or Aiij;ut. are that It costs less to keep the dry cow in summer. She is Hush with milk when In tlio barn, and hi the sprint;, when she is about three months in calf, she comes to the trrooli food Which keeps her well up to her full capacity until summer conn s. Thus lie t;ives more milk in the sea-on. The milch cows are often notrloct- d. or nt least the inilkiut; hours made more irroLrul.-ir durim; the summer, the milkin;; bcim.' done earlier in the morn ir;r and Inter at ni"ht ilttrinti' tlio l"ii ihiys, to s."ivo uior," time for ihe wilier v.oik, when the ten hoiir-a-diiy rule does not prevail on the farm. The far mer will be more willim; lo pv(. his cows piod food and piod c:ii'e m the barn In winter if they are irivinir How of mill; enough to pay for it. while i,' dry in two slimmer mouths, or even in August and September, they can Iiml food ciiiiukIi in the pasture, unless there chances to be a very severe drought. The plasiio of Hies would ctil down the supply of milk in those months if the cow came fresh in the sprint;. The prices of milk and butter aro biiilier in winter than in summer, and are likely lo bo until the majority have eluiimoil to winter il.iiryintr.wbicli is not likely to happen vory soon. The calf dropped in early winter is free from the torment of the Hies for tin-lir- six months of its life, and is old enough to be turned to pasture whin tl.o crass has i-Martcd. and hist, bill Hot least, tin- farmer has more time to watch niter the cure of both eows and calves in winter than In summer. If the barn is warm and comfortable he will have a chance to watch them, to Ion rn what they like best and thrive best on. or what winter ration Is best for milk production, ltrecd the cows in January that the calves may be dropped In September, or if a second services is necessary, in February, and the profits of dairyittf; will be in creased, -whether milk is sold or butler made at home. Tito skitnmilk is need, i d and at haml, both I'm' the fall liitcis of pl.'.'s and tlio sprin;; li i tors from the time they are weaned from the sow until they can cat heartier fond. The Cultivator. l-'ixlns Chicken t.'nnps For IVIntf-r. Winter oil:.' are the most profitable, but hens will not lay unless treated properly. The most essential tiling in protliable poultry raisins Is a warm rRivrp.rTrn coon. nop in the winter. Many farmers can iinl afford 10 build a suilabl - coop. There is ihe material about almost any farm for noikim; the most open cn-ti one of the Wiirmcsi. There is 110 ex pense altileheil to it except the labor. At oaoii collier of the coop a 11. 1 aim. It two bet out, sot it p" st that will cMead Well above the 1:1ns. If Ihe c..;, is l-.ip. ii'.iiL.-b to make it 111..-MI). o'lii-r I'.'sts m' :i uniform ln i,.'i' i inl at ill" same di-unco fnun the wniis nl the coop, can so, in th" i;:'-' mid. "Ihe posts sicoild not be more t ; a ,1 from six to oi'h: feel a nan. 1 ; a:'oiii six hides I, '!'t th .,-1011101 siiie:, :i siimui'i wire io ihe posts, and another about two 'eel above, and so on .. ti-e tup of the post-. i-.'iUii'!iit; live or six v iris, 'I'll 11 lid in b.'lweui tb" p "-is and wires and the coop with bay or Mil' It. Small pel's I'l- pjlel's of Wilsi,. Iio. lids c.1,1 in- I' lVlll ill the fills lo keep iltr lev 10 place. Y hci. :!.o -si IV vcaciiid s.i,. n.iitoiiii! 'l-.-i: ' :l b ;,d off ihe " r should ). pet ' :. . Lotii; she -H n.l is liil- bi I'll ''"'lie! ml for this l'..V M'ttillS a 1 "-' 'ilcii I dc tl. c door fi-.iinp. mid on.' to corn spend wit It each in a lino wilh 1 1:., outside posts. nd" up each -id" and lixin;; the n,i to be ei.-.- 'i-od v.-iih hay. ihe door of lin .) will ha j.-itardeil from Ihe colli, of coin--,, an outside door ol s.,iiie s,,ri will be necessary. The win dows e n be provided for in the same way or a box of some roiit-'li lumber be made and set in a the bankin- up U nelna .;.:". Aside I'.-,, i. ., plao,. rea-imal'ly warm to r i in., ii ia-n-. in do well, should have a v. iii i!,. sunny place in wl.ii li to oN.-iei-o i. it Wiiini days. S:i.-li a place can b.- Iii.idc each side th 01 in th l, ape nl' a lean-to fin he' tin-.--.nil!:. Si I a line of posis tile lelmlh i li--it-, d io make the lcan-io and spike li I's :m i-o-s iln- toil, front one post to il 1I1 in;', six In l bl:l fee! fl'olil I ll'' tll'olllld. Tlli'll I III poles of it lellUtll I.i make lie ib sir, d pilch t i the roof an. I lay i.i". .-lid ..tor tin- 'Jx !'s til is Will !' !i"ieli the 11 ! I. Ill' s'des s,, thole Mill I..- in, liana. -r i,;' si!ji,ini. Ictlin:; the i; : i ml r. -i on tl.o uroiind. Lay line lioiM il l. iisli ;n loss these, and upon iiii- pet the hay t-r straw cover-in:.-. In this place can bo pin up ltcls iiii a diisi l.o.x fixed and lillcd for ii:cin to wallow in. The cliicki-iis. too. can be fed hen-. As 1110-1 of the win ter sioiuis i.:.i! o.ii, I winds come from the north. l!u re 't ill bo bin a lotv days ai a line- v h-:i iln- fowls oanm-i li;o.V the open air in the-i- sheds. A coop lixi il i:t thi- way will bo found w.-iroi.-r tii. in any that can be iiuuie with litmb'-i- .1. I.. Irwin, in Orauue .hid. 1 l-'.-rui.-r. aity Clot i-i- SeriliiiK. ;;s ii can bo done nfier icsp-.i-iiilly win II sllotv is on 1 is tt hi n many farmers sow I on their wheal. Al least ,,. bus l.iru in use In '.h" As t Cilli.-il the -'-. clover sicil I pa-t. iiii-l 11. 1 d.ialii it wi!! be coii- 111:1 n.v y. a.v- in come: but it riliy the eoii-:idoraih,n of h"!lier the pruclioo of seed o;i licai is the hc-i. When in- 1 ! .t lite farmer drills his win nt in the fall, .-il she :..,!,. lime applying fell ipef, he follows i;t tii" sprint; with clover oil wheal, f I ' 1 1 1 ic 1 1 1 iy sowinj; the si oil on the -now in order that ihe work iii-iy be il. no luiii'orinly. The clover M'citros ;i -tart, and occupies tin jii'oimd imi II liic wheal is taken off. when i; il'cii has full occupancy of the conditions of the soil and the won t her. Tiio farmer ilms this because he be lieves thai for a pot-iiou of the year ill.- I.i it. I i-- Liottiiii.' two crops at the .same time, in:,! Ii is thereby el'locl int; a saving .1' space. It must be admii I., I lin, I son;.- of lin- linosi crops of clover v.!'"" 11 are produced in the m ill in ! described (s, dill-; oil (.'l otvin"; wheat 1. and ihai iki-iv is also a mtiti tl. the farmer by so ilointr. to a certain exiciii. That lln- savins of space is ilpi .il'-lit eantioi he li.-.i'id. but whether lie. system is ill,. Lot a point wot-tliy of di ii-ussioii .-il farmers' tiioctim;s. All under liaiim I'eps eive tl, 111,. Ill', -I 11 cert a in cr. ,. ba.-t results oitly iiriible conditions. ,os will ihritc tiiol : re are drawbacks i- : iil wheat are t i: which reason ii is y do lid colltlic! in : 1 i a 1 1 1 food, l'.o'i, ;,: bad with potash, id th.' clover bo ill .! ii will also draw 1 1 tot- phosphori" .:il" iiiiroeii from . i is just the oppo- r.tit both crops: pay i i . 11 wile!-.. 1 ! to progress. Clave tircly unlike, for 1 olllel'iicl 1 1 - lie- ci'l'orl 10 .-biaii pliltlis mllsl be Ml; liotvevi-,'. atnl sla.r lotvi d lo prodir-a - larp'ly upon the lloid. ll derives the soil. While Wh silo ill that resp.'o le'lllil'e ill! ilbllllilall here the ipii siiol' .-, . o of moisture, ami rises as to the a 1- visitbililv 01 having two crops 011 iln- same land at a lime when there is liability of tlroii",hi and the bind in capable of proidit.; ;i sutlicieiicy of im. Is! ore for oven a simile crop. Hoes the clover injur,' the wheat or the wheat lit.- clover ilii-im; dry periods'.' Willi an itvcrau'e of only fourteen bushels of wheat per acre for this couu Iry. it i- evident that the laud docs lint yi. h! as much v, heat as it should, and with poor 'catches" of clover, and ih - or. i easily killed by droittilil. It is plain ihai the ineiliod How Uic tiecd of ui'otvinu clover may bp im proved. 1 .irini rs who ar,. "land poor" have no is, -it-e for ha vine; two crops nil the si'i.lo Incaiinll. .and the clover crop is one :-.i valuable that il d. scrvi s siiineiliinu bailor in iis irciiiun'iit than beimr 1 :-iupcl!c.l 10 ;r-nv iiml thri'.e, on land thai iais no! been prepared for i'.. It is expensive to sow clover en snow, ilui-i.;.' very cold weather, as many of I lie seeds arc destroyed and birds coi:siiiii" a lariro port ion. If the land is not level the inclliiif,' snow causes e novel, distribution of Ihe seels, atnl a laiare proportion of ihciii also leiiiai.i on th" surface 111 v. ol and fail u ::erniinate. These are some of Ihe cail-.-s of "poor catches." which freiti.'ti! Iy induce fanners lo plow up the crop, or mi n st,ic,c on il. v.-abini; 1111. "her yea'- only lo repent the -anno in, -tin 1. It is claimed that yiuim; clo ver oaiiiiol ci'.liii'e the dirci-l rays of !i'e -illi. and is I" to'li'od by the bi .- re -, ivid by wh -:it. The fact is I hat if !..-. ar land is plowed, harrowed lino. .an. I ilia -ocd sown later. Ileitis b.-lis'ied ill s,, 10 he well covered, or I-,,!;, d. i! noiiid tiapiirc no shadintr. ;i- ii e. .eo.I . : niinaio .iiickly. si ml iis foe.. i'.o. I. iio I ho I'llc soil, illll sr. 1 o. o , : : o v 1 i-.oiili b, protect )t from I-..1,..:.; In -in- uieati' ii'ie the whojit 1 ai. me 1.. vims to i-ive some of i;s a , i-'.i'o 1 , ..-t or. would thrive better ! 1 t ' !: a, on- al harvest time. Sev i;al i a.oici-s who hate tried the plan 1 f m asiiii. separate and special prepa-i-i!ii,ii r 1 lover vepon befer yields o! v .. -.. and a sure crop of clover i t ov i'i 10 1 Ii,. difference in yields of h-a, and hay over the iiornml pto i-.eo than pnyliifc for the land iitd ,:r;i labor, the supposed ii i- , hadiin. cloxrr with a 1 1 I em., en uncoils, n It Is i ipiible nl l iking care of itself when in :. ,i a-i .1 spe, i:il . iop on the Hind. . ri..l::.!-'l.'., :i lb col d. i G 0 0 1) j I ROADS.: : rut-lorn 1-iir liellei- liiiail-. Whell lili- bicycle l-lilZo Vii. al lis ii-I"Iii. and ii is it piiy liint ii lias aliat il to any t-'ieal extt-ni. i v 11s the ll-eani of wheelmen l,i soli :e day see l ere.-it iolial roiid . iili-ii 11. ii -I I ; .. in the Kiist 10 the Wesl. over tt lil. ii ex cursions iniithf be iii.iil.. to ih" 'nil I cities. A- ihe I'eve.- for l'iilill.u ul-'iv 1 - did iK'itatinii fur a National highway die away from a loud roar I" a fain! whisper. Ibit ore tiio sound hud sniiu! in volume the wheelmen bad ii" L-.l ill ilil'ilsim; tile "ttnod loilil-" idea iin-i the brains of so many Cotiniy t'oinici sinners 1 lint road iinnroveinetii spread out oil oveiv side. The los-.ii lliii- laiiiihi was saliiiiity. l .-.-.iii-p!o of olle comity, seoilit;' neighbors prospered with highways, il- iiiiitid. d a 1:0. for ih" iralisportaiioii of i ln-i din e to 1 lie iiiiirkf is. Ii is jut intoi esi im: fad 1 creased use of anuiU'obiles propelled wagons for pi; business has broujlii a ; .-. old l-fV of lb" Wlieillll' ll I' e ll; itnW . ,o. 1 1; iinpr-.t el ,i la ilil ; s .- i.wn pro. 'ltd s.l- aie iMld ,1 oi ::. Nai ii.nal ihorout-'hl'::!'.-. riiiniaicly 1 In-" will play .a very iuiioriiiiii pan in -"rviim 11 .i ollly the pleasure seeker bill I ill- iill-'f ol ihe soil. Ii mat bo a fariit.-at il l-.-.-l 111 of the futllic I" sac uiiiri.e: t'-iirdcnois rolliiin .almi". the turnpike into the cil in tln-lr tin balii'-aliy p: liollcil vt hie), s. bin i: is nil,-, 1 bin. 1,111 an iinpo.-sibiiiiy. l'vcn now the coiuiit-y rnads that .ire at all suited to mcohi'iii.-al t.-iii.-lo- ale I'isiied by lifty .iuinne,l,i!os v. In re 1 le-ie was one lite y.-al's :nii. It is impossible lo li.- an at c.l.iie wiih comfort up n a ''. cil madi' iiml well kept hi-'ow ay. ,ic,si :.s ii is illlpossilile to lise II l.ii t "I" v'lill pleasure to the rider upon a typical country lane of ruts or -itinl. Should traveliuyr in liii-cliaiiica! cit'-s. lliercloro, beconio so prevalent as svins po-siblo owint; to tin- fact thai tin- n-e of the autoliiobi!,. can scarcely bo said to have bciruti. the National highway may y bo built to meet the domainls of coiinncree. In nny event on,, fact Automobiles -1 mt bicycles minders of the fa.-t lb. 11 are it ncccssiiy to t very assured, a daily H- I roads itiiiiiiiiiii.v. and wo have vol to hour of lln- loirs, man wlio has couipla iiied al'ier ti L-o, 1, 1 road has been btiill. It has ii ploasiire for him as well as iln- aiitotm bilist. both in the dry mmsou and ll web- New York Tcle",i:iin. Tin, irrt lliubniir. Tic proposed New oik('iii.-:i::o hiitliw ny. while it may be cunsi,lc:c I a fantastic project by some, coniiii.i" to at 1 ra.-l attention, and llide ale Iho-e t In, says its completion is assured, in liiruo eiiies al. nit; the -oiile 1 b cl;- lliiisi.isiii in favor of ii is repot tod. At Chicapi. P. C. Ii'i:.ll.l. tin- I'te-i-delii of Ihe Auioinobilo I'b.ili. win, i- of the trustees of 111,- 1. all behind the project, realizes : por: .iin-e of ha villi; piod r.,a. I- !: :.e.lcis 10 railroads with will, li I, is con- tic led. It is I he plll pi I 1 le- as- -o.iatioii to secure siillieicin lo hate the roatl btiih a.s s.,,,:, as possible, and ll is stilled Ilia! the 'lot!, I'ecouii i.ili fi the liiililal.t in. pori.a-nc of such a hit;hw:i. wdi land i;s suppni-!. The conditions vary ,p relation to the laws y.ivciiiiiiu tii -bllildillt; illld 111.1:111, Ualli'c of 1, ,,d 1.1:1: t!i-so exip'licies will be Icel a::. I I'eine li'cil. Ill order to ascertain iocil condi tions, two ii.cin' -i-s of tin- association arc troinu ot.r 1 in- line in an auto mobile Snips will be nude in i.nji town alone in.- proposed roa-1. ami plans discussed wiih ilic '.o-al ,-tttili.u-i-tics, l-'roln IcpoMs ret-ei red. ii i possi ble that ma inoie tli.-in 4i m miles be tween New York and (Tiimpi will liave to li,- imii:'Ulse of cxisiiiit: pate mciiis. Miisitviir.l from Ciiicapi to Son t li Tteiiil. I ml., th- re are pmil. level roads, mostly t;rave). about 111 miles. From that point eastward there are passable din roads 10 swatitoli. 11 1 unit lil'ty-live miles. The next ten miles are not re ported, but rtumiut; into Toledo arc ciu'iil miles of level macadam. There are pad lo s of p,od roads riiiuiiii Ihrouali Ohio, hut from New York State reports ale lilckillt;. The road thriiit:li this State will slari from a point on the Hudson ar Kingston and follow the line to lM-llii. thence to Hint; hatiiioit and din- west, follov -iiii th" inarkeil out road as it js 1,1 .laun siowii Crossiiii; tlio I'll 11 h.l li-lb- of I'i lilisyl vaniit an. I i.nicliim; lit io. ilv lit st point I'i'.-lclli'.l in Ohio is CollllCilllt. Tllellce v.-csiwanl the route is as previously indicated. Siroic.r sciitinient in favm of 1 iie proposed liiuliway is reported I rout many points, and assurance is ptcii by the association behind ii that 1 ho load will be aci tinlly built.-.latncs- o 11 tN. Y i .loiirnnl. I'l-URl-eim llui-ili 100-J. rroin the reporl of lilt- tiood Iio, ids Colninilti e of tile Allloluobilo Club of America we learn sotiietliin of Ihe pi-oL-ri'ss waich lias becii miidc in road biiil.litiu' in New York state ilnrint; lie 'J. s u -e h.chway -ontniction was sys-le'ii.-iio bepiti by the State, in 1 :. roads have been built to date a:.'re-:.'ii i;ii. in h-ntilh I'lii milt's. At. the close ol 1 ' ii 1 ihe in-.1 ' l nph of the 111:1. 's coi,i;,lc'cd was six.y miles: thus, nine ty s milt s id new 1 1 i x 1 1 ii- hilt. 1, tar been 111. nlc this year. Th, ii-.n'-. s do mil. in any un-aii-. rept-. :u th- full cxteii, of the work for the ,,, -i I Welt,- Inil-lhs 1-11,1 illu oil I .-. I ilil . ;tl ni x:, in., -nun Ii :i- il is 1 t, I m t sot la1 lea l- COW ill li' 1. 1 -t-in , ,-i,i . ". l-e oi-'ii d w.l -::ii -,,-ai o- I t - ttei ks. -',e total len-ih i-i I...,f- . ii v, hi. h w oik is lie iljc Ctntl)nm Hccorb. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One eqnre, pee insertion '"n One square, two insertions 1-60 One square, one mouth 2'GO For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. ill"; Cnlldltcleil is a l.oll! ''-" miles'. In addition lo -invots ian c b.'-'ll made f.,r roads iinpi-oxiiuaiilU 1 h m." h T-'-'i 111 ib . I'I.-iii- have 1 11 appro-, oil I'm' "10 miles of hiuliviiy. ciniifisiii- citihiy- IW.l loads Wili.-h ale lo cos! llliolll SJ. 1 ii 11 i.i it 11 1. 1 lie half of which has been cnlltril-ltl- tl 1'V Hi" colio'i.'-. ill II. , ordllll'-o Wi.ll tlio pi -it I-i-. II- Ol III" Iliabi.-Al 1 1 -1 1 . I i law. I'd ii '.ol.s for in-tt roads, or f'-i ih" iinpi-ovetiieii: "f .,!.! 1 i, -. a.o I, -111 I- v. tod ci,ii-!an:l.v f,,i,, idi p i:-!- of ihe s .-,!;-. and 11;"-,- I, ,,v. in lend ilivohc a lii-ialuo of l-.'-io 0 il. -. New Vol U Sun. mar. time: shp.ep i-.ache;. I .,. . U loi li li 1, U.y Isliiii'l- ! Main. i.i,. I An- 1'itl. ii ai sin i.sanil i.!T lb-- Maiio . oa-l is J "..I I'ol IIO-, ll'.U't !-! il '- Illl'tUll llll" .' 111:1 1: l 111 o sic- p raiii-ii aicl much uiolicy is made in leal tt ay. i.iof I'i ..111 ol her Si;,!. . I: it Hi" i lt d I -true slims ill ,', ;:;: , i ;,-. of is.;,:;,!- loid s,...-l,. Tlio si. cop ill" ilii'ti. d li "-". an I left lo tt--l ;i li . ic- as best lie t , a-i. ''it.- i-iiiliils appc:-:- la: 1 !-. I n; t.o- -!..-i p '-.'l alnim . r. a I', a;-- !;. fa I when 1 (.en- own. : c-itiie Willi boa:- t-i ta !; Ile-o, , If foi- s!;i;i-:ii!e- ill tin- fall. On .1.1 f tin- is.;i: i- 1 hero i- no wait r .-. I ,,; ti,,- -r . p ",,, w hat ni.'l- , i-i , 1 .io,- 11 ,'.! f-oai 1 he lien vy h w -. ai.d v. l "e i-;i--. i- sei-iibby ."nd soar.-.. I I. ,, .-ini-iiiil- cull i . iii" ,1 feiidlii ss In;' - a: Inn- kiln's , , - aw,-- .' . tt l:'ci: dii-i i- . i i,i 10 "it, a:, :.,., ;!i oi f.itor lo ll:-liia-ioi:. A ;'e-.v :v. tt-'i. :a !,'ii -.a, plaint was made by well tt:t anl"-: bill po.-.-ly in- for I "l 'i--.,:;s ;o .!" si.ppa., -1 c'-u-liy of It ::t in-.' sip-, p p. take . arc of li.ali; s. h -. v. i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 shi'ller. 1 a the-.- I a" I'i ". 't il.d p: i-a -. I f: ii in1- ''ecu a 'no ls!:te d li::.' li.-- -'" ' r -li:!' !' l,:l , . i-i: I) I tt hat.-Vc! . or ' il'-.v Wol!e lli.t ili. ito as ih.-y d . I: t- i-'hn. d I-.-. '.; loan who iiad ' er.-.t li .id. . !- ' ; ., . i, ,. Mo. iiii.- l-I-iii-l ilt.-ii a" btiiit ill cell' id-'l -able ol,, ll-e a '.., 'a .-III H' :' for ll: 1,:. a;,-.. I I- v lie t- .0 mi. stat.tiv i'Sin,-:ii ; ii'.' f -it.- thai tii pi -r sheep wiiiinl free-..' I" d-. a,:h cold iil-Iiis. 'n-e Kindly si, . op S.i-.-i .! a I'ol.nd that Mo, il : in-'- "i"' "i in. :il liiii,'- had i.iiicn ioitiiiiia-. . i ii,.- -io ' tor pr-ii i.b d. in of 1 be .-id' -! i- i' l.'I'S lliilt l-Ver bi'W na lie cnitsl .-,' Maine Siio.-p will ha. idi. bvelln r wliere Ihc.t like a::. I 'a:!!..!! be ili-iu -c ! I.. "-, inio iln- lie.s lei I: I' ! I hem ,-'i -ct oi-ll of I he isa-r lis lit th.- fill! tin- i-iand rai.. ic -t '.: ' -d. ill dories and lain- --.n..- of ihe !'a:..--i of ill.- -he It iisli.,;,. to market, lyip their lop lo-ethei- and l""H- Ihein illto the Leal- like s-, leant bliialll's and ill tl.o -ai.10 iln.'- i.e.v sio. k is . a: lied .0 the Ishiiols. In iln- spi-in- a I'-ip 1 is made io biinbs, ami lie stock s a-iiili rcplenis lied. 'I'll-' c.xpi l's of ! sl.ceji lilisint; oil tlio i.-i.ilids- is snttlH. and ilie piolits ,'iie cone-ii,,c!li. .'.:.' !.- .e- Now York Tribune. WORDS OF WISDOW Mxpciicm-,. is the ex'vaet o' .r':.-i- ill- A. Helps. They that know no evil will si:-p -li-uio. licit .lotison. N'oihim;' can P.- truly ureal wi.l '. I llot riuln.- .lolilisnl:. Cold is the fool's ciu ia.n. which hides all his i.-fi els from th. world, l 'cl;- t hai laic imposes, ih.-ii nils: !. .! ;l bide', il boots 11, , to resist boll, tt ml iind tide.- Shakespeare. Tah-iii is tl- capacity of doiic. an.', thlic which deiieiids upon appl 1 .1 1 i-ci and industry, and it is a volim : ; t power, while "aniiis is involuntary. ' Ualilt. Il is silid lllill Iio Illiltl is il ho!., io ! his val.-i. Thiit is only hoi-aiisc a ii-'l'o ; i-iin be n ttuized only by a hero. The i tale "ill probably know how in :.p , picciate Ids like-his fclliitv-viib-i . j Ibiclhe I So many thotihis are .iti-t lorn led 'ami laid aside, half ilioii"lil and lii-n fol-olleu. Ihat it is piliilble liotv much is wasted ill ourselves. We pi thrnimii the meadows of our own beai ls 1 ritsii im; with a careless step the Hovers. There is 110 need to walk so l.-i-t.-Stopford A. Mrooke. Call ii iiiiii.u'iiiaiinii. call it wonder, call il love, whatever il be thai shows II -- the deeper siullil'u illii e ol tin- world ! ami humanity and makes ihe diilci 1 1 n.-c between t he surf a ec li.ttln of .-a-ac-I it.v and tin- inierpi neirai iiitr thuv of worship, we owe to ii whatever truth, whatever nastiest piiiliiiuo : ,, bat c-.1:1 mi's Marl itteail. j We have a more or less true ideal of j what oitr own human life 01m hi to I he of what opporl nnii ics wo otinht to I have for ihe develop lit of our fitctil- I lies of what Inline, ami M-lnnd an I I collci.-e. youth and married life and old I aue. work and rest, onitht to 1110:1 11 for I ourselves iiml oitr laniili. s. We arc ; be as truly zealou and :n life for other ! classes or other individuals as v.v an j for our own class ..r ,,,ir own family or ourselves. Char!' s tJore IAniprli-Hil unit 'an:nlliiii 'I'ii-m. There tire l.laiii.uiii! native Ciuiatlians I on the American side oi' the line. I Aii'.cr. cans are stvarncn.v; into Ib iiish ' Colunibiii iiml Hie Norlhwcsi: tiin-f- iiiariiaiics are freipiein: tlio periodical I literature of Canada is almosi wholly American: American capitalists lire invcstltit: lni-.T'ly iiml iicipiiriiit; coil" men bit illlllicnce on ibis side of til" Mile: CHiiadiaiH not h-ss l.-up'ly incesi , In American securities and se -. ulaie : oil the Net'' York Stool, i'xcbail:" ', I A in. riean bills :ii'i iiikcti hd'e; I , hutches, bcnetoi'pt s,,, . 1 in-, labor I'liimi.-. an- larp'iy iiiie iiii. loii.-il : . o arc -nniinoi- and sanitary rosoiis. No Can.:. i:-"i until hesitates In -!. 1 Ui 1 ' . . oe ., ai N w Yoik i,i- cmc.-iit". any ! :.-: lil.lll a S.-"'li ' ..H. I-- 'io 'os lo . ,., i, t-to 1 -1 ' ; , pi il ',!, iln -In -lo nl III !,.i, 1. bni. 'I' tie load 1.1 a C111111li.1l: il"i j tcisiiy ri-s. -nis: ; oilbe l"i a l"o I l'i:s..,si ;p ;.i N, t, Ye k I'-a oi.: i-uti. ja ', ft. ft 5' l V