$hc tflittlljam fttrorb, M. A, LONDON, Editor and l'oprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. I)C CI)ntI)nm tttcorfc. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ob iqair. one insertion One eqatre, two iniertietis One iqaare, one month $1.00 1.60 3.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXV. PITT8BORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1 90S. NO. 37. THE-rVY5TER.Y' oTTHC PI ore nee Warden, Aulitor or "The Mouse on lUc Marsh,' ck- I'UAI'TiMt IV. Tn .'nil.- .1:' his nv.n iiidimiuiiion ami reppe-,:- u:i l:i-:iri:iu Claris make i'.ii ennr.-e ami onvl sp.v.-h. Clifford wan a .1 tl,. uiii iinrrivly, an 1 v;is fliiM-:..'i! end sino.-od to observe that while he :ut-l in v uncle were nt :i Whit" !i- ai of cxcii oment, she showed rc;ii:i'.l::i"Io .-. lf-ci.ttlrol. After ;i mo ni.'Jii '-j sill !!,:.. mi ln-i- part, she iiiti-r r:j-';-il ''llffird's MMt-.'s!c ami oxeiis s Wii't :i llM-o r:!!?!i movement of Iter b::;. . "Never mind n:'i.ijn.ai.iii." said -b" fvrHy. "Let us !i. ;-r what voil li..vo to s.;y. Nnvv 1 ki;..w what .von nn;-.ul liy y, -a- i,!-;.-i,r MisHii i'.'d.' " Si..- :; n I'.iwn lu r vliini i' iipmi t In sh: i-hv i.ivi.' vi til:' liiU sittim;- I to.!!i',!:ii -.lu 'I. iinUia wiili nuc liaini . UVi-li lV,", ili-i- lll'illl l'jllr iili'll-ll li.'..y, ia l!i a'.i it of i losc attr:i ti.M'.' I wa.s I'Viii.-'i! that s'li- did not tnf-f.-r half -- ki-'ily as did ('lift', rd. wi: . viiiri- v'.-.s h...i". i- and tr' iiMi'iu.s as ) .;i ,U. in a'.;-vvi r. il.ia'l Mllt'ii: r.'-'-. i ' i I ii 'i.i.' , y,ni t an i ".! ymi oi' anyihiiis'." vain I" nii-i t I:-r i vi n ii ill.- ).:. in- . .ii.-; in a-1 i'.i'o-ii a l'.'ind i:i:-i'':' ?':- ii hand -villi v w.i :. ,i in i. 'J'in : !"'s .-.it.iil and s.,;'i .-. ihi's a.l I K::-w." , i.'s i .;niii.!i t.-i c''1 .1. --M-' 1II.V 1 !;-.- of M.n .Ml i ii-i. laiis. in ivy ii-: down wiia i i.vu!i i hi' lahh'. .- l'i.- airl, with ".Mr. Kii,' m-v.-i- ..!1.' and l i w.: i:i- iii-iii iii-i-i: : I :: !! il I lonii.-d si saii'r. a i. ':h! it: i i.'U ai a.-ir-'.-ly. ji.lii'.'l.lll s'.'i- UK. '., a'ld ai'ii r a w!-i- '.i ii; iw.i !'. nnml rim; what iijinti-. sin- siiiidi'ir a l ii.iir .-ii d l.-aiii'd a i-aii w.c -:i"d i i .i :;'iii!i'j in -.i; il ..''li i.ii.'ii hi. ly ir. -1!i li;l! .1 i.i 1 1..' I'lnivavi-i' in liiih p. -.- ii,.:'.s ,.,,. i-..t as . il:: o :is h,-r niini Mini s i -. I'll' ol It:'! suldi'iily :iv,n of 1: And : had o.i-r uTiir- ' ', h. -. as i-' a half to:' I .:.;ii.!.ly iias'M-d a ia w iii'ii!'':iiii-i'. I Ii;:i:i had lnokrii ::t..a.l of i uii iimi-i. 1 1 ; i.i 1 1 i i H i tia- iiii.'i, wlii. ii had lli-lti'd ; a!n. Iio rai.-. d la r . ami imrtin; t'lil' a iii.-r.itii;' limn, ill ia- iriii h, : I v . ih:r. C'.iiTov.! Il; a". m h -. .'.; .i! it i vvi'Mi.'U-;- ir lii;'.ii!'ii i: -r li-'.i I m :;.' v. lo i'.l's i ;. as lis!.; .1; "Voil iiavi tl.. a ;.i i. ril..' i.a-'.'i;. w H a iltlK.' Wi Ir was i-iiaa-.'.- Ii .v lin- man iiad li'iii.-ti i'.'d. :!'i.l ih.' vo'.uan i.ivia;vd ir-.!f i.i v.. I i. a. Ciiffiiid sat down oil tin- fo ':!: .-Ill" i-f tiiv laiil", fi-rlin-.; 1h.ii ki'i'i- w.;s i i...-...ii wiili viritn In; .mild ili.-ci'-s in- maiiii- ,v;i all ixa f oaahli ti' v. "I v.'ii i -.Viimli'i'liip," Ii:' said. KcliliJ", "v. iii'iln r j-i.ii i rr wall.i-d in your idiv,. I !,!:,i- ii Pi-.'i.is an Infamoli's Hiin t l:.iv.- liai'i-d to i oillii-rt you IWiiil lii imiiii ' all- " 'f!i.;r w'll .1,.. .-!i" said. rav.-Ij-. "I d iii'L w.r.i. any iiii.il.iL'iis alinur 1ha.. 1 tan sr.-. M' Kiiif, that the very umi-jii n:.iki's ymi linu n nmri' uu-Lui-py thai li iiu- s n-.'' The t.-ais (.priin;; lo Clifford's eyes. Kvor.v ii'ai i' of Mi;.;i ii a of inr hou-i-fty had nif'ltv.l away hint; aiiift- m lcr I In' iliiiiU'tK" of in-r in-vfi-i t 6triiij;hiforw.'ii'di'.is''. "It's av. i'ully .i'od of you," lm ji.iid, Cr.'itc.'ully. " i I was sayiiii.". snm Iiiiiiil.nH ri is .in- naiy (-r.iilana-iou )'is hil'!.'. mi iiiii.-t have ii'iid ol' Mii-Ii tliiuc". Von mii'i h.tvi' hoard that it la .ii.-iliii- for a 'i isoii in InUi' tilings In liis sl.'i n ami hide thrni awaj- wilii nit fir.' Iirin' loii-rioiis of what he's iloliic'.'' Au'a;.i thr"e l-a.-seil ov r ihi- inyen Uoik fai'i- of lh" youii Kill that look "villi h lieirayed t-iuio vauu- loif lior rihlo iiu-iuory. It liei'iilexed Cliff o'.il and worried hiu. It was the one cir cuuislam e vhirh marred his iierfect tiellt'f iu her. for It showed ivhat till lier words belii'il iliat Ue iiud a lit i te more kuowlcilge tbaa be vonfcsscil to. "Ami wiiat tiiau.! you tUlu'i the liaud Tea uiiucV afcfccd slip, in U'ouhled tone. AcJ In.iinr tive'y. as shp pio'p. ebe trie-3 to hitlo her liacds under tli? riU of tiift broad hat vbicb sbj had taucn oS. " Well, lie baud was mail cjj iof:. Uli'. rcu:s-,' iiitl Clifford in a low vo.c;. "-a fciaall tnat it wa.i almost liU ' a chMit's hand in nine. It femcd to ,ie ;1:ki I had only toU'-brd one li;:u ! iti my life like It." Mill .s'jat a friti'iiieivd ?lnn.'".' nt liim. and iu the pauo whieii follo'.V 'd I'iiff.ird t-'aw a tear fall on to the taide t int r. Ho started up. nil. this In horriliici" he mount d. ''. it Hie ';irl tjiranx tip in her turn, nn I i urninc to her tinele orieil, in a joic- full of energy: i-.i-li- (ieoi'i;e, you tutlMt plve tj Air. biutf ttv usuuey b hws lot, wbai- !Wi;'i 1 S..i.. i'Vi r il. K (I," cr,,ii. iti'i- k!y. i c. i ji i.-iir i.i i my,- hrinii; whii cei tint -.'iv.' you back y ifi'm-d wilo Vi'S oUien . "We i at V Will eh, I.UI W rail (.ivi- ,Vn;l 1 ; i . vaii.'o . . ii. it y.ei w:'t ifil us what it :-- the mere ii-1 -iif-y value, 1 mean. l-r. m' eo'ir-o, li';;l is all w v ,lii." r.i.f rvi-ii ii. i.i,".- Clifford niiiiii 1,1-n- 1 ' a;Mir.-'i iirs i:rtf-ii i-m. which he had. ilu' I. n. -vc I'li'itt'iimii-lt-il I'm- a i-mmM. i i i in!iko",i, burst mil into a torrent nf indi-rniit remou- S. . alle -. "Mi- clve lu; i f.-i-n:.v-iivr )n.iiiiil! 1'!'.n' V 'lat in- sai l l'i- li;til n.i liii.i. :.u" wliii's in .!: I i t -i V Wh hi jh'iui' it. I f.y'! An' liif ally in- iiki-x in sci ou Ins wi'W'ii. 1 -i-l- V Nn. ilial 1 wt ii'i. 1 1 "s niy ''. lit f ii's a tiinic-il nii crory alu jilii-r. an' I .law liim i.i fi-n-Ii tin- no):. And h laM-'. A rii in! I o'.ii.- hiia t". I say!" j.'.vi' a 'inlirr tliiinin oa tl. ;'.s w. ll ;s a .'i'.' ;:! aim d ill 'i-- man's i yi's In- -ii..ki. in" aiai" oi' t'.i" i.i.in vho li.is 'mid i i wur'.i : - I f.-r nail ;;.. l ' i : .. ! 1 fiv-iu th.- nil . mi ill.' ;: i . 1 1 Mi-iih-inli i' "' tin' l.ui.-v li--- iv I;.- ' il ivtaii.i--! h.-r w, m; u;i i.i I In. a r.i.'iN'lnr ll.Tn! :a.l lli'ilf.- in a win'- i IV.- l'i-i-U oil l.-l'i- , vol. :- .-al:'.; i: ;.!- ina-l liii' ,: t'l.il'i- !.; his n-i in c... : ,.'. l'i-..-- ii.i :i d ..-n'.i- ! .i i .: I i i l im ii' ,.,.v li..i'or 1 x i-. . iiiiy, : .: in a 1 1 1 1 1 . il I 1 km w in-i " Ii. "Air did '.'ii!. ha I'd Uu. you N.-i1 w.- I Ir il as ,1 in say ll'.ll Oi' ii. t . ..l.o iy 1..- has liai-ed i-i ;iy Why, in;. n. I've I. I i. eOi.' .t'Ve i 1. 1 Hi ly I 'Mil. vi-. n Mri .in and a man's wa.i il V. : IT- a p'an'. this line l.iudiiti w.;-ll'l It-"t -' . II s-. h-- l''. I:!'., i. an an I .-i.itd ::. v t- ia . 11 ..-. al" l'i' lr.1 my I. a i!aiii o. Vi-'llli'i'll In. ii'.--!:!; a'ld I'lVeiny-ii-.i- i.iiilnl.s! Voil I hail he's Will-ill. every i oi' !iii . He's In ai d oi' m. u'.i- "I ill lai.'lv, a:i he s ennie al ir., in i- !..' Ill" . la I a I I in llils si.ay. ihinkliv; : u "i i ii .y iili" hi nay ..a y ilia-i haw annl'mr ::' ii i- ill. ii e. li'.i'. 1 woli'i. ".; ' I I d do i'fiir.l was l s ! li- i ii was in.;. 1:t i-.'.i'il ma .ailnr." a wiili l'ii..liu:; exo- a d I., ; ills sni'ee'a. I ii!;.- ii,.ii of a Ih'o !l. had no: heel i ii r m' lilt- poor .r Ii. en I it v.-a-' i.nly il.iwn Willi iiis h '.id i !i v.is ' ,1 1- in .,iy, V il. k. i. a!-!.- ( s.. il f.-!!oiv'.s .;t re, w in a C:a' is i u;ie:i lii.- ia'.n very ( ! ii-t 1 y : I in . .' lh I a. ithi or I k'li for en'p. rial'..'. I .."iiiiil.l mil i'.' i-.iti.-ii. :. '.'l:l:k in' i . 1 1 -r ei- i:a U' il.is i: ;;ni"" in v.i.ti 1 i. All I want is I., i..t '" iu;;:-.ie. mueii a -..s i!iaa in mine, i.tn. I. in 'i";' ier ti.it 1 I am a he; Ml-...' !! Ilnl a lie, I iii.'. iis y e.l ha." i.ii'i - v rnkdidly ..'d. I rail llfioid lite h -s of h and money, 'mil I ea'ino! iif- I'o.'d li le:t, yn'i aii'.l pour Ms N--U li..;.' withnii' t'oins my li.-.-i t timl on. lh.- etv.c- of tli'.'.s.- unfo.'iuu.ite ,.,.i-:',,!l.'i...' Tin n N 11 I'loked. naaln in his fa- " with a smile whiidi n ade him r.-aoy i.i f.i on his ku-.-.s :i;id worship her fill' I'll' sweet fori:e:il'.ill"e. "Tluuil; j nit.'' si' id .sh Then lui n III v: to her iinele: "Ir wiil eimn- ii-'iii.'' s',;e said; "oi-, al leas'.." she :nhl"d, hurrieilly, "we will ln.pr it may. You liae'it to .vrnp- work, uiiide. mid I will si o. if I fitu't K-t my " its to work and have goturthitig to tt-II you wlieu I next niei-t you." Claris ullowed hini.'flf to he conset into iiinpl!iiue.- Willi lier wishe, and pi-i-sently lisuppi'iirid into the har. T'o-n, when tin y were alone toother, Cliilortl iioiie-'il ; Mi.ld. n Mlieta'ioii in in-r inaiMi.-r toward himself. It. was no longer th1 eoniitliinr. ehihiish lieha vio'.' of a liu'ni h'-avted irl: it was ihe i'esii.-iiisiti'.e fr'.-avi.y ir au older u ml liimiu'ii, fill v. (i!i;an. "ion arc inn i tliiinis yoiir'flf, Mr. Kins," hiie .iitl, uuletly. "Al ,!mui;li ii is a terriM.- ihiiu for u we are. in a way. pel . i ii. i".'. as jail h.-uid i.i" i-.'iy. ihe; .- have In -n iwo i-r I lire. ' cares of liieft In1-'-- iiel'.ii e. I i't.ipe y.m are inn in a hurry io sat iia. U to Siioau. tor I limild like. In fore J'uJ go. io Lave a m:uiv1i uuti'.- of lilts hoii-t- ami n fe.v raole iumiii'i' ." t-hc noulii not iisii a U his Ii.'oteits, his ot'jeciious. tmt 1 i biu au.l vrcni upsisi.. Clifford, miserable and ir- piv.ec', WtlJt 0'Jt 11:10 tue g..ldeu iiia t trilled auioiig ui. tattjges aod ,-c.e, torn by (JouT-.n wbliii he tried Uj va,iD ti iurvrti-?- lu abcut ml tttJauci be &w. frooo this corner of tUv- fcarJeu nasra be n-a.s ftankins: his pipe under au apvile ii"", Neil voniilli.' illi.kly out ol the iieuse hy the ha.-k tvn.v, and liy, ii ii';e ;.n iinow l -wii li tile rivir's i ai.k. From the Kliiiiisf he eauirht hi' in-r fa." he ..iw iliat s'.n- looked .-. ire I ami ttnilly. and that hhe i-jii .-i nl'liil her the ijl.Hlee of a Person who il... - in il wish io In- o'.i-,-i'M d Hastily tiniiiooi'iiij; one of ihe Imals iiieit lay l-y ihe hank nln tsot in, -iiiPeil atio-s ile Kiieaot matle ihe Ovttl tv th wl'i'.iilv Uvie, i'J 1'OBan tfi run arrrt i ho roii floMs m fast ns hi-r iVft -u'.il carry ln-v. It oi'iiiri'cd at I'lici1 to clin'tii'il lliat "in- must l? iriiini: to taki- -uiiiisi wi.li frii-inl. Miss llnslal, ami 1-k j s-iai'tnl in ilin ilirt-c.ii.ii nf Sliinult? Kn-I liiinsi-lf, thinking liiat il would lx? j a smiil ii-a for him to oirii his In-art I lo iliat latiy. a'ld ri"issui't Nidi as ti ! his -vii iriist in hi-l' tliroiich l!n- tin- I iuiii-arliiilii- lipi; of ln-i- cMi-rly frii lid. I i wi nf l,.v tho road, and saiiulcriiiiJ I nl'-iiji ut a M-ry s.-daU- lian-, n-ai'ln'd ! tin- Jlnli- tiiiiili'i-diiwii I'oidi m i' of j I'l'InlU'l l!us!al jusl as Nidi. iiii-ri:iii& j I'iMlil It hy a li.u k Kati- ln!o tin- !i('lil i Mariril on hrr jniinii-y liai'l: huliii'. j She did no! s - linn. Init In-, lnokinn llii'iiuvii lli- i:"di- ar ht-r. wn to i (llscpi'ii that ln r f.i -.- way. If anyiliiii!; iiiul'i- sml iliau it dad li,--n w!i l"!'l liniiio. an. I I lull ln-i- .-j-i-s sttiill-'ll Willi li'illll Irars. 'I'ln- n'i-ii old maid hud ln-i-n vns.v.n- I jiailii'ii'- and harsh id ln-i- poor link' j i"iil';'.-. Iliai was i-viiliMi!. atnl I 'li!'- ; loiil fi-li thai hi' li.il'il ilu- slanii.v sniiii-r nn- i:. Ill- inllld llul. 1hii V I'lM' ti.' sn!il. to 1 on tin- wa.ili- iiaiii-l' lil.i- i In li-isials. wi-n- : r. li. i fi-i-liiis "ar I in' opln'oa .1' i- OJll-- who. i'iiia:iin d with I.ii.ii. and who Ilu- fainilv al Id.- I'.iiii- ni'iv at tin- f-ainf- Him" frii-.idly I tl'IMIS Villi lhl-1,1. Miss )'.;1 hi r-.-if u. i.. I door J oilier 1 , ,-. ' is lii'l'ni'i-. and I'loi'i litis avd ii.!is ii was i a-y for I'litl'nid lo rovi-r i'i.'ii sii- and hi-r fnihi-r l;.-ni no M-rviinls. sh" M-ciiii-d nut tn In- at all sni'ii'is,. l.y his visit, and wivM h". I'i'uaii In apiilouiK-- or inli'iidiiiK n'.ion In-r iin.iiii. and at Mii-ii an Mit'ly hour of l!"- day. ln- only Miii!:-il and a-ked tun lo I'oiiii- in. "I ll!U-t oWil I lull I V'il.- en. -aci' In I In- hoinrly imi siiit of in-clinu' iiiiia'.ops for our oaily d'l'ni.r." a.d w. as she liovvi d him i in. ii'd worn ;a 'nh kiilfi' whii li sin- In-Ill in h-'i' iMi-i-fiilly ulovi'd hands. lai'.-rid ltiilt ild. ily lady lior ini'.oii: sin- i: uardin W'liiniii a vas. this dried .1)1 aiiolli 111" r.iiv ol ii- vein into lae Miii'.t.iim t io pro. m-i-m. her . ..mnii xioii. nor .lid any f -rf of rnuxh w.ir'.; without uu oh! pair of sl'Iuv. s , ti h f liaii'i-. She I'd Clifford into ;he ilrawin ii). mi. a lnii. p'i-ii -an: anai'iineiii wiili a low eellin.'. Willi an old fa-hinned Ihiw -window ;hal lonked lo Ih" west and aiioih a I'nat Ionia d to r i i - sunt i i. TI:-' Mil -liim- sin. w.'d up tiie sh.ihlii n, -s of whie'n Cliliuid dad iniled si.iii, iraeis lie- liay hel'ore. 'I'h" faded (millions, i-n- ri'-ket.v i-iiai's. the liar" lireiilaee. wiili iiiiiiiiiic: lntt a small slnel of hrown pa)i.r ill the craie to I'ej'h'i lii" winter's lire, all spoke of di spi rati' sliifi-. in' ihe meanest straits of p-iK.-il no' i i,y. I'.'.ii .Miss r.uslitl ii.ive him very ilule linn- m look a'ujilt ; him. "1 can 'iiess wiuit you have eotiii' ahmii." stn- iii-pm. as she (on down her old knife upon Hie side iiilde iu Hie passant- Itcforc i-nli rim; ilie room, "li i-' at-oui. tliis lii'.-adfiil Ihim; that has happeiie l ai ih Cl.-r is's. Itur I liiusl tell you frankly iliat if you have I any Mi-)ii. amis of old Chilis or his: uii-ee. ii is of no use yniir laikins lo i me. fur you will get mi sy.-nj'arh.v. I ; haTe known old P'iiiI'lv Claris for, m inly twelve years: and as for Nell, 1 I ilnii'i think I could -n re more for tin- Uv if she were my own sister. She is as Ini.-apaiilo of ilielt as an itiiwl-" The lady's thin, pal" fa- grew pink under tin- i".iei;.'y of tills proiest, ' which ClifVt.rd has;ui"d to iissure her i w as pot needed. "I lielieve Iliat .j it-. L as In iinily Joa do." he said, rariK-si i.e. "I only want the mystery cleared up fur their own ake, and X thought- ilia you, t iio live so u -ar, niiulii, pcrhao. have a lioiiou whie'a would help u to arrive nt Hi" iriiih." Miss Huslal ,-lliihd '.riilmidialilly. 'I have," si... said, eiiipbat icall.v. "I have it very strong uoiiop. Indeed. I will teil yo'il in eontidenee whom I siispeci. and I rluill iry my hardest no tin I oin Hie truth." I v. f 'IPt'iird's fine eiow en in iiiid cM.ici lam y. " in) vim l it;" il h ss)y. ".Icti" Siiii.i-is." the decision. .1 wiih exete- C .'S'i.'l. 1 1:1a 111- ; -i.-w ;': il with oi: 1: no iv I am "And who is I hut V a strauper here.'' ' A youus tiMiermiiu who owes Nell I a gi'Uttg'? beeauso she wonhl tint lisieu j lo tlr- fellow's impudent advances. He I is alwiij'H hautiiiii,' alioiii .iie pl.;c.', ! thouiih, ami he doesn't seruplo to threaten ihe girl 10 do lo-r sonic harni, nud he Is always prattlii.y; 10 people who eonie this way about the robher ies which have been committed ai the Itlne Umi." CliDoi'd lisleued ooitiitiiUy. Me re in. -uibered tin- yoiiui, iisheiniiin in ihe plinl, with his unprepossessing man ner and low type of face: ami if it hint been possible to connect him Willi the robbery he would have jumped at the idea as a plausible on". Hut then the baud he had touched was eerUiiuly not that of Jem slieU"i, and, moreover, he could not conceive! bow the young nsbeiniau could bae gut into the buUsB and out of it n- lesb by collusion with some odo wiibia. Kutber dUappointed. Therefore, with) the lady's fantastic idea, an it teemed ts be, Clifford, upon finding that he j bad no betttr t,ugse.-tion to make, toon I took leave of her, begjrintj ht-r to im- press upon Nell bis own unwavering bclicl! in ber Uuiot-cnef . lu the nope tbat b roigbi ovenaka Nell on ber way home, or ierbaps only with the lover's wish to trend iu the lovtd.one's footsteps, Clitioril obtained .Miss Hos-tal's icrinissioii to pi tbrous:li the little pale nt the bottom of ber t:ar dcii, so that he could return to the Wee l.ioii by the It.-lds. Nell was mil of siuhl, however, hy the time be Marled, and whatever pleasure be cxiracled from the walk whs due only to the knowledge that she had passed Ibil Wil. Tv I'K CtllltlMUVll- A UNIQUE BUSINESS. A Viniiig Uiiihhii Kariin llrr l.:lui: li l:pinthia Coliiuial l'mrilt iivr. M'liili' Iii'i'.iiliy "P -olin- odd Lil of I fiuiiituro fur a studio, tin- wi-Int wn- ilii'i'il.-il ly a N,-v Vml; fundi in I l:uii In .i.ii al a n-lliiiii :h1i1ms ml vi-i'i i'.-:i- ',- in ln-i- v aiils. 'i'lii- ai!.ii( -- ii-.! I:t r li. :n: llli-l i ti'lltioiis liuiisi- in j a ij;.ii i !ii !.uii. .h.".l In ili- ll.irl' iu !' ' l;ii-;i. u ii' ;i- s,i- juiiiitl a ruling vniii.iii! li.'.i In il"i ii. ai !n' fiii iii Mtidio l.ki- ioiiiii !i!n-l with iii'.aiiil aii-l iicar.iind old j i". ts. Si:o v- .is ii i'i'.ii li'iu a i'-ai old ( oli.iil.il ' i: cina -i-ai. si'si!-iuh-il lioin ilu- rail l.y iron ihaius. Tin- ui'oiiii.l rnlor was vi-iv ila.'ii. ah'ii.st hl.uk, ami tin' i n ii it in 1-1 i 1 1 i:: M L -..i. ill. li.' in C"rai many stoml liik.-ii il III iisli.' -el oil work, lii-.'iiililul and ran- 1 A I'l-ady lor ti e n-!"H "ill mil. The Walt'.- of the li.ilor In ii: made kiiowii Hn- yniiiii: v i'inan made a rapid luil careful .-siiiiiaie t.f costs. Alter i leil;l: what si,-, vaiiled. wiMi the c.Ne'.'pi ion of ,i selile. which Ihe young wiui'il iloniised to i'ocilie. I In- writer t-iteiil Mime liui" -X:i!i;itii:i) thr 'on- ; li-ni - of i he sunlio. ' "Yes. tills js all my own." said the ' yniiiic: woman, "(cieer husim ss for ii vinina.n. i-n'l it': S' evei'.v oile .-e-'lns ' I to ild'iU. I I. .ok it tip liy ai-i'idelit, :,s ) it vole. a-;. I have U nnd it to lie le-o'il:'. , Ide, a- noli i. li;..-l ililen-tinu work. I i aim- to .' v m !.- i jears -ipi w ith i In- ide, i of mak'iiii n no.l living as ic.-i.-li.-r ' i' : 1 1 n-i.!, ,v, !or I had a ' I: a illy -.-ood ( dm;, c. a. a'd lite i.io-t ! ' ViPaUe L'il's. I lii-lii-Vnl Ne .v York to I'" I . ii.i- uiva! i.piiii'tinity fi r looncy 111.1k- I I:i.. 1 rrjihM!-.: .S nVf-l' lll.''ll'. I. -Mil".!. l'.,:'"-.i !-i rii.-i'".l. '.11 'i-iimi 1 .;i i.ij mistake. K. j i.!!'.!;!.. ' ' siieeiallei 1 tlinr 1 "'owiied -iii :.;,), ic:'. is. like j iiiti'lliy.-t't. fairly v. .-II in- j l.-ti imp'.ilessii.nii. 1 was :,.eepl t:e only li'ii. t!::t. Iiii-ii a- a (io -1 1 ic 11 in a pirn-ail-.-. .1;. addai --in' envi-l'-pi s. i' SI il day ni; 1. hh-ii I lu ll! 11 lor .Iv iii'iiillis, tiie'i lh" 111 plaee v,i- nlil ami mv s'mre "I I ii i :i-- . ni l. a! ded In ie-. 1 1 .iMoiliited In 111-1 s..-.ii,i c 1 1 i 1 -l 1 I pin av.av wiili Ihe aeit'i ail'iatliie. lo inve -t IV i-'-l.v. Siiol lly a."!.r ihi.i I Ii., opened ! visit lio sii'.iio ' a m-iv spini-r iiu-i raior. ami wiili- II'- le ;!ie Hnniiiiii 1 " ' ;ii-ird in ti:.- i ha- :': ai d ).. al a i" iiiii-hln- ivhi'-'u weri- oil. I . 'i.dd I " ureal iv h'-alli ilieil i,.-e .i::iil ..till. 1 I u'l'ia linllie ' wi; i in i-li-.. Imiiaii' a few .intiitt old la,. 111 an old tin nil pre dealer 1"J'' It lii" iiiidei'-iandlm; 1I1.11 liny were In ho leliiriied am! -old on colnnds I -l".. I n pah ed I In-lit myself with IU" ; :ind ':i!iil.-i a n.i a fi small ornn ; ir, nt- ! a--"--.1 r.'i s ;liat I pi.-k.'d up. i tii-i v. ni.-'i ""-I ine 1 aetl.v lifly leols. 1 l ii. ).-i iii'o'H'iii s.'i i e.,a '.aoii;. 'Ilia; v a - i ' I.e.i'iilliL. I ili'.'ivie.! ill n sin. til i-nlii'i! i.-'ii of leniiiille. Mime I""!-. len i il a "iin.l tloor l!:u ami .! I-. work or-'i mm ;t s y..:i miw Hir in.-i i:..e. . "I hired a eaiiinet inakea wii-neier I iii-i-d"d skilh ii ri pairii'V. ' tit the dee-"i-'lii.ii-- ai::! : i":i'il r. pair- I aiiemleit to 1. iy 1I1. a. id - ."ii I I.- can.;' -o e)i-11 at liiiii'!-."i !:, Hiat I c .nlil reci.i'Ci' ii dial:- 'il!i j.'1'eal e..s,. ami pe.iine-s. it-:.. liy 1 h in-iii:: a. mii"h pieiti.-r iie--L': i'i.ii. li'.e ei'i ai:d-ili-'"tl iiiniol-ler,-!-. A: . -. 1'i' iiih-' ei :nM-:'ii vaoai; I1-.- old I'li'ld' lit" deal.-;- I mail.' ."inci'ls e.-lii: a N -w York !i' ii--e. n iiia: -eii ymi I , ami liti-y alien i-vrryihiiifi oil i.iy hands as 1 '.add null it 0111. Now 1 have n il li-.i-ima-- ;. 1 c :'l posslltly ill'! IV.- M: ;l - icry j-leat nit v.o'.l;, iiid--cd. a- liiti-'.-e-i in;; ill) any (-llio:- dec ive arl. I i.linul.t ipitiiv, ami il is .pi:' '..'! Ill" li. Id for 11 live. I heii- ve ii is .1 cood ivniccii bread i iiiiiers." -.'i v.- 1. Tii.i"-. rtrtli ill Snrlnt I'uwf I'. arl of 1 olive; Mil. Hi I'n-s. (o In some e!ep. I'lie s -er. t oi social pic.V.'r. si.-ek l-y eery piis-;!.i,. iiieiins to rem cily any il"iieietie.v, i.ml. l.y reitdinu em! ! reqip-nliiin lihrarios wln-re hooks ami l'.'e.,zi.es .1'e alniMlaill. paill thfl- o;;l'Ii ti,,i in i pi.- ruintaiii.- wit'i ev( i v timely lie iini" I here will (nine the plcfis ' elilel t.'iilllll". mie-l - in oil"'- n.VII hum:-, ,;ti I iii !)- eniiiiet tioil there- i a c-vi-r to lic or-,'oi :i-u fip-i that I here 'iioiiid I- :in inlim.iic o!';esiiondi-iie.' l.-iwei'ii iii. 1 in-iii. e-ian. es of ihe ho-le - and ihe -lyle in wiih ii she em li-i iicn-. I'.y lii;- ii'-- lien- of the wold "-ij !"" ;i is tlil llltendl ll 10 convey Ihe iii'-a li.in o'n- may no, siainp Ier ni I i"i a iii'uciii wilii li" hallmaiks of cieunee aiiil ai 1 In- same tunc with slnipli. it) . Tiie l;ln liltcii law .,' (,ti' -o, ;:d life (e-i-::iiv hr.-illal'ij a i-clpr- id ihiim. ."ad no jome: nouiiiti who seeks ! lo in- la-ii-'-t wiih herself and the world sin m.i iuil to fiftiiiu iu some mauncr h-r social ehlijiations uniess. iuii.-ej. by her talents 'ae hys uddeil u,uv m the euienaiiueeuis f 01 hers. hd the bjehelor maid luiiy. if she jj3v a friend w.ih her. matiag wanr jeh?htnil atfajrt.-f inciunatl iribune. .. tbl.11 Ibai Make Von loot; Tbin. V.'tiu- tueke j i''ori.ti look iaaoCf Ot. -.ii.-au;e ead ik;..... Clear wiute ii tor 1 in- blonde. re 31a f bitc for the biv.ueue. T it not the womau in w iiii" w ho iias ail tiie .mention and the wide e.wd youim lliili; in wliile w ith a blue ribbon win. captures all the be.iu ': "Itlaek sail- in.- 1:1 ir." a poel tell- 11-. Il i- Hie ihintiesi eelor a stout womiiii can wear: inih-i.l. iiie Woman who weal- black iii be-1 :,dv;inln"i ! she who is stout ami lias black eyes nud black hair. Ii an echo from l'aris lliai in now in. l i i ii.iln color flesh .ini t to sniliik 111 "l Lee, to cipi.liu A fuilidncil shad,- i f h'.up. heliotrope ' and olive trl''" '' 'vih hlm-lt, of coins.". , Hie Ihe colors tiini.-i wideh lle-'!l -''cms les oslemaii.tu.. whil" W.'.laew..i"l 1 1 in, pule jtr.i.v and i lmost any ciiade ; of led an- i i l.,- avoid, d. Jiauve a-nl lln- hiv-liei shades of '-.reeii are the iv, 1' . ..... colnrs Hint in deem ation Hii'ini I! thrmil mid i-hoiddeas are sp'-..;:illy In Ipful in iliialai-hilc,' tin- effev.! of ill -ll.-.-h. An l i.v. l"ie K.tr ,ri-'p. Tiie eir.ehi)n- whieii de':i :;:,. i:.mierin: of tin- inquisitive -.-I.:li. e the .'iiii.tt' i:.' i!"i"i-;ive or oiie i oiueo iieis ami Inisi-lilei on- ipeii'llei ha- al ia-t 1-e li invclitid. ni.d nv i-a'i scie! i tit 's ihirkc.-l .. 'l iai'l ilu-. I ::;iii f I.," 1 11.1.1,1 vi'liiae.i! pr.-eiiiiiioiiiii'; S"."liii wax tn iii.;n- iiieli' safely, This in w ii.-veiii ln;i has nn m-.-o - i-a li," Hue - iiie, nn,! tiie ,t - on lie Sllli'.c eld-- lis oile pla-e- tin- a-.ldai-.. Tin- llaji is M-ry slain am! iia- i'..nmlid i oi iiel's Ill-lead of the 11-un! p.i'ul, A iiiiinnram. If tiny i- used, ornaineius lia- upper h'lt-haml eiitii--i- io ike Map, 1, ml the siantt i- l;l ! iu Ihe l'i::ii; iialid i-nini'l-. u-ital. over Ihe loscd ll:l)i. Hills liii.kilii: il illiiii--ili!e lev any one lo npci: Hie ciivcliijie without ilisuirl'lnc lae stait -.- New York Con." lael-' inl A'h et-tiser. Airlvitl of the II:imiii-. Pnt'-ly and iiinpiesii nial'i.v ihe haqitP has arriv.'il. ov rather it hss returned. lie of t'l" illllaist.lkalile sisns tll.'l'lof is the h ii'.-i iieiiim: of ihe wraps, winch are now .enuirely i!irt'.'.;p'.ini-i- p-ns'il'. In faithtr c.iiil'u mation of tno fnet all Hie m-w nn -ii.'!- fi'ttm ii leatlin die--, maker- sinin ii.o'.e i.r less lii-ipie. Miiyl-e il is only a p".- liliioii till, al ilu ( X.-:; I l..ni;. or I his piay pe . .it. I : in-. I wllli -1 lliiie lia-iii". pos-ilily hiilf .- ihiz'-:i im ia s or -0 ,.. roiipil 1 in- r,--t "i Ihe (iL'Ule. lu -mile insi.i'i'.-s the j m v, !-.;-ii-.i-s pearly or ..nil" rea.-h lh" i kin. ., uivinj; ;h" t'e. ; ui' .1 t,,-,l,!" t (leek" i i-ii'l. Whatever t "n t depih of : lint li w l i--ii'.:e lia1 wal-i 1I lot s j tioi 1 .ni!i- 011:1.. ii.ii'.nl io the from of ! i:.:e iionlie. w hi'-li I- sliliilj )'oil. iie 1 i il', ih" i'.vle !'.: luiiln : lo a sei... oi" O l'll-l. Ttir ( iiioinu U'hltli or St:ill. o'.ie 1. in iaj dov, 11 .-my rule for N. maklii:. and 1 nt of i media," fuiiire, hut In I heir l-.'illu' sil-trii AVe a,.- eopi im: ;li" sl.iits of Iiie iiii Vi iy I idlil; poiliis and li nen fn'-lei-. a "f them f :-..!.. sum of tile loe.li:le al dle-s, Iliat we 'c mtli-li ".itln-ieil and p'eaf. d In within some ill. lie-- t"-!-iw tie- w.ll-.. Su.li -lilris ,;re --i..-r.-i.,!. (riiipiici iianid wdh bauds oi' ome eoiiirasiiiiu ail iriiniii.d MU.iie ai tiie ne.i; v.'ilii laee. t!:i- sleeves p'.lffeil fr'it.l til'' -.'.It hi ri'llTs ( ill i 111- sh.c.lltle;' lo lllin- ilu- wri-t. where lin r.- iire moie (ail) ers. You can see pli-nly of ihe-o skin lust lintv 011 tin- siaiie. w here tl'.ere are 11111 11 v iolleii it an. ixaiapl-s e lie i:otld. ' s!;in III N.-v York I .ilisl Atner- Tiie I itsliiiiititnir 1 lonr. 'ihe flowers Hell -eeia to ,: wiih lis nie llio-e 1)1:11 diooti. fi .-iiliom: t hem lite I'n.-iisl'i. Th !,.-( !!.-t ate C'li'll I CIlle of chilVn-l. bl! I'l.lli- l:.'- j i;m-iiii.v of M-lvel. acid they have a j i.ivi! i'oll'twiiii iu .ft Voi-aii and (I her stjh- of .icivilrj. A fu-li-ia in' 1 ;-;lli: n;- i-' Very olfi tive, bill il i -. )ierh jiretiie,' in enamel. Now tie; 1 r.ii'.e for fiieh-:;l has j.iken a new ill j 1 1-u: the diiwei sdi o. pi'ew p wards, lu.'iile ' in siik. and ar.' iioi.liiU''d in in ilmn ymi.s. They look ..cry we'l iu iie' day iime mid -.i'.-il!y v.-cll w'ea t1 1 -a me i""a h i- ! tj . .pp''e. i-i I,, In i;i.-.- ie: for ,he . wult;-.:. ! i:cl. Tfimniln, l ali'i'i d civet h irimm'i. hand an i!icp"ii.-ivi. lat"-t lien. ; ia! -"W 11-. Il !s o'-aii.-o. bin it iin i- i iy be anil' ,1. aim ii v- ry iit.lt- of i. nihi- v!'.'il!ly to ihe 1 ietam.e of it t'uwn. The vi ll i i- bia -k. mid ii ri' imes- is im-reas-d by iin tiny -nlden beads thnt arc thickly s att'-r. il over it. TO WEAR T arpe -i!v r oui ton. titte ih" favor for f.i'Tlt tnllor (towns. Tii" blou-e c'f for siirinu b'.dice- et v. ill .,:' not; bill 1,0 loPu't'l' Hi, im extreme fa-lihui. 'J'l ituiuii'iis of cioili in eaie ar lait, eiohellishul wiih jruld buttons, are c,y feteiiint, for a brow II eostunie. While chilli '.Veil covered wilii en: broidery js used In tin- creation of -.on-of Iiie lab 1 anil lan-l clf.-i t.'Ve ne-k "li.Nini:-." Hark-liioiMi iteiiiiroy .Norfolk ,ia.K"l ults wiiii walklu. h-iiLih -kin ;re eiy st.iiivl. but ine oidy lie. niiiluy to i ( ry st cite lii'lire-. Chiffonelle i one of the ety nrw stuns timl. liuiw Ithsiam.ili!.; its Ik-Iiiu very light and perishable, is -u utliiic livc us to 1ih tutil-y weavers. Iulk Initue Kcshiou c;ll- a bull the present tuode ei slpeef v-jji beeouif a;, ridii-ulously larre t?!o the Hbo'v j t; it. wes vfral j-pmt ba.-k at tbt s boulder. Many wore of tbe severer ttiotiels in bird cloiis and pwotU of tb ftry 1 t'.mplo t,tyle are uotiveabl aitouf the neireft tailor jowds teua for xcwj seasons past. Tiie l.nllis XMI. sleeve, tvilh .loop, tiiriiedbiick lace culls to mat-h t!te deett. failiup lace collar of ihe time of l.ouls XIII . Is .me of th- most tiicttir i'Siii.' inodcs of the ni-.m.-nt. Cirdles will be eoi'.stanll.v narrower !;t the ccittre ol Hie back this Hirlm, 1 i'lld where a famy ormiiuenl is tistd it will lit! narrower, ton, hut long hoUkIi hi lencti aliiiusi enlirelj- ocvosn 1 b- iUH k. ! are tni-rl' In .ill'-k' t- m" Inl 1 t IkIiI i.iic MViIm. V,e,e lie- land i- le t iu naiidn v or Jia-tl'l". v e et rid of I in- H eeds ! y I r.vi:i nt 1 uliivaiio.'i When pi.ssiril". li"fo','i. M.'vi,"); or Ida';,, in., any i-!h;i. it i I ion ti it-i t':" freshly pl.iWiil l"lni lie i.-iPH ...loll,:')! for the Ceed seed- t'l come up, v then ni'i t !.!-. uvi r wiili a -i miii: hari'inv oa w eede,'. w i i'.- tin' -riiiiiid i.- dry. an.; e; rid of uiosl of them, other seedt .-.lii may vrrni t a'.-, out ihi-...' are li- catly kMled in . nl ::v.iiliiji the - loit. oa l.y in-.'V.iiiv: tl--in of I.i to;-.- :i i'p. ii . fl.-r the I , op i ll- ' : 1 ertinveil. It I.I" wot.. 1 -,,i-, i,f pniiey in i.ilo-.v :i la;::" ma.-, i-i ivv'.i- P. ripen M "'d nnd Hemic,- lil-nad. .1st. If thtj ill-' illlllil.lls. of i. iar-e lin y 'aipa-i '-iei:e up tin- follow ii. v: jf ir wiiiiniu -"i d. and ni-1:1 1 V. iii die if v.'- keep litem s!nirn of their leave i, and li 1- il"- saice with -moios. T. C isatie. in At:i'- iiaa A-jri- 111-llirl-' . , 'lli Milk simmer. If il Wile sll'ililn 1 i- lls.-.i Sei.UI H. 'i.'-il lilne with sal! ami a lil'il-n. nn.l li'.'li Wti-.li Willi w ii-,11 iiaie;- iiinl -o:p and lilise Willi 11. id wilier. Cloth strainers simiihl be l',r-i well Avashed in cold w.Hef to remove the milk then iva-'ned wiiii nan: water ami snap ami rin-e-1 iuain. iheti scalded nnd dlii'd wbe'e tln-j nill be elc'iu and ji.ni.. Milk pilii-. churns ami oth'-r I'tt'll-ils 0 1' tl.,. dairy -IioiiIiJ be treated wiili Hi.- same rui.oloiis cfire as tho pails, and li",v ar- more u-ually .-nr.-- I'll'iy !e(ik"d afp r thiin Ihe pall. Al! ihi- 1. leans ear". I- il i- -in-h care tins, w iih e.pail .are in lln- bam ;is to cl-aliiii:. S-, In atliiv iiiii'iiaN ami who!"- some food, thai enable- some privnie lif-h i.s to lii d ;i veMily 1 nark el for tin ir 1 f.ilinls ni lib.'11-r prices (lain nre laid tt.i li e b '- c.-i amet.v product", for Jin er. .iia.-i . i 1 side in Keep all its patrons lip in this staadai'! of oh an!ines. -Tip' ' 1 1 1 7 ai.'i. I iloiit. I'm t-Mt., Ittillillni;. i inn blbMiinc -ir l'i l'.airiliS faril'. .-l;liiiai.- il I- oi:. -II de-ir.li to Itlll II 1 1 a j Iiii:-,i anoi;; ine eive- ami L.'li.li.. Vl hero some pi oh 1 1 hoi is lie siicl, ihe plan ahowu iu iiie cut will be i.ililnl M iy -el viceai.le. A siiiaie board slnitd- inn al an :i 1 . . I- uinhr lite eaves, ,.; no ai: 1 ii. - 11 l!i -ables, and U Ir.'ld in iii.itlo:i by a liiiinjtllar bit of bonnl at iiileivi)-. On,, cm '.hen siiin'h-li'-li! il.iW", or out 01. in :l:e ed",cs of iiie hoards, aod when Hie shiiipiiiiK is on. a ve:y alisf:n forj linl-h and pro .ieelioi! will be sc. tiled, and a- nlimed li. 1 i .i-.'lise, eilher for m.ili rial or It -la..'. Where milters are 11, a us(. it i sp iilli.v illlittl t.'Mll to il lVe II pi oje. -lion ol' iii" lo 'I' to keen iin- dilii If. mi 1 i'e wail-. Oranui. .ludd l'aiitir. " 1-.-iioiilnQ .if tt.r M'ovt;. V few lii.i.i -' work in hua, lie.' or I llinl'ilC plains, ill ol. Pi to (lOMlnJ in- sc. is or di-. a-e. may Imi .:lv -,-ne i i l. ..- li,!- ynir, 'mi iil-o ;:renlly le -ii :i,.- v ,.: :; of .. -m se t- ,,. Hut such la- 1,.. ;.:,!., be :,p, Pe,l a, ,.hl time. II." .- n.i ' wilil seen-. u e.'II n:ey ap ; .i,.w-. In 1.1'ii v tlii. It I'C.ii ly iinitlll'eil t -ftire th-v :! ,'t -!i.,j ed 1 hey till, -.nr.- th-v ar. ,'t -ii oi e:l ilpv take , , , , . "..'a tl..- hif.d i:n i.!;;i:i foinj tun ' tin old sustain !',. , n.p pt-ewn tl ' lh- di .ii i'.i lio 11 . ;' wr-ds is d. vli". lie v ,"re -ina'! Ihej I'i'e Iiieli out t and the -nil. Wltii the furnn-r pos 1 "ties Ids infill', i.'i Wi ds be inetil !!ie 1 i-k tii' tiol beiiiu utile 1o i radif at"' i tlicui at some eriilcal pevlod of iheir . .v-i'ioc. ai d ihe pe-is w ill ih. n iiav iin 1.1 d :n:i;e by deiu i in.- tin- crop of pi'ii-iiiti umi ni. ml f "nil in n the si s.i:i is most p ii.eli.iii- I'o- I'.iwili I' i. 1 be h--1 liim. ol th- w..rk net year .1.'.. shonhl clways.N' kept in vi-w. I'r.dit op ihe farm i- led laadc in a I year, bill in a Series of yen-. Work dun. at I"-- to-diiy may lirinpr a tail j pt.nii dniiiii: the pei .casit'. 'Iiie lii i-; piot'il-ibV work is s).;ij 'iik in d. ii'oy I'l.'ci.s am! Hie l.ccplt.f: il in n of We. its and -sues-. Ti.e vni... ..! l.,i,a,.. Thru i.-. pcibai,-. mnhltii: ab.ui; a town eoiimrv l,-,..ie li-ni c,o io -ill ri.i. i..ihik a more p! a-int aPi'i .c- ...:.-. loan a ..r.,n el .-t ..':.. Tim- ..i-i liille. urnw nip dlv il: jr... .1 .-ii. ir led i -row oainiali.v. ic puire im n!t"Uti.ni. If lln hull .- -il- Vaiid ia 1 Ideal, phe-e -i i ii row of .So;-. Wi.v ..!.,.-' th- Sid,. ;i-..;.i wlti.-h the prevadi!, wind.- blew lu w inier. If int-iidcl I" . - left iii lni.iiii-d do 1 n -.I cii.se:' thaii oi'lit f"i '. Tl;. buva h".- v. ill i-. , 1 in'tbret- or i.n;r and in eivht .tests p.e?ent 1. solid tnas.. tin ltf. hi"h. with to) ;. .ir at-ovf ilicui. l vu 1 sst too . I,,-!? to .1 e:i-F or al!e'.r c-a't!? amou,' th-in as tl'-.' t-'! r:'.til.ir elflivb In b. ik- in anl muiiLlinj: tbe branches A fff- w-f-d .(-d f.ii pee.injeDt of dibr- .pi-;..-.-. i'U tie U'n un- tv.e -' tr-.-i'-e .-. i-i :.ms .f the Vea:-. xccit ?ar.va'rty wbn otb' xtta a.-i bar: of ft-iiae. ' If uotbSns: betii,- can b,. (.llain. d .. t n fi w small ccdai- (it's lioin ihe wood-, l'icimro the hol.-s ..irefuliy nnd in seltinp ilie tiecs litl In then th" t .'ilaiicj with il.h snrfn- e soil from the woods. If .eli-'iil Is eMreiii"- I.V dry, wafer oceiisii uaiij , imd the tl:e.-' will lake are of tliemselvCi) io th.- futiin. A low (' eve' jjieetis Is cheaper and more effcclivc than a lal- tic. work c.iM'i'Cil wllli vines foe 11 S.'I . Cll to hide ml! ImlldlllilK. - I.. l, t'lnlM., IU Ailiei lOAl. A. ii Ulhiiist, , Poultry Notes. l-'.-jic. l'or llatil.l.i. Il i- il lili-lai.e 10 -o il oil' ."II 11 Id hetis and t.'n-i; t 1 liin iy oil tin- ptille . far iiie eya- ti."d n r hai- iiin.. ( hi' ks ii.ilehed fl'ion ea'.'s laid i.y h'-ii- one. two or even line.- year-- -t'd. itrv -iloitm-i'. :i ml e-nal!.v hiake "i ..-W .- liill'l 'il flnlil pllil'-IS. liens .-'i'li-r Hie !ir-i year lay laru-'f l'i:-:'. and tl." .-lii.-k- from lii'-m are. as 11 I'u'.e. ii.'ifili' r than fmni .'.0,1111:1",' heps. Tiie ..Id leii- nr.- linn.- )i..i:.-:ii t'li.-rs f.l.d. it- a 1 :il-. iiie Ifii'-r ilal - Wo Ihil.li il U-ller I :i'.e ll:e In.. or ife"'j e,i, ' old leu- wiiii eoi!;i"i tii.it h.!" filliy uiaiincd. iiint t-.-ei-M- lie- niMt cNeept lie a:iv iaili'n. I. for m'lii.t-i cl-. Mm ii of llio vo'.i'v at lei-leu .-hi -I.-is the result ..f v,"al, -i...-k. and .a iiiiii we ;:ii:irti avraiu-t -m il . I f t -ti e ".s e ,)l :t" on:- iioul'le.- II. tin" ami l'a:!ii. ' ;ii.'i. 'I'lt.-re I- li- diiil'ii liiai ;..'iics are i.-i-d l.y a small won-, uu'lcod i'.-.c; : tin' tillii of 111" j ard ti-iiaiiy in an ei-i- ,!., io spin- ami I.i inu waiiiad ill lh" ' -!;). oi Ihe enlik ii.'1ois lb" 'III. ill j w.'l'l 1 w liich :.Ciln:: l!y inlerfe. e- v."l; l-rea. Ippv, and p, mill, e- lii. II ap.ic: j who ii . vol I ually end- in ie:i; h. Imuiiaior ili'n!;s have never 1 eett j hi-own in 1,-m- -an-., m-iil'c lane .those Ihni w--".- k. .t in .lean. ::i'a-.y ! ph-i-. only in...- ti.-ii ha v. had runs j on ban- vrniind. . ilai v. a - a'- Ion-.l 11 10 1 .imnl.-i ban ..", Ind ; popes. a!:d all ',".-! I :ie -la.un c: i.i J'.lnij Hun I'bli iiedni'd li"' di- ;-. , I f mi - . i.leks iM - nn H a- .' a in . -e- Ceil II." la''.-- al'" h'-nt il-.-. i jiiial .-hail-- lie- 1-n .1 i.-ni ; : ::- le"i.v .-.v l-iy. K" ii' n- -.-aitei' - I v.-r lii- r-im d w ii-10 tin-; i- ,s.:i'.- a'l! d- i n: i''i m" I.;-1:-- " 1 : hell f. .1 ami-: lib 11 and nn: !. IX.rh.' rl. T;n- a. :! i-i-tiy : : .k-ich p-pre-eiils 'an ea-.'' v.-1 1" ari'a'auinv: plain ne-r- ' i'nr nii. i.s. M.'ike meat "Ml e! in- a boards, twelve in. -In-- I.i::nai.i ii.- 1 iliCae. ti.nu. Si I lio.ll'i's ii. 'in :' el:- : japan lie..! 1. a'i en .. 1 ii at -1 a: !: -iii, 1 la j fi-nl . I..-- io I In- i:... a lo iii'ld li .-ei ia'l . . f.,.-,-:- 11 -- a wait -I r..i a -rn-s i n- i roni . i .ilai. bald- 1 11.1 are her- 'l:' '. l.y faliini' ..m i- ii. -:ri. in front .if I II--!.. Tiie i 1:1-1- lor da. '- are :ir jaaoLi'il a-ilisi i:,e M ai!. I iie.v are ! mi ply f.lslcai.l -.. iin- vail hy ..I-.' iw ':i'e i-a: i ; " - t : in ai lop "' ;'' a ' I'i.'ii. I. ii- -lion 11 in A.- ii. I.-v i- 1 1 ' ..-;:, in Tin- llpiioini-i. Iir..r r rinlillll.Il- A - .-i-i 1 a nt ed id".. in , a 1 ini'e in -priiiil and b.-iier : 'n'o'li iind p.iplli.v iire Kepi, la- rai--I im.' of vc -. lotiiinin in b- none p.ii,: ; lal'. iit.il ,-ls 111" i'-t il.il M.I -i:eciases iiie I I'lt-iie'-s hi tn. s n. -re p, v li I a hi". The ' old-. :lie- ;: lii.i wcl'-hed tour oc II'' p.f.mif- ha- now ;.lnio-l cniil'ely ii.-!'i i.'ii"--il. and in il- piaie we lane I ii.- '1 ni'.i. a,!..- and liin'iii-a. b.iih raiid fin.;., ilia, will iiill, iron iwelve m liiiei.i )ioiiml- each. 'I l.ej rcilii''e 1... nslic let.;--., im; will need a dr.v . v .. .., .....1 ai. ,-'.., il ,1,1 ne, ml, - , , v i,.,vI, .,, . ,..,. , , , iVi.,i:lMy ).l-;l liy belli;. ..'.linpli .1 lillt'er l!l" feet i ..f iin- itiiliici-. WI en beiiis: proitiireil 1, , , .. , , . .... ., i f" 10:11 -et i lo j- l.n,i' 1 very rapidly 0:1 . , . .1,1. t (o il :- 1 "11. meal, and are icadv lo ee -.I ; :-.'. In 1W0 wi -k- iii'u-r havin;: Id! .".. mil feed. Cee-e ale prof- and aie alv.aj in i-iii:iii1. and . ' .' :ih" li',;le ;i I lent inn I'e-piir.'d in rai"- t.tjeni will .iu-liiy I ne .nit lay in starl Iditil t'nv I.Rtlntt Hn. A ('i.iii'tiir.is,.n of I'eediii a 11:111 of the ration in lln- i. 1 111 of ",1'i'iiinl prain v.lt i iin- Millie lalloii loinposcd ol whoo grain has l.een made by Hie 1, I,,,,,,,.,,,.,, ', ,,,,,. i 1 .lny iliri'i'. one Hock of fowls wa- l. i! a trsi-h in the mm Mine, a -i-coml ! flock Ihe iuiis:i al niuhl. ami Iiie third t'.ii !. had only whole Llain. Results rln-vcl very itie . 1 1 1 lei i nee between ivii'i'mu li e nnish in 1 lit- nioiniui; or ai ;il!i:.:. tnil 1: malcriiil "inn in et". pl'o- dia iioi, in lln- 11-e ol a n.-.-l, in . on - ; bar. -.11 wn), u,e main. Tile pens j"i- ' "ere fed i.iiisl, ai uiKhi laid U ''- ' ''"' 1"" '" 1 h" '"'"':" " "CO. '"'' !' l-'" " i '" h ,vl'"1'' 1 1 T,illls "nl1 !carlii- h. 11- "ine it h .iilt.-retn-,' iu ! li',"' "f nmh. ' S.'i.n v. c.ai similar work lias bi en ;'' I"'l "II hy ihe New i k .'X,.'-l'l- ; nielli -la:ioll al l!el,ea. Willi Whne ! '-"-i:' " foehins. 'I he I.er;- ; he, us hat infc their gram I nod only diy i '"-' ntt- "' " '' ; , JV- ! u,yr ''u'1 tf"' ,lv,;' ,vci-11' , tjn di i i.n siunliir ot haviu" about tiiii'..v-et-t pel it ut. of the:r jtrai'i iftvjhil ami m listened. With tho Co- ' l'et'e'' -i obtaiLf-d i '' Tht W'fin w l vrti' ' I ' p.obably due k, ,be hebear j J-Vlvc-.i 1'ivai bavits to scratch io the ! Vftv lor it The Hatch crperiajenf ' --" t taautl vji lit :1c- U;Kw net ; " nuubn of f-ijr r'.'o3oce.l Iropi ! !f .-iinc the n.a-!i tn th;- nioiiiiu or at j "''bl. Ni w i:u!..inl Ilomesteail. ! " ; l'"Hii" " !.. I A 1 d'di'.lia il " named Ca.liaud left in j lb- ll.v nf .( lu'va all hi- pri-penj c j Ids desk, which wen, Hi a la w. : earned Coiiehel Wieni 1 his desk wis j ."limn 10 I'- 'nainU-d om i to him Hon I 'sues ttcrt foinnl in p. Tin- - iiy I c!a ii.a-n Iiie unuie.i , I. nl ill 1.1 a )e.-:,l ,.,1.,"-: t'otn hel i,m il.

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