iMM .rt.w.watew.ato -a .ii'JX"?"" !wtMamv!ymiriiii vet FTTH rsrmanently ?ur'. So tits or nsrwn. BMsafterflnii Uu)' uio of I'r. Kline's drni'. hnrliestornr.'n-i hi o.ntli.uul iraatise.'iai l)r. li.H.Ki.iNK, 1 .1.1.. l Areh s:. .'aba.,..' The owl may imc a ive'.::'.;i :n i'o" i dom, anil yet !o vi liv.!;s on til.- bi:.;.iC aide of life. It ts the. nnlyeitr" fur Sv. Tired, Aehini;. Hoi. Svyeaiiii Itiiiilons. Asli fur Alien's I'oo ol'iTi, Snnrtl'i.-. r l-'eo'. ,( 01 as .col ! -Mils . a imiw.I'T to be liHkin into tlm uhot.'s. i mo vvntii) yo.l walk. At ail Lirmj.-isls tui.l shoo stoics. Mi: lion't icivit anv mil.; iitit. Mi-nnie sent 1'ukk. Address.Aiicii . i-.-i.-.e.!. !-!:. v. ..Y. MoHqiiitoi s. as a villi", do not 11 y far. Light CO :i till Jed Willi!:! carry th.MU way froai th"ir brcodin.; place.;, but In heavy wiii.i ; ino.-:;'.:ito. s ehnj? tii'iit ly to the. iH'iiri-Kt iv.iiii! of uttachiucni. Railroad tvahw a it . t oilwr it'-ans or transport have carried :i.'Stii;i; :n.. localill's entiely free t'r or. tlu-ai ik tore railways wen; iiiti'v.i.u il. I AGRIGULTURAL 1 liie number , . pcaelic Haleetlni- Soul Corn. In rlinsiiiu' nooil corn one of the ft t 1 1 i 1 1 .li - III hi' kept ill liiin.l i.i.i ;;;;-;iy, S.'I.V'S ill,- I.iv,' S..I.-I, lllllU-m,,;-. ,, ear 1 S'""':,I "" II I'm- seed tlm,- his i:t I Ih-i-.iiii,. i mature liofoi ; imm iiiii is re.!ineii. i ir course, out fail i-o loo iar in ilu- o'hor dir.-: nci ""'I select llie :.m:i ;i. early ears. ;ui,l ' ilms establish a v.: :;,! y that nut yiil.l cnou.irh. i Tin. si;;e o" iii,. be lli,. ii,.in i' ii.. j i!ei."iidim. upon ih j it','. hi I lie variety. I u 'l .it.'r portion (; i I :i..ulil bo :l! j i'l.'hos. :l!i.l Ml milch ; a;i' ..n iiii'u urn l"iso'sCure-i.iti.e I.e.-c !-. lor nil arte.;, ions of tiir O. mlm'. Vnl'.ir...i h.'i'ii. in1 l i-i c I. ii; : The fi love ilon 'l v ous who are .i l:i..i.,li No Hair? r would possibly importance. Ihis l-i : i t ii!f i. in 1 also '1 ti :oi i- Ii. mi the Mi.Ml.i West ill." iiio .I'lii :i half heller il' lliey providim; iliry mi. Ho; i.i.n ii"iu nil tip or Imii :. I!y soleel. iim .u:iievh:ii la:-i.'e i-urs on,. js ;ipi n i'M.iI lisli ;i heavy yioMip vn ('. 1 !o', .'.!;. ;is l;;.s hi'.-u iiieni iuneil. pain iui:s, ' .. ! : Ufii in house only sii.-h t-.i :s as a:o nvil ti! I.-.l mil at tip ami lniit. A I.j: : t-t: : :n . I !nt- pi; imy ln mou' t'l- loss '..,-1 .,!i I ;( IV. f.,,. v,..,,,! sn.-ii oil's -iii.ilt.l i,,. :!Vo:.!o,. IV.-mise oa- ; .,.-. 1'i.iti I 'll or l.-n :':,l a li-ir i; - a:v 1,1 show ih's woa !. noss, i; N I'l voi- .-aliio to , ii,,i s,. j;. n.. "Mv huir was f.-.l'.ina put very B fast and I was r.reatly alarn-.ed. 1 & then tried Avcr's Hair Vii-nr and M my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay. Alexandria, 0. . ... . . tt I ne troupie is yournair a A U l.T .-,.,..,'n i Act promptly. Save your 1 hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs arc beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor g will restore color every timC. SI. 00 t tot I !c. All ir-j-iMl. GOOD : O Iv 0 A I) S. I 1 ifly Mllll.nit Kor lllcliwnvil. WllliN t'oloiifl lirownliiNv. n! 'IViuirSM'f, iniroilitueeil :i Mil ill 'oniiiess appro pii.ilin SJ( 1,1 mi l.l im us a final fur Nil t in'iii 1 aiil in roail iui-p;-..-.".".o!il in tii,. Tiiiinl Stales, a .'noil many pooile were startled ai the size of ihe iiciues. The ainoiiii;, how ever, seems e;y Miiall eoinparoil with thi sum (hat a s.uule Siiite now pr., r.i raise am! spriid. T!,o ew Vuri, Legislature has adopled a eon siiiinioiiil aiiu'iiiliiieai proposiiii; to raise and si.i nd s."..i 11 ni. u . i niuiunliy for ten jcjirs. or .s.'iii.imii.ihiii in ail. Til s aiiiendiaelil must pass llie l.e-,s j l.l t lire :u-aiu ia 1!M anil 1 lieu il i iii ; o liel'ure ih,. pio;.',e i',.r ra I iti -a! ion or leje.-lii'li. Il .-an reasuiiahiy In" e pi'i led thai the m-asiuv will meet iili poplila!- favor. 'I'i.e peopl- of New York have i 11 I h ! i I u-i ' of Sl-i ; aid a llie;-ui! i .rial ami tin n-siil; A Sa Lyrle. Thorn in i mimic that ?irarJ 1 Ik I la' "'"'' ct thr ni Inn I re I Fen. Vi'Mif niAr unil minor ol.o:Js ar fH..iht With lafttilt mvf t.-y. or the fvi is '"'I'. wl,d 01 I'lay "vrr M ' hvt" AnJ I t.: i" o!. I!:r v wllafl The son of '"ireitt nie brt'nsf. tip of ttit.r mlulity Tbcru l r.o l..k H i- i Whose tuie iiei.t Willi ' " for luti ' n lliiit i:i. in ft sunt; nf ilu .le.-;. s.'iilc.l !. , : o.s to 11 f Mooa'a uft nl lli of DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION PE-RU-NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY. riii t-r 1: ..t ive.'St Unit ni.n t.nn known l!n w.m'.ts Main, , fo'i-vii u. rolis .it'll fit:" i..l Ih. .it. a hi.: -i i .in' C-a;-.k D.iv a" ami V . j. of t'. eir might. la Co White Mouse, at li'.i W ;:;:, lit el !:;.""' !i .'.; ..I i ; ("1 ATA I! Ull i verv fieoui'iit eause ,, h. it il.iss of iliso.tMis ptipuliirly know ii an female vve.ikius. 1 . ilai ill oi Ihe jiflvie tniiim pro.liii'rn Fueh a variety of ilisiiretMhie anil irritat ing syniito!im that nianv pi'iiplo- in Int. the iii.t)oiiiy of people have no idea ih..l thev are uised hy t h. If ail the. women who .ire mifferinn w 1 1 1 1 niiv lor-n ol feina'e vveiiknent vviuiM write . to Pi. Il.irlimin, l olieiiliiis, (Ihio. and ifive I him a ii.niniete tleseript ion oi their Byinp loins in. I I lie peeuli ii ilies of their trouble, he i hj i miiit'.l in t.i v reply with nmipiete . due. lions lor treatment, free of t luijje. I Mrs. I:t;i. Jhtrtho, 1. 1.1 t'nat' Uth stmt. .. V. Cit i, X. K. ;'((,.' 1 ' -vfZV'vi ) thrrr trnrsl . wit It li'ut'nrrlifii mil ulc'-r-it;"it of thi' irurnb. Ih'' toffnr till i-ni'uh'il an ( irliirh I ilrrmliul rrrif murli, trintlij i.hj rtril tit go uinlrr it. ', .'"tr I dm ii fit a ii 'jjitt wiiiniiii.l I 'rrini tt fit ml uir; if took ii in i i'ff;irs. tuit I frit .so initrli iin-, ,r,.iiil I krpl tnk-ilig it, us I Irr.nril tin )iri;i 'nil ,si in n ii . ' 1 .iu; tn-ti'1-i in i-rj'rrt lif.i!!',, m i ii'H'r il l 'n't irr II i',,r jif. trii, !iiir.s."Mr. K,;i lUirtlin. w ir.t! ;i , ;;( ho V. T.n;. If our iln:i;..ic r.innot puprlv y"i, seuil in mil. n.,ii,.r iiiitl we vvnl t'X,iri aii yon it bntilt'. llo Hiiro anil jtlvo rhu nar.i-J OI vour nearest expr.'lis .ui:.f. t.iurt a .1. t . AVKit CO., Lowell, MiM t rom Male a :, s ;ui. l;i "Il i!i laving out toads, it -I ,:ils-, a;.t! in re ; i.ods mi. Thi.i may im-mi all 1 ween sa.', e.-s :;,! ve.ii' m.Uiuiis .f .lie t''' the 1 t" :l use 1,1 sa Cat :;t th 'Tt? Wh :l il. .hie to state, hut "1 have often won !:.' romari e,! after !;o : Miiiihes to f:t away. i' f 'lir.y htui -i" prt ;:',o '.-.'.-. ; v . -1- (.::.,,. i l .'.vo r.-.-. ,'.-.:.-e:i the ami" sr. ir.;,t. that I work to t!i. lu.rauso : i; vui a etuit'i arse ; .k j.'t . "-- New York . ;:ii; s:t : !i MEvaBarthoTj dip' mi. ...i .n-ii r ' J Miss Mai. Stem!,.,, h, !:i;m l-j.h m.. .!:: w .mi , .... vv rites: "Last Vwlltll !el ,,. ; t I,.. tune, vtas ineu' an I s,iir..e,l ir,,,,, t.r Von- exhaustion aMtl severe hearinn .low it pons. I had -o lre.iiently he.inl oi l"e Mm. i atnl what vv oinlertnl t nres il .ei ! 'i e.e.1. so I s, ,,t ., ,u;,.. I,, ,iir ni l i. mv ) it . t . : ! i mill ..ino'iMli were entire iv les,.e,l to llie." M.s.s M III, Sleml aell. liverv w lii-ie llie wuinen are i.sin- Per ana an. I j r.n-atu' i! 1'i'iiin.i is not a p.iiiiaiive s ia;.. , n tines i v leiii.nin t h,. i.ei.e o; Iff. lie .llst.lse III. Ilarlln.m has prol.ahlv eiui'.l 1:1.111 vvoa.eii ol felnaie aiimen's llian .mv otmi iivilit' ,. inaKf, ii,.. t.,.s simpiy l,y u.:tii and I'e.iiiiiinen.liiii; I'e If M .. n-f .Irrtvr prompt and H;t infavlary ,cuUh ,r,,m Ihe it Vr,.,.. u vltr nt ,r to r. ,,,, ,,., ull Htatrmrnt of. pour ,..! hr utlf he ,,len,d to , , al.,rr a,.a,( A.t.lrrsH Dr. It , ,1 man, rrri,lent , r:ie ...,,, A, ('ol il nihil n till in. p.m i.i SiTZW' IQCOiTS. ! V. r.v H.l. t'J'SlHKtVVs'(t!lstV'sn"1H(f't1J X i t X Hum Mores "II UUIIIk C Sf- , . .. , , x tf ' .Aiv.tviftXlheil.iiXei.i.le.KMl NERVOUS HEADACHE CURED?-".t'-V VruV'Mtires: CAPUDINE ,1.1 p.i.l 1 :.'.!. l;s , : I; vv:ll ,,l!.e!., Anbelthou; et'.;l 1 11 or i-r-al a. I. vi :,! i v N i'i.':, .1 1' an h f 'fe'si1 EXQUISITE fcp fy REQUISITE N 1 Mires jj I Rootbcer J, '.'ill illsi 1'. .1 kef. Weil UM sl, Sold Everywhere. It vv . 1 ,1 Mmd vv iii.'h . Led !IIl!li t III I! i.ll i.! a ...;.l ... man-fl't.-en sasi, .:. " . t-l.V it si;,. , id . I over t . o;. t'tl v to i;.'V. nt .c Whi'i: : niv : :!:aillli'e I he :.,rk"i .1 !.. llie Led. not 1. an ! Well I;. .! I. ;; down as ir eil ;n the i. t tin: ;. the i o,iii:'t d i: ;s .!. p a. . riii'ii i' s!i,.ii.I t,,. hat.iy t.iv.f.,! with im- loan! he .'ili..s pi, i. I'd mi the frame, vol 'ii.-in the mats if tiM. w. ather Ii":;' i w o tlavs ai'ier I.. made I i .i vv ,!! at 1. 1. ll ,ts i;;',.,".!. si de I' h. at it ev- rvtiiiio.- vvi.iks well, s nim :y i.. l.'. det-ei s. After !;.. I 'eat w;!l u'iadualiy tleeline :':.r four weeks vviil usually lie titty to s.v.y .le,'!' 't'S. Tli,. deep, manure ;s p n I,. d in the lietl the New t'.iod for I tvetttirk in liermanr. iMKim; tie pa-t few years eiier: RIPANS Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind. The B-cfit packet tt enough fof an oiduiary uctAiion Tli fttmily txn!e (price 0O tcnta Cuuuitis a up;uy Ijr year. J Constipated lllellts have he Strassi.u!".'. ,1 ii. .vv food !'.; ; "I'.hl' Krafi !' "It'i Reliable"; been in ue sinre tS44. " k ti Ftlcrvescent " ; just the thing for hot we-Mhcr. " It's Nnn-irrimnt "j contains no narcotic or daiiRcruus dru. "It's Pleasant"; a nice Remedy for nice people. II Rrlieift r n n $ I i f, n 1 1 n n . ll"iltvhf, Bitlmumrn Sitir Sl.i-nnrh.,,.r(e,n, iD the most effective, t onitnun sense way. At brug tt. SOe. nad 0 1 .OO. or t.y mil: f(wa THE TARRANT CO.. 21 J a. y Street. New York. So. Bttet Cuailh Brruii. TimU' Us1. Uo n tin 11.. sol. I hr ilriltrntts !l II .:)!. i!l the eitj ol' a. 'e. 1 ieriminv, with a :; 'I'-'s ai , eattl-.. . -ill.-t to:-" 1 hlootl-streiiu'th fod doi'i, eoiisisiiiiu' ol' sioain-tlried. steri;. iZ"d hlouil plenaied under liie eontrul of a veterinary siir.ueoiii. iialT or Ihe hulls of -ra in finely ground, the husks of peanut kernels ai'.d also the inner liuiir; or skin of peanut shells, and molasses; a .f et'Ilt. of phusphales is also added to llie preparation. These ini.-reil.eii!s are thoriHihly mixed am! dried, and a eerlain portion of molasses 1 which lias liet'II heated to make il lllol'e liquid, is added. After this has I.een well mixed and dried, another portion of molasses is offered, and after the litial liiixim.' .-1 till drying ihe preparalaui is ready for the market, and is sold in haiis: of seventy-five kilourums iliiT, Iioimd.s.. at a , osi of II. ."11 marks i.'.'.T."ii per line retail. T!:e dried hlootl meal. it is elaii 1, eoiitains on an a vera ire twenty to t vveniy i wo per eent. of pro tein ami lit. while oats, aoeordin;: to the laloi'..iie. staienient of Wolff, eon tain on an averaire only 7iM per eenr. of protein and fat. The assuraiiee is Siven ihis preparation ean lie pre. served for any length of time, and that it will not deteriorate with aire. As re. sards the method of feetlinir, it is ad visable to start on one-half pound per day. thoroitirhly mixing it with the usual food, and to inerease tills port, mi daily until five ,,r six pounds are used per day. diniiiiishim.- the quantity tin" u-ii 1 1 food ;ieeo!'iiii;:ly. For mi!, h I'OWs. liiree pounds tiny eat! oe used: for f.i 1 1 i.n itiir . aillo. seven pounds per head per .lay . am! for si ; as. I swine, three fourths of a pound per day per lun pounds oi' livim.: weight. Sou:., horses l.riv,. I, ton vrivra 1 ,v,i thirtls .,r their daily fo.ltler in Mood meal. I. ill it is re. omniended that the ipiaiilily foil should nut exeeed tun- AI:l;ANt.I-MI'NT l V AS Il KAt. lit TUCK. h:i:lior vviii Ii,. t;,. hen 1 and the loli-.r will it Ii. retained. Wh.-n I.e. Is ar started in .laiiuary ami I't-hruary it is J.eoilful 10 make then usith ra!.!y dee'iier ill. Ill in M;l"eh ami April, lie ih oil. alter April h. ai is hardiy net .! nl ai all exeepi for em umbers. 'I'll.- frames for hotbeds are usually pin in order in !!:. fall before Hi" irroiiml freexos. ami nr.. covered vviih leaves of other litter deeply euoii-h o prevent t'r.e.iii-. W h. 11 ver they are the pil is dm; 0111 ill sections ii'ioiit six at a time, ihrowint; Lack the surface loam o the depth of six j 00 lies 11 1 m .11 ine st-ei 1011 .-lllt'ioiy llili'll j wiili inaiiin e. and ih 'ii carting away I whatever inure is needed in order to mak. the pit oi' Ihe required ilepth. 1 The atlvaiil.'i'es in btliltl nu beds in I this manner over th.. method of build- in.; iiieni above urniiml are that the manure In .1 pit will retain its heat bet ter than when exposed to the wind, ami the h.'d will need far loss wnterimr. Hotbeds thus eoiisiruoteil are used for forcing winter crops of leitm e and rail Ishes. am! for startini; so. its of toma to, s. c.'lbhairi.. I. 1 1 lice, pep!" i s. ellelllll bers and onions fu.. transplant iin; to the open lieltl in April and May. In the uecompniiyiin." illiisiralion n repre ".ems the sash, b ihe plank, c loam, tl liiM'Mi:':. e nulls and ;r the fence at lia Ilu i W. 1 1. l'liilhriek, ill Aniiti. a:i A uricaitiirist. 'iliseiv is ell '.11 old in lis 1 .1 , ,1", Hardly mi Argument. , 10M". b'.for,. ;ii,. 1; I i: ..: ;.. --. M ". Kivaa adv at:. e. ;;s ,n lit t ha; : i.o p,e'j;i:.!ient i:i:li '.; e f the ; i ads vv as a m i; tor ..: Ill tl." people vv i.o i.VO ill Tin coiiti'ry. sa.v.i..' iliat it was a v, ell i.n '.vit fad :i: ii ihe pep:.- , i.e c .1:1 ry. w hile paying lie ,r mil li:ia el' e.illiiy. Sale a!!. I I", .!,.r.i I I.i'.-s. re. eiv o as a rule only the ire! oral I ;., t..s ,,f i;oV t'l im eiii. while ihe p. ot... in llie . ilies have in addition lo the pin to, lion affui ih !. : l.e atitiiL-e a r -.;i from : lie expenditure f ,ubl:e money i:i llie::' mid-t. l'.ut this tloos no; apply to 'he iniprov i;;ei't of hi-.-hwa ys l lie city sli-eets i! re constructed in the est of the locality. The trouble with the country tlistri. :s lias often been a dis. tiiitt disiaelii.atioi. as was shown in. Ihe reduction of the local of payment under the recently enacted , Sprotil act in this State, b. .to any lliim,' to Improve the roads. And It must not be forgotten that the will pi'.v a lar.-e propnrtnoti of the Sc. 7i 11 . 1 h m to he expended under that ad ' in improving highways wholly oiiisiile the 1 ily limits. Tie u'ootl roads movement s p eiooitraired. not upon the theory that' it Will benelit one class of the coin-' iriaiiiy or am tl.-r. but Ixe.-iuse ;t will be lo the inlv a nia ire of the wliole peo ple, whether residents of the rural ,,r urban districts I'ittsburi Iii-patch. . . v,ri .? uranama is Iwij Generally Right Take,tac;(. f 13 l '"CX h", Vr!, "'reilenre f- Ts9 " and .1-1; InT is t'l y) be.t for vour I.iver, KittncT mid ( i . 1 Trimbles. We think she will ii;i'oliimeIid D ,. TKACHER 3 LIVER AND BLOCD SYRUP leriise hr has fif.t 1! and knows il cures Hren on m-ltt: 1 l.-liltndll re'is'ile .w trv 11 A: and i ft) at ilrtiggitU. Of. That! er s I ivrr Mr.iume ,t!r . 2.icenta. Yen ot.r dmiinisr ; n. lie sure it In. '! lie. 1.1 r s iheuiih W.-ite ear . . iistiaatit 11 Iiepartment. esp'tiiilrni nni;.t.-n.s. and ir,ntr tree conTi.-lennjl .v.l, i,e TH4CHER ME0ICPIE COMPANY, tnauanoooa. lean atural Flavor WmVs ? Cottage Corned Beef " iiVf c;r r "ire corner! !h'-I. couk it avA Pr,icn a'I J v.r b ev rri- -t etlr il ,,n is pi--it'U' at U !.iii )')t net t wv I'Wl it it; ia:.i to kcej' t until mi: Wiir.t it. . r t iTK'ti.'.-iuir- I -r bin ;-r, andwir.fs for nny time1 hen untitquivA. Niiipiyturn a ki-v ami tho caa it o-eo. Aa k"- ir -n IS- 1, on w.r.t s"inM:.,n 3ppt-ii.-:ii; ! Libby, Mcci!l &. Libby. Chicago. Wrttp toi our tree hnolilet. "How to Make l.ood l'liili,:s to I- at. " 17 s2 1 SAW MILLS si BABY'S FUTURE l it; 1 -en:-..' r. t . 1 vv .o-ks toe sinij.,.-I. 11...-: tiina'. n.'i.i ' .- f I . ti Ih.- lii.irk..' -VH M I Vi II Ii! ii ti Y I UK SALliM IRON WORKS, WINMU.N-S ll.MM, N. f. S25 Every Day W Cn be tu.i made wltb our -wfT Well Augers & Drills V W Out. anan and ont hoe reottlr l We V ' onl mtlrra ollhe 1 ifll-i W.l urlng and Bdok-unin .if M.-aiat. WaerMtrtl al lirttl maw ol oar aauaiara vi .a rroai tlie a aajs Ui Ciruulara t Ad.lrcs,. LOOMIS MACHINE CO., TIFFIN, OHIO. Multiple Birth. The Lancet gtvw the followlnR sta tistics with reference to "multipie births" in Kr.KlMid. What thp cor fMiral In "OiirK'' calls an attack of twinsy In as one In elBhty births. A World W onders. A man who lias been ;.n intimate friend of Charles M for many years says: "The world won, lens why Schwab Ik so e'nuii; with the steel folk, rcrlinps then" are a score of (f triplets there is onlv one Instance ' mn ''ai h of w"'"i would make Just as in 6 4 on which Justifies a rjaim ' on ' H'od a president of the Stod Trust as I v name, 10:1 11 ih uoi as .1 sieei ui;ti pure and Minple th it lie is in sm b re- quest. Schwab's great power lies 1:1 j his ability t" handle men. He is lie ablest director of labor that the world eve;- knew. The vast army of steel vv : kers trust biin implicitly. Hut foi him there would be strike after strike." the "Kinss bounty"; and quadruplets are as one lo 12.000; while the chance of a ijulLfette are even more remote, the ration belnn one in 0. '.so "on birth. There Is a case on record In which a woman presented her husband with seven succeaslve. triplets hall' of the Uradslrecis- daily allowance of food. Irltle of Aneentry. We hear so 111 I It'll of this pride n? An cestry, but see so Utile effort to iioi-oiu, tin- type future 'ieiiera t ions may look baiK on vvitli jH'ido. Now lurk Lleiuld. Sign t'nata. fiovernor Oth-il. in his reeent m . 1 ire. calls attention lo the fad that Voi'ii'iint siiium-'i- visi'm-i spend i iimioou a year durili',' tie soil as transnir visitors to the Siale. and siiirirosts tbat the forestry depart- ! iiieni lie nullioiized lo spend money toi advertise the summer .idvautniris of, New York State, with the purpose of brittL'iUk.' to ihis State a portion of this lartre summer tratho. M. st of this ; ll'tniey Wtillld be pliil to hotel keepers ami iioopl.. tiiKim: boarders for the ; s;!ii:; This class of pie could not ' be M.. 1 11 care of In New York Slate up. less the highway commissioners will tali-, ihe trouble to erect in each town mile stones and truidt. bonnls iu order to leil tln ir visitors toward wh.if place liny are enim; and how far nway they have trot from their summer home. t seems but a little Ihlns to do, yet for ihe I eiietit "f a stranger it is Just us imiiot lam as havinv; street slirus at the corner of ihe strtois In 11 city nnd makes your visitors feel Instill, lly at lioine in your locality. On Aeenunt of Haul ICnavila. A citizen of Yaiicy. . ('., tells the IluiT.sville liable that there niv some. bins like i.'.'!. bushels of apples si UI ill the hands of the Pens.-ietda com. luunity. ami that they 1 aunot set them lo market on account of hiul roads. Tin" t h lin es ale they will lose most of i in ir I'm it. DOAN'S GET BACK REST. Achim: bucks are eased. Hip. back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling uf the uminer sea- 1 limbs and dropsy sium vanish. lliey correct urine with brick dust sedi ment, lu'irh colored, pain in pussine. drib blitie. fri .lueiicv, Led wetting. Iloali's Kidney I'iils remove calculi and gravel. TrKtte!n.r. fsr. -- It na rtie'in.rti .if. I eeulil K-t 110 reli-r ft 11. '.- .!. tors. 1 ls-fcan ! , .11 -t .,n (alone In. in .'i..:n and ir-t two h-.j,.-. .-,1 .lo, Cisr and. alii, ... s ot are. am alii,-.o a ri-w nan 1 was tro.ii,,. ! f... 1 il.l mth mv hk r I, n l to K-t up four nn.l tin- tiimss a nlntlt Thai lr..til.le m ..v.-r with and in , re I can rest rw niiflii tknnnrh Mv l.-liaylie ia all ..iih, and I thank you evr a., mncli f.,r the wr.n,Wftil medicine, iKan i Kidney 1'Uii. ' Jso II IP era, Preaidenl Ri.leeviii. lailsarn, state Hank. 8TATC F--r frre trial bet mail fain eontssn lo F-so r M'lt.ara 1. . Iiurtu,. V It a.,rr i. inaufflcleut. tit aU.treaa uo afftt. K licve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. Ilium's Kidney I'iils lire now recocni.ed ss a known remedy for kidney, bladder, and urinary troubles Thev brills rebel and cure when despair shadows hope. The free trial is 1111 open door to self proof. rUxTTa Sl'RIS'M. K.tsius. - " I rof'iw.t the fits? sam- tie i.r ISsoia KuliM-y fills or tle yeara 1 have had tmiWi pain in my Itaek.w hieh physit-ianH said arove fnun inv ki.lneva Kenr Itoxea t,f Ihain'a Kidnty Pills have en tirely cured Ihe trouble I think 1 ne my life to theae I"ltlK, and I want others :o know it." SaulB I'avts. Vaster Spriua, Ham., Ca-t a..-r.Vl NAMC j Ktijiiii-rn. Va ' t aaf I fered over twelie itHnlha . with pain m the small el my Ist.'k Medicine aiat ihia tera i;a.. only teaiporarv r''iet I'.stn s Kidney Illbj c tired lue." y K Haows. J X'aliuouib. Va. Itemnvlnir l.noae Slnne. Ill tin. State if New- York ill. law .-oaipe's patlimastcrs to s.-(. to it that the loos,, stones are removed from the roadways. A line is imp ised for fail ure to iti'i.ive Ihe law. lb, a. I users shntih' .s,.c to il Ihe road ollieials tarry ot;i the provisions uf llie luw. flh BEST FOR THE EOWELS OQaiiUsP i CATHARTIC J m'x. atr 41 a m r- m faci e3 4LvV Jl . 1 tiji?J Something for Mothers to Think About Lives of Suffering and Sorrow Averted And Happiness and Prosperity Assured by Cuticura Soap.OintmentandPilIs When All Else Fails. Every child born Into the world with an inherited or early developed ten dency to distressing, olsflgnrlng hu mours of the skin, scalp and blood, becomes an object of tho most tender solicitude, not only because of Us suffer ing, but because of tho dreadful fear that tho disfiguration Is to be lifelong and mar Its future happiness and pros perity. becomes the duty of niothets of such afflicted children to ac quaint themselves with the best, thtt purest and most effective f.-eatment available viz.. 1 lie Cuticura Treatment. Warm baths with Cuticura Soap, to eienuse tha eklnand scalp of crust and scales, geutlo applications of Cuticura. Ointment, to ailuy luhliiK. irritation and Inflammation, ami soothe and heal, and tnllililosesof Cutlcur,. Kesolvent,tt cool the blood In tho severer case, ara all that can bo desired for the speedy relief and permanent euro of skin tor tu 'cd infants and children, and the com fo. t of worn-oat patents. Millions of women u-c Cutlcora Soap, assisted by Cuticura Oin'ment. for pre serving, punfviut; and beautifying the skiu, scalp, hair and hands, for annoy ing Irritations and weaknesses, and) lor many sanative, antiseptic purpose which readily auggest themselves. SuM h'fAtil Ilia wnrltl Cattenra Re.oleer.1 18. (ha mat ol 1 anaolau I uatel I'.'w. v per aial ot . OiaW m.itt. V., St ar. tau. iMnrs., l.ttntleri. '8 Cl.tnrbuuaa ail 1 ltH, a Km is la t'.IS! IVsttrNi, lit Colujibaa A.a. r.,trer Prupr a I a.m. t ..rp . rr..piMin.t Dropsy OUARANTfcr.n rn . .7. . . blood ,or "u oowai treuDiea, apnendialria. tniinuaneaa. ei ercatn. eau o.ins'.fte,.i?. ,h',,,"l,tl1' bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indnfstion, pirtplea, iMu trlv .! ' )"" ''"OWe, aallow akin and diaiineaa. When your bowels don't move I!... '.y you " 'lew. Conatin.tion kills mora rveonl- th.a .11 n,hir .1.. eases toeether. It r AsICABittS. '""entaand lone yeara of sufterlng. No matter what ails you, atari lakin n,hl t,l.l,. I','0' "lfn"' I" wt" and stay well until you get your bowel. morie refunded "t""' ""P W"h c'r '"day under absolute guarantee to cura or hnnbl-tf.-. AM.. V. ""'" ". dampen . v. v.. rs.eer aold In bulk. booklet free. Addr,.. tfterltng Remedy Company. Chlrag o or New York. Sample and 50J CURED Give Quick Relief. Removes all swetlinir In 8 to JO dava ; efTeits a pet manent cure in to to 60 tlavs. I'ri.'illrealtuent given free Nothitieean be fairCC H nir ur. n. n, urei'i n. ' ll. SDiciallali. Boa B. Atlanta. 0 tiKiu winiiu r ( i riiNG, a Sevv eqetahle Remedy. -.. I i'e-. ;.!.:. a atnl Sorel. Cure Guaranteed in I verv Case Ireated. NATIONAL ra.M'H: Mt.ii'i I'd. l l'vlCANV, Ails'e.l tiiiii li:i At;a!i!ti. Im QANCER eSStl'SIssiiwtoa'i tji Wtltr

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