tljc tChntljam Hccorb. j XI)C Chatham Uccorb. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. RATES GF ADVERTISING. Oce fqmre, oso inn'Mion UL'C KJ IiirC, tWO iliMTlltUH One square, one, mur.tli 81.00 1.50 2 t0 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXV. ITITSRORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. 0., THURSDAY, MAY 11, liMi. jj " no. THE-nYSTERT-OFTHe BY Aurhor oJ-""Fhc Mouse on Ao-rsh." ck. tl'up-rlht, ", I.y n.-inn-r'u Suns. J CHATTER V. ; .,!),. nlwuys disappeared bcfol.' 1:. Continued. could come near. "And my own friends." mlde.l ! The i:isl day of l he stay of the three pill. Willi splrll, "would have been just , tll,",lM :''ived. they '"ado one es disgusted with in.' for taking ad- ' 'l"spairliur i. bid her good I ..v. vnntane of the nnssiiii.' fancv of a man -'!i,T"r 1111,1 lr M-rved his n i icon. .- iii your position to marry nhove my own rank In life." I'.ul to thh Clifford nnsweivd wiili 4,-ieal eonilio.uire: "You will marry nhove your own ran!;, that Is eertain, whether jou 11.,'iriy me or not. Houuty like yours h e- a ran !c of i 1 m own, to lii-plii with. And for these wild hordes of relation' m miii", they only exist In your InniK-li'.ail-.'!. 'i li'-iv Is no one to prevent tue i'iiIii;' ih I like: and even If there were 'tiny mii-dir try, hut tliry wotihln't u?- K'l'.l." To ihis Nell made no nnowrr. After 11 fltort xilenije Clifford spoke npaiii: "Well, rt.i troltiK- I 1iiiI1 come 11 pa in tn iieirrow. it not this emtio..,', to itv 1 iv hill, mid N',-!l raised her faep with an ntury llu-i:. "Vim will not pay It." fhe r-ald. .,:i !;iy. "hii you think. wh"ii you h ive lost so niiieli limney in the house tl. it we would allow you to'"' !:ii that was not your fault nr m ut. . ' ,,- Itos aS s , r ,-is einueli y air mu-le'.s." j ; ,, .,,,t u-1,,.,- ,.f Hie wii-ii.j iaae. Would .' lane sa.-li a '.hill'4 A-aln Hi" iroiihle that . ,, , ,lllM., s., y ami w.,i e-l m in, s,. , a. r.i..' V W.I'. perhaps i i.-:;.'s.ed ni I'-a-! n puilly half- ,,-';i.-ii- approach v.iik-il a smile, ; il:-..- mi;. i !.-,-. f,Uf wm Id t!a .' l:i-..-.le(pe apiic.uvd in the pirl's eyes. ., , (l ., ; ,;.-. ,i, ikuev. ' -. ive , ( !- .,id iiimi t ii!;i, l iiilord liirm d away his h.-ad thai Ik- -. .,,,s..." .-h" s.ii.i ... t hi., ,.l. a- ' iii'an:in. ,1 . iii her p;i ..y fa-e. "hut Mis'lit not see il. .,, j( ;is , ,..,. ,, ,,,, h.iv,- i o in j n.. the, liv. Id -rlv-voen ladv." "I think we oiipht lo h.-ar the r- I ., , -fl hy. ..u ami I . lends. "Veil i, :l i n-i- i,t ' I. II ' l Plioid i,pon.sihiliiy." she said earnestly. j ;...,',',. l.a.-k i.i i..,vnV v. hat yen ihink." "I.llf I .1.1 lll.t. Wh.V KllOUhl pfOpl- ; ,,., ,.,.;,.,.,,.,. 1; , ,:,.,. I,.- l;,.l I "I , ;.', ,,..;, .. );, i .. ,,. .v. v. h.i ah-olutely pood stiller for tin- ; .j,,..., j,,.,. ,-.. ,il: , . ,.., ;;,,..' ,,, j,jiu ,-,., ,,. s , ,in,yeliieii: 1.11.111 of the ahoolutely limlV j ,v.,s ,..,v , ,;s.,i., ,in. 1 in she j in o.-.l r n carry ..til my plan, he Nell slphed. pave liini im oih.-f. i- e,a- . ..!,. iv , oie-i u,,t ni-p-ci ih.n I have one. He ".'.hsoliitely (.-oodl We lire not tln.l. I S(.,T(.,i alim-si haul. Ii - l -h an- 'wm'l sav mm It almul h-r. voii Let; Ai least I can answer for tnvself as to m. ilh ,,,. ,(. ,.,. ,.,,,;,;,. , a .-. j p . ,v:, ((. .-,.: i . ,- i-aillety. And I1'-'"-" - ' I repaid of his l'ee'i',i:. ;h.:t Ii- tiio,i-,l.l I .e shall say no nmre l linn h- ihuH. "Who co, lid colilesl t iie p-.oduess of j ,., : :. , .j,,,, ., .- : . of coi,-. if - a.sks n.e nu ll ;:irl who can risk h-r own health. 1 ,.N, j,,,.,,,, , i,v 1,. p. ...: ,.;,ii,i.m al oiti t nrrints. I sliall sav j . rhaps .-Veil her life. I Iu!ser to .1 I , . .. ,., j ,. ;,! j .. j ,v. ie i.Mhl-s. s'-: ' ' ' H.,i-iair.'" i -in. ami ike il.,-.- y ..,!.-; i::-:i - -i j Will:.' nodded. II- in hmp -r her- : II lla-he.l upon linn a look of mi- I .,.,, , v. , ' riin'ord malic,- loreiitiimi him .,ni; l. p. .me co itempi. v , lit, ,,,-..,-,, ,i ii1 m ,ia ;.n s as only t.a. ikankiul t hat he hud been I don't do this because 1 :ii,i pood. ! , -,M,vl, ,ilv .( ;., i,,.. ,1.. : nii.isi-H saved fr.mi a .h ep nimble into I n: because 1 am aupry and worried. 1 .,!, ,. ,;. ,. , ,,1.,.,.. !. ,.,;k. .1 j i ia- same pil fail. she taid. u-aneiup at the l-r-iota in her , .... ,ii.-,, v ;...;. anv i I: as ...l...... .. r. .,.;.. i , . ,i... hand. "I could lia.e m-:i' soui one to s .ep Mrs. Corbet's coii.tpe; then -. ph-n:y m' iieople ainui." hel" poor ii'oiiirh to b,- phnl i.i do il for a Ie v i been i i' ii-l wa:: lo m.ik a martyr nt hi ii . Nov.- Clilfm d Pked In r -V -i h -iicr fur this sh-w of spiii. th.i i h" ii.i l l-ili" for her cotlliU'e. it leiuove.l h-,-. li- felt, out of ihe pray iiue-i lauk-iot Miitr v. n.iii n who po ihioiiuit r.-unds of district visitlnp as a duly oppressive to llietl'.selves and still liinre oipies Hive lo tile unfortunate people tiny vl-lr. "'I llele." i ll hd Nell, with Oil-' last .leiiaiit. ilouri-iiinp sweep of th- broom us she returned to the door, "now you do really know me in Iter tlniii yo.l limueht:" ,,..' ' 1 ', . .' ... Cliflord a louder voice, in s'l- -lisiiii- ..... i io... i ....- 1 peareil thl-oliph ihe ilunl'l..')' CIl.M'TKK VI. , i-hltiisiuess. For some en the roivl to -ji,. thinks it's iiuinly. yi.,t kimw. I Siro.m the ilellcloiis lIow cast upon -lunv a eotili-nipni-i's indiiii n ne- i li i ill by this siiiltuhtlins colivi-rsiltioil ni.-.i i'elnilti!ie Ulilcs. A sine siyn e' lasted and made Clitfonl hk happy as nixi-. yon Know. Ml-s Claris, an! H bird. yon mint t i use i:, as it's ihe only Hut when Hie invpiiljjr outline of -:-n he's pot. Dk, ami just look ;.. Ihe old fashioned town prew more ile- , uu. pn-ity tliin-.'s 1: -ks b-cii iraiiipiin. . Pned under th- Sepiember sky. and under his pietil inielleeiual r.etl" the liii-etinp witli .Ionian and Cony- i Ami AYillle held up to ihe astonished henre prew nearer he had to concern ae of the rt-t a plitteritiv Jewel hituM-lf with ihe ninuncr in which In- which s-parkhii in the lireii .'.it. should get out of the difficult ies which j.-01. moment there was an oppri-.-his stay under the roof of the Blue ,(P RileiK-e. Tin u Neil, pale and i:ul Men had brought upon h'tiu. lat'-l. ? nati-lieil it from him with tin What had Huy heard anil what K(1 iiiisiiaiiy thai ihe trinket fob what would they believe? ! t thP fl.ior apai'i. It was Clifford whi ne had not tt ask himself these ; v;cu., t u, this lime and pave it t--questions iorp, for before he reached ; i;t gv without ;i word. Nell would th? town he came upon .Ionian with an .,VP j,U( it hack into her basket, bin easel, a sketch-bo-i!: and a pipe, and ik-orpe Claris, on whom ihe tippalhi! : Conybeare with a Miapful of book'-. and a while unilu'ella. Tlieir demeanor wa not kluilly tn- ward the errant Clifford. A garble 1 version of the story of the robbery bad, indeed, reached them already, utiu t .1, . l.,l l..K ...a.l.. ,. tl.Atl min, Is :zi v: ,: ;v j,,ia, of courtc. was the more inclined to this view from his resentment at hav- , lug been "cut out" by Cliflord. who. on his side. Mas reticent and entirely si- leut on the subject of the sudden in- faiuatlon which had led him to pro- pose marriage to the girl. Very soon the subject of the Blue ' Lion and its inhabitants was tacitly ; t3booed among the friend, and it was 1 liot until ten days later that any of j ttem found their way tn iba little iua ! by the shore. i tYbeu they did so. uuwev..";. tiwy ! laey oiu so. uw-.'.-i. .n-.- i v ftv di-apl-einted in tin object vi thir visit. Xt-ll was never to ee seen. iiml not oue of the three ynun- im ti ! ever dared to ask for her. as t.'eorp" Ciaris. looking upon Ihein nppnivutiy ns fellow-coiisiiirutors apiiiust the fair fa me of his house, was curl, to the Verge of rodeuess to them all. Now this invisibility on the part of N . il. far from cooling Clifford-! ipiick ly sprung up passion, served only to In hume it further. Hut ii was iu vain he wrote-in vain he hung about the iii-iplili.-rhoo.l. Although on two or jhrev occa'vU he cuught mjjui of her. lillllllill!!IIIMIjlit a, I'eliet'l'lilnir tin.' Kill, hut the oilier 1 1' o more than susja-eled I1I111. Willie hail sullen)-)! ill his views of the luyateri- j oils affair, and II was now only (' wl'" ln-tslsied in a li.irsii ju.l.r inenl of the innkeeper's nil"-. Sin- was Just Hi., sort ..f iih). he .-aid. to ailrael youn-i fe-ds and ina!.e 1 ;:( ! lose their vils and ih. -ir money. H--. however, was as anxious : a fa Well peep al tin' iuy.-li-rii:s he;nily his eDiiip.-ininll-. Tliis time they wer ft ttuiau-. Wi-n they had piiio pasi lie- i',11. thiy earlil of Hie pretty IhrUi'e wiml.t tiny nil had in their t Ii uiphls, and ihey till pretended lo view il willi hi difi', ivneo. Willie il:,- ti'-.-i 10 l.iva!. '.,,v 11 in tliis assumption. 'There ohe is!" he said, in .',iit- 11 '.-a.i-.lolis "lis mi i;o je'-' : i -li.l ili:f v.i' il-ili't see hi :'. I'o y-t! ' thiiili (she'll 1 no away if we pit .jVik '. '' f"t'e-.'" j I Clifford had ;.l ady m;.d .he . p--n- j do'.ii.l. I'm- .'tie of v.!.., - .-'i- o,'k 111- ha--i lioH.e. Th" i. leak in the -vi.,,;.-. v.;:-: a eiie. iMI li'oi-i i !i:r : iu.--.-ii as laeiieni than ie- !'i-i be. u 1 .ni that uidit -';y .kiy v, h n 1 and V--i! ami I ii if i, rd lia-i .-pen- -,i-i a lm I.. . I.i. in- in i :- little -inn... ;. .-ni. ' Now the w-;ilii-i- laid iialiwd: Ih iuuii.iu winds were w h'.-tlmp iibau, lln- linl" inn. ami ih- bii.e e.i h.i-l be. ".-.t.i,' a dark uniy h'.'-. I'-'i ie-il with wliiie ere-i-. Thcr- wa j a lire in ih -lillle pr.iie. .'.11,1 it v .i- .. In !l Hi! Cony b.-ili'e mined iplii kl.v l'oi ari In Hike il for Nell il-,.,! ihe il- lib In . cUitci! v 1 1 ii - I a- io iii:..w a skadal. over the m.-etinu in iiii-siiiv; ii . BlOOd il w i. ke;- i 1- table lip-Hi which ! v. ". k ' a-kel. Duo : ,-.:" i ..- .- oi . nt an, i i. -,o -'Ill 11 l.i.k.-i and ill i-e i.-, e, tli- 1 1,;.,. imsm I ami all n.e ti-i m in- on l lie table Willi a cia-n in tn - leior. Willi-, who was near him. w nt d.,',v;i ' .-li bis knees wiih i-mit'-pi,-.- i-.r Dim's, u,, 1 ileno of the yuitup Hfti had not 1 n ! , st. told his niece in a ivuph imu ' , , syo jj t,, j,;m. j "Wliat is li'.e thiupv" he asU.-.1 I .-iliM ply- "Duly one o a pair ot ca! fashioned ri. v n.. tin emotion. no cf.or.s on her pan I l0U'a bia"- .,,., . . j r- . "t"; w ;,u uy! here did you act ua-.:..' Mi. ,nelu lo " For vac moment the z'.tl fern ed with him. trying to treat tk" luatu-r lipbtiy. as tUe sot upon a chair and pl-ieed th- work-basket nt the tap th? ugh cupboard by tha fireplace. Put tienrre Claris was not a in. u bo tii-led wi.ii. Seizing the girl by '.he bhouMir - roughly that he i.lumst ihu-.-.-cd In .' to tbe ground, he tore Uie wm-k ba-k- i .-. a. ..v .... .- out of her hamls. u-inp na-iv ine i-i. .mu iu.ucu on. .... hible. the (hairs, anywhere, until be itait round liota me carriuys. , indeed, he had every reason to be so. Then he held them np i the I'-ht f()1. n Wils ;l rri-nl of DM.. Coiiy crltlcally: then he lookeil nt Nell with ,,..,lv-s, whom that yot'iii; ;. ntli- ta i .1 l",'.'.,v.u in. -ii. "Who gave 'em to yoii'j" ke asked -hni'idy. Th young men. try-hip lo h'de He-li Interest III her answer by talkiiiL- ItllOtlg themselves, yet li-b lli-d clll,'"i le. She bii's'i-d. then ' lun'.cil v. hi - as Mm .-a: I "I'lio colonel gavg theiu to uiv- Cob, ml I'.osi.-.!. .l ha-'. 1k and Miss Thi-mlnia." I tii'iiiifr ri.iris nibbed !!! ni' ilif car linps ..ii ills al.-i.-v', aiiii then raiher 'I'lb-My thrust then 1 i : J i i.'.tl . slulit nrnler a lililo iili t' old pit '-fs and nagaain s wiiiili !:ad hen r. i-iiii-i i upon 'la- shlo-tab'-. I "Weil. I ,.,t,'i ,m. what folks wall. J . t I I ; H - ic-.aVy . ii ji v, iry In!' v.hcll .' i-i: p. I ju.-l as paid i nnk al for o-xl to lioHiiiip. Ami ii.-aI lo iioi lilntr ! be the ii!y .,f any thing as Mi-s ' Thcmloia sivrs :i:iv." !.o added. Willi I - '" '' .i'i nun a. jo.-ui... o . I l..l..rd. nle, vas ,.,ii-ii iierluroed I ...V tins ilieldelil. .. a. ,.,! of tin tl- ( Min.n,,,, his hi., friend-, were sun- to; I , . o,a.,,- aa-u- .0 ...... . li; ml-. 111101 In-,- . i.auiiel. lie i.ui-w ai h- in 'i lend He ln-i .,f il. Ai'.l he v.a- 1 ,., -,!:-i:. .1 t.i s.-e lilt.,, I ' ' ' ' 1' ' ' i"iiin:;. wn:ii .110 1. -t m-.. n iir :-.iv n. ilraw lln' I a; t i'i".s 1 ; ; 1 (,.- , ,... w here lln-.V : lii'iii 1 ar, 1,, Ie- I".;, 1-. W i I li." . , i.i, ..-; .1 h.'liiti.t 1'i-r a ''. I -. ,-:e-- .Mil: Nell, tl.a o.her wo. Ina ' . I . !a I,- ! a , r..-il!;ed 1 I- in : ' V Hie i. I ,, 11,; a! 1 lit had 'i . I i. i,,- -.ianee.l ,ip at n:i. Well, .iii-l wi ; . , ,-.:i "iiir-,ii ,.f i.r :. ;. fil. i .1 v w.-" ii- ;.f.i-il ' .My t-!.;iil..n is t,-.i! is a ii... f, an i a v-:,v !a: !; . jf u .i a v.-iv skill'. ft:! i.n.-. Til-,.--,- i.-irrhi-s were' p,-a,-J .. i I rill lis. nal i.:a- vuv i.'d I'a-.'i- -I. i III ..oi "Ami ) I' ll' ' t" n pi vi n t-i 1 "My f.-il .hit:!. .Ie y may Lave ( .,, ,,, ,,;.,-. ,.:,: ', i j., il,,-:-,. ai,,,' t,,. f...( ,.(- . a u o, ukii: a i i iii:,!,ail,t.aiv. ; -r. Ill li-iitil t dan-:!:'' rl' Yet. I i hlu. !i. Then t.illl v of t he lliinir. o'; at iii'- ;. tut ii to town if III- line., friend.-. ,! ,-,. tlui'i- ill-ore up i-i lh- tl-ae l.i'-n. : I'iller evciiiur. a hit-ed ilopeni 1 ' "' oii.'ai:. ill na .1 -ai a P'-i'llemait v. ho told tl,- lamll-rd ti.. he .m -ay to t '..ii-. si .i i l,ui ikai he '"'-'ml the v,,.;ih,r n, s,-,-e. iiinl -lom-.l i . Lhn: to pet :i at Ihe inn i in,, nil- ioii .v, li.. i.aiiliilip. Hi- w.-n :. p! "ii-ant. laika'.ive y.iiinu fellow, and .-.. t pe t Inns. v.i,-. lia I hi---u urmvin- rallni' Il HV i:li. I'.-.-.-iVed of hile, thaw-'d til. I-i- iii- inilucm-e of the -li'.iii'.r.r's venki1 i.iaiiiier. and passed ill- eve-iiin-; smi-kim: iiml talkim; bv le lit- - in Hi., pill., bar pari. n Duly nee in the colli .e of ih- cvenim; did ciii.-h tsiplu of Nell. Sil" v';ls ."'l"iP Hn'ottali the p;is- ipe "" '" l' w ay ttpsiaii s. ami she appealed ii in" unor in in- rneiu lot- an instani ""'' -'ve i" lm ssape lo her umle. ' '""k ''''"""' "" "''"' "'at li" must "'' ' l"vl! "" l-iuo-.r-.v.'. as W was lairyuip property o! some value lor a I 'ii'.n in whose mploy ".m nt lie wa--. ' w hieli was expected by I'riii to whom he was coimiiisin.iiied. Ami he lto.ieeil that, as he wild llii.i, : the girl's brl-pht color iaft her i-hecks. "Why ih-n't yell pu-h mi to-niphi. ,!,.,:" she s-,i,l. l,.,.selv. ndvin.-n- a .-ion into th- roieii and fixing her eyes earnestly upnu liini. 'Tlie weath- i" may he woiie to-morrow, ntul It .''U are afraid of a little wind, von ot'id have pone by rail, and not by -id." " ike young man rose politely, and ! eked at her ea.r- o., - -In- spake. I'.ut before lie ht-1 ii. 1 ik e- 'o utter : v. ord In answer, l a .'.k-inl-si-d 1 -r from the rooi i v.-jth a by n mt-ai.s ;. i tie reinimjer tl. n ,t im knj,:. s of hers. ' ; a- visitor, in .pi.v i f !:-.- ii'.iport- of his comink si,,-a. -.-e.i'a .l to li ' , ::o great lmrry in pu-l: mi with hs .' ::; ney: for n ike folknvinu .lay. its :!.- wind was still cold, ani the sky ..iii gloomy, he remained in the i'.iu-- , i ' M. Crge Claris had a .hii-wil stt n that it wtis ihe blue eves i-f h's ! ay niece whic'i utiid.' the f .Viiupm' . i nilatory. and la." tock care that the t-hould be iuvi.-ilne thioiipliotlt the I nhoU of the day. As he had expi' tLlc y0lXK., xunu prew evidently uneasy, j auj prcscnUy fonad -'casin to aU . if tl,e young lady had ie:,- the house. , "x0,- answered Gem;?, shortly, "she : :, ln tbe house rifciit c-ncugb. but yen t Wou't Ss-e no r. 'i; of bar. My uiece ' is a iajj., for till she is v-y utee-'. j .,u,i sh do'u't 'at? noihii;' i . d- w ith 111V tjusino---." , 11!v UUMm-.?. xj,e joiinp man. vntlie.' to the lam! . surpn-e. ap':iit"i cainciy -ai- Isi -wit this explanat -f. nan seill linntl IO no .I lone .-inniieo: j (,.to(-tivc work in the Mippi.scd interest ! , f Clifford Kinp. but witli uti. J e,mi--e. infotmiin Clifford of l.k- b-n , , vi lent iulent ion To be Colli iiined. I 'pi,,,, bn-y man who never iia iy (im uiight eat a Jew ilaies. iw- WOMEN TAKING MEN'S PLACES. , Alt ,, n,,,!,,,.,, ilirv Uc 1'imliluic .Man l ion. I list I'lin-e. w, ,..,-., pm-iess toward oilier ,1.,,., .1.,, .Ininrsi ic and social ; 1..1 1.,. ...,, new -tens nf im- is niaiki.l hv sunn . , ., ,.,., ,.,,, HIoiK III. II l- .,.i(.,iim , tl: Women asso.-iai.-s j 1V nil,.r ,,f g, ul.mi-. .f the SI. I KM1iij. The a it'lees i.r- .,,..,, Seudiier ami f.veivu is. -'nf:- Vi.iU. and .lulia 1'. Itiaek- .., '( chi.-auo. Ilaeh has a in.lisli. d Wlll. ,- .ii..,,,,, .ii,,n, il,,, lii-sl h.-lnc ll.e V Ai.K'ii' an woman si-iupinr who is i ie,. 1. Milted in the l.iiM'iuliour in j 1'ail-'. .M i lt-aeiieu ile.Im il I in- !'' ...iie ,.,il for the Woman s it tin- t'iiieauo i:.p--si'ii.'i. Mi-N ..,i,'.i,::ii iralm d viii t-iiliiienee lor u .iri; mi I'.iiU'a!'". Within I lie sa me l.i.'li j;, ,, ,.f an. hut liu-re mi its lu'tlrrial t-tl' Is lh" i;eve:.ile.e!it ill t ! vh-lliil.V ,,f .eu Y'll'li nf II ei.-.Miera!i'e lllleil- i;..u ,,n ti, pai l of women 10 ihe niaU- in; ,,r violin-. A I'.roeklyn l.ianili'ae- ni-. r. ie : l-y Ihe d-sire for "leat.-r f. ::sliive:ieK in Hie niiiliiptlh'ilh u 'I' "'is t,-rv .l.-lii a'i- work. I'd in im i - - iltiK'it' of trauiim: women to do ii. '"" i' snlis heiie.' saih-fn.-t'.ry. his plan has Mii'--'td lll'lil liiele is pro-p'-el llial prow -veu li t,, a fad. Ilnliitt- l';"l "H" i! i 1 1 1 1 : it ion as on. Unit mi::l:l in rfuno wen me iaii--ie- m ihe well :ilo. and ees inly take I' - '"" pa'-ntim . einhrohlery er -.ih-l-lle. S-iia-whal far invar fiein a'l. nn! pel hap- w iili I' la ic: --y to impel worn aiilaind In ", iiei,il v i i'i-oin tile i.l.viili c. l.i .. ,..i,li ,ii a-.-lil.-l -i-i, i, i.i i .-'- iioiu. re -em reports imlleat- ' . ' . , ., il. .: ilia! il -.'I!- o we a. tiling ol ihe Mo. ill i-.iv ami -iiUoils ei.ipl-iy. I'"-' ' . ' -a n ,-aa ;;l lia : 1.,-aii oli-ervahle !.,-I .lip i M 1. l-ttt il has been pamit:;; - .lisiim-ily wiiliin the past few -.ih-. Collier's W.c'.ly. Hot m-II Their Jrwr:., Net erv loie aun a woman .,.;. I ' have i-i In in dire .li-li'css ami nnvrty lief,,; ,, -lie i !d briiii; In I'-'eli' lo I lie ' p.-::: ..." poit.'j io a dealer and sellim; i .-mv of he.- jewelry, and eve'i 1 Inn she ... l..i i , .:,!. . I ,-. -. . ,-y and feel --e I a,- : -,-.i ii -in l 'on, oi'li-n lilv a-ii,ii n it III I eiil-iiv. li'-- :':' . i-U'ii f.oin iiie.ubers of her uu ii f.imiiy. i'.m we have e'laimed all r.-t I'inva.lay-: S. lluu; jewelry is ii vi-i v i -aiimiii way with fa-liii-aable wonii it ..f -in-, money io meet any pari,"..!-:r etnerp.-liey. 1 "Voii would I e sin ,i: i-e I." .-aid ii i .iew . i- r w Tli - eiaie- -Hell -ale; 111 a w.-lak'.oWii . : : i ' i i 1 1 1 . 1 1 e a I . "i-i know the i la-- of w. .in-It wh-i are our he-l i ii-i-.'lnefs. Il is I'.i'i oliv l'ae red lie d (. .ni w mi- ii by any n: -a i s wiio byitm t:- their jew.-iiy for sal-. Ui, h wi-m.-ii nr.- o flea t ' in i ' . ;;! ri ! v i :n' arra.-se.l: ,,,.,-liri,, -ev have i ,,W:,,'. or tlieir dr ...l.-i their ill- in-.' they h.iv dy to ni' n In Iheir Mi ll : toeUe.l je.v.'l ia- '. -i-l-.-et -oini 1-in- or br-io. h iliai tln-y !' n-U panic lila' i.,' cai e for ami b: i':;. il in It-. I o tln-y l-'l have la -eii it ai a -aeriiiee'.- w,.i. ,-; 1 supp. -e yell w - it!d mil it s,.. i'.ut what do ilnv ia;- whn the :i'ii,l.- has cost. a- they pel , -wh.,, ,s.-y t'l cdl 'i iu-y il. i.e e 1 bar pain.-, mo. and pen-rally kmnv tin , vithie of lh ir Tn,, u,. lo d. m-ielv ;.irl has dl , , . . ni'n " - ' l-,-i ',l t'a-hi, u-l nink.-i-. ami a mm: be nf I: ti u and theatre pan:.- lm - be n piic t.i.s winter mi the pm ' c eiN of sin ii ' a!. -. ' 'I h my i ' -it;' k:"i.t arahk' i pai j..r.iy." a ell I a inonm e l ie 1-er pilosis a. Sk--i -y"- : .- ily the ;. i pkiaatk-n belu - ik.-t -k, laid -old Ih, l-.ea. h i-i .jiiest; .!:. end wa- ciil'led tin-, v , . - I ke k::t ' j "I lli -l-h' y n ivnuld 1. i e I-ee.-tio ni"!".' -j lieau .i-hm-ly ;.ft- r j on vvn marii-d to .lack." said in of h r Inti " I" ' '"it bride, "ami y , i yon K ah ''t in auioir- 'iik- al an I lain ! - ims -ill day! I sh-u'd call that very extra vacant 1" ' It doesn't hurl -Lo k." I i.tiriied l!ie otiier. ' I s-'d a lei ol my ii.-iie-i we.! l:n ; p-e-t it's, ai d urn .in-; enjoy ins: liiys.l,' wl:li what I for Ih-iel" New York Tri'-m:". snntnr tl.-pi.-. ' . 1 A.eij.-r. natnr li,-!.-w h i- ia lii- ,;,!.'., y ,-i Inter. -:l:e; pi ; a-. .- lo w a-iai ha t-iy-i -alaiv ..' Mi.- ;i!',k. au-.l win ricks I'i.-t i'lii ii!; 'in- e.'iplnye-i of lia Cofcoriin heilve. Ties par-nil - j- i- a wnlin'i:. il i.'!,.dii:it- i'. s-veral c,-i-ki:i: -li'i- ai d a I'.'i-; iiii-irc-s iii the art Oi i(i-il!i:i'. I . '' .-. :y. Ma- I nil: - a la-. --.I of the ho'.:-, i i. .mil is t-,-.-: y '!:e Iilitk'l (le:!lo of ii,-- kiiela-t: atl-i p:". j trie-. i Sci.-.i'o,' lltew her -ai v 1 -.- j ia.'.-i.ii ik,-'e o? :; y etiier i':.;s,.iii . j lu'i-U'd 'iiii t lit Corcorau hoUfe- It is a : iic l that si:t.v ;t 7 wotuau who i- n- i erred t f. "ll i-jaiij.-; '' an : is 1 ' , ' " ..wM-vc'Vi'ito i'r 1 -u l- ' '; l' 1 'f. ' '.' .'; 1 ' V ."' I ". A'. ' , '-Mo,-ii,l7 -'-. i i' ,, . ,". .. " '' ' ' ' lituti.i witu iit-iit I - a, ,1 t X )h. I a -a -. Si ll.ltnl' d'-p-.-i! -d ;,-'s ..edit, I '.,:, ep -it it ami pro.!', c.oii'd make tain-f lln- bi -tol ie ho;:-. on lo tit, nv; her ilti'.W -ll.-ll ie-'lk. ;'- t i ho-nitttki a s et kc has site, ea del. , ,v yt,,.p ii l New s,,. ill Mill-.. ,-vt-il la. in win: t!"' blltie ' f M, fa-hioi,.io c'ntii ihis sca-.m loth w hieli is u-' I :n s.nrie of iii- in t i ' ra live of tl. -.,"( powns. ', i inula, d ; with stlulitd i-r t'kiht I'tiUils ef Hie ann.o mntrtnt. fird ninrio iTwllnir1jr I.Iain In design. Th--.. is only a HMV'V . . line of I't'isinn 1 lii'im iiir :i the eciai, o fl D ! PTTT TTTP A 1 ! oran . m'.n.i.l. i. d uais at with J.-w- ( liulllUUb I U iUiiJ. el.'il or -hln' I.tnionx. it Sti.'h u sown as slioiil-l have i-v.. ; iliTOJSTOai ai:.;::, i v;iiis f.r ahliiiUL-li il N ivally too Vu'.n a i.ifilmt 1'i-aim-. in eolor for liar-l wra-. for a walk''!!! 'r t he a- uiiiiiai'vliir im j.,a 'viii SOU II a hliort skirt Is now ri'ilir'l. and , . i,,. t K , an id.-a of a l-a'aly nr. In Kivin? any n-.h-r for n xiivel eo-'mi. 1 i .- 1 1 ir- n 1 -1 t f.,r lil'iln. --i ' : I'y :i ; I lie two sUiris an III.I...I I'jllo !!:, V I is to h in fashion n.uain. in bolh rou':ii am! Muooih doth, hut of the hiom !' i ' j call- shades. Then- is also a henutit'u- inn! unusual sn.-nie or nine, nun an - :: v.,., , ... h..A K(1 ........ (( Mh.( .( wj ifi( ,,(lk , ,.,, . .;.,, ,,,. ..,,. sllit.(,, , ,;.,. - ,,uv,,i,m eise.-IIariier-s l'.aza-. Thn Mrln of lin.rk. Many lie(ide wear hlaek li.-.-au.-e (,liy v.. ,, i( ,:, s n. s'.-.ei (jV r..(H. . 'fills i m-;v mi-. oui ..1 .... all Hie lines to an I .il.ii miii-,- d". :-. The w in of ir.i-r j ll-litv -lioii'd .- ea-eful e-ii to if -in- i,, ihii- Ii l.hl-K. 'i o Iilolales xil'.l H. j those who h.n.- a leuli .dor. 1,1a. 1. ! is aiinovi linariahly he.-..mi..;i. I ! - ,',,e.., ll,,i !,l l o e .-ni.l anv M..I1I ! -... -ii .ili-r .1, lil.-ii k iliui: hi i .-o- otiier eoior. Voii rari-iv s e a i-,' ., ,,.,,,., ,1:.... ,1 i.i, t ii,-!v la Ma,-'.. S'i" nlwavs l:,s a l e'.ie'.i:,; ! toil, ;', of' -iihei- v'ii'-l.- or M.n.e limit1 ...!i!i'!.M:iiae....r: . i ;i v. I"'ii in iii'iur'.i- : in;; she ad-ls a Unify .la hot of chiffon i or a soli vvliii)' eii )"- itii-llover. ina- ,-iiid white always make a lovely a. I, illation, and tin- w,-i,iau who can af- ; ford l-i iilf.-.-t it alw-iys looks sin-.r . j j., ; ;. ,M ,,v j,,,,.: V(, ',. . ;ii;,.;sin .,1 p ,,,,,1.,, ,.,': ,i . i( (il.u ,..,. ,,. l-l.-i... I'm- follnvi. Hv, WMiuati kii-w s l hat i,i.m !. .1. ,,i 111 lh,'- of her skirl wa'.-t. . l-eim- n T I ii; is why Ihe smart till is always. ,lial. -:i-' ln-r iii'i'ltv head to think tip , " - ' )i( : '"' " '''"''.'''"'"''"""',.'' ...I ,1... ., ,,.,1 'I'tii-.e I. Ill ' , , ,' , . ., , Ia liIs l ailow i .act. enc ii.tooi. i 'I .1 H i, .r in ,, till',. I. MoT I--.I II. I low 111 si-,1-1, in fr Tl... l-:i,!,o.l : ;- i i..,,.. il. ... li i.-,. iw. j i,.,;.. .-a.!-, io,- ,!y ,1 -Hav part of ,1,,. eharni o ' ihe ,- ill ir. I 'love;- shaped Ill- lie p.eees ..! Willie 111.' II W illi 11,111 du'es eieliroider.'il in black silk nr.? ma le wttn a ti tn- centre, sn inar l bey may I ends . f tile ll'tl'ii: nil these velvet Tk- narrow -inbroid- '""' .-... .-. .. ... Im- lane ! I i toe '-o ... .- II" I is C II. brniiier. d I . lia' h wi'ai.v.r .eke,' vel- v.-i til:-.... i- .i-.-.k-Wni.ian's H"ti.e . iliipauioii. I.ioil.-i l,,.l,' '!ll.,. Dn-aha has an ...u,-t.i-.ili.-n kn-wn Hi- Dmaha .ady Kit',.-.-, .-oiiipa-a-l : I of e'.uhtieti Jntiliu w i-in-u . te;aued III' i va.-iniis c.'ile: - ai-i .ii to:t. .The I.m'.V , 1 itiili'4 will p vi l In-:.;-- Ives in evni'.i- lions and drill-, niai -r the lea.b--s;i,'i of i. man Heiilem-nt. ami will Wear kliaki suns of tin- same .-n le as tin-- li-e,l by ti!.. -, -lllill-s. (-MVI.I that polf skirts and l"-uilii;s will be w.-ru. A h--!:in-i will be worn en ihe head v.llli wavinu plum. i. I'o,- f ill dr. .- o, a- -i, ll- L-.ii-ls V. ill I- - -ill ill shoit (e -n skins nil l.'puln-.- ami ii ilonli'.c- least. -I. reatl'.'iti'oi. in el', liahl-titlinp bk i-e wai-i. lidt I'lt'l -is will be ad-iel. and il i':;' 1 1 i '.' ''l'.t.V ciipe. li'.ic-l witii i-.-( Ihi'ila '. The yel'ip worn- ! are --lid to I ,- ik ',.; i"teres:ed in ll.e wct-k of tlieir 1'iilitary orpaiiirailioii ir-o WCAK I'lln-el I i. nle:-: aiipeiir :il!'-.-!U thi i,i. -' i- , :i y 1; : - il", ' ! drai'a. y ei's. Ti.e !--! -a' - b' I!, I .lilll tili .1 .'ffl - i- aim, .-: ii" . . -.: I .. : -m u -;e. In- !ri ' -. Many .'.-, ."Ikn- .ii -.1 capes a: bi-lm; la e-l l i -ii ill,' a.-'icr li''le binuse-. The while S..-- n in: ' ' :i re icd. nr., I wi'l b- i n-i .'.Piis'y ) o.u'iiir I'.iuiap ti e Sj'tmii-a The si paraie wai- ', of uek- is tli-- fa- voi i;e of the Poor ni. l i- ;.n' fiiiiarter tlian the ot'c i f s 1 1 Tin- iri'i'ivi -l.-:l -a; is nsiviliy nie:--in- 1---S ti-kt ik.'ii--.. n kik- the loa.-'i' oil.'-. Ill" i-'.ei all il;-;. Tli- pr.-ii -mi' i d t in'.'ii. y i" roil :p wanl i- - tkl a ! ! f-aniac m' i i: l li.ns o:' -p' -lr. iiai -. i'a.i'i'l flowers, a" knni- if i-lil. 'a-,e. -it.- .v i -a'-!., k. e : ami pan;, s :.e 11 -i ii Upon -viri: 111 : 1 i ;l:"i'y . Nail'-'-v lae.-s 'ki: cask we!'. I;!." Yalcm ''' mi' M ': wii! i-e o-ad for t' kii'i-ir: "t -.:!" pown. liray I- --. w 1th a it ntei'iid wkitc op i'-i.'r.i!,. .- at" a. th- most futi ti' f 1 t i- la -. -I s ic ;; . . i- ivna.i ear. The pioi i.r I ':'-' '" s:..- filter ct.wa 0,1 w ool f k'ld r. .. The or.: ''i'o .-.i ef 1 vinte or i'i t,'V.!'.r- a to; VI. 1 i-- -a i i r f-ui- a.tu st l.'.aak. j : :.::aur for tl.o .ai tO ClO'.I- a far it r-;n .. -a ! ic '.ace : . .r.z Ul.u-SU.4- , -.' . .ue.j'j.'-Lc I T'. cited iin;,. kin- :..;.-.'. a new ha -ii I,; ,-. an, a i : a - , el : tents .f "f a'! l.imls - -. s are ce:t ,,!i . . . v 1 fit o ' I he ii--, ilti:e. A 1. -ae. ,. i.i an ! miu-aa! M'nde of red j :s H.I.- . ',i. l-lte-i .:--; lai-ries. It has ,-n ii, e ,i white i'i 1. that its effect is lint t-n w a ;.i for tin- season. The Ikn ,.-. elfe i I. as sy iiilltt- ttei-l skill - .- s tkat Itie tiivulai 'i-ill-a is a , y lall ll lli'i'pl r tlllitl fill'- .i.eriy. I.cinp .on e l- Hi- kii.'", ofleu ;.!: ii a'ove i-i ti t: and sloping up- i v, ani lyw'd the 1 . iirjv'rvwwX3KXXx I...I..I,....!.... 'II... s'.lc l.i.-.-CK of, the frame tiro ui'ole f '.'''.. I I. ::. - 1- ''''' :'IIJ. aii-l the i"il A i- a r : "-"'"h t v...i v. e- "i'll I" ineti li-'le- l- li . : : '. H: ' I- ' i-"'l ''. i-.veell I l''Ver nml flam-- v. li-n lh- l- a-l li'ii n ui: t W a I l.r Und K is II sill-ie I, l-.p- ih" l.'s --ii'illld I"' ana 1 l-y a i-olt i a i n 1 1. " thronpli l he frame, a ml t i. ioh-s in 1 o" h'-s hi' inad' ol-l-iti.n in will til over a ivncm. 'I'll" l-el: n.- -: ,,';,st l'"'ir im l-'s luu"f thaii lh. I rami' is wide.- 1!. II . hr!:, in Tl llpitotnlst. Scll'l'lii.,1 nf -"PPil. I'iii'. Iran seed of praln ; o:n- tile essentials, i!' lh- I '-t results ::, xpeet.-n ai narv. urn.- 1 1 u.e limns 'f praln prown on the farm ttv.-r.-tye p-.o. i. .piality, ti,.-:, il-y can l. IIIIWHT iiiljll U '' 1H i:i ii j I I III I preparation. There are what ate called faiinim: and cr.-i lli:- loills. tiiat will he i f pt'e.-it H'l- ice ill this Wu.-li. ie;iis iiu'n a lew of the tanner- in mv own iieiL'hlii i'ii iod niiiied in huy 1 ' .. , ... , ,., of tin ii;ls lii.-l weld, I -.-par: .-tie kin.l of praln from a not in-;- a ail I '1 as i in- Udit, imp-rl'i-ei i-a-i n,-k of "rain. Willi oats (,- barley, for hi-iam.-. V ll' llt is lint HOW I-ilise,! (,. any elet!l 1,1 "loe'i", nil- i. i'l. ii- l-i' p iriii-niar inivama T!;e chaffy p :M w-"wn "' ,h" prams are removed. I li.-se are nt i-t i oil.-, iplene- as seed; n .let l ltneni father than n herwlse. i'or if tliey m-r-mliiat- ai ii!l, tiny woeld make a .-mall. iiiii-ri'ei I u'l'owiii. Tin- i ,-,'iie 1 '" "" ' ''i'H'Vi r-.w a' a spiel e ii;,l lo-t -low' tl''li" w '"' I'1.""'" i,,:'' (,A: !,i v .:! . I: is ,,.,-v i p'.u.i nit lien, io i li-iiilillll. ::.. Ilieia ' -l a-i-i as .iiilinai.v -.1. 'i'l,- phit.ts ur. w 11 '' ' '"' " '' 1' x i,:lli'-v ''1:,!i, " u;;,,r ui- ami it u 1 1 1 cm l-iuvvi n oi riiaw, w ti e ihe i:ra in wi'l be plun.p -r and i.o:i '; in yield Hi-ill front seed v. nil-ill! Ihi. preparalioii. TnM'iit' i ' n-r. " '" ''"" " 1 W.n kin- i'.;i a prix ale , e: ir n,,- i- li"l n- e.ill'u ilk a- it may s lively l.-ir- tow n ami im -t small -me-e .in a :n pei.;.,- v.'ho v. ill p'.a.tly pay m-.;e ik ia tli ma:- l.ei price for lie-ii . ! -lin-le I k Week 1 II" Veil r I'. 'I. mi . 'I in- t i.i lo be .ibtaiticd will .i.-p i-.l, of . -oi: . tipoll the wcallh of Ihe i i-loiner. The liil'f-l' the city. or. r::lh"r. He- 1 i- VI ' ' p. :V ill In" city. Ci price that on I"- chart;, d Ihi- -kniikl b- from live lo t. tt ii a d . a in-r-- th.'ii th- liitlic-t . k-1- .-,!,- pii,- ni lli.n t-'-y. Win.. e.- l ie-' I- - .u 1 y '-pi e-s, w j a ,i mre .ai.M'a. mry t- lei the en-'., i-. rell.ll- i cii.:;u. s. and ii Ina'iil i kale.'.--. ,"-..!-: and tin I lit l l',-. li.. -a-nil'-.-ri ki-- i-.i-,' V- I'd. ,.:-. I' is v.. ,1 : , ll.-l .,!.. 1-; i I'll' Ihe cj'. Ir. a o of W-1 1 1 k- e ill'.' I il" : i. i1- . !c-s I-..U' H'l'll "ii a '1 ipialily i ' . ,--S '" ' ' 1!" ' "'' ' - ' - p . e; lam I : ., 1.' r.'i in 1 i- an.- '. , l.l'er. I : form i ! : sliotili! I..,', have many .- A teed an 1: i .11 a -t t . - j,; I-. --i.l.'e Ti . p-.ll-iee- -. ,-;: ;.;., kii-w ii by ii-.. i -: ' - line : - - ''. liny I k--n -ikn eu.s la !'--ir Tkc-c i-.c.; i- -n-al.-- . i: - -a. i'. Mv is kai ly v."iii 1- III. il 'i ; :.i . ' at" t "I'll'- . :' 'i ,!.-! II. !,.'., ,k-" '. I We . :'V' 1,: tl f.-r ;': lr ' work Cil -i: ':.' 1 v ta I i : l.a'.-- wl- . r, : i j , 1 .;. i, ! Wi; ii;..- a cur 'all il .an I .tmi :'-,, 1 'vc-r ' k : li.f ti lt 1 tk,; Ai'cv si l-A, a po t- .., -. lmtbly ;:- 1 ' ' ll I ii-'tl'.n I . ,' eld I' s a 111.: A- tilii-kia- l"':eli. it w , : !',- k w ll'i I w ,i I-.-: t' l t.I. Ii M't t tkl .-iistnn-- . Tl ey cost -- ..-.-!.. W y i! . tk:- ; yle. I ; - ..: .i.-iu-.-i' sti-leii it tnilo- k- ! : 1", -:e;.i tl-k. We ,i . i; -lm . II. -a - .M.--' t'l.y e.l" en: a d-Z-'U Inoie just ie ,,iv ., ,, il -t i ,.,') m v. ; -. siblv. '-ni 1 r,,,. . ' .o'.,M -k that (h-y havo '.v !-! " '' ''-v ;' ,:"!!""" '"' l t ... r.::H - :: i'!l i ,'.:. i.-n-.i-i ' '' i." ! i" 1 f ai;d r- "'n!,-!r. X v- -u -: . ; : 1 ; --i unM''1' ,-,:in- wi.ia.tlt i oi'i'-i' ii".'. 'I !".:! j,.-.. ii.ivi'i-r.s".! Iy t'r I-' ' -'I III- l.l-.-l !. i- a !i' "'' ixiin-r."- .lane , II l:i, 'I i iluiii" I'ai uH-r. .New V-.ik i.iio; j I :'iin . 'J'his i- :!e- - rts.m w lo-n --:'i.'l" k:llit of Wok ell I'D' 1" -iii all'l'l pi '.-i "!. pa nieidai iy v. h"!-- i . - ii- " - ' in'' -est. ,1 ill -.nil n ;.!, - and mmil fruli--. I f a t'owi-r ln-l may i- oi li"i- -,l. Ha- wot ill a!-,, .::.- thf ':'- ,1-n.i- v.-oi-k. 'l i: ee- '. ii iiy !' favi:'!-i" pi.. Intl il"l,' a:i :-ii m vanl-'nlii'-r. Th'-v I' Mid 11',- -mi ho" a. imp'.,...:- v. , ;...,.'- rat iil-ii llt.m ad. I la'- :. if T .k I- a e -. ..' : k !. I. I'M '' ... . ,!,. i v . ,i a :-. '-.' !'. I ' "I i 1 ;: I ,i- .i - ,;, '. a: - ! ':' " '1 ' ,ejii:. .! !. i-i I i,. !' HI '''': iM. ,.. (,v i,. t, , , ,. , . n i-' ' i t-.:-- l'.lll I (.. .-' f.M'li.ers :-i' I tl" ;r how a :; .Mi i l,.'..y.'i ; ! I .'. '.'. ill l.u-' l-ilio 1'.-- l , Vi r.,.T,., ,ir lla J J ji - li) r la lele t :' Tl . i .- i --ti-ni li an ad- ai: i'l I.i -l.a- .' Willi" ih- lr t;l!l h-l-l a in tk -I... . . : Hi-! : ;..' 1" , i ii ,- ami - P-i ef a..-.:-a i ,"!-. ; : Sllpel'-i li ,1 I, la't-ly by .!ol!l.h' W ia -I h " - ! I, f li." :;,'-, i-i pi ,1 I he w in k !' 1 1 1 1 : - I :n tin ',1 ,i: iils. II, I ill. !!..' a-liiell e' in pi'.iMiiiioa lo lh,- ah i' ' ' - t-i "'I- I-., t- ,!,.-iv.-.l, lias 1 II al.'.i'i.v 1. .-..en. d for tin- former : :- ! l-k-i ,,-a-- v ,.rk of Hie I is i.ow i,o. 1 iy ,,e -, o: .ie.,' by til- Wheel ll- e. u 1 !l V- I, ell "!"' llliill can p.'i-fe.'l.i lee w -k loaiaiily ih.'i.' by six l,' -"V eil l!l"ll W illi Im --. Wbil" Ike - I drill 'm-u- Hi ' low '. p'at-is Hie -e.'i-, eoler- H ai an. I l il'ks tl.e .... .. .. i ,', , ,,, ....,-;-...-:n i.- .l I -.-:- - v.-:-:, i-i : -'it'll fat ar-.i 1111-.!.- o'-i iiM'.in.:! . 'I i en iki-re : :- hand i idli' a'.oi- al-,1 v. I- 1- to n-'.-i. -nine ..I' lie-'md iinpleiie-e: - b.-lu-made i i -i i"-iiiiier lo i-.- 1 ; i i -.i'y c--'. e:- oil i -I'o a M-.-il i.k'kk win d lee. elll t ll a lm . 1 ..I.- i, ' W'i i !e;'. a - I'eipill oil. Th. I- ar- a'- ' H.'i :. e. : .h.i"".l lor a '.I'd- Ii v -el. w I.i:- I' li :: l"-ls. -a, k a- l o, e: - . i a I-- : a: --I iy impi-.w.l It ii. '.v I -- -.if !.v ' --'-r'.c'l I lia I Willi t ke 'nal,'.; .. . v i i kin easy reach ,.f Ha- fa lie r. ti ie ar- a ::r-at Many I' i: ' uo nd--'t''-! I'. '-iu. aid w lai ,li lot five tk- u.i'.'.n ii, ore an -n: -on. ;:'.:-:' I" live i n 1 1:-piai:i.--i fa:-' w ie-n tiity -i'!d easily - !:.;.'' I hello .''.v. V. I'll ail I. mil lir. ,:: that can ! .- i , I : -.' "it I he y iarin in il t so -li 'in 'la - Ik t I hill-.: ii i1-. ,!. - i- p!-,w ii ami "..ini-ii ii iii'iil it e iaa-i -. al .l - I' e W.O'k is In be W ,! il .1 k-a. lie i-l'-.i I- I I'e li.H s iter t i-.v pint..!' am! M'titid ,..'- '.I -e-l tr'ii Mk'a,- m -.1-: '.. ii-a i i i in. I, ii -i c-l I' i. ; . 1 1 n i !' : ..: .'. I bro.Ml-s-ii:::t I if, n . v i. ; i. . u I If :k , II i' n -' I -t i; 1...W.-.I ,1' " y,...,,', (i .. i . I , , .:,' m. !,n -i e-l.e. I k. - a:,- ..Ike.v. ,1 ar.-w mi :! Ik'-V - v..--. ili.-h - kl- h I k -y v. ill il I1 ,. : li'i'e-ii ,1 i: i- jii',1 i".i fea-e ik I I'- "r.'okl I Ii it -s Ike mrii ' !:. :,' , : k i a :, a- - -a .-- t'"' " "ed .- :-. -.- i, ::-! I i , le,. pet in I he e.-.i- i. ,. - ,.'i w ik- : " linl is ,',1'd. - i' i ', in-.v lot pi lia- -i .'.linl. V.'l.i'ii 'ii' .-'p' ' i re-- a r. iii 11 i i- ik" - I ke t; '..'.. i I will ; k.-ii I- ia c, cliei t . re: ii -, .'-,, - i. in-. .1 -a-.-.-r f.-oiti i'i ii-1 - t ... ., ;,liv 1 i-.-l a! 1- - al-.l ia. :'! : , e . , -i I -- -an ' a. xvk-at ,,- , , : - ;a .- ..p, - 1 1... i-i a . aa .e.-t:p.i-l i i i., !.,,: b.-iow. ,1. I " 1 1 1 i -1 -ii-M.l t, ..-ni. n. nto.-.t-i-i k i', ll tv lln-ip. li--n- : '; :. I . in, I ! ' oi' 1 ie poll, , k I w - ' n i s I'k.ii i , o for n be 1!l -ll'i - ' -ok! ,- .lla i 11 - - i . . I a t 1 ,- . l-l il , an I... n.e, I 1,. ni. i' -ii I lie- ka' k t- I , y ::p lo t k t o -r I '---. !s i,ll Ily a ;- ' - - ' 'ek k, i t "M :-i ' , :' tk --' ' ! , n. !k ;. ' ". ' l-p c" ; i it: I 1'-. mv; New 1 i y k'l VP I heir la'i-.'lihor:-- si ffl .-j3VWl.'TflM!V IMWJPJL. ' WJWlaf,SW

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