IMMMMttMIMIIMIIfc. ljc Chatham ttmnb. sail . itljc Cljatljam ttccorit. 15. A. LONDON, K.'.ilcr ftud Pror-notcr. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One pqnaro, one inmirtion 1.00 One ojiiurc, swo mm rtu ua 1.00 Oiiu njimre, ono mouth '2.50 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS GF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXV. lTlTSIiORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, tf. C. THURSDAY, MARCJI 12. iiU:;. no. :;o, o o o w hi F w Mynheer Joe. BY ST. QEORQE RATHBORNE. h..'YliniHr lil, llnr - II .1 i u.rii:i: :. vvi.n tar. Turns oiu:y hh n-.i.. There i- . 1 1 1 r 1 : t r faclnr ill lite "aimc, ln.ivcvor. wiiieh !-" ; 1 1 1 1 1 y has not stis '!od. Know ;n,' My nh. or Joe a.; ho ilc - I .- ,ail- In .-muni l:u- mil depth of lii.-ii --ran - man's mvi rs. .l t i i ' 1 1 It ill.- !,'! 1 T his ; i I 1 Hi . 1 1 li . I il i.'Vuivi! ami s an i ill Ire Will iiuni'.-'. i.i .- ,! -hci,M in"-;! -ii ii :;riM, he ..'i!l la-M- : k. There i- .1 laeihod ill hi- madness. I'm- S.iii'l,.' I'nid.s il t i 1. 1 i s on litis, lint In I . . 'I nj.. I'll! lull-. upon III.' oil I'lll.V :il i I, -. ' illlV l:i;IV ill 11 mea-lltc purely . i li -ir .i i Mi I;. Mvnli. i i' I... know- wii.H In" I-'. Ill'ulll. llo'll I.'S lip-' lh.eo Slld.iciil.V is.-iics a ,-m n..- sound. 1 1 1 I i U .iny lliin.: ,'UT heard, li i-'- mi llnlll. hilly .1 si: nil il' siii,i.- sort. His amazed eyes .if, , I'll .lui'. II--see- him make .1 peculiar i;ililiiiniliii' t;i--' i nil' wiili I.i- lian.l llii i'ii' v.-liicli lias ii. .1 I" n oe. upii .1 in -Crn-pini; a Weapon. "I'll i -s iii'.!-t ia. an soiia" liiliu'. Sandy kunws i: I- ii. '. iiiiiinbil I'm' him. ;iii.l Inn.'.' h- Pii'i- hi- aiieni'mii Hi-mi ild' rinuiv io ili.'n i'i' ;i solution nl' tii ni. -i. ry. Wh, I il T il.' i .111 liinl I liis nil' nr II il. the effect in .In--'- ai-iimi U speedily manifest in ; I j acinus !!' li;.' 'I'lnus. II.- k-urs til.'i.- I .'!'l !.'.: ii Hi' .-t!::t:-- iiii-iii. M'.-- ihi I.-.;,.- ui' . . i ! I -i- which lln-.v casi in... ii ii,.- iriv.l.r. Inst, ad il' il t hi s :i r. i r.i-it In .iiiiii'uiliiii' him iiM.i his n;- ii. i. i!i.-:- i- ;i sln-inUiiu' I'.n Iv i.ii ii..' . in ii. i!i; ihirn i-n. Vii:ii i. in iiii-; nii'iii': M iihi-cr .li.c CiiUiilili.'- I.i W;ic hi-i h l!!il in ilinr ill. ili.' iniiri:i"r. ;:inl t In- ihii li en It i ri il,' i.m r- 1 1 it -l.iuly I. in .-ii!i'ly in r cry tli". ' ,..'i. S.iitily i- r.iii n iiiih.1- .1 ul' :i ci r liiin iliiii:-.' Hi 111.' iiiiiitiii;:n.c v.lici';' Ihc ii ii H 1 -jiiri' ii'ipc.'irs iiinii I In-scull .lllll llll'. Vll WnlUcl's il'Il'.' ll in lll-lll.'iy. cinli'.iv.u in.-. I.i -iiii 1. 1 cy. s lrnlii lli.' il'ir.liic: liii- del iicnrly lilimN I In in. I . t- i -.1 y i l:in i h n i- evil liiiu s lite li,:ln. . He is !., H-ihli l. .1 l.y I : I he .-sees, illnl y.'l. -i ! li 1 1 1 1 lite cjitw is ji per-I'.-cl lihlllu. Ihe ellccl i- jil.lillly eviileltl i-Veii he who I nils ui;ty I'eiiil: 'I hc- TIiiil-s r.'iir Myniie, r .h,,-.'s . . ' 1 1 1 : l-.ll inll InP I In- 1:1:111 I'lle-s ,111 1' In. in, . I. He ITilliy.cS 111. II lll.'l if he his UlimWl III' tile III lief, .1.1. . I'S l'lililieS Which he llils l:--,,- eVill Sll-li t-leil as c!sl- in-.. Ill li---- ill. hi itair ii liiinni. iil'ier iii ' ll'.IVel.'l- il.l- 111 I ill ii I hill s!r:!IIJ.-' .-nllinl tin- ,!iirl. .-ii Tiiii- have!...-l iiill ul' siiih:. Til'- cui.-l i- ele.'U- ;iiiil ui'it. In. illy tin i up!.- ic-niue tiu-ir in- l.'l rlljiicil llli.le I'cl.llinlis III.' Illi-V ihillll cillN iillelltiull In hi- .iiicl;. the 'ii-ioiiii r take- ii i ii in hiiti-i'ir i.i I my. As lite peujil cmie I hr. timing hat-!; Ilpnll the l'iiii'1 ul' Ihe hax.ll it can he linliei'tl that, they cast anxious jrlaiuvs ill'iillliil thcin. 'I'liey sei iu to expect to look llpou solllethilli; lyill' hither of .von -sonictliin-.; that is apt to fill their souls with horror, ami yet which pos sesses a tlccy iUtf.u-iion. Samly notes these trlitnces ca-r aii'ouutl. aiul heiu? n lirix'ui-miutli'il hiip, liuuiiively guesses their ineau inv. They are lookiui; for the victims oi th'1 Tlmi.'.-. jitnl ilium fiillin' to Uls cover one or more hotlies lyiuir lipou the ro.'til. with life reinlereil extinct tlirullijli the agency of conl or creese, cannot hut teel the crcaiesl in;;j:e lllelit. Then their looks turn upon the two Americans, as thoiiuh they have guessed that these worthies are tlie (in s au'i;iii-t whom this uprising of the .-cerct society look place. It nil! -t have lueii sonu hiisLiUi, jif;er till l'illlo.-OpilicMlly III. J- 'lelerilii'l.- this, !'inl return io ih. ir vrioiis pttrsiiiis. J iimiuh :.!-:i-e. - full of 'ni.-r urcci Myilllei'l' .1.' - 111. his eo!!,; ..Iii.ill ai cvi'.'y mi:!. A- for Sandy himself foll.iws il.t olh.'l' ill HI.; Ihe s,-i'et in :i hilll' stllp.' lied U.'iy. li -eel"- to him .,,e call tin iil..viliin'. Il t... III';. lei. s Wire iilioii: In place lie in l.,.;h upon one of th liuieral pyres al..i;.. ih,. -imuis .ortler- iii.: Ihe nvev. S.iialy lielicve.- .1 s i noil-, li lo i ii.tii-e ihe lire in o ice. juid c;iii-e ihe veiiu'e I'll! destroyer to ,'all i.pnii ih ir Knees in humMe se:--v. Hide. After ihis .-xhiliiiioii lie will ii-. t lnu 1 .lt 's powir to a -e-iuiplisli :::iy Wi. lul- r. So lh--y pa.-s .-iloiiu'. and I.,.- iie-:ice- eiiii r ainonL a i . v lot of ti.'-iv s win., lanm.-.tii of th- event tl-.i. has i rcecmly li-;iii.-p!rcd. do :ini vi -v.- ill. li in that .-ir iu-.-e way. Sandy is i in i I . villi di ,i i . l!y n. Hi;:, li- i.' -li. lay-l.-rii :-, and i- l.:si as m.i.-i - any v. man could l'V,-- he. l'laiuiy. ih' ii. in- pu,., ihe .pl-'Stieii to Joe. Iiivu'ii. lo kilo v.- hy v.hi'l spirit of lieci-oiirtiicc ihe oilier liiiina.'.'ed to di-.-oiv iii - d-ir': eloin!- iltMt ' en:; .-o tin-, .ill iiii.-ly uv r i heir h .-id-. -li's :dl us sli.ipi- as fallin, off a The who),, thin lies In ku..u iier how lo do II." he n i larks whei-a;; s. ::.iv i,,:.:-: ! "A s e,..,l I 'olii'i'!.!; i i.ikiit-' the r.-. i.i"l!s one. for he has cniisidel'tihlc re s' 1 I.I oil elld'.- Mll'po-e .U.II illllslral. j -p. cl ill Ihe di.cciloll nf Ihe sIlJVWi i, I llii!-. lo.V .: ar i.ll-.u. iii show- n ' '..-noil. Al the .-nine line lie ih :, pises ll.e ,:ai . i- .l.-iie." j i, man w ho will lies, -end to Ihe nielli T'ciiin; - . -i - v, in.- i.,al;.- a sii.'iia! e.l- pliiciiicd h.v this ai'eui of the and the oliv. You -vol:d, r ' ' nilT Hhnmiii's Kiin. AfclMI.M. what dial could luciin. Truili In tell, Sandy. I am a ineinlicr of the very or ion which eiir uiiseriipiiloiis i-n-einy, the liaroii. has siilisidixed in 01s der in coiiiph le our downfall." .l this illielliuellee 1 1st- li-w.-papei' la in loses his Iii ad and looks .-illy. His ideas eeii l.e.'.ilil.' eoiil'llseil. and he wonders whetiicr Jo.' is not n'ivin:;' hiia a lilllc chaff, l'p In the presclil lie ha- li.'lieVt d himself inn "Id il l.iid lo lie Cilll'lll ill llii- w..y. Inn sllell sir.-iliue lhili;:s have oetinf.-d of lain lie slalids l.ildv lo lake iillllo 1 sui.vihiiijr a- to-pi-1 ii'iiih. oh. yoii'ie a full ilcdued Tim:.', oh:" lie le::ii.l'-'es lo miil lnur. "Nut only Ih.ii. hill an . in the oimiiiizalion. li was as such I ::.ive tlie SU'll 111. II lllleW llie-c fellows lll'o a l'i-M-i'.'' "How do come In ' I011-' lo such .1 lovely crowd':" asks Sandy. "Ali. my dear fellow, thai is a story you shall hear some day: Iteiilly. it is won Ii telling, since it is founded upeii siranue incidents such as only a llan'iiiird could 11-c Willi ciedil. I'or Ihe present lei il stltliee lo say that liiis auei.'li' order has ii-mv idioiii i' ih.-tii the -en. ral world 1,'iov I' is li.c ori:anix.eil for iiiur.ier. y.ui mid j hi ju -I as .-, n..u- a li.-hi as when i hi nt her people l.elieu-. ii!hoU'h I he j ,. veil I .- oeelll a . , I . -It in nir- I .i-i'ore. Timas of India, like I he Nihili-ls of j iJriin.-s hears the .-lory ;.ravcly. Hn--i:i. tin u.ii li.-iiaie lo remove any i,. makes a Lo rd li-i. le '', f..r he say s ..lie who runs aeaie-i lii.-ir will. i i-mhinu tint it tin- end is reached. Ian "A seri.-s of -iriinae circiim-lanc s I :. i;. v.lnl ' he kects up -j I hiukili.-'. ihl-cw 111" Ililo the in'tl-l of iitciti sol'.!" j ii; :, pee;,!., lie is Iii-. la-t lo male' it .vein- aun, aii.l in pr.--cre my life I j iiienn.'iiiii oui of a mole-Mil, I. in iht-re was ohliucd lo join lie- one r. aiiaiu can he t... di-ji!i-',u lh fad thai their in-i a hili l'la.e of liottor liefore Ihe I -im uiou i- .ie.peraii- when a man like opporilliiiiy c.iiiie In 1 1 u i s t's ; , hi- hanai .-.-l sii.-h diitl.t-lical ma shores. ' ciiitiery in n.'.ii.m nuaiust them. "I can now see very plainly why lital same Ihiue oecllircil l i me. !..r you ami I litn-l hale f.illell vieliins In the liny of ih-- ui"'' Kiily for my pow ir." "Hy Ihc way. Joe. have you any more of these lilllc hntnls lliddell ilH .l.v': If so, pill I In-ill lo nod Use. mail. Tin-re's no tcllim.' when we may need them iii this country. Hless my soul: I have a slriiu::.' feeliii": all Ihe while as t In mli invi.-ilile tl.tinrer was lianu'iii- over our heads. What can il moan':" Vh-n i In- Lama ceases to annoy us .voii will iie i our thai. Sandy. The irili h of lie- liiaMcr is yoli have fallen illio ihe of fceliili; hi- presence ii- iir you. These lllell of evil .-eelll to exhale a snUlelhill'.' Ihat illlpl'cs.-es ii sell up-ill I ho-e they hate, evell lis uiiuhi ihc r:i'. Ihsuake when charmiiik.' a vici iiti. on.-e I lie serpent is trampled iind-'i' foni a ii.l all thai un--a-ine.-s vanishes." "You've ehaii--"'"! yo'.ir mind. then, and i ii ti -ml t i iiia'.e- away wiili tlie I'.-i-i-eii':'' says Sandy, .pii. kly. "Well, it hoooiil. .- mole evii It-lit every hour that it's a desperate case of Creek imnin.-t tlreek. I'nless 1 tle-inoli.-h lite luiroti he will down me." "Ktiroka: Tlnit's my policy to a dot. The ipie-ilnll is hnw it shall he dmie." "That will come out all l'iiiht. old man." "I cive myself n. uneasiness with regard to it. Toor old ropofl! He'll carry oui the niime to a letter pres ently. But sluee he'3 shown liliuselt' lo he such a consummate rascal. 1 im lnti.i;er feel pity Cor liiin. Let him i;o. The kiu has comiiiiiiuled it; the de cree must he entered." mid Snudy uiikes a royal sweep with his arm that would cause mauy a ineuareh tn turn lifeeti with envy could he see it. Mynheer Joe looks heyolld, aiul sees things that u wise providence .sen-ens from the eyes of Impulsive fellows of Sandy's stripe, lie knows thai the life of the haroll is eXceodiiml.V pre cious to the liu.-slaii aiilhorii ies. and ihat i hey will iitak a .-farchiit inves tieniinii into iiialtcrs in ca-e he is .1. .win d, it may even h n-ideied a casus liilliiin. aiul il:.- two i.iil coi'.li-i;-l. s he clnl.roile.l ill a l.-nihle ceil-:l.-t. Tims Mynheer Joe. f.eliit,' Ihe n spoiisii.le nature of his position, n---dv. s io d . it.. liaii : ra--!t. lie ilc-in-s In ceii-ull with son,.' on.- uh.i has a lotii; head, and k i..w.- of no p-'isi.;i more t iniip.-tciii Ihnii Mi', tlriiu. s. Sandy i- all riu'ttl. when it coims to action. I .ui In- ii..! make Ihe he.-i mlvi-.T in the world, a.- Ji-- has 1. -.inn .1 I'.-foie new. li is hlv'i lime tiu-y turn their steps in th" direction of tin- hotel, as tile hvir is ir. I'ia.'j laic. Tlii'ot".'h ih" crowd- lii. y pa-s wiih oitl any oi' violence, since they held Ih,' o.-. will i f tin- Sivat seeri-r -ai icy of India. "Ah: Tln-i-e's Ihe haroli:" says San- I dy. And Joe r;;t.-!ies a -:' ol lli. Kussian's face anion-, t'ic dark otu-s just he.voinl. lie reads surprise iiud ha'tled r:i''i upon it. as tliollli Popoff had already I..-. ini lo iind'-i'.'iaii.l iha! smain !;is plans have liet ll defeated hy circ'.mi si.-iiiees ou r which In- has no cmirol. Mynheer Joe ciiuini help shi.wln;-! soincihilia; of his fceliius In his ex pression. The look is not a ennicmp- If Joe ehtinses ho run meet 111 111 on a ' level, aiul, employ i iiic ihe sii moth- 1 ods, Intllleiiee ihe secret orderof ThlliM IIKIllllsl tlie ltiissi.-in. fur he has power I liehind tlie ihroiio. This dues lint t happen lo he his way. If Ihe haroll I will iiul eiiier iiiio aiinllier duel with j him he iniist employ soni" mhor huiior- 1 ilhle ineans for a, ii,i,lishii.' his end. They linally hriiiu' lip at the lintel. Ilow (lie Muvi-mriit l or Tlulr (lr;milll- The hour is iiul so hue for those who l'"i 01 IkImhIc.i. make day tun of i.iuhi. -in wiili Iniv- Tin re arc cookiiiK scl !.-in dill, lent cli-rs weary from a loii sea journey pans of the city, and in Ui'inklyii 1 lid v aiul siuln seeing all il-iy ii is an en. ire- ' is a l'ollet;e of rookery, t'.iu-ses in . il ly illl'l'civm iii.iiier. I linary iiri ,-ire co;iiliiccil ly the I'raic All IlilMc r -liieil. 1111,1 .:,ie is 11T.I. ' Inslilllle. Ihe I iillle;,!'l I Mliauce mid pelled lo lei liie l,,-,,i,r lie oer to t lie ! dlher p!l i lil li I hl'i 'jlies, vol lle-e are ill -11: HT'iU" or 1 I-, w .ike Mi-. 1 ii iiiii-s. T j , ! siillici. 111 fer in.-lriii iioii 'ii Mi.- olde-i llll'l' lie Wolll.l lie lel.ipt il o lo. IIS ill"' 1 1 . Ill -I ' .1 1 ! . 1 c. nlleli. :.'S. Ah il IV he lielicve- Ih" iv.miivs prianpi a , lein ion, oiily iiul; le- : -i 1 1 : 1 1 1 r - t i i I'-ieiiiln i-ii'ivi-r kin-, i.iinplaiti. d .f a headache as well as a I aiikle. So iie ti- i. riaii'.. ... .,, !,.; ipiiiiers re.!,. inn il ill.' Iiit.i'iiilt-. Ii ail ll Well illeV c.lll hell oi. It-! 111'.- .tlli'ir V.'ilil el ili- I. raill- llllil il -eioe i;ioll Ihe Ill-Ill eour.-e in .in--a,.. Tlie day dauiis upon ihe ciiy o. lloitdi.-iy. ami. as is ii-ual. all .-ooii l.e i nines hn-ile and confusion. As lift limn- ':r.ivs in-nivr this cnlltii .i.tsiti w;ll s.';, My die mil ,;ti, leave I son oi' I'-iiier-y ill il- place, eoiiiuinn lo all warm climates. Mynheer Joe i- curly on fool, and awaits the cniuim; of his Iiii ml. When .'-Ir. lirimas I'm. illy shows up he is urecietl with a wink mid a lieekotiin I liuaer linn ilraw- liiin over in a retired ' -poi. auxiniis in learn wii ii in w dev iltry is in Ihe v, ind Ihlpi.lly Joe .-k-'I'-he- 111,' .-idvelltlire of Ih" preceilin--,' itiuhl. The lapse of I'tie ha- no' ihnnu.-d his mind with ieiiiil to lliiiu-. and he sees malt, rs He aurees wiili Myttheef Joe that li.c lime Ins I'oiin- tn .-iriUe li.-.c!;. Perhaps his nietlmds mav ('' '"I' from thn-e nf liie traveler, fni' M.. (iriiins is a lielicTci- ill the hen paihie ailaue. .-imilla .siinilihus curiiiti ur-lil.e i- cured l.v lil... Wln-ii in Koine lie do,-- as lite Unmans .1... and adapi.s hints, If to I '.reiimsiaiiccs. Th!-. has lieci. one iva-oii I'm- his tvitiarkahle stieccss. Tn a ccriaiii cxtciii Mynheer Joe has followcl i lit- stint- plan, hut l e citiiio: ".. ..ii fat- as his lli.-nd in iiiailiis, ilrawlni: Ihe line at a, certain pninl. ThllS. ill older In lllecl ill il eollll'.ltill level two must t.,aii irive way. Il is advice ...e seek-, liotluiiu' mmv. ,,(l.rskiri. and tlie inii-l.ii is mostly Mr. Crimes ponders out llif mat- , (l-liu.;i il. h -;n. 1'licre is a yoke of ter. He doc- ii-. i oli.-n a.-t fioiti im- ' ,, .1u. , ud.roidevy. r seiiieiimcs. pulse. ;-u. 1 chews ihe cud of reliction ; v j,, ,, ,u. p-a-citis an- iii . re arl'siic, at liie I.ei.'iuiii'i'', of a crisis, mil when xu. di-e.-s is ,.f soli silk, the yoke em il lias passed l.y. his policy heim.' thai ' I I'ei'lcl'cd ill the hiirliiirie :-tjle Willi an ounce of prevciilioii is lieiier than ; ejolored .-'aks and il few pit'lletics. a pound of cure. j I'hallies priuieit with tiny iloiVis miike I'liially In- linns around and liys ; very pr.-n;,- littlv frocks, and indeed hi: linger upon the arm of tin- tfav : the muslin-; with miiiiUe ll awct's luint eler. The lilit in his eye proclaims cd or painted oil thcin are well suited ihat he has conceived an idea, and t yoiiih. I'm- day wear hl'U- sci-.-e. J..,- feels satisfied snincthiii Is emu Hu-ht ami tiark. is ln'iti.i,' einhroi.Icic.l in..- which if will pav him Well to lay ! a solitewliat curious fashion for chil iad.! of souiclliinu-that tu-iv cause the ""' 1' iIlt,-, :l l"-"""v I., run lo hcli.-Vi- he has struck an av.l- .(IUUI, '".Mynheer Joe. we must he up and .luiUB. This tiilscaMe Kussiai, shall w i . . v . not say he us liea.en three Yank. v uiUKUiue. I know your principles ami respect them, but the Imro.i is an ol.- staele tuvuv iroj;ress. Ho must removed.." t'lIAP'lT.K XXI. TflF. DARilN IS BOOKCD Folt VALPAKAtslO "Iu the lirst place." remarks Mr. Crimes, in that steady voice of ; (.iimitI...s. (.(,ll(1Vl, ,( that never th-viaics. no itiatlcr what : llll(li,VSi milU,r ebeinisett.-s. Lriuht rod Hie excilein. ul around him. "we must , stoi UIuuh. I'or outdoor mil incuts there have .he secret, co -aperilt i!l ol the :IU I ,s ;l sll;;eestioa of the kiinoii..; indeed, ihoriiics in aiiyihiu we uiulei lake" j ,.vcrvthiu .r.-ipan. so would s-. in to There will l.e tm trniil.le iibmit that j ,;,, 'f.lvor children, and a z 1 have iili-i-ndy put a lie.-i in tiu-lr i ;Uiy 0f tile Hale t-veui::,: frocks : in cur. Tin y know who Tie luirou is and ; n:i. of Japanese silk for "iris cf ihir nl'-u ihe nan. . el' his mi ion to In- t, .,,j foiirlccti, siui'-iy m cross ii .'.i.i may lie. N-. i u-ally then they hale frm u-ith .1 p sash. -. Skuu'.iti-.l tu iilm Hai -,ir., li.. i- is t. their interest uses arc n.'i'-n worn I y i-liililr.-u , ;., -i to tli-pose of iiii- st.y wh.i i i-.-s ti tli--y are i-.uon d ! . pcple. I'linelii iroiil.Ie. 'Ih.- iii.-ti. 't is 'now and laru'e are !!: iiai- for'.i- f-r will tlr-v !."';" they nti- lurv'er still for i hiidr -u. - New "Yoil can see some of thei'i iriain. Yolk Alncrii a it. "K. -nl'lv sir. ' ! '"' s',''ct - ''r l''. "Tli. n ve iniist liuln t're wiili lira. Thcf" are many y .-i:i' "il ls who in- Sluee Ihe haroll has iii.ill-.uri i cl ihis a ihie they do ,-ot kn..w how in talk t. -i -.em of tad ies, we'll "iu- him all iiv ' mn. Ccneral'y .'his of niriitrs i- w:-:iis. His Kiis-iau w:iys don't the rosuit of their li.ivii.- In en l.roim'.i; v. it, i peniile from ihe Slat-.-. 1 v. i -ll ' Up a!ino.-i cxeiusiu-l y amoiti.' tin ir t.w a we had him .'Ul ih.-re. A noose litid ':. mid lims cotue to r ''.'. r. I me:i a! ,!;.. llu,l. of a would Iran-port hii.i ! nosL as ereal iir.-s id i.nnih.-r sph.-r.- cerni.v. Ml, le- xv- limu-ht il l--t heli .his is 1'ie c.l-e il Is m.l Mi.'pn- ". use coin .-I tar ai d, in. it , thoiiu-h lla-y may lir.d men m ' t' r.'siiu th. v are somi-whai at a les- w hh tcallieis. I , . . ..... . ... .... ri' ''i kllow what ill lahi !' them ill... 111. i hat would h.- a pliim- ii'i.n-. n , . ' antl tow to make ih. ii, selves cat. riaiii .he Ul.ll.', S.r. hilt tlllicri.'ll.dei.'. w-' , , ,- . l!t and at-ecahle. al.' in a ceiiu'iy v ti.-ie i-. -.. :i.-d iiris ;-r not kii-wsi. P. -ld -s III- CoNelllUielll Weill I he Iieh! 'it-poll -iMo for su.-h a pul l:.' ial'.ln ;r. ''I Wil; he lielti-r f',f I,- I" u-iu lill.l Wat!. l-oricd." "f ci iiiinly." i-ai-i.s .1,,,.. "Ithoiieli he does It-a ycl -Mi-P ihc idea Ihat Is lowly takin.', lorm iii ihe oih.i'.s hraln. In order tn a mplisli ihat. ymi and 1 iittl-l c. rc!-e our and ar-rai'L-c a plan hy minus nf -.ihiili ihe I -iron w ill si. p im. i a nap. We kin.' his 1-1111111111', at.. I whal. -, ,-r is done . ill iiae to he sii coat. ,1." "Tiial is ii, liie li-.hl. Mr. iriiiii-.' I'l'o he t'eu'.iuucd PRIVATE CLASSES IN COOKINC. i snll, t here are limr am imn.ii! r oi ! teaehels W l.-i hell! pi':il.e . i.,-.-. s lie ; year ilnoiiuh. "I I.eiieVc." Si'i.! nil. of Iheili. " i il i- :i Iiul oi !' i-hii.n in id' than a p. r : immiii in wain en ih. ai I of I I.i c.ii- li.miiiy. li i :'.iiii live y ars a:., with ;i few apuli. illions llolil fa-hiolll!' e- . y -ii.i'tr . . a. -ii, hut h siif-l" mi. I iiinM ii i!. 'I hey i. silid il.s: l-lletii II ill Ihe use of : ihe ehiiiiii-; 1 i 1 1 and in tic- prcpai ui ion ; cl ,-m h dainties as l.,l .-ier a la Ncw- Iiiiil'. sicWid terrapin, iliieketi a la c:i -f semle and ' lull saiulw iehes. 'I he de maud iiierea.-c,l. ;is tlit' t In- iiuiiih. r of siihjeets 11 j n-ii which in-l rial inn was ' desireil. This i;iowlii ins l-ccii couliii iiniis. Ai the pre.-ciit li : lit- lln re arc at. least clluy teachers ltn tiinl sli-ady cmplcyuicii; in iliis l.iin of work, out lil'iy heloii:; 10 one soei-iy alone. Our pupils uiry urcaily. S. me are nioriiitl , ly -. n-ilive. and nuikc I h.-mselvcs i'llo 1 classes of one. They ..i not wish any 1 one In know that tiny are suidyiin. i.iekety. and in two ca-.-s 1 ';n tn their lioincs the Mint.' as if i were a visitor ' iiud not a tint her. Why ihey are linn i m nsiiivc 1 e.iiiiiei say. Tlie cniiilnoii I piaeiiee is for a! -roup of iri"!uls to liirm a cl iss. Tld- uives a social and I'l-r-i.-aal eli-aieiii :o i!u- ai'i'nir. 1 witi h Woltld elhel'W i.-e he purely liilioii.-d. A third cl.t is of sii'ilei-.ts i pur.- and 'impie. A! one-half are in.ii i i. i! woi.ieii. who de-he In iiici'i as(. l heir liou-cl; .Id knott . lire and Hcontn- jle-iiniciti.s. Oih is ciilei-pri-ln--,' ta.ill" -I ies. who ..!!oW Sellle IIHllv-. f.V, I-IU iicsi"e In h'-eeitie e-.p.-ft pfi . I'essiolt- it's. Sic, lout- of tail type make rapid pn i" less, aiul when they have 1'udshcd n c.uirse ii.--:i!ly'.-' ud iiiiiili hih- ; w.-c.-.s liiit'i licfoi--. 'I'ite iustiiiei Ion vari -s as mueh as the -iinleitls. Titer.- ! is very little il-iiiiind I'm- tuition in i hi' ml makiiu'. This is due not to any j intrinsic uiipopulariiy of Itotiieuiade d. hut u lit - r.'im-rkal.le improve- tm'nl hi hak. rs' hread .-ind the Iiii ;:.' de- ; velnpmctil of l-'rein-h -ind iciilni hak- i '-lu- --N;'w x,'rk ',,,sl- Im - lor l.lll'e On.' i his is a lime wltcll the wants ot lit tle people will a-.-crt themselves, am! Vo have in think of piiiafnit's. ami day 1 mcks. iiii. I eu'iiim: frocks. They olteli itr.ii- a clear inii-lin ..u-r a silk H"ipe. witil ueiiiici- seams um a.-i ' lines: tlie irimuiitisT appears ahove the ! '"''" wf -'"hI depih; ii is n- J'""'J l"" ' ' '- -pes and on 'the levers, which cross the shoulders , ht u ;,t thp ,,.,, ol- a peasant's ; t.kllu.s aro ,.,., ,.,,. (u iul)lili aia ,u lililU(.. lh V (;l.o ,m. form 0f short skirts nutl a sort of over I .,.,11.,..., ,. ..L-., .. Ill, , ivii.. Iil.iile..ti.i! l . ...... 1 piece w hich descends tn h. low the waist, ami such little dresses nrt often richly embroidered. In hnlh hoys' ami i;irls' ariui-nts we are Imrrowiuy some 1 Their .ki.i.-u'lies wn:.! h-a le.-s.-i..-.', i If I'e-y cel'l.l heliexe 'i l! ne-l! ::!'c. a! j t.-r ..ii. u-:.v iii-iir a m tii.ia-.'K. -j and that tlcy have very mu.-li lli t sa iiii- l'eelit. .. sen ' i a'.'ii's aiul lil.-a- A failure lo reee't' '. t!iis Is ant to .alii them a i hiivaei.'r f.-r pride una ! m. a-, liability aii oii their male a.- ipi.tmliiiiecs: rarely, unlet-1, are t In credited with ihe liuildiiy of i'.;iii. rau.-c . The airl wli.i i- a.-.eprihle wiili ni.-n i- a.-ucriilly free fro'si self-eoii-.-!..ii-l.c . ni'd she !i;!i:s '.. Hi, -in much m the same way as -' would to a uirl t l i. la). Sin- is nut perpetually thinkiie: io' w h.i I -oi l o ' iu-e. v-siuii -In- u tun', in,- on 1 1 i T ii. Inn -i..- i- i-:nd and f-i.-i .1 ly. i- inl.-re-t. d in h in and his affairs, aud Icis him t-;.: ii. I ul her ititerest is kept well within hounds, ami sin- Is neiilier iiiiiiisi! Ive itur forward. When iliscussinn anything with liiin she ex presses lid' i, pinions freely, hill al.-n listens In his sympathetically, or If she cannot do that she in any rate f-'ivos thcin a ciiiirteniis heiirinj.'. and avoids ii n 1 1 1 i 1 1 like talkiiii; him down. Nu man was ever yet iiilluciicod tor j! I li.V the sell assertive. Ini.'Ill.-l I if I Weli'iili. Illid Ihe iiill who wishes in! have men friends iim-l i-.-iiieinl.t r Ihat . ihe secret l.oili of her power and l.-r popularity lie- in le-r eitl leness. .-n ee n. 'ss alnl 'Z 1 temper. She iniist i liriiiht and clu-er . mo, and ready wiili her -Illil.-S. hill thai is .plile ;i tii" liiili'.'. he it r 1 1 1 1 -lit I i l -i I. from the .-eiiseless. ill hi-. I ciut-lim; lli. H some girls .-.coin lo fancy is pariieiiln rly fa. -i-: 1 ii: t i 1 1 to liie opp.i.ite .-ex. Am li- alt I Ml' el:. l.miii iitii.-t-i in-i-s. , l.'.ritl cn'ofi-l lafic.i- .- i- very tvi- h ' . ,., ,.,-.,,, -, i. ,,, in pr, ,i..'n i.-ran, .- I . i .i-niii-.' ..ii. I-. ih . riioi... i'.. a n,. :,.iil ! Tiie ii:l.'-r id..!il :ii a i'a-iiii-!ial.le r --- ilt ,j j,,,,; i!,, ,-. .!;,!; hull d t-iur.-nii a pii.i; I a IV-. la wi- -.-i-ii. 'lie- l.i.i'.iee. pollchcl ha. k and from. uis ; all-iosi e.n ere 1 v, ,i li h.-ant .fill eel il l.iee - of hea'.y m-'ke. The slccu-s and h.-r- j Hill W. le Ciiiilel.v of lace ill-ei'i i-.ll-, 1 which al-n Welti down the join,' pi imly i cut skirl. 'I his -kin was v.-ry lull iit j ihe hell!, with il iiiuilililh il.v of strap- i pma- it i.. i u-tiiin::-'. I m- uown w a- nc- livht fully heciiiiiine. as any hlea ot , liin-.liie.-s was Mil'tei.eil hy the profit- ; sion of hcaiitifiil I i.e. Witil I-e.erclice In dfe-ses cnill'nsed . of i-ii it li. canvas and similar nia leria Is. , the le.ltliu-.- tailors nf the hour arc The I niosl u-ei'il! people I, i eolisult. for sar- lui-iiil ai'l ha- v.-ry m arty reached p--r- fee.:.'!!, : 1 1 . - i the old ide.'l of Slili' tllilel' ! lliiitle-. I.a- clilirely .ieai'i.eiti'el exccpi nil olll !!.:.' a. . US. . lli'ls MiihI l'-i- l.iiri-r. j rieilll'e i, .s iu-e a llliiim illi!',ic'..-e pi-nllortl .1... Which, (if i-illfse. I.lllsl l'-.- i..w' wi;. a :.:;'!ie-s study a s,-i-c of ' l.r.i.or'iei.. I..I- es ar,. ae'iiin: vt'.- ' liiin:...!!- ai!,: ion,, ,-ie; . oil-. -.. u. -ni i. , ai.- ci' iihiioriitid to h:ol; well. Inns nii:-t lie liie same. The :ur loque i- i;iii.;, laruer thun nf and irimmed wi;!. a i.".-.-at ileal ,,f ttttle nr ciiil-eu. While and Mark as tracliau ar,- very pi-iailar. oilier furs iit'e used for hii-jer hai- --iieh as crowns and I. rims of ermine or sai-le. l. -i iuht - I' n IK- itdu-d will. uK-ei and ciuilnli. mi.!' laee of e..ll. -e Is eflell ll-'d. For :i Itiiluy Kity. An mn'oi-clla i- a ihin-i liiat every one. mini, woman i iul clald. Iim-l have. Tln-v ar,. not -app.-ed i.i po- .c.-s intieh charae;. r. as lle-v mo a uc e-ary ralh- ,-r than an or.i-i'iuciital ad juncl. I'.ut the wotnati !''ii.v expresses it ii. ili'.s .,!' her loll! ctlso,e,!e as well as in all others. There are tlis liiirl fif hioiis in iind.relliis. htu tiinv is always sii'li. h ;it laiiiude for the dis play of per-olial ta-ie. The prcf. reliee now i- for a tone similar ihat of ihe "own. and in handles the tc:..l.-:icy is low at'.. simpl.V cha-ed silver illlll :;uld, or the uatiiral Wood, Tln- I'.le Collin. Of every eoii- .-ivahle .-iyle and dep'h are ihe new cap.- collars which are seen on every iiupora d -ow n. Tin- inn-di-ts do noi lini-h a fro.-i; lite-.- days without ihe round e.-liar which reaches U-..1I .ml on the -h.illldcr 1111,1 lloV. lt oil .. .1,.. .a. ..,...,1 ..v.... .-.tot '.nu. ina ll'c hue hy swcillna into varied propol'liolis below lite elnow. Cut-set Clt to little. Th.. clasps of Ihe up-to-date rot-set are fiuddoil with turquoise, garnets or rlilnc-ioiies. iiccoi'diiii; to whether ihe art!' .' i!-e!f is embroider. .1 lu forget-mc-iiois. roses or white lilacs. .Mercerized i.nhisuok. a ,-uft. finished cotton -oiuls, is ol:.- of the sea son's material- for children's frocks. I'lepc de chene i- mole 1 lia n ever popular, and there nr.- fancy liuicl .Topes to il.l. I il novelty to this style of -e.o.1-. The siiurie ostrt.-h feather, iii its larg est and most, luxurious form, makes for eoii-.p:eu,,:is o:!ia iilcilt oil many of : ho larae pie! r,i .- hai s. Soii.e i- tieli of i-oi, appear- on tlie v.-ry la'.-.-i n-.-.l. 1 -e.u:i-. ii'id be, all- I:- i- -o Ihl'o o' it a .aids I'.r.leit iO . no .-. he:, e of -fa tii.:i. iili iai!;.y cici.i:,-;- frocks in imvo .hi:.-. p,, i,; ad.,.,, u-iu'i- an, I ,: i aieinl I..-. -, -: - d.y in .iiiadly, - e -.en. : :i:i- s en ,.,e on tin- Im lice .-. .ih preiiy . T.l.- e. ail i'i l'.i I I'-lt ei' ii 1:1 ee ,wi! w-iil i I lit- o! im is a I -, ui i.-aiir. e of .iiteiy i. ; dr.-iv-i.-- weir, aad little heads ami bnls i!- ,v wailiin k.113 -.' luu n airy nn.i s'.m; : i iN. A .l.tpa,:,.-.- wiappt-!-. I. nl h.iii,'. of -..fl filial ed - li- wadded Mil t u fit -d, - a ii..v'iy f.-r tie- !.:;! poopo- this -.-.!- ii. K:-!,.:i., -tyies . ; :.,,ii.-e wraps Il.l k'n'-MIS -.-l.e the s,;i:l v., nl'i-r n luaiiii iiieei.,'..!,.!.' and in piia.c la--.-.-rile.. Bonnets for Iii tie sir'.s ar. m ---es of :-i;-t.t Hick- ;;! I. i I- ---a-oli, and an- .1 'eidy iriil. d ..!.. i:i i ! faci al. d i.r.-uiid ih" ImttAiu. rll.i'on how ,.r re.--i!e or siiiall inn oi l.-ailn rs elli-l'e- ii: hlillt.V be'.. !.. le..- of ihe ,-;!. foil.-. The l areiirie ell-tom ol' s'aothi-r.l'.i; a neipiess tenia, ,.i lli'.ot Mill woolen i.'iee coer!U, lias uiu-lt May in tu n-e of -id, . r chh.'o'l s. 1--.1 esp. : diy f-.r tins 1-1. 1 pose, 'ai'l or i'nii'i.v s :;:e-d. . ;.-; ,:!ie lac- hciniln -. la a ,,y rdiboii is dr., w a. a i -...-.ii. - on ea. I, s:,),-. f T lire i.a'd wiil, :l t w-ll w hii ll mii-iie.i jn i - are hel.l I n place vVwr lu cup w ilU jcv!vtl plus. am 14 1 0k$J i ilk SOUTHERN FARM,'- 10TES. 1 0P ICS OF IN TERES T TO THE PLAN l f " 1 '"" -. , .,., ,i , t-., I .ni.-t.l-.- j..,.,. ,,.,, ,,:r,'i. i,,-,- of opinion and con . - ii.-ii i -li-. ii inn amoir.: lit' in els vi;.i LloW . oil ii a- I" li"' mane, a' of I'eeiiili-; .'Hid I - I II i .- V.l'lle In' col ,ol- -e.-il and .a I. a: .... .1 un a; The Iclttl t in y ;i!h ;-j - is iii- ..; .'...' i.- :. pro lli -Is ...' I ! e f n in .-lit. I 111' - i- ma. i r- i.v a ..a i- an C,,l,.!,-ei d !c- l-i ! . 'i II, la il,!. i-i :i 1 1 ' lean II.' H.I. l.lii ..1 i, I -. I'i'' ., . ,.i,,. ... l a, i - 'ii i ::i,aiel le ,j, I ! A I'ler .-. ;! 1 I,,..,,.. j ;.: -,,i::,,i ih, , id., - i'r,,ie i!,-- pr, - n-. - I iieo 1 1 . - prodii.-i kl..Vill :: - eetl..-e.,l Il i- lit, , ,a i if, . d u.eal n lie- -ai,-- sell-.- thai ,;, , erim., id ,,r ;'i'tnn.l Ka Hir t orn i - l-'aliir lima! 'l i;'- cnlliui Sl.,.,; m, :l prodia , , i i,y i a. . mills mi ai-eailt froiu .iinin-.e.l. ,m, ,s f.i.-i -hoti'd I..- kept in mind when di-t ti.--in--i ih.- e-e- which may ,,. niade oi ihis I I. T ly diflc- , n,.,. i,.iwi-i-ii i orn ami i- : laical i- I ha I ,,f di.-si i'.iliiy. 'I hc . in n,i, ill eieupn- sllioii oi' each, if .loin ihe s.uae lot nf coi n, is ihe -a in,-. I'.ni . ..toii-"c and col I oil-,-.-, I ll!".d life eitliiclv dil'fel-elil In i-o!lii..-:i i--li. I'ol le!,-. d .eliiinns. in ach l'"1 p-lllld- IWehe alld nlle- ha1!' , in,,!- el' pi-op in and marly -ily iiiiie I'ol 'd- e! eav'e. .hydrates and fat. and ha- H MM n i' e I'a'ii,. of 1.1 J. '"'li- 1 ' -' "!' i '' '"" pound- tl. i:; uu p. am,'- . - pmi.-in Mid (: i'"'" l-ai"'- ..' nniM.hy. ..rales and i.i! aiul 1 a- a uii'riiiv.- ra ti" of 1:1-'. TI i iiii iiinriiivo ralio 1:1 " l''"i" r'.oii i'.M-1'iiu iieiwcn !' I't'ntcin and ihe . ai !...hv,lia!. - en-l fat in ii I'--! "' raii ai. I'm- --.-ne.-.i! ! I-m!"-- th" -..r.-tin rat km which is fcl .-limiM hm - v. I !! v a nifiaiive ran. i it en,- to -ix and oiie , u ai ' '1'lm- I'-'ilh r .elioiis 1 u.-r cfiln!; i ! id is siiil h-' I -I a- an cx- ; clu-ive "rain ra 1.411 should he fed j IniU'd Willi -"ill.- lmill richer in I'll! I. o- ' hydrai.-. -u h a- corn. K'ailir corn, ir wh"a!. If . ..i I. .n-cd i- fed at lea-, a!! . ' Mi'-d anioiiiit of mie of these oile r I'erds should he mixed with i:. I' of ''"' 'H '"' "''i'-'z-d to ; -'!' ii'lvamaae than riili.T alollc Co! toll-ecd 11. al sh all.! Ili ler he l'-d llloiie cXcepi p,,-sil,y lo -lock ca'tle ihat have plett'y "i reU'jiiau.- and i'le li.c i-i e.-ivii-e ,, ii,,.,- i -.a.n. la m-ral coi-.,.-e, i! meal -i-.o'ild lie m:e.l and fed W :!h ah ill! thlee to iKe li.m - as lilllt II t ern. Ivallir .a u or wh.-.-i. Wh. He r to feed t ,at -:,-eel or cotton-. -.-il in- al depend- on 'he market p-i. es ,.f i neh and of c.u, Kaiiir corn. Wfea! a It. I loll-.ll feed. TI prices vary --. a real if in different l.-alili.-tliii !i" eein-ral -laii'Uielil whi. lt wl a p;, 'v m ad :!-.'- can I." m Tii" tetiden.-y appears m he toward f. .-.lin-.i . ..! I, ,ii-i ed wiihoiii iuoiiiriu"; ii-t" lie l"'--il. e 1! ! aliiaie- o -ellllm 111.' d I meal. Pound and huvi!e, .-..ttotl ! or poll ml. wh- it li .1 in cm I n -el ; o 1 1 w ii n ntln-r ei'.i.ns ti-.ns I meal po . far "i. -a;. !- f i'.n-r value than cotton s.-ed and can I"' u-ed in iulviiiitiue w h. itiell- i illlll. l.ttrllti-d lainterns 111 tin l'-itlTl. The safest kind nf "-a !'.-: y" lani-rn is l!"l Slltlie'.ellll' s.ll'e In IIIVIV ill!., il b.llll ill the Ii.iJi:. A.-'nhllls will i'i cur. The huiii in may be dow n on L'.i i Mi hA ne V s in Uriel. I R-i-rt C. i'-I Shavt r ntlT dir-.r.- 'ti Iron: t leinar Niiinie I.a'e;- bttrucot t-" ma. via- aiiuncd in X. Y,k , y Mry .'oliu-ise. ,, M.iasil- I -kllseI- U; ' ! " ' ' I Furt h r ef. ri to ay..- on two , l'ulti-,1 Stat.. S. an,.. rs from I'.-I i-Aar.- . rc iriiii..--. Testimony l-t:.iti in the trial nf Wil- Hum Uo..;.cr Y. an,-, iieens.-a ., nmr if-rini; Mrs. .iiui l'ui"'ier m M'W j Jork i I i l , ' r; '--: i: ;i.l' " I At 1- TEH, S TOC'MAN AND fHUCK OHO WER, -. ,-- n t - " level In- illllli.l .1,1., I lie sllllde. hill liie ii.l. riei- li'.lti. d iii any itiii.- Willi- .,111 any t Wle-i,. in, po-iii,.n of th,- I ,.. ilollld I ,ak. il lo illli.V. : 1.,- ! ..h: le l.olh ;.i - :t- well as -liai.l,, al.'ii.l 'in- iV'.i sale- of Hill,,-., i ,-.-.! ... iii.- Lack o. ii. can In- p...vii!.-il V. ii... i; of ;;lil . Ti'i- v , I,:. ;., . I i de-iri'M,. wlr-n li .-Mill-.: : "r ap" i "f loillMii--' - i ii I '.'. i.i i : .. I i .t1:;,- ! i,,i ! a v l.. -i.-!. , :.. , u-i. . Aai re ai' A -ri. ui. ur- (.i-it-s or (,r;iin ( i.tlpr. na-mi-.-r in.ii im-i iniie t. v.-ork Ion Ion" il was io. 1,-1 liie .-al.v In run ihu iiiiiw. i uv, r some pan.- ot in.- !.l VV 1 1 -eVilal lime- helore all ill" lullir l.lad- - Wete i.,W 11. . r else leave lie law it wi'h -t ui':'.-. il appeal am Th priiii i ; 1 1 adiiii!:i:e of this new ma chine is ll:; a. !:,, mallei hi.'.v I, mil' ill,-ji.i-s ti.-:--. ih.- iir-i ciuiiii-' will l.rintc II all ihnVIl in ll.e e.Clllan.l 1,'Vel: ill fad. lli" lotiui-r ihe lit-a. ih.- I., li.-r (le- uoTAny Kivrs nv rnr. i i-.v. muwki:. cm: i - 11 we: h. A w ,11 In- -, eii ihe i aiilei- ai. . ii. ular. l'.,,!h"d l.'heels, le-.olvim- ii Inn -ioiit i,l plan.-- and act-uai.-d l.y -a nr wheel -ei -ai i he inn.-r cii.i- .1 Ihc driu -w !i e -iiafis. These cltli.T- a i:i i.-.ilny aoihinu hut :l sot t I t ir. ular saw-, and l hoi;- action is ex. lolly the ,-ame. sawing ihe -'ra-.,' blade- oil as Ih. lino., r is pu-hed ou r ih. lawn. The mi-v -p. a, II, ar. piu vi.ied wilh hall bear, m:-. ilni- r.-iluc- ilU lie lli. 11, ill n a 111 i 1 . i 111 II 111 . illlll hy iloi nir away will, ihe necessity for run-niii,- il .- a.t tv. r i v. r hiiih l-iiiss more Ihnii on..- ihis uiaihim- should save inu. lt liibar lor iis own. r. The inven tor Tin Hills 1'. Mel Inlllll.l -al-o I lie same principle lo a luiichiut tor ii'.luiu- araiii or hay. What Inti'iimvi- t-'al-niinK 1.. 'A t inci-ivly w i-u that .-very reader i ' Ihis paper Would fad Willi eillc the followim.' arliele on inieii-ivc faruiiii from the I, c ban. i I'arm.r: l:i! i;-ie f. Miiiiu- i- a very plain, simple iti.-iii.r. and ilieie i- no leasou why ,-nij one -Imiild not pursii" ii in,.!.. and im. re. S.uiiei an. s lite phrase. dojy !l-cl ill collle-c! io!i Willi Ihis subject is ".-. ie'ii i!ic funning." I.e.- thill is in tensive fat mill-,'. S.-i- tui.ic. or inten sive, i-.niply liieaii- ll l-.-r ;i!tce of kn-iwn laws of .-i-.rieiiii nr.-. Th,- ino-l primary .h-iiiiii i-ui f -eieiice is some- tllin. Us. ei I. till. .1. !!' II l,!,.VII ll lllll. t As a. fm.her anpli. ation of Ihc idea. I seieni ,iie. or in;, n-u e. farming cons id- what ha-- ... i. a -e."- a im-il or nr. j nmpli-hed in I he :r iuu' of corn. P.y "b-ei -. arnin and exp.-l i. -n. e il. lias lu cil i'.aim; ihe crn piant as it ad-vau.-e- hi mowili throws out tiuiner oik libioii- roots, a Iii tie below the siir-fa,,- of the round, rxieiidiuu from low to io.- befele Ihe perioil of culti vation c a-es. It was the old method p. u-e the deep cullivai u- io the cud. eX!i. ricn.-e showed lilllt it was a mistake in do thai, ami .-hallow eulti vaiion. at h-a-! after th.- plain is ad vanced somewhat, iu :;n,'.vih. has he eoiiie nearly universal, and has result ed in a. -.'i-cai.-r vt. 'td ci corn. Hi re was mi a -e,i la iiud fait, or truth, aboiii "i-ow !il' c. in. or in other words the api. lie. -lieu ..f sii.-u,-,- in a.-rieiil-t !".-. to i- it was i'i ui i d i ail t lie corn P'aiit ie;--ed -oil liiir.iieii "aihered '.v I'.,-.,. itiii.,. '-oil- ii'.;-, ,i-- t is lo p. '- !. t i'. a:..! .h en , uiih at :,m has ' '' - d a- ih- I ' . 1 1 1 ' ad v. t n.-cs hi , " 'i I'i.a! -oi- iv i- a very plant .'.I-..-, -.lid y.-i v.-ry -.-enidi.- i-i iw . i - a. ;"ii I.. . -"it vv in-,. A-iiiiu. heel! ,1111.1 ra b w.'l t.i.'du.e ie -1.1. I itau ei-.V e ,!,-idel- '" Il I.I W le It ll III.- I.ll-el I ..'IT. ' - .'. - ,11 Ihe Ibid. I in. - t i . - 1 nutrition is i:i --t-ovv, ', .-.' - a w o hour - u-i -1 lu ear l..-.i d- stalks - ' ally, an, i - , caa, pi-odue. i I undo!- ih;- im ah, ,d ':! a bii-h' ls i. r a. -re. ami a -.ain -. s r. .iorii-,1 al cv, u -i-a- tiioie than vi hen su.-li -, I a- i he !!-.- of plll-e seed. ! ' I'll"' 1 '-I- .-ipplieai inn ol i :, u:. a u .-. il you ; a i. , fat mi. nr. for Ul-Jfe tU.'Q Ti l.ii-i-l mi bo In s was mv. a in the -v.. v i... ..a..,- j.. ti ,. ..,1:.. . : ' ,,,,.,;, '. ' ' . .. it. ' -"."'- -' ""V '"''. y v . . I l.e ,l )!-il!t-.i iita r , . , . , iii, ii.-". " ' "J,--.- iu .wo. ... .., I o, p;.-;. i-.-i-itiiil tr.-attui nt o! VeiiealciJi- j , ja; ,,,,, l.;.,,f,(, p,-ri-. j AliuiK". ia t-f di.-T-a! d f rri'm L A, r-. whi.b U"llv!n ha I a.'-l. - i Cieti:iaro Kubluo was pl.t mi trial at Brussels for aUeir.jniii; in v-mu'i Kins Leopold Nv vi mh' r l. m-t. Il.iii ii q Wr.kilU,'Wa,IW'.W-iwTli', iiiii ii I

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