PRESIDENT FULLER Threatened With Loss of Hearing,Sme!l and Sight From the Ravages of Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Cured Him r nly riMi from time t. crcitus and ". ii-r 1 a rule, the turina no cut lius'. ism tn t,..e rrc.i It is isi'iier.iilv i iva ai: lie incurable. It thereto,,' in ill-! i r i r medical iiri-'.i when I'r H noiinced lie 1. 1 1 ,!-.,- 1 which would i'ir.' . o.uii, ; ru-at ' ' ; the remedy was '.i.iim l 1 a short tune beanie kn ui of catarrh siilTori'i-;: north, west. Letters testitv niii to the I run.i is a il cure t'.ir . .' pmir m from .ii! ,1'r.vt io;s, ThollSUlds .if MH'il letters ; the oli.-c ..f 'i ll.' P. run . M.-di licv. k stMi..'!iv..ii. p.-;: ' "I f '.'I ohll-cd to eyelid thanks f..r my iii i t fhrmnrh tlie u niter 1 s'i:' an. I luiii tp.ulil' health I iv tlie use nt" cdv. Periin i " The f.ill.nvin letter iietitleniati "f I..i Aiij"' point : Mr. .1 W. I'nMi r. Tres elers' A'S.-e. I' I... h.n heen Ml lni.":ess i'i h it . itv i enteen ve.irs em . f t'le :'-.rtv ': : hrls li.e:i en ...fe.l i'i !i;i-'i..--s I hi CVI'iTletiee ll'i'1! I'l ifi.l - 1 '. , "I leas troubled ii ith eatarrh head for m i n i; yea r. 1 1 af'eetril m 1 ftenne of Htnel 1 1 Ii en ri mi 11 11 '.I v.iir. ' FACTORY LOADED W ';W''?&; Mimh Again . ...i.irrii iiif Nrti .! v.-. l Cf t.tne. "ii. h i- ; ny-. - v. ;-. Ss I , T ' , n ' . sn, III litis ' Vf-'un':':: V- 1J FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS M I "New Rival" Leader" Repeater'" MF vcu are looking H munition, the kind -1 point your gun, Loaded Shotgun Shells: uNew Rival," loaded with Black powder; "Lcad:r" and "Repeater," loaded with Smokeless. Insist upcu having Winchester Factory LoaJ:d Shells, and accept no others. ALA. DEALERS S25 Every Day k Cn u' t-o-il ui ide with our f Well Augers & Drills On r.iat- rt'.-l "Tie h-M ro (tip ifiiy ui.t rs B Tintf a-nt Hi'.' -i-.i Mnv uiourouilom- H ; ; LOOWIS VMHt CO liFFIN. OHIO. W. J. Hoop, ail A'.ith sr.'. jutn has. il the l ilsini s.s (.f 'lie lit r.altimoi'1'. torn" months : J t'i'veil it.s plan Voth as to spae ,M..:i.'.ta. ' it 1 : .sun 1 tl 1 t ' i II IT - .1. .1 il!- Th" II ;. : to nlat i.' .I 'l'",l'i!.f.4 1! 110 I in. ' . Ml. has I 'i':. t ll '.ll II I'i. ,1'S'l jeaves ample room Kpiipment. The .1 will continue its ,.th tblil t.lkis IIS into Vf may ! ! 1! m '1 n lt'.uii;hts. to .! ! litis'"! THE TEST Ji Vast Number of Kidney Suffering People, Cured by l)oan"s Kidney Pills, eav but for the f ree Trial ihev vtould still be in Agony. tlolden Merit at your Connnar..! t Cot. 1 Mtu s ( irv. I 'deceived tic satti''' Ovidney l'ills an 1 t directions. Tin y '! B procured a " , . ;: fun 1 have !.i ,1 ihc bai Utu ie i l.lso had urinary 1 nei o jrt-t up t'.vo an 1 tl : I urn ail ri rht now. I'ills prosper. Y'Hii- l dini; 1 , v 1 s that c.ii:si'. n ti'iics of a ni I.ntig may l..;;i r-.!v, A. ". tsllK. Scvi re and long standi!,;: r s I lake advantage of frci Medical A Isi.. J (iR.M KaPIUS Ml' II . 1"' b. IT. I:, ' U received the trial pai U i'e"f l 'in - i' i Yc Tills pnmipiiy and tan truly say t!i- ; fire all and even ni-:e tb-ui rei oinin, is-iid .0 sulTcrcd c'oiuin'.'a: y with a severe pair, Jin the back. "hi. Ii l a' )' en '' "v,,r Slime, and 1 11111 ah!" t ' v.hi. 11 -.voii!,! tjiot hae bun M.-sil.:e b n i- r 1. all's Kidney rids. Mas. .1 A cui imh, Wj '9)uiuu'uau bk. lirtud llunJ,, AIaU. i i OF THE JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION sii II I lots iiunieti iofi io.'fom onii en (i le.i I ion to re- I tie u.c o' 1 1 liree mi', bill to tin nil kinC n Hint i n iim.s eiilhd In Hi iinM: my trod ici- '" r Ijret of Peril mi. m K,sf S'l ) f 'i f in must S'lfi that I m l irllh most su i trtsl itft ami mil is'iielorti result. I'eruna to k lioUl iJ tlie mi p'a I nt (i H ii ill (ire J f en 1 1 re ' 1 ii uf (i lit ! s- in . ".l((tui'i irW d'diij; Intra rl fi ill lulled spun ' inn ii ( (tin .'"!.(( a i iliild on e the result, i ml feel (..Veil iiiuii-; mini nia(it. " .. II . fuller. SHOTGUN SHELLS for reliable shotgun am- that slioots where you buy v inohester Factory 1 r KEEP THEM apudine Cures Nervousness m w r.vsuj m ache. '" ""e- t Drnintores H: Sp-O'ited by Electricity. 1 1 i'y will n mplish almost u.-n !:. A .'tit illustrattun of - ; si.-1 a:: in t'ie 1 as- of au engi r isi a x.-'and tannery, who had n I. ii,i ;. ars. S; ddenly a lit t; 1 in fim to -pr.-'it on his head. : a !". -I.s ..iter his cranium a.; run v. iti; a thick but short ; ,w;h "I !-.a;r. A d. '.Tor investigated . n;a'': etui e it:: (I that he had ei u wiakii'i: uiuUr a revolving belt. - hair had been spn uted by eleo OF GOLD. I'hi5 means let. ;s. I Hip. back, and wiaiing of tho ' s V ."l-ll brick dust sedi- in passing, drib- i m tt iiiu' Doan's ca:. mi and griivcl. t-ttii.ii. sleeplessiiCSS, . lii.'il.ess. .! f'USLIC APPROVAL. pams s and v V: Doan's : . 1 1 " s ictney Mr -Tills. iOiVt Airy! CrttfttiftlrTlXf. .-it. I me bv mail, without cbAflftt an 9 Kiilny 1 i..n AleOkaJ Adrtc prec-itrtoW CwftM. e..ven-l ;vv . ; :v I "tr ev. Vv.t tn- -.i;.- :,tt.. .1- I:,, ai' -e ale 11.1t used ; ;.'i' ; 1 l-.i. .1 . : : . ti -- '.n:tett per- l."ll I I I .! ft 'l.i.-s!. 11 , 1 It:.' 'A I :li . i w 1 ::1 A pattipli'.i t nr.. -I wi'h -u. ti utters will ' ,.( ,1,.. t ..... ll" 'tit, ''I', i'!!'' -- ir.-e Tlii. l"H'k ! , ( . . -1 1 mi ! 1 i i- r, .1 . : ,i . a:i.i i - : 1 t trie i tira- ,V I... .'' .:! ' .i'i ii.e: pt .;i:.f .ltl-1 S.Kls ... : . 11 I . ih. u-e : I'.'i ana write it . !i. i .'.i tuil state- A !'!i-.' li. Hi::::":. l.iit 1 .f The I L555S ft 1? tv-'i- trial li yiWiVAVAWAPWAW; 5 household J MATTERS :j Brightening Sue! Ornament. Stet'l ornatui'iits miiy Ih iuiiJc liright ly tlie use of hut'iit n 1 11 1 11 . lHun soine nluiti ami iHjund it Hue uiul gift tli rough niiKslln. Apply dry with a soft 1'i'iisli. l'DWili'ii-il luinit nhun can be JU'otiltVil at the- ihi'inist. Kinoiy powder well ntlibt'il on will ofton ri movo small Kiuits of tarulsh ou stei'l. Ueallu With the Knlrher. Of I'ont'si' there nro buti'liers nnd butchers. I Imvo in nilnil ou? who knows It till so tliKi'ounhly thnt tho fits tonwr is not in it" at nil, at nil. His greatest ntino.vaitee. wiiieh is so appar ently manifest, is to be nskeil to show bis goods. Yon tire therefore denied the right of seein-r your purchase or witnessing the scale weight. He Is Al ways too busy, or "l have got .lust the right lilece for you. can't get nt It now, but will sen.l It over nil right." And bo forth niPl so on. You doti'l like to tell this liii.n that It nil may be ex actly ns he says and that he may be scrupulously honest, but yotiM like to prove it: Ho holds a knife in his hand and your last month's bill Is not paid, and there you are! This butcher is ditlk'iilt to got along with iu system atic niul respectable housekeeping. When you market for meat see what you are gel tin. Cradunlly you will learn the good culs; you will know enough to discard certain pieces. Don't leave your corned beef to your butcher. Kveu a tyro can instinctively tell one good piece of this stock from another, but the butcher wants to sell all of If, and you are a little more apt to get "rags and gristle" thiiu fat ami Juicy meat - Deshlor Welch, in tlood lluuse-keeping. Tlie dire of Ftirnllnre. The care of furniture woods lt fin exceedingly Interesting part of the In telligent housekeeper's duties. The dally llfcht dusting must pupplement the weekly rubbing If the "bloom," In this instance inn desirable, is to bo kept away. As a rule, the use of oily restoratives is to be deprecated. ITii s applied by a tireless arm ami thor- oimhly rubbed in. and thereafter the piece of furniture kept In perfect polish by a daily rubbing, the oil is sure to form a crust sooner or later, which Is gummy to the touch and not pleasing to the eye. Tor this reason uew furni ture should be kept 11s long ns possi ble without the application f such re storatives, l'uniltnre which has been liti.shed with shellac or varnish, wheth er in utossy or ilnll finish, should never be cleansed with soap or water. Soap Is made to cut oily substances, and In the performance of the service for which It is made eats the oil out of the wtixed, oiled, or shellacked surface It touches, ati.l destroys it. Where white spots appear OU polished surfaces from tlie dropping of liquids or from heat, the Immediate npplh tion of raw lipseeil oil will generally restore the color. The oil should be left on tlie affected spot for several hours, or over night. Alcohol will per form the service if applied nt ouce to roM wood or bichly finished mahogany. In c.ii'h itistain e, when the color has I returned, the spots should be polished iv.hh a piece if cheese-cloth moistened wiili turpentine. Harper's Hazar. Chips Boil one cup of granulated sti'-'ar and half a cup of water to tho era. k: wheu the syrup dropped In cold water hardens, pour into a greased tin and when tmite cool mark off In squares; these may be dipped In choco late wafer mixture; add to the iugar and water when putting It over tbe tire ns much cream of tartar ns will on the end of a penknife; too much cream of tartar. will muke the Cindy tough. Vanilla bailee I'm one pint of uillk over the lire; rub two tulilespoonftils of corn starch in n little cold milk or witter until smooth; when the iTMlk Is si aiding hot add the corn starch, stir ling until creamy: bent the yolk of one eaa. pour sotr.o of the hot mixture over it. then add all together; add three talilcspuonfuls. uf sugar, stir for one minute: do not allow to boll or It will curdle; remove from the fire;, add on teaspoon of l.utler In stun II pieces nnd one taWespoi'ii of vanilla extract. i.'ermnn lniinpllugs Sausage duuip liin.'s are made as follows: Make a paste with three-quarters of a pound of flour, four ounces of suet. salt, and as much milk or water as will make into a light dough. Divide this Into eicht equal parts, loll out and lay on cu b a snusiige; wet the edges of the paste and make it secure. Hare a saucepan of fast boiling water on the lire. As each dumpling Is readj drop it In. Let these boil quietly tut nil hour. Serve very hot. with good brown gravy poured round and (hepped purs ley scattered on the dumpling. Celery Cheese-Molt half an ounce of butter iu a small saucepan and add half an ounce of Hour, then pour la by degrees half a pint of milk and stir quickly until the sauce is perfectly smooth nnd thick. Season It with cay enne, salt and a liitle grated nutmeg, and aihl two ounces of grated 1 heese. Have ready rai her more than half n breakfaf 1 up of rooked celery, cut into small pieces; stir it into tho cheese same, and till some little bread eases with it which have been quickly fried In l.oiliim fat : scatter some gni'.ed Par mesan over the top of the celery and place the cases in a quick oven for a few moments. Potato Volcano -Mash potatoes smoothly, sonsoii with salt, butter and a little milk. Form (on a plate that can be put in the ovetn into n conical shape, with n hollow in the centre as large as a cup. For the filling use a half cupful of melted butter, four large spoonfuls of crated cheese, yolks of two eggs well beaten and n little pepper 11 ud salt. Stir together thorough ly nnd pour into the crater of the inouud. Spread the sides of the crater with a thin coating of melted butter nnd sprinkle fim? bread or cracker crumbs over nil. Hest and brown In the ii v eii and serve. This is an uppe tUlug guppof with cold antut. 1 I I WAS SIMPLE WHEN EXPLAINED. But Phonetic Spelling of Name Puz zled Hotel Clerk. The man walked up to the hotel register anj signed bis name, with a flourish. "K. K. I'htholcgnyrrh." ' Ian,'; here, Turner," said the clerU, who knew him very well, "is somebody on your track? Where did you p't that outlauillsh name?" "My boy, you're ilow," replied Tur ner, airily. "That's my saiiio oi,l i.atne written In plain Knglish t'ti.l pro nounced ns It is written- just '''arm r. Look at It. Of course I do it .iust to make people guess. They wonder about my nationality and the premiti cifttlon of my name. I can har h. in tal" about It. Hut, as I said t" fete, it's English spelling." "Will you kindly explain?" a -V 1 the clerk. " 'Phth,' there is the sound of t' in 'phthisis.' " began Turner: " oio." there Is the sound of 'ur' iu 'colonel ;' 'gn.' there Is the '11' In 'gnat:' 'ynh' is the sound of 'er' f.i myrrh." Now if that does not spel Tun er what does It spell?" " Well," said tre c'.-rk. "it Is lueli? for me that the majority of men don't reclster their names phone!.1-tally." Answered the Description. He was dining at a foreign hot''!, when a detective approached and Fa id : "Peg pardon, sir. I am in search nt an escaped conrlct. and shall have to trouble ou for your passport re a matter of form." "Put do I h ok like a 1 .m id ?" -Possibly not. sir Still, 1 shall re quire to see the passport. " The Knglishtnan. 111 his annoyance, snatch! up the bill of faro from tho table, thrust it in the deteeth e's hand, and exclaimed : "There It is. then!1 "What Is this? Sheep's hea l, tierk of mutton pig's fret." The description tallies exactly; you mu?t come along with me " . Samuel S. hwniin. who was i!s!n!n ra ited by his father he, ailse he d S.'fti il the PeinoiMiit:.' party. il;e I 0:1 Thais day last at his home in Va!l-y View. Pennsylvania, aged 7'! years. He w.nt away to the civil war a Petnocrat. 1 when lie P'turned he Ib'tithd hiiii- if with the lie I'lihlh an party. II,, it's TliU'.' We offer (.'no Hundred P illars P-Ta-l'i: Miy case of ( iitarrli that ea:ni"t he enrM ,. hull's Oitnrrh Tare. Y. ,T. rMV & Co., Props.. ToIciJ... 11. We.theua lersnai 1. hnve !;ro?.-r. F. .I.i'I.k. rr y for the ai.: 15 years, nn J h.-d.-v l.i :. r leetly honnmhlc 111 nil bi:ii-.. trio. s i r, -n nnd lltinnel'iily nl,'.e t ' "any 1 i.t nay ' ;: . tlon made by their iir.n. W est A liiL-AX.V;i.,.e...i.e Hr.u-.-lsts. I'. i ., Ohio. wAt.ntM. Ktvsx.VMnvtv.v;...:cs, 1 .- ?IS1B, I ob-d' ', I Mil", lull sC.'itiirr.i t 'ure i in .'ti intern i"y. . Irg dlrci'tiy upon tie' 1,1 ...J .i".i . u - a- s Itees ef tlie urste.i:. l'rl '.v 7.'.'. 1 er l,.'t:.... told by nil lr.ig.-it. Ti.-'lai 'iaas fre. liali's Fatntly 1'illr. nr' ti-..- I It's n-: fun for 1 hds to jiiiTrr ,'i -i'.-: " ! ---.aiif 11 riso'sfure tor i'"iiimi; tl."ii is HHlafalii1'' medicine lor . ms-as i t: 1 .'.!,!. S. tf. Srt-Oeen lirove V ' Fel 17 I 'M. ka. ' U Mrs. Cinmons. saved from an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lytlia H. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. "I am so pleased with the r-Milts I obtained from Lvi!i;i I, l'iiikliiiiu's Vetfotable Conpomid that I feel it S duty and a privilege to write you about it. " I suffered for 1 .. r five years with ovarian trouWes, cvisiiv' an nu pleasaut diM'hurp'e. a great weakness, and bt times a aintness would come over 1110 which 11" aiti iiiit of medicine, diet, or exei'cise siemed to crreet. Your Vegetable Compound fourd tho weak spot, however, wituiu ti few weeks and Mixed n:e from nil operation all my troubles bad dis appeared, niul I found myself once more healthy and weM. Words fail to describe the real, true grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick eud suffering' sister. Pon t oslly with medicine vou know 110M1 iag about, but take lyli;i 11. l'liik ham's Vegetable 'uiipoiiiil, and take my word for it. you will be a different woman in ;i short time." MRS. I.wra Emmons. Walkerviile, (int. 5000 forfeit If 0'ir ',.11 e eff ifit" n - f rj ftnmrtnesi cannot bn t'OJ.if' l'. Don't hesitate to write, to Mrs. PinkliHiu if there is iinvt hiii-r about your case vbicb yon do not understand. Me will treat you with kindness and her ol Tlce Is free. No ivoinau ever re gretted writing liernnd she has helped thousands. Address it Lynn, Muss. 210 Kinds for 16c. 0 It (9 A fllCt tliat.Sa.frf liccN nrt f.iUdl 1 morf4trleiitttUd on minvfi.rnis ttnui miir otter In Atur--u. I tu rv Id m. reason for this. W- own nnl nu-,' Hod of cur rh jUv nxf:. In oi1t to i llh lidliMiiiu tiTii.r.i. . lrnf.l nf.i f For K Cents Postpaid fa J ti M-H-M NIUH arl.ll.H ti rare lutrieae red I' KHepleadia) t-n 1ttHial keitiruinnwp , tn H cio kin l iKrtir.'Iv ,J, M:':ef : -:-iu.l i t J9 ii'lli'liiof tli. .:; v. i.f tlitn. t'Uf'h-sLt er ,iii t .ir fi-r-ta:"a.T- r.-lurrf ail fjf rAx M a. a(, m u i-af . ttitn.n lol lj " lr brass, Tw-rit. Ilrunn.t. t'lt izjjt ii rr ituij in Ham i tuia tvi I. eg 1 HI IT ItlKi. ItKMMIMII. Illla TniVtUKHRV PI.:m. RIB- HoaKS liBU'e llBtf. aph l. l- Tr. fjr"CtlO:il"tnl i n DPlllr" n nl. lm nt htoma teaharn- an4 Ihirri-4 f iMmmih llnrka r'ull lor O'krrli I'iCVi. ai ra,h Alt para F"LIM, , l.s 1 slloAls. ihrra in,.uihj alalaOaaask 1 D W ATHIX- A HRtl. lla'I.Sorn. a II 1 IN. ; I I (Til 1 1 Mil ,0MN SLiER SEED CO.. "J nw F t l emit Hiat au um tins. rk I I Saat Court sjrup. itii...i Lie 1,1 la tlma. Sol.1 bT dnnnri-.. Ml tVW . n r: -I,,, e3entials of the happy homes of to-day is a. fund of oe-.ei.V'V-'toiiuhtlivin? and the best wwitoda of promounq ; 1-ippincss. With proper knowledge, each hour ot ''-reat'o.', of ' eni Jvment and of effort may be made to contribute T i' at"e id and are of not less value than the usinR of the most u-hoic-o-i"' f"ods and the selecting of the best medicinal agents -hM nee ' ' With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used f-'v 1 en nature needs assistance end while t!i: importance of cPinsiV' tii--- system effectually, when bilious or constipated, has !. h- ':i knevvn, yet until within recent years u was necossaiy to r seit to oils, silts, extracts of roots, barks cihor cith.-.rtics v.h'":l! were found to be objectionable and to caU for constantly iiic.'iMsed quantities. I'll mi physicians having learned that the most excellent laxative -id cii;'iliiitive principles were to be found in certain plants, .;t,r in ",n leaves, the California Fifr Syrup Co. discovcrod , 1 ho 1 of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and of pi- s .nni r thera with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form iuast accept ible to the system and the remedy became known as Syrup of Figs -is figs'were used, with the plants, in making it, because of their agreeable taste. TM . excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use as the best of 1 :-m!'v 1 ixatives,' because it is simple and wholesome nn''. cleanses ard s-neis the system effectually without disturbing the natural functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon tinued when it is no longer required. Ail who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember i'mt it ii the one remedy which physicians and parents well-informed flrMir.v- and recommend and use and which they and their little ones alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle anion and it3 bencocial e.'fects. , ... f y.uti of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of lVtv c'-.i.s rer bottle, in original packages only, having the name of he Ycv'uv Svrup of Figs and the full name of the Company C-il'Vi-e-t i'i" Syrup Co. printed on the front of ;very package. n r A ' Louisville - 1 -S uar TP, Ml fSn'O Cherokee Remedy ot bweet uum ami munem .;,;::,v,lr yht 1 Hi lUP Cm??is: Colds, LaGripjK :!;;:!':!v:::i;::;::.-A. WZWXW !Tf Qcr.sra.!y Right aj;f.V " f'A- tpr Take advantage of 'jf$ZS?l! ' v,,"t expertenre feiJV v' and usU her what is IT Kidnevand H!o'.,l Tt'.ubi. ii... . ,'i - t We 03. TriASHZS'S LIVER ASO BLOOD SYRU? tiecaese V.i' h.i Oe d it : lei knnwl il ems III en . n r nk. l !," toil's aisit i tplm''!''. ' -,i ':. a r:.l Jl ,.-' . 1 v ., ,1 .,uKi.,.-. IT Th 1. .111 .1, ".i U'rt!,' .It i t.'l"l:tlti II I'rjMHt B-J inin:i r. iuil,', Ivors-,,, a-. f.J l.ittar.n..-,i. :.rn 'J Cant H?' -rd Out. Capt. Lamb, tie lii.,i"nl member, always adorns hi- ip''"'hes with tin us brief ir.cii'.cnts. in which tho life id the I 1.1'iiU 1 peep',.' of the south is depict- d. "T!:e , au, tain and I spoke from the at:., "iatforin ner in Haltitm re tii otlo'l' i.lit." said Mr. "Hunli" Smith ot M:i '.rean. "lie made a speech that t.i'.;. 1 ! oh ed the aildii-neo nest by t"'.i:t o! a In nieerat's plea it; tl-.o las: el "t.i'ii for the vote of a rcKt n. . ' M n ,,-'i. t net it into your hoiK1 thai !i'!'o :'.' ans emancipated the .-lav,.-.' s.i 1 a 1 1 niocratlc candidate to tii's I.' er.'. 'That wtis providence.' pri'vidi tn said tne d'liil'iif" i oh r.d man. 'but 1 reckon ,. . , . . Mars (.runt ln:(icd mit Kits. V usa ti:i;ton Ph.-. A Long Correspondence. .Mis. J. ,i. .-lllilli "I ' ".anions, ..nil,, n,,,; nllllVh 1111. ''ill 1 :'i;.i Mrs. Sarah K Mariiti of Weno- - - ; i a. 11.. bavo a recor I fi-r eotitinnoii., it'C'sK'Hi K , e.t ii.t' rriitit' d " i r, sponilence that , U..11I.I lie o,r,l to i.."ial llolh of lliean J old ladie? were born ill Franklin I comity. Ohio, and '.vote close friends : trom i-nrliest childhood. Forty-seven i - rat's aito. howevi r. the parents of M is. Martin reinne,i to Illinois, nnd 1 1-.-ii bi-enn t ie correspondence that ; 1 as never been allowed to Mn - At ' l. nst once every month they exchange ! .iters, one writing on the first and the nthir un the fifteenth. The only vines they have not written Is when , .... l as ''i i u vis'ting the other. The new Prim "'.nn I'liiversity cata- iouiie -hows a tot il of l.:;sj students V'-n. aitiin.-i i."."'i last yiar. The ; tutni'i' cf profi s: nrs ami instructors! has in. ! as d fioin 1"1 to 10s. The j enibin- i Priii' ton libraries n.ntain j L'.'.i'. viiaa. s. It.'" " having been added ' d'it lii- th" year. 1 Asth ma "One of my daughters had a terrible esse of asthma. VC'e tried almost everything, but without re lief. We then tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-hslf honles cured her." Emms Jane Entstninger, Langsille, O. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral certainlycures manycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. cold; yv.. Jut rmlit lor ornnchlti. boara- ?,aa. hard colds, etc.; ft. moat economical ur ehiroclc caiaa and to kaap on hind. J. t. AVI R Co., rowan. Maaa. -T' "' "1 sjmM 1 B San Frar.tlscc, Cul- , Ky. WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE, WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER .a TEIAL POTTfX IO CENTS j v H s i 1 &f?i?r T ifiir v.'.'r. K.J u. e '1&4 m?fr r."S I-- au.-uu. d Reflections of a i at'.i lor The load t 1 lb' pi'orbie.ise tbto'.igh t':i stock '. I. (b ttinc. into so. i. 'y is i'.,.' itivi . i :! for .. tt.ti inly 'Aiiy .- . : i ; b nt. de ' The i . a, c is by makiim th, ; i v.ul. K '.en "ii". -.'a tn i v ! !i. . !tr. .Il vt J I ' la i 1 1 i; I'm i ee lit ii all Hell t c.l 1. ' ITTSi i'niuiuentlvi".ii'' tisane. I.rat ilu ' Xw-eli.'M..ry.2trli l,-: tlean.l tteal ... h.m 'r. i', Ltd.. '- il A: a .. i : a a I . Mrn.Wlnslow'i '.:.: , .'. " : trelhlnjt.f dleiitlie u-ii h 1" j , 1 ' ) 7i r&.&ff & v si? Ay A i J VISA The Great Spring Remedy. BLOOD PURSREb.' V' if WAN , i ii! ll-l.i ! lie e l . I II M 1- RHEUMACIME. Tliis mi.ii. -dililh r :!!.. .1 Ask vour ontf.Ms tor RHf'C MACIi'Je rue -v.z.-A tn f tt:tiT it. ', He.var.' ef sul-.stiiutes of cl.'.'i'lt'al v: c.f. A.I Piujcu, ft on. i r . ; , . -' tlohbitt Chemical Co., H -C- ' v "s !!" ' JUST A DELICATE HINT. How Irishmais Wittily Suggested Ad ditional Refreshment. An Irish jaivey ! ibil: n with an Kuk 1 ith isiti,r. who was on his way to spend ('liiisttna.s with, some rela tives in Ireland, i u a hi::- , 'y n hi day in liecr-niber thrmuii tie wilds oi Conneiiidrn. Tiny himnic ipiite so l iable ( n the way. and the native, in n burst of ( ciifldi lice, pointed out a sh la i n w!;.'t'.- the "In st potheen in (' ... t.aibt" miuht bo olitain.d. Th" Mm: lishiuan. t.niy too flad to :.'t n". , ;. In.rtuuity of va!'it:n- i .i.sself, i.::-,. 1 .eficohin. t.t, wliiih i :.i r was r.U";l.. aeti-pteii. " "fis a very cold day in the.-c parts Pat?" ohsi-rv. a! the tourist. " Tis. your honor." ie: li,-, Pat. 1 1 raised his kIhss, ami the c.u,t. , speedily vatiish.-il. "And there', it,:..: in the oubi savin'." he, ;. added, smacking his hp , ii:,- s low never madt; a auir.m-.T." Lie.,; . Tit-Pits I When two woaa n go to a r t uiin' 1 to divide a i hb-ken salad I a i . n 1 1 . : it is a liilii h'.on jjivr-n .n i a, 'a ot'a.i '. 1 bouor, r 1 V?.- , - -( V m t. y-si y 1 JlaUaa A liokfen kuic o? A;:-,vicuiUire: Ito r;,.'. ! p. v. er ! iti.i a" I your crop V. ,11 k' (f a.-.v- rn. t it" Ii ' ;; g a . - -1 $mm ?; 4 -si .-ice, -s ym mm ',.V.'.li. .' ' I V .. t I'.tV SPOT ASII I OR ""i'oVNii LAND WARRANTS r7 -r a, - ..:.! I ui. . ,ra- ; . 1 !1 , l!ult,niire, A-J.. f. S. A. () ;; . :t ..a-i',ii ALL WEARERS O- TUP ORIGINAL Gs'.Q CLOTHING f-.vr rr is lilf. 3ST t:?e world l- ANi SAY IT EM ATI C ALLY ! .1 T .' C ! Oi.OM. MA55 U 1 A. n .,-:: O.. -'.J. TOKSNIO, CAN. tiraraMa Cenuiac stampf i C C C. Never sold In bolk. Bi",v:o of the dealer whn tries to sell "something just SS good." - II.'int w1'iiTj-0.!jjsj5'aLy(l VValsf ' sl 1 i ' I i I .."mi 11. i . v. i 1 - u'i ' i'." "', '" ' .. , t n .m; :i a .. I;, r ' '- '-'' - xrf&r fa AY Hi'.',' f-'-

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