itmiitmti-w-tntiiimxmt, rr t)z Chatham ttccorfc. t Chatljnm Uccorfc. I H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictjy in Advance. 1 THE; LEEPJY DELL I 6,m tj)c Mcienr bell tVi&t pe&Ud l?orn' 1 n lurrovA tell' And blood drops ip Irje lurrov5 tell' Instead 01 whew &.od corn T1)C tgt&nT nations cr&ule s6i nt-lions cradle sono w&s iiPji upon rrm 109! k! o'er the ytn. Kii)0Geproe Aijd trembled &s I Fui -x. unnn mu Innntin And o'er the sea Kii)0Geproe grew P&.U And trembled us ruO0-: Trie dust bs B-bced 19 mu Njrot"?, But not upot), ' A relit ot tta glorious A relit ot Jtrje glorious, 10 v-riaxiesiori". lair 1 tm. With, baza's bai)ds ol gei)llemcr) ouard me on the Wavi, 10. Agd banners wWin,ir) tb nrccze rja n)&ruai mujic &&i. IX)UlSAM55QLO j T Ot 1SY .MAY is to slug H I f xnlii .11 tlii ci'li'praliin." J V Mrs. ll.itlii'lil wii I'xpl.iin in lu ii visitm. "Ami I don't know Inn ,.'H ln too ;iin to Hic.'ik to hi'i- own folks wlicii mw's , rlKi'd out in nil Iut nnv tilings. S'ill. I don't I n-iri in I her tlio ihint's. S!io' j u-nrltiil f.ililil'ul ini-Uiii" stni wlirr ' Jlfs iiml iloin all sorts of i lioios t pay for what s!i"'s to Jiavi-. Slu-'s a nnl girl. I.oiiis.v is." "I'.iu lias she cvci' sun in ptililli- l.i'- ' foil-'.'" i "Slii-'s ni'ViT siiiiir a solo all by Iht wlf cNrrpl at one or two littli- Suml.iy KI'llliol rollcoits. I ilnll't know how it will bo whi n sin- tiiols lii'i-si'lf 011 tin Iilatl'orm facing ! lie i-'onrtli of July rtciwil." "(Hi. shi'll P'l I'vo In. -ii. I tbac ihniu-li It all riu'lit. sin- .-ins beaut lful- .v" "Wi'll. I iloii't know but sho ibics tiin alioiit as well as ymi roiilil cxpi'i t a ii'l "f only tit'ii'i'ii to sin:.'. It's Mini of I'lii'ioiis: 1 rau'i .iiiu' no iiiori' than 11 Miic.iay, mu! when Iht pa trii-s it tin lions s(!ti.- in n.ncr. sln p'ts It from Iht t ; 1:1 ini f:i t li. r I I.'it tii-Iil. ovit In Ware. 1 1 1 ! I bo sr onty-tivo conio tin lentil of iii'M inontli. anil In-'ll sit ilowti to a littlo oi'.iii bo's pit ninl sini; nway by tin- hour. H.-'s coining i-loar tivor from Waro to hiar I.oiiisy May iiitf. lie's coin' to leave her his or Kiin in his will." "A piano would bo better for her." "Yes. I.oiiisy May's wIM t have n ilano. but we ean never et her one with live youiip'i' rbililreu to rear up iiml school. Hit liiainlpa Haitiebl Ulebbe eolili! 'ot her one; but I iloli't ktmw that he's a Me to. alUiou-h ho al ways lias 1 11 elose-liiollthetl about lii.s inotiey afl'aii's. You'll be at the eele liralioiiV" (li. y.s: we are all piinu'. And I expert to hiar I.oiiisy May beat 'em nil." There the eonversiitioti ended, be-i-ause a led haired uirl 1 ame hurriedly into tile sitting room. She blushed furiously as she heard her name. (Hi the moniiiic of tin- Fourth of .luly Louisa May was very happy as she Ktood before the small mirror hi hot lied room and cave (lie last touehes to tier toilet. Her ehallis had made up very prVttily, and her mother had de lijlhted her by an unexpected Cift of n pretty pink riblmii sash. She had never before had such a beautiful hat. tind there was but one thine to detract from her satisfaction with her ap K'ii ranee. "If I only didn't have such a mop of red hair!" she said to the mirror. "If It was uioiise-coloreil, like Amanda Iauv's, or a regular hritullc like I.uey Trent's, I shouldn't care. I'.ut red: It Hn't as red as It lled to be. though, and I shall wear my hat while 1 sine that will hide it a pioil deal." There had been few holidays in Lou isa May's life, and never one so full of promise of pleasure 11s this. She had 1 twen to the village the day before to! rehearse her sotii; with Miss Hope, who ! Ii-. -erf was to play the accompaniment 1.11 the cre-in. and Miss Hope had said Louisa sane beautitiilly. She had a Very dour and strong: voice, mid she aaid to her mother as they drove to- , ward the erove, "I don't feel a bit ner vous or afraid now." j She did. however, feel a little ner vous whcii her turn to sing came, uutj VOL. XXV. Wbi 'bere lAwKjr) rode the British a Od.werij rotKA rU aovn, And boupt) And vhi His U' iceds oida-rinp jtill, rencali wun po.inouc. memories Witrt patriotic memories 1 Ippl mi clrvnnpx Mir. As wljci) &.r old ArMit-n drcMtjs Once, more ot Vl)ip W)d spur. Wbere tirst 19 deadly bujttlc. met . Tha , ank-s ?t ttftju M)d blue. joth North ad ociutr) unite today totb North) tM)d 5oajII) ur)tta To read my leocncl true R-ocImit) svcet liberty, it ru runs, I In me M rim arhene. Tfyroupryauf tb,e land, a.nd unto all Ir)l)ikbit5.rjf5 thereof.' AT TOE CELEBRATION she found herself on the platform be fore tlie iiiiilicme that tilled every part of the crove. The Chairman of the day stepiel forward and said: "We will now listen to a solo, 'The Star Spangled Itanner,' by Miss Louisa May H.itllel.l " At this some of the 1 Irani! Army men set ui a shout, and Louisa May walked to the linn, of the platform with 1 In- laiire silk tlac slie was to hold while dic sane. Tin sipplaiise died away and. the or-eaui.-t had jut beemi to play the pre lude, when a boy shouted shrilly "lb'il head: Med head: Metier look out or the tin works will catch:" Luil'sa M.iy's tiiuk cheeks eiew pal lid. She opened her lips, but no soiMn! ciinie from Ihelil. She was lleiiibline troin head to foot. The Mac fell from her Iiaial ilmvi: over the cd.'e of the plat fortit. Then in an neoiiy of em liarrassineiit siie put but U hands over her face ad to cry. The boy who had called out "Ued head:" suddenly felt a hand jirlp the back of his collar, and he was jerked from his seat by tin irate little old man. "I'll let ye know Uow ye call my eraii'ilauehter 'red heail.' ye little sass boxl You take that:" iitul lie smartly FANEUIL HALL, THE CRAULE OF LIBERTY, bOSTON. boxed the liowlme boy's ears. Then he hurried toward the platform and up the steps. A iiueer-lookine old man he was. with lone white hair and beard. He had on it stillly starched linen "duster" and lirltflit blue Jen 11 trousers. Hurrying to Louisa May's side, lie put his arm around her waist and said, soothiuely: "There, there. Lotilsy May: liotft you mind that impudent little sass box! You sine your song now. Come, grandpa will start ye off on It:" The old man picked up the Hag which she had let fall to the platform, and holdine its stuff in one hand while his other arm was round Louisa May's waist, lie began to sitti: in a thine, wav ei lne. but not unmusical voice: "I lb ! s.iv, can i iiu set. bv the ilaiva's carlv hilht. What o proudly we huicd at the twilight'- I.t.-t i:ifant:iii: Who. c bio.el triK"i ii'i'l lrivht stars, tin -ucli the 1 . riluii- I. .'tit. O'er the raitiiwrw we ..tclud. v.eie so (.M-l.intiy strraiiiiiii::" 11 and slopped lit tile etui of these lines 'aid gently to Louisa May: ine. now. honey, you sine. She hail taken her bunds from her iiml as she 1 inked into the syiiipa- faces of the people before hef, It h'-r coiirauo 1 Sc. When the eld l.ian beemi to s.t: tin- next lines l.oitis.i May's voice, clear and steady and sweet. ro" high aiove his own: "And th-' r.t. k t's red i-'lare, the bond -. htii'.tiri 111 air, iiae i-root tiiroii'ti the uiht that oar tils; a s' el there, (lii! .i . docs s'.u sp.inca.I b llllier yi t " live O i ; tie- land of the life and the home of the br.ive:" Sotnethilie of the lofty spirit of the grand old song suddenly fillet! Louisa May's heart, irnd made her forget her wounded feelings. Her grandfather held the tU'U su that its fuhla were f.ill- 00" ( 1 P1TTSBOUO, CHATHAM Ine about her, am! her eyes were shin lne and her face was siniline as she beean the sceoiiil statu!:! ill a voice without the least quaver. The old man did 110! sine now. He stood lie side her. with one arm still around her, and nodded lime wi; h his snowy head and gently waved the llae si hove tbe sineer. When Louisa May's voice died away after the last lines, the applause was ileal'etiine. While it was still at its heielit her erantil'al her stepped to the cilee of the platform. Iinldlue the tlae aloft. Winn he could be heard he called out shrilly: "L' vrybody join me hi sineitie the last two lines: Coiiie, i:uv, everybody sine'." "And t!" st. ir -pimeled .hull wave O'er tin1 laud ot tlie t'l I lie brave." banner in triumph v and the Ininc of The Covcrinir hiinself coneratulateil Louisa May. and hamliue her the beau tiful little silk thie be bad heel) holdine in his hand, he said: "Let me eive you this to remember I nie by." LoiiNa May thoiieht slie never eoiihl , A', be any liappier than she was durine the rest of that day. but she felt much tlie same way three days later when, on coinine home from the strawberry patch, she found Craudpa Ilattield w nil ine for her in ihe hall. He thine open the p:irlor door behind hitu as he kissed her, and Louisa saw in a cor ner of the room a beautiful, shiulne new ila no. "Why. grandpa:" she exclaiinel, nnd tluug her anus around his neck, half laughing and lialf-cry ing. His dim eyes had 11 strange light in them, and his voice was not steady as he s.riil: "1 t"!I ye. I.oulsy, I don't know when I have heard anything that took su h hold of as the way you sung that gram! old 'Star Spangled l'.aiiner.' 1 want It to be the first song you sine 011 your new piano. I'll play it, and we'll sillg it together." A few moments later 11 passerby reined up his horse In front of the house to listen to the fresh young Voice and the old and quavering one sing lug together: "And the banner in triumph shad .ivi' O'er the land of tin of the brave." Youth's Companion. Y aL"' si? ml -i JUNE FOREBODING, iliie h is ti e hngcr-i I In i.irh liell-il h.ia.I: I. lie ill-- ni-e ha. ti ll toe-i I pen hu h to M.ind. I'llt .1 it-'O'-t eOIlie:. H IT lis. Te..r .h.'l's '! ia. h 1 1 he have o 1 1 1. 1 T : ( la tin- ."ih ot nest ii " AYilhe his tvi riebr- vvs. K.11 ii 11 proper place; II. i- hi- cars and check and . ife upon Ins tare. And .' fondle Willie As e jioitly sie'li, "Will lie still pmuHsu them Ou the 5tli o nut July!" hiri I1 COUNTY, N. 0., THURSDAY, .JULY 2, ITO. Leader of tin Histei; in- Heroic Bronze Figure. In Le.xinetoii, Mass., 011 Tliursihiy, April l'.i. tic one bundled and twenty lit 1 1 1 anniversary of the batll" of Lcs ineleti. tiler.- was iinveilen with appro. prlate cci uiies the statue of Captain .bil'ti Parker, leader of the minute men in that historic conflict. The statue stands on the old town tati'k of in:-: MtNfrn man. 11, now;ton Comnioii. th" le o!' the b:C lie. The figure is of de size all. I stanu-. gun ill hand, on l-e of l-'i-i-ll bo-.l li'.ers. (low II loud in inn. The 1 til ire tneini ial ri-es nior than twoi'ty f. i t from the roiitin ate;- 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I j 1 Li down (r iiiubi- ihe topiiiost rock inio a gnat granite bowl, where boises may ilnnU. In Ihe ie:,i are seals and a drinking fountain, old fashioned powder iiortis for drinking cups. Francis P.rown Hayes gave the 111011-uni-.-nl to the town. The design Is the work of Heniy II nib ui li'iison. the sculptor of the Admiral Farragut statue in Marine Park, P.osloti. and of the liver Memorial Fountain in Provi dence. H. I. S'nltilne to tie A.liniiiPtl Of. Lady "Ain't ymi .Mshamod to lie ty ing tin-works to that dog's tail';' Hoy--"Ashamed'' Hully (b e; he an F.nglish bulldog and aiu'l Fourth of July V" - Puck. Ain't ills de The Old North Church, Boston, In Whose Belfry Tower Two Signal Lights Were Hung For Fau! Revere mm A u m ml. mmmi v J -JTifS-T- r w7K 1 THrS-fYYSTERX OP-THE 'J :i: i' .. .a V: 'i.;'-rf'-irvC' r&v?.v - ' riorencc warden, , Aul'hor oI'TIic A&usc on rlr. Aarsh,'' ck- , IV.-, li ' chai't::'-1 mi. Co:itinu d. Now, there v. as i: place to which Nell Wi-nhl lioi riiile r have goiie i':;'.!i to Shin-.-le Lnd. For i,,'s not rent'. Ilii'lltal Miss 'I'll, oi!o; ; in-, v.. cull--,' (if the oiili'i'.ge which put Clir ford's life in , 1 : . 1 1 1 i-V If ii hail no; bei :i for M;ss P. . lai'.-i vi '.! uieanlii;: lutl ill .iliilgcd et;enura!.en:eii:. .!: 1 Siickels would never Pave il.ii'ed to lliild; he ci.iihl have a chntn'o wall a girl who v.-.-is so far r uioved from him in every way ::s Nell. Now. Willi natural fciiii: liie oh.l ;t;ay. Miss Posial would Ii sure to lake .loin's part a ga lis! Clifford. 11 -cially when It reached her cars that the latter h d conic down at Nel"s own feiiiest. S -that it was v. iiii -i..v. uiiwiiline f : Nell mad' 1: ; way to the ct.i-c llcl's hoi!-.'. I "very ! Icce ';r:i'-! out an sho ct Ticcied. VP. 1 il.i- e:.c.'iiii,,i:, thai M.-s lioslal wrs so Ulilcli loore cotlei ::: d nbottt t'o.-'i ab.nti Cb.'i'or.l tbtit -.ho insisted on iiinrelei.g off ih it vi ry nm lueiit lo ii o-:i'-e ,"s 1. 1 .ie:n"s eo'i.i lioti. in- -i" I mi dr.i : ;in ; 'ho uu'.vii'.ii" girl wi. i: ie nil 1 he e:.cdil ion. A; lii'.-; Neil abs-iiiioiy r,.;'iisd to g... lii'.1 si, had t:, give VilV. liei'ig li.ucli, .I by the s.-lf-ii'proi'cii i-r trim litll' elderly lady. wi..i blamed li, ..; !f as n c-!i .'or .t'-m's mis 'or. i'i ;: i Nell '..::. :i. -1 ii r--!f I ; CllP'o--:',. "II was ail ii y i'aub. I f. el :h.i' I have bi-'iiv.hi i. u:w.u ihe poor feil.e.-my-'elf." wa tin btirc"!! " Vls 1". tal's laiuitii. ,'usi a.:; it had prcvioiialy bei :i of .sell's. Sh" i'ii n sh. m1 tear:; the tho :glit of facing the young man tipoii wiaen she had brought iiiore then o:ie mis fortune. For sle per-isled in regard inn h'.s assault upon Clifford a- a;i oiliir grievance of .loin's ralho:- iiiaa of th- h.aied rival's. Nell said little as they went .".long. She was on tin- one band di epiy ,'in:. ions about aer lover: while i;i ti." niher she hardly l.i'",v wiietlier to laugh al Mis Po-iaTs c. ; ra vag.aiiees or to crv NVi.i'iathoticaUy over I.e.- Tic little collage wiiere .leal loib i". was soon reached. Miss P.osial's knock was answered, unexpeeiedly enough, by .b-ni in persoii. Tin re seemed lo be li;tl- the Ilia 1'" Willi him. except for a cut a his lower Up. the .'-ull of ilia bbov .it!i which Clifford ):. I felled bill. If ins le-lily suite was sound, however, this was nil thai could be Mill for hint. A t m." forbiddhr: cNpr.'.-si'iii of sill!. :i f".oei ty :i:a:i thai wl.i.-li his face v..-o as he l'ecoanir.eil his isors ii w. uid lie i:n pnssii,',. to iinagiii". "i ill. mi U's you. Is '..'." was ids su-ly ;:r 'ci'iM'-. ;is wiih a s.-..v he i-.i.-nle .1 l.!o eiii-'iil to sill!!, ihe ih or ill the liiiiy's face. Put his patroness was ready with the soft .''iis'.ve;- thin tunad .'r.vay j wrutii. Pi-'-ssli:'- I'm ward quickly .-,::. i keeping Nell's !.;i;.d ill h"fs wi..i a j tight grip, she edged her way inio the j eo.iag'-. and. regardless of the f." t j lien il'.. i -.ii ;i: .1 woman w.lli vril"'..! i acia l-dgcil wee pns,'.,:. add:-,-s,,l the v,.',.;:: boor ill the gc.itlesi ... I . . oees. I "Oh. .ear: oh. dear: .:.t;"t s-nd c! awnv like that: Wc are so very s ery I for what ha; lu mil lo y,.u. Wc j want to know if we can do any i llljn.. - ! NHI was frowning am! trying t go: ! away, imlignant a; liie lowly lone co:!ipaiiio:i was taking. And it was upon Nell that .b in's ey. s were tixed as he interrupted the niiier holy. "No"' roared be. "You can't U i noihin' as yet. liul." and he nils-.! his voice ami lifPd his iis: aga.nss an imaginary foe. as ho .! harder a: Nell il..".n ever. "I'm Mi si if vi.ii won't tiini iiior.-'ii i uoiigli t do lo aii-v. r the ipii siintis as '11 I." in; i to yo i folks of vo,: ; :ue:".'..w i;io;-i..ii':l" Nell s-.n'id. nly ecu- d s-,-u.-i,t;g a-d ox d 1 1 -1- cy. s lipo-.i .1. i.i's swollen a' 1 cXeiii"! face. In l n'rll lie- Ve.tlS Wi : rising like l:iioi;ed eon!-. "W'i.a: do you tie an. my dear .vo;::: .. vain." I'i'.ii ii Miss P.o.'a!. in th - g, : tl. st ;!c :i:s. ie r ii.iel efi'i to mi:.. ;i: ie::ed mo;:-'i.' i.r.p.'.irln:. c .. taouient tie re fni.o- and iu.eb : -. "I'h. v.. it ktio.v M-: y w. ll v. hat I tin a:i. or. ii .: -.v. .: -. M '-s ("iii-is d i, -s i' I"-.:-sltc. J.-:,.. i.l ih-- '.l':l,- I,' e. ! wiih :i sw . i ,. , ! .1 lii i" m: "Ala i.ia I'm di'd .b t.i. .i ii sull, n i ;.. hav, i..l i." e i - ii." p as ; e s; !,,: ' tn.'ii ... . u-, . .1. v. : e -. : J.-ii', turtle.! !.is b:ii k e:i the ladies, nd luai'eliiiig o'.ii tiie room by the oppo site end. through the lines; door, left them no a'.;, "native luu ; retire. Nell was ll.V ilisgUsled. In li'v by :h - par: !....; beet! linii!-- to p'ay .:i 'liis ntipl. ii-. ie seeii". i n; by lu . e uapi'nioii's ill"'.'" 1 deiiii nil)'.' iia-i .'iii's "-.. ii audi ie A ; fur his :iii'i a: i f s'.i liking ! til" .; . e, .lesia S". :,ied ! '-' 'ilillg vil li, a lie e.'ll'i'icil into ell'ci". or im;. she said nothing ;is liiey v.iill.e.l back to Shingle uud .Miss P.osial, p.'vliaps conscious NO. 4C. 'i" -i;v ''; - i K 'r; '' . . ssy 1) lii. :-i : '.-.1 li Ii yt.r had luiliiii'ii'd In i'Self befoir l':is yoiing niHiiiu ii little inure than was mi el. was silent also, li"li tie-y rencli.d Hie luiiise t!:e enli : lady gae a Utile sigh and fell h.i' i; upon her usual sol:i e in tiiues oi' ao'.ieiy. "i thill'.! Wo Shall both feel betier." she chirp d. as sii" carefully ep' tie-1 il.e freiii il"or wiih her laii-ii key. "when we've bud a i up nl tea." I; was about a couple of hours afii :' ill.' ti rillilia. i ioll of till' sccl'.e betwcill .lein Stic',. Is and ihe iwo ladies, and ill" clock of the tower of Si. Martin's al Siroati had just chimed a piisi, eight, viio'i a small I my burs; run tii" bar parlor of the Pell Inn. aa.d Marl led ti..- company by th" seared i ;:pri -slim of his nee. He 1... 1 be.-il l-lintllllg i'.a'i. ..Ill it Was soliie in it'i' nis b -fi.i-e he cold r; '.ctii.i ; I-. Ill tile In- ; ::. I::ie Ilia iU -lioii-i pin in him we -e many tha- . ie- cuifiisiou of tonga--- ih-lavi il the la-i's atiueiiliei in. -in siill fiiaihi'i-. Ii W,S l.'eo.Ulillif. tie- I.'illd.-'l lle- P'Clive. w!; i tiualiy lir.-w lia- boy o'li of ti-.' eii-ioiis groiin alel 'iiaile 1 ii ; :: v. 1: lor iiii i I" spe k. '.''iili in.'-: !;; scared l-;o!; ihe la I a: "'i ii ' '.- a :. :.:i l.v'n' i.g. tie-re "ti 1 t'..e ;-.-: ! ('.,:; -'l i.s Mad. a Utile I way past i . i-ig hiiii-e. An' I s -e liim In u' an' I - a!;s in 'in; an' 1. : ii o i'; :':i. . '-a. an' In- li.dn't iimve. A::' a:.' ..a' I run rlgii; av.a.y, an' ; , .ell you." i li :.;-!'i-il pr tiy evident that tin- boy had n . said a.l lie knew or :n:--s. -.1. Tii' r was a rush for the ih :..- by the occupants of the bar par lo". ami in a f ".v inoi,ic:i; th-re was a streata of p -opie triel.ihig out in tl: ila.lkiic- al in ; ihe little nuay by the li: I ! rive-,', pas; the barges waiting to be unloaded, pa-i; the ancient stone ga'-way of Siioan's prospcrn'is days, ov, r tin- brand u.-w bridge they went. In iwos and t'.irees. and out tipoii the t'.ul road over i he in.irslics. t.'l.'.iig as i in 1 :- right fui b-ail'i- the detective II 'inl'.iing. wiio. In ing afraid that the frightened bey might give him the slip 1: hi his arm i's if ill kindly comrade ship. The lii-.iii was ilarl:. and one of lie, inning's nearest followers h.M a laie'-ru. v.liieh ilii'ew a ray of d.ilicittg li-..hi to arid lef; upon th" waiie tlie iliicli on eiiher side, the wide s.reo-h of iiia.sli in tin- left, nnd th" liail Una of se.t (',:. away nil the .i::.-i pa.-! lii" "big Uous -." a 1 -.!'.' :. ails'.. n stiitnlil'e ill Hat, W.I.d n.ipi i ' -:i S;ro:ill .".l-d ti." s. a. ;i:.y e-ii ,:i '.ui ihe man. lying, as the lev lal'l i ie erilieil. by the side '' the : ; !. -vi'ii his head hanging v. ; - .1' g;-i s. l-.:;:l. that sloped in: t;;--d i- h I'iierc :ii- rc he is:" v. '.iispi red '.'.i" Ii' j . hoarsely. lieu'iiiini: iiec:;.tied in the man be hind to bring up the lantern. Kneel in : linii n in sole the minion the ground iiftod nis head and threw ill- liiiiii f-.'ii his face. It's Stick-is: It's .bin Shekels.' eM h.imed more that, on,- voiee. n-cg. ' ! '!,':1V-V' Ml-;i . ' lisic riiinii. who w. s well known tii t.n!. , .. -'' !'" ?nn:' of "'' " ' hraudy.' stud man. handing a ' Ib'tmintig. P.;i; Ihe il. ieeiive shook his head. ';"' ;! i"'ur s.i.u in. - niAiTF.i: xnr. I-i the Hit!., (lining root.i ::t nililgle aid Mi s Postal and Nell were silting y ihe in-.', lb.' latter still ab.-oi'lied in ; uig.iis of l'1-iTord. while ihe former :,i. t i d.v. r; her '.aop.iiiion's gioemy . e'.'i I'V gossip il'i'illt tl." doings o:' ''e vicar's Wile and the high price u" 'I is Ie .:l ii.o'ii-.l a:i:.'.ous!y froia , In:, i lb" e in! scuttle, ill- i ll a W isil In I.l' i c illO.lli fuel, i 11 I ce oil" hand, and gi.'.'d lire hiidy for her .11 ell the nlher. I,.' 1 . P . u.'.'ii! 1" idle pri s W .' ll II' lollisln'ti .,' I ll . ... urly I. m ".:... k. and th--ei- a; no of ilc day. on . i iiln r at bis ( i ; ! i a ; in- golf link -. was in i h .rau.g In i.:e punctually :n I ' i .''. Willi ll ' i-i will: r . I ;.. And M I 'C 'e I ii i "i ' m i : - li.i-ial li oi: up tin io-ig . . ii: from th g.'iiie ill" 1 . ...-. . ii.,-;. bad fall' ! re. -he . i. l. ' d them j: . '.lie ii.;i in plevetif a "lie I N. il. ylng smile. 1 s,,. Weil. 1 ;.:. me to .!; , iven'i 1 "'Hi. I. ar. I -lioul'lti'i worry t"i if I ''ibie I ii oi l v,,.. a- y..;i. I- .i's a v.-;;. ai d I fe.i hound to to;- te ing.i h s . ai:g ii :;ii ii l i re a: nil. Put ii n ill P.- a le--. a to you tn I - fni. I..1 I hu'.e I i il -ubl tha! bo:!i Hi ..' .. ." li.e:. v. ..! Ian c tii'le to thi.ik ii: inn; '! nvi ;. a .d w ill make up lheir nil ils to eolili'.'! their ptissiotis liefter in fat. ire." -jjut Cliftord-Mr. King: I am afraid RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Fqnare, one innertioa One hqiirc, two One Bquare, one month si.oo 1.60 2.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. In is ',.;-;,,:is'y hurl!" v iii'iV'N-fd Nell, wiih the Pais, ie In-: re. cased, mil- llia. il'.V.U lid' eilee.,-. liu; ii was noi . i.p.i tluil Mis P.nsial spent h. r syn pal by. !l v. il'l i a 1- s,' .:i ;.. !:it:::" Fit" r ;. a il. rail.' r fr:"!d. .'.I,. I .: :i: lie w.ll e--r. nlnly kee hi- v.ord and give il'l' .-..: i Ii :i to tin' p .i;.-.- ib's t ; tii. :" J :i ; . ji.ii :..:i of v.'lia,: '.'" "W I'V, of :l.e rnl.i.ery : of what !ir ..; .. lie saw!" M'id N-.'l!. I'.-.iii'J .inxiou.4 . i'S i. ii her fri.-nd. and il.-.-ppi:ig her Miss Postal sirlA'd in i.'il iimiiscd "Il.iv. !i'i volt got ov. r yog" dread of l lint vol? I-'..r i:,y peri. I shall !" wry glad v. h. ii soiu. iiiing is known. My i'ailier has j.eon :it tl." i :;; -use of :i:i i :.'::'. In-It on i. or l.a. k li'-or since ibis scare has been ;,h.. 'it; iitd 1 myself can li " i r si cp re li 'i an hour v.iilioiii jUiiiping up wi'h lii - fiiii.y lhai 1 In era Icrglar oi ihe drawiiig .'":n nialcriu a i a " pip Nell -.aid .e ll.'!"--, i i: ' remained s'li.Ui'.' in a co:istr:ii:i"i!. aliaost awk- Wi'l'd iliiiiU'ie. ci'.iUcllil.g i. Vol' tlie life, and lb'., wing at !:'; oiipatiioii. ffiil line In time, glallees mil of shy iu eui".v and of unmi-taha i 1- akari'i. M..'s P.u-lal began lo I'ig.lld lief pro tege w iih ii...!--. '' t -.t of suspicion, at lea " nf H l 'b ii.V. p i's plain t! a. to old ilitlieitoy of a i i ;i ill and be:' heels P nl Ueg'-n ii ea-l tiie shad. . of i .-. , i-:: geuu-ut be tv.c -:i the frie.'uls. 'i'lii-ro had been i ii 'i-ee i,:i both sides tor luiuui"-. wi . n. at H-t. ii " . "I'.M I's I.l .el; ,.is I.eav.l ;,t Ihe fr. Iit .!..... It ha I I. en 'i s lift-ii. nt.iil tlie l. -N s i,;' ,h i-oliii' - a! i he li'.U" I. ion .'. . -. v 1 1 : - ii--red ;i 'i 'in. t" b l kin: -i if in . Ms i ,;;- . bv s:'u; ly 1 .u iiiug . la aa i dl'-. P.ui ii" ,v. ii eie :-. :i .: ui!"i e , li.e.v !ei illi il il llce.-s-ai.v i-i hi ,' il.i- . .- as ta-ieii' d f ru iii ihe ins'-le. Wiih a sigh oi relief ..: iiostl'l eurm: en and Uuri-ied i,ul lo iiiiuiit her i':i" "Why. p.."!. what inak'S you ! ial"': Nell ha.; been me. or 1 shou'i'i have felt unite lie.'V o!s." Tl." colonel came in w .iti t:!!!' !: quii k- r steps than l'ii.a!. but In slopped silo!'' on belli lug t lit' gil'l' iiaiin- iiienilnned. "i !li" cM-iniuifd b". And li.V hiss iii.'iinier Mi-s Theodoiii saw that some thing unithual hud occurred. IScfore, however, she had lime to ask any ipiest ions, he added, with a slight iossi oi' the head: "('li. well, the ylrl must hear it. Where is she';" Neli had not moved from Iht rent by the tiie; but sh" b 'bl up her hold, listening, h was in tlii.; attitude thai Colonel I'.nsial discovered her when in threw open the dining room door ntnl catered, followed by bis d.uigh; or. "Well. papa, what is this woiidcrful news';" chirped Miss Tleodor.i, iiuiie anxious for a Utile bit of gi.ssip. "Well it's something very serloy . very dreadful, ind'ed. A man was found lying by ine side of Ihe read la.:.! eveiiiie.'. just outside S.;;:::i, ;.!.d it 'i n, s ii. is Jem Si . hols." "I i ar. di nr. li": into-.: :! d agali". I bop.-. ;M'i"r nil his prom i; "s ;" :-;:M M iss The i',ira. mix ioi.-i.. . No, i.i.:- f.l!. v.." laiMiYi'ol !. r I'm inr. grave:..-. "!!o deaiL" ' IV. th Ills hearers t-iiercd cv.i ,' i " loiibiim' n; -j;,; horr.i:-. "Cut it's ie.: ii,. -sib!' : V:.",v :;-,".:. liiivo made ;t inisiake." u:-gd M;. i P. .-; :d. "Why, Nell .-in l I v., iv i't .' in liim a little lief.. re so en o c'.oe.; Ai"! lie was tl 'ii it!i-i- w.'ll. pirfeaily . , .-,.,- olio ; surpii- . Y-il Wei'.- ti a. in:; to hi..;: V." lien V "A' .Mrs. Milan's crave, where h" li'iig. s. lb- ca i.e i i tl..- ami sj". he to i - himself. he Wiis very dN.ngi-.-cabl.. iilid f.-de In us. po.,;- ft ' low." Mod Miss Tlii-odo;:!. v. iio (.-!. -. ll'l.'l le ill grasp the f.-'l-i Ihut the lil. I v. h i ll.ld been mi very full of life ::.i is i'lissiotis throe hours b. .'.ue si: 1 i'e.v.' be tj ing I'.cad. "Ah. well, il:. :i ;n v. ii! Pi il: lur.e m.-il.e jour uppt ;i ; witiK-.---' s, that's cert: In. For ilieiv v.iil lie ::;i :;: i;llest hi-hl In-molTov.'." "As wiiii'is sv i,.w il:-. iidfu;: ; -sl.l. s, v.h.-., can we prove? i;. v.-.:. ellile V. I il till "''Iiiii's v. ha- ynii will ha ve t i pr.c. e. And I hope yoii may suei e,i." sai,; eoli.m 1, dubiously. "I'oa i," joi! il ri'l, tie- voiing f.'iiow thai 1.'! n-iied h::.t ilo-.v:: ami d lii:i; - " Nil! lo'.k- il i::.. pallid with !', a: ";Ui-t Kin-.-, will ci.-.aiiily Ue had up :(,: ! 1 1 : i 1 1 s i .-1 1 1 -g 1 : : i Nell h'.ariid ::; w ill :i a riliro:.'. :r '( di. tin, i a. : d 1 :..-.- ca:! that la,1 eV ip, ,.,,! ,ei-o-.e:-."I win a We saw i i;.i; Mis.; 'I'lmodorn iclls' j.ei mi; Mr. and Miv. M:;n:i can p:-,r it. :- .. lie s,.;... j,; .; ; ;: i;.. I' .ias' lne same aa ii" uiii.-i ha'.e an! iij -y : fi": '.. ar.l; e.i -.- ; y. .'.ad I..- !::;:.-; have' ' .1 ..ill .i.aii ai.ij be ll I'.i'i.i "i 1"V. a. i" ' lie i'itssi have fii'l-'ii .-ii . ' Ui h. :;' 1 bi -:i i if!'.. :.: . - ; d. . ': ::,'': yn-.i'i; in r- . '.iii.' : : . i ' ; i"i'!:y n;i n , .1 .;. ad." '"I'll" bh.v T.. s i;..n. , 1 "I I v . ibl l.a e 1, ill d I,:.!! a: m: .' j. .;, ,1 Ni il. "Y...l i r;i'; be al" :i: t a. id n ! -. : . "ir. ly. a:. ! ,!a :i il ,' 1 no 11 lii , I ; : "ii. i - 1 yell an i" ':: itfier-.v.i: 1. jsiiia: p esi'.i! . coin-:. P." "I I. ll'..- heaul ie' MI- il a :; " that 1 kno.v of." sail! be. wilii i : serve. ;. ", I si'oniii not like in :."e an opitiioii uiiiil v.-e lune hc-.iil t..t siociws' .: (' To be Contiuuud. - -

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