Xl)c Cljntljnm Uccorb. H. A, LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, K F.-i RATES OF ADVERTISING, Ooe square, cue itit-iortiun $1.00 One equaro, two iuaertitna 1.60 One square, one mouth 2.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be iiku.c. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance VOL. XXY. P1TTSBOIIO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, TH UKSDAY, APRIL Itf, IWtf. NO. 35. l)c tfliotljnm Uftorb, ft I u THF. - -.vi Fl ftrcn'i Aurhor or"Tfe Mouse CIIAI'TV.!! I. i.Tlt Tllll ll. Toor Willie slar.ed back, stumbling over tin' rmiirli ';,m:!M-1. ami presented n very ltd, itu.'st fuco to t h.-ir view, i Hut they tool, no li'iU.v of l.im. Stepping gen 'aey cvi,l' lli" rougi: mound?, looking Ic-tut ifuliy cool and dean ninl smart fin. I wcll-ilrot-s-.-d be Hide the I.:-.-. in; .-lii-.l r.wl it rp :ri ti tr Willie, they Hi:-, iv hack their In ads. linlf close.l their cyi s. and proce-vled to criticise t In work 1" fort mm with ns nint h tare nn 1 rn -fit p.t tis tiess as If it had bet :i a painting mi Uu vails of l!n New nailery, i "I say, old chap, it ready 1 the best thing you've i-ver do began 'ito. with kindly admit. 'it hm. , Hy .love, .tuiil.wi. I iif.tr tlmug'ii jou could paint before," iit'.l'-.1 ('.P' J'eVd. There's a broad t til' Ii, : ml ;it 1lit same time .1 nit1 feeling for ef fect, which "inws :. :i Immense ad vance on your previous work. Vou scorn, so to sjtt i'!;, to hiivi pur all your strength into 11k work. It does yon immense civil It it really iln's, niil chap." "Sonio nieiMilir' in It, too. An 1 that's the point whoro yon ftlways fallftl herore.- . 'To the Intense ilisiut of AVlllio. pretty Nell v.rs evrleiiiiy nmeli liinnsetl I'.v Hn -e r- i.i:ii!."-. A t n 1 . n! tllOllL'il a l'f'llll ,' t.!' I'oM.l. set ll.lillu' Kratiuiil to 1: . !!'i.:i ft ,'ii!;i:ii'e" l.i. ;'. l.rr try l.i ;!;. ml In r en.itiyine'it. t ! f- ft.rtl i:i !: ! t! ll. eyes a merii i s ket ti that she stili- l li' iiifesi:::;-ilt. . ;l f." tt!-tiili.l.-il Wl. lai lil. tit i i . ;!i.. t'.iietl i i r ; 'll's t .sy To l!-. lli.llv. !.'. tlju wo;-;: y..iiv. '"No. t.'.'l t-'iap. hat ilepth of e. ynii'tl like to try sh.iuM never .set s.iid Oito, eahnly riirveyiiu' tin artist's he.uetl. erlw; :oIl I'; "It wains a iw.iinal apiiiilile for that Sort of thiii-;." sa'd ri;tTof.l. "Well. oii t:ia lake ."i: .-.-Ivi s e t If you have l'.t.lrn lt It. r 10 tlo th,-o to liliil I a nil villi what you haven't the pluck to do yours-lve." tsaltl A i!-111-. :-!:; I"t . "Wo';-.' li it lil'ilili; fault. N't'e :!:' t'.'iji' ss:i.ic our athoi'-aiioii." s.iid linn. 'And v. e I'.-.'? niiiio r. i.ly lo try our hand Hi r.-t Im -," .-a'tl t'llffofil. as. . wiili a -oi.lii.-n I nisi of . -n.r:ry. l.-i.i .f his il.'vii-i- i.i lii-..( r in lie in iiiiiio--liootl of Neil, li- ili-i-w t iV h s own cent, an 1 s;vul-!i"1 for po--.-.-;oii m ; the iar-hrtisii. ; V.ut i"!ll;. I'esisii'tl. .Mini th-jv ira -i'.;:iiu' r of ih -ir l o h saif'-rin'.' scere ly from '.lie iiaiiM-" '' le" pr.i'. wh. ! lln olt.ie.-, of ;,i ii. in !i .'i'.;:iilai' In ally lliterpost-ii. i "if you really ai. o f'-.il o ctieriry that you ne il oui" veil' for i'.'' sa--'. Mii. in a v. lit-e which w.-.s i'.iil of gestioiis of dt mure me. !': : ni. "yo.i tulslit help pull no those li-'it-." Ami -slit 'one.-d I .vo o:' Ihe sinai! pleasure-era 1 1 in ik' river, hoili if wlilcli li.'id i vitl' iii'y Mii.i '.e'l some In jury, as their water loj.rued t-oiulitiuu lion wltn- ss. t.'llirord sei a' out Ihe task with en thusiiisni, at'.d, not without didlc.ili.v. fcurwiled In li.'iii.'li. ; the ho.-ns up o:i the slimy hank. It was warm ivo'.k, mid as O:to t'onyheaiv? untile n ofci to assist li'i'i'. If was a l":i-i linn liei'or. Ciin'on. maniu'eii, liist by haliui; iho wa:e: out of the lioats wiili ail old pail ami thou by itii'iiiiii: tln-m a little on one , Kido when lie h:nl panly tirasveil the n cut, ntnl etnpivi!!-: tliein. to tinish his task. When hi ai lasr raised his head With a ureat si.:li of saiisfaetioli. li-. Hnw in the rher below a weather beaten old punt, iu which sat a youiii; : tislu'rinau of tlit rt alistie, n t the oper- lit it, kind, wearing a liar.l felt ha,, a ' plained Jersey, and a liiio pair of tea- : toots, who reai.Ie.l him with au nir of inlnRifil pity ami coincmpt. "the always pets meotrs lo do ll"l dirty work, she tlo." h" o'osei veii. With ft jerk of the head in the direrilou o:' , fair Nell. "And tin better divss.il they are, the more she likes It. Oil. : fslie's a ran nil, siie he.' Now, it is iini in human nature to like lvinn classitl iiiuoii the "moos," ami 'liiVoril. who could hanl'y tlitsl- : n deeper crimen Iha'i he had alreatb 1 done wiih his exertions, tritd to as ; BUtne nil air of philoM'iiliic ludii'fei'ciuv : In vain. Tin aim hi you art' not ehiviiliviis. : iny man." snitl he. ; ui u.si in ills arn.s ! Into his cat ami feeling that ho would , like to I'l.'.n.e into the river. "1 d'.u'l i-.-i'- i'J pun l. e 'eitn out of ; rr.y body a'..l uc: im il.ank for il." r. joiUel! the lisllei'lll.-lli. ClIITol'd. in sphe of his i.ssunied stoic Jsni. hci,iwi to f'fl line a fool. He ' looked l' . i ! la" -i-'t wh -re Ne'l ha ! ( lu'eu mi! it. ;., i -"if im Shed, UUit i haw ilia.- .-hi. i. vvl! as ii'S iw.. friends, iivti .lisap'.i. :..vd The lisiier man Kiiuio'ii ami n:.-.i to.' i.d of mi old pine in I. Is iiiomii wuh au air of Ming ctii.-:. "I wa u l i.uti; e.:.il''c enough for iKT, I wasn't: ;:u' 1 thank my Mars for I.". ! It's unie, I M..v back tnauy a i;ooil loud. ' , Then !. rit.nl felt satisfied that it ' was pique at liaviiiii iiis own dvautes j rejected wilieh caused tli young fish- rruuiu to lie so tiiitciiiiiui'jus. So he : l-nltl. wii' '.it inli.'iilor. I "I ih("''i have lli'iiiiht no niau1: would l. ...d ti.t I..,' u laftii'tj WO'.k to . fATf I 1T"!l!.U't llUUtJl." f3TER.T-of.THE a r ri p i'i on ific Aar'.h," ck-. 'Ittifl TJ"nn.r S.n. 1 The flshornian taiffil away at hi. d rty liltto pii'i' for a lew inoinviiis in tiilt'liee. Them s lino wovtlJ." in- fil'l. "I ltift. "An' liiaylu l'J Mt.v tin' sanio of souie w.micii. 'l'.ni not for a link liu'lit-tin-?reifil l.tisy lil." ." t'li." ami In !"ik' ! liis l i.nl vitioif iy iu ll.e uit'eitio.i ;1' tin. nine Men. "I.tuht-nnM-'r. oxilaiinetl t lilT.i'.' l. with Mjnie iiiiii.'iial'Kni. "Io vou know whi't yon iiiean ! ihat'." "Sh'tl Just t'nink 1 (In!! Why, ', a-!; tl'e full;' ninmt h'T" v.!i:t t miI'I o" el'.araeier the Him linn's hail sinet yorii'J miss was nlmul. Ask if it's a honest house to siny tin i'i-lit in If yon'vo money mi yer. .Tost you nsk that, an' put two ninl two tosiotln: like wht-t I do. an' like what every -liody does as knows what the phtee was aforu she eaino an' v.iir.t It h now." t'liffen! shivcreil r.i'ler the Lot sun of the Si in.'inl .T 'it"len.tit.ll as he l!st eneil to t!iii toi'lt l.t of nci nsalion. ami ?:nv oy the passion in the youns," fish erman's far: that lie was in t nrnest. llofore he ooii'nl aner. Neil's swee; oieo, adtlrissin-' hiinsclf, siarllid liiiu. ClIAfTl'.It II. "I m so much oi'liucil to yon, ?o very much oblicc'l to yt'i'.'' I'iiifortl looked roiiuil. ami saw pivr :y Nell Claris stamliin.' bi-sid.- the two boats which lie b.atl pulled up ou the bank by her dlivel ion. I'm afraid It must have given yon a great deal of trouble. One of them was marly full of water. 1 know." "Why, yes. it wasn't too easy to get tbci-.i up. became ill'. bank slopes, and ihe earili is so siiuiy just here. Hut I'm v.ry glad to have been able to do you the lit tlo service." it wasn'i a Utile service; it was ft great one." said Nell, with a look wh: ii Clifford fell to be iiitoxicating. Ai thai moim iti la- heard a sound like a siii.i i, mocking laugh; and turn ing, h" mw the lisiieriiiau, wiih a face lull of seoriifiil iiiiiiiscimiif, punting away slowly mi strenni toward Fleet 'iisi'le. Clilto'-.i. t'l 'i'h be felt n llltie ti.ieasy, wa gi.ul the man li.nl Kolle. Your fri. 'it'.s biive gone back to Stroi-li." raid Nell. who had blushed iin!.'. i ll b.er siii ', when she heard the I'.sli' i'man's c.-'',i.'iiiptiiijii-s laugh. "is ilia i a hint for tin to follow their exair.p'.e':" "Oil. no. indeed. My uncle said, when ! lol'i him ui-.tt you W' -. doing for us, ihai 1 was id ask you i conio ill au l i.;'"e a cup of t"l! v. :. li irs -If you would co'vl' - mi to neivpt nn luvita ilo i ir. m ai; i:i.:i.i ' "i' and his niece ':" Neil sn-.iieJ a iii.i.' as she aiMcd ihese vt. ..'.-; ami iin- niaiuier in which sh ' nueied tin. in sli.'.M-tl so keen a per . i piltin vi si .':: l ii'.iiiii lions that Clif :'. ;d was coaaii... d la his belief that, tiiis girl v..is rltii.-ii' " sly out of her pi-oiicr i-lenii nt in ilii waysitlo inn. Me fiillowcd her in.o a tiny tsiiting r.-t.lil at liie back of ll.e inn. where ibe.V Were ;'oilieil I'.V Iht uncle, a bur ly, jovial man wiili a round, red, lion ei face, wiio was evidently very fond of his nk'.'o. nlthouli every word each niieivd seenud to oniphasizn the sir.ince liifference in manners nnd Kpeech which existed between them. Trend tt know you. sir." said fieoigi1 Claris, when Clifford held out his hand. Troti'l to know anybody my Neil thinks worth knowing. She's n-!;thiy paniculiir. is Nell. I.or', what wouldn't your friend, Mr. Jordan there, have given for fin invite to tea in here like this! Kit. NellV" Nell Mushed, find turned her uncle's auciltlon to his tea, while Clifford. Iu some surprise, enjoyed the kuowledge that lie had rut Jordan out without even a struggle. Nell herself explained this presently, when her uncle lnul been called away by p.v.'R of busliii'vs in the bar, and the i .vo yui'iig people were left sitilng lo mother, looking through the open glass tleor into tin garden behind the inn. "I'm afraid you will think I didn't treat your friend very well, after set ting him to work to pilch that shed fo; ns," she a'al. with a pretty blush in lier cheeks, as she looked down nt lln i.-iV.e-cio.h, and thus enabled Clif ford to see that her long, curled, gold-eu-br.MVii eyelashes were the prettiest be had ever seen. "I'm afraid he will think so." said Clifford, with aiVeitetl solemnity. "1 think myself that, afier such heavy work ns that, he did deserve a cup of ica." Nell looked up ill some distress, her bin eyes brighter with excitement, anil her voice quite tremulous in Its ea rnestness. "Ah. you don't know!" sue said, quickly. "1 am not ungrateful, bui I .mi in a very diilieiilt position, and I have to be careful liow I treat people. Iioii't you know yourself that a great miiiiy men. gentlemen too or they call iheiiiseivcs so-tliiuk they have a right 10 treat a girl who lives at nn Ian tf.f frreiitly from other girls? Surely you must know that'?" Clifford grew red. conscious that tie r.irl lind penetrated a weak spot In Willie's social armor. Well, hut " "Oh. you needn't say 'but.'" Inter rupted Nell. "You know It is true. Now I dou't wnnt to sny anything ngniust your Mend; bo li very ulu'. ad tw foed-nftturtdj but- "H litm in otfler," said Clifford. "Yes. 1 Ir. nt him .!''.-' 11 lot of ihee ji.mig men wir 1 ill n ..'It from Sli'..;:t .iiit-t to i i - ':'. tee ....-: as I ti'e.'ind you. 't h. '.-'.!! ivl-li." An I sh" ';;ii-i. hlni a pn-tiy lini" '..y utal.ee and s,i:ie. wlie-li ' " C;n ir.i's heart beaiiu-' fasi.-r. "I si t lh"u all I wovk. Ii mii s iliel.i ii ' It ii-i.-s. i.n 1 it dot s my nn.-le a great iba! t-f g" ' 1 Since I've been lave." and sli" lai- d ; ' .-r bead irliii-.i.liaii'iy. "he's !. en a-'!- ' ;.i do wiihoi'i a man to h'- U e-Vr i ititii-." , j Clifford could 'lot heip lan'.iiii. "Why. yoii'r.' a masn.:: yi-u biln- ! b;--k wln-reer you go." said b '. "Imh id. I like to ililuk that I l a . " j bn. ughl II to I'm -lo tb-ori:"." saiil i'i" -1 - 1 . "I may t;U yoi! -for roi y ko-.vvs b thai just b 'f.e.v I t-a'.ne I ae'.: I t:i hi'ui lie was ell 111" Verge i.i I . !!'. re.picy. ami inov." and h slm: f.i ( i liffo il a glance of triumph. "I"' las : I'.. ;!!.! al'olher piece of laud. et"l ' "'" ; ' . i i'e cows, and eniarged the s -.i ' .t -. land put money iu the bank b:-.:.!i-y. j Wieu tlo you think of thalV" . " by. I think he Is a very liu-ky man i i i have M'.eli a niece." said (TuTord. i i; . !-" harmed every moment by lii" glt-.'s ainu log inixture of slii-i-w.iurs'l I and simp.lieiiy. I "li's t-ry nli-e for your umle." he I :;.!'!'-d. a'ler a lilile pause, bill is it ! " he h--Minted, afraid of seeming ' it iiM-rlin.'iii. "is it unite :.s p!.;ia'ir !'i.r you. to live out here, I mean, s i iar ; fii . from - " llii;a'.it"iV" n-ked Ne!'. smiling. : "T'tere nr' S'.iae tl.-nl vani ,-.gi s. cer j la'.nly. of ourse I kco-.v wlnii you i really nieiiii. and what yen daii't I'ke ; it .-ay. lln! when the choice lit s be j i ween liing with my old umle and h"!plug him. and going away lo pleas. ; myself. Is tliei'e any doubt what 1 ' tuit'lii to iId V Miss Theodora, who is i ih" best woman iu the world, says 1 : mi'-lil lo stay-I inn right lo stay." I clqfo'-d reliietanily agreed with her. ' .ii.d al'ewi -1 her to prattle on ab. ut I in'i- i:in -I" and Ids goodness, nnd Mi-s ; TIk-i dor.i and her goodness, mull tin; i light of Ihe siyiset began lo fade ill lie ' -k.v. . When h" n'iiieiantl.v ri so to lak" ' !. ae, I t found that sonie heavy drops ' i f rain iiad Ihmuii to 1'ull .ami he til. ! i lowed himsi if to be peisun.ilt il by ill : landlord ami hi- niece to wait until the , ; rain hail cleared off. As, however, in- j ; M".-nl of cleariiig. the weather gr.'nli; ' ally bee-fiine wmse, until tin day i uded : in a steady downpour wiii. h iluval , eiied to last all night, Clifford a-kcd ' v ic'liier they coiiltl put him up for I the night; and being aiifWeivd ii. t!:e iiSlirma! ive, decided to speml the n'giit , at the inn. ; ' 'I he tooiii I hey gave hint was .-iii-ill, : I'm beautii i.lly i-b-aii, piel was at til" front of th" horse, wiih au oioii.': j ' Ver the niaisln s to the sea. Cliu'o,,!. j when h" reiii-.d to ii late i hat night. l-.'.N.-d the blind and Irit il to p-r i hrt.u-.'h the mist t'f lain which biurre 1 the View. lie lit gall lo ft el that ll" i vault d to pc::d his lil". in ihis spot, ii,giiig Nell s eabbag. s for her. trim- I ; niing the hedges of In r f;.irib n. watt r- I i i'lg her rose-i, tioiiig anj ih ni g. In fact, ; si i h:it he might bo mar her. j !;; was i!l luve. llloi . se'.i.Tisly. too, i lii.in A illi-. had ever beeu. rv than he . !.iiti"'lf had even bt-eu before. !'. , it-k'.'il himself wh;i: m,( or a sueil ii ' v. ;'.s that this young girl had biin aM--j ijitlcnly to fas, upon him, and he , iold himself Hint it was til. sweeiiios i f hci nature, the purity which slmne J from her young soul through her blue j , eyes, which had eliatiled her to be- i i wiieh hiiu as no mere beauty of faci i i -'.ml person coulil ever have dime, lie i i ! ioki d nt his hand, and saw ag iin i'i j i i; i.' u 1 n.i 1. inn the lilile soft, wiiile hi. ml, : smoother find fairer than any '.'ill's j hand he hud ever toiielnd, which had j i l.i in lor a moment in his ::s siie hade i 'iini good nigh'. He felt again lies :;:t'.'i.v ti.r.e' which had thriile.l hii, w':;c:i Ih: little lingers nut hi-, iie .-.:i caressing his own hand wii'eh bail . ' i :i so honored, iii'.oxicati'd wiih liii : own thoi'gh'.s. j It was iate before the living camllH warned hii.i to nake iiaste lo in -d. As j !. iiuintl to the dtur io lock It. as ! wits !:'s custom in fi sii-.-ur.;,' phiee, ne fniilid tl-.iii il hail licit iie.1 lock imr bull, j Ami the words of the young fisher I man, his warning .".boii;. the t l.nrneu i I "f tile house. ll.lKlleil with .111 linpleiis i i.iit chill li.i.eigli Ins niu!. j 'Ihe next n.oiiK nt lie v.-t a-iiiimctl haviiig ii'inenibcretl tln-m. of ;ol!'.-o. lliefe Was il pi.ssiiiillty, Ih 11 j whispered ills coii'.t'.'mt m-ii.-o. t".at j ' V i t ' lile lirotM wnich fileller.ii il go.'- : tle.-s mig'tit also contain a man or a .ia!i!-.-:-'. ant wh i w.i.s a einni 'on j ill" f. So. ! h" h.id a very luudMime v. ii.eli wiiii lilin. and nearly tventy- Hie pounds iu his purse, he tucked J liicsi iosscssions well uiiil"i- the pil- l... iind went to sleep, thinking of I Nell. j He was .'nviikeut-fl cut of a seiu.d I siuialicr by the reeling that there was some one in his room. He felt sure of this, althoiiL'h f.r a I few minuies, as lie lay with his eyes I cloi-ed. he heard nothing but the tick ! iug of tilt w.'iti'li under his pillow. Af i ttr that he became cor.sei ins that in the ihitkncss there was a shadowy i something passing and ivpiosing be i tw"en his bed ami the lieavily-cur taiiieil wnitlow. His first impulse was j i i shoii- aloud find alarm the wouid-be I thief. n In could not but suppose tins intruder to be. The next moment, j however, he decided that he would I w.ui until the theft had In-eu actually j iii.tnilted. and take the perpetrator red h.iu.Ieil. He wflifetl. bottling his breath. To be Continued. A soldier at Sp.inilaii, bent on 'right gnlnc a sentry, approarhed him 'tealthlly. creeping on all fours. He pimped up suddenly, aLl the seutry shot him dead. i' writ e licllt ttilfut i'i l.u.'t'ist Will M sptBfd tO RlllliA D1t ltitt, "Yi-.n have to k li I ."wr.ym; I'll I'.tnlir... IO CVi-a.e ; tttiw lo It Is il.ipo-sil.l" di 1 1 1 II1 for any commodity n'.ii we ;ie pl'olllilli t'l-e io ii. and b I li e ptlMic know of lis lot-rii-. This is Cite. i:oi aioie- o. i;;U'-y poul try and c-ius I'., I- lee'-.ii:. ;. I.-;, al I lnatUei pi.ulity and i". ;-. . In-iv a p;i Vale tl-aile I- -..e:-.;!i,. The falieie.- u.li-i exb.l'ii hi-, stoek find show io t!;e pnblie thai tile ft. Wis ne lie I elii.v i-ou.l. bin i h:' I I hey have been hre I fivni -iiains l'. a: will re- proline.' good f.iWl-. I The man who s.-lU .'t;-. and poiiliry i must advert i.' ainl let th" puidi ku.iw i what he has :o soil. Wm-n a i-u-iomer j is seeiiri d c.-p.-.-ial car - mu-i be given ! 60 that no I'n nit ea i I . lo i; .1. 'I he lime is a! Iiaml vih-"i pn'.'it liy I must be g'r. eii. and tio on-- caii hope Id succeed w h i hides his bllsiimss from the public's lii'y.c. The iin-ui'-itor ii-.aiiitiaetuier has -t n good csaiiiplc of c'lierpriiug public jlty. iiu.l the poultry producers niesi (. : low bis e.xampl-'. I iu ni-h He inbiie oinelhiiig good, ntnl i.irt can well al j ford to b t tit" world l.n i'V it.- Home : and I'iirm. I liliil' SOitl- li i i a mailer of know In.w many i one pen and a. a ' a general oohiiuii i iilhiwetl to roam fioiis yards tio I, - r life, al importance- Pi - can be ki'iu Iu i. I h re Is ipti-.c i-.ens v.-i I ; : -' I I'l-C .ll! or have spa ll thicks of I'oriy to forty-live, nnd on being confined to winter quarters shenM have about tut . square fit-l for each I. on. From actual tel this has proved about right. They may lie coniue.'.l cos. r li they have a j scratching -it.'d win re ihe.v cau run in bright weather. i This may be t.;.-n;e up. n to the soin': '. and iini-evt.l io the leu house, am! it Would be belli.- if sit. h shed or apari liieill W.-ls closed wiih j.'eti.y of glas on the s'-uili sit!.-. This apartment need pot be as warn as ihe regular house. Mine is of plain beards put on up and down, ami .-iael.s bati. m d. It has two large windows in south, as cut how.-. with spacious door, which can b" hit open on line winter days, so Hie lens enjoy n good warm sun baib. Th" win ilow s should be iirran; etl wiih t -uriaiii--lo close cold nights. Me.i t,( i ).,. f , e I lug is d ti.e in tin s -raicliing pens in lilii r of chaff or siiaw.- li.-.irgi' II. Tnwn-t nd. i:i New Ihigiand Horn. itea.l. 'l ite llimie li;.'lillilii (iuriten. All who own or rein homes should l'llise tl iii' own V. -..tab!, s. but q"ite often It is tile iiU'iut",' who owns !'; largest bi'inber of acres who dots im! raise Otle-ll'lllll of the Vegei,"'.i! -s Usi'd on I he place. In pig 'en in ; , or i he homo garden this year try to have some thing new. Few ever try to raise he canlillowi't . knowing in ii iie: of this most lleliciou. ..I all e. I.lb'es. (lib el's try but fail b'-caitse - i.U are sinn ed in opc'i ground, wit.-ti 1 1 -. should be starie I in hot I" .Is very n!y hi Hi. season. Soil must be w. 'I cupeled with :i good manure. This vegetable requires a high s. i;,. of t uiiiviliou in bring it to pi ri'ectio'i. ami moisture b one of its most essential n q.i'reiiien.s. Some Viiriiti.a ate iia'ir.iily seh' bliiliehing. while the tuiler leaves muss be tb il over heads of ntlurs lo insit!'" their snowy whiiim-ss. I.:'t.. sow it sons are best grown in shade of feuee Of bllililillgs. The sul-ity or vcgeiiible oyster is one of our he.- t m g. iab!' . ami is Indispensable for s -ups. This not very well known root i-. like ihe parsnip, ami like it one of ihe few winter vegetables, hardy t m ugli to be left where it grows and dug when needed. This is sown iu rows or ridges like beets ntnl can be s..wn ill gardening time in April. Have tmii.-i-tries, radishes and summer sqita-hes in abundance. Many gard ners make "lie Iilanliiig of p"as and then stop. They should be planted at intervals of two wetks from early April until .liine, ami then one can have ihein iu succession for quitr a while. Have plenty of hue beans, for the October bean- nr. usu ally more npprt eiaieil ll.;i;t th early suinmer sorts. Sweel eol.l planted ill intervals during. Hie summer wi'l give one any i. umber oi' ileltci.ois p-,i , lings until frosi. In leu make lee mistake of Wiiiiing until pl.-iiii Im: lime ;n:. th. a making the garden of whalover hap pens to be on band, but make your plans early, ami order fresh seeds from some reliable sccd-mian. then you will Hot he llisapp illlie.l ill poor sei d when too late to remedy your mistake. I. aura .lones. in The Kpilomlst. l-'r-itlifntiiiu; IV-frtU. "How can we era 'h alo daisiis and similar weed ,':" is asked at every ti.eei lug There are sonic reasons r.ir tie lippi'iimnee of wet ds which, if under stood, will show us what to tl i. One of nature's laws is that something mu-t be kept growing on the land. This is for the purpose of protection. When the desirable, mote complex plants fail to grow coarser ones conic in. 'lake the soil a congenial and eoiul'oi -table home, so those plants wanted all thrive, and the coarse:' ,ms tlisappt nr. One of the surest ways of getiing rid of daisies is to Use plelily of manure. A set'ond reason is Hie neglect to pre vent their seeding. A common practice is to mow the fences after li tying or harvest. At this time most of the foul weeds have matured seed ovyr a great er space than If bt alone. Many of them when cut early will form a set ond crop, which Is rarely looked after. A third reason l. Hi" system of ip-in? mni lilnes nud ni h inl-juia-tf tltp 1,,-e. YU. tfcf Mi l"v' u4 lvl vwe ttire Is jjraotlc.-'.l, where smoothing li tr rows and we. -tiers are used with int 1-ll-ente the I'.eliio are, or can be, kept t-haii. bill under any oilier comibio::--our fields ai.- w.-edy and tnilcli mere w. ed si-'tl is mam -- 1 than iintlet- il,. old Ini-ihot!--. hi ne.ist cases the Im.' could be Used lo advantage as of oi'l. Us use would produce belter yield- and feWl f Weeds. I i lighting the rir.-iniri liflwki cd devii's paiiu l-ti'-hi an applii-.ui'.n i' "'i. i; l pi -.imls of -aii was foin.-l to l. 'l iii-in. .'till! if applied in tin n:'lei'lio..i vl.in ih,. i.i. -ins i-' dry did !;..! htin i'. :--a'.i can be app'.i d lo doe!; ai d w N !' thai kind wiih sieve. s. Tim wa-h-i ig of etc.- -ive anauiets of salt on in idi.-l.-ent plots should li ultanleil .-.uain-i. The spraying of weeds w in, copper sulphate 1 1 il ii. vitrloli is sue-t-i'.- -fill wl.ci.' r.ie.l. ( in., oat lb-Id was badly iu'i'-t'-l with many weeds ami was liiorotuh'y op.-ayed. In AilgiNt lie-re v.-e-e f,. X Weed ami tl .lis .vr lar.:--r and i l.aner iu -t:-.!W than the unsprni cil, yielding n third n ore. Th" .".ll.ollll .ed Win t.lle pound to tear ga'.'oc.s .,!' water, and aboiir forty i;.i!b.iis per acre. I'lalns tiiat are eov- j efe:i Willi Wax. oily Sltb' ees. ). and protections are not affected by this in til incut. New York Tribune Fanner. Ni'iv Sli-iiwlirry TlnM. Fi.vlv in th. spri.e; is win ii t lit new i-.-.i .v;.! , ty lie.js sh i! lil be made, an! iliose who i o:i.ci-..:.ai,. having lli-a.i catititit piepai-.' ;!:c ground too soon. I: is a file, ;i,.ai nut tew farmers, cm. ;.;;-.-i. i 1 1.. . In .m- It .w lo grow .-Maw. e"i-.-;i -. i: was for a long time be-ii.-v.-.i t;,.. it was tlitli.-tiii ami labor ious io -i.-.r.V ih.-lil. Wiien. Ill fad, th. -re ' no cfiip iu a garde;! that can l.e grown so i-fiMly, or which giv.s sm-h ' .-.-ihial.!.' results in proportion to cost. ; Si raw Ian ies can I... had on every farm and abun-laiilly. t. rowers who tmike their laud piodiiee maximum crop--, have se.-iir. .1 pi.u'iO quarts per acre. but ."iiioo miaris may iie cetisiiiered ;hi exe. il. ni yield. To give some idea of how i:-.;t y quarts may he grown i.:i :i small g.ir l.'.i j.aich t wi lily-five by l"'i in t. w i.l.-h is o than l-l'Jiif an Her--, .'fin iptiiris on .stteh a upac Is ill th" Mil" of .".oi'.l ti'.mrlt i"r acre. Cons-Id-I'l ili:; iii: i th" qilality of th" berries on the liiriu. i'-.r home Use, will be sup rior to any ihai can be purchased in market ins ihev will be fully ripe mid i "I injured by i-.in-p..rlatioii. iliey will be worm ai icist e;i cents per quart, or "'1 for ihe i ii-;i of a small patch i wt.-:i y live by I'm feet smaller th.aiiu -iiy lot. As mure I t-rries c.-iu be grown ptopoi lioaai. :y t:;. a sm.-iil p!..i than on :i.i lien, l.e're t no r-'a-oil why "im qi;:ll'. shu't'il I'.ot I." piektil the I'l-l b iii-iiig sei:"! n. Tie si if e. berry bed. I kept eie.iii aii-l ft c" from gii'-s and v...-i'.s. should toviie'.ie in protlllt flips loi tvV.) Mlecl S-iVe s.-;i-ei'.S or lin.r -. Flow nr sbiitle the ground as deep as m -s'ble, and Hun spread immure over the surface to the depth ol t wo or liii'ie i;nh.s. wnrkiiig it well lino the soil, !..:; I el'ore Working th" ground npn'y a!'. for au acre il mixture of lmi pounds I'in-aie of s.itlii. 'Jou pounds l.otte iiieel liinl lo'i pom'tls muriale of pi i.-.s!l. 1 "j it be lioiie lite iir-t waim t'.ay. c.'.l!y in st.iiiig-. iiinl b" sure lo w. 1 1; :li.- uiiiiir.i'e and Icriiii.cr weil in: a ,' e soil ;i;., i.i.ike tl'e s .il as tie,, lis ,,.s;l,!.. T!nn have i! uni.l Am 11, wh. ti th t'l'd s!a"t! f on work- d ov.-r iig.'in F..r a so:. ill piileh Hie la bor will ma !' - i c.i-iiy, .'in. I. as the iir-t pi. j , r ".Loi is the most important the i.'k should be well done. After lit" pliiiils are sat tun but lilile Work wlii be eii'i'iled on 1I10 fanner. As I '.ere nr. In. v and be!'..r Viifielies III- ir.'de.-e.l ev cry year get from some re- ll.e.;.' uiii-.-.uymaii two kinds -slaiiiiu- ate an. I pistillate imab; end femalei iilants. as tb - s. !e,tl,.!i of v.-irieiies del 0:1 v. ie-lle r 4 he soil Is heavy or i;-:t. If tor a gaitlon make ih. rows three feet itoiirt. pht-.-in.'. the plan' - oin- : m apiiri iu the row. Kv e; y full! ill r " .-hould consist of Hit slam- chemist ry. If -'o' ha- a chance I" in.'ii! v.ari. tv ami the others of the pis- navel an I -iUn.v the Ih'ta of oiln". lillale ki:.tl. A palch twenty five by , eounlri' -. she has tli" greater chance leu fe , w ould re. iiiii'e about '.inn idanls. j ,,f mukiieg a mime for herself. Miss Fs,. onlv young plants-ruiim is froai I Mjt;i I 'tick, of Vhila'tclphhi. i-1 an illus last spiiug's g-.i.vvil. - which may l " . trillion. She v. . is s; ail by the I'.uk known by their 10.1s being marly j fotuiiiissioie a s to .-titdy lln park -ys-white, those of n!d platils b-'ilig tlarl:. j ,,.in p, liut-al e. Ti.-e- should be stud Set them iu straight rows, pressing the 1 -, ils We!l a-- laiel-cap- gardening e.'irih wed around the roots, using j perhaps some day ' omen may be l'ark waler. if ne.'C-s.ai y, being ciirelul not e '. .n;;t-i -s i . 1 : -i .1 n-l pa; lis to day show ( V V the crow II-: of the plallis. :,. need ol : ol:ie t: .V iletnelll iu Ilia' After the plants begiil to grow use . dep.l) 11 1 tL-U i (11 civic life" the hoe and Work l etu een the plati. -i will. A hand '.vice', hoe may be used -pi-ina r..'H. l-.-iw en Ihe r..w-:. ami it will wo'.k vt-ty close p. tic plants wilhoiil injip'- :,. , tl, ... 1 1' ii... .a... 1. -ir., ". a..., -I;...!" in Hi., rows that is. placed in lines i'. -!i b'li :l hvvise and crosswise ih,. of .lilnirv hoe in ed Hot be used, fis 111. wheel I iv ill enable one to tlo the work of sevetiil men with hoes. In Hint manner a small palch can be hoed iu iiflecn inin tit-s. nr even iu less lime. Ho not wait for grass nnd weeds to up. p. nr. but keep the soil loose. 1 luring I the summit- 1 ;u h pki'.t will throw out tunnels, iin. I so. ui H: l,"d will be I thickly m.;i. ed. It will be an ndvnii ! luge then to tilt the stents which con nect the runners with the patent plants. simuM wet ds .,r grass appear in Hie mailed rows pull Ihein 0111 by hand. If ihe matlul rows are a foot wide it will leave but n MiiaH space between the rows to cultivate. If viler can be applied oil a small patch dil' ilig il ill y spell It will be In lietieii'l. J Aline: in tin- fall, just as winter ut,. j pieii.-lii s. . ..ver ihe rows w iih tine ma 1 nut., and over the manure use a light mulch of salt hay or straw. Fairly in the spring rake the bed over, mi ns to remove the mulch between the rows, ami after the plants are well up use straw or salt hay under them, so ns to have the berries clean. These details tire not as laborious as they seem for a small crop, ami if choice varieties arc used tin result will be very satlsfae- ; toiy. The instructions apply to larger :.i.ii ii!"., if hct- 'ici.lt. of choice , f 1 tilt hie dlld. Phtiadeipbia Rtfeft'd, WOVEN IN ACRICULTURF. A Mnrket llurilrner l"ri"l!-' u Siirrftiftil I ut m i For l li-in. Coin -fining the i'iii.l'i"i- o'-eiipailoiis 1Mll sj,t,.Si j j,!:,ec of ornaments, slides for una.. n which have lately ailaim-d j.,,,, ,u.'kles. The bad; oriiament. very a wlu.l some populariiy in-. I are going! , .. ,,,, v,.,.v- n.-iriow. is lo be one or to rescue women fr-'M their nerves. I s, ring bell fiat ores in very Mi-s Mary K. Cuiie.'. wh.. is lierself j (.iMir.,,.. ,b sii'ii-.-l'liiladelphia lU'C one of the i.i"-1 -;n-c. --i'-.'l uiarki i ga-- ,,, lli'llil-S ii; .lilSSill'hll-e.;S. sIK.-lks IHO-t I ela-ollt'ilgi'igly A Wnii'in'i I'rlvnie f ur. K.-ii-inu lb. -.'..is ia u'eeiiiioiiscs for Thetiist woman in the v.erbl lo own inarkei ;- a p.-..,.-.-i--ii for which w.itn j ., ,,iv.Me touring railtoad ear will be en file proving i h"m ! es t .iH-eially i .,. :. limeisou. of l'.aliiinorc. iolai'it .l." l." -iiys In i i i H-1 on 'I ran- .,,... liiner-on. iinlil;" her hiisband. ah-i.-i-iio. -It i- a l.r-li -- iliat I..I . I" I i,,,,.. . ...a,. :... ,fl vet she likes to ! Icarin-d like .-.i:y . lie i. i'i'. oiiii a iatl'-i : exiiet-iii ce. midul I" It.'itllal .;i'.-.iifea- ! lion. Ml. il as pe-s-lc.-i.:iee. i lie! liy ;i ? ill 1 eomtii'-ii it-'i-c .'tie is -life lo sil c'-i .1. I ..... . . .... . i . t.... 1 lie ... i i -. '. .... i ..i... the pre.-i-nl lime WiiH : i ;r'..-d on -''"': ing biiMm liii. li a:i in of li.lfl. I the liist -.':ui: ii". '-f coins -, is a gr.--"-j (, Nvi t. ,,.. , Hie largest ' li'.nse. A iiie.b'si one i-iin be buiit for j (v,.,. ,,. ,.,., , l.y the I'tilimaii Cum Slou ntnl ii rough le-:Hi"g appaiaius ,,.,ilv. .Miia.c-al.v wili 'a- ihe basis of i,'iiii"g apparatus Th,- ,-...i of p'iint tan be put i'i f"f ' am) seeds i s';;i:f;. sii.-li as tools, fee:!' f..r si.-irllng !' amount to li'.'1" f-i ! ...in ; .xpetif-s. ';o.fM, i -.Id i i'a i-i' s .-..-'.. i ie. would Mnall il s.-a!-. he seei et of se ; uHliz: every : r,,,,,. ..,i.,. :i par'.or library, n lu ll of spa.-e. In a vegetable hells" r,HlUt ;n., a kin I'-'i'. tile tables tain b" li:b-l villi l.-l I .!- . J (:,,. he Hiriusie d as ll pi I- cileinni.i ;-s or toi'if v.-iii!- l o'll-arb: ti;....i:t mlgraiot-y lioti-e. wiih ils own and 1 ) 1 1 - it i i.oius can be "town on IbeLjli- . cut glass, linen ami Upholstery. ground tii'denieiiili. A g 1 lead tor planning is a m-ee-si;;.-. and no Hme must be w.-fied l-etvt en c.-ni... The t'.. toatd a::tl -ii!",'!y for ear'ni- Hon pin! - v. v m-v great as n ila present ll'.n. Woiecn .-ill over lie iHiitrv are rs'is.iu t'.ifse Willi great .r. .1 iii growing 1 ni.i pic.';.-, a:: I g . ''' ih.-ni I'.o-pr'Uil as weU a- pit a -nr. . Mis Ta ..!-.:. ti llori.-t. I.a. ; v.. c.o-c.-i 1 ion I tl.lt ly-e.t a -1 y t w . ! I i ' I tini I ' ' . niie nineteen by .. alio, a :' eoiiiiv si". .1) i. -. i.e giV' - all her work, pi opiigal ing i"i'i ,.u ;i -I. . '; and a- i.ig for he b.-.- f...;i..l i ma:kei f"i . ... a- own town, w bieh is i.i ..ti.ii'c" i!.::;t s'-iling on gt ..-. ti.e n inii'-h i en. Ollli". oil. M'" 0-1 pt'l-ieei oe.li.'i, elijoes I. f v....-!.. ::' d sappoil- lll'l" ' fa.h -t sjve i i iii..i:.. r. in I1"'-,' p:.-.g.-cs- : i ; . ... ; ..i ii. Ui- ll: ,ie g"i!. - well as '' '''-'' :io..; as "' '"-:- tur.-ii t-.o! is .... u Hi.' w ... ''- '.,: ' t!;. I: . .1. i. il ( vvomea a m .!: farm, i s io i.: ..:.-. .'. i.e. ;-,-.:. w idoVVr. .li d ll I. have eiil.-r.-d Hi ! I 11 ., forth... pl-asuiv ile y .i iild get oin ot il. topic purposes. Th thousands of a.,.-. engine es a pe.-v : co;i.itn-t i.-ii iie: ",' while f. vv are c-: . icre. .l.-pefeiii g on n 1 ior l'"H-:i niiivuH::. -it:g tie Ml'.-nil i he liiii.iO' it,;. titan lo i ."! et! with a single spade and l"e ' . -I'ollill-y otlMIte ami the cultivation of ! ii a toes fi ii t tlo- re-!i:m?it;i-e lines ulii.-'n are being l"lr 'i d " wot.i ell, and e.' ii coli-. l.-ainiiig i- fount) ,, ;'s.., '. j, ,.. !o" , .l.ict; l .n ..., , ;.ia:s are li.-l ib-tl In the business. Yv. . . lie - vv.'iiii-ii .u i 'on. p. on. II. I . are t r.aio;-:.- of col ;-- -o-adl'.-i. 's g il'U till"- into otile.i r 'A or... Tle'-e wniio n -il v jt chan. - New p. ml' i ii,:.k" m"!:i-y by supply .i iiiei!!-. - vvit Ii dililllies. Tle-f .pri ;(r ft io it. yoiin.-.. g. - ' a no hot .11011-, ,:;-ain-s lu ing f-tmy price-, and ibei" ist.'i mi ol.e.-v' lint H: v Stmlied bill , i i! ml i in : -ii.- to Hi.-'r sin-- , t, j .nt if a w. lo.'.a .1 eiile-t to lak" 1 1 1 ' !i,,w er nnd v.g. ..;i : . uliure as a pro- I iV-.slon -he eii.hi. tit her df for Ii 1 suniv in shoitl I b .a'-. n be p-ssibie. ,,, v ii pv. v:..a- . .oifs.- :;g,ieul,ur.,l cob.:.:, liar wiiii botany and ! i These v.ry n -e ir.v t..i 1 ic lluii I'-" 1 '" " '' i"1' ! lion to ii.i-ii.l.v'. cesiiiiiii a: s accessor l.ihe a. bli lo be ll.elc cit-gaiii H.i-. piimv liu-u f.r uiany s sous past. The hu.st i.-i.-hi 'll aov iies 1111:11 1 aits Mine thai lli.se le w intd , Inborn. : Hci. mod, s arc nioiv in ev loeliee It';'!, cvci. 1 so I'en.imiia v oil Hii side id the wni follow s sllil. The dp from will siill be .1 fe.'llll. .. it,., o, iv b. Ils. an so not' niodifietl as -,-itftIy 10 iVs.rvo im iiiiu.e. I. 'V ill 1 in. rely lack the ' ag gefiiHoU o! enough I" I" air iitltl .illsl slope 1 -a cei ul. FMi-cmel.v li'irio.. bills, searei ly an Inch wide, arc to 1 e very popular. " The postilion l-a.-k effecl so loll, h s,.,i las- s.-.mmer is m U even f- favored this seas,. 11. nit , ul 111:1 ,.v it. w. Tali' d and more ehi :, 'i in e designs. Tlie name of ihe ntaici iii Ijf au.-"-,! in thetlevt lopaon. of thebt'Hs fW,,ri:igaiiii 1;(th ,.,.,,.,,. . ., is ie;iou t i-ij to"' g """ "1. - Is useil-lnlT. i:i. silk, satin, velvet. Iin en, duck, canvas, some few of leather nnd I'lnsiic. An extreme novelty is even made of straw-, strengthened, of course, by a stout Interlining. Hliiek. natil-ally. Is in the ascendancy so far as (triors are .oii.erneti nut l'liny inn 1 iitiu'iiiits iimi mien cio 0 o 1. u on. -v. lit,.' 1 ts.'ll a- .a tin M.-'v Iii" of bills ' wMi Hue" peml;;' ! . Hit' till tb- .'.! i tini-, rauek ui If iitiit.iiiu. Uav uud iuiv a jywu bfai, gamly figured s'liis and velvets that came into popularity in bcltibun this season lire t" prme strong rivals to black the coining spring. The extreme vogue promised bullous in other plii. es of the fashion world is also lo affect belts. Almost for the first time in their history buttons are to be utilized this soring to adorn bells. SiriUiuuly gay ami decorated buttons ihev are. ion. us. a! on the fronts, backs ;,..ni..' , ( in ifi Captain ; j.;,,,,.,,!, -. ,..ost d ll.e lo.irilig car. j Since Clirl-liiiiis Mi-. Kile rsoU. Willi I, ., exiiert rail'.Viiv otiic-.r. hits I n slu- ! ..... . :.. i I...- .. iti iii i-;ir '-..est i o--t eoi. ..no ii. -.. .t, i v clear id. a of what wishes li.-iu ih" long lotti-s projected. ,;,,,y. .Miia.c-ai.y wili be die basis or : ,),.. 'juu-ri.Ji- w:...iiwoi-k. bill the liehc.'-r oj. .Jrilpci ie an I ill" -ol'lesl illul ,,- ,-nM.. , ,: almost conceal ! j, i;:, th I,, -.ii', ,-- :-'-y appliiti . u.o . Tli-i will be at V-ast j, ,,-, be in eoiuinission at all limes, j s,, jt can I... s!;ir,e, im any hour of j Hi. ihty or nigh' i;.i'i Mrs. l-.merson dec is. Mrs. Kmerson s;iid ilia! she conlt 111 p'aitd a liiimb.-r of "ir.-iM-iing house parlies" as soon as Hie luxurious veili ng! 1 1 mi .i i fii . ami iiiiii siii- on" jlr. c-ir-tcls -would see v. ry fool of j fj,is i-i.,u..ry ,:. well as Canada am! McnI-o." The .air wili be nam.-.l ihe Fimily, which is Mrs. Kmerson'- given name. Philadelphia North A:m-t i.-an. I'volt Slni.it. ttl-t. Siilil-I Let ore ;i looking glass and no tice vi;e;li.r jour rigin shudder is higln r ;lt.-;n v our left. It likely is. You will iib-t-rve ii is s i both in men ami Weill- I! and iie' r. a-eii for this luieveti- j I'ess p.- ii, If - -.':.;, ni:.. -in-. Yoll git ( ,.:,,-.,! i.. ..j,a,i- or the chair : ,. y.. ,;.,si; uad y.ui ieiio.-diately I y,,,,.- li-g'in e!i....v el-, ii. rt.ii the arm ! y,,., . ..i,.,;,. ,. i,:i your desk. I litis ! Ihrovving nn- siioi.id a- l-igliei" ll' iil ihf ! ,,; !.,-. ii ..... j li'. ,s - Ms the i a -e when lie Wlbc. ;l '. .11 in ai. l-.-W l-c.-'olis llM.n.. w u. u writing kt a p th" s..;..,!.l. j-. Women who us - tb" lyp.-wriier are si hi. nil ili'li. tt il w;!'-: I.'". .11 sia.ll'.il-!: if ihe chairs tin" lis are se.l'i.-ie'illy high and Hay sil on ii. ,: prop, rly -iiinl )U'operiy I'-.c.-itn- 1 rcet with -.boulders thrown b.nl; their wo k nil - iig.s even siiflllil. 's. -It i 'cv liitve ,; iisioll ',,1 ) :-, o , i . a"' I 111: lo is 'iinil pre silr b .i : lil . 01" lilt boil. . ; y..ii 1 ..;. -e i. .1. tea are af- fe. 1. .1 th" l.-sl 1! in:: ! is i. ' hat:-. your w i.v of i' lng ..1 ii." ! Two simple cM i'ci-es will iielo y.iii out. The ii-;.. of li." I'.v..-,- ;' ..tiiier shot, id be 1 t ! u ' . 1 1 1 '.pvt. a"!, ll.e bi nd : rasping a tint. .It '. II. that 1 1' tb" iieot. - s'iouM'T slioi'bl be loWel.il .-..id be mad- 11 sup. port a heavy weigh--. Am . i'..a (Jiaen. il'w V ) r&SftiLm-b 1 vy- s P V -i AV- ' iHJJt tj, A i.V Chin..- lio-c is the poo t:!.ir n 011 ing of the tla.v . lu plain silk me ban t lavt.rile is Ihe Coiirse HIst-mIi. Hi ovv 11 is a de, eli uiy iii. di-li color ill a ra 1 her lighl shad. Among liie revival-- m stu'.i.g -Uevcs is the shape w..:n in t .' Triple sliie.ildcr capes v.ili coin inue to be ti sal. -nt Icninc 'f so.ing jack- It, it. I. la v Int.- .t'l l Is it. i... i'-a for on phi A H'.s.e.l I,,!. .. I.tte-i lull for j lm' '"' ' I 1 'l '" j hair :n'.'i i' ;.'.! I C.vvi's of si- pi, ,.;-. 1 wi; Ii black tiil 'c.a a '. s 1: .ntiiii'd ig iii most , j,,,,.,,. ,,, ,;,,.-. j n , v: :. . e .. ....wed 1 1 ' 1 a it tie. V sio '. .. ,, III. II IV I t ri'lllell. or to! ' is 1 Ii laiesl addition I 1 Idle waists show iie. . . 'n; .ilde.-cd j coloring - appear '"'"!" ;ii ll"'M .''" ll emi'tie. e: ic - to; v. line s ... ...ii.ti 101..-. Light v ll"W v i p. el v.:e '.'.- nail-m i yet cMleiiicl, el';'. ive ttah-i. ing I'-i -I I .,,, a svv .rer ligl.l g- n.v j iat cly. Fashion is m-i v pal lial lo the m.;e oi pp,, , ii kvv.-.u. iiml a loi"-!i of ii is ii,t reduced into i-i.-m.. of the pr.ttlest ! pieces. j A , !., ,, ...-. .. ,A,i, ! . .... ... . : ,,.,-; led Up ' b . .ii. lo; the ...ni..,!.' g.ov.l t-kirl. Mam of lie' He" pt '!! no.l.c, s liav.. 1 it,., : 1 ., , -o 1 ,0 ,e. !' xlreinely smart. The mixed cheviots ami cloths Willi ibe flecks of whin- iigi-iusi the dark bat kgroiiiitl hn iv piovcu ion popular to remain smaii Fai-ii hution are H"W made wiih