ilje Chntl)nm ttccorfr. l)c halljnm Htcorb, If. A. LONDON, Editor and Topriotor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- TME1Y5TERY- oPTttC , 1 1 ore nee warden, , , Author of-" "The Mouse on iUc Harsh," cl"c- P'i-iTi--h', l:-, l-y Bibt.'i't UoliiiirV K u.: CIIAl' IV. Continued. TIhI'i' wii- :i faint track over tin) fell).', lint del'dled enough Id l)l called n 1 1 :i 1 1 . but just 1 :n enough fur li'i 1 to di -cei ti by tin' IrtiiMrn look (if Hi" liml'l grass. lii' w.i within .1 eutiplo of Iiilinli'i'il jard n:' Hip Illlli- river. :nnl was look. In:: mil for :iny sign if Xi'll's presence. In the Utile kitchen garden (in 1lu other f-"!', when ho became tli.'it tin' (oa-sl iuiiiiiili' .loin Stickels whs in sight, r, lining slowly down llie stream, iis ho I ; :t t 1 : 1 . , tin- d;iy before. Catching fight of 'iditb -111:111. Jem ilrrw Id I 1. 111 fi the slmr-'. st 11 1 Willi his blink f-'.l h:i' i'ii the I . 'Hi: of his lii'H'I. his (' , 1 ' I i lay i ; n i'l Lis mouth, liis lininlri in In- !'. kcls. In' I:iim1i'(!, ami slouched ill, I'.- I lilfol.l. V.' il. sir, I warmd ymi ns how ir tvi M'.i :i wise thing tu put up at the Li,;,.," raid .1. 111, Willi n swng-ger- nu ll" Clifford , .... ,., . . I " ' S. til S 1 III III t l'. :!: I. int. ' I I'.'inl of It up at ; ... . . ... ,. 1,1111 ,1 I'"'f. nt great nit .omhr, ami h" Jerked his head . . . IVMll I rl; in 1,," direct !u or tin ol'l ruined !" tip tli" i'iviT. 'I s'puso there's ii .1 grand i ri'ii'ii 'i o' liuntin' abuttl phi', ami ii iw they've I'utiinl nolle ' 'I ! :- I :: Hill' U'l tO tllf'M lit- . 1." I.y this 1 inn. Mi.:' .f." .lain" at Cliff.inrH fac'. 1: -in h i liN 1 y. s walliliT clsi'whi'ii'. I.ia'i .-hit'liU- ami iilly almiit as In .i . )' a.trinii.ii was Mtihl n!y at- 1 I. ,1m-1 as In- lliii.-h (1 his i-i i ll. . :.n 'hinu 'in tin' 'rniiml. nppan iil a :" '.V l" l II. ill! wlu'l'i ('lin'iifil Wiis ii':.:!l'.'. 'I'll" hlKiS' Unlicril till fajllil uiih-li ra tin over the manY. -. Hi" r:l'vr of llllef St llllil US-.i-; .i iit n!i whii'h he stnoil i':i;:iii;; 1 ii i at the one partii-iilar 1 11 1 ui'iinal. a ;.:. of hiniM-lf. Clilford tiirni'il 'e a I ami'ie.l, t.m. 1 ' !. 11 lli' ;,r.lvs lichiml hilll. Hut f. I Ir.nii Hi" triu-lt he hail fnl i. v .. his own watch, llli the : ' II r.iiai ln il tu it, lyliij- liali'- ' .1 la tli" M'lMily t-'iowth of lh" :'- lh" lir-l iiii.nii'lil ( liffofil slai'eil v. i.i.i.i pi al.iii1.: or innvini;, iliinili V. ' ;i a- ' V. ' 1 1 1 1 f . : i- v.-.n.-h! How iliil It p-l iliorcV 1, 1 :ii:-i:i i' :.l la-l. ' . ii"i.t I i ,!'!:, ! l-'i-orilflllly. i.uv.- ill. I ii '! I think I rouM p.:.- .; I utii-s. If I ihired." ".' il'i jmi mean':" 'Why, thai ii'is is the way Miss Nell '!;. f 's -.1 . in Miss r.n-lal til SI. in I.e.!. :u.l that l.olioily hut her ever II-,- ii. i: what I (linillil lilfilie F 1 I. ..h! : -. t 1 m. -an. if I eniihl speak my li.'e.!. ."n! I ll -.i':-r Miss Xell ha-l I. 1 ; 1 . I,. ; liiis iminiili!,'. t Hi. r'i '.!. 1 i,-1 iii'niit'il tin swells fin Ii 11 i : i i I -h" la'tl'l." 1 !' Mi l Mii'im:: ai the man ami pin I, i.. -I !i!i.i hy the 'Si It I.. i,U ( III '." he hissed out, S.'IV- r .. !v. "Vi a !i --.TVe a ihiashini; for iim lii'i i'V 11 as he lliin the fellow -prav. I i 1 1 : ; in th" l,.ml of the fiver- I ( I.:- ,;,i f, !t a ( hill at his heal I ii h" !iv 1 iie cvi'leuei' closiiii; (.'111 I plMiy Xell. I II AI'TKI! V T'i l iim; a woinati into fnens. Iy n.iaiis even of :i seatalal, lias always hi 11 a Mire way in hiim., upon her 11:1. re Can ln-r fair h.!tv f.l' til. ililini ti'lii.n of tile oil. i f So. Win !1, tin ve-fni-.-, the i.h.iect el' iml-lie allellliilll ! f;il'leil wiih uuit-.ual iilliaeliulis of per nm ami inaiiiii-r, the havoc sin makes In Mi.-n ',: ih!" iiia----i!liiie heiirts i t pro p. n ioti'ii. ly rcat. t was mil a partictihirly weal; liian. aei lie woiihl have seorueil, n Wi'i k nvii. the that he coulil lne II u. -in. in 1 lie eioi'i' tor In-Ill iiinli-;' H! '.ii. i ill 1 ;' U:i ft. I'.llt il is illi-ollh -1 iilile. for ."11 (hill, that the sirotlU'er the M!-n. ir, . cii'i um:.'aii( t s urew which liri :,,! her nnoiil, tin slroiiL'er nisi L. -, Mine his own li'llillu'S of leinler ill- If : iie were not the thief, then who (Miihl il have ii-ili? Ami if It Were liiil, 11I -he who hiiil lakt-li his Wiiteli li!:il 1, n-y. ami ilioppeil or tlirow;i a..', ili ii.iim i' on her way lietween S 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 liii l an. I tin l'.lue Mull, what wa- lh" can-" which had prompted the lid ' 'the CM' lr siiiuiiainhlllislii still Kin. .il Mi iii tu t'lii'ford, for this wmill have ;n- ..inilcl for the frij-lit-1111 il l ull, ui hiilf i -iiii'iiiliranec which id ei il more n h -ii I':-" th than (.me ill her licillSi (Us er haod hiiil ci'itninlv 1.. n t-i.-i: I lie' v.'!,. !i he MIW tie,' le I. ml rn ross the Holds ;it I'm very time win u i ' . Lt canylii' tin- t I- - I ii ii a m inn I'tiiiuli-ni, tUeit what ' rin.ivi' i ni'd there l.r for this y: ' ' i i a '.errilil" templalieit en i: : . ti of a li.-amiuil.'i" and ii 1 ntlv can. lid ami L'ooil t.llV W:t ( iiie vitiim in I !,ar iloilUtfill (li-"ase ii :.i.d tu aNi'ti! maiMi-ales an c i fur (H-i iiaryitiK well connect 1 1 . ' vupeiUir education':" Wa t ,n I, t a "i.h ptomaiHn.-V i ... a-.:..i if th,' ilitlielilties of 1 i- i"ii !. nut uver. :is she had ivpre H- pi, I il.- i.i to lie, iihd was she the vie tiip of a mi-nid"d litt liuiiintien tu VOL. XXV. el Mr t lii-ni iiwiiy, t'Vel at tlje Fneililce :f her honesty .' Kael-. siippnsil ion seemed to Clifford mole iiiiprohiihle than the lust; and V In 11. after eoiiiiiciisatinii .Tom Seek( Is for his mil in the mud hy llirowlni; li i :n :t half-crown which had hcen lelt III lli pcekel lllltol.ehed hy the lllid li'Kht thief. In eattsht siyht of Xell oil the opposite haul; of the river, he was aaiii ready to throw his dnulits to the Witl'h'. 'I'li'le was alwiiys a hnat tii'iofeil 1j each i-iil of the river sit this point, su Clifford nin down to tin water's ed'.'e, ami limited hiiiiM-lf iicrois. leiii Stickles l.ttfst iii tit a laockint;. iilsiiltiie.' lao'ili. Clili'ord did not care. As his friends, .lofihin and )!li Conyheare would have said, he was hy this time "Inn far um'." XelT hiiil ili--appciired ii'.-aill ly tin lime l:t; hack into the irardon. iiinl he had t' hiek almilt for Millie Min utes liei'ore h" perceived lief, (lossill h hls. this linn in the direction el' lie had il ha-ket on her arm, ami sh" was walk- in-; so (piiciiy that Clifford entild at lirst scariily helicve that the liaurt" which had got over so :nu h Kiotiml lit : 1 1 few minutes utihl rctlly I'" I hat of tin yirl he had tc n in her um lr's t-'itr-i'., 11 :l few minutes liefule. Ii" was ili ieriiiim d In sU"W !i r hi l-i-i mired Wiitcil, always Impinjr :t';a;ii.-t hope Hint '! fr.-.-di ilevelupnteiiL of lie mystery would hrlutr iihont thii 1. lined fur csplniialion. Hut hei'ore In ceald over take her. sh illsitppeitreil Ci..!i Ii!k si-lit ovi ! the t ri al of the i l-i-ho-' '.'loili'd at fleet, ninl V.hen In I '.'.it iipnii the hill, ill his I'irii, she was I l!ov!lcle to he seen. I It was tu. I fo; Mini" I 'Hie. after rx i plorinn liuht and h'C. 1 1 . In saw j Nell, Willi all old hi'ouai in her hand, i oimrL'" from a p ior iiitl" ( ult.i.i: ' t. hii h stood ly itself mi the marsh he- low. She set to very vL'oroii-dy i In sweep out lh" dil-i of III-. eollile. ! the doorstep ami tic hit of paved I ground outside; ami Clifford had slood I tin Mime seconds al 11 Utile distance, i warned hy the expression of hel file. I that she was in tin mood for conver I salion, when she at 1.I--I iiiled her eye.-t and met his. I A shuck of pain eoavtllsi d the yollll;: 1 'la ii wln ii h" saw what a ihaiii:' tin ' ,,i: -i l'i w In-Ill's had iii.iile ill th" K;r'. , Instead of ill phl'-id sWeei te'ss of ill" j day I'i'I'ol'e, there Wit i ill lief eyes such I a world of s.idn-s. of terror, that Clif I ford's licit 1 1 sliiote him. ami he wished that he had suffered his loss quietly wiile ml a wold to aiiyhudy al the inn. Sh stopp.'d in her wmlc when she .-aw him and stood erect, wailim.-, in an I'ttiiudi wliieh Ititd soiueihin of delimice in it. "Voll ll'tVe sonielWnt; In siiy In 111", 1 tlipese':" she -; . i at once, ( uidly. Clifford did mo immediately ii'bwrr, his hand w Hi. iiivnlinilarily up to llie chain of hU wnl' li, which he wt;s now weariiti,'. In an Instant h-r line heeamo ns white us that of a (lend person. "Where where till -."it liml if:" lainincri'd she. And she In inldoil so ink-inly that :h hiiiotn slipicd out of In r hand and ii II tn the t'liiuml. "I found It on the .;rass-, on th" oth ,f sld" of th' river." answered Clif ford, who was ipiite as niueli ajr,iliiii d as she. The hloiiil suddenly rushed hack to her cheeks, and sin heiuin In Ureal ii" s, i heavily that Clifford tliolljht t-he Wits in (laiiu'cr of a lit of some sort. "What what are you t'oinn to do':" sin stammered ont. waving him hack with a Ki'slure which was almost llcrce. as he ni'Acd furwai'd as if to support her. "I in' Xnihinir." said he. "Voil are not ijoinn I" proscciit nc :'i.r theft V" nslicil she, in it lone which !;e nieaiit In I'e hard ami scnt'iili'.;, hill whicli was only a pitiful Utile niake- l"liee. iii'l.-l till. "Xell. oh. Xell. huw can y..u s:y -II?; il I ' inn to me'.''' cried t'lii'ford, ii...i!'si-ly. lie diil imt ( vi n know thitt he had called her hy h.-r ( h!'i.-.l ia.i name. Hut ho knew, .-mil ill the teii! of her nyi- latioii .-he ca.-l ii! him a shy ;:h ill which I her wn-. a '..h-am of sotiie , ttill- tllili Wil" lieiihc;' ilisplea-ure liml aiinoyance. II" .iw il. ami his hcai wctn otit In lit.' airl: h" '.-is ready i. kneel lit her I l'd' ihe leeiill, , liim to nifi sem-s whli a -.cry tun 111 :i II 1 ! relinilk: "II' you wdl e. t1 i' me. Hi a. I II ii" on with toy swi'epiu;; " And wiih !,'.' '.' ver iim' ctcrey sh'. 1 1.111111.1 her ui-!-. 1-iivini;' I'lleid : I t;i id to eolue w i'hdi tin ; atiU" of In l' operations, yet iinwillinu to retire. "It is M'l'.V Ji-i(l "'' ol! I ' ciillle illld do 'lie (dd womJi.'- --..veepit fur h T," j 'eUHtii,. -! pr; -i n'ly. "It i-n'i fur iin old woiu.'tn, Uut for ;t youtii; woiiiiin. And I niiKht to li.iv wanieil you nut to (uuii- so near, for he's ftr.ii scarlet fever, and m know hiit's caichi'i-i." iiii-weied N il. with i warnii x' "ic-ture to him lo keep t way. "You're not afraid of oat hint; it. so why should 1 Ii':' "Well. 1 llUV to li.-k it. CI' lllefe u oiild he hohody to look after her. And I wouldn't run the risk just for l oiUinr. as yon aio iluln;: now.'' It Un't tor nothitij;," eaid Clifford, PITTSIiOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY', N. C THURSDAY, MAY 7, vm. liotlj. Then, tvlth what tronird to him :in Inspiration, he added: "I want to talk to you. I want to know whom you arc shieldintr." Xell marled and stopped for a urn . iiieni in iiet WorK il Kit ill. "Shielding! I am shielding nohody. I wouldn't shield u thief:" If Clifford had le en its suspicious of tier as he was, on the contrary, sure of her innocence, he would hnvc had nil Ms ilouhts swept ii way hy the burst of nipcrh pride with which flic lltiiirj these words at hint. It was the very iom: he had wished to hear in her, tint very Beornful utterance of tin; puru soul, capahle of im wronjr. It made the whole matter more mysterious, hut. if soothed him. He heaved a preat siuh. find. In spite of hi warning gos-turf-s, came nearer. "Xell," he said, "I had hcen waiting i to hear yon speak like that. Those are the very words I have hecu lonjs'iii'J I for you to say." "Well, now i hey sire said, you had Uettcr i;o Ua I; tu Stroan to your IViciids,'' said she. coolly. "And try to persiimlo iiieni to take your view of lh" Mory. For certainly It will Uc nil evil the place hy this time that Xell Chilis is ii thief, or the accomplice of a thief." And the girl, having liiin-j; this speecli ' al him with all tin- dignity of oui i itL'eil ; iriih and Innocence, suddenly Uroke down at the end. and hurst into such hitter solis that Clifford's heart was wruii,'. Hut its he sprain; lownnl her. sin spiiiut; hack and made a rush for the door of th cot la (.'. Clifford, how ever, was loo ttiick for her, and plac-ill-' himself U el ween til" tcil'l and tin re: ii'.'e she wished to reach, lie sp.'l-: to her in iiiilui inK. p:issiou:iti tun. -: "(Ile llioiil' iit. Volt must listen to me. All tin world will hi ai.-iiust you, you saj ': Xot all, Xell, not nil. 1 will take your pari. I will show iheiu what to hi-Uevo. Take nic for J'utlf htisl-aud. Ni II. iind thin who can dare to think of you except its I think? Yh can dare to say a word when you are my wife':" The -iirl stood tralislixed. He was pleadinir as cloiiuenlly, sis earnestly, as if ii hiiil heeli for his own life. When he paused, lellllii; his UtiruinK eyes )v:i his love, as he watched her siariled. hlitshini; file:, and fam ied lit could trace the foeliiif-s of nnuiZ" le.elil, llicrediility, plcasillo iind (luuht iis tin y : trtt'-vii'il in her heart, she picseuily shook her head, and turned away so that she should not Ujj.iiu meet his eyes. "Mo ymi Know what you are say iu 7" she asked lu a null ter-of fact lull", after a short silence. "And do you really expect nio to listen to utich nonsense':" "It is not nonsense. Il is my linn lu ll ui ion to make you my wife " "Ah, hut it's my tilnl iliteiitioa to h" in. tiling of the kind. I am very min-U (.l ii;:i".l to you for your t;ood inteii, and 1 (piite see that yoil think you are diiin' a line thiliK Ui ou'ciin. to imirry Im. Hut," and she drew l'i i -i ll' iii, and thiidied a' him n de h"it look, "I :i in not Boinis' to In; niiir l ed like that, iind out of pity, too, lo a mull I never saw till yesterday!" These last word.-i came upon Clifford Willi ii shock of surprise, lie hail for pii'ii what u rdmrt t line it was that his iii ipialnianee Willi Xell had lasted; it scented to him that lie had known in -,- fin mouths-years. Hi was ready with h's answer lo this oUjectlou. "As to that, I have known yon for :i very loni,- tlui", Xell," he said, fjrave i.v. "I have known you j'.'si as loug ::.-! I have looked forward tu meeliui; :i Kill exactly like you. And I have al ways Intended, when I did meet her. tn take no rest until I had persuaded her lo heconie my wife. 1 think you may take this as an answer to tin siii-'uestluu that then Is any 'pity' In 111" case. The 'pity' will lie for Ml' if you won't have me." Xow i his was rather prellily put, ami Xell looked liiollilii'd. She took i.e', hrooiii in hand aaiti. aud affected :o ;;o on with her sweepim;, although t'.ic preieitse was not a very effectual oiie. Lutorlunalely," sin snld. iu a low oiec, which was not mi flippant as she could have wished, "I haven't sin-ii a vivid iiiiais'iuatioii myself, and 1 can't pretend that I have known you Iom: i iiottu'ii o Ue sure that 1 should like 'you for it hnsoiind." IU v tone was not so discotiracing aa 1 her words. Clifford, who, much to lii.-t own surprise, was quite In earnest, pressed his suit with proper ennerness. "I don't want lo rush you into inar ryinj: me." he said. "Take me on pro Uaiioii. Let it he known that I have asked you to he my wife; clve way so far as lo become ctiijaKi'il to me; and if. before I K '""'Ic to town next month, I have bored ymi so much that you have to break the enu'anemciit in disgust, you send me about my busl-in-s and refuse to receive any Idlers from inc. At any rate, people won't be able lo say unkind thiui;s whin tiny know 1 wanted you to hi my w ifc." lint Xell persisted. "I won't even be lUi.'ilged to" oil." "Why not? I lout you like iui'"'' Aithoiliili her manner betrayed that sic- did, Xell stou'ly dcuied It. She wali'od to tin on Willi her work, he said, illld Ue had Uettcr fci back to bis friends lit Slroiiu. And he must please i u'.isidi r, ns siie meant to do. that h had not eaid auy of the silly things t which she had tried not in ltsteu. Sh' should forget them at once, and sic hoped he Would do tin same. Ami it :iioiised her lo Ihiuk how ilismish I hlA iehiiloiis .-Hid friends would have been if she had really been so idlly as li Us nil to his idle talk, if he had returned t town cuirancd lo nil Innkeeper' .s n'.eei. To Ue Coutinu)!. '1 he census returns show that a clear tiiajiily of 'he people of Xew .lersey li-,) wilhiu tweuiy inileii f the New WU City IlulU iweictot'Oi- f . IRRIflill.TIIRM, 1 Ijr-iac HilthiK lOitlrr. Cold wiiti.r will iili-:urh iilioitt thiily- h'lX p' r cent, of its own Weiiiht ol'.silll, iind hoilin.' alioitt forty per cent. This makes what, is known as a saluraicil Urine, which always means all the sail that the water will alisnrli. In saltim: Uutler the Urine is seldom made siroiiyer than tidily or ilia'ty-fuiir ptr cent, of salt. I'NriH firt-i li to Hi TriiKtc.l. ri'ofessots 1.. I. Van Slyke iilid V. II. Andrews, of the Xew York A.'iiciil tiiral Station al lieueva. in accoiihim e with th' provisions of a law (lesiitned i,( pndccl pmchaseis of I'.iris .reca. have puhlishcil iltulleiiii Xo. 'J'SJi the results of their examination of samples in IImi". In tin forty-four samples of 1 "ill-is -.Teen examined, the arseiilou oxide varied from .",.".:!'. li HI. Id per cent., and avei:i;red .",T.ld per cent. The waier soliihlo aisenioits oxide varied from o.i'il lo 1..'!.1 per cent., mid aver :iV'ed l.oi per cent. Th (opper oxide varied from J7.".'! tood.TIt per cent., and a veraired 11 percent. The fitnoiiiit of aisenioiis oxide, in oiiiUiiiation with copper, viiricd ftoiu ."'t.crt to ."'.tin per (' III , .ill .'ivciii'e "i.l'l per cilit. 'I ll" .' iieral result of the c.i niina 1 ion Is to show a piod (;il:ilily of I'arls preen in tlie market hi the time iii" samples Wi le taken. silo Sm-r S,:ii- niol l.olior. Th-' ipie-'iui: of economy of sloliipe r - entirely in favnr of silau'. Less riu,n i-- reiiiiied for storim: th" prod int lioin a n il. iin number of acre. In the si,, ili. in in a harii in cured eoinli lion. I lay pl:o i d in the mow will take up inm-i ti.aii line times iis minli riiuiii ;is the s-iine (piatiiily of food n. i ti rials put int,, i In silo. In the case of In Id i ni . I ..,,tci- corn l lie i ui'ipai i soii lollies nut .- i 1 1 iii'jre favorably lo the silo, mi a. . of the urcaicr ilitiinliy 1. 1 pics . i,i iiiL' the thick sliili.s fi'iiii : p idin.' w hen placed under shel ter. Allot he;- l ea-oii why the silo has hcen adopted s.o'iieiiitiy is that an acre of corn can he placed ju il ai less cost than it cm In put Up as ciir.'.l fodder To derive full I m iit from l he lend mail-rials in the lid l cured fodder corn. it lilll-l he lllll llllollull il feed cllll-'l- iu small pio,ii-t inns a; a time: tin corn 1 1 1 1 -1 in must case, he husked. ciihl'C.I. and i-itlier s."'"iuid. li and all. or shelled ami '.round, lit sdeiu-; khii. tin win! platii is no',-.-, as a rub, iiiii liiioliL'h 1 1 1 c ' cili I. -r ami lilled into ihe silo at uuce, thus liuitci away with tin seiiir.ile i.amlliim of ear ' "I II. ('..ici'iil cxiiei-inn his wi'h i i li-li cows, cciiiluct (d hy seji iiii of our experiment sta tions, have miowii is;. I silii-.'' llilis in.tiii' from -ern cm "i-iis ami all" lias J'i'udiii-eil suncwhi,! tin.ii' tuiik and Utllter llciu dry fodder and ear c.rn. h:iiiill'il and fed M'i.i-:i!ely, the p nl tt. I from ihe same an-ii of laud I 1 1 vr coinpiired in U olh i-itses. -(I. Klias, in The ( 'ulti Viilor. Si'i-iiriiit- SIhikI i,f IM'i-llui-il iioii. Orchard ;:rass .cne: -ally does well on rather lichl soils which are quite fer tile. It usually "iiuvs in clumps ami lints fails in make a luinpnct turf un less heavy s:ediu.s and luaiiuriii',' N practiced. Many maii.oi .'.-irdeiieis en I.oiil; Island prefer lo izrow orchard til-a: s heciHlse of Ihe a 1 llllil 1 11 1 yields obtained oe llieir sandy soils. Ii is ( ohimiili llicl'e to sow as hiuh as tliree bushels per acre, w In re very heavy iii.'iiitirlu-; has pr ion -,ly I n prac ticed. In this way .1 heavy, thick Krowth is ohlaiiieil wiih Utile or no tendency to form into dumps. In sliding lo crass il is always ii li'iinl plan to loll lite land well a iter seedi'i!: so thai ihe capillar) water may Ue freely Uioitiilit lu the slll fai e. We have found 111" best time for seediiiu; ad meadow (.'rasses to he late in .1 ill v or the early pari of Aiu'tist. l".y seed Iiil; ai this lime the crop w ill almost al ways iiiake a '4;ooil urn wlh Uefore win lcr sets in, and th" 1 avy growth thus (iliiaincil wMl prole, t the roots ami pre vent the t liriiu im,- out of plants diii iu.' the winter. llrehiird jrrass will make .'nod yields vheii sown alone, ami it bloom too early for sowing wiih lues! other I trasses. For I his reason we prelci to sow two lo two ami one-half bushel I per acre and lo Use manures liberally, i Where stable manures caiiiiol be freely I u-od lot' pounds each of nitrate of soda j end muriate of potash, sown cirlv in ! May. will in, rct-e ihe yields to a prulii I aide (livree. ( '. S. 1'helps, in American Am i ullill is!. liifiilintiir. ha c.une when one w h s i w nin-.: a hir,L'c i hii I.e lii-si toward itiiiihiiio (iiiin,'ly foriri ititi-j niuthe The time Conn mphiii ) ai d l .ok. hiitchiiiii. s hen. ccpt lhat she must produce the ggs. Hilling decided up-m Inlying it in. iihnlor. the n"Xt imporlaiit thing ., the bet make to buy. Coiiqetl in i:i really good iitciibaiu! s, as w ell - nor ones, is so gli al thai a good li... who-,, ttelk mil be I i-l il tllioli I lot :i iong i Hue. can bo veiy n-ii , ; s-unbly. and i is al'.va) I ei to g't em of the iie-i miikrs; for iililimigh i i i heap one ei.iy do goo I wmk for ,-t iim, . ih"y soon rul or waip and go I lo Ihe nh pile, iifler they h.ti" alls d j scvcr.'il hatches of eggs to I c -i:Ii.'-i J diilled ui lo.i-t"l. Hut if t guild ilia j i hiuc is puti hased, one lhal i 111 i Mtisiliv to ihe beat ami cold of the i loom whet.' il i kepi, and if the di I l'. -lions which accompany ail tirt , dass ill tllialoi are closely foil iwed. ! little if any Double will I.,. toinnl in ! Latching all the fertile .::. ! ially if tin- in.ichme i run cii.pi lng ; (tlotlgh hel'.l. siillli'l,; Willi l.'g t" j briiij: nut .ill i' pciids. The bc.ii l should tlui i.nv mere than two or j three il'-gl'.'- a'1! lh" eggs will stand i uioit of tt dial .illd hat, Il out -ueli'.i' tbh-ks than ih y wiil -with (xcp-s-!ve heat, l.caiiiiii'- to run it 11 in-ti'.ai.r siiecessi ill iy is iii;,. l.-aiiiiii anytl.iiiir else; one inls expect to in' ' I Willi Sollie failures I efore llicV Uic'l'i" c. pells. (In,' question that i- "ll.'ll a.s;,.l i - what sie shall I buy':" That dep. ml lai ':e!v oil the amount of money one has to invest, and upon the 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 -1- of chicks one wi-L. s to til is. Tliel. is Vl-iy lilile ihll. . lief' ill the ( Xpi ne of lillinili tie l it;.'" idtd small ones, while die gels belli r pay for the labor cxpeli'led if the larger sized ones ar used. - Stella W. I Iyer, in The Kpitomist. A ( III In n IliililoT. 'file a.-coinpiiiiyili-.' illilstiiilioti Is di.'igi'iiiu of a home 1 1 . . . I halclicr Wlii.-h I hiive Used with great success for two years. Take throe boards twelve feet loll:.', fourteen ill ll'-s- wide, and construct a pen iwcbe I.y six feel. From coiner K in point I., foiii-tceu imlie. nail a tliree in.-li boar I from end lo end to p.inl M. Tlcli divide iind side of p"ii into nests, using- scrap boards, if nee ssiiry. l'r partitions, milking e:u It n'si foiii ieeii im-hc-i square, placing a narrow board direct ly below I. M oil edge to secure parti tion, 'ihe Iui of hatcher on sid" of ite.sis may be en. -re! wiih on wil board riiuuiiig lull length, "r if (i:n has time, money an! tact, the cover of each nest may I'e hull:: wiih hinges at points 1. J. ;:, I. i t". Leather niak a good lunge. Al point C pine,, a hoard upright wide enough In make the pell dark and secure the hen in the in ilosiue. Now- i mist ruci ruuwavs for lie lieu wlieie she may cat and drink ai will. The, runs an I- -t ma. I" of lath, and sli'il'd c.xleml II I. lo X and fourteen ini-hi . id., giving each lieu ii separate inehi-uie. excluding all int ritilers. These s,-it , i vers slip under board 1. iind board X. A soon its a hen w ishes to sit phm,. her at night hi egg in on of these ii.'rls, tautening 1 1 -r in securely with loan! ai C C, niiiking the j 1 1 ipiiie dark, an I ht a ftrr Iter rem till lllilil fee. lilt l.iWard Hie next run way .-ill!ll ! lay. ihi ii h i ncf out lido the o eai and .I'ink. Mi" will Itesl ii.. I require no more cat". The ciirih in tin runways sTiniild he loos" illld a few :-sies llirowu ill. lhal the hen may have lr-r required ihl-l bath, lt i best to till the i niil'e IWelve lli'sl id ol.e lime, o.' i I : . ! I' of iiieni ill leiisl. Win ti my Hock i small and I wish to i-ii-ii i!,,. i it'.-keii. I gne the twelve btocl- lo I hi I t'olll h ii. iiinl re.-.'t iii- h ti. if ili y seem hi'iili hy iind liol l.i . ui:. i.' t i t. I u-c lomaln cans I isii-ned :i. te.ely in i r ticr of runway fur w:;;it. This h il'-lic! may he mad" larger or smaller a one's need demand. I.asi year I hatchc'l l'J'.i i hicks from lo'i egg- set in this hatcher.- . I. K. S- xsoit, in The Fl'i'"- mist. Atliacllvi' Souieliiues 1; lUollolnlldlts to diiu-.'hlel. If o I'lirm (li iiiimi'lit. ' on ill" farm ins i la farmer's wile m c who is weary of I in luHHil of ear' will try gidwiug a I clirysaui heiniim tin hirge. llow.'i.ii.,' kirn! ; pi-..-,. very iiilre-i ills. provided she give- Iiieni piop"- 'ill". I I This is no! hard lo do. bid li mi:-. I c ! ' done lcularly and (ons.aiilly. To he. ji gin. pro. lire hall" a doeii pianls l'i-..nt I il r.'linl'le M"i'i-i not l::t-r ilian lh" li. -I I i of .May. When received, plant ill so. all i, i its or i urn I I iu can in go ,1. i i. li i - ,.-;i soil. A Mil. II a I lie-.' pol- ;:e nil. .1 with root. I ui n . it l. and. w it hold li-iiirlihiL:- llie I- s. change ildo Imt iwo or three s.zes i'l"f. Thi will giv, ru. mi I'm- fresh so-l below and around the I all f I ..-t. 'I'm .1 may be made l'i. in r I Inn the lir-l, using peril. i' etictliiiil wry I'lt.-ly rolled ii:iii.nii. i -e l-i! of br.kcii crockery in iin l oitom of iiie puis for (Iraiinige. A o. ' t!t pels are tilled with rouis sldii i.iio soine. hing larger, uttiil about tin- ih-i or midill of Atiglisi. Willi c try change lie Soil may be made a tittle richer. Chrysan themum ale gloss feeders, especially iu the later stages of their growth. Meantime the pinching hack iiiu-l be kept up. in older to haic a Hunt1 er of llowering branches. As as llie Plants aie csiaMi- In-! and h"glit lo grow, niiieh mil the top. if ihis ha- md already been don,, by the lloii-l. 'litis will caue branch.- in stall from th" axil ol'c.'n h leaf. W hen liti s.' branches are live or six inches Ion :, pirn it the tip olll of ciloh. I 'old iiiue llie pirn hing back until al. out tin Inst of Angus,. Alter till time the llower bud luis le allowed to fort, t Tlie number of (lowering branches gets in I hi way will depend a great deal oil the variety. Some branch intn h more than others'. Ilv tin' lirsi ol Sciii-inlii-r the tluwi-r bud w ill I cg'ui I" I buds w ill fol iii on bi.tiicli A soon . citiiiitii II. al ii -1 done. ai'-fully ic.;. si of these hud w ill be toi nn d .. lellf. I lies" lull I 1" ilishilihlitig is tin - i hi y-aiit In luiim- I e. - may he in. re:. - 1 i.'inid manure v. h h elopillg. A I all s.ii t i:. : :it-1 be w ell w li. . - th! sound i in. t ii.- list IT of i of CI. il I 'ii. i i In y "IIM are .;.., iiicittly l c i all !: i Hii I -iter. Ilowe i'n axil of t u' I oh. -, n i el line. laig- bud- Thi latge s.;.e of 1 ill- lloW -. applui! ions ui i in- l"cls arc de s of i h-'ir grow 1 1 red. I ; 1 1 i 1 ! ! 1 iu tlie so ill ll'llill. dllsl rli day devoled Ic Ti." amnion'- win' "lie ! I Im" lloW l' n in ) nut n. ii'iim ilii -mil" time iim! loll, li lt I'"", them ' ha gi i ll ! Hel - minutes en .-il slliliec W It il LI. I" ili the . I "ids III It : ,.!:.'. The) proper treat m .-inaliou ttbi.i Y.'ik Tribune ddv li CI'.- IS ! i nUure. fas Xeu NO. H- --.-fit) THE WOMAN WHO LLS BEHII-.O. Sorlal Cultivation l'r'igic.c. in lo Liter utiirt :'! Art. Hooks are not people, nor is any magazine or newspaper the living voice if actual personality. I'd'haps. iii leading lid- newspaper r magazine, how-over, the Woman Who Fail I'.' -hind may liml one of H"'" I""-'' ""'' e-tiitg adverlisemi in tha' 'ell f a won ::i n of ciillivat ion w ho is i.'.i g.l i 1 wiih business training and ha- only her re."nicin'-iit and ln-r knowledge a hd- stuck in trade Sin-h women a" ilstiiilly not young, but jn-t for lhal fei'-oll they have Ihe lliul-e e..; e'ii.'llc-' In life. To hiixi sin h it p- i :i - :l coiiiianioii in lnr home f:. ay. :x luoiiih. wiiilil mean more i. :' . -om-I'll out of touch with social ' !:. t'oti than any school, and be hs e;.p"iis:ve. loo l-'lolll S'lcll it gelllle. i nd i v hit". I every d"tail f m--c--iirv kti'-wi'dge can be gained with. ml th' moililiciiiioii of publicity, ami in the ca-e of ilai'y itit'Tooiii'se. and i'-ai' f meeting ctliei' v . no li Would urn on scioitsly fin!' in il.i continual associa tion with one well b-.-d r'pr.'ei'iai; of li." sex. siii'-e Lin 1 hi' eding i- -" "I bi-.'cding the world over. And iu good bi'.-i ding li- th" U"l f the woniati who wishes to k"P ' 1 -s not too much to -ay 'hat a woman who dresses nilict'y but daintily. ta'iis iu i itii'-l ...;. e. who i in'i' -tl.v (' oils to all cut "iill lnr position by h.-i' hiisbaiid's side in a fairly coin potent wny," even if sin- i keenly sen sible lhat she Is igiioranl "f UiU'-h thai she sees Olll'-f Wolllell posse iii the way of knowledge and ability. Sh" can hi- a g I li- loner, ami that is a rarer !i.--iiini!iliieenl than I" be a talker. Th" woman who :iy lit t'e lii-W .flays i so lll!llsl.-l. indi !. :: I,. I... i-ct'rcslii'ig. Willi patiie iut'-ll:-I, , -i, any worn. in can be t.iiir'ss of t';. Mt'.hu'iry in!'- of curtesy ami -i i 1 1 : i in :i c:y -iiott time, ao-l even ii' 'ihe et i silelle " sh" -'l II 't 1 1 l-i bhi-h f.-r Imrself. llil"l!eetuallr p'o may never be abb t i be. I,i;i a we'1 'ivil wem::n ! ivvor out of d lie eeii in "itr I'li-Iiilig cil i:a!i"!i. 1 larper's I' 1 lil.'.l-l.itn's llniiclili'l" 1 lf'Wl-1t. j lb hit i. 'kid -tone, the brilliant liaimh-'ti-;-el' lh in I' great I'loii" Mit;i:er. i .!. v.. ling Lev life to chariiitblv '. am, !i-.' I'm- poof of London, f.ij- il e.' I i, s.otii!--i:i i f ihe Kan:i ciiy Slur j Sh" -: warden of Ihe Women's I'tiivcr- 'ilv Si ll'.e'm tit in that hit'rii- but b;i ! .'i'ty pno. ditric of tin in i;."'!i iki owii ::.- Sou:hwaik. and i applying o In r work ig ihe sick ami siit'l'. r- i lug ihero ihe siini" sturdy ability th n j wen her so disliiigiiisln d a place .a j X wnluim College. ( 'anibi idge. ! MisS llcl'll (Illldslolle : lil-tieetiy j what Is ; woman." know a :- "an itilei-.-stiitg Sim is "a w .iiiiaii with a pur- ,iise." iind )'et lint so aggri-iv ly pur-t'os-eftll as lo intimidate. Th-.e wh-i know this daughter .!' ihe famous Hal -mail, ami who sleml a Utile iu a wo of her when she wa Xc'Vt'h'im' vi -pi im ipal. speak now of the -' ti II. ie- of her lialure wlii. ii onlin . eh the medy folk of Xcl-i.i! s,::irc. here the si tlletnelit Is lociited. '-"!it , have n::'giiii!c,i. Miss 1 Iln.l-:. n has it a much mure lovable woiiiai. i :- ed. eVcf silf.c the greilt sul'l'e-v I I- life. M'. (U:lillur,e's deillll f I ill her letif.-lllclil f 11111 illl public n.- fai s for ;l period of several yeat-. I'reni thi retirement Mis i:!ailiim.' i -merged lu enter on the luipei liint s. r- ic vhi-h new claims her intention. 'in I " '"' 'I'll lii-i iit.niM i's.iry of l, r xv.-nh :i- sliip ha-- m.l )' I come around. till I : ( -noiigh there is a striking like pes I ciii'.'-n Miss (iladsione and an cilici- woman whose name i as-oeiaicd sviih philaiiilii-opv In the cast cud of 1 mid. n. Two faces could tfc'iv.-ily jli.iM. mure similarity Ihan ihe rugged l-u.ltilemim. s of Helen (Milil-lulie ali i Mrs. l'.raiuwcll It olh. of Snhalieii I Aney fame. Tin ir i haraetor. mure I ju... .u-c inn dissimilar, although Mi- I (I'.'i'b -lone biing to her "soul-s.-iving" jnofe iiileilectinil nielhod and an unoi 1 lin di xy wliieh proves thai her spirit j mil lite i stistalui'd by belief different ! front Mr. Itooih's. ! Miss Helen ( Hailstone's career tn ! ('anibi -idge xi.'t notable for a good I inauy It w;i there !i" wa bn'iiiaii ly asiiciatci! w ith that hrd r.tct si-ter of Arthur Hugh Ciugii. piitnipiil al Newidiaiii. The two Witn in did much more than merely manage Xev-nliani Colleee dining lhos.- eais Illl ) V ot-ked logdill-l'. Miss w as r.-e-iih-nl of the l iimbti'lgc Wm-i-ei.'-. l.ibei.-il Association, and both '.. .ml Mis ('lough are kei nly Udd !i raising the general standards fr i'. i dm ,.l;..!t of women in I'.iig'aml. They are iwn of the lie. 'pie reslnin-i ' i'e lira . ..ii-iitioli t'ow inns! tlatiei-ing to I'm wont. i of Fugland. The sc omlaiy , o,i. :iit. n n'' Ki.ulish girl iiha leading im I-, W ei kl I culi-el--ted at til e'.:l nine : up 1 1 II beys. llur to ti ritt ri:,tn Wioiien Art Attim tl' -. I, - nt'il i,"!lir p.-itadexii 1 h : uUv won en aMnntiic. bid -u ml I.:'- Ill t he l,iloi y of n.i' icti- !' women haw litcii po-.v no: i 'in- ..itii'si limes. Th) li.n e ' a)( -1 I in::, I and Illicit kings. Th y have be. 11 loVcl. The plilitl Woll'.iitl ha--, soil! eh at'tilgc nVcl Iter !:e:llllif!:l ,v hen h. I b.'l.ived It 1 for a i,i, li ;,- li i for qualities thitt cu h at j-i ':-. i t'-an luster of )'. color of I-:."-a,,, I ,i:,;uiittes of complexion that 1 nd endure. The., are certainly low-1 tm- iii. m-elves and arc m-' n! i.iiif t i p. i -eiM a eel tain nppearamv iii (..! ' m icliiiu luxe. It !s nlso n fud II, ;n d:i.ii wi.iiu ti iti-e. ns a ruhv more clever j than pri-tly ouci. 1 hi nifty I-? due to RATES OF ADVERTISIKB. One square, one insertion One equtre, two inaertitinf Olio aquare, one month fl.OO 1.80 a. BO For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. the fact thnt the pretty vroman Is b- ii'lii-d lu tiie con-eiousncss of a pretty lace and neglects her freiieral nppear- :i , sh. Is apt to think that a pretty t.i. -e covers a multitude of sins by mak ing np for all other deficiencies. rjly . omen can always look "chic" and ii oi n d. ami .is dress is of more importance than face, she makes tlu liiiisi of this fail ami haves nothing; undone in point of style and (h'porl meal. She is apt to look more "fetch ing'' tii.-iit th pretty one because nh is unconscious of Iter fealures. This let, s an iiir of iiaturaiiK . and a cer tain amount of charm. I he woman w ho has style i always :i( t .-i i i x .-. be her features what Uicy may. ami she can always count on a certain amount of attention. Alul'fi- lil'l (JM'-cll. 3eV!W 4 .- A Itlnrll liolic Xoil ii.g mi funereal as lis nnuie would imply i the newest black rnbe. I mil el. ii i a spl'inliil creation. The shin i composed of gore so narrow tlc y .-1111011111 t" lucre snips, the niale riai Icing ridicst peaii de yule. Thene dimerous got-.- have an iiilvfltitntzo; tl '-.v leu)- be lined to any decree o s;.;lihiiU,. sniooihiie.-s. They may s, eii.l at Ihe fool. too. though ill this, as,. ii,. y do imi. as the shaped Hare is of rh-Iily leavy I. hick Kemiissance braid v-,i'!:. Thi tbitiliee i nearly half th" depth "!' th" skirl, but it is put id mi irregularly that the casual ob-m-i v.-r luighl ii"! call it a llounee. Tho goi-. .-ire -o: th.. sin. !t i oi t in lh, la.-. tog.'iher ill a lour cITect. siMindiiig with Iind used Idioiigh materia! comes Tim gri .".i adi aniage of I.,.- a I.., !ie. till " robes is ' how th.- litd-l ' si.l.-ring how di-appoiuting. thai nit' may -.-,1 dress will h many designs this is a see about iok. Cpii t n il i out desirable selieltie. Wnno'ii'n SlriniBi- Vnriitloiin. Women a'l- ' llli'l ing into competition with men in the capiicily of olliee to efce,. cigar sellci. In some itislaneeK j t h.-.v a- i a i heir husbands' agents, the ! m.-u !' :k (being Ihe inaiiiifuoturiiig at l 1, , . In othr eases, these women j i, n:-eent large lelail houses iiinl work .I ( o'uniissi-in basi. About half n ! doK it boxes ,'ii-c . ai ri'-d and sauiplcH list l ibnteil w ith free hand. A bi-ight midille aged woman visit tiie I. eliding along lli'iiaiiway. solic it iie (,1 ilefs to sliitipeii pen liiuvcF, etc. She says she supports familv through thi-' manlier of live- la th,. wholesale dry goods district v-h-ilc I (lam- W I iters of less truckmen g sidewalk otihrs and ki i ton-: an '' " on 'acking cases. , i-. a mai P i- of economy not io eiu ,y im ii. ami I'm carters wouldn't ru-1 boy. Xew York Herald. lie Wcll-Uri-n-nfl Woman. , w.iiinii to h" well dressed must I all be cXill'.ilely ue,lt illld an. lie.- ciothing titiiy not always ..f l'i, haui'isoiiiesi. but. there is u 'hing ill the way ill which she puts en let- clonics, ill lnr careiiii ni- .ion i" di ilml mark hel- as the il -d:-c-eil w emau. Kveti though oth oidshine her ill the costliness of their atiire. there t soinct lung so iresn and uiKullied iu Id appearai that she has a greater charm Ihan her more i Xii-:is!Vel) (tressed stsieis. ine nun w oman never neglects le r daily lialli; sh,. pais sci-upllhiiis alleinioll to her hair and scalp. II-r teeth an well eaied ..r ninl her hand, clean and whit, with well manicured nulls, be speak the gi-i.ilewoni.-ni. , in plaid, bayadere hci k ami olnbie effect m itiing hat. Shi'i v.aisl ami walking suit of foll l.iii! for Ihe coiniiig summer will be ill bo. i s-, I,, in i:eai patient. A 1 k i hiffoti lining for lace is very i If.. tie iii colored mail-rial, both for collars or hand trimming. I.ngiish in. 'hair in a vity line quality , to be much used iu Ihe creation of wry swagger niilor gown. Soft, i hiliotielle straw braids, th( m w .lapauc-" braid and the braids lhat arc a coinbinal ion of silk illld 1I1U lit'es :ii. el-V Tilcked Iui'" will be llie lilosl fnv otcil sinff f.,- 1',-iiii facing, ami will iiNe I.,, urn. h ti-eil for covering the en- iiie frilllle of 'iltlcy hilts. Hi. hii'.-. u-s. linishing in ii point ocr the seee .-Hid iidoi'iie.l Willi three small !.:ilt"iis. ate se ll upon many of tin popular blouse models. The trii ..rite inn oditi-eil hist spring is -till to be Iii mode, il latest shape b. ncg toil. j up straight al the back aud gi 'minuted to a p. ak ill the front. Huso petal crowns iu while, black aid culms are good iu coiubinatioii w iil a I. iim of some l imy material I'd- ihe medium sized iinhati illld toque. ,. li iweed ill" to be I'll -I choice for tie walking suit and utility gown, wi ll. ..iie. ilauiiiie ami hioiiib loth w ui i ign lo; ihe ejnwn for dress ocen- Tie low I diil" lo h I'm" I a'l t tint. I ape w ill con d it prcsi'iit popular o wn w ill he pi oniiu n aiiviimi-. a inaiiy it), but high'!' in a 11,,. mi :i du.ia.l a di-tiij, i eliiiti tell a-oit I'l'i-i- and h.iioi' ni- ol Mii-ile or are ot t'iiii!"!i" I wiih dragon Hie, storks 'inl bid ill l'ioled silver. ':.iii:i. in are ivory finished, ii ml i tii v earv e l iv ory idol or animal Is at iii. 'a I by it i hnin "T Ivory bends. Ins.,.;, n -ugiii skirts are mure correct - e'd . iii'tn. I thill I:, depelidiir: for t'.T- . i'!b' i!ishmeiit upon nicks, dials ei- s'dnings. Trained skirts, however, may be m.ole alter thi idea or gariti tiited villi ttdning to inatili the elab oiitu tib'U of their boilieis. !i..:;d silks sli -ipi s. sinai! i a scarf- for e