(tl)c Chatham Record. il)c Chatham Rcrorb. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion $1.00 One square, tuo iunerticns 1.60 One Hijunre, cue mouth 2.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. H. A. LONDON, Editor inJ Proprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance- VOL. XXV. rilTSIJOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY i, lOa'i. NO. 47. tig THE-AY5TER.T op-THE 1 N Nip;:SOJE Author or "The Aorne li'ul'j n.-lil, li'.:, ly -tllAI'TFIt MU. t'olllilllll'd. "V.ui tlhl'i'l ynii iii-iir whin (In' ilni In" FlliilV Hidll'i .vull Will! to hear II V" pcl isled Noll. -I wailed In ln :tf II, 1'iH I didn't sac- cord." said the minimi, in :m ulii inlnl tOIH'. Tin' fad was thai In' and 11 nmnli'T of oilier 1 1 1 1 t t s. wlin mi inn' :i. i uiuil ir it lu r considered 1 1n niselves per.-nii-i .f t'l'I'Mt iUipnr.alloe ill till- lll'ltllllml- IioiiiI, I1111I lii'i 11 cruelly snul.l.rd liy lln 1wu mi'illriil llii'll Mil. 1 liilil made KM xiiiiiliiiil inn hi' 1 In1 Imily when il linil liecn liinii'-'hl inio tin- Inwii. I'm', lifter liinkini; tln'ii' rxiiiiilnalinii. Ilii'.v liiul liolli passed mil nf tlx building mill thrniuh tim 1 lironpr which awaited llmm us ipihkly ns possible, iiihI had both declined ut that si aire In pivi- 11 ali-tlli i t iiiiiiimi as In III'1 cause of ilotilh. So nil I In' lillli' uii Ml nun ti ll grossly insulted, mill departed I" t !, : t respcclive Inimrs ;lt .1 while heat of lliduiiation. "Fur nil I Know, tin y limy brim; il In 'Murder' nirninsl llils fellow, Kin;,'' mill Hip I'nli.iii'l, iiTllalily, nut Willi ;i n y feellnir uf iiiiliinisitv mrainst Hi" i"P i mm in iiiesliuti, lull in order li i;. I ' Nell to syinpullii;'.!' Willi llis own K'mv inn'.'. Illlt llm I'ffi'i l of his wnrils np. ii llm jil'l wiis (.li'rlriral. "Miu.l.'i-! Auainst rliflni-.i:'' m-iiil tilic, spi inuiin; to Hi" ilnni- ami triispm for lir.'Uili. "nil, y.ui .l.wi'l iiirau llial! Von nn'll" Sin- l.nrsi Int. i ii violent lit of we.-p- liiK. vvliii Ii nni.le Iln- rolniii-l liiilmr nsliiiined of liimsi If. Me irieil lo ealin lier, nssin in,' lu r llial nnlioily Imi Hie iloelors, who were pompons asses t without an lilea la.w In ii'eiil limn of . piiwers anil piisiiinn asly superinr Irt their own. w.nilil ei r . nleiiaiii sn.-li n iminsiioiis opniii'ii. I'.nl slm c.iil.l tint filial ein.iiu'li ('1.1111'.. il in his wonls; iiml nt last, in spile of his ami his laughter's elf.n'ls lo ileiain ln r. she sei till' to wail; In llm Cine l.inii, llial she liliu'hl lit least hiive the nssiirsiiee slm loliu'eil for that linl.nily llmi'e shiileil the cnliiners rashly eMiiesseil opininn. "Miml, Nell, ymi are In rniue Iiai l; licro In sleep," romiiiiin. le.l Miss Uos till, who (ilijei leil In llm uiil's reliiiiin Ini; In the vieinity of h. i hiithly ninle ilrahle lover. lint Nell Unllhl nive no pi-iimise. She was deeply anxious, not only In h. ar liow- rliffoiil w;is ami what pei.,i!e "are in say lh:u'.'" she a-l;eil. wilh 1llnlli;lii of .L in Stii krls's ileaih. hill, Mleli l.realhlrss earn -mess Mint he nlso, to l.imw linw soon she woillil lie sieppeil hark with a ifov, a on h,s Imii nlili to speak In riih'i'iil. whose a.l ".-l le.l fa. ". Vlee ha.l lieennii' limre neressiiry limn "Ilie": Ihe j;irl! Ymi i;ive me ninle ever. 11 ""'ii v.-iili ynur whisperings ami y.iur KefllsillfT. ther.'fiire. ;i lllllier per- srarrll fare," saiil he. testily. "I 'mile filiietory offer on ihe enlnuers pan to 111011!; I.ael: Inene. ami lor i;iiinlni'.ss' I'Hcnrt her hIoiik' Mm Inmly mini, i he j sake ilnni let lln-m think asyna wniil lm.le her frieml.-i vjnoil hy ami tsliirtell eil In iii'l away. The I.n '.l niiiy UiinWh Oil lier way tn Ilie I'.lil" I. inn. what penile sa.v al these times If ynli Hut Khe pit little rewHiil for lier il.m't keep ymir uos ahoiii ymi. ami TRiiis. The liniise w.ia shut up when ; I'liswrr .pn stiieis l.!;e ii reusoiiiihle hi reneheil il ; ami .ie--. wlin let her; erealuie.'' In, stnrteil nt the 8i;ht of her, ami i Nell saiil iinthlne;. I'.nl the iniikeep hurried her up to her room, wilh seant i it's heart sank within h,m ;is he ilroM' Inforniittion. (f rourse, tin servant ' lier home, and pen-elvnl taal his oiiee hnd lieiiril of the flndinji of .leni Sliek- j litjlH hearled ami merry little nieee cIh'8 liody; hut she ell her w. mill lint or was ti euililltis like a leal' Mm whole could not offer any opinions, I'llher , way. tier own or auyliody vise's, as tn the manner in whit li it t ame nhniit; ami 1 ('IIAT'l'liU XIV. N'ell, ffiiriiiK to muse susplelon, was J Tin Inquest was hold in ihe Utile fain to so to lied iinsaiistied. duly town hall lu the market plneo, and the on Jilet-e of comfort was jjivcii her: ' "Kl.v whispers w hieli w. re iillnat 1 Mr. Kiln,', who had n profcssloiiiil eeruini; .leni SMekels's il aih ln-nii'-'lit nurse in atleiiilauee on Iiiin, was net- loKoiiu-r burli n u'iiMmnui; that ihe tln on as well us they could hope. : meii';re aecoinui.niat Ion provnled hy On the follou-ini inornim:, leor-;i I the old buildii'. was taxed tn ihe lit I'laris, who looked worried inul 1 un.si. nnxious, told his niece, as noon as It wms -vii!eiit from Ihe nu'-vt ili.it hrcnkfiist Wiis ovrr, in park her triinl; lliis was nn ordiiiary ni-e of a drill for her journey In r.miitMi. Nell did en man Iniind deml in a diieh, w iili not dare to make any prul. st, nor even uoiliiin; aliniil liini in tell Imw he 1:1111.' to ask any iiuesiinns of her uurle, h.v his ilrain. I lnni ihe vi re lii'si whose mood Wits rleaiiy one to he re- , moment when the doors w.-iv opelieil. tipeete.l. She had In content herself ' and tin- crowd i ii.-imd in and idled in a with Slew's report, ohiained from tiie ; moment the spaeo iilloiu.l m the piih liurse. thill Clifford had passed a j;ood 1 lie, llicre were nnii-uiiirs and wiii-n'ts lliU'lll. l'yill-4 liolli luniiill In lnintlili, indii.i- Iti'fiire ten o'clock Nell and her tin- iiie of ihe Keiieral heli; !' that some -le were drivini; lnwanl Slroan ill the ' person or persons of a higher social Unit curl, Willi her trunk heiiiiui tneta. position Mian Ihe dead lisliermau, and They hail imt koiu far when they more itemsiiKy int.".-. s'.iir,' ihau he. tiolitvd that sonrnthiii',' iiliiisual was i would he ii,ipl.e:".i d in ilie coin so of Koliiji 011 aloii"; the road. A imily of Mm p.vr, edin ;-. The ipi 'slioas: liH'ii. anmiii; whom were two r ihrce "Where's Hie younj lady V And of the St roan police, ver Imslly en- 1 "Won't 1 he i;i-ii l l.-uia :i he well cumuli Killed in cxaniiniiu the road itself ami i to come':" were ofu-ii Inn never sat,-.-the ditch on cither Bide. Nell with faei.uily answered. Th - wdmsses in feminine nuiekncss of liercrptioii, Ihe rase were 1:1 Mi.. nei-.sii:ite's mom. guessed that this search was in mum I so rumor Miid. and were tn In lnoiuh: way connected wlfii ihe discovery of out one ly 1 in a.i lu-y .viv wanted. Jem Stickels s hoiiy mi tin previous I That pail of Mie emir usually oeci .'vcuiiij;; Imt he:- uncle, lieliu less 1 pied hy liie o!l'ui.ils iii, ie held mi tins BOUte. pulled up his horse, ami made j occasion a -.md many curious ou. . luiiuirirs. j drawn ihiliirr hy tlm '..pen j e ret 01 "Hallo, what's up':" said ho. a.l toe roiiiiin;,.- interest a'lachcd i- Mi dressing the nearest policeman. tiise. A few pm.-ilv .:ms of locil "Oh. notion; in particular." replied ; tradesmen, si mi v icln I hi iiiimi: ; the the man. w ith a .hiuee at Nell. ! inemliers of :h s,e: n r se.-.. lent tlc. ii- "Xothiii!; its would interest you," ! presence In Hie se :i . There was a Added aiioilier of the searchers, and 1 hum and a Im .:, from , ml in end 1 f Mm lit, too. linked ill an odd milliner al j luhtly-packi d e..uii s .uy-ie'i Hit yuuax ai;-l wim sat with pale face 1 tiled in. and liikiti'.; th .' -.;;..'t's 1 11 Mm and silent lins I csli!" l'ro:i;e t'laris. ' oaen st.i's, ,:,, a; u.ui a.-,.., v. hi.1 " til. yn;i iniulil e a 1 ivil inisw ft- 1 v ':'e i'ircmly oil a'n 11 Onirics un to a evil iiic.i ion. I shmi'.i! iliiuU" ! l'U'-t was l;iiu. ,:e sworn one hy kilid the iiin'mi'pe:', anu'rilv. j tan, tliii;,' tharjetl l y the e enucr. l:is nl-cr, iimre hy u'cstlll'.'S :r:d Alter ihe lull in Uie c mi ; catlsed hy C'(e.ix:ii:t linle p. aches of his sir, V ' Mime Plo ce.'iin-,.-., 1 i . re w as a I . : ! than l y wor.N. iried m iiniiit-t- him m ' '' talii w I. -a Mm jary !'! d m.i tll'ivc o'i. I'.lil he was id-it iitutc. A' " 11 ''' 1 -'W' li:-. e.ly. 'lie ol;. 1111 cM mli.M.li.iiii. an. I en.., moivovc:-. ..i'!i. li-lc ' d '" .- !eii a s. . 'ir o1 r Wl'.i had always hen eti inod l"i:'., riicin. ill in lla ir ..'lim, l.lM" tnw.i. Willi fvcr.v I'".', In- i!i.ni.-;l,f he had 1 i-oircd t!i ::.!.. I., .it.-.. ii lia-i. c;; l-i'ii- i f!.. 'ill. i.tiai ioil iii' I-ad iiil.'..- i'':i"'i' i'' .ii.t'ii s.l. ii.-e tm li,.- j ar. vii l j.tU.'J it.'. ' i-vci'i vsniy i't:; i.k... .-;, vs. on IUc Aaron,' ck-j iit: h,iriv. s,l.-. "I'iplili' linw " h" prr-'isii d. ti llllilU'.' mil nf fill' il ' i :i I t. : 1 ; 1 1 speaking ill a ciiiiliilclilial I l : : "If It's :i smavl. .mil UllllW IIS I I'llll keep il. I " V 1 l.cpi M-- nets . Ilnll::ll hcl'ol'c, li.ivi n't IV lllli In Ins .'leal induiiatinli. In :av.' nil Mifrii' nf 1I11' fact i nl tin' lin n work what In- look for :i pity in-; sinil . Ill' Inst Ins 1 . 1 1 1 1 1-. "Vow ll-.i'ii, mil .villi ill" said hi', in II Slllll-ll llllll'. Tin' policeman l.i w limn In' liiul iirl spoken ii'pri s.-t il ihr -1 1 1 i 1 1 mi Ins own fiii-i'. ,-iinl :i 11 .-i i il s'Tiniisly I'li'iinrli : "'i''li' inn lit lil c rly In s:iy : 1 1 1 v liirn'.' ill pi'i'M iil. Itul ynii'll l.iinv. 11 s llllll'll ill wi iln ny Si.nll lliis n!'li--llniili, innsl lili.-ly." I'llili- liinl';..'. W,' lOlIlll )' 1 1n ti iin." .-;iii Ni'll. in :i tii:i v t'liiiu vmrr. Thi'll lln p'lli.iiiinii ;;l:iln nl I'lnlil Ci'ni-,' Clnris In III,' Ininl. Iiihiinl: an. I, 11s tin' .!, 1, inn ilinv, niV, In- WllisplM'i'il Snllll' Wnl'ils III III!' IlKlll in-; 1 li st In I1I111. w I1I. I1 M ill Iiiiii i nn iiin nl :i ,in,l p. i.-,' iii Iln- I i 1 1 1 1 nl Sir. 1:111. I'lirli' liinl liiri fi hihl si':i:-r. l t,'nl i ll Iln- pl.iilnnn in ihr pill- Mm mil " li.-n tin1 lurnl polio siiiiiM'iiiii iiil 'iii dashed llii-niii.li Hie ilnurway al'irr llmm 'All, Ml'. I'laris. I ll jusi in liiim, ! see." lie sail"; mil Imrrily, as Im Inllelicl llis hal i'lili'!.V In Nell. "I.'iilllu' iii In l.i llili.n for :i ImliilayV ' ".Vol inc. I'..n'i MiVnril I'.iliila.vs," re plie.l i'laris, ra.imr surlily. I'm i llir my nieee oil, III. it's all." "Well, I'm s.nry In have in M.ei l!i" Lilly's trip, lull we shall w.iai Imr :n a witness al llm iiepi. si iliai's In li- lielil lliis iiflei i n. Very sorrj , Mis.-, " lie Weill on In . II. ' Inn ii'.s only pill. liii-4 nil' llm pleasure fer a lew days." i'.nl Nell Innlieil as inn. Ii nv.-r- win lnmil as if ilie siiihiimii . lunl l.ei n a ileaih warrant. SI.e ina.l.' im jiii swer. Inn lonil silently, l arli -s I. in lerrnr sli-ni U. in Irmil nf Mn- iw.i limn siariii- al ihe i,e.r,iaeliin irain, with her lips p.-i'. le.l aa.i a wil.l In..!. ,11 In r ''J'1- Her iinele rnii-eil lnr Willi a r..n','ii shalie of llm j.rin. "Wh.-n's i.mie I llm :'i-r.' l..n', Innk III." llial I" saiil Im in he!' ear. "Fnlks'll nihil, Mnil ymi hml a lian.l in Il yninself if ymi :;n iiiin . 'iiiri w iili that I'aee:" Tn his siirpi-:.-" iiml ciiau-.iii she loolc him at his wniil. "Will limy say linn, mn 1. ' Will Ihev AVIiiti llio .luryi'ii'ii i-i'lan.i'.l (lie In- li'i-i'siiiiK part nf ill.- pi" I'.ii(.'s lu' U'.in. Tin' liisl wiiln si .alliil was llm li'i.v. liall"S Willi. II, wli" l.a.l Inliliil I'm- ImmI.v. Ills 1'Vi.li'in'.' 'I.il tail lalci! many 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 -s . ami i-nnsisii'il nn-iily nf lli inl'iirniai inn 1m lia-l ::ivt 11 nl llm P.i'll llm Ihr I'Vi iiin-.' lii'l'H'i'. Id' liinl sfi'ii Ha- fully lyiip.' I,) il..- ina.lsi.li'. Iri.l .'iill.'.l in 1 he mail, Ti :t 1 lciin ii. il liini: ami lirihu imalili' In . I 1 t a lim rim ill in- in nl. la. il all a iiswiT. Iiail run v i 1 1 1 all M.i.i! ',n iiil'ni'Hinl inll nf Ins ilisriiM i.v Tin' s.'iiiiiil uiin.'.-'s was I : ili-l -lii', ll.'iiiiiiiiii: 11,- : i . ; : 1 1 1 1 1 , I lln'.ipi'ii sr. I'. l llial Im v, as a privam imi'iiry .iL'i'iil. an. I llial li" was iiayinc nt Sllnali mi liii'iin'ss II,' I, :u! Iii'i'ii tin' lirsl In ii'in'i Iln- lni.l. al'iir Wallfll's ilisi-nvi'i-y nf il ami In- Iiail In I'll nlm nf llm-.' In iiiniii'. Iln- ili'iia-'il as .l.'iii Sii. l.rls. Iln' lisli.'i inaii. 'I'll.' man w.n .piill' (l.'llil Win II III' Inliliil lum, Iml I'.m Imily was slill iiiiti' war. n. "Al w hal li was il lliat jmi lirst saw llm linily'r" ;.sl,.'il 1 1 . - minimr. "I hi'iinl il . Ilium llm l:alf pasl fiiilit liy St. Manin's Clmii'li . lin k win n I was all, .in liall'wiiy . I'"l n i" n Siinail l.l-iil-'i- .Till llm plar ' Wlli'iv Wi' ilis- i nvi'i-i'il Iln' I'.iily.'' "'as ilu ii' ;inyiir,n.- almiil tlm pnst li'.il in liii li llm Iiml.v lav. aliylhiii' flsi', in tai l. In ciii'liii' ynii In I'nini all npili'mli as In llm .all-.' nl' t li V "Vull, iln; m liaii'ViT, sir." aiiswrri'il Kl'llllllitIL', Willi L'ilVi' llis .". il.'!ll'i ill III" .'!i';i:' iiii " an. I . .ii fl.It nl maiiimr nl tin- mil ii .1 . ii i.i 1 1 wlin I rrl-: il. it tlm i-iiiii'I is his n'.'. n ilmanv. w in in l.r is liniii'il In :;i',' a ii. ii' in", ami il. siTV. s i.. "Was lln Imily lyiiiu fai-n ilnwn w.'iril i.i s:. Ii a pii'-iiimi li.:' 'Im man limy li'lvr Imi'li Inn ilruii!. In lis", iiml liavi ..u!T.irnii'il in 1 It. - -.-rass ami 111 i:.l V" Mi- wic lyiii-' fa Inu mw.iiiI. ns I liavi- '-ai.1. v. I . 1 1 1 !iis mninli was imt . I,,s., in II : I I ,l,,n'l tliinl: it ,,....il I,'., I. !.! !..,... I ., siif.!'1' 1 ' I'i miiliN fnealeil. Hi- . l.ii Wi le iplile linil! almiil his ii. . i. also." "Tlieii m i foniieil l: !.itii hi as lo I Im rails.' ,..' il 'at I, V" "Wei!, sli. Im.l liear.l soiiiil liinir; ami ii mail" nn iump i., m riin. liis;,,;! as 1 sli.nil.l iml ollmrwi.-" liave ilni:e. j . v,,,,,- , i inissinii, sir. I wmiM j ,..,,(,,. ,,, S.1V .,, ,h, ilvs,.,n FlM!;,i ; ,., ,),.,, , Pisimi was. Il was t", i-1 I from imiliiie,' I saw almiil llm ,,v " 'in,,,,-,. Here v. Iii-pers In llm eoin t, j -1-1 . ,,,P,, j,, , j,,. ,.r,IWi l.,ui,.il al mm I :,nnllier. ami int i:naii il linn iln tv was ; ,,, ,,.(, W(., , Knnwim; thai ilm l.o::- , ,,in . -1 1 : , , . .1 j.llt't l.m.w. TI, -y all f.-lt ,in,v ,clW;,,., i.-i,,,,,;,:.- ,,r sp.'iiUin- i mil so (lint limy .niilil In-ar him. ail ai rninplislnm iil in wlii. h Mm imti pr... t'ess'muiil witness is ,-, ; nialil. .le- II,. This v.-as the of 1 1 .-, 11 : m i i . e I- .!. iii" few I ill i lit-. .jursilmn v.iiii h h" was iisi.i-.l pr. ilii. iiu- imii::-1 pm laiil answer.. liaeh wntn-s h.-,,! n pin up wilh ii trivial iii('"l;i.ii nl-ivmi I from the iii.'iiil..'1's. of 1 he jury . who all wished In ini'l;.' Mm eviih-n"' iri veil hear iiiniv weight Mian Ihe -iiver in lelidcil. The Hii.'.l witness .ailed was l.iie:is Maim, in whom hoi:-e ih deceased man had l.ecii a L.il-ri ai tin time of his d.'iilli. Mann tlepos,,,! thai Sli. kels wai hrotmht h.mm hy two m u at a linn which hi tixed iis hetwci'li a iUailel and half past six. Stick. Is, w lm w iis in a naif ilar.ed . ..miiiinii w hen hi arrived, caine l h.m-cli" entirely wilh in a few minutes ami inld him a story its In how he caille tn he stunned. Stickcls had Ihell Seemed itlite Well, had hail a cup of tea hy the lire, and had expressed his iiilenii.m of wnlkiin to Stmaii that liiulit. Then there had hern a kimii; ai the tlnnr. SMckels himself had nprim.l il, and after a 1 on-vr-lsiitioli Willi tv,.i liltfes who had conn to see hite, he had untie nut hy the had: door ahrupt ly. 'flic imxt thiinj Mann had heiird of him was that he hail hccii found th ad on 111" road. Tin next two witnesses were ihe lima wim had pick, d .loin Stickcls up from the ;;rouml, at Iln had; o? ihe I'.le.i' I. inti. il lei hi 1 licnlllilcr with Oill'i''.!. These l.oih deposed Ihat llm man was un.-oiis. imis when tln-y picked him l;p, that he !.e.:ail to !' enVel llllim-I iuil'mili.acly, illld lllilt they d!d not hi'.ve tn cany him 1 'm cotta;;e where he lo.Ucii. hut m.l.v t,i i'.iip"t't lii.u il liiilc. as 1" eoiepl.'iiied i t' .icliiu "a hit ;;i. Idv like." I'll. said Ihat he seemed to h tpiii" !ilms.',4' hei'ore ll-.y left htm i t Mm co'ia,.''. There Wiis a l;::: : 01' r-cilcim -a, ill cnm.-; when Miss I'.osial was called. Willi lie fcmili.ne w illies.-cs h. uaii lln real i i il .'s t n1' M e case, liamuh had ieaii. d out ii- this time for ovi r.v gos sip in Suo.-iii lo li- aware that Mn iii.li '.cl h.'l',v.-ti the .-eiiihnian, '!;,' ford Kim,, ainl tn,' ii-in-rmaii. .Icni Stickeh . hid I II mi e!l t'laris'., ac- count; ainl evcrylii d.v knew, also, that Miss l.os,i:l h:.d esi.oii-i'd Hi, cause .It-m Smkels, ami n had l.roiulii he self proniiueiuiy L rwaiil into ihe ro mantic slory. Ai: Imuu'li .loin Sliikeii iiad 1101 hoi im tl.e Lest ot diaraeiers, it was natural thai after ..is sudiica and uiystcrioiis iii i, ',i ih-ie s'.i.mi.l h st-t 11; lev uis. 1 11 o pi pu'iar I'. el.ii',' 111 his favor. "1'i'or riiap!" 1 hey n.i-d I" one :in-o-.i'i",-. "It was rtrar he was aw ml lotnl r Ihe :;i'!. ami, to hi- .-lire, she I ilis; have ;..., c:i ii.'.n sum ciioo'li a -m 11: for li, 1:1 lo i'ae made fold to ;r h.-r llim : !.::: a U. c;.'' To I . l'a::i ,u.:ed. I'an.iliio 11 v i.niil unit nipt, ''"'here's m-.e lii. lu 1 am sure cannot he th iii, ,!," .cni.ii k. :1 the t .,,., vcr of livcius ami 'I ! i . 1 : -: ".nil that is in, .'I'l'e;- is a hero in his ca.hhc." -olik- 'I'ii" t'iiiii-sc neve.- wear Wim' net e,'ii i:i 1 In t.ipMi of w.:i..r, au.l. iteii- iVll.V s -aiiilf. . I'.l ell, lit- pepll'al ."II . i.'la il '.:iscii in cetuii all I ho 1 ...i .0.11. I. HEViVAL OF THE SUNEONNET. II'. n run "I l.n-i.v Mimmrr iiirl'M Wur.l lolll' 'I'llll srusoli, Tlie lei;,l nl' slllilinlilmls. wliii h he. pin last year, is In he leamM-il Mils sea.-i.n, il s sit i.i. ami many an el.i;:i-it.u- irille nf Hills ami in-mi-iinns am! j-i 1 1 1 ins is lieili'.- li'ii rea.ly ;;;.iilis llm lays ivlu'ii tin- s'imi.i":' ni'l's ;i-i i ran.pai'-ii I. ruins. Tlm niaiinl-h pill lias hail her "Way. I'm- some s":sons prist she he!. I llinpii's. iiiim.l sway, a.nl ll.e lin n's I'm iii-liei' wa-.i-il ra il mi tiie pioeeiils frmi, her lo,'.'ry. i'iiIIm.-. elil'i's, links, ii,..-. pals. v,ii:,nas. Imse Mmre Here l'"W ..I I lie an esnrirs of mail's :ii I ire she iliil mil lay vioimit liamls on. I'.III people hue nil her Jir.'il i.i' the iilhli'li" nirl Mm vrii'l u Im vas alliirtie Utlil ll.ili.ilr; el".'. Ilia. i-. (in i.i fellow as she was, jolly a.- nu n l.minl her to I iili' ami u; 1 1 1 1" Willi, sim was a eiuiin. nl ipmeii of Mnir limits. Willi lnr 1 1 1 1 1.-1 iihir arms hare,l in ilie rllmw. her liiiine.l fa.e ami !ov.-!e. InrUs, si:e I'.i'M'Inpi'il a silni.'iil physiipte ami an alioimiliin; lirallli, whi.-h the up In ilnte silihiililiet aeeeiiiiiat. .1 . ha i nilnyly. Tl.e si.iilioiiuel lassie ran m ami olf iillii (.lay h,s!;etliall, lo... ,',i:s; ;ls she ran il.'ili. e ill .1 lli'.t ami pl;,y lifiilt. hut llm -rare anil tlm ila hit lim.-s that seem o rss 'liiially I'rtil.liino l'eiliall lmt. Tin' imnl.'i'ii s',lti!.i.!'t:ei liar.Mv 1 e- li.iu-i In Mm Millie m'liiis as the eimer i!il Nnaii's Arks nt siiiiliniitmls woi'u years ami hy all nmlils ainl n.airmis, enllslri'.rlril ..III nf -Inin. hnln's' r.'nieii, i.i.l irrev ei'eiiM.N Lm.Hii as ";iiil.es." lal.ninmt was I. -iia.le the eyes ami preserve llm iollipli'Xioll. It ili.l l.nlh s.i rlTeelllally ;;s to put Mm fine nl llm wearer ill a i hrnhie still. nf seini'i'i'iips... Noiinily tniiiile.l I. nn li when it lihaliy was .-ml'i',1 .. tlm s' lui- anil Iiiiinlleil into l in iii lie, inaUiiiu' way for ueimral inn nf I. ims. ra p..rs iiinl hills of all UimK It llm siiui'ieitm, mi'l is skille.l Willi mi- iiei'ille, she lei.vs a frame ami env oi's il herself. Wi'h a ileft Imirli here, .". pni l lien, a twl-l in iiimtimr plnre, she lays mi Mi" :nry frills, Mm pullliis i.i'il Mn sliirrim.'s. Tlmn she puts a spray nf re-e'iinl-al a . .npmitish iillii". al il l.liiilly. le.o lia.iuy si;e:i'm-rs, I i he lii-.l or le' l li'li lerin-4 at M e sles. i,s ihe in.' n. I may .ii.iale. I'ai' Im Iramp over Ihe li:i!: or I'nr m"- 1:l mmfs m urn sn.,!. uie sun ""'iiie. i:i..es aiimm-r. ami .lanny m-s i-'ilii'iixi I'oi'm .ill white, if a sini'!' "" ' "imiity. ami s,. fasiiinne,! thnl I I'm i'"Vor . an he lakeii mi ami ..fl' Ilie '' ';";" U amy even u"l .h. i.-iie.l wiili i w liter ami nn:.!. eml ihe very m ; i':;y ' :l"!"'-'"'' rr.spei'. i.i..:-. l'i;itil';ii'; than rvir. Sn - a l iiiim t ;is Miis "'...is" wiili iliim-'. any -.Mttti any type of face. Ami i' is sn easy to make, ami so '1 .'i.miu'.r, inc. o matte" Imw th hair may he ",!nim." ii na-i'i s down ra-llv III.. ill it. Il, fai l, il is ,.ii;.. s.'itls f; eio.y i; I'l.'-v way. - New York !'.-ihl.:ii. lTVIiv IVom.-ti llet'omt I'ltiiii, Theie is no m-ltiin; over the far; tint women eiier.iliy Inst their mil looks ami he. nine pnsiliveiy l:i in as life -..'I'snii. Why is this? li is nut merely that tie- pl.-nn yirls liecome plainer, often they hecoini hettcr looklm;. Imt Hie pretty ones hecoiiit plain, so that not a in., of their former i;on,l looks remains. Of ctnit's. th" cause nf a woman he coiniui; plain may hi illness, hut it serins Ihat mental ainl moral causes have far more to tin with tin w.iuliu of lic.'iiity than tlnise which are merely physical. Woman Is a creature of emotions, iiml these emotions are all rellectrd in her face. A repelitlnn of these ptno thins an. I Mmir constant relh.ti"n 1 auses de.'p I, lies to appear as time vi'ies 01:. ami these lines, which stamp tlie face wilh a look of worry, stern l""s. or anxiety, soon ohliterate all hciiiiiy in woman. In man they ini;ht not he considered detrimental to cm tl loiks, hut will, mn ideal femini'ie heauty we .lssociate calmness, ;eiit!i nes and sweet content, and Mierefo-t lines which imli'-aie the contrary stale of affairs im:.) he disfuurliu to v, .una 11. The rale ,:t which we live imwatlavs. tl.e Mi'iii'itli manv nf ns have for hivad. ami the almost eilia!ly km 11 siriiu-le 1.',' oihei-s to 1; ratify t licit" so cial amhiiie'-s ami he iti a smarter s,,; Ihrti l!n r ii'e..nm ..us' dies, are aiimm.' tin- I'-tis; fre.picnt cii'ises of jilaiitu s in woim-n. 'I iie woman w !n w mild have her y.'itthful tie. nils develop into altrac live middle a iod 1 om -liness must keep herself well in hand, and neither ill low herself to fr.-l nor n.-tc. however! much thlius m-ciii coini; against In"' If she can nnlv s, hnt l Imr-elf to loo'; oil the hes shl. o," life, and lo speak ; ami il.itil; kindly of h.r neiahhnrs. j she will k 1 many iil'I.v lines out ol' ' her face, w li1!. tier kindly emotions will so register Hi"insrlvos there Ihat. ,-is ! tuiii u'oes hy. lier filet, oxen if 11. 1! heai; till! as re;. mis feature, may he s 1 izood to lo.'k upon th.n no one eeul.l ever think of lief as pi.iin. Theref.i.-e watch ymir express. 0:1. I'hiladdphia Telenrai li i ltii-xkiu'-i li.ttv Ntir.i. All o'd Ih. end of i:!,-i.hi vviitrs ;is f,' law, ta lloii-rhohl Word-' " After Uilskiu's srl"Us illne-s t hra n fcxer he cave in. tin i.i r " -aaiiue har.iiei.iaiii.il.. which h.--. : -'! h'.in. 1:'; ".la. k-oii. Ids villi-:, was takiiu clialite of hil", and i.l-linlUll lillsk.n .. -aid he wii- a sph-ml:.! tuns,, mi, I ,u 1 I exeryihiin; he coe.l.l to allexiaie hi- ' fain auvl M.vlUe hnn, jet, Sllilliyo to say, riuskin tool; a ilr.'.-nli'il hatred 1? him. ainl eiel'.v line m c.iiiie inln tlm l-iaiill In llmtiuiil il was i. devil liial li.nl come fur hi n. "Latiahiiuly. Im '. "I'h -iei.i-i ''.' w as so rea!i-i ' : hal iilid- '. ii.s r w aih'W. mil 1 caul.: s a hai'l'.'.l iail, a, id in :.te.l il ...' fee. I si. .V vrilahi" ivi tl hoofs.' "Till- -'laii'.e t'h In-'uli lii-ieii for '' er.il days ami liiithl-. "Sir William ;ml was aMemlina at ine lime, ami was as! ntlis Iiml '" ' Mi. it every day Ins patient im! '!' . I!il.-kin tmd Si William nf llii- d -.i.i iiu t'leim nl. ami a-le d him :' l.- eoiii.l Iiml :i m-i'.v pi'eli.v leiiiai.- ii'iim- . ,.iiie ami take cliaiv of him Sir W illiam . aid la cull-!, ami a irir I' liii ! - sei-ipiin-i v.-as :'. . ami. as i;r-!.in 1. ! I III". 'Iiie elfei t nf lila! pft-ll 1:1''' ami craet In! liiitu'e was a .ure:,i.r le-ii.r.i-live than all Sir Wilhain's lim.ln ill'-.' Wi.'ii the .loc mime attain h" w;i- uiii .ly a iimi-hcd in Iiml l'u-i..ii ;ilimi.-t ree.ivel'i"1. At Mm e"in'm.e cure lin-kiu ii-lm.l sir William if Im knew if Kan Vaiuthan was pcrorin in; thai at ! e;-im.in in l.ond'.n. ami If he I d"!ii s.i to s.c Imr dance. Si." Will ia in answered 'hat she was. am! K :s k'n ami Sir William 'i.tll went oil' In her, "'llm t'.-.ea, i''iimiit of heaiity in lii'lili-e t njoji'd Ki'le Vau.'i::inh' thim iiU inilimlisi-ly. ainl frniii liiat day !..: ward there w as im iiml. incdit i:.e. ' rrt-niriiii: I'tit- (In. IVf.liilnir. Tin teacher or wmkim; ttirl w lm vv .il have in he he: y with othe;- v'ori. ci.: ! wiihin a few we, 'lis id' imr we 'e .:. . iniiy Iiml a oian rollnvv -il :t p.-ei .a : f.r my own v cldhiw helpful, say-, a '. .-.ler i" i in .,1 II ui-e!;i"pili'. Ss li.ie; as po--iii!e 1 1 in re the vv i .i'iii,:;' provitle ymnsrlf vv iili two hhinl. I no1 am! a hir;.- env.-ii.;. . sin II a uiav..! r.iiies mn,. i;i. l..:.f ot:e of ;l." me. li'ioits v. Mi ihe a'l.hahe-. allow nr.: a I I 'lih -r of liases or " it II i.'l .i r. railfe til Mlis I ii ml; ill a'.'m.aiie'. Y.il in.; ' III" liaiii'"'; and :nhlrrs i' frmmls I In vvimin i;iv ii:i! Imis e;- iinnoiim .'i!' -nl . ear.ls a;.- I i ! s.ii. Almost evi-;y ' week ill.. 11 ii:" ,a v i I a i l"!ts are order I you wiil want lo add sniim name. itnl.ell al i'i'-t. WI.eii tile tin;-- en. il t -d'-r yc.ir ranis the I.--I will le'l i vvltimiii any- :: ic aim ,iut l ow man - vull wiil ii !. ' will h:i i-iisinii ; I i ''"I'm lo this iis. i, .'!,.., ii ,: your i wedili!!!; fnf .'iirrec: il: i ' i.i 1 ; or i'd-i ilres.e-. In Mm l;,!":e elu. lipe ;i!il .-.11 eiipit!-.'s Volt li'ld l'-i',.-:.lf !:;' to iill.V pari of a we.ldh'i:. s-..eii ;;s . ;mi!m':., . d.'ei. rati. .lis, me us, e:.-.. i'!:.l ii' I '.:" 1 'cci.n.l liiniil; hook ct any sii;-. s t.nn nr in es that t-i.iia..! he cl.p.i.!. , III my im..,. I .1.;, -.1. ai-n. addles ..: !.! lone:.--, lioi-i-;-. itiiei-.---. ami ilieir ' p'.-ice li -Is. Aim., t a '.;.- aim' .III f wo.'l. e.n la :.i ; ii i-'.fM II a ver;.- Imrl I I'ii l.y yoii:--elf iiml Mm-" v I. t i ar, t. ass..j vim. t, j, ,i ;.;i.,vv ,.m-l vviiai is in In ii'iim. Sl.ll'tn nl' I. nit'.. S'i-,"s ef Iln all o" n'.pio ar h o'.c.l up, in with Hi" ' fax of th yo'.'.iiu''f vvmi.eii. !'.i iii n.' t:--."e I . -;t : ia.is wiil I. p.-, i t cii i I r i.v -.'.),; in w.i.t l'i :!: rolorr I lhams ihe; are I:, ti". new .ind s'lii.lll'; ei'ee.s Mia; v. i.i I., favored hy lim-e wlm It." n r.i.lm, more preimiiiice i M., i" i .i' . -- .or .!.. iinmtiy than i nlains in ,.; e.i. I!ii. and while ehc'lis el i-.m,..- Ia"-e '. slitli li'.llfe pf imitielil 'y ii ti. col o"e.l III. 1 lis. i'.lue wii! I.e i.i .1 all ihe shades ft. an 1. 1 el 10 lin 1 ! es! i'l.liuo. a IM. '"'..ii lil" eir,!:- ;n :li".;: .:' o r.iliin's hlue will Ir ihe i':ost(U.,v ;, fa-mmii.lile. '. ui..u ,, , w !. a at w T!ie he.Illty of tin s.' Mew ll'.v."-; . s .: ;,, I Im i in account o:' the ;:c.v ... -:e ': i we.iv.i,- they will ;;ot mu-s s.. e.isiiy I as the old f:t-'.iioI:,',l lilie'Is '-li!s ap- , pl.es i a.-iiculariy n ih" imee ,.p."i work weaves, iii which miMii.c- i.ic very Im Infill. It. Tiie 'Ji-.e f.e w:.-h i."N ':-' so ei-c it that for tl.e pis! :i days the stu.lc.i.s at one Uir'.-' ell- hale he, II wi-ar.iu the while iiisieti cii;tli -'.i-.s of pi. pie, linen or .r;;-h wi;h tl,- -.vhae shl" Wilis;. This. I..', v. .timet Mm ii!ii.t.i-i of 11 .i iel.ei win-: on t..c e.ii:'i.,:s. I'lnh :nl. Iphia Itec.in! 1 Kyaciir.hs are p. this year. Tile .lew elt t itl! mniv popu!:: ;. TVV ,!IC i tl..-", ,i la on xv iii ie ihi. -. A s;; ,!.!:" -;..v; i: it: i .i . . . . ; i- r .1 m ored veil;-, irtiiimed Willi 1 lack , I, Ih. . In coloriiots. nia-he hnn- ami vtrecn i ceail.imiitons are -I1'1 ii'iii !: in favor. I Ke .rs of xx hi; iii:ea cml.r.ii,' it .1 i-.i ' red usetl on a tt.ay mi;c ,ox a are six i i isk, i l.in.-a Lai i-ns . .r,.:,:,.;- d ;-, iimst I " ;r u ' ,!1 K"Wh- ' t : '"- I.otu ctlt'.s i : na;:ml:l ,,. ... . thin; - rliijies. vi I T c:i- 11:1.! t'c-aiai.i o: n.-i is. '";.,, ,'..,,.,;,., :,,.r 1 .j,;,.-. , , all i! ,,,iei,v m'i'ia'i.,,1 i.",.!. ,;.,;.'. ;,. ; y u.'.Uu t ar . . . , .'.; ' n 1 1... .1 .a p.:, ,: . , 1. .-. . I .! h- . " '-n. I a ! la. 11 1.1; .1.1 !i ,1 1: 'I ,, a:-. mn elites. tills of , h !, it t ri.w ,. .;: .' v-v.- " ''i .m- iili 1 ,. y .'a .1 i;:i choi - I- I ,: i !.. ;!ry iirc y I'o nc I'caily -,. t . : I's t'.l"il- d " ; ; i v ah:-., lasnlmiah ,- -aiisfadi - mat!, n. ' , :i,t ixui j i ixx vi he.' liovUs. "I.VAVAViVAV.ViVAVi'.V, ...tmartJ r -i- i-nr-.ara. ; . i; household . Our. Budget f; - v mattes : J, - v ; '111,- It,:,,,,' 1I...IUI.,.' !:.-.. 'rrae:TOcfia Ii is v I: in I.e. -ii a sill. ply of pure t. m.miiii i hand for '.-uta m.d A Mrrri,nt ''' se'-.-ttrlc s. -i'l.i- eiiii he :ml a: i 1 1 .- 1,:, Ih , 1'iu.l i.di a '- ..il em. .mv-l , I- ii.ti ai i s i nt'i ' i a .' sr., p. tn any ipi.-iiii ily ainl p.it up in T.i - n. tie .ircam .s! I ..:'... Mm l est vv: v ..I' kei , ( .., i"-; i,. 1, -"ii.-s Mm l.:-..l,.li l!i-!i. .j ia. i,.;.-ral i .' n is Mie wi.itii.l. kill- -im :-.,: si "''"'- 1:1 'l"'' ami '. ail s :!i healing pi.. r...s ; nm . Xr Al . ;v i!'i:! "!' :":l,:,'M ii;u'l''l i--.:.,, i "r.,..'.-;- wit-.tv u;- id. ..r !"" ,":','r,!''.,''-':,:-: ':,"'"k' Af ti.o W'Ui.'t I dm,', null., mai-p it." I H. p n: hi aial sv em ell should ! " ' v ... I.epl. in I.e it-".! as ,i 1,1 immii i,,r eohls i.i 1':.- Iimni or rim-l. Ahmim! sh.,;,( Al , ,..,. i Jmniillnn. ele. , i . II. -Tint. ir.t- tin Sllii-r-,. : H' Th.. !'"i".r'i h.-iii. or ;i.e ".ii i.:' !; . S'li.-ii." viil! I.,- found m,.s, s."!i'ar. . " oii-y I'm llm h.'i-i.aiii-t of tah!' lii'-i. ' This h.i'.r ire: i t! nidlnaiy In:!- v yf.'i iiiili'. f.t if.-ii il if" way in whh li a ;.- ; . -J'$ ' "- - 1 -i vv.-l. T--II tl.. I, s same .'; I Slf'Sx , .li! ar.v h :;"i ':.:. th. :i r..'. il,.- Ia- : '.J 5 hack ami .haii.l or o -.irl ..v .-: , .---- X sld.-li .""i. liy Me- i-ii'.m :-. v. I ! j " " . "-, J ' Mie iie. a i- l:!ii!i. ... ii will l' v.a-y '1 , '.. i'lliclUt l.i sr.- a ;-.hl .. v.r..':;; side. -T rl.1 .ill I I'm- mn-ki- Ml, h :: i: ii',.' Im ma.:.- J. '-. .'.'! I I miir.tvv as -,.ss,i,l' ai:l ',.: ,.".',',',.. ."V.( . they shcitld m l".mi t ..i'."' in 1. I ' .- ' J nn im ii in ivi.ith. !it , ; e-'-c'.v wi Iili j '- . '. 'J''.. f is I .re . . r. only ii. - I. ; "ra .- m' T, , , T- , ,, . , , . , , , , 'i , - lirrti s,,.M I ,. , ,,.:-.:,!. : p.. -il ie. !; ..;i..,rv ,, .; v. .,.,; ;,, lasls ha. .-.-. ami ;h,. .. .. . ;,- ipr.iitiy ,,;--.Nl.v, V,:rk Tinm.,-. Il is I.m. ih .-. .!. if :..!-. fully til I .. imme. M r ;a , In atn i.h'i a:. l -iii.imIi Nt Imily I.im. ti.' s.if.m,. I ..e.i,.'s. i'ill.-'.lli-; l'i-: i i I-" a - "1 s Harry lmi .':'! vit;! pill' i:. J t. .. ',. li- elm l.iit-..':" -i i in nl hi Naiiirntitt. j i i- . .:. t i'l'd does Ihe jtrtltul'.iiit;." -ilv- 'r- i A !, , 'e i... :l :'. l.a- i-t an eh! :r..d ' 1 " I '''" . in ,.i ii . : , roil, sn,:. in' : a; d t, , ti,,l tin ; pie. s 1 !- lop s ih.". i a i :',:; . li , i:r..- of !. a. ar. f; : " o h.- ;: . . .i 11." li-lr fill liiev d' i.m 1 ,-i,:i , i-e.t s,a ti . n h nit head Up. ei.in . h . i". -. -it.-iih! I p-:;.-. i . rv . n vv ha'ii wah - ii- '. .11 -....ill I. ,,,e a !:;. - ii- li iim! :,ld li ; " atai'ce in ;: .- appc:;; iim e ;h;.n in cti.oi'nt nf ! ; v pnit in !' n -. (.- -:i I .!:.: Inm: Imithl I'. el ! ii'ttiost i'.i-'ii:ill! iv. 1 1 if,' i v s an a ' : .aim e nl I resit a .r ami al! il- sen;,: ',: mi call I'.issihly ;..lm t il..e-iw.-;-k is exeelleiit .'' s aleiu; it in the rl;ln h - -ink at'd i iickini; lal-h-y . a.l i'l'i-d not lu'titl ovi -. ! f em- t-nu-taiitly stands -Ineplnt; pisiiion. the in- i.Tiui j th.it v. x, M.j.- 'mM-ai'M for ''''-'Z'M I A ... ... , , , . -.,, : rimipmly "Mnai y. y.iiiif. intri - M :' h.'-',''Vi''''mlar' in ;"' 'v:! ' ' ' ' a :'.v ' h inu." . . v. . , ,( , '(! , , , i i'.. itl ,i. "K'.eii-i nm. s.r. i. call t , , sf .- - ' I--.'--- ".;.- ' ' ''v ii-" "'-ii' cijII":;' '.e:i:" ' ;t:;sn-ro',:ae!h..a T" " ' '"I 'm,. . - .. . mad" ,..' raveled r T-Tl,,.f. --a.-li p.. -. . Km is are I Si -"I ' '.ml:;: il! Ilani; '.' ' . I illc-.:'' " ""'' li: " '":' . f..: a rare r as p.-ea, h- r." '"' "" :111'''" !',:i:'"! !i: "S ., v-. I ':.! llm l.itf : " v " '- Mi;, im k ; ' - ' Ih,' e ! Il -lit I ! " '' '" ' ''" . '.:,; a,.c a .i. '..- ,.; a.,,.. I 'hi- I. ' I . h e. A P' ! lih llel v .. " i . ia.- i h ie : ml ' !. ;-.. '". a'.im a s-rl ; t ,i,.-.-.. I I" tii - l!'-!' ' M. ; -Tl. y ...j ifa. a a:;;, .-a-'l l -l! a iie I il-li. .i:!'.;!" sh lis am! hand- n." !'.-.,, -.i-el's. which, wlmr" ; "V,. .,;;, h.. v ,- ev hi-!.. .1 it' ll.. - ihesa. ma!, a 1 ei.tni- . Whin':" iii ' l'i"" "lull emmm-.i ,.,.;ir vvh n yctv ' . adei! Ii',- a se .':; ,:: i ;i. n, :..: thiy.".- : It: -.'My ii !hi-' -. leltt'tlf'li mi. i- lot- Itmi-n-iii-rtiiM'.. I- ,1,,.,. . U. Il,l!,'i 1 ill In Iti V..'lin. ' I ;'v :,-.!.-'-. should dev. :- w"'' V-. ''nl .' : i-.l li.slvf live ll.il".!' I 'eh l.iif-.'n-. It.intl at'd 1 i:.'.-li In sit. . e-.el . Is. s, on'.. ;.i ' t'ev eh n tl ml .'. .1 i ', di !: -o-. ,;. mils l.cem', wd"t!. .ni.l .lis- , jN .. . . lsv j .., .,.) l::,i,.s ,n'ecta alien Mi. res!.. K."ii. ml'i-r ,. j,!,.;,.,' ,:,,.:-, i.ll, ,l)t,y ! h.uiaek-rp'ti'. is easy Imiis". j yv,,., . ,. ;kL ,,, ',,.. easy h.-ns- j am: nn v .itoati .1 wear, i, t- , vime iniiior- ! im! comftift ! 'i'in woman j M-l- teti. !!- I. :"! - .. t.-'i". " w hen Mm h.-oe. V". id' :. f.,mi!y depend mi h. v !:,. does ,,. w..-i, al.,ne niilst plan i ( : t:-;ll,!. s -: 'lira lealy .-! .".i.v to v,. fme ii'i.l st-t :. m .d.- m have tl:- "., 1 'Iln i:.-v,,iui inn. .i.icti lac --:v ,,. the Well hi',m.t of "We!'.' salt! the I'r.-s. I" t n'' ; he cveiv im.', I-.- ..-! mi -itditu ti-iie S. n. ii A merman ropulm, . h- - . i ex . ami ::"! if.i'et-.a! in makiiu p,-s. nluii.e.' hi. hi uppn s-ii:" cake-. ;,'. x h.e'i i.f'eii itiipalr Mie dl- " i-stefday's has." rcpi,.., i h Seer.-ti-.!i..n. !y v.,.!:,---t ii s inpiesf I' , uis : i.-iry .e' War. "hilt the : ..'. :. .,-k ret ulii X'l''e!i ai I... r., I-: ,i vv-tli h-s hd.nr . I mil f t ins liini nim; is i ill on We've tfttl a : i .''u .'.lr i i lenair was.,-. ' capiurcd nue of tl.. lav . imicto-iis. lnn h ..;: i-.'- I i.tue l-'.te'.atd li. ' ihe rt!:c.' is r'il! ;i! h' u ' I'hihidrl- : pill I -- . . ElECIPES . . i: : : :..v e Mie skins it in haivt s letntii,. i".,. -s xv i. ; tl:-,-!-e : :! a 111,!,- Lulier .. ' tii I :.' :: : . 'hah.'y r--r.t,e. , " I -il jar : sen e . sn --ar. oi. i 'out I 'i ft olll i h j W ise. ;! ' them v 1 in t !:e I I v i , n M . d,i ..- I, I'm ,.ti. . a.i ,... .,.; ,., , Ihi'ee t , . -. t ,v.i iiep,vr-.irils. ma' i.t: !e;n, a of stuitr. half a level lea- "I 'iful i -ah. a little pepper an i t hi- m i a I '. m mis of xv a -In d rice ia a n il.rale li.-: exc- Mm li:,-; put one tal-h- N' mi.;iil ... l-itltet ox.-;- the tire; add olio s.ite ... of:ei am: ,; snt'.- o! par- ! ley: try -' .x w iili. m; t.:vx ninu; -ni l . .:i a.,,l ,',1,'i; uiuil iht l i. I i m-'fe s a-m.im; if need iu'.i a !.:m -: ; .i-.i.er. . ; c this to ih - if .1: l Imt. Ye p., it . I'm i iiotuli cold . I'. ' 1 , i, mn : ..,' ,!:; I i' . u I, c- .ml carrels lo ana. nl . -p: inkle x it I, : . add on, i.il.h'.-poo!! ul 'in .1 i. uinit or Mi-.- same i,"-. mix w.Mi Ft each i !:.- xt hiies of t vx .1 hard 'in- Vcjeiah'c- in al m ;' pi. iii.. r or salad a little of th dr - hi-. o. finely , amount el tl "I -sill.. , I ' i ctl c.:.. I' 1 "alio lav ' I''":: each lay.i ruh the yah.s of ixx, .1 foiled e - ihroitiii, a stt-aiiic. t.x.r ihe too ii-kh- with in i I 1'" "!,,.v: iti'iii'-h wiMi -p;i..-s of paislej Ok vcivij leavis. i., '.I.e.:.-. I wan, . . !i, n-..' y. u .: '... -.- !...v I'.'.teh '. !: I'.e to mi' mi i. iMi.' I i i!-li:i.ni iiiii : I.'' : te.iiy kii.'W ii -v. It, 1 1, I ha .' to pu; I) vv .. ii y on vv , i : 1 1 1 . ! ' ; . !. to on, .:;i I',:; a h.'i -I -..." l'nilii.i ipii.a l':-r-s. IVrfrrl Work ln-liri-.l. I'l'd ly "i'..:i;e lae.v , v.h..i vv.m'ii ytai pi i it -e to iti. ti! :. 'i alaie of thiius-." iiii.l'ly .VoMi.in: ea-.i-r. my f.-it ml. I'd jiit put ev ,'i-y hedy at work upon .! ,.,'y il-.'V Jol. ami ; tan o. -It'-se. e-.ei-y kind of W.,li. Willl.l he ii- he perl i ; I' "- li.isli,:; l'i ,i-,-.f!iii. III. Limit. "Now. y.ui laiuvv," sin -niiil. -father v,. -A;; , .lai'lil;.'. l.iit I'll tell voil r;.4i., .... ,i: ; ,,; . si, ,, ,.,. enii .' h,s ,-hair w!:ll" hiynu the , nailer I.e!,. . him." CU - lCeeord- A H.llltticilfV :? '-!st S. r- . - v'-' SC . Han' "I'ash it till, anyway why ti tl 1 excr aitrcc oil il doxviihill V ; i; w lit n I a. e pit-.! a t hallcnu, tn 7:::. titat in fernal 1. . 1 .,.;. attnthee ra--ti" N xv V!.; Lines. I I. t-.',l llim. "I thlllU We llli. llt ttiVe Kr f;,t a du. h mere a vv c. k." said tin. fanitiy man. "V i:at'.- ' r'.riaumtl hi., 1 set in work rleahim; the piirlo;- t,i day. ! y mi slmr'd s,v r,,,. way -li. i-1'1 it." I ind. Ti ll'-, w imi ii .im m , I inc. I -1 she 1; -. , ;h" 1 h.'i - v i .1 Mn i ".i.t! e! - 1 . :.".:-!:- ;' .- w .' '.I." 1 1 .Ii i 1 Fuhiie I.e. ;.:. XV It nil V I i I 'M' It, ' II-1 ill f. I idway s had my s't . th .. . t:,i,t -a',1 S. ii:;..; S. i r. ... ai- "I'm h a d in- i- wi,!, miliary 1 m-: i- iaihes a -ept pt . hi- in'lu- v lice. "W.ifs:' t':;-t that, lie iysu.,.ii Mith e or !'."".' ;im s as 11:11 -h :,- id- 1:1 liucu.c ia w wi tii. " W ashiit'iiuu JiUi.

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